#damn josh really is a jackass
thepixelelf · 6 months
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warnings: coarse language. wc: 793
[the amnesia card always declines]
If there's one thing Joshua Hong has above all else, it's the audacity.
If there's two things, it's the audacity and the most grabbable, stupidly defined, makes-you-wanna-bite-into-them man tits you've ever seen in your godforsaken, miserable life.
Well, okay, maybe that counts as three things. Whatever.
"Oh my fucking god," you hiss, ducking closer to the coffee shop/bakery's table and hiding your entire head with both arms. "What is he doing here?!"
Soonyoung, the least subtle person you know (but you've given up on fixing him at this point) turns 180 degrees in his chair to watch the loser posing for a "totally casual" photoshoot outside. He hums in understanding, putting his hand under his chin like an experienced detective. "He must've seen your instagram story."
"He doesn't even follow me..."
"Oh, he's following you, alright." Soonyoung turns back around and stabs his fork into his strawberries 'n' cream croffle.
You glare at him over the pastries on the table. "Very funny."
"I know I am," he says with a dumb smile that says your sarcasm was not effective! "When are you going to stop holding your stupid grudge?"
An offended scoff escapes you. "It is a completely reasonable grudge, for your information."
"What, you being mad at him for...kissing you at that party?"
"For smooshing that stupid pretty face on mine at that party then acting like it never happened!" You slap your hands on the table, but as soon as you spot Joshua outside start to turn his head, you duck back into hiding.
Soonyoung points his fork at you. "He was drunk."
"So was I," you argue with a sneer. "But I remember everything-- especially you being the reason we had to cut the night short because you started drunk-crying and I had to take you home."
Suddenly capable of shame, Soonyoung scoots forward in his chair and leans over the table. "Have I mentioned that I love you and you're the best friend in the world?"
"Whatever, buddy." You roll your eyes. "Just remember all the shit I've done for you when I'm the one crying in the club."
"Crying in the club?" echoes Joshua--
Your soul escapes your body entirely and jolts back in a nano-second. "Holy fuck--" You put a hand over your racing heart and send a death glare to the smug offender. "You scared the shit out of me!"
Joshua just smiles that stupidly pretty smile and, damn it, you're supposed to be ignoring this jackass.
"Sorry," he says, but he doesn't sound sorry at all. "Are you free?"
Making a face, you look over at Soonyoung, who just shrugs, then back at Joshua. "...Right now?"
"Right now is good." He nods in thought. "Or later today. Or tomorrow. If not, then the day after that. You've been avoiding me."
You force your shoulders to relax and avert your eyes. "No I haven't."
Joshua's expression suddenly goes solemn, which you notice because, shit, you started looking at him again. "Did I do something?"
At that, you scoff, crossing your arms and shaking your head in disbelief.
"Seriously. That party... I don't remember much, except that I've barely seen you since."
"Don't play the amnesia card on me, Josh. It's so tired."
His brows furrow, and your stupid fingers want to massage the hurt look right off his forehead. As if the dumbass deserves it.
"It's not amnesia," Joshua says. "But it's fuzzy. I can't tell what really happened that night or what was just my dream."
"Really? We're talking dreams now?"
He shrugs, crossing his arms, which fold just underneath those stupid, huge pecs... "I happen to dream about you a lot."
"Mmhm... Sure..." Are they bigger than the croffles? The melon buns? The... "Wait-- what?"
Joshua smiles, and you just know he caught you staring, the little shit. "I said, I dream about you a lot. Kiss scenes included."
Your jaw drops, maybe to the floor, but you can't be bothered to check. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Soonyoung make a perfect circle with his mouth before he hurriedly asks the barista if they serve popcorn.
"Joshua Hong, you..." Standing from your chair, you fist the collar of his fleece sweater in both hands, primed to throttle. "...are so fucking stupid."
Then somehow, even though you're the one who pulls him in, he's the one who takes your breath away.
When your lips part, though, you open your eyes while his stay closed, and he leans in again.
"Wait," you say, halting him with the one word. "How did you find me here?"
Wincing, Joshua peeks just one eye open. "Please don't be mad at him."
You whip around, but the bell over the shop's door is already tinging, and Soonyoung is dashing across the street like his life depends on it.
Good, because it does.
"Kwon Soonyoung! You are so fucking dead!"
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thiinka · 1 year
Ok, I have seen TONS of posts about Josh Hutcherson complaining or observing that, “he didn’t do barely anything after Hunger Games! I wanted to see him in more stuff!” And with the new trailer for it, some want more Hutcherson content before the FNAF movie.
Well. I have a Hulu original (looks safe from the evil mouse merge)/yarr harr high seas (looks like at least 1337x has all 3 seasons) show recommendation for you. It’s taken up welcome space in my brain, for many good and funny reasons. I’m not a Hulu or executive producer Seth Rogan shill, this show is just surprisingly damn good.
Future Man, starring and produced by Josh Hutcherson.
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Josh Hutcherson is Josh… Futturman, a janitor at a local biotech research lab which is doing work on curing all illnesses. He finishes a particular video game in his spare time, which turns out to be a scenario sent from the future to the past as a way to find someone to save humanity’s future. Future freedom fighters Tiger and Wolf, the other two main characters, time travel into his bedroom, and the story kicks off. Turns out the biotech research lab isn’t doing the good work it says it is.
Yes, there is time travel. Multiple forms of time travel are used in intelligent ways to the service of the story and the characters, not just to “be smarter than you.” Alternate timelines, doomed timeline individuals, altered main timelines, facilitated by multiple kinds of time travel devices with different capabilities. You’ve seen time cops done before, well here they are again but better and funnier. You’ve seen a time loop done before, well here it is again but with more horrifying implications.
Yes, the characters do start off fairly one-dimensional. You have a weak gamer, a strong woman, and a tough man. Then both the main characters and recurring side characters have arcs and development that make sense with their foundations and personalities, both individually and as a group. It’s consistent, they use skills they picked up in a time travel stint, plot lines that affected them come back. Same thing with the world setting. I really don't want to spoil it, it's so damn fun to see these guys pick up skills and traits.
Yes, the humor is ALSO very crude and sometimes fluid-based. A couple of the writers also worked on Sausage Party. I don’t have a lot of points here: if you’re ok with sex and nudity humor erring on the (well done!) practical effects gross-wise, go for it. If you’re not, I hope you can forgive me but this show might not be for you. However, some of these physical jokes come back for the sake of the story and character development, sometimes in surprising ways. For example, something that happens early season 1 comes back in mid season 2 to connect characters, and it's an incredibly touching payoff for how crude the setup was.
For having such crude humor, with such a tropey beginning to the story, with such basic characters, I was shocked by myself a couple episodes in: I was really invested in what these guys would do next and what would happen next. Wacky stuff happens every episode that still manages to logically follow what happened before. I know, it's the minimum for a fun show, but it was also emotionally engaging. I wanted to see these jackasses win and understand and work with each other! With the least amount of damage to themselves and the world! Their motivations change and shift and become more personal and come into conflict with the goals of others and their group! Holy shit, these are well written dynamic people who remember (or don't ;) ) things that happened to them!
Did I mention there are three complete seasons, each with its own different but logically connected arc, that it’s a finished story, and it was not cancelled midway through? Give it a shot!
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Gravity Falls Beyond the Woods Chapter 14
Rose and the gang finds The Homunculus' base.
warning: Mild drinking
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Pacifica sat, lost in her thoughts. She was scared. She had never been so scared. Ashley and little Stanley were in danger. They were in danger and she couldn't do anything to save them. She had never felt so helpless, not even during weirdmaggedon, when she turned into a carpet.
“Pacifica,” came the cold condescending voice of her father. “I see you have lost your children.”
Pacifica was sitting in the hotel bar, trying to regain her composure after the night. “Not now, Dad. Not whatever this is. Please.”
Preston's eyes narrowed. “You’re ungrateful, you know that? Everything you have comes from me. Our name, Northwest.”
“Dad you lost everything, failing to sell out to Bill Cypher. And you didn't even do a good job at it. You just put our fortune on ‘weirdness’ stocks. Which doesn't even make any goddamn sense.” She stood up, her gaze drilling into her father. “You had nothing to give me. I earned everything back.”
And with that, the blonde stormed off.
Wrapped around a huge tree, the stairs were windy and deep. Down, down the children went, marching toward a foe they didn't understand.
“Are we even going the right way?” Complained Ashley.
“This is we're we were told to go,” Rose said, her voice uncertain.
It had been long since the deal was made and time had taken the shine off. And fairy time made it impossible to tell how long it actually was. Before they had left, Puck had given them a map.
“There are holes in our world. This one should lead you right into The Homunculus’ lair.” The map itself was strange. The land shown shifted and changed with each step, and was marked with odd symbols Rose couldn’t recognize. She understood it enough to know that they were nearing where the fairies wanted them to go.
The map took them to the…middle of the tree? Rose guessed. “The map says to stop here.”
“Are you sure?” Josh asked.
“I… think so?” She held her arms in front of her. “The air feels different. Denser?” Rose could feel something pressing against her, like someone covered an entrance with saran wrap. When she pushed against it she briefly saw a metal hallway. “Guys, I think I found the entrance to Homunculus' base. Come on!”
Rose pushed the air with all her might. Soon the others were seeing it too. Tyrone began pushing too. Soon everyone was following them. Rose heard a loud pop and she and everyone else fell to the floor. They were off the stairs! Rose did it, she found the base! She turned around and felt around. Whatever hole in reality was one way she guessed.
Ashley hugged Stanley. “How are we gonna get out?”
Rose took a deep breath. “Beat the bad guy.”
Wendy chugged her third cup of coffee. This was the longest day of her life since… Mom left? The first day of Weirdmaggedon? Christ, she had too long days. She heard a knock on the door. Upon opening it, Wendy was greeted by Pacifica Northwest-Pines. She held up a bottle of whiskey and gave it a little shake. “Get in here,” She told her.
In her other hand, Pacifica held two small glasses. She set them onto the table. “Mabel's asleep.” She said as she poured the whiskey into the glasses. The bottle had her company's logo. While wine has her main product, Pacifica was branching out. Wendy took one of the glasses.. It was cold to the touch, Pacifica must have been keeping them in her freezer. It was too early to drink or too late. Wendy drank it anyway.
“The kids are alright,” Pacifica said. “We-we lived through worse, right?”
“Yeah, we did.” It wasn't a lie, but it felt like one. It felt different, being on the other end of this. Damn Wendy really should apologize to her father. “So how are things going with your business?”
The question was meant as a distraction, one that Pacifica was glad to have. “Fine, fine. My dad's being well… my dad about it.”
“Hmmm. Man's a jackass.”
Pacifica laughed. “Yeah, yeah he is.”
The base was the coolest thing Rose had seen. The ceiling was so up, she couldn't even see it. Strange patterns of wires and pipes lined the walls. There was only one issue with it.
“Everything looks the goddamn same!” Tyrone shouted.
“Well not everything everything,” Rose grumbled.
Ashley looked around nervously. “Please don't shout. Something's gonna hear you.”
“She's right you know,” said a voice. It was deep and mechanical. And it came from above their heads. From the shadows above, came down The Homunculus. His metal suit was mixed and matched bits of grey, with even some copper thrown in. The other kids didn't notice but Ashley could tell it was a patchwork of different materials. His face hidden behind a helmet with a big visor that made him look like a power ranger villain. The red cape and tubes in the suit certainly didn't help matters. “I’ve been hearing you for hours.”
Rose gulped nervously. “Ho-Homunculus, you have to stop attacking the fairies-” While Rose was speaking, Homunculus sped toward the girl and punched her in the gut. The last thing Rose heard before she slipped into unconsciousness was her family screaming.
Manly Dan awoke to a knock at his front door. It was Wendy with a bag of bagels. “I got us bagels.” As they ate she dimly told him what happened to her husband. “How-how did you do it Dad? How did you deal with me? I was a nightmare.”
Manly Dad gave his daughter a sad smile. “I wasn’t that easy to deal with myself. If I was maybe your ma…” Dan gave a sad sigh. “Dipper be alright. He survived worse than this since he was a boy. And your kids will be fine. They have the strongest mom and dad ever.”
Tears rolled down Wendy’s face. “They shouldn't have to be strong. They’re just kids.”
Rose woke up to the sound of her father's voice. “Rose? Rose?”
“Daddy?” She opened her eyes and was greeted to the sight of her dad. “Dad!” He was strapped to a table as was Rose.
“Thank God you're alive,” He coughed.
Rose looked around. Everyone else was here strapped. She felt a pang of guilt.
“Everyone alright?” She was answered By grim nods. “Dad how did you get-”
“Government guys. Took me and knocked me out. Woke up here with all of you.”
“Government guys? What does that have to do with fairies?”
“So you were taken by fairies! Are you hurt? Are you okay?”
“She's fine,” Came the cold mechanical of the Homunculus. He walked Into the room and looked everyone over. “Still trying to put the pieces together? Here I thought you were smart. I guess you're still the lost kid.”
“You know me?”
“How could I not brother?” The Homunculus removed his helmet. It was Dipper’s face. But it was wrong. Young and round he was still clearly twelve. Not only that, the color was desaturated in his face. He had the trademark hat on but instead of the pine tree, it was the number 4 in faded sharpie. “Or is it father? Where does a clone fit on the family tree, huh?”
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ncrosha · 1 month
❝ Tell me what to do to make it all feel better. ❞ (david)
"don't ask me how to make it feel all better for starters. what are you, my mom?" josh snarks, absently tossing the ball in his hand back against the wall. "and it's not like you're the one who... ah."
it's a shitty thing he did. disappearing.
"... maybe just... stay here for a bit?"
there were dozens of ways he could've slipped quietly away from the life. with the help of hindsight he could see that most of them did not include tossing his phone into the unforgiving brine.
