transmasc-wizard · 2 years
I am here to yell about my interests!!!!! Mainly in fiber arts and textiles
I spin yarn on a wheel and drop spindles and I’m excited about any opportunity to demonstrate them. In college there was a German professor who saw me spinning at one point and asked me to do a demonstration for her German fairy tales class and it was so much fun
Flax is a really cool fiber but is a bitch to grow & it can only really be spun wet or with wet fingers so most spinners I know spin it outside in the summer bc that can get messy. I read a thinkpiece a while back about flax spinning having been part of the inspiration for sleeping beauty. Not only does flax look straw-like before spinning, but it can naturally be a golden color. Additionally, there’s speculation that instead of pricking her finger on the ‘spindle’ of a wheel (more than likely a quill or distaff, if we’re going with that), it may be that she pricked her finger on a thorn and contracted tetanus from the soil.
Wool is a ridiculously cool fiber bc it keeps you warm even if it’s wet! A lot of fishermen wear wool for that reason. The reason wool felts (and alpaca/llama, among other protein fibers from fur/hair) is bc the surface of the fibers have scales and when they’re in hot water they kinda bloom open like a pine cone; then if you agitate it, the scales get stuck together tight and it’s almost impossible to get it un-felted. It makes for stronger and more water resistant pieces.
Sometimes people use wool’s natural tendency to felt to their advantage. There’s a technique called thrumming where you knit a piece and as you’re knitting, you use a pencil-thin strand of roving for some of the stitches. It leaves a really fluffy interior of the garment (usually mittens) and as they’re worn over time the thrums get felted and your mittens get super cozy!!!
Alpaca and llama fibers are almost identical if you don’t know which is which. They’re both super warm (more so than wool) because the fibers are hollow and trap heat more easily than wool. Both drape beautifully too. The fibers don’t have the same level of elasticity compared to wool though, so often people will blend the two together to get the best of both worlds.
Silk is one of the coolest fibers imo bc it is an incredible insulator, and when it was first used in textiles (in China thousands of years ago iirc), the source of the fiber - silk worms - was a nation secret and kept super super under wraps. Most silk these days comes from India I think, and the vast majority of consumer silk is from mulberry silkworms (it has the longest strand length) but there’s at least three other types of silkworms that can be used. Also silk doesn’t just come in white - it can be green, yellow, copper, all sorts of colors. I actually have some Eri silk in a coppery color I need to spin up at some point!
Cotton can also naturally be different colors - often in greens, yellows, taupes and tans. And the cool thing about that is that it’s not dye, so the color never fades - in fact over time, the color deepens.
A lot of fibers from “plant sources” are also just…semi-synthetic. They’re basically rayon. Bamboo fiber, tencel, etc, are mostly just processed plant material that’s chemically extruded into rayon. Flax and cotton are not; flax fiber is taken from inside the chaff of the flax plant and combed down before spinning, and cotton naturally grows super fluffy, so you just need to remove the seeds before spinning. Much more environmentally friendly, and much safer to process.
There’s a type of fiber called Sea Silk that’s one of the rarest fibers in the world. It’s processed from the beards of a specific type of mussel in the Mediterranean Sea. It looks like gold, and is thought to be the inspiration for the myth of the Golden Fleece in Greek mythology. There’s only one or two people who know how to harvest and process the fiber, and because of climate change, the mussels that provide the fiber are dying out. Last I heard the elder woman who knows this cultural craft has chosen to be the last one to know it.
Hope u like fiber arts!!!!!!!
i know very little about fiber arts (ive always had the vague wish to maybe try it out one day but it seems very complicated) but this is really interesting!!!!!!!! all the different fibers and textiles r so wild to me. there's so MANY of them and they are all so different from one another
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kitsunabi · 1 year
(I work in SpED as an EA and regularly use bilingual/multilingual speech with disabled kiddoes and!!! it's fantastic)
Oh, this is my 5th year as one but the budget cuts (at least I think that's what it is) nuked all the providers this year, so I'm pretty much one of the few, if only licensed specialist, covering a big chunk of Cali now driving and all. They also tightened the requirements for teaching for the dept of rehab. No license = no outdoor training, which nuked the REST of the remaining providers. I only provide services to 18+ though.
