#daesung fanfic
deviltsunoda-writes · 9 months
flowers / fernando alonso x ofc! kpop idol
summary; nobody expected fernando alonso to date a kpop idol
note; i am back in my kpop groove again fml
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kangjuni: JUNI EP ALBUM [Flowers]
2023.02.15 7PM (KST)
#JUNI #주니 #Flowers
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Liked by charles_leclerc and 742,928 others
kangjuni: JUNI EP ALBUM [Flowers]
2023.02.15 7PM (KST)
#JUNI #주니 #Flowers
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user: Fernando and Charles??
user: Huh?
charles_leclerc: It was a pleasure to work with you Juni!
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Liked by scuderiaferrari and 2,234,837 others
kangjuni and charles_leclerc:
2023.02.15 7PM (KST)
'NOW (feat. Charles Leclerc)'
#JUNI #주니 #CharlesLeclerc #NOW #Flowers 
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user: They've gotta be together
user: 올해의 노래!
user: Charles x Juni my parents
user: Y'all are forgetting that there's an 11 year age gap between them
user: Nah forget Charles x Juni, Juni x Fernando is where it's at
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Liked by astonmartinf1 and 71,077 others
fernandoalo_official: your touch makes me feel like i'm floating forever
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user: Fernando soft launch??
user: Interesting…that's the English translation of Forever by Juni…
user: If he's happy, I'm happy
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Liked by __youngbae__ and 2,532,083 others
kangjuni: Flowers; a letter. 
To Teddy, Kush, Vince and Hunseol. Thank you for working your magic on this album. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with you all, and hopefully we can do it again in the future! When I approached you three with an idea, I had no idea it would turn into something this big. 감사합니다!
Ducky, my big bro! Working with you is like a dream come true, ten year old me would be over the moon.  Jay, even though we've known each other since 2005, it has taken us this long to actually collaborate. Can you believe it? Charles, you're one of the most talented people I know, never let anyone take your spirit.
To my brothers, Seunghyun, Daesung, Jiyong and Youngbae. Look at us now. I'm so proud of what we've achieved, and what we're going to do in the future. The first day I met you all, I had no clue how I was supposed to work with four boys, but I'm so glad I stuck it out. Seunghyun, our wine dates kept me going through this creative process - the hangovers not so much. Daesung, my smiley brother. You cheer me up even in the darkest of times, though I do wish you'd wear more than just socks when you play the drums! Jiyong, like you've led BIGBANG through hard times, you've helped me so much personally. Thank you for all your advice, though it really should be me advising you! And Youngbae. You helped me with this album, even when you were completely sleep deprived from dealing with my nephew. Thank you for letting me crash on your couch, steal your food and steal your son when I'm craving auntie/nephew days.  I love you all so incredibly much. BIGBANG is forever. 
To my fans. This album is for you. It's a love story, a romcom, the perfect glass of wine, a warm bath on a cold day. Thank you for supporting me from day one.
And finally, to my husband. Nando, this album wouldn't have happened without you. You've supported me through everything - my brothers joining the military, hiatuses, creative slumps and crazy fans - and I don't know what I would do if you weren't firmly in my corner. You've given me a fair few heart attacks throughout our relationship, and you continue to do so, but that's what I love about you. 
Always yours, 
Kang Juri. 
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writer's note; i am incredibly proud of this one
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Forgot to do this earlier but I wanted to post something before the end of the day.
Happy Birthday Kang Daesung!! I hope you have/had a wonderful day and I hope everything you want in the next few years comes your way. I’d love to have some more songs from you and Big Bang, or maybe see you acting. But it’s ultimately up to you.
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j-a-nuary · 2 years
Date Roulette: Seunghyun
Intro Week Start Seungri Week Start Daesung Week Start Taeyang Week Start Previous Next
I was becoming entirely too comfortable. Too comfortable with not making plans. Too comfortable with waking up in strange beds.
Too comfortable with Seunghyun.
I had never been a believer in the idea that men were strictly big spoon cuddlers. My time with Daesung was enough proof of that. But with the way Seunghyun acted like a bit of a guard dog at times, I would never have taken him for the little spoon type.
But his head was resting on me, squished somewhat between my bicep and chest. His arms had managed to keep themselves securely around my waist as we slept, and he had practically bundled himself against me.
I started to move, stretching slightly. It drew a groan from him.
"Don't move," he grumbled, nuzzling his head deeper into my arm.
"We have to get going."
I raised my hand not currently pinned by his head and pushed the hair off of his face.
He was being… cute? That sounded about right. Cute.
It felt like a foreign word when applied to Seunghyun. And not foreign in the way I had become accustomed to. It wasn't just a new word, or one which I didn't know the meaning of. It was foreign like those words that didn't have a translation. Those definitions that go on for a paragraph.
I blinked, remembering that he had asked a question.
"Because they need to get in here and clean the room for the next guest."
He groaned, rolling to press his face directly into the mattress. As if he could escape downwards.
"I'll just extend it another night."
"But we need to get back to Seoul."
"For… uh…"
He had a point. We were the show. The show staff was here with us, bare bones as it was.
"We need clean clothes."
"I'll buy some."
"The crew needs clean clothes."
"I just said I'd buy some."
"I want to go back."
He groaned again, sounding less annoyed this time.
Our skin stuck slightly as he pulled his arms away from me. Pushing himself upwards, he nodded.
"Okay. Just let me…"
He didn't finish his sentence. Scrambling to stand up, it was the first time I had ever seen him look even slightly off balance.
I blinked, quickly rolling away from him. I had forgotten that he had only been in his boxers and undershirt. They were not by any stretch of the imagination revealing, but it seemed only polite and, in some way, correct to lend him the privacy as he pulled his pants on.
I felt the bed dip behind me, followed by the sensation of the sheet being pulled over my thighs and side.
"Sorry," he mumbled, "your skirt…"
"Right," I stayed facing away from him, "thanks."
I reached down and tugged the sheets further up my body.
That was how our morning shuffle continued. Avoiding looking too directly at each other. Being a little hyper aware of the rumpled appearance of our day-old clothing. Incomplete sentences.
It got real old, real fast. Literally nothing had happened. There was precisely zero reason for us to be acting like teens who got caught.
"Did he ever reply to your picture?" I finally asked between bites of a sandwich.
Despite my request that morning to go back to Seoul, I had looked up nearby restaurants and chosen a place for breakfast. I did want to get back eventually, but there was no harm in taking a bit of extra time before leaving. Just as long as I slept in "my" room tonight, I would be relatively happy.
Seunghyun shook his head, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He tapped the screen, then shook his head again.
He held his phone out. I could only see the last bit of Jiyong's last message at the top of the chat, and I wasn’t about to scroll up to see more.
From: KJY get home.
To: KJY [Image]
To: KJY You know I'll take care of her. Relax.
The picture showed my head on his chest. His fingers were in my hair, and I looked for all the world like I was peacefully asleep.
Perhaps because I had been.
"You fell asleep pretty fast, and I didn't think I could move without waking you up."
That explained this morning, somewhat.
"So what does it mean when he doesn't respond?"
Seunghyun smirked, taking his phone back.
"Do you want to go to the beach before we head back?"
I narrowed my eyes at his piss-poor attempt at changing the subject.
He rolled his eyes before answering.
"He's definitely overthinking," his smile widened to a full grin, "and he might be furious."
"It's a bit out of the way," I said, swiping across the map on my phone. We were done with breakfast and had checked out of the hotel. Without having a set plan to spur us into motion, I was listening to Seunghyun make suggestions while sitting on the trunk of his car.
"Not by much. And I know that you want to go."
No point in asking why. No doubt Soo-ah's advice had given him enough information to build a whole itinerary.
"Sure," I conceded, "though the real dream would be one in, like, Bali or Australia."
"I'll save those for our honeymoon," Seunghyun teased.
"For now we'll just settle for Busan."
"A wedding is not goi-"
Seunghyun reached up and placed a single finger over my lips.
I made an annoyed groan and rolled my eyes.
"Just admit that you're going to marry me," he continued, ignoring my minor protest, "and when we do, I'll take you on a world tour of beaches. Okay?"
"On second thought, let's just go back to the city. I'm fucking sick of you."
He smiled, now taking my hand and tugging me down from his car. Once I was standing, he moved to wrap an arm around my shoulder.
"Is it because we didn't pack anything? We need swimsuits," he tugged his own phone out and pulled up Naver maps as well, "right? Let's see what stores are around."
"This is cute," I mumbled to myself, looking over a swimming set.
"Get it then," Seunghyun automatically replied, not looking up from his own browsing.
"Eh," I waffled, "just because it's cute doesn't mean it would be cute on me."
That made him actually look up and walk over. Nudging up behind me, he reached around me to pick up the hanger and take a look.
"What do you think?" I prompted him.
He didn't immediately say anything. Instead, he placed his free hand on my waist and directed me towards one of the mirrors hanging between clothing racks.
Still behind me, he held the hanger up in front of me. His head tilted, and his eyes narrowed slightly as he ran them over my reflection. After some excruciating observation, he finally spoke.
"Not this one."
"It's not that bad," I started to protest, "maybe just a different color."
"No," he spoke with a surprising amount of finality. He shook his head and turned away, taking the swimsuit with him. He replaced it on the rack, and started flipping through the other options.
"Here," he held another set towards me, still focused on the rack, "how about this one?"
I took the hanger and mimicked Seunghyun’s action from before, holding the suit in front of myself.
"Not bad," I shrugged, "but you obviously have different taste than me."
"Try these too," he held several more hangers now. Looking around, he seemed to be trying to locate a clerk. "Do they have changing rooms?"
"Over there," I nodded my head towards a series of doors designed to look like surfboards.
"Perfect. Try these on," he pushed the hangers into my hands and ushered me towards the changing area. I was able to snag the one I had chosen before I swept away.
Seunghyun rolled his eyes, but didn't stop me.
"Fuck me," I grumbled, turning around and looking in the mirror.
"What's that?" Seunghyun’s voice came from the other side of the door.
"It's… very…" I tried to think of an accurate description.
Sexy? Revealing?
"It's too small," I pulled the ties on the side. No amount of adjusting the knots would make more cloth magically appear.
"Do you want a bigger size?"
I grit my teeth, remembering a hundred shopping trips from my teens when I had heard that exact question, albeit in a different language.
