#daehyun gets caught in a crime
cygnea · 5 years
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mafia!Bangdae edit → requested by anon
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15001700tt · 4 years
Exa’ct Series
Not As Easy As It Seems (9)
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Rae Jae watched as the screen before her, displayed the bloody scene. She was comfortably sitting in the living room watching one of her crime shows that she's obsessed with. She popped a few popcorn kernels in her mouth, grinning at the sight of her favorite hot cop. 
Almost everyone was busy, and she had nothing to do since they moved here, Junmyeon replaced them in Alyuin so as of now they were unemployed. She didn't agree with it per se, but she really didn't have any choice. 
She thought about the bet that was placed, it was so stupid yet, everyone is taking it so seriously almost everyone is either avoiding the guys or doing a horrible job of it. So far only Je Ki and Hyun Jin were winning. The last update Sang-Soo said that she still hates Chanyeol, but at that point, she doesn't think she can tell her own feelings because Rae Jae has caught her blushing when Chanyeol would do something. 
As of herself, she doesn't know if she’s winning or losing. She hasn't interacted with Junmyeon enough to like him, but they were civil. He was friendly, but he was friendly to everyone. He was also the busiest, so it was rare to see him just relaxing. 
“What are you doing?” speak of the devil, he shall appear, she looked at him with shock. 
“Watching a crime show,” she answered him as she followed his figure sitting next to her, stealing some of her popcorn, she scoffed and withdrew the popcorn out of his reach.
He grinned but didn't move, they sat there watching the reruns. Rae Jae thought he would get up and leave after he scoffed and grunted like 5 times. 
“Dude, what is your problem?” she asked him pausing the TV.
“How can you watch this? It's so fake,” he responded looking at her like it's so obvious.
“I don't care. It's still good.” she retorted.
“You probably don’t even know why I am saying that. Rae Jae, have you ever shot a gun before?” he questioned.
“Well no, but I have seen it,” she said. 
“It is nothing like what you're watching,” he paused before nodding his head and getting up. 
“I'll teach you how to shoot a gun,” he leaned closer to her to take her hand and stand her up. 
She was surprised, ok not really, he was extremely helpful, and he thought that she wanted to learn. But this isn't helping her heart. It was beating so fast. He took her down some stairs to the training room.
“You have a shooting range in your house?” 
“You’re funny, but no, I am telling Minseok we’ll be out for a while, and to also finish some paperwork,” he leaned on the door frame and poked his head in and yelled his request. She heard him in response.
“Alright go get dressed,” he instructed. She fake saluted and went up the stairs. 
Once she came back he was also dressed in black joggers and white shirt. She was holding her purse and checking if she has everything she needs.
“Should I ask you why you have a knife in your bag?”
“It's a dagger actually and no, you shouldn't,” she answered his question. He nodded and just waved his hand. They went to the shooting range and started to get ready.
“Ok, so the first thing we’re going to do is teach you how to shoot the gun, then how to defend against it. It's easier to understand the mechanics of it that way,” she nodded. 
He taught her to shoot the gun and what correct ways she should hold it. They practiced for a few more hours.
“Ok, now in order to defend against it, you need to grab their hand and move away from the gun,” he demonstrated. He hit the hilt of the gun, making it point upwards, then grabbed onto her thumb's pressure point and pulled the gun from her hands.
“Then you point the gun back at them,” he paused, “or even smack it away and headbutt them to make them lose their grip,” he added. After a few more hours of practicing, they decided to go eat at a fast-food restaurant.
“So tell me about your life, I basically know nothing,” he started
“Well, all 9 of us met when we were in high school, at the time Ji Mi had just lost her parents and that's when Daehyun was introduced to you,” she nodded at him and continued, “she got her first job at a restaurant but the service and the treatment was very poor. She stayed there for 3 years, and then she got hired at a club and was able to move up in positions, slowly the others and I applied and got hired,” she finished.
“How did you end up in Alyiun?” he asked.
“Well, the club got shut down, so Daehyun referred us to Alyuin,” she explained. 
“You’ve been there for almost 4 years,” he mused. 
“We’re very good at our job,” she responded. He nodded and smiled. 
They made their way back to the house, as soon as they entered, chaos ensued. Junmyeon managed to catch Baekhyun and question him. 
“What is going on?” 
“Hyo Gun trapped Chanyeol and Sang-Soo in the basement” he grinned at the couple before making his way down towards the yelling. Once Junmyeon and Rae Jae arrived, they found Sehun looking down at Hyo Gun with fake disapproval.
“You know that she’s going to kill you,” Sehun voiced out.
“Admit it, you think it’s funny,” she grinned. “Besides we’re friends so she won’t.” 
 “What are friends for if they aren't willing to tie their other friends to chairs and lock them in the basement,” Sang Soo’s voice carried through the door. It has sarcasm and a slight hint of fury, Rae Jae whispered in Hyo Gun’s ear.
“You’re cheating. Locking them in there doesn't count,” Hyo Gun’s glinting eyes turned towards her.
“You just lost though,” she stated motioning to Junmyeon behind her, making Rae Jae roll her eyes.
“I never cared about winning anyway,” she shrugged. Hyo Gun shook her head.
“I am unlocking the door, promise me you have Sang Soo under control, so she doesn’t go ape shit on Hyo Gun,” Junmyeon told the locked couple. Sang Soo’s frustrated groan told him she heard him loud and clear. She promised she wouldn't, Junmyeon opened the door and the two stepped out, Rae Jae could immediately tell that Sang Soo’s face was red of embarrassment and fury. 
“I lose,” she sighed. Hyo Gun whooped and high fived a grinning Chanyeol. Sang Soo shook her head and left to her room and Chanyeol went after her. 
“I am so confused, but I accept it,” Junmyeon stated.
“They placed a bet on who would last longest without getting involved with us,” Sehun clarified. Junmyeon nodded and turned to Rae Jae.
“I hope you weren't planning to win that bet,” he calmly stated before walking up the stairs. Rae Jae and Hyo Gun let out a shocked gasp while the boys laughed.
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taesbetch · 6 years
Pairings: Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Angst Murder!AU
Summary: People can be deceiving; People lie every day. When murder is the new talk of the town and everyone seems like a suspect; the truth seems to slip further and further away every second. Everyones on edge, as they should be. Wrong things happen when you trust the wrong people.
Word Count: 7.1k +
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Your ear was pressed to the door of your dad's bedroom as he spoke to his colleagues about what happened yesterday. There was a cold cover that hugged the door tightly, but your ear could handle it as the information you were receiving was worth it.
"His throat was cut so precisely, we're definitely dealing with someone who knows what they're doing" you heard him say.
Someone with experience? Like a doctor or a biology major maybe?
"Do you think it's the same killer?" He asked the other person, his voice low and concerned.
You listened to him hum in agreement before he sighed deeply.
"Alright, I'll call you later" you heard him say before you heard the clicking of the call ending. Hearing another sigh escape his lips you awaited patiently for what he would do next.
A couple shuffles and a few squeaks sent your body racing with adrenaline. He was moving. You quickly ran back into your room and as you flung yourself into your rollie chair you flicked your books open to make it look like you were studying.
"Hey kiddo, I'm heading down to the station real quick ok?" He stated as he leaned against the door frame, His eyes were droopy and the purple bags under his eyes were evident. This case was probably killing him and the police force, the town is slowly gaining interest and the negative coverage wouldn't reflect well on the police force.
It was night time so you were close to insisting that he leave it and get some rest, but you knew he wouldn’t agree to any of that.
"Y/N" he said as his eyes narrowed in your direction.
"Be careful, okay, I don't think that taehyung kid did it either...but just be cautious?" he said causing you to nod along before he stared at you for a moment and turned back around to leave
As he left the house you sighed deeply, resting your arms behind your head you sat back and had a little recap of previous events.
So, the first victim was daehyun...the killer would have had to be someone she knew.
And with this second killing, it would have to be someone who knew what they were doing.
So lower high school students are out, maybe just graduated and older... that still leaves a bunch of suspect groups you would have to search through.
You decided your brain needed some fresh air, stepping outside you noticed how dead the street was, it was only 10pm but the people who lived around you were mostly elderly, so you would expect nothing less.
As you zipped up your hoodie you weren't really paying attention to the cold that was nipping at your nose, More the eerie vibe that coated the neighbourhood.
