#danny phantom 2099
fidenciojesusfan92 · 8 months
Danny Phantom 2099 (Earth-928)
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I drew this because I think these two are interesting, their stories depend heavily on their tragedies (Miguel losing his daughter and Dan losing his family and friends) but handle it oppositely. Miguel is determined to let canon events to take place in order to protect the multiverse, Dan wants what would essentially be Danny’s canon event and every variety of them to take place to destroy the multiverse. Both with the idea that their fates are set in stone and their is nothing they can do about it till some teen (Miles and Danny) comes around to oppose this idea.
Also fun fact! Miguel and Dan are canonically the same height! (6’9ft)
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kinglazrus · 2 years
In Case of Emergency
Chapter 4: The View from the Sidelines
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Chapter Summary: Lancer watches the local ghost boy get some much-needed medical attention and ponders.
Chapter word count: 2099
William watches Dr. Alejo fuss over Danny Phantom. A ghost. The ghost. She orders him out of the body drawer. That can't be what it's called, can it? It's so... blunt. William feels disrespectful just thinking the phrase, but the doctor would know.
"How did you even get in there? You could barely sit up when I left," the doctor says. She has stepped back, giving Phantom plenty of room, but he has yet to move out of his hiding place.
"Funny thing about that." One of Phantom's hands grabs the frame of the drawer. The other is pressed tightly against his opposite shoulder. He shimmies forward or tries to, only managing a couple of inches before he grimaces and stops. "I think I wrecked my stitches."
Phantom offers Dr. Alejo a sheepish smile but receives a frown in return. It's an impressive frown, in William's opinion. Disapproving but not needlessly angry. It took him some time to master such an expression when he first started teaching. Before he did, he either came off as too stern or too forgiving. Dr. Alejo must have some kind of teaching experience. Perhaps that's part of her job here at the hospital. As William understands it, doctors still require a lot of hands-on training before they can treat people without supervision.
The silence is broken by a dripping sound. At first, William looks to one of the many sinks in the room for a leaky faucet. It takes him a few seconds to realize none of them—and there are many—are the source, and he gives Phantom a closer look. Stitches, Phantom had mentioned. The awkward pose makes more sense now that William spots the green seeping from under his hand, the one clamped over his shoulder
Another drop of ectoplasm falls to the floor. William tracks it, and his eyes widen when he sees the sizeable stain on the floor underneath the drawer, with something crumpled in the middle of it.
"You phased out of your stitches!" Dr. Alejo screeches.
"It was an accident!" Phantom protests. "It takes a lot of concentration to turn stuff intangible when it's not a part of me. I didn't know it was you coming back! I had to make sacrifices! It wasn't easy getting in here."
"Get out."
Phantom flinches, hurt flashing across his face.
"I don't know how quickly you'll burn through the lidocaine, and I only grabbed one dose of it. So unless you want me stitching you back up without anesthetic, get out and get back on that table." Dr. Alejo points to the table in question.
Phantom's expression takes a moment to smooth out. It occurs to William that the ghost thought Dr. Alejo was kicking him out, rather than ordering him onto the autopsy table.
"Isn't that a little insensitive?" William asks, eyeing the table. It isn't until both Dr. Alejo and Phantom turn to him that he realizes it's the first thing he has said since arriving.
"Thank you," Phantom says. "That's what I've been saying. Who brings a ghost to a morgue?"
"You haven't said anything like that."
"Oh. Well, I've been thinking it. It's a bit rude, in my opinion."
"Concussed people don't get to have opinions, now get back on that table so I can finish treating you."
Still, Phantom doesn't move.
"Do you, perhaps, need some help?" William offers.
Phantom's cheeks flush as he nods. Moving him ends up being an awkward affair. Dr. Alejo presses a gauze pad to Phantom's shoulder while Phantom wraps his good arm around William's neck. William backs away from the drawer, slowly dragging Phantom out. Every jostle is met with a wince. At first, William pauses whenever Phantom makes a muffled sound of pain, but he quickly realizes that getting this over with faster would be better for all of them. He ends up carrying Phantom bridal style to the table.
"If you ever tell anyone about this, I'll fill your car with blob ghosts," Phantom threatens. With Phantom back on the table, William returns to hovering at the edge of the room, still unsure of his role in all this.
Dr. Alejo quickly redoes Phantom's stitches. The lidocaine must have worn off because he winces every time the needle goes in. Once that's done, and his shoulder is clean and bandaged, Dr. Alejo moves on to the mottling of bruises on his chest and stomach. Green like ectoplasm, like the stained cloths piled in the garbage, like the cut above his eye that oozes slowly. The bruise covers most of his torso. It reminds William of an abstract painting. He can't help but stare.
"I knew I should have checked this first," Dr. Alejo says. She presses down on Phantom's abdomen, making him wince. "Do ghosts have internal organs?"
"We've got internal something. Sorry that I've never cut myself open to see if I've got intestines in here," Phantom quips.
A ghost on a morgue table, being looked over by a doctor, making jokes. This is by far the strangest thing that's ever happened in William's life. And he still doesn't understand why he is here.
"You need a guardian?" William asks.
Dr. Alejo doesn't look up from her work, but Phantom sets his gaze on William.
"The good doctor won't let me go home alone. Thinks I'm going to bleed out or, I don't know, stumble and hit my head or something. I don't think my concussion is that bad."
"Are you still seeing double?" Dr. Alejo takes her hands away from Phantom's abdomen and reaches for a tube on the table behind her. She opens the cap and squeezes some of the gel onto her hands, applying it generously to the bruise.
Phantom hisses in pain while she works. "There's like, one and a half of you. One and a quarter. It's like a shadow you."
"Your speech isn't slurred, and your memory doesn't seem impaired, which is good, but you've also been lying prone since it happened." Dr. Alejo glances at the body drawer. "Mostly. You could have balance and coordination issues that we haven't tested for yet."
"I got into the drawer just fine."
"Frankly, I don't trust the assessment of someone who would willingly phase out of their stitches. And some symptoms don't appear right away. If the double vision stays, you could need vision therapy or prescription lenses. I'd suggest going to an optometrist."
"Oh, sure. I'll fly right over there once we're done here."
Dr. Alejo applies the gel to several other bruises elsewhere on Phantom's body. Around the gauze pad covering his shoulder and upper arm, on his legs, his cheek. She cleans and bandages a few of his smaller cuts and doesn't step back until every last injury has been tended to in some manner.
