#daemyra 1x10
lanaisdoe · 2 years
Daemon seeing his wifey Queen make the epic entrance like she did those many years ago, making Otto shit his pants a little again :D
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...So it all begins with an extremely nervous Daemon pacing back and forth on the bridge, getting mentally ready for a face off with Otto again
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Unlike those many years ago, this time Daemon DOESN'T greet him at all and just stares at him, annoyed. Daemon's just 1000% done with Otto's shit :D
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And that's when Otto provocatively asks Daemon about ' where' s princess Rhaenyra?'
and Daemon STILL doesn't answer, but gives Otto a "Just you wait" stare as his wifey shows up right behind him, arriving on a dragon, like those many years ago
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he looks up at her, with kind of reverence and worship
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he's so proud of her, and so happy, he gives Otto the see THAT, Otto-cunt, THAT'S my wifey and my QUEEN, take that bitch >>>
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just look at his PROUD husband little smirk as he's looking at Otto >>
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it was like here he felt she was the same chaotic dragon as he was, that they were on the same page, two pieces of one whole
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they were there, the two of them against Otto, 'Daemon+Rhae against the world'
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he was proud and sure they were gonna destroy the little shit Otto once and for all
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Daemon kept constantly checking for Rhae's reaction to basically everything Otto said
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^ the disgust on his face when... "drunken usurper cunt of king" - and i will say no more :D
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Checking for her reaction again... Daemon understood Otto's game right from the beginning, just like young Rhaenyra did. But older Rhaenyra has more to lose, is now more numb and feels more responsibility, all of which now cloud her vision....
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^ Otto right after he's given the Alicent page to Rhaenyra, manipulating her emotionally >>> he immediately shots this look at Daemon, even Otto knew Daemon knew he was manipulating his wife, OF COURSE DAEMON UNDERSTOOD what OTTO was doing, that made him mad, too
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But unfortunately Otto's game worked on Rhaenyra this time, and she stopped Daemon... i couldn't bear the devastated disappointed look on his face at that point actually, like a hurt puppy... he was defeated again, this ep 1x10 was mostly just Daemon's losses and him countlessly being subdued when feeling the need to act, and Rhaenyra's numbness and depression, subduing herself...
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He just wanted to PROTECT her and THEIR FAMILY, he SAW Otto for who he really was and his manipulations, just like he had once seen through his manipulation of Viserys, but whyyyy was Rhaenyra so blind this time :"(
Anyway, Daemon didn't question it, he turned around and again followed Rhaenyra like a puppy...
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It was also kinda heartbreaking as a scene...
Cuz the overall feeling and emotional storm of this episode 1x10 that was going on on the background the whole time was in my opinion PUTTING OUT/LOSS of Daemon and Rhaenyra's FIRE....:
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Visery's death, early labour, baby Visenya's death, Rhaenys's warning of Greens coming for their necks sent Daemon and Rhaenyra both on their own emotional journey and turmoil, and this was probably the FIRST and so far the ONLY time him and her were NOT on the same page, both due to fear:
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devastated, broken, empty, scared Rhaenyra... having just lost their baby Visenya, unable to imagine losing others in the upcoming war, refusing to entertain the idea of war seriously, hoping for and deluding herself with peace, refusing to believe Greens would actually want to hurt her or her family (despite Rhaenys openly warning them about this and Daemon having understood that long ago), in her depression and numbness believing Daemon simply liked war and wanted it cuz it excited him or that he'd gone mad, considering his actions and his suspecting of Greens kinda irrational (even before she'd mentioned on several occasions she did not believe Alicent would mean her harm or that Greens would want to kill/hurt them and their family...),
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in her inner pain, paralyzed by the recent events she's unable to see through Otto's game, it almost seems like Daemon's need and call for action is tiring her, as if she'd forgotten how horribly she'd been treated by the greens in KL during the 10 year no-Daemon period... Her fire is out and she's just done with everything and wants to rest, closing eyes before any danger despite warnings coming from all sides
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and we have a devastated, frustrated, helpless, feeling useless, scared Daemon.... he was fearing his family's doom at the hands of the Greens, he was frustrated about Rhaenyra not wanting to see it, he was furious with her refusing to act when so much was at stake, he knew peace was never gonna be an option and he felt they were wasting valuable time...
