#daisuke gender
solradguy · 9 months
Does the article where Daisuke says Testament has "surpassed gender" from 2002 actually exist? or was it a myth people made up? I can't find it online
It was originally from an ASW newsletter from 2002, which I can't find the original of at the moment (might be on the old GGX site somewhere; will have to dig for it later...).
Here's a Wayback Machine archive of a summary of it and the plain text from that summary. Post date is yyyy/mm/dd format. I added bulletpoints for clarity:
[post date: 02/05/28]
>テスタの両性具有 初期のアークシステムワークスの会報で石渡本人が漏らした
アーク会報担当「あ、そうそう最近ハガキすごくいただくんですけど、テスタメントの性別は? 石渡「両性具有なんです。まぁもう人間を超越した存在になっちゃってますしね。俺もだけど。
初代ギルティの時は立ちグラフィックとか女にしか見えなかったからねぇ…声も加工されてたし。 ちなみにこの時石渡まともにインタビュー答えてません。
石「えっと、アフリカで生まれて中学までずっと住んでました。そのあと中国へ渡って三国を統一後、日本に帰化して後三年の役で大活躍。それからロシアで共産主義を学び再び日本へ。 そこでレッドパージされそうになった所をアークシステムワークスにかくまわれ、恩返しの為に「ギルティ」を作りました。
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daftpatience · 2 months
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lupin lupin lupin lupin 👏👏 lup on da thirdddd
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flowersnax · 2 years
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having a category 7 autism event rn
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loopspoop · 9 months
I feel like when Jigen washes his hair it always dries really fluffy and soft but in the way it sticks out all over the place so he looks a lil silly but it looks great when he puts his hat on or he brushes it a little to tame it just slightly
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lesbiangiratina · 10 months
Can not stop thinking about how during a conversation about testament’s gender someone sent a list of terms that fall under x-gender and i got to be like Heh. Literally All of these words have been used to describe testament. Oh the joys of messy but well intentioned early 2000s nonbinary coding
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The contexts are a bit complicated but like genuinely. All 3. Theyre quite unambiguously the second definition of musei now though.
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dnangelic · 16 days
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no wait im not done because if dark's at all a scumbag then it's only ever thanks to him making promises he literally cant keep and therefore stringing people along. he's always telling people he'll see them again or swears he'll come by later to keep them swooning and dreaming and thinking of/remembering him even after he disappears ("sometimes a phantom thief's duty is to lie for the sake of people's happiness") and then never shows up again because he literally doesn't have the freedom to be able to do so!! if he comes by at all it's only thanks to daisuke letting him in one way or another but everything else he's always getting accused of be it in canon or fanon is just wrong. he's not trying to maliciously manipulate daisuke. he genuinely prefers non-violence. he's a flirt, but even in interviews sugisaki defined him as 'someone who never goes so far as to make others uncomfortable,' he's not the sort of person to kidnap or force himself onto others, ever, he's a thief and a criminal but even that in canon is undermined by the way that krad is ten million times worse!!
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kreachvera · 1 year
I love that . almost all the guilty gear character’s genders are just So. or Not. but also MUCH. and NONE!!!!!!!
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phantasmaw · 10 months
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What makes a real man? Knowing you're not a girl. What makes a real girl? Knowing you're not a man. <---- smartest dude in the whole wide world
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jack-owo-valentine · 1 year
transphobes can stay made bc like my god is guilty gear basically inherently queer
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temporary-dysphoria · 2 years
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andiamofratello · 1 year
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flowersnax · 2 years
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there was no reason to make him look THAT good. wtf
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loopspoop · 11 months
Genderfluid Lupin makes so much sense. Bro has been stealing the gender water from the Church of LGBTQ+ and he has it all now. And shares with Jigen, Fuji, Pops, and Goemon
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lesbiangiratina · 4 months
A good while ago i was scrolling through someone’s testament tag and once i got past march 2022 i saw them using she/her for them n i wish i remembered who this was because they were on some remarkable shit
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dnangelic · 2 months
'dark was initially only daisuke's disguise' and 'daisuke was originally going to be a girl' and 'dnangel was initially supposed to be over at just the first 3 volumes' are all so important to me
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revivemyreverie · 15 days
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“Aww, but I just love being a little nasty…”
Twisted from: Professor Ratigan from The Great Mouse Detective
Minerva Ratte
CV: Daisuke Namikawa (浪川 大輔)
Technical info.
Gender: Male
Birthday: 07/02
Age: 18
Height: 178 cm (5’10)
Hair Color: Raisin Purple
Eye Color: Granola Yellow
Hand Pref.: Right
Homeland: Playpot City
College Info.
Class: 3A Set 20
Club: Track and Field
Favorite Subject: Conjuration
Hobby: Pickpocketing
Likes: His cat
Dislikes: Being called a fraud
Favorite Food: Non-Alcoholic Champagne
Hated Food: Blue Cheese
Specialty: Harp-playing
UM: It’s Snack Time!
With the ring of a bell, Minerva summons an enormous familiar capable of consuming whatever is in its path. However, this generates an extreme amount of blot, so it is rarely used.
Of Mice and Thieves
It's a rainy night in the city. Inside a house is a torn paper pinned to a bulletin board
Last week at █████████ ██████, renowned “youngest detective in the world” Ives Mishio was met face-to-face with a knife and a crazed classmate. Having won an award a mere month ago for solving a dastardly robbery in Playpot City’s museum, Mishio has become a household name almost overnight. The mayor of Playpot City awarded him with the title of “Royal Investigator” along with many recommendations should he want to further his education to greatness. His attacker, Minerva Ratte, disagreed with this decision, and decided to take matters into his own hands when no one would listen to him. Thankfully, before any serious harm could be done, the academy’s doctor ran into the scene and apprehended the foul criminal. 
Mr. Ratte, who is well known throughout the school as Ives’ “one and only rival”, had already accused the young man of stealing his work and parading it around as his own. Mishio has already denied such claims many times, telling the press that Minerva had become envious of his title as he was “no longer the center of attention”. And with this recent attack on the prodigy, Ives' hypothesis has once again been proven correct.
Thankfully, before any serious harm could be done, the school’s doctor ran into the scene and apprehended the foul crimin…
The paper’s been ripped off, but the owner of the house stopped caring about stuff like that a long time ago. Now all he’s obsessed with is catching a thief who he'll never find.
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