#danri ocs
danrishy-ava · 1 month
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Light doesn't know her full power and it scares her. But on the other hand, someone named The Redemption Light can't be dangerous... can they?
Or is she dangerously close to give in to The Revenge Light?
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kartywarty · 7 months
is everyone revealing ocs now??? hi welcome to my top ten facts about my ocs
no.1 Halbert K. Robinson
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1. he has viltigo and hides it by wearing his mask a lot
2 .works as a janitor to clean the base
3. was forced to resort to working in a crime due to skin condition, he was framed for a crime he didn’t commit and because people thought he looked weird COUGHS. i wonder who said that ?? huh
4. ex-fire fighter, all his training went down the drain
5. hes 37 and is 5’4” ft tall
6. is actually matt engarde from aa!/j
7. seen as a lower class because of his mask, but in reality he once lifted a whole ass couch just to clean under it
8. the “K” in his name stands for “Karl”
9. he has keys to every room/area in the base so he can clean
10. was hired because he had a “criminal history”, he had to beg to live and only had an option to join mary (he was hired before he knew larry was in control)
btw guys im still figuring out his lore idk guys
no.2 Riktor V. Markov
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1. speaks russian and BARELY understands english
2. has a translator to help him understand (will be mentioned next)
3. looks very intimidating, but hes rarely soft to people sometimes
4. his dad was a godfather for a mafia back in russia, he eventually got arrested and riktor had to migrate to robloxia with his soon to be his translator
5. 5’8” ft tall and is 42 years old
6. uses his bonesaw as defense
7. his hair isnt gray, his hair is ashy blonde
8. the “V” in his name is “Victor”
9. his mom got executed by another mafia that was against his father and he was forced to witness it with his bare eyes
10. his favorite medical tool is the bonesaw
no.3 Feliks Novikov
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1. he is half russian and half american
2. is riktors translator, hes actually helped riktor migrate away and have been childhood friends. they were bullies before
3. has actually been hired by larry in the past, once retired when larry was defeated, later has been recruited by mary
4. convinced mary to hire riktor for medic
5. 5’4” ft tall, 40
6. has a family of 2 and is married, he has a son and a baby daughter.
7. loves jazz he even plays the saxophone
8. plays in a band with the other henchmen in the evil base, hes the lead
9. hes a gentleman and respects his higherups
10. was actually favored a lot by larry
no.4 Scary Autry (Autry P. Harrington)
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1. his face in the past had scarring and acne (his face is greasy, one of the reasons why he hides his face)
2. bffs with barry, cabbage (another break in oc), and danry (also another break in oc). they are known as the “alphabet fourlets”
3. his mom left him few months after he was born, he was raised by his dad and grew up with toxic masculinity OH NO WHO SAID THAT AHH!!
4. hates mary and larry A LOT. he hates larry for defending mary and he hates mary for trying to reveal his own face COUGHC OUGH (rreference to my fanfic about his backstory)
5. 6’4” ft tall, he is 68 years old
6. he knows karate, kung fu, and bare knuckle boxing
7. seems to be really harsh but just blocks out feelings
8. loves wearing boots.
9. the weapon he uses are golden brass knuckles
10. hes TERRIBLE at playing instruments, he was failing music class during his origin phase
no.5 oswald the hacker/guest
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1. his real name/username is Guest0091288
2. he listens to ivycomb and babymetal
3. he was once a guest, he had a lot of good progress while playing other games throughout roblox, until they banned guests. oswald did not accept losing his progress and took things the hard way by somehow reviving his guest account, he fleed to break in to blend in by the guest role, he was caught few weeks ago but managed to still escape by becoming a different role in which he didnt even pay for (hacker role)
4. he has an illumina instead of the classic sword, he uses his phone to spawn holograms tthat act like a shield
5. he is 5’1” and is ageless
6. he hates wearing the caps guests wore, he didnt like how it felt
7. he does not speak, he uses tts (text to speech). the tts program he uses is the alpha moonbase tts
8. loooves making fun of people, even when hes successful to get away with it
9. can impersonate/shapeshift into other characters and users, however his tts voice still remains the same
10. very unpredictable.
no.6 Carter J. Dickgum (self insert)
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1. married to bradley beans
2. almost had a divorce arc Thanks for hanging out with me!
