gloopdimension · 13 hours
anytime i see v1/v2 w/ caution patterns on them im immediately reminded how much i Adore the idea
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Top Kpop MVs: Ready, Set, Play!
#StrayKids, #Wonho, #CNBlue, #NFlying, and #DanJerous are lighting up The Maknae's list with all sorts of playful #kpop. Check it out!
This week’s kpop is full of adorable idols, fun MVs, and great songs that make my playlist happy. Come see what Wonho, Stray Kids (AGAIN! YAY!) N.Flying, CNBlue, and new-to-me group DanJerous have for us!  (more…)
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xxweirdogalxx2 · 1 year
Jellystone incorrect quotes
Mildew wolf: I was...goofing off?...
Shazzan: you broke your leg to get my attention for goofing off?
Yogi: uhh...hey Cindy?..i burned the water..
Cindy: Yogi, how the f*ck DID YOU BURN THE WATER?????
Yogi: idk cindy, it just caught on fire😰😰
Cindy: FUUU---
Jabberjaw: okay mildew! Truth or dare??
Mildew wolf: um..truth I guess.
Jabberjaw: mkay! How many hours have you slept this weekend?? :]
Mildew wolf: what?
Loopy: 💀
Shazzan: well?
Mildew wolf: c-can we move to dare??
Shazzan: here's one! GO TO SLEEP.
mildew wolf: I don't think I like this game no more..
mildew wolf:....
Jabberjaw and loopy: 💀
Loopy: no he didn't.
The king: you love me bottom cat? That's so embarrassing~
Top cat: king, we've been married for two weeks and have kids.
Shazzan's mother: you couldn't marry a doctor?
Shazzan: mother she's literally right here.
Shazzan's mother: nevermind. Why can't you be more like your brother shazzan, hadji?
Hadji: at least I have a husband that loves me, ya jackass.
El kabong: fleegle Amor, there's nothing to afraid about.
Fleegle: I suppose you're right...
*pepa(my oc) jump on the plane window*
Fleegle: what the hell...???
Pepa: el kabong how come you get many bitches that simp for you?
El kabong: fleegle is my only amor. But lady danjer...i think I'm poly now
Pepa: 😑
Shazzan: crazy dream that there wouldn't be a hippos a-s-s when I'm eating my breakfast! >:[
Lampsy: I know what that spells...!
Ozzie(my oc): ass...?
Lampsy: ass. Dad. Ass! >:]
Shazzan: stop it. 😑😠
Elijah(my oc): h-how many toothpicks on the ground??
Loopy: don't play this game again.
Mildew wolf: uhh....
Elijah: how many??
Mildew wolf: a hundred?
Loopy: a hundred???
Elijah: no! It's three! 😂
Shazzan: sister can you not tease my husband?
Elijah: how many now??
Mildew wolf: three right?
Elijah: *wheezes* no! 😂😂
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theadventurerslog · 10 months
The Curse of Monkey Island | Part 2
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Last time, Guybrush made it to the shore of an island and Elaine was turned to gold by the cursed diamond ring he used to propose to her. Now we need to explore this new island and hopefully find a way to help her in Part II.
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The Curse Gets Worse.
Time to start exploring the island and figure out where we are! That's an easy one thanks to a handy sign right there.
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"Welcome to Puerto Pollo, from the Plunder Island Poultry Brotherhood."
On the right side of the beach there is also a chicken and a plaque.
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"Plunder Island Feral Chicken. One of Plunder Island's most common fauna , and the animal for which our capital of Puerto Pollo is named."
While here on the beach, I scooped up a burning ember from the bit of torched boat wreckage. While on the topic of inventory, I also forgot to mention that the cutlass got lost when the ship capsized.
At the broken bridge heading to the fort there's also a secret button you can press to make one of the fort's cannons fire. Completely pointless, but fun.
There are two routes out of here. One takes you to the overworld map of the island and the other takes you to the location where you actually need to go next. You can go straight to that location and I've often done so, but it's fun to see the island first, so this time I went for the map first.
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And here we have Plunder Island! Not every location can be reached yet. For now there's the ship wreckage in the swamp--saving that for the moment, the beach we're at, the town and another beach.
I headed into town for a bit of exploration first and look for help with the curse. Entering the town starts you off at a lemonade stand though it's not open yet. The kid there doesn't have much to tell you but to see the lady over in Plunder Swamp.
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Next to his stand is Blondebeard's Chicken Shop and walk-thru. There are a few notable things between these two spots:
vats of red dye
the sign pointing to Danjer Cover
Jungle plants blocking the route to Danjer Cove
Flowers and another plaque talking about ipecac flowers.