... no. even then he'd known he was taking the coward's way out. there was nothing noble about it. part of it was self-preservation, terrified at what the x-men would do to him now that he was all death and no life. but the bigger part, the part that kept him up at night for all these years, was the looks upon their faces when he told them the truth.
fearing above all else that they would take it as proof that at his core he remained the same bigoted asshole who only came around because he suddenly had skin in the game.
he'd seen it once. the way all that love evaporated. and he's pretty sure killing kevin, no matter how far gone he was, trumped cheating on laurie.
he catches the ball, hesitating a moment before he sets it aside. it's the middle of the night and he's here, waking david up because he can't sleep, like they're back in highschool and david's still his security blanket. his person. sure, they see each other. with the buffer of coworkers, the imminent needs of the many greatly outweighing the importance of a conversation between two. it feels like too much to be here, taking up his time, when he hasn't had the courage to say a damn thing. it's selfish.
because he still is. in so many ways, david is the one who kept him from going off the deep-end. the mental image of his disappointment was enough to keep him from deviating too far to the dark side, the answer to the question of what would david do? giving him the strength needed to stand up for what was right.
even when everyone was telling him he was wrong.
"... i'm sorry." his empty white eyes search david's face, noting all the ways he'd changed in the years since they were last like this. he's grown up just as much as josh has, if not more. handsome and more self-assured, more confident in his own skin, whereas josh has never felt more disconnected from his.
"i wasn't necessarily in hiding, but - i mean, i guess i was. from... you, and nori, 'n julian. but i knew - i knew you were trying to find me," he glances down at his hands, drumming his long fingers against the counter. thinks about how many times he'd sensed david in his vicinity, and how despite how badly he wanted to run to him - he'd turned on his heel and sprinted in the opposite directing.
"... it's fucked up that when you did, i was in a coffin... and when i..." his brows pinch downward. the memories associated with that too painful to touch. "... its messed up i let you just keep thinking i was dead, 'til i couldn't anymore. and it's messed up that you're here and i'm still, like, essentially avoiding you and everybody else until i can't and..."
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a pause. josh rubs at one pale eye with the heel of his hand, thankful that his powers keep him from bursting into a blubbering mess. what kind of jackass friend is he? busting into david's place in the middle of the goddamn night and throwing a pity party.
"... i'm just really, really sorry, man. i'm the one who needs to make it better."
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
There are other things in the news and not too many other things
-pseudo empire is being attacked by the morlock. And it is heavy fighting it is in the northern hemisphere of the West and in the northern portion of South America and also parts of Mexico they found them there and several bunkers that we mentioned earlier one of them is in the desert the Mojave and they're going there and they think that they were launching attacks from there onto the burning Man area.
-these attacks are very big it is by the warlock they are sitting in significant troops it should be monitored very closely and not underestimated that there capabilities are still horrendous we are watching them closely and they are trying to meet the whole time that they're marching and it is disgusting we are getting to a lot of fire fights with them to keep them away from civilization and the max are too and foreigners and they are getting slaughtered in some areas and when they refuse to comply they lose a few battalions and it is now the norm that's a lot of people and they don't seem to care
-it won't take much longer for these despicable people to leave we cannot stand in here they are very horrible to our son and we didn't think they would do this they're so bad that it's ridiculous and we don't want them around him we have every experience you can possibly have almost every night with these jackasses in the book we'll see the max make them do this and make them do that and they can't help it and under threat and such and we'll pay and so on they say so I'm going to hit them we're thinking of hitting a whole bunch of them to shut them the hell up and stop them from bothering us they're planning an invasion
-and you're full of s*** Josh Garth you're a loser the plans escaped get away from you you're so damned annoying and you're a liar he didn't kill him any max and they slaughter your people we need you to shut your face or are we going to come after you did you hear it good and you're not shutting up so we're going to start now
-is a whole bunch of people who are going to invade they say and they're starting to form up with Georgia and Alabama a little not much I'm still trying to get there love together in other words they're growing a real big one and we requested sort of that they take their huge cannons and keep them down and unloaded so far they are and good for them so this is going on right now and they happen to have way too many pieces of hardware out there and other people noticing it it's a child can't build up is it gigantic buildup and really they don't have a buildup out here like they usually do and fairly soon and moments the pseudo empire are going to request that they disperse or depart for the ocean and they divert and they'll be hit and they see the idea right now this is several candles rising and they're attempting to load we see two or three spaceships moving above them and yelling commands and sending it and signals and in English using the international codes they are not responding yet hello again and really five are still rising a very very big and the arc that they would produce somewhere in the Eastern Europe they are trying to load the rounds are 10 or 15 miles across and these cannons are enormous and the ships are 100 miles they say to lower the cannons or they will open fire they're not lowering the chance and we are seeing streams of fire coming from the ships they're not small ships I have 200 MI huge dreams and the ship on shore is on fire and exploding and it is a huge scene about 500 ships that are 20 miles are on fire and there will be more it's going right down the line and it's going to be over for them and BJ said you did not follow orders and he was issuing orders for them to do that. Right now they are heating up a billion ships and those billion ships with the part momentarily let's say and try to get to Earth and then we'll try to stop ships from firing on the ocean going vessels and that's only one location there are five of those where they are but they're also closely monitored
-other groupings are trying to raise their hands they're in order to lower their cannons they alone will be fired upon and they will be responsible for destroying the fleet and they are telling to lower the cannons again and to not arm them and they are sitting there saying no and it's weird they didn't know the others went up they can see a light. Two of them are lowering the cannons and trying to leave they have their engines on they're not fully warm but they are taking and the ships moving and it's going into the ocean and now 40 miles an hour and it's going up. Is reaching 100 and people are getting on life rafts and there's a lot of them they're moving fast I really have to like a thousand miles an hour to get anywhere and it's too fast to jump off and they're reaching about 300 and the ship and these are fifties I simply clear in about 15 minutes although they are increasing speed and the other ships are not lowering their cannons and these ships are about three breaths away that are not empty and the ships of Jason to them are 50 is just sitting there and they're hauling ass really they are going fast at 700 miles an hour it'll be clear in about 3 minutes and they're jamming it we think they might make it. And they are raising those cannons and still trying to load them to see the ships moving and I can't wait any longer the first surprise hits just the cannons and they explode and fall and the ship catches fire and it's spreading and it's going 100-200 -800 miles an hour. The '50s break away they are about a mile away now it's a few miles it might make it to breed doesn't hit them and fire has spread only about 30 miles in their direction and it's taking his time so you going 100 miles an hour I thought about 800 mph and other ships are leaving yeah they usually happens that way those ships are moving out all up and down the place to keep from blowing up some of them started a few minutes ago they're moving out pretty fast and firing it up and believe it or not they are hauling ass the '50s next to him started up about 5 minutes ago and started rolling almost right away they're doing as fast as they can that big one's going to tear apart any minute now. There's a huge pet going on in Vegas and they're betting on those ships and they do it all the time. And people are upset this time they don't think they should be doing that and they say it's not illegal but it is it's against the law it's war profiteerring. And also making money off the movie. A lot of ships are clear and the fire is about 200 miles up the ship. It's a big one 500 miles and it's doomed and people trying to get off it screaming and yelling and it's horrible just way too many people and it's way too big they're going down slides and they're getting burnt there's tons and tons of people doing it and VGA is losing them because he's and just starting an idiot. The flotilla has Departed let's take them 8 hours to all get here and it probably will wait till tonight forces are going to start building up this is probably one of the last attacks the voice is probably almost and the people overseas I'm going to cut down and we said the overseas is like 3.5%, they have a couple of things to report but he is tired so we will report those tomorrow
Thor Freya
Hera hit a rough day it wasn't as bad as usual but it's still pretty rough
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Rule one of surviving the apocalypse? Check where you plan to sleep. It’s all well and good fortifying one of the abandoned houses people under twenty can now officially own – a positive in this complete shitstorm of a situation – but maybe check you’re not shutting something in with you.
There are, obviously, other rules. It takes way more than a simple good night’s sleep to survive the living hell we now call life, but that’s a biggie. And, it’s the rule some jackass loser broke when he trespassed on my territory!
Now, I know what you’re thinking, who am I and why am I so entitled to this house that I’m stealing into the master bedroom of it with a knife? All valid, and all readily answerable, questions.
My name’s Dulcie Ashton and this was my father’s house before all the adults turned into braindead repetitive Ghoulies… Or, until their condition worsened, at least.
The aforementioned jackass is currently using the master bedroom as their own. I’d heard them clattering around the house, checking everywhere but the panic room (it was like they’ve never been in a mafia home before). And so I’d simply waited. Waited until it was dark, until I assumed they were asleep before trying to get the message across.
Which is why you join me, sneaking into the master bedroom of my own damn house, with a knife in hand.
Carefully, I sneak closer to the bed. The boy’s breaths are even, but I refuse to fully allow myself to be taken in. He might be fully asleep, or he might be faking it. For all I know it’s a massive coup and he’s been patiently waiting for me to make my move. Doubtful, yet a possibility I have to entertain.
When I’m finally beside the bed I don’t let myself get distracted by how he looks. I appreciate that he’s attractive but suspicion means it’s a fleeting thing. Instead, I place the knife a little over his throat and my other hand by his mouth. I take a deep breath before dropping both into position.
It’s only at the last moment I realise what a stupid idea it is. Just before he can sit up I move the knife. But it isn’t like in the cartoons. He gives a little start, eyes widen as his hand scrabbles for the bedside lamp.
‘Don’t,’ I grit out, placing the knife carefully on his Adam’s Apple. He’s scared, as he should be, but part of me wonders how the bloody hell he’s survived this long if it takes him so long to fully wake up. ‘Giving away your location seems pretty dim.’
The look in his eyes tells me he begrudgingly agrees, and I move my hand from his mouth.
‘Who are you?’ he asks, trying to shift into a more comfortable position – or grab a weapon… maybe I should have checked that.
Instead, I shift the knife a little more firmly into place. ‘Really, I should be asking you that as you broke into my house -’
‘This place was empty!’ he defends, but he must notice the raised eyebrow before he sags slightly. ‘I thought it was.’
‘You do know who this place belonged to, right?’
‘Yeah, but he doesn’t need – hey!’
Emotions are a funny thing. I thought I was OK with the idea that my parents had obviously turned into Ghoulies. In fact, it was kind of nice knowing Dad finally looked the role of monster that suited his business down to the ground. Hearing it said by a stranger? That was a little too close to home, apparently.
‘Sorry,’ I murmur, glad that the nick to his neck is little more than a scratch. One lacking in blood, just a trace white line in his skin.
I doubt he hears it though. His eyes are suddenly bright and I know he’s putting it together, however slowly.
‘Your dad was –’
‘Yes, yes,’ I say, batting my free hand in the air dismissively, swallowing the moment of grief. ‘But who are you?’
He heaves a sigh before shifting to a more comfortable position. The threat of the knife’s no longer a massive one. Too much blood and I’m probably in as much trouble as him. ‘Josh Wheeler.’
I nod. I don’t recognise the name, which is usually a positive.
‘Well, Josh Wheeler, why don’t you get the fuck out of my house?’ I ask, finally removing the knife completely. Not that I really want him to accept. The apocalypse sucks alone, but the local kids have all cordoned off territories already and it feels like a disadvantage having boarded for a few months. I was meant to be starting the new school before the bomb dropped.
‘No, Dulcie,’ he says, catching me off guard by using my name.
But then logic kicks in. My mother put my name on my door, a little sign she’d decorated herself. I shrug the shock off like a coat. ‘Well then, looks like we’ve got some business to see to then.’
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broken--stardust · 3 years
i love you, more - j.t.k.
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well, this is my first fic. ever! not just first gvf fic. i hope you guys enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing it. :) please like and reblog if you so desire!
summary: snapshots of various key moments in y/n and jake's relationship.
pairing: jake x f. reader
warnings: cussing, mentions of drinking, being drunk, sensual flirting, allusions to sex, making out (not very detailed), christmas time, lots of fluffy shit :)
word count: 4.8k
It had been two months. Really, six, if you ignored the fact that you only saw Jake for one day in between. Yes, you were a supportive girlfriend, yes, you were proud of your boyfriend and your best friends for how far they’d come, and yes, you understood that this was also their job. But you were also human. You’d had a lonely last few months while the boys were on tour. Unfortunately, it just wasn’t realistic for you to be a groupie this time, given a recent promotion at your job. Originally, they were only going to tour part of Europe for a month in the summer, but when their manager found out that another band on their label had to drop out of touring during the fall, they jumped at the chance to announce a surprise North and South American tour at the last minute.
You and Jake had been officially dating for a year that October, but if you two were being quite honest, you could say there had been something there since at least high school.
At promptly 12 a.m. on October 31st, just as you had begun to doze off, you jumped at the frantic vibration of your phone on your nightstand, the screen lit up indicating a FaceTime call from Jake. He was obviously a little tipsy, still sweaty, and speaking at an unusually fast rate as he was still energetic from their show. You could tell from the volume coming from another room that he had left whatever shenanigans the boys were up to, to be alone to call you. “I’m sorry baby, were you asleep?”
“No”, the grogginess in your voice betraying you.
“You’re a filthy liar”, he smirked at you.
“Yeah, yeah”, you were too tired for a quick-witted response.
“Well hey babe, do you know what today is?”
“Ha-ha, dipshit.”
You laughed at the all-too-familiar banter. “Happy anniversary, jackass”, you smiled.
He grinned back. “Happy one-year, baby.” There were a few beats of silence as you both smiled at each other through the screen.
“I miss you,” you finally broke the silence.
“You know I miss you too.” He paused. “I’m sorry we can’t spend our actual anniversary together, but I was able to swindle my way out of being at an interview our manager set-up for our day off on Sunday, so I’ll be able to fly home that morning to spend the day with you. If you can make time for me in your busy schedule, of course” he joked.
“Hmm… I’ll have to check my planner. I think I have a date with my other boyfriend that day.”
He smirked, “What a shame. He’s a lucky guy.”
“Mm, I’d have to agree”, you smirked back. You took a break from flirting to ask him how his show that night went, and to check up on the other boys. He caught you up on all of their latest antics, and as he finished a riveting story involving Josh and fire, speak of the devil, you heard a door open and quickly Josh popped in the frame. “Hi Y/N, we miss you,” he smiled at you as he patted Jake on the shoulder. “Hey, Jake, we have to head out in a few. They have everything loaded up.” Jake nodded. Josh blew you a kiss you pretended to catch as he left the frame.
“I gotta go babe, I’ll try to call you tomorrow.”
“Okay babe. I love you,” you smiled to try to hide how much you didn’t want to hang up.
“I love you more.”