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he saw that after their baby's death his Rhaenyra's fire was out and he himself was struggling, but they still had A LOT to lose, i think he might've been low-key blaming her for endangering their family by her inactions and feeling useless himself at the same time cuz he wasn't allowed to act to protect them by striking first without her approval either... his hands were tied and he couldn't make her SEE (hence the choking/shaking sense into her kinda scene)...
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So yeah...
But thank god, at the end of the ep it seemed like for the FIRST TIME since the beginning of ep 10, Daemon and Rhaenyra WERE FINALLY ON THE SAME PAGE AGAIN, understanding each other and wanting the same thing, I think that was also the symbolism of the two of them, holding hands, staring into the fire together.
"They were always meant to burn together..."
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daemyrarule · 2 years
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Daemon Targaryen and Rhaenyra Targaryen holding hands through the years
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sankta-wraith · 2 months
One thing I think is really important when it comes to understanding Daemon and Rhaenyra's relashionship is the fact that Daemon doesn't show his love through words, he does it through actions. Quite frankly I'm not sure he knows how to verbally express love. He can't support her emotionally, but he can still do other things for her.I think this is shown really well in season 1 episode 10 and season 2 episode 1.
When Rhaenyra learns of her father's death and the Green's usurpation of her throne, she goes into premature labor almost imediatly, so there is no time for her to start planning her bid for the Iron Throne. Daemon takes the liberty of starting to plan the beginings of the war, and in doing so leaves Rhaenyra to endure childbirth alone. There is a very memorable scene in which Daemon schemes with Rhaenyra's small council at the Painted Table, whilst Rhaenyra screams in the background, even calling out for him at one point. Daemon makes no move to go to her and simply continues to plan a war, at least until Jace informs him that Rhaenyra doesn't want anything done until she is able to join them. Even then he does not join her. He goes to threaten two members of the Kingsguard with Caraxes, so as to ascertain that they will remain loyal to Rhaenyra. Now, when I first watched this scene, I, and probably everyone else, assumed that Daemon was taking the opportunity provided by Rhaenyra's premature labor to seize control and have the war start on his terms. Rhaenyra also seems to believe this, as when Jace inquires about Daemon's wherabouts she says "Off planning his war." However, upon rewatching that episode, I think that think that Daemon refusing to attend Rhaenyra in her labors and instead planning a war for her, is actually his way of trying to help her. Daemon is thinking that, while he does not know how to comfort her, and hold her hand, and help her through childbirth, he does know a thing or two about war. In his mind, he's essentially saying something along the lines of "I cannot help you there, so let me remain here where I am of use to you," because, as I said above, Daemon expresses love through his actions, not his words. I think at least part of him wants to be there for Rhaenyra, but he just doesn't know what he can say or do that would help her, so he focuses on what he can do: getting the council together and starting to plan, so that when Rhaenyra comes back he can show her that he's done something of use.
Then, when the child is stillborn, Rhaenyra once again needs comfort and reassurance that Daemon just does not know how to give. There is a scene of them, standing in front of their daughter’s funeral pyre, and you can see him give her this very concerned look, and kind of glance over like he wants to say something, but he doesn't, because he just does not know what he's supposed to say. Then Ser Erryk (or maybe Arryk, I can never remember,) arrives with the crown, and Daemon is relieved because he might not be able to offer her kind words, but he can be the one to put that crown on her head. A gesture that is even more meaningful if you consider how much he wants that crown. By being the one to physically place the crown on her head, he is telling her "I'm sorry that I can't be there for you, but I love you and I will support you." Then they go back to the war council, and Rhaenyra is asking about their numbers, and Daemon is the first one to speak. He starts talking almost before Rhaenyra finishes asking, he seems almost eager (even though their numbers are nothing to be eager about,) because she's finally asking him for something he can give. This is his chance to show her that, even if he cannot be there for her emotionally, he can still do this. He can organize this war and help her win, and do damn good job of it. This is really how Daemon says "I love you."
