#daddy vic
thedummysdummy · 2 years
Victor’s daughter playing with pudding the cat
Snacks for Pudding
When Victor went into his home office and closed the door, he was completely confident that everything was going to be perfectly fine. Little Vic had been taken to school on the bus and Cleo was happily playing with Pudding in the playroom. “You be a good girl and just play with the kitty while Dad is on his video call, okay Lolo?” he asked, and the toddler nodded fervently with her big, bright eyes wide. 
And for a while, everything was fine. Cleo showed Pudding each of her toys, babbling in that way that three year olds do. Pudding, ragdoll that he was, lay quietly in the sunshine and flicked his ears at appropriate intervals. The Hello Kitty clock on the wall ticked rhythmically and kept time to the symphony of the small child’s stories and the cat’s breathing. 
But as young children do, Cleo soon grew bored of her toys and began searching for something new to do. She wrapped both arms around Pudding’s belly and lifted, his feet lightly brushing the ground as she carried him down the hallway pressed against her chest with his front paws sticking up on either side of her face. Pudding was as patient as ever, his eyes half lidded as he was conveyed out of the playroom, down the hallway where Victor’s voice could be heard through the office door, and into the kitchen. 
Cleo dropped Pudding in his bed in the corner, where the cat immediately curled up into a cat flavored doughnut and began purring loudly. “Good kitty!” Cleo exclaimed, pat-patting the top of his head in her toddler-like way. “Kitty is hungry?” 
Pudding responded with a brrrt and an ear twitch, which obviously meant ‘why yes, I would certainly enjoy a snack! Why don’t you get on that, small human?’
And Cleo was perfectly happy to oblige. She began opening every cupboard that her chubby little hands could reach, emerging victorious with a bag of flour, a bag of sugar, a container of rice, and a box of chocolate chips. Obviously a combination of her favorite things and the packages she often watched her daddy cook with would create a perfect snack for the kitty, right? But these ingredients were quite dry, so she opened the refrigerator in search of more ingredients. Milk was always a hit, right? And daddy put eggs in most things that had flour in them, so those were definitely needed. Her eyes lingered on the bottle of apple juice and she considered for a moment if milk and juice were both required. They were both her favorite drinks, so onto the counter they went. 
Pudding was going to be thrilled with his snack. 
Next she needed something to put the ingredients in and something to mix them with, right? But the bowls were kept in the cupboards above the counter, far too high for little Cleo to reach. Not to worry, though. She was, like her parents, a clever bean. The toddler waddled over to the dining room table and, with a rather loud dragging sound, pulled one of the chairs over to the counter. Yes, this would work! She climbed up onto the chair and to the counter from there, where she could just reach the cabinets while standing on her tiptoes. 
Cleo grabbed the largest mixing bowl she could find and let it fall to the counter with a clang. She froze, staring up the hallway for a moment. When Victor did not appear, she smiled and went back to her task. The mixing spoons were in a ceramic container on the counter and grabbing one of those was easy since she was already up there. Yes, with this, she was prepared to make Pudding a very good snack indeed. 
“Some flour,” she murmured, her dark eyes narrowing as she carefully opened the bag and reached inside. A handful at a time she transferred the white powder into the bowl until she was satisfied with the amount. “Then some sugar!” The same process was repeated for the flour, sugar, and chocolate chips, which she pushed away in order to get the wet ingredients closer. 
She pulled an egg from the container and examined it closely. Tricky things, eggs. She knew that daddy didn’t put the crunchy white part in when he made food, but when she smacked it on the counter like he did…it simply smushed beneath her little hand. “Okay, not so hard,” she muttered as she grabbed another egg and tapped it on the counter. A small crack appeared and Cleo brought the egg up to her eyes to look at it with curiosity. She tapped it again and wedged her thumbs into the resulting hole. The two halves of the shell opened up and the insides fell into her bowl with minimal bits of shell going with them. “Look, Pudd! I cracka egg!” she exclaimed, tossing the shells toward the cat. They landed close enough for him to sniff them gingerly before licking a small bit of white which hadn’t made it into the bowl. 