3. named “Carter” instead of “Karter” because of his curved smile (get it)
5. 5’5” ft tall and 45 years old
6. shaves and HATES HAVING A Stubblle
7. doesnt like working out most of the time
8. his emotions appear to be VERY obvious, he is very expressive
9. works as a cashier at tacobell
10. wears mismatched socks everyday.
Okay guys thansk for tunkng in chatn! ‘My sunshine students
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mandiminimojo · 3 months
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Second week of Draw Everything June! Learning from this exercise that I kind of forgot how to draw all my ocs other than Ren and Danris :I
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lostfanboyarts · 3 years
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This is like the second photo I’ve done of just these two being all dramatic and gay in fancy clothes, I may have a slight addiction
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‘Big Killer Clone’
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Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars + Original Character
Collection/Series: N/A
Pairing: Captain Bear (Clone Trooper OC) x  GN! Reader
Writer: @writings-of-a-hufflepuff​ aka @hufflepuffing-all-day-long​
Rating: T
Warnings: Angst, a senator is a dick to our boy. He’s very unhappy and upset, but there’s a lot of comfort. Swearing, a lot of angst, my friends.
Summary: There is only one person Bear wants to see after a senator makes a comment about him being a danger to the younglings, and that is you. 
Notes: Inspired by this comment by @alamogirl80:  I bet he specifically requests to work in or near the Jedi temple so he can escort the crèche younglings. And it breaks his big ol heart when certain clone hating senators make comments to the crèche master that it’s dangerous to let a “big killer clone” like him around the kids. 
I just picked a random corrupt senator for this.
Shebs’palon - asshole
Shebs - Ass
Vod - Brother
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Bear likes working in the Jedi temple, he likes the Jedi themselves. They’re respectful, generally kind and do not treat him as if he is some mindless machine or identical clone without a personality or views of his own. But, what he likes most about working in the temple is that he is almost always put on creche and youngling duty. 
It is a well known fact that Bear enjoys working with the little ones, even more so that the little ones enjoy his presence. He has a ‘way’ with them as he’s been told time and time again, something many of his other brothers struggle with. He enjoys being asked to escort the younglings through the temple or to stand watch during their break times between lessons, to make sure they do not get up to mischief or in some cases help them get up to mischief. Some clones complain that it’s glorified babysitting, but he likes babysitting. He’d rather nurture and protect the little ones than fight and kill. It suits him better. 
It is fun for him to stand there and smile as the little ones run and play, as they act like children for the few precious moments they are allowed. It warms his heart when little arms wrap around his legs in a hug or the children choose to use him as a living climbing frame. He feels wanted, needed, useful. The children do not balk or shy away from him despite his large size, they are not scared of the scar that covers his left cheek and they do not mind his deep voice. Instead they run to him and call his name and demand he play with them, they like him, and it is in many ways bittersweet. 
They are lovely, sweet. They cause a smile to light up his face, and yet, they are a reminder of what he isn’t allowed to have. What he isn’t allowed to have with you. He is a clone trooper, romantic relationships are not allowed. He breaks that rule regularly to be with you. Families, children, aren’t allowed either. A babe would be harder to hide, a family almost impossible and so they remind him of the thing he so desperately wants but is told he cannot have. He hopes...he hopes that one day he can have that, but hopes are not realities. 
Still, it is his favourite duty and so he does not expect to leave the jedi temple that day in a foul or unpleasant mood. He expects to be full of life, energy and smiles, after a day of children chattering away at him, drawing new things on his armour and sharing their new tricks with him. He always left the temple in the best mood.
But that shebs’palon of a senator Danry Ledwellow, the Er’Kit, small and blue, had ruined his day. Completely, entirely and only with a passing comment hissed out from behind sharp teeth and a look of distrust and disgust. It didn’t matter that Master Yoda had come to Bear’s defence or that he didn’t care much for the senator at all, the fact remained that his mood had been ruined. 
He was used to comments. He was a clone. There were many people that distrusted them, disliked them, and made it clear what they thought whenever they were given the chance. When he was shiny, it had bothered him more, as a cadet he would get angry, frustrated, irritated. As he grew he learnt to shrug it off, that it didn’t matter so much. Once you’d heard one insult, you’d heard them all...or so he thought. 
