#dannymay day 4
charming-doodles · 1 year
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Dannymay Day 4 : Fractals
Amost as similar as a snowflake, no?
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zeohieks · 1 year
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day 4 of trying to find my artstyle lmao
OK ILL BE HONEST- i didnt know what a fractal was n the first thing i thought of was a broken mirror cos idk??? and i couldnt get the mirror thing outta my head so TECHNICALLY its not a fractal thingy but its something!!!
i forgot i had to do a monochrome pallette when i was shading (recolouring) the ghost side of dannys hair :')
also heres the sides separately
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yaya!! i tried more on these ;DDD
im rlly proud on how the eyes turned out :)
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fandonnavyce · 4 months
Dannymay2024 Day 4
Prompt: Wander
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I'll wander far and long to where I wish to roam.
But I won't forget to go and wander home
Love, Dani
Dani sends a postcard of her travels to Danny.
Day 2: Wish
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saurixx · 1 year
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underforeversgrace · 1 year
shatter my soul (I don't want it anymore)
DannyMay 2023 Day 4: Fractal
title: shatter my soul (I don't want it anymore)
words: 1160
Warnings: Major Character Death, Implied Violence
In that moment, Danny felt like he’d been torn apart molecule by molecule, that his family had finally made good on their threats. 
As sick as it was, he thinks he’d prefer that to real life right now. He’d rather be under his mother’s scalpel and his father’s saw.
Because then that meant they were here. They lived. And he’d suffer a thousand times to make sure his family and friends lived, to bring them back. He’d go back in the portal and die again and again if it saved the people he loved.
But as he knelt in front of the ruins of the Nasty Burger, as he remembered the blast and the smell of singed hair and flesh, he knew it was impossible, a wish even Desiree couldn’t grant. Even she couldn’t bring back the dead.
Danny heard the sounds of the fire department, of the police, but they sounded so far away, his head stuffed so full of cotton everything was dull to his ears. He vaguely acknowledged when someone helped him stand and looked him over for injuries.
Later, they told him what he already knew. His family and his friends, lost in a freak accident. They asked him if he had any family, anywhere he could go.
He didn’t remember asking for Vlad, but he knew he did. Alicia couldn’t understand, would never understand.
Vlad handled funeral arrangements. He managed to be a decent person the whole time, actually appearing somber at the situation. He never made a quip about Jack or if he did, he didn’t do it in Danny’s earshot. Danny would never forget the conversation, though, with the funeral home director.
There were no bodies for any of his family, after all. They didn’t need a coffin.
They’d been blown into as many pieces as Danny’s soul had been.
Time slipped and swerved around him, stagnant as he was. The pain was awful, it was all he ever felt. He began venturing into the Zone on his own, now the one seeking a fight instead of the one having to defend against an onslaught he had done nothing to deserve. He hoped he would lose a battle. That Skulker would slice too deep. That Technus would electrocute him to death. That one would be ironic, wouldn’t it? Killed twice by pure energy.
Vlad tried, he really did. Stopped calling him Daniel, son, little badger. He was more concerned with trying to get Danny to eat, with having to patch up the wounds Danny let freely bleed because the child simply didn’t care.
Weeks passed like this. Danny had never wished so fiercely to be weaker than he was. His ghostly Need to exist prevented him from throwing fights - against himself or anyone else. But all he wanted was peace. He wanted freedom from the agony in his chest, from the pit that kept gnawing deeper into his stomach, the fracture in his very being that just grew with every day.
He wanted his sister, his mom, his dad.
The girl he thought he’d spend forever with and the boy he expected to be forever at his side.
He wanted them more than anything. But he couldn’t have them ever again.
They’d been blown into as many pieces as Danny’s soul had been.
It was a last ditch effort. He wasn’t sure who came up with it - him or Vlad. Who decided to try to separate him from his pain - to lock the agony away in a deep hole that rivaled Pariah Dark’s. But Danny simply didn’t care anymore. He didn’t have the strength. As strong as people thought he was, he wasn’t. He was just a tired orphan who dreamt of his loved one’s death every night, who had not slept longer than an hour in a month.
