#daemyra explanations
lanaisdoe · 2 years
about WHY Daemon COULD NOT interfere during the big hall Rhaenyra-Alicent confrontation, all's logical...
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So it all starts with disheveled-looking Daemon and Rhaenyra being the last ones to enter the hall in the middle of the night when shit had already hit the fan, with everyone else already being there... it's awkward enough as it is, the two of them walking in together, especially the circumstances given: Rhaenyra constantly being accused of having an affair outside of marriage/ having illegitimate children, and here she comes all disheveled in the middle of the night with none other than Daemon, her once rumoured lover, who had just buried his wife...
Daemon knows, Daemon heard even Vaemond not-so-subtly accuse Rhaenyra of all that in his funeral speech for Laena, as insane as that was. So Daemon is well aware of the dire situation in which Rhaenyra already is, and obviously isn't gonna add fuel to the fire. Caring for Rhaenyra as much as he does, he slows down significantly, and tries to make it seem like he only arrived AFTER her, not with her. He walks slowly, carefully, assessing the situation, and then he stops by the door, basically hiding away from all prying eyes, low-key keeping an eye out for any sign of trouble, trying to understand what's up...
BUT, naturally, this DOES NOT escape Otto's judging eye... (and Daemon notices Otto noticing soon after...)
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So Otto immediately notices Daemon arriving with Rhaenyra and i think Otto had been suspecting there had been sth serious going on with these two for well over a decade.
I mean, we even got a close up shot (in 1x4) of Otto watching intently as Rhaenyra watched and gravitated towards Daemon, giving him heart eyes during the garden conversation post Stepstones victory,
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he noticed Rhaenyra's heart eyes but ALSO Daemon's head tilt and him being all giddy and excited/flustered as Rhaenyra approached, so yeah, Otto knew.. look at how he looked at both of them:
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I think Otto had always known and was pretty wary of their potential union...
Back to the big hall 1x7 scene... So it all started -> accusations, ofc Rhaenyra's children being illegitimate was brought up again, and that's when it was suggested they brought Laenor, kids' 'father' to speak on that matter... but ofc, as always, Laenor was nowhere to be found. And Rhaenyra was left to fend for herself yet again, and she had to come up with an excuse for him. But what was worse, she herself did not have a very good excuse, as she'd just returned from that beach shack where they'd just made love with Daemon, so she awkwardly tries to come up with a believable enough excuse about being unable to sleep and taking a walk, while Daemon is watching intently. And it seems to me his expression suggests he is concerned but at the same time he also finds Rhaenyra's excuse kinda funny(?), still feeling her under him just moments ago... it's like only the two of them know what had gone down and it isn't easy to hide it since it's all so fresh... Anyway, he knows it's all a "shit just got real" situation, but still, for obvious reasons he CANNOT do anything about it, there's no way he can help Rhaenyra or defend her without raising questions, and so he continues assessing the situation:
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^we see him staring at her while she's coming up with her excuse and right after we see him low-key checking reactions of everyone there to Rhaenyra's excuse, checking whether they'd bought it, and if all was alright...
Thankfully, the conversation takes an expected turn, people bringing up Laenor's preferences... Then we have Viserys questioning his sons about the rumour about Rhaenyra... And when Aegon voices it in front of everyone that it's not just a rumour, and that everyone KNOWS it, we see Rhaenyra completely defenseless and defeated with tears in her eyes. And again we get a shot of Daemon staring at her, now with concern:
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and again Daemon is just standing there helplessly, he knows he cannot interfere without making the situation EVEN worse for Rhaenyra...
His concern gets even more evident when Alicent eventually asks ser Crispin to bring her Lucerys's eye, Daemon looks pretty tensed now:
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And then the mess starts: Alicent attacks Rhaenyra, and here's where it gets INTERESTING -> ser Crispin darts towards Alicent, and quite possibly at the same time Daemon darts towards Rhaenyra (although from the way the scene was edited in the episode, it looked like Daemon only jumped up when he saw Crispin):
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but let's also take a look at a DIFFERENT camera angle which made me think about this situation again, look: Daemon in the picture above, when he jumps up, he is looking LEFT (Rhaenyra was to his LEFT the whole time, if you look at the hall from the top, you see Crispin was on the right), so it seems to me that Daemon jumps up because of Alicent attacking Rhaenyra and only THEN when he also notices crazed Crispin running, Daemon turns to stop him instead... i mean, who knows:
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^ this is the shot we get, Alicent attacking, and Daemon moving towards the mess, he's in the middle, between Rhaenyra/Alicent and crazed Crispin to his RIGHT, so it's like, he asseses the situation, sees that Rhaenyra's got it, and so he immediately turns to shield Rhaenyra by stopping Crispin, look at Daemon's body position, it's like he was not going to stop Crispin, as his body had been turned more towards the circle with Rhaenyra, and so when he meets Crispin to stop him, he has to take a sharp turn right to meet Crispin. He had been aiming for the circle with Rhaenyra it seems:
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if he wanted to just stop Crispin, he could have moved more to the right, go straight for Crispin, no? ...But no, it's like he was aiming for the circle first... o_O
My conclusion? Based on all their positions and movements, Daemon jumped up to run to defend Rhaenyra, then when he was in the middle, he noticed Crispin, then he saw Rhaenyra was ok, and so last minute he turned RIGHT to stop Crispin instead. (alternatively, it's simply that the scene was shot several times from many different angles and the final cut rearranged the scenes so that it caused confusion as to what happened when and how :D ...so I give up, i blame the editing!)
Anyway, after this situation, we get Rhaenyra/Daemon parallels again -> Rhaenyra fiercely stopping crazed Alicent, Daemon fiercely stopping crazed Crispin, side by side, Daemon's there, all this time, as Rhaenyra's shadow :
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So to sum up the verbal part of the big hall confrontation scene : Daemon did not want to get openly involved NOT cuz he was afraid, or that he was protecting himself there, QUITE THE OPPOSITE. It was to protect Rhaenyra. Daemon knew that ANY kind of his involvement, defending Rhaenyra so suddenly and so openly in front of the whole court despite them not having been in any contact for 10 years, and now arriving late together, with Daemon who has made it a point to stay away from all court affairs for good, now suddenly out of nowhere siding with the King's Landing's outcast Rhaenyra against the whole court just like that? A freshly widowed man now being the only one to stand up for the black sheep Rhaenyra in front of everyone, fiercely protecting her honor against all odds, even getting into a fight for this woman, ready to shed blood for her, on the night of his wife's funeral ??? - well that would've raised tons of questions and not only among the rivals of Rhaenyra, but now also among Velaryons who were like, the last ones that still at least respected/accepted Daemon and Rhaenyra as family...