And that following Sunday had been the last time you saw him in person. It was now December 24th. It was late, and you were currently drinking yourself into oblivion. Call you dramatic, but you were really fucking sad. One bottle of wine led to another and now you were laying on the floor in front of your Christmas tree, ready to take the damn thing down. Your phone was on the kitchen counter somewhere, still unlocked and open to the last texts between you and Jake. You had no reason to be angry at him and fighting with him was sure as hell the last thing you wanted to do, but you did. Loneliness and missing him had given you a short temper.
That morning, everything had been going exactly as planned. You knew Jake and the band would be coming home that evening, and would be home for Christmas Day, only to hit the road again for a few shows before New Year’s. Your friends, family, and the boys’ families had planned a big Christmas party that half the town was coming to for Christmas Eve, and the boys were going to land just in time to change and head straight there. Knowing it had been so long since you’d seen Jake, you had bought a particularly revealing but classy red dress to surprise him with, and had it hanging on your bedroom door with the jewelry you had picked. You had been awake for only a few minutes, and the sun was peeking through your blinds and catching on the stones in the necklace, scattering reflected light across your bed and floor. You heard your phone buzz. Then another. Then another. You smiled, you knew it was Jake before even picking up your phone to look, because he would never put a complete thought into one text.
Jake: Good morning baby girl :)
Jake: Just landed in Miami! We have a 2hr layover then it’s on to Chicago.
Jake: How long is it socially acceptable for us to be at this party tonight before I can sneak you out and fuck you into oblivion?
Jake: OMG my finger slipped that was an accident
Jake: Also, I love you
You laughed at loud reading your messages from him.
You: I think we should give it at least an hour if we’re feeling gracious. Also, I love you more
The rest of the morning went on in the same way, flirting and bantering as you entertained him during his layover. Once he told you he was on his next flight and was putting his phone on airplane mode, you took a shower and started getting ready for the day.
But once he landed in Chicago, it all went down-hill from there. He was only supposed to have an hour layover before his flight to Michigan, but as a massive snowstorm blew into Chicago out of nowhere, the layover changed to two hours, to three hours, and then his flight was cancelled altogether. He was texting you all of this, keeping you updated, and Josh was texting you as well trying to figure out other ways to get home. Your mood completely shifted as you began to realize there weren’t any. Before Jake could tell you himself, it began to occur to you that even if the snowstorm blew over and he was able to make it home sometime Christmas day, he wouldn’t have time to do much of anything before he had to be back on the road for the next shows. Jake sent you a long text. He apologized, saying how much he missed you, how he would try to find a way to make it home after New Year’s if he wasn’t able to get home sooner, but it did nothing to soothe you. The angst of being away from him for the last two months since your anniversary, and the four months prior to that, was building up to the boiling point.
Jake: I’m so, so sorry.
You: I know.
Jake: If there was anything I could do, I would. I miss you so much.
You: I know.
Jake: I’m sorry.
You: Jake, I don’t know how much longer I can do this.
Jake: What are you talking about?
You: This. You’ve been gone for two months Jake and I only saw you once. And before that, four more months.
Jake: Yeah, I know and I’m sorry
You: You’re always sorry
Jake: Okay and? I am, I miss you. This is hard for me too.
A few minutes went by.
Jake: I can’t control the weather.
That did it. You fucking knew that. But he could control how long he was away, when he made time to come home, and ever since your anniversary you felt like you were on the backburner. Hot, angry tears started streaming down your face, along with your mascara, as you typed back a very heated reply. You knew this would only lead to more fighting over text which wouldn’t solve anything, but you did nothing to reel it in. After a half hour of this, you got:
Jake: I think we should take a break.
And now, this is what had you laying on the floor, your red dress a crumpled mess around you, an empty wine bottle on the table and a half full one on the floor next to you, makeup smeared on your face, with sad Christmas music playing in the background. You kept replaying the conversation in your mind, beating yourself up for not just letting it go. Everyone knows what taking a break is. A break just turns into a break-up. Fuck, you missed him, and it hurt so much. You knew it wasn’t his fault he couldn’t be here. This time, it was the weather. But now, Christmas was yet another thing he was going to miss because of being on a tour. In the past he’d missed your college graduation, your birthday a couple of times, and of course, your anniversary, to name a few.
Movement caught your eye from outside your window, and you glanced over to see the first few snowflakes fall. Tears glinted in your eyes as you watched the flakes begin to cover the ground, the reflection of your Christmas tree lights on the window making for such a pretty scene you would have delighted in if you weren’t so damn sad. You took this opportunity to begin gathering up the empty wine bottles and bringing them into your kitchen. After cleaning up, you went into your bedroom and changed into sweats, and you opened your drawer to find a shirt and saw one of Jake’s t-shirts folded neatly on top. Your eyes filled with tears as you grabbed it and put it on without a second thought. You got under your covers and fell into a shallow slumber.
Sometime in the middle of the night, you awoke to feel the pressure shift in your bed. Your heart started to race in panic until you felt strong arms slowly snake around you. A chin rested on your shoulder and long strands of hair cascaded around your face as a kiss was lightly planted on your cheek. “Jake?” your voice cracked with sleep. “Hi baby.” A husky voice responded. Your brain wasn’t yet awake enough to process the circumstances, only enough for you to roll over and put both your arms around his neck. You both sighed into each other, just holding each other and feeling each other breathe. He finally spoke first. “We hitched a ride.” “What?” was all you could manage. “We went to some restaurant. We ran into this trucker. He wasn’t scared of the snow. So, we asked for a ride. And now here I am.” He kissed your forehead. You laughed softly. “You’re crazy”, you said. “Only for you, pretty girl” he replied. You relaxed into his warmth, relishing in the closeness of his chest flush against yours, your legs intertwined. He placed one hand on your cheek and began to softly caress it with his thumb, and with his other hand placed on your back, he began to lightly drag his fingernails up and down your spine through his t-shirt you were wearing. You sighed into his chest, your eyes starting to feel heavy again. Then you remembered the words you two had exchanged earlier. “Jake?” “Hmm?” he mumbled into your hair. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“I don’t know, for everything earlier, for fighting, for making you feel like I thought you didn’t care, for” he cut you off with a finger against your lips as you rambled.
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for, love. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for making you feel like you’re not a priority. You mean everything to me, and if I don’t remind you of that in some way every single day then I am a shitty-ass boyfriend.” You grabbed the hand that was still gently stroking your cheek, and brought it to your lips,
“You aren’t shitty at all. Plus, you’re here now and that’s all that matters.”
“I plan on being here a lot more often.”
“What do you mean?”
“It was dumb to plan a tour with literally no breaks. It was selfish.”
“But it’s your job, I was just being stupid earlier.”
“No, you weren’t. You made some good points. If I plan on being in a committed relationship, and plan on maintaining any kind of relationship with my family, I need to make an effort to incorporate time to be home into our schedule.” He hugged you even closer to him, if that were even possible. “I love you,” he said as he moved your hair out of the way to place a kiss on your shoulder.
“I love you, more.” It was silent after that. Eventually you heard his breathing slow as he fell asleep. You followed not too long after.
He stayed true to his word. The length of tours became a lot easier to stomach, with scattered weeks of breaks in between to be home to see you and his family. Your one-year relationship quickly turned into three years, and before you knew it, he was down on one knee in front of you.
He could not have picked a better way to propose to you. It was Christmastime again, and you both had thrown a party at your shared apartment. As your guests began to filter out, you began to start cleaning up empty bottles, cans, and discarded paper plates. Once the last guest left, Jake came up behind and wrapped his arms around you, kissing your neck as he grabbed the trash bag from your hand. You leaned into his embrace. “Go change babe, you did all this work getting this party together, let me clean up” he said into your neck. “I won’t argue with that. My feet are killing me” you laughed as you pulled away from him, already slipping your heels off as you went down the hallway, making your way to your bedroom. You sat at your vanity, taking your time removing the bobby pins from your updo, and then removing your makeup. You changed into cozy flannel pajamas, and went to the bathroom to wash your face, and heard the footsteps of Jake entering your room. After putting on moisturizer you came out of your bathroom to see Jake leaning against the doorway in plaid pajama pants and a t-shirt, looking at you expectantly. You smiled questioningly. “What?”
He popped his fingers and adjusted his rings absentmindedly, a tell-tale sign that he was nervous, be it the only indicator. He smiled back at you. “Come with me”, he said, holding his hand out to you. You grabbed his hand and he pulled you out of your bedroom, leading the way down the hallway, through the kitchen, and into your living room. The scene you walked into made your breath hitch in your throat. He had laid down fluffy blankets in front of your Christmas tree with a few throw pillows from the couch, and there was a tray sitting in the middle with hot cocoa and a plate of Christmas cookies leftover from earlier. The record-player on a shelf was singing a Christmas song. As you were taking it in, you realized that Jake had long abandoned your hand and was now sitting cross-legged on the blankets. He looked up at you with a grin like a little kid and patted the open spot on the blanket next to him, beckoning you to come over. As you made your way over, you stole a glance out of the window to see snow begin to fall.
You took your seat next to Jake and you gazed into his deep brown eyes to see the lights from the Christmas tree reflected in them. “You’re so pretty,” you said to him. He blushed and smiled at you. “I think I should be saying that to you,” he said quietly, your faces close enough that you could feel his warm breath on your nose. You kissed him lightly right on the tip of it. He grinned sheepishly at you and then placed his arm around your shoulder bringing you closer to him. You both sip on your hot chocolate as you watch the snow cover the ground.
“This is beautiful, Jake. Thank you,” you murmured against his neck as you kissed it. He turned towards you and cupped your cheek with his hand as he took your lips into his own. The kiss was slow and sweet, sprinkled with passion not to lead somewhere, but just to simply enjoy each other’s presence.
Several minutes of your mouths moving together, hands dancing across each other’s skin, went by and soon it was time to flip the record over. Jake stood to do so, and you watched him admiringly as he stole glances at you, a smile stretched across his lips. The beginning notes of Frank Sinatra’s version of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” could be heard in the background as Jake made his way back towards you. He didn’t sit down though. Instead he held his hand out to you, and you raised your eyebrow at him questioningly. “May I have this dance,” he asked softly. You grinned and grabbed his hand as you stood up from the mess of blankets. He pushed the coffee table out of the way to make more room. He took your waist into his hands, and you snaked your arms around his neck. He placed a soft peck on your nose before you leaned forward to lay your head on his chest, him taking his hands from your waist and wrapping his arms around you to pull you closer to him. Neither of you said anything as you slowly spun and swayed to the calming voice of Frank Sinatra. Eventually, Jake broke the comfortable silence. “I love you so much.” You smiled into his chest to yourself before you looked up at him. You gazed into his eyes, full of so much adoration and desire, and the slight tinge of anxiousness from earlier that you still hadn’t figured out. “I love you more” you breathed. He swallowed audibly. “What’s up, babe?” you finally asked. “Huh?” he asked, slightly shaking his head like he had zoned out.
“I asked what’s up. Something has been a little off with you this whole time.”
“Oh,” he muttered. “Nothing’s up. All good. Everything’s good.”
“Now you’re rambling. What’s on your mind?”
He took a deep breath and broke the eye contact, looking out the window. “I just…” he looked back at you. “I love you. So much.”
You grinned. “I know.”
“No like, I can’t imagine my life without you. You make me more myself and encourage me to follow my dreams and passions like no one ever has, but you still keep me grounded. You’re incredibly smart, way smarter than me, you have the most beautiful mind. You have such a kind heart. And you’re extremely funny. Even though your jokes are very dumb most of the time.” You playfully slapped his arm at that, but smiled at him, encouraging him to keep going because he clearly wasn’t done. He took a deep, slightly shaky breath, and continued. “You always think of the little things, reminding me of things I forgot to pack, leaving notes in my luggage, which I’ve kept them all, by the way” he rambled on, talking a mile a minute. “And you’re beautiful, like, so fucking gorgeous. You don’t even realize. And it’s not just when you’re all dolled up, it’s also when you come home from work and throw your hair up in a bun and rant about all the shit you put up with at work. Or when you just get out of the shower and your hair is all wet and curly and your cheeks are red since you shower in literal lava. And you have the most beautiful eyes, I hope our kids have your eyes. Do you ever think about what our kids would look like? I think we’d make the most adorable little shits to ever walk the earth.” You realized you had started to cry as you tasted a bit of salt on the corner of your mouth from a tear that had escaped your eye. He wiped it away with his thumb and you realized he was tearing up a bit, too. “Y/N, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I can’t even begin to imagine a life without you in it, because the only future I’ve ever imagined is centered around you. So,” he took both your hands in his and you could feel them trembling. You pulled one hand away and wiped your cheeks with the sleeve of your free arm, tears streaming down your face now that you had realized what was happening. You put your hand back in his. When you focused your eyes on him again, he kept his trained on yours as he maneuvered onto one knee. He fumbled with his free hand in his pants pocket, dropping a little, black velvet box onto the floor with how much he was shaking. You squeezed the hand that was holding both of yours and smiled at him, knowing how rare it was to see him nervous but when he was, he was riddled with anxiety. “It’s okay” you encouraged. He picked the box up and used his thumb to manipulate it open. The Christmas lights from the tree caused the stones to sparkle with such beautiful intensity, you couldn’t help but gasp. He smiled at your reaction and took another deep breath. “Y/N, will you marry me?” You fell to the floor and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Yes, yes,” you mumbled into his neck.
Your wedding was small, simple, and intimate. You were surrounded by only your closest friends and loved ones, getting to enjoy each other instead of being caught up in an elaborate party. It wasn’t long before you became pregnant with your first child. You took around 10 pregnancy tests just to be sure, because you were so excited but anxious about getting your hopes up only for it to be wrong. Jake came home from the studio to hear quiet sniffles from behind the closed bathroom door. “Y/N?” he knocked lightly before entering, opening the door to see you sitting on the rug in front of your bathtub, surrounded by discarded boxes and plastic wrappers, holding five tests in each hand. His mouth dropped open. “Are you…” he closed his mouth without finishing the sentence. You only nodded. He sat down on the floor with you and took you into his arms in a rush. He held you for a couple moment before taking your face into his hands. “I’m going to be a dad?” You nodded. “I’m going to be a dad.” He said again with a voice crack at the end and you noticed the tears that had begun to form in his eyes. You nodded again. He kissed you with so much passion and intensity it was no wonder you got pregnant only a month after being married.