You could literally hear yourself breathing and the small noises of crickets. It hadn’t concerned you before but after remembering there was a murderer on the loose your heart beat started to speed up.
Before you could decide to turn around the sound of screams of horror and sirens captured your attention. Your body was almost frozen in place as your brain thought about what to do.
Turn around Y/N...go home....
AH fuck it.
running towards the sudden sounds of distress, you of course knew it was a free pass to get killed but the thought that you could help someone overcame the fear of it.
Your heart pounded loudly as you cut through an alley way to enter a short cut. The cold that had once nipped at your skin was now abusing it.
The back entrance was narrow and dark, but you could see well enough to know where you were going. You could hear your footsteps hitting the ground hard as you run.
As you heart pounded against your chest you took a brief break, so you could catch your breath. However, you could still hear the sound of running footsteps.... you weren’t alone.
You freaked out for a moment as you realised the sound of footsteps was coming towards the front of you. The person was running away from the commotion.
You were about to turn around but hearing how close they were you knew it was too late. You pressed your back against the wall waiting for the person to run around the corner.
Hearing the way your heart beat sped up you tried to cover your mouth to control your heavy breathing. Your eyes flew to ground and flickered up and down constantly, wondering if the first thing you would see would be their foot or their arm.
As you saw a foot enter from behind the wall you closed your eyes and threw a hard punch in the direction of the stranger.
"Y/N!" The stranger yelled as he caught the flying fist.
Opening your eye’s, you saw Jeon Jungkook.
His eyes were wide his breathing was staggered and all colour had been drained from his face. As your first swivelled in his hands you realised they were wet.
As your eyes scanned down his body you realised he was covered in blood.
You pulled your fist back quickly as you stepped back from the boy.
"W-what happened?" You asked softly as you fully took in his state. He was a shaking mess, he kept looking behind him and big blots of purple were forming on his face.
"You need to help me, please" he begged as he pushed you backward lightly his head turning around constantly in fear that if he waited a second longer whoever he was running from would get him.
He shuffled his feet getting ready to run again as he looked at you for approval.
You hesitated but eventually nodded your head as you realised now was not the time to think things through, you had to leave right this second. He grabbed your arm before sprinting back the way you came.
"what happened?!" You asked as the both of you were full on sprinting down the street. The stinging of your feet was pushed aside as the fear of possible death kept them going.
As the two of you approached your house you chucked him the keys and you both ran inside.
"You have 5 minutes to explain what the fuck is happening because I’m freaking out" you said as you tried to catch your breath.
You flicked on the light and locked the door as Jungkook paced back and forth.
"My whole family....M-my whole family...he killed them all" he stated his eyes grew wider and his hands shook vigorously.
"What?! Jungkook why did you run! You realise you can be cast as a suspect now!" You told the freaked boy as you started freaking out more and more as time passed.
"I was the one who called the police! I had to run because he found me hiding in the closet! I only had enough time to get him off me and run!" He yelled at you as tears were making their way down his face.
Staring at the panicked boy you took a deep breath as you raked your brain for a solution.
"Okay, that's okay, I’m calling my dad" you said as you brought out your phone, frantically searching through your contacts list for your dad’s number.
"Explain what happened" your dad said as the three of you were sitting in the lounge; you and Jungkook were sitting on the couch and your dad was in front of you on the table.
"I had just come back from Yugeoms house, the door was open which was weird for that time of the night...when....when I opened the door I had found my two sisters on the floor...the-they were dead...I heard screaming from upstairs so that's when i hid in the closet and started calling the police but he found me...i swear...it was like looking in the eyes of the devil...we got in a physical fight, he was taller and stronger than me... i had crashed something over his head and it worked enough for me to get him off me and run" he explained as tears rolled down his cheeks.
"We're going to need you to evaluate the crime scene to see if anything is out of place, we're going to need to call yugyeom and confirm your alibi, the door shows signs of forced entry so were also just going to need a list of people that may have hated your folks " your dad said emotionless as he scribbled in his notebook.
"Dad" you said softly as you watched Jungkook stare at the floor in shock.
We personally knew Jungkook. The boy has been home schooled all his life, so he would walk around the neighbourhood looking for friends.
"I’m sorry son, i was in cop mode" you dad sighed as he put his notepad to the side.
"You don't have to go back if you don't want to" he added as he patted Jungkook’s shoulder.
"I'll go...but...what’s going to happen to me?" Jungkook asked as he looked upwards to meet his gaze with your dads.
"You can stay with Y/N and I for now alright?" Your dad asked as Jungkook continued to shake.
"Thank you" he whispered as you placed your hand over his.
As we walked towards Jungkook’s house the number of cops in the area was insane.
You could feel the aurora of the house radiating through the streets.
Jungkook clutched you hand tightly, the blood was still present, but you ignored it as the three of you approached the house.
"Are you sure you want to do this" you whispered to him as you stopped following your dad up the stairs for a second.
"Positive" he nodded before motioning for you to keep moving as you were in front of him.
The feeling of vomit climbed your throat, as soon as you enter the house you saw his older sisters.
The first one was face down on the ground, multiple stab wounds were dug into her back, her blood was splattered all over the walls in the same manner in was splattered all over Jungkook.
Some of her hair had been pulled out, it lay beside her body, half dipped in the pool of blood oozing out of her.
The second sister was ten times worse. Her left arm had been removed from its socket, the only thing connecting it was a string of skin.
Shivers spilled down your spine as you saw the gaping hole in the middle of her head.
"This requires crazy force...the murderer must have been extremely angry" your dad noted quietly.
"Do you see anything?" I asked him as he tried not to cry again.
He looked around the room getting ready to shake his head, but something had caught his eye.
"It's gone" he whispered
"What’s gone?" You asked as your dad tuned into your conversation.
"My sisters boyfrie- well not even really a boyfriend more like a constant stalker, he bought her a painting that mum liked so she hung it up...but it’s gone" he explained as he stared at the space on the wall.
"Your sister was 18, right?" Your dad asked as he ferociously wrote things down.
Before you could ask why Jungkook pointed outside. "Why is he here".
You looked outside to see a man in his early 20s staring into the house.
His hood was zipped up and placed over his head. His hands found their way into his pocket before eventually, he walked away, his tall and lanky figure causing you to squint in suspicion.
"Who was that?" Your dad asked quietly before Jungkook turned back around.
"The boyfriend i was talking about"
For the rest of the night, you tossed and turned around in your bed trying to think of why the whole family was killed.
The boyfriend would make sense.
Either he was annoying the girl too much, she told him to go away and he killed her and her family out of vengeance.
Maybe the family didn't approve of the relationship, so he killed all them out of vengeance.
Could have been she was in love with someone else he didn't like that, and the rest of the family just happened to be there.
You sighed before staring at your ceiling, maybe it was the same guy who killed daehyun, at least you'd finally have a suspect to get the town of taehyung’s back...
But no... the way of killing was too different. Daehyuns was clean, planned precisely...this one seems like a passionate killing, the murderer truly had something against his victims.
The  boy in the music rooms was similar to Daehyuns…no idea what the motive was but still…
Jungkook didn't want to see his parents, understandable so...especially seeing how the killer killed his sisters...
There was a quiet knock on your door before Jungkook poked his head through the door.
"Hey, can I come in?" He asked sheepishly.
"Sure" you said as you shimmed over, giving him room to lie down.
"I’m sorry, I tried going to your dad's room, but he snores" he said as he wrapped the cover around himself.
You let out a chuckle as you nodded your head.
You had been friends with Jungkook for approximately 12 years, you weren't close friends, but you knew him well enough.
"I still don’t know what’s going to happen to me...i usually go to my sister for stuff like this...she always knew what to do" he whispered
"Don't think about it, we'll figure something out" you said as your eyes drifted shut.
Thank god it's a Saturday tomorrow...  --------------------- "I didn't know you were allowed boys in your bed"
You groaned as your body told you to go back to sleep, but the talking voices kept your brain active.
You turned around to see Taehyung and Hana staring into your soul as a sleepy Jungkook started waking up.
"Hush ok, it's a long story" you said as you sat up in your bed, stretching your arms.
"Yer well ya know what else is long" Hana said as she wiped out her destroyer.
