#danny mcphee is who you need
queenofhearts7378 · 3 years
Constellations Ch. 4
[Alternatively titled: Draco's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.
And, I just want to say, I love you guys :^) ]
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Homeroom/English Literature
Wes came back with a scowl and refused to look in Danny or Draco's direction. Danny considered that a win for today. Mr. Lancer considered phoning Walter Weston about taking Wes out of school for the day.
"Semester tests are in two weeks," Mr. Lancer said, "The tests will take place on the last few days of school, and are optional for students that meet the proper requirements. For those of you who didn't quite make the grade, or didn't make it to class, " He shot a pointed look to Danny, "You will have to take them. I'll pass out the study guide, and we will spend this week going over it and reviewing the test material. For those of you opting out of the test, consider this a free period so long as you remain quiet and unobtrusive to those studying."
He started passing out the thick sheets of paper. Dash groaned when he got his, "Mr. Lancer this is, like, 50 pages long!"
"Front and back." Valerie muttered, flicking through the pages.
"It's only twelve pages, but if you don't think it's enough-"
He was immediately met with protests from around the room, insisting 'No, it's fine! We don't need anymore!'. He smirked.
Handing a packet to Danny's recent tag-a-long, he said, "Even though you won't be taking any tests, perhaps you could help Mr. Fenton study his. It would at least give you something to do in class."
Draco took the plain sheets of paper with furrowed brows and Mr. Lancer continued down the aisle. Quickly scanning over the paper, he leaned over and asked, "Danny what is 'Shakespeare'?"
Danny stared at him. He turned to Sam, "You are helping me study."
Mr. Lancer finished passing out the papers, and proceeded up front to go over them. Half the class was playing on their phones underneath their desks. (Or in Paulina's case, just holding it up in front of her face.)
The other half was at least attempting to take notes. Wes muttered furiously under his breath and Valerie was viciously scribbling down everything she could. Tucker jotted down schematic notes between questions as he thought about different improvements he could make to his tech and the Fenton's. Sam was reading something covered in black leather and dust underneath the table. Danny started out taking notes but then got distracted trying to explain….pretty much everything on the study guide to Draco.
Tucker leaned over, "Do you guys not have English Lit where you're from?"
Draco gave him a scathing look. "We have practical classes, on subjects we use in our daily lives. Why on Earth would you need to know-" he squinted at the paper, "'Who seems less impulsive and more realistic- Romeo or Juliet?' What use is that?"
Sam made a hm noise and pulled out a paper.
"Sam, what are you planning?" Danny leaned over her shoulder to see what she was writing. "Oh….I don't see how any of that will help."
"What are you planning to force on me?" Draco asked.
Sam smirked at him and started counting on her fingers, "The Craft, Blair Witch Project, Hocus Pocus-"
"One of those is not like the other Sam." Tucker said.
"Hush. Hansel and Gretel-"
"Maybe not that one!" Danny hissed.
Tucker snorted, "Isn't that the one with the guy that plays Hawkeye? Also the one that-"
"Yes," Danny interrupted, shoving his hand in Tucker's face, "What about Lord of the Rings? Mary Poppins, Nanny McPhee, Narnia?"
"Sleepy Hollow, Elvira, The Crucible." Sam continued.
Danny paused, "Maybe The Crucible, if only because it's on the study guide. He's staying for the entire summer, I'd rather not traumatize him. Please. I am begging you."
She looked at him flatly, "Then beg."
"For the record," Tucker drawled to a very confused Draco, "I think they're planning on introducing you to normal people's views on magic via movie marathon. Which means a slumber party at Sam's."
Draco looked as thrilled with that suggestion as Danny did whenever Vlad shows up at his house.
In other words, not thrilled.
Mr. Lancer coughed next to the group, giving Danny a significant look.
"Study slumber party at Sam's!" Tucker said brightly. "Cause that is what we'll be doing. Studying. Like what we're supposed to be doing right now."
Sam and Danny smacked their foreheads at the same time.
"Excellent save Mr. Foley."
Tucker gave a thumbs up as Mr. Lancer walked away. Draco glared at the study guide. "I'm already hating this."
"Well, it could be worse."
Algebra 2
Danny and Tucker had taken extra math classes the year before so they could get into Calculus in their senior year. Sam did not, so she wriggled her fingers at them before disappearing to Speech class.
Mr. Falluca had the same reaction to Draco as everyone else had so far.
"There are two of you?" He asked in dread.
Draco sighed.
The rest of class wasn't much better.
Danny was handed another study guide, so Draco was handed one as well. Danny spent the rest of class trying to convince Draco that 'yes, there are letters in math, they're variables you see-what do you mean you don't know what a variable is?'
Draco tapped the ink pen Danny let him borrow on top of one of the equations.
(Draco would never admit this - especially not to Danny because he would be insufferable - but he kind of preferred the weird muggle pens over the quills and feathers he grew up on. It was easier to use, less cumbersome to carry, and so much less messy. But again, he'd rather die than admit that to anybody.)
"...Why has everyone looked horrified when they learn I'm related to you?"
Danny thought over the question for a moment. "Honestly? I think they're just horrified in general at the idea of another Fenton running around. Which, rude first of all. Second of all, I completely understand, considering the chaos that usually follows our parents."
"That and the teachers can barely handle one Danny," Tucker added, "They've probably had nightmares about this specific situation."
Mrs. Hatch made an incredulous noise as she overheard Draco ask Danny, "Which civil war is it talking about? It just says Civil War, no names."
"Everyone knows the Civil War! It was a turning point in our history and economy with ramifications still being felt today! What kind of American doesn't know about the Civil War!?"
Draco stared at her for a moment, while Danny snorted into his hand.
"I'm British."
Study Hall
"Are you going to get a study guide in every class?"
Danny just shrugged and threw his books on the desk. Mrs. Cornish threw him a sharp look which he bravely ignored. "I mean, I've got to take every semester test soooo….yeah."
Draco set down two of the study guides he received, having thrown the History one out before he left the class. He didn't particularly care about the Math, and Danny didn't really need his help for that.
The classic literature intrigued him though, if only for the stories. Another thing he will absolutely never tell Danny.
He was really getting the hang of this sibling thing.
"Why do you have to take all the tests? Your grades can't be nearly as bad as Potter's."
Danny squinted at him. "Are you insulting your arch nemesis and complimenting me at the same time?"
"I can respect that." Danny nudged his shoulder. "I uh, missed too much class. Too many tardies, and my homework tends to get lost."
'Or destroyed,' he thought mournfully, remembering Skulker specifically targeting his backpack last week.
"That is a ridiculous reason to take tests and very easily preventable."
"It's really not."
"It is. You just show up for class. And tardiness?"
"Can we skip this?"
"You are already in the building and it is nowhere near as massive as Hogwarts so I doubt you are getting lost-"
"Wanna talk about what happened?" Danny snapped.
Draco tightened his jaw, sitting back in his seat. They glared at each for a few moments before Danny sighed.
"Sorry Drake, kind of a sore subject." Danny ran his hand through his hair. "Mom and Dad are already on my case about absences, I really don't need you on it too."
Draco's eyes flitted across the room, "I meant no offense."
Danny knew that was as close to an apology as he was going to get and he grinned, "I know you didn't….We do need to talk about what happened though. Maybe not right now, but we do need to."
Draco tilted his head in acknowledgment. He pulled out the English study guide. "So what is Romeo and Juliet about?"
"Excellent subject change. Uhhh two teenagers from feuding families fall in love and die."
"I'm oversimplifying."
Draco smirked, "Alright. The Crucible?"
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh….the Salem Witch Trials?" Danny winced.
The wizard huffed, "Muggles writing a play based on witches and wizards? You know nothing about the Witch Trials. Salem may be the most recognizable, but that was around the time we separated from the non magical world. Nothing muggles could come up with will come close to the actual history."
Danny stared at him. "Dude. You need to lend Sam your magic History book. She might not fight you if you let her read that."
"Why would she fight me? And why do you say that like she's planning on it?!"
Danny sucked his teeth and went back to his study guides.
The trio-turned-quartet made their way out of the doors of the school and made a beeline for their usual table outside.
"Thank Merlin you're not making me eat the school food." Draco said as Danny handed him a sandwich.
"Glad I thought of making an extra sandwich this morning. I did not want to listen to you gripe all day."
"Too late for that." Sam said as she pulled out her fruit salad.
Any hopes of having a peaceful lunch were dashed by, well, Dash.
The teenager slammed his hand down on the table next to Tucker, causing him to choke on his food. "So, you're Fentonia's twin huh?"
"Go away Dash." Sam drawled.
Draco set down his sandwich and turned to the unwanted company. "If you are here to 'shove me into a dumpster'," He said, quoting Danny from this morning, "I feel like I should inform you my father is incredibly wealthy and high up in British politics and I can easily ruin you."
All four of them stared at him.
Draco sneered at the boy, "Leave."
"Whatever, you're not worth it." Dash said as he skulked away, in a last ditch attempt to salvage his pride. The kid had rich snob practically dripping off him, Dash knew that was no idle threat.
"I'm worth a lot more than you." Draco rolled his eyes, clearly not impressed by the half hearted attempt at bullying.
They stared at him.
"Well," Danny said brightly, "Maybe Dash will leave me alone now!"
"Yeah, till Draco goes home at the end of summer and it's back to pummeling time." Tucker grinned.
Danny stole Tucker's chips in retaliation.
About halfway through lunch, Draco felt a chill creep up his spine. He heard Danny gasp slightly.
