#damn the music is bitchin
pseudonemisis · 2 years
I feel like my life is a game of poker in a pitch dark room for infinite stakes with a dealer who won't stop smiling
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Love theif<3
You and Dallas were currently roommates, or actually hallmates. You lived at Buck's so you could work, Dallas lived at Buck's because he wanted to sit on his lazy ass all the time.
"Shut that music up, Y/n!" Dallas yelled from his room.
"How about you shut up, Dickface!" You screamed back.
This was a daily thing, it was like Buck was taking care of two hot headed kids with anger issues.
He could be funny sometimes but he was just impossible to like. Ya'll have been fighting since y'all met, since y'all came together as a gang.
You knew the Curtis brothers because they lived next to you for your whole life, and then here comes Dallas trying to make you miserable.
Two-Bit, Soda and Steve said it's because he likes you, but you never believed that shit.
Dallas came in your room, and just stared at you.
"Can I fucking help you?" you asked, waiting for a stupid response.
And you were right about the stupid response because he knocked everything off of your dresser and onto the floor, laughed, and ran out also leaving the door open.
"Ughh!" you exclaimed before stomping over to Dalla's room.
You slammed open his bedroom door, making him jump a little.
"Hey, man. Easy on the door"
"Fuck you, Dally." You cursed.
"You wish." He said back, smirking.
God, that stupid smirk on his stupid face.
"Why do you do this to me? What did I do to make you fell like you have to fuck up everything?"
"Oh quit your bitchin- also that's mine." He said guesturing to the sweatshirt you were wearing.
He would be lying if he said he didn't think you look cute in his sweatshirt.
"So? you take my stuff." you said.
You picked up your lighter, which was sitting on his nightstand.
"My lighter." you said, holding it up in his face.
"It lights my cigarettes better than matches."
"My cigarettes that I just bought yesterday night. I know because I wrote My name on the inside."
"oh yeah, ay while your bickering can you hand me one?"
"My blanket." you said, snatching it off of him.
"It's soft!" he said, trying to get it back.
"Ugh! I'm gonna kill you" you said, jumping on top of him, starting to smack him on his arm.
He grabbed your hair, tugging hard at it.
"Ow you bitch! Let go of my hair!" You yelled before grabbing his hair, giving him the same pain.
"damn, I didn't know you were a freak like that." He smirked, half just tryna get a rise out of you, and the other half was actually impressed.
"Shut up, you are a freak just as much as I am. Now let go!"
You started to pull harder, taking both of y'all onto the floor, continuing the cat fight out into the hallway.
"You let go of my hair first and then I'll stop."
You paused for a second, thinking it over,
"You lyin?"
You slowly let go of his hair, before being tackled to the ground.
"You are a fake ass bitch!" You said, trying to get loose.
"Aww, you mad? Nah, you know you like playin around with me."
Before you could say something back, y'all were interrupted .
"What in the actual fuck is going on in here?" Buck's voice was heard, interrupting the fighting.
"Tell Dally to stop being a bitch! He keeps taking my stuff, coming into MY room and completely messing it up, it has been like this since we've met each other and I'm sick and tired of it!" You screamed.
You could see Buck's face, it looked like he was thinking.
"Yall follow me." He said plainly.
The two of you followed him, wondering where he was taking ya'll.
It was your room.
"Hey what are-" before you could finish, the door was shut.
"Hey! Let us out! I don't wanna be in here with him!"
"Well learn how to wanna be in there with him. Ya'll aren't coming out until y'all become besties." Buck said through the door, locking it.
You sighed, turning around, seeing Dallas laying on your bed, playing with your stuffed animal.
"Aww don't be mad Ms y/n." He said, making the stuffed animal look like it was talking to you.
you rolled your eyes, nudging him a little, telling him to scoot over.
You brought out some candy from your drawer and your remote, turning the TV on.
you threw a pack of candy at him.
"Shrimp dick." You said, your eyes still on the TV, finding a movie for y'all to watch.
"Biatch." He said, opening the candy and eating some, passing you some as well.
There was definitely some progress made, since y'all are sharing food and actually sitting down on your bed next to each other. And the insults decreased slightly.
"I think he's the killer, what do you think?" You asked, taking some candy out of the bag.
"I agree, he's creepy as fuck. He looks like he about to jump through the screen and slice me."
He laughed, looking at you.
He kept his stare going for at least 10 seconds,
"What?" You asked, rubbing your face, thinking you had candy on you.
"You know I don't hate you right?" He asked, pulling the cover around him more.
You sat in silence before answering.
"Then why did you tease me, bully me and all that shit since we met." you questioned, taking some candy from the handful that you had.
"Because I like you" he mumbled, secretly hoping you didn't hear, even though he wanted you to know.
"You serious?" you asked, kinda scared he was just trying to fuck with you.
He laughed.
"Girl if I bully you for that long without giving up, I'm pretty fucking sure I'm serious. Is it bad that I like you?" He said, starting to get insecure.
You had a smile that could just make him cry and shook your head. before grabbing his hand.
He stared some more before leaning his head on your shoulder, pulling the cover over the two of you.
He just wanted to lay with you, maybe Buck should do this more often.
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nectarinesalt · 5 months
TICK // 9.1 - tiny dancer
Tumblr media
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Rating: mature (angst, language, sexual content)
Word Count: 1700
a quick fluffy finale of the new year's eve chapter trilogy ;-)
Blue jean baby, L.A. lady Seamstress for the band Pretty-eyed, pirate smile You'll marry a music man
New Year's Eve 1983 - junior year
You flinched at Eddie's sudden outburst, startling you in the calm atmosphere of the frozen lake. The brown-eyed boy leapt off the back of the van, shaking off the blanket that had been draped around his shoulders.
Watching him with amusement, you downed the rest of your beer, finally feeling a little warmth burning inside of you.
"The hell are you on, Munson?"
In a dramatic fashion, Eddie leaned forward in front of you with a hand outstretched.
"May I have this dance?"
"Uh… what?" you blurted out, looking around. You didn't really know what you were looking for, though, as the only thing around you was this spontaneous man with a permanent sweet smile on his face.
Eddie rolled his eyes, but didn't drop his hand. "Sunshine, did I stutter? Dance with me."
"I don't dance."
"You speak fucking French, but you don't dance?"
"Ugh!" He turned around, staring off into the pitch black night. You caught the subtle movement as he checked his watch.