(A/n:.....yall are nasty)
"This fucking essay, so wake up and let's get going" she said before storming out of your room.
Taehyung eyed Jungkook suspiciously before walking out to join Hana downstairs.
"Your friends?" Jungkook asked as you got out of bed, his hair tossed and eyes droopy.
"Is that what they're called?" You asked as you slipped on a jumper.
"I'm going back to bed" he said smashing his face into your pillow. You laughed before heading out, closing the door behind you.
As you strolled downstairs you watched as the two of them were whispering intensely on the couch.
"What the fuck are you guys doing" you said as you joined them on the couch.
"Were figuring out how to connect Daehyuns murder on this new murder suspect" Hana stated as she turned on the T.V
"The murder of the Jeon family has a prime suspect known as Kim Namjoon, the man had been stalking the youngest female in the family; sending her threatening texts and explicit images. The man was known to be in contact with various teens and is a suspected drug dealer. There are no further updates"
Damn this town moves quick.
"He was in contact with various teens...one of which could be daehyun?" Hana suggested. You nodded along with them, it was a good plan...there was just one problem.
"As far as we know, as far as anyone knows daehyun was an extremely clean-cut girl. She only did things with people that she trusted and even that was a stretch...but if they had been in contact for a while..." you trailed off as the both of them nodded along.
"If we just had her phone, ya know to figure out what kind of conversations she was having with people. This would be so much easier" Taehyung said.
"...i think we can get it..." you said as a really bad idea popped into your mind. As you pondered the idea more youwatched as taehyung and hana watched you attentively, hoping to get the answer out of you.
"Don’t ask...Hana, ask her friend for some more information. Taehyung I’m going to need your help" you stated as you scooted closer.
Before you could reveal your plan, you heard the door of your bedroom open and close.As Jungkook trotted downstairs Hana flipped open her books and Taehyung place a pencil in his mouth as if he was thinking.
"Hey guys" Jungkook said scratching the back of his head nervously.
You knew Jungkook was shy around people he didn't know; the boy was home schooled after all.
"Hey Jungkook! This is Hana and taehyung" you said introducing the as the three of you made space between you and Hana.
"Hi...sorry for your loss" Hana said hesitantly as he sat down.
He nodded his head unsure of what to say. A silence set itself over the four of you.
You leaned back and locked eyes with taehyung on the other end of the couch, motioning for him to turn the TV on. He quickly understood your hints and turned it on. Of course, we forgot that we had previously been watching the news channel.
"The suspect for the Jeon murdering has gone on the run-"
Taehyung quickly changed the channel, but the awkward tension was hard to avoid. You bite you lip as the cringe was hard to ignore.
"I... think I’m just going to go back to bed" Jungkook said slowly as he rose from the couch.
Your heart sank to the pit of your stomach. Fuck…the poor kid.
"I'll come up with some food later" you said softly but he just shook his head and dragged himself back upstairs.
The three of you gave each other guilty glances before returning your attention to the T. V -------------------------------- It had been a good 2 hours and Hana had left. She said she was invited to a frat party and was going to use the invite to find out some more information.
"Hey, can you show me some of your brother's shoes, you said they might fit?" Taehyung asked randomly.
You nodded your head before the two of you skipped upstairs.
As you made your way up the last couple of steps you stopped in your tracks as you heard a rustling of paper coming from you dad’s office.
You and taehyung connected confused gazes before the two of you slowly approached the office. As you quietly pushed open the door you were met with Jungkook’s back, his hands were deep inside your dad's case cabinet.
"Aye" Taehyung said in a low voice.
The boy jumped in a fright before turning around to face us.
There was a brief moment of silence as he tried to find the words to say. The both of you glaring down on him with questionable looks.
"I... I’m sorry...it's just, the news said he had run away and I know there are other cases on him...so I just thought I could find something" he said sadly as he played with his hands.
Your hardened expression softened as you nodded your head in understanding.
Taehyungs eyes narrowed before he spoke. "Don't you think you should leave that to the police".
Like we can talk.
Jungkook nodded before he cleared his throat nervously. "I think I’ll just go for a walk" he said as he moved past the pair of you.
Before you could follow behind Jungkook taehyung stopped you; you looked at him confused but you knew he would explain once the boy left.
"I'll see you tonight!" you shouted downstairs to Jungkook.
"okay! I'll bring you some food!" he shouted back, you heard the door close and looked towards taehyung.
"I don't like him" he stated suddenly "something about him...ugh it just seems like he's faking it" taehyung stated as you leaned against the door frame.
"well, of course, he's faking it. his whole family just got murdered, he probably doesn't want to be breaking down crying every 2 seconds" you explained as you rolled your eyes.
"no Y/N, I mean...I don’t know what I mean, there's just something off with that kid and i don’t like him" he hesitated.
"taehyung, I've known him for 12 years, he's a little off putting at times yes I’ll admit and i know he genuinely has some type of mental illness but i also know he's on medication" you stated.
"illness?" taehyung asked intrigued.
"yer when he was 10ish he was diagnosed with a mental illness...I can't remember which one, but I know he's on medication and its fine" you shrugged.
taehyung was quiet for a moment before nodding his head "alright, fair enough, if you don't think anything’s wrong..." he trailed off before sighing.
"anyway, stop focusing on him and focus on yourself. Lisa’s having a mini party at her house tonight and I think you should go, even if it’s just for an hour" you stated as he started to whine at the mention of Lisa.
"she's so happy, so happy! like all the time, Y/N don't make me do it" he pleaded as he took your hand into his.
"to bad, you're going. And try and initiate some physical contact, like a hug or something" you said as you thought more about how to up taehyung’s image as a genuinely good person.
"her parents might be there! even better" you said as you nodded your head at the prime opportunity in front of you.
Taehyung groaned and continued to beg but you both knew it would be good for him, especially compared to a runaway suspect.
There had been two more murders in the time frame of 3 days. The town had shifted its accusations off of taehyung and towards Namjoon; the runaway suspect.
Jungkook was packing his stuff up and getting ready to move in with his grandma, he was a little reluctant at first, but it was this or his aunt in Mexico and he hated her.
You were currently in the library trying to study for your upcoming Physics test, but it was a little hard with Lisa hardcore trying to stick her tongue down taehyung’s mouth.
"Hey" lucifer said as he seated himself beside you.
"Hey, do you think you could help me, I don’t understand...like...anything" you said as you slid him your book.
"This is why i told you to do biology, its way easier," he said as he shook his head.
"Look ok, not everyone is a science wiz like you, you do all three! Biology, physics and chemistry!" You whined which caught taehyung attention.
He turned his body fully in your direction, blocking Lisa out of the conversation.
"What’s she complaining about this time?" He asked causing Lucifer to chuckle.
"Go back to your girlfriend" you sneered causing him to smirk smugly.
"Why, you jealous?" He asked.
"I’m your girlfriend?"
There was a pause of silence before all three of you turned to the hopeful girl.
"No" you all said in unison.  ------------------------------ You knew the town would rejoice at the fact they think they know who the killer of all these people are, but you know you have two different killers on your hand.
As you reorganized your locker your head went back into thinking mode.
The killings that have happened recently have all been older woman during school time.
And the killings before were high school students after school time.
The killings as of recent would be understandable if it were Namjoon...but still, there's pieces missing and pieces that seem like they are being forced to fit.
"Hey, you're gonna wanna see this..." Hana said quietly as she dragged me away.
Yesterday you had given Hana Daehyuns phone; she’s really good with all that tech shit that no one really understands.
"What, what’s up?" I asked worriedly as she dragged me into a classroom and locked the door.
"Look, at the messages between Jimin and daehyun" she said as she scrolled through their chat.
'Am i meeting you tonight?'
'What time do i meet you there?'
'Remember not to tell anyone about this okay?'
You stood there shocked as you scrolled through the messages sent from Jimin. You didn't even know the two of them knew each other well enough to actually talk let alone have secret meetings.
"But...it doesn’t make any sense, when was it sent?" you asked as you tried to connect the dots between Jimin and the killing of daehyun.
Hana paused for a second before taking a short breath "twenty minutes before the apparent murder time" she said.
"Go back, let me see who else she’s talking too" you said as you scooted closer to your friend, it didn’t make sense to you why Jimin would kill her but then again you only just found out they even spoke to each other.