"No," I sighed, "that's not… it's not small in that way," I explained, hoping he'd take the hint and shut up.
"What do you mean?"
Of course he didn't.
"I, uh…"
"Just let me see."
The door handle jiggled slightly. Not like he was actively trying to open it, but just as if he had laid his hand on the other side.
"Absolutely not. No way," I double checked that the door was locked, "especially not with the camera out there."
"Come on," he sounded a little annoyed, "it can't be that bad."
"I'm not trying to get this show rated as adult content, Hyun."
For a few precious moments, there was silence on the other side of the door.
"Try the blue one, it should have more…" he cleared his throat, "I mean, it has better, uh, coverage."
An agonizingly awkward silence filled the next half an hour. And then we arrived at the beach. It was obvious that Chul had sent the other staff member ahead to set up. There was a small sun shade, two seats, and an assortment of towels and sunscreen.
"Here," Chul held a bottle out to me, "I figured this would work better than last time."
I smiled, a little touched by his remembering.
"You know," I teased, "if I didn't know it was your job to look after me, I might think you liked me."
Chul rolled his eyes, wiggling the bottle towards me.
"Just take it already."
"Don't you want to go in the water?"
I hummed, eyes shut, trying to be as noncommittal as I could be. I was fully content with simply basking in the sun.
Seunghyun groaned.
"Come on," he whined, starting to poke my leg as he continued, "just for a little while?"
"Don't try to be cute," I scolded him, "it won't work on me."
I heard him make an annoyed noise, but his fingers no longer prodded my thigh.
I was nearly lulled asleep by the sound of the sea when he spoke up again.
"I could just pick you up and bring you out to the water."
I sighed, and finally opened my eyes. Turning my head, I gazed up at Seunghyun. He was sitting on a towel next to where I was laid out.
"You want me to kill you?"
He grinned down at me.
"I don't think you would."
"That depends," I pushed myself up slightly, propping myself up on my elbows. "Hey Chul," I called out.
"Yeah?" I heard the all-rounder reply.
"How much trouble will I get in if I fight Seunghyun?"
"Uh…" he sounded unsure, probably of how serious I was being, "let me just turn off the cameras first."
Seunghyun scoffed, rolling his eyes and shaking his head.
"No company loyalty," he grumbled.
"You aren’t the company," Chul called out, laughing.
"Fucking microphones…"
"Go in the water if you're tired of microphones," I let out a small groan as I turned over and settled myself onto my stomach. I nestled my face into my arms, hoping Seunghyun would just let me nap.
"I don't want to go alone," he said, once again reaching over to prod a finger into the flesh of my leg, "come with me."
Honestly, I should have seen that one coming.
"Fine," I groaned again, pushing myself up to sit on my knees, "if I go in with you for a while, will you then let me waste my time in the sun?"
Seunghyun grinned, scrambling to stand up, and held a hand out towards me.
"I make no promises," he shook his head, "but I'll think about it."
I blinked up at him a few times before I gave him my hand. He immediately tugged me to stand next to him.
"Fine," I brushed some sand off my arm, "that's better than nothing I guess."
"Are you letting me win?" Seunghyun asked as his hands clasped around my waist. He rested his chin on my shoulder. Instinctively, I double checked that my top was securely in place.
"I'm just off my game," I protested, working my fingers under his own, "the ocean freaks me out sometimes."
"Orrrr…" he batted my hands away from his own, pulling me more tightly against his body, "you secretly want me to hold onto you."
Man, who would have thought I'd have to threaten a man twice today?
"I'll kill you," I tried my best to sound intimidating.
I must have failed, since he only laughed.
"There's worse ways to go."
Finally, I got a grip on his hand. Peeling it back, I slid out from his grasp.
I was a little surprised that he let me go so easily. Until he refused to let go of my hand.
"Wait wait wait…" he pulled himself closer again, but at least he didn't try to wrap himself around me again, "I actually wanted to talk to you away from the microphones."
I glanced at the shore, spotting the tell-tale glint of the sun bouncing off a camera.
"What about?" I warily asked.
"I have a plan to get us away from the cameras for a while."
I blinked, then narrowed my eyes.
"Just to take the pressure off," he shrugged, "I know you're not used to all of this."
I grimaced, trying to one-up my already suspicious expression.
"And," he stressed the word, expressing that he was about to reveal his true motive, "I wanted to spend some time with you without us having to perform, you know?"
I cocked my head. That wasn't really what I expected.
"We don't perform though? At least," I placed the fingertips of my free hand on my chest, "I don't."
"I'm not saying it like that," Seunghyun shook his head. "I just mean I'd like to spend some time comfortably. Without having to worry about an audience."
"Then why don't we just go home? There's no cameras in my room, we can just hang out in there."
"Sure, but there's most likely microphones."
My heart stopped.
Microphones in my room? How had that not even occurred to me?
I felt ill. Blinking rapidly, I looked out over the ocean, and struggled with what to say.
"W…" I lifted my free hand to my eyes, covering them, "ah…" I let my hand slide down to cup my own cheek, "what?"
"It's pretty standard…" Seunghyun spoke slowly, eyebrows dipping, "are you okay?"
My hand was pressed over my mouth now. I was decidedly not okay.
"I need…" I mumbled through my fingers, eyes still scanning the sea and sky, "Chul…" I could absolutely not meet Seunghyun’s eye right now, "I have to talk to Chul."
I tugged against Seunghyun's hold on my hand, trying to move back towards the beach.
"Wait," his hand only tightened on mine, "baby…"
It was the English, more than the name itself, that made me pause.
"Tell me what's wrong."
His voice was soft, and he slowly reeled me back towards him. This time he pulled my chest against his. After wrapping one arm around my waist, he used the other to push my hair away from my face.
I kept my eyes focused on some indiscernible spot behind him, still not willing to make eye contact.
"I can't," I shook my head.
"Luna," I felt his index finger crook under my chin, "look at me."
He was gentle as he guided me to look at him, running his thumb against my cheek.
I was back to blinking rapidly, as if his face was too bright to look at.
He, on the other hand, kept a steady eye on me.
"Tell me what happened."
I shook my head, a tiny motion for just how bad the situation was. I couldn't take his eyes on mine. Dropping my gaze to where his neoprene style swimming shirt clung to his collarbones, I bit my lip.
"Was it one of the boys?" He asked, thumb still working softly against my face, "whatever it was, I'll make sure you're protected."
"It's not like a Seungri thing," I blurted out. If nothing else, I didn't want him to suspect anyone of doing something like that.
"Then what is it?"
"Hyun…" I whined, letting my head drop onto his shoulder, "I really can't tell you."
His hand immediately landed on my hair, lightly stroking through the salt roughened strands.
"Why not? What's the worst thing that happens if you tell me?"
I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped me.
"The worst? I die of embarrassment, you get charged with drowning me, the audio gets released during the trial, and everyone hears what I sound like w…" I lost all steam, not willing to say aloud exactly what was probably on someone's hard drive.
Seunghyun shifted slightly, pushing my shoulder back so he could dip his head and try to look at me.
"Why would they think that I drowned you?"
I silently thanked god for making Seunghyun, just this once, not focus on the absolute worst part.
"Um… well…"
"Baby," the English derailed me again, "just say it."
"There could be a case made for," if I hadn’t been pressed against him, I would have been fidgeting, "like, a jealousy thing."
"Why? Did you hook up with one of the guys or something?"
I clamped my mouth shut, biting on the inside of my lips.
Seunghyun laughed.
"Is that all? You're this stressed because you hooked up with Daesung? Luna," he wrapped both arms around me now, laughing, "baby, you had me worried for a minute there."
Of all the reactions I had expected, this was not one of them.
"Wait, how did you know?" I pushed back from him enough to look up at him, "Daesung told you?"
"Of course not," he shook his head, "Daesung is a total gentleman. I just took a calculated guess, and you just confirmed it."
"You've got to be fucking kidding me."
He grinned, once again pulling me against himself.
"No, I'm not kidding. Yeobo," he quickly kissed my cheek, "you don't have to hide that sort of thing from me."
My mind was reeling. The last few minutes had presented far too much information to cram into my skull. I decided to focus on just the thing that was literally in front of me.
"So you're not upset or anything?"
"God no!" His hands slid up from my waist, both cupping my face instead, "I already told you that I don't care if you want to date other people."
He pressed his lips against mine. He held me there a bit longer than absolutely necessary, slowly working to a point where he could tug at my bottom lip with his teeth as he pulled back.
The information, the emotional rollercoaster of revealing what had happened, the kiss… it was all too much. I felt dazed, and more than a little overwhelmed.
He smiled, a hint of his cockiness showing at the corners of his eyes.
"How selfish would I have to be to keep you all to myself?"
"We're kind of in public, Hyun."
He didn't say anything, instead opting to kiss me again.
"Chul I have a question," I fiddled with the knobs on my microphone pack.
Chul didn't respond vocally. He just pointed at the pack and raised an eyebrow.
I nodded.
"Let me check that for you."
He quickly shut it off, unplugging the cord and taking out the batteries as well.
"What's up?"
He seemed as unconcerned as ever, making a big show of trying to "fix" my mic-pack.
I crossed my arms, feeling nervous now.
"Are there microphones in my room?"
His hands went completely still. I could see his eyes jump around for a few seconds before he answered.
I was, of course, not convinced.
"Did there used to be microphones in my room?"
Chul sighed, letting his head fall back.
"Yes," he sighed again, "listen... the recording is gone."
I felt ill.
"How many people heard it?"
He gave up on trying to make it look like he was doing his job. Putting the pack on the roof of the car, he ran his hands through his hair and over his face.
"There was only one technician in the monitor room that night," he started, then paused, groaning with embarrassment.
"She called me, so I…" it felt kind of empowering to be on the other side of someone avoiding eye contact.
"So you listened to it."
I nodded.
"You said it was deleted?"
"Yes!" He was now able to meet my eye, "I promise you! I went through everything to make sure. I checked the tech's phone, email, cloud, and everything."
"Okay," I nodded again, "okay. So…"
What on earth was I supposed to do now? Chul and I weren't exactly friends, not in a way that mattered. But I still didn't want to ruin our little bit of camaraderie. I settled on trying to joke it off.
