#dammit it just wanted lighting mods
beckiboos · 1 year
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I may… I may have broken my Calliope Taliesin save…
On the plus side
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I’ve got over a month to catch up on a new save…
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delta-orionis · 4 months
Tuesday Again No Problem 5/14/24
Oops! All Rain World!
While browsing the Rain World mods page, I found a mod that adds threat music to areas in the game that don't normally have it; they're created by the artist Roasted:
I've been listening to them a bunch. When I get the chance I look forward to downloading the mod and seeing how they sound in-game.
Not much, honestly. I've been mostly re-watching old commentary youtuber videos that I don't feel like remarking upon. (Honestly it's just background noise for while I play Rain World or crochet...)
Instead I'll link my favorite short video from this week:
I've been messing around in Rain World's Expedition mode again. I started a new run as Monk but eventually abandoned it when I realized how insurmountably difficult the challenges that involved killing enemies would be. I then switched over to Survivor and I'm doing decently well now.
I continue to tinker with Rain World mods. This week I've been mostly playing around with the in-game dev tools. Changing palettes, adding and removing items and enemies, etc...
I haven't actually made much of anything yet, but I did mess around with palette swapping things in Five Pebbles' General Systems Bus to fit TSAC. I might start editing the actual room layout once I become more familiar with the level editor.
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I also added some stars to TSAC's chamber, which seemed appropriate.
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I have an idea for a unique Memory Conflux room that I'd like to make in the level editor, so I think I'm going to work on that next. I imagine that is going to be a lot of trial and error.
In other news, I'm almost done with my Looks to the Moon amigurumi! I just want to add a few more details and finish weaving in any loose ends. Then I'll try to get around to taking some pictures of both her and Five Pebbles in proper lighting.
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I also started on an amigurumi for Three Stars Above Clouds, because they're my OC and I can render them in yarn form if I want, dammit.
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The stars are a little wonky but they were the best I could do... I considered embroidering them but it looked awful (I don't know how to embroider), so I crocheted some tiny stars and sewed them on instead.
I'll have to check, but I think I have all of the right colors of yarn for Seven Red Suns, so maybe I'll give making them a go later. I'll have to think about it.
As always, thank you for reading. See you next week!
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msm-tsotmw · 1 year
I… honestly have no idea what I’m supposed to do now. Toorie’s trying to talk with another PomPom, Mondo’s playing badminton with a Toe Jammer (which is NOT GOING WELL,) and Mauna’s writing letters to her partner, so I might as well read some books.
…It sure is quiet here outside—
what was that?!
(Flitz is perching on the tree Sprigg is sitting under.)
Flitz? How did you get here??
eh, just wanted someone to talk to.
Maybe we should check out what the fuck happened.
probably another one of Theo’s shenanigans, it does tend to get into some shit really often…
like the incident we do not speak of
you didn’t hear me, I swear!
anyways, let’s go check out what happened.
(Flitz flies at the speed of light to where the loud CRASH came from, and Sprigg struggles to follow suit.)
…i was right.
ugh, Theo, what happened this time?!
(Theo, who is sitting on the ground, glances at a broken Reflecting Pool. There is water and pieces of stone scattered all over the ground. also hi tumblr user @paidexp)
well, the rubble says otherwise.
….Okaaaaaaaaaaayyyy, I think I might not have been careful with where I was going-
you think?
…I think, yeah.
(Flitz looks around. Nobody is there because Sprigg is a slow fuck with those tiny legs of theirs, and the other Air monsters are probably doing other shit or asleep.)
(that could’ve been the next incident, you know!)
(Hey, didn’t the others say you shouldn’t talk about that??)
(i- ugh.)
Ugh… huh… What’s going on here?
(The two birds turn to look at a very disheveled Sprigg. They definitely had to run as fast as they could to get there, and they are NOT a runner.)
nothing, just… uh.
I think I might have crashed into a Reflecting Pool…
Flitz, these things are so *fragile*! Anyone could crash into them :(
yeah, that’s why you should probably be careful around them. veeery careful.
How the fuck did this even happen???
I don’t know, I was just minding my business going around Air Island when I tripped for some reason and-
oh. you tripped??
Uh… yeah. Yeah, I did.
oh. uhhhh, sorry! I didn’t know it was an accident-
Hey, you don’t need to apologize! I’m fi-ow.
…Let me guess, you broke something.
No, I didn’t! It’s just a little ache, haha. The last time I broke anything was during… uh, nevermind.
Anyways, you two wanna go visit Accalia and Adelynn? They’re putting on a show for some Monsters tonight!
accalia and adelynn? sure! the shows they put on are honestly always super entertaining!
Uh… who are Accalia and Adelynn?
Only two of the best performers on this island, of course! They’re super popular around here for their kabbuh-ray shows, and even the legendary DJ Epic came to see them once!
kind of like a small musical in a small venue. wanna bring your friends? i’m sure they’d like it, too!
Uh… okay. I’ll go get them first…
ANYWAYS UH. sorry for not posting much!! man fuck procrastination
also, a quibble (conjoined twins) doing cabaret….
-Mod Jimmy 🗣️
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abominationvault · 1 year
Session 10: Sat 9 Sep 2023
Some of us have levelled up! Some of us are doing our homework on the bus again… It’s getting dark. We are told the haunt will reset every night. We don’t want to rest here overnight. We could stay with Tangletop? Joto doesn’t want to, because he looks like a pervert. And Mick Hucknall. But he is closer, so… We crash at his place. And wake up with (level x CON mod) more hit points! Hartvig does a Heal before we sleep as well.
Rested and with spell slots back, and one less level of drained, it is late afternoon so we decide to head back into town. We set off, in no particular hurry, but it is starting to get dark as we approach the town. Out of the corner of our eyes, we notice a horrible, sickly pale light suddenly blazing out of the tower. It shines on the graveyard next to the town rather than the town itself… It looks like we haven’t stopped the haunting altogether.
Joto: “Are we the Ghostbusters now?”
We decide to go and see Wrin to see what we should do, and turn in our quest. We did our bit, after all. Whatever this is won't be our problem, surely. As we pass the stone circle outside of town, we see that everyone has come out of their houses and are staring in horror at the graveyard. There are guards standing outside it looking panicky. It looks like it might be our problem after all. We head in that direction.
Hartvig asks one of the guards what is happening. They don’t know, but they’ve sealed off the graveyard. Skabb wants to scale the wall and have a peek. Joto boosts her up to the top.
The soil is churning with corpses rising from their graves. They all rush to the south, and down a cliff? To a library I think?
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What’s special about the library, Joto wants to know. Well, we went there for healing, it’s also a temple. (Oh, that library.) Not all of them have jumped, Skabb sees. The ones that have jumped are dashed to bits.
Joto: “Ah, problem over.”
He wants to know how big the undead are likely to get, but the guard he is questioning is distracted. Joto shakes him for an Intimidation check with help from Nadia’s new feat, Intimidating Glare. The guard shakes himself. Just regular size corpses!
Skabb wants to do a Disrupt Undead. What’s the range on that? 30 feet; there are no undead within range.
Are there points where we (our long range fighters) could stand on the wall, Nadia wants to know? Only on the gate posts, we gather.
Joto wants to sneak in and have a look through the gate first. He’ll have to get a key from the guard. He shakes him a bit more. “Dammit man, give me the key!” The man buckles under the pressure and unlocks the gate. Joto meows at it pathetically until someone actually opens it.
He sees a building but not much else; it’s dark. Hartvig joins him, as he has Darkvision and is okay at sneaking. He sees a skeleton walking around. “That ought to be lying down.”
The DM reconsiders the light situation; there is a ghastly beam shining right into the graveyard, so we should be able to see a bit better. He adjusts the light level accordingly.
There are regular skeletons, and some zombies… Hartvig sees 6 skeletons and 3 zombies.
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Joto: “Sounds like a party.” He sees some coffins as well.
How many can fit on the gate posts? Luna quite likes the idea of being out of the range of attacks.
Skabb wants to sit on Nadia’s shoulders atop the gate post, and Luna shimmies up to the other one. The DM rolls secret stealth checks for us all, and Skabb is distracted by a daddy longlegs who has invited itself into hers and Joto’s house. Joto catches it, and removes it. We continue…
The guards say they will lock the doors behind us; Nadia and Luna want to know if they, you know, want to do their fucking jobs and help us maybe? Luna makes a Society check, but it’s too low; zombies are above his pay grade. Luna curtsies and scuttles away.
We do a surprise round, with Joto going first. Joto sneaks up and tumbles behind one, hoping to make it flat footed. He trips it, and stabs it. How de do dis! He does a Mortal Kombat sweep, draws his sword, and cuts it in half. He then makes a reflex save - huh? an 8. The skeleton explodes in his face. All the bones shatter, flying in all directions, and Joto takes 1d6 slashing damage. 1! Phew.
Skabb recalls information to see if she knows if it’s the light that’s making them explode; she doesn’t know. Sprocket does, though! At four days old, he’s MADE of knowledge. He tells us that some skellybums explode after we kill them, some collapse and reform, the bloody ones can heal themselves, and some can remove their skulls and fling them at us. Woof. He shrugs, unsure where this information has come from.
Skabb: “He’s like an olde worlde Alexa.”
Nadia screws on a silencer, and we roll initiative…
Can Joto tell by looking which ones explode, and which ones fling heads?
DM: “Nope!”
… Okay. He tumbles at another one, and does some stabbies. He misses, goes again, misses again.
Skabb blasts an Icy Ray against the flat footed one. She hits it squarely - but it reduces her 8 damage to 3. She whips a sling bullet at it - it goes through the head, but doesn’t explode. It does die though!
Luna is too far to shoot anything with her bow, so she is unsure what to do. She can sneak and move at half speed, if she wants to climb down from the gate post. She does so, but misses. She rerolls and kills it! How de do dis! It does explode but there is no-one in range. She uses her next action to shoot at another one, but ties herself into her bow with a natural one.
Nadia is over encumbered, so she drops her artisan’s tools on the other side of the wall, hops down from the gate with Skabb on her shoulders and moves closer, next to the mausoleum behind which Luna and Hartvig are sheltering. They crouch down.
Sprocket does some measuring, and he and Augustus move forward. He casts Shield on himself. Oooo!
Hartvig Produces a Flame, with appropriate sound effects. 12 misses. “Ohhhh.” That was all his actions.
Joto spots some more wet undead in the distance. It’s their turn… One shambles at Joto; he admires how juicy it is. It punches him. “Ow!” 7 bludgeoning damage. “… That was a good punch.”
The zombies and skeletons all shuffle closer, but still a little way away yet. Joto starts his turn within the zombie’s Rotting Aura; his open wound starts to fester.
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He begins his turn… Scimitar strike - 21 hits. It takes 2 of the 7 damage he deals.
The DM: “… Well that doesn’t trigger that, so that’s good.”
Joto: “Oh, good.”
(There is something about pustules; I missed it and I’m not sad about it.)
Is it two actions to take out a torch and light it? It’s one, as he’s wearing it. He uses his last action to try to set fire to the zombie in front of him. 6 misses. Wait - scimitar does slashing damage, yes? The zombie doesn’t reduce the damage from Joto’s first attack, as it turns out. In fact, it takes ten! Joto is allowed to retcon his last two actions in light of this new information.
“Slashies, slashies!” 12 hits. “Slashies!” 3 damage, and it takes all 8. It is not dead, though. 14 to hit. “How about now?” How de do dis! “Legs, then, arms, then head.”
Skabb, is up. She can add 2 to her AC as well as she’s pressed against the wall with Nadia. She whips her slingshot around her head again. Is she going for wet or dry undead? She wants to do wet, because hopefully it’s still far enough away that it might not disease anyone if it dies. She does dry instead, as Hartvig has softened that one up. How de do dis!
She takes aim at the wet one as well, but misses. She can attack again or move - she scuttles up onto the crypt and sits on the roof, swinging her feet over the edge.
Luna shoots at a wet undead but misses. She moseys up next to Augustus, and performs her new trick - Electric Arc!
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Her target crit-fails, yeah! It takes all 8 of her 4 damage, and she earns herself a Hero Point. In fact, her target is close enough to another one that the spell arcs - that one takes half damage as well.
Nadia jumps out from behind her wall and shoots a wet undead, bursting some of its pustules. She is sick in her mouth a bit and retreats back behind her wall.
Sprocket directs Augustus to pull out another new trick - he manga-style electric arcs another wet one. It fails, taking 5 damage, and Augustus can choose which target the spell arcs to - wet or dry? The wet one is closer. It fails as well and takes another 5. Electricity crackles off Augustus’ nail hands, and Sprocket gives him a thumbs up. He toddles away a bit for some cover.
Hartvig has two targets to choose from, and shoots the further one with fire. 13 hits! It takes all 3 fire, but no more. He moves back a bit so the nearer one can’t reach him on its turn.
Zombies are slow, on account of being zombies. One scoots up to Nadia, but it’s run out of actions by the time it gets there. Another shambles up to Sprocket and has a go at him. 13 hits, as it bites him. Some of its teeth and gums fall out. A third shuffles over to Augustus and does this to Sprocket:
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22 hits.
“It… woah… okay.” It has attempted to demoralise both Sprocket and Luna, who have to make Will saves. Sprocket is four days old, so when he aces his save it’s because he has no idea how unforgivably rude it is to take your head off and fling it at people. Luna also makes her save, but I imagine it’s more disdain than ignorance of etiquette in her case.
Joto moves up to Sprocket and does a tumble where Luna can see him so she knows he’s the fancy one, and proceeds to roll a ten Acrobatics. He doesn’t fumble it entirely, but no-one’s impressed. He vaults over a zombie and lands behind it. Fancy cat gets a 22 for this one! He does a scimitar attack and gets the how de do dis, cutting it in half. “I’m the cool one!”
Skabb shoots another Electric arc - it makes the save and only takes half damage. The spell arcs to a skeleton which also makes its save - but curiously, takes no damage. She uses her sling again, at the skeleton, and hits for 1 damage. She feels proud.
Luna stabs the skeleton in front of her with her rapier and hits for 7 damage. It only takes two, however. She punches it in the ribs. No wait, the head! It’s flanked, so 14 hits - how de do dis! She knocks its block off. She can heroically run away for her third action - she does that.