"There was one person that confused me. They were nicknamed as God of destruction like that could be anyone, these were sent the day of the killing" Hana said in frustration as she showed me their messages.
'I think I’m in love with you'
'Stop meeting that Jimin boy, I’ve been watching you'
'You can’t hide from me'
"Could this be the runaway suspect?" Hana asked as you scrolled some more.
"It’s possible, really possible actually" you said as Hana tucked the phone back in her pocket.
"Where is Jimin now that I think about it?" You questioned as you remembered him rushing off in a hurry.
"I don't know...he hasn't been here for a while" Hana stated as the two of you exchanged looks.
"Find him okay, I’ll find out more about Namjoon from Jungkook" you stated as you watched more students fill the hallway.
You nodded before going your separate ways.
As you rushed down the school stairs to go home, you tried your best to avoid the talkative students who you knew would try and talk to you.
"Hey Y/N wait up!"
Fuck. You knew that voice all too well.
As you stopped in your tracks, you turned to face up the stairs you had just ran down to see angel skipping down to you.
"Ah, Angel...what’s up?" You said trying to be as nice as possible.
"I just haven't seen you around lately! I was just wondering if there was something going on?...like a secret club that i wasn't invited to" she asked quietly as she looked around.
"Sorry what?" You asked in utter confusion as she twirled her hair.
"All of you keep going missing! First Lucifer stops hanging out with me and goes who knows where, then Hoseok keeps ditching me for that home-schooled kid, now you’re going missing. Plus, just yesterday I saw that sin of a human being Jimin sneaking around the abandoned factory yesterda-" she said but something caught your ears.
"Sorry what? What was Jimin doing?" You asked curiously as she continued curling her hair.
"Oh, yesterday i saw him walking around suspiciously so i decided to follow him. Not the first time this has happened but anyway-" she started but you interrupted her.
"Not the first time? When else has this happened?" You asked intensely.
"Like...three weeks ago maybe? I’m not sure" she stated as she scratched her head.
"Where a bout’s was this?" You asked her with the same intensity.
"You know the abandoned factory next to the primary school...odd place for a school but yer he was there...why? Is there actually a secret club?! Can I join!? Of course, it would have to be after my volunteering at the chur-"
"Yep! There’s a meeting on Monday at subway! Be there or be square!" You chirped loudly before rushing away from her.
Three weeks ago,...that’s around the time daehyun was killed...and so were those text messages.
But why would he have killed her? What was their relationship?
You knew Jimin would have been able to overpower her, he maybe be shorter than others but his previous fights at school confirm his strength.
As you ran home different theories and thoughts flowed through your mind.
Firstly, you know for a fact the killings that have been happening lately are different from the first one.
They're messier, more passionate. The first killer was clean, every move was almost planned...
You still had no idea why the boy in the lower grade was killed but you figured it would come to light if Daehyuns was figured out.
Secondly, Kim Namjoon, otherwise known as the runaway suspect was in possible contact with daehyun. Again, this wasn’t confirmed, who knew how many stalkers you had in this town.
Thirdly, Jungkook’s whole family had been murdered by this guy, would he come back to finish the job?
And lastly, you would not be meeting angel at subway on Monday.
As you ran through your door, you ignored the fact that Lisa was straddling taehyung’s lap on your couch and ran straight up stairs to Jungkook.
all his shit from his house had been transferred to yours and with the amount of shit he had, you knew he'd still be packing.
"Hey Y/N" he smiled as he taped his final box.
Sweat covered his forehead as the light glistened over it, giving him a sparkly overcoat over his entire body.
"Hey, are you done packing?" You asked as you tried to catch your breath.
He nodded before standing up and making his way over to you.
"Have you been running?" He asked as a cheeky smile graced his face.
"Er yer, anyway...are you sure you’re alright going to your grandmas? Like...I’m sure my dad wouldn’t mind you staying a bit longer and, its...probably safer...over here" you tried to say subtly.
However, your attempt failed as Jungkook quickly picked up what you were trying to say.
"Don’t worry about it, he'd be stupid to come back" Jungkook stated as wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his palm.
"Mmm okay, only if you're sure..." you said hesitantly.
He chuckled before abruptly stopping when his eyes connected with something behind you.
As you turned around taehyung let out a grunt before extending his hand out to Jungkook.
Both you and Jungkook looked at taehyung in confusion before he spoke.
"Good luck" he said quietly as his eyes were glued to jungkooks face.
Jungkook smiled brightly before shaking hands with him.
"Why is lisa here?"  "Dont worry about it"
As you and taehyung helped Jungkook pack his boxes into the removal van you felt a strange vibe... almost as if someone was watching you.
You looked around slowly; the green bushes in the neighbour’s yard started to rustle but you brushed it off thinking it was the wind.
"Tell your dad i said thank you" Jungkook smiled before pulling you into a hug.
"I will...but i just have one question before you go" you asked slowly as you both pulled away.
He nodded his head signalling you to ask it.
"Do you know if Kim Namjoon had a nickname in your sister's phone? Or one you maybe just heard before?" You asked curiously.
Jungkook furrowed his brow as he thought hard about it.
"I think...i mean I’ve only seen it pop up a couple of times so I’m not sure...but I think it was like destruction something" he said as he scratched his head in deep thought.
You heart skipped a beat before you corrected his mistake.
"Do you mean...God of destruction?" You asked slowly.
"Yer that’s it!" He said as his face lit up with recognition.
You paused for a moment before continuing your goodbye.
"I hope everything goes good for you" you said sweetly as you watched the boy breathe in happily.
"You too Y/N" he nodded before getting in the van, ready to drive off.
You sighed before walking back into the house.
"Is he gone?" Taehyung asked as he raided your fridge for food.
"Yer...why was lisa here earlier? And what were you doing?" You asked as you stood behind him, his back turned to you as he picked up various items from the fridge.
"Theres no need to be jealous" he smirked as he turned to face you.
Rolled your eyes as you rested against the counter behind you.
"Why would i be jealous?" You scoffed as you folded your arms; His smirk grew as he walked closer to you.
"Awww, you know your my one and only" he teased before tapping your nose.
"Lisa asked if she could come and do her homework with me, and like hell I’d take her back to my place. I don't know how she ended up on my lap, but honestly i didn't mind" he said before sending a wink your way.
You fake vomited as his arms came around you, trapping you against the counter.
"Mmm wait until she finds out what a phony you are" you said as you poked his stomach.
"Oh well, at least I’m getting information out of her" he shrugged as his eyes bored into yours.
"That guy, the runaway suspect. Was really into teenage girls, he gives them fake IDs and stuff like sexual favours" he stated as he removed his arms from the counter.
"He also was very attracted to how you say....the innocent ones" taehyung said hoping you would catch on.
"Daehyun" you stated as he nodded in confirmation.
Before you could ask him any questions your phone started ringing.
"Its Jimin, he’s being all suspicious, meet me at the cafe near my dad's work. Hurry" Hana said as she breathed harshly.
"We gotta go" you said quickly Hana hung up the phone.
As the two of you of you ran towards the small coffee shop you watched as the sun started to set and people started to clear out from the streets.
"Where is he?" You huffed as Hana’s eyes were glued in one direction. The hospital
"Why is he in the hospital?" Taehyung asked in confusion as the three of you stared down the hospital doors.
As you questioned it too, a figure dressed fully in black snuck out holding a beige file holder in their hand.
"That’s him!!" Hana whisper-shouted as you watched him walk at an incredible sped down the street.
"Quick follow him!" You said as the three of you split up, trying to find subtle ways to follow him.
You followed Jimin for seemed like a solid hour until you reached the destination; The abandoned factory.
"Do we go in?" Hana asked quietly as you watched him sneak inside, his body was tensed and every moved he made seemed to have a purpose.
"I think we should" taehyung stated as he looked around for any other followers, aka angel.
The three of you quietly snuck into the abandoned building, you headed in first than taehyung, then Hana.
It was incredibly dark but a gleaming light snuck its way around a corner, so you guessed that’s where Jimin was.
You slowly approached the light as soft murmurs could be heard.
As you peeked your head behind the wall, you saw Jimin standing in front of what seemed like boards of evidence and theories. In shock, you slowly walked towards him, your mouth was hung open as you examined then.
Suspects such as Namjoon and Daehyuns best friend were placed on the board, even taehyung was there.
