#daisy spencer
ormoonlight · 1 year
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livs-lense · 2 years
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baby queen opening for conan gray with daisy spencer🥀
october 25, 2022
*shot on a sony cybershot-u*📸
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oliviarxo · 4 months
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ama0310 · 3 months
Silver Springs (S.R)
Character: Spencer Reid
Requested: No
Type: Angst
Summary: A chance encounter during a murder investigation forces Spencer to confront his past when he comes face-to-face with Y/N, his ex-girlfriend and new victim, rekindling old feelings and tensions.
AN: It's basically Daisy Jones & the Six meets Criminal Minds type of vibe.
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"Another day, another case."
Spencer Reid had grown accustomed to the relentless pace of his work with the BAU. Evil, it seemed, never took a day off.
This explained why he now found himself en route to interview the latest victim, accompanied by Morgan.
Four murders in two weeks, and the body count showed no signs of slowing. All signs pointed to a disturbing connection within the music industry. The first two victims were singers, their vocal cords savagely ripped out. The third, a guitarist, had his hands severed. The most recent victim, a band manager, had his eyes gouged out in a grotesque display of violence.
As they walked briskly down the bustling Nashville street, Morgan voiced his frustration. "I can't wrap my head around why each murder was so different. It's like we're dealing with a completely new MO each time."
Reid's brilliant mind was already piecing together the puzzle. "Actually, there's a twisted logic to it," he explained, his words tumbling out rapidly. "Each mutilation corresponds to the victim's role in the industry. Singers silenced, a guitarist robbed of his ability to play, and a manager blinded, unable to oversee his clients. The unsub is targeting what makes each victim valuable in their profession."
"Do we know who we're meeting?" Reid inquired, his curiosity piqued.
Morgan nodded, consulting the notes from their technical analyst, Penelope Garcia. "Her stage name is Y/S/N, twenty-six years old. She's the lead singer of a band called The Springs. The band's manager reported an attempted abduction last night. She fits our victim profile perfectly: female, location in Nashville, related to a band. This is our first witness, Reid. She could be our key to catching this guy."
As they entered the recording studio, a frazzled assistant greeted them. "Hi, I'm Cary, the manager's assistant. Thank you so much for coming! Jason has been a nervous wreck. Please, follow me."
Morgan took the lead, his FBI credentials at the ready. "I'm Agent Morgan, and this is Dr. Reid. We need to speak with Y/S/N as soon as possible."
Cary nodded, guiding them towards a red door. With each step, the muffled sound of music grew louder, and a hauntingly beautiful voice became clearer.
"The band is actually recording their latest song right now," Cary explained in a hushed tone. "You'll need to be quiet, but the manager will brief you further."
As they approached the studio, the lyrics washed over them:
Time cast a spell on you, but you won't forget me I know I could've loved you, but you would not let me
A chill ran up Reid's spine. Something about that voice tugged at his memory, but before he could place it, he collided with Morgan's back.
A man stood before them, his face etched with worry. "Thank you for coming. I'm Jason, the band's manager. I wanted to take her straight to the police station, but she insisted on—" His eyes widened in recognition. "Spencer?"
Reid froze, suddenly face-to-face with a ghost from his past. "Uh, hi?" he managed, his usual social awkwardness winning again. How does one greet their ex-girlfriend's best friend after years of silence?
Morgan, sensing the tension, stepped between them. "I'm Agent Morgan, and this is Dr. Reid. We're here to speak with Y/S/N."
Jason's eyes darted between the two agents, his expression hardening. "Actually, I'd prefer if he wasn't here," he said, gesturing to Reid. "No offense, but I don't think it's wise for either of you to cross paths again."
Morgan, though confused by the unexpected connection, maintained his professional demeanor. "With all due respect, Dr. Reid and I work as a team. We both need to speak with Y/S/N to conduct a thorough investigation."
As the two men argued, Reid's gaze drifted to the recording booth. Through the glass, he caught sight of the band, and his breath caught in his throat. There, at the microphone, stood a face he thought he'd never see again—a face that to this day still haunts his most amazing dreams. 
I'll follow you down 'til the sound of my voice will haunt you Give me just a chance
The lyrics pierced through Spencer Reid's carefully constructed walls, flooding his mind with memories he'd long tried to suppress. He was transported back to a time when life held more than just case files and criminal profiles—a time when he had someone to come home to, when he felt truly free rather than trapped within the labyrinth of his own brilliant mind. A time when he and Y/N L/N couldn't imagine a life without each other.