Enjoying being stubborn, you reached for another can of beer and cracked it open. "You know, I never took you for the dancing type…"
But he ignored your comment, spinning around to face you again. Eddie stepped towards you and rested his hands on either side of where you sat, dangerously close to you. His mischievous eyes followed yours, then the beverage as you raised it to your lips.
"Could you be any more boring, Buckley?"
He knew damn well what he was doing. He knew exactly what would get you out of the van. Eddie challenged your bravery, contested your cool composure. And it worked.
You set down your beer slowly, refusing to meet his proud gaze. You took your time removing the blanket and eventually lifted yourself to stand before him.
"Well, what now?"
Eddie checked his watch again. "Give me your hands, I'll lead."
"It's freezing out here," you complained, dragging out the inevitable, but reluctantly placed your gloved hands into his.
He grinned at you and pulled you close. "Quit your bitchin'."
The fact that your stomach was doing tiny backflips wasn't lost on you. Somehow, Eddie was a furnace in the freezing darkness, his warmth radiating through the thick jacket covering his chest. You brushed your head softly on his chin, enjoying the glimmer of the rings on his hand in the soft light emanating from the open van.
Turning you slowly, Eddie rested one hand on your waist and held the other in his own hand. Swaying a bit, you heard him mumble close to your ear.
"Not that bad, is it?"
"But there's no music."
Taking you by surprise, Eddie began to hum. 
You couldn't quite place the song. But something about it felt like coming home, like reminiscing on a precious memory. You closed your eyes and pressed your forehead to his collarbone. The vibrations in his chest as he hummed the tune could have lulled you to sleep if every nerve in your body wasn't on fire.
It could have been hours gone by, minutes, whatever. You didn't remember the last time you felt this kind of peace, the internal war raging within you coming to a halt.
"Five… four…"
Realizing that Eddie was suddenly counting down to midnight, your chest constricted with need. Lifting your eyes, his dark orbs weren't meeting yours, but rather he was watching your mouth. You couldn't control your urge to follow his lips as he proceeded to count.
"...three… two…"
Pushing up on your toes, the kiss you pressed to him was tender but as scorching as the sun.
Eddie grabbed you harder, pulling your ribcage against his as if he was afraid you might run off, his other hand holding the back of your head. You kissed him forcefully, needing him to know just how much you wanted it.
You didn't care that you probably tasted like beer, or that his jacket smelled slightly of cigarette smoke. You didn't care that it was freezing. You didn't give a flying fuck what your parents would think of this, or your friends at school. 
All that mattered was that Eddie was there, and he was holding you, tasting you. You melted together, ceasing to be separate individuals at that moment.
Fireworks began to pop across the lake, almost muted at the far distance. The lights distracted the man in your arms for a moment as he pulled away from you.
"No," you huffed, using your gloved hand to usher his face back to yours. You didn't care much about the fireworks. Only this.
Your demanding motion to continue kissing him almost sent Eddie over the edge. He pushed you closer to the van until the backs of your thighs hit the bumper.
You immediately lifted your backside into the van, wrapping your arms around him and urging his body to settle between your legs. Your kissing was sweltering, a hot beacon of light that rivaled the New Year's fireworks being set off across the lake.
But when you ran your tongue over his lip, asking for more, Eddie stopped.
He didn't move his feet though, keeping his stance firm with your legs resting on his hips.
"What's wrong?" Your breathing was ragged, your lips almost swollen.
Eddie sighed and rubbed his eyes, seeming to be on the hunt for the right words to say. "Nothing's wrong at all."
"Then come here," you hooked your index fingers through the belt loops on his jeans, tugging his hips closer to yours. 
But still, he stopped and moved away, leaning against the van next to you.
Eddie was quick to speak. "Before you say anything - that was the best fucking thing to happen to me in all of 1984."
You looked at him, still dazed by the kissing and sudden lack of warm contact. "But 1984 just started."
"I know, and I'm telling you. That was the best fucking thing. Thank you."
"You're… welcome?"
Eddie let out a bark of laughter, running a hand through his hair. He snuck a quick glance at you to see you smiling, too.
"Maybe if I'm lucky we can pick back up on this another time, yeah?" he suggested.
You looked away from him, the insecure voice in the back of your head wondering if you did something to turn him off. But you also weren't stupid. Horny teenage urges aside - Eddie was right, and nothing like this needed to be rushed.
Plus, they weren't even officially dating. You wondered if that was even a thing that Eddie Munson was capable of; you had never seen him with a girl before, but also never really went out of your way to look.
The comfort that you felt with him in the darkness of these winter nights made you feel like an entirely new person, the person you longed to be. Without prying eyes, without judgment from others. You found yourself dreading going back to school on Monday. The real world.
Eddie nudged your arm softly, breaking you out of your anxious thoughts. 
"You okay?" 
"What time is it?" You reached for Eddie's wrist, reading the time. "Shit, shit, shit. Can you take me home? But drop me off on the corner of my street, I told Robin I’d meet her an hour after midnight."
Ballerina, you must've seen her Dancing in the sand And now she's in me, always with me Tiny dancer in my hand
You wrapped your arm around Robin's slender shoulder as you both walked down the street to your house.
Eddie was gone, disappearing into the mysterious night. You had pecked him on the cheek as a farewell before exiting his van to wait for Robin under the streetlight. You sure you'll be safe getting home? …don't worry about me, Munson.
"So tell me all about your night, Robbie. I missed you."
Robin smiled briefly, her breath coming out like tiny clouds in the cold night air. "I got a New Year's hug. But hey, it was the best fucking New Year's hug I've ever gotten."
Eddie's words reverberated through your mind, but you shook them off.
"Really? Even better than the time Aunt Carol hugged you so hard her boobs knocked out your front baby tooth?" you joked.
You enjoyed making your younger sister laugh more than anything. Doubled over in a fit of giggles, Robin almost had tears in her eyes. 
"Oh my gosh, how do you remember that? I think my seven-year-old brain tried to block that from my memory."
"Me too, but Aunt Carol was a real trip. I still remember the look on your face."
Robin sighed, wiping tears of laughter from her blue eyes. "Happy New Year, by the way."
They walked slowly, strolling down the block, not in any rush to get back home to your parents. You pulled your sister a little closer.
"Happy New Year, Robin. One year closer to getting the hell outta Hawkins."