Cleo took this as a sign that the kitty liked eggs, so she carefully added another and tossed the shells to Pudding. “Now milk and juice!” The small child sized up the large containers of liquid, unscrewed the lids, and picked up the milk first with both hands. Her feet slid around a little on some of the flour which had made it onto the counter and the milk jostled, spilling down her front but also into the bowl. “Good ‘nuff!” she exclaimed and switched to the apple juice, getting most of it into the bowl as she poured. 
Now that everything was in the bowl, it was time to mix! Cleo sat and put the spoon in the bowl, though her aim wasn’t too good and her bottom ended up in the puddle of milk. She didn’t really mind, though. “Kitty snack! Kitty snack!” she sang in a cheerful voice, flipping the spoon around in the bowl and somewhat combining the ingredients with it. Her eyebrows narrowed and the toddler grabbed the spoon with both hands, mixing more and more vigorously until the bowl began to spin with the thin batter inside. 
“Woah there, bowl!” Cleo called, letting go of the spoon and grabbing for the bowl. However, her exuberant mixing had moved the bowl closer and closer to the edge of the counter and, when she grabbed for it…her hand hit the edge of the bowl and sent it toppling down to the floor. 
As the metal bowl hit the kitchen floor, the contents splattered everywhere. The counter, the child, the floor, the cat…all covered in a slightly sticky, slimy muck. Cleo stared at it for a long second, tears beginning to fill her eyes as she watched her masterpiece drip and pool all over the kitchen. Her little lip began to quiver and a whimper came first…followed by a full-lung wail.
Cleo climbed down from the counter and slipped on the floor, landing with a thud and an even louder cry. Pudding, quite displeased by the volume of the small human and the sticky substance on his fur, left his bed and headed for his favorite spot for a bath: The back of the couch. Unfortunately for him, Cleo needed to apologize for ruining the kitty’s lunch. She chased him into the living room and climbed up onto the couch to give him a cuddle, still sobbing at the top of her lungs.
From the office, Victor frowned and glanced at the office door. He thought he heard a loud clang, but he was positive he heard a howling Cleo. “Just a moment. I need to check on my daughter,” he snapped, muting his microphone and exiting the office. 
He was met by an absolute battlefield. Little footprints led from the kitchen to the living room, across the couch, and to the sobbing child clinging to a desperate cat. The kitchen looked like a pancake batter bomb detonated, and eggshells crunched beneath his slippers. For a moment all he could do was stare in shock at the sheer volume of mess that Cleo had managed in a mere twenty minutes. He stood frozen until said messy child spotted him and ran over, releasing the cat to wrap her arms around his leg and wipe her face on his pants. 
“What…did…you…do?” he uttered, his voice horrified with a blunt edge. “Cleo Elaine Li! Didn’t daddy tell you to be a good girl and just play with Pudding? Look at this mess you’ve made!! You march your little self right into the bathroom and take off those filthy clothes. I’m going to go end my meeting and then it’s bath time, little lady.” 
Cleo hung her head and dragged her little feet down the hallway into the bathroom. Victor watched and, when the door was closed, found that he could do little more than laugh helplessly as he returned to the office. Suddenly, he had a long day ahead of him…
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Vic Chaos, bringer of destruction and doom, compulsively obsessed with making money and morally corrupt clinically insane man who destroys hundreds of people’s lives within the blink of an eye, started and funded Dr. McCormick’s career. That’s some YA “would burn down the world to make his girl smile” villain shit
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vic michaelis is just ron stampler
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luminescentgloom · 9 months
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Names (left to right): Vic Hayes (they/them), Molly Finch (she/her), Andrés “Andy” Lovelace (he/him), Colette Dubois (she/her)
has anyone else ever made dndads ocs? Just me? Ok…☹️
anyways I love these little guys so much I’m gonna hug them so tight they explode like a balloon!!! I hate how I drew Vic here but were ignoring that ok?? Ok. If y’all wanna hear any lore lmk cuz I’m happy to share anything abt them :333
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8iunie · 2 years
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Europe 2 Exclusive Showcase | Casino de Paris | Paris, France | 10.02.2023
📸 crossfire_k 🎥 maneskam
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ggloare-blog · 6 months
That game changer episode was so cumming wild, poor players
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thedummysdummy · 1 year
Can I have a cup of latte with some sweet cream and yes hcs of our CEO dealing with a pregnant wifey 🤧🤌🏻 Pregnancy reveal to labor that will be a thank you.