Then fast forward to 2x01, and Luke is dead, and Rhaenyra once again needs a level of emotional support he's simply not equipped to give, only this time, there is nothing else he can do to help her. He tries to convince Rhaenys to fly to Kings Landing, but she refuses, so he can do nothing except sit around, helplessly, while Rhaenyra mourns. Then she comes back, and he tries to be supportive, by asking if she "found what she needed," but she doesn't answer him. Instead, she declares that she "wants Aemond Targaryen." In Daemon's mind, she has essentially told him that to comfort her, he must have Aemond killed. So he uses his contacts in the City Watch to arrange it. I think one of the reasons he gave Blood and Cheese such vague instructions as to what to do if they can't find Aemond, is because he needs something for Rhaenyra. He can't be helpless any more. (Note: I am in no way condoning Blood and Cheese, or saying that Daemon did the right thing. I am simply trying to understand him and his choices better. Please dont come after me.) But then it fails. Catastrophically. And not only has Daemon failed to help Rhaenyra, he has made things much worse.
So he goes to Harrenhal to get the support of the river lords. But, so far, he has achieved next to nothing. (Obviously he's been busy with the hauntings and home renovations.) But he will not admit to Rhaenyra that he's failing miserably, so he ignores her ravens and sends none of his own. (I don't believe any of the bullshit Ryan Condal is trying to spin about him betraying her.) Because he will not go back to Dragonstone empty handed. Because to Daemon, that would be like telling Rhaenyra he doesn't love her anymore.
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medusas-daughter · 2 years
Cole accidentally killed Lord Beesbury
Alicent accidentally took the crown
Aemond accidentally killed Luke
Aegon I accidentally conquered Westeros he was actually just looking for India
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hotdmadness · 5 months
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Happiness & Suffering
House of the dragon episodes 1x04 and 1x10
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hotd-md · 2 years
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Daemon trying to claim Vermithor while singing him in High Valyrian is my f*cking end.
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theobjectofyourire · 2 years
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"My Queen."
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nightsister-juisid · 2 years
Sara Hess on Daemon and Rhaenyra in episode 10 for Vanity fair:
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HOTD 1x10: Daemon Targaryen
People are only thinking with their feelings. They need to analyse the entire episode, and previous episodes with an objective eye. To their defence, it’s true that many Daemon scenes were cut out this season. 
But let’s not forget that Daemon was the one holding everything together in that episode even when he himself was falling apart, grieving his brother and his daughter that the Greens took away from him.
A tragedy is the destruction of something beautiful. For this very reason, I think the show has not invested enough on loving moments between Rhaenyra and Daemon after they get married. Their best moment was 16 years before. So I guess we do need 13 episodes for season one.
Let’s not forget that Rhaenyra never wanted to change Daemon. She loves him for who he is. Rhaenyra literally persuaded him to stay in Westeros and get married for him to fight for her throne and their family, and that’s what he’s doing.
Unfortunate as it was, it made sense for his character to react as he did. Rhaenyra even said Madness had taken him earlier in the episode, because he wouldn’t go to her while she was giving birth. He focused on plotting his war because he was emotion wreck. He doesn’t show his emotions on the outside, but keeps it bottled up. The most we saw were teary eyes and his violent outburst against his wife.
We only see Daemon be physical with her once, which I can argue suggests this was the first time he ever did that, due to how shocked Rhaenyra was. Now, if he never touches her like that again in future seasons, then we can argue it was one time thing that he regretted. He was about to cry afterwards.
Hell, I’m kinda suspecting that was also the reason he went to Vermithor. He could have been borderline suicidal. Or just so cocky that he didn’t care about dying, so long as he got the second largest dragon used to human again.