Nadia has a new friend but she doesn’t like the look, so she runs away and shoots a different wet one instead. She crits for 12 damage and gets the how de do dis! She also gets a hero point for, by complete chance, killing the last rotting aura zombie, which might have killed her friends if it had been allowed another turn! The pustules explode going quite a distance, landing at Joto’s feet.
Sprocket will keep the head that was flung at him, and will visit an “aggressive bideting” on its previous owner. How de do dis! The water sprays out from between its bones. Augustus does a two handed bop on another one.
DM: “Rude. How de do dis?”
Augustus tears it in half, and it explodes. They get a hero point as both of them got a kill on the same turn.
Hartvig shoots more fire at the last (?) remaining skeleton but misses. “I am bad at fire.”
Joto closes in on it and swings his scimitar, but misses. “I am angered by this.” He busts out the claws, and gets the how de do dis, punching its head off. Luckily, it doesn’t explode.
Skabb has a zombie right next to her, though she is a little bit above it. It isn’t appearing on her map...? It turns out she couldn’t see it because she was above it - “I was doing pirouettes on its noggin!”
She jumps on its head with her sickle in hand - 18 hits and she rolls 1 slashing damage. She does a Disrupt Undead and it fails its save. She rolls 5 damage and it takes 14 - it explodes, showering her grinning face in goo. She gets a hero point because that was badass. Also, if she’d used piercing damage, it would have exploded its pustules on her, potentially diseasing her. Phew!
We won! Joto wants to loot the corpses. Not the graves. The light is still shining from the lighthouse. Skabb wants to send Grabby Cat over the edge to have a look at the library at the bottom of the cliff. She sees splattered zombies, and a bunch of clerics of Sarenrae including our friend Vandy Banderdash. They are cleaning up the mess. The villagers look absolutely horrified at what’s happened to the remains of their loved ones.
What do we want to do next? Luna wants to look at the gravestones to see if the risen undead have anything in common; she can’t see any patterns. Joto wants to gather the jewellery from the undead and return it to their families.
Hartvig, ever practical, wants us to heal ourselves before we do anything else, and earns himself a Hero Point for his pragmatism. He does a Mass Heal, if we will all gather around.
The light from the lighthouse gives us goosebumps as it hits our skin; we think something might be about to happen. (We also think that the dead might keep on rising until we find a way to turn that light off for good...)
Is there about to be a second wave? The gooseflesh on our arms intensifies, and the beam shrinks down to a single spot among all of us - and this appears:
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We hate it as a free action.
0 notes
ysljoon · 2 years
Campsite Comforts|Min Yoongi x Reader
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This fanfiction is apart of the @thebtswritersclub lub summer project! I’m so excited to participate and I hope this work gets much love. Thank you to all the mods that organized this!
♡ This contains mature themes so please avoid if you’re not 18+
♡ Genre: Fluff, smut, established relationship, non-idol AU
♡ Warnings: fingering (f. receiving), breast play, unprotected sex, impreg kink, dirty talk, creampie, public sex
♡ Summary: Yoongi’s original plan for your camping trip had backfired and gotten the both of you lost in the woods. After taking a break and revisiting the problem to find a solution it all works out in the end in more ways than one.
♡ Word Count: 2.1K
Oh, how you wish you could turn time back to three hours ago. You and your fiance are lost deep within the forest because he thought it would be a great idea to go off the trail. After all, you wanted to have a nice secluded weekend away from the busy trail. “Dammit!” Yoongi had exclaimed after his nth attempt trying to use his maps app, but it would not work of course since you guys were seriously in the middle of nowhere. You come up behind him and start to take his rucksack off of him to relieve some of the tension he has. “Love, let’s just set up where we are now and try again tomorrow. We can’t get very far when we’re frustrated and frazzled.” As much as he hates to admit that you’re right he reluctantly nods and starts to take out the supplies to set up camp.
Once everything is set up you both take out the self-heating meals that were packed and start to pour the water to get the process started. “Y/N, I’m sorry. I feel like I’ve ruined the trip before it even started. I just wanted the weekend to be filled with no distractions and no noise. Just us, our love and the wilderness.” Hearing his sweet sentiments made your heart swell with joy and bring a warm smile to your face. “You know I’m not upset with you my love. I really understand you came here with good intentions and as much as you had your plan, plans will never always go exactly how you want them to go and you just have to go with the flow.” You rubbed his back while he started to munch on his food.
You and him were stuffed after dinner and decided to spend the rest of the night watching the sunset. You were snuggled into Yoongi’s side with a blanket wrapped around your body to help keep the warmth. Taking a step away from the corporate world for a weekend was just what the both of you needed. You never realize how fast-paced the world is around you until you take a step back and enjoy what’s around you. “Okay so for tomorrow we’ll go on an early morning hike and then we’ll work our way down the mountain to find the trail again and set up at the established campsite and shower there. Maybe we can go into the small town nearby and get lunch!” You listened fondly to how excited Yoongi was for tomorrow and just nodded along. Your eyelids started to feel heavy and his words began to sound faint in your ears as you started to doze off.
Yoongi must’ve transferred your body into the tent because you were woken up by the sun peeking in through the small crack of the tent from the tent not being fully zipped up. You rolled over and admired Yoongi’s peaceful sleeping form. You didn’t want to wake him up, but you knew he would want to kick himself for not committing to his idea. You placed your hand on his shoulder and lightly shook him. “Hun, it’s time to wake up for our hike.” He’s a light sleeper so this was all that was needed to wake him up. He stretched and smacked his lips to get his body acclimated to the new day. “Thanks for waking me up.” He grinned at you and puckered up his lips asking for a good morning peck. You happily obliged his request.
The both of you got dressed quickly to get ready for your hike and worked together to break down the temporary campsite that sufficed for the night. Once both rucksacks were packed you and Yoongi started your trek for the hike. The sun was beaming a lot harder than it was yesterday, but it was a lot less humid so it didn’t feel as bad as you proceeded on the hike. You and Yoongi only hiked for a quarter of a mile because you wanted to conserve the most of your energy to make your way down the mountain to find the trail you were supposed to stay on. Walking down was a lot less work so you and Yoongi trekked down holding each other’s hands contentedly. After about fifty minutes, your fiance was able to spot tents set up so you knew you finally reached the trail. He giddily made his way towards the campsite and you tried to keep up with how fast he was making his way down. By the time you reached where he was, he was already unpacking what was in his rucksack and you followed suit. It was only two in the afternoon once your camp was reestablished. You picked out the casual sundress you had packed and decided you were going to shower first and let Yoongi cool off and relax.
The campsite surprisingly had warm water in the showers. It felt soothing having the floral-scented soap you brought and the hot water wash away the sweat and grime that had accumulated. You tried not to spend too long to help preserve the hot water to make sure Yoongi had some. You hurriedly dried off and slipped on the dress. Unbeknownst to Yoongi, you didn’t have any underwear under your outfit and you wanted to keep it a surprise for later.
You made your way back to the tent and signaled that it was now Yoongi’s turn to wash up. He already had his necessities in a small pile so he just picked up what was next to him and made his way toward the male showers. He gave a quick peck on your cheek and it made you giggle from how soft it was. In the meantime, you got out one of the multiple bottles of water you packed and got out your toothbrush and toothpaste. You brushed your teeth twice to freshen yourself up since you passed out before you had the chance to last night. You put away all the toiletries and organized what you could to keep yourself occupied while Yoongi got ready.
As soon as the both of you were dressed to hit the town you walked with arms linked together. It was the small vacations like this that helped rekindle the love the two of you have. The walk had led you to a small, family-owned bakery. You just knew it was going to be a pleasant treat just from the sugary smells that permeated through the doorway. You decided on ordering a cream cheese danish with jasmine tea. Yoongi got a cinnamon crumble muffin and got an iced americano as his beverage. You couldn’t miss out on a great picture opportunity so you made sure to get a few clicks of the food and managed to get a selfie of you and Yoongi before either of you could touch what was ordered.
The rest of the time in town was spent browsing in the shops and trying to find a souvenir. You and Yoongi decided to get matching keychains to commemorate your time spent here. The sun had started to set on your walk back and the evening started to get cooler. You walked ahead of Yoongi trying to get to the campsite faster as your feet had started to have pain in the arches. You twirled around to see how far Yoongi was from where you were and you saw how he had a darkened expression. You stand in place waiting for him to catch up to you and without a word, he grabs your wrist and starts to pull you along.
“Yoongi, we're walking past the campsite! Where are you taking me?” You looked around trying to see where you were headed, but you couldn’t focus. You didn’t understand where this sudden change of attitude had come from. Once Yoongi felt like the both of you had enough distance from the campsite, but not too much where you would be lost he stopped. With quick movements, he pinned you against the thick trunk of a tree.
“My love, you were out here flaunting your bare ass and you didn’t think to tell me? You didn’t think I would want to know about that?” He was smirking and you raced to explain yourself. “I-I wanted it to be a surprise for you. I was going to show off once we got to the campsite!” He chuckled at your panic. Suddenly his lips found purchase on the column of your neck and started to suck bruises all over. Soft whimpers escaped your lips and you were clutching onto Yoongi’s shoulders to keep yourself grounded. He slipped his hands under the skirt of your dress and squeezed your ass. You slipped down the straps of your dress to release your hardened nipples. “Oh, my girl is very excited! You can’t wait for my mouth to be all over you.” His plump lips wrapped around your nipple and his other hand grasped your tit. His nimble fingers rolled your nipples between his fingertips and restraining your moans became even more of a challenge.
The other hand that was left under your dress made its way to your slick cunt. He slowly dragged two fingers against your slit and inserted them in with no resistance. You were so wet that they could glide in and out of you with ease. “My pretty girl is so tight and wet for me. It’s so cute how I can do the bare minimum and you already look fucked stupid. I can already feel how you’re going to cum around my fingers. Do it already slut!” He pumped his fingers vigorously and the way they were curled made your orgasm hit you harder than you expected. Your first orgasm of the night and your legs are already shaking. He slid his fingers out and the empty feeling had you shiver. He tapped your lips with his cum soaked fingers and you opened up your mouth. Tasting your wetness turned you on, even more, you didn’t even want to wait to be fucked. “B-baby I need you to fuck me. I need your cock in me right now.” Your hands desperately were rubbing his cock through his pants and you looked at him with pleading eyes to give you the go-ahead to unbutton his pants. His hand wrapped around the hair and gave you a light tug. “Aw, you’re such a needy little whore. Since you decided to be so polite and ask, you can go ahead.” He gave you a quick tap on your ass to let you know to get started. Seeing his stiff cock spring out of his underwear had you moaning at the sight.
You turned around and pressed your front to the tree and jutted out your ass. He came up right behind you and teased your pussy by dragging the tip against your wet folds and even tapping it against your clit a few times. Once he inserted himself inside you the both of you moaned simultaneously at the sensation. “Fuck my love you feel so good around my cock!” Yoongi’s grunts and moans had your cunt clenching around him. You rubbed your clit for extra stimulation and the friction had you cumming almost instantaneously. “Your pretty tight cunt is about to drain my cock, love. You love the idea of that though right? You like hearing about how your cute little pussy gets filled with all my cum!” His dirty talk had you almost screaming from pleasure. His pace picked up and his balls were slapping against your sopping wet cunt. “Fuck I’m gonna cum pretty girl! Can’t wait to fill up your tight hole and get you pregnant. I’ll have you get so sexy and swollen with my child. I bet you’d love that.” His hips stuttered as he spilled his load inside of you and you were able to release one more orgasm for yourself. The both of you were panting from the passionate sex. Yoongi quickly slipped his pants back on and placed a couple of kisses on your back. “You did so well for me, sweet girl. Let’s get back to the tent so I can clean you up and enjoy the rest of our night.” You could only respond with a blissed-out smile and extend your hand out for Yoongi to take it and guide you back. As much as things went wrong in the beginning it all worked out in the end.
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Uno reverse card time. If you want to read part one click on the link I highly recommend it since in most cases I reference what happened before.
Also multiple endings are here again cuz I thought that different people respond differently so I hope that the 2 choices are good enough ✨
Zhongli, Childe, Kaeya, Diluc and Xiao doing the "Kabedon" with their S/O
He kept thinking about what you did recently. He wanted you to do it again.
But even Zhongli doesn't know the answer to anything and this time it was to a question: how is it called and how does he ask about it?
So when you were out together he said "Do you remember the thing you once did by any chance? I'd like you to do it again" he then realized that he had no clue what he himself just said "Nevermind the question, allow me to demonstrate"
The pillar appeared right behind you and that's when he did the Kabedon.
(If you got flustered) He smiled upon seeing you like this. Having you here was surely a memory he wouldn't forget. But you did stay like this for a while.
What happened next was far more memorable... Remember his pillar? It disappeared and he supported himself almost fully on it.
So you know what was next: he fell on top of you and it made you even more flustered.
(If you didn't get flustered) He had hoped to get some reaction but either way you knew what he meant so for future reference you could do that again.
So for him it was a successful outcome. And surely he wouldn't mind having a closer look at you like that, he didn't intend to make you swoon anyways.
It was time for his revenge. He still couldn't believe you got him like this...
But what would be more satisfying than defeating you with your own weapon?
He surely can do this better... Thus he desperately seeked an opportunity.
Your dates recently were in closed spaces all for one reason. To get you against that wall.
And he made it. Dumb luck made the scenery even more perfect. Just the right amount of light, his features highlighted in the best way...
(If you were flustered) "Yes!" he thought to himself- since he obviously wouldn't ruin the moment he waited for by letting this excitement take over.
He decided to use his free hand to get you to face him "I get it that I won?" he jokingly said- flirting wasn't really a competition after all "I'll claim my prize now, if you don't mind" and then he kissed you.
(If you didn't get flustered) "Dammit" he said under his breath as he freed you.
The blank stare was quite interesting to say the least. How was it that when you did it he couldn't calm himself down while it didn't work on you at all.
"Well... You won this one Y/N" he said slightly disappointed. He just loves to make you swoon but hey that just means it'll be more of a challenge and as you know he loves them but not as much as he loves you.
He did it in the past at least once without really paying attention. This time it he did it again.
Only the difference is that this time he realized it and decided to continue on and be a bit extra.