Side-eyeing her older sister suddenly, Robin pressed you for any details about your night. "Did you and Eddie have a good time?"
As usual, your defenses went up. You almost didn't want to answer your sister's innocent question.
For a split second, you genuinely questioned yourself, wondering why you felt so protective over your private life. Did you really have to hide your feelings for Eddie Munson? Did you really care what people thought of you?
When it came to Robin, no. But when it came to your looming fears over school on Monday morning, your stomach turned.
"I'll keep it simple for you. I had the perfect night. And I watched fireworks, too."
Robin's warm smile and a squeeze of her hand reassured you that life was good. Letting down your walls wasn't such a terrible thing.
But, oh, how it feels so real Lying here with no one near Only you, and you can hear me When I say softly, slowly
Hold me closer, tiny dancer Count the headlights on the highway Lay me down in sheets of linen You had a busy day today
(song lyrics credit: "Tiny Dancer" by Elton John)
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A Wild Nerve-Ending on a Friday Night (Oneshot)
*mood music*
Well, tonight is the end of S2, beautiful friends…it’s been a lot of fun. I’d like to thank each and every one of you who made this off the wall, chaotic shitposting journey with us. This blog wouldn’t have been anything without y’all! Hopefully this show left us with some good memes….
So, until S3, I’m gonna keep writing silly little fanfics like this! Stay gold, critters.
….bang. /ref
Inspired by this post from @friendlysmiler
Pim is canonically quite the party animal himself from what we saw in everyone’s favorite episode so who knows what hijinks the little pink imp gets into? XD
Side Note: Bill and Smormu are not only both alive here but they’re a wlw couple here, Bill is a he/him lesbian and Smormu is transfemme and sapphic, because that’s how I roll.
Monday, 7:15am
A fresh start to a brand new week at the Smiling Friends charity has officially began as everyone punched in and awaited their breakfast Alan theatrically-prepared while he channeled his inner Joichiro Yukihira in the breakroom kitchen.
Charlie was scrolling through his phone while smirking at old Rage Comics from over a decade ago with Glep watching on his shoulder and making a similar goofy smirk while Pim happily drew a picture of his co-workers in colored pencils to stick onto the fridge while quietly singing a song from one of his comfort shows.
“Take a moment to think of juuuust, flexibility love and truuust~”
Once Pim colored inside the lines, he hopped out of his chair and scurried to the fridge to display his masterpiece. “Excuse me, I’m just going to grab the cheese to melt over our deluxe omelette.” asked Alan in his usual monotone voice while Pim let out a nervous squeak while stepping out of Alan’s way. While Alan grabbed what he needed he inspected Pim’s drawing a with an impressed smile. “I really like your picture here, you even perfectly replicated my scales.”
Pim started excitedly fidgeting his hands as he chirped: “Thank you, Alan, I always find it weird whenever people draw you, they tend to forget or deliberately leave it out. I think your scales are beautiful!” Alan got a bit bashful while trying to stay focused on finding the cheese grater, uttering a somewhat-shaker “Thank you, you’re too kind….damn can’t find it, don’t want to burn the omelette so I’ll just-“ Alan grabbed a knife and precisely peeled thin-layers of cheddar to gently lay on top of the fluffy eggy clouds seasoned with garden-fresh herbs and spring onions.
Charlie couldn’t resist making a cheap shot at his slinky red co-worker: “Hey guys, Alan cut the cheese.”, such was a line that caused him and Glep to burst into laughter as if they where in grade school. Alan, who was serving plates carrying slices of the omelette, wasn’t amused and was tempted to gift the two wisecracking ingrates each an equally-tasteless surprise of pulling a Glep into their food, but took the high-brow road with a classy remark: “Let’s switch the conversation to a topic with actual substance…so, how did everyone’s weekend go?”
Charlie piped up first: “I played through the entirety of this one cool RPG for two days straight then when I finally beat it I celebrated getting wasted at the bar before getting kicked out for starting another brawl and spent all Sunday sleeping off my hangover.” He lifted his right sleeve to reveal the cherry on top: “On the way home I got this bitchin’ tattoo.” Lovingly detailed on Charlie’s arm was a crudely-drawn snake-dragon thing with arms breathing fire.
Alan then turned to Pim, asking: “How was yours?” to which Pim casually replied: “Oh, nothing much, the highlight was me and some friends hanging out at a pool.”
Friday, 6:00pm ~ Three Nights Ago…
Pim was sneaking around with a group of familiar faces as the moon hung in the sky like a charm on a bracelet, a chorus of snickering harmonized with the chirping crickets and the hooting owls. They stop at their final destination: the fence barring access to a familiar estate from the common folk….that didn’t stop the wild bunch from helping each other break in by climbing over and slipping through. Greeting the mischievous party was a grandiose pool yard just begging for the crowd to jump in. “Ah, the perks of having connections with an A-List Celebrity….” Pim monologued to himself, before taking his shirts and shorts off revealing underneath was a hot sparkly teal one-piece with a star-shaped hole at the back for his pollywog tail to peek through. Smormu, who wore a pink floral-print bikini under her button-up and capri-pants whispered to Pim: “Are you sure we’re not going to get caught?” Pim replied with a grin: “Don’t worry, love, Mr. Frog’s out and about somewhere, probably at a crummy bar, and probably causing his usual commotions there so he isn’t too concerned with whatever’s happening here.” As Duncan and Dj Spitz set the mood by the former playing a 90s bop out of a retro boombox and the latter breaking out the booze, Everyone stampeded over to the pool in unison, each individual jumping in the cold crisp waters in various amusing ways as the loud victory cry of “GERONIMOOOO!!!!” bursted out of the ever-excitable Filmore’s mouth like a firework into the sky. It was a rip-roaring time with just a hint of good-old-fashioned chaos, just the way Pim liked it.
Just three nights night ago around this time, Pim was uncontrollably sobbing to himself in a pillow over the fact that his fickle sister Amy invited literally everyone she knew to her wedding… except for her ever-loyal and loving baby brother, bragging about having Mr. Frog as a celebrity guest. Sick of crying his eyes out and being excluded from his family’s lives on a daily basis, he figured he could have a celebration of his own! The only downside was his co-workers having plans of their for that weekend, otherwise he would have invited them over for this late-night dive.