Danny slid his lunch over, "I got to go to the bathroom I'll be right back stay here!" Then he rushed off away from the school building.
Draco stared after him, baffled. He turned to the other two for answers.
"Bladder issues." Sam said, not even looking up from her book. Tucker gave an awkward laugh.
Danny didn't show up by the time the bell signaled the end of lunch and Draco was not worried about him.
Not at all.
Sam and Tucker didn't seem that concerned as they dragged Draco to the next class.
Mrs. Johnson frowned as they walked in. "Is this the other Fenton?"
"It's Malfoy." Draco was ignored.
"Yes it is." Tucker replied to the teacher.
"Where is the original?"
"Bathroom." Sam and Tucker chorused.
Mrs. Johnson sighed, "Do not touch anything breakable. All Fenton's in my class are banned from handling fragile equipment. Better safe than sorry."
Danny skidded in and almost knocked over Draco. "Sorry, bathroom, line, rusty door lock-"
"Please sit down Mr. Fenton."
Danny grinned and gave a thumbs up. "C'mon Drake, you're going to love this class."
Danny grabbed an extra textbook off the shelf on the way to their seats and handed it to Draco. "So Potions is your favorite class right?"
Danny had complete and utter disregard for the Statute of Secrecy. This was something Draco was quickly learning to hate as Danny talked about magic in the middle of a muggle classroom. Draco's eyes flitted around the room, but the only ones paying any attention to them were Sam and Tucker.
"Well Chemistry is just the muggle version of Potions." He wiggled the book in front of his face. "It's just mixing things together to get certain reactions. Granted it's not magic, just science, but still."
Lowered the book out of his face, "I don't see how that would endear me to this class."
"What if you mixed Potions and Chemistry together?"
Draco grabbed the textbook, "How are you supposed to mix magic with muggle science? There's no way someone hasn't already thought of this."
He started flicking through the textbook and Danny grinned victory. His brother was, at heart, a science nerd just like the rest of the Fenton's.
Mrs. Johnson watched the interaction blankly. "Oh lord there are two of them."
Draco hid behind Danny best he could.
"Dude I am literally the worst person to hide behind they always target me."
"This is a ridiculous and pointless exercise and I hate this." Draco hissed.
A red rubber ball smacked Danny in the face while another one hit Draco's hip.
Coach Tetslaff blew her whistle, "Fentons! Out!"
Tucker cried out "Don't worry Danny! I'll avenge you!" A ball smacked him in the side of the face, "Motherf-"
Tetslaff blew her whistle again, "Foley, out!"
Tucker threw himself into Danny's arms, "Avenge us Sam! You're our last hope!"
Danny held Tucker closer and slid them both to ground, overdramatically reaching out to Sam. "For our dignity Sam!"
"You have to actually have dignity in order for me to avenge it." She threw her ball at them and they yelped.
Draco shook his head at the duo. "Where can I find the restroom?"
"I'll take you there."
Tetslaff appeared out of nowhere, "Absolutely not. WESTON! Front and center!"
Danny made a face, "Coach, I can take him to the bathroom. Principal Ishiyama gave me responsibility over him."
Tetslaff shot him a look. "And that is exactly why I'm sending Weston instead. He'll make sure Malfoy actually returns to class."
Danny flushed while Tucker cackled next to him.
Draco gave the very unhappy red head a cautious look. He wasn't convinced that Weston wouldn't just strangle him in a stall, but nevertheless he followed him out into the hall.
As soon as they got in the bathroom, Weston turned on him. "I know your secret!" He hissed.
Draco was going to kill Danny.
"What are you talking about?" He snapped, his hand twitching towards his wand.
"You think you're sooooo slick huh? Just flaunting around in the open? You think it's fun to mess with me? Well I know the truth!"
Draco started to pull out his wand.
"You're not real!"
Draco wondered if it was a predetermined trait that all red heads were completely bonkers.
"You think I'll get fooled by this again? You aren't even a good duplicate!" Wes stabbed his finger towards Draco. "And I can't believe people are actually falling for this long-lost-twin-from-England joke!"
"...What in the name of Merlin are you talking about?"
Wes sniffed. "You won't get away with this Phantom. I'm watching you, always watching!"
Then he turned and stormed out of the bathroom, leaving a very confused Draco behind him.
"What the bloody hell just happened?" Draco muttered to himself.
Home Economics
"I can't believe you have to take a test on servant duties."
Danny stared at him, "Drake….you do know you're going to have chores while you stay with us, right?"
Sam cackled at the look on Draco's face.
"You!" Wes hissed, shoving his finger into Danny's face.
"Hey Wes." Danny went cross-eyed watching Wes's finger. "You okay? You looked a little stressed this morning."
"And who's fault is that?" Wes huffed, "How long are you going to keep this up huh? A week? Two?"
"Keep what up?"
"He doesn't believe I'm real." Draco drawled.
"He's nothing but a duplicate you're using to make my life miserable." Wes said.
Danny started giggling, "You-you think-?" He put his head on the table and laughed.
"Wes," Sam said slowly, eyeing Danny in concern, "You know how Danny wasn't here last summer?"
"Most peaceful summer of my life? Yes."
Danny was still laughing, tears now streaming down his face.
"He was staying with his birth parents in England." She pointed to an unimpressed Draco, "His parents. You may not believe this, but not everything Danny does is to piss you off."
"Nah," Tucker said, "It's just a bonus."
Wes looked at Sam. Then he looked at Draco, then the still hysterical Danny, before looking back at Sam. "...I hate all of you." He turned and walked to his seat.
"We love you too Wes!" Tucker shouted after him, "You always make us laugh!" He laughed at the rude gesture Wes sent his way.
"...So do you have Art classes at Hogwarts?" Sam asked.
"No, don't change the subject." Draco snapped at them, "What is going on with him? He cornered me in that bathroom to tell me I'm not real!"
Tucker didn't think people could actually voice a keyboard smash, but Danny gave it his best shot.
"Achhgkksss, guys please I'm having a stroke-"
Draco gave Danny a concerned look.
Tucker snickered, "He thinks Danny is a ghost." He yelped when Sam kicked him under the table.
"That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard and I go to school with Potter."
"I know right? Totally unbelievable." Tucker nodded.
"To be fair he did think I was a vampire when I first moved here." Sam said.
"And that Mr. Lancer was a werewolf."
"And that our cheerleading team was a team of soul sucking sirens. Which they are but just the human kind."
"Oh! That time he tried to convince the town the Fentons were a family of time traveling aliens from another dimension."
"Ugh," Draco held up his hand, "I don't want to hear anymore."
Danny was still wheezing on the table.
("You know paintings in the wizarding world move?"
Draco leaned against the wall next to Danny's locker, thoroughly done with the day. "That was incredibly stressful."
Danny snorted as he slammed his locker shut, "Drake, that was nothing. Usually I'm like, ten times more stressed and actually having to learn while I'm at it."
Whispers followed the four of them out the door, and into the courtyard. Draco was, quite frankly, tired of being on this end of the rumor mill. This was almost as bad as the ferret incident.
(Okay, it didn't even come close. And thankfully no one had been around when Granger punched him, or that particular incident would have followed him for months. Draco was just being incredibly dramatic.)
"I get handed the same homework as you," Draco said, ticking off his fingers, "almost every teacher looked horrified at the thought of me, Sam has laid out plans to torture me via 'movies' and none of you are concerned-"
Sam smirked.
"-I got hit multiple times with a rubber ball, cornered in a bathroom and told I'm not real, you ditched me at lunch-"
Danny, Sam, and Tucker all chorused, "Bladder issues."
Draco stared at them, "Ditched. At. Lunch. And don't even talk to me about Home Economics."
"It's really not as bad of a day as you're making it out to be."
"Yeah," Tucker said, "I mean, we weren't even interrupted by a ghost attack."
"Tucker!" Sam and Danny hissed.
Draco threw his hands up in the air, "And that! That illogical paranoia that ghosts can actually harm you! It's ridiculous! You're muggles, you don't know anything about ghosts!"
"Oh boy," Danny muttered.
"Big oof." Tucker nodded in response.
Sam clicked her tongue condescendingly, "I forgot you were an outsider."
Draco would have said something, if he wasn't interrupted by a loud CRASH, followed by people screaming.
Tag list
@ladylynse (credit to you and your anons)
@burningprincesssuit @raisa3ibex @random-shit-writing @home-of-renn @who-needs-braincells @connisk
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maryxglz · 5 years
The most glamorous date in the UK's theatre calendar is almost upon us. The Olivier Awards see the great and the good of theatreland being recognised for their sterling work throughout the year. Here's a break down of everything you need to know about this year's ceremony.
When, where and what time?
The Olivier Awards will take place Sunday 7 April, at the Royal Albert Hall. The ceremony starts promptly at 6pm and finishes at 9pm.
Is there a red carpet?
Yes. The red carpet opens at 4pm and closes at 5.30pm.
Where can I watch it live?
The short answer to that is, if you're not there, then you can't watch the magic as it happens. But you will be able to hear it being broadcast live on Magic Radio. WhatsOnStage will be live tweeting all the action from the red carpet and the ceremony, so you can follow us at @WhatsOnStage for up to the minute news. We'll also be on Instagram throughout the evening too, so stay tuned there at @WhatsOnStage.
Is it being broadcast?
Yes. It will be broadcast on ITV after the end of the ceremony, with an exact time TBC.
Who is hosting?
This year comedian Jason Manford returns as your host for the evening. He's gearing up for his appearance in Curtains in October in Bromley and we're hoping he'll bring some song and dance pizzazz to proceedings.