Everything he does is for family. But he isn’t a good, moral man. He hurt her because he thought she is going to become like Viserys, a weak ruler unable to crush rebellion. He lost a brother, a daughter, learned his brother didn’t trust him enough to tell him about the prophecy, and thought his wife was contemplating bending the knee. The hot-headed man needs to fight for his wife, name and pride but she wants to preserve the realm because of a freaking dream?
After Rhaenyra smiled and mocked him with « he didn’t tell you », given how agitated he was, it was a miracle he didn’t do anything more drastic. Or maybe, he wanted for her to react or kiss him or hit him in retaliation. One simple thing would have made them on equal footing while keeping the essence of their relationship intact. Can you imagine episode 1-5 young Rhaenyra would have taken shit from Daemon without retaliating? No. 
I do ship them. But they are human, and humans make mistakes. I can understand the reason he laid his hands on her, in a moment of utter weakness born from loss, stress, anger, and fear that she was going to bow before the people who Daemon believes murdered his brother, and possibly thinks just murdered his daughter due to the stress Rhaenyra just suffered.
We also saw that when he learned about Luke, he hesitantly approached her, held her hand to comfort her, and she looked at him not in anger, fear, or resentment, but sorrow. The ending shows them holding hands. They still love each other, even after they fight. What I do fear is character assassination.
I do not, and will not, condone his actions, but I do understand why it came to that.
I just hope the show doesn’t destroy their relationship going forward. So much trauma and tragedy is about to unfold. Having Daemon and Rhaenyra remain in love until the bitter end would be a small light in the dark. Now, if in season two they change the whole relationship into an abusive one, that will ruin his character, ruin everything they set up in season one. He has many faults. He is grey. he kills for his family, but he is not immune to weakness. I can forgive and forget him hurting her in that one scene, as you can see the hurt in his eyes afterwards. The way the show portrays them, having pined fro each for over 15 years… I don’t know, it would disappoint me immensely.
They already meet such tragic ends, having them remain in love with other would be one small token of light.
So yes, that’s my rambling current thoughts. Hoping I’m not to repetitive, but I had to let out those out of my chest. It’s 4:47am, Bonsoir.
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prideprejudce · 2 years
honestly unpopular opinion to the episode 10 leaks but the daemon and rhaenyra ch**ing scene isn’t as ooc as people are saying. and this is coming from me, a fellow daemyra shipper. like yeah daemon loves rhaenyra and his family but he is unfortunately still who he is. aka a man who wants power and thinks he deserves it. and the idea of the greens taking it from rhaenyra (and as an extension from HIM) is definitely going to make a violent man like him become even darker as the series goes on. plus he has absolutely no love for the greens at all and is happy to go to war for the crown while rhaenyra still loves alicent deep down and wants to avoid it. as vile as it is….this still checks out with who daemon is….obsessive. violent. rebellious. he loves deeply but he will also be clawing for power that he thinks he deserves until the very end
and also another unpopular opinion but i like the lucerys and aemond scene and how it was an accident because it shows that despite aemonds big talk about how much of a hardened badass warrior he is…. the truth is that aemond is still a kid who has never lived through a war and what it means now to be at war. this is no longer a scuffle between boys at the training field. this is nasty, bloody, violent. and people are going to die.
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winnie-the-monster · 6 months
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lanaisdoe · 2 years
So this Throat thing CONFUSION ... ? The "i wanna choke you but also low-key kiss and eat and have you" kinda execution of this scene? wtf
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^ let me just say when we were told there was choking, i was imagining it in a real "i wanna kill you" kinda way - UNTIL I actually SAW IT. . . and i'm more confused than before.
So we got THIS and uhm...... I mean, you DO NOT look exactly like this, if you ACTUALLY seriously wanna choke someone (also, he's only holding her throat/jaw with ONE hand, btw, the other one holding her close to him by her arm). You do not almost touch her forehead with yours in an intimate manner while trying to actually "choke her" at the same time, holding her close to you with your lips almost touching...