“A toast to our dear comrade and member of the Pennsylvania UFO-Hunting Squad, the ever-lovable Pimling!” Bill proposed as he raised his glass, everyone followed suit, chanting Pim’s name, except for a heavily-intoxicated Dj Spitz pounding in his chest and hollering out: “FUCK YEAH ROCK ON LIL PINK MAN!!!” Of course Pim immediately got flustered, his face turned a vivid shade of hot pink as a result of all the positive attention while mustering the confidence to reply until grinning sheepishly and raising his own glass, stuttering: “T-thank you everyone, you’re all too kind…all this hype about little ol’ me.” In a rush off of the praise and the sheer audacity of his actions, he chugged his drink down without a second thought. Everything after that was a string of vague, discombobulated visions of what happened in-between the rest of the night…
Saturday, 5:02am
It was a very early morning when the dizzy, light-headed Pim woke up front-facing the twilight sky melting into daytime, getting up and finding himself floating inside Mr. Frog’s grandiose fountain in front of his house until he immediately snapped out of it upon just noticing the strewn toilet paper and graffiti all over the statue. In a panic, Pim swam out and scurried around looking for everyone else and making sure nobody was left behind, his heart raced discovering more of the shameless if not karmic defilement of Mr. Frog’s property: overturned lawn chairs with one thrown into a window, discarded junk inside the pool and the jacuzzi, more TP strewn around like party streamers and someone’s trunks (presumably Duncan’s) hung like a flagpole like a comical take on a windsock. It seemed everyone except Pim had taken off before sunrise if not gotten arrested. Combined with the panic attack he was getting and the unambiguous symptoms of a hangover reeking havoc on his body, Pim tried to reach for a trash can to stress-vomit until he collapsed and relieved his bile in the jacuzzi. Minutes went by as Pim felt weak like a newborn kitten, prepared for the legal trouble he was about to get himself in if Mr. Frog wasn’t going to maim him Spamtopia-style first….just then a familiar voice rang in Pim’s ears that filled him with relief, Pim’s eyes cracked open as he started upward at a sober Bill holding the hand of his stumbling partner, Smormu. “Morning, buddy, need a hand?” Pim responded without so much words as it was a tired grunt and raising his stubby pink hand to initiate Bill and Smormu helping their friend up. “Let’s hurry and get out of here, unless we wanna throw a party in the county tank.” Bill chuckled.
Later that day saw a double-dose of tea and drama Pim was secretly and gleefully catching up with, from Pim’s mother recanting to Pim how much of a disaster Amy’s wedding was when Mr. Frog showed his ass once again by getting drunk and trashing the place, even spilling red wine on her wedding dress. Then the news that Mr. Frog came home to his place utterly savaged, claiming he’d seek revenge on the purp but considering the type of person he was, everyone assumed that Frog did it himself after coming home from the wedding he was invited too and was too drunk to remember.
Monday, 7:27am
Pim finished with an uproar of laughter from his co-workers plus Mr. Boss, all of them in shock and awe that the one always perceived as the cute little “goody-two-shoes” of the Smiling Friends charity was capable of getting up to some serious frat boy-level shenanigans. Charlie felt as if he wasted his time spending his weekend the same as the last, so he asked his best friend: “Hey Pim, you think I can hang out with you next weekend?” Pim made an innocent pose, putting his finger on his lips as if he was a kid who got caught stealing from a cookie jar. “Well, maybe not same-the-same-place but I know another celebrity’s pool yard to break into! I hear the Krombledashians are hosting the Meep Gala next Saturday…”
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deadbydangit · 1 year
Hiii can you write separated hc of a reader who was able to get their phone (entity was feeling generous) and showed Ghsotface and the legion? reader shows them very weird and unfiltered music, memes, videos, looking through readers gallery, how they can play GAMES on the phone, and etc? tyy <33
That's funny. Sorry it took me a while. It's been a busy two days.
Sharing a newer phone with them
Ghostface, Legion (Frank)
Oh shit.
What's that?
A phone?
That's not attached to the wall?
No way.
Until he tries it.
And holy shit is he amazed.
You also aren't getting it back.
He's going to discover everything.
And he'll talk to you like you have no idea how neat the phone is.
"Did you know it has a camera?"
"And these things called 'filters' that can make the picture look crazy?"
"You can download these things called 'apps"."
"I even found you can play video games on it!"
"There's this one called Dead by Daylight It's really fun."
You're going to need to get him his own phone.
Otherwise you aren't getting yours back.
If he's really bugging you, get him into candy crush.
"God fucking damn it! These stupid jellies!"
He'll be at that for a while.
Legion (Frank)
Hey babe, what's this?
He found your cell phone.
"Oh, this is what phones are like in the future?"
"That's bitchin'"
Wow, you touch the screen.
Oh, there are games?
Like the games he played in arcades!
That's awesome.
He's more impressed with the graphics and ideas of new games than the actual phone.
Secretly download a few different games for him.
You'll come by to see him one day laughing.
"I found this game where you raise weird cats to fight weird looking dogs and shit."
Battle Cats. You downloaded Battle Cats.
Eventually he'll discover Tiktoc.
And then he's referencing every meme.
Good luck.
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turquoisecobalt · 1 month
Happy Sabrina Carpenter Short n' Sweet release day! (Note: I live in Australia)
having just finished my first listen (doing second listen as i type this), the songs i added to my likes are Sharpest Tool, Bed Chem, and Lie To Girls! Theyre just the ones I vibed with most musically/lyrically which i'll talk about more in a sec.
wrote a little about each song under the cut <3
Taste made my jaw drop, damn girl youre gonna be tastin me! love it! totally a bop and is probably gonna join my favs after more listens. Love it as the opener.
(love Please Please Please, "beg you dont embarrass me motherfucker" tickles my brain so good)
Good Graces is just an absolute mood, same kinda message as Please Please Please, just be decent and we're chill lmaoo
Sharpest Tool I LOVE how shes uses the same word or sound at the end of a line and then the start of the next (took a left / left me, second guess / guess i'll, wondering if / if that, inbetween the lines / lyin to yourself) it's so satisfying to me, also that "we were going right then you took a left" just hits so good for some reason! overall yes, a definite fav
Coincidence is a bop, just misses out on being a fav cause the topic doesn't resonate with me personally! luckily haven't had this kinda experience, but LOVE the "your car drove itself to her thighs" took me so off guard cause i was expecting bed.