Who is presenting?
Who isn't presenting? This year it's a diamond year, with the likes of the Duchess of Cornwall, Jack McBrayer, Katharine McPhee, Ruthie Henshall, Harriet Scott, the Mamma Mia! 'Dynamos', Jade Anouka, Ncuti Gatwa, Thea Sharrock, Wunmi Mosaku, Arthur Darvill, Beverley Knight, Danielle de Niese, Layton Williams, Pasek and Paul and Shane Richie all presenting awards. Read the full list here.
Who else is coming?
Many people! But key appearances include Tom Hiddleston, Danny Dyer, Sally Field, Paapa Essiedu, Gloria Estefan, Judy Kuhn, Wendell Pierce, Bill Pullman, Art Malik, Andy Nyman, Kelsey Grammer, Zawe Ashton, Charlie Cox, Ashley Shaw, Joanne Clifton and Kevin Clifton. It will be glitzy, rest assured.
Will there be performances.
Of course! You can expect snippets from The Lion King, as well as a number of award-nominated shows including Caroline, Or Change, Come From Away, Company, Fun Home, The King And I, Six and Tina – The Tina Turner Musical.
Who is nominated?
The nominees were this year announced by Giles Terera and Sheila Atim via Facebook Live and they include nine noms for Company and Come From Away and an 11th Olivier Award nomination for Ian McKellen for his King Lear. The Lehman Trilogy received five nods, as did the recent revival of Summer and Smoke which originally ran at the Almeida. Stars nominated include Patti LuPone, Richard Fleeshman, Jonathan Bailey, Arinzé Kene, David Suchet and Gillian Anderson. Read the full list of nominees here.
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writemarcus · 4 years
In the News: Aziza Barnes Tapped for HBO's Pride, Abingdon’s Virtual Short Play Festival Lineup Announced, More
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OCT 13, 2020 
Plus: Listen to Meg Toohey, Sara Bareilles, and more perform tribute to late Waitress co-star Nick Cordero.
Read on for some recent theatre headlines and videos you may have missed.
Aziza Barnes Tapped for HBO's Pride Writer Aziza Barnes, whose plays include Pues Nada and Off-Broadway's BLKS, will pen an adaptation of Ibi Zoboi's Pride for HBO. Zoboi's 2019 novel re-imagines Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice as a Haitian-Dominican coming-of-age tale. Barnes will also executive produce, reports Deadline, alongside Natasha Rothwell (Insecure) and Alloy Entertainment's Leslie Morgenstein and Gina Girolamo.
Camille A. Brown, Kamilah Forbes, Nikkole Salter, More Take Part in A Call for Revolutionary Theatre 2020 Over a dozen Black theatre artists will write articles that explore tangible strategies for sustaining Black theatre as part of Black Theatre Commons’ A Call for Revolutionary Theatre 2020. The project aims to galvanize change within the industry through grassroots operations. Articles will be released every weekday October 19–30 on BTC’s website and its social media pages (@blacktheatrecommons). Writers include Andy Jean, Awoye Timpo, Camille A. Brown, Candace L. Feldman, Charlique C. Rolle, Claudia Alick, Harold Steward, Jamil Jude, Kamilah Forbes, Keith Josef Adkins, Lady Dane Figueroa Edidi, Nikkole Salter, Sade Lythcott, Sage Crump, Stephanie McKee, Steven G Fullwood, Valerie Curtis-Newton, and Zhailon Levingston.
Storm Lever Will Host The Power of the Womxn's Vote The Hysterical Womxn’s Society presents a virtual discussion entitled The Power of the Womxn's Vote October 14 at 7 PM ET. The free chat, about the urgent need for womxn to exercise their voice, will be moderated by Storm Lever (Summer: The Donna Summer Musical) with panelists Halie Soifer (executive director of Jewish Democratic Council of America and former National Security advisor to Senator Kamala Harris), Kwajelyn Jackson (executive director of the Feminist Women's Health Center), and Joanne Grady-Huskey (co-founder and VP of iLive2Lead Young Women's Leadership Program). This event is presented in partnership with Broadway for Biden, Swing from Home, Producing Blue, and the Jewish Democractic Council of America, along with leaders in the Broadway community, including Jessie Hooker-Bailey, Shoshana Bean, Jenn Colella, Grey Henson, Erika Henningsen, Caitlin Kinnunen, Rebecca Naomi Jones, Kara Lindsay, Dana Steingold, Alysha Umphress, and Michelle Veintimilla. Register for the discussion here.
Abingdon’s Virtual Short Play Festival Lineup Announced
A two-week festival featuring stories by people of color will virtually take via Abingdon Theatre Company October 19–30. The finalists are Atacama by Augusto Federico Amador, Empress Mei Li Lotus Bottom by Christine Toy Johnson, The Invitation by Alberto Bonilla, Sundown Town by Marcus Scott, Coin Toss by Alexis Sims, and A Picture of Two Boys by Nick Malakhow. Cast members include Andrew Allen, Rin Allen, Kezia Bernard-Nau, Denise Blasor, Danny Bolero, David Castillo, Jacob Dickey, Jose Febus, Brandon Gill, Jeff Gorti, Rebecca Hirota, Deborah Lew, Esau Mora, and Reynaldo Piniella. The winner of the festival will receive a stipend to be used to support further exploration of their piece and be invited to become an artist in residence at the company. Abingdon is also committed to producing the winning piece as part of its Around the Table free reading series. The Jury Panel is comprised of Roberto Araujo, Rashad V. Chambers, Deidre Goodwin, L Morgan Lee, Jaime Lozano, Mauricio Martínez, and Juan Villa.
Meg Toohey, Sara Bareilles, More Perform Tribute to Waitress Co-Star Nick Cordero The late Nick Cordero’s Waitress co-stars got together to create a new song paying tribute to the performer, who passed away from coronavirus complications in July. “Lucky Streak” is written and produced by Meg Toohey, capturing Cordero’s time in New York City and his life on the West Coast with wife Amanda Kloots and their young son, Elvis. Joining Toohey are composer-lyricist Sara Bareilles and the Waitress band: Nadia Digiallonardo, Rich Mercurio, Lee Nadel, Yair Evnine, and Adam Kaufmann. “Getting to sing on Meg Toohey’s gorgeous tribute to our friend Nick was a gift,” said Bareilles. “I wept as I sang. This song is cathartic...beautiful and bittersweet, and speaks of the pain of love and loss and the gentle universal truth that we must hold it all lightly and enjoy our lucky streaks; these perfectly imperfect lives. What a song.”
Lineup Set for Urban Stages Benefit, Mixing Melodies and Margaritas Urban Stages' virtual benefit, Mixing Melodies and Margaritas: Make a Drink, Raise a Glass, Save the Theater, will be available on UrbanStages.org October 22 at 6:30 PM through October 26 at 6:30 PM. The benefit will feature musical performances along with how-to guides for cocktails/mocktails. WBAI host King Downing and theatre writer Michael Riedel will serve as masters of ceremonies with performances and/or appearances by Karen Akers, Aya Aziz, Terence Archie, Jenny Lyn Bader, Trezana Beverley, Reed Birney, Bill Bowers, Jim Dale, Joe Iconis, Lori Brown Mirabal, Sue Matsuki, David Quinones, Ilanna Saltzman, George Salazar, Disnie Sebastien, Tom Toce, and Zhu Yi. Kristian Seemel will serve as the event’s video director with Ryan Belock as video designer and editor. The benefit is free, although donations are encouraged; an online auction continues through October 31.
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dykedteach · 7 years
For the ask thing multiples of 11 :)
11, Favourite food?: The first thing to come to my mind is steak. Like a really nice, medium, juicy, seasoned steak. 
22, Favourite animal?: It’s so basic, I know, but I love cats so much. I really want one, it would make me so happy.
33, Favourite cellphone provider?: I’ve been with Tesco the last couple of years, and they’ve been fairly good, aside from my data package. I’ve never really known anything else?44: One person that you wish you could see right now:Right this second, I miss my mum. You know those moments where you just feel so intrinsically sad and you need a parent? That. That’s what I’m feeling right now.55, Your dream vacation: Right now, anywhere else other than here. I’d love to do a European road trip. See historic sights, go along coastlines, travel all over. 66,People that make you happy: Danni, my work friends, Rachael, my family.77, Last time someone said something you were thinking: I’m not sure if it counts, but I was watching Girls earlier this evening, and as much as I fucking hate that show 98% of the time, they sometimes say the occasional thing that really strikes me. 88, Something I will really miss when I leave home is: I’ve left home already. I miss my mum’s happy moods. I miss having a dryer. I miss good water pressure. I miss not paying bills.99,Last time I went to a movie theater: I saw Beauty And The Beast a few weeks ago.110, Here’s what I think about my neighbours: I don’t really interact with them, but they seem nice. I had to borrow one of their phones the other week when I locked myself out, and he was very nice about it.121, Here’s what I think about George Bush: I think that...there’s a lot of younger people who are still very unaware of the impact he had as president. I’m curious to see how his legacy will be shown in the decades to come, whether events with Trump will overshadow him, ect.132, Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: I had to google both of these people. I’m still not entirely clear who they are.143, Curly or Straight hair: My opinion changes day to day, but generally I prefer curly. Until I straighten my hair and it goes nice, and then I’m like, “holy shit why don’t i do this all the time?????”154, Hugs or Kisses: Kisses, because I haven’t had nearly enough of them in my lifetime.