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"A syrup made from the ipecac flowers was used by the early settlers of Plunder Island as a purgative."
And finally a flyer that can be read or grabbed and read:
"Feeling down 'cause your chick's turned to gold? Come to the swamp! Get your fortune told! Voodoo 'n' Things (Formerly Just Voodoo. Visit our new location on Plunder Island.)"
Basically this whole part, if you choose to wander around, is just herding you to the swamp. But it's nice to see the place while some very lowkey chill banjo music plays.
Onward to the town square.
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In the bottom corner is the Barbery Coast, a barber shop, also closed right now, and knocking on the door leads to Guybrush asking for help, only to get told to go see the Voodoo Lady.
There's also a theatre with a banner advertising their upcoming show, "Speare". The clock can be examined and gives the time based off your computer clock which is cute.
I wandered off to end up at the Brimstone Beach Club and Smorgy.
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Only to also be told to go see the Voodoo Lady.
With that quick introduction to the town, it was time to listen and go to the swamp.
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Where there's a building formed out of a ship wreckage and! Importantly! Our ol' pal, Murray. Trying to be scary. As he does. Not doing a great job of it. As he also does.
He tries to dramatically warn Guybrush not to go further into the swamp--"Turn back! Turn back! Darkness will envelop you!" But it's very difficult to take Murray seriously, so things just turn to more conversation about things such as how he got up there--"sheer force of will." No, some weird voodoo kids found him and stuck him up there. Now he stands hangs as a testament to the forces of Evil that will one day be victorious over the earth. Actually, he's mostly just very bored, poor fellow.
Guybrush asks if he knows anything about lifting curses--hey been asking everyone else--to which he gets a very sarcastic response from the skull...stuck on a spike... in the middle of a swamp. Yeah.
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Murray does actually apologize for his little outburst; it's been a long day. There's nothing more to be done with him--he can't be carried sadly--so it was onto the presumable Voodoo Lady's home in the shipwreck there.
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And there it is with a stuffed alligator with an unusually long tongue, a bottle of paste on the floor along with some paper voodoo dolls, one of which has a pin stuck in it. And on the counter we've got a gum machine. Pack of gum for 5 cents.
The pin and paste can both be taken. I thought I mostly remembered the differences between normal difficulty and mega-monkey but apparently not as when I double checked a detail the paste is only in mega-monkey, but it does get used a few times, so huh. I could have sworn one of the things that needed it was in the normal difficulty. It has been a long time since I played normal.
A wooden nickel can be used with the machine to get a packet of gum: Admiral Sweetums Bit-o-Jerky bubblegum. Tasty...?
Then I pulled the alligator's tongue. How often do you get to say that?
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A pulley type contraption pulls up a chair and the Voodoo Lady. There are a couple options to find out who she is if you haven't played the past two games as she's a recurring character. She's helped out in both the previous games.
I dove in with "Boy, have I got some stories to tell you!"
She tried to retreat from Guybrush's storytelling, but Guybrush relented and moved on to explain what happened with Elaine and the curse and ask for help. She's willing to help but first, where did he hide the solid gold statue of his girlfriend on an island full of pirates?
We get a scene of Guybrush having to...go... do something unrelated and run back to the beach, but it's too late. Elaine's been taken by pirates...
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And then he returns to the Voodoo Lady for more help.
Now, in Guybrush's defence, I don't know how he could have hidden Elaine. It's not like he could have moved her. If you try picking her up, he even says she must weigh a ton. Stuck in the middle of a beach, there weren't a lot of options. Guybrush may make plenty of mistakes, but I think he can catch a break on this one.
Regardless, the Voodoo Lady suspects Elaine's been stolen by the mangy pirates anchored in Danjer Cove. So, we'll have to find a way there to get her back and break the curse.
As for the curse itself, a diamond ring of equal or greater value needs to replace the cursed one. There are legends of a 'whopping big diamond ring on Blood Island.' Unfortunately, Blood Island is the place where she's foreseen that Guybrush. will die. Uh oh. Guybrush, naturally, has a bit of a freakout about this, but that ring's worth comes from its emotional significance--there are none like it. So, we''ll have to cross that bridge when we get to it.
And to get to Blood Island I'll need to find three things: map, ship and crew.
And thus we have our goals for now. And there's some other information to get from her, some just silly stuff, and some a little more important like:
El Pollo Diablo! The Giant Demon Chicken. It stalks the jungles of Plunder Island seeking revenge for its eaten brethren. Guybrush doesn't take it seriously or believe in it, but it's information worth keeping.