This scene CONFUSES the shit out of me, cuz if they wanted to make it him actually wanting to choke her, they failed big time, okay?! - i mean, not sure what Hess's direction was or what Matt Smith wanted to show there (or was it him trying to soften Hess's direction?!) but this looks more like Daemon kinda wants to devour/kiss/crush/or have her on the table near there or ALL of it at the same time ? like her wants to shake her until she remembers, WHO she is, who he is, and who THEY are,...
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like... his lips are so close to hers, it's giving a weird confusing message: choking or kissing, loving or hating. (or it was just horribly directed/acted out, with actors/direction having different opinion on what it should be and this turned to be the compromise...?)
Y know this CHOKING scene is like a weird slightly more messed up version of THIS actually:
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and then Daemon pushing her off him is kinda similar to him pushing her off him kinda violently back in the brothel when he was frustrated with himself and their overall situation (STILL, with him then proceeding to plead Viserys to let him marry Rhaenyra and repeating that if he could have anything, he wanted Rhaenyra, to take to wife, wed her in the tradition of their house etc. Right after he had violently pushed her off him and left her alone in brothel. (Doesn't remind you of this scene a bit, anyone?)
Again, we have kinda the same thing in ep 1x10 ... there was this kinda choking BS, Daemon frustrated with EVERYTHING, there's frustration and hurt that he was not trusted, not told of the prophecy, then it was probably him thinking Rhaenyra was further endangering them, their family, by refusing to act since he was super convinced of the inevitability of war and the greens wanting their necks (which Rhaenys had actually warned them was the case right at the beginning), and there was his helplessness and fear and frustration and inability to act and he was once again left out of an important family thing and he was like a lion in a cage and yeah well.... we got what we got but PLEASE, i don't think you can say he wanted to hurt her. Cuz if he did, then he also wanted to hurt her at the wedding in ep5 or in the brothel in ep4 which we know was not the case.... still, Daemon is unhinged when hurting and helpless.
Still, the next scene we get with them is our devastated loyal loving supporting husband Daemon coming to inform his love of his life wife of what'd happened... and she knows just by looking at him ONCE.
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And there they are, standing TOGETHER, holding hands, by each other's side as they always have. So no guys? they DID NOT magically stop loving each other after one fight. Rhaenyra had witnessed several of the unhinged Daemon excesses so it was not much of a surprise to her... Also, as Viserys once said "Daemon, Rhaenyra, they share the blood of the dragon, they're restless, chaotic..."
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So i do not think Daemon magically became an "abuser"... i think these have been his extreme impulses in his most critical on a verge kinda moments all throughout s1. But never once did he actually want to hurt her, mind you.
Still, 1x10 being his absolute most critical moment after all their losses + death all around them + greens after them, the fear of their end/downfall nearing, Rhaenyra reluctant to act, him depending on her word, further realizing his own helplessness... and yeah, we got THAT:
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...still, i think they SHOULD HAVE MADE THAT SCENE a little less menacing, change the MUSIC-make it less creepy, and also make Daemon's pain a little more visible afterwards/during it, make him breakdown right there in front of her right after.... for example...... to make it all CLEAR.
But no . This had him look like a violent without reason bipolar madman. I really think Matt did all he could to soften it the way he knew Daemon would... cuz Matt Smith actually understands Daemon, unlike certain Sara Hess.
I still do hate this scene, it's definitely the strangest scene of 1x10 hands down, cuz it's confusing the shit out of me: the need for this scene to be included like this, as well as its general confusing unclear execution.
And I BLAME Sara Hess. Period.
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arabian-bloodstream · 2 years
The Object of Your Ire
Oh, Daemrya fam! We were blinded by the chemistry and the gorgeous love story (which I still firmly believe is intact and still totes there), but oh, oh, oh, the scenes that played out in the final episode, including the infamous choking scene, ah, they were all carefully set up!