Bed Chem? oh hell yeah. come ride- uh,,,, comradery uhuh. horny bop. love Love LOVE
(Mountain Dew It For Ya :) )
Dumb & Poetic- oh yes go off Sabrina so many good lines in this one "just cause you act like one, dont make you a man" simple and so so true (+"just cause you leave like one" HAH) but "youre so empathetic, you'd make a good wife" is soo funny i love her. also love the slower vibes.
Slim Pickins is too real, why do we settle like this. so entertained by her flipping it to moaning and bitching. instead of bitchin and moanin. makes it stand out without feeling too off, i like it.
Juno is super cute but i'm gonna need people to write those genius annotations so i can really Get It (it's referencing that movie right? I havent seen it). fav line is "i showed my friends and we high-fived, sorry if you feel objectified" also its horny so A+
ok ok ok now LIE TO GIRLS! lyrics hit right out of the gate, and they keep hittin "you dont have to lie to girls, if they like you THEYLL JUST LIE TO THEMSELVES" sabrina stop im sobbing. absolute fav of the album. the buildup at the end. i am in love.
im sorry i couldnt really focus on Don't Smile cause Lie To Girls ruined me uhhhhh. yeah its a good song. im gonna go put Lie To Girls on repeat now
OKAY okay we're done, Mothica's new album also came out but I've gotta sleep that's a tomorrow experience.
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You're My Moonage Daydream
When Nigel got home from work, he found Adam laying on the livingroom floor with all the lights off. He was an uncomfortable mixture of tense angles and loose distracted limbs, watching his home planetarium stars slowly spin, drumming his sternum with his fingertips, and chewing distractedly on the inside of his cheek.
Nigel checked the time. Adam got off work forty-five minutes ago. He'd usually be mostly decompressed by now. He knew that if Adam was still stressed, it was a a rough day, and asking what's wrong, the pressure of answering the question correctly would stress Adam out more. It was better for both of them if Nigel gave him space. So he put on Music. Sun Ra was one of Adams current space band favorites, experimental space jazz wasn't anything he'd ever even thought to listen to before Adam, but he was glad for knowing things like that existed.
When Nigel was n the right mood Sun Ra's mystical cosmic loopy jazz slid over his skin like warm water, soothing, almost hypnotic. He could see why Adam liked it so much.
Once the music was on, Nigel rolled a joint. That was one of his own soothing rituals. Grabbing an ashtray, he laid down beside Adam, setting the ashtray on his chest like he did in highschool, when everyone was laying around drinking cheap beer and listening to Pink Floyd or Portishead.
He passed Adam the joint without complicating things with words. Nigel listened to the way the little quiet popping hissing sound of Adam hitting the joint complimented the music. It was familiar, nice. They sat like that for a awhile, just existing together peacefully.
Eventually Adam rolled onto his side and pressed his palm over Nigel's heart, wiggling his fingers imploringly until Nigel scooped his hand up kissing his palm with reverence while Adam pressed his face into Nigel's shoulder.
"Thank you. I love you, you know"
"Nothin to thank me for beautiful I was just gonna be sittin around bitchin at Darko about numbers n shit. This is better"
"Yes, I think so too...Nigel... I'm so hungry. I didn't eat lunch today. The whole building was way to loud, everything felt like knives in my bones, and I know I should have eaten when I got home but my skin hurt to much to eat after all that"
"you're hungry huh?"
"And now I'm high and I'm starving, probably. But also I cann't possibly move Nigel. It's a fucking problem."
Nigel laughed fondly at Adam's post meltdown silliness, he treasured these little vulnerable moments, when Adam wasn't balancing on the razor edge of the whole world's expectations. When he was allowing himself to just be. It was gorgeous, Adam was always beautiful, but especially so when he was just being.
"Whatcha thinkin bout havin for dinner gorgeous?"
"Jack Kerouac swore that apple pie, ice cream, and coffee Was a complete meal."
"So you want apple pie and ice cream for dinner?"
Sometimes Adam felt guilty for wanting things still, even if they were small and easy to fulfill. Nigel would like to kill every single person who ever made Adam doubt the value & merit of his own wants, his own needs. You couldn't barbecue the whole world though. Nigel kissed Adam's finger tips.
"And you want me to order?"
"yes! The screen is so bright, it's so cluttered. That user interface was not designed with autistic people in mind"
"Fair enough babe, you roll us another a joint and I'll get on that damn dumblehopper doofenshmirty delivery app, whatever the fuck it's called and get us pie. Carmel?
Adam eyes went wide, obviously having kind of forgotten Carmel was a thing
Nigel scrolled through their delivery app, mindlessly, he only had eyes for Adam.
"Hey beautiful, I love you"
"I know... that's why you're ordering the pie for me. Otherwise you'd be at some dive bar arguing with Darko about numbers or something"
"I did say that didn't I? "
"You did"
"Hey babe, tell me about Alpha Centauri again while I do this, that's the close one right?"
Adam beamed at him, always delighted when Nigel wanted to hear about the stars, when he remembered little bits about them, because of Adam.
"Ok, Alpha Centauri is a star system in the southern end of Centaurus, there are 3 stars in it: Rigil Kentaurus, Toliman and Proxima Centauri. Proxima Centauri is the one you're thinking of, it's closest, at a little over 4 light years away, but close is subjective. That's not close by any standard except stars."
Nigel, found carmel apple pie, and ice cream, ordered an indulgently obscene amount of both. If Adam wanted pie he'd have so much damn pie. He hoped Adam could feel how happy Nigel was with him. This was better than anything else he could be doing right now. The best possible thing
Maybe wishes do come true, all he'd ever wanted really was this, a love like this, full, reciprocated, reverential.
He just didn't know that he could have anything this precious before Adam, his luckiest star.
Nigel sat back down beside Adam, kissing his ear lobe, just because it was right there and so perfectly Adam
"If I was an astronomer... or whatever the fuck they're called. I'd name every star after you babe"
Adam passed him the joint, kissing him back, face intentionally jokingly serious
"But would you bring me pie and ice cream still?"
Nigel laughed, both surprised and utterly unsurprised and endeared.
"yeah babe"
"oh well then, that's ok... As long as you don't forget the important stuff"
"I would never"
Never not ever, he'd buy Adam apple pie and ice cream every day for forever if that's what he wanted. He'd give him anything really, because Adam deserved everything.