165, I believe in aliens?: There’s something out there, for sure.176, Last YouTube video watched: I’m currently watching a video from one of my favourite ASMR youtubers, who you should definitely check out if you’re into ASMR, she’s amazing. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtc8gcFs2KXRzpV5iwJA8-w187, My pet: I don’t have any pets myself, but my parents have two dogs, a black labrador, and a giant st bernard puppy.198, I am really: Overwhelmed. Done. Desperate for change.
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viralvideostop-blog · 6 years
Date: 2018-07-10 20:00:01
Top 10 Scary Video Game Urban Legends Subscribe To MostAmazingTop10: I'm very excited for this, everyone who knows me knows I love a good video game, and you guys all know I love creepy stories - this video is gonna be a match made in heaven. Video games as we know them have been around for about 50 years - not too long, but enough time for some very creepy stories to emerge about them. It turns out that games can be haunted, games can be more creepy that you can imagine, some games have even caused terrible events and curses to happen in real life. You need to know what to watch out for before its too late. My name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Video Game Urban Legends. *NEW* MOST AMAZING INSTAGRAM- Most Amazing Top 10 Merch: For Business Inquiries Contact: [email protected] Check Out Our Recent Videos- Most Popular Videos- FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook Fan Page- Instagram- CHANNEL PRODUCER: Landon Dowlatsingh- VIDEO EDITED BY: Lucy McPhee @LucyMcPhee PRODUCED BY: Liam Collens POST PRODUCTION: Theresa Morozovitch
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clefspeare99 · 7 years
Answer all! 200-1
Oh man, haven’t done one of these in ages, well here you go!
200: My crush’s name is: Savannah199: Iwas born in: 1995198: Iam really: Caring197: Mycellphone company is: T-Mobile196: Myeye color is: Brown195: Myshoe size is: 13, sometimes 13 ½ depending on the brand194: Myring size is: Umm, 7 I think? My class ring is a 6 ½, but only fits on mypointer finger193: Myheight is: 6’2192: Iam allergic to: Nothing I’m aware of191: My1st car was: 2012 Dodge Grand Caravan190: My1st job was: Chuck E Cheese189: Lastbook you read: Dragons in Our Midst, Circles of Seven188: Mybed is: A Queen, and feels too large, have been used to a twin all my life187: Mypet: 2 dogs, Gizmo and Stitch186: Mybest friend: Hmm, don’t really have one right now if I’m being honest. Havesort of grown away from most everyone, nothing against anyone, just atransition phase right now, and I’ve always been bad at keeping in touch orjust hanging out with people.185: Myfavorite shampoo is: I use Head & Shoulders, all I’ve ever used, wouldn’tsay favorite, it’s just a good brand.184: Xboxor ps3: Nintendo Switch183: Piggybanks are: Cute, but kind of useless182: Inmy pockets: Nothing currently181: Onmy calendar: Don’t have one180: Marriageis: Very sweet and special179: Spongebobcan: Be very strange178: Mymom: Is a wonderful woman177: Thelast three songs I bought were? I don’t know what song I actually lost bought,I just get my music on youtube.176: LastYouTube video watched: 2017 League of Legends World Championships175: Howmany cousins do you have? A lot, um like 17 I can think of off the top of myhead?174: Doyou have any siblings? Yep, 2, a brother and a sister, both younger than me173: Areyour parents divorced? Nope172: Areyou taller than your mom? Yes, quite a bit taller171: Doyou play an instrument? Nope, did drums in elementary school, stopped in middleschool because I would have no other electives all year if I did band andchoir.170: Whatdid you do yesterday? Work, and saw Kingsman The Golden Circle[ I Believe In ]169: Loveat first sight: Lust yes, love no, you build love with someone, not somethingyou can immediately have in my opinion168: Luck:Yeah, occasionally167: Fate:I believe God has a fate for all of us, something we will learn eventually166: Yourself:Definitely165: Aliens:It’s possible with how many millions of stars and planets are out there.164: Heaven:Yep163: Hell:Yep162: God:Yep161: Horoscopes:They are fun and interesting, though I don’t put any faith in them160: Soulmates: Yeah, why not159: Ghosts:Meh, never really have.158: GayMarriage: Yeah, why stop 2 people from being happy together?157: War:Is something that shouldn’t be needed ever.156: Orbs:Not sure what this is referring to, so I guess no?155: Magic:There is illusion magic, but no actual magic like in fire emblem or other videogames.[ This or That ]154: Hugsor Kisses: Why not both?153: Drunkor High: Neither152: Phoneor Online: Online151: Redheads or Black haired: Red head all day150: Blondesor Brunettes: Brunettes149: Hotor cold: Hot148: Summeror winter: Summer147: Autumnor Spring: Colorado Autumn, Spring most anywhere else though146: Chocolateor vanilla: Vanilla145: Nightor Day: Night144: Orangesor Apples: Apples143: Curlyor Straight hair: Curly142: McDonaldsor Burger King: Mc Donald’s fries, Burger King burger141: WhiteChocolate or Milk Chocolate: White Chocolate140: Macor PC: PC139: Flipflops or high heels: Neither, always wears tennis shoes138: Uglyand rich OR sweet and poor: Sweet and poor, you can stop being poor, it’s a lotharder to stop being an ugly person(I’m referring to personality)137: Cokeor Pepsi: Pepsi136: Hillaryor Obama: Obama I guess, though I’m not big on politics135: Burriedor cremated: Never really thought about it, whatever’s cheaper? Don’t need myfamily pouring out money after I’m dead XD134: Singingor Dancing: Singing, have always loved choir, and I suck at dancing133: Coachor Chanel: Not sure what either of these are, clothes or something?132: KatMcPhee or Taylor Hicks: Also not sure what either of these are, guessingsingers of some sort131: Smalltown or Big city: Small town, though able to drive to the big city130: Wal-Martor Target: Target129: BenStiller or Adam Sandler: I only recognize the name Adam Sandler, so him Iguess?128: Manicureor Pedicure: Have never had either, so don’t know.127: EastCoast or West Coast: West Coast, because Disneyland, which is better thanDisneyworld because it has Walt’s personal touch.126: YourBirthday or Christmas: Both are close in timing, but have to go with Christmassince everyone is just generally in a better mood125: Chocolateor Flowers: Chocolate124: Disneyor Six Flags: Disney 100% not even close123: Yankeesor Red Sox: I’m not big on sports, don’t really care either way[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War:Was sort of asked earlier, still think the same, it should never be needed121: GeorgeBush: I don’t know enough to have an actual opinion on him120: GayMarriage: Why not let people be happy together, it doesn’t hurt you.119: Thepresidential election: Is clearly broken after out last election, how can thismonster be given power at such a high level when he is clearly hateful anddoesn’t understand the general populous?118: Abortion:Mothers choice ultimately117: MySpace:Does this site even still exist? I never personally used it116: RealityTV: It so fake it’s not even funny115: Parents:Do their best for their kids114: Backstabbers: Are some of the lowest people113: Ebay:Is slowly getting eaten alive by Amazon112: Facebook:Is just sort of a time waste, but also lets you connect from so far apart111: Work:Should be fun, not something that you hate doing110: MyNeighbors: Don’t know them, just moved here109: GasPrices: Are nice and low currently, still kind of high in California though,but can’t complain much108: DesignerClothes: Are over rated107: College:Is a money suck unless you know for sure what you want to do, otherwise youwill be in debt with something you don’t want106: Sports:Are kind of fun to watch, but generally very, and I mean very over paid105: Myfamily: Are always there and rather supportive104: Thefuture: Is looking good, have an interview at Disneyland on Tuesday![ Last time I ]103: Huggedsomeone: If all the kids at Chuck E Cheese count while I was in the Chuck Esuit, then tonight, otherwise then it would be about a week ago when my grandmaand grandpa came out102: Lasttime you ate: Had some pizza at work tonight101: Sawsomeone I haven’t seen in a while: This week, hadn’t seen these grandparents inabout 8 years.100: Criedin front of someone: It’s been a while, can’t remember99: Wentto a movie theater: On Saturday, saw Kingsman: Golden Circle98: Tooka vacation: Back at the end of June, went with my family to Paris for a week,go to go to Euro Disney, was a lot of fun.97: Swamin a pool: A week or two ago, have one in my backyard now so can go whenever Iwant, so long as it’s not too cold out.96: Changeda diaper: about a month and a half when I was with Aubri95: Gotmy nails done: Never have94: Wentto a wedding: Not sure, maybe my Uncle’s weeding like gosh 9 years ago?93: Brokea bone: Well I fractured my arm when I was 12 or so, haven’t actually