And when his smile gets all smug you know there is no escaping him. However his intentions were more sweet.
He used his free hand to hold yours. His grip changed and he took your hand to kiss it "You're my everything, you know that?".
(If you got flustered) He was happy to have you like this. He let go of your hand and his was placed on your cheek.
His hands were cold, your cheeks were not. But it felt nice, and you knew he was going to say something...
You were prepared for some tease, but as it turns out he didn't say a thing about it... But his smile said enough.
(If you didn't get flustered) He knew it wouldn't be that easy. But it doesn't make anything he said any less true.
Of course he's a bit disappointed, guy pours his heart out and doesn't even get a good reaction from you...
But seeing you smile sometimes is enough, he can't be too greedy.
He was exhausted, really exhausted. When he saw you he approached you right away.
You're just like a battery, whenever he doesn't have the energy to do something he talks to you and boom he suddenly feels alive again.
He placed his hand against the wall and his head was on your shoulder. Oh wait...
(If you got flustered) He quickly realized what he just did. However he decided to be a little selfish today "Sorry Y/N... I just had a long day. Can we stay like this for a short while?"
He tried not to fall asleep on the spot. It wasn't hard but it was a bit tempting...
(If you didn't get flustered) Hugging him you asked if he wanted you to walk him back home. He said yes. So that's what you did.
On your way through you mentioned the Kabedon and as it turns out- he didn't even realize that he did it.
But he had no time to think about it he just wanted to rest, he didn't wanted you to leave either so what would you say if he asked you to stay?
It was on his mind for a long time... Maybe becouse of the kiss? Or the fact that you set him in such situation?
He wanted to do it... Wait what?
He himself couldn't think of a reason why would he care to do that. Perhaps having you so close and focusing on you was that tempting?
It's hard to admit but he often feels like he doesn't give you nearly enough attention... So such gesture should be welcome right?
(If you got flustered) OK he didn't expect that... But it's not like he doesn't like it.
He was supposed to make you flustered, he succeeded, and now he's flustered too.
It was a bit awkward, but it was the wholesome kind of awkward where neither of you know what to say because you just can't admire your partner enough and the words just won't come out.
(If you didn't get flustered) He didn't know what he was expecting but he wasn't sure if he was doing it right to begin with...
But he realized he might have messed up because he was looking at you a bit too intensely... He wanted to say something but he was just not entirely sure what.
However later on he just accepted that he needed to make a move on you more often... You know... So he could get used to it.
~Mod Lisa
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glowyjellyfish · 3 years
Okay! I have finished building houses in Lake Buena Vista, the Disney BaCC!
I then got about halfway through assigning traits to everybody and realized I was missing some (Honest John needs to be a Kleptomaniac guys), so quit out to inspect that. I think it was just a matter of having a stew of medieval-themed trait duplicates that were supposed to replace some, so I’ll see if that has done the trick tomorrow. I also started on some organizing and cleaning of this downloads folder; it was basically a copy of my standard modern game CC smorgasboard with some recent skintones/makeup/hair/mods from the medieval hood added to the mix, so it is a tad messy.
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Honest John Foulfellow
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...and his partner/roommate Gideon Gatti. I mean that literally, they’re not into each other. Well, they have one bolt, and not a lot of prospects, so I might let it happen. Gideon’s more into Snow White than anyone else, hilariously. I want them to be at the forefront of founding the Thieves’ Guild (or whatever I decide to call the guild hall for the Criminal career), but Honest John wants to be a City Planner and Gideon wants to be the head of SCIA. Crooked, I assume.
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Their house. Like the other commoner houses, it is fully furnished and decorated because I didn’t start by going overboard and overbudget. I tried to make it a little scrubby, but that is not my preferred aesthetic, sooooo...
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See, they have a damaged couch and Honest John’s bed is just fancy sheets on a pile of box springs, and all the nice art is probably forgeries! ...I am very fond of the Calvin and Hobbes triptych on Gideon’s wall though, I feel like that suits him.
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Then Mangiafuoco Stromboli, who lives with
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Romeo Lampwick, a Teen! I think those are canon first names for the both of them; I would not have named Lampwick Romeo. My brain wants his first name to be Chester, thanks Simpsons. As previously mentioned, Stromboli is probably going to get Lady Tremaine to run off with him. There are literally only two teens in the hood right now and they’re both boys (technically I should have made Snow and Cinderella be teens but dammit if they’re old enough to get married they are adults), and I have yet to see if they hit it off; more likely they will just have to wait for new sims to be born/age up or move to town. Lampwick wants to be a Professional Party Guest, which is appropriate, while Stromboli wants to be Hand of Poseidon, which... sure, Stromboli, you do you I guess.
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The Stromboli house. I think this time I succeeded at giving it a strong lower class aesthetic from the outside!
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...not nearly so much on the inside, but it’ll do.
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Next up is Pecos Bill, whose hair does not fit under his required cowboy hat. He can’t go without the hat; I might try to find him hair that works with it better.
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And Slue Foot Sue, shown here in the process of flirting. She’s got the same issue, but I like her hair too much, so eh. Pecos Bill wants to be an Icon, which can’t happen as he is uneducated, and Slue Foot Sue wants to be Media Magnate, which could. If I was using Sun & Moon’s Star Factory products in this town, I would have them literally raising cows and horses, but I do not want the hassle of figuring that out. They might have a non-CC farm, and/or raise dogs maybe?
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Their house. Many houses in this hood ended up teetering on the edge of a cliff. I should have set it up in a flatter hood instead of the Aesthetic Mountain Lake, but try and tell that to Last Year Me.
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Fortunately, it was not hard to have a light cowboyish vibe to their decor.
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Johnny Appleseed, with his two apple trees in the background!
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I made his house a little too big, so it ended up a little more sparsely decorated. But he has everything he needs (the sun and the rain and the apple trees~), and he’s super ready for a partner to move in and start a family with him. He wants to be a Mad Scientist despite my apple plans for him, and this ambition matches that of Doc Goodmountain who is the person he is most attracted to, so... we’ll see!
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Before I get to the commoners from the last few movies, check out Katrina’s new outfit! The pink isn’t a perfect match, but the whole look of it suits her I think.
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Meet Brom Bones, in theory a potential suitor for Katrina but in practice Brom is much more into 1. men or 2. the fairies. Good for him!
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His house is slightly bland, I did my best but was definitely getting tired of making small starter houses.
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Ichabod Crane! Looking WAY more handsome than his cartoon counterpart, I might add, despite an effort to match his features. He wants to be a Professional Party Guest, but I might force him to work on Education instead and get the guild set up and university unlocked for the first born generation. He’s got a chance with Katrina, actually, but he’s also equally into Grumpy for some reason.
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I have some interior pictures, but there really isn’t a lot going on there. He has a chess table.
The last household is Souris, aka the Mice From Cinderella as human sims. I think I’ll save that for a post tomorrow as this is already quite long and there are a full 8 mice with a fairly large house to match. At first I was only going to use Jaq and Gus, then I was desperate for more female characters and looked up whether the lady mice were named, and then I discovered the two identical mice and the little one also have names, and there was nothing for it but including them all. I’ll get into it more when I post their pictures. And then, assuming the trait cleanup worked, I will finish assigning traits, copy the hood for duplication and backup, and then play!
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #144: Quetzalcoatl
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re making the Ruler of the West, Lord of the Day and the Winds, and the White Tezcatlipoca, Quetzalcoatl! She’s a Battle Master Fighter to get her lucha techniques, an Ascendant Dragon Monk to throw in muy caliente jumps and drops, and a Circle of the Land Druid for some extra bonuses and her faithful companion.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here, yes!
Next up: I’ll sleep when I’m dead!
Race and Background
As a divine demiservant, you certainly fit the mold of an Aasimar, but given the fact that you’re half bacteria, you’re probably closer to a Scourge Aasimar. This gives you +1 Strength and +2 Charisma, as well as Darkvision, Celestial Resistance to necrotic and radiant damage, Healing Hands to help your loyal followers, and the Light cantrip.
Raising your own personal army out of anyone brave (or stupid) enough to face you makes you the Goddess Alliance Legionnaire. This gives you proficiency with Athletics and Intimidation, as well as an expanded spell list we’ll get into when it comes up.
Ability Scores
If you’re planning on flipping Ivan the Terrible on his back, mammoth and all, you’ve got to invest in Strength. Lucha’s also just as much about how you hit people as it is about how hard you hit them, so make Dexterity number 2. After that is Wisdom, yes! You are a great judge of character! (Character is found by fighting people, right?) Your Constitution isn’t particularly amazing, but you typically got your opponents in a crater somewhere before they can hit you. Sadly we couldn’t make your Charisma as high as I’d like, but your racial bonus helps a bit. Finally, dump Intelligence. Like a lot of these builds, it’s just the least bad ability to dump. Sorry Quetz.
Class Levels
1. Fighter 1: Starting in the fighter class gets you proficiency in Strength and Constitution saves, as well as two fighter skills. Acrobatics will make your mid-air maneuvers more amazing, and Animal Handling will help you control your pets. And Jaguar Warrior.
You also get the Unarmed Fighting Style, giving your unarmed strikes a serious power boost. Now they deal 1d6 damage, or 1d8 if both your hands are available.
You can also take a little siesta once per short rest thanks to Second Wind, healing yourself as a bonus action.
2. Monk 1: Bouncing over to monk real quick for a second, just here to pick up Unarmored Defense, giving you an AC of 10 + your dexterity modifier + your wisdom modifier as long as you’re not wearing armor. You also can’t wear a shield which is unfortunate, but trust me, it’ll be worth it. 
Your Martial Arts also lets you use your dexterity when attacking with a monk weapon or your fists. You can also make an unarmed attack as a bonus action after attacking with your main action, and all your monk attacks can do at least a d4 of damage. That last one doesn’t really apply, given the circumstances, but it’ll get bigger over time. Again not to a point that matters, but it tries, dammit.
3. Fighter 2: Back in fighter for a bit to grab an Action Surge, letting you slap an extra action onto your turn once per short rest. Now you can make your enemies tap out in round one! You also gain a Necrotic Shroud, transforming yourself for 1 minute. When you transform, creatures nearby have to make a charisma save (dc 8+proficiency+charisma mod) or be frightened of you for a round. Plenty of people would say this should charm them instead. They aren’t wrong, but we work with what we’ve got.
Also, once per your turn you can add extra necrotic damage to an attack, equal to your level. You can pull out your scary face once per long rest.
4. Fighter 3: As a Battle Master, you become a Student of War, giving you proficiency with one artisan’s tool. Statues are big in Babylon, or at least those are most of the things that survive, so I’d look into that. 
You also learn Combat Superiority, giving you three maneuvers that you can use with superiority dice, four d8s that recharge on short rests. This gives you a Commanding Presence, adding the die to an intimidation, performance, or persuasion check so you can become a star in the ring. You also gain a Pushing Attack to launch rudos out of the ring, and a Tripping Attack to land them on their culo before going in for a pin. The latter two also add the die to their damage roll.
5. Fighter 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to grab the Grappler feat, giving you advantage on attacks against grappled creatures and the ability to pin them with another grapple check, restraining both them and you. Not super useful, but it is very flavorful.
6. Fighter 5: Fifth level fighters get an Extra Attack each attack action. It’s not that flashy, but it is useful.
7. Fighter 6: Your last fighter level is another ASI, bumping up your Dexterity for a higher AC and the ability to use dexterity or strength for equally powerful hits.
8. Monk 2: Second level monks get Ki, which will be very useful later, but right now lets you attack twice, dash/disengage, or dodge as a bonus action. You get a number of ki per short rest equal to your monk level. 
Your Unarmored Movement also lets you move just a bit faster. It’s handy now, indispensable later. Trust us. 
Finally, you can spend a bit of time with your Dedicated Weapon to make any non-two-handed weapon a monk weapon. I’d say a macuahuitl is a bit too big to count as a short-sword.
9. Monk 3: As a ninth level character you can finally take your monk subclass, the Ascendant Dragon. This lets you change the damage type of your unarmed attacks to fire damage (and others, but c’mon), you can read, write, and speak Draconic, and you can re-roll a failed intimidation or persuasion check, turning it into a success once per long rest.
The Breath of the Dragon also lets you replace an attack action attack with fire (or other energy type) breath, dealing two martial arts dice worth of damage to creatures that fail a dexterity save within a 20′ cone or 30′ line if they fail a dexterity save (dc 8+wisdom mod+proficiency). You can use this a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus for free, or by spending 1 ki point.
Like all monks, you can also Deflect Missiles as a reaction, possibly sending them back if you reduce the damage to zero.
10. Monk 4: Use this next ASI to bump up Dexterity again, bringing up your attack power and AC. You also learn how to Slow Fall as a reaction, preventing an amount of falling damage equal to five times your monk level. Trust me, this is good.
11. Monk 5: Fifth level monks get Stunning Strikes, letting you spend ki points to force constitution saves on your opponents, stunning them for a round if they fail. You get nothing else. Certainly not any “extra attacks”, where did you even get a silly idea like that?
12. Monk 6: Sixth level monks get Ki-Empowered Strikes, making your unarmed attacks magical for overcoming damage. You also get the big selling point of the dragon monk, Wings Unfurled. When you use Step of the Wind to dash or disengage as a bonus action, you also get wings until the end of the turn, giving you a flying speed equal to your walking speed. This means you can now grapple someone with your action and pull them forty feet into the air for one hell of a piledriver.
You can use this a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus, or by spending an extra ki point when using step of the wind.
13. Druid 1: We’ve had enough of beating the crap out of people, let’s make you a proper rider! First level druids learn Druidic. It’s a language. You also know how to cast and prepare Spells based on your Wisdom modifier. I’ll be honest, it’s not good. 
You can cast Resistance and Gust as your cantrips, and you also get first level spells. Thanks to being a legionnaire, you also learn Fire Bolt and Sacred Flame for some muy caliente casting, and Guiding Bolt and Heroism so you can properly lead an army. This is also usually where I’d explain the kinds of spells you might want to prepare, but we’re literally only here for one third level spell, so let’s get cracking.
14. Druid 2: Joining the Circle of the Land gets you the Guidance cantrip so you can do everything just a bit better. Your Natural Recovery also lets you regain spell slots of combined level equal to half your druid level as a short rest once per long rest. 