"Jimin" Hana called firmly yet shock still evident in her voice.
Jimin quickly turned around, his eyes scanned all of our faces before he slowly removed his hoodie from his head.
"What are you guys doing here?" He asked in discomfort as his eyes wandered the floor, his amrs went up to hide the boards but after realising it was no use he gave up.
"It’s hella complicated, but it has something with that" taehyung said as he pointed to the stuff behind Jimin.
Jimin looked behind him before turning towards the group again. "You guys are trying to figure out the murders too?" He asked as he eyed you.
"Well at first it was to clear Taes name...but now I think it’s more than that" you said scratching your head.
"We actually...thought you could be a possible suspect...we saw the text messages the night daehyun asked...what happened?" Hana asked as Jimin stuck his hands in his pockets.
Jimin sighed before dipping his head down to the ground. "She was actually my best friend..." he whispered.
"Being gay isn't an easy thing, especially when your parents are hardcore Christians and bitches like angel are running around" he started.
"Daehyun was my excuse, i would tell my parents i was going studying with daehyun, or I’m going to hang out with her but...id be doing other things if you get what i mean" he explained.
You nodded you head as dots started connecting.
"Why did you run out of class so quickly that one time?" Hana asked softly.
"I remember daehyun telling me about this guy she was meeting, he was older than her and richer than her...but she would never tell me who. She had told me when and where they were meeting so i was hoping to catch him...ya know maybe he was the murderer" He answered quickly.
"Namjoon? Was she going to meet Namjoon?" You asked as interest peeked.
"No, she told me about Namjoon, she would say his name, but this one..." he said before pointing towards a picture with a question mark on it.
"She never said his name" he said in frustration.
Hana grunted before running her hands through her hair.
"Looks like daehyun wasn’t as innocent as everyone thought...does this our suspect range rises?" She asks nervously.
You nodded as your eyes stayed connected with the question marked photo.
I guess Jimin’s not the killer...
Before you left you took down Jimin’s number and set a time for you all to meet up so you could discuss everything you had found and re-group.
----- it had been a long fucking day it was around midnight and as you dragged your body up your driveway you regretted a lot of life decisions…It was cold, and you were exhausted; thank god your dad was out, otherwise, you would have had a lecture about the dangers of the night.
As you yawned you heard heavy footsteps behind you...
Your heart skipped a beat as you approached your front door, you were so close. You quickly whipped out your keys for protection, but your stranger saw it coming.
In an instant, his large hand wrapped around your mouth as he pulled your body into his with his other hand.
You wiggled and tried to shake him off you as he breathed harshly into your ear and tried to grab your keys off of you.
It was hard to breath as his hand pressed hard against your mouth and was large enough to block your nostrils.The man managed to rip the keys from your hand; with a harsh bang, you were slammed against your door before he managed to unlock it.
As he pushed you inside you managed to remove the hand he held against your mouth by shaking your head unexpectedly but he was too occupied by closing the door to care.
You pushed away from him harshly as you fell to the floor. The main goal was to provide oxygen for your lungs; as you slowly crawled away from the direction of your intruder he flicked the lights on. Your face was still facing the opposite direction and your willpower was failing.
An arm reached around your crawling body as two feet were set beside you.
You screamed out as he flipped you around to face him.
"I’m not going to hurt you!"
You gasped as you now faced Kim Namjoon.
A small tear dropped down the side of your face as you stared up at him in shock.
He had kneeled, so his body was trapping your body, so you wouldn't move.
"Are you going to kill me?" You whispered as your breath started shaking, not knowing which one was going to be your last.
"No-i...i didn’t kill anyone" he said as frustrated groan filled your ears.
You looked at him in confusion before he rose off of you sitting on the floor next to you.
"W-what do you mean?" You asked quietly as he looked down at his hands.
"I admit...I’ve done some shitty things, but...I’ve never killed anyone" he stated as you slowly sat up and crosses your legs.
"What about daehyun...we saw those texts" you stated firmly as he shook his head.
"I was in love with daehyun, I only wanted to scare her- i....I would never" he started as tears welled up in his eyes.
"I don't know if I believe you...the Jeon house showed signs of forced entry..." you said slowly as you tried to read his face.
"I swear it wasn't me! Yes, I fought with their family and maybe I was obsessed with their daughter...but I swear, it wasn't me" he pleaded as he wiped the tears from his eyes.
"Why did you run?" You asked curiously.
He laughed as he shook his head "Y/N, I’m a drug dealer who has had sexual relations with minors in return for fake IDs and alcohol" he said as he looked at you like you had asked a dumb question...which you had.
"Yer well now, you're on trial for murder...but they haven't found any evidence yet" you said more to yourself.
"Because I wasn't there, and I didn't do it!" He exclaimed.
"Go back to the crime scene, you're smarter than you think you are...you can figure it out i know you can" he said in a serious tone.
You stared up at the ceiling before sighing deeply. Maybe...he's onto something...
"I don't trust you"
"You don't need to"
"Stay away from Jungkook, the last thing he needs is knowing that someone else may have killed his family" you said sadly. He's finally on the track to recovery...
"Don't worry...that kid scares me" he said as he shivered.
"Scares you?" You asked in confusion.
"Yer...don't worry about it. Just find the real killer"
you didn’t know why but you felt like more people were about to die but the murder of the Jeon family. The silence of your first murder sent chills down your spine but for some reason, this new murder freaked you out even more. the feeling of time running out was not a good one. You had to find this killer…you had to find him now.
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youngjaaes · 6 years
okay so
 i finished Therion’s arc in octopath traveller and now i just really want to write a fic based on it. like, imagine thief youngjae. thats it. thats the whole story. just some fantasy world with thief youngjae stealing shit. okay. idk why i need this but i do. 
ive classed everyone already
imagine hunter jongup. cleric yongguk. freAKING AMAZING.
now if youve played therion’s arc in OT.... imagine junhong as darius. imagine himchan as heathcote. imagine it. can you see it.
it would be amazing. 
ummmmm youngjae decides to steal one of em fancy dragonstones then gets caught by himchan and basically blackmailed into finding the other stones for him. and then you find out that youngjae’s old partner in crime, junhong (whom also betrayed and tried to kill youngjae), has two of the stones.
freaking epic.
OKAY BUT lets expand this shall we. make daehyun cordellia right. and as i mentioned before, make jongup a hunter - so basically he is h’aanit. and yongguk is a cleric, ie he is ophellia. imagine it okay - youngjae has to go find the stones and meets jongup and yongguk on his quest and then they all work together for eachother’s quests. youngjae has to get the dragonstones yeah? yongguk has to take the sacred flame to different parts of the world and then like his dad dies somewhere in there and his brother betrays him because he thinks the sacred flame can bring people back to life. alternatively, since ophellia’s family are actually not related to her, make it jieun. idc i just want jieun in this story.
and then jongup’s hunter apprentice (either hakmin or wooyeop idk) goes missing and jongup has to find him and tracks him down but finds out he’s been petrified and then has to go find a way to slay the beast that petrified him. epiiiic. 
and lets just throw in some sonamoo for good measure (this is really just becoming a ts family fic). ummmm merchant minjae also joins the bangjaeup squad - and on the side she has a rivalry with merchant sUMIN - but ultimately she just wants to travel and sell stuff and trade stuff and just travel man. 
this ts family fic would be epic. how much do you think itd cost to get octopath traveller remade with just idols from tsent. 
also im sad i finished therion’s story. he was my fave character. he had the most compelling story imo. 
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spooky-babyz · 7 years
Some Jongup fanfiction I'd like to recommend:
Disclaimer: I’m weak for gang AUs, sorry.
The Teacher’s Pet Written by SapphireLover on Wattpad. Type: Complete story. (27 Chapters!) Description: One bet. One hundred dollars. One hundred days. One hundred chances to fall in love. Cha Eun Mi is heartbroken when her boyfriend of three years, Jonghyun, breaks up with her, but he gives her a proposition. “Find someone willing to stay with you for a hundred days, and I’ll take you back.” When Eun Mi catches Moon Jong Up, the class president, confessing to their teacher after school one day, she sees it as the perfect opportunity for blackmail and reluctantly jumps on it. When Jong Up accepts in exchange for Eun Mi’s silence, the hundred days begin but with one simple rule. “No feelings can come out of this.” Can Moon Jong Up and Eun Mi make it a hundred days dating platonically, or will love and other drugs get in the way? My rating: 9/10 Warnings and advisories: So fluffy. No smut, but alludes to such. Have tissues near by.