broken abone though92: Gota peircing: Never have, no real plans to91: Brokethe law: Minus going a bit over the speed limit I can’t think of a timehonestly90: Texted:A few days ago with support at Uber trying to figure out an issue with myaccount[ MISC ]89: Whomakes you laugh the most: Savannah used to, after moving no one in particular theselast 2 months88: SomethingI will really miss when I leave home is: Solitarity, is that a word?87: Thelast movie I saw: Kingsman: Golden Circle86: Thething that I’m looking forward to the most: Job interview on Tuesday85: Thething im not looking forward to: Job interview on Tuesday84: Peoplecall me: Josiah, Siah, Clef(gaming friends)83: Themost difficult thing to do is: be genuinely honest with everyone82: Ihave gotten a speeding ticket: Nope, got a warning once since I was 9 over in a45. It was 2 am, and one of my headlights was out, only reason he pulled meover with a warning81: Myzodiac sign is: Sagittarius80: Thefirst person I talked to today was: Danny, they woke me up cause I was supposedto drop her off at the mall79: Firsttime you had a crush: First crush was probably Megan Conrad, had a crush on herin 3rd grade, never told her about it before she moved. Was going togive her a valentines card, but her family moved like the week before, oh well.78: Theone person who I can’t hide things from: No one currently, used to be Sam, butright now there really isn’t anyone that I’m close enough to that can tellsomething is off77: Lasttime someone said something you were thinking: Can’t remember76: Rightnow I am talking to: No body, just up late as I do, watching League75: Whatare you going to do when you grow up: Am a young adult now, so am starting togrow up more, still working on getting into Disney, want to one day help editand voice over in movies.74: Ihave/will get a job: Currently work at Chuck E Cheese, first thing I could getafter moving out to California, hopefully soon will be at Disneyland, alsodrive for Uber every now and then if I’m bored and have some time73: Tomorrow:Is actually going to be Tuesday now since it’s 1am and so therefore technicallyis the next day. Going to be a big day, fingers crossed all goes well.72: Today:Is just another day, nothing to out of the ordinary71: NextSummer: Not sure, I think my mom is working on getting some sort of familyreunion together70: NextWeekend: Will be working, don’t do much on weekends normally69: Ihave these pets: 2 dogs, Gizmo and Stitch, both mutts68: Theworst sound in the world: nails on a chalkboard67: Theperson that makes me cry the most is: Not sure right now, probably myself66: Peoplethat make you happy: Those that are friendly and enjoyable to be around65: Lasttime I cried: Can’t recall64: Myfriends are: A very strange group of gamers63: Mycomputer is: Pretty good, would like to upgrade again here in the next year ortwo, just don’t have the money right now.62: MySchool: Is not existent currently, not a priority currently, will probably belater after work at Disney can give me more of a specific direction to gorather than throwing money at it and hoping for the best.61: MyCar: Is a good van, and has come in rather handy60: Ilose all respect for people who: Put others down behind their backs59: Themovie I cried at was: Nothing jumps out right now, only one that comes to mindof late was Force Awakens, yes it sounds silly, but every time I saw it and theoriginal theme played when Han got on the Falcon I couldn’t help but get tearyeyed, and each time Rey pulls the lightsaber too herself right past Kylo’sface.58: Yourhair color is: Dark Brown57: TVshows you watch: Arrow, Game of Thrones, Flash, Star Wars Rebels56: Favoriteweb site: Youtube probably55: Yourdream vacation: A couple weeks going to every Disney location with someone close54: Theworst pain I was ever in was: I mean breaking my arm hurt a lot physically, butemotionally there have been a few moments years ago when I learned things thatclose friends went through that I wish didn’t have to be so. Some things youjust can’t explain the real effect of how it messed with your mind and makesyou think differently each day.53: Howdo you like your steak cooked: Well done52: Myroom is: Neat and organized51: Myfavorite celebrity is: Liam Neeson50: Wherewould you like to be: Holding her in my arms49: Doyou want children: Have a beautiful daughter, will likely have more in thefuture once I actually settle down.48: Everbeen in love: Have been a few times47: Who’syour best friend: I know I said earlier that I don’t have one, but my mindinstantly went to Michael when I read this again, even though we haven’t beenclose in years now, but I still hope he is doing great and love seeing where heis going on facebook. He was pretty much a second brother growing up.46: Moreguy friends or girl friends: Guys from gaming, though in person would generallybe girls45: Onething that makes you feel great is: A tight warm hug44: Oneperson that you wish you could see right now: Savannah43: Doyou have a 5 year plan: Not particularly, barely have a 5 day plan42: Haveyou made a list of things to do before you die: Not written it down anywhere,but I want to get to every Disney park location, 3 down so far.41: Haveyou pre-named your children: Nope, have some ideas but nothing for sure,especially since my wife will of course have her own desired names too.40: Lastperson I got mad at: No one outwardly, but a few people in my head, and that’show it stays 99% of the time. I bottle stuff in too much.39: Iwould like to move to: It’s always been California, because that’s whereDisneyland is, but honestly wish I could have Disney in Colorado, am alreadykind of missing it far more than I thought I would.38: Iwish I was a professional: Voice actor, and may someday be.[ My Favorites ]37: Candy:Snickers or Laffy Taffy36: Vehicle:Was a Hummer growing up, but that thing is a gas guzzler, honestly whatever has4 wheels and gets me from point a to point b is good, preferably orange.35: President:Abraham Lincoln, because he was a pretty good guy34: Statevisited: Colorado33: Cellphoneprovider: T-Mobile works, haven’t tried anyone else, am grandfathered into myparents plan32: Athlete:Michael Phelps, or Pele31: Actor:Liam Neeson30: Actress:Cara Delevingne29: Singer:There are so many youtubers I follow, I couldn’t pick just one, impossible.Kurt Hugo Schneider, Sam Tsui, Agaisnt The Current, Pentatonix, ChristinaGrimmie(You are missed), Tiffany Alvord, Peter Hollens, Boyce Avenue, and manymore28: Band:Oh, well I kind of mixed some bands into Singers, um just a band, maybe Skilletor Matt Kearney27: Clothingstore: Nothing in particular, most of my shirts are from t-shirt daily dealwebsites26: Grocerystore: Probably Target, just my go to place25: TVshow: Close between Arrow and Game of Thrones24: Movie:Over The Hedge23: Website:This was asked earlier, but YouTube still22: Animal:Dragons, if you want something non-mythical then Guinea Pigs21: Themepark: Disneyland20: Holiday:Thanksgiving because it’s just about being thankful and spending time withfamily and loved ones. It’s not about getting anything or spending money forgifts, it’s about being there and being thankful.19: Sportto watch: League of Legends, E-sports totally count, if you disagree then youare wrong, and then Soccer would be my answer.18: Sportto play: Ultimate Frisbee, a lot of fun, especially with my good long distancethrows.17: Magazine:Don’t read magazines ever16: Book:The whole Dragons In Our Midst series, if I had to pick one then it would beRaising Dragons, the very first book.15: Dayof the week: None of them are special right now, so they just sort of flowtogether now, Friday I guess since it’s payday?14: Beach:Is nice to walk along on, though am not a fan of swimming in the ocean13: Concertattended: Last one I remember going to was an Audio Adrenaline concert with mydad, but that was ages ago, have never been big on concerts.12: Thingto cook: I suck at cooking, the best food I can make is French toast, is prettygood.11: Food:Cheeseburger. You can’t beat a good burger, 90% of the time at any restaurantit’s what I get.10: Restaurant:In-N-Out for fast food style, Red Lobster for sit down, used to be OliveGarden, but they got rid of their Fettuccini Alfredo Pizza9: Radiostation: K-Love8: Yankeecandle scent: Not sure, Cantaloupe maybe?7: Perfume:I don’t wear any, so don’t have much of an opinion on it, just something sweetsmelling is generally nice6: Flower:Never really thought about it actually, Roses look pretty, though it’s kind ofa generic answer, yeah don’t really have one I guess.5: Color:Orange, always has been, always will be.4: Talkshow host: I don’t watch any talk shows, so not sure who any are.3: Comedian:Jeff Dunham, I think he counts right? Great ventriloquist and comedian2: Dogbreed: Husky, such beautiful dogs, thought they do need a lot of attention totake care of.1: Didyou answer all these truthfully? To the best of my knowledge, yes.