"Did it at least sound good?"
Chul stared at me, eyes and mouth both wide. After a second, he laughed.
"I mean…" he blushed slightly, "I don't want to make assumptions. But if that was you faking it, you should be an actress."
I snorted, then coughed.
We both broke down into laughter.
After a moment I was finally able to get myself under control, wiping the tears from my face.
"Why didn't you say anything?" I managed to ask through my remaining giggles.
"Honestly? I didn't want you to get freaked out," Chul explained. "Sorry."
"It's fine, just…" I shrugged, "it's weird, you know?"
"Hey, here," he dug through his camera bag for a second before pulling out an SD card. My eyes went wide.
"It's not that," he laughed, "it's the footage from last night."
I furrowed my brows, trying to think over last night's events.
"From what?" I asked, taking the card.
"The hotel. I haven't watched it yet," Chul shrugged, "call it an apology gift."
"Oh, there's nothing on here," I offered it back to him, "just Seunghyun and I being assholes."
Chul waved a hand, refusing the card.
"Still, take it. Just in case you forgot anything," he laughed, "I won't even need it for another week or so. You can delete anything you don't like."
"Okay," I shrugged, tucking the card into my bag. "I actually had a different favor to ask though."
"Of course you did," Chul teased, "what's up?"
"Just…" I paused, thinking how much I wanted to give away, "there's going to be a point today where something suspicious might happen. I just want you to…" I pursed my lips, "ignore it."
Chul squinted at me.
"You guys are going off-camera, aren't you?"
"I didn't say that."
I was becoming far too accustomed to being driven everywhere.
Not that I typically drove myself, of course, since I had never bothered to get myself a license here. I typically had to plan out trips using public transportation. Sitting in the front seat of a private car was… nice.
"Okay," Seunghyun pulled open the door and slid into the driver’s seat, "I think Chul bought the bathroom excuse. Hold on…"
He leaned across me, reaching for the little camera clipped onto my sun visor. He quickly turned it over in his hands, locating the power button.
He moved on to disable the other three cameras that were similarly attached to different parts of the car.
"Alright," he sighed, leaning back into the seat. His eyes were shut, and he looked, for maybe the first time, completely relaxed.
"I'm pretty sure we're free."
"Let me double check."
His eyes opened, and he looked at me. More than a little confusion crossed his face. He watched me tap at my phone.
"Okay…" I scanned through the assorted wireless connections listed on my scanning app, "your car, your phone, my watch… I'm pretty sure this one is the traffic camera… Do you have a laptop in your car?"
"It's in the trunk," Seunghyun shrugged, "why?"
I held my phone out to him so he could see the list.
"This one," I pointed to the only one I couldn't figure out, "is the brand correct?"
"Yeah, that's right. What about these two?"
"I'm about seventy-five percent sure that those are the menu boards from the restaurant across the street."
Seunghyun stared at me. I could see his brain working behind his eyes.
"Are you CIA or something?"
"Hell no, fuck the CIA," I laughed, "I'm just a woman who travels alone at times."
His brows dipped.
"How did you not know that there were microphones in your room then?"
I shrugged. He had a point. Somehow it just hadn't been on my radar.
"I guess I let my guard down," I shook my head, "it's not like I work security. I don't think about those things all the time."
"I don't want to hear it," he cut me off, "I made sure to get two beds this time."
"Ah, Choi-ssi," a bellman approached the two of us, "your room is ready for you. If you'd just follow me."
Despite us not having luggage, we were escorted all the way to the room that Seunghyun had picked for the night.
"If there's anything you need, please don't hesitate to ask. As for your request at booking, I believe the previous attendant arranged it in the living area."
The bellman, or rather, attendant, bowed and opened the door for us. As we entered, he quickly left two sets of keys on the table immediately inside the room, and disappeared.
I had stayed quiet for the trip up to the room, planning the argument I was going to have to start.
All of that planning was momentarily forgotten when I finally took in the room. It managed to seem both larger and smaller than the first room I had stayed in for filming. It had a semi-open floor plan with the living room, kitchenette, and… I didn't know what to call the third area. It wasn't a bathroom, per se. There was simply an oversized jetted tub that was clearly visible from the other two areas.
"Hyun…" I started.
"Looks like there's one bedroom there," he nodded towards a closed door, "and I think the second is…" he wound his way through the living area, momentarily disappearing around a corner.
"Yes," he called back, "it's here."
A creeping sense of dread started settling over my shoulders, making my skin feel tight.
"I don't really care which room I sleep in," he kept talking, circling back into the living area, "you can have your pick. Oh," he picked up a fairly nondescript bag that was set on the coffee table, "perfect. I'm pretty sure I got the right si…"
Finally, he noticed the tension that was overtaking me.
"...zes. Hey," he dropped the bag on the sofa and slowly approached me, "are you okay?"
"I, uh," I nodded, then shook my head, "I don't know."
"Yeobo," Seunghyun slid his hand into one of my own, pulling it up to press a kiss against my palm, "we can go back if you want."
"No," I sighed, "that… I am choosing to trust you. Right? That's the whole thing."
"Right," he nodded, "but if you're uncomfortable…"
I had somewhat expected him to try to wind his arms around me again. I was grateful that he didn't.
I cleared my throat.
"I'm going to, uh, choose a room."
He smiled and let go of my hand. Nodding, he took a seat on the sofa and waved a hand, encouraging me to look around.
I chose the room in the back of the suite. It had a better view, and the ensuite bathroom had a tub as opposed to the standing shower that the other bedroom had.
After letting Seunghyun know of my choice, I made an excuse for needing just a little while alone. He accepted it easily, placing the bag from before into my hand and laying a kiss on my forehead before retreating into the other room.
I immediately locked myself in the bathroom.
To: D-Lite I have some questions and I need direct answers and I will not be explaining myself
To: D-Lite Okay?
I settled into the tub while I waited for a response. Barely resisting the urge to sit and let the shower run over me, I went for the decidedly less depressing option of soaking.
After about ten minutes, I heard my phone's text alert.
From: D-Lite Of course pet. Ask me anything.
I took a quick breath, trying to settle my nerves and stop my hands from shaking.
To: D-Lite Did you know that there were microphones in my room?
I saw bubbles pop up and go away a few times. I couldn't blame him for writing and rewriting, but it did nothing to help calm my nerves. Finally, a message popped up, followed by several more as I read.
From: D-Lite I didn't know for sure. And I didn't think of it until afterwards.
From: D-Lite As soon as I thought of it, I talked to that production guy. The one that likes you.
From: D-Lite He got rid of anything, and I'm pretty sure he pulled everything out.
From: D-Lite Your room is the only place with no recording tech in it now, I think.
From: D-Lite Pet? Please say something.
I was chewing on my bottom lip, trying to work out how to phrase my next question.
I decided that since I wanted straight answers, I should ask straight questions.
To: D-Lite Am I safe with Seunghyun?
The world's most stressful three minutes passed while I watched those fucking bubbles again.
From: D-Lite The short answer is yes.
From: D-Lite He tests boundaries, but if you directly tell him to stop he will.
From: D-Lite Do you feel unsafe?
From: D-Lite He's just a little over the top. But I think he really likes you.
From: D-Lite If I had to guess I'd say that he really would marry you right now.
From: D-Lite He gets like that.
From: D-Lite But yes, you're safe.
From: D-Lite Right? Please talk to me.
I stared at the screen, letting my head lean back against the ceramic of the tub.
To: D-Lite I'm okay. I'm stressed, but okay.
To: D-Lite We aren't coming back tonight.
To: D-Lite I don't understand what's happening.
From: D-Lite Can you call me? Please pet.
From: D-Lite Just call and tell me that you're okay.
I sighed. In a way, he was coming across as a little pathetic. But I could understand why he might worry.
I tapped his contact information and selected the call option. Placing the phone on speaker, I put it on the tiles that surrounded the lip of the tub and laid back.
"Are you alright, pet?"
I hummed, not feeling very talkative.
"He's treating you well?"
An awkward silence fell. Daesung sighed, air crackling the speaker of my phone.
"You said you wouldn't explain."
"So I won't ask. I only want you to be safe."
"What are you worried about? You said Seunghyun’s safe, right?"
"That…" he groaned, "he is. He is safe. I know he is. He wouldn't do anything to hurt you. I know that. I…"
He fell silent for a minute. I refused to fill the conversational space.
"I'm not worried about him. I'm worried that you…"
Another silence that I refused to fill in settled over the phone.
"Don't make me say it."
I genuinely did not know what he meant by that.
"Say what?"
Another groan came through the speaker, followed by a swear.
"I… fuck…"
"Tell me Dae."
"Fuck. I, okay, listen…"
I waited, listening.
"I miss you. A lot. I haven't seen you since yesterday morning and I… I just… I miss you. Pet, please understand me."
I knew that he probably wanted me to say it back. And it wouldn't be untrue if I did. But I hated feeling pressured like this, even if he wasn't doing it on purpose.
"I'll be back tomorrow."
"I know. I'm just used to seeing you every day. You spoil me."
I laughed, not believing what I had heard.
"Spoil you? How on earth do I spoil you?"
"You just do," he sounded a little defensive, "just being around you."
I hummed again, finally feeling a little less stressed.
"You're very sweet Daesung," I said, internally admitting that I did miss him, "I…"
My turn to fall into silence. How could I explain what I meant when I wasn't sure myself?
"I'm used to seeing you too."
Seunghyun’s hair was damp when I finally traipsed back into the living area. He had obviously arranged a change of clothing for himself as well as the one he had had waiting for me.
"Hey," he looked up from his phone and gave me a smile, "how are you feeling?"
I clicked my tongue against my teeth, trying to choose an accurate word. Luckily, Daesung had given me the perfect one.
His smile got softer, and he laid his phone on the table. Leaning back on the sofa, he waved for me to sit next to him.
I accepted the invitation. Tucking my legs under me, I leaned against his shoulder.
"I'll pay you back for the clothes," I said, letting my eyes close.
"Stop it."
His shoulder jerked as he laughed. Carefully, he slipped his arm up, over my head, and then down around my shoulders.
"What do you want to do while you don't have to preserve your image?"
My turn to laugh. I shifted in my seat, stretching my legs out onto the sofa and rolling onto my back. It was vaguely reminiscent of the previous night. Looking up at him now, even with the difference between day and night, I had that strange soft feeling again.