Danny didn’t know how this was going to work and he didn’t care. There was no existence more painful than what he currently suffered. Maybe he’d finally have one peace and quiet, a reprieve from the demons in his mind that spoke with his parents’ voices. It was only their voices, never the other three. Probably because even now, he couldn’t imagine any of them saying these words to him.
But his parents had said plenty and enough of it sounded like what the monsters in his head spoke that it grew harder to ignore. That he was to blame. That if he had just died properly, they’d still be alive. That if he hadn’t been such a useless child playing hero, maybe he could’ve gotten to them in time, gotten them to safety.
Even now, his mother’s last words to him echoed in his head cruelly. “The people will cheer when I get you on that table!”
It wasn’t any worse than anything else she’d said. But that was the last thing he’d ever heard from her.
He couldn’t remember his father’s last words to him. He didn’t know if that was better or worse - that he couldn’t remember his father damning him again or that he had paid so little attention to them before they died. Before they’d been buried in an urn. The reminder of what had happened.
They’d been blown into as many pieces as Danny’s soul had been.
Pure, intoxicating power. As he awoke, the feeling of knives in his chest, power was all he knew. And he found he didn’t mind that. It was better than whatever he had left behind. He couldn’t remember just then what exactly he’d felt before. But now he felt perfect and he never wanted to feel anything less again.
He laughed, eyeing the man in front of him with a deranged grin on his face. This man had power, though he couldn’t remember who this man was. But he wanted that power, he craved it like a drug.
The knives that he’d awoken to in his chest worked just as well ripping the other ghost from its fleshy prison before he absorbed it into himself, disintegrating the consciousness in it to replace with his own.
He needed to hurt this man. He needed to prove he had the power.
A whimper behind him got his attention and he snarled as he turned, seeing a lanky teenager with black hair and fear in his blue eyes shaking with terror against the wall.
At his human face, Dan remembered. He remembered what he’d lost. Anger replaced where hurt used to be within him. This was that stupid child’s fault. And he needed to pay. He almost realized it was his mind fracturing into a thousand pieces as he did it, though it wasn’t unpleasant. He threw away all the shards with pain in them. As far as his old human body, though…
Dan made sure it hurt, not the quick, painless death everyone he loved had suffered.
Danny was ripped into as many pieces as his family and friends had been blown into.
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shadowfaerieammy · 1 year
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DannyMay Day 4: Fractals
II wasn’t sure what exactly to do with this prompt so I went with simple spirals to make it easier for myself. Poor guy is having a rough time. This one’s a bit sketchier because I didn’t feel like lining it or cleaning it up.
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jamiethebeeart · 1 year
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Dannymay Day 4: Fractals
Based off the idea of patterns and increasingly small repetitions - I felt like that could apply to Danny's home environment and his parents attitude towards ghosts
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scarletsaphire · 1 year
Torn to Bits and Pieces (Dannymay Day 4: Fractals)
A ghost is not easy to kill. Maddie and Jack severely underestimate what tearing Phantom "molecule by molecule" will do.
Danny died completely under his mothers blade. Physically, it didn’t hurt as much as it did the first time he died, but that didn’t mean it was pleasant. Emotionally, it was far, far worse.
They caught him transforming in his bedroom; he hadn’t known they had put cameras to try and figure out how he kept breaking curfew, but they had and they saw him transform after a fight, and he didn’t realize until he awoke with anti-ghost nets draped over him, his hands tied behind his back and his head pounding. There was a bruise on his arm. They had drugged him, he realized through an addled mind.
He tried to talk to them. Tried to reason with them, to show them that he was still Danny, that he wasn’t any different than he was before. They shoved a piece of metal into his mouth, fastened it around the back of his head. It burnt. His eyes watered and he tasted a mix of ectoplasm and blood on his tongue. His father monitored his vitals (they never referred to them as that; he wasn’t alive, so he couldn’t have vitals.) and dealt with collecting the specific samples. His mother held the knife. She was always the more precise of the two. Always the sharper one.
The knife burnt like the gag did, his flesh cauterizing wherever she cut. She started with his feet, pulling out shards of bone, collecting his blood, severing his nerves and his veins and keeping them in neatly labeled specimen jars. He did not die until she made it to his waist. Even then, the pain did not stop.