So with the question of Rhaenyra's decency out there, Daemon being all "back away from my girl" would've been the last nail in Rhaenyra's decency's coffin. And Daemon would never jeopardize Rhaenyra's reputation like that or put her at risk.
Remember how he backed down in front of Otto (despite the fact he was ready to roast Otto right there and then) on Dragonstone just cuz Rhaenyra was there and he wanted to help her cause? Not taking her away on her wedding day despite her pleas, was also for her sake. He chose Rhaenyra's well-being instead of his own desire to marry her himself - thus making sure they wouldn't take away her right to the throne or exile her for his own selfish desire and Rhaenyra's naivety. Ultimately, what was important for her, ended up being more important to him than his own well-being...
Back to commenting on the post 1x7 big hall confrontation: when the big hall fight was finally over, and everyone had seen hysterical crazy Alicent, in the silence we hear Aemond say he's contented despite it all cuz he'd got a dragon: and it seems to me that at this very moment Rhaenyra turns right, to stare at Daemon in shock (remember? they heard/saw Vhagar in the sky after their beach lovemaking, and they looked confused, it's like now it all fell into place, and so Rhaenyra is immediately searching for Daemon in shock)
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(again, i may be wrong about the angles, but i'm basing this on where all of them were standing). And right after the shot of Rhaenyra, we get this shot of Daemon staring left, as a reaction to a reaction? that is also why i think they were looking at each other... but who knows?
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Anyway, after this we get Viserys who finally puts an END to it all.
And right after Viserys, we get this shot of Daemon, staring intently at Rhaenyra, ready to dart her way, and a (still) crazed Crispin glaring at Daemon (who now has other thoughts on his mind already and couldn't care less about Crispin):
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and right after this shot we see Daemon getting through the crowd to where he's been looking -> he's walking fast and straight to Rhaenyra, (despite Viserys still being there, kind of ,although leaving... so Daemon is still fairly subtle about his protectiveness...but at the same time, he sees that people are already dispersing, so he feels more free to act now that the show is over, and Viserys made it clear no one was allowed to continue that "Rhaenyra inquisition", so either A/ Daemon knew that him being by her side now at least wouldn't endanger her anymore. B/ He's understood that everything bad that could've been said against her has already been said and so him being with her couldn't make things worse, C/ or the moment when he saw Rhaenyra get threatened with a knife, made something snap inside of him and he decided to stand by her now, no matter what, like, to hell with it ...) And what do YOU guys think?
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First thing Daemon does when he reaches Rhaenyra, he immediately checks her hand, her well-being being his number one priority again:
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And then he shields / half-embraces her,
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and later half-embraces Rhaenyra's boys as well, when they get to them, creating this "new family protection circle" :)
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I also love Crispin's expression when he sees Rhaenyra's got Daemon now,
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Daemon, who is the feared Rogue prince, fierce King of the Stepstones and the Narrow sea, the former commander of the Night watch, rider of Caraxes and the one who's first called him ser Crispin)
- do you think Crispin understood here that Daemon and Rhaenyra were now a thing?
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I think Crispin got it right there and then. Hell, if I were Crispin, I'd shit my pants if I saw Daemon giving me THIS glare ... :D
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whateveryeah · 6 months
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ilreleonewikia13 · 1 year
Before you read, I wrote the first draft of this post in October, then I resumed it in April, but then in May I decided to heavily re-edit it when I noticed the massive grammatical errors that I left. So the version you will read is quite changed from its original form. Starting with the decision to split it into more chapters and not in a single piece as I did before. I even tried to add more characterization to some events as I noticed that maybe I rushed up some important things, cause when I wrote this "fanfic that is not a fanfic" I didn't have a clear vision of the events in their complexity. Some parts were very detailed and explained well, while other parts are only briefly mentioned. As I re-edit it I tried to make everything more cohesive and pleasing to read. For this reason, unlike the first version, this post will only be about the disclaimers and the introduction of my "fanfiction not fanfiction", as the whole "story" will be published on AO3. As I'm writing this I've already posted 2 of the 5 parts, and right now I'm working on the editing of the 3th chapter.
The Doom in Our Blood Comes Back - the Fanfic of a Fanfic
When do you start to realize that a fanfiction stops being just a fanfiction and becomes a real work of entertainment?
For me it's when reading it makes you want to theorize about it as if it were a real book and even before it is finished: this is what happened to me with "The Blacks and the Greens" by @sweetestpopcorn a fanfiction (which almost every fan who started watching the series has read if like me you went looking for Daemyra fanfics on AO3 as soon as it started) that tells the story of the Dance of Dragons starting with the idea that Daemon and Rhaenyra got married as soon as their "affair" was discovered, thus an AU of the original plot leading to a completely different scale of events from the original plot of the series/book.
This story, still in progress (at the exact moment I’m writing this post it arrived “just” at its 170th chapter) has gripped me so much this past month that my brain convinced me that this was the real canon story and made me completely forget about the existence of the TV series: so if you are interested to read this AU I suggest you read the original fic, even if it’s a little bit long cause it’s totally worth it.
I thought about writing an actual story about these ideas I had but then changed my mind. It didn't make sense to write about one idea when I already had a bigger story planned that wasn't finished yet.
As I said before, the story from where I take inspiration is only halfway done and things might change a lot in the upcoming chapters as I write this post. This means that the characters I'll talk about in this headcanon might have died to are going to because I don't control the story, the author does.
As I write this post, my idea for "this story" went in a totally different direction than what the original author intended. It became its own separate version of the Blacks and the Greens, with a different set of rules and logic.
I am a big fan of the Black side in the civil war and like happy endings.  I wanted Helaena to be happy with her kids and for Rhaenyra to rule the Seven Kingdoms with her husband and raise her five children. In my imagination, the Greens give up quickly and Rhaenyra becomes the Queen without any fighting. She brings both sides together and makes the dynasty stronger.
This means that in this universe almost all of the Targaryen family is still alive and because the war didn't last too much the finance of the kingdom is not significantly damaged making the reign of the Black Queen very prosperous and full of innovations, technically and artistically speaking, making for them more effortless to conquest Dorn and made Westeros finally United.
The first idea for this story was to talk about Rhaenyra and Daemon's five children and their fun experiences instead of just focusing on Rhaenyra and Daemon's relationship, which is already the main focus of The Blacks and The Greens.
When I was reading the fanfic for the first time, I knew that liked Baela the most because of her personality: plus in my head, she's like a female version of Daemon for this reason, I decided to use her as the main character in my story.