You also get Wild Shape, which isn’t in-character, and Wild Companion, which you can use a combined total of two times between short rests. The latter lets you cast Find Familiar without spending any money. The creature also only lasts a number of hours equal to half your druid level.
15. Druid 3: Third level druids get second level spells, including your circle spells Spier Climb and Spike Growth. Neither of those are particularly in-character, but you also get the more military-minded spells Aid and Scorching Ray from your background.
16. Druid 4: Fourth level druids get a Wild Shape Improvement if you’re into that sort of thing, an ASI to bump up your Wisdom so your spells are stronger, and the Produce Flame cantrip, because you couldn’t do that plenty already.
17. Druid 5: Fifth level druids get third level spells, including your freebies: Lightning Bolt, Meld into Stone, Beacon of Hope, and Blinding Smite. This is also the level you can finally prepare what we came here for in the first place, Conjure Animals. This spell takes an action to summon a beast of CR 2 or lower, which hey, look at the stats for a Quetzalcoatlus, it fits the bill exactly.
18. Monk 7: Okay, we got the silliness out of our system. Getting back to monk, you get Evasion, turning your failed dexterity saves into successes and your successes into ignoring the fireball entirely. Your Stillness of Mind also lets you spend an action to end one effect charming or frightening you. You are the one doing the frightening around here.
19. Monk 8: Use your last ASI to become Tough, getting an extra 38 HP now, and two more the next time you level up.
20. Monk 9: Your ultimate level gives you an Unarmored Movement Improvement, letting you run up walls and over water, as long as you don’t end your turn there.
Flight is always a great addition to any build, even a limited amount like in here. Having an effective 90 feet of flight gives you great mobility, and it gives you a decent piledriver to boot! Grapple something with your action, fly up using your bonus action, and drop them for a guaranteed 4d6 damage!
Spells like Spike Growth, your own pins, and your maneuvers mean you can control enemy movement as well. Fly/push enemies off cliffs, box them in with spikes, or pin them to the ground so they can’t cast any spells.
Taking so many classes gives you great flexibility, with healing and fighting spells from druid, as well as combat skills from monk and fighter.
Your flight only lasts one turn, and if you use all your movement getting someone up into the air that means you’ll probably take as much damage as they do when you fall. Obviously being a monk helps, but then you’re eating all your reactions just to pile drive people into the ground. Totally worth it, but something you’ll have to work around.
Since we have to focus so much on your strength and dexterity, your wisdom lags a bit, making your spells and AC a bit weaker than I’d like. 
We spent five levels in Druid for just one spell. Unless you really want that quetzalcoatlus, I’d suggest just putting that into fighter and/or monk for consistency. 
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mellointheory · 3 years
Metal Elephant, Carried By Mice
The rain transformed the city.
Most people stayed inside, unwilling to venture out into the downpour. This city had been pouring toxins into the sky for decades, and the rain was a palpable sign of it. Acid burns from prolonged exposure were common, and were part of the reason tattoos and metallic skin implants were common. Normal people went inside when it rained.
It was freaks like Sam who stayed outside.
The rain pattered on slick, dark streets, capturing the reflections of neon lights and twisting them across puddles in the ground. Drops soaked into Sam’s vest, darkening the already stained yellow fabric, and dripped into his eyes as he made his way through the streets. A small gang of figures wearing rain resistant hoods were gathered in the mouth of an alleyway he passed, passing around a small pipe of something. It glowed bright green in the darkness. They noticed him pass, but didn’t move to stop him. There was an unspoken agreement between them, fools of the streets who dared to wander in the rain.
In the broad daylight he have gotten far more of a reaction—a seven foot tall hybrid walking the streets was hardly ever viewed as an acceptable sight, especially not one of Sam’s type—but he was in his element right now, the time designated for people like him. The hybrids, the assassins, the gamblers, the belly of the underground. The people who decided when the wars went down.
Hypixel City’s less reputable areas were split up among the various gangs powerful enough to take control. It was all about where the prices were higher, where the water was cleaner, where the toxins were least dangerous. Of those three only price really made a difference to Sam, but he chose his side anyway. He never got directly involved in the wars, that was too dangerous for everyone present, but he protected their area in his own way. Alarms, traps, security cameras, the works. He had been expecting this to happen ever since the rain first started, and he’d asked the others to be on the alert.
Boomer and Hannah were at the break site when he got there. The chain link fence between two areas had been cut open, leaving an area big enough for even someone Sam’s size to slip through. Both of the racers were arguing loudly, voices audible over the rain as Sam approached them.
“Sam!” Hannah called as he came over, whipping towards him and cutting Boomer off in the middle of his sentence. She had her helmet on, but it was easy to identify her by the glowing rose tattoos on her bare arms. “Where did they go from here?”
“I don’t know, they knocked out the cameras.” Sam opened his communicator to the channel the entire squad shared. Rain spattered on the screen and he wiped it away to read the messages sent most recently. “Punz went north to look for them, Ant and Gumi went west.”
“They’re not dumb enough to go south.” Boomer took off his helmet and tucked it under his arm, milky-blue eyes narrowed. “I mean, Bad’s place down there.”
“What’s he gonna do, serve them a muffin?” Hannah rolled her eyes, pulling her bike from where it leaned against the fence and kicking the stand up. It was a sleek, dark thing held together by magnetism mostly, with glowing pink lights on the tailpipe and the front and peace and love sprayprainted across the side. Sam had built most of it for her, as a favor for helping out at the plant.
“Come on, Bad’s more dangerous than that.” Boomer raised the pitch of his voice to a gratingly high octave. “oh, hello, are you Skeppy? You’re not Skeppy! Time to die, muffin head!” His voice returned to its normal bass rumble. “Then boom, they’re dead.”
“Bad has enough of a reputation to keep them out of his bar, but Ant’s sanctuary is past that. They may just have avoided him to try to hit in a place where it’ll hurt.” Sam tapped his communicator, pulling up camera footage from near the southern side of their territory.
“Do you want us to head down there and guard it?” The tattooed roses on Hannah’s arms shone luminous pink in the dark, twisting as she stretched them up over her head.
“That would be the best plan.” Sam nodded, flicking through camera views. “They know our territory better than they should. I’ll keep checking the cameras, you two patrol the area by Ant’s sanctuary.”
“Got it, big man.” Boomer swung one leg over the seat of his bike. It was bulkier than Hannah’s—Sam had helped him put it together years ago—and shone silver despite the grime of the streets. He revved the motor, green light flaring up from the tailpipe, and took off with the splash of water beneath him. The lights left a visible trail in the air, caught on the mist of falling rain. Hannah’s bike darted after him, catching up within a few seconds.
Sam returned his attention to his communicator.
What if they’re baiting us out or something? Gumi had messaged in the past few seconds.
Baiting us away from what? Sam typed back.
Maybe they want a hostage. Antfrost sent. They’re rats enough for that.
The most available hostage is that DUNDERHEAD Skeppy >:[ Red replied.
If they take Skeppy I’ll destroy them Bad typed quickly. Typical. He had been offline for most of the evening, serving the customers in his bar, then as soon as Skeppy was suggested to be in danger he jumped into the chat.
Yeah, like you destroyed his asshole last night. Red sent. Sam sighed and shut his eyes.
Focus. He told them. Boomer and Hannah are going to check around the sanctuary. Gumi and Ant, I’m assuming you haven’t seen anything.
There was a nope, from Ant and a negative, Samuelson from Gumi
Punz, what about you? Sam asked.
No reply.
Dammit, he shouldn’t have let Punz go out alone. If Punz saw them he would probably just move in immediately, try to injure the intruders and slow them before he even called in with info.
Punz you WHORE give us an update!!! Gumi sent.
Sam groaned and put his communicator in his pocket. He bent to inspect the severed wires of the fence. It was a divider between the Pummel Squad’s territory and that of the NeoSkars. The wires were cut cleanly, not with clippers, but seared straight through. They had actual gear to infiltrate with. The size of the hole they’d needed to make also hinted that they had a few hybrids on their own side, or at least heavily modded humans.
They could take care of the intruders eventually. He knew the squad well, trusted them to handle themselves in a fight—well, most of them. The problem was what they would do while in Pummel territory. If they managed to make a hit at something that belonged to a member of the crew—like Ant’s sanctuary or Red’s enhancement dealership—they would deal a blow to both the gang’s reputation, and the members themselves. Ant would be heartbroken if any of his animals died. They were all strange creatures, chimeras created for the enjoyment of rich patrons, that were eventually decided to no longer be novelties and tossed out on the streets. Ant was probably the only person keeping abandoned creatures like them from dying on the roadside.
Boomer and Hannah would keep the sanctuary safe. They may argue and scream about it, but they would do it. Sam’s greatest worry at the moment was whatever was happening in Punz’s area. Everyone else was grouped up, had a buddy to keep them safe. Punz was being too reckless.
As always.
All Sam could hope was that it wasn't too bad this time.
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elizabeethan · 4 years
Forget What I Said (It’s Not What I Meant) 1/3
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Happy New Year! The start of 2021 also means it’s time for ✨Captain Swan Neverland New Year✨ so here is my contribution! @neverlandnewyear
Thank you to my co-mods and friends @xhookswenchx and @donteattheappleshook for looking over this for me and also for helping to make my Neverland dreams come true 🥺🥰
This is part 1 of 3 (famous last words)
Rated E for smuts and language
~3200 words
Read on Ao3
Tagging: @courtorderedcake @kmomof4 @stahlop @klynn-stormz @laschatzi @emelizabeth88 @lfh1226-linda @kday426 @elisethewritingbeast @timeless-love-story @captain-emmajones​ @gingerpolyglot @ebcaver @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @teamhook​ @superchocovian @itsfabianadocarmo @tiganasummertree @gingerchangeling @jrob64​ @onceratheart18 @xhookswenchx @winterbaby89​ @swampmedusa @ultraluckycatnd @dancingnancyy​ @love-with-you-i-have-everything @shireness-says​ @snowbellewells @hollyethecurious​ @ouatpost​ @daxx04 @the-darkdragonfly @donteattheappleshook
Neverland is worse than Hell. Emma’s never actually been to Hell, of course, but it’s an easy conclusion to draw based on the experiences she’s had so far. The heat and humidity is enough to drive a woman mad, and the constant buzzing in her ears from the random insects is becoming nauseating. If she has to swat at her own ear one more time she thinks she’ll snap altogether. But the thing that’s driving her out of her mind most severely is, well, him.
It’s so completely unfair how good he looks. He looks sweaty all the time, but it’s so incredibly sexy because it’s almost as if he’s glistening. The leather clings to his chest in a way that should be illegal, showing off the coarse hair that she’s been dying to run her fingers through.
She gets it, okay? She should be focusing on finding her son and getting the hell out of here. It’s irresponsible of her to be thinking about all the things she wants to do to Captain Hook while on a mission to rescue her kid from Peter Pan. She’s thought it all before. She hasn’t stopped thinking about it. She also hasn’t stopped thinking about him.
She recognizes that she’s behaving childishly. Ignoring him on the ship until he practically corners her in a room is childish. Constantly rolling her eyes at everything he says is childish. But it’s the only thing she can do to keep her damn hands off him.
It became really bad when he started chopping down vines during their trek to make a path through the jungle. The way he swung his cutlass effortlessly through the air until the branches snapped shouldn't have drawn her eyes to the muscles in his back, but it did. And the way he authoritatively led them through the island, begrudgingly telling them all that they needed to know despite how much he clearly hates being here, shouldn't have made her cheeks redden, but it did. Luckily, she can blame that one on the heat of the island.
Honestly, it was only a matter of time. A woman has needs, and when she’s trapped in a dangerous and emotionally exhausting situation for weeks on end, well, who can blame her for taking matters into her own hands… perhaps literally? She nearly loses what little self-control she has left when he starts breaking branches against his knee to use for the fire, his eyes boring deep holes into her own when he catches her staring. Something in her snaps when she wonders what else his strong arms can do.
She chokes down the water inside the coconut she’s (not) enjoying and stands abruptly, noting that her parents have turned in and Regina sits quietly by the fire, and walks past him quickly so that she’s almost at the edge of the clearing when she hears his deep, rumbling voice. “Swan?” he asks, making to stand from his spot beside the fire he always keeps lit.
“I need a minute,” she says under her breath, trying so hard not to turn around and drag him with her. She really just needs a minute away; maybe she can find a stream and splash her face with some water or something.
She’s almost made it out of the clearing when she hears him shuffling behind her, following closely enough that she can feel the heat radiating off of him. Or maybe that’s her. Whatever.
“Hook, I really just need a minute,” she insists. Sure, a part of her still insists on taking matters into her own hands, but what she really thinks she needs is to just be away from the source of her… affliction until she can get over it.
“I heard you, Swan, but it’s dangerous out here on your own. Just allow me to follow behind you to prevent you from falling into any source of danger.”
She rolls her eyes. The last thing she needs is for him to be gentlemanly right now, dammit.
She’s too on edge to argue with him. She thinks anything that comes out of her mouth will be a shout, or maybe that her voice just won’t work at all. “Fine, just... stay away from me,” she finally says, moving swiftly through the thick jungle.
He does something behind her, something between a scoff and a chuckle, and her left eye twitches slightly as fire races through her veins. “If the lady insists,” he says with a timber in his voice that genuinely makes her breath catch in her throat.
“God,” she says, whipping around to face him and finding him standing much closer to her than she expected. “Do you have to talk like that?”
“Like what, darling?” he asks, a smirk growing on his face. He juts his jaw out towards her as his tongue licks along his lower lip, causing her breath to catch.
“Like we’re living in 19th century England.”
“Not sure what that means, my dear, but,” he steps closer to her, raising one brow and smirking as he breathes, “I’m more than willing to let you teach me.”
“Please, you couldn’t handle it,” she says, letting her eyes flutter shut as she shakes her head.
“Perhaps you’re the one who couldn’t handle it.”
She clears her throat. “Fuck,” she breathes. He cocks his head to one side and narrows his eyes in a way that shouldn’t be sexy but so is.
“You need only say the words, love.”
That’s it. He just snapped her like the branches over his knee.
