#dagne doodles
dagnedoodlin · 1 year
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Also this is where I remembered the grass clumps cheat. I do enjoy some mushrooms more then others, and there it some shading and shape things I'm not 100% pleased with, but I had fun and experimented with masking fluid so I'm really pleased with this
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pixlokita · 1 year
both wing!michael and wing!gregory look so cool and cute! i can imagine michael having full eagle wings, with strong protective wings over them, while greggy is just still tiny-wing but try to make papa michael proud... meanwhile, evan just have tiny cherub wings, just too cute to do anything else :·3
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Absolutely he would have the smallest ones
IF!! they all had them TTwTT STOP TEMPTING ME!!!
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babybluesquid · 8 months
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Some pose practice sketches featuring Dagne and Vaeren that I decided not to finish.
Referenced poses by @adorkastock.
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sir-incorrect · 2 years
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so excited about @slitherbop‘s webcomic hot dagn being back 👀 had to doodle the dog herself and some of those other guys too to celebrate
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catfishcafe · 1 year
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other recently rediscovered dagn doodles from the 2016-18 timeframe
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slitherbop · 6 years
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very glad that i can change the designs of characters because the story is in such a flexible stage right now.
you dont have to read this paragraph here im just rambling about the changes
hot is less stiff and fluffier and funner to draw! she still does that thing where i can draw her simply which is my favourite. meep is the same hes already perfect. jon grew more weird leaf hair so he is less bald? he looks softer, very friendly. bonbon has pointier wrapper head thing, her eyes are given more shape as well, its subtle change cuz shes always been char i love to draw. pluck keeps getting POINTIER his lizard head things! hes wearing shoulder pads, very sharp. also pluck and burrs glasses are thicker, just because i think it looks cute. burr has suddenly become more coffee-ish thanks to that handle thingy. he still does coffee machine things though, and also hes wearing a sweater good for him. for indigo ive increased her roundness, and shes wearing more makeup!! i think she also seems shorter cuz of proportions. litlok is more like a lantern now cuz of dark plastic edges, and that face is older looking!! they have the specific vibe of “im going camping" and call you “sport”.
thank u for looking at my doog and her friends
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rubbertig · 7 years
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if u didnt know indigo has a twitter
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mmoo · 7 years
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hot dagn doodle! up three are 16.05 and last one is 17.05
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dagnedoodlin · 1 year
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For these I followed a tutorial, and that's the long and the short of it. I started watching some tips and tricks on YouTube for watercolor after the mushrooms, and came across a short tutorial on five minute flowers and it was really well done! Really easy to follow, and makes pretty pretty flowers, though I'll have to do it a couple more times and branch out more to really get the hang of it.
Here's the tutorial if you wanna try it out yourself!
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dagnedoodlin · 2 years
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I have been bullied by my family to start posting WIPs so. Here’s part 1 of something I’ve been working on for a while now, and it has *looks at the statistics* almost 45 hours on it. And I’m not done!!!!!! Which is great : )))))))
I like a lot of the poses here tho, like the two where Eir’s getting into flight, the jar thing, and the one at the top left are v cute.
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dagnedoodlin · 2 years
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My guy! My princey guy! I! I've got names lined up but I haven't picked one specifically, tho I have picked a name for his uncle/the main antagonist! So his uncle's name is Thiago, which nameberry and behindthename both tell me is Portuguese and means 'supplanter.' So for my princey guy I've been focusing on royal Portuguese names, too keep a theme in the family, and I'm trying to make everyone's ethnicity close to Portugal, even tho it doesn't really matter given that this IS my fantasy story/workd and I can do what I want. ANYWAYS. My guy's a shonun protagonist but mad. He looks happy but please know he's got a short fuse, even though he tries SO HARD to be really nice and encouraging like a good leader. So he ends up being like:
Prince: "Hey! I need this to happen! If you could be so kind as to do this thing when you can I'd greatly appreciate it"
Person he's talking to: "no."
Prince: "die then"
Not that exact phrasing but that's the emotional journey he takes when leading! That's why he's got his girlfriend/betrothed to balance him out~
All his name choices under the cut cause I'm an indecisive bastard:
Afonso, Duarte, Vasco, Nuno, Alcides, Aloísio, Amando, Adelmar, Amaro, Bonifácio, Caio, Crisóstomo, Eleutério, Elpídio, Fausto, Fernando, Gervásio, Guálter, Helder, and Ladislau.