"Do I have an image worth preserving? You're the idol."
He laughed. Full on, mouth wide, bubbling up from his stomach, laughed.
"My image was ruined years ago!"
That softness in my chest hardened. I tightened my abs, sitting up a little abruptly. I turned so that I was facing Seunghyun, huddling myself against the armrest of the sofa. I may have been a little dramatic with it, but in that instant I needed the extra space.
We stared at each other for a few seconds. Then we spoke over each other.
"What ha…"
"Not like Seu…"
We both stopped, waiting for the other to continue.
"You go first," Seunghyun offered.
"What happened?" I repeated myself.
He frowned, the kind of look that showed shame and frustration.
"I…" he spoke slowly, "I went through a difficult time. And, well…"
I could see on his face that he hated this conversation. Clearly, this was something he had been made to talk about before. Probably multiple times. Maybe too many times.
"Did you hurt anyone?"
He shook his head. After a moment to run his hands through his hair, he nodded.
"I created a lot of problems for other people," he explained, settling his head back and staring at the ceiling, "but I… never…"
I watched him closely, ready to jump up and away it I had to. He cleared his throat and sat up again. Turning towards me, gripping the back of the sofa tightly, he, in turn, watched me as well.
"I’m nothing like Seungri," he said, watching me intently.
"Then what was it?"
"Baby, please," that shock effect hit me again. I didn't think I'd ever get used to it. A deadly one-two punch of English and petnames.
"Just believe me when I say I would never hurt you."
"Hyun," I shuffled backwards even further, now perching on the armrest, "just tell me what it was."
"You know I could just look it up. Wouldn't it be better if you just told me yourself?"
He sighed, again ruffling his hands over his head.
"I…" he groaned, "fine. I got it. There was a time when I just felt like everything was too much. I didn't plan it, but I got involved with some people who gave me these drugs, an-"
"Oh my god, seriously?" I couldn't help but roll my eyes as a small laugh slipped through my lips.
"I'm American Hyun! Jesus christ," I relaxed, settling back onto the normal seat, "drugs? You think I give a shit about drugs? God damn,” I allowed myself to fully laugh, “you’re acting like you murdered someone.”
I took some time to stop my laughter, trying to reign it in. Considering how silent Seunghyun was being, I figured this was not a reaction he was used to.
“Sorry,” I shook my head, biting the inside of my cheek to keep myself in check.
“You…” he paused, the faintest hint of a confused smile tugging at the corner of his lips, “you really don’t care?”
“Hey,” I leaned forward, letting my hand drop onto his that was still gripping the back of the sofa, “I’m sorry, I know it’s a big deal here. But,” I shrugged, “again, I’m an American. I’ve probably done way more drugs than you, and my friends back home?” I shook my head, “I grew up in a town nick-named for how bad the drug problem was there.”
Seunghyun’s mouth hung slightly open. His eyes darted around the room quickly before coming to settle on my face again.
“Wait, I… really? You? But you’re so…” his eyes swept over my body for a moment, “healthy.”
“Oh,” I smiled at him, tilting my head to amp up the condescension in my voice, “my Seunghyunnie. There are a lot of things about me that you wouldn’t expect.”
In a way, we wasted our time away from constant surveillance. We ordered room service, we lounged by the hotel pool, we drank until we both couldn't stop giggling.
We ordered dessert, topped off our drinks, and watched movies.
"Baby," Seunghyun mumbled the word. He was laying on the sofa, face squished against my thigh, and one of his hands was absently stroking my calf.
"Yes?" I brushed his hair back from his face.
"Is it okay if I call you baby?" He turned onto his back, hand abandoning my calf to reach up and trace a finger against my ear.
"I know you hate when I call you yeobo, s-"
"You can call me whatever you want," I cut him off. "I already know I can't stop you when you get an idea in your head."
I was still absorbed in the zombie situation on the screen in front of us, but I could tell he was now watching me.
"So baby is okay?"
"Sure Hyun," I shrugged. "Why not?"
His hand dropped to his own face, rubbing over it for a second before settling in his own hair.
"I want to call you something that you like to hear."
I shrugged again, finally looking down at him. He had that familiar flush across his cheeks and nose, and his eyes were vaguely unfocused.
"I don't have one specific thing I like," I explained, "it depends on the person saying it."
He hummed, lines appearing on his forehead as he frowned in thought.
"Like Daesung calls you pet, but that wouldn't work if I said it?"
I fixed my attention back on the television, hoping to hide my own growing blush.
"It doesn't sound natural when you say it."
"Does baby sound natural when I say it?"
I laughed, once, before answering.
"It surprises me," I tilted my head, still not looking back down at him, "but it's better than hearing you call me pet."
Seunghyun hummed, then groaned as he shuffled himself to sit up next to me.
I gave him a quick glance before zeroing back in on the movie.
"Yes, Hyun?"
"When we get married, do you want a big wedding?"
I finally relented, giving him my full attention. Ignoring the soft puffiness that alcohol and semi-dozing had lent to his face, I fixed him with a sarcastic look.
"Do you really think that we're going to get married?"
He nodded, a lazy smile stretching across his face.
"Even though you know that Daesung and I, uh…" I rifled through my brain, trying to remember any usable euphemism.
"Yah," he was frowning now, raising a hand to wave my words away, "how many times do I have to say I don't care? You can sleep with him as much as you want."
His hand waved again, even harder.
"No, no, that's not it. I don't want to marry you to put you in a cage," he huffed, finally dropping his hand back down. He used it to support himself as he leaned forward.
"I want you to keep me in line. I want you to point out when I'm being stupid. Baby…"
There was no way that I hadn't noticed how close he was. But I didn't want to interrupt his explanation by moving. That would have been rude.
Or something like that.
In a repeat of our conversation in the ocean, he lifted both of his hands to cup either of my cheeks. He didn't put his lips on mine though. He just held me as close as he could without actually kissing me.
"It's all you."
My lips tingled as his breath hit them.
"Hyun," I started, putting a hand on his chest, creating a minor barrier.
He dropped one of his hands from my face to grip my hand, holding it against his chest tightly.
"Yeobo, baby," he sounded desperate now, almost pathetic, nuzzling against my cheek before leaning in and speaking approximately into my neck, "please marry me.”
“You’re drunk,” I pointed out, pushing him away.
He protested neither my words nor actions. Letting me push him back, he ended up splayed along the sofa, staring up at me.
"Come here," he requested, lifting one arm to beckon me towards him, "lay with me."
"Just put your head here," he pat his hand against his chest, "and let me hold you for a while."
Despite everything, all of his strange behavior from week one to now, I believed Daesung. Seunghyun was safe.
Carefully, I settled myself against him.
It was nice. Laying against a warm body, feeling his hands smooth over my hair in an arrhythmic pattern.
“Are you always clingy when you drink?” I asked.
He hummed, chest vibrating under my head.
“Only when I’m comfortable.”
Well, that certainly made sense. It definitely wasn't a sentiment that needed to be unpacked immediately.
We lay there for a while. Silent and barely paying attention to the screen. Eventually one of Seunghyun's hands drifted down my body, creating a tingling trail of warmth and chills as he gently rubbed over my back. His other hand remained at my head, now tangled into my hair. I could feel that he was gripping my hair, but not tightly - not tugging, only anchoring.
I was thoroughly tranquilized. Physically, anyway.
"We're going to get in trouble tomorrow," I mumbled, eyes drooping.
"I'll take responsibility," Seunghyun said in a low tone, his hand on my back becoming a bit heavier. His fingers curled, lifting the hem of my shirt an inch or so before stretching down to meet with my bare skin.
His body heaved somewhat as he readjusted himself on the sofa. I felt the, now somehow familiar, sensation of his lips against my hair.
"Is this okay?" He mumbled the words against my scalp.
He wiggled his fingers, incidentally tickling at my back.
Was it okay? Not that long ago, this amount of skinship would have been unthinkable. Especially between the two of us. But he wasn't doing anything wrong. His hand was on my lower - or was it middle? - back. He didn't seem to be interested in straying too far either down or up. It was just… a touch. Another anchor point, like his fingers still wound into my hair.
I must have spent too long thinking, because his hand lifted. The change in temperature was more noticeable than the change in pressure.
"It's fine. It… you can do that."
I felt his chest sink as his hand resumed its place, as if he had been holding his breath.
At this point in my life I was surrounded by uncertainties, but I at least knew this: Seunghyun is safe.
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myahfig4 · 2 years
New GDRAGON fiction by me on wattpad and soon to be on tumbler called Sober Love, check it out if interested!
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absentcaryatid · 2 years
Masterlist of stories with No Reader/Idol Romance
Not every K-pop fanfic reader is looking for a romantic insert story so I developed this guide to some of the other things I have written. Most are gender neutral with a few marked exceptions. To comply with Tumblr's guidelines, I have placed anything sexually suggestive under a Mature Community Label. They are mostly ATEEZ with a few BIGBANG stories and one Block B and BTS. The list will be updated whenever something new fits, with the latest addition marked with an asterisk.
Reader is present but not romantically involved:
A Chance Encounter with D'splay Features Daesung of BIGBANG
A Gift for Hongjoong  Reader is a teacher attending a fanmeet
A Very Good Halloween  Block B
Celestial Sailors ATEEZ  Reader & ATEEZ as Sailor Moon characters
Fated to be Together Mingi & reader
[M] Hongjoong and Seonghwa
Mingi's Birthday Ring  Coffee shop celebrity encounter
San’s New Friends
* Seonghwa’s Shared Passion  Reader cheers on Seonghwa x San
Stuck with Seonghwa
The Day You Met T.O.P  featuring Choi Seunghyun of BIGBANG
Turbulence  Reader meets Jongho of ATEEZ
Wooyoung's Chaperone Disabled reader with a Richie brace
[M] Yunho’s Latest Interest  Aromantic older reader
The first nine parts of the [M] JC Saga about an asexual and agender reader using she/her pronouns also do not have a reader romance:
[M] Prologue: She Came on a Red Motorbike [M] Chapter One: These Breasts Belong In Your Hands [M] Chapter Two: Makes Your Mouth Water and Fills You Up [M] Chapter Three: Very Moist       [M] Chapter Four: He Came Inside [M] Chapter Five: I Love Your Legs, I Love Your Breasts [M] Chapter Six: Tender On The Inside  Hint of future Mingi x reader, Yunho x reader [M] Chapter Seven: They Were Roommates [M] Chapter Eight: Do You Have A Condom?