She, in my mind, had the right characteristic to be our main POV, being, in my head, the “middle child” of the group - so the one who is between Aegon and Viserys (the boys) and Rhaena and Visenya (the girls) - and that belong to both of the two worlds, the feminine and the masculine, and have both these sides with her.  She, in my fantasy, will spend a lot of time with her two brothers, with whom she will share a very strong bond as a very strong rivalry for the attention of their father; with the girls too she will have a special relationship. Especially with Rhaena who is her twin, who is, in some way, her opposite and her complementary, especially in the way they decide to express their femininity over the years.  I think that in the Book-canon, Baela looks more masculine than what it was depicted in The Blacks and the Greens, and because this headcanon is heavily inspired by that fanfic, I decided to follow this vision more than the canon one. 
In this universe, she dresses like a combination of Queen Visenya, whom Baela really likes, and Queen Rhaenys. Baela is both strong and sensual like her mother Rhaenyra. She wears bright colors like red and loves jewelry.
I thought about what clothes would look good on her at the court. I imagined she would like dresses that were fun and sexy, with low necklines and tight bodices. These dresses would be like armor to her and would have lots of beads on them. I got ideas from the outfits worn by Anne Boleyn in the show The Tudors, which I really like.
She likes to show she is comfortable with her sexuality, without feeling ashamed for having fun with men as she thinks that both women and men should be able to act in the same way.  Besides her regular clothes, I also see her wearing softer and masculine tunics as she trains, showing how much she loves the culture of the East continents. Even though she doesn't like to study, Baela enjoys reading High Valyrian poems and listening to Lysene music, as she prefers to sing over playing it. I can imagine her spending time flying and staying with her dragon more than her siblings. She will become very fond of her dragon, Moondancer.  She will also train with her brothers with the sword and be very good at it.
Because Baela became a such strong and intense character in my mind, I started to think that she needed an equally strong and enigmatic counterpart that matched it, but at the same time opposed it and gave it a hard time: or in reality the opposite, that is someone she could challenge and confront, someone equally crazy and reckless, but by the opposite and darker energy. 
And so that at any moment this post headcanon "The Blacks and the Greens" has become somehow a story focused on Baela and Aemond, or at least with a particular focus on the relationship and the clashes between these two. 
Let me make it clear that the choice to "pair" these two characters were not based on a double interpretation of the original story, which clearly shows a strong dislike for Aemond and the Greens in general. The decision to highlight Aemond's character was solely influenced by the irresistible charm of Ewan Mitchell, the actor who played the role in the television adaption, which unfortunately clouded my judgment. To be absolutely clear, I have never felt any form of empathy towards him during my entire fanfiction journey, except for some mere pity.
There were multiple factors that led me to spare the lives of Aemond and Aegon, as I believed it would be more gratifying to let them suffer as they experienced the consequences of all the actions that they made thought the first half of The Blacks and the Greens and the accompanying disgrace of their defeat, rather than simply executing them on the spot.
In this headcanon, Aemond will undergo significant transformations, causing a profound shift in his mentality and character due to experiencing a series of intense and traumatic events. As a result, this version of Aemond will differ significantly from both the Bookcanon and the Blacks and the Greens.  The decision was serendipitously influenced by reading a particular sentence in the fanfic where the detestable Aemond ridicules Daemon for allowing Rhaenyra to mistreat him and become submissive to his sister, referring to him as a "slut." Aemond expresses his reluctance to ever allow a woman to control him as his uncle did.
Well, these two simple sentences made me decide that I need to create my own headcanon where Aemond would become the exact thing that he always derided his uncle for: a "loser" who would be bossed around by all the women in his life. And not only command but as a great misogynistic bastard who was, after touching the bottom of the funds, it would be a woman to save him and put him on track, making him feel indebted to her. 
So this is how this literary experiment was born.   
A simple and very banal enemies-to-lovers story with A LOT of drama and a bunch of dragons, but that needs the perfect setting to work, for this reason, most of the work I did was on figuring out how to set the side character and the background events in a way that could serve my goal.
As I specified many times in this exaggeratedly verbose disclaimer and in the tags this is not actual fanfic, I will not so use a prostatic style like many other stories in this platform, still, I want my readers to have a pleasing experience while reading this work, the result of a very elaborate mental wank and my pressing need to take my mind off my real duties, so I decided to write the whole thing as if it were a cross between historical writing and the introduction to a Greek tragedy. 
Imagine, just like in Fire and Blood, that an obviously bored scholar set out to write the memoirs of Rhaenyra and her deeds; as I tried to make up this story I even tried to figure out the timeline of our characters' birth, some of them are the canon ones used in the books, while the others are the ones I tried to calculate trying to use some mathematics and the information that the writer give us on her fic. This means that it's not very precise, but I hope it's remotely accurate.
Aemond= 110
Daeron =114
Larra= 115
Aegon III = 118
Viserys = 119
Daenaera = 120
Baela and Rhaena =121
Visenya= 125
Jaehaerys and Jaehaera = 123
Maelor = 127
Baelor = 130
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wulfhalls · 2 years
Ok but the ending was so confusing to me?? Where did Daemon go? He suddenly disappeared? It was a perfect opportunity to run away with her when shit went down why didn’t he leave with her? Didn’t he kill his wife so he can marry Rhaenyra? I’m so confused.
I wish I could have something to say here but I'm licherally displaying unprecedented levels of mental illness my brain won't stop playing MAKE ME UR WIFE on a loop. on all levels except the physical I am dead. I'm spinning counter clockwise on the floor. I'm giving florence pugh at the end of midsommar I'm giving leo dicaprio at the end of shutter island
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xihatiancai · 2 years
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arlovegood · 2 years
Seen some people talking about the leaked episode 10 of HoTD and you know what…..I’m just gonna stop trusting HBO. They fucked up one amazing, soulmate level couple in GoT and now the assholes try to do it again in this show. Will the Targaryens ever know peace from the fucking screenwriters? Jesus! Im gonna off myself to the canon divergence/fix-it tag on Ao3. Bye.
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agent-barnes40 · 8 months
The Acceptance
part two of The Truth
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Parings: Daemyra, Aegon x Bastard!Reader, Aemond X Bastard!Reader, Helaemond, Aegon x Helaena
Taglist: @velaena @poisonsage808 (Honorary tag for @starloriha )
Aegon helps figure everything out with his mother and yours.
A small time skip happens to reach older Aegon, and he's OOC (Out Of Character) seeing as he isn't a rapist and only a mild alcoholic. Dialogue heavy and descriptions are vague I think, with lots of exposition and history talk. Aegon and Reader are having an affair while Aemond and Helaena are also having an affair. TW: Mildly gendered reader (She/they pronouns used), Targcest
Aegon had called for a meeting with his mother, father, and his grandsire and looked at them. "I wish to marry Rhaenyra's eldest. Heleana is more suited for Aemond, I wish to help right the wrongs that have happened to this family." He had said and only managed to get you as a ward to his mother and betrothed to his brother.