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falconsvsbears-blog · 7 years
Raiders vs Titans
The 2017 NFL normal season is at long last here, and our Birds of prey begin off the season headed for confront the Falcons vs Bears. The Bears were 3-13 a year ago, and many fans are feeling exceptionally certain about this diversion. Be that as it may, a more intensive take a gander at the match-ups demonstrates this may not be the cakewalk many fans are reckoning. Jets vs Bills Jets vs Bills 2017 Jets vs Bills Score Jets vs Bills Football Bills vs Jets Bills vs Jets Football Buffalo Bills vs New York Jets New York Jets vs Buffalo Bills The Hawks will handle a hostile line returning four starters. Chris Chester has vanished into retirement, with second year player Wes Schweitzer filling the void at right watch. He's an obscure now, yet has looked alright in preseason activity. At focus, Alex Mack is a demonstrated All-Genius who has hugy affected this Birds of prey hostile unit. Eagles vs Redskins Eagles vs Redskins 2017 Eagles vs Redskins Score Eagles vs Redskins Football Redskins vs Eagles Redskins vs Eagles Football Washington Redskins vs Philadelphia Eagles Philadelphia Eagles vs Washington Redskins He's extraordinary in pass security and run blocking and is the grapple of this hostile line. At right handle, Ryan Schraeder has unobtrusively turned out to be truly outstanding in the alliance and is an enduring power in both pass insurance and run blocking. At left protect, Andy Levitre has had two great seasons consecutively for the Birds of prey, however he is inclined to the infrequent mental slip by. At last, Jake Matthews may not be the world-mixer everybody anticipated that him would be, yet he is effortlessly a better than expected left handle and is especially successful in the running diversion. Raiders vs Titans Raiders vs Titans 2017 Raiders vs Titans Score Raiders vs Titans Football Titans vs Raiders Titans vs Raiders Football Tennessee Titans vs Oakland Raiders Oakland Raiders    vs Tennessee Titans The Bears have a decent cautious front seven. Akiem Hicks is an exceptionally strong power in the center with Eddie Goldman being heavy at the nose. Willie Youthful has been conflicting now and again, yet is a quality player while Pernell McPhee has demonstrated he can get after the QB. At linebacker, Jerrell Freeman was a quality marking by the Bears. He's exceptional amidst the field in both halting the run and safeguarding the pass. Alongside him, Danny Trevathan is likewise a decent inside linebacker who exceeds expectations against the run. Try not to mull over this Bears front seven - they have a considerable measure of good players there. Buccaneers vs Dolphins Buccaneers vs Dolphins 2017 Buccaneers vs Dolphins Score Buccaneers vs Dolphins Football Dolphins vs Buccaneers Dolphins vs Buccaneers Football Miami Dolphins vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Miami Dolphins At QB, the Birds of prey brag the returning NFL MVP in Matt Ryan, who had one of the best QB seasons in NFL history in 2016. He is joined by a standout amongst other running back pairs in the group with Devonta Freeman and Tevin Coleman both being skilled sprinters and recipients. Outwardly, there is basically no preferable recipient in the group over Julio Jones. You can wager the Bears are having bad dreams about him at the present time. Jaguars vs Texans Jaguars vs Texans 2017 Jaguars vs Texans Score Jaguars vs Texans Football Texans vs Jaguars Texans vs Jaguars Football Houston Texans vs Jacksonville Jaguars Jacksonville Jaguars vs Houston Texans Inverse him, Mohamed Sanu is a skilled ownership collector in the center while Taylor Gabriel has the speed to take the finish off the barrier. This is an imposing WR trio. Austin Hooper figures to be the new starter at tight end, and he's demonstrated a decent affinity with Ryan, however it's misty the amount of an effect he will have this year. Say what you need, however this is effortlessly outstanding amongst other hostile units in the class. They are profound and gifted and will be an intense coordinate for any resistance. Cardinals vs Lions Cardinals vs Lions 2017 Cardinals vs Lions Score Cardinals vs Lions Football Lions vs Cardinals Lions vs Cardinals Football Detroit Lions vs Arizona Cardinals Arizona Cardinals vs Detroit Lions The Bears protection has some ability in the optional. Wellbeing Quintin Demps was great a year ago, playing admirably in scope and against the run. Adrian Amos was likewise extremely successful, however not at an incredible same level as Demps. In the event that this auxiliary has a shortcoming, it is certainly at corner. Ruler Amukamara is a fair corner, yet is not anybody's concept of a shutdown player. Marcus Cooper, then again, is prime to be cooked alive. In nickel sets, Cre'von Leblanc is normal - if that - in the opening. Falcons vs Bears Falcons vs Bears 2017 Falcons vs Bears Score Falcons vs Bears Football Bears vs Falcons Bears vs Falcons Football Chicago Bears vs Atlanta Falcons Atlanta Falcons    vs Chicago Bears Insofar as Ryan and the Birds of prey can return to their touchy 2016 routes, its absolutely impossible the Bears can win this coordinate. Truth be told, there are not very many guarded secondaries furnished to manage what the Birds of prey are fit for dishing out.Honestly, this coordinate might be a real heart stopper. The Bears cautious front is no joke, while Schweitzer is as yet an obscure now.
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beikecaiseo · 8 years
14 email marketing mistakes to avoid
Regardless of the increase of texting and social networking, e-mail marketing continues to be an ideal way to achieve current and potential clients. But when you would like your e-mail not, and to stick out within the mailbox wind in the garbage, prevent producing these 14 e-mail marketing errors.
Error No. 1: Not optimising your e-mails for various systems and cellular devices
“Outlook, Gmail, Google, etc., all show e-mails somewhat differently, and all appear distinct on pc vs. mobile,” notices Nate Kristy, vice-president, advertising, Automational. “Do you realize how your e-mail theme may react to all of the surfers and products with which it may be exposed? Many marketing-automation resources allows you make certain everything seems as meant and to examine your concept on different-sized displays. [Simply] make sure to are currently employing this function. It’s also wise to deliver check e-mails to some number of e-mail details, and examine each from various products, to guarantee the e-mail seems just like you would like it to.”
“The easiest way to make sure your e-mail gets left within the garbage when it’s exposed would be to irritate the audience by having an e-mail that does not make properly on the cellular gadget,” claims Paige Musto, mature representative, corporate communications, Act On Application. “Now that over fifty percent of e-mail communications are exposed on cellular devices, it’s vital that entrepreneurs produce responsively created e-mails so they display across any gadget the e-mail may start with. A method to potential-evidence this crash from happening is by using a contact support or marketing-automation supplier that’s receptive style engineering constructed in.”
Error No. 2: Not utilizing segmentation and printing
“It’s an error to deliver a e-mail to all or any of one’s clients,” claims Allen Bonde, senior vice-president, advertising, Placester. “At the same time frame, it’d be considered an error (and difficult) to target e-mail to each and every client. The greater exercise [is] to section your customer-base by who they’re: a warm or chilly guide, a previous or existing possibility, their placement inside your sales channel, their particular pursuits, [where they’re,] etc.,” he describes.
“Armed with this specific segmentation, smaller businesses may then utilize their e-mail marketing application to deliver related communications to each team at suitable occasions, growing the chance that clients have an interest within the phone to action.”
“Even segmenting your listing by business or including an initial title within the topic point might have a significant effect on conversions,” provides Justine Beauregard, proprietor & creator, Mirelle Advertising. “Itis worth the full time to drill-down and personalise when feasible!”
Error No.3: Concentrating just on marketing
In the place of utilizing e-mail marketing solely like a revenue device, “use it like a method to interact your visitors and develop client devotion,” claims Doug Sechrist, vice-president, need advertising, Infusionsoft. Your supreme objective, “Of program would be to market and market your item. But to determine greater outcomes from your own e-mail marketing plan, concentrate on participating your visitors [with useful or helpful info, certainly not concerning your items or support] in the place of pestering them with promotional content. In the finish, involved customers are a lot more prone to open e-mails they obtain from your own brand.”
Error No. 4: Having a complicated, misleading or dull topic range
The topic range “is the very first thing that people observe within our e-mail mailbox,” notices Kate Chan, full-stack marketer, Rabbut. Makes individuals wish to click not.” That’s or your e-mail why it’s very important to spend time creating a topic point that’ll truly get your readers’ interest. Even better, check topic outlines that are various to determine which is most effective.
“Subject outlines could make or split your open-rate,” claims Gil Resnick, marketing-automation expert, Repsly. “A great, subject range that is appealing may attract on a set for more and obtain them in to the mail itself. Issue outlines that are dull frequently lead to customers just or removing the e-mail missing it to make the journey to things.  Provide that is more essential [ your ] lines some spruce, but maintain them on-topic. Overuse of exclamation details as well as particular phrases, such as for example ‘free’ or ‘money,’ may induce the spamfilter, indicating your e-mail never experienced a chance.”
Even be about being also appealing cautious. Appealing subject collections that are “While are proficient at upping your available prices and getting your recipient’s interest , function when the e-mail [provides] what [ has ] been guaranteed, Sechrist is said by ”. “Nobody loves to feel misled. [Therefore] it’s imperative to not over sensationalise your topic outlines and alternatively arrange the topic using the content.”
Additionally, bear in mind that “clear topic outlines obtain 541 percentage more ticks than intelligent types, based on research by AWeber Communications,” claims Mike Madden, demand-generation plan supervisor, Marketo. And by obvious, he indicates issue outlines “avoid methods, clickbait and concerns by what the e-mail really includes [and] are in line with your body of the email.”
Error No. 5: Embedding your concept within an picture
“Avoid placing all of your wording into pictures,” claims Mike Binks, digital-marketing supervisor, TeamSnap. “If pictures do not fill for whatever reason and there is a problem, you know what? Your wording does not possibly. Exactly what a waste.” the clear answer: “Balance pictures (do not make sure they are large) with obvious and brief wording in the torso of the e-mail. This way wording will be understandable as well as your concept gets through.”
Error No.6: Having an excessive amount of wording.
“These times, a contact is just available to get an issue of moments, departing your customers the full time to check [it] for aesthetically attractive pictures and find out about 50 phrases (max),” claims Chiara McPhee, creator & COO, Bizzy. “This means you’ve only occasions to capture your audienceis interest. Should you neglect to persuade your market to do this and purchase your item during this period, your conversions won’t improve substantially.”
“shorten your wording to create your concept more brief to greatly help make sure your concept is study and can include incredible photography to lure your audience she indicates. “It’s very important to create a lasting impact once you’ve acquired that e-mail that was preliminary -starting press. But remember, you simply have 20 moments to create that impact and produce a customer right into a customer.”
Error No. 7: Searching unprofessional
“Nothing appears more unprofessional than obtaining a bcc e-mail that obviously went to some business proprietoris whole addressbook,” claims John Henry Scherck, development advertising supervisor, DocSend. “Use the a large number of other available choices available on the market or a real e-mail marketing system, like MailChimp ActiveCampaign Contact. These systems are particularly designed for e-mail marketing and certainly will supply business people with useful functions like pre-created themes, arrangement, monitoring and statistics that normal e-mail simply does not offer.”
Error No. 8: lacking a phone-to-motion switch
“The point-of a contact, in the end, would be to obtain the person to-go elsewhere, be an item site starting, arranging a period to talk or arranging a scheduled appointment,” claims Resnick. “Whether your mail is fast and also to the purpose or perhaps a little more detailed and prolonged, a phone-to-motion switch may stick out and permit the audience to effortlessly understand to what’s very important to them (and also you) without reading each and every word.”