Episode 1 -  Our first scene with Daemon? HE was sitting on the Iron Throne and it was Rhaenyra that came to him, and he talked of himself being the heir. Later we saw him listening in on the Small Council meeting, clearly showing an interest in the goings-on of the realm, the interplay. Later, he made it clear to Viserys that the fact that Viserys had never relied upon him, asked him to be Hand, trusted in him hurt him deeply. He was removed as heir, and banished.
Episode 2 - Daemon stole the egg meant for Baelon, the "heir for the day." Rhaenrya challenged him and she told him that she was the "object of his ire" as she was the heir to the Iron Throne. He acquiesed, because as we all know, haha, he is putty in her hands. He brought members of the City Watch with him to Dragonstone because they were loyal to him, not the crown.
Episode 3 - He was off in the Stepstones with Corlys attempting to fight and win a war to gain his own legitimacy and name on his own. When Viserys offered help, Daemon was all fuck that shit and almost single-handedly did it on his own. He needed that legitimacy to back himself up. And he got it.
Episode 4 - He returned to King's Landing as "King of the Narrow Sea." Daemon took Rhaenyra out on the town in "disguise" but once they got to the brothel, he removed her hat so that her identity was clear to all who might be paying attention, and of course, people would be paying attention. Later, when Viserys wailed on him, Daemon said he wanted Rhaenyra, wanted to restore House Targaryen to its former glory. Viserys was not down for that, reminding him that (a) he already had a wife, and (b) he didn't want Rhaenyra, he only wanted the throne. And he banished him again.
Now about this, the Inside the Episode featured the showrunners saying that Daemon had taken Rhaenyra on their little adventure to get back at Viserys, to get under his skin, and that, of course, if he were to marry Rhaenyra, it would get him closer to the throne, and the Daemyra fam (including myself) pish-poshed that notion. Nuh uh, we all said. Daemon doesn't care about the throne, he wants Rhaenyra. Viserys is a blind fool, and the showrunners are talking crack. But, erm, nope, taking off my pretty Daemyra-colored glasses, the two things can both be true. Yes, Daemon realized that he wanted Rhaenyra, because, duh, obviously he did. But he still wanted the throne. He did.
Look at Episode 1-4. Daemon was introduced ON THE IRON THRONE. He reminded Rhaenyra he was the heir. He listened in on the Small Council meetings in private to keep apprised of what was going on. He established his own personal little army essentially with the City Watch. He made his own name for himself, fighting (and eventually) winning the war (for a time) in the Stepstones, and being named King there. He arranged to compromise Rhaenyra and had he succeeded in sleeping with her it is very likely that Daemon would have been able to convince (with a besotted Rhaenyra) to convince Viserys to set aside his unconsummated marriage to Rhea so that he could marry Rhaenrya. Boom, Daemon is now King Consort heir.
Episode 5 - He gets rid of the wife, makes his way back just before she is to wed, he's got six days to upend that, right? Alas, things goes South.
Episode 6 - Of all the women in Westeros, who does he marry? The daughter of the second most powerful man (arguably THE most) in Westeros, Corlys Velaryon. The only problem, and this is where the love story comes in because, yes, Daemon and Rhaenyra DO have this love story. It's NOT just that Daemon wants to restore House Targaryen to its former glory. It's not just that Daemon wants to be respected by Viserys. It's not just that Daemon wants the throne. Nope, Daemon also is in love, madly in love, with Rhaenyra. So, we have the ten years of a Daemon Targaryen who is a shadow of the man he was. He no longer burns. Because he can not flicker, light up without his other half. He just cannot. Just as she cannot.
Episode 7 - They reunite. They burn. Just as they are meant to.
Episode 8 - All of the feelings, all of the love that Daemon felt for Viserys come to the fore. All of the love, all of the desire for the Targaryen glory to burn rise as the signs of it have been stricken from the Red Keep. The only softness we see from Daemon, the only sign of the good in him is the love for Rhaenyra, Viserys, and the children, but the violent, bloodthirsty anger is there, seething beneath the surface.
