#dallon weekes deserved more
raceydays-hopelesshaze · 10 months
I saw a tiktok recommending bands to listen to if you like (early) p!atd but don’t want to listen to Brendon Urie and the first recommendation was The Brobecks and something inside of me snapped
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jordisstigander · 2 years
How are you gonna brag about your music taste and then not share it?
You know what, fair enough! Let's fix that real quick:
First, a Canadian Celtic band called the Cottars. Unfortunately, their first two albums aren't available on Spotify, and their second cd, On Fire, is my favorite. That said, if you poke around on Youtube, you can find some of their early stuff. Here's their version of Sùilean Dubh,
And then a fun rendition of Home by Bearna, an upbeat song about trying to get your drunk friend home without causing a ruckus.
Next on the list: Borodin! He's a Russian classical composer, and I highly recommend In the Steppes of Central Asia, which is not only a symphony but also a symphonic poem. Here's a piece of it; I also recommend this particular recording, which you can easily find on Spotify:
Then, if you feel like listening to steampunk space pirates mixing folk music and mythology, give a listen to the Mechanisms. The band's premise was that the musicians were more or less immortal and traveled the universe, and their albums tell overarching stories about in worlds based on elements such as fairy tales, greek myths, and nursery rhymes. Fair warning: the stories pretty much always have a grim ending, but it's worth the ride. Also, this is one of those bands were you should listen to each album as a whole. Might I recommend either starting with either "Ulysses Dies at the End" or "The Bifrost Incident." Unfortunately, I can't share my favorite song of theirs, as it contains massive spoilers! But you can find them on either Spotify or Youtube easily.
I could keep going, but let's end with a band I keep pushing: I Don't Know How But They Found Me, or IDKHow. Dallon Weekes is a gem, y'all, and he deserves to be better known. His music is sarcastic and very biting towards fame and the industries involved in them, but then you get moments of gorgeous sincerity. And the music's just fantastic as well. Honestly, IDKHow doesn't have a bad song, but I'll post the song that made me fall in love with them:
And how about New Inventions for good measure.
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gloomtownfags · 1 year
I just posted the first three chapters of my Detective!Dallon fic on AO3! Here's the first chapter, you can read the rest here!
TWs for violence, death, blood, eventual unhealthy friendship dynamics, and Brendon Urie as a minor character
Dallon had been so excited to see Breezy when he got home. It was such an exhilarating day, he made a huge breakthrough in his case and he was so certain he was close to solving it. His heart was still pounding and he could barely sit still on the drive home, so he was disappointed to see that Breezy wasn't there when he arrived. Oh well, no need for concern, he had thought. He sent her a text to let her know he was home and started to unwind from such an exciting day. He couldn't wait to tell Breezy everything. He even considered calling her because he was so excited, but decided against it. He would tell her in person. And she would smile and call him smart and clever like she always did and seeing her smile would make him smile. As he took off his shoes and undressed from his uniform he thought about how nice it will be to have children greet him when he comes home. He and Breezy had been talking about having children and both of them were so excited. 
An hour had passed, and no text back. So Dallon sent another. And then another half hour passed. He sent another text. And then another hour. He texted again. Another half hour. He called- voicemail. He called again. Voicemail. He began pacing around the house as he tried to think of where she possibly could be. He called his mother-in-law. He called Breezy's friends. He called her workplace. No one knew where she was. His legs were so weak he fell to the floor and the world spun around him. He gasped for breath as he tried to think straight. His ringtone pierced through the air like a siren and he jumped to his phone. His heart dropped. It wasn't Breezy, it was the station. He couldn't be called into work right then he had bigger concerns. But he answered. 
That phone call would be the end of his entire world.
He rushed to the station.
He identified the body. 
He returned home alone. 
His entire life crashed and burned around him. He didn't care. He turned to alcohol and quit going to work. He lost his house but he didn't care; he'd already destroyed it. The night he lost Breezy he threw anything he could get his hands on and broke anything that he could break. He had screamed until his throat was sore and sobbed until he had no more tears, and even then he screamed and sobbed after that. He now lives in a shitty apartment, living on dwindling savings since he's taking a break from the station. They've been good to him, too good, and told him they'll be waiting for him to return. He doesn't deserve that. Since he left the newbie Brendon had taken up his case and solved it within the week using all of Dallon's evidence. He took all the credit. At the time Dallon was too drunk and lost to care. 