Error No. 9: Not editing/double-checking links
“There is nothing worse than mailing out a publication and simply because the topic range includes a grammatical [or punctuation] mistake, or discovering that you simply [incorporated] the incorrect url,” claims Danny Garcia, advertising functions supervisor, Stacklist. Therefore before striking ‘send,’ “double examine [your] publication or, [even better,] have another person appear it around for you.”
Error No. 10: Delivering e-mail also often/occasionally
“Most companies create the error of delivering an excessive amount of e-mail to customers,” claims Matthew Bretzius, leader, FischTank PR. However the reverse – delivering e-mail – that is also occasionally can also be an error. You’ve surely got to find the correct tempo, although “Email advertising continues to be among the most effective resources accessible. Delivering numerous emails each day out is probably a lot of, while delivering one-out per month mightn’t be enough he notices. “Keep your unsubscribes, in addition to a watch in your available and press prices. This can assist you to decide the [right] frequency.”
“While delivering more e-mails doesn’t usually convert to elevated revenue, under-mailing may also trigger conversions to endure,” claims Sechrist. The easiest way to determine emails’ perfect quantity to deliver is Via A/W assessments. You might find that e-mails are preferred by various sections in a regularity that is distinct. If so, you are able to target your quantity that is deliver for every section appropriately. Another best-practice to think about is providing your customers a choice to choose [how frequently] they’d prefer to notice from you.”
Error No. 11: Having a poor (or number) e-mail sign up site and/or unsubscribe procedure
“So several companies (little and big) do not have a contact sign up site or selection technique,” claims Jenn Barber, creator, Jenn Barber Advertising. People on the ‘list’ originate from from business-cards gathered from occasions or the Contact sort. That is so poor. The moment businesses choose to begin people that are contacting, they have to possess a collection [and] it requires to clearly communicate [and your online privacy policy] towards the people registering. There [additionally] must be considered a method for individuals to unsubscribe.”
“If your mail doesn’t possess an obvious unsubscribe link, the customer might tag the e-mail as junk in the place of merely unsubscribing,” claims Alice Williams, communications expert, Frontier Business Side. “This may adversely impact [your] reputation.”
Error No. 12: Contacting those who have not provided you authorization to do this
“The very last thing you wish to do being an email marketer is breach e-mail delivering methods that may wind you on the JUNK checklist or, more significantly, [in big trouble] using the regulation, particularly Canada’s Anti Spam Regulation (CASL) and EU Solitude regulations,” claims Musto. Therefore before you send the next e-mail strategy, “make certain your advertising group understands [any] regulations they have to follow, to make sure your organization does not fall prey for this e-mail fail.”
Error No.13: Not monitoring outcomes – or e-mail ROI
“Tracking strategy efficiency through measurements like available prices and click through prices might help you modify, improve and enhance your [e-mail marketing],” claims Mychelle Mollot, com, Klipfolio. “The more starts and ticks, the more that particular strategy and information resonated together with your subscribers.”
Likewise, “you have to ensure that your initiatives are spending off—with new brings, a rise in income for the company new clients and, fundamentally,” she claims. Important e-mail marketing full to monitor is something which several smaller companies overlook performing, your e-mail ROI. At many conversions have now been produced consequently of e-mail marketing strategies to monitor ROI, look. These conversions might occur on online, in store or straight through mail. Checking e-mail ROI can help you decide general achievement and assist you to constantly enhance strategy performance.”
Error No. 14: Bad e-mail listing cleanliness
“Like cleaning your teeth listing cleanliness boils down to sustaining and cleansing exactly what adopts your repository, Madden is explained by ”. This does take interest and time, it’s nevertheless a required and important action for companies that are smaller. Using the correct health methods in position, you are able to cleanup your repository with time to keep a healthier e-mail listing, meaning greater results.”
Madden’s strategies for precisely sustaining mailing lists:
Emails -returned.
Eliminate e-mails not of an individual (@data, etc). 
Operate a re- campaign to focus on customers who haven’t been to find out who nevertheless really wants to notice from you.
from Beikecai – Cheap But Reliable SEO Services http://www.beikecai.com/14-email-marketing-mistakes-to-avoid/
0 notes
tabloidtoc · 4 years
OK, April 13
Cover: Calista Flockhart and Harrison Ford’s 18-year love story 
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Page 1: Contents 
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Page 4: Hannah Brown and Tyler Cameron’s reunion 
Page 6: Prince Harry wants to come home in his father Prince Charles’ time of need with coronavirus infection 
Page 7: Cindy Crawford begs daughter Kaia Gerber to help her older brother Presley Gerber amid his rebellious streak, Chris Hemsworth has amassed a ton of star power and is now requesting that all of his movies film in Australia, while Miley Cyrus is holed up in quarantine she launched a live Instagram talk show and she’s enjoying her project so much she thinking of bringing it to TV
Page 8: Khloe Kardashian and ex Tristan Thompson are quarantining together with daughter True and her family hopes that the alone time brings the two back together except for Scott Disick who thinks Tristan is bad news and hasn’t changed at all, Billie Eilish is music’s current golden girl but the teen singer’s string of success has her inner circle worried that she’s running herself ragged, Katy Perry is doing things backward by marrying Orlando Bloom after the birth of their first child together and surprisingly her strict preacher parents have given their approval 
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- orange -- Logan Browning, Kate Bosworth, Issa Rae 
Page 11: Kathryn Newton, Florence Pugh, Kristin Cavallari 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Hailee Steinfeld vs. Bella Hadid, Dominique Tipper vs. Alesha Dixon
Page 13: Duchess Kate Middleton vs. Elizabeth Chambers 
Page 14: News in Photos -- A Breath of Fresh Air -- Jeannie Mai 
Page 15: Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green and kids Noah and Journey and Bodhi, Olivia Wilde, Simon Cowell, Wells Adams and dog Carl 
Page 16: Joel McHale, Myleene Klass, Maya Rudolph and Alec Baldwin 
Page 18: Bailee Madison and boyfriend Blake Richardson, Colin Hanks
Page 19: Brooke Burke and a dog, Alessandra Ambrosio walks her dog, Minnie Driver 
Page 20: Book Smart -- Mayim Bialik reading Embrace Your Weird, Lena Dunham reads A Year Without a Name by her younger sibling Cyrus, Nicole Kidman reading A Good Marriage 
Page 21: Emma Roberts reads We Wish You Luck, Reese Witherspoon reads The Jetsetters, Emma Watson and Little Women, Mindy Kaling reads In Other Words 
Page 22: Natural Beauties -- Gabrielle Union, Bella Hadid, Charlize Theron and her dog Johnny Utah, Lady Gaga 
Page 23: Gwyneth Paltrow and Alexandra Grant and Demi Moore, Tracee Ellis Ross, Salma Hayek 
Page 24: Quarantined in Luxury -- Keanu Reeves, Bindi Irwin and Chandler Powell, Brad Pitt, Amal and George Clooney 
Page 25: Kate Winslet, Jessica Simpson, Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts, Renee Zellweger 
Page 26: Julianne Hough and Brooks Laich’s divorce is off 
Page 27: Julia Roberts’ husband Danny Moder has always been an outdoorsman but she’s worried he’s turning into a full-blown adrenaline junkie, Lea Michele and Zandy Reich just celebrated their one-year wedding anniversary but the two are still on cloud nine as they play house, though the global health pandemic has forced David Foster and wife Katharine McPhee to postpone their joint tour they were able to find a silver lining -- they’re taking advantage of their freed-up schedule to start a family 
Page 28: Kelly Ripa has no qualms when it comes to gushing about her and husband Mark Consuelos’ sex life but he would prefer she left a little to the imagination, Evan Peters and Halsey have called it quits and she may be back with Dominic “Yungblud” Harrison, Love Bites -- Meghan McCain and husband Ben Domenech are expecting, Michelle Williams and Thomas Kail married, Nina Dobrev and Shaun White dating 
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Page 30: Cover Story -- Calista Flockhart and Harrison Ford’s untold love story -- how the longtime couple built one of the most solid marriages in Hollywood 
Page 34: How Reese Witherspoon does it all -- she makes balancing life as a mom, wife and business mogul look easy 
Page 36: Sandra Bullock has finally tied the knot with her boyfriend of five years Bryan Randall in a small and ceremony at her Hollywood Hills home 
Page 38: Farewell to Modern Family 
Page 40: Kim Kardashian’s new reality -- she opens up about her first year of law studies, her family and her new documentary 
Page 46: Style Week -- For the premiere of Westworld Evan Rachel Wood directed her glam team to make her look sleek AF
Page 49: 5 Minutes with Audrina Patridge 
Page 50: Cinched Denim -- Shailene Woodley 
Page 54: Entertainment -- Mrs. America
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Page 55: Q&A with Declan Laird of Green Rush 
Page 58: Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas heating up 
Page 60: Hollywood Heat Meter -- Kevin Hart and Eniko Parrish are expecting their second child together, Taylor Swift’s feud with Kanye West and Kim Kardashian is not over, Tokyo’s Summer Olympics will be postponed, another publisher released Woody Allen’s memoir, The Bachelor’s Madison Prewett split from Peter Weber and has been linked to Connor Saeli, Doing Their Part -- stars are helping out every which way they can during the coronavirus crisis -- Bethenny Frankel, Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell, Jennifer Garner and Amy Adams, Rihanna, Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively 
Page 61: Sound Bites -- Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Kelly Clarkson, Blake Shelton, Kylie Jenner, Justin Timberlake 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Aries Paul Rudd 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Liam Hemsworth
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Examiner, December 7
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: How Betty White is surviving the pandemic 
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Page 2: 10 magical things about It’s a Wonderful Life 
Page 3: Karolyn Grimes who played George Bailey’s daughter Zuzu in It’s a Wonderful Life remembers Jimmy Stewart 
Page 4: Purple Reign -- stars wearing purple -- Penelope Cruz, Vanessa Hudgens, Sandra Oh, Cynthia Erivo 
Page 5: Katharine McPhee, Charlize Theron, Paula Abdul 
Page 6: Dolly Parton recently answered the personal questions fans ask about her the most on the internet 
* Most people know that Sammy Davis Jr. sported a glass eye but don’t know he got it when he was 28 years old and in a serious car accident 
Page 7: Winter Kills -- ice out seasonal health problems before it’s too late 
Page 10: Brandon Woolf has been sitting on a sidewalk in Brooklyn typing letters for strangers to send to their friends using a typewriter 
Page 11: Your Health -- health benefits of peppermint 
Page 12: A Godzilla-sized alligator stunned onlookers when it decided to check out the links at a Florida golf course 
Page 13: Winter warning for pet owners -- be sure your cats and dogs are protected from the harsh elements 
Page 14: Dear Tony -- lifetime lessons determine the next time around -- Tony predicts a movie will be made about legendary Hollywood actor Cary Grant and his interesting life when he reigned as a superstar; he was married five time and was loved by many 
Page 15: For Anna Hosey it was love at first sight not because of Adam Lawrence’s soulful eyes or winning smile but because he posed for a Facebook photo holding an enormous cat 
Page 16: They’re not all talk -- secrets of TV’s lady yakkers -- Ellen DeGeneres, Tamron Hall, Wendy Williams, Jenna Bush Hager 
Page 17: Kelly Ripa, Whoopi Goldberg, Sharon Osbourne, Drew Barrymore 
Page 18: Julie Andrews recently recalled one of her funniest secrets -- the time Lady Bird Johnson caught her kissing Carol Burnett 
Page 19: Some places don’t allow pets but the Dog Mountain resort in Vermont can’t get enough of its four-pawed guests -- the main attraction which draws visitors from all over the globe is a chapel whose walls are hung with pictures and poems celebrating furry companions who have gone to the great dog bed in the sky 
Page 20: Cover Story -- at 98 Betty White says she’s trying to make her life at home as peaceful as possible during the Coronavirus pandemic -- added to that the legendary Golden Girl is keeping the upbeat and optimistic attitude that’s carried her through all other trying times 
Page 22: Yuck Alert! 4 hot spots for germs at the grocery store 
Page 24: Dallas alum Patrick Duffy has a new woman in his life: Happy Days star Linda Purl 
Page 26: The Good Doctor 
Page 27: How long will we need to wear masks? 
