#dalinar Kholin
lamaery · 3 days
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It's alright Dalinar, babe, he got this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- image description: A loosely scribbled and coloured comic page with several panels in four rows of the scene in Words of Radiance in which Kaladin joins the duel in the arena. The background in the panels is painetd very patchily implying the seats of the arena with half roofs offering shadow from the sun above. The first row has two panels, on the left we see an agitaed Dalinar, in his blue uniform with gold and white trimmings, as he leans forward, hands on the wall of the dueling pit in front of him, calling out "What happened to us?", "Where is our honor?". A smaller speechbubble to the side contains the words "Honor is dead". The panel to the right depicts Dalinar looking to the side to see who gave that cynical commentary. Kaladin stands there not far behind him, also in captain's uniform holding his spear and looking very grim. The next row has two smaller and on medium sized panel, they all show Kaladin from the side in profile – as Dalinar would see him. He inhales like he is fortifying himself for what comes next. On the exhale he looks down into the arena with mix of resignation and determination and utters the words "But I'll see what I can do." The speechbubble for it is already in the next panel, in which Kaladin is gazing towards us with a mournful expression as he says "If this goes poorly, take care of my men."
The third and fourth row are both each one long horizontal panel. The third row shows Kaladin as he vaults himself over the wall in the foreground. Dalinar stares at him seeming very shocked. The panel in the last row is a top down view into the arena. Kaladin stands in front of six people, four of them Shardbearers in full plate all now turning towards him. On the far left is Relis in his black plate holding a big shardblade. Adolin kneels next to him in the sand of the arena holding his broken shoulder. To his right stand Elis with a shardhammer in a grey plate, then Adrobar in a orange one with a blade. Further to the right is Jakamav in his green plate and the king's blade, Renarin standing blade- and plateless next to him.
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Get Isekai'd lol
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kosher-toasty · 5 months
My dumbass brain visualizing The Stormfather whenever he talks to Dalinar in Oathbringer
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madxmellon · 6 months
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Please take my random Stormlight memes while I wait for KOWT
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nic-cage-incognito · 6 months
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Took these from my shit posting TikTok, maybe they'll be better appreciated here
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onlycosmere · 6 months
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The Stormlight Archive by Josh Corpuz
Shallan, Dalinar, Kaladin, Jasnah, Szeth
Pattern, Moash, Adolin, Syl, Rock, Gaz
Hoid, Lopen, Eshonai, Navani, Zahel
Sadeas, Lift, Veil, Teft, Rlain
Ben McSweeney: Pretty excellent, I like a lot of these!
The artist is from the Phillipines, and they do superb animation work as well. I think they're tied up in videogames, working on JRPGs.
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wafflelovingbatgirl · 28 days
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It’s here!!! No more pixelation! Michael Whelan does it again!
The Contest of Champions, Dalinar & his emotional support book v Odium’s Champion atop Urithiru, for the future of Roshar, humanity, and Listeners.
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rosewaterfish · 1 month
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Those Kings sure did go Ways huh. Anyway Stormlight Archive good.
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thekinglemingle · 1 month
Everyone always talks about "You Cannot Have My Pain," and with good reason, but I think this is my favourite Dalinar moment
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eliseliedl · 2 months
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The Stormlight Archive (The Cosmere RPG)
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renarines · 3 months
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sharing this comment i made on reddit a while back because i think about this a lot
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lamaery · 6 months
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Dalinar meeting the Nightwatcher I don't find much time lately for fanart, but this one just fitted my mood that day. It is based on an old sketch from 2021 which I never fully rendered.
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cyeayt · 3 months
Imagine if you came home to your beautiful wife and your beautiful house only to find that your wife had turned the house into a living being (a simplification), killed her wlw situationship, and invented antimatter bombs. And it barely breaks the top 5 craziest things that happened that week.
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azure-sorceress · 3 months
One thing I absolutely love about the way Sanderson wrote Gavilar is how the reader's perception of him slowly changes as the books go along.
In The Way of Kings we are under the impression Gavilar was not only a great king, but a great person as well. The highprinces respected him where they don't respect Elhokar. Dalinar talks about him as a perfect brother, Elhokar talks about him as a perfect father and even Jasnah misses him. Only Navani seems to be a little glad he's gone, but we can easily disregard that knowing she's in love with Dalinar.
This perception of him stays mostly unchanged in Words of Radiance, but by Oathbringer this picture of the perfect king and good person starts to crumble. We have confirmation in the prologue that he wanted to bring back the Desolations and that was the only reason he had made the deal with the Listeners in the first place.
In Dalinar's flashbacks we see how he used Dalinar as his war machine, how his conquest turned Dalinar into a man that could not live without a war, and didn't give him a purpose beyond that once the fighting was over. We see how Dalinar gave up everything for his brother but got very little in return. Gavilar wouldn't even let Dalinar finally relax and spend time with his first son, he had to imidiately give him a war to fight lest he find that he could live without being the Blackthorn. We see how he didn't try to help his brother when he was a drunk and let him destroy himself.
At this point it's clear that Gavilar was not really a good person, even if Dalinar doesn't see it that way. But he's not tha bad, right? Dalinar did most of these things because he wanted to, Gavilar only pointed him in the direction he wanted to.
And then we get to Rhythm of War, where we find out that Navani's imposter symdrome, that has been so prevelant in the books since the beginning is all Gavilar's fault. He made her feel she wasn't really an artifabrian, that she wasn't intellegent, made her feel like she was a cheater despite the fact that she always remained loyal to him. He made it clear he didn't care about Jasnah's feelings when it came to marrying Amaram and how he didn't see Elhokar as a fit heir. Gavilar's family all cared about him so much, and yet, here we see how little he cared about them.
By this time we're all cheering Szeth when he kills this man because he didn't deserve a single good thing that was said about him throughout the entire series. Gavilar dying was the best thing that happened to all these characters and that realization is amazing.
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tinasshelf · 4 months
Dalinar and Navani <3
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I am so crazy abt them they’re my parents
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kayumi-art · 4 months
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This is how Wind and Truth will end btw
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