Teach Me Written by @rscenarios Type: One Shot Description: Jongup is your dance instructor, and well, things get heated. My rating: 8.5/10 Warnings and advisories: SMUT
Le Noir Written by @pandatypewriter Type: Ongoing Series, gang / mafia AU This is a B.A.P fanfic that has 8 chapters before branching out into six different routes. (Currently, she’s uploading Himchan’s route every week.) Description: They were the most dangerous men in the city. Surrounded by greed, blood, violence, and murder. Wanted by the law and the unlawful. They were like a black flame. An dangerous taboo that you shouldn’t go near, but couldn’t help feel pulled in… My rating: 10/10 !!! Warnings and advisories: Contains some foul language, implied sexual content, PSYCHO JONGUP, I REPEAT, PSYCHO JONGUP Guide: Prologue Ch. 1: The Mastermind Ch. 2: The Arsonist Ch. 3: The Young Gun Ch. 4: The Gambler Ch. 5: The Knight Ch. 6: The Wild Card Ch. 7: Caught Ch. 8: Hunt Ch. 9: Mistake (Yongguk) Ch. 9: Mistake (Himchan) Ch. 9: Mistake (Daehyun) Ch. 9: Mistake (Youngjae) Ch. 9: Mistake (JONGUP) Ch. 9: Mistake (Zelo) She’s currently writing Himchan’s wrote, so that one goes up to Ch. 17? SHE IS POSTING CH. 10 FOR ALL OF THEM THOUGH, AND I KNOW YONGGUK’S WAS THE RECENT UPLOAD. I’m looking forward to Jongup’s route because wow, she writes him INSANE (I love it).
Tumbleweed, Her Written by @pcyeolkenthusiast Type: Complete story. (20 Chapters + three alternate endings) Description: This kind of writing falls under the ‘Noir’ category. It involves crime and is rated M for mature contents. My rating: 9.5/10 Warnings and advisories: Rated M for crime, sexiness, and possible triggers (mental illnesses). Guide: click here
Taboo Written by @jjungiee​ Type: Ongoing Series, gang / mafia AU Description: He was dangerous, and you knew it. Any type of relation between your kinds was absolutely forbidden. Yet that didn’t seem to stop one night from changing everything. My rating: 8/10 Warnings and advisories: In the author’s words, “A bit of swearing? Slight violence? Nothing too extreme.” For part 3, “Abusive situations. Mentions of violence. Bit of swearing. Umm.. also shit writing… so be warned.” Guide: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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imeightout · 7 years
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chapter one 
“Detective has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?” 
Normally the first day at a new job is a bit nerve wracking but for newly Detective Jeon Jungkook, he was excited and had been waiting for this since he first joined the academy. He worked his butt off to get to where he was today and there was nothing that could happen that would get in the way of that. Walking into the station, his eyes landed on Taehyung who was making his way over with a large grin on his face. “Detective has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?” Taehyung said to Jungkook. “Hell yeah it does, I don’t think anybody knows how excited I am.” Taehyung let out a hearty laugh and motioned for Jungkook to follow him. “I’m pretty sure everyone knows by now.” The older detective voiced, walking into Homicide Unit 1 where Chief Detective Min Yoongi was waiting for them. “Ah, boys. I’m glad you two could finally make it.” Yoongi had his arms crossed and if Jungkook hadn’t met him before, he would’ve been slightly intimidated. “You just got here.” Taehyung announced, giving Yoongi a look and walking over to his desk. “Says who?” Yoongi questioned, glaring at Taehyung before his eyes shifted to Jungkook.
“Okay Jungkook, you’re desk is over there. Here are some files to look over, it’s your first day so hopefully nothing crazy happens.” Jungkook watched as Yoongi headed into his office, leaving him there to look down at the three manila folders in his hands. It might sound weird but Jungkook was hoping something would happen, although it meant that someone would be dead which was always unfortunate. “What are you doing just standing there?” A voice from behind him asked and when Jungkook turned around, Kim Namjoon was standing there with a couple of brown paper bags. “Oh uh, nothing.” Jungkook stammered as Namjoon walked passed him. “I brought breakfast!” Namjoon yelled, setting the bags down by the coffee maker. “Breakfast sandwiches? What’s the occasion?” Taehyung requested as he practically jumped from his chair and headed over towards one of the bags. “For Jungkook, our newest addition to the team.” It caught Jungkook off guard, especially since he was trying to look into the bags. “Really? Wow, thanks.” Namjoon patted Jungkook’s back and nodded. “Of course.” 
Namjoon looked around the place before sighing. “Yo boss! I got breakfast.” Namjoon yelled again, this time attracting Yoongi out of his cave. “Breakfast? What’s the occasion?” The three other boys just laughed and soon after it fell silent in the room. Jungkook sat at his desk looking over the files as he ate his sandwich when the phone from Taehyung’s desk began to ring. “Seriously? Alright I’ll be there, give me ten minutes.” Taehyung hung up the phone and approached Jungkook as he slipped on his jacket, making Jungkook tear his eyes away from the files and to his co-worker. “What’s up?” Jungkook questioned. “You’re coming with me. It’s your first case.” 
Arriving on scene made Jungkook jittery, he stayed behind Taehyung as they approached the crime scene and one look at the body made both Taehyung and Jungkook have to take a step back. “Wow, poor guy.” Jungkook said after a few moments. “Yeah, looks like gun shot wounds.” Jungkook looked around the alleyway where the body had been found, there was nothing that looked out of the ordinary, in fact the only thing out of place was the body of the guy on the ground. “Any identification?” Taehyung looked at the coroner who was holding a wallet in his hands. “Here.” Taehyung slipped on a white rubber glove and grabbed the wallet, looking inside and finding an ID. “Min Daehyun, twenty six.” Taehyung said, looking over his shoulder to see Jungkook lookikng down at the body. “Two gunshot wounds and it looks like his hand was stomped on.” The two looked at each other before someone approached them. “We ran the ID and got a match, this is the address.” 
“You ready to break the news?” Taehyung questioned, turning around and heading for the car. “Ready as I’ll ever be.” Jungkook replied with a sigh.
Jungkook stood in front of the door with a slight tick of nervousness, he never had to tell a family that someone they loved was now gone. The door flew open and there stood an older lady with a gray dress on. “Hi, we’re here to speak with someone in relation to Min Daehyun.” The lady looked at them for a second before leading them inside and into the family room. “Mr. Min, these detectives are here to see you.” The lady left and suddenly the two were left alone with Mr. Min. “How can I help you boys?” He stood up and Jungkook glanced at Taehyung. “I’m assuming you’re Daehyun’s father.” Jungkook zoned out while staring at the older guy in front of him, he looked oddly familiar but he couldn’t remember where from. “Dad?” A sweet voice filled the air and when Jungkook turned around, his eyes were met with yours.
“What’s going on?” You asked, setting your bag on the counter and quickly walking over to your dad. “It’s Daehyun isn’t it?” You asked quickly, looking over at the detectives with wide eyes. “What happened?” You asked but before Taehyung could say anything, both you and your dad already knew the answer. “We’re sorry for your loss.” 
The moment hit you like a ton of bricks and for a moment you didn’t know what to say or do. “What happened to him?” You asked after sitting down, the look on your father’s face was unreadable. “He was shot. His body was found in an alley.” The room fell silent as you tried to process the information given to you. “We were wondering if there was anything you’d like to tell us.” You looked up and found one of the detectives looking at you, your face contorted into confusion. “What do you mean? He’s been missing for a week,” you stopped yourself before sighing. “he was missing for a week.” You took a glance at your father who stood like a statue, you wished you knew what he was thinking. 
“Don’t worry, I’m going to find who killed him.” Jungkook said, taking a step forward and sticking out his hand. “I’m Detective Jeon Jungkook. This is my partner Kim Taehyung.” You looked up at him for a moment before shaking his hand. “Y/N.” You replied, taking a deep breath. “Thanks for the news, you can go now.” You glanced at your father and watched him leave, making you sit on the sofa in silence. “I’m sorry.” You whispered before getting up and following him.