  Reader is involved with an idol but it is not the focus of the story:
Perking Up Hongjoong After Kingdom  Reader x Mingi mentioned
San’s Breakup  Reader x Mingi mentioned
Reader is present but not romantically or physically involved BUT it sounds otherwise:
[M] A Pleasurable Time with Yeosang
[M] Do You Have A Condom?  Yeosang x Female OC (chap. 8 from above)
[M] Hongjoong Helps a Friend
[M] Mingi’s Escort Service  
[M] San’s Girl
[M] She Came on a Red Motorbike  Prologue to JC Saga with Yeosang
[M] That Yunho Shower Scene (excerpt from chapter 3 above)
[M] You Belong to Jungkook
Reader is present with a romantic interest but it is not the idol:
Wooyoung’s Older Partner
No reader insert present and no romantic storyline:
A Tale of Two Taeils  No reader, with 22 members of NCT
ATEEZ Unlimited  The guys plot to save KQ from financial ruin
Hongjoong Can Fly
Mingi’s New Job  Demon AU
Seonghwa’s Greatest Triumph  Highlights of career outside ATEEZ
The Missing Piece  ATEEZ as deities inspired by ‘The Real’ MV
Trouble Maker Comes Home  BIGBANG fix-it fic with all members
No reader insert present but other pairing:
[M] Code 99  ATEEZ in a Swedish-themed store San x Wooyoung
[M] Yeosang’s Special Ramen Recipe  Mingi x Yunho mentioned
A comprehensive list of all my works can be found here.
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mykpopmood · 6 years
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Family Life With Daesung Feel free to make a request
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bigb5ngaregods · 3 years
- seungri getting discharged out of the hospital -
seungri: man, the hospital expensive.
daesung: i know right, that's why i treat myself instead.
the other three: ...
youngbae: you guys are part of bigbang.
jiyong: at least $30 million is under your names.
seunghyun: YOU'RE RICH
seungri: and we'll still be rich when you guys go bankrupt.
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daesungindistress · 3 years
Hi! I'm fan of your stories. I dont know how many times read them. And they are together now. Will you continue Hearts On Fire series?
Hello! Thank you for reading my fics, I’m glad you’ve been enjoying them :)
Hearts On Fire... Occasionally readers still approach me about this series, wondering whether I have plans to continue it. In the past I've answered, “I want to,” “I hope to,” etc. At this point though, years have passed since the last installment, and much has changed... my feelings about my old fanfics are not what they used to be. About continuing it, I can’t confidently say yes, yet I'm not ready to say no. The most honest answer I can give you today is: I don’t know.
I only have one more part planned; it involves a bit of a time skip and the series was never exactly real world compliant so despite the hardships of the last few years it can be done, it’s just a matter of me getting back into the mood and recapturing that feeling that drove me to write about the guys romantically in the first place. If I’m going to tell stories about them I need BIGBANG to be together again, active again, interacting again -- at the very least talking again. Hearts On Fire is about ToDae but we haven’t seen TOP and Daesung so much as share a word with each other in literally years. Until that changes, I just don’t have the motivation to imagine them in new situations, much less the energy to put it in writing.
#the recent interactions between daesung and youngbae on youtube have been fun#and I was thinking if I was more of a sundae shipper I could work with that#I enjoy their friendship and camaraderie but have never really sensed chemistry#so even keeping in mind that my ships are purely fictional sundae has always presented an obstacle for me#ask#anon#bigbang#hearts on fire#fanfic#fanfiction#just some thoughts about that final installment of hearts on fire... seungri does not make an appearance but he is mentioned once#and I've considered writing him out of it; it wouldn't be hard at all#but ultimately I've decided that if it does get written I'll leave it as-is#because it works#it's just seunghyun telling daesung 'I don't trust him with you when you're like this' (in heat)#when I wrote it years ago I knew sr stans would take issue with it#but contextually it fit with previous parts of the series#in which I had already established that seunghyun was unhappy/uncomfortable sharing daesung with him#and it wasn't meant to imply that seungri was predatory or had consent issues#it was more about seunghyun being possessive and having trust issues#oh -- but I just remembered that at this point in the series they're not sharing anymore#so uh... I guess it's a bit of both: seunghyun doesn't trust seungri to respect his and daesung's boundaries#¯\_(ツ)_/¯#it's been a long time since I looked at my notes what can I say#anyway... anything I write readers are free to interpret however they like#idc
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A good chunk of fanfiction authors will attest to this.
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kpopplayroom · 4 years
a little first dates for you?
Enjoy 😊 EB 🖤
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Insanely nervous but hides it well
Compliments your outfit, blushes when you say he looked good too.
Tries to cover awkward silences by asking about you
Opts for drinks and the arcade.
Apologies when all he could win you is a bouncy ball
Takes you for a late night walk by the river, sneaks his hand into yours as he points out places that hold nostalgia for him
Walks you back to your door, and respectfully asks if he could see you again
You agree, and quickly giving him a kiss on the cheek
He smiles, gently touching where your lips just were, and pulls you in for a real kiss
‘Anneyong, Y/N’ he says against your lips and then leaves before you could say anything else
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Has you meet him at a restaurant, it’s dimly lit and empty
Smiles brightly when he sees you, greets you with a peck on the cheek
Pulls out to chair, and offers you a bouquet of your favourite flowers
Orders wine for the table, and assures you that the menu to come will be good
Entirely focused on you when you talk, smiles as he listens
Dessert is a chocolate cake with strawberries that you share
He handles the bill and makes the confession that he’s still a little hungry and if you would like to go to another spot he knows
You agree and find yourself at a pop up cart drinking soju, getting closer and closer
He turns to face you, and cups your cheek, ‘I really want to kiss you’
You save him the trouble and lean in, his kiss asking for more. “Let’s get out of here.” You whisper
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After finding out that your hobbies included singing
Teases you about how shy you are, promises he won’t look
Sings terribly on purpose, so the playing field is even
Feeds you, but only one bite
Takes you on a paddle boat ride, then panics when he remembers that it’s bad luck
Loves holding your hand, and telling you his thoughts
Doesn’t kiss you good night because he’s shy
Kisses your forehead with ease, does it often
Buys you matching shirts to wear the next time
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Tries to find out which member you like
Does all the driving and sings to every song that plays
Buys you snacks constantly and checks if you’re okay
Matches what he’s seen to the personality of one of the members to invite them out
Teases you about how nervous you are
Supervises the date, and only leaves when he’s sure you’re comfortable
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sassy-ren · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Big Bang (Band) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Choi Seunghyun | T.O.P./Kang Daesung Characters: Kang Daesung (Big Bang), Choi Seunghyun | T.O.P., Kwon Jiyong | G-Dragon, Dong Youngbae | Taeyang Additional Tags: Oral Sex, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn with Feelings, just daesung going down on seunghyun, the boys betting on stupid stuff Summary:
“Oh, I bet he’ll be thrilled to know he needs to be here anytime before 5PM,” Daesung laughs.
“Want to bet when he’ll show up?” Jiyong offers. “$100 each, pot goes to whomever is closest by 15 minutes?"
“You know he’s going to win,” Youngbae says. “Daesung can get hyung to do anything."
------------------- How Daesung persuades Seunghyun to make it to the studio on time and win the bet.
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j-a-nuary · 2 years
Date Roulette: Seunghyun
Intro Week Start Seungri Week Start Daesung Week Start Taeyang Week Start Previous Next
Nobody would be surprised to learn that my sleep was not particularly restful. I lied awake for hours just worrying about leases, lawyers, kennels, and passports. I had spent a good hour debating texting Daesung to come offer a distraction. I would have even accepted Jiyong again!
Of course he was too busy proving some sort of point about self control. Or was it that he wasn’t the jealous type? I knew that he had at least somewhat explained himself, but I honestly couldn’t keep his reasons straight in my mind.Instead, I had chosen to do some mindless scrolling until I couldn’t keep my eyes open.
“Mmhe’o?” I mumbled into my phone.
“Still asleep?” Seunghyun asked. “I’ve already made your tea, come out.”
I groaned and looked at the time. 9:44AM. Positively late compared to yesterday.
“Will you just bring it to me?” I whined.
A heavy sigh crackled through the phone.
“If you bring it to me, I’ll think about marrying you,” I teased him.
There was a beat of silence.
“I’ll be there in a minute.”
I recognized Seunghyun’s knock on my door. Two distinct thuds.
I pulled the door open and was greeted with a cup that was not “my” mug, sitting on a matching plate. I pouted.
“I know,” Seunghyun held the plate and cup towards me. “I needed something to put the lemon on.”
“You still could have used my cup,” I took the tea from him, “but thank you.”
I sat on my bed, placing the little plate down and sipping the tea. Not perfect, but pretty good.
“Are you going to use that against me when you want your way?” he asked, leaning against the doorframe.
I looked up at him. It almost felt like talking to a friend. Almost.
“Don’t make jokes if you can’t take them.”
He nodded slowly, biting the inside of his lip as he thought.
“Okay. That’s fair,” he smiled, “should we go to the courthouse now, or after breakfast?”
“I said I would think about it,” I grumbled, returning to the tea. “Not that I would just do it.”
“Right, and now that you’ve thought about it, I’m sure you can see that there’s no reason not to.”
“Alright,” I set the cup onto it’s little platter, “I’m going back to bed.”
I stopped, if only because I wasn’t used to hearing that whiny tone from him.
“Come on,” he stepped forward and took my hand. He tugged on it until I stood up.
“We have to do something.”
I groaned.
“Daesung said that we probably wouldn’t have much to do until the full inspection is finished.”
“Exactly,” Seunghyun nodded, now ushering me towards my closet, “so let’s do something that has nothing to do with the fire or your apartment.”
If I could have chosen any date to have with Seunghyun, I would have chosen literally anything else but this.
I had taken art and design classes. I had taken classes solely for the appreciation of art. I painted. I was an artist.
I still did not understand art.
Seunghyun had his hands clasped behind him. He was gazing into a giant canvas of semi-random swirls of orange and green. He had been in that precise position for nearly ten minutes.
