koomitooru · 7 years
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taegi with headbands
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yoonminnie · 8 years
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taehyung the good son
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taegirine · 8 years
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#HappySugaDay #슈가생일ㅊㅋ
To one of the coolest, kindest, most inspiring, most hardworking, most dedicated souls. I hope you have a great birthday, you little lovely man.
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theseoks · 8 years
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you never walk ALONE – suga
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rappertae · 8 years
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pretty boy
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ikdramamain · 6 years
i care about you • taehyung
↳ happy birthday jen ♡ @jvnckles (read my birthday letter for you on yt :>)
ac | bgm
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mean-suga · 8 years
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bangtan bomb throwback 11/?
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mintyd9 · 8 years
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Issues: 1 , 2 , 3b , 3c , 4 , 5a , 5b
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koomitooru · 7 years
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it has been a while, my lovely taegi :’)
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pocket-army · 8 years
hp!bangtan au #15
you never walk alone (if we’re together i can smile)
Imagine a pocket-sized you curled up in Yoongi’s warm black fur as you accompany him on another one of his midnight walks through the Forbidden Forest, pitch black save for thin slats of moonlight that manage to slip through the dense thicket of trees.
The forest is quiet, Yoongi’s soft breaths and the gentle crunch of dried leaves underneath his paws being the only sounds you can make out for miles. Yoongi confidently pads deeper into the darkness, and for a fleeting second you think that, being the tiny creature you are, maybe it would bode well for your safety to be a little more frightened of the sinister beings waiting deep within the darkness.
As if sensing your apprehension, Yoongi growls in exasperation, making you giggle and nuzzle closer into the soft fur of his neck, because he’s right - the massive werewolf may very well be the most dangerous beast in the entire forest, and he’d certainly never let harm come to you.
Yoongi approaches a clearing in the middle of the woods where the towering trees give way to reveal the glowing full moon along with a tapestry of winking stars. At the center of the clearing, you can just make out a faint golden glow. You squint in the darkness and your heart stops, breath catching in your throat as you realize that what you’re seeing is a boy - a beautiful boy in flowing golden robes.
Kim Taehyung.
You frantically hope your eyes are deceiving you. Surely you are just imagining the sweet third year Hufflepuff boy. But no, Kim Taehyung is right there, deep within the Forbidden Forest, in the dead of night, stumbling gracelessly after a flock of Leaping Toadstools. He giggles quietly as he catches one and throws it into a little wicker basket.
He couldn’t look more like easy prey for a bloodthirsty werewolf like Min Yoongi.
Yoongi lets out a bloodcurdling howl, and your body floods with adrenaline as the boy whips his head around to meet the piercing eyes of a full-grown werewolf. You scramble to grasp onto the scruff of Yoongi’s coat with trembling fingers, desperately murmuring calming words into his ear. You don’t understand why the forest suddenly becomes bathed in a golden glow until you realize Kim Taehyung is skipping over to you, the widest boxy smile on his face and somehow radiating something warm and bright, like sunlight.
And then the boy is plopping onto the grass next to Yoongi and greeting you happily. Your head swims in confusion as Taehyung reaches behind Yoongi’s ears to give him a good scratch, all the while jabbering on about how some forest fairies had asked him to get rid of the pesky toadstools that kept leaping into their magic circles. Yoongi sits there blinking dazedly, looking more like a house pet than the bloodthirsty monster he usually becomes in the presence of humans.
Taehyung finally questions your silence, and you stutter your bewildered tangle of thoughts. The boy laughs in understanding and Yoongi nuzzles his outstretched hand, asking for more scratches.
“I’m actually half-veela,” Taehyung declares proudly. “So Yoongi-hyung is just as immune to me as he is to you.”
Yoongi growls unhappily at not getting scratches, so he shifts to lie on the ground and bares his tummy for Taehyung to rub, which the boy does with a little laugh.
After a moment, the boy’s smile dims, his tender eyes suddenly achingly sad.
“Hyung was so little when he got bitten, he couldn’t control it and he hurt a lot of people the first time he transformed. The Ministry of Magic pressured his family to kill him - ‘euthanize’, they said, like he was a rabid dog. So they escaped deep into the woods. That’s how we met.” Taehyung’s eyes crinkle happily, a dull golden glow shimmering on the surface of his skin. “Mom is a veela and she can’t stand cities. So yeah,” Taehyung shrugs with a smile, “Yoongi-hyung and I grew up walking together in the same forest, and mom and I helped him every full moon. Our families are super close!”
By this time, Yoongi had fallen asleep to Taehyung’s ministrations, and the glowing boy cradles you in his hand before placing you on the fur of Yoongi’s chest. Taehyung lays in the grass beside him and cuddles the werewolf like a giant teddy bear.
“You wanna know a secret?” He whispers. You nod fervently and Taehyung grins. “My favorite Min Yoongi is wolfy Min Yoongi.” He snuggles deeper into the silky fur and mumbles sleepily, “He only lets me cuddle him when he’s like this, even though I’m his best friend in the whole world! Believe me,” he yawns and chuckles, eyelids drooping, “Human Min Yoongi is a billion times scarier than any werewolf.”