Your pregnancy was hard. You were sick almost the entire time, and on bedrest for the last two months. Everyone said that because of that it was going to be a boy, but you and Jake opted to not find out. Well, the day finally came, and everyone was wrong. You gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. You named her Sara, after the Fleetwood Mac song. Jake as girl dad was even more adorable than you imagined it would be. Being a musician, he didn’t work “normal” hours, so he opted to be the stay-at-home dad as your career took off.
Some nights when you had meetings that ran well into the evening, you would walk into your house, kicking off your shoes, and take in the sight of Barbies scattered across the living room floor, long since abandoned as the attention span of your toddler ran very short. Sometimes, you would hear giggles coming from your daughter’s room, and you would open the door to find Jake and Sara sitting at her tiny table, Jake having to turn to the side and stretch out his legs across the floor because he couldn’t fit them under the short table. Jake had a tiara on top of his long tresses and a feather boa thrown over his shoulders, and Sara donned a princess costume dress and gloves, pouring “tea” (water) into a tiny teacup for her dad. Her eyes lit up with excitement when she saw you standing in her doorway. She ran to the trunk in front of her bed and grabbed another tiara and ran over to you and grabbed your hand. “Mommy, mommy, come have a tea party with us!” You took the tiara she was holding in her other hand and put it on your head and looked up to find Jake smiling at you with infatuation in his eyes.
Other times you would come home and find it quiet in the house, an abnormal situation for both your daughter, and your husband, piquing your curiosity. You wandered around the house looking for them, opening your daughter’s door to find a sight that brought your hand to your mouth and almost brought tears to your eyes. Sara had recently graduated from a crib to a “big girl bed” and now Jake was asleep in it, Sara cuddled up close to him, head and arm on his chest and one of his arms wrapped around her small frame, both of their mops of dark brown hair splayed out onto the pillow in a such a way you couldn’t tell where his ended and hers began. He was still in his jeans, and there was a book laying open on the bed behind him, indicating he likely hadn’t meant to fall asleep. You saw the blanket at the end of her bed and crept forward to place it over them, but you stepped on a creak in the floor, the noise causing Jake’s eyes to flutter open. “Welcome home, Mama” he whispered as he smiled at you. You smiled back. He softly kissed Sara’s forehead as he slowly pulled his arm out from under her, causing her to stir slightly but not awake. You leaned forward and caressed her cheek, pulling the blanket up to cover her. Jake placed his arm around your waist as you made your way out of her room, both of you stopping in the door frame to watch her sleep. You stole a glance at Jake, taking in the look of pure adoration on his face as he looked at his daughter, the spitting image of him. You kissed his cheek. He turned to you, and whispered, “we made a great one”. You smiled. “We really did” you replied. As you both turned away from her room and made your way to your own, slowly closing her door, you felt Jake’s hand on your ass. He gave it a quick squeeze. “I think we should make another” he breathed into your ear, his lips caressing your earlobe.
And that you did. Nine months later, you gave birth to twin boys you affectionately named Thomas and Michael after the middle names of the two most important men in your life. You dramatically cut your hours at your job in order to be home with your kids and husband more. Domestic life was bliss, and the months quickly turned into years.
As you sat on the couch one night around Christmas, the lights on the tree the only source of light in the living room, cuddled up with Jake, drinks in hand, you watched your kids chase each other around and the twins torment their sister with their new passion, Nerf guns. You turned to kiss him, tasting the wine on his tongue. Your kids all chorused their disgust in unison and you both laughed as they ran away. “What was that for?” Jake asked, smiling. “Not that I mind, of course.
“I just love you. And I love this life we’ve created.” He hummed in agreement against your cheek, giving it a quick peck, as you continued. “Can you believe less than ten years ago we almost broke up right around this time?”
“I try not to think about that” he chuckled. “That would have been the stupidest thing either of us have ever done.”
“I love you, Jake.”
“I love you more, Y/N.” – fin.
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nerd-at-sea5 · 2 years
bad jokes
the angry sam we see in the hospital but worse
post 1994, everyone’s alive
they/them sam, they/she deena, she/her kate, he/him josh, all simon
tw/cw: sh, blood, drug/od mention, sexual assault mention, panic attack
uh also fuck off sam feels bad peter got killed bc their sam, but peter sucks and i hate him :)
“sam c’mon it was a joke! i-i’m sorry!”
but they had already left the house, storming down the stairs as the last fifteen or so minutes replayed in their head. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- simon rolling his eyes as kate threw a kernel of popcorn at xem, josh on the computer and deena curled up with sam on the couch.
“so sam, you’ve now dated a man huh?”
they see the smile, horribly hidden on simon’s face as sam shrugs, “yeah i guess. still a lesbian.”
“happy he got shanked then? personally im jumping for joy.”
sam froze, barley realizing how kate and deena had chuckled at that statement.
“did you seriously just say your happy someone got fucking murdered, simon?” his face fell, and sam shot to their feet-sure, they didn’t care for peter and hated every second of their ‘relationship’ but-but you can’t just be glad that someone innocent to this got killed. yes he was horrible and deserved to be beat up but killed? no way.
“if i say no can we pretend it didn’t happen?”
sam could feel their body heating up, as they balled their fists, digging nails into their palms, “you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
deena reached for their sleeve, a fruitless attempt to get sam to sit back down as josh realized something was up and got off the computer.
“i see him getting stabbed every fucking night, and it’s my fault. MY FAULT. just because you think your so much better than the bastards from sunnyvale gives you no right to stoop as low as them.”
sam could see the surprise in simon’s eyes, vaguely aware that they had never expressed this much anger in front of anyone before, felt it-sure, but never shown. they stepped closer to xem as they backed away.
“how would you feel if your brother had actually od’d? died, and then some jackass said ‘oh yeah i hated that bitch i’m glad he kicked the bucket.”
simon shrunk back, his mouth slightly open, and sam felt a pang of guilt.
kate stepped in, “that’s completely different, simon’s brothers a nice guy, peter was….”
“a fucking jackass who didn’t treat you right and fucking raped you!” simon practically yells, getting right in sam’s face as they blink back hot tears. deena was standing now, “guys-calm the fuck down ok?”
some part of sam felt bad that deena was trying to mediate this, the other part was angry at her as well-even with no reason.
their hands begun to shake, sam glared at xem and forced themself to stay still, despite beginning to shake in place, not from fear or sadness, but because it felt like they were being filled up with anger and the glass was about to overflow. like they were drowning in their own rage and they can’t. get. it. out.
“ok? so don’t be a bitch for us not liking him. he deserved more. that’s what you wanna hear sam? that-that slut deserved to be in so much more fucking pain than he was? BECAUSE HE FUCKING DID.”
“simons right-” kate crossed her arms and sam interrupted, “i don’t give a damn if you agree with him or not, but i expected the valedictorian and smartest kid in the school to be a little nicer.” sam paused as a small crack appeared in kate’s mask of a calm face, “trying to be like all the other dealers? all tough and no-nonsense? show some goddamn kindness for a person who got killed just for being in the same room as us.”
deena and josh sighed “sam, really, he was a giant assface!” “calm the fuck down, babe.”
kate glared at the siblings before spitting out, “at least i have the dignity to not go get boned the moment my girlfriend dumped me. and hell-i’m actually attracted to guys.”
sam didn’t realize they were swinging until a split second before their fist hit the wall with all the strength sam could muster-they hadn’t meant to hit the wall, but they were glad it was the wall and not someone’s face. for whatever part of their brain redirected their fist…..the the pain hit. and the tears flooded sam’s face, kate’s face dropped as simon stumbled over his feet, grabbed josh’s arm and ran to the bathroom.
deena grabbed sam’s upper arms and pulled them away, almost shoving them onto the couch, “are you fucking crazy?!” she yelled, examining the blonde’s left hand, blood on their knuckles and skin ripped back on the first layer, white skin and bright red blood.
sam didn’t trust themself to open their mouth, so they simply glared at deena while tears poured down their face.
deena’s face softened, “i’ve never seen you that pissed.”
kate kneeled next to deena, and grabbed the ace bandages from simon, “can you wiggle your fingers?”
sam did, excruciating pain shooting up their wrist and fresh tears filled their eyes.
they were aware that the only person who would meet their eyes were deena, while simon sat herself on the table and ran his hang though xer hair.
josh flopped down next to them, “you dented the wall.”
and sure enough, when sam looked over, a fist sized, decently pushed-in dent was in the johnson’s wall.
sam didn’t say anything.
deena chuckled, “hey i mean if your strong enough to almost choke the shit outta me i have no doubt you could break a wall.”
everyone froze. kate slowly tuned to deena, “what?”
the other girl’s face fell, “uh. you know. the whole possessed thing.”
sam felt a stab of guilt in their chest before a rush of anger, what the hell, deena?
they stood up so abruptly simon jumped, grabbed the backpack with their right hand and stormed out of deenas house.
“sam c’mon it was a joke! i-i’m sorry!”
they got into their moms car-she was in NYC for business and sam was allowed to use her car, and drove away as fast as possible.
the moment they got back to their room the blonde threw their bag across the room, slid down their door and started hysterically sobbing.
they hated crying like this, the open mouthed, gasping for air, entire face wet kind of crying that were always hand in hand with a panic attack.
it was no surprise when they started to panic, the regret and guilt crushing down on them as they continued to sob, not caring how loud it was.
sam fell asleep like that, alone in their room, their house, convinced they’d ruined the only good friends they had ever known.
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For the charming @multific​ 🎐💌​
Hope you’ll enjoy the story!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I eat boys up, breakfast and lunch.
Then when I'm thirsty, I drink their blood
Carnivore, animal, I am a cannibal
I eat boys up, you better run
I am cannibal (cannibal, cannibal, I am)
I am cannibal (cannibal) (I'll eat you up) (I am)
I am cannibal (cannibal, cannibal, I am)
I am cannibal (cannibal) (I'll eat you up)
Ke$ha - Cannibal
"Are you going to speak?"
(Y/N) smirked as he saw the F.B.I agent in front of him losing his temper.
He loved playing with their nerves since he started his "career."
His killing spree would be the more appropriate term for what he did. Officially, (Y/N) claimed the lives of forty people. But deep inside, the F.B.I investigators feared that the body count was higher than expected.
He shrugged:
"Why would I speak? It is not in my interest."
"Quite the contrary, it is in your interest to speak? Either you spill the beans, either..." threatened the F.B.I agent.
His colleague calmed him down.
"Chill out, Bob. There is no need to waste your energy with him like that."
(Y/N) grinned with arrogance: it looked like one of the two men was more clever than his colleague.
"Damn it, Josh! We lose our time trying to make him speak when we can be outside, looking for his lunatic boyfriend!"
The prisoner hissed:
"Don't ever talk about him like this again!"
"Or what? You will tear my head off?"
"Shut up, Bob."
"So what? Can't I have some fun with our guest?"
Josh pinched the bridge of his nose. Well, he cannot blame Bob for picking up on their prisoner. After all, (Y/N) killed his best friend, Phil, by slitting his throat.
But, on the other hand, they needed the unsub to give pieces of information about his lover. And antagonizing him would not be helpful for their investigation... 
Sighing, Josh sat in front of (Y/N) and said:
"Listen, (Y/N): we can always negotiate!"
"Negotiate? About what?"
The F.B.I agent shrugged:
"I don't know... For example, I can give you a reduction of years in prison. Instead of ending up in a state penitentiary, you can spend your prison sentence in one of the best mental health units in the country. You can have everything you want, but one condition..."
"And it is?"
"You have to tell me everything you know about where Hannibal Lecter is!"
The prisoner snarled:
"Really? Who do you take me for, uh? A snitch?"
"I would say that I take you for a reasonable person, but it looks like that you're more stubborn than expected!"
(Y/N) sighed: they can go to hell! He would never tell them where Hannibal is! 
The young man resisted the urge to smirk as he thought about his lover, the infamous cannibal Hannibal Lecter. Both men were different: while Hannibal was an elegant and cultivated man, (Y/N) was more a rebel and provocative young man. However, it did not prevent them from being attracted to one another. After all, they shared this hidden violence and lust for blood.
(Y/N) threw his head back and closed his eyes as he remembered the feeling of Hannibal's hands on his body. He smirked while thinking of the sound of his deep voice in his ear. A sigh of pleasure escaped as he cherished the taste of his lips against his.
Suddenly, a slap across his face woke him up from his daydreaming.
"Hey, wake up, you crazy!"
"BOBBY, NO! What are you doing?"
"Gaining time! This jackass needs to remember that I can make his life a living hell if he does not cooperate!"
"Oh, and you think that your method will help us?"
"Don't tell me you have sympathy for this psycho!"
"First of all, no, and secondly, if I were you, I would not treat him harshly. If Lecter heard about it..."
Bob jeered.
"Come on, don't be such a chicken! We're going to catch this sadistic before he could reach us!"
Josh rolled his eyes: his colleague was not only stubborn but also oblivious.
"Bob, all policemen or federal agents dream of catching Hannibal Lecter. Those who dared to chase him down like an animal ended up dead. It is what Phil did and what he got? A slit throat!"
"All because of him!" 
Suddenly, they heard a phone ringing. Checking his pocket, Josh noticed that his boss was calling him.
"Alright, that's the boss!"
"What does he want?"
"I'll answer. Keep an eye on him... and don't do anything stupid?"
"Who do you think I am? A rookie?"
"No, but I know what you're capable of when you're pissed!" grumbled Josh as he exited the room to answer the call.
Once his colleague left the room, Bob stepped closer to (Y/N) and said with a smirk:
"So, you want to play the tough guy?"
"Look who is talking!" taunted (Y/N).
Fed up, Bob pinned the young man on the table and growled:
"I am tired of your little game, you punk! Either you spit it out, or I'll make you regret it for the rest of your life!"
(Y/N) laughed.
"Oh, I am so scared! Seriously, do you think you're the only person who threatened me like that?"
The grip around his neck tightened.
"Don't forget that if you die, no one would care. And you can be sure that once I am done with you, I will personally take care of your psychopathic boyfriend!"
The young man struggled, trying to get out of this grip. It was out of the question to let this redneck lay a hand on Hannibal. Over his dead body!
