danielfoley · 3 months
Screaming crying and throwing up because I haven't heard from him in like a day.
Hashtag obsession but capital O
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ekat-fandom-blog · 1 year
Whoopsie Danny made a Halfa
Normally, I delete the prompt list after figuring out what to do with them, but I feel like you guys should see this one. halfa dick, danny x sam x tucker, good parents maddie and jack, danny x dick, injury, blind date, psychiatrist jazz, cryptic clockwork. And this isn't even my craziest or most difficult list I've gotten from the prompt wheel. I did drop "no romance" and "danny x damian" because I feel like that's going beyond my abilities to bs a prompt into existence. Also, it would be weird for damian and dick to date/have dated the same person.
Enjoy the prompt!
Danny, Sam, and Tucker have moved out of Amity Park to Metropolis or Gotham. Jazz moved to Bludhaven.
On a video call with Jazz, Dani, Danny's parents, Danny notices a green sticky note appear behind his parents. Jack reads the note that basically says that Danny should look out for injured birds.
While visiting Jazz in Bludhaven, Danny finds a very injured Nightwing and tries to help him. He gets him to Jazz's apartment because it's close, and they get to work. What they're doing isn't helping. So, Danny reflexively taps into the little amount of ecto that is slowly making Nightwing liminal and accidently pores in too much ecto right as his heart stops.
Then, Nightwing's alive. Sorta. Not quite. Danny might have turned him into a halfa. Just a little bit. Ok, it was probably completely his fault. Danny gets sucked into teaching the new halfa about how his new powers work.
Meanwhile, Sam and Tucker are trying to convince him to meet this cute guy they want to add into their polycule. Come on, Jazz has already met and done the entire Older Sister routine!
Danny finally caves and goes on a blind date with the guy. They hit it off. Now, Dick just has to figure out how to get his partners to realize that he's Nightwing without everything getting weird. Oh, and avoid the awkwardness that comes with them trying to tell him about Danny being a halfa.
It's really too bad that Jazz decided to team up with Dani for a little light hazing. Nothing says "welcome to the family" more than preventing the new guy from being able to share secrets with his significant others.
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amityparkanonymous · 2 months
In a very shocking turn of events, @tuckfoley has been admitted to the hospital after being attacked by a mysterious figure!
He's gone blind in his left eye, and the perpetrator or perpetrators have yet to be found.
In somewhat related news, Danny Phantom was seen flying panicked to the hospital, seemingly having heard the news! When approached by the Fentons, he got angry at them and yelled about their sons best friend in the hospital. Shockingly, the Fentons called a truce for that interaction, but stated that next time, all bets were off.
Is Tucker Foley the causation of a truce between the Fentons and our ghostly teen hero? Will they continue this truce at a later date? Will the Fentons finally admit ghosts have feelings?
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100yarddashh · 2 months
fuck. im an idiot. why did I react like that, now I lost both of them. im so stupid
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phantom088 · 10 months
Danny Phantom Ships
I'm curious, what's your least favorite DannyxCharacter ship here? I'm gonna make another poll when this ends about your favorite one.
So yeah...
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zonerobotnik · 11 months
But what about other ships with Danny?
I know you like Pitch Pearl.
What are your thoughts about Valerie, Paulina, Ember, Dash, Vlad or others?
I'm open to pretty much any ship but incest and clonecest. Sorry, but Dani is more like his daughter with Vlad than selfcest, so she's off-limits.
And before you say "but you did incest before", I know, and the stories were fucked up, and I discontinued them for a reason. I just couldn't stomach them anymore after becoming a mom for some reason.
I've only really done a few ships personally, though. DannyxValerie and DanxValerie are big ones, there's DannyxSam, of course, and I played with DannyxTucker once but that was Fun Danny just teasing him, VladxDanny is a thing I have done, DashxDanny is cute if they get past the bullying, EmberxDanny is kind of cute in a toxic way, I've done DannyxSkulker before, PariahxDanny is also a thing I have done, and I kind of low-key but never did anything for it ship DannyxVid, and there's also ClockworkxDanny, and that's just the Danny ships I can think of off the top of my head that I've done so far.
But, yeah. Pretty open to them, as long as it's not selfcest or clonecest.
Edit: My friend helpfully reminds me that I have done WalkerxDanny, thank you, friend.
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phantomwave · 5 years
Tumblr media
My mom ended up pausing on this.
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catesartworks · 4 years
I love how Tuck is fully colored in *sighs in DannyxTucker shipper* he's the only character so far besides maybe clockwork to get that treatment.
Wow, I’m super glad you noticed! :D 
I have this little headcanon that in other timelines, Danny would be closer to Tucker than he is to Sam. 
Also, Tucker wears a red hat, and red is the color Comic!Danny uses to cope with his depression and is most comfortable in. Red to Danny would subconsciously be a friendly, safe color that reminds him of better times. 
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transantichrist · 7 years
dannyXtucker ship name: fucker
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danielfoley · 3 months
When the God of time themselves gets tired of waiting for me to realize things and just.. Gets tumblr to tell me stuff.
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danielfoley · 3 months
I might not have screwed everything up. Fuck I love him so much I would literally just die without him omfg. Ykw he even knows now so I'll say it, I'm literally so lovesick for my best friend tucker. I love that man so much holy shit
Dan better not hurt him I will break my no kill rule for tucker if I need to because if he hurts tucker foley, my best friend and love of my life, I will make him wish he never died. I will make that man beg to watch his family die again because he would just want ANYTHING other than the pain I would inflict on him for hurting tucker.
Oh ermm that got dark!! Live laugh love guys 👍
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danielfoley · 3 months
I feel like the biggest idiot in the whole world and theres nothing I can do about it.
I am so stupid, I'm just going to punch things until my hands are numb
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phantom088 · 10 months
Danny Phantom Ships Part 2
The results are in! Out of the 114 people who voted in my previous poll about ships from Danny Phantom, 47.4% of them voted VladxDanny as their least favorite ship, but now the next question is whats your most favorite ship?
Let me know...
I'm excited to see the results
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