It's been a year since Breezy was murdered. All Dallon has is alcohol. He gestures for the bartender to give him another drink, too drunk to cohesively use his words, but the bartender shakes his head and pushes a glass of water in front of him. "I'm cutting you off, man. You should go home, get some sleep." 
Dallon glares at the bartender, who remains unfazed. "Fuckyou," he slurs out. Despite this he takes the glass of water and drinks it, aware that the bartender is trying to be kind. But if the bartender really wanted to be kind he would kill Dallon where he sits, letting him join Breezy. He pays his tab, not even wanting to know how much it was, and slowly slides off his barstool. The world spins and he stumbles and quickly grips onto the bar to steady himself. The bartender looks concerned but he waves him off. " 'M fine." He shambles out the bar and puts all his concentration on not falling over. He starts to head back to his apartment a few blocks away and he occasionally has to to lean against a lamppost and steady himself. He closes his eyes to try to think straight, but the world keeps spinning behind his eyes. He finally reaches his apartment and stands next to the building, in front of the alley, as he fishes for his keys in his pockets. He hears footsteps from the alley, like someone running away, and he turns towards the noise's direction. 
"Hello?" He calls out stupidly, all sense of caution currently washed away from the booze. He sees someone laying on the ground and then recognizes the silhouette to be his neighbor from across the hall, Phoebe. She's the only person he has that he can even consider a possible acquaintance. She drinks almost as much as he does and the of them occasionally drink together, though most of the time Dallon prefers to be alone. Phoebe must've been unable to get into the building again. "Phoebe, c'mon, you can't spend the night out here, walk with me to our floor." His words slur so much, talking is difficult. He tries to focus on Phoebe, she hasn't moved or even acknowledged Dallon at all. She must have passed out. Dallon groans, knowing in good conscience he can't leave her out all night. He'll have to carry her to her apartment, he wishes he could say this is the first time this has happened. As he steps closer to Phoebe he sees vomit all down her shirt and pooling around her mouth, which makes Dallon groan even louder. He steps closer. 
It's blood. It isn't vomit all down her shirt, her shirt is soaked in blood. Blood drips from her mouth and pools on the ground next to her. 
A scream had left Dallon's throat before he had even fully comprehended the sight in front of him. He quickly stumbles away but in his drunken state he falls to the ground. His head swims, the world spins. His lungs aren't working and he feels faint. He gasps for breath and thinks out loud. "Fuck fuck fuck what do I do!?" 
He clumsily reaches into his pocket for his phone. His hands are shaking and he struggles to grab it but finally he has it and he stares at the screen. His mind is so clouded he can't figure out what he's supposed to do next. Finally he remembers and calls the station out of muscle memory, barely able to see the numbers on the screen. The poor soul on the other end of the line can't even get a word out before Dallon screams. "Dead body outside my apartment! Oh my fucking god she's dead!" Dallon isn't even sure if the other person can understand what he's saying because his words are slurring so much. 
Dallon feels glued in place as he waits for the police to arrive. He's stuck, frozen, staring at Phoebe's body a few feet in front of him. Every single instinct in his body is telling him to look the fuck away, to get up and run to safety, to at least stop looking at the fucking body you fucking idiot, but his body betrays him. He stares for what feels like hours.
He hears the blaring sirens of the police cars and eventually sees the harsh, flashing lights. Officers come up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. Their mouths move but Dallon hears nothing except the sirens. His head is swimming and his eyelids feel heavy. Someone tries to help him up. He stumbles and almost falls over and another set of hands grabs him. He's so dizzy. His feels someone put a blanket over his shoulders and his last coherent thought is, Oh, for shock, before he falls to the ground. 
He wakes up in his own bed. His head feels like someone beat it with a hammer, his tongue feels like sandpaper, and the light peeking in from the window is blinding. He sits up slowly, trying to remember how he got here. The memories of last night hit him like a wall of bricks. Phoebe. So much blood. Dallon runs to the bathroom and vomits. Both from being hungover but also from fear and disgust. He's been a homicide detective for ten years- well, homicide detective for ten years who's currently on a break- he's seen countless bodies. But this time was different. He knew Phoebe. They weren't particularly close but she was the the only true human connection he had. And now she's gone.