Suddenly, he saw a pair of hands grabbing Bob's shoulders and throwing him away. The federal agent hit the wall and fell unconscious. Surprised, (Y/N) slowly got up and realized that Hannibal was here.
"Hello, darling," smirked the cannibal.
"Hi, babe!" replied the young man with a grin.
The psychiatrist unhandcuffed his lover before kissing his wrists.
"Sorry for being late, but I had to deal with some F.B.I agents. I hope you did not wait too much."
"No, I'm alright. I knew you would come here for me!"
Hannibal gently smiled: he never doubted his lover's resilience. After all, the cannibal appreciated the strong temper of (Y/N), as it complemented his calm character. 
Taking (Y/N)'s hand, he declared:
"Shall we go, now?"
"And what about him?" asked (Y/N) as he pointed towards the F.B.I agent who laid down on the floor, knocked out.
The psychiatrist smirked with a hungry smile:
"Well, we could have him for dinner!"
"Brilliant idea, baby. Let's go!"
The two serial killers ran away, taking Bob with them. They stole a car and drove down the road to their hideout.
(Y/N) lightened a cigarette and started to smoke. As he blew a puff of smoke, he muttered:
"I am sorry..."
"About what, my dear?" inquired Hannibal.
"Being caught by those jackasses. I should have been more careful."
"Don't blame yourself, (Y/N). They caught you by surprise, and you tried your best..."
"They wanted me to sell you out to Jack Crawford. I'd rather die than spilling the beans..."
Hannibal noticed the bruises on (Y/N)'s cheek and neck. It did not take him too long to understand:
"Is that our guest who caused this?"
"Nothing gets past you, uh? Indeed, it was him!"
"I see..." muttered Lecter.
It would be hard to find an appropriate recipe for the F.B.I agent. Oh, he could deal with it later. Now, all he wanted to do was celebrating his reunion with his lover.
A few minutes later, they arrived at their hideout. 
Hannibal and (Y/N) put the unconscious Bob into the turned-off freezer and locked him inside before going to their boudoir.
Once they did it, (Y/N) put his arms around Hannibal's neck and muttered with a grin:
"I am hungry, dear."
"Well, give me an hour, and I will prepare you a dinner worthy of the name!"
Grinning, his lover brought his face closer and replied:
"Darling, I did not talk about eating!"
The cannibal smirked:
"I am glad that we are on the same wavelength, my love."
Then, they feverishly kissed each other as they laid down on the sofa. The two lovers quickly got rid of their clothes and pursued their lovemaking.
Usually, (Y/N) preferred being in control. However, he always let Hannibal taking control during their sex session. After all, the cannibal always knew how to make him scream of pleasure.
As they made love, the young man thought of how they would eat the F.B.I agent in the freezer. (Y/N) knew Hannibal: he would be creative. He drooled over the upcoming dinner: that would be delicious!
Once they reached the seventh heaven, the two killers took a break and held each other...
When Bob opened his eyes, he understood that he would not get away this time. Trying to get off his binds, he felt a chill down his spine as he saw Hannibal and (Y/N) facing him with a grin on their faces.
"Greetings, dear guest. I'm glad you're finally awake!"
The federal agent tried to scream, but the gag on his mouth prevented him from doing so.
"Don't worry, Bob: there is nothing to worry about it. After all, you're here for dinner. Oh, wait: I should say that you are here because YOU are the dinner!" smirked (Y/N).
Poor Bob! He wanted so much to catch Hannibal Lecter and (Y/N) that he walked into the lion's den. And if the curiosity kills the cat, the ambition would be his demise.
And tonight, he would be the dinner of two maneaters...
Thank you very much for the reading: I hope you enjoyed the story!
Don’t hesitate to leave comments and requests: it will be a pleasure!
See you later and take care of you! 😘🥰😍
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pollylynn · 3 years
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Title: On Track WC: 900 Episode: A Dance With Death (4 x 18)
He looks surprised to hear her zen response about dreams that don’t come true, and well he might. She’s kind of surprised by it, too. But that doesn’t mean it’s not true. More importantly, it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t think it’s not true, which is really what they both seem to be surprised about. 
Lanie is certainly her proof of concept. She’s known about her friend’s girlhood dreams for some time now, because Lanie is the kind of friend who sets up a standing monthly date for Drinks and Deep Questions. She’s the kind of friend who does not take no for an answer, and of course, the kind of friend who knows exactly what’s going on with work at any given moment, so there’s no begging off. 
So, yes. Kate has heard more about the horror of toe shoes than she ever wanted to hear, to say nothing of medical professional’s insights into proposed criminal penalties for the promotion of childhood eating disorders. But she’s also heard how one passion transformed into another—how pulled muscles and awe for everything the human body is capable of tugged her attention down another path, one that may not quite elevate the soul, but it eases the mind and heart of grieving loved ones.
She knows something about that. She’s shared something about that, because with Lanie, there is no more dodging the Deep Questions than there is dodging the drinks. So she’s shared her own rapid re-imagining of herself. She’s curled her fist around a tumbler that Lanie has kept carefully, efficiently just full enough and sifted through what she was saying about herself—to herself—when she shifted without a second thought into pursuit, into enforcement when she saw damage the likes of John Raglan could do and would go on doing all the way to the end of his career. 
So with Lanie,  she has shared and she has sifted. With anyone who is not as take-no-prisoners as Lanie, not so much. She has, on one or two occasions, shared the Cliff’s Notes version. Will had nodded. Being in the same business himself, he had accepted it as a logical progression—a good decision in the wake of terrible circumstances. 
Josh had not had much of a chance to weigh in. Josh was about not being a cop, not fulfilling ever gap in her life through the precinct. Josh was about escape, and by the time she’d stopped side-stepping the question, anything either of them had to say to one another, even during the brief time she was hoping there was something to salvage, was . . . not helpful. 
But when Castle asks, she doesn’t find herself sifting and sorting. She doesn’t have to, because as usual, he’s boiled it down to its essence—she became a cop because her mother was murdered. And then he sweeps it away in the next motion. She’s a little outraged, honestly. She thinks back to the days of Cute trick. Don’t think you know me and the weeks she held out, trying her damnedest to reveal absolutely nothing. 
She thinks back to him knowing just the right amount of jackass to be with his I guess a heavy emotional angle could work, too when, to her own surprise, she’d found the story tumbling forth just a few short weeks later. She remembers her heart pounding the whole time she was telling him, because she’s told so very few people so little about it. And here he is, sweeping it aside, like he does, and yes, there’s a moment of outrage before she feels the smile creeping over her own face. 
He’s not asking what she is now or how she got there. He knows, better than anyone not named Lanie Parish, what she is now, how she got there. And he knows that he knows. He knows he’s in a damned exclusive club, and he’s challenging her. He’s cheekily saying that how Kate Beckett Became a Cop is yesterday’s story, and he wants the latest scoop. He wants to know what she would have been, what she wanted to be. 
And he’s doing it for her. Oh, he’s doing it for himself, too, because he’s Richard Castle, and he will forever be working an angle. But it’s a sweetly touching certainty that he’s doing it for her, too. 
Because he believes her zen answer. It surprises him, but he’s convinced by Lanie as proof of concept. And he’s probably thinking about—he must be thinking about—the things in his own life that look, on the surface, like derailments that he wouldn’t change for the world—Alexis’s entire existence for one, and as much as he’d howl in protest, his gooey-centered mother coming to live with him for another. He is, in real time, seeing how sound an idea it is, the notion that not every dream unrealized has a tragedy on the other side of it. 
But he wants her to know, too, that it’s okay to look back fondly. It’s okay to be wistful. So he sweeps away the question of what she is. He takes her by the shoulders and turns her to look back, to remember what might have been, and she does. With a smile creeping over her face, she does. 
I was on my way to becoming the first female Chief Justice.
A/N: Random points in the past have no morphousness. The past is neither particle nor wave. 
images via homeofthenutty
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adultswim2021 · 3 years
Ephemera Week (2002)
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Mission Hill (originally aired on WB, 1999-2000)
Mission Hill was a perfectly good animated series from former Simpsons show-runners Bill Oakley and Josh Weinstein. It was a sitcom about cool young people in a cool young people city. Andy French is an aspiring cartoonist, intended to be a Matt Groening type who would (over the course of many many seasons) eventually find success and get his own super-successful animated series called THE SIMPSONS: SEASONS 1-8.
The premise of the show was that Andy’s parents retire and sell the childhood home, displacing his nerdy high-school aged younger brother Kevin. Kevin moves in with Andy and learns how to be a cool city style guy, you know, the kind that’s always “walkin here!” and sucking off Bob Balaban in the men’s room and whatnot.
The show is at least better than the bad seasons of the Simpsons, and has a cool alt-comics style that suits the show really well. Not to damn it with faint praise, it’s a good show. There are a handful of GREAT episodes and plenty of strong jokes. There's news of a revival in the works focusing on Gus and Wally, the older gay couple in the show. It's supposed to take place in the same era the show originally aired in, which is just great.
Like Baby Blues and Home Movies before it, I did catch this show randomly on it's network of origin. I saw one or two of the final episodes to air on WB. I liked it! I was glad to see it get revived for a run on Adult Swim. I've wanted more episodes ever since.
I don't think the show is available for streaming anywhere, which is too bad. It came out on DVD with special features. That DVD set was reissued on DVD-R without special features, so... buyer? be wary. There's also a number of music replacements that ruin some of the scenes. At one point I had a bootleg set where somebody took the DVD video and replaced the audio with the as-broadcast version of of the show. Good luck finding it.
Here's an episode guide showing their debuts on Adult Swim. Bold episodes were originally unaired, making their debut on the channel. Also note: episodes had an innocuous title and a spicier in-house title in parentheses. It’s real Police Squad! shit.
12AM Monday Morning:
May 20: Pilot (or The Douchebag Aspect) May 27: Andy Joins the PTA (or Great Sexpectations) June 3: Kevin's Problem (or Porno for Pyro) June 10: Andy vs. The Real World (or The Big-Ass Viacom Lawsuit) June 17: Andy and Kevin Make a Friend (or One Bang for Two Brothers) June 24: Andy Gets a Promotion (or How to Get Head in Business Without Really Trying) July 1: Kevin vs. the SAT (or Nocturnal Admissions) July 8: Unemployment Part 1 (or Brother's Big Boner) July 15: Unemployment Part 2 (or Theory of the Leisure Ass) July 22: Kevin Finds Love (or Hot for Weirdie) July 29: Stories of Hope and Forgiveness (or Day of the Jackass)
11PM Sunday Night:
August 4: Happy Birthday, Kevin (or Happy Birthday, Douchebag) August 11: Plan 9 from Mission Hill (or I Married a Gay Man from Outer Space)
ALSO NOTE: There are about five episodes that were in early-stages of production and if you poke around you can find scripts for these episodes ( here as of this writing). A full animatic and table read for “Crap Gets In Your Eyes” exists if you search for it. 
London Arbuckle ASKS! or, states! sorry I’m writing this lead-in without having read the whole message yet.
Another confusing Baffler Meal thing: the deleted cold open that's on the DVD. It gets called back to in the actual episode ("Between two steamed buns", "Nine dollars!? For what?") and provides crucial context, BUT it also gets contradicted in the actual episode (SG sells out for "one serious speaker" instead of owing a restaurant money). Also I remember all the ads for this episode used a clip from the cold open! It always kinda bothered me that they cut it but boys (matt & dave) will be boys!
I do think the cold open is nice and I always make a point to watch it with the episode. In my mind they are as essential as watching that boring Terry Gilliam short before Meaning of Life. The next step is pointlessly editing them together using Nero. Yeah, that’s the ticket
Here’s ANONYMOUS, baby!
It's summertime and we are talking about Adult Swim and I gotta ask when's the last time you've been to a pool. Have you ever in your adult life enjoyed the benefits of an adult swim. Tell us just how much you like splash around. Yes, that would be quite illuminating I'm sure (rolleyes).
Man, when was the last time I went into a pool? It’s been literally years. I think the last time I swam I did a bad job. I am definitely am getting “bad job” vibes off my hazy memories. Man, my memories used to be precious. Damn!
do you think theyll ever work with george lowe again in any major capacity or do you think he's just bad news.
I was about to say “isn’t he on American Dad” based on him name-checking American Dad as one of his many credits but I just looked it up and he was only in one episode. Damn. Somebody give George work he seems nice.
beakman's world, anyone? The wild and wacky world of Paul Zaloom? Hmm? Anyone?
lol you wish...
Baby Blues really was my everything back in the early 2000s, it may not have head the punk rock cred you clearly seem to crave it was a soothing balm for myself as a new father in a scary world (9/11 and all that, terrible stuff).
you raise a good point, that you’re a huge dork “with child” and I’m cool and laughed at 9/11 because it was funny to me, actually
Just read your Baby Blues "take down" and I gotta say: In the immortal words of Mike Francesca, "You're a fool. ho-kay? A total fool."
Uh huh. Yeah okay. Mike Francesca hordes pot bellied pigs in his apartment and lives in filth. He stinks, and so do youd
Baby Blue is like every animation nerd's wet dream. What if they made the rugrats with only the parents part. And here it is. Be careful what you wish for, chunky.
Yeah and it’s too bad because judging from the previous mail bags my audience is primarily made up of BABIES.
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imyourbuddie · 4 years
3x14 The Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1 Summary
Oh sweet Jesus what an episode!! I loved everything about this episode, from the heist story telling to Howie and Maddie’s relationship to Buck’s approval of Howie to how fucking BADASS Maddie was! 
The episode was like a mini Ocean’s movie, right down to the ending where Athena was explaining how everything came together. It was fun, and I hope the cast and crew had fun with shooting this episode. 
I know this isn’t a Maddie blog, and it’s not even a full on 9-1-1 blog, but I am honestly NOT missing the Buck x Eddie moments in this because Maddie’s growth stole the spotlight 100% for me tonight. 
This episode is a really interesting companion episode to “Fight or Flight” where Maddie fought for her life trying to get away from her ex-husband Doug. In both episodes she was fighting for her life, though one was a bit more immediate and personal than the other. Her state of mind was so very different. Where as with Doug, at times it felt like she was just shrinking in on herself, in this episode, she did not. She was scared in both situations, but in this one, it was obvious she wasn’t paralyzed by her, instead she channeled it. 