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In his Victor way, he immediately sensed her presence and looked up from his work. Seeing the grin on her face, he immediately knew something was up. “What has gotten a dummy so riled up?” he asked, pausing as he glanced farther down and spotted the pregnancy test in her hand. He jumped up from the couch and hurried to her side, his large hand reaching for hers to grab the test. She relinquished it with no struggle and Victor stared at the little window. A laugh started deep in his chest and made its way to the surface, emerging as he wrapped his arms around his wife. 
“See? All that worry for nothing! I told you that we just had to be patient! We have to celebrate. What would you like for dinner? I’ll make you anything you want. And I’ll call up the doctor to make an appointment. This time everything will go smoothly.” Victor scooped the girl up into his arms and buried his face in her hair. 
She squirmed a little and squeaked indignantly, but Victor only laughed louder and carried her out of the office and into the living room. “I can walk, you know,” she insisted, his joy soaking into her soul and making her laugh as well. “But really all I want for dinner is a nice butternut bisque. I’m a little too nauseous for much more than that…” 
Victor immediately set her down at the dining room table and went to the cupboard where he kept the tea and coffee. Soon the scents of ginger and peppermint filled the air and a steaming cup of tea appeared in front of the girl. “Drink this first while I make dinner, then. But give it a few minutes to properly steep before you greedily gulp it down.” 
“It’s too hot to gulp anyway,” the girl protested, but Victor merely shook his head and began his preparations. She watched his strong and slender form as he cut, cleaned, and drizzled olive oil over the resulting chunks of squash. The edges of her lips twitched in a pleased manner and her heart felt almost too big for her chest. 
In this moment, she was the luckiest girl alive. She picked up the teacup and inhaled the fragrant steam before blowing a soft breath over the surface of the liquid. As long as she had the love of that man, she had the entire world in her palm. 
His baby wasn’t a bad addition, either. 
The cup of tea was gone long before the squash had finished steaming, but the girl was content to sit at the table and just watch Victor work. He often glanced over at her and his dark eyes glittered every time he caught her staring. She enjoyed watching his skillful hands transform the hard vegetable into a smooth and creamy soup which soon he ladled into a bowl and placed in front of her. It was followed by a thick slice of toasted sourdough and another cup of tea. 
Only once she was served did Victor dish up his own meal and join her at the table. “Are you feeling any better?” he asked, dipping his spoon into the silky soup and blowing gently to cool it. The girl nodded and tore off a bit of the bread to dip into her soup. It was delicious, as was to be expected, and she didn’t even need to ask the ‘secret ingredient,’ because she already knew exactly what it was. 
Two months passed by as a moment and a lifetime simultaneously. The girl lost count of how many times she’d had to run out of a filming shoot, returning to the concerned looks of her coworkers. 
Finally, Kiki pulled her aside. “Boss, we’ve all noticed that you’ve been ill a lot lately. Is everything okay?” She looked into the girl’s face with concerned eyes, seeming to seek the answer in her boss’s expression. The girl fought with herself for a long moment. Was it too early to make an announcement? She knew it would be another month before she was out of the most dangerous portion of the pregnancy, but if her coworkers were already getting worried…she knew she wouldn’t last another month without telling them. 
“Yes, I’m fine. It’s just…don’t spread this around, okay? But I’m pregnant.” 
A look of wild excitement filled Kiki’s face. “Oh my goodness! Congratulations, boss! How far along are you?! Has anyone planned a baby shower yet? Are you having a boy or a girl? How does Victor feel about it? This is so exciting!” 
