boreal-sea · 11 months
Daily prompt
What is good about having a pet? because is creachur: “See my teefs!”
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victoryoluebube · 8 months
Importance of having a pet
Pets @victoryoluebubedaily What is good about having a pet? Makes one understand what love, pain, sacrifice and joy means
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Adopter un animal, en quoi cela vous engage?
Noël indique que beaucoup de gens auront le désir d’acheter un animal pour offrir; Soit pour soi ou pour ses enfants.Un chiot est toujours mignon. N'oubliez pas! Un animal a des sentiments.
adopter-un-animal-en-quoi-cela-vous-engage Une fois n’est pas coutume, j’ai décidé de vous communiquer une pensée, une idée. L’approche de Noël indique que beaucoup de gens auront le désir d’acheter un animal pour offrir; Soit pour soi ou pour ses enfants. Un chiot est toujours mignon. On a l’impression de tenir une peluche vivante. N’oubliez pas! Un animal a des sentiments. Il y a un cœur,…
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my-autistic-self · 9 months
Random Prompt #85
What is good about having a pet? Well, there are many reasons why having a pet is a good thing. A reason to look forward to seeing after a long day at work, school, etc. Someone to do stuff with, such as hiking, playing, or traveling. Having a pet is also good for people who suffer from anxiety and depression. Even teach responsibility to take care of a living thing.
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fam22 · 10 months
What is good about having a pet? Core
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mifonografo · 10 months
Your life will never be the same…
What is good about having a pet? You will have someone to give you a smile or giggle the tail… Someone to be curious on what are you doing… Wait for you whenever you leave the house… A lot of things more to say, not enough time… God Only Knows – The Beach Boys
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lokirulesmidgard · 10 months
Pets Forever
What is good about having a pet? Oh, there are so many good reasons. Pets are unconditional lovers. I could have been an absolute biatch that day (because the other person deserved it), and they love me no matter what. Got my heart broken? My kitties are there. Someone passed away? My kitties are there. I do have two other kitties and a dog at my parents’ place, and they are as much my fur…
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wordpressinfluencer · 10 months
Minecraft server FAQ
Minecraft-server/ore agents FAQ Submission-QuestionsMinecraft-server/ores
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mycornerblog · 10 months
"The goodness of having a pet"
What is good about having a pet? Loving my pet is one of the strongest feelings I have ever experienced. It goes beyond simply caring for another living being; it is a profound act of selflessness. The bond I share with my pet is unlike any other. It is a source of comfort, joy, and companionship. Having a pet teaches me valuable lessons about compassion, responsibility, and unconditional love.…
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theodoravanyar · 10 months
Prompt Answer: Pets
What is good about having a pet? For me, my cat Spock depending on me to take care of him has gotten me through some pretty dark times.
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psychologistmimi · 10 months
Fur, Fluff, and a Scooby-Doo Mystery: The Marvels of Pet Ownership
What is good about having a pet? Let’s talk about pets, shall we? Those furry, feathery, or scaly creatures that manage to claim a cozy corner in our hearts, leaving paw prints on our souls. Now, I might be a tad biased – a self-proclaimed dog enthusiast, a guardian to two oppositely fantastic canines I affectionately call Thing1 and Thing2.In my personal menagerie, there’s been a parade of pets…
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Unconditional love
What is good about having a pet? There is nothing in this world that beat the unconditional love that your pet provides. Love is a pair of warm, brown eyes, viewed nose to nose!
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thesleepinbeauty · 11 months
My Dog Zeus taught me how to be still.
What is good about having a pet? Zeus teaches me how to be in tune with nature He sits at my feet , gazing fiercely as if speaking to my unconscious, that it is now time to walk, every day at 5.p.m. He taught me how to notice the still of leaves and the nodes branching out at every stem, on the eve of a different climate. He taught me that dogs are forgiving and that unconditional love is…
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padrespaleale · 11 months
My Pet
What is good about having a pet? Having a someone one loving you unconditionally!
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christianblogr · 11 months
The Purr-fect Companions: The Joys of Having Three Cats
The Purr-fect Companions: The Joys of Having Three Cats – Having pets enriches our lives in numerous ways, and for many, the experience of sharing a home with furry friends is both heartwarming and rewarding. In this blog post, we’ll explore the unique joys of having three cats as delightful companions. The Purr-fect Companions: The Joys of Having Three Cats All three cats in one picture is a…
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dee2822 · 11 months
What is
What is good about having a pet? Good about having a pet? The good thing about having a pet is the unconditional love you get from them. The fun you get with them and the pleasant walks you get with them. Pets keep you on your toes and be there when you’re sad. Pets get you to see the world’s beauty again and slow down and pay attention to things around you.
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