Finally standing up from the bathroom floor Dallon rinses his mouth with mouthwash before crashing back onto his bed. He checks the time on his phone - 1:23 pm. He also has text messages from Police Chief Bennett. 
Come to the station as soon as you can. We need you for questioning about last night. 
He groans and rolls over to stare up at the ceiling. He doesn't want to get up, he's not sure he can get up. He wants to stay in bed and slowly sink into the sheets until he disappears. But, he knows that wish isn't possible and with a heavy sigh he slowly sits up and gets out of bed. His head spins and he staggers slightly but he tries to pull himself together. 
Breakfast and a shower help Dallon feel less like shit but as he drives closer to the station he feels the urge to vomit again. The last time he was here was the night Breezy- he shakes his head and tightens his grip on the steering wheel, he refuses to think about that night. He parks and stares at the station, it's unwelcoming and imposing. He used to feel pride walking into this building but currently all he feels is dread. 
He can feel everyone's eyes on him the moment he walks into the station but he ignores everyone and marches straight into Chief Bennett's office, who actually looks slightly surprised Dallon actually came. 
"Detective Weekes, it's good to see you again-"
"Just take my statement," Dallon huffs as he plops down into the chair. 
Chief Bennett looks surprised but nods and grabs his book and pen. "Tell me about last night, where were you before you find the body?"
"I was at the bar. I'd been there for a few hours at that point. Then the bartender cut me off and told me to go home." Dallon wishes he could smack the look of pity off of Chief Bennett's face when he mentions he was at the bar. 
"And so it was when you were returning home that you found the body of Ms. Briar?"
"Yeah. I stopped so I could get my keys and I saw her laying in the alley. At first I thought she was just passed out drunk and covered in vomit so I went to pick her up but then... I saw it was blood. She wasn't moving so I knew she was dead. That's when I called the station."
"Think really hard, any other details about that night that you might've forgotten?"
Dallon rolls his eyes at the question as he once again recounts the night in his head but then he realizes. "I... before I saw Phoebe in the alley I heard footsteps, like someone running away... oh my god she had just been killed... holy shit had I just been there moments sooner I could've stopped it, I could've saved her! I-" Dallon struggles to breathe. If he had just been less drunk, if he walked faster, if he had left earlier, he could've gotten there sooner, he could've helped Phoebe. He could've prevented her death. His head is spinning and he gasps for breath. 
"Calm down Detective Weekes!" Chief Bennett says urgently, "You cannot blame yourself for this! This isn't your fault, it's the killer's fault, no one else's. The autopsy revealed she had been dead for a little while before you found her, the killer must've been admiring their handiwork, you know how killers are sick like that." 
Dallon shuts his eyes and tries to listen to what the chief is saying. Not my fault not my fault not my fault he repeats in his head and eventually he gets his breathing more regular and he opens his eyes. He once again wishes he could smack the look of pity off of Chief Bennett's face. "I want to work on the case."
Chief Bennett almost drops his pen in shock and looks at Dallon to make sure he had heard him correctly. "You... want to come back to work?"
"Yes. And I want to work on this case specifically. If I can't, I'm not coming back." 
Dallon can see the wheels in the chief's head turning. Dallon had, at one point, been their best detective, so of course the station would want him back, but he can tell Chief Bennett is hesitant to put him on this particular case. 
"Detective Weekes I must warn you this case isn't as small and easy as you may think it is and it seems you might not be... emotionally ready to handle a case like this-"
"Fuck you, you can't tell me what I can and can't handle." Dallon leans forward in his seat. "I want on this case. I want to find Phoebe's killer." 
"It's more complicated than that, Detective Weekes. This is a serial killer case." 
Dallon's eyes widen and he stares at the chief in shock. "A serial killer?" 
"Yes. You haven't heard of the serial killer terrorizing the city on the news? Well, I suppose not, you've been rather... preoccupied." Dallon glares at Chief Bennett and if looks could kill the police chief would be dead where he sat. "Ms. Briar had the signature of the serial killer, Mx. Sinister, carved into her stomach." 
Dallon raises an eyebrow. "Mx. Sinister?" He can't help but think 'Diversity win! Our serial killer is gender neutral!'
"Yes. The killer carves Mx. S into all their victims and the press dubbed them Mx. Sinister and it seems the name has stuck. So far there's been eight confirmed victims of Mx. Sinister in ten months, however Detective Urie suspects there could be more we just haven't found the bodies to-"
"Brendon's on the case!?" Dallon asks incredulously. Chief Bennett stares at Dallon, baffled, not knowing where this hostility came from. 