He’d been watching the younglings train when Dandry had made a passing comment with disgust riding his voice to Master Yoda, about how ‘dangerous’ and ‘irresponsible’ it was to have a ‘big killer clone’ like him around such small and defenceless younglings. As if Bear would ever hurt them, as if he could ever be considered a danger to them, as if he knew Bear and knew who he was and what he was capable of. 
He had, in the moment, chosen to stare straightforward, to bite his tongue and let the feeling sit inside his chest. His helmet was in place and that helped to hide the anger he was feeling. He was surrounded by little one’s, many under the age of 7 and he refused to give into emotions that would only confirm that senator’s views or scare the little one’s. He left Master Yoda speak in his defence, in truth, barely hearing the words. His mind was cloudy with frustration,fixed on replaying the words ‘dangerous’ and ‘killer’ over in his mind. 
The children had noticed a change after that, tugging on his fingers and demanding he sit as they clambered around him and told him stories. They tried to lighten his mood, something he was grateful for but that failed. He pretended for them, although he suspected many did not believe him, their natural intuneness with the force allowing them to sense his mood better than many. 
Kal and Delta didn’t ask when he stormed into the barracks intent on putting away his armour and leaving as soon as possible to see you, knowing that you’d find a way to brighten his mood like you always did. It was obvious to the two of them that an angry Bear was best left well enough alone, they didn’t see their captain storming around often. They shared a look, both deciding they didn’t want to be on the receiving end of his shitty mood. Kal returned to cleaning his blaster and Delta pretended to fall asleep in his bunk.
The new kid, Jammy, or Shiny as they’d taken to calling him looked on with trepidation. He’d not been with the squad long, a couple of months, and in that time his Captain had always been smiley and cheerful or neutral at worst. He’d never actually seen him angry, it was...a little intimidating given Bear’s already immense stature. He decided it was best to just not stare at his captain. 
Sunny didn’t seem to have the same worries as the rest, “What’s eating you, Cap?” He’d stopped mid way through messing with those vibrant orange curls of his, hand still raised to the top of his head. It was clear to Sunny that his vod wasn’t his usual self, especially considering it was known he’d been working with the younglings that day. He was never in a bad mood after working with the younglings. 
“Don’t want to talk about it.” He’s already by his bunk unlatching each piece of his armour and putting it away in his footlocker. He doesn’t want to hang around and the intensity of the stares from his brothers isn’t helping his mood. He’s not usually quick tempered, that’s Kal’s thing. In fact, he rarely finds himself having any sort of outburst, but he can feel it rising in him today. It’s unwelcome, unfamiliar. He doesn’t like how angry he feels. How his mood is changing, shifting. How one stupid senator could change his whole mood just like that. It was stupid. Who cared what a low level, unimportant senator thought? It shouldn’t even bother him...but it did. 
“You sure?” 
“Yes!” It comes out clipped and harsh, a shout that has Bear’s shoulders dropping with a sigh. He turns his eyes on Sunny, with an apologetic frown, “Sorry...I just, I don’t want to talk about it, Sunny, okay?” The regret mingles with the anger and frustration and it tastes like rot on his tongue. 
“Yeah, yeah, hey. I shouldn’t have pushed. Anything we can do, vod?” He’s concerned for Bear. Sunny has never seen his brother, his captain, so agitated and it’s worrying. But he knows Bear will tell them about it later, when he’s calmed down, when he’s got his head back in the right space. He was the most level headed of all of them, he’d sort it out himself, even if he didn’t ask for help. At least, not from them. The whole squad knew there was only one person he’d want to see right now, you. 
Bear shakes his head, dark brown curls flying with the movement as he lets them loose from the big bun he’d shoved them in that morning to get his helmet on. 
“No...Just need some time.”
In truth Bear just wants to get away from the Barracks and run to your quarters, to hold you in his arms and bury his face in your shoulder, to breathe you in. You are a comfort to him, greater than anything he’s ever known and his soul is calling for you, calling for your gentle touch and soothing words. He knows you’ll have the right thing to say, that you’ll ease the anger that bristles his shoulders. You always manage to brighten his day, to make things seem better even when they’re at their worst. 
It’s you that he runs to after a difficult mission. It’s you that he seeks out when he wakes in the middle of the night from some bad dream or memory. It is you who he goes to when he needs comfort. He loves his brothers, but he is still their captain and there are just some things he can’t do around them. Being entirely vulnerable and open is one. 