"Okay. I'm going to get the portable ultrasound and see if I can get my hands on some antibiotics," Dr. Alejo says. "Mr. Lancer."
William perks up at finally being addressed after several long minutes of silence.
"I want you to help Phantom sit up and test his coordination. I'll double-check when I get back, but it'll make things go faster if you can help out. If there's nothing wrong, then I might not need to test him myself. Okay?"
William nods, already moving to help Phantom sit up while the doctor heads for the door. He has to loop an arm around Phantom's shoulders and push him up. The boy—because William can't think of him as anything else right now—grimaces all the while, holding back pained groans. A few slip out despite his best effort. By the time they get Phantom upright, he is panting and hugging himself tightly.
"Do you always get this injured?" William asks.
Phantom fiddles with the zipper on his hazmat suit, which is still pulled down. This close, William can see a variety of scars beneath the bruises. He didn't know ghosts could get scars. The biggest covers his uninjured shoulder. It looks like a lightning bolt—if lightning bolts were feathery. Pale branches stretch over paler skin, branching across the side of his throat. It's easily the size of William's hand. Leaning forward, he examines Phantom's back and finds that the scar continues there, blossoming out across his spine, all the way to his opposite hip. Unlike the other scars, which seem no different from a human's in the way they have healed, this one has traces of sickly green coursing through it, nearly the same colour as his bruises.
"Death scar," Phantom says.
William jumps back and flushes, embarrassed to be caught staring. He should know better than that.
"It's alright" Phantom's shoulder twitches. A shrug, William supposes, as much as he can shrug with his injured. "You probably haven't been this close to a ghost without it trying to kill you before."
Not an untrue statement, but William can think of a few times where he ended up in close quarters with a friendly ghost. "Not quite. If I recall, there was that time the school was trapped in an alternate dimension. You were with us for that. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, that was a strange day."
"Stranger than this?"
It says a lot that William has to pause and think about that. A school getting transported to another dimension isn't as strange as a whole city ending up in the Ghost Zone, which has happened three times by William's count. On the scale of interdimensional travel, it falls on the less interesting side. Visiting a ghost in the hospital, however, is a novel experience.
"No. I suppose, in its own way, this is the strangest thing that's ever happened to me."
Phantom gets out a few good chuckles before he doubles over, arms wrapped around his stomach. "Please don't make me laugh. Whoever said laughter is the best medicine has never had internal bleeding."
William's hand hovers over Phantom's back. He nearly pulls away, until Phantom lets out another grown. In slow circles, he starts to rub Phantom's back. The skin is cold beneath his fingers, and he can feel the raised edges of the lightning scar. William does his best to ignore it. Phantom leans into the contact until he is slumped against William and would have fallen over if not for his arm. It surprises William enough that his hand stops in its steady motions. He resumes when Phantom makes a protesting noise.
They stay like that for a while. It reminds William of the many times he's had to comfort students in the past, for any number of reasons. Sometimes it was a bad grade, trouble with their peers, trouble at home. Ever since their last guidance counsellor fiasco, Casper High has had some trouble getting a replacement, which means William often ends up filling the gap. He doesn't mind it. He loves his students. To him, children are the most important thing in the world. They're the future.
He doesn't think about it often, but sitting here now, William finds himself confronted with the fact that Phantom is a child, a dead one. Who had been his teacher? His parents? Did he have siblings? No one in Amity Park knows how long Phantom has been dead, but William has always assumed it was recent. The boy is too similar to some of his students to be from another decade.
It isn't fair, is it? That this boy had to die so soon, has to sacrifice himself for the city, has to experience pain every day. He deserves to find some kind of peace.
"I've never seen a teacher cry before." Phantom stares at him with wide eyes.
Sure enough, when William reaches up to touch his cheeks, he feels tears. He wipes them away on his sleeve.
"What are you crying for? I'm the dead one."
"My boy, that's why I'm crying."
"Oh. Thanks, I guess. You're a good teacher, you know that?"
"I'm sorry?"
Phantom blushes and looks down at the floor. "I hang around the school sometimes and watch things. My high school teachers aren't– weren't always great, at least not most of them. But you're a good teacher. I wish... I wish I could have had a teacher like you before I died. Your students are lucky to have you."
William feels his tears coming back. It's a fight to keep them down, but he manages to blink them away in the end. "Thank you, Phantom."
"Danny." Phantom lays his head on William's shoulder and closes his eyes. "You can call me Danny."
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magicalmonsterhero · 3 years
Feedback Needed: Danny Phantom Story Ideas
Exactly as it says on the tin: I have a few story ideas, but I need some input/feedback, not just likes. While they are mostly for worldbuilding purposes, I plan to give at least one of these an individual post.
These ideas are, to varying degrees, inspired by the numerous similarities between Danny and Peter Parker. Heck, TVTropes even lists him as an example under Spider-Man Send-Up.
Idea #1: Alternate Dannys
A while back, I stumbled upon @nastyburger‘s Dannyverse AU, which was clearly inspired by Into the Spider-Verse. While only five alternates showed up in the movie (not counting Miles Morales since it’s his world), there are a lot of parallel world Spiders in the comics and the Ultimate cartoon. I’m personally interested in seeing your takes on DP equivalents of the following alternates/worlds:
Idea #2: Other Hero Parallels
Very little is known of the world outside Amity Park, the Ghost Zone, and ghost-related things. Honestly, who’s to say there aren’t any werebeasts, demons, witches, or fae, among other paranormal or otherwise not-so-ordinary things. Continuing the Danny/Peter comparison, it’s not unlike how the Raimi trilogy and Amazing duology gave us no information on whether or not any other Marvel heroes existed in their respective universes. Of course, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence--for all we know, the Raimiverse could have its own versions of Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, etc.--but if we consider Danny a parallel to Spidey, what would his world’s equivalents of other Marvel heroes be like? You don’t even need to have said equivalents be obvious: for example, the Thor counterpart need not be a thunder deity or from Norse legend.
Idea #3: Phantom Phorce
As I mentioned earlier, we know practically nothing about the paranatural side that doesn’t involve ghosts, so the phandom is free to use their own ideas for how other supernatural beings work. I myself have an ‘expanded team’ concept which involves coming up with such ideas. While it’s far from complete, I’m happy to share what I’ve got so far in hopes of positive feedback and/or suggestions:
-Dash: Some of you may think I’m out of my mind, but considering Dash is clearly based on Flash Thompson, I’m surprised people haven’t compared the two more thoroughly. Flash has undergone a lot of character development since the webslinger’s early days, even becoming a hero in his own right as Agent Venom. Since there’s no obvious Venom parallel in DP canon, I’ve had to come up with my own--I’m not going too far into detail here, but I will say the counterpart to the Venom symbiote is demonic in origin.
