#daemyra dragons
lanaisdoe · 2 years
Daemon seeing his wifey Queen make the epic entrance like she did those many years ago, making Otto shit his pants a little again :D
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...So it all begins with an extremely nervous Daemon pacing back and forth on the bridge, getting mentally ready for a face off with Otto again
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Unlike those many years ago, this time Daemon DOESN'T greet him at all and just stares at him, annoyed. Daemon's just 1000% done with Otto's shit :D
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And that's when Otto provocatively asks Daemon about ' where' s princess Rhaenyra?'
and Daemon STILL doesn't answer, but gives Otto a "Just you wait" stare as his wifey shows up right behind him, arriving on a dragon, like those many years ago
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he looks up at her, with kind of reverence and worship
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he's so proud of her, and so happy, he gives Otto the see THAT, Otto-cunt, THAT'S my wifey and my QUEEN, take that bitch >>>
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just look at his PROUD husband little smirk as he's looking at Otto >>
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it was like here he felt she was the same chaotic dragon as he was, that they were on the same page, two pieces of one whole
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they were there, the two of them against Otto, 'Daemon+Rhae against the world'
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he was proud and sure they were gonna destroy the little shit Otto once and for all
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Daemon kept constantly checking for Rhae's reaction to basically everything Otto said
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^ the disgust on his face when... "drunken usurper cunt of king" - and i will say no more :D
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Checking for her reaction again... Daemon understood Otto's game right from the beginning, just like young Rhaenyra did. But older Rhaenyra has more to lose, is now more numb and feels more responsibility, all of which now cloud her vision....
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^ Otto right after he's given the Alicent page to Rhaenyra, manipulating her emotionally >>> he immediately shots this look at Daemon, even Otto knew Daemon knew he was manipulating his wife, OF COURSE DAEMON UNDERSTOOD what OTTO was doing, that made him mad, too
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But unfortunately Otto's game worked on Rhaenyra this time, and she stopped Daemon... i couldn't bear the devastated disappointed look on his face at that point actually, like a hurt puppy... he was defeated again, this ep 1x10 was mostly just Daemon's losses and him countlessly being subdued when feeling the need to act, and Rhaenyra's numbness and depression, subduing herself...
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He just wanted to PROTECT her and THEIR FAMILY, he SAW Otto for who he really was and his manipulations, just like he had once seen through his manipulation of Viserys, but whyyyy was Rhaenyra so blind this time :"(
Anyway, Daemon didn't question it, he turned around and again followed Rhaenyra like a puppy...
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It was also kinda heartbreaking as a scene...
Cuz the overall feeling and emotional storm of this episode 1x10 that was going on on the background the whole time was in my opinion PUTTING OUT/LOSS of Daemon and Rhaenyra's FIRE....:
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Visery's death, early labour, baby Visenya's death, Rhaenys's warning of Greens coming for their necks sent Daemon and Rhaenyra both on their own emotional journey and turmoil, and this was probably the FIRST and so far the ONLY time him and her were NOT on the same page, both due to fear:
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devastated, broken, empty, scared Rhaenyra... having just lost their baby Visenya, unable to imagine losing others in the upcoming war, refusing to entertain the idea of war seriously, hoping for and deluding herself with peace, refusing to believe Greens would actually want to hurt her or her family (despite Rhaenys openly warning them about this and Daemon having understood that long ago), in her depression and numbness believing Daemon simply liked war and wanted it cuz it excited him or that he'd gone mad, considering his actions and his suspecting of Greens kinda irrational (even before she'd mentioned on several occasions she did not believe Alicent would mean her harm or that Greens would want to kill/hurt them and their family...),
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in her inner pain, paralyzed by the recent events she's unable to see through Otto's game, it almost seems like Daemon's need and call for action is tiring her, as if she'd forgotten how horribly she'd been treated by the greens in KL during the 10 year no-Daemon period... Her fire is out and she's just done with everything and wants to rest, closing eyes before any danger despite warnings coming from all sides
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and we have a devastated, frustrated, helpless, feeling useless, scared Daemon.... he was fearing his family's doom at the hands of the Greens, he was frustrated about Rhaenyra not wanting to see it, he was furious with her refusing to act when so much was at stake, he knew peace was never gonna be an option and he felt they were wasting valuable time...
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he saw that after their baby's death his Rhaenyra's fire was out and he himself was struggling, but they still had A LOT to lose, i think he might've been low-key blaming her for endangering their family by her inactions and feeling useless himself at the same time cuz he wasn't allowed to act to protect them by striking first without her approval either... his hands were tied and he couldn't make her SEE (hence the choking/shaking sense into her kinda scene)...
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So yeah...
But thank god, at the end of the ep it seemed like for the FIRST TIME since the beginning of ep 10, Daemon and Rhaenyra WERE FINALLY ON THE SAME PAGE AGAIN, understanding each other and wanting the same thing, I think that was also the symbolism of the two of them, holding hands, staring into the fire together.
"They were always meant to burn together..."
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rohirriiim · 3 months
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#king and queen of being done
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riverbear13 · 2 months
"Simon Strong is pro daemyra" Simon Strong is pro getting this crazy man out of his house
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aramblingjay · 2 months
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#if i had a nickel... HOUSE OF THE DRAGON 1x04 // 2x08
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emmaziadarcy · 2 months
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blackvoidspace · 2 months
Rhaenyra is so proud of showing little Viss and Aegon to her father... and then there's Daemon hoping Viserys forgets how babies are made.
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Nyra: ☺️🤭🥰
Daemon: 😶😟😩
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wulfhalls · 3 months
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Ser Simon Strong, The Unbothered, King of Side-Eye, Feminist, Rhaenyra Loyalist, Daemyra Stan and Fashion Icon.