Your father sat behind his desk deep in thought, you hesitated to approach him but you decided it was better to face him head on. “I don’t want you to talking to them.” He said in a low voice making you shudder. “I know, they’re cops and we don’t associate with cops.” You repeated the speech that had been given to you a million times and retreated out of the office and towards your own room.
First your mother and now your brother? You’d been alone when your mom died, your brother was the only saving grace, now she was stuck with her father who she didn’t have a real connection with. You studied the family picture taken all those years ago and suddenly the tears just couldn’t help but fall from your eyes. You hated how broken your family was, if it wasn’t for your father’s business neither of them would be dead. 
When you finally had calmed yourself to sleep, you woke up the next morning with a rush to get to work, without a word to your father or a nice breakfast, you headed straight for the book store. “Hey Elle.” You said with a smile as you walked inside, bumping into her on your way to the staff room. “Morning Y/N.” She said over her shoulder as she continued putting books away. You didn’t want today to be sad or upsetting, Daehyun wouldn’t want that for you. After cleaning up a bit, you sat behind the desk, reading one of the many books you had yet to read, you were so engrossed with the the page you were reading that you didn’t even notice a certain detective walking in. “Ms?” You looked up ready to work when your eyes landed on Detective Jungkook. “Oh, hi. Can I help you with something?” His eyes fluttered slightly and a smile pulling on his lips. “I just wanted to check in, see how you were doing.” You would’ve felt flattered under different circumstances. 
“I’m doing okay. Thank you.” You said simply, watching as his eyes never left yours. “When’s your break?” He questioned, making you bewildered at his straightforwardness. “Now, why?” The brown haired boy gave you a small chuckle before pointing behind him. “Let’s get some lunch. My treat.” He leaned his elbows on the counter and awaited your answer but you didn’t really know what to say. “Is that even allowed?” It was making you uncomfortable but not in a bad way, more in the way that it was only a matter of time before your father found out. “Don’t worry about that. I’m off duty. So? What do you say?” He asked and suddenly there was heat rising to your cheeks. “I can’t. Sorry.” You set the book down and hopped off the chair, but before you could disappear from sight, Jungkook’s hand was wrapped around your arm gently. “Scared of your dad?” He questioned making her go stiff. “No, why would I be scared of him?” Jungkook let go of you which gave you room to back away from him.
“Alright I won’t pressure you, I’ll see you later.” He winked and turned around on his heel, leaving the book store and leaving you to feel very conflicted. 
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Running [3]
Running (by iamashamedofmyfanfics)
Pairing: None, B.A.P ot6 Genre: Friendship Universe: Gang AU Rating: PG13 Warnings: crime, violence, death mentioned Length: Chaptered (ongoing) Chapters: [First] [2/Previous] [4/Next]
Notes: I just want them to not be betrayed for once is that too much to ask?
[ao3 version]
Summary: It starts in high school. It starts with running away. It starts with a home. They should probably regret it, but they don’t.
They’re old, rude, criminals who laugh when Himchan warns them about moving any closer to the bar. They keep expanding their reach, their territory despite the warning. They brag their wealth and power to anyone who will listen, and bribe cops.
It’s not hard to find information about them.
“They better not come after me for this.” The informant hands over a folder, sighing. Himchan hands him a package of money.
“They wont.”
They’re old, rude, and rich criminals. They’ve been in the business longer, but they’re also too confident.
“They were extorting that shop down the street, it’s only a matter of time before they’re trying to take over here,” Jongup says, looking down at the papers he’s handed. Information about the gangs leader.
“Great, more killing, that’s what I wanted.” Daehyun’s sarcasm has the room going silent.
“You can leave,” Himchan says, looking over the group.
“No I can’t.” Daehyun sits back, sinks into his seat, and ignores the pat Yongguk gives him on the shoulder. “I know.”
“When are we doing this?” Junhong asks, turning his attention back to Himchan.
“In three days.”
They’re a young, new group of criminals, formed by coincidence and necessity. The older group of criminals formed from high class crime and cons. Extorting with threats that would fall apart if truly challenged. Yongguk tries not to be worried.
There’s a lot of money. The man, the leader, the last of the gang begs for his life using the money as a bribe. Jongup shoots him, then leaves the room to calm his breathing. He wasn’t cut out for this.
There’s a lot of money. Youngjae stares at it, as Himchan goes to make sure there isn’t anyone else around. Youngjae stares at it as Daehyun goes to check on Jongup. Youngjae stares at it and is reminded of being in debt. Reminded of his family’s crumbling life and the fact that he ran away.
He stuffs bills into his pocket when he thinks the others aren’t looking. Junhong sees.
Yongguk checks how much there is, figures out how much an even share is. Junhong stares. Youngjae avoids his gaze, avoids everyone's eyes, takes his share even with what’s already weighing down his pockets. Junhong stares.
“I’m-” Youngjae starts, stops, swallows back any admission he had when they turn to him. “I’ll go back to the car.”
He runs. Not literally, but that’s what it feels like he’s doing.
“Youngjae?” Daehyun calls after him. He doesn’t stop.
“What’s up with him?” Yongguk asks. He ignores it.
There’s a lot of money. A little wont make a difference, Youngjae thinks. It wont make a difference.
His parents receive a letter, with no return address or postage. An envelope filled with money.
I’m sorry I left.
“Why’d you do it?” Junhong asks, when Youngjae drops into the seat next to him at the bar. Youngjae avoids his eyes as he puts what he’s gotten from his last game of darts into his pockets.
“Do what?”
“Take more. Was your share not enough? You’re doing this too.” Junhong motions to the dartboard.
“Does it matter? Are you going to tell them?”
“Yes it matters. But, no, I wont tell them.”
“You wont?” Youngjae looks up, surprised.
“They’ll figure it out their own. But if you’re sending money somewhere, we could get caught.”
“I’m not sending a lot at once and- they need- I owe them at least this much.”
“Who’s ‘them?’”
“My family.”
“Ah.” Junhong nods, rests his arms on the bar and looks ahead. “Why’d you become a criminal, Youngjae?”
“I couldn’t afford to go to college.”
“I took a loan for college. If I wasn’t ‘missing’ I’d be paying for that now.”
“Someone’s paying for it.”
There’s a lot of money. Jongup wins yet another game of poker, Youngjae throws his hands up, Daehyun makes a noise of complaint. Himchan sighs, plopping back into his seat in exasperation as Yongguk laughs at him.
“I win again.”
“I think Jongup is cheating,” Junhong says, frowning.
“I am not.”
“One more round!” Youngjae slams his hands down. “I refuse to loose.”
“Such a sore loser.” Daehyun sighs, slinging an arm over Youngjae’s shoulders. “Were you always like this?”
“I don’t like to loose.”
“Neither does Himchan,” Yongguk adds, when Himchan laughs at Daehyun’s comment.
“Okay, another round.” Jongup laughs, setting up his chips.
There’s a lot of money. Yongguk stares, raises an eyebrow, and Youngjae can’t find explanations. How does he defend stuffing money into his pockets before shares are figured out? Will he realize this isn’t the first time?
Youngjae runs. From the building, across the street to the parking garage they’d arrived at. Stumbles against a pillar and tries to breath.
“What are you doing?!” Junhong grabs him, forces Youngjae to spin around. “Are you going to do this every time?”
“I need to-”
“Your share would be enough!”
“What do you know?!” Youngjae rips his arm away. “At least I’m trying to make up for- for just running away. Dose your family even know your alive? Did you ever think, just maybe, they’re worried about you? At least I’m trying to help mine still, what are you doing?!”
He doesn’t mean it. Junhong gasps at him, shocked. Youngjae doesn’t know where the argument came from, it feel out of place. Like he was throwing words without thinking about their meaning. He just wanted out of the situation he’d put himself in.
Junhong leaves. Holds his hands up, turns around, and leaves. “Fine. Good luck explaining this to the others.”
Daehyun finds Youngjae only a minute after Junhong leaves. “What are you doing Youngjae?”
“I mean this.” Daehyun kicks Youngjae, where the pockets of his jacket rest against his legs. Youngjae glances down, then up at Daehyun from his place on the ground.
“I owe them at least this much.”
“Your share would be enough.”