She grabs the lapels of his stupidly ostentatious coat and tugs until his lips are crashing against hers and she’s swallowing his gasp. It’s hot and rushed and wrong, but the fire in the pit of her stomach tells her that something that feels this good can’t be bad.
She slinks her fingers around his neck until they’re pulling at the soft hair at the base of his skull, tilting his head and hers so that the kiss becomes deeper. He groans at the sensations of her fingers running along his scalp in her desperation as his hand finds her jaw and his hook lands on her lower back to tug her against him. When her hips collide with his, she feels the evidence that he wants this as much as she does. Actually, he hasn’t been shy about that, and she’s been in complete denial, so it follows that he probably wants this even more than she does.
She moans far too loudly when he starts trailing his lips down her neck, biting and licking on his way until he reaches her collarbone. She pulls at his hair some more as his wrist continues to press into her back and his hook pokes against her ass. She can hardly breathe as he follows the valley between her breasts with his mouth until he’s shoving her shirt out of the way, likely stretching the fabric beyond repair. She doesn’t care. When his lips press firmly against her hardened left nipple through her shirt, she breathes out, “yes, fuck, yes.”
His hand traces feather-light patterns up her stomach as it reaches under her shirt and forces her bra out of the way until he’s breathing over her exposed nipple. He licks it lightly, just barely making contact but adding enough moisture so that the breeze of the jungle makes her shiver. He then begins sucking it into his mouth and alternating licks and nips until she cries out. She’s so keyed up that she wonders if she can come from this alone. “Is this what you want, Swan? Is this why you’ve been so captious with me lately?” She can’t breathe enough to respond to him verbally, so instead she moans and nods her head as he trails his tongue to her neglected nipple. “Is it because you want me to touch you?” She nods again. “You want me so badly that you can hardly stand to even be near me?”
“Yes,” she moans. He releases her nipple with a pop and moves his deft fingers to the waist of her pants, tickling her skin as he goes. “God, yes. Please take those off.”
He obliges, tugging at her pants until they’re around her ankles before he sinks to his knees in front of her and breathes heavily against her quaking core. She thinks he might press his mouth to her— she’s desperate for him to do just that— but instead, he lifts one of her legs and ducks so that he’s settled between her knees with her pants behind him, caging him close to her once he stands again. “And what will you have me do with you, love?”
She whimpers pathetically when he lifts her at the knees, her core not quite touching him but dangerously close, and she throws her head back and hits it against the tree she’s pressed to. “God dammit, Hook, just touch me.”
He hums out a laugh as he continues to support her weight with his hooked arm and reaches between them with the other, pushing her soaked underwear to the side and stroking a finger up through her folds. “So wet for me already, Swan,” he murmurs darkly against her neck. “Tell me what you want me to do to you.”
“Touch me,” she demands again. Then, with a bit more honesty, “make me forget where the hell we are.”
He kisses her deeply, his tongue dancing between her lips, then pulls away to ask, “do you want me to use my hand, or my cock?”
Her breathing stops. She pulls his hair at the base of his neck so that he’s looking at her and can see her pupils blown wide with arousal. “No time for hands,” she tells him breathily, reaching her own fingers down to the laces of his trousers and tugging them loose.
“No? Are you saying you're so wet for me already that you don’t require any... preparation?”
She shakes her head as she reaches inside his slacks and groans when she feels his marble length twitching in her grasp. How something can feel so soft and so hard all at once is astounding, but not as astounding as the amount of space his arousal takes up in her hold.
“Yes. Now would you just fuck me, please?”
“As you wish,” he breathes, guiding his hand to his length and tickling his fingers against her entrance to ensure that she’s slick enough for him to tuck himself inside (she is). When he plunges his cock into her, she cries out again at the pressure and the delicious burn of him stretching her. She was right about him being well-endowed judging by the irresistible feel of him inside her.
He gives her a moment to adjust, then begins to thrust into her at the perfect pace. She’s never experienced that before, usually needing to tell her lover to slow down or speed up several times before they finally get it right. But Killian seems to know exactly what she needs. It’s like he’s a machine, recognizing each of her responses and adjusting accordingly in order to bring her the most pleasure she’s ever felt.
Her shirt has fallen back down so that he no longer has access to her breasts, so instead, he latches his mouth to a spot just below her collarbone and marks her as his, at least in this moment. The way he continues to thrust deeply into her at the perfect angle while his lips roam across her skin sends a shiver down her spine, but when he presses himself more firmly against her to bear her weight so he can move his hand, she nearly screams. His good hand travels to her clit and starts rubbing furious circles against her as his thrusts maintain their steady, perfect pace, and she would be in awe at his coordination if she wasn’t seconds from reaching the most powerful orgasm she’s ever had.
He keeps up with the circles on her sensitive nerves and she tightens her belly and core around him as his velvet length glides through her. She’s never been so close to orgasm in such a short time, possibly not even at her own hands. She can’t stop the manic whimpers and moans coming from her lips as she tightens every part of herself around him before finally letting go as ecstasy washes over her.
He continues to pump into her as she rides out her high, not stopping until she’s a twitching mess before he stops to pull out of her. He holds her close to him as he works himself up with his own hand, somehow still supporting her weight against the tree, before she reaches down and takes over until he’s spilling himself onto the ground at his feet, his head resting against her neck. He kisses against her skin as he comes down from it, and she revels in the softness of his hair at her fingertips for a moment too long.
She realizes what the hell she’s doing once her brain turns back on and then starts wriggling in his hold until he releases the back of her knee and backs up slightly so that her legs fall. Her pants are still on under her boots and wrapped around him, so she’s nearly sent to the ground before he realizes what’s happening and catches her. He ducks down again so that he can free himself and then stands before her awkwardly, his softening length still hanging out of the laces of his trousers.
“That was, uh,” he starts breathlessly, scratching behind his ear.
“A one time thing,” she answers, shaking her head to clear her mind and pulling her pants up. “Don’t follow me, wait five minutes. Go get some firewood or something,” she insists as she starts back towards the camp, still working on her pants as she walks.
She starts to think about how it might be a very, very bad idea for him to get more firewood, based on the fact that watching him handle the branches is what brought her here in the first place, but before she can think too deeply into it, he says, “as you wish.”
Her heart starts racing, and it’s not because of the heat or because she just had an earth shattering orgasm or because she’s turned on by his physical appearance. She could handle those things.
No, this is something else entirely. And rather than deal with it, she does what she does best and pushes those feelings deep, deep, deep into herself, never planning to address them again.
(She really should just stop making plans.)
They spend endless days and nights in Neverland. Time is impossible to keep track of, and it starts to make sense why Neal had kept tic marks on the wall of his cave. The only way she’s able to keep track of how many days pass is by counting the amount of time’s she’s had sex with Killian Jones.
She can’t seem to stop. It started as a one time thing, an itch that needed scratching, but she finds now that she needs the release he gives her more than she needs to sleep. So, each night when they find a place to set up camp, they wait for her parents and Regina to fall asleep and sneak away to find a sturdy tree to fuck against.
On the ninth night, she notices Killian talking to her parents suspiciously and they inform her that Neal is alive, allegedly. As if the prospect of her ex dying and coming back to life in the span of two weeks wasn’t enough for her, he pulls her aside on their way to the Echo Caves and tells her that he was hesitant to tell her because he wanted to spare her feelings until they could confirm that Neal was alive. She scoffs. She has no feelings when it comes to Captain Hook.
They get to the Echo Caves and she learns that he feels the opposite. He’s starting to have feelings for her. Real ones. She stares at him because there’s nothing else she can do, until the ground starts to shake and the bridge starts to build itself.
She tells Neal the truth. He hurt her so much, but she knows that a part of her will always love him. It kills her to admit it to herself, never mind to him.
She fucks Hook angrily that night, with him lying on his back atop his stupid coat and her riding him mercilessly until she feels some semblance of control over herself. They’re far too close to the camp for how loud she is, but when they return, she’s certain everyone is still fast asleep.
The two grown men fight over a lighter. Neal gets grabbed by a shadow and she’s frozen. Hook gets grabbed by one and she screams and summons enough magic to light the fucking candle. She ignores the feelings of relief at him being alive when they meet later that night, convincing herself that the extra long kisses mean nothing.
They get Henry back. As much as she’s grateful to be off of that damn island, she almost grieves the loss of her new nightly routine with the stupid asshole.
He knows exactly how to make her tick, so when he finds her on the deck and says something about how he never doubted her for a second, she kisses him just to shut him up. She can’t possibly listen to his praises, filled with emotion and longing and until I met you, so she pushes them aside in favor of the pleasure she knows he’ll bring her.
The truth is, she can deal with everyone else saying things like that to her. When her parents say it, she can rationalize that they’re obligated to encourage her. When Henry says it, it’s because he believes in everyone, not just her. When Neal says it, she doesn’t even believe him at all.
But then Hook says it. She doesn’t want to believe him, but she does. His honest and raw words unhinge her because she has no reason not to believe them. He owes her nothing and has nothing to gain from attempting to woo her because he’s already had her in his bed- well, jungle- countless times. So she believes him. And she’s terrified.
So she continues to do what she does best. She ignores her feelings until she can’t anymore, and she deals with them by replacing them with the pleasure he brings her. A part of her tells her that she can’t continue doing this, but a bigger part of her tells her that it’s okay, because once they get back to Storybrooke, he’ll leave in favor of the sea or of finding another realm to pillage and plunder. Once he’s gone, she can forget any of this ever happened and move on.
It’s a perfect plan, except it doesn’t work. Because he stays.
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In a way the whole "Izuku is the Dragonborn" fic would need to leave most of the backstory of Izuku the 4-14 years old dragon slayer on luck or Inko doing all the work while Izuku is, like, put in a position of safety (he still needs to eat dragon souls tho, same for Miraaks... How would that work even?) So I might need to move things around a bit.
Basically here's the backstory on all major shit:
Helgen: Inko and Izuku run away with Hadvar. They are not scheduled for execution because, you know, Hadvar might not go out of his way for a stranger but there is a small kid involved, younger than his cousin dammit, way younger than your usual Stormcloak Child Soldier Conscript from Dawnstar (an actual canon thing believe it or not) so he puts his foot down. In the keep Hadvar does most of the work obviously, even if Inko does, in her desperation, cut down people getting dangerously close to Izuku. She is a better lockpick than she expected, especially with her Quirk, and Izuku in his curiosity ends up pawing off the book and a strange, mysterious ring inside the Mage's cell. They then go to Riverwood with Hadvar, where they are directed to both Farengar and the College for matters regarding magical space travel, so to speak.
Riverwood: However, they are pennyless and alone in a foreign world, so Inko tries first to make money by working at the local lumber mill as she sends a courier to Whiterun for the Dragon Thing. Assume we are playing with my modded version of the game, which means Riverwood is currently the home of one Triss Merigold from the Witcher. She is also spacially displaced as of late, and is searching for Yennefer, Ciri and Geralt, with whom she jumped into this reality before getting lost from them. Dorthe and Frodnar will direct the small Izuku to her, since Dorthe is the one "babysitting" Izuku while his mother works so he's playing with the slightly older kids. Basically, they know she is a mage of some sort since she showed them some sort of light show, and Inko still needs to make money if she wants to leave with the proper equipment so they can't even go to Farengarym yet.
This allows us to 1) Set up the Triss Merigold X Midoriya Inko endgame and NO I AM NOR FUCKING STUTTERING and 2) Give Inko a competent bodyguard of sorts before she actually does get used to the unforgiving land of Skyrim and starts giving people heart attacks with her Quirk.
Of the Major Guilds:
Companions: Inko Joins as a way to make money for Izuku. With the mercenary work she manages to buy the house in Whiterun, so now Izuku can be left in a safe location, with "Aunt" Lydia as his babysitter. Whiterun Shenanigans ensue with Izuku befriending Lucia and Lars. Also Braith but, like, after lots of character development. Lucia is obviously the first to be adopted.
Inko is the one who becomes a werewolf and the Harbinger in the end, Izuku is not involved in this Storyline outside of some encounters with "Aunt" Aela and "Uncles" Vilkas and Farkas. Inko renounces her condition in the end.
College of Winterhold: They move to winterhold together since Farengar can't help them. Izuku is actually a quick study, as exemplified to that one spell book he found in helgen that thought him within seconds how to shoot lightning from his hands, much to his mother's worry. He ends up killing a bandit in self defense that way when he's barely 5. It was either do that or let them get to his mom.
Anyway, Inko is enrolled, but so is Izuku, the two now living on College Grounds. Triss is also there as an honorary lecturer. Anyway, Whe most of the adventuring is still done by Inko, is Izuku who receives the visit of the Psijic Order and, ultimately, he is the one to kill Ancano and close the eye of Magnus. Inko becomes Archmage still, even if she tries her hardest to have Toldfir step up instead.
The way Izuku kills Ancano is actually more based on guile than actual magical prowess. He is the only one not paralyzed in the boss fight, so what he does, is grab one of J'Zargo experimental Scrolls, summon a Skeleton Minion (Oblivion spell he was recently taught so to have someone protecting him in times of crisis), and then run with it against Ancano, too busy as he is being a megalomaniac, suicide bombing himself. He survives, but only thanks to the Restoration Professor quick intervention as Ancano dies and the paralysis falters.
Restoration magic did save the day in the end.
J'Zargo, who is usually aloof and snarky over his experiments, is actually horrified his rival's son almost got killed because of him, so he pledges he will do everything in his power to find a way to help them with their issue. He is a great magician after all, and his class is one of the brightest to date, they can find a way out for them.
Dragon War: Since all they can do now is wait for the College, Inko returns to Whiterun with Izuku and Triss, but on the way the watchtower is attacked, Mirmulmir is slain, and Izuku absorbs his dragon soul. This jumpstarts the events of Skyrim, with Izuku and Inko having to go on a pilgrimage to High Hrothgar to better understand what is happening to her son, who is now terrified of talking least he blew his mother apart with his voice.
A 5 years old kid makes a poor warrior, so the Greybeard offer to train him for his destiny, but Inko refuses. They don't need her son to kill dragons, just to eat their souls, so what she can do, is do the actual dragon slaying, and then have Izuku eat the souls. This still forces her to bring Izuku on her adventures, which isn't ideal, but only the dragon related ones. Izuku still learns the shouts of unrelenting force and whirlwind sprint as well as Dragonrend, but is Inko the one wielding the blade.