"Yes, he is. If you're sure you want to work on the case then I suppose you can come in tomorrow and talk to him-" 
"No. I'm starting today." Dallon stands up and walks off before the police chief can get another word in. Once again he feels all eyes on him as he walks towards his old workstation. The casefiles from his previous case are all missing but besides that it seems to be fairly untouched. He notices the little plant he kept to the side is still alive, meaning someone in the station has been watering it. 
"Weekes!" A familiar voice calls out. "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes!" 
Dallon holds back a scowl and turns to see Detective Urie walking towards him. He ignores Brendon's comment (he's hungover and not in uniform, he knows he looks like shit) and gives Brendon a forced, small smile. "Hello, Detective Urie." 
The police chief approaches the two of them. "Detective Urie, Detective Weekes is officially back and he will be working with you on this case. I expect you to tell him everything you know and show him every piece of evidence and answer any questions he has." 
Brendon looks over at Dallon and beams. "Alright! Lemme get that case file for you, man." Brendon hurries off and Chief Bennett gives Dallon a nod before walking away as well. Dallon sits down in his chair and sighs. What has he just gotten himself into? 
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vestofredroses · 4 years
denounce Zack Hall the way you did Kenny Harris.
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god dallon weekes is so talented seriously every music project he touches is amazing HE’S SO UNDERAPPRECIATED
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omegalomania · 2 years
hi!! just saw your post abt brendon and all the shit p!atd has covered up and i honestly feel so sick :// i have a question tho bc as much as i hate them now and wanna distance from them, i genuinely love some of their music but also i cant listen to it w/o being sick but i wanna enjoy the music solely yknow? dyou know how i could do that lol bc im gonna be sad if i can never listen to their songs the same way again
i cant say im an expert on any of this and it's hard because im of two minds. on one hand, yes, i love the idea of death of the author and reclaiming a work from a shitty person. on the other hand...i dont like the idea of continuing to validate that shitty persons work and maintain that persons relevance in the public eye, especially if it means that they get to coast off of that relevance and dodge consequences for their shit actions!
what muddies the issues so much with panic is that despite how much the marketing has pushed this idea...panic really isn't and never has been solely the brendon urie show. the band was started between two childhood friends (ryan ross and spencer smith). the band managed to exist because the original bassist, brent wilson, happened to know brendon urie and thought he could sing. the band got a record deal because ryan ross bothered pete wentz on livejournal enough times. panic at the disco got a career because pete wentz decided to take a chance on these kids from vegas and create an entire label to sign them. a fever you can't sweat out exists because of ryan ross and spencer smith as much as it does because of brendon urie. pretty odd exists because of jon walker and ryan ross and spencer smith as much as it does because of brendon urie. vices & virtues exists because of spencer smith and pete wentz and dallon weekes as much as it does because of brendon urie. too weird to live, too rare to die exists because of spencer smith and dallon weekes as much as it does because of brendon urie. death of a bachelor exists because of lolo as much as it does because of brendon urie. pray for the wicked exists because of brendon's 43 writers (yes, really, i counted, it has that many credited lmao) as much as it does because of the guy himself. all these records exist because of the producers and engineers that worked on them just as much as they do because of brendon urie, if not more so.
i don't want to downplay how many other hands have been involved in the machine of panic. brendon is not and never has been its sole engineer, no matter how much he's billed as the central creative mind. and i don't want to erase or dismiss how many other people contributed to that art because the one guy who owns the title now happens to be a garbage person, particularly since brendon didn't start the band to begin with! for however shit he was treated in the band, dallon has stated that he's still proud of a lot of the instrumentation and lyricism he put on too weird, and i want to still recognize a lot of that record as something i can admire.
for my part, i've still got a few panic albums on my ipod. i didn't...actually buy them because i was a broke college student when i got my hands on them lol so i didn't actually ever give the guy my money. and it's hard to listen to them now for the most part. i don't stream panic stuff, i don't give it views. if i listen to the older stuff, i do it on my own time and as isolated from statistics as possible. i don't support brendon voluntarily in any way and the only times i discuss him is to dunk on him mercilessly because he deserves it lol
i wish i had a better answer for you that could give you peace of mind, anon. the sad fact is that it's not a simple issue because the simplest part of the issue - that brendon urie is a sack of shit - is frustrated by the fact that he took ownership of a band that was never really his to begin with, and performs songs that he never actually wrote drawing from situations he never personally lived.