You'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you
Despite his best efforts, Spencer's heart threatened to burst from his chest, yearning to reunite with its other half. For that was what Y/N had been—his perfect complement. They had met when she was seventeen and he was nineteen, initially friends until, two years later, they could no longer deny the intensity of their feelings.
Their love had been a force of nature—intense, pure, raw, and undeniably real. Until life's cruel realities came knocking at their door.
Y/N was a free spirit, driven by her passion for music. She'd twirl until dizzy, her long hair a wild tangle, singing until her voice grew hoarse. Music moved her in a way nothing else could.
Meanwhile, Spencer was on the cusp of graduating from the FBI Academy, with whispers of a fast-track position in the prestigious Behavioral Analysis Unit. Two paths diverging, leading to an impossible choice.
He did what he thought he had to do, breaking things off for both their sakes. He had run the probabilities, analyzed every scenario, and a happy outcome seemed frustratingly out of reach. They wanted different things, or so he had convinced himself.
That fateful night was seared into his memory. Y/N was about to leave for New York to meet with a record label—an opportunity that Jason, her best friend and now manager, had excitedly relayed during their date. Spencer saw the yearning in her eyes, the spark of a dream about to be realized. And so, he made the agonizing decision to end things.
Her tears, her desperate pleas, her hands clutching at him as he walked away—it all haunted him still.
Was I just a fool?
I'll follow you down 'till the sound of my voice will haunt you
Spencer watched, transfixed, as Y/N sang in the recording booth. She swayed to the rhythm, smiling at her bandmates, lost in the music. Everything about her still captivated him. Their relationship had been a bittersweet dream he never wanted to wake from.
Give me just a chance
You'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loved you
He stood rooted to the spot, oblivious to Derek's hand on his shoulder or the sudden silence as the band stopped playing. Then, Y/N turned towards the glass, and their eyes met for the first time in years. The world seemed to stop spinning.
Her gaze flicked to Jason, her expression morphing into a glare as she mouthed, "What the fuck?" The spell broken, she grabbed her bag and bolted through the back door.
Everyone sprang into action. Jason was the first to follow, with Derek close behind. Spencer remained frozen until his partner turned him around.
"Look, I don't know what history you have here," Derek said, his voice laced with concern and confusion, "but we have a job to do. If you can't handle this, go wait in the car. If you can, let's move." He pressed the car keys into Spencer's hand before chasing after Jason.
Against his better judgment, Spencer followed. A selfish part of him needed to be near her, even if it meant causing more chaos.
As he approached, he heard Y/N's voice, sharp with anger and pain. "I don't give a fuck if he's the president of the goddamn country. I'm not speaking to him. So you can either throw them out or let me leave."
Spencer rounded the corner to see Y/N already in her car, engine running, poised to flee.
"Look, Miss," Derek began, his voice firm but empathetic, "we can't let you go. You're the only survivor of this serial killer. If you don't talk to us, more people will die. Is that something you can live with?"
Jason, his arm still through the car window, pleaded with his client. "Come on, Y/N. You and I both know they're here to help. Let's get this over with, and then we can get you out of state within hours. This is for your safety and the safety of others."
Y/N's gaze flickered between her manager, the new agent, and Spencer, who was approaching hesitantly. With a heavy sigh and her heart in her throat, she turned off the ignition and moved to open the door, forcing Jason to step back.
"Get me a whiskey and a glass of milk," she demanded, grabbing her purse and striding back into the building without a glance at the agents.
Jason turned to Derek, his expression grave. "I strongly advise against having him there," he said, nodding towards Spencer. "As you can see, it won't end well if he's present."
Derek, still loyal to his partner, bristled at the suggestion. "And I advise you not to tell an FBI agent how to do his job. We've got it from here." He turned to Spencer, concern evident in his eyes. "Is he right? Should I listen to him?"
"No. I'm fine," Spencer insisted, though his tense posture suggested otherwise.
"And what about her?" Derek pressed, before noticing Carly, the assistant, anxiously tapping her foot nearby.
"She's in room 24, waiting for you," Carly informed them, pointing towards a door. "Um... good luck!"
As they entered the room, they found Y/N and Jason in the midst of a heated discussion.
"Everything alright?" Derek intervened, causing Y/N to roll her eyes dramatically.
"Yup, everything's perfect!" Jason's forced cheerfulness was palpable. "You guys can have a seat. I'll be right outside." He looked at Y/N sternly. "Be good. And tell them everything, please."
"Yes, Dad," Y/N replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm as she took a sip of whiskey. Once Jason left, she glanced between Derek and Spencer. "Well, are you going to sit down, or are we having a stand-up interview?"