He still tried to court you, while handling the ravens sent by your brothers and mother, and even Daemon had sent ravens, but to no avail, the only person who responded was the firstborn son of Viserys. He spent his days with you, reading the letters to you from your parents. You never wanted anything to do with them, but let Aegon deal with the aftermath as he had offered. You were the image of royalty and fit in perfectly with your husband, uncle and aunt, and grandsires. You frequently sat with the "Greens" to break your fast every morning and sat next to Aegon and Helaena as you all grew up. Everything was fantastic until your mother came with her entourage.
Jacaerys and Lucerys hunted you down first, jumping you in a hug. The two princes were excited to have you in their grip until you pulled out of it and brushed off your clothing. "Brothers, it's fantastic to see you again. Why are you here?"
The two were still and looked at each other before looking back at you. "Mother is here to collect you. She wanted us to find you to bring to her chambers." Jace replied and his eyes widened when you groaned softly and gently grabbed the arm of a maid, requesting for Aemond, Aegon, or Alicent. "We stay here until someone comes to help this situation. I'll say this to you two, as you both deserve an explanation. I won't be returning to Dragonstone unless I am requested to by our mother or Prince Daemon. I have married Prince Aemond." You informed the two Princes as Aemond turned the corner and you smiled. "Husband! Thank you for getting here so quick." Aemond smiled and looked between you and your brothers before looking back at you. "Of course, my love. I'd always come to your rescue. What did you need of me this time?"
You smiled even wider and looked at Jace and Luke. "I don't think we sent ravens to my mother and brothers about our wedding." The two looked between Aemond and you and Jace grabbed your arm. "He called us bastards and you took that as courtship?!" You laughed and pulled back. "As our mother's heir, I was given an offer to fix the rift this family has. The queen graciously gave me to Prince Aemond to help fix what you two caused in Driftmark. I love my husband as much as you two will love your wives. He has backed me up in court on our mother's behalf." The sound of footsteps met your ears and you turned, only to see Daemon and you reached back to grab Aemond's hand. "Get Ser Criston, now. Blood may be spilled between the prince and me." Daemon's eyes squinted as you turned to face him and he smiled. "It is great to see you again, child." You didn't smile back and instead clasped your hands together, much like how Alicent did. "Prince Daemon, how wonderful it is to see you. How is my mother?" "Why was Aegon responding to my letters?" Daemon asked and stepped forward, reaching to run a hand over your braided hair. You stepped back and looked him in the eye. "They must've been addressed to him, instead of me, Daemon. If you wish to discuss this more, let us go to my mother's chambers."
You led the group of Targaryens and Velaryons to Rhaenyra's halls and headed directly to the largest room, tossing the doors open, and met Rhaenyra's eyes. "Mother, what pleasure it is to see you again." You said, loudly and your voice devoid of emotion. Rhaenyra saw the looks on her other children's faces and her husband's. You stood much like she did when she was your age and Daemon was focused on you. Jace and Luke were looking between you and Rhaenyra, realizing the anger that filled the room. You turned and closed the door before taking a deep breath and looking down. "Did you tell Jace and Luke or should I, Rhaenyra?" You asked and turned back to face Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra went to speak before Jace spoke up. "Tell us what?" "That I am Daemon Targaryen's child and not Harwin Strong's or Laenor Velaryon's." You spoke, looking at your brother with a soft look before clearing your throat. "Did you tell them about Laenor?"
"What about Laenor?" Daemon had finally spoken up, grabbing your arm, his other hand playing with the pommel of Darksister, although he wouldn't hurt you in the slightest. "That you killed him to marry mother. You murdered the man we considered our father to marry our mother. How do we know you didn't have Harwin killed as well? How do we know that you won't kill our mother next because soon enough, with how many children you pour into her, she will die on the birthing bed? Birthing your heirs when you had one right here from the beginning." You snapped, pulling away from him. "You don't know what you are talking about." Rhaenyra started and you whipped to face her. "My own husband waited until I was ready to birth children before he bedded me." Rhaenyra's face dropped and she quickly surged forward and grabbed at your face. "Who did you marry?" "Aemond. I fell in love. It seems I'm more like my sires than anyone else." You closed your eyes, and it was like Aemond and Aegon had heard you. The door pushed open and there were the two princes, with Ser Criston and Queen Alicent surging to break everything up. Aegon's hand twitched as he started to walk to pull you free from Rhaenyra until Aemond cut him off and pulled you away. "My love, are you alright?" He asked quietly and you looked up at him with a soft smile. "I'm perfectly alright, Aemond. No need to worry." You quietly spoke back as Aemond brushed his hands over your body to check for any sore spots forming. "Husband! I'm alright. I'm not harmed. I don't think my mother and her husband would hurt me." Aemond and Aegon both looked between Rhaenyra and Daemon and how they had semi-cornered you. Alicent was quick to realize what had happened, as she became much like the mother you missed as you grew. Alicent looked at you before walking over. "Are you alright?" You smiled, the brightest Rhaenyra had seen since she got to see you again. You looked like you fit perfectly into their family, and you had. You became a daughter to Alicent even if she didn't trust you in the beginning. Alicent looked to Rhaenyra. "I'm going to send these two off, I'm sure anything else that can be discussed will be discussed later." Rhaenyra opened her mouth to say something but Alicent held her hand up. "They both need to tend to their duties as prince and consort."
Alicent and Rhaenyra stood for a moment, staring each other down as you, Aegon, and Aemond left the room, leaving Criston to deal with all of them. Aemond had a concerned hand on your lower back as he walked beside you. "Aegon, you needn't show up. It's going to raise suspicions." You whispered, looking over to him. Aegon looked back at you and smiled. "I'm always going to show up, always for you."
You sighed and shook your head. "You are going to get us all in trouble one day." While you, Aemond, and Aegon headed to the gardens, Alicent glared at Rhaenyra. The queen sighed. "Leave them alone. Do not try to take them with you to Dragonstone. It will be seen as a slight against the crown." Rhaenyra straightened. "They are my child, not yours! If I wish to have my heir brought home, then that is what will happen."
Daemon watched the scene in front of him. "Aemond's the spare of the spares, Alicent. Why give him a wife when making Aemond join the kingsguard would be easier." He pointed out, quickly going to lean against the wall. Alicent held her hand up. Her eyes met his purple ones. "Because your wife's child came here one day, on Sheepstealer's back, crying and sobbing that they finally figured out the truth. You and Rhaenyra marrying, and Laenor dying because of you. You took everything that child held close to themselves. You made them come to their grandsire for protection, from you, Daemon. So, forgive me for taking pity on them, sheltering them, when I could've just sent them back to you and Rhaenyra and lived miserably." Alicent took a deep breath and then turned to Rhaenyra. "You love your children as much as I love mine, I wouldn't do that to my children."