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half-doomed · 3 years
i saw idkhow in phili!! some ppl started chanting for lights go down, and he said smth like “i appreciate it, but im in charge around here.”
for the intro to visitation, he said “dallon weekes wants to spend his money on sparkly guitars, not more musicians!” and we all lost our shit lol
fun time :D
I love when dallon gets bossy and, dare I say, sassy even. He deserves so many sparkly guitars 😭 I can't wait til they're big enough and have money to bring a sax player on tour tho can you imagine haha
Tell me about your idkhow shows 🤠
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thepunkbug · 4 years
Okay, so there’s a lot going on right now to do with Brendon Urie from Panic! At The Disco, and I figured I’d give my take on it.
Before I start, I should say I got most of my information from other people on social media - YouTube, Twitter, Tik Tok, and I read some articles. Because of where I got most of my information, I won’t be able to link anything, so I implore you to do your own research as well. That being said, here’s a brief rundown of what happened, with my opinion at the end.
First and foremost, Brendon has been called out for being racist. There’s a Vine of him mouthing along to the n-word, and while he didn’t outright say it, he did still mouth along to it. Being white, he had no business doing that, and he should’ve censored the word out entirely, but he didn’t. He’s since apologized and been a supporter of BLM, even going onto Twitch when George Floyd was killed, and making a post on his Instagram about how white privilege affects him, all of which can be found on YouTube or Instagram.
Secondly, he was accused of being transphobic. Most of you are probably confused because he is pansexual himself, and he wrote a song about bisexuality, and he can be found decked out in pride flags at concerts. However, there is a video of him at an interview saying the transphobic slur, and since he’s cisgender, he has no right using that word. From what I know, he was explaining his sexuality when someone asked him about it, and he quoted what someone had said to him, which included the transphobic slur. He’s since apologized on Periscope (I’m not sure if there’s a YouTube video of that or not), and as we all know, he’s been a huge advocate for LGBTQ+ rights ever since.
There’s also a video of Brendon joking about raping fans at a concert. You can find this on YouTube, where he says something along the lines of “If I see you after the show, I’m gonna fuck you. I don’t care if you want it - I care more if you don’t!” If the video isn’t edited shorter, you can also hear Dallon Weekes say “And I’m gonna watch,” though no one ever mentions that. This isn’t me trying to get Dallon cancelled. Quite frankly, I don’t like cancel culture and I think people are way too trigger happy to destroy someone’s career. My only reason for interjecting this is if you’re gonna get mad at Brendon for making that joke, then get mad at Dallon for adding onto it, too.
More recently, he’s been accused of sexually assaulting a fan. Someone on Twitter by the name of Kam retold a story of being a minor when he met Brendon, and Brendon was kissing and touching him inappropriately despite knowing he was a minor. There were also other accounts saying similar things happened to them. However, from what I know, the whole Kam thing was actually a Wattpad self-insert fanfiction that someone stole the plot of, and the multiple different accounts were actually one person, and they were lying, so there’s absolutely no evidence of Brendon sexually assaulting a minor or behaving inappropriately in that way whatsoever.
Lots of people also get upset with the Zack Hall thing. Zack Hall was Brendon’s bodyguard for a long time, and Breezy Weekes recently came out and said that Zack Hall basically sexually harassed her the entire time Dallon was in Panic!. Other people came out and said they had similar encounters with Zack Hall, and he’s now fired from Panic!. Similarly, when Kenny Harris was accused of sexually harassing/assaulting minors, he was also fired. People are upset because Brendon is remaining friends with Zack Hall, though I really don’t think that’s any of our business. As far as I see it, they’ve been close friends for years, and it’s hard to just drop that, even if they do something you disagree with. Also, Zack was fired, which is what people wanted. I think it’s dumb to hold Brendon to a friend’s actions, especially when he already fired him and removed him from fans, like everyone was asking him to do.
Also (and I’m not as well informed with this as other topics), there’s an interview somewhere of Ryan Ross being uncomfortable with Brendon’s stage gay. I’m not sure how many times they had that conversation or how often Ryan asked Brendon to not touch him or do the stage gay routine with him, or how many times Brendon disregarded that once they were onstage. Brendon should’ve respected Ryan’s wishes and not touched him the first time he was asked, but again, I don’t know the specifics here, so this is all I can comment on here.