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sankta-wraith · 2 months
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Not sure if this is common knowledge or not but I just realized that the reason Daemon was looking for eggs in the first place was so that he would have one ready when Rhaenyra gave birth.
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lousolversons · 2 months
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HOUSE OF THE DRAGON - 2x08 - The Queen Who Ever Was
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robynnnn311 · 1 month
behind every art of modern rhaenyra where the artist draws her as masc or butch, theres always daemyras trying to prove that rhaenyra is this ultra feminine damsel because she wears pretty dresses and married a man whilst simultaneously ignoring all of rhaenyras established gender struggle at the same time, making their point so futile that they come across as repulsive people when it comes to the subject of lgbtq+ people specifically when it comes to women who don’t conform
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rhaenyras story is based upon gender struggles already well set out in westeros i truly don’t understand unless you watched the show with your eyes closed and your fingers in your ears, every time this happens it instills in me that most people who say they like rhaenyra do not actually like rhaenyra because of their unwillingness to accept that rhaenyra is within herself wishes to be different
how do you watch her scene with mysaria in its entirety and including when she says daemon is everything she wishes to be INCLUDING a man and come to any other conclusion
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lanaisdoe · 2 years
So this Throat thing CONFUSION ... ? The "i wanna choke you but also low-key kiss and eat and have you" kinda execution of this scene? wtf
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^ let me just say when we were told there was choking, i was imagining it in a real "i wanna kill you" kinda way - UNTIL I actually SAW IT. . . and i'm more confused than before.
So we got THIS and uhm...... I mean, you DO NOT look exactly like this, if you ACTUALLY seriously wanna choke someone (also, he's only holding her throat/jaw with ONE hand, btw, the other one holding her close to him by her arm). You do not almost touch her forehead with yours in an intimate manner while trying to actually "choke her" at the same time, holding her close to you with your lips almost touching...
This scene CONFUSES the shit out of me, cuz if they wanted to make it him actually wanting to choke her, they failed big time, okay?! - i mean, not sure what Hess's direction was or what Matt Smith wanted to show there (or was it him trying to soften Hess's direction?!) but this looks more like Daemon kinda wants to devour/kiss/crush/or have her on the table near there or ALL of it at the same time ? like her wants to shake her until she remembers, WHO she is, who he is, and who THEY are,...
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like... his lips are so close to hers, it's giving a weird confusing message: choking or kissing, loving or hating. (or it was just horribly directed/acted out, with actors/direction having different opinion on what it should be and this turned to be the compromise...?)
Y know this CHOKING scene is like a weird slightly more messed up version of THIS actually:
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and then Daemon pushing her off him is kinda similar to him pushing her off him kinda violently back in the brothel when he was frustrated with himself and their overall situation (STILL, with him then proceeding to plead Viserys to let him marry Rhaenyra and repeating that if he could have anything, he wanted Rhaenyra, to take to wife, wed her in the tradition of their house etc. Right after he had violently pushed her off him and left her alone in brothel. (Doesn't remind you of this scene a bit, anyone?)
Again, we have kinda the same thing in ep 1x10 ... there was this kinda choking BS, Daemon frustrated with EVERYTHING, there's frustration and hurt that he was not trusted, not told of the prophecy, then it was probably him thinking Rhaenyra was further endangering them, their family, by refusing to act since he was super convinced of the inevitability of war and the greens wanting their necks (which Rhaenys had actually warned them was the case right at the beginning), and there was his helplessness and fear and frustration and inability to act and he was once again left out of an important family thing and he was like a lion in a cage and yeah well.... we got what we got but PLEASE, i don't think you can say he wanted to hurt her. Cuz if he did, then he also wanted to hurt her at the wedding in ep5 or in the brothel in ep4 which we know was not the case.... still, Daemon is unhinged when hurting and helpless.
Still, the next scene we get with them is our devastated loyal loving supporting husband Daemon coming to inform his love of his life wife of what'd happened... and she knows just by looking at him ONCE.
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And there they are, standing TOGETHER, holding hands, by each other's side as they always have. So no guys? they DID NOT magically stop loving each other after one fight. Rhaenyra had witnessed several of the unhinged Daemon excesses so it was not much of a surprise to her... Also, as Viserys once said "Daemon, Rhaenyra, they share the blood of the dragon, they're restless, chaotic..."
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So i do not think Daemon magically became an "abuser"... i think these have been his extreme impulses in his most critical on a verge kinda moments all throughout s1. But never once did he actually want to hurt her, mind you.
Still, 1x10 being his absolute most critical moment after all their losses + death all around them + greens after them, the fear of their end/downfall nearing, Rhaenyra reluctant to act, him depending on her word, further realizing his own helplessness... and yeah, we got THAT:
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...still, i think they SHOULD HAVE MADE THAT SCENE a little less menacing, change the MUSIC-make it less creepy, and also make Daemon's pain a little more visible afterwards/during it, make him breakdown right there in front of her right after.... for example...... to make it all CLEAR.
But no . This had him look like a violent without reason bipolar madman. I really think Matt did all he could to soften it the way he knew Daemon would... cuz Matt Smith actually understands Daemon, unlike certain Sara Hess.
I still do hate this scene, it's definitely the strangest scene of 1x10 hands down, cuz it's confusing the shit out of me: the need for this scene to be included like this, as well as its general confusing unclear execution.
And I BLAME Sara Hess. Period.
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rohirriiim · 3 months
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HOUSE OF THE DRAGON S02E03 | dir. Geeta Vasant Patel
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daemyradaily · 10 months
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First Look at Daemon and Rhaenyra in Season 2 of House of the Dragon
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redbelles · 2 months
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My queen.
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benegesserite · 1 month
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