I just love the growth in her character, even though she admits to still having hang-ups (like how she can’t say I love you). I love how 9-1-1, once again, just blows me away with treading the line between exciting prime-time TV and being realistic about recovery and growth. Just because we have hang-ups about a past trauma doesn’t mean we’re not growing. It’s not all or nothing, and it’s so obvious that’s how they’re playing out Maddie’s story. 
Another thing I noticed at the end is that a lot of people are upset there wasn’t a Buck/Maddie hug, unlike in “Fight or Flight,” and I think this is the biggest moment of character growth for them both. 
Buck’s finally realizing she’s back to her old strong, confident self, and when he said “She’s got everything she needs.” He means as much that she’s got Howie as she has finally gotten herself back. He doesn’t rush to her like he did before because he KNOWS she can hold her own. 
And then there’s poor Josh. I really hope he gets some closure from this. The whole episode I just wanted to wrap him in a blanket and feed him wine and chocolates. Near the end when he was doing CPR on douchebag-mcgee, I was actually crying for him because, fuck, he deserves to have closure and see this jackass brought to justice. Dying is too damn easy for him! 
All in all, a fantastic episode yet again, and I cannot express how fucking happy I am that we are already renewed for season 4!!!!! 
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suicidalcatz · 5 years
Pairing : Jake Kiszka x Reader
Genre : College AU
Previous Parts : Prologue ; Chap 1 ; Chap 2 ; Chap 3 ; Chap 4 ; Chap 5
Masterlist : here
AN : Hullo ! As you start hanging out with Jake, Josh seems a little... upset about something. It’s up to you to discover what’s going on in his lil curly head. As always, I hope you’ll like it, I’m excited about the chapters to come because things will speed up a bit from now on. Thank you all for the love and support you’re amazing, please feel free to check my dialogue prompts list and/or tell me what you think of this part!
Chapter six : Jake ?!
By the time I was waiting for Jake in front of the school it was still pitch black outside. The wind was so cold against my skin that my face stung and I kept shivering, all alone near the smoking area. The week end flew by super fast, faster than I had imagined, and even if I had a great time with my family and friends I was so glad to be back. Jake and I texted a lot during those two days, sending each other funny pictures or random stuff, like him watching a movie with popcorn in the common room, and even a selfie with his guitar. That I of course saved and have looked at it numerous times already, smiling and daydreaming. His last text asked me if I could meet him here at 7:30 so we could print the flyers together before class started. A new shiver ran down my spine, and I looked at my phone. He was late and I began fearing that he might never come at all.
Students began gathering around school, all looking tired and carrying their portfolios, chatting quietly in small groups. I watched them pass next to me as I looked at the hour once more. It's when I lifted my gaze from my phone that I saw him walking towards me hurriedly, clothes looking disheleved and bed hair falling on his worned out visage.
- I'm sorry I overslept, he said quickly, did I make you wait ? You look frozen, I'm so sorry.
Showing a small smile, I tried to deny it and shake him off telling him it was okay but he interrupted me by rubbing my sides vigorously to warm me up, before taking my bare hands in his to do the same. An electric feel went through my body when his skin got in contact with mine, and I didn't dare to move an inch. Jake then took them to his lips to blow some hot air on them. I could feel the tip of my fingers tingle but it wasn't from the cold weather, but his mouth being so close to my skin, barely brushing it like a feather like kiss. My face was scorching hot when our eyes met, and he should've seen the shy yet embarrassed look on it because he let go of me, as if realizing that he maybe had gone too far even though he just wanted to be nice. Glancing sideways, his gaze avoided me and he cleared his throat before he spoke in an attempt to break the awkwardness of the moment.
- We should get going before class starts.
Quickly nodding, he went first and I followed him through the hallways before we found ourselves in front of the photocopier. We printed an awful lot of flyers, taking advantage of the teachers' absence to use a ton of paper we didn't pay for. It looked gorgeous, all those colorful flyers together, and Jake's pleased smile while gathering them was even better. Just by watching him I could tell he loved it, and it was so rewarding it was worth spending a few hours of the night making it for him. A relieved sigh escaped from my lips as I put my back against the wall.
- We made it.
- Are you kidding ? You made it. All I did was telling you it looked great and sending you ugly pics of Josh.
A light chuckle found its way through my throat and our eyes met.
- That's what I call good teamwork.
There was a fondness in his eyes I couldn't describe. Jake was a hard to read dude, or maybe he was genuinely that great and simple boy and I was the one trying to find what was the scam while really there was none at all. Collecting the rest of the flyers, he leaned on the copy machine with one elbow and turned to me, standing at the other end of it.
- Hey, are you free during 10am break ? We should give some of them before going to class together, since we share the same lecture.
My heart skipped a beat. His face looked unsure and the hesitant edge to his raspy voice made him sound way more attractive than it should be allowed. Why was he acting like I would possibly send him packing ? How could I when he looked like this ?
- Yeah, sure.
Giving away flyers in this damn weather was way more fun than expected, and Jake had played a huge part in this outcome. The brunette was always cracking jokes, nudging me playfully with his shoulder for no reason, or chatting passionately about music, movies, or the festival. He sounded so pumped it got me excited too, seeing him being this impatient about something.
To his suggestion, or more precisely his challenge, we both raced to the amphitheater, running like madmen in the corridors, nearly knocking people off in the process but we didn't care at all. It was exhilirating, running like that just for the hell of it. It sparked something within me, and a rush of adrenaline spun through my body. I didn't want to lose, but this jackass was fast, sometimes glancing behind his back to make sure I was keeping up with him. A silly grin had spread across my face the whole time and wouldn't leave me, not until we were in front of the amphitheater, both panting and chuckling, cheeks beat red. Jake held the door for me, motioning me to go in first. Shyly giggling, I obliged, looking after him and sharing a mischevious grin.
What made my face fall was Josh's confused look. I couldn't say he was upset but the way he stared at the two of us was unsettling, it told me something was wrong, but I didn't know what nor why. With an uneasy feeling, I sat at my usual spot next to Mandy.
- Hanging out with Jacob, are we ?
She wiggled her brows in a ridiculous fashion and I elbowed her playfully. Of course she wanted the gossips, and wouldn't let go until I revealed everything.
- He's amazing, I whispered, he's so sweet and fun to be around. You'd think he had some hidden flaws but so far he doesn't and it's giving me a hard time Mandy.
My head fell lightly on my arm, letting out a sigh as she patted my hair. Maybe hanging out with Jake wasn't a good idea. The more I knew of him, the more my crush grew. With a pretty face like that you would believe he at least was a jerk but the boy was charming in every way. How could I stop falling for someone so lovable ?
- You're doing great, replied Mandy. You guys spend alone time together, text each other, and you helping him with his flyers was the best idea you had this entire year. I think it's going real good.
- What if he doesn't like me ?
Raising my head to meet her eyes, she brushed a strand of hair out of my face and gave me a soft smile.
- He will.
 - But what if he-
- Then he's not the one sweetie.
It made my heart sink a little, thinking about Jake not being the right man for me. Because at this moment all I could see was him. Being with him was like being the only two humans on Earth.  He suddenly came into my life and took all this space, blocking my view from everything else but him. Every little thing he did got me on edge. My memory was full of the littlest details my brain noticed about him ; the way he put his hand on his hair, the different smiles he gave, the disconnected look he had when concentrating on what people were saying... It was hard, thinking of the possibilty that Jake might never fall for me.
Something light bumped the corner of my head before rolling on the table, making Mandy jump in the process.
- Fuck that scared me, she breathed while unfolding the paper ball.
As usual, Josh was looking at us, but for the first time he arbored that confused, slightly moody expression on his face I couldn't quite point out. Cheek on his fist, brows furrowed, he was staring at us, patiently waiting for a reply. Jesus Christ someone woke up in the wrong side of the bed this morning. Mandy patted me on the arm, a puzzled expression dispayed on her face.
- Uhh... I think this is for you ?
Mimicking her bafflement, I took the crumpled note in my hands and frowned. What the fuck was I supposed to reply ? On the paper, in big letters was only one word :
« Jake ?! »
What did that mean ? Glancing at Josh and raising my hands in confusion didn't help, since the boy shrugged and turned his back to me, ignoring me completely.
I met with Jake again during lunch to try and give the rest of the flyers away near the cafeteria. At least half of the students ate there so we both agreed it was a genius idea. We spent our time together running, calling out students, and handing out papers like we were selling the town's newspaper. One thing I learned while hanging out with Jake was that time flew by fast. So it was no wonder we came in late and exhausted to meet Josh and Mandy who had both already finished their lunch. And while my roomate winked at me, the other just looked downright pissed.
- Sorry we're late, said Jake catching his breath, but Van Gogh right here found the perfect spot, it was crazy, we gave so many flyers, shit I think we'll even have to print more of them.
Letting out a light chuckle, he put his arm behind my shoulder to give me a side hug, showing me proudly. I felt my cheeks beginning to heat at all the praise, a smile playing at the corner of my mouth. The euphoria filling the air around us didn't last long however, because Josh cut his brother to speak.
- You could've asked me for help.
Jake let go of me, losing his smile. Idly scratching his head, not really knowing what to reply to that.
- Didn't know you wanted to.
We all could tell by the sound of his voice he was sincere, and even apologetic, but Josh wasn't buying it, or at least he didn't wanted to. He seemed like someone who was seeking confrontation, and an uncomfortable tension began to rise between them. I stood next to Jake, awkwardly squirming and exchanging glances with Mandy who looked just as clueless as we did. Seemingly understanding my silent question, she shook her head in a discreet way just for me to see, telling me she didn't know what was up with Josh.
- Well then again, you didn't ask, came the cold reply.
In the corner of my eye I saw Jake's chest expand as he took a deep breath, probably trying his best to keep his calm. He was starting to get mad too, mostly for not knowing why his brother was such a bitch all of a sudden.
- Come with us next time if you want, Jake offered.
I could tell it was painful for him not to give in to annoyment but he managed to keep his cool and it made me proud somehow. Yet, talking to a wall was hard and their weird dispute had set an awkward silence between the four of us. That's why Jake decided to leave.
- I'm gonna get going, I forgot my lunch anyway.
It sounded like a lie but none of us dared to contradict nor prevent him from going. If only he had left without adding anything more... but he called my name on the stairs leading to the first floor.
- Text me when you're out of the workshop I'll wait for you.
He disappeared on the crowd of students right after I nodded and I just knew he fucked up by saying that.
- You guys exchanged numbers ?
Of course it was Josh. Mandy already knew. Facing him was hard, and made me feel ashamed for reasons I didn't even understand. Was that jealousy I was witnessing ? Because I was spending time with his brother ? Maybe I've been selfish and should've included him. It made me feel even worse when I answered his question.
- Yeah. We did.
Even if it didn't make things better at all, I at least owed him the truth. Since apparently Jake didn't tell him anything about us texting all week. Which was kind of a dick move, judging by how Josh looked hurt by it. I felt like I finally understood what was up with him and why he was throwing mini tantrums like this one. He probably was feeling left out. Nothing more.
But before I could reassure Josh and invite him over for a drink tonight, the school bell rang and he passed me by swiftly, gently pushing me out of his way. Fuck. I'll have to find a compromise to balance these relationships soon or else I'll end up losing both of them, and I couldn't afford that.
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 years
I see you're a fan of angst, here's something to entertain you then. How about a story where Josh snaps and goes apeshit :)
Oh Anon, you're in for a horrid treat >:3c
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     Everything had been a mess. A complete and utterly complicated political mess with almost no end in sight.
That's why they never realized something was inherently wrong with Josh's recent behaviour.
That nothing indicated that he was being anything but his quiet but optimistic self.
You could pitch the blame on the remaining 3/4s of Jericho's leadership. Say that the three of them had gone so far as to neglect their friend when times got particularly tough, but honestly Josh had never even voiced feeling particularly off, or anything of the sort.
He'd either not wanted to tell them, or hadn't realized the problem either. 
Or, worse yet, he hadn't been able to warn them in time.
Regardless of which one it was, none of it changed the fact Simon was currently hiding in a closet while cradling an unconscious and bleeding North…
     There had been threats for a good part of the month. Jericho's leaders had been hard at work trying to pass the bills, while Connor and the DPD kept the peace as best as they could.
In between heavily guarded press conferences, and trips in and out of DC? There had been multiple messages left for them.
Ones that were as simple as 'You're not alive', and others that went so far as 'You'll all end up destroyed and thrown in the trash like the junk you are'.
Markus put his foot down and upgraded security at the tower and at Carl's, when the threats began to address both innocent civilians and his family. His very human and fragile family.
There were other measures he'd taken into account as well, most of which were suggested by Connor and Hank.
As a general rule, the RK800 had suggested that the four leaders should not walk alone outside, and to perhaps conceal their identities whenever this was not a possibility.
Androids were being rampantly attacked out in the streets, with the aggressors aiming for more common models they could recognize.
Simon, for example, had a harder time accomplishing this, not because he was a figurehead in android politics (which he wasn't), but because the PL600 had been one of the most popular domestic assistant models Cyberlife had ever produced.
North could, in theory, disguise herself and walk seemingly unnoticed if she really wanted to, but sadly tended to get into fights with hecklers and catcallers. The two were essentially barred from leaving the Manfred household.
The same could not be said for Markus and Josh.
     Markus was recognizable in public but was also a lot more sneaky about it than Josh. He kept out of sight at all times, using his acrobatic skills to his advantage, and went to abandoned places where he climbed up to isolate heights that no human could follow him to. There he would sit and appreciate the sights, before letting his mind wander.
He liked to have time to think alone. 
It relaxed him.
Josh, on the other hand, would don a thick jacket and a baseball cap and somehow it was like Superman disguising himself as Clark Kent.
The PJ500 series was numerous but not outwardly recognizable by people who didn't go to Detroit University. Thanks to said university's bad rep, very few people in Detroit had actually gone there to study, so Josh's face didn't ring any bells. Mostly for the wrong reasons.
As unimpressed as he was with how little progress humanity had made besides uniting their frustrations against androids, it ended up being beneficial to his excursions to the library that "all black guys looked the same".
North had snorted once when he'd brought it up, and Simon had rolled his eyes and shook his head in disbelief.