[Edit: I had someone reach out to me in regards to the above information, and I decided to keep everything I originally wrote as context. According to them, there isn’t an interview of Ryan saying he’s uncomfortable with the stage gay, and it was all in fact scripted between the two of them. It sounds like people basically made up Ryan being uncomfortable with the act, in which case, these accusations also appear to be entirely false.] 
As we all know, Brendon struggled with drug and alcohol addiction, which literally impairs judgment and makes you do things you normally wouldn’t do. This includes saying things you shouldn’t (making rape jokes to a supposedly 18+ audience while likely drunk, high, or both) and doing things you shouldn’t (the stage gay routine). I’d also like to point out that a lot of the stuff he said at shows was probably to entertain, particularly the stage gay stuff, and there’s no way in hell you can convince me the audience didn’t eat that shit up. I wouldn’t be surprised if he did those things to get a reaction, and you know he fucking got one, so while I disapprove of him making Ryan uncomfortable, I also understand the audience there, expecting it, probably didn’t help either.
I think that’s everything. As you can see, it’s a lot of stuff, but I don’t think any of it is as bad as people say. Mouthing the n-word once doesn’t make a person racist. Saying a transphobic slur once doesn’t make a person transphobic. He especially isn’t either of these things when you take into account how he’s since apologized and shown incredible support for BLM and the LGBTQ+ community, which I think says a lot about him as a person.
This is going off track a little bit, but I think it’ll make a point. My dad grew up in the seventies, in a time where homophobia was rampant and racism was common. My dad grew up homophobic and racist, and he used homophobic slurs all the time as a teenager and a young adult. To this day, my dad has prejudiced views about race and sexuality, but he’s obviously changed his opinion since then, with education and understanding. He never apologized for the things he said back then, mostly because he isn’t famous and no one has called him out for it.
The point is, if people held my dad responsible for things he said in high school and college, when he was the most ignorant, the most sheltered, the least exposed to other people and cultures, then he’d be labeled racist and homophobic now (which he technically is, simply by virtue of being white and straight, but that’s a conversation for another time). We need to give people room to grow, give them resources to educate themselves and combat their ignorance. Brendon Urie has DONE that, multiple times! He’s never been accused of racism aside from mouthing the n-word in a Vine, which, should I remind you how old Vine is? He’s never been accused of being transphobic aside from that one time he used a slur, when he wasn’t even using his own words.
I’m not trying to excuse what he’s done. Using those slurs, making Ryan uncomfortable [edit: probably not true], joking about rape, none of those things are okay, and that’s pretty damn obvious to everyone, I think. However, it’s also evident he’s changed since then. As far as I know, he’s never used a slur since then. He’s an advocate for BLM and the LGBTQ+ community. He’s struggled with addiction, which isn’t easy for anyone, and he’s been able to grow and become a better person since then. I absolutely agree with holding him accountable for what he said and did, especially the things we don’t agree with. He’s a public figure, and he has to be aware of what he says and how his actions have consequences. That’s just how it works when you’re in the public eye.
Do I think Brendon Urie deserves to be cancelled? Absolutely not. He’s human, and all humans change. I’m not the same person I was ten years ago, and ten years from now, I’ll be someone else entirely. If someone held me responsible for every mistake I ever made and completely disregarded my progress and personal growth, I’d look like a horrible person. Why aren’t we keeping that energy for Brendon? Hold him accountable. Keep him responsible for what he did. And allow him to improve. Allow him to educate himself. Allow him to better himself. Allow him to be fucking human, for fuck’s sake.
So, there’s my take. I’m still a Panic! At The Disco fan, and I’m still a huge fan of Brendon Urie himself. Unless he regresses completely and becomes Kanye West or some shit, I will continue to support him. He’s not even as problematic as some other people’s faves, so I’m not even gonna feel bad for continuing to support him. I’m acknowledging his shortcomings and recognizing his progress, because I understand that this isn’t black and white or two dimensional.