And if Nigel had a single damn thing to say about it, he'd be the one to give it to him, for the rest of their lives
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mjbythebay · 2 years
Tech Crew Things
The directors love us because we do our damn jobs and dont complain.
being friends with everyone cause it's a small team.
helping each other with jobs (big set changes, watching prop table, locating mics, etc)
bitchin about cast together.
making fun of everyone together
Backstage gets off time during the play when we don't have to do our jobs.
collectively hating the same things
someone getting us all food.
"go, go, go" when we have to do something quickly.
We can listen to music during the show
Eating when cast cant because they can't eat in costumes.
Knowing the songs/lines better than some of the cast even though we've been there way shorter.
getting no recognition
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xadoheandterra · 6 months
A little something for Chain On Your Neck. Husk's perspective in this scene. It's not done yet, this is only part of it. The rest is planned to be between Husk and Rosie but the phone call wouldn't get out of my head.
Below cut.
“Yeah, no, I’m stuck in Cannibal Town for fuck knows,” Husk grumbled into the phone pressed to his ear. “I won’t be able to stop by and pick it up.” “Well what do you want me to do about it, pussycat?” “Drop it off! What else?” Husk snapped. He glanced around at the wide, smiling faces of the cannibals nearest to him and carefully hunched himself downward. “He ain’t home right now, ya coward.” “But he might be comin’ here.” “Yeah and it’d fuckin’ serve ya right to have him stop by while yer out, Bas’,” Husk agreed with a faint grin. “I mean it’s not like yer hidin’ somethin’, are ya?” He knew precisely what Basil was hiding and exactly how well it would go down if Basil wasn’t there when Alastor found out. “Gale! Pussycats bein’ mean,” Basil yelled. Thankfully the man had pulled the phone away from his face to do it otherwise Husk would have chewed him out double for screeching in his ear. He could faintly hear Gale respond, but the words were garbled from the fact that the signal for this phone was shit in Pentagram City. Husk sure as fuck wasn’t going to get a damn VoxTek phone if he could help it. He’d deal with the shitty reception if it meant keeping a phone that was bug free, and not liable to get Alastor on his case about giving away secrets to the enemy. “Quit yer bitchin’ already,” Husk grumbled and carefully stepped around a group of three cannibals that eyed him. He shuddered heavily and looked away with a grimace. “He’s not gonna head to yer place so quick.” A quieter, softer whisper reached Husk from the phone. Basil was really upset over it all, Husk knew, but he hadn’t expected this response. Still the goat said, “You’re sure?” “Yeah. He was headin’ to the old stompin’ grounds first.” Meaning that Alastor had decided to check on the Radio Tower that was left in disarray before anything else in the territory. Basil and Gale’s little shop was set up in the complete opposite direction, and while Alastor could certainly be there in a snap of his fingers Husk knew the man would rather spend time walking the familiar streets of his territory first. “Ya’ve got time.”
The sound of Basil grinding his teeth was like sweet music to Husk’s ears. He wanted to grin, but the way his fur stood on end and the numerous, hungry stares put a quick stop to any amusement Husk got out of this phone call. A part of him wished he made the call before he reached Cannibal Town, but then that would put him too at risk for someone to run off to the Vee’s with news of Alastor’s potential return. Husk didn’t doubt that the stupid television had his eyes out for when Husk bothered to show his face, given Alastor hadn’t walked around the rest of Pentagram in seven fucking years. “Fine,” Basil grunted out. “Fine. I’ll take the damn box to the house.” Husk breathed a sigh of relief with the agreement. He mumbled, “Great. Perfect. And can ya get Gale to look for Niff too?” “Still haven’t been able to find her?” “Would you be able to find ‘er when she don’t want to be found?” The silence on the other end of the line was telling enough. Basil sighed, tinny and static filled. “I doubt Gale will be able to find her either, you ass.” “He’s better at it,” Husk pointed out. “Done it before.” Gale had done a lot more than that, but Husk didn’t need to say it for Basil to know what he’d meant. Their pasts, and their deaths, were all open to for Husk to know. He massaged between his brows with a grunt. “Just…find her. Before he realizes she’s been missin’.” There was quiet, and then a whispered, “You didn’t tell him?” “It’s Nifty. The fuck you think he would do if I told ‘im?” Alastor would have been beyond infuriated. He would have ripped Husk to shreds if Husk had told him no one and seen or heard from Nifty in almost the full seven years he’d been gone. That Husk didn’t have her phone number or another way to contact her didn’t mean much to Alastor. It was Husk’s job to know where the rest of his precious deck was. Husk was the Joker, and while he could be anything Alastor needed he couldn’t outright replace the rest.
Nifty was his Queen of Spades; his pride and joy so to speak. Husk couldn’t even begin to comprehend the full bond between Alastor and Nifty, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to. Nifty unnerved him on a good day. Despite it being over thirty years since his Deal, and despite working with Nifty for most of those years, Husk never quite got used to her brand of crazy. He scratched his cheek and huffed. “You made your point,” Basil agreed, voice tight. “So deliver the box. Get Gale on finding Nifty. Got it. Anything else ya bastard?” “Nah,” Husk tilted his gaze toward the sky and came to a slow stop. He could see the bright sign that indicated Rosie’s Emporium in front of him. He’d reach the destination. “I’ll call ya if it changes, though.” “Great. Good. Wonderful. Fuck I am so dead.”