It didn't look like anything.
Maybe I just don't understand modern art.
I went ahead to the next exhibition. Unfortunately, this one was a portrait series. Coupled with minor interviews, the theme appeared to be hardship, perseverance, and the people that help along the way.
Already knowing my own weakness, I slowed down - pausing to read the small placards.
I had barely started reading the second description when I felt the telltale prickle behind my eyes.
I dug through my purse, searching for something to wipe my eyes.
"Better hurry if you don't want him to catch you," Chul held a packet of tissue out to me.
"Let him," I took one and started dabbing at my eyes. "I've gotten softer as I get older. There's nothing wrong with that. "
“Don’t worry,” Chul nodded, “it’s c-”
“I didn’t realize you’re so tender-hearted,” Seunghyun interrupted. He walked past Chul, casting him a sideways glance.
“I’m only mean to you,” I felt defensive.
“I know,” he placed a hand on my back, between my shoulders, and leaned in. “I like it.”
“Are you done with the color swatches?”
Seunghyun’s head tilted slightly.
“I thought you were an artist? Are you not having fun?”
I gestured at the exhibition I had been browsing.
“I’m interested in people. The stuff in there,” I used my chin to point at the room he had been in, “I don’t know anything about that.”
As if following a drama script, he had suggested for us to go to a cafe after the museum.
Resisting the urge to explain myself, I picked out a small bar of extremely dark chocolate to go with my tea.
“I thought you didn’t like bitter things?”
I looked up from the 85% cacao bar that was slowly melting in my hands.
“What gave you that idea?”
Seunghyun tilted his head.
“You don’t like coffee.”
I nodded, and held out a piece of the bar to him.
He leaned forward and took it.
Rather, he took my hand and picked the piece from between my fingers with his teeth.
“Yah,” I shook his hand off of my wrist, frowning, “what was that?”
“Why?” he complained, leaning back in his seat, “I already asked you to marry me, I can’t do this?”
I blinked at him. He was pouting a little bit.
Was he trying to be cute?
“Don’t be weird,” I scolded him. “Anyway, I don’t like coffee because it’s bitter and sour. This,” I held up the bar, “is bitter and sweet.”
“Ah,” Seunghyun leaned forward again, “should I try to be sweet to you then?”
I wrinkled my brow, not bothering to hide my disdain for this version of him.
“I said don’t be weird.”
“Alright,” he dropped the eager look, “I’m not good at it like Daesung anyway.”
“Just be your normal self,” I explained, “I hate when you pretend to be different.”
“Oooh,” he nodded as if thinking that over, “so you like me when I’m serious?”
“No, I don’t like you,” I shook my head, “I just hate you less.”
“I’ll take it,” he laughed.
We fell into silence, both retreating into our phones. It probably didn’t make for good television, but I was glad to just have a break from our constant back and forth.
“Here, what do you think?”
Seunghyun slid his phone across the table.
There was an apartment listing on the screen. It was affordable enough, and looked pretty nice.
“What’s the downside?” I muttered, lifting his phone to look closer.
“It doesn’t look like there is one,” he answered, “plus, you’ll be pretty close to where I live.”
“Ah,” I nodded, swiping between photos of rooms, “so that’s the problem with it.”
He clicked his tongue, drawing my eyes from the phone to him. Leaned back in his chair, he looked exactly like a celebrity. Crossed legs, one arm resting on his knee while he sipped his coffee. He shook his head at me, placing his coffee down and clasping both of his hands against his knee.
“It’s also close to where Daesung lives,” his voice was airy, as if he wasn’t watching me closely for a reaction.
I lowered my eyes back to the phone, pretending to be interested in the amenities.
“You’re convinced that it’s not Jiyong then?”
“I know what he’s planning, but I don’t think it will work at this point.”
I lifted my eyes to look at him over my glasses.
“That’s the second time someone has mentioned his plan.” I tilted my head and handed his phone back to him. “Should I be worried?”
“Do you want to know what it is?”
He sounded coy, almost playful.
Leaning back, I tapped my fingers against my lips. G.I. Joe said that knowing was half the battle. It didn’t used to make sense to me, but now I realized that the battle was all the work that went into getting answers.
“Would you tell me if I asked?”
Seunghyun smiled, leaning forward and resting his chin on his palm.
“Do you want to get married?”
“Ah,” I checked out of the conversation, lifting my phone again, “so no.”
From: Chaeyoung Did you talk to sunbae? About possibly having some time to teach me?
"I asked if you wanted to get married," he pointed out, "not if you wanted to marry me."
"How am I supposed to know the difference?" I asked.
From: Chaeyoung I don’t want to pressure you. I’m just excited!!
I smiled at the messages. Her eagerness was cute. Endearing in a way.
“Trust me, you'll know," he decides to change the subject, "who’s messaging you?”
To: Chaeyoung Sorry Chaeyoung-ah, it seems that I will be really busy for the next little while.
“Depends who it is.”
“It’s Chaeyoung,” I finally glanced up at him, still typing as I spoke, “but who would make you jealous?”
To: Chaeyoung After your promotions are done, I should have more time.
Seunghyun gave the camera the world’s quickest glance before lifting his coffee.
“Let’s not talk about that here.”
I resisted the urge to check the camera as well. Instead, I shrugged and turned my attention back to the texts.
From: Chaeyoung Ah… that’s disappointing. Don’t forget about me unnie~
I smiled. She really was cute in a way.
To: Chaeyoung Of course I won’t
“Can you send me the link to that apartment?” I asked Seunghyun.
“Sure,” he tapped a few times at his phone. A moment later, my own chimed and the message popped up.
It really was a nice place, and I was pretty sure I could afford it.
I decided to double check my upcoming job’s salary, just in case.
Invalid login
It was the third time the message had shown on the HR website for the company that I was supposed to be starting with in September.
Did I really forget my password?
Giving in, I opened my contacts and pulled up the number for the hiring agent I had been working with earlier in the year. Standing up, I excused myself from Seunghyun.
“Just give me one second,” I said, “I just need to check on something.”
He looked up at me and nodded.
I stepped out onto the sidewalk. I took up a position near the corner of the building, out of the way of the foot-traffic.
The phone rang twice before the agent answered.
“Hello, Hyebin? This is Luna calling.”
“Ah, Luna, hello. I’m a bit surprised to be hearing from you.”
“I know it’s a bit early on,” I conceded, “but I was having some issues logging into the HR site.”
“Oh,” I heard her click her teeth, “well, that’s a bit awkward. Did the deputy manager not talk to you?”
I thought back. Had I missed a call from the manager? I didn’t think so. They would have left a voicemail, and I hadn’t had any that I hadn’t already taken care of.
“I haven’t heard from them,” I slowly said, “was there a problem?”
“Sorry, I hate to be the one to tell you this but…” she paused, “the managers decided not to go ahead with your contract.”
“Ah,” I stumbled over my words slightly. I cleared my throat before continuing, “is that right? Sorry for the awkward call then.”
I didn’t listen to what she said after that. What was the point? Tapping the icon to end the call, I crouched down, resting my face in my palms.
After a few seconds, I stood up. I knew that there was likely at least one camera on me. Probably one of the staff members that was better at melting into the background than Chul was.
I hadn’t cried. At the very least I had not cried. Still, I lifted my phone and opened the camera to double check my composure before going back in.
Taking my seat, I noticed that Seunghyun seemed to be making the conscious decision to not look at me.
Or maybe I was just being paranoid.
“Everything okay?” He still didn’t look at me.
“No,” I answered curtly, “but I’ll figure it out.”
“Anything I can help with?”
“Not this time.”
I lifted my tea, noted that it was empty, and sighed.
“Thank you though.”
After returning home, a term I was now feeling resentful towards, I had made a generic excuse and hidden myself away in my room.
While I wanted to simply lay on my bed and wallow, I knew that I needed to actually get my ass in gear.
Maybe just a mini-wallow first.
I curled up on my mattress.
In what seemed like ten minutes, but in reality was closer to two hours, I was woken up by the distinct double thud of Seunghyun demanding my attention.
“Can I come in?” he called through the door.
Groggily, I pushed myself up to sitting and nodded.
Right. Line of vision.
“Come in,” I croaked.
He cracked the door open and poked his head inside.
“You okay?”
He nodded and fully entered the room. He had a plate in one hand, spread with sliced apples, a sectioned orange, and chunks of bananas. Carefully placing the plate on my nightstand, he closed the door and took a seat on the side of my bed.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“I don’t know…” I shrugged and stretched, hearing something in my shoulder pop.
“Wait,” Seunghyun stood up suddenly, “I forgot something. One second.”
He quickly exited the room, closing the door behind him. A little confused, I leaned over and picked up a section of orange.
I was considering going back to sleep when Seunghyun returned. Forgoing the knock, he simply opened the door and sat down again. He had a small bowl in his hand, which he passed to me.
It was full of peanut butter.
I laughed, then drew a shuddering sniff. My chest convulsed as I made the uncomfortable transition from laughter to crying.
“Yah,” Seunghyun took the bowl from me. Leaning across, in front of me, he placed it next to the plate.
“Sorry,” I rubbed my hands across my face, trying to get rid of the tears now streaming down my cheeks.
“No,” he turned, adjusting his position so he could face me. “Don’t apologize.”
That just made me cry harder.
“Come here,” he placed an arm over my shoulders, tapping on his chest with his other hand.
I slumped against him. Resigning myself to riding out the tears, I took full advantage of the comforting-ish gesture on his end.
“I feel like I’m cursed,” I mumbled into his shirt, “ever since this show started I’ve had nothing but problems.”
One of his hands was gently rubbing my back. The other had started combing my hair back from my face.
“Do you want to leave?”
“Yes,” I automatically answered. Then I thought about it for a moment, “no. Where would I even go? What would I do? I just found out that I was fired.”
“Or I was un-hired. I hadn’t started yet,” I explained, “so I guess it doesn’t really count as being fired.”
“It’s oka-”
“No it’s not,” I cut him off, “I have no apartment, no job, no passport, and about four months to fix all of those before my status in this country becomes illegal.”
I pushed myself back, sitting up straight.
“So unless you’ve magically got a job for me, no,” I shook my head, running my hands through my hair, “it is not okay.”