Episode 9 - The Greens do their thang.
Episode 10 - It all comes to a head. Look back, look at what we've seen with Daemon throughout the series' run so far. He was the heir, introduced on the Iron Throne. He wanted to be at Viserys' side the whole time. He wanted to be TRUSTED by Viserys. Rhaenyra, "the object of his ire," was made heir fourteen years -- at the least -- long after he had been heir. He was pushed around from position to position, moved like a worthless piece that Viserys didn't have time for while his brother trusted fucking Otto Hightower and Daemon did what he could in each role, never being trusted, never being regarded as worthy. He loved Rhaenyra for years. He lost ten years with her because Viserys didn't trust him, didn't listen to him. Rhaenyra's favor at court, reputation was damaged nearly irreparably, constantly having to be defended because Viserys wouldn't allow him to wed her. All because Viserys thought him unworthy.
And he wanted it. He DID want it. We know that. We know that from episode 01. We saw that. And here we are, the moment they find out, Daemon was ready, Daemon was decisive, making plans, sending out ravens, doing what needs be done, for Rhaenyra, for the Targaryen House glory, acting as a king would do. But as Jace reminded him--which he ignored--and then Rhaenyra reminded him by standing down his orders, which he did listen to--he was not the king. She was the queen. She was the one that Viserys found worthy. She was the one that Viserys trusted. Not him, never him. And then, ah, and then, it all came to a head.
Rhaenyra casually mentioned the Song of Ice and Fire dream. She mentioned it to him as if she expected him to know because, of course, he did. He had been the heir to the Iron Throne for years. Of course, Viserys had told him. Daemon was heir to the throne. Daemon was Viserys' heir, he must have trusted him. He *must* have told him. But. He. Had. Not. Because Viserys didn't trust him. He thought he was unworthy. A dishonorable man. And the person standing there, telling him this, bringing this final act of knowledge to him, the last "gift" from his brother, the last thing he would ever learn from Viserys now that he was dead was Rhaenyra, the one who knew, the one Viserys found worthy, the one that Viserys trusted, the object of his ire.
Daemon was awful and wrong and terrible for what he did to Rhaenyra. Daemon is also wild and turbulent and a violent man who is suffering through the most chaotic couple of days of his entire life.
His brother--who he deeply loved and deeply hated in equal parts--just died.
Daemon believed that same brother was slain by the people who stole his wife's crown.
His wife's throne was usurped. A throne that has been in his family for generations. Nevermind that technically the usurper is also his family, their Hightowers, damnit!
His wife also had a stillborn baby which is terrible enough on its own, but his last wife also would have had a stillborn baby--had she not surrendered herself to dragonfire.
He was this close to killing Otto Hightower. Thisclose! But Rhaenrya wouldn't let him. Fuuuuck! THISCLOSE!
It's been a chaotic crazy few days. Even for Daemon Targaryen. He forgot himself. He was very bad. Daemon is a very, very bad boy. We know this. It doesn't mean he doesn't still love Rhaenrya. After all, he was the one who came to her with news of Luke. Held her hand for a long, long moment. Stood beside her. And I have little doubt he will continue to stand beside her. Because he loves her. We've seen that plainly throughout the run of the series' so far. Just as we've seen that he also wanted the throne. But, you know what? He has given that up... FOR Rhaenyra. Again, because he loves her.
So, yeah, for anyone who thinks that everything that happened in this episode hasn't had the seeds lain? They have. They most definitely have.
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sankta-wraith · 23 days
So I’ve just learned that people are saying that the fact that Daemon wasn’t there while Rhaenyra was giving birth to Visenya means that he wasn’t there when Aegon and Viserys were born either.
This is just baffling to me because the first half of episode 10 was absolutely full of proof that he actually was there for both.