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
What r ur thoughts on daemon x rhaenyra relationship
Daemyra nation, rise up! For how much I shit on these two, you wouldn't realise I actually like them. I am not immune to Tik Tok edits with Unholy in the background. The chemistry between the actors draws you in, that's a given.
[I am not going to get into a heavy-handed disclaimer about this not being a healthy relationship, because that's just been dissected to death by now.]
I have to admit that Ryan Condal's declaration that Daemon was maybe in love with Viserys and wanted to be intricately connected to him explains so much about his character. But, at the same, it's so jarring to see how the majority of the audience insisted on perceiving him; the lady asking the question is a perfect example, she felt "betrayed" by the scene of Daemon choking Rhaenyra because she really wanted Daemon to have a heroic arc. But that's just not who he is a character and that's reflected both in his fucked-up relationship with Rhaenyra and in the way the audience insists on ascribing them a dynamic of wholesome domestic fluff that just isn't there.
I really find it very interesting how many genderbending questions this show indirectly poses about the characters. Would Rhaenyra have been much happier had she been born a boy and could have, therefore, married Alicent herself? Would Daemon have been happier born a girl and married to Viserys? It makes a lot of sense for someone so intent on cannibalizing Viserys to move on to the closest person with whom he could possibly recreate that, i.e. Viserys' own daughter.
In many ways, Rhaenyra truly is the wife Daemon always wanted - a perfect Targaryen princess with Targaryen parents & Valyrian looks, who could give him unmistakably Targaryen sons, place him in close proximity to the throne & forever connect him to Viserys. And, in many ways, Daemon is the husband Rhaenyra always wanted - a provocative, intoxicating bad boy that is such an arsehole to anyone BUT HER. He's a teenage fantasy. *cue Katy Perry's Teenage Dream playing in the background* I have no doubt that they're sexually attracted to each other. That they even get along fine on a day-by-day basis.
But I would like to challenge Daemyra citizens on the following points. Overall, I think Rhaenyra is a much better partner to Daemon than he is to her, because Daemon invariably seems to bail out on her whenever things get tough:
He abandons her in the brothel. I mean, kudos for deciding not to take her maidenhead after all, I suppose, but how in the world is she supposed to get back to the Red Keep? Does she even know the way? She could get both discovered and/or assaulted. Does Daemon think this a thrilling possibility somehow - of something happening to Rhaenyra, but him not being directly responsible? Or does he only think of himself in that moment and of his need to get away?
He abandons her at the wedding brawl. She was just challenging him to abscond with her to Dragonstone and marry her. Wouldn't a commotion like this be the perfect opportunity to slip away? Why ditch her immediately and not even try to protect her at least? Isn't she the reason he came back from his exile in the first place?
He abandons her during the eye-gouging trial. Rhaenyra could have been in big trouble here and Daemon doesn't lift a finger to help her in any way. Even though he is one of the few people who could have actually had some input, considering his girls were also hurt. He could have diffused the situation or even backed her up a little - anything. I would have been terribly pissed with him if he simply materialized by my side after I'd have been cut with a knife & he just stood there smirking by the door. Even Matt Smith added that Daemon would have been happy just to see them all implode. The only explanation I can think of is that it's in Daemon's interest as well for the Strong boys to be called bastards, since he gets closer in the line of succession if they're disinherited.
He abandons her during her difficult labour and miscarriage. I understand he may have been triggered and I'm even willing to consider the deleted scenes with him mourning on the beach as proof that he was genuinely saddened by all this, but come on. Rhaenyra is crying out for him and he ignores her. He can hear her through the castle walls; it's cruel. At some point, you've got to man up and go to your screaming (and possibly dying) wife. Even Jace & Luke go and see her & they're teenagers! Even Viserys has the decency to stay in the birthing room with Aemma.*
The choking scene has been debated to death already.
There is, nevertheless, more to this. I'm not going to deny that he respects Rhaenyra, as much as he can respect anyone anyway. He gives her back the egg. He begrudgingly follows her lead on the bridge when they're facing Otto in the final episode. He moves to stop Ser Criston when he rushes to aid knifed-up Alicent. He crowns her. He cuts Vaemond's head in half - but is this just because he insulted Rhaenyra or was he just itching for violence and saw an opportunity?
I do feel like Rhaenyra has some terrible blind spots in relation to Daemon. The appeal of their relationship is that it's exciting and enticing and taboo, but, ultimately, it will break down because both of them have this idealized image of the other that neither lives up to. Rhaenyra thinks of herself as the perpetual exception for Daemon and, while I don't believe Daemon would ever truly give her up, he does seem the most comfortable recreating a dynamic in which he is the senior, worldly partner that can impress a young, guileless girl and be somewhat of a mentor to her (young!Rhaenyra, Nettles, even Mysaria was in an inferior social role). I don't think he knows how to handle a relationship of equals. He seems to struggle a lot with the idea of Rhaenyra topping the hierarchy.
*So many parallels with Viserys, actually. He stays with Aemma, holds her hand and even tries to comfort her, but decides to kill her for the baby anyway. Whereas Daemon doesn't go to Laena, but refuses to allow the surgeons to perform a cesarean on her. I feel like he would refuse it for Rhaenyra as well, but, then again, he prefers to keep away and not offer her any support.
I also wonder if Viserys doesn't mirror Daemon in his choice of bride, too. Daemon wants Rhaenyra as a way to always keep close to Viserys, but what if Viserys chose Alicent because she was Otto's daughter, as well? As a way of keeping close to his dear friend whom he cherished and respected. Isn't Viserys' fondness for his Hand another reason why Daemon has a bone to pick with Otto?
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darklinaforever · 6 months
So... it makes me laugh at people who criticize Dameyra for sending Laenor away and lying to their children and Rhaenys as well as killing a servant to explain how evil they are. First of all, this never happened in the book. Then, 2, light but such a crucial little detail... LAENOR WAS AGREED ! Like... yeah ! I feel like those who criticize Daemyra for what happened with Laenor always forget that, yes, Laenor was on board with this plan. He agreed to go away with his lover, to pretend to be dead, leave his children and parents behind who would never know the truth and to have an innocent man killed to make him appear as his corpse. If people could stop making Daemyra look like the worst ? No one is clingy in this series anyway.
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Also, if I ever see someone explain that Daemon brings out the worst in Rhaenyra and grooming her... I'm seriously going to start tearing my hair out. I don't understand. The definition is available on the internet ! As well as the explanation of what a feudal context implies, very easily ! So why do so many people spout the same crap over and over again ? People, you just look like uneducated idiots and it's embarrassing to see after a while...