If his actions aren’t exuseable for you, then that’s fine. If you can’t be a fan of him of Panic! anymore, then that’s your decision. For me personally, I think his growth says a lot about his character, and I’m gonna continue to stick it out with him. You don’t have to like him, but quit being so close-minded about the good he’s done in all of this. It makes you look excited to destroy a person’s career, and quite frankly, I’m tired of trigger-happy, cancel culture junkies. Take it elsewhere.
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fridayiminlovemp3 · 3 years
Dallon weekes
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him
another victim of brendon urie 😔 the fact that high hopes has more streams than modern day cain proves we’re in the wrong timeline
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tuckersrule · 7 years
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Dallon and Breezy on vacation
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girlwithnoface · 4 years
i just think dallon weekes deserves more recognition his writing is good his voice is good he has the stage presence like its all there
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girlvelocity · 4 years
dallon weekes deserves more love and recognition. that's it, that's the post.
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vestofredroses · 4 years
I know this is a Ryan Ross account but keep in mind that Dallon Weekes ALSO got so much shit when he was in the band and "fans" will continue to be rude to him even today.
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materialjean · 3 years
HEY MOTHERFUCKER. *PEES* for the ask game 3 14 AND 18
NOT AGAIIIN [mops before answering ur q’s]
3. the fandom deserves more trans jesse and soft jesskas fics. there arent enough!! unrelated note I hate heteronormativity it’s 2021 can x readers be gender neutral now please??? what the heck! 
14. venti strawberry cream frappuccino 3 pumps of mocha 3 pumps of caramel (yes i know, I'm gay) also sometimes pink drink straight up 
18. dallon weekes deserves the world. seriously! him and ryan seamann make amazing songs and I love idkhow. significantly better than P!ATD, and p!atd doesn't deserve the spotlight now bc of the allegations and everything. stan idkhow ok
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farmlesbians · 4 years
I hate brendon urie with a passion but I can’t think of anything he’s actually done to deserve this rage? Plz if you can think of an example lol.
he’s been transphobic and racist and recently some allegations were made about him i think ??? idk if those were real or not but he def vouched for his manager/security guard (idk what his role is but theyre friends) who sexually harassed many fans and the wife of dallon weekes theres more but this is just off the top of my head also his vibes are just atrocious
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robinrunsfiction · 5 years
Ryan Seaman Valentine’s Special 2020
Pairing: Ryan Seaman x Female Reader Rating: General Requested By: @x-whyareyoureadingthis-x​ Word Count: ~1,300 Author’s Note: Day two of my Valentine’s project.
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Your eyes went wide as you walked into the bar. You didn't know how you had gone so long not knowing this place existed, because it was exactly the type of bar you loved. There was a band playing live music, but it wasn’t too loud so you could still carry on a conversation with your friends. The drinks were even reasonably priced.
You and your friends sat around a table and listened to the musicians jamming for a while. You couldn’t help but watch the guy who was on the drums. He played with such enthusiasm, his delighted grin was infectious. He must have felt you staring, as he glanced your way and you couldn’t help but blush when that smile was directed your way.
“(YN), earth to (YN)!” Your friend Leigh said elbowing your side to get your attention.
“Ow! What?”
“Are you gonna go play?”
“Play what?”
“Bass! Haven’t you been practicing?”
“That sounds awesome, go up there!” Your other friend Christine suggested.
“Nah I’m not good enough to jam with these guys, they seem like professionals!”
“That guy that was up there singing before was way off key, and that keyboard player really doesn’t know what they’re doing. They’re just having fun, go on!” Leigh argued.
You glanced over your shoulder and saw the bass guitar was sitting in its case as the band quieted down for a moment. Some of the other players got up, giving high fives and pats on the back to each other. That’s when you tossed back the rest of your drink and got up.
“Anyone mind?” You asked, gesturing toward the bass when you made your way over.
“Nope, go ahead!” The smiley drummer said and you picked up the instrument and slung the strap over your shoulder. 
“You ready, Ryan?” Another guy called from behind the keyboard.
“Hell yea, you ready… umm…”
“(YN),” you smiled, “and yea I think so.”
Ryan started playing, laying down a beat and you soon joined in, then the guy playing the keyboard. You couldn’t believe how well you were playing together, it was like you had been jamming together for ages.
When the song was done, you couldn’t help but start laughing with delight. “That was so good!” You exclaimed.
“Yea! New girl!” The guy who played keyboard exclaimed, rushing over to give you a high five.
“Thanks!” You laughed.