The girl slapped a hand over Kiki’s mouth, but that did little to quell the other woman’s excitement. “I’m only eight weeks along, but Victor and I are both very happy. We won’t know if we’re having a boy or a girl for quite a while.” She giggled and her other hand went instinctively to her stomach. “It definitely is exciting. But!! You have to swear not to go announcing it to the entire world, okay? I’ll tell the others after the shoot today, then you all can gossip to your hearts’ content with each other.” She shot Kiki a serious look, and Kiki straightened into a salute. 
“You’ve got it, Boss! I won’t tell a soul!” 
It was a promise which lasted approximately twenty minutes before the news was nearly enough to make Kiki explode. “But you have to act surprised when the boss tells everyone after the shoot, okay?” she whispered after spilling the beans to Willow. 
“Oh, obviously,” Willow insisted. “And we’re also obviously going to plan a surprise party.” Kiki agreed wholeheartedly and the pair went back to the shoot. The day seemed to drag by even slower than usual as the secret burned a hole in their mental pockets. They did their best to look innocent every time the girl was nearby, but the moment she turned her back, the pair could barely contain their excitement. 
By the time the shoot wrapped up, everyone was completely exhausted except Kiki and Willow. They were still hyped up on the high of their secret and practically vibrated with excitement when their little crew was called together. 
The girl looked at each one of her friends and smiled. “I have a bit of an announcement. I was going to wait a little longer, but I have no doubt the cat would get out of the bag sooner rather than later. So here it is: Victor and I are expecting our first child.” 
Cheers of congratulations filled and echoed around the mostly-empty set, making it feel as if the girl were surrounded by an army of well-wishers. 
“But the casual white shirts go on the blue hangers, and the formal ones go on the black ones!”
The girl began pulling all of the clothes that Victor had hung up off their hangers and tossed them on the bed, her arms moving in far more exaggerated circles than was entirely necessary. Victor watched with exasperation, his arms crossed over his chest and his brows furrowed. “Why does it matter? Besides, they are my shirts. Shouldn’t it be my opinion that counts when it comes to putting them away?” 
He may as well have declared the instigation of World War 3. The girl looked at Victor incredulously and threw the hanger she was holding to the ground. “Fine! If you’re so opinionated about it, I’ll just let you put them away yourself! And the closet can be a mess.” 
“I already put them away myself once, and you pulled them all back out. That seems like you caused the problem, not me.” Victor’s exasperated tone only earned him a look that could kill a nation before his wife stomped out of the room and disappeared into the darkness of the rest of the house. 
Victor took a moment to breathe. Why was everything a fight lately?! Good grief, it was the color of hanger for crying out loud. He’d thought putting away the laundry would make her happy, not cause yet another argument. He glanced over the pile of shirts on the bed and wondered where exactly he’d gone wrong. 
A cloud settled over his heart as he picked up the shirts and ensured they were on the ‘proper’ hangers before putting them back in the closet. Every now and then he glanced at the bedroom door, half expecting to find her standing there watching. However, she never appeared. It didn’t take too long to fix the shirts and make the bed for good measure; only after that did he dare go seeking his wife. 
Perhaps ‘seeking’ was the incorrect word. Victor was pretty sure he knew exactly where he’d find her. He easily crossed the dark house and opened the nursery door, standing in the doorway. Moonlight filtered across the carpeted floor and landed on the chair on the opposite side of the room, highlighting the small amount of dust which drifted back and forth as sand in the ocean. 
Sure enough, the girl was curled up in the rocking chair, clutching a shiba plush. Even in the moonlight he could see the glisten of tears on her cheeks and he sighed. “Dummy,” he whispered, crossing the room in three long strides. She looked away, hiding her face behind the golden fur of the shiba. But Victor pushed it gently away and lifted her chin. He wiped away one of the tears with his thumb and kissed her forehead. “I love you, my little dummy.” 