(This particular idea is actually what started the ball rolling, which is why it comes first.)
-Sam: As it turns out, Sam’s part of a long line of hereditary witches, but her mother Pamela, who was unlucky enough to not have any powers (inherited magic occasionally skips a generation), did everything in her power to keep her powers from awakening. Unfortunately for Pamela, her attempts were all for nothing, as the ghost of her and Sam’s ancestor helped Sam discover and embrace her destiny.
-Tucker: Not wanting to be stuck on the sidelines, Tucker takes the position of ‘tech guy’ to the next level by implanting specialized microchips under his skin (with help from Danny’s intangibility powers). Said chips enable him to remotely hack and control all tech within a certain range, much like the ones Tony developed in Iron Man 3. I’m thinking of having him make other equipment himself, but I’m not sure of the specifics ATM.
-Star: After the ‘ghost flu’ affair (i.e. Doctor’s Disorders), those who were afflicted were required to have a bit of bloodwork done to make sure there wouldn’t be any negative aftereffects. Most of the results displayed nothing unusual, but Star’s blood revealed that her mother’s husband was not her biological father. However, it was not until just after Sam became a witch that Star began to experience several changes, culminating in her entering a flower bud-like cocoon. While she slept, she was contacted through her dreams by her birth father, who turned out to be one of the Fair Folk, making Star half fae.
I also intend to have Paulina and Kwan join the party, though I’m still working out the details for their roles--all I’ve decided so far is that Paulina becomes a werebeast (not sure what animal) and Kwan is an elemental (either earth or water). Valerie’s part of the team too, albeit as the ‘Badass Normal’ member.
Anyone interested in learning more about any of these ideas, feel free to send me an ask. Same goes for anyone who’s got a suggestion or two.
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elgaberino-mcoc · 4 years
MCOC Wishlist Poll Snapshot: Entire Rankings
001 Mystique 002 Quicksilver 003 Beta Ray Bill 004 Sandman 005 Adam Warlock 006 Kitty Pryde 007 Lizard 008 Morbius the Living Vampire 009 Kraven the Hunter 010 Cloak & Dagger 011 Spider-Man 2099 012 Black Cat 013 Bullseye 014 Jessica Jones 015 Ares 016 Shang-Chi 017 Gladiator (Kallark) 018 Baron Zemo 019 Lady Deathstrike 020 Enchantress 021 Valkyrie MCU 022 Knull 023 Morgan le Fay 024 Scorpion 025 Captain Britain 026 Galactus 027 Dazzler 028 Silver Samurai 029 Black Knight 030 Dracula 031 Hobgoblin 032 Pyro 033 Fantomex 034 Spider-Woman 035 Jean Grey 90s 036 Silk 037 Polaris 038 Silver Sable 039 Sif 040 Anti-Venom 041 Mister Negative 042 Crystal 043 Legion 044 Shocker 045 Malekith the Accursed 046 Destroyer Armor 047 M'baku the Man-Ape 048 The Mandarin 049 Emplate 050 Multiple-Man 051 Shuri 052 Banshee 053 Onslaught 054 Warpath 055 Sunfire 056 Cannonball 057 Dark Phoenix 058 Blue Marvel 059 Prowler (Aaron Davis) 060 Okoye 061 Mockingbird 062 Spiral 063 Madame Hydra / Viper 064 Hydro-Man 065 Red She-Hulk 066 Agent Anti-Venom 067 Blackheart 068 Gorr the God-Butcher 069 Songbird 070 Quasar 071 Absorbing Man 072 Whiplash 073 Armor 074 Daimon Hellstrom 075 Wendigo 076 Nimrod 077 Graviton 078 Gwenom 079 Deathlok 080 Firestar 081 Vulcan 082 Wonder Man 083 Selene 084 Blob 085 Klaw 086 Rachel Summers 087 Thor (MCU Stormbreaker) 088 Shadow King 089 White Tiger 090 Tombstone 091 Jack O'Lantern 092 Valkyrie Classic 093 Toad 094 Moonstone 095 Weapon H 096 Jocasta 097 Dani Moonstar 098 Monica Rambeau 099 Wolfsbane 100 Franklin Richards 101 Ancient One 102 Arnim Zola 103 Exodus 104 Forge 105 Supergiant 106 Madelyne Pryor 107 Hank Pym 108 Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) 109 Negasonic Teenage Warhead 110 Spider-Man Noir 111 Phantom Rider 112 Blink 113 Sebastian Shaw 114 Clea 115 Black Tom Cassidy 116 Kurse 117 Danger 118 Daken 119 Omega Sentinel 120 Grim Reaper 121 Radioactive Man 122 Shatterstar 123 Darkstar 124 Werewolf by Night 125 Hope Summers 126 The Magus 127 Union Jack 128 Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) 129 Crimson Dynamo 130 Pixie 131 Conan 132 Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly) 133 Azazel 134 Jigsaw 135 Boom-Boom 136 Swarm 137 Xorn 138 Machine Man 139 Black Widow (Yelena Belova) 140 Madame Masque 141 Misty Knight 142 Chamber 143 Mistress Death 144 Skaar 145 Morlun 146 Thanos (Endgame) 147 Leader 148 Sleepwalker 149 Deacon Frost 150 Black Swan 151 Agent 13 (Sharon Carter) 152 Fin Fang Foom 153 Ka-Zar 154 Arcade 155 Iron Spider 156 Dust 157 Gorgon 158 Lash 159 Namora 160 A-Bomb (Rick Jones) 161 Ikaris 162 Nick Fury (Classic) 163 Rescue 164 Nico Minoru 165 Volstagg 166 Weapon Hex 167 Stingray 168 Maximus the Mad 169 Cyttorak 170 Skurge the Executioner 171 Doc Samson 172 Maverick / Agent Zero 173 Sauron 174 Baron Blood 175 Captain America Falcon 176 Wong 177 Mantis 178 Whirlwind 179 Firelord 180 Magma 181 Molecule Man 182 White Fox 183 Nova (Sam Alexander) 184 Satana 185 Dum Dum Dugan (LMD) 186 Holocaust 187 Shiklah 188 Valkyrie Moonstar 189 High Evolutionary 190 Bloodaxe 191 Magus (Technarch) 192 Nighthawk 193 Punisher: War Machine 194 Goliath (Bill Foster) 195 Nova (Frankie Raye) 196 Ghost