As a side note, Paarthurnax, for once not having to deal with a 4th era Nord, can finally give the unadulterated lore of the order rather than the imperialized, akatosh centric one, which leads Izuku to grow interested in Kyne, Warrior-Widow of Shor, for how much she reminds him of his mom.
Anyway, Inko is the one doing most of the stuff, Paarthurnax isn't killed, and Izuku gets two dragon buddies, one a wise and aging mentor war criminal, the other a brash and snarky red dragon he can call with his voice.
Izuku and Inko go both to Sovengarde. Inko meets back Kodlak, but also Ysgramor, who she now recognizes as a war criminal bastard, and she is the one dealing the killing blow on Alduin. Inko, Breath of Kyne, is the one sand in the songs now, the mother of the dragonborn who delivered them from evil.
Thieves Guild: Inko also does it all, but is the start of Izuku's involvement with Daedras. Inko takes the pledge to Nocturnal, so her soul is now bound to her realm, but is her son that catches the Prince's eye. Inko also tries to reform the guild back to its old robin hood ways, with divergent results.
Explorer Guild: This is the Legacy of the Dragonborn Mod. Inko founds the explorers guild and moves to the now bigger home in the Museum in Solitude. Proudspire manor has been bought by Yennefer, now advisor to Queen Elisif, who thanks to her influence has grown more confident. Girlboss helping Girlboss prosper and all that. She lives there with husband and daughter, and there's a reunion with Triss. Usual angst about "is she going to leave me? Are our adventures over?" But Triss stays because she cares about Inko and shit.
Anyway, inko is the one doing most of the stuff here too, but she now has a big enough home to adopt more than just Lucia.
She adopts every orphan, as well as Sissel and Britte in Rorikstead after murdering their abusive father. She then kills Grelod in Riften, so to also be able to adopt the orphans at the orphanage. To do so, she catches the attention of the Dark Brotherhood since she just stolen their contact. She of course adopts Aventus Aretino too.
Dark Brotherhood: All Inko. Unlike thieves guild, Izuku isn't even aware she's doing this, since he's back in Solitude with his new siblings.
Izuku does Sheogorath. He's playing in the streets with his siblings and the other Solitude kids, when he finds Sheogorath abandoned follower. So he sneaks in the blue palace, gets to the forbidden wing, and meets Sheogorath, the Hero of Kvatch. Does his quest since it's a pretty easy quest even for a 5 years old kid, and then gets the Wabbajack in exchange.
Inko does Sanguine. The sham marriage is actually to Triss this time, which leads to more angst obviously.
Inko also does Vaermina (destroying the staff), Dagon (Destroying the Razor), Hircine (Gets the Ring), Malacath, Namira (Saves the priest and kills the cannibals), Molag Bal (Just... Never completes his quest and leaves the bastard hanging), Boethia (sacrifices one of the two racist dudes in Windhelm after trucking him into following her), Azura (Uncorrupted Star) and Peryte.
Izuku finds Meridia's Beacon but it's Inko who does the quest.
Izuku is the one meeting Barbas and they have "A boy and his dog" adventures together before he manages to bring him back to Clavicus Vile and convince him to take him back without needing to do his quest. He gets the Mask as a Result, but also a dog in the form of Styx, the spectral wolf, another mod.
Izuku does Mephala, pretty early on too. He befriends Baalgruf's bastard son while still living in Whiterun, who tells him about the whispering door, and after a couple of deceptions he gets the blade. He never charges it tho.
While is Inko the one getting the Ogma Infinium, she can't open it, and is Izuku the one opening it and gaining the boost in knowledge, as well as becoming Herma Mora champion.
Dawnguard and Dragonborn are also done by Inko, but is Midoriya who is sent to Apocrypha when she opens a black book. There he has a odd "Older Sibling trying to murder Younger Sibling" relationship with Miraak, and is ultimately forced to see him get killed by Herma Mora. Aunt Serana becomes a permanent fixture in the house.
Bard College is done by Inko but Izuku is also part of the college now.
Most quests are done by Inko, but the misc quests that require either speech or guile are done by Izuku, especially if they involve children. This includes stuff like paying for Erik the Slayer armor in Rorikstead, or cheering up that girl in Solitude whose uncle was executed for aiding in regicide.
Speaking of which:
Civil War: Inko does it obviously, and she sides with the empire, because 1) Hadvar, 2) Baalgruf, and 3) Elisif.
And also because she went to Windhelm one time to stop a serial killer and gods she couldn't believe how racist those fuckers were.
Modded followers are obviously Inigo, Lucien and Shirley Curry, to name a few.
Forgotten City is done by Inko, Izuku is not even in the time loop. Project AHO is done by Inko and ends with her freeing the slaves and murdering every single slaver in the settlement. Most modded quest mods are done by her honestly.
Izuku obviously keeps himself up to date with his magical studies, which means around 8-10 years old he moves back to winterhold, still waiting for a way home, so J'Zargo can study him to reverse engineer his quirk, and he can learn more spells. Most of his siblings are almost of age by now too, and his mother has started calming down in her worry, since she trusts her old coursemates and teacher to keek Izuku safe...
Ok, no, she trusts Onmund and Toldfir to keep Izuku safe, in this order, but it's still more people she would trust if he started living with any of her other guilds.
Anyway, can't think of much else.
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Ruv ran down the alley in a panic, someone had seen him. He didn't know who they were but they knew that they'd probably hurt him
"w-wait! Please I'm not trying to hurt you! Y-you dropped something and I want to give it back!"
The Russian turned to face them
"the hell do you-"
They had his ribbon. The gift from a friend long since forgotten. The stranger held it out to him so he could take it.
"Sorry I started you..."
"It's fine. Who are you anyways?" Ruv spoke with a slightly annoyed tone as he took the ribbon and shoved it back into his pocket
"My name is Gabriel"
"That's a nice name, do you wanna hang out?"
She slammed her fist down on her desk in annoyance, her eyes gleaming pink. She'd lost him AGAIN!! God he was so annoying. She just wanted to capture the fucker and put him down for good. "Watch out, Ruvyzvat. Your days are numbered."
Carol sauntered into the alleyway where her friend lived "Ayo Sunday! I'm here! Where you at?"
The vocalist turned smoker snapped their attention away from trying to light their cigarette and to her approaching friend "heya Carol, what's up?"
"Nothin much" she took a sip from the bottle she held in her hand as she spoke "you up for a hangout sesh?"
"Of course!"
Gar took a deep breath, just one more round of practice and he'd be ready for his show on Friday. The second the music started he was practically screaming into the mic as he played guitar..that was until Annie opened the garage door-
"Whoops- sorry Annie, guess I just got a little too into it again."
"It's fine, Gar" she chuckled softly before turning to leave "oh, I made snacks by the way. Come get those when you're ready"
"Aight, I'll be out in a sec"
The robot quickly adjusted his outfit to make sure he was ready for the soon to arrive croud of churchgoers.
"Whitty?" He called "Can you help me make sure that the main area is clean? I don't want it to look bad when all the people arrive!"
the bombhead began to make sure everything was in place, adjusting paintings, attempting to sweep, doing basic chores to make sure that everything was in order. He'd hate himself if people thought his robot friend didn't take good care of the place and Hex gained a bad reputation because of him. Hex had also been helping to clean, seeing as it was their church and Whitty was essentially a guest. They finished cleaning as the crowd of churchgoing people all arrived.
"Thank you, Whitty!" Hex said cheerfully. Then he ran off to greet the crowd and get started.
Rebecca sat in the void. She was not happy about this and she doubted she ever would be. She wanted to get out and she'd achieve that goal by any means necessary
"you two BASTARDS better watch out because the second I get out of here, you're fuckin dead."
She cursed to no one as she sat in her prison for who knows how much longer.
AGOTI sighed, he'd been working so hard on this project and still didn't have the money to get it off the ground. He knew he needed a break, the fact that he had been coughing up blood made that evident, he just...didn't want to take one. He wanted to get this done but...maybe a nap would be good for him. He could get more work done if he was more awake anyways. "Aaaalright AGOTI. It's break time" and with that he flopped onto his bed to sleep
Kapi was pissed. Those fucks had gotten away and now he was gonna be wanted for blowing up a building. This day was shit. He sighed and ducked quietly back into the alleyway he had come from.
"God fuckin dammit..I'll kill you one day, you bitch. Just you wait."
Tabi grinned as he continued messing around on his dance pad. Today had been pretty good since he'd managed to make a few friends and beat his high score. He waved as one of his friends left
"Cya Tabi!"
He sighed happily and went to go get some shitty, but still not awful, arcade candy from the ticket counter
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flowers-creativity · 4 years
Fic: The One Bed Job
Fandom:  Leverage
Characters: Eliot Spencer, Parker, Alec Hardison
Warnings: None
Summary: A rainstorm forces Eliot, Parker and Hardison to take shelter in a cabin in the woods. There is only one problem ...
Notes: Written for Spud (@callipygianspud) for the @leverage-secret-santa-exchange with the prompts “Parker/Hardison/Eliot, oh no one bed?!?!, slice of life bickering”.
There are a lot of firsts in this story for me, most notably that it's my first Leverage fic ever! It was a lot of fun working on it - thanks to the mods of the Leverage Secret Santa Exchange for organising this 😊.
I’m late in posting it because I missed that the authors had been revealed but finally, here it is on my blog, too.
AO3 link
Eliot threw the truck into park and stared out the windshield at the desolate view: a cabin in the middle of the woods, looking small and forlorn in the wind that had been picking up speed over the last hour. Rain was driving diagonally across the picture, and he didn't want to make any bets on how long it would be until it was going fully horizontal. “Damn it, Hardison, that's the best you can do?”
“Hey man, you wanna try finding a place to stay in the middle of nowhere during a rainstorm, with no advance warning?” Hardison twisted in his seat and stabbed a finger at him. “I'm not freaking clairvoyant, couldn't have known it woulda hit so hard!”
“Yeah, well, always actin' like you are,” Eliot growled as he unbuckled his seat belt. There was no use arguing, they were out of other options. Not that it would stop him from doing it anyway. “C'mon, let's look at that rat's nest you found for us.”
“No appreciation, man,” Hardison mumbled. He took off his seat belt, then twisted around and nudged the lump that was Parker on the backbench, just a shock of blonde hair peeking out from under the blanket she'd wrapped herself in. “Hey mama, we're here. Time to wake up!”
The lump protested sleepily but finally uncurled to reveal the thief who stretched and yawned mightily. “Where's here?” she asked.
“Cabin in the woods,” Hardison said. “Storm's getting pretty bad, so Eliot wanted to stop driving. Never mind that we're in a Faraday cage,” he added, raising his voice so the hitter just about to close the driver's side door could hear him, “but apparently the only thing frightening big bad Spencer is some lightning. Can't hit that, eh?”
“Hardison,” Eliot said grumpily, pulling the door open again, “you wanna wrap the car around a tree 'cause you can't see with the rain comin' down so hard, be my guest.”
Parker snorted and leaned forward to give Hardison a quick peck on the nose. “He's got a point there,” she pointed out.
Eliot flashed her a quick look of thanks, fighting down the incongruous urge to have a corner of his mouth tick up. It wasn't a smile; it wasn't. And it wasn't a problem that his face constantly wanted to do that around those two lately. He finally slammed the door shut and switched on the heavy-duty flashlight he kept in the truck's cabin at all times. He more sensed than heard the passenger side's door opening and the other two hustling after him as he made his way towards the cabin, the rain soaking him down to the skin within moments.
The door was locked; he contemplated it for a moment, then stepped aside. “Parker, do your thing,” he commanded, directing the beam of light onto the lock. She gave a quick sound of delight and dove forwards with her lock picks appearing in her hands like magic. That lock wouldn't take her more than five seconds, he knew, but even that was probably a treat for her after an exhausting job that had her do most of the grifting. No matter how much she had grown and learned since they had become a team, coming into her own in both the grifter and the mastermind role, she would never love it as much as she did the jobs where she could be what she really was, a cat burglar and safecracker.
It was maybe eight seconds until the lock clicked and Parker stood back up. She frowned a bit at the door as she pocketed her lock picks. “Sorry, I'm off my game,” she said.
Hardison huffed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Don't be ridiculous, babe, you're fine. A bit tired, that's all.”
Eliot nodded and gave her a quick pat on the back before he pushed open the door and went ahead into the cabin. “Stay here,” he told them as he swept the flashlight's beam through the room.
Hardison rolled his eyes so hard Eliot could hear it even though he had his back turned. “No need to unpack the guard dog routine, El,” he said, and another flashlight beam joined his. “It's a cabin in the middle of the woods. If there's anything dangerous, it'll be a bunch of spiders or a raccoon at best. C'mon, I wanna get inside and get dry.”
Eliot flashed him a nasty grin over his shoulder. “You're the geek, tell me how many horror movies there are that look just like this,” he said. “And how the black guy usually does in them.”
“Damn, man, don't you use pop culture against me, that's just wrong,” Hardison complained.
Parker snorted a laugh, still leaning against Hardison's side. “We'll protect you, Eliot and I,” she told him earnestly, then slipped from his arm and had his flashlight in her hand a blink of an eye later. “I'll help him make the security sweep, and you find out if there's electricity.”
Hardison sighed in defeat and waved them off, shaking his head. “Then go do what you gotta do.”
“Nice to know we have your approval,” Eliot said with a smile that was all teeth and very little warmth (no matter that he wanted to put a lot more into it). Nevertheless, he didn't further protest Parker's joining him and sent her off to check one of the two doors leading from the main room while he finished sweeping its meager contents – a small table with two rickety chairs, a wood stove and an old cupboard that held a little bit of crockery, a battered pot and a few cans of soup. He left Hardison to poke around near the stove, mumbling to himself about barbaric conditions and using his phone as a flashlight, and headed for the second door.
It didn't take much time to determine that this was the bathroom, such as it was, and little more to check the shabby toilet and sink – they worked, which was probably the best they could hope for. When he emerged back into the main room, he found that Parker had just done so, too, and was now perched on the table. For once he could not fault her for her propensity never to sit on a chair like a normal person; the table looked like a much safer bet.