“That’s all?” Seunghyun chuckled, “I bet I can find a job for you in no time."
"I don't want you to fix it all," I toppled back onto my bed, flopping my arms over my face. I was fully exasperated with his ideas and suggestions. "Well, maybe I'd like some help. Later."
I felt the mattress dip next to me.
"I'm sorry," his voice was low, even for him.
"It's fine," I groaned, "you were trying to help, I think."
"Do you want to talk more? Or do you want a distraction?"
For a second, my mind flashed back to that thoroughly distracting night with Daesung.
Uninvited, Seunghyun’s face made an appearance.
Well now I especially didn't want to talk about anything.
"Distraction, I guess."
From: Hugeboy How is Seunghyun? Still asking to get married?
From: Hugeboy I miss you (*/_\)
I dangled my feet in the water, sitting on the edge of the pool while I considered Mino’s messages. I knew, or at least felt, that he wouldn't mind if I unburdened myself to him. He might even appreciate it, in some way. But what good would it do? It would just be one more thing. One more example of me falling short.
“You’re not coming in?” Seunghyun asked, interrupting my detour into self-loathing. He was standing in the water next to me, resting his elbows on the wall of the pool to look up at me.
Better to keep at least one thing light.
To: Hugeboy I was going to say “ooh I’m going to tell on you” but who would I even tell? kkkkk
To: Hugeboy He says he’s going to keep the joke going all week.
With that I turned off the screen and put my phone on the towel that was sitting slightly behind me.
“What significance does the pool have for you?” I asked Seunghyun.
“What do you mean?” he shook his head, “and don’t avoid the question.”
“I’ll get in eventually,” I shrugged. “I mean that this is the second time you’ve asked me to go swimming, and you seem more relaxed in the pool.”
He nodded, then shot me his old smile. The annoying one.
“Maybe I just like seeing you in your swimsuit.”
“Maybe,” I conceded, “but if that was the case you wouldn’t mind me not getting in the water.”
Seunghyun planted his palms on the edge of the pool and pressed down hard. Hauling himself from the water, he was somewhat awkward as he turned to sit next to me.
“I know that I seem stern and boring,” he pushed his wet hair back.
For a second, I got distracted by the way his hair just slightly curled with the added moisture, and how the slowly reddening light of the sky added depth to his skin.
“But I actually like playing. And there’s something about pools and beaches that make playing seem more natural.”
I pursed my lips and nodded. It wasn’t the most eloquent explanation, but it made a sort of sense.
“So the pool is an excuse to relax,” I summarized, “and be a little informal.”
I nodded again, thinking that over.
After a moment, I decided to play into the idea.
Pushing myself forward, I slid into the water. I let myself dip below the water, shivering slightly as the coolness washed over my scalp.
Resurfacing, I pushed my hair back and looked up at him.
“So you’re saying I can be informal now,” I smiled, “right?”
Seunghyun laughed, shaking his head.
“Fine,” he dropped himself back into the water, “but only if you agree to play.”
He caught me a little faster this time. I had misjudged a turn and ended up in water much shallower than I had expected.
Forced into breaching, he had managed to back me into a corner.
It was in that corner that I now stood, penned in by his arms resting on the walls to either side of me.
“You’re pretty fast for an old man,” I teased him.
Seunghyun huffed slightly, looking annoyed despite having caught me.
He gave me a slow once over. It was the sort of look that made me aware of how exposed I was in my swimsuit.
“I…” he started slowly, his tone measured and low, “would not stop you now.”
It was a vague sentence, but I knew exactly what he meant.
I chose to play dumb though.
“But you already caught me,” I squinted and tilted my head, trying to sell the faux confusion, “what?”
He lifted his right hand from the pool edge and crooked his index finger under my chin.
“Don’t be coy.”
“Fine,” I let my face drop to neutral and shrugged, “but what am I supposed to do with that?”
He smiled and leaned forward.
I wasn’t surprised. Not in the traditional sense. I just hadn’t expected it this soon, nor so publicly done.
After just a second I pulled back.
“Um,” I swallowed, trying to buy myself a second to think of what to say, “I, uh…”
“You’re right,” Seunghyun nodded, “we should get married first.”
“Yah,” I shook my head, then splashed him, “are you really going to keep that up?”
He laughed, wiping the water from his face.
“I told you I would.”
“I’m done with you,” I slid along the edge of the pool, out of the corner, “I’m going back to bed.”
“Ah, ah ah ah…” Seunghyun waded after me, “sorry, sorry. Come on.”
I sat on the steps of the pool, not fully committing to sticking around much longer.
“I kind of have a lot going on Hyun,” I shook my head, “Seunghyun, sorry.”
I saw the look on his face. He was about to be an asshole of some kind.
I lifted a hand to emphasize my next words.
“Stop. Please. Don’t.”
He closed his eyes and nodded, apparently deciding to let me off the hook.
He settled himself on the steps next to me.
“How are you holding up?”
I sighed, leaning back on my elbows.
“Depends what you’re asking about.”
“Dealer’s choice.”
I nodded, watching the ripples of our previous action dissipate slowly through the water. What did I want to get into? Anything? Everything?
“I thought you would taste like cigarettes,” I commented, deciding to put off the more serious topics for now.
“Oh, now that you mention it…”
Seunghyun stood up and gangled his way over to where his clothes were sitting on one of the chairs. He dug through the pile for a minute before pulling out a cigarette and his lighter.
I laughed.
“What?” he asked, pausing before lighting up.
“Nothing,” I shook my head, “I just remember being like that.”
“Ah,” he lit the thin roll and settled back into his previous watery seat, “when did you quit?”
“Five… or maybe six years ago,” I shrugged, “long enough. I feel like we've talked about this before.”
He nodded and hummed before returning to my original statement.
“Maybe we did," he shrugged, "what did I taste like instead?”
“Chlorine,” I laughed, “and whatever shot you took while I was changing.”
“I was nervous,” he admitted with a cough, avoiding looking at me.
“I wasn’t scolding you,” I laughed again. “But now I’m curious why you were nervous.”
Taking his time with his cigarette, he seemed to be thinking it over carefully before replying.
“I had to be ready to ask you to marry me again.”
“Fine,” I waved a small splash at him, “don’t tell me.”
“I’m being serious.”
Against my better judgement, I looked over at him directly.
He didn’t bother hiding that he had been watching me. The cigarette dangled between his lips, threatening to drop ashes into the water below. His eyes trailed over my face, pausing at my mouth.
I wasn’t sure how to read his face at that moment. Blinking, my own eyes jerked in a zig-zag, stopping briefly on the house behind him, the chair where my phone was, and finally settling back onto the water as I turned back to a neutral position.
“Why are you like this?” I asked the pool lights.
“Why shouldn’t I be?” Seunghyun answered.
“I just don’t understand your motives.”
"That's because you haven't been paying attention."
From: D-Lite Are you busy? Come out with me.
I wasn’t busy. I was sitting on my bed, staring at a sketchbook, getting nothing done.
To: D-Lite Out where?
From: D-Lite [D-Lite shared his location]
It was relatively nearby. It looked like a café, but there were a few other things nearby.
To: D-Lite I was in the pool
To: D-Lite I should probably wash the chlorine out of my hair first
From: D-Lite Hurry (。•́︿•̀。)
Clasping my phone against my ear, I tried to look through the windows of the cafe.
"Where are you?"
I couldn't make out the interior of the cafe very well, thanks to the reflected lights on the glass. I could have gone inside, but I wasn't completely certain that the cafe was the goal.
"You're here? Where?"
I laughed at the circular conversation.
"I'm outside the cafe."
"Ah, okay," I heard a door jingle through the phone, "I see you. Turn around."
I slowly spun on the spot, scanning the people and cars around me.
A flash of movement caught my eye.
Daesung was on the other side of the street, waving at me. His smile was wide, bright, and, most importantly, unobstructed.
I pocketed my phone and headed for the crosswalk.
Waiting to cross, I was surprised by how excited I felt. As if I hadn’t seen him just yesterday. If I had to guess, I’d assume it was because Seunghyun took so much energy out of me.
Daesung also looked excited. Or anxious. He was bouncing on his toes, looking somewhat impatient.
He was still smiling though.
Fuck me, could my math be that far off?
The table was small and foldable. Wooden slats on a light metal frame. As far from ostentatious as you could get.
It was one of about a dozen that were littered on the deck of the bar. I hadn’t realized how close we were to the Han river, and I was glad to soak in the city lights reflecting off the water below us.
“Here,” Daesung filled my cup again, “You’re sure you don’t mind me sneaking a date in after my time is up?”
“It’s fine,” I reassured him for the third time. “Besides, weren’t you the one that said friends can go on dates?”
“Ah,” he seemed deflated somehow, “I guess I did say that.”
“Yah,” I nudged him with my knee under the little table, “don’t look like that.”
“I guess I got my hopes up,” he smiled over his cup before downing his own drink.
I raised an eyebrow at that.
“Not like that,” he quickly set his cup down and turned to face me a little more squarely, “I just mean that I was hoping this was a date. Not as friends.”
I made a show of looking around before replying.
“Ah, I guess you’re out of character.”
“I was never a good actor anyway,” he shrugged.
“You’re such a liar,” I teased him, “in the beginning you made all those jokes. Like in the bookstore!”
“When was I joking?” He defended himself, “I was just nervous and, I don’t know, I was trying too hard to be cool.”
I waved his words away before taking my turn pouring for him.
“I got it. I won’t talk about that awkard stuff then,” I nudged the cup towards him, “I already think you’re cool, so don’t worry about trying too hard, okay?”
“Ah we should try to be extra quiet,” Daesung said in a loud whisper.
I snorted a laugh, immediately covering my face in embarrassment.
Daesung joined the laughter as well.
I quickly turn and shushed him, raising my hands as if I was going to cover his mouth.
“Stop, stop, shhh…”
“You stop,” Daesung retorted, batting my hands away.
Of course that only made the both of us laugh harder.
So hard that I nearly tripped over a slight bump on the walkway up to the house.
Dae grabbed one of my hands, steadying me.
For a second, I realized that I was well and truly tipsy. It was a little surprising, but somehow also not, that I would feel comfortable enough to get like this.
Of course, this was Daesung.
"Are you okay?"
Despite still having my hand in his, he hadn't used it as an excuse to get closer.