(thank you for the reply on my prev post Rina <3 I haven't been able to reply back on that side. I am almost done with tasks I might be able to eat later OTL)
Oh! I was wondering what you did! That's really neat!!! My niche is adults though since when I was going through the masters program everyone else went for the school system or the VA and I was like HMM seems like an uneven spread lol (altho I did teach one 16yo who was on DOR's roster for a short while, not sure how that happened). Have you had the opp to work with O&Mers yet?
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catdotjpeg · 1 year
i got tagged by @canisbeta :0
RULES: spell your url with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters.
C: california and me // laufey
A: ambulance // blur
T: townie // mitski
D: diane young // vampire weekend
O: oxbow // waxahatchee
T: that's that // mf doom
J: jaded // near tears
P: party // haruomi hosono
E: expired candy // body type
G: ghost // arlo parks
ill tag @dancingalongthestars @all-truths-wait-in-all-things @voidark @francebaby @penworthy @bilatinenby @jouglat @pegglefan69 @forevercountingstars @glitter-garbage
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longroadstonowhere · 11 months
dancingalongthestars hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet
heat might help before stretching! it may help relax the muscles beforehand
oh yeah, no, i've been heating it, did a little icing occasionally, jumped in a hot shower solely for the back pain, taken ibuprofen, and been stretching it slowly over the course of the entire day (plus took a little semi-nap at one point in the afternoon)
that's why i'm wondering if i've gotten to the point where doing anything further might hurt more than help, cuz i've certainly done a helluva lot so far, hahaha
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shiraglassman · 3 years
Oh gosh, I’m so sorry about your stepfather :( I’m sending lots of love to you & your family. Please do everything you need to take care of yourself ok?
Thank you @dancingalongthestars . I am trying to listen to my heart as far as self care because sometimes it's difficult to figure out what that even looks like. But I look at trees whenever I can and I've played violin most of the days since it happened.
Things that work as far as getting my mom to eat so far: comfort food. Bagels and lox, pizza, rugelach. In case that helps anyone else in my situation.
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vaspider · 4 years
I got a pair of slipon flyknit galaxy bi pride shoes awhile back, as well as athletic lace-up nonbinary floral pride shoes too. I wear both pairs frequently at work (in a retirement home) and I get so many compliments on them when I wear them! Some of the residents I see frequently check my shoes every time I see them to see which ones I have on haha :D thank you for making the world a bit brighter during a pandemic & ice storm!
Thank you for your kind words! That delights me to know that my work is bringing joy to you and others in a difficult time. <3 
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'bedazzled meat tenderizer!' please? it is a reference to a unique D&D interaction recently :P
oh i see i’ve got a name for my newest enchanted netherite axe, huh 
Askbox is currently closed as I work my way through these older asks
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cuttlefishcolor · 4 years
Grey & probably white tbh cuz you’re super cool haha
I like your takes too! And you would definitely be fun to commit crimes with. Thoughts on arson and major vandalism? 🤔
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writeanapocalae · 5 years
dancingalongthestars replied to your post: “Ya like jazz?”:
bee movie :P
I never saw that either! I live a blessed life!
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fine >:(
(i had to google a prime number chart)
2. How old are you?
i am 20 years old!!
3. When is your birthday?
october 4th!!
5. What is your favorite color?
besides black?? red!!!
7. Do you have any pets?
i have two dogs, both girls, named Tessa and Murphy!!