His body had gone limp, but that did not stop his struggle. It did not stop the tears. Now they flowed down cheeks flushed with green, a double image between his body (his corpse) and him. His mother had smiled at him, separating the bindings from his corpse and securing them firmly around only his ghost. They left the body alone. (They said they’d bury it. Give their son a proper rest, for the death that he, Phantom, had caused. That hurt almost as much as the scalpel.)
They continued their dissection on his ghost. This time there was no bones to extract, no nerves to sever or blood to gather. He wasn’t a half ghost anymore. He was entirely ectoplasm. That didn’t stop them from tearing him apart, gathering samples from every bit of his “body” that they could. (He tried to scream, to shout, to wail. The gag held tight. All he could manage was a bubbling sound from the back of his throat. It felt like it was melting.)
It took hours before they decided they had gathered enough substances to test. It was another hour before they decided how to dispose of him properly. Danny remained aware. Conscious. He felt every agonizing second of their discussion, as everything that was him bled across the table and onto the floor.
They decided that they should fulfill the promise they had made so many times. They would tear him from molecule to molecule, until he was better than dead, since he couldn’t die right the first time. How long this took, Danny couldn’t say. (He couldn’t say anything now. He didn’t have a mouth.)
Killing a ghost is nearly impossible. His parents didn’t know much about ghosts, so they assumed that when he was rendered into pieces barely visible on a microscope, that he would be dead. Properly dead, not like he was the first time (and the second, at their own hands.) That was not the case. Ghosts who were strong enough to have a physical form, who could separate themselves completely from the surrounding ectoplasm, were much sturdier than that. If there was any bit of them left, they would continue to exist.
His parents had not destroyed him. They had torn Phantom into trillions of pieces, yes, spread him throughout their lab, into the ghost zone, into their vents and the rest of Amity Park. And yet every bit was a part of him. Fractions of fractions of fractions. Barely a consciousness at all. But they were aware enough. Aware enough to know pain, and betrayal, and a need to be reunited.
It would be years before enough of him would gather to be anything visible to the eye. Years where ghosts would run rampant, where they would learn just how much he did to keep the town safe. Years for the people he loved to forget about him and run away, or years for the guilt and grief to dig them further into his grave, the ones his parents dug with scientific inquiry, lack of ethics, and a scalpel tipped with poison.
It would take longer for him to do something about it.
Danny would never hurt anyone, especially not his family. Danny would do anything to protect them, to save them. Danny died under his mothers scalpel.
Phantom reformed slowly, painfully, steadily. Madde and Jack were regarded as heroes by the town (the town that had shrunk after Danny’s death, where buildings often didn’t last longer than a year and people died in the dozens. More ghosts showed up every day. More work for them to do.) Maddie and Jack were heroes, like Danny had once been.
Danny had died a hero. Phantom had lived to become the villain they expected him to be.
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lonelyassassin96 · 1 year
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I just. Want him to be happy for 5 minutes.
Dannymay Day 4: Fractal
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canofspooks · 1 year
DannyMay Day 4 (Fractals)
Danny Fenton was just fourteen when his parents finished the portal to the Ghost Zone.
Sam Manson was just fourteen when she tried to step in.
Tucker Foley was just fourteen when he was pushed in.
Clockwork was growing tired of the Observers. True to their name, they were exceptionally good at watching the flow of time for abnormalities, but cleanup always seemed to fall on him.
Swapped places, altered powers, bizarre shifts in personality - the budding alternate realities were inconsequential compared to the nightmare that was the ghost boy's evil counterpart, but that wasn't enough to convince the Observers that they could leave these worlds alone for once.
When he thought he'd finally had a break to watch the ebb and flow of eternity in peace, he felt eyes staring into the back of his head.
"What is it now?" he groaned, not bothering to give the Observers his full attention.
"Several dozen more faults have appeared-" said one of the Observers.
The other continued, "- Phantom and his friends, on worlds other than Earth. This needs to be mended at once."
He humored them, turning his viewport to skim through a few of these growing "faults". Much like the others, they appeared harmless to the overall flow of reality. Some worlds stripped Amity Park of its technology in favor of magic and monsters, others saw ghosts replaced by fairies.
"Oh dear, the ghost boy has pointed ears in this one. Reality as we know it is crumbling," he deadpanned.
The observers moved to float in front of his viewport. Without eyelids or other facial features, it was difficult to ascribe an emotion to them.  He wasn't sure if they had any other than mild disinterest and worry.