I headed back out to do one last task before leaving the swamp.
Now, the paste can be used with the skeleton arm. There is no point in using the paste with the skeleton arm right now, however, you can show it to Murray for a reaction, as it used to be his arm, so what more reason do you need anyway? He's grossed out by it. "Oh, ick."
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"You are a sad, strange, little man."
But you can give him a piece of gum too! That's...like a peace offering, right? And he'll blow bubbles with it.
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I went back to the beach and Elaine's absence. There were footprints in the sand now, until you examine them and realize that, no, they're actually handprints. How odd. Or as Guybrush puts it: "Those pirates in Danjer Cove walk on their hands? Weird!"
There was also another of those handy informative signs where Elaine was.
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"Untitled Composition in Gold and Diamond. This newest addition to our public works of art was shamefully taken without authorization."
The Plunder Island Naturalist Society moves fast! Assuming they're also responsible for the art plaques too. This is also something I don't think I saw until later play-throughs as, unless you miss the ember, there's no real reason to ever come back here.
Something else I didn't really notice until a much more recent play was that the chickens around the fort vary in number and arrangement whenever you come back. It's the fun details!
Now that I have concrete goals, it was back to really exploring the island and properly getting to meet the locals instead of being funneled to the swamp.
I went into town landing at the lemonade stand first, which is run by the kid, Kenny Falmouth. He's selling lemonade for a nickel and has a bottomless mug policy. Wow! What a deal! Of course I wanted some lemonade.
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He poured some and 'bottomless mug' indeed. Guybrush went to drink and discovered the lack of bottom, but Kenny did say! And no refunds! No lemonade to drink, just gotta eat that loss.
As we saw, past him is a sign pointing out the route to Danjer Cove, which sure would be great for finding those pirates and Elaine, but there's too much undergrowth blocking the path, so we'll need a way to clear that.
Blondebeard's Chicken Shop is now open!
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But a reservation is needed to actually come in, so I got booted back outside.
In the town square there's the theatre and the barbershop. Now, you can't enter the theatre through the front entrance, however there is a side entrance.
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That takes us into a prop room with lots of stuff to look at and interact with. The stage can also be entered from here and you can go upstairs, but investigation comes first.
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Some items of note or amusement, though there are more things than this to look at:
Donkey Mask: You can't do anything with it, but if you try to pick it up: "I don't want to look like a jackass." Guybrush turns to camera: "Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking. So knock it off!"
Mirror: "I wonder if there's a part in this play for... a dashing rogue pirate!"
Magic wand: It's a magic wand. You can scoop it up. "Watch me make THIS disappear."
Magic hat: It's empty. Or is it?
Use the magic wand with the hat!
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And it makes a book appear in the hat: 'The A-mfggh-C's of Ventriloquism'. Grab that too! It's a fun item that has several optional uses beyond what it will be needed for.
Travel Trunk: Has a sticker on it from Blood Island! So there's a possibility that the owner knows how to get there.
Pirate Coat: A nice coat with "just a few flakes of unsightly dandruff." There's also a sneaky pocket. In Mega-Monkey mode it's closed and more easily missable than in normal where it's open putting the item in the pocket on clear display. Open the pocket to reveal a glove which I took.
Dandruff: ...is wiggling. It's lice. Lice that is going straight into the inventory? Why? Because it will be needed and because we can. If you talk to them "So, which one of you is the head louse?" Once you've picked up the lice, if you examine the coat again, he changes his comment to "It's a de-loused pirate coat."
I went upstairs to find the light controls.
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However, without instructions there's nothing to be done with them right now.
So, it was onward to the stage!
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The actor on stage is rehearsing "Oh Juliet! ...yadayadayada." There are a few different Shakespeare related lines but I wasn't getting them this time, mostly just mumbles.
Talking to him, he's introduced as Slappy Cromwell. You can ask him about the 'putrid drivel' he's rehearsing because it is THAT bad. He's been having no luck with any of his performances, so he felt compelled to rewrite Shakespear condensing it down into a forty-five minute revue. Speare! "A theatrical medley."
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You can also ask to join the play but get refused. Repeatedly if you keep insisting.
And most importantly you can ask if he ever performed at Blood Island. He had done so, but his agent, Palido Domingo always handled the travel arrangements so I'd have to go talk to him. He's a member of the Brimstone Beachclub.
I also talked to the pirate in the pink dress, who's actually a spokes-model, but what he really wants to do is act, so here he is.
Normally from here I would move on to the Barber shop, but this time I decided to pursue the map trail and follow Cromwell's instructions to go to the Brimstone Beach Club in hopes of meeting Palido.