Rider (Danny Ketch) 197 Dr. Cecilia Reyes 198 Sentinel X (Shogo Lee) 199 Thena 200 Hellcat 201 Cosmic Spider-Man 202 Attuma 203 Shroud 204 Doctor Nemesis 205 Siryn 206 Nate Grey 207 Iron Monger 208 Black Mamba 209 Agent Carter 210 Kluh 211 Tiger Shark 212 Purple Man 213 Snowbird 214 Ice-Thing 215 Lilandra 216 Superior Spider-Man 217 Thane 218 Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur 219 Jackal 220 Jean Grey (X-Men Red) 221 Punisher: Frankencastle 222 Puck 223 Rockslide 224 Red Ghost and his Super-Apes 225 Deathbird 226 Hydra Supreme 227 Strong Guy 228 Zarda the Power Princess 229 Sage 230 Quentin Quire (aka Kid Omega) 231 Prowler (Hobie Brown) 232 Slapstick 233 Stardust (Lambda Zero) 234 Titanium Man 235 D'spayre 236 Colleen Wing 237 Thunderbird (John Proudstar) 238 Iron Maiden 239 Gorilla-Man (Kenneth Hale) 240 Jack of Hearts 241 Titania 242 Avalanche 243 Toxic Doxie 244 Death’s Head 245 Impossible Man 246 Worthy Captain America (Mjölnir/Endgame) 247 Outlaw (Higgins) 248 Scarlet Spider II (Kaine Parker) 249 Beetle 250 Typhoid Mary 251 Bloodscream 252 Serpent (Cul Borson) 253 Ms. America Chavez 254 Ghost Rider (Reyes) 255 Hummingbird 256 Mercury 257 M (Monet St. Croix) 258 Black Tarantula 259 Spitfire 260 Wizard 261 Superior Octopus 262 Maria Hill 263 Minotaur (Dario Agger) 264 Echo 265 Morph 266 Karolina Dean 267 Zarathos 268 Thundra 269 Smasher (Kane) 270 Hyperstorm 271 Boomerang 272 Stature (Cassie Lang, AKA Stinger) 273 Meggan 274 Caliban 275 Hollow 276 Abyss (Styger) 277 Silverclaw 278 Red King 279 Doctor Druid 280 U.S. Agent 281 Sersi 282 Molten Man 283 Zzzax 284 Singularity 285 Agatha Harkness 286 Blastaar 287 Korvac 288 Citizen V 289 Carter Slade the Satan-Stomper 290 Post 291 Shuma-Gorath 292 Sin 293 Triton 294 Quasar (Kincaid) 295 Martinex 296 Iron Man (Mark I) 297 Wiccan 298 Speedball 299 Paladin 300 Amanda Sefton 301 Overmind 302 Diamondback (Rachel Leighton) 303 Feral 304 Charlie-27 305 Rom: Spaceknight 306 Juggerduck 307 The Uranian 308 Blazing Skull 309 Starfox 310 Living Laser 311 Hiro-Kala 312 Namorita 313 Jack Flag 314 Stormborn 315 Doctor Bong 316 Crescent & Io 317 Gamora mcu 318 Wave 319 Ironheart 320 Venom Rocket 321 Doctor Spectrum 322 Davos the Steel Serpent 323 Lady Hellbender 324 Falcon classic 325 Bloodstorm 326 Tempus (Eva Bell) 327 Voyager 328 No-Name the Brood 329 Demon Bear 330 Moondragon 331 Arachne 332 Aero 333 Andromeda 334 Speed Demon 335 Phyla-Vell 336 Xemnu the Living Hulk 337 Aleta 338 Araña 339 Human Torch (Jim Hammond) 340 Constrictor 341 Iso 342 Arkon 343 Genis-Vell 344 Shanna the She-Devil 345 Volcana 346 Batroc the Leaper 347 Arclight 348 Scientist Supreme 349 Yukio 350 N'kantu the Living Mummy 351 Gentle 352 Caiera the Oldstrong 353 Beetle (Janice Lincoln) 354 Penance (Baldwin) 355 Super-Adaptoid 356 Ajak 357 Future Colossus 358 Moses Magnum 359 Vampire by Night 360 Superia 361 Puppet Master 362 Chimera 363 Count Nefaria 364 Stick 365 Hellion 366 Agent May 367 Mister Hyde 368 Spot 369 Cobra 370 Doop 371 Lyja 372 Wrecker 373 Stargod/Man-Wolf 374 Stilt-Man 375 Machinesmith 376 Spider-Bitch 377 Madame Web 378 Corsair & Sikorsky 379 Thor (Groot) 380 Balder 381 Random 382 Power Man (Alvarez) 383 Starhawk 384 Sun-Girl (Selah Burke) 385 Arcanna 386 Scream 387 Kree Sentry 388 Agent Phil Coulson 389 Thunderstrike (Kevin) 390 Talos 391 Carmilla Black 392 Uatu 393 Jennifer Kale 394 Warwolf 395 Enigma (Aikku Jokinen, AKA Pod) 396 Belasco 397 Swordsman 398 Trevor Fitzroy 399 Dazzler Thor 400 Hepzibah 401 Atlas 402 Ogun 403 Yellowjacket (DeMara) 404 Hala the Accuser 405 Entropy 406 War Machine (Infinity War) 407 Animax 408 Captain Universe 409 Whizzer 410 Hogun the Grim 411 Cottonmouth (Clemens) 412 Blizzard 413 Storm (Queen of Wakanda) 414 Silhouette 415 Immortus 416 Beast (Hex-Men) 417 Solo 418 White Rabbit 419 Aurora 420 Equinox 421 Hellcow 422 Owl 423 Arsenic & Old Lace 424 Beetle mk iii 425 Valeria (Age of Conan) 426 Trapster 427 Throg 428 Mimic 429 Hulkling 430 Iron Lad 431 Angel (Black Vortex) 432 Marionette 433 Phastos 434 Hobgoblin 2099 435 Razor Fist 436 Asp 437 Baymax 438 Captain America (Peggy Carter) 439 Sp//dr 440 Tarantula (Kaine) 441 Silver Scorpion (Barstow) 442 Midnight Angels of Wakanda 443 Demolition Man 444 White Wolf (Hunter) 445 Synapse 446 Kingo 447 Grey Gargoyle 448 Gilgamesh the Forgotten One 449 Justice 450 Atlas Bear 451 Iron Fist (Orson Randall) 452 Victorious 453 Lincoln Campbell 454 Luna Snow 455 Zadkiel 456 Crystar 457 Husk 458 Gravity 459 Kaecilius 460 Marrina 461 Ghost Rider (Circle of Four) 462 Nighthawk Supremeverse 463 Fixer 464 Cardiac 465 Capwolf 466 Kull the Conqueror of Atlantis 467 Noh-Varr 468 Korath the Pursuer 469 Miss America (Joyce) 470 Blackjack O'Hare 471 Bi-Beast 472 Vance Astro 473 Bushmaster (Quincy) 474 Krugarr 475 Poundcakes 476 Yo-Yo 477 American Son 478 Mister M 479 Cottonmouth (Stokes) 480 Manphibian 481 Infamous Iron Man 482 Paibok the Power-Skrull 483 Shatter 484 Daredevil Shadowland 485 Nakia 486 Garrison Kane 487 Makkari 488 Elloe 489 Northstar 490 Spiderling 491 She-Hulk (Lyra) 492 Proteus 493 Grey Hulk 494 Doorman 495 Toro 496 Nuke 497 Acroyear 498 Blonde Phantom 499 Drax MCU 500 Orrgo 501 Marvel Girl NPC 502 Fandral the Dashing 503 Spider-Girl 504 Ms. Thing 505 Captain America 2099 506 Veranke 507 Haechi 508 Mulholland Black 509 