“You’re really good!” Ryan said with a grin. “If my band ever needs someone to fill in for our bass player, I might have to give you a call.”
You laughed again, slightly more nervous now. Was this cute guy trying to get your number? How were you supposed to react to that? You decided to try to play it cool. “I should have known you’re in a band, you guys are really good,” you replied nodding toward the other guy that had been playing the keyboard.
“Oh, Josh? He’s not in my band, he’s in a band, but not the one I’m in. Do you come here often?”
“First time actually, it was my friend’s idea,” you said nodding to the table of your friends who were grinning back at you.
“Well maybe I’ll see you around,” he smiled as he followed his friend back to their table. You waved and smiled back and headed to yours.
“That was awesome!” Leigh exclaimed.
“Seriously! And that guy was so cute!” Christine said bumping your arm with hers.
“Right? I think I might have to make this my regular hang out,” you grinned.
The following weeks you found yourself going back to that bar again and again. You loved that the bar had live music almost every night, and frequently had open mic nights where people would just jam together. Playing with other people, especially when Ryan and his friends were there was your favorite. 
It didn't escape your notice that as you started to go more regularly, Ryan started to show up more often as well. Each time you saw him, he came over to talk to you and you soon got to know each other pretty well. You had developed a crush on him pretty quickly, and while you hoped he was flirting with you, you couldn’t be exactly sure. As Valentine’s Day quickly approached, you hoped maybe he would ask you out, but as the date arrived, you found yourself arriving at the bar alone.
"Hey (YN)," you heard someone say as you stood at the bar waiting for your drink. You glanced over and found Ryan smiling down at you.
"Hey, good to see you!" You exclaimed as he wrapped you in a warm hug.
"I was hoping you'd be here tonight," he replied.
"Why's that?" You asked before taking a sip of your drink, your heart beginning to race.
"I'm, umm, leaving to go on tour for a couple weeks tomorrow and I didn't wanna go without, umm, seeing if you'd like to go out with me sometime?"
You almost choked on your drink. "Yea! I mean," you laughed realizing how overly enthusiastic you sounded. "Yea, that sounds cool. When were you thinking?"
Ryan was now grinning at your response. "Does it make me sound desperate if I say now? I mean it is Valentine’s Day."
You laughed and shook your head. "Not at all. Want me to grab a table?"
He nodded and ordered himself a drink as you made your way to a quiet corner of the bar. As he made his way over, you could feel the butterflies in your stomach. The best part of a surprise date was definitely not having a chance to overthink or worry too much beforehand, but now you were nervous. 
"So where are you guys stopping on your tour?" You asked when he settled into his seat on the other side of the small table. 
"All over! I'm excited to get out there and see the people who are enjoying what Dallon and I are doing."
"Well you guys are awesome, so you deserve all the attention," you smiled and you could have sworn you saw him blushing.
"Thanks," he laughed. Just then the band began to play. Ryan shifted his chair around so he could watch, and scooted closer to you. You glanced over at him and suddenly it was your turn to blush. You noticed Ryan shuffling nervously in his seat after a few minutes and you started to worry for a moment until he put his around your shoulders, which you happily settled in to.
The night went by far too quickly when Ryan sadly said he needed to get home to finish packing for the tour.
"Did you drive or need to call a ride?" Ryan asked when you got outside. 
"Actually I walked. I'm only a couple blocks away."
"Is that safe?" Ryan asked with a concerned tone.
"It's fine," you shrugged. "But you could always walk me if you have the time?"
"I'd love to," he smiled and took your hand as you lead the way down quiet streets.
"Thanks for the nice night," you smiled as you stopped under the streetlight in front of your building.
"I was just glad you were there tonight. I'd been trying to work up the courage to ask you out since the night we met and I didn't wanna miss my chance."
"Really?" You beamed and he nodded. "Well I'm really glad you did."
An anticipation hung in the air between you two as he reached up and cupped your cheek gently. You both leaned in until your lips met, softly at first, then more assuredly as you clutched at his leather jacket. 
When you pulled back, his eyes searched your face for any hint of regret, but found nothing but you blushing and smiling happily. "Can I call you when I'm on the road?"
"I really hope you do," you replied.
He nodded and smiled. "Night (YN)."
"Night Ryan," you replied before leaning up and planting another quick kiss on his lips and heading inside, leaving him under the streetlight in a delighted haze from your first Valentine’s together.
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