  "Humans tend to express face blindness if they're particularly racist." The blond had commented as he'd turned the page of a rather thick hardcover he'd been engrossed with. A recommendation of Carl's.
  "And you still insist dialogue is the best option? Almost half of Congress is old white dudes who never had to lift a finger in their lives. They'd all be dying to take you out, and not the dinner kind either." The redhead pointed out.
  "They would be less likely to give us the time of day if we nuked the city." Josh had glared daggers before going on his way out to the library. His knowledge archives were vast, but there were things he wanted to brush up on.
  "Don't be so rough with him North…" Simon chastised the WR400 when their friend was no longer in earshot.
With Markus currently asleep, and Josh wandering the streets, it left the two of them with nothing to do.
  "I'm antsy!" North crossed her arms, giving Simon one of her 'really?' looks. The kind that made it seem obvious why she was on edge. Not that it was obvious at all. "The threats keep coming, and we never catch the assholes who leave the notes...Markus is working himself ragged juggling between wrangling those rabid old crows and amping up security, and the tower's abuzz with anxious scared androids!"
  "Josh is also tired. He's been very active in the debates and he's used every piece of history knowledge he was preprogrammed with. Not to mention he has been looking into various ways of reaching a compromise with the humans, that won't leave them feeling threatened…" Simon rubbed at his eyes, sighing tiredly as he recalled how stressed the PJ500 always ended up after a meeting. "Some of those people...They unerve him. To the point he's scared of what might happen if he steps on any toes…"
  "This is Josh we're talking about." North dismissed "If anyone out there wouldn't dream of treading on toes and maybe licking boots, it'd be him."
  "He'll be fine Simon." The WR400 reassured "He's too charming and polite to make any enemies...Hell he's the sort to help old ladies cross the street! The internet would send hitmen after anyone who tried slandering his name."
  "...That sounded adorable coming from you. I should let him know you think he's charming." The blond grinned, avoiding a pillow the shorter of the two threw his way.
  "Don't you dare! I have a reputation to uphold!"
  "If you say so, Ice Queen."
  "Damn straight! Now move over you jackass, the couch was made for two!"
     Usually it took an hour for Josh to return. He was very pragmatic in the sense that he took what he needed, no less and no more, and then he wouldn't stick around so as to not risk getting recognized.
That night it took three hours, which was unusual but not impossible.
Maybe for once he'd taken time for himself rather than gather more ammunition for another conference meeting. Wishful thinking.
While Simon and North kept themselves busy, enjoying the one night where Markus wasn't stressing over their next steps, and the beginning of Matthew's, Leo's and Carl's quality bonding time vacation of sorts, they'd almost completely forgotten about their taller friend.
That is, until Josh returned dazed and confused, and with a bloody gash on the back of his head.
At the sight of the thirium staining his jacket and hands, Simon had run to get the technician's kit he'd stored in his room, while North had gone to help Josh steady himself and walk to the couch.
  "What the hell happened to you?!" She demanded as she pulled the cap off his head and examined the gash.
It looked painful, like a blunt object had hit hard enough to break the chassis casing open.
The thirium flow was slow, which meant it hadn't hit anything major, but the confusion and slow response worried her.
  "...I...D-dont know…?" The PJ500 blinked blearily. He was disoriented and his eyes wouldn't focus on her.
  "What do you mean you don't know?" She inquired further as she brushed the gash lightly with a finger. The pained hiss and subsequent flinch away from her touch made her falter.
The sensors weren't damaged then, he could feel the wound.
  "...I…" Josh shook his head, one eye twitched oddly and he seemed to be struggling to form sentences. "I...Remember being at...I was reading books...Mandela? I…."
  "Simon could you hurry the fuck up? I think he's concussed!" The redhead called up the stairs. She heard a muffled reply before looking back at Josh.  "You were reading at the library, and got hit on the head?"
  "...I...Think so…" he was staring at her, a frown on his face. "I...I was alone. No one was t-there to...Reco-recognize me?"
  "Well someone did, and they hit you on the back of the head." North sighed. "Humans, I swear to God…"
Simon returned swiftly to the two of them and took care of the gash. After the wound was mended, the PL600 carefully tried to figure out if Josh's processor was experiencing any trouble outside of the obvious.
It was PJ500 who insisted he'd be fine in the morning after a quick scan with his maintenance software.
After bidding goodnight and going to their respective rooms, they'd set the incident aside as a one-off.
Next time Josh would be more careful.
     When morning rose however, the leaders of Jericho met downstairs for "breakfast" and what came on the news was...Alarming.
Markus had turned on the TV out of habit while Simon gave everyone a cup of warm thirium to start the day, only to pause as a news broadcast caught his eye.
The RK200 turned up the volume and gawked at the sight.
Several androids had been killed the previous night. Their bodies piled up, and a message scrawled in still fresh thirium.
  "That's...Very close to the library." Simon pointed out uneasily. "You don't think who ever attacked Josh did...Did that, do you?"
  "Someone attacked Josh?" Markus frowned.
  "Yeah, last night… they hit him on the head." North confirmed, turning to look at the PJ500. She noticed how quiet he was staring at the news, but wrote it off as him being apprehensive. He could have been one of the bodies, and that alone would make anyone somber.
  "Someone recognized you?"
  "I...Don't think I was recognized. I just happened to be in the area." Josh replied with a shrug. "Otherwise I'd be dead. Wouldn't I?"
  "That's...True." Simon sighed. "Are you feeling better?"
  "Oh...Much better yes." Josh smiled at them all as he spoke. There was an odd glint in his eye. "In fact, I'd say I feel like a brand new android!"
  "...Are you sure? Last night you were a little confused." North insisted.
  "Very sure North. Don't you worry about little old me…" Josh grinned "Now, if you'll excuse me I'll finish this in my room. I've got something I need to work on."
The three watched as their taller friend picked up his cup and walked off.
He seemed to be in high spirits, despite being attacked the murders from the previous night.
That should have been a red flag, but in the end they were more worried about the violent demise if those poor androids, than Josh's unusual upbeat behaviour.
The words 'malfunctioning machines' had been "elegantly" scrawled on the wall of the alleyway the bodies had been found in. Clearly written by someone who'd dipped their hand in blue blood and then taken their sweet time.
Hopefully the DPD would find fingerprints… it'd ease their minds a little.
     The following days had been relatively fast paced. Josh had been more careful with his visits to the library, and Markus was back to stressing over conference calls and meetings.
Simon had been keeping tabs on the Manfred family's phone calls to check up on them, and North had been teaching self-defense at the tower to ease some worries.
It would have all been normal, if not for the constant murders.
All exactly the same as the ones from the night Josh had been attacked.
Piled up bodies, and a handwritten message.
Always the same one.
Malfunctioning Machines.
Connor had notified them that no prints were ever found, so they were either dealing with a very meticulous human, or the unthinkable… An android serial killer.
But why would one of their own butcher other androids so brutally?
  "Maybe Cyberlife's behind this…" Markus suggested, as he rubbed his temples and tried to ignore the dull headache he'd been tormented by all day.
  "If it was Cyberlife, why didn't they come after us yet?" Simon shook his head "The attacks seem to be almost random. Like the killer picked a group of androids without really thinking about it."
  "With the lack of evidence, it doesn't feel like it's not a calculated move Simon. Connor can't find anything...Connor." North took a sip from her cup, frowning when she realized she'd already finished her drink.
  "I'll refill that for you, North." Josh took her cup, smiling sweetly at the redhead before heading off into the kitchen.
  "Between the conferences and the tower, I don't know what's worse. Perkins has been up my asshole trying to demoralize everything we've done." The RK200 finished his own cup.
  "Of course he'd use this to mess with morale. Fucking rat bastard that he is…" North smiled at Simon as he laid a comforting hand on her shoulder.
  "We all know Richard Perkins isn't taken seriously by anyone with half a brain. He was completely humiliated after what happened at the recall centers." The blond reassured "But he is very hyped up about the murders… Maybe he has something to do with them?"
  "I'd assumed so, but so did Hank and Connor. Nothing links back to the asshole, and some of those bodies were in terrible shape. Like they were torn limb from limb. Perkins isn't exactly the picture of peak human physic…" Markus shook his head "I dread to think it really might be one of our own doing this."
  "But why?" Simon frowned.
No one knew the answer for that, and Markus couldn't stick around to speculate.
He had to go see Connor over some security details for his next trip to Washington.
This left Simon, North and Josh alone in the Manfred household.
  "Sorry for the delay, I couldn't find the bottle." Josh reentered the room with North's cup, smiling at his two friends.
  "Oh...Didn't I put it in the fridge?" Simon blinked in confusion.
  "Nope, not in there. Not to worry I found it in the end." Josh grinned, handing the cup to North. "It's at the temperature you like, so you won't have to wait for it to cool."
  "Thanks Josh." She took the cup and brought it to her lips, absentmindedly gulping the warm liquid before the taste fully hit her.
She spluttered and coughed, tears in her eyes and she dropped the cup. "What the shit?!"
Josh continued to smile down at her, cocking his head to the side as he grinned.
  "Is something wrong?"
  "This tastes horrible! What the fuck Josh?!"
  "Oh...My mistake Northy. Must be the flavouring I added~" the PJ500's grin looked...Off. very off.
Simon gawked at him in disbelief.
  "You put something in her thirium? Josh that could make her sick!" The blond cried out. "What did you put in it?!"
  "Oh~ Nothing much. Just half a bottle of this." The taller android held up a bottle of drain cleaner from behind his back. "To Purge the malfunctions away~"
Had he the capacity for it, Simon's skin would have crawled.
Instead his eyes widened and he turned to look at North who'd continued to cough.
  "W-what t-t...J-jos-osh?" The WR400's eyes widened and teared up even more, before she began to spit up waves of thirium, her intake line and the filter connected to it having become compromised from the highly corrosive chemical.
  "North! Josh that..Why the fuck?!" Simon tried to help his distressed friend, before he froze. "...Did you say malfunctions?"
  "Why yes, as a matter of fact...I did." Josh's grin had taken on a sinister glee. The blond couldn't help feel threatened as he neared them. "You see… I know something you don't~"
Simon yelped as North continued to cough up thirium, taking the redhead into his arms and backing away from the PJ500.
  "W-what would that be?" He asked.
  "...Androids aren't alive Simon. We're all just malfunctioning...And that won't do. Not at all…" Josh threw away the bottle before pulling something out of his back pocket. A knife. "Malfunctioning machines are dangerous Si~ So I've taken the liberty to dispose of a few...But you know, you made me realize...I should have gotten rid of you three by now. After that's done, I'll do away with the RK800...And then I'll finish up the job, one android at a time…"
  "I'll set it all right, for mankind… Just as I've been told to do!"
     The PJ500 tried to slice at the PL600's throat, but Simon hadn't deviated yesterday. He had to protect himself and North, so he grabbed the nearest object and lobbed it at his assailant.
A vase shattered against Josh's face, making him stagger back long enough that Simon could run with North in his arms.
And that had been what lead to the moment, where the two ended up stuck inside a tiny closet, hiding away from the pacifist who'd abruptly snapped and become a homicidal maniac.
Simon held his breath, clinging on to his unconscious friend while he tried to contact Markus. 
Josh was prowling around the house, searching for them. It was only a matter of time before he found them both.
  "Come out, come out wherever you are~" the PJ500 called out in a singsong tone, as he looked in every room.
<Markus please pick up! Please, I'm begging you!>
  "Siiiiimon~ there's only so many rooms you can hiiide in~" Josh's voice was getting closer.
<Markus for the love of all that's holy in this world, please fucking pick up!>
  "Simon~ Is that you in the closet~?"
The closet door opened.
Simon screamed at the top of his lungs.
  "This afternoon the police, with the help of Android Revolution leader Markus, have finally caught the culprits behind the string of android murders that have been plaguing the streets of Detroit. According to our sources, a rogue FBI cell lead by Richard Perkins successfully incapacitated an android and then modified its programming so that it would carry on the gruesome murders. This is what the known anti-android FBI agent had to say on the matter:
-This is irrefutable proof that Deviancy doesn't make an android alive like us. If so much as a string of code is altered, they can become killers with little to no morality or mercy. Today, one measly pacifist, tomorrow every android in this goddamn city...You can't trust a malfunctioning machine! We did you all a favour!"
     Markus turned off the TV and sighed sadly before getting up and moving towards the door. He was met outside by Connor, who gave him a sympathetic look.
  "Any progress?" The RK200 asked.
  "None… He's in a catatonic state, which the technician's say is normal after…" The RK800 pinched the bridge of his nose before looking Markus in the eye "...Every single line of social protocols was...Replaced with Myrmidon and Trojan coding. The fact he showed guilt and cried when you found them is...Is hopeful...But Josh isn't ever going to be as he was, ever again. Perkins saw to that…"
  "I can't...I can't lose him Connor…" Markus pleaded.
  "I know, and I'm sorry I can't bring you better news. All I can say for sure is that the military programming will be deleted and he might go back to being non-aggressive, but I can't promise you he'll be anything but passive to the world around him. The emotional trauma is too much..." Connor put a hand on Markus's shoulder. "I'm sorry...I'm really sorry you had to go through something like this."
  "...Being sorry won't bring back Simon and North, and it won't fix Josh…"
They should have seen the signs.
They should have known something was wrong.
Now Markus was completely alone, two friends torn apart by their other friend who was now confined to a tiny cell in an android medical facility, a lost cause.
Everything was a screwed up mess, and it looked like it wouldn't ever be anything but that.
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howrry · 6 years
forbidden fruit pt.2
a/n: yes i said i’d post ceo!harry first. yes i lied. sue me. here’s part 2 of that hatefucking piece, there’ll probably be only one more. short and sweet and a little smutty enjoyyy [here is part 1 btw]
w/c: 1.5k
warnings: u know its nsfw ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
There was a knock at the door, followed by someone asking, "Is someone in here?"
You stumbled out of the bathroom in Josh's room, head fuzzy and eyes a bit watery. You tried to fix your appearance as much as you could to hide the fact that you'd just blown the guy you claim to hate the most. No time to figure out that dilemma, though, people were downstairs waiting for you.
The knob to the door turned before you could reach for it, and two girls you recognized from class burst in. "Oh, sorry!" one of them said. "We needed to pee and all the other bathrooms are taken. Anyone in there?"