Mighty Destroyer 510 Eclipse 511 Powell McTeague 512 Druig 513 Copycat 514 Terror 515 Ahab 516 God-Emperor Doom 517 Doombot (V Series) 518 Sword Master 519 Cyclone 520 Black Mariah 521 Zenzi 522 Thor: Herald of Thunder 523 3-D Man 524 Hulk Endgame 525 Tetu 526 Doctor Octopus (Liv Octavius) 527 Margali 528 Molly Hayes 529 Sinara 530 Aldrich Killian 531 Goldballs 532 Mindless Ones 533 Nikki Gold 534 Foolkiller 535 Darkwing Duck 536 Thunderstrike (Eric) 537 She-Thing (Ventura) 538 Killmonger (Emperor Symbiote) 539 Iron Duck 540 Ms. Marvel II (Ventura) 541 Spymaster 542 Scalphunter 543 Spider-Man (Miles Morales Movie) 544 Karn 545 Gun-R 546 Terminus 547 Achebe 548 Llyra 549 Bushmaster (John) 550 Sugar Man 551 Great Lakes Avengers 552 Xarggu 553 Human Fly (Deacon) 554 Shogun 555 Plantman 556 Brawn 557 Elixir 558 Litterbug 559 Smasher (Rokk) 560 Bug 561 Mammomax 562 Synch 563 Anaconda 564 Wolvie 565 Dirk Anger 566 Captain [****] 567 Ezekiel 568 Diamondback (Stryker) 569 Unworthy Thor 570 Master Mold 571 Masked Marauder 572 M.O.D.A.M. 573 Hellsgaard 574 Hulkbuster 2.0 575 Forgetmenot 576 Ghaur 577 Arcturus Rann 578 Ultimate Green Goblin (Movie) 579 Dragoness 580 Porcupine 581 M-11 582 Taskmaster MCU 583 Dansen Macabre 584 Lady Bullseye 585 Harpoon 586 Unicorn 587 Bushwacker 588 Loki variant 589 Night Nurse 590 Psyklop 591 Mack 592 Eel 593 Water Snake 594 Chaos King 595 Red Hulk (Maverick) 596 Kaluu 597 The Russian 598 Geena Drake 599 Jimmy Hudson 600 Slayback 601 Mentallo 602 Skull the Slayer 603 Karkas 604 Dominic Fortune 605 The Buzz 606 Doctor Crocodile 607 Ox 608 Dorrek VII 609 Needle 610 Krang 611 Dino-Thor 612 Stegron 613 Zeitgeist 614 [VACANT] 615 [VACANT] 616 [VACANT]
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therisinggear · 3 years
Phantom Beyond
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The year 2099, Amity Park has become a Blade Runner-like Metropolises nicknamed Neo-Amity. Erin Rodríguez was just a delinquent who always moved from town to town with his mom, Unaware of her Dark secret. Before he was even born, His mother was a Guys in White Agent chosen to take part in a top secret.  Project Phantom Beyond was an Illegal super soldier program with the aim of creating Half Ghost Troops for the GIW, using collected samples gathered from Vlad Masters and Famous hero Danny Phantom. His mother was hand picked to carry the first of two subjects in her own body. Fortunately for Erin his mom had a change of heart about bringing a child into the world just to be used as a weapon. After faking her own death she lived under an assumed identity. When they moved to Neo-Amity everything changed when at the now 17 Erin's ghost powers finally awakened, and the GIW soon noticed, killing his mom in order to get to him. Danny, now an old man and CEO of Fenton Works (Now a mega corporation that owns half the city) Also takes notice and offers Erin a chance to learn from him. A DNA test on Erin reveals' that Erin's Biological father is Vlad Masters.
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ao3feed-caejose · 4 years
JoJo Crack Courtesy of Trusty Plot Generator
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36SgkLh
by cherry_bxmb
Plot generator might be mediocre at best, but trust me, all you need is some crafty words and editing to make a masterpiece.
(I generated a Christmas song called You Ate My Fucking Chlamydia [feel free to search it on YouTube lmao it's awful] unrelated to JoJo and realized what an absolute goldmine this is.)
-Fugo's Dating Profile -The Curse of Fugo's Holy Thong -The Spiky Dildo -Guido the Vampire Slayer -2099, Year of the Killer Starfish -Jonathan Joestar, Defender of Innocent Kittens
Words: 4721, Chapters: 6/?, Language: English
Fandoms: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Leone Abbacchio, Bruno Buccellati, Giorno Giovanna, Pannacotta Fugo, Narancia Ghirga, Guido Mista, Kishibe Rohan, Nijimura Okuyasu, Dio Brando, Kakyoin Noriaki, Kujo Jotaro, Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, Joseph Joestar, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Jonathan Joestar, Danny (JoJo: Phantom Blood)
Relationships: Leone Abbacchio/Bruno Buccellati, Giorno Giovanna/Guido Mista, Pannacotta Fugo/Narancia Ghirga, Dio Brando/Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar/Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, Kakyoin Noriaki/Kujo Jotaro
Additional Tags: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Vento Aureo, Crack, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 1: Phantom Blood, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 2: Battle Tendency, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36SgkLh
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fidenciojesusfan92 · 1 year
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Danny Phantom 2099
Going Ghost in the Future of year 2099
Butch Hartman Present Danny Phantom 2099
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fidenciojesusfan92 · 1 year
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Me Drawing of My Logodesign and Symbol of Danny Phantom 2099
Danny Phantom 2099
The Mystery of Danny Phantom 2099
Danny Phantom 2099 in the future project of A.D.N. Phantom with Superpower on Phantom-Verse of the Multiverse of Danny Phantom your called Amity Park 2099.