“I’ll...I’ll see you late, vod.” 
They don’t ask where he’s going as he storms out of the barracks in only his blacks. They know.
The corridors are filled with his brothers, some nod in recognition, others ignore him, not knowing him personally. None stop to talk to him, perhaps they notice his mood or perhaps they’re too busy, either way Bear is grateful. He’s even more grateful that your quarters are down an empty and quiet corridor, where no one can see him coming and going or stop to question why he’s there. 
It’s late enough in the evening that he knows you’ll be back soon, that your shift will end and the medical droids will take over for the night, unless there’s an emergency. 
You gave him the code to your quarters months ago, he’s memorised it so well that he doesn’t even have to think as he inputs it, muscle memory does the majority of the work for him instead. He knows your quarters as well as he knows his bunk in the barracks, has his own drawer of clothes there, nothing fancy, but you insisted he have something comfortable and cozy to wear when he stays over. 
He uses the refresher first, cleans the dirt off his skin and if he turns the temperature higher and lets the hot water attempt to burn away the comment, then that’s something he won’t mention later. It helps, a little, but not entirely. 
You're tired when you finish your shift, always are. Being a doctor for the GAR was exhausting and today was no different. Still, you have enough wits about you to notice the lights are on and there’s a familiar pair of boots by your door when you enter your quarters. 
“Bear? You here?” You call out to him, kicking off your shoes and shrugging out of your doctor’s coat. You hear a muffled ‘here’ from the direction of your bedroom and wander in that direction. 
You can tell he’s used the refresher before you see him, just by the smell of warm water and soap that permeates the air in the corridor, there’s a warmth to it that says it wasn’t long ago and that’s confirmed by the sight of him still wrapped in a towel on the edge of your bed. 
Bear has his elbows on his knees, hunched over with his face in his palms. His long brown curls are wet and mussed, his skin has a tint to it that says he had the water on too hot and he looks decidedly unlike himself. It worries you the moment you see him and you find yourself kneeling beside him, knees unhappy about the hard floor. It matters little when he’s so clearly upset. 
You’re gentle as you pull at the hands covering his face, they are easily double the size of your own and cover him too well, hide him from you. The moment you can see his eyes they shift to you, deep and sad, it’s clear something has happened and it makes your chest ache. 
You keep a hand in his while your other cups his cheek, stroking softly over the freckles that dot his skin like constellations without names. He leans into your touch, a heavy sigh that falls from his chest and with it some of that tension that he holds in his shoulders too. 
“What happened, big?” 
Your gaze feels like it’s scanning his soul, intent, but not unwelcome, he begins to speak freely for the first time all day. His mouth wraps around the words like they’re poison and each element of the story only deepens the frown that furrows your brow. 
“Senator Ledwellow stopped by the temple today while I was watching the younglings, shebs thinks I'm a ‘danger’ to the younglings, a ‘big killer clone’ he called me, as if I'd ever hurt them! I’d die for those little one’s, I’d...I’d...I’d never...I’d never hurt them!” There are tears streaming from his eyes, big fat ones that call to how deeply the thought of ever hurting those children or being thought of as a danger to them cuts him.  
“I know, big, I know! Hey…” You cup both cheeks with your hands, pulling his face closer to your own as you reach up on your knees to meet him. His skin is warm against yours as his forehead comes to rest against your own, but his tears are cool and wet as they drip from his skin onto your own in rivers. 
You stay there, rocking slightly with him as he cries. It is the sort of cry that wrenches free from the depths of his chest hard and raw and causes your own throat to close up with emotion. 
You have seen Bear sad, you’ve seen him scared, but those were small things. The melancholy of a bad memory or the fear from a nightmare, this is...this is different. It speaks of the fear he has deep within him that he is a danger to those children, that he is the big bad killer clone and not who you know him to be. Safe. Kind. Gentle. Caring. Loving. You have never doubted your safety in his presence and you have never doubted the safety of any child around him either. 
You want to storm from your quarters and find Senator Ledwellow, to slap him across the face or at least give him a good talking too. To even think, to even suggest that Bear was anything but gentle with those children, to suggest he would hurt them, be a danger to them...it lowers your opinion of the senator and swaps your mood from worried to angry. 