The Cabana Boy starts off friendly and welcoming, explaining the various activities happening today and warning about the undead bits washing ashore--best to keep the kids away. But the siege earlier hasn't led to trouble for the rest of the day, so enjoy!
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All good until he finds out you don't have a membership card. Then he turns into right old snot. You can ask to sign up for a card, but it's a long, ridiculous arduous process, and then even if Guybrush got through it all, he'd blackball him. Because it's policy to exclude anyone whose odor or presence might offend the other members. Rude.
No card means no beach, no usage of amenities and nothing off the grill. You can try various dialogue options to get the towels or oil, or be let onto the beach, but he doesn't budge. He ultimately doesn't even succumb to a jedi mind trick. "I'm not the pirate you're looking for."
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So, that's currently a bust and it's back to the barbershop next time.
We now know we need:
a cleared route to Danjer Cove
a reservation for Blondebeard's Chicken Shop
a Brimstone Membership card
And for longterm goals:
map - Palido should help with that
ship - still unknown
crew - still unknown
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barbarapicci · 1 year
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Streetart by MUERE + Danjer @ Tamarite de Litera, Spain, for Kanela Fest
More info at: https://barbarapicci.com/2023/09/27/streetart-muere-danjer-tamarite-de-litera-spain/
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betabites · 2 years
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[Image description: nine photos of painted ork miniatures. The first photo is of a street sign that reads, in blue paint: “Danjer!!! ORKS”. There is also a shot of the reverse of the sign, which reads: “NIKA’S BOYZ↓”. The second photo is eight orks on foot. They have green skin and blue clothes, and have melee weapons and guns. The front-most ork is carrying a pile of other weapons, including a rifle, a stick grenade, a knife, and an axe with blades on both sides. The third through ninth photos are all shots of a six-wheeled open-topped ork trukk. It is primarily steel and blued steel, but has blue paint crudely dabbed all over it. The driver is on the right, and there is a gunner’s cupola on the left. The front left fire is splattered with red paint. The back hatch of the trukk is of noticeably different manufacture than the rest of the vehicle, and is colored bright green and black. It has a gold-winged and black robed figure on the exterior, above scrollwork that reads: “REPENT”. There is graffiti all over the trukk. This graffiti reads: “’Ere we go!”, “Ol Smokey”, “Zog Ya!”, “Not me leg” (on the cupola armor), “Red wen?”, and “Fasta!” The ninth photo has a gunner with a heavy machine gun in the cupola, and three orks with rifles in the back of the trukk. End ID.]
And there’s the second batch of Orktober minis done. I have no idea how that trukk is supposed to transport ten - are orks sardines? clowns? Is it Waaaaagh energy extra-dimensional storage?
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kitsu-katsu · 2 years
It's missing Wilbur's characters hours
Of course c!Wilbur my one and only best guy ever and Ghostbur
But Phantombur!! Especially with the talk of origins coming back
Sky block Wilbur!
Hell, even the little one stream characters like tiptup, tiddy pang, danjer boy
I just love his storytelling and little characters be they incredibly complex or just little silly guys, I miss them so
And the talk of origins coming back confronted with the reality that if it does we're still probably not seeing Phantombur again, at least not much... I just miss those times when he made a fuck ton of characters on streams and videos and told little stories that unfurled with time
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laughingblue12 · 2 months
Cissy Moonskipper Meets the Nebulons Part 4
The First Encounter with Prince Porodor The organic thing clinging to Cissy’s skin looked like a space suit, but felt like a herd of plooberbeasts was sucking on her body with their oily tongues.  She pulled at the armpits and crotch to try to adjust out the discomfort. “I am told that if you pinch the Danjer suit too often, it turns your skin a darker blue,” Suki said. Cissy looked down at…
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jaroslavshvets · 3 months
Buddha Music Vol1 cool chill tracks
Buddha Music Vol1, cool chill tracks. Good morning, everyone. Hope you well and enjoy my video. Little bit more music videos for you. So now we have amazing two hours set of lounge music. Next videos will be even more interesting on background different beautiful places, mostly shoot from drones. Different nice and luxury places, five start hotels, top restaurants, most desired island for visit, amazing resorts and of course pretty people. But for now, just very nice music from cool DJ's. Later for sure will create much more beautiful music clips. Will make music sets with different style of music like house, deep house, EDM, trance, vocal trance, chill, psy chill, chillout, minimal, techno, future upbeat, big beat and so on By the way let me know what do you think about? Do you like the track and format of the video? Would you like to see some more? And of course, write you critic and suggestions as well for help to develop the channel. Thank you very much your support, what help to keep channel live! My ig: Jarikcreator Music: My Danjer Sound (feat. Ash) DJ Danjer Kalp Kalbe Karşı Aslı Güngör , Ferhat Göçer Il momento Blue Pilots Project Água Zeep Falling Stars Sarma Small 2 Serafim Tsotsonis Maha Amba - Original Mix Florzinho Gobbledygook (Funkagenda Repulse Mix) Dave Seaman My Life - Bahramji Bahramji Tribute (Original Mix) Sumo Cheek to Cheek Betina Bager and Brian O Mon Ange Mlle Caro and Franck Garcia Shadowland (Instrumental) Nitin Sawhney Kiyamah Riccardo Eberspacher #loungemusic #deephousemusic #relaxelectronicmusic #music #electronicmusic #youtubemusic #onlinemusic #relaxmusic #freemusic
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bookofstheclonewars · 7 months
Chapter 2
A lesson learned is a lesson earned.