“That's the bedroom,” she reported immediately once she caught sight of him coming back, pointing at the room she had checked. “Nothing there but a lot of dust and spiderwebs.” She grinned brightly. “Only one bed, though. We'll have to snuggle close, it's not very big.”
“Wa---” Eliot was vaguely aware that he was standing there gaping like a moron but his mind was stuck on Parker talking about snuggling in one bed.
“Huh, what was that, Eliot?” Hardison had abandoned whatever he had been doing with the stove – couldn't have been lighting a fire, he severely doubted Hardison could do that – and came over, leaning against the wall next to the table with Parker on it, both of them weirdly illuminated by the display light of Hardison's phone.
Eliot finally marshaled his thoughts enough to grind out: “I'm sure you'll be fine for one night. I'll take the floor.” Parker must have been talking about herself and Hardison anyway, no reason to assume that she wanted to snuggle with him – even if his traitorous heart had done just that.
Parker frowned. “What? No, you won't,” she said with a shake of her head. “Not when there's a bed and no reason for you to be on watch. We'll fit in there the three of us.”
“Wha-- Dammit, Parker, you can't just get into bed with any man!” Eliot protested.
“Fine, then Hardison and you can take the floor.” She folded her arms over her chest and stared at him, the challenge more conveyed by her tone than by her expression he couldn't see too clearly in the gray light on her face. Next to her, Hardison made an outraged sound, just as Eliot sputtered:
“What? No, why should Hardison sleep on the floor?”
“Well, if I can't get in bed with any man, then I can't get in bed with you two, since you're both men,” she said with a shrug, in that tone that clearly said that she thought she was being perfectly reasonable.
“But he's not any man,” Eliot pointed out, “he's your boyfriend.”
“Okay,” she said, cocking her head to the side in one of those moves that made her look sort of like a bird, “but you're not any man, too. You're Eliot. My--” she broke off, gave a short sideways glance to Hardison and then continued: “Our-- You're Eliot. So you can come, too.”
Eliot sputtered again, and how did she always manage to have that effect on him? He was Eliot goddamn Spencer, he was always in control, but she stole it from him as easily as pick-pocketing a watch was for her, with nothing more than a few words and looks. He desperately looked to Hardison. “Back me up here, c'mon, man!”
Hardison, the son of a bitch, just shrugged, his teeth white in the dim light as he grinned. “You heard the lady,” he said, “you're not any man, so you can get in bed with her, I mean, with us, any time.”
“I-- But--!” Eliot raked his left hand through his hair, casting around for the right thing to say, to make sense of these words in a way that didn't make warmth spread through his chest and … somewhere else that had made a very specific sense of it and was sitting up and taking notice. In the back of his mind, another part was busy pointing out that in a way, any man was probably better to have in your bed than Eliot Spencer. It was surprisingly easy to disregard this voice, though, just as Parker and Hardison disregarded his words whenever he pointed it out to them. He had told them so a hundred, a thousand times, even had shown them glimpses of it a few times – the swimming pool, probably even the warehouse, despite Nate's promise not to tell anyone – and they had always sailed past it without the slightest worry despite what he had been, what he still was. And he knew it was true: whatever danger he presented, it never was a danger connected to his past. Only to a present that he held sacred in his heart like a talisman, like he had held preciously little since he had lost faith in God and the American flag and whatever else he had believed in once upon a time.
“Helloo-ho!” Hardison suddenly loomed up in front of him, his face just inches away from him. “Earth to Eliot!”
Eliot honest to God flinched and took a step back. “Dammit, Hardison!”
The hacker raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “You back with us, man?” He looked him over seriously. “Honestly, I'm starting to think you're getting sick. You're usually more with it than that.”
Eliot took a deep breath and ran a hand over his face. “I'm fine,” he gritted out. He let his shoulders slump down. Sleeping in one bed it was. “You had any luck with that stove?” he asked Hardison in a bid of hopefully redirecting the conversation.
Hardison shrugged. “Not really, there's some old ashes and half-burnt wood in it but I don't have a lighter. I'm sure you can get it going, right? Don't tell me you haven't been a Boy Scout, too.”
“Nope.” Eliot hoped the relief and eagerness with which he fell into their banter was not too obvious. “Army boot camp's better than that, anyway. Plus, y’know, spending lots of time in the actual wilderness, not some parent's backyard.” He dug into one of his pockets for a lighter and wandered over to the stove, angling the flashlight beam into the open compartment.
Parker had her chin in her hands as she watched him with her usual Parker intensity. “Backyards sound boring,” she agreed. “But you should take us camping some time! We can throw Hardison off a cliff instead of a building!”
This time it was Hardison who was sputtering, and Eliot couldn't resist, he laughed, a bark that reverberated deep in his chest. “That's a great idea, darlin',” he drawled, grinning at the hacker.
“Now that's just unfair! Two against one! And no one's throwing Hardison off any cliffs, are we clear? Are we clear?”
Parker pouted at him. “Aww. You went on that fishing trip with Eliot, didn't you? I want to do something like that with you, too, with both of you.”
Eliot scowled at the reminder of how their fishing trip hadn't happened after that stand-off with a white supremacist militia. “Not exactly like that, preferably,” he growled under his breath. Louder, he said, “I think Hardison had a problem with the cliff thing, not with going on a trip with you, Parker. We can keep that in mind, okay? For now, just let's get through the night.”
In the meantime, he had kept working on the stove, pushing the old ashes to the side and rearranging the partly burnt wood into a neat pile. He looked around for some old paper to start the fire, then reconsidered. The small fire would be pretty useless to heat or light the room.
“Any of you hungry? There's some soup in cans.”
Hardison and Parker exchanged a look, then shook their heads.
Eliot sighed and stood up, brushing off the knees of his jeans. “Then we don't need to bother with the fire. We'd need some candles or a torch for some real light. Don't think it would produce much heat to get the room warm, either.”
Parker shrugged. “I don't have any candles.”
Hardison grinned. “I guess if we're cold, we just need to snuggle close in our bed,” he said, and Eliot's belly did another backflip at the thought of the three of them in one bed together.
Parker laughed and dropped down from her perch on the table, grabbed Hardison's hand, then lunged and did the same with Eliot's. “Come on, I'll show you,” she said brightly and pulled them over to the door she'd discovered the bedroom behind earlier.
“Parker, that's --- Parker, I can walk on my own,” Eliot protested but it was halfhearted at best. He turned towards Hardison but found little sympathy there.
“Just go with the flow,” the hacker told him. “Relax.”
Eliot bit back a retort and instead just took a deep breath, his feet automatically following where Parker led. Relax. As if that was a thing he could do when he was about to get into the same bed as his two best friends. As the two people he-- He-- His thoughts kept stalling but he knew the word that should go there.
In the small bedroom, Parker let go of his hand, and he took in the room and the furniture occupying it, which was just one more of those rickety chairs, with Parker's flashlight on it casting a beam through the shadows, and the bed itself. It was small indeed, and short enough that Eliot guessed Hardison's feet would hang over the edge. Parker and he should be fine – for a certain measure of fine when he was intruding where he didn't belong. Never mind that they seemingly didn't see anything wrong with it, even though they were the couple…
Meanwhile, Parker had taken possession of the bed, pulling back the covers. She looked back at the two men contemplatively, then shrugged and quickly pulled off her shirt, sending it flying toward the chair. At Eliot's spluttered “Parker!”, she shot him an annoyed glare. “What? It's wet,” she explained as she unzipped her pants and shimmied out of them, then threw them after the shirt. Eliot averted his eyes and prayed for strength.
When he looked back, she had slipped under the covers, and Hardison was sitting at the edge of the bed, taking off his shoes and socks, his phone on the quilt next to him. Hardison looked up at him, and his dark eyes were soft in the beam of Eliot's flashlight. “Eliot, man,” he started, then stopped, then started again. “Look, man, you don't have to if you don't really feel comfortab-- Ouch, Parker!” The thief had straightened up and slugged him in the back of the shoulder. “C'mon, he should only do it if he really wants to!”
“But he does!” she hissed at him, then turned towards Eliot. “You want to, right? You want to be with us. Like, here with us.” She gestured between the two of them and then the bed as a whole, and Eliot's heart constricted in his chest. Yes, God, how he wanted to.
“Because we want you, too.” She looked at him hopefully, not bothered in the least that the blankets were pooling in her lap and she was only wearing a simple black sports bra in the cabin's cool air. He tried to look away but couldn't, not when her eyes were holding him captive like that. They wanted him? Just for snuggling in a small, unheated cabin in the middle of nowhere? Or… for something more?
Eliot pushed that thought way back in his mind. He needed to stay in the here and now. And maybe, just maybe, he could just be selfish tonight and take what they were offering. If that was all it was, he would deal with it. Would it be better or worse than never having had any of it? He didn't know.
Hardison was looking at him steadily. “Your decision, El,” he told him, “but we're here. Whenever you're ready, we'll be there.”
And that—that did actually sound like this was more than just a night of snuggling close for warmth. Eliot took a deep breath, closed his eyes and released it. When he opened them again, he nodded. “Yeah,” he said roughly. “Yeah, I'm--” He stopped and decided to give up trying.
Instead, he put his flashlight on the chair next to Parker's, then bent down to untie his boots and quickly stripped off his jeans and his soggy outer layers, leaving him in a mostly dry T-shirt and boxers. A few more steps brought him to the bed where Hardison had joined Parker under the covers, his torso bare. Both of them were looking at him with so much hope that it was the easiest thing in the world to lift the edge of the covers and slip in after them. He smiled at them and said softly, “Hey.”
“Hey you,” Hardison said and as if it was nothing, he put his arm around Eliot's shoulders and pulled him close. From his other side, Parker put her arm across Hardison's body until her small, strong hand rested on Eliot's chest. “I'm glad you're here,” she told him. Then she gave him a short whack. “So now, snuggling and sleep,” she ordered. “The rest can wait until tomorrow.”
Eliot felt his smile grow into a grin and turned it into the crook of Hardison's neck. “Yes, ma'am,” he replied seriously.
And as he crowded closer to Hardison and reached for Parker with an arm across the other man's stomach, Eliot did as any good soldier would do and followed the order given by his leader. It was probably his favorite order of all time.
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gaydelgard · 3 years
ok tumblr my skyrim character rn is this orc lady and im doing this half-baked RP/characterization w her where her public persona is this heavy armor jock war hero upstanding citizen pillar of the community type, but of course secretly shes THE crime boss of skyrim, head of the DB, thieves guild, etc
this is absolutely a thinly veiled excuse to teach her all the skills in the game and gives me a reason to switch bw heavy armor and light armor, bows and daggers to two-handed and shields etc
so anyway obviously no one can ever link her to her crimes, her reputation has to be spotless, above reproach yadda yadda
so the way i implement this mechanically is she has to maintain a zero lifetime bounty. as soon as someone sees her do a crime the jig is up
but im kind of at a dilemma, im about to start the dawnguard
and i feel like she needs to join the dawnguard
but i hate the dawnguard
TO BE CLEAR: she WILL be a vampire no matter what. but you can join the dawnguard and then become a vampire late in the storyline and they wont notice
and i feel like thats more in character?
obviously being a vampire (ive been playing as one this whole time) she doesnt have problems with them, and just by preference she would choose to side with the vampires. but shes a well known figure in the community. shes the dragonborn! thane of every hold! she helps people and steps into leadership roles! it would be highly suspicious for her NOT to join the dawnguard, regardless of the fact that yeah she could keep her involvement w the vampires a secret. but as the vampire attacks got worse people WOULD start asking questions! and i feel as tho if her only option to save her reputation would be to throw the vampires under the bus she would do it
and i just dont think theres any getting around this. the more i sit on it the more it seems unavoidable.
i know the dawnguard vs vampire storylines are nigh identical. but i like the side quests you get for siding w the vamps, like turning your spouse into a vampire, and the buffs you get for recovering the blood chalice etc
i wanted one of those death hounds. i like hanging out in the castle, i like having npcs in random holds who are vampires. its fun. i like vampires.
dammit. id love to hear yalls thoughts. if i can rationalize my way into joining the vamps i will. i know its my game and mechanically it wont actually make a difference but ive done this minimal character work and im committed to it lol
hmmm edit: dont rec me mods im playing on switch lol
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ibuki-loves-you · 3 years
(I apologize since this is going to be a lot)
My OC is Ren Suzuki, the Ultimate Fashion Designer. He’s a very sweet boy. Ya know how I said Gina was the love child of Makoto and Sonia? Well he’s probably the love child of Gonta and Mikan. A very very precious boy. He’s pure, innocent, a bit naive and gullible, but overall, a sweetheart. He’s very friendly to everyone, just wanting to…well, make friends! He takes his studies and schoolwork very seriously, never wanting to miss an opportunity to do his best and show his greatest work. He’s very confident and an optimistic hard-worker. He may be sweet and innocent, but he’s not shy. He enjoys being in a large crowd and talking to people about…literally anything! With an outgoing personality, warm demeanor, a compassionate heart, and an innocent mind I think the Ultimate boyfriend would fit him more than the Ultimate fashion designer
Apperance: Ren is a pretty tall guy, being 5’10, with a slim built. He has short, dark brown hair in a wavy combover and ocean blue eyes. He also wears thin round wire-framed glasses
Usual outfit: He wears a blue and white flannel button up with a black tie underneath an unbuttoned navy wool vest, black jeans with a white belt, and black leather ankle boots. He also has two silver studs on each ear and several platinum rings on his fingers
Ren grew up with his two parents and little sister. They have always lived in poverty and always worried about how to provide for the family. His parents were notorious ‘job-hoppers’ and were infamous for jumping around jobs in order to make as much money as possible. Unfortunately, word got around and their reputation got tainted. Almost no one wanted to hire them, which made finding a job and earning money more difficult. Ren realized that in order to support for his family, he had to pitch in and do whatever he could. He was very young at the time, so he couldn’t get a job himself. One day, he saw a broken sewing machine lying outside a neighbor’s lawn. There was sign near it that said “Partly good sewing machine. Take it” which Red happily did. From there, with a bit of tweaking and fixing, Ren finally repaired the machine and began to sew. Sew, sew, sew, til his heart’s desire. He began to make clothes for his little sister, himself, and his parents. He was relied on to create clothes and his family was always grateful for his help. He even made formal clothes for family events/reunions. Even professional interview clothes for his parents whenever they had new job interviews! Ren practically grew up with a passion to design and make clothes and it always stuck to him. Eventually, word got around, this time in a more positive light. He began to sell clothes and take commissions from neighbors. Not only did his family receive nice clothing, but the neighbors around them paid good money for Ren’s creation. His father even pleaded with Ren to apply to Hope Peak’s academy as the “Ultimate Fashion Designer” and use his talent to gain ultimate success in his own life. Ren, at first, declines saying he would rather stay and help his family, but they insisted and practically got down on their knees and begged him to apply. And, of course, they accepted Red with warm arms
His love interest is Mahiru, and finds her very comforting and sensible. He loves her ‘big sister’ attitude and developed feelings for her. Like all men, Mahiru was a bit hesitate about him, but she eventually warmed up. Hajime is a bit frustrated since it’s obvious she favors him over all the other boys on the island. Mahiru always denies it, but her blush whenever he’s around and talking to her just gives it away. Ren gets along well with her, but he has the innocence of Gonta here! He’s too clueless, and oblivious, and realize that she is in love with him, let alone, noticing that he fell in love with her as well. Hiyoko bullies him a lot more than anyone, probably even more than Mikan. But it’s only because she thinks that Ren is stealing Mahiru away from her. (Luckily???) he doesn’t really care or mind what she says. Hiyoko even goes as far as saying he’s gay, but Mahiru snaps at her when she says it. His best friends are probably Nagito, Hajime, Kazuichi, and Mikan. Hajime and Nagito because they enjoy his company. Kazuichi, really because he likes to tease Ren about Mahiru. But he always retaliates by teasing him about Sonia. But he doesn’t mean it. Ren is too pure to notice sexual innuendos or even pick up on what he implies. A conversation between him and Kazuichi would go something like this
Kazuichi: So, Ren! How far did you go with Mahiru? *smirks, winking*
Ren: *smiles sweetly* Oh, very far! We took a long walk together on the beach!