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fuckinghomepage · 2 years
OCTOBER 2, 2022
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alt-zombee · 10 days
Yo, yo, fuck 2DopeBoyz and fuck Nah Right And any other fuck-nigga-ass blog that can't put an 18-year-old nigga Makin' his own fuckin' beats, covers, videos and all that shit Fuck you post-Drake-ass cliche-jerkin', LA-slauson rappin' Fuck-nigga-ass Hypebeast niggas Now back to the album
Well, Tyler, hi, I'm Dr. TC, and um, I'm guessin' That your teacher sent you here to talk 'cause you were misbehavin' Um, it's gonna be three sessions, today, tomorrow, Wednesday So, just tell me somethin' about yourself Well look, if you don't talk, I mean these sessions are goin' to go slower
This is what the devil plays before he goes to sleep Some food for thought some food for death, go ahead and fuckin' eat My father's dead, well I don't know, we'll never fuckin' meet I cut my wrist and play piano 'cause I'm so depressed Somebody call the pastor, this bastard is so possessed This meetin' just begun, nigga, I'm Satan's son
My mother raised me, a single parent, so it's apparent That I got love for my mother, none of you other fuckers Are much important, I'm gettin' angrier while recordin' I'm feelin' like the bulls, I've got a gang of wolves Odd Future is children that's fucked up on they mental Simple, but probably not, fuck 'em
I'm tall, dark, skinny, my ears are big as fuck Drunk white girls, the only way I'll get my dick sucked Suspended from school, coolest nigga without effort Easy to spot like black bitches with fake leopard Soak me up in a tampon, but keep the lamp on 'Cause this album pack enough evil That you can't fit inside a Jansport Go to school with this
I go from AP to JC inside a fuckin' week Wakin' up with random girls like, "Yo, bitch, how the fuck we meet?" I stay with grandma, she always bitchin' about her carpet Every time I walk inside the house, she always tend to start shit No to drugs, I never spark it, I used to be bullied for honor classes By those that were slow as molasses Take this shit to school
Raquel treat me like my father, like a fuckin' stranger She still don't know I made Sarah to strangle her Not put her in danger and chop her up in the back of a Wrangler All because she said no to homecomin', demons runnin' Inside my head tellin' me evil thoughts I'm the dream catcher, but nothin' but nightmares are caught Go to sleep
I wear green hats because I'm fortunately lucky "Fuck me, " the monster said, somehow the monster's dead Inside of me, but the thoughts it tells me are still evil With this state of mind, big moves, Max Keeble I'm on my grind feeble, my music is either A fucking sin or too illegal, play this shit in church
I graduated without honors or fuckin' father He died (I'm so sorry), no bitch, don't even fuckin' bother I wanted a brother, my mother I told her But instead I got a sister, just like me with her mister nada So both of our imaginations are creations of the fuckin' situation That's having our brains racing like Dayton Wearin' some fuckin' Heelys
I know you fuckin' feel me, I want to fuckin' kill me The times I'm so serious, yes, you think I'm silly I'm doin' Big Style Willy couldn't touch 11 Seven, what's religion, nigga? I am legend I roll with skaters and musicians with an intuition I created O.F. 'cause I feel we're more talented Than 40-year-old rappers talkin' about Gucci When they have kids they haven't seen in years, impressin' their peers
With the same problem, the only way to solve them Is to go to Father's Day convention with a gold revolver Life's a salad, I'ma toss it, eat that shit up, Rick Ross it Shit it out, bag it up, sell it, I'm so damn rebellious 'Cause my mother let me do what I want She wasn't careless, protective she is the bear The shit is so bare, my diary isn't hid My father didn't give a fuck, so it's somethin' I inherit
My mom is all I have so it's never meet the parents When Danielle or Milan decide to fucking share This confused boy, I wanna hug, oy I'm bad for you kids to listen to, soy is not the choice I'm bad milk, drink it
Whoa, um, it seems you had a lot to say Uh, who knows, I might feel as I'm evaluatin'
My wrist is all red from the cutter Drippin' cold blood like the winter, the summer Is never that's equivalent to me and Sarah Well, that's not her fuckin' name, but I think this shit is clever My niggas wanna know if I'm fuckin', if I'm kissin' But I'm sittin' here downin' beers simply just wishin' With a tear they try to tell me, but I never listen 'Cause I don't give a shit like sittin' down pissin'
18, still talkin' to imaginaries Hopefully they see the talent I carry just like Jimmy Losers can never win me, you can never offend me My goal in life is a Grammy, hopefully mom'll attend the Ceremony with all my homies, I'm suicidal This my Zombie Circus, I hope the majors heard this Fuck a deal, I just want my father's email So I can tell him how much I fuckin' hate him in detail
Wow, um So, Tyler, if-, if you had the chance to tell him somethin' What would you tell him?
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bigtowncow · 4 months
Goodness gracious I feel like a musical failure
How do you get gigs? Idk
How do you spread the word about ur music? Idk
I do know how to play the bass, rlly good actually. Quite bitchin in fact, it's the thing I'm best at in all my life. But DAMN I'm not good at getting gigs. I'm somewhere between self loathing and imposter syndrome rn....
Pls hug me, im feeling like a loser💜
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toehwa6 · 4 months
What’s up pookie got more bitchin to do
Dawg everyone around me is fuckin insane
Little cousin is a trash goblin who is the blind kind of ambition that can be good or bad
Instead of being a hater I was like ima support this dumbass, make some music, let him push it and build out catalogs
But I’m tellin this kid how I believe in him but his are priorities are fucked point him in the right direction blah blah blah
And he goes
Yeah cuz I know I got the talent, I just gotta blah blah blah
So fucking stupid. I’m just gonna watch him do his thing cause honestly it makes some somewhat good quality from using presets and his music is fr absurd/entertaining
Also, he says the N word, which when I called him out for it, he replied
Naw they say it around here it’s all good
So yeah, kinda hope that doesn’t bite me in the ass for workin with this bozo
Dawg lemme tell you somethin funny
So he’s beefin with his friend and diss each other and make diss songs all that bullshit
So my cousin goes, let me know what you think about this diss
The title is “FUCK (Cousins name)”
So I’m like okay his friend wrote this about him
Turns out it’s all shit. But in the beginning there’s this line
“Yo auntie don’t want to see another family member dead”
And I for one, have a dead lil brother, two, a sad mom lol
So I was like damn this a crazy bar
So I asked cousin about it and he’s like oh no I wrote that
Soooo I’m like wtf dawg shit
And he goes
Naw so his mom died and his auntie raisin him that’s why
Like bro Jesus Christ what’s wrong with this fuckin people
Dawg my lil homie finally got a bitch and she’s cool I met her yesterday
But bro she literally has like aspie meltdowns in public when shit gets mildly difficult
Like she was tryna make a complicated dispensary order, at a new dispensary, for multiple people, with no money
And bro she just lost it and like broke down
Bro she looked fuckin SCARED all day I felt so bad fr like bro you are scared rn
Idk she was also super pissy too, like when her phone was about to die when making that order
It’s just a m, WELL WTF ARE WE GOING TO DO??
And then you could see she got super upset and I was like bitch, chill
I ended up talking to her about mental health at the end and it was wacky
I just asked her how she was doing and shit
Turns out she wants to learn about basic finances and budgeting
She’s going to be more honest with her docs about now takin her meds right
And then I straight up told her to stop being a pussy
I was like bro, you gon be scared forever. And shit only gets harder fr. Push through it’s worth it
She fr took it super well. She had that attitude where she’s super fucked up and doesn’t have anyone real to talk to, so she was like oh fuck this my time
It was cool. It was so joyful seeing this happy young couple together. They remind me of me and my gf. More friends than partners. I like that.