Amity Park 2099 in the future of the city with Superpower Phantom and Superhero of Amity Park 2099 save the worlds Danny Phantom 2099 defeat to Supervillain of the future from the City the Phantom have will be belongs Jounrey dimensions to multiverse of Phantom-Verse from Danny Phantom Universe. This is the part multiverse of Danny Phantom arcoss the Phantom-Verse.
You heard of the spider verse now get ready for the phantomverse! Danny phantom in all sorts of different shapes and sizes. Here we have.
Danny Phantom 2099 (Danny Phantom 2099 is a Brand New Danny Phantom Original Heroes Character That i recently Made)
Yes He's Inspired By Spider-Man's called Spider-Man 2099
Danny Phantom: Into the Phantom-Verse
Danny Phantom: Across the Phantom-Verse
Danny Phantom: Phantom-Verse
Danny Phantom: Shattered Dimensions
(C) Danny Phantom belongs to Butch Hartman, Nickelodeon
(C) Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2099 belongs to Marvel Entertainment
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fidenciojesusfan92 · 1 year
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Danny Phantom 2099 Logo
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therisinggear · 3 years
Agent Ivory
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After The Guys in White lost the first test subject of Project Phantom Beyond. They instead pulled out all the stops on the creation of the Second. Instead of using another female agent to carry the subject to term like before, they invented an advanced AI operated artificial womb. After gaining the services of the best geneticists in the world, got to work Creating the Ultimate Half-Ghost Super Soldier. Using DNA Stolen from Danny Phantom himself with every gene, every trait individually selected to give her every advantage possible. They even found a way to not only make her immune to ectoranium but also the ability to grow stronger from it. From the moment she was "born" her ghost powers were active, and after she was old enough to walk began brutal military training. She was given an elite education and holds several Masters degrees at the age of 20   They even hired Skulker to train her. (Who By 2099 has given up on Hunting Danny and settles for being a black market Mercenary/Big game hunter) Ironically the hunter becoming the closest she has to a father figure, in spite of being groomed to be a detached sociopathic killing machine since birth. Considers her biological "father" Danny a "weak Old fool" and admits to planning on giving his head to Skulker as a gift. Her Relationship with other Phantom Beyond subject Erin Rodríguez is abnormal. She will not hesitate to try to kill him on the spot but she also has some attraction to him that is completely unknown to her. Skulker notes she is noticeably flustered, confused and irritated whenever "Subject Alpha" is so much as brought up in conversation. Erin hates and also petties her at the same time, understanding she is what he would have turned into if his mom never left the GIW.            
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elgaberino-mcoc · 5 years
MCOC Wishlist Poll Snapshot: Entire Rankings
001 Apocalypse 002 Quicksilver 003 Galactus 004 Adam Warlock 005 Sandman 006 Professor X 007 Kraven the Hunter 008 Kitty Pryde the Shadowcat 009 Spider-Man 2099 010 Valkyrie MCU 011 Black Cat 012 Bullseye 013 Cloak & Dagger 014 Dazzler 015 Jubilee 016 Jean Grey 90s 017 Morgan le Fay 018 Hercules 019 Nova (Sam Alexander) 020 Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) 021 Morbius the Living Vampire 022 Captain Britain 023 Lady Deathstrike 024 The Mandarin 025 Emperor Kl'rt the Super-Skrull 026 Thor (MCU Stormbreaker) 027 Onslaught 028 Polaris 029 Pyro 030 Hobgoblin 031 Valkyrie (Classic) 032 Beta Ray Bill 033 Stormborn 034 Black Knight 035 Shocker 036 Silver Sable 037 Okoye 038 Graviton 039 Dracula 040 Spider-Man Noir 041 Shuri 042 Quasar 043 Namora 044 Cannonball 045 Enchantress 046 Deathlok 047 Moonstone 048 Ares 049 Silver Samurai 050 Silk 051 Banshee 052 Songbird 053 Whiplash 054 Mystique 055 Destroyer Armor 056 Sif 057 Negasonic Teenage Warhead 058 Sunfire 059 Rescue 060 Crystal 061 Conan 062 Gamora 063 M'baku the Man-Ape 064 Spiral 065 Baron Helmut Zemo 066 Absorbing Man 067 White Tiger 068 Tigra 069 Red She-Hulk 070 Pixie 071 Spider-Ham 072 Dani Moonstar Mirage Psyche 073 Jessica Jones 074 Klaw 075 Titanium Man 076 Hydro-Man 077 Boom-Boom 078 Weapon Hex 079 Madame Masque 080 Forge 081 Armor 082 Prowler (Aaron Davis) 083 Madame Hydra / Viper 084 Mockingbird 085 Iron Spider 086 Clea 087 Monica Rambeau 088 Legion 089 Agent Anti-Venom 090 Cyttorak 091 Spitfire 092 Black Mamba 093 Vulcan 094 Firestar 095 Fantomex 096 White Fox 097 Doc Samson 098 Phantom Rider 099 Shang-Chi 100 Crimson Dynamo