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anamazingangie · 11 months
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So uh. There was a little autocorrect mixup on my daemyra discord, something about a "terrifying type of incest i've never seen before." And us all being like, "we need details!" because we're gross.
When they started describing a cockroach type creature we realized they meant insect. So I was like, "combine em, daemyra doing it in cockroach costumes." and then I had to make an edit to prove Matt Smith would look cute even as a cockroach because he looks cute in everything.
Anyway, it came down to "this should be a fanfic" and I think as admin it was my duty to oblige.
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Rhaenyra wasn’t sure how the holiday had creeped up on her, but it was suddenly Halloween and she had nothing to wear. They had nothing to wear. And couples costumes were one of the major benefits of no longer having to hide their relationship, if she was honest. 
But there was a work emergency, and now she wasn’t going to get off until 6 and the party was at 8. Daemon was a competent dude in a lot of ways, with a decent fashion sense, but costumes were a challenge for anyone. There was a mixture of sexiness, cleverness, and humor that had to be balanced, while also ideally being somewhat unique. 
He swore it would be fine. And she trusted him. She did.
Her bought them fucking COCKROACH costumes. She didn’t even know what to say. And he looked so proud. She wanted to be mad. She was going to be mad, but she was going to get an explanation first. 
“How are these sexy, exactly?” She asked. 
“There is literally cock in the name.” He said, like it was obvious. 
“How are these funny, exactly?” 
“Didn’t you hear me? Cock-roach.” He repeated.
Ok. Fine. She should have seen that coming. 
“But it isn’t clever.”  She said, he couldn’t argue with that. 
“It is too, cockroaches never die? Right? Just like our love.” And he looked so earnest. 
Fine.  She would wear it. At least it was unique, no one else would buy something this hideous. But knowing Daemon? He’d somehow manage to look adorable in it. 
(he did)
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
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@consistentsquash, professionally. Squash, casually. Squish-Squash, affectionately. Overall wonderful human.
My first introduction to Squash was a mention of her 22 Slash Fics for 22 Years (though it was 21, at the time) rec list. Then I had to look for more and was suitably impressed! Very thoughtful, detailed rec lists; but best of all, such good taste! Squash's recs were right up my alley! Even now, I don't even blink when Squash recs things, I just blindly open links and Mark For Later. (Or, for non-AO3 links, I save them to my Pocket app.)
Then one day, Squash recced Teardrop In Your Palm on her New HP Slash Fics Published in 2021 rec list!! Which made me feel quite famous, let me tell you. And insanely flattered. "This person who recs such good fics!!! Recced!!!! MY???? FIC??????" (Am I super casually sneaking extra recs into the Introduction section? Well spotted! Yes. Yes I am.)
Of course, Squash is more than just a gourd with good taste in fics. She is a very intelligent, enthusiastic, supportive fan. Big love for fandom, the community, the history, the culture, and more! She is openminded and openhearted. A rockstar cheerleader. She leaves such sweet comments! She has read a lot, and somehow finds the time to do all of this stuff, even with life being hecka weird and rough!
Best of all, Squash is a good friend. I can fearlessly barge into her DMs and blather about my woes, various dramas, and worst of all: really humiliating fangirl shenanigans. If I can shamelessly fangirl in front of anyone, it's Squash! She is a great listener. Very compassionate and supportive and understanding. She is an absolutely fantastic HUMAN above all else, and I just adore her!
And with that in mind...check out just a few of the hecka awesome stuff Squash has done!
House of the Dragon Fanfic Character Analysis - Daemon from eldritcher's "Ossuarium"
Fanfic Relationship Analysis - Daemyra from eldritcher's "Ossuarium"
Fanfic Relationship Analysis - Rhaelicent from eldritcher's "Ossuarium"
Pretty sure these are some of the coolest things I've ever seen?? Very loving, ecstatic, detailed essays on eldritcher's work!!!! Too cool, even if I am woefully behind on Ossarium!
5 Meta Recs
Very cool concept for a rec list! I do love a good meta post. Though don't read that Making of Contempt haha oh no. I see a lot of fic recs. I've even seen some art recs. I'm not sure I'd seen meta recs before this, and I'd sure love to see more of them! I inhale good meta when I see it!
10 Albus Dumbledore Slash Recs
I do need some good Dumbledore slash fics in my life, and Squash provides. Such good fics on this list! Especially In Infinite Remorse of Soul, which I'm obsessed with.
10 Intro Slash Fics With 2nd person POV
I love this! Second person POV can be such a difficult one to pull off writing, or to properly get into reading, but when it is done well, it is done very well! And we can all thank Squash for putting together a list of goodies for us!
10 Snarry Recs with Sexposition
What a great list, wow. Snarry, for one thing, our shared OTP! But also...sexposition! Nice. Also: so many great fics. Wow wow wow. 10/10 rec list. (Haha. 10/10 for the 10 Snarry Recs. Look at me go.)
Some Snarry fics are seriously brilliant about using smut for plot exposition - they are indeed!
Comments Are Love / 5 Comment Recs
A very unique and special rec list idea! As a writer, I can assure you, comments ARE love. They are big love. And I love my commenters. It's also a reminder that comments are soul food not only for the creators, but can be so meaningful and impactful to other readers, as well! And an excellent reminder that this is a community. A community built on love.
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for an explanation about Mutuals March, or to figure out why i wrote you a thing, please check out this post.
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horizon-verizon · 8 months
What kills me about Nettles x Daemon fans is that they keep saying how much Nettles is hated by Daemyra fans… Except I've seen more hatred from Nettles x Daemon fans than the opposite. As well as Nettles x Daemon fans coming straight to Daemyra posts to make long explanations about why Nettles is the love of Daemon's life, even when the post doesn't talk about that. Or just tell the Daemyra not to name Nettles, even if you don't say anything bad about the character… Most Daemyra fans who actually talk about Nettles (from what I've seen) just say that They see a platonic bond between Daemon and Nettles, and this is apparently supposed to be proof of racism, because we would like to take away a great romance from a black woman… Besides, this detail amuses me. The fact that Nettles x Daemon fans generally spend their time saying that Nettles' romance with Daemon is crucial to her character (when it's not even confirmed), and that taking it away from her is taking away the Nettles' sense of plot. Which is wrong, the only thing that actually matters to the plot is that Rhaenyra believes in this affair. My point being that Daemyra fans thinking that Nettles and Daemon's relationship was platonic, don't see Nettles as dependent on romance and a man for her place in the plot. She is seen as badass and interesting with a possible cute connection with Daemon who loses his children one by one. But fans of Nettles x Daemon suppose to adore the character… Keep saying that she loses ALL her meaning if she is not Daemon's lover… Which I find very paradoxical. Even Daemyra fans don't say that about Rhaenyra, that her romance with Daemon is necessary to her arc, although yes, they are the main protagonists and it is literally their union that brings Daenerys into the future. main saga…
This part kills me:
Most Daemyra fans who actually talk about Nettles (from what I've seen) just say that They see a platonic bond between Daemon and Nettles, and this is apparently supposed to be proof of racism, because we would like to take away a great romance from a black woman… Besides, this detail amuses me. The fact that Nettles x Daemon fans generally spend their time saying that Nettles' romance with Daemon is crucial to her character (when it's not even confirmed), and that taking it away from her is taking away the Nettles' sense of plot.