"These faults may appear harmless for now, but there is no telling if they will fracture off into smaller, more severe ones."
"The magic of these worlds isn't much different than the main timeline, I wouldn't worry so much about it." He waved their concern away with a hand.
"Reality as a whole may not be at stake, but recall the last time you considered a fault 'too small' to worry about. We don't want another dissection incident."
In an instant, the atmosphere turned tense. Clockwork sucked in a breath he didn't need, turned off the viewport, and retrieved his staff from where it rested. The time spirit did not make mistakes, but he may have made a minor miscalculation that one time.
Human cruelty was difficult to quantify, so he had an excuse not to have realized the damage that could be done by such an innocuous fracture in the timeline. Still, he would rather not repeat the chain of events that had left the fringes of time a mess of grim realities which fractured into more, even darker ones the moment he'd finally corrected one. Like a hydra made of fear-stained worlds and dead Phantoms.
At least, he reminded himself, the main timeline had not yet been altered to fit the trends of those worlds. He'd done that much.
Clockwork clicked his staff and opened a portal to one of these new "not-Earth" realities. "Fine. If it will calm your ever-present worrying, I'll mend the faults."
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sailor-toni · 1 year
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DannyMay 2023: day 4 Fractals
This was a bitch to cut out
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scaehime · 1 year
Watch "Mannheim Steamroller - Fractals" on YouTube
Fractals by Mannheim Steamroller
Not directly Danny Phantom related, just imagine the Danno in the center of the Mandelbrot hole
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DannyMay Day 24/27 (NASA/Rings)
Danny the space ancient, hiding from his duties by pretending to be a planet.
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dannnnnny666 · 5 months
Day 4: Wander
Tw: Mention of character death, Unhealthy(?) coping mechanism
The Ghost Zone was incredibly vast. You could explore it for a thousand years and still find new places. It made sense why it was so big; almost every single person who had ever died, plus a few extra, called the Ghost Zone their home.
So Danny took it upon himself as a challenge to explore as much of the Ghost Zone. I mean, he has all the time in the world; why not use some of it to explore?
Through his travels, he visited everywhere. He attended a Women's Writers Convention, where he met Murasaki Shikibu, Mary Shelley, Jane Austen, Sappho, and more. He visited Mesopotamia and gave Gilgamesh a copy of the first volume of One Piece. He called Napoleon short. He played with Laika and asked her what she thinks of space. He met Hector of Troy, who talked about the reason he fights: to protect those he loves. He found Asgard and played a prank on Loki.
As he was traveling to the next location, where or whenever that might be, he saw a figure approach from behind him.
It was Vlad with the Infi-Map. He looks tired.
“Don’t,” he doesn’t want to have this conversation.
“I am not here to talk to you about them; I know you’re not ready for that. I just want you to know that my door is always open for you when you are,” Vlad said, as if in the time in which Danny had left he had managed to grow a heart. “And I know I am probably the last person you’d like to hear that from, and I get it, but I still want you to know that you will always have a place to come back to.”
“…Thank you, Vlad.”
“Don’t mention it.” Vlad smiled kindly in a way that could have been seen as genuine if Danny was feeling a little less pessimistic and left.
After Vlad left, Danny stayed there for a second, not moving, not breathing, not thinking, before he turned around and went to find something new to distract him.
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aprocessionofthoughts · 5 months
Not all who wander are lost...
But some of them are
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Day 4: wander
Danny just wanted to explore space for a little bit...
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Dannymay2024 Day 4: Wander
Places I can see some of the ghosts visit. Going on the idea of Amity Park being in Minnesota
Ember Mclain: First Avenue
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Sidney Poindexter : Science Museum of Minnesota
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Penelope Spectra: Four Seasons Hotel
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Ghost Writer: The State Theatre
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Desiree: Mizna, Arab arts organization
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Kitty: Minnesota Roller Derby
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Johnny 13: The Dog House Bar & Grill
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Klemper: Ice Castles
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Vlad Masters/Plasimus: France 44 Cheese & Meat .
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Danny Fenton/Phantom: Minnesota Astronomical Society, Eagle Lake Conservatory .
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What do u think? What kind of places could you see the ghosts go to? I’d love to know💖
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