While the words were simple, they seemed to be the magic words which unlocked the door. A torrent of tears ran down the girl’s cheeks and she flung herself into Victor’s arms. “I didn’t mean to yell at you,” she sobbed, burying her face in his shoulder. “I don’t know why I’m like this! It’s like I can’t even control myself and I hate it!” 
Victor ran his fingers tenderly through her hair and held her close. “It’s just the pregnancy. You’ll feel better soon. Only six weeks left, hm? I’m not going anywhere, no matter how moody you get. So stop beating yourself up and come to bed.” He slid one arm under the girl’s legs and scooped her up. “You need your rest if our little one is going to be healthy.” 
It was dark when the girl waddled into the office. She groaned a little and shifted on her feet, trying to find a position that didn’t hurt. Unfortunately, there was no such thing at this point in the pregnancy. Her hand went for the lightswitch and she wondered idly how she was the first one there for the meeting. Anna had seemed quite insistent that it was incredibly important, and even Victor had seemed keen to get her here on time. 
The lights caused her to go momentarily blind and she squinted as they adjusted. A jubilant shout of ‘SURPRISE!’ caused her to jump, but once she was able to open her eyes again, she was met with a room full of pink and blue balloons and streamers. Everyone she loved sat in chairs around the room with bright grins. Cupcakes decorated with pastel frosting and baby bottle sprinkles made up a large centerpiece, surrounded by various other snacks, while another table was absolutely loaded with brightly wrapped gifts. 
A hand softly on her back propelled the surprised mother-to-be into the room; it was connected to a smirking Victor. “Come on, get in there. Your friends didn’t organize this just for you to stand in the doorway with your mouth hanging open.” 
She broke out of her stupor and joined her loved ones for an evening of ridiculous games, eating, and opening of gifts. The sheer amount of love she felt from everyone in the room was a warm blanket which encircled her heart with tender softness. Each hug, each gift, and each kind word helped erase just a little bit more of the pain and discomfort of being eight and a half months pregnant. 
And when Victor noticed that she was beginning to tire, he took her hand in his big, warm palm and addressed the room. “Thank you, everyone, for the party and the gifts. We very much appreciate it, but my wife is going to fall asleep in her chair if I don’t get her home soon.” She gave his hand a squeeze and with those they loved trailing behind them with arms full of gifts to load into the car, the happy pair returned home with far more than just a new mountain of belongings. 
Of course it would be the middle of the night. The girl got up for what felt like the fifteenth time that night to use the bathroom, only to feel warmth running down her leg. “Too slow…” she muttered as she waddled into the other room. 
However, it soon became apparent that this wasn’t a middle-of-the-night bladder leak. An intense pain gripped the girl’s stomach and she curled up on herself, letting out a strangled squeak of pain and surprise. It wasn’t incredibly loud, but loud enough to cause Victor to rocket up from the bed. His sleep had been poor for the last week already, just in case this exact thing happened. 
“Is it time?!” he exclaimed, looking quite silly with his dark hair tousled upwards and his boxers slightly twisted. All it took was a single nod for him to spring into action, tossing on the clothes he’d specifically kept on the chair next to the bed for easy access and grabbing the hospital bag they’d lovingly packed together. 
Minutes later the girl was dressed as well and Victor helped her into the car. His hands trembled as he buckled her belt, though out of fear or excitement was up for debate. Probably both. He hustled around the front of the car and into his seat, turned the key, and soon the pair were speeding down the road toward the hospital. 
Each time a new contraction hit, the girl fumbled for Victor’s hand. “I’m right here. Just breathe,” he soothed, running his thumb over the back of her hand. “We’ll be there soon. I’m right here.” As Victor was wont to do in situations involving his wife, he drove with a reckless abandon in regards to the speed limit. They soon walked into labor and delivery, where the girl was whisked away while Victor paced the waiting room. 
Luckily for everyone in the hospital, Victor was only made to wait until his wife was dressed and put in her delivery bed before he was allowed to go back with her. “It will probably still be a little while, Mr. Li. The contractions are still ten minutes or so apart, and she’s only at an eight. We’ll check in often, but why don’t you try to get a little rest while you can? When the contractions are two minutes apart or less, we’ll get the doctor in here.” 