There is a difference between characterization-for-the the narrative vs a character's personality traits in terms of separating the person's character from what role they play in the narrative and/or the narrative surrounding that narrative. Up to this point in Fire & Blood, even in all the Targ generations before Daemon and Viserys', we have had events written with a specific lens and language that reveals itself to be just as dependent more on sociopolitical biases as it is facts.
So when reading how Gyldayn describes Nettles (and some others), why do these people think that Nettle's main characterization relies on her sexual/romantic connection to anyone when we've had hints within those descriptions and overt descriptions of her bravery for her bonding w/Sheepstealer as she did, going out to try anyway when several failed and died, crying for Jace's death, her going to battle despite her age? Everything about Nettles's personality and actions before her going to Maidenpool is supposed to also highlight how unlikely it is she ever tries to "consensually"/her own volition get into a relationship w/Daemon.
And narratively, her purpose is first to draw Rhaenyra's ire, and this can't be seen as the narrative favoring Rhaenyra bc the point is, as you said that Rhaenyra sees her as a threat when their marriage has never told to be rocky, he has been respectful of her authority, etc. tells us that she had no true reason to think Daemon would do that. Thus the "witch" quotient Rhaenyra uses as an excuse to shift the problem onto Nettles instead of those around her, who she probably did not want to suspect bc of their proximity and how much she depended on them or had known of them (she at least knows of and is more familiar with Mysaria, for those who will bring Mysaria up, AND Mysaria is the perspn who is giving her the secret information she' needs to even point out and "root" out danger, I don't know if Rhaenyra would be willing--unconsciously and consciously--to allow herself to contemplate this key person as another betrayer). Is this logically flawed? Yes, absolutely. Rhaenyra already was not a perfect person and when you add the anxiety+betrayals+deaths of all that happened to that point that messes up that head more...
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aella-targaryen · 2 years
Don’t get my wrong, I love Matt…but these last two episodes, Daemon’s entire persona just isn’t a vibe. Again, I love him & he’s my favorite character so far. But the lack of screen time during pivotal scenes between him & Rhaenyra…he feels like he’s just there, ya know? I really just thinks it’s the directors fault, though!
Daemon and his vulnerability
Dear anon
Well in the ep. 6 he was clearly depressed and that may be the explanation for his behavior but in the ep.7...
I'm pretty sure Matt is following orders from the director because that's the only explanation for so many people seeing him that way during the episode 7.
Like Emma, ​​Matt has a natural charisma and a magnetic aura of sensuality. They may not be the most pretty people in the cast (again, it's all because of the media guys) but they are definitely the most attractive actors. Anyone can be aesthetically beautiful, but only a few can be attractive and that is more important than physical appearance.
But apparently Sapochnik went to great lengths to hide that attractiveness.
Do you remember that scene in episode 5, when Daemon suddenly walked into the banquet looking like a god because his strong sex appeal? That scene left us all breathless and it was just Matt walking into a room, it shouldn't be a big deal, but HE MAKES IT A BIG DEAL.
Matt in ep. 7 looks dark, sexy, romantic and seductive but you, me and almost everyone know that is not his true potential.
And do you know why I think Sapochnik made him behave like that?
Because he wants Daemon to be a cool guy, a handsome bad boy and a cold antihero, the typical hollow stereotype. Someone who doesn't quite show his feelings of vulnerability because he's "too cool for school".
Although many say that he was sad about Laena's death (something completely understandable) to many people it does not seem so. To most of us he seemed only cold and indifferent. Even for me, a huge fan of Daemyra and Matt.
Do you know which characters remind me of Daemon? Prince Philip from The Crown and Loki.
Both characters are cheeky, sexy, charismatic men with grumpy personalities who are often seen as the stereotypical cool and bad guy. But both Loki and Philip were very well written and developed characters precisely because they showed their vulnerability and their feelings.
They are both strong men (Philip is very masculine) but in emotional moments they show their vulnerability.
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Matt tries at all the time to express that vulnerability because he knows his character perfectly but Sapochnik ruins it by moving the camera away from his face and not showing us his facial and body expressions in the most critical moments. All because he wants to make Daemon look like a "tough guy".
It would have been wonderful for me to see Daemon cry. Cry just a little or with only slightly teary eyes. For his years of sadness and depression, for losing his friend Laena, for the pain of his daughters, for having left the woman he loved alone with her enemies, for his brother, for happiness perhaps for marrying or having sex with Rhaenyra.
Even Rhaenyra lets out a small tear when she watches her childhood friend try to gouge out one of her children's eyes and then that friend spits all her hate in her face.
Expressing vulnerability is one of the most attractive things about a person.
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We've already seen Daemon's vulnerability when he tenderly rests his head on the shoulders of Viserys, Misarya and Caraxes or how he looks confused and overwhelmed by his emotions when he kisses Rhaenyra.
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Daemon seems to only come out in the wedding scene and I hope it was to show from that point on that he will no longer be the cold, tormenting man we saw in the ep. 7 and instead he will be presented like a strong man who can command an army but who can also show a little affection to his wife and children.
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peachysunrize · 18 days
Favorite hotd ships? Might be a silly question lol, but shipping wars are real in this fandom and I would like to hear your opinion. Also, are there ships your really dislike?
I for one like Alicole, Helaemond (controversial in green fandom for some reason but idc), Rhaemond (Aemond and Rhaena would be great together in different circumstances, I'll die on this hill), Aegond (not romantically, but their sibling dynamics is everything). On the other hand, Alysmond, Daemyra or Lucemond are not my cup of tea. As for Rhaenicent, I wasn't really against it, but it seems that the writers are ready to sacrifice the consistency of the story and character arcs in order to push this ship and that's a big no.
OMG NONNIE THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!!! Please keep them coming!! I love talking to y’all😭🩷✨
I have so many favorite ships! But I’ll talk about my most to least favorites! I’m also with you on Aegond so no explanation on that one<33 post is too long, I’ll put it under the cut!