Overconfidence is dhe most danjerous form of carelessness.
Dhe first step to correcting a mistake is patience.
A true hart should never be doubted.
Believe in yourself of no one will.
No gift is more precious dhan trust.
Sometimes, accepting help is harder dhan offering it.
Attachment is not compassion.
For everything you gain, you looze something else.
It is dhe quest for honor dhat makes one honorable.
Eazy isn't always simple.
If you ignore dhe past, you jeopardize dhe future.
Fear not for dhe future, weap not for dhe past.
In war, truth is dhe first casualty.
Searching for dhe truth is eazy. Accepting dhe truth is hard.
A wize leader knuws when to folluw.
Couraje makes heroes but trust bilds frendship.
Chooze what is right, not what is eazy.
Dhe most danjerous beast is dhe beast within.
Who my fadher was matters less dhan my memory of him.
Adversity is a frendship's truest test.
Revenje is a confession of pain.
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lillylvjy · 9 months
Who else misses danjer boy….
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nedsecondline · 1 year
Streetart – MUERE + Danjer @ Tamarite de Litera, Spain
Location: Tamarite de Litera, Spain Artists: MUERE + Danjer For: Kanela Fest Year: 2022 Photo Credits: Daniel Vera USEFUL LINKS MUERE: MUERE in this …Streetart – MUERE + Danjer @ Tamarite de Litera, Spain
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O.G.C. (Originoo Gunn Clappaz) - Hurricane Starang / Danjer
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mehe danjer slug
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etiennelouisjuste · 2 years
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TI ETIKÈT KI SOU FRI YO ( SITOU SA YO ENPÒTE YO) ÈSKEW KONNEN KISA YO SINIFI? Enfòmasyon ki trè enpòtan, nou espere ou ka jwi de li. - Si li gen 4 chif eke premye chif la se 3 oswa 4, sa vle di ke fwi sa te an kontak ak pestisid, ou dwe byen lave li anvan konsomasyon. - Si kantite chif yo se 5 epi premye chif la se 9, li endike ke fwi oswa legim sa òganik (e yo konsidere kòm pi bon kalite a) - Si kantite chif yo se 5 epi premye chif la se 8, sa vle di ke fwi a oswa legim sa te modifye jenetikman, e se bagay ki pi danjere nan tout. Sante'w pa gen pri. Tradiksyon : Pédiactu #etiennelouisjuste Sous : entènèt https://www.instagram.com/p/CmB4ddmLc5L/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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solplparty · 2 years
[MV] DanJerous(땡절스) _ HIGH FIVE(하이파이브) https://youtu.be/KuGucOgzb3o [MV] DanJerous(땡절스) _ HIGH FIVE(하이파이브) K-POP Wonderland, 1theK K-POP의 모든 즐거움을 1theK(원더케이)에서 만나보세요! :) Welcome to the official YouTube channel of K-POP Wonderland, 1theK """"""""1theK Originals"""""""" Subscribe 👉 https://www.youtube.com/1theKOriginals [Notice] 1theK YouTube is also an official channel for the MV, and music shows will count the views from this channel too. [공지] 1theK YouTube는 MV를 유통하는 공식 채널로, 1theK에 업로드된 MV 조회수 또한 음악방송 순위에 반영됩니다. #NEWRELEASE#MV#1theK#원더케이 ▶1theK YT : https://www.youtube.com/1theK ▶1theK FB : http://www.facebook.com/1theK ▶1theK TW : https://twitter.com/1theK ▶1theK Kakao : https://goo.gl/otRpZc ▶1theK TikTok : https://vt.tiktok.com/2mSMBS 1theK (원더케이)
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