Derek motioned for Spencer to sit beside him, both agents studying the woman before them. Y/N held a cigarette in one hand and whiskey in the other, while a glass of milk sat on the side table—an odd combination that spoke volumes about her state of mind.
"I'm Agent Morgan, and I believe you know Dr. Reid," Derek began cautiously. "We just have a few questions about what happened to you yesterday."
Y/N took a long drag from her cigarette, exhaling slowly before tapping it on the ashtray. "And what exactly do you want to know, Agent?"
Spencer cleared his throat, drawing her attention. "Jason mentioned you survived a failed abduction. Can you walk us through what happened?"
Y/N tilted her head, her gaze fixed on Spencer with an intensity that made him shift uncomfortably. "We finished recording one of our songs yesterday, and the band wanted to go out for drinks. I was still hungover from the night before, so I decided to sit that one out." She took a gulp of whiskey, chasing it with milk in a bizarre ritual. "I stayed in the studio for a few hours, just writing. Around three a.m., I decided to head back to my hotel. I'd parked two blocks away, and as I approached, I noticed someone loitering near the parking lot entrance."
"Did you engage with him?" Derek interjected, earning an eye roll from Y/N.
"I'm not fucking stupid," she snapped. "I walked past as quickly as possible. He tried to talk to me, but I ignored him. Guess he didn't appreciate that, because the next thing I knew, he was behind me, trying to force a plastic bag over my head."
The room fell silent as the gravity of her words sank in. Spencer leaned forward, his analytical mind already piecing together the details. "Can you describe the attacker? Any distinguishing features, voice, or mannerisms?"
Y/N's eyes locked with Spencer's, a flicker of their shared past evident in her gaze before she quickly looked away. "He was tall, probably six feet or so. Muscular build. I didn't get a good look at his face, but his voice..." She paused, taking another drag of her cigarette. "His voice was deep, with a slight Southern drawl. Not local, though. Maybe Texas or Oklahoma."
Derek nodded, jotting down notes. "How did you manage to escape?"
They could see Y/N physically reliving the traumatic experience, her leg bouncing with increasing anxiety. The calm facade she had maintained began to crack under the weight of her memories.
"Hey, it's okay," Derek said softly, his voice gentle and reassuring. "Take your time."
For a moment, Y/N seemed to relax, but just as quickly, her emotional walls snapped back into place. She crushed out her cigarette and downed the rest of her whiskey in one swift motion.
"I'd heard about the murders before," she began, her voice steadier than her trembling hands. "Even before that, I always carried a pocket knife and pepper spray. Call it paranoia or just good sense in this industry." She paused, collecting her thoughts. "I managed to scratch his left arm before kicking him. When he loosened his grip, I turned and pepper-sprayed him. Then I just... ran. Got to my car and drove straight hotel. That's when I called Jason."
Derek leaned forward, his brow furrowed. "And you didn't think to call the police?"
Y/N's eyes flashed with anger. "I wanted to forget about it," she snapped. "I was planning to leave anyway. Sometimes denial feels safer than facing reality."
"Yet you still came in to record a song right after that?" Spencer's quiet question drew her attention, earning him a look that was equal parts resentment and something harder to define.
"I have a job," Y/N replied, her tone clipped as she turned back to Derek. "We have an album coming out soon, and we needed to finish recording. We love working in Nashville, so yes, I wanted to get it over with and then leave. Music... it's always been my escape."
Spencer cleared his throat, treading carefully. "Can you describe anything else about him? Any details you remember?"
Y/N's gaze softened almost imperceptibly as she looked at Spencer. "I think he was wearing a blue sweater, but I'm not certain." She paused, her brow furrowing in concentration. "What I do remember clearly is his smell. It was... odd. Like scented candles, the kind you'd find at Bath & Body Works. It was strangely out of place, but unmistakable."
Derek nodded, jotting down notes. "Alright, thank you for your time, Y/N. Here's our contact information if you remember anything else or need assistance." He stood, extending his hand, which Y/N shook briefly. As he walked to the door, he noticed Spencer hadn't moved. "Spencer?"
Spencer glanced between Derek and Y/N, who was now staring at him intently. "Give me a second," he said quietly. "I'll meet you at the car."
Derek hesitated, giving Spencer a questioning look. The younger agent's eyes pleaded for understanding, for a moment alone with the woman who had once meant everything to him. With a slight nod, Derek acquiesced and left the room.
As the door closed, the air grew thick with unspoken words and years of regret. Spencer and Y/N sat in tense silence, neither quite ready to bridge the chasm between them.