1. Alicole! Always on top!!! There’s so many unresolved feelings between them. A mutual understanding and affection, they bonded over their resentment for Rhaenyra and it brought them closer and closer to the point that Fabien himself said that Cole wants what Alicent wants. Devotion, unconditional love and loyalty. And it’s so hot that Criston is also her sworn shield👀 he even killed because he thought someone disrespected her😮‍💨
2. Rhaemond! Oh this ship is my newest obsession and quite frankly, one of the most interesting ones! Rhaena and Aemond are both similar in so many aspects; both dragonless and overshadowed by their siblings, and the fact that Rhaena is Aemond’s biggest enemy’s betrothed? Yes. Give me the tension. The hatred. The enemies to lovers. I love them so much together. Grumpy/sunshine mixed with hate to love relationship✨✨
3. Helaegon! Yes, most people hate this ship for right reasons, but me…no, I love them. Yes, they’re toxic. Yes, there’s so many things wrong with their relationship, but I sincerely believe that even though they’re not in love as wife and husband, they love each other as siblings, as the parents of their children. Aegon’s not the best father and husband but I know that there’s a deep rooted affection he holds for his family. And the fact that they’re both victims of Otto’s skims…
4. Helaemond! This one is a popular one, and I love it too! It has such a unique dynamic. The second son who got nothing and craves everything given to his older brother, including their sister. I love how fans headcanon Helaena finding comfort in Aemond’s arms and vic verca.
5. Alysmond! Nah it’s probably because I’m a total Aemond girlie and don’t like seeing him with anyone lol but there’re so many things wrong with this ship. Alys is a middle aged wet nurse, and Aemond is 19, so basically there’re hints of grooming. Or even if not, Aemond takes her as his war prize, which is far from healthy. And there’s been talks about Alys manipulating Aemond into sleeping with her so she can be spared, which is still pretty toxic. It’s a no for me.
6. Rhaenicent! I love Alicent, she’s the apple of my eye, and I’m neutral with Rhaenyra, but it’s just not my thing. I like them as friends and with other people lol.
7. Daemyra! They’re both very very sexy, but I don’t like Daemon at all😭 grooming, manipulation, isolating Rhaenyra, abusive behavior… I think Rhaenyra deserves much better! (She deserves Harwin)
8. Lucemond… I can tolerate any other ship but this. Cheers to people who like them together, but it’s a very hard no for me. Luke is a child, a minor, and shipping him with an adult… yup. But also, I don’t think Aemond can ever find love for him in his heart, he took his freaking eye! And we saw how Vhagar chewed Luke so…
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arabian-bloodstream · 2 years
So I didn’t have time to watch the episode last night but I’m kind of afraid to watch it. Apparently the chemistry wasn’t there and rhae didn’t look like she enjoyed the sex scene. The marriage proposal was purely for political reasons and power so daemon is basically doing her favor. Mysaria is shown in next week’s trailer with a guy in gray hoodie aka people think it’s daemon so they’ll probably have him cheat on her. Idk obviously alicent and rhae shippers will say that but some dameon x rhae are too 😭
Why are we worrying about next week when this episode was beyond amazing for Daemyra!? And why are you listening to others who can’t enjoy the FABULOUS FEAST that the Daemyra fam was fed last night? I mean, my good anon, we have literally been given win after win after win. Don’t let the haters and downers in the fandom rain on the Daemyra parade. The episode was AMAZEBALLS for Daemyra.
I'm just going to link to my post about the love scene here: Now THAT was a LOVE scene
And THIS splendiferous post that covered the love scene AND the wedding (OH MY GOODNESS! It was so beautiful I nearly cried! -- and this post nearly made me cry!!)
Rhaenyra didn't enjoy it?!?! What the everloving---?! Dear lord! That woman looked like she was seeing the gods! She was enraptured. She was touching every single inch of that man she could get her hands on. And, fools, let us not forget she literally just gave birth not too long ago. And Daemon just lost his wife--this is LITERALLY TAKING PLACE AT HER FUNERAL! And, yet still they were out there banging it out. No, I will not sully that beauteous lovemaking. Cuz that was it, they were making the love. SO MAKING THE LOVE!
I mean, it appears that the people complaining about this love scene expected a raunchy, burning, sexy, hot, fun, getting it on fuckfest. And I'm like... whu?!?!? Were you even paying attention to the last episode?! They were fucking miserable. M-I-S-E-R-A-B-L-E. They spent ten years (FOLKS, TEN YEARS!) denying themselves. Denying their fire, denying their true heart's desire. They had sublimated who they truly were. They were also grieving, in pain.
Daemon had walked away from her -- yes, by the way, I called it. Totes 100% called it that we WOULD get an explanation for what happened in episode 5 with Daemon leaving, as I said, patience, grasshopper, patience. They were both miserable. But now at last they were together. They treated each other with reverence. When they made love... and it was absolutely, inesapably making love... it was damn-near worshipful.
And the wedding? Yes, they got married for political means. Him marrying her helped strengthen her claim, but WHEN they got married? OH. BE. STILL. MY BEATING. HEART.
The peace radiating from them. The joy on their faces. The looks in their eyes. The smiles. The lean in to the kisses. The cupping of the faces. The way she caressed his cheek, his chin. The kisses. DEAR LORD UP IN HEAVEN! THE KISSES! THE KISSES! OH MY HEAVEN!! THE KISSESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was the most soulmate of soulmatey weddings ever! They were like radiating the purity of love. It was just.... AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!
I mean, if that was not Daemyra heaven, fam, I don't know what is. I do not know.
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thesilverlady · 11 months
I know you love demyra but do you think it's a grooming/pedophilic relationship as a lot of greens love to say?
short answer no
explanation: asoiaf fans love nothing more than throwing around many heavy words without taking consideration the actual story we're dealing with.
in the end of the day, asoiaf is basically a medieval fantasy and when we examine the relationship we can do it either under contemporary lances with our own morality or with the rules and norms that have been established in the fantasy story.
When people use the word pedophilia for daemyra they do it mostly because of the age gap and that's pointless because many couples have age gaps in the books (starks lannisters, targaryens etc)
When it comes to grooming they have in mind that rhaenyra was a minor and daemon an adult hence the use of the word. Grooming is a bit more complicated than that. Daemon wasn't around Rhaenyra her entire life, all day every day to groom her.
Don't get me wrong, does their relationship have unhealthy elements? sure. But that's just asoiaf world for ya.
I do have the opinion (which is extremely unpopular with daemyras and generally team black) that daemon 100% wanted the crown. In my opinion he wanted power and he did somewhat used rhaneyra for gain. That doesn't mean he didn't love her. Man can do both.
Anyways, to sum up no I don't think it's grooming/pedophilic just like I don't think Alicent/Viserys were abusive/pedophilic.
It's just people throwing around these words, knowing very well how serious they are in order to win some argument about a character that's ink on a page.
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