I blinked at him. Were his eyes always that bright?
"I'm okay."
He didn't seem convinced.
"Come on," he looped his arm through mine, "you can lean on me if you need to."
Need and want are two very different things, but every once in a while they do overlap.
I didn't so much lean on him as I held onto his arm tighter than necessary. I also took the opportunity to slide my hand into his.
"I don't want to go in yet," I grumbled.
"Because I had fun," I explained towards my shoes, "which means Jiyong is probably going to pick a fight."
Daesung didn't reply. He just stopped walking.
I looked up at him, but he was busy scanning the front yard and house.
After a moment, he tugged me off to one side.
"Do you have your keys?"
"Yeah," I let him lead me through the gate in the yard wall, "why?"
Once through the gate, he paused and scanned again.
"Do you have a key to the glass door in your room?"
"Oh," I was slowly catching on, "yes."
Sobered by a rush of adrenaline, I checked the living room windows and door that led to the pool. I saw the unmistakable shapes of Jiyong and Seungri.
The gauzy curtains wouldn’t do much to hide us.
We stood still, both trying to work out how to get across the sideyard, around the corner, and under the deck unseen.
Luckily, a savior appeared.
Taeyang entered the living room. I had no clue what he might be saying, but I saw both heads turn towards him.
Tightening my grip on Daesung’s hand, I darted.
"Go!" I whispered loudly.
Daesung was not expecting the sudden movement, but caught on gracefully enough.
Our hands parted, and I easily pulled ahead of him.
I laughed aloud, delighted by the silly race. Reaching the gravel under the deck, I stopped and turned to watch Daesung catch up.
He ran directly into me, using his momentum to sweep me into a tight hug.
His laughter matched mine as he tottered us towards my door.
The cold glass of the door hit my back.
Immediately, I recoiled. Arching my back away from the chill, I found myself trapped by Daesung’s body.
His laughter strangled itself into a noise somewhere between a hiss and a groan.
"Permission granted," I said in what I hoped was a flirtatious voice.
It must have been good enough. His hands were immediately in my hair, directing my lips to his.
A few seconds later, he pulled back, dragging my lower lip with his teeth.
"Mm…" he released his hold and dipped his head to kiss my neck before truly speaking.
"What would your fiance think?"
"My fian… oh shut up," I laughed, "he already knows that you're in the lead."
He lifted his head from my neck, eyes just a little bit wider than usual.
"I didn't even know I was in the lead."
I leaned forward and planted a quick kiss against his chin, resisting the urge to say something sarcastic. Against almost every instinct I had, I decided to go for sincerity.
"It wasn't obvious?"
“Honestly? No,” Daesung laughed under his breath, “I thought you might just be rebounding after realizing how conceited Jiyong is.”
There was a somewhat awkward silence as I thought about that. Was that what I was doing?
I came to a slightly shameful realization.
“It may have been that,” I carefully, slowly, chose my words, “but, within the show, you’re the one I genuinely enjoy spending my time with.”
He nodded slowly, taking his time with my words.
“So…” he started, but paused again. Licking his lips, he seemed to be weighing his next words.
“So you might choose me for the show, but not in reality?”
“Out of character,” I prefaced my next bit of explanation, “I’m clueless. I never know how seriously I can take anything that any of you say.”
He opened his mouth to speak, but I forged ahead, cutting him off before he could derail me.
“Please, just…” I sighed, but he remained quiet, letting me gather my thoughts.
“I don’t trust any of my feelings,” I started blinking, feeling the uncomfortable warmth building in my eyes, “because they might all be built on something that will disappear as soon as the show is over.”
I was staring into Daesung’s shirt pocket, unable to make eye contact while describing the reality of my emotional state.
In a back corner of my mind, I thought of Mino. I realized that I had been applying that same logic to him as well. And why shouldn’t I? For all I knew, he was just competitive… even when he wasn’t officially part of the competition.
Daesung made a few noises, almost starting a couple of sentences.
“Ah… tha… d…” he sighed, giving up. Instead of saying anything, he simply wrapped his arms a little tighter around me, pulling me against him and swaying slightly.
“Sorry,” I mumbled against his shoulder.
“Shush,” he readjusted his head, nestling into my neck, “you’ve had to worry a lot, haven't you pet?”
“There’s a lot to worry about.”
He sighed heavily, then released his hold on me.
"Then I will not give you more to worry about," he nodded towards the lock on the sliding glass door, "go in."
I turned, digging my keys out of my bag. After unlocking, opening, and stepping through the door, I spoke up.
"Will you come in?" I asked the room as I took my shoes off.
"Isn't that just one more thing to worry about?"
Shoes securely tucked to the side, I turned back to face him.
"But I want you to."
He licked his lips, taking a deep breath as he weighed his options.
I leaned forward, reaching out and taking his hand in mine. Pulling him closer, my other hand took a hold on his shirt.
"Please, Dae," he was close enough now that I could lean in and say the next part quietly into his ear.
"Stay tonight."
He took a shaky breath, then stepped into my room with a sigh.
"Of course, pet."
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nemesyis · 4 years
The Mansion - Prologue
A/N The first posting didn’t go as planned.  This is the second attempt. I’m entirely not sorry you all are being dragged along on this adventure
Warnings: Eventual smut, implied alcohol usage, sorry not sorry
Part 1
General Rules
1. The mansion and its staff do not discriminate against race, sexual orientation, gender identity, political affiliation, or religion.  
2. No will always mean no, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, or religion.  Consent is important.
3. The use of hard drugs and excessive alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited.
Applicant rules
1. All Applicants must present a current health screening for STDs, obtained from one of our recommended doctors before membership will be considered.
2. All Applicants must submit to a drug screening before membership is considered
3. All Applicants must submit to a thorough criminal background check before membership will be considered.
4. The Mansion reserves the right to deny or revoke membership at any time.
5. A waiver must be signed and notarized before the owner and their legal team before applicants are granted membership
Member rules
1. Members caught violating consent or discriminating against a person’s race, religion, political affiliation, gender identity, or sexual orientation will be banned from the prememsis pending investigation with possible termination of membership.
2. All current members must keep STD test results on file and updated every 6 months.
3. While alcohol consumption is allowed in moderation, excessive drinking or drunkenness is strictly prohibited and may result in expulsion from the premises and/or termination of membership.
4. Drugs such as cocaine, meth, heroin, abuse of prescription medication, lsd, rohypnol, ghb, pcp, ecstasy, or ketamine is strictly prohibited.  Members caught using these substances will have their membership immediately terminated with possible legal action.
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‘What the hell were you thinking?’, you thought as you stared at the home page of the website in front of you.  Really?  Is this what 3 years of no action had come to?  A swinger’s club called The Mansion of all things?  
You looked at the membership fee, annually it would be a lot cheaper than replacing vibrators and batteries once or twice a month.  $50 per year wasn’t bad at all.  You looked over the rules and inwardly argued with yourself some more.  Ok, so the rules were really strict, but you understood why.  A club like this would have to be extremely careful, otherwise it could open itself up to a slew of legal problems. 
You sighed to yourself as you closed your laptop.  Was this really a good idea?  The club was having an open house tomorrow night.  Should you go?  You continued to mull it over while you got yourself ready for bed.  You had read that new member prospects were not allowed to engage in play until background checks and health screenings were completed.  Crawling into your bed, you thought it over some more.  What exactly did you have to lose?
The next night
You had taken a solid 4 hours to get ready.  The majority of the time was taken up by deciding what to wear.  Having settled on a simple but curve hugging black dress with a high neck, black tights, and black flat riding boots.  Might as well be comfortable while you were inwardly screaming and your anxiety was trying to make your stomach crawl out of your throat.
A half hour later, you were dropping your vehicle off with the valet.  The Mansion was huge… no huge didn’t cover how large it was.  To put it simply, it was immense and sprawling.  Built in the Georgian style of the old European estate homes.  You gulped as you were greeted at the front entrance by an attractive female attendant.  “This way please, Miss Y/L/N.  The party will begin in the Library in 15 minutes.  My name is Jisoo, may I please take your coat?" 
When you entered the library, you were met with a room filled with people of all shapes and sizes.  True to its rules, all people regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, and race were accepted.  Members and non-members sat around the large, well decorated room.  Dark wood paneling, floor to ceiling bookshelves, rich oriental carpets, huge fireplace, and leather furniture.  Taking a sip from a crystal tumbler that was offered to you by an attendant, you noticed a beautiful man with soft brown hair, and equally soft brown eyes staring unashamedly at you.  
You blushed deeply, downed your drink, and choked as it went down the wrong way.  The man hurried over to your side and rubbed your back soothingly.  "Are you alright?”
You took an offered glass of water and nodded.  “Yes, thank you.  I’m y/n, thank you for checking on me.”
He smiled broadly, “Daesung, you can call me Dae.  You must be new here.  Are you considering membership?”
You nodded and took another sip of water. “Yes, it’s my first time here, or anywhere like this.  It’s a bit overwhelming.”
Daesung laughed softly and motioned for one of the attendants to refill your glass.  “It’s really a nice place.  The people are friendly, it’s a laid back atmosphere.  No one pressures anyone into anything.  Even if you do join, you don’t have to play with anyone.  We have plenty of people who don’t, they just use it as a social club.”
“And all the rules are followed?” You asked, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly.
Daesung caressed your arm, “ Of course, anyone caught in violation of the rules are immediately expelled and if serious enough, have their memberships revoked or in some cases, sued.  The owner doesn’t mess around with anyone’s safety.  There are even cameras in every room.  There are no blind spots.”
“I’m just nervous, I’ve never considered doing anything like this.  It’s a little bit overwhelming.” You said softly.  
He laughed, his luscious lips splitting into a wide smile.  “I remember being just like you.  The best thing about this place?  Being able to embrace a side of myself that I have to hide in my everyday life.”
Smiling back at him over your drink you thought to yourself, maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
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Last Post on tumblr
Hello This is officially my last post Here so i started moving my story edits on wattpad (Here is the link https://my.w.tt/25wvr4F5U7 ) once i catch up to where i am in stories i will regularly update so Please check it out and give it a vote and comment its appriciated
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mykpopmood · 6 years
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Matching Halloween costumes with Daesung
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thepoeticfirefly · 5 years
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