Finally, Spencer spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. "Y/N, I... I'm sorry. For everything. I know it doesn't change anything, but I need you to know that."
Y/N's carefully constructed mask slipped, revealing a glimpse of the pain she'd been carrying for years. "Why now, Spencer? After all this time?"
"Because I never stopped caring," he admitted, the words tumbling out before he could stop them. "And seeing you in danger..." He couldn't even finish that sentence. "Please, promise me you'll be careful. 
Y/N studied him for a long moment, conflict evident in her eyes so she does what she does best. Ignore it.  "Congratulations are in order, Mr. FBI," Y/N said sardonically, reaching for another cigarette. The acrid smell of tobacco filled the air, a scent that brought back a flood of memories for Spencer.
"Smoking causes about 90% of all lung cancer deaths," he recited, unable to stop himself. "More women die from lung cancer each year than from breast cancer." It was an old argument, one they'd had countless times before.
Y/N took a long, deliberate drag, exhaling slowly as if to challenge his statistics. "We're all meant to die one day, Spence," she said, her voice tinged with a familiar fatalism. "I always told you that."
Indeed, she had. It was her motto, her way of justifying living life to the fullest, consequences be damned.
"I thought you quit," Spencer said softly, his eyes fixed on the glowing ember of her cigarette. "When did you start again?"
"A few months after my twentieth birthday," she admitted, her gaze dropping to the floor. "The record label signed us, and suddenly we went from doing a few covers a week to churning out originals every month. Needed a stress reliever."
Spencer studied her, noting the way she avoided his eyes. There was more to the story, he was certain. "Y/N/N," he said gently, using the old nickname that once came so easily to his lips, "are you okay?"
Her head snapped up, eyes narrowing. "Why would you assume I'm not?"
"Well," Spencer began, slipping into his analytical mode, "you drank that whiskey rather quickly. Your eyes are bloodshot, and you're flushed—signs of prolonged alcohol consumption. The fact that you're willing to record and drive in this state suggests it's become a habit. And then there's the cigarette addiction. So, naturally, I'm concerned about your well-being."
Silence fell between them, heavy with unspoken words and years of separation. Y/N broke first, standing abruptly and grabbing her purse. "I've told you what you needed to know," she said, her voice brittle. "I have to leave. Hopefully, Jason's already arranged my flight out of here."
As she turned to go, Spencer's hand shot out, catching her wrist. The contact sent a jolt through both of them—a spark of electricity, familiar yet now terrifyingly foreign.
Y/N's eyes traveled from his hand to his face. "Let go, Spencer," she said, her voice low and dangerous.
He couldn't. Not yet. Not when he'd finally found her again, when there was so much to explain, so much unfinished between them. But he also knew that Derek would come bursting through the door at any moment.
With reluctance, he released her wrist and pulled out a post-it note and pen from his bag. Hastily scribbling his number, he held it out to her. "Take it. Please. If you need anything—and I mean anything—call me, okay?"
Skepticism clouded Y/N's features. Did he really expect her to take his number, to even consider calling him after everything?
Seeing her hesitation, Spencer pressed on. "Look, Y/N, I know you have every reason not to trust me, to want me out of your life. But please, give me a chance to prove that I'll be there for you. We'll catch the guy who attacked you, and if you need help with anything else, anything at all, come to me. Please."
Y/N stared into his pleading eyes. A part of her recognized his sincerity, but the wounded 20-year-old inside her still ached from old betrayals.
With a resigned eye roll, she snatched the note from his hand and left without a word, leaving Spencer rooted to the spot.
As she passed a trash can in the hallway, Y/N paused, the note burning a hole in her hand. For a moment, she hovered on the brink of tossing it away. But something—sentiment, curiosity, or perhaps a stubborn refusal to let go—made her slip it into the back pocket of her jeans instead.
You'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you
The lyrics of her song echoed in Spencer's mind as he watched her go. And in that moment, he realized with startling clarity that he didn't want to get away. Not anymore. Not ever again.
As Y/N disappeared from view, Spencer was left alone with the lingering scent of her perfume and cigarette smoke, and the weight of years of regret. He knew that solving this case was now about more than just catching a killer—it was about second chances, redemption, and the possibility of healing old wounds.
With a deep breath, he steeled himself to face Derek and the investigation ahead, all while knowing that the most challenging case of his life might just be winning back the trust of the woman he'd never stopped loving.
Author's Note: I absolutely love Silver Springs. I belt it out all the time lol. I also was obsessed with Daisy Jones & The Six when it came out. Used to read a lot of those fanfics.