But you could see her tryin to make moves on him, and he was just super oblivious, as you are at that age lol
But I also noticed him struggle to handle those freak out moments. He handled it well but you could see he ain’t dealt with this before.
They’re both cool tho. I set them up with some good actual resources. I was teachin homie about finances, like emergency funds, the 50% rule for bills, and then I said
Just because you got the money for somethin, doesn’t mean you can afford it.
Then I said
Think about that huh? And I tapped my head lol
But naw fr, he’s super cool about it.
He’s said some really nice things to me lately.
I randomly helped him through basically a business break up.
And he was freakin out and I took a chance and was hard on him instead of suckin his dick
He was like my life is over bro and I’m like
Quit being a pussy bro, that’s life. It ain’t always gon be good shit. This is part of the process
I was like, you were in a toxic situation, you learned a lot, and you made some money, now you’re out but you learned those skills
He really turned around and looked different about it
But then he thanked me for bein a good friend to him. That made me feel good
I’ve known him since he was like 16 and he’s 22 now I think
Super cool
I think this shit crashing so ima cut this and start another one
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harmcityherald · 9 months
Don't spaz now but I'm watching twilight for the first time ever. Its not that bad lol
Also these two, Robert and Kristen. They are not bad actors whatsoever. Even in this I remember people saying back then her face has one expression blah blah. that's just is not true. Sure, maybe that's the man in me talking. She's pretty, you know, if you hadn't noticed.
Now maybe I can critique it on vampire lore. Sparkling vampires are the reason I'm watching it for the first time in the year 2024 lol. Goth cred would've suffered if the gother than thou princesses at the club found out you like this so best to avoid it. My cred suffered because I liked Queen of the damned which still pisses me off actually. Wish I could go back and trip those gother then thou spinsters into a mud puddle. Never should have worried about what those bene Jesuit wannabes thought. The pedestal I had them on was sorely undeserved. I bet they became karens. haircut and everything. Burning pictures of herself so her kids never see mommy with the powdered white face.
Queen of the damned had good music. That's what's missing from this. A bitchin goth soundtrack. So vampire\werewolf lore and soundtrack getsa 4 outa 10. acting comes in at 7 of 10. Not the worst vampire movie I've watched.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
2k3/7 Raph Don - #
| send me “#” for cell phone headcanons about our muses including:
Tumblr media
"jeez ain't we done rumagin' through my phone yet? for fucks sake"
As with previous 03/07 I'll point out any changes between the times -what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone
"hmm well 'hat's easy, Donnie course what I put 'em as. Yeah sure ain't nothing unique lots call Don, Donnie even Mikey at times. But well he always Donnie ta me. No differe 'han how he calls me Raphie still I guess. Just was easier when we were jus' tots an' all. Don comin' ta me cryin' 'Raphie, Raphie, Raphie' onve small 'hings. But I always answered." he chuckles a little at the memory " uh still sorta dose it now thinkin' bout it now?" He rubs at the side of his head "Though I useta do it too...mostly if I saw a bug since he never mind grabbin' 'em" He shrives a bit he still hates them. "Jus' what we do. Others may use the nicknames. I don' mind much if family uses it but I guess it jus' got different meaning with Don an' I." - what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
[image description ] A photo of Donnie clearly facing the camera a obvious annoyed glare aimed at Raphael who took the photo with some grease smuges coating their olive skin. Nothing about this photo is flattering to say the least. As Don's beak is even pouting when seeming aware of them getting thier picture taken.
That usual little chuckle rumble out over Raphael's tongue now shoulders shaking slightly even "I told 'em he was lokkin' real hot for Von an' his date. Said she gonna change their plans second she sees 'em even." he chuckles more explaining the look on Don's face for the contact photo. "Sometimes Don asks me ta help 'em wit' his projects. Was wantin' ta fix up the tank. I may not know much with the techy stuff but I know the maniacal side's makin' sure nothin' gonna blow out the engines afta all." Raph soon smiles to himself. "I kind of 'ike gettin' ta work wit' 'em 'ike this. We jus' take up own spaces to do what we gotta do. Throw on some rock music. Sometimes we use it as a chance to share song wit' each other. An' jus' talk. Nothin' speical sometimes we just bitchin' to the other. I love hearin' Don get mad it's funny. He don' think it funny but eh it's funny. Might talk 'bout Casey and Von even or complain 'bout Mikey an' Leo. Sometimes nice thin's depends. Mostly we joke an' such. Dunno maybe cause he workin' but it's fun workin' on stuff with Don cause of how his mood seems ta change. Jus' fun. Even those times he wanna swing a sludge hammer on me."
07 - [image description] is almost the same but Donnie is smiling in the photo, shell cycle behind the purple banded turtle. "I had stopped usin' that bike..since Don made it for me so it went wit' out a lotta love. So I asked Don 'bout fixin' it together...cause I missed those old times." Soft sadden smile over lost times for stupid reasons. - what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone
'our love' by Bee Gees (songs about brotherly love and it just sweet preform in honor of brother after getting a grammy ;3;) I hold you near but you're so far away And it's losing you I can't believe To watch you leave and let this feeling die You alone are the living thing that keeps me alive And tomorrow if I'm here without your love You know I can't survive Only my love can raise you high above it all
"I love my brother a lot at 'hat. He's my favorite outta the three of 'em. One i'm closest to. I can say we are also friends and not jus' brothers. I can talk to 'em and such but..damn I wish he trust me a bit more ya know?" 07: *same song just different secont of lyrics
We can take the darkness and make if full of light But let your love flow back to me How can you leave and let this feeling die This happy room will be a lonely place when you are gone And I won't even have your shoulders for the crying on No other women's love could be as true, I'm begging you "I neva' changed the song..but the meanin' has changed for me. I put it at a different spot even cause of it. I missed him alot."
- my muse’s last text to your muse
03 : [text] Donnie if ya awake
[text] who I kidding. -_- [text] I needja! :O
[text] bring a hammer! or a torch! yeah Torch I need ta fuckin burn this nasty ass bug to ashes! >:I 07 : [text] saw ya were low grab ya some coffee, left on the counter
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yesperono · 1 year
Damn I forgot Psycho (195somthing) had such bitchin theme music
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