Kazuichi: Eh? No! I mean….did you see her…..body?
Ren: Of course! I see her body all the time! Otherwise, how else would I know what she looks like everyday?
Kazuichi: Man, I mean—
Ren: Speaking of, Mr. Kazuichi, you said you were going to hang out with Miss. Sonia today, no?
Kazuichi: Well….she had to cancel since she was busy a—
Ren: Ooooohhhhh. So I’m guessing you two didn’t go that far like me and Miss. Mahiru did. Right?
Kazuichi: *blushes beet red* DAMMIT!
He also gets along well with Mikan because she’s grateful that ‘he takes Hiyoko’s bullying’ and kinda ‘distracts’ Hiyoko from her. Because he ‘saved’ Mikan, she wanted to thank him by taking off her clothes, until Mahiru overheard their conversation, blushed, and rushed to stop her before Ren could speak. This is how the conversation went:
Mikan: Ummmm…..S-Suzuki-kun?
Ren: Huh? What is it, Miss. Mikan?
Mikan: I…..I just want to t-thank you for keeping H-Hiyoko away from m-me. Ever since you came, s-she’s been t-targeting me less……
Ren: *grins* Oh, it’s not a problem at all, Miss. Mikan! I am just trying to be a good friend to everyone!
Mikan: B-But I feel like I s-should thank you in s-some way…..
Ren: Huh? Miss. Mikan, you don’t need to do that. I don’t need any thanks at all other than being your friend—
Mikan: Let me take off my clothes. Will that make you happy? *fumbles with her apron*
Ren: H-Huh?! W-Why would I want your clot—
Mahiru: *beet red, running to them* *snatches Mikan’s hand* NO! No, no, no! That won’t be necessary, Mikan!
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baconsoupforthesoul · 4 years
The Ink Demonth - Day 21 - Money
No Refunds, No Returns!~
A/N: This is a fic idea I have had bouncing around in my head for a long time. And luckily, the theme for the day lets me combine the prompt with celebrating the 2nd anniversary of the amazing Bioshock au! If you haven't had a chance to check out this incredible au, do yourself a favor and go see all the great fanart and fics for it, it’s well worth your time. And as always, in this au Henry belongs to @inkspottie, and Delta belongs to @trashboatprince, and Ross belongs to @doberart. And the song referenced in here is the Circus of Value Song by JT Music which you can find here. Oh, and a big thanks to Mod Dead for helping me get the humor just right for this fic. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy~
“Can’t you hack it any faster, Henry?”
The sweater-clad man shot an annoyed look up at Delta before turning back to the vending machine in front of him.
“I’m going as fast as I can, Delta,” Henry grumbled as he fiddled with the Circus of Values vendor. “This hacking business is harder than it looks, okay?”
“Alright, alright,” the big daddy held up his hands in surrender as he leaned back against the wall.
“Take your time, Henry,” Ross said gently as he sat down next to the machine with a grunt, adjusting his bad leg. “I don’t hear any splicers around so we should be safe for now.”
The older man had a point, as Henry couldn’t hear the normally never-ending chatter of the spliced up Rapture citizens. However, he could hear the growling of his stomach, and his friends’ as well. While they were actually surprisingly well-stocked on ammo, they hadn’t been able to find a vending machine that sold food for ages, and after fighting through hoards of splicers, all three of them were practically starving.
If only they weren't so low on cash, they’d be able to get some snacks from the machine no problem.
“Come back when ya get some money, buddy!” The machine chortled at Henry mockingly.
“Oh shut it,” Henry growled, whacking the machine in the side, causing Delta to chuckle.
As Henry fiddled with it some more, Ross turned to look over at him. “What kind of food does the vending machine have anyway?” He asked, his hand involuntarily going over his empty stomach.
“Hmmm,” Henry glanced at the menu. “Looks like chips, creme-filled cake, and pep bars.”
Ross made a face at that. “Damn, was kinda hoping for some real food. Getting sick of all this junk food.”
“I don’t think it’s so bad,” Delta argued. “I could do with a pep bar right about now.”
“Says you,” Henry huffed. “You’ve just never had anything different.”
“When we make it to the surface, we’ll get you some real food, Delta,” Ross said. “Trust me, anything that Linda makes is better than anything you could find down here.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Delta shot Ross a grin and a thumbs up.
“I wanna try the surface food too! Can I? Can I?” Bendy chirped from Delta’s shoulder.
“Of course you can bud,” Delta reached his hand back and rubbed the little devil between his horns. “All the food you can eat!”
“Woo hoo!” Bendy cheered, hugging his daddy around the neck.
Henry smiled at the two of them before turning back to his work. Hopefully, they could enjoy a nice big meal together up on the surface after this whole nightmare was over. Hopefully, they all survived to see the sun again. It had felt hopeless when he had been stuck down here on his own… but now that he’d found allies… it started to seem just a little more possible.
The sweater-clad man narrowed his eyes at the vending machine. He was so close now. He just had to move this bit here…
Henry’s head suddenly shot up when the lights from the vending machine brightened up, shielding his eyes for a second. Then, the ever-annoying laugh from the vending machine started playing, only it was much louder than before. All three of them covered their ears, Bendy even wincing at the loud noise as a deafening jingle started to play.
“Welcome to the Circus of Values
You’ll find no better vending service around you
We’ve got everything that you’ll ever need
Don’t be shy! Come on by! You’ve got a craving to feed~”
“AHHHH!” Henry fell backward onto his backside, hands conversing the sides of his head as the sheer volume made his ears ring.
“WHAT THE HELL?!” Delta jumped back from the machine. “What in the world did ya do, Henry?!”
“I-I-I don’t know,” he cried, seeing Ross scramble to his feet, almost losing his balance and needing the wall to steady himself. “This has never happened before!”
“You can never be too prepared
We’ve got plenty of supplies to spare~”
“Ohhhh! Music!” Bendy beamed, jumping down off Delta’s shoulder, looking over at the machine with stars in his eyes.
“Shut that damn thing off, Henry!” Delta tried to yell over the song. “Everyone in this whole city is gonna hear that thing! We’re gonna be drowning in splicers!”
“Oh shit!” Henry rushed back to the machine, trying his best to endure the loud music as he fiddled with it some more. “Oh shit, oh shit, ohshitohshit,OHSHIT!”
“Without your wallet it’s gonna cost ya
But if you’ve got the capital
We got the product!~”
“I think we’re too late for that,” Ross paled as he looked up to see a splicer screeching at them from a nearby balcony.
Henry gulped, as even with the blaring music, he could hear the sounds of voices all around them.
"I don't like the sound of that!"
"H-hello? Is there someone in the hall?"
“You don't come to my town, kid!"
"A rat! It's a rat!"
Henry spared a single glance behind him, seeing the oncoming hoard approaching. They were in deep shit.
“Damn!” Ross readied his pistol. “They’re coming guys, get ready!”
“This ain’t no charity
Come back when you get some money, buddy~”
The splicers descended upon them. Delta rushed forward, slamming one into the wall with his drill while Ross sent out crows to slow them down.
“Where the hell did they all come from?!” Delta yelled, knocking down splicers left and right. “There was nobody around before, so what gives?!?”
“You think I know that?” Ross retorted, shooting a splicer down before they got too close to Henry.
“Grab snacks and drinks and first aid
For when you get bloody, uh oh!~”
“Dammit! That stupid song is mocking us!” Delta complained, feeling his stomach rumble at the mention of food. “Hey Henry! What’s taking you so damn-”
The big daddy stopped as he turned around to see his little devil just dancing along to the song. Bendy had the biggest grin on his feet as he tapped his feet to the beat, completely lost in the music.
“Bendy,” Delta called out to the little devil, his voice a little strained. “You’re real adorable, but now really isn’t the time, okay buddy?” 
Bendy just looked up at his dad in confusion
“Huh? Why’s that?” He tilted his head up at him.
Just as Bendy asked the question, a splicer came jumping down from a balcony, screaming bloody murder as it charged at Delta. Bendy yelped as he scrambled up Delta’s back, the big daddy sending a blast of Old Man Winter to freeze the splicer in place. He then rushed forward and smashed them to bits.
“That’s why,” Delta pointed out, reaching up to rub Bendy’s head. “Just stick close to me, alright bud?”
“Ain’t life in Rapture grand?
Come on and give us a hand
We’ll build a paradise~”
“There’s no end to them!” Ross cried, sending splicers hurtling into the air with Newton’s Law.
“We just wanted some fucking food,” Henry grumbled under his breath as he worked. “We didn’t ask for this. Didn’t ask to be at the bottom of the goddamn ocean dealing with psychopaths. Didn’t ask for all this BULLSHIT! WHY WON’T YOU SHUT UP YOU DAMN MACHINE?!”
“Henry!” Ross kicked a splicer in the chest before turning to face Henry. “You have to calm down! You’re not thinking straight right now. Now isn’t the time to panic!”
“Calm down, yeah, I’ll get right to that shall I?” Henry grumbled under his breath. “I’m sorry Ross, but now seems like the PERFECT TIME TO PANIC!”
“Don’t tamper with the hardware
Unless you’re a parasite~”
“COME ON!” Delta roared, smashing splicer after splicer in the face with his drill. “I DON’T,” he whacked another one. “HAVE,” Whack! “ANY TIME,” Whack! ���FOR THIS!” Whack! “HENRY SHUT THAT DAMN THING OFF ALREADY!”
“I AM T R Y I N G!” Henry screamed back, hitting the machine desperately. “This should go here, and that there, and WHY ISN’T THIS WORKING???” he cried, feeling tears of panic prick at his eyes.
“You’re not a man if you’re demanding handouts
Come back when you get some money, buddy~”
“Any time now, Henry!” Ross yelled, elbowing a splicer in the face, shooting another point blank with his pistol. 
“I know! I knowwwww,” Henry whined, shocking the machine with his shock jockey again and again in the vain hope that it would help. The shocks did nothing though, other than somehow make the music louder. Henry could hardly hear himself think over the noise.
“Our prices are the best
We drive the competition nutty~”
“SHUT UP” Henry screamed at the machine, whacking it as hard as he could. "WHY CAN'T YOU SHUT UPPPPPP PLEASEEEE,” Henry cried desperately, tears streaming down his face. “I’M BEGGING YOU, CIRCUS OF VALUES CLOWN, JUST SHUT UPPPPPPP!"
The sweater-clad man let out a scream of frustration as he stood up and began repeatedly kicking the machine. “SHUT UP! SHUTUP! SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!” He screamed, kicking the machine again with each word.
“Welcome to the Circus of Values
You’ll find no better vending service around you
We’ve got everything that you’ll ever need
Don’t be shy! Come on by! You’ve got a craving to feed~”
“THAT’S IT!” Delta yelled, storming towards the machine. “I’VE HAD IT UP TO HERE WITH THIS DAMN THING!”
The big daddy pushed Henry aside, grabbed the machine by both sides and lifted the whole thing up.
“Go home if you can’t afford to buy it~”
“TAKE THIS YOU STUPID VENDING MACHINE!” He hollered, throwing the thing with all his might and managing to take out the last few splicers with it. The thing burst, raining bullets, snacks and drinks all over the place. Henry even felt a pep bar hit him on the head before tumbling to the ground.
The song stopped, the sound from the machine sputtering. The last noise it made was a feeble “No refunds, no returnssssssss-,” before it went silent. The three of them just stood there for a moment, catching their breath. A second later though, alarms started blaring, the security system alerted that the vending machine had been vandalized.
“Why did you do that, Delta?!” Henry cried, pointing an accusing finger at Delta. “Now we’re going to be swarmed by security bots!”
“If I had to listen to any more of that annoying song, I was gonna lose my mind!” Delta shot back. “There’s no time to argue, grab the food and run!”
The big daddy rushed forward, grabbing as many bags of chips and creme-filled cakes as his arms could carry. Henry and Ross quickly rushed forward too, Ross making sure to grab a coffee thermos as Henry snagged some pep bars.
“Here they come!” Ross yelled as the whirling sound of security bots got closer.
“Run for it!” Delta tried to scream through a mouthful of chips he had cramped in his mouth.
“Shit!” Henry yelped around a pep bar he had hanging out of his mouth, trying his best to run with his arms full of food.
“Save some food for me, Daddy!” Bendy whined as they all booked it out of there, security bots right on their heels. They were certainly having a grand old time in Rapture.
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