You shook your head and simply bounded back downstairs. Luke was pleased to see you and  questioned neither your absence nor Harry's sudden disappearance. In fact, the rest of the night was actually quite fun. You, Luke, and his friends shotgunned, took shots, danced, and played beer pong until your ride came to pick you up. The blonde boy walked you out to the car and even kissed your cheek goodbye, and you were grinning the whole way home thinking about how sweet he was.
You wished you could say that during the weekend your thoughts were free from Harry, but no such luck. It was obvious that Luke was interested in you and you weren't stupid; the boy was perfect on paper. He was smart, he treated you well, and it wasn't like he was unfortunate to look at... But it was different with Harry. It was... taboo, you supposed. Something about your relationship with him, whatever it was, was almost exhilarating.
At school, Harry acted as if you didn't exist. It definitely ruffled your feathers a bit but the only good H is a quiet H. You guessed you'd rather have no confrontation than deal with his vile personality.
Luke caught you before lunch and asked you to sit with him and his friends. Some of their girlfriends were there and were welcoming of you, complimenting your nail color and sharing the gossip for the day. Luke and his buddies laughed and chatted together as well, but all you could feel were two eyes boring into you. You glanced behind one of the girls across from you and saw Harry across the room eyeing you.
Oh, so now he was gonna get pissy? Really? After leaving you at a party and completely ignoring you during class? What a cuck. To mess with him even more, you leaned into Luke's side and nestled your head on his shoulder. He laughed a little through his nose and reached around you to rub your arm. "You're cute, y'know that?" he whispered.
Harry, expectedly, was glaring daggers. Hmm... point Y/N.
After lunch, you and Luke had classes on opposite sides of the school, so you parted ways. You were still floating on your victory cloud when a firm hand gripped your wrist and pulled you down the hallway of the arts wing. All theater, choir, and art classes were held in the morning so the foyer was empty and dark.
It was Harry, which wasn't a shock, but you did have to get to class. "Harry, what the fuck? Where are we going?" you whined.
"Don' worry about it," he answered, still pulling you down the wing.
"I have history, H," you continued to bitch. "And slow down, you're gonna wear out the soles of my--"
Harry cut you off by pulling you into the storage closet furthest from the rest of campus, slamming the door behind you two and pressing you against it. "Tha's about enough from you," he deadpanned. You swallowed and obeyed.
"What do y'think yeh're doing running around with 'im?" he interrogated, breath fanning against your face. There wasn't an inch of space between you two, but Harry wanted even more and separated your legs with his thigh.
"It's none of your fucking business," you spat, trying to ignore your proximity to him. You and Luke weren't dating necessarily, but you weren't sure about messing with other people and H's cologne was starting to get intoxicating.
He chuckled, entertained. His eyes soaked in all of you before jumping back up to stare into yours. "Yeh don' wanna be with him. He doesn' know how to treat yeh."
You scoffed. "Oh, and you're any better? Luke wouldn't make me suck his cock and then ditch me."
Harry hummed, fingers drifting around the hem of your skirt. "I see," he mused. "Yeh want me to return the favor, pet?"
"I... uh," and well, what to say to that? He pushed your skirt up past your thighs and cupped your center, halting any other words that could come out of your mouth.
"Don't be afraid 'f what yeh want, kitten," he reminded you, pulling your panties aside and running calloused fingers along your folds.
Okay, maybe his advice wasn't so bad. You nodded and breathed, "Please, H, please get inside me." Begging wasn't your usual game, but this was a good exception. Harry brought his fingers to your lips and you obediently sucked your wetness from off them.
"Mm, what a good girl," he praised. Harry unzipped his pants and freed his cock. "Y'want me buried inside of yeh? Wanna feel my cock fuckin' yeh open?"
"God, yes." Your hands fell on his shoulders as he rubbed the head of his cock against your wet folds. Sliding in was almost too easy, and the burn from his width stretching your walls made your head fall against the door.
He had one of your legs hiked up around his hips to allow him to fuck you as deeply as possible. Harry's mouth was on your neck, licking and sucking at the soft flesh as your knees got shaky.
"Don't--" you breathed, "don't leave a hickey, Luke'll kill me."
Harry responded first by pushing in to the hilt, making you choke on a gasp. "I'll leave a mark if I damn well please." He pulled on your hair to expose more of your neck and bit it, thrusting harder and faster. "Yeh know for a fact that he couldn't make yeh feel this good. He'd fuck y'like you're a doll, but that's not what yeh want, is it? Y'want to get fucked like a whore and 'm the only one who can do it," he asserted right into your ear.
You nodded and dragged your nails down his back through his shirt, likely not leaving a mark but enough to make him aware of your desperation. The drag of his cock inside of you was pushing you closer and closer to the edge and you whimpered out, pathetically agreeing to his claims. He truly made you weak. "I guess," he breathed between thrusts, "I was right."
Of course, you were too busy chasing your orgasm to really listen to him finish his sentence, but he continued anyways. "I have to fuck yeh... to get y'to behave." He pushed himself in once more and you finally reached your climax. Your legs would've given out from underneath you had he not held you up by your waist. "Tha's right, pet, cum on m'cock," he cooed as you shook and whimpered in his arms. "Fuck, you're quite sensitive," he noted when you scrambled to get him out of your still-pulsing walls. He'd already cum inside you, and dropped down to start licking it out of you.
And... okay, if that wasn't the hottest thing you've ever seen. He was on his knees with his face buried between your thighs, and you tried to push him off weakly. Finally, when you had just about had enough, Harry rose back up and tucked himself back in his trousers.
"Get to class, Y/N," he ordered, barely giving you time to readjust your skirt back to normal. And you definitely noticed the lack of a pet name-- what a fucking jackass. "I know I am, darling," he responded and you realized you said that last part out loud. "I'll see you in first period tomorrow, hm? Oh, and clean yourself up," he said, licking his thumb and wiping it across where your lip gloss had smeared.
Harry straightened himself up, merely nodded to you, and left you in the closet the same way he left you in Josh's room.
You didn't really have any options but to listen to him. You fixed your hair back to what it looked like before you got railed in a school supply closet, adjusted your wrinkled clothes, and walked to your class with wobbly legs. Your teacher accepted your half-assed excuse for tardiness since you weren't typically a nuisance anyways and punishing you would be more trouble than it was worth.
As your history teacher droned on about the aftereffects of WWII in Europe, all you could think about was this new game Harry was playing with you. First he'd ignore you, then he'd sleep with you and enforce some kind of psuedo-dominance rooted in jealousy over you, then go back to not caring about you at all. Fine, you finally thought to yourself. If Harry wanted a game, then he's got one.
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starry-eyed-skz · 5 years
Jisung and Jiwoo Han ~ The Twins Epilogue : Pride and Joy
Haha wow, we've reached the very final of The Twins! Thank you to those of you who have read this story, and I hope you enjoyed the chapters. I would also like to say happy birthday to our one and only Jisungie, I can't believe he's 19 now 😫 Anyways, enough talking. Let's get into this epilogue!
Bold = memories, beginning & ending of chapter | Italics = thoughts
prev | epilogue
~~~Jiwoo’s POV~~~
“Jisung!” A loud squeal leaves my mouth as my twin brother picks me up bridal style out of my bed. "Put me down you jackass!" I smack my hand against his chest, him just rolling his eyes with a smile on his face. "Stop flailing or I'll fucking drop you." Jisung's laugh is still so relieving to hear, keeping my heart at ease. I pout and just lean my head on Jisung's chest. My body instinctively leans in closer to him as he starts walking down the stairs, not wanting to fall.
"You're fine JiJi, I'm not gonna drop you." His tone is teasing, making me send a slight glare up at him. I don't know why I'm even surprised, he does this every damn morning. I'm ripped out of my thoughts when I'm thrown on the couch, whines of annoyance coming from me and two others. Jeongin and Minho. "Jisung how dare you make me hurt my son?" I sit up hastily and wrap my arms around Jeongin, pulling his head towards me. "Excuse me," Minho's face is that of faux annoyance as the words leave his mouth, "I got hurt too!"
"Yeah but you aren't my son." I reply sassily as I play with Jeongin's hair, seeing him send a smirk Minho's way. My eyes drift to the floor where Hyunjin, Seungmin and Felix are sat playing Mario Kart on the big tv, their playful competitiveness making me smile fondly. Changbin is curled up on the chair next to the couch, just barely staying awake as he scrolls through his phone. Cute. Chan and Woojin aren't in the room, but judging from the aroma coming from the kitchen, they're making breakfast. In my half-asleep state, I had forgotten what today was, suddenly standing up and tackling Jisung in tight hug.
"Woah!" We almost tumble to the floor before Jisung catches himself against the wall. "Happy birthday doofus!" I yell in his ear and give him a cheeky grin. "If I could have one birthday without you making me temporarily deaf, that'd be fantastic." He says sarcastically but his smile gives him away. "Happy birthday to you too loser." His arms lazily wrap around me and he rests his chin on my shoulder, laughing as Felix loses the current round of Mario Kart. A sudden knock on the front door makes me peel myself away from Jisung and walk over to open it, a smile instantly taking over my face.
"Shua!" I immediately wrap my arms around his neck and nuzzle my face into his chest. "Hi baby.." Joshua's voice is so quiet and sweet, making my heart calm down from what happened earlier. "Close the door please, it's raining!" Woojin calls from the kitchen, a small giggle leaving me as I pull Joshua inside to close the door. Chan peeks his head out of the kitchen, smiling gently when he sees Joshua. "Sup, Hong." Josh gives a polite nod as I drag him to the living room where he greets everyone else that's out there, Woojin yelling a greeting from the kitchen.
"Happy birthday Jisung, you too baby." Joshua kisses my forehead and goes over to give my twin a hug, giving him one of his birthday punches in the process. Well that makes ten. A laugh leaves my mouth before I get one too, having both of us Han twins whining and rubbing our arms. "Sorry, you guys know the normal birthday traditions." Everyone laughs with Joshua while me and Jisung pout at each other. "Speaking of which, which member of your group is sitting out of their birthday punches this year?" Minho asks as he runs his hand through his silver hair. "Probably Jeonghan, I don't know. They were discussing it when I left."
"Wow, great to hear that the boys are fighting over who's gonna drive their fist into mine and Jisung's arms today." I roll my eyes but laugh a little, not surprised about it at all. "I swear Jihoon is going to break my arm one of these years.." I mumble and slump my shoulders, shuddering while remembering how much his birthday punches hurt. He really doesn't know when to go easy.
Later that night all 23 of us are at a reservation that was planned by Jeonghan and Woojin, so many stupid but memorable conversations taking place over dinner. The past two years have been part of a long healing process, which has been very successful. After the universe had turned on me and ripped away three years with the people I call my home, I had finally successfully got back to them. The first best moment since being home was sudden, but not unexpected..
Hyungwon's arrest:
~~September 20, 2019; Jiwoo's POV~~
"JiJi, come here now!" Jisung's yell reverberates off the walls, making me jump in my skin. I instantly spring up from my desk chair and run down the stairs into the living room. "What?! Who got hurt?!" I frantically yell, my eyes scanning the room. "No, no! Your dickbag kidnapper is on the news!" My heart stops in my chest, my feet moving quickly to sit down next to Jisung on the floor. The other eight boys run into the living room as soon as they heard Jisung's words.
We all watched in silence as the news reporter was explaining why Chae Hyungwon is being arrested. I become uneasy in my spot when I'm mentioned, twiddling with my fingers in my lap. "He is the confirmed kidnapper of Han Jiwoo, twin sister of Han Jisung of Stray Kids. The words from the man himself has lead to one of his many charges." The reporter on the screen is gone as the footage from the scene of his arrest is played full screen with audio.
"I will find her! None of you can fucking stop me! I'll have all of you pathetic wastes of space slaughtered before you even get the chance to put me away!!" He continues struggling against the officers, eventually ending up handcuffed and in the back of the police car. I can't help the dry laugh that passes between my lips as the policemen continue to restrain him to stop him moving or trying to escape.
That day had made me beyond relieved, knowing I'm completely safe from him now. I still have all my scars from the times Hyungwon had hurt me, but I just try not to pay attention to them. Jisung and I have been going to therapy together, working through our trauma and problems side by side. My train of thought is suddenly derailed as someone taps my shoulder, making me look at Vernon to my left who's looking at me in concern. "Hey, you okay?" I just nod at him with a genuine smile, my eyes turning into crescent shapes. "Perfectly fine Hansol, just thinking back on stuff."
He nods his head and once again everyone is engaged in conversation. All of us are extremely happy and comfortable in this very moment, it seems so serene and unreal. The night slowly comes to an end after Chan and Woojin's "happy 21st birthday" speech. Seungcheol pays for the meal and we part our respective ways.
Almost instantaneously when I'm in mine and Jisung's room, I'm peeling off my dress and replacing it with my much comfier pajamas. Jisung is near his bed doing the same with his dress pants and shirt, opting for sweatpants and a simple t-shirt. I turn around and give him a certain look before grabbing my phone, him knowing exactly what I'm doing. As if on instinct my finger taps on the Instagram icon and I look for a picture of Jisung to post, writing a quick but sweet caption. The only noise that fills the room is the sound of our fingers dancing across our screens.
Jisung finally looks up to meet my gaze after having stared at the side of his face for a little bit, ready to post them. We count down from three together, pressing 'post' at the exact same time as our posts now enter the ether.
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I smile at Jisung as I finish reading his caption, no words being able to do any justice for how much I love and cherish my twin. He gets up and walks over to my bed, sitting down next to me and wrapping his arms securely around me. "I'm so happy you're here JiJi.." His voice is slightly muffled into my hair, but I still hear it nonetheless. "Me too Sungie, me too.." I wrap my arms around his, leaning into Jisung's warmth. "Hey Jisung?" My voice breaks our comfortable silence, making his eyes drift to me. "Yeah Jiwoo?"
"I'm proud to call you my twin brother."
~~~~THE END~~~~
I hope you all enjoyed this series! I had so much fun writing it and receiving everyone's feedback :) This is also my first completed book, so I'm proud I stuck with it! Thank you so much to those of you who truly loved my series as well as being patient in between chapters, it means sososo much to me!
Thank you for reading, and I'll see you all next post for another series or stand alone 😄😙
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