I found all of these on behind the name which is my favorite name site! Check it out!
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dagnedoodlin · 2 years
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Oh? Wizard of Oz? Is this similar to the detective story? No actually!! I'd have to check but if the Wizard of Oz is in the public domain I want to put the world into my story! Or at least a world based on it. Simply cause I adore the book series. And the plot is really funny with these characters.
Because all of them fall out of the 'house' together. But Maki's the only one who stays long enough to be seen? Pops falls out into a forest and ends up on like. The king of the beasts' throne while the beasts are looking for a new King and gets mistaken as heaven-sent and they dress him up like a lion and gives him a 'mane.'
Emer and Sam end up in the same field, with Emer waking up first, steals a bunch of clothes from scarecrows, and somehow ends up becoming Oz. Sometime around the time Emer runs off Sam wakes up and wanders around terrified cause he's ALONE in a FIELD after the SHIP CRASHED and falls into a scrap heap of metal that turns out to be like. Someone's pet project of a self assembling suit of armor that they abandoned to rust. So it assembles around him and hey! At least he doesn't need to get a tetanus shot! But uh, how to get out becomes the question.
And then MAKI (The outfit is hers btw, she dressed up to hang out on the planet but they hit turbulence) wakes up, severely annoyed with probably a pounding headache, surrounded by a bunch of random munchkins who tell her "you killed our leader but it's ok we hated her." And?? WHAT DO YOU SAY TO THAT. "Well I had no control sorry" or "your welcome?"
Now, this is if Maki actually like. Let's them speak to her. Because Maki may just see a dead body under the ship and just book it.
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dagnedoodlin · 2 years
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We have the page where I decided to make Maki a crew and came up with the first two! And the second page is me doodling them to understand their dynamics and flesh out their designs more.
So this is the beginning of me creating a story for Maki, who was created for a DnD campaign and I enjoyed working with her. So! Once I figured out that Maki is a shipping space pilot I was able to create a list of jobs that would need to be filled. Then I start making characters with those said jobs in mind. Sam was created with needing to fix the ship in mind, and Emer was made with the need for a captain in mind and ended up becoming the navigator instead.
Sometimes characters don’t work in the story they were made in but I’ll still like them so I’ll save them and create a story specifically for them (like i did for Maki and also Dierdra! I haven’t said this yet but Dierdra’s like Maki in that she was made for a DnD camaign that fell through, tho tbh I didn’t use her in said campaign.)
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dagnedoodlin · 1 year
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Okay, I did this because I think I saw a picture of a mushroom and went "oooh I can do that" and I went and found a couple others and made this! It was legitimately very fun, though I did struggle for a little bit. My main struggle was figuring out that graphite moved with water, specifically to just barely make everything greyer and to mostly go into my clear brush and not come out!! Yayyyyyy
At he end I also had the bright idea to do a purple circle background, which would've been nice I think, except I didn't want to sketch it out b/c of what happened earlier, and then when I started I immediately was hit with "oh no, this isn't gonna be a circle" and then I went "oh I'll just go all the way with the purple!" and then my stamina went "haha no" soo the purple became a mistake. But one I learned from! But yeah, this was fun but rough, and I'm glad I did it.
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dagnedoodlin · 1 year
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So I was messing around with my black water color and made the (now) sky fade, and I went "oh no, I have to do something with this or else I just wasted a piece of paper" never mind that I've done that to like. Eight other pages.
ANYWAYS so yeah I just did the first thing that came to mind which was a city! I need to practice/figure out how to keep the ink from bleeding everywhere, and I just realized I could've used my white out to make the windows.
BUT!! I'm actually really proud at how this came out. It was fun! Like all the antennas were fun to add, and one of the buildings got a water droplet on it and got a really cool shape. All of the buildings were fun to make, and doing the fade was a really fun way to practice keeping an eye on the consistency of my paint.
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dagnedoodlin · 1 year
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Treeeeeee I did a watercolor tree!! Trees are a lot of fun to do in general, so it's a good study for like. How watercolor acts with a subject im comfortable with. I'm not entirely pleased with the grass, and I don't enjoy how it looks after I added the darkest green in the leaves. But, I did enjoy making the leaves, so now I'm trying to have patience and let the paint dry completely before adding a new color, see how that'll change how my trees look. I think my goal is to get to the point where I'm confident enough to attempt a full scenery painting.
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