Yoongi puts a paw up to smother Taehyung’s face, effectively shutting him up, and he tries like hell to hide it, but you definitely notice the wolfy smile that spreads to his eyes, turning them into happy crescent moons. They fall asleep like that - a werewolf and a golden boy, folded into each other’s arms and tucked warmly beneath a blanket of stars.
★Read all Pocket ARMY Hogwarts au HERE★
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theseoks · 8 years
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[BTS+] 210117 (00:45AM) – 민윤기 힘차게 등장
+ comments: BTS: 박지현 [민슈가] 안돼
[BTS+] 210117 (00:53AM) – 민윤기 힘차게 퇴장
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petriichors · 8 years
[tfln] # # # + "I can't believe he's mad at you for not remembering your fake anniversary." (TAEGI fake dating?) Thanks! (:
word count: 529 w
notes: side!nammin in this drabble~ there be some (cough a lot of) f-bombs ahead but ofc there would be f-bombs whenever i write yoongi, but all the more when the idea of forgotten anniversaries (fake or otherwise) come into play.
taetae [2:41PM]: you suck. i’m locking you out of the house.
myg [2:41PM]: what the fuckmyg [2:41PM]: i’m older than you, brat.
taetae [2:41PM]: you suck, hyung.taetae [2:42PM]: i’m still locking you out.taetae [2:42PM]: hyung.
myg [2:42PM]: i repeat, what the fuckmyg [2:42PM]: i’ll just go to jin-hyung’s?myg [2:43PM]: fucking pay attention in class.
yoongi frowns at his phone. “what the fuck?”
jimin leans over, tugging the elder’s phone out from his hand to read the exchange between. “did you forget to get him a gift?”
“why the fuck do i have to get him a gift? it’s not his damn birthday.”
the younger male sighs, handing yoongi’s phone over to namjoon. he shakes his head as though he’s dealing with a disobedient child (sometimes yoongi acts like one so nobody can really blame jimin) “it’s your anniversary. i’m pretty sure taehyung would have mentioned it at least a million times over the week.” 
yoongi stares back at him with a blank look.
“…you forgot. hyung, what the hell?“
“i can’t believe he’s mad at you for not remembering your fake anniversary,” namjoon pipes in from beside jimin, resting a hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder to keep him on the couch and tossing yoongi’s phone back to him with the other (he misses and the shot falls shorts, yoongi’s phone ends up bouncing on the carpet of their studio. “fuck you, namjoon.”)
“uhh, this is taetae we’re talking about. he can get mad at anyone for anything if he wanted to.” jimin shrugs. “remember that time he almost strangled joonie-hyung for drinking the last bottle of banana milk?“
“hey, that was one time! and i bought him more.” yoongi’s pretty sure he threw up a little in his mouth when he glances up from his phone (no new messages. at least it seemed like taehyung was paying attention in class) to see jimin cooing at and comforting a pouting namjoon. gross.
a series of chimes had the two separating (thank god, yoongi thinks to himself) and glancing at their phones. the fact that both jimin and namjoon starts chuckling should serve as an indication about what he should expect to see on his own phone.
taetae changed the group name to “ban min yoongi!!!”
taetae to ban min yoongi!!! [3:09PM]: attention all, min yoongi is a jerk who forgets anniversaries and i’m locking him out.taetae to ban min yoongi!!! [3:09PM]: under no circumstance is anyone allowed to 1) unlock the door and 2) provide him refuge.taetae to ban min yoongi!!! [3:09PM]: i know you’re reading this, yoongi-hyung!!!
“it’s my apartment. he can’t lock me out of my apartment.” tossing his phone aside for now, the blonde turns back to his console. there were more important real things he had to deal with, like the half written melody that wove its way around his mind.
jimin snorts, typing out a quick acknowledgement to taehyung’s chain of warning texts as he leans back against namjoon. “cute. you better start thinking about how to make it up to taehyung. because knowing him, it’s highly likely you’ll be sitting out in the cold tonight.”
“yeah right.”
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vmons · 8 years
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don’t come over the wall I’ve put up in front of myself don’t throw me off this island in this wide sea - 140503 At Dawn, AGUSTD
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mintyd9 · 8 years
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"there are many ways in which god can make us lonely and lead us to ourselves"
Wings: #1 , #2 , #3 , #5 , #6 , #7
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wydkook · 8 years
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koomitooru · 7 years
taegi at run bts episode 20
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what’s new another case of taehyung’s hearteyes for yoongi
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and to add to the collection of min yoongi: kim taehyung’s super cute personal translator. poor tae needs an explanation for what is the sauce jimin was asking him to make
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but now worries here’s min yoongi come to the rescue just like usual :’)
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also this is such an endearing concept: yoongi encouraging and putting his good faith on tae
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and to put a cherry on top, yoongi feeding taehyungie
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