“I panicked.” Youngjae sighs, Daehyun sits next to him. “Every time I see this much money, I panic. I just- I can’t stop thinking about how much easier things would have been if they had a fraction of this when I left. Or before I left.”
“I get it, but everyone here- we’ve all been living without anything for a while, doesn’t it seem messed up to steal from each other? We’re supposed to be a team.”
“I’m sorry.” Youngjae sighs, leans against Daehyun. “Himchan’s going to disown me.”
“Wanna run away? Start a life of crime?” Daehyun and Youngjae look to each other, then laugh.
“Like old times.”
There’s a lot of money, Youngjae drops it onto the table in front of Himchan, not meeting his eyes.
“I’ll leave.”
“No you wont.” Himchan sounds so certain Youngjae almost doesn’t want to argue. He’s still about to, but Himchan shakes his head. “Daehyun and Junhong seemed pretty sure we should let you stay, for now.”
“Hey,” Jongup enters the room, startling Youngjae, “Yongguk is back.”
“Right,” Himchan says, standing. “Youngjae, why don’t you figure out what an even share between six people is, with this.”
Youngjae can only stare at the money in front of him as Himchan leaves the room.
“Need help?” Jongup offers, and Youngjae nods. “Are you okay?”
“I… guess so.”
“Himchan looked really angry earlier, I was sort of worried you wouldn’t be breathing when I came in.”
“So was I.”
There’s a lot of money. Youngjae thinks, after all they’ve done so far, it’s strange they don’t get angrier at him for it. They’re upset, sure, but no one’s threatening his life or even asking him to leave.
“But if you do it again,” Yongguk warns, “you’re dead to me.”
“To you?” Jongup laughs. “But not in general?”
“Live and suffer.”
“So cruel.” Daehyun shakes his head.
“It seems pretty fair.” Junhong shrugs.
“I’d kill him.” Himchan nods, as if confirming the fact to himself.
“Thanks guys, love you too.”
There’s a lot of money, shared between six people. Youngjae should probably have realized sooner, if they stuck together when none of them had any, it would be hard for any of them to leave now.
I’m sorry I left. But I promise I’m safe.
Youngjae has a large enough share to do what he wants without stealing from the others.
“Hey, Junhong, I owe you an apology.”
“It’s fine,” Junhong responds, shaking his head. “I sent a letter to my parents yesterday.”
“Is that so?”
There wasn’t a lot of money, there is a lot of money now. More importantly, Youngjae thinks, there are important people.
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Running [9 - Final]
Running (by iamashamedofmyfanfics)
Pairing: None, B.A.P ot6 Genre: Friendship Universe: Gang AU Rating: PG13 Warnings: crime, violence, death mentioned Length: Chaptered (ongoing) Chapters: [First] [8/Previous]
Notes: ITS BEEN HOW LONG. Here’s the final part, finally.
[ao3 version]
Summary: It starts in high school. It starts with running away. It starts with a home. They should probably regret it, but they don’t
It starts with a gang. Actually, it starts before that. It begins, with a group of people, running from their lives for different reasons.
It begins with Yongguk and Himchan. It begins with running away from their lives.
It begins with Daehyun and Youngjae. It begins with running away from their futures.
It begins with Jongup and Junhong. It begins with running away from their plans.
It starts with a gang, formed from people desperate to run away, and falling into place next to each other.
It starts, like most things, as something small. But then, there’s a group of six, and a bar, and two more hideouts, and a reputation. It starts with a gang.
There’s a family.
There’s a family, one that has expectations and thoughts about futures that will never be what Yongguk wants. There’s a family, one with expectations and thoughts about plans that Himchan hasn’t wanted anything to do with for a long time.
There’s a family, to be found within the friendship formed between two people who want nothing to do with the lives they’ve been living their whole lives. There’s a family, maintained while other families are left behind, and that grows with the addition of people who understand.
There’s a family, absent and waiting for a future that Daehyun has no plans to follow through with. There’s a family, desperate and suffering that Youngjae can’t knowingly allow to suffer more.
There’s a family, to be found within the friendship of two people with so many excuses to run. There’s a family, growing as they find more family. A family maintained despite everything else because they need each other.
There’s a family, with so, so many expectations. A family that looks at everything Junhong is doing, and building up expectations of futures based on that. There’s a family, with so many assumptions. A family that looks at Jongup and see what he’s already doing and assumes he’ll continue on that way.
There’s a family, formed within the friendship of two people who don’t want to continue on set paths. There’s a family, to be found in the acceptance of people who have no reason to. There’s a family, to be found in people who don’t assume the plans of it’s members.
It starts, with a bunch of kids, really. Their adults, now. Fully. But they were barely at the time, and, still, it starts when they’re young. It starts with a family.
It starts, when Youngjae first steals from the gang. Too caught up in his own life, self, fears, that he doesn’t think about what he’s doing. But, there’s a family. There’s a family, within the gang- made of the gang- and Himchan can’t kick him aside despite himself. So it starts, then, when Youngjae realizes what he’s done. Realizes he doesn’t want to do that again.
There’s a family. They’re a family. So Himchan doesn’t look, doesn’t watch, doesn’t doubt, when he leaves Youngjae with the money, to divide it. It starts, then. The rebuilding of their trust.
It starts, when Jongup realizes how little he’s cut out for this life. When he panics and runs and can’t breathe, despite all he’s done. It starts with Daehyun sitting next to him and telling him it’s fine. That he’s okay. That it’s okay. They’re a family, already, by then. Jongup is a part of that.
There’s a family, in that gang. Jongup stays, despite his shaking hands, because they’re his family. Because he wants to stay by their sides. And, maybe, one day the panic will die down.
It starts with the cold. Yongguk has grown far to used to it, already. It starts, again, when suddenly he’s more used to the warmth of the others surrounding him. Of his family. It starts with this makeshift family that fills up his empty life.
There’s a family, made of people who ran away, and filled with the warmth only a family of people who chose it could be. Yongguk wouldn’t give them up for the world.
It starts with a home. Daehyun cant stand the empty place. It starts with a home. The bar, the warehouse, and finally a real home. The apartment is tiny, but it’s a home. And there’s a family, in it.
There’s a family. Daehyun had wanted that, from the beginning. A family to fill an empty home. He ran, because it was suffocating, there alone. But there’s a family, in this little gang. In Youngjae, and Jongup, and Yongguk, and Himchan, and Junhong. They’re a family.
It starts with waiting. Junhong waits, stares, as things happen around him. Doesn’t act. Then, suddenly, he does. Calls Youngjae on what he’s done. Tells his parents he’s alive. Moves forward, despite his hesitation. Because he chose this- this family that runs away.
There’s a family. His family, originally, and his family, now, aren’t so different. Except this one doesn’t expect anything that he can’t give them. Doesn’t want him to be anything other than simple, waiting, staring, Junhong.
It starts with noise. It’s loud, ringing. All gunshots and screaming, and yelling when they’re happy, too. Himchan might not have wanted this, if asked. Might have hated the idea. The noise. But there’s this family, here, that he loves too much not to be fond.
There’s a family, and despite all the noise, he’s okay. Happy, even when they’re yelling and screaming, and… it’s a family. His family.
So there’s a bar. It starts there, really. Despite them meeting before then, despite them being a gang before then, it starts there. The family starts there.
“Hey, you sure you can’t open early?” Daehyun’s words get a shake of his head, from the bartender. Too used to them, he sighs, and continues getting ready to open.
“What’s up with you today?” Junhong asks, frowning at Daehyun.
“We have an early tomorrow.” They’re moving house, again. The warehouse and bar are fine, as is, but their neighbors haven’t been their biggest fans.
“So you want to start drinking earlier?” Youngjae asks, incredulous.
“Leave him be,” Jongup says, quiet. “When he’s suffering because of it we can make fun of him.”
“Moon Jongup!” Daehyun spins around to face him, offence on his face. Jongup laughs, and Junhong joins him.
“It’s loud, again,” Yongguk says, turning to Himchan.
“I think I’ve finally done it.”
“What’s that?”
“Learned to tune them out.” Himchan nods to himself. Then Youngjae starts laughing, loudly, and Daehyun tumbles to the ground with a screech. “Never mind.”
Yongguk laughs at him. “Keep dreaming.”
It starts with running away, sure, but they’re not running now. There’s a family, here, that none of them want to run away from.
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