101 Grim Reaper 102 Hank Pym 103 Rachel Summers 104 Mr. Negative 105 Union Jack 106 Juggerduck 107 Thor (Groot) 108 Mercury 109 Iron Monger 110 Daken 111 Blink 112 Ice-Thing 113 Supergiant 114 Diamondback (Rachel Leighton) 115 Hummingbird 116 Hit-Monkey 117 Shatterstar 118 Gladiator (Kallark) 119 Tombstone 120 Captain Universe Spider-Man 121 Darkstar 122 Future Colossus 123 Slapstick 124 Multiple-Man 125 Paladin 126 Gorilla-Man (Kenneth Hale) 127 Namorita 128 Ancient One 129 Stryfe 130 Dark Phoenix 131 Agent 14 132 Hogun the Grim 133 Arachne 134 Holocaust 135 Odin 136 Mister Hyde 137 Wendigo 138 Warpath 139 Paibok the Power-Skrull 140 Darkwing Duck 141 Madelyne Pryor 142 Nico Minoru 143 Malekith the Accursed 144 Meggan 145 Punisher: War Machine 146 Volstagg the Voluminous: War Thor 147 Siryn 148 Doctor Spectrum (Martha Gomes) 149 Jennifer Kale 150 Whirlwind 151 Blastaar 152 X-51 the Machine Man 153 Wrecker 154 Caiera the Oldstrong 155 Red Guardian 156 Falcon (Classic) 157 Attuma 158 Rom: Spaceknight 159 Sebastian Shaw 160 Hydra Supreme 161 Blackheart 162 Ka-Zar 163 Black Widow (Yelena Belova) 164 Sun Girl (Selah Burke) 165 Misty Knight 166 Wolfsbane 167 War Machine (Infinity Saga) 168 Corsair & Sikorsky 169 Animax 170 The Magus 171 Human Torch (Jim Hammond) 172 Speedball 173 Spider-Man (Miles Morales Movie) 174 Baymax (Movie) 175 Deathbird 176 Worthy Captain America (Mjölnir/Endgame) 177 Radioactive Man (Chen Lu) 178 Araña 179 Feral 180 Drax (MCU) 181 Superior Spider-Man 182 Thanos (Endgame) 183 Lizard 184 Marvel Girl (Jean Grey NPC) 185 Dazzler Thor 186 A-Bomb (Rick Jones) 187 Super-Adaptoid 188 Captain America Falcon 189 Grey Hulk 190 Blue Ghost Rider (Danny Ketch) 191 Wiccan 192 Thena 193 Selene 194 Fandral the Dashing 195 Kree Sentry 196 Agent Carter 197 Prowler (Hobie Brown) 198 Colleen Wing 199 Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly) 200 Beetle (Abner Jenkins, AKA Mach I-Mach X)
201 Ironheart 202 Superior Octopus 203 Morlun 204 Yukio 205 Arcanna 206 Overmind 207 Black Tarantula 208 Hope Summers 209 Werewolf by Night 210 Beetle (Leila Davis, AKA Beetle Mk III) 211 Red King 212 Captain Universe (Devoux) 213 Wizard 214 Nimrod 215 Enigma (Aikku Jokinen, AKA Pod) 216 Jack O'Lantern (Levins) 217 Lady Hellbender 218 Black Tom Cassidy 219 Black Widow (Movie) (AKA White Widow) 220 Titania 221 Hulkling 222 Typhoid Mary 223 Dum Dum Dugan (LMD) 224 Master Mold 225 Boomerang 226 Machinesmith 227 Molecule Man 228 Kurse 229 Anti-Venom 230 Outlaw (Higgins) 231 Thunderbird (John Proudstar) 232 Lyja 233 Arnim Zola 234 Hala the Accuser 235 Scorpion 236 Mighty Destroyer 237 Lilandra 238 Maria Hill 239 Power Man (Alvarez) 240 She-Hulk (Lyra) 241 SP//dr 242 Nova (Frankie Raye) 243 Scarlet Spider II (Kaine Parker) 244 Magma 245 Thundra 246 Molten Man 247 Lash 248 Skurge the Executioner 249 M (Monet St. Croix) 250 Jean Grey (Tech, X-Men Red) 251 Charlie-27 252 Martinex 253 Gun-R 254 Jocasta 255 Avalanche 256 Hulkbuster 2.0 (MCU) 257 Hellion 258 Stature (Cassie Lang, AKA Stinger) 259 Death's Head Classic 260 Aleta 261 Penance (Baldwin) 262 Mistress Death 263 Dragon Man 264 Jigsaw 265 Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) 266 Xorn 267 Throg (Frog Thor) 268 Mantis 269 Iron Man (Mark I) 270 Yellowjacket (DeMara) 271 Smasher (Kane) 272 Living Laser 273 Agent Melinda May (The Cavalry) 274 Martyr (Phyla-Vell, AKA Quasar, Captain Marvel, Oblivion) 275 Molly Hayes 276 Doctor Octopus (Liv Octavius) 277 X-Man (Nate Grey) 278 Quasar (Kincaid) 279 Sasquatch 280 Captain America (Peggy Carter) 281 Stingray 282 Gwenom 283 Impossible Man 284 Serpent (Cul Borson) 285 Fin Fang Foom 286 Scientist Supreme (Rappaccini) 287 Blob 288 Blue Marvel 289 Iron Maiden 290 Wonder Man 291 Madame Web 292 Maximus the Mad 293 Cobra (Voorhees, AKA King Cobra) 294 Photon (Genis-Vell) 295 Trapster / Paste-Pot Pete 296 Spider-Girl MC2 (Mayday Parker) 297 Stargod (Jameson, AKA Man-Wolf) 298 Zadkiel 299 Atlas (Josten, AKA Shatterfist, Goliath, Smuggler, Power-Man) 300 Equinox
301 Scorpion (Black) 302 Gilgamesh the Forgotten One 303 Valkyrie Moonstar 304 Emplate 305 Phastos 306 Sage 307 Gorgon 308 Magus (Technarch) 309 Ultimate Green Goblin (Movie) 310 Goliath (Bill Foster AKA Black Goliath) 311 Constrictor 312 Husk 313 Dust 314 Crescent & Io 315 Punisher: Frankencastle 316 Sauron 317 Jackal 318 Sersi 319 Echo 320 Davos the Steel Serpent 321 N'kantu the Living Mummy 322 Warwolf 323 Foolkiller (Salinger) 324 Acroyear 325 Garrison Kane 326 Batroc the Leaper 327 Whizzer 328 Baron Blood 329 Doctor Druid 330 Iron Lad 331 Bug 332 Iron Fist (Randall) 333 Toxic Doxie 334 Ikaris 335 Makkari 336 Snowbird 337 Weapon H 338 Bi-Beast 339 Blazing Skull 340 Shuma-Gorath 341 Zzzax 342 Spider-Woman (Veranke, Queen of the Skrulls) 343 Chaos King (Amatsu Mikaboshi) 