Also let me know if y'all want a part 2.
Thank for reading!
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whoisspence · 4 months
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me making a love potion that i would accidentally drop in spencer reid's coffee ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
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238 notes · View notes
daisylovestickles · 3 months
Happy Tummy Tuesday! Brought to you by my session with @giggleesblog
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giggleesblog · 3 months
happy tummy tuesday! second clip from my lovely session with @daisylovestickles 🥰
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galinneall-dearg · 3 months
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TTTE Texposts Part 3 (Source)
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silena-laney-laney · 6 months
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I am not immune to propaganda.
Yes I did, in fact, stop halfway through a video essay to start watching a silly crime show I had never heard of before because I heard the vibes were wholesome, nerdy, and bi.
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gigglycloud · 5 months
° ʚ ᐢ. .ᐢ₎っ Cloud's appreciation ‹3 !!
꒰ఎ ♡ ໒꒱˖࣪ ¡ I did one so long ago when I joined the community but I feel like doing another one since I made more friends and met more people <33 !
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@thecutestler I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND ENJOY EVERY TIME WE TALK, CALL, ROLEPLAY OR ANYTHING !! You never fail to make me smile <3
@daisylovestickles Love you so much and I'd love to get closer with you !!
@ticklish-potato Becca you're so adorable anc cute and I'm so glad we're friends <33
@the-shy-ler SHYY <33 i really enjoy talking to you and everytime we call even tho I get flustered like crazy cuz of your teases but sdjfjkd
@giggleesblog We started talking recently and ngl, you're such a cutie and I'd love to get closer with you <3 you also know so much but uhm...
@blushy-tigerrr TIGERRR <3 Love you so much and I'd love to get closer with you, still sobbing everytime I remember you sang I love you by Billie EIlish on call bc I joined,,, sweetest thing ever omg :((
@flusteredandgiggly I really like talking to you and your teases are so silly and cute omg- I'd def love it if we talked more
@franceseclipse NOTCH BESTIEE <3 we dont really talk but LOVE YOU SO MUCHH /p
@sizzlerseth Ooga booga bugs bugs bugs. I still remember when I saw ur reblog I was like :0 new friendd LOVE YOUUU <33 /p
@wheezylee-jay Tvmbh. I wanna tickle hug you so bad you have no idea <3
@idk791 I don't really know what to say uhm- Poor you you had to handle a hyped Cloud over getting tickets for Billie's concert and random lyrics spam
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Also, I don't really know what to say from you but I stil want to include y'all here cuz y'all matter to me <333
@applesyaboi @ali-the-weirdo @kikibumblesqueaks @ticklishsquish @ticklishpuppyem @kasey-writes-stuff @yourgigglebugmaya @axie-axo @mochamuff1n @kawaiihaille20 @thejellyfishgentleman
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Me when anyone mentioned here:
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vino---delectable · 9 months
The 2000s was the decade for crime shows
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P.s (I couldn't tag ncis or monk bc the app won't let me 🤷)
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allisluv · 22 days
note: there will be eight flufftober requests (two per week) just so i'm not feeling overwhelmed. the rest will be completed by the end of the year, so feel free to send in as many as you want! <3
characters you can request for: finnick o'dair, johanna mason, katniss everdeen, annie cresta, lucy gray baird, emily prentiss, derek morgan, spencer reid, daisy jones, eddie roundtree, camila dunne, karen sirko, tyler owens and jake seresin.
prompts: you can request from this prompt list or this one. you can send in any other fall themed requests too!
flufftober masterlist
october 1st — karen sirko x reader
october 7th — jake seresin x reader
october 10th — emily prentiss x reader
october 15th — derek morgan x reader
october 20th — finnick o’dair x reader
october 25th — johanna mason x reader
october 31st — tbc
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curlytemple · 4 months
on the subject of getting knocked on your ass by the realization that you are actually also queer, when you’ve always related to media with queer-coded characters, but couldn’t or wouldn’t recognize that queerness within yourself
i literally thought i was a passionate and emotional Ally until i was 20 years old at a concert and the bass player was the hottest woman i had ever seen in real life. nobody told me butches were real! they’re playing in olivia rodrigo’s band these days and i can’t help but think about the queer awakening ripple that the guts tour must be causing.
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anniecr3sta · 2 months
i’m in my violet harmon era (i was diagnosed with depression and my life is falling apart and all i do is bedrot aggressively)
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daisylovestickles · 3 months
Another Feet Friday that absolutely killed me! I can’t believe how ticklish the Pursonic toothbrush feels…
Especially on the sides of the feet
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