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
god i don’t even know?? a lot. a lot. i wear like two pairs regularly but i have A Lot of shoes
13. What talents do you have?
i can write, i can draw, i know some stuff about tarot and norse runes, i’m alright at keeping plants alive, i’m learning to cross stitch/ embroider....but that’s about it ;^^
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
besides DeLune? honestly just...someone who loves me unconditionally, someone who treats me right and cherishes the time we spend together. just...i don’t know. i have very low standards. 
19. Do you want a church wedding?
i don’t even know if i want a wedding, let alone a church wedding. if i do end up getting married, i want a wedding out in the woods, or in a field, or somewhere pretty and nature-y
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
no :(
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
i have not, but i wouldn’t be opposed to going
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
either on my back or on my right side
37. Favorite swear word?
does motherfucker count?? if not, just the good old fuck. fuck is so versatile. it’s the best swear word
41. Are you a good liar?
i have a good poker face but when i lie it’s almost too good of a poker face, so people know i’m lying
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
i can pitch my voice up or down and do kind of a husky gravely sort of thing along with a raspy sort of voice, but as for actual accents?? no
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
i have no idea. i think it’s a tie between my black jacket with all the zippers and the black jean jacket i have
53. Favorite foreign food?
i like dumplings!!
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
c r o n c h
61. Do you sing to yourself?
oh, all the time. i sing along in my truck, i sing in my room. i’m not good at it, but i enjoy it
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
lol no
71. What makes you nervous?
everything. everything makes me nervous. i’m actually on a medication that ramps up my anxiety to the point where i’m almost paranoid. i have anti anxiety meds to help, but they don’t stop me from worrying about literally everything
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
yes and i hate it because i never mean it to come off bitchy but it comes off bitchy
79. Who was your first real crush?
i...god. this is a long story. i suppose they don’t mean fictional crush, so my first irl crush was on a girl who broke my heart and manipulated me to the point where i can’t hardly stand seeing or hearing her name. so!! fun stuff
83. How fast can you run?
i can run pretty fast, but only for very short distances. i kind of want to get better at running but...no
89. Do you like your age?
to quote a mountain goats song: “it’s good to be young, but let’s not kid ourselves, it's better to pass on through those years and come out the other side” 
basically? i can’t wait to get older and grow and learn and become a new and better person, and i can’t wait for grey hair tbh. i’m so excited to go grey
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
yes!! there’s a castle in scotland with my last name
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amayanocturna · 6 years
Yennefer or Kassandra?
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Make me Choose 
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kitsunabi · 2 years
i was tagged by @catdotjpeg :D
last song // I uhh, well if i'm being completely honest, this was actually the last song that I actively pulled up to listen to a few weeks ago: yêu đương khó quá thì CHẠY VỀ KHÓC VỚI ANH by Erik
last show // Vox Machina (s2)
last movie // Oh, this is a toughie. I get increasing levels of anxiety the longer a viewing is or if I'm not multitasking during it, so... um, probably that Untamed spinoff? It was during the covids so I really couldn't do anything else and my mom offered to watch it with me. 陈情令之乱魄 (Fatal Journey)
currently watching // does critical role c3 count?
currently reading // my wips OTL
current obsession // genshin... >.<
Let's tag... @longroadstonowhere @phen0l @canisbeta @dancingalongthestars
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wetwareproblem · 6 years
dancingalongthestars replied to your post “Pizza rolled up inside grapefruit, with a gooey mustard center”
And a licorice stuffed crust?
People have disappeared for far less severe offenses than this abomination.
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jakeluppin · 6 years
10, 11, 12! ❤️
10. What song sums up this year for you?
ivy by frank ocean
11. What album came out and has been on heavy rotation since then?
i already answered this, but i want to change my answer to hippo campus’ bambi 
12. What was your favorite movie of the year?
answered here
End of Year Meme
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Hi! Could you do "she's walking disaster who's too gay to function" please? :3
how do you know so much about my life
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check out my patreon
buy me a coffee?
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vaspider · 4 years
You seem like such a cool parent!!! I really appreciate your approach to parenting and just being a human being in general. You're rad :D
Thank you!
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