Victor nodded, though he knew there would be absolutely no rest for him tonight. Not until those sweet cries filled his ears, and that sweet bundle filled his arms. He sat at his wife’s bedside and held her hand as she did her best to remain calm through round after round of contractions. “I’m positive we’re having a boy,” she murmured. “I regretted deciding to wait to find out for sure, but now that it’s time…I think it’s even more exciting this way.” 
“I don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl, as long as we get a healthy baby.” Victor placed his hand on his wife’s belly and was rewarded with a solid kick. “They’ve definitely got your attitude…” 
The hours passed by painfully slowly. Painfully being the key word. By morning, the girl was convinced this labor thing was never going to end. That was, until she was hit with contractions five minutes apart. Then two minutes apart. Victor pressed the call button repeatedly and the nurses soon arrived, the room filling with motion and excitement. The epidural went in and warm, blissful numbness took the place of the hot pain which had been filling her existence. 
The doctor arrived and, after a brief examination, smiled. “Alright, love. It’s time to push, okay? Three breaths and push for me on three. One, two, push. One, two, push.” 
Time felt like it stood still as Victor watched his sweet wife’s face flush, and her hand crushed his with each straining push. The doctor kept checking repeatedly, his voice encouraging. “You’re doing great, mama. I see a head! Keep pushing for me. Not too much longer now.” 
And he was right. Two pushes later, the shrill sound of a baby’s first cry pierced the air. The nurses rushed forward with a towel and a clamp for the cord, while the doctor checked over the new life for signs of health. “Well, Mr. and Mrs. Li, it seems you have an absolutely perfect little boy.” 
Victor wasn’t even embarrassed about the tears that ran down his cheeks as the doctor wrapped the still-mucky little boy in a towel and handed him to his father. He was a chunky little man…and the most beautiful thing Victor had ever seen.
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icarodamiano · 2 years
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vicsdeangelis · 1 year
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she's insane for these
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rivsisnotonfire · 9 months
Nothing messes with my Mexican daddy issues more than Vic Fuentes being an amazing father
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Bonus points for my comment being higher than Vic's
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filthforfriends · 2 years
The shit you poor Italian fans have to put up with 🫣😬
Plus that absolute act of violence committed 0:58 (does anyone pronounce it like that??)
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I HAVE a huge ear ache and 10000000% need to be babied the fuck out of and yet im just expected to work?
i belong in bed my only purpose is to be a pillow princess
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i'm sorry but who let them be the cutest little father son duo in the world 🥹
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8iunie · 2 years
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The Fillmore Philadelphia, night 1 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. | 28.11.2022 | LOUD KIDS TOUR
📸 crossfire_k
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sunflowersteves · 2 years
I want another tattoo
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sasa-chan · 2 years
February Birthdays
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Elisabeth Sladen - February 01, 1946
Heather Morris - February 01, 1987
Harry Styles - February 01, 1994
Duane Chapman - February 02, 1953
Shakira - February 02, 1977
Warwick Davis - February 03, 1970
Daddy Yankee - February 03, 1977
Gavin DeGraw - February 04, 1977
Darren Criss - February 05, 1987
Crystal Reed - February 06, 1985
Dominic Sherwood - February 06, 1990
Garth Brooks - February 07, 1962
Big Show - February 08, 1972
Seth Green - February 08, 1974
Tom Hiddleston - February 09, 1981
Avan Jogia - February 09, 1992
Vic Fuentes - February 10, 1983
Emma Roberts - February 10, 1991
Jennifer Aniston - February 11, 1969
Natalie Dormer - February 11, 1982
Taylor Lautner - February 11, 1992
Lochlyn Munro - February 12, 1966
Josh Brolin - February 12, 1968
Jesse Spencer - February 12, 1979
Robbie Williams - February 13, 1974
Danai Gurira - February 14, 1978
Alberto Rosende - February 14, 1993
Amber Riley - February 15, 1986
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