344 Chimera 345 Toad 346 Northstar 347 Asp 348 Nikki 349 Danger 350 Aurora 351 Spider-Bitch 352 Psyklop 353 Marionette 354 High Evolutionary 355 Brawn (Amadeus Cho, AKA "Chulk," the Totally Awesome Hulk) 356 Citizen V 357 Shroud 358 Red Hulk (Maverick) 359 Crystar 360 Count Nefaria 361 Daimon Hellstrom 362 Ghost Rider (Reyes) 363 Shiklah 364 Orrgo 365 Stick 366 Ajak 367 Xemnu the Living Hulk 368 Unicorn 369 Iso 370 Aero 371 Ghaur 372 Andromeda 373 Porcupine 374 Krang 375 Deacon Frost 376 Korvac 377 Stilt-Man 378 Caliban 379 Immortus 380 Human Fly (Deacon) 381 Tiger Shark 382 Hiro-Kala 383 Dorrek VII 384 Leader 385 Azazel 386 Dansen Macabre 387 Mammomax 388 Masked Marauder 389 Valeria (Age of Conan) 390 Vampire by Night 391 Blonde Phantom 392 Swordsman 393 Lady Bullseye 394 Magik II (Amanda Sefton AKA Daytripper) 395 No-Name the Brood 396 Mentallo 397 Kaluu 398 Singularity 399 Grey Gargoyle 400 Guardian
401 Wave 402 Fixer/Techno 403 Spiderling 404 Water Snake 405 Doombot (V Series) 406 Silhouette 407 Sword Master 408 Karn 409 Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) 410 Nick Fury (Classic) 411 Loki, Agent of Asgard (Ikol) 412 Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur 413 Ghost Rider (Circle of Four) 414 Captain America 2099 415 Silver Scorpion (Barstow) 416 Kingo 417 Justice 418 Dr. Cecilia Reyes 419 Manphibian 420 Killgrave the Purple Man 421 Quentin Quire the Kid Omega 422 Shadow King 423 Toro 424 Hellsgaard 425 Capwolf 426 Doombots & Servo-Guards 427 Hellcow 428 Hollow (Yvette, AKA Penance the St. Croix twins) 429 Franklin Richards 430 Abyss (Styger) 431 Thane 432 Skaar 433 Strong Guy 434 Triton 435 Mulholland Black 436 Demolition Man 437 Arkon 438 Cottonmouth (Stokes) 439 Rockslide 440 Ahab 441 Ezekiel 442 Spymaster 443 Night Nurse 444 Ox 445 Victorious (Vukovic) 446 Mack 447 Diamondback (Stryker) 448 Cottonmouth (Clemens) 449 Needle 450 Dominic Fortune 451 Cyclone 452 Skull the Slayer 453 Synapse 454 Arclight 455 Copycat 456 Killmonger (Emperor Symbiote) 457 Sleepwalker 458 Stegron 459 Puck 460 Voyager 461 Professor Hulk 462 Entropy 463 Elloe 464 Goldballs 465 Demon Bear 466 Nighthawk (Classic) 467 Korath the Pursuer 468 Jack of Hearts 469 Mindless Ones 470 Eel 471 Arcturus Rann the Space Glider 472 U.S. Agent (John Walker the Super-Patriot) 473 Minotaur (Dario Agger) 474 Cosmic Ghost Rider 475 Nighthawk (MAX) 476 Arcade 477 Chamber 478 Volcana 479 Zarathos 480 Morph 481 Doop 482 Beast (Hex-Men) 483 Doctor Nemesis 484 Jack Flag 485 Belasco 486 Hepzibah 487 Thunderstrike (Eric) 488 Anaconda 489 Thunderstrike (Kevin) 490 M-11 the Human Robot 491 Black Mariah 492 The Buzz 493 Xarggu 494 Arsenic & Old Lace 495 M.O.D.A.M. 496 Margali 497 Marrina 498 Noh-Varr 499 Yo-Yo (Elena Rodriguez AKA Slingshot) 500 Hellcat
501 Starhawk (Stakar) 502 Bushmaster (Quincy) 503 Miss America Chavez 504 Krugarr 505 Daredevil Shadowland 506 Bushmaster (John) 507 Trevor Fitzroy 508 Zeitgeist 509 Terror 510 Major Victory (Vance Astro) 511 Geena Drake 512 Shanna the She-Devil 513 Wong 514 Satana Hellstrom 515 Scream 516 Zarda the Power Princess 517 Nuke 518 Venom Rocket / Venom the Raccoon 519 Speed Demon 520 Tarantula (Kaine) 521 3-D Man / Marathon Man 522 Doorman 523 Superia 524 Carter Slade the Satan-Stomper 525 Dino-Thor 526 Hobgoblin 2099 527 Gorr the God-Butcher 528 Mimic 529 Great Lakes Avengers (team champ) 530 Psycho-Man 531 Moondragon 532 Agent Phil Coulson 533 Firelord the Spicy Q-Tip 534 Sin 535 Aldrich Killian on Extremis 536 Angel (Tech/Black Vortex) 537 Kaecilius 538 The Uranian 539 Dragoness 540 Storm (Queen of Wakanda) 541 Exodus 542 Gravity 543 Beetle (Janice Lincoln) 544 Blizzard 545 Maverick / Agent Zero 546 Swarm 547 Bloodstorm 548 Achebe 549 Kull the Conqueror of Atlantis 550 Slayback 551 Tempus (Eva Bell) 552 Nakia 553 Zenzi 554 Midnight Angels of Wakanda 555 Hyperstorm 556 Moses Magnum 557 Scalphunter 558 Harpoon 559 Solo 560 Black Swan 561 Gentle 562 American Son 563 D'Spayre 564 Doctor Crocodile 565 White Wolf (Hunter) 566 Tetu 567 Atlas Bear 568 Agatha Harkness 569 Elixir 570 Sugar Man 571 Uatu 572 Proteus 573 Terminus 574 Wolvie 575 Talos 576 Captain **** 577 Llyra 578 Jimmy Hudson (Poison) 579 Luna Snow 580 Eclipse 581 Miss America (Joyce) 582 Ms. Marvel II (Ventura) 583 Smasher (Rokk) 584 The Russian 585 Ogun 586 Lincoln Campbell 587 Cardiac 588 Taskmaster (MCU) 589 Owl 590 Plantman / Blackheath 591 Ms. Thing 592 She-Thing (Ventura) 593 Bloodscream 594 Karkas 595 Red Ghost and his Super-Apes 596 Shatter 597 Kluh 598 ForgetMeNot 599 Post 600 Litterbug
601 Karolina Dean 602 White Rabbit 603 Shogun 604 Iron Duck 605 Druig 606 Poundcakes 607 Sinara 608 Synch 609 Bushwacker 610 Haechi 611 Dirk Anger 612 Mister M 613 Powell McTeague
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