When Jace asks where Daemon is, he seems angry that he isn’t with Rhaenyra. If Daemon hadn’t been present with Aegon and Viserys, then Jace would presumably be used to him not being with Rhaenyra while she’s in labor. But that’s not what we see. What we see is Jace being pissed that Daemon is not there. Now I’m sure that there will be people who say “Oh he just expects Daemon to be there since he’s Rhaenyra’s husband” but Rhaenyra’s first husband, Laenor, wasn’t at Joffrey’s birth and probably (although this isn’t confirmed) wasn’t at Jace or Luke’s birth either, so Jace wouldn’t expect Daemon to be there unless he had been there in the past.
Rhaenyra also seems to expect him to be there, seeing as she literally calls out for him. If there’s one thing we know about Rhaenyra, it’s that she’s proud. If she doesn’t think her husband will be with her while she gives birth, then she’s not going to scream for him for all the castle to hear. But she does. At this point she’s lived in Dragonstone for 6 years, so she probably knows that her screams will echo through the whole castle. The fact that she calls out for Daemon, even though she knows that literally everyone in the castle will hear her, means that she expects him to heed her call, and expectation she would not have if he hadn’t been with her for their previous children.
Even the Small Council seems a bit surprised that he’s not with Rhaenyra. Every time she screams, they kinda look at him like they think he’s about to leave and go to her. Obviously most of them would not have been on Dragonstone when Aegon and Viserys were born, but they still seem to have heard rumors about Daemon staying with Rhaenyra, because they clearly expect him to react in some way. Remember, in HotD/GoT its pretty uncommon for the father have anything to do with the birth, much less be there, so the fact that they seem to expect it from Daemon suggests his presence at Aegon and Viserys' births.
Obviously, Daemon is not present for Visenya's birth (my analysis of that is here) but using that to say that he's a bad father and husband, and then trying to justify it by saying that he wasn't there when his sons were born (when all evidence points to the contrary,) is doing his character a disservice. I'm not saying that him leaving Rhaenyra alone while she was in labor was the right thing to do, but I think people need to remember that the circumstances during which Visenya was born are extremely different from the circumstances when Aegon and Viserys are born. Stop inventing things to demonize Daemon. We get enough of that from Ryan Condal.
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croduo · 2 years
I said it on Friday, after the leaks, and I will say it today. Daemon did not show any aggressive/domestic violence behaviour to his family members in the show so far. This chocking scene came out of nowhere, for no reason, in the middle of average tone conversation, just to shock the audience because "it is game of thrones, it must be shocking". If they wanted to show irritation, there were a 100 ways to do it and make him stay in character. He could grab her face a little harsher with two hands or by the shoulders. Or just shout. Same they did with Joffre and Aemma deaths. Just to bring the shock value. They showed Daemon as a protecting husband and a good father and brother in episode 8 and two episodes later, he is a waco. And yes, it is just BAD WRITING. Case closed.
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theitaliansalad · 2 years
spoilers for that scene in 1x10 under the cut.
so. that scene. the choking “kink” scene. 
Daemon doesn’t grab Rhaenyra by the neck because he doesn’t love her or because he wants to hurt her. he grabs her by the neck because Daemon is a fucked up human being. he’s violent and chaotic and messy. he is incapable of dealing with his own emotions. he has no control over himself.  
he acts insane throughout the whole episode. Rhaenyra herself says so. he tries to keep his mind occupied at all times, preparing for war, because if he lets himself feel, he’s gonna crumble. 
it’s not that he doesn’t feel. it’s that he feels too much and doesn’t know what do to about it. 
he grabs her by the neck because in the mist of grief and anger and desperation, he just found out that the brother he loved so dearly and that he so insistently tried to protect - Viserys, his big brother, he’s never trusted him. never. never had any intention of trusting him. not once. not at all. 
Daemon is the kind of person who kills his wife by smashing her head with a rock. 
so he grabs Rhaenyra by the neck. and she kind of laughs when she realises that Daemon doesn’t know. he does not know because his own brother kept their family secret from him. 
Daemon grabs her by the neck but it’s not about Rhaenyra and Daemon as a couple. 
it’s not about Rhaenyra at all.
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