Page 28: Photo awards capture the majesty of nature 
Page 32: 10 funny facts about Seinfeld 
Page 40: Actress Geena Davis says at 64 she’s just getting the hang of being herself 
* Danny Glover has been working in showbiz for five decades and he’s busier than ever 
Page 42: 20 fast facts about Dustin Hoffman and The Graduate 
Page 44: Eyes on the Stars -- Diane Keaton and her dog Reggie (picture), Kate Winslet held her breath for seven minutes and 14 seconds while filming an underwater scene for the Avatar sequel and the stunt helped her top Tom Cruise’s six-minute record from 2011 while shooting Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation, Joan Collins auctioned off some jewelry to raise more than $290,000 for The Shooting Star Children’s Hospice in the U.K., Sean Connery is headed home to Scotland -- the James Bond legend died at his estate in the Bahamas but some of his ashes will be returned to his native country which was his final wish -- there is also going to be a memorial in Scotland but no word when this will happen, the massive mansion featured on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette has hit the rental market for $6000 a night, filmmaker Chris Columbus didn’t pull any punches when talking about the Disney+ reboot of Home Alone -- Columbus who directed the original 1990 comedy calls the project a waste of time creatively, Wolfgang Van Halen who is the son of Valerie Bertinelli and Eddie Van Halen is dedicating his first solo single Distance to his dad who died of cancer at age 65
Page 45: Rihanna in Santa Monica (picture), Rachel Hunter picks up flowers at a California market (picture), Queen Latifah on the set of The Equalizer in NYC (picture), Tom Jones on the set of The Voice UK (picture), Matthew Perry says the Friends reunion special will take place in March 2021, Eiza Gonzalez was spotted with brand new beau Dusty Lachowicz following her split with Timothee Chalamet 
Page 46: Here’s a trick to keep your garments free of pet fur: Throw a couple of wet wipes in with the laundry 
Page 47: Remembering Pearl Harbor -- what you didn’t know about the shocking attack that will live in infamy 
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
OK, July 15
Cover: Keanu Reeves -- inside his private world 
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Page 1: Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn on the set of their new series Making the Cut 
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Page 4: Michael Jackson’s kids’ special bond -- Prince, Paris and Bigi (formerly Blanket) 
Page 6: Britney Spears and her mom Lynne are stronger than ever 
Page 7: Mischa Barton’s comeback crisis, Natalie Portman is resentful that no other celebrities stood up for her during her Moby crisis, Emilia Clarke shares all the freebies she gets with friends and family 
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Page 8: After three trips to rehab Ben Affleck is trying to make up for last time by spoiling his kids, after Kylie Jenner cut ties with Jordyn Woods she has a new bestie in Scott Disick’s girlfriend Sofia Richie, Jessica Alba’s Honest Beauty company is using curvy and plus-sized models and avoiding Photoshop and other airbrushing tricks 
Page 9: Luann de Lesseps is writing a book to tell her side of the story, Lindsay Lohan in panic mode after her reality show was cancelled after one season and her Mykonos club has been shut down, Orlando Bloom’s fiancee Katy Perry and his ex-wife Miranda Kerr have mended ties after getting off on the wrong foot 
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- shimmery silver frocks -- Olivia Palermo, Audrina Patridge, Tessa Thompson 
Page 11: Olivia Culpo, Gemma Chan 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Carey Mulligan vs. Jessie J, Angela Bassett vs; Izabel Goulart, please don’t wear suede, the cows need it more than you do
Page 14: News in Photos -- Kate Middleton 
Page 15: Tom Holland and Jacob Batalon and Zendaya, Sharna Burgess, Naomi Campbell 
Page 16: Chrissy Teigen and daughter Luna, Dascha Polanco filming In the Heights, Gwen Stefani 
Page 17: Ed Sheeran and Kate McKinnon, Iggy Azalea 
Page 18: Off the Clock -- Jason Momoa with his kids, Britney Spears and Sam Asghari, Kevin Hart and wife Eniko, Gina Rodriguez 
Page 20: Andy Cohen and dog Wacha, Cristiano Ronaldo and son
Page 21: Molly Sims and her 3 kids, Jamie Bell and Kate Mara, Shia LaBeouf asked to leave a flea marker for handing out fliers 
Page 22: Eva Longoria and son Santiago and Mickey Mouse, Game of Thrones stars John Bradley and Pilou Asbaek at the grand opening of Planet Hollywood in Malta 
Page 23: Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz, Sara and Erin Foster and Nina Agdal 
Page 24: Jamie Foxx’s sprawling estate in Thousand Oaks, California 
Page 26: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are in couples therapy 
Page 27: Rihanna’s boyfriend Hassan Jameel showers her with love and gifts, Brad Falchuk tells Gwyneth Paltrow to ditch ex Chris Martin after his breakup with Dakota Johnson, now that Kit Harington is in a better place after rehab he’s focusing on getting his marriage to Rose Leslie back on track 
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Page 28: Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes leaving Hollywood for Canada to raise their two daughters, Meg Ryan and John Mellencamp’s Autumn nuptials will be a big affair, Love Bites -- Laverne Cox and boyfriend Kyle Draper split, Josiah Duggar and wife Lauren Swanson expecting their first child, Nicki Minaj and her bad-news boyfriend Kenneth Petty have obtained a marriage license 
Page 29: Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos are renewing their vows with an extravagant shindig, Dua Lipa and Anwar Hadid hit it off, Madonna’s daughter Lourdes “Lola” Leon finds love 
Page 30: Cover Story -- Keanu Reeves -- triumph over tragedy 
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Page 34: Real Housewives fights, lies and shocking affairs 
Page 36: Nickelodeon Nostalgia -- Christine Taylor, Larisa Oleynik, Amanda Bynes 
Page 37: Ross Hull, Steve Burns, Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell, Michael Maronna and Danny Tamberelli 
Page 40: Interview -- Brad Pitt talks fame, his new film and why he’ll never take his success for granted 
Page 43: Hottest Diets -- Plant-Based like Jenna Dewan, Ariana Grande and Alicia Silverstone 
Page 44: Style Week -- Cara Delevingne 
Page 46: Shirred-bodice details -- Jessica Alba 
Page 47: 5 minutes with Lais Ribeiro 
Page 48: Trick out your tan -- Eva Longoria 
Page 50: Espadrilles -- Nathalie Emmanuel 
Page 53: Fitness -- Mandy Rose 
Page 56: Entertainment 
Page 57: Q&A -- Nancy Grace of Injustice with Nancy Grace 
Page 58: Girls Gone Wild -- Bachelorette Parties -- Sophie Turner
Page 59: Brittany Cartwright, Katharine McPhee, Leona Lewis, Keleigh Sperry 
Page 60: Sound Bites -- Mindy Kaling, Jennifer Aniston on Steve Carell, Brody Jenner, Jennifer Lawrence, Demi Lovato 
Page 61: Horoscope -- Cancer Kevin Hart 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Russell Crowe 
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