Still, Bear needs you more than the senator needs a slap, so you stay and you hold him to you. Letting his tears wash over your skin and his large hands grip at your back and shoulders as if that will ground him and keep him sane. 
It feels like hours by the time the tears and the gasping slows, and a quick glance at the time tells you it has been. You are gentle as you tug him to his feet and help him dress, there is a new exhaustion that fills his bones now. The sort that can only come from crying out all your emotions. He is grateful as you tug his legs through a comfortable pair of trousers and carefully maneuver his head and hair through a shirt. 
“Sit down for me, big.” You sit him at the edge of the bed again and grab a comb from the side, the one that goes easily through his curls and pulls the knots free. He is quiet as you tug at the knots and braid his hair back and out of the way for sleep. 
It’s a little thing, something he would have forgotten to do, but that makes the world of difference when he wakes in the morning. It is the little things you do that make his chest ache for you, his heart hurt in the best sort of way. You know him. You care for him. You treat him with a  tenderness that most don’t because of his size and his place as a clone trooper. Today is a day that he especially needs that tenderness, so he lets you braid his hair without comment and lets you ease him under the covers of your bed before you get into your own night clothes. 
You look radiant. That’s what he thinks when he watches you dress. There’s something about the low light of the lamps across your skin and the fabric of your night clothes, silky and shiny, that makes him wonder if you aren’t secretly part Diathim, glowing, angelic and something more. 
You tread carefully, turning down all the lights before slipping under the covers with him and urging him to rest on his side, back facing you. He doesn’t question nor does he complain as you curl against his back, holding him as if he were smaller than you and capable of being the little spoon. 
It is comforting, the way your legs tangle with his own and your arms wrap fully around him. The weight and warmth of you at his back as you press little kisses into the space on the back of his neck. 
“I know you, big. I love you and I don’t think you’d ever do anything to put those children at risk or hurt them. I hope you know that about yourself too.” You murmur it into his ear, soft and quiet, almost afraid to speak too loud and disrupt the peace. You tighten your grip on him and hope, hope that he doesn’t think he’s a danger to the younglings, hope that he doesn’t doubt himself because he is the gentlest person you have ever met. 
He can’t find words, not really. Can’t express the gratitude and love he has for you in that moment. That you allow him a safe place to cry and feel, so be something other than captain and clone. Instead he reaches for your hand on his stomach and holds it in his own, presses it to his heart with a squeeze before pulling it to his lips and pressing a kiss to your skin. 
His beard tickles the back of your hand, like always, and it instantly makes you smile. He doesn’t need to say it, you know he loves you and you don’t expect to hear it tonight. Not after the tears and the clear pain he’s gone through. 
Still it is a lovely surprise to hear, when he clears his dry throat and quietly whispers, “Love you too, Sunshine” at you. His voice is raspy and deeper than normal, dry from his crying and his words are soft and quiet, barely audible. 
You pull him tighter against you and hold him, rubbing circles into his chest and pressing kisses to his neck for a good hour before he falls asleep. The quiet little snore he does, oddly not irritating or disturbing at all, a noise you’ve grown fond of, rhythmic in nature lets you know he’s officially asleep. 
It’s only then that you let yourself fall asleep as well. Only once you know he is asleep and won’t be awake and alone that you can allow yourself to drift off, content in the knowledge that he’d be okay. You promised yourself that if you saw Senator Ledwellow any time soon you’d have a bone or two or maybe ten to pick with him.
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@charradelange @belfry-bat  @gabile18​ @beccaboo929​
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spanishrose2002 · 3 years
Our little secrets! I’m rereading this! Absolutely one of my faves from you! 1,5,6,9,11,12,10
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way? I'm not sure if I wrote the fic in any particular way. At the time, McReedus was all the craze, and I wanted to write a McReedus story.
5: What part was hardest to write? The hardest part, I think, about writing the story was just feeling like I kept the characters in-character. Essentially, it's absolute fiction and all the characters are OCs, if we're being honest, so I was concerned with making my characters consistent and believable.
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics? This was my first McReedus fic.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic? There aren't. There were things about this story that weren't 100% (or like 10%) my ideas. At the time, I was somewhat victim to the influence idea that certain people/characters needed to be "bad" and put through the proverbial wringer. The influence also pressured me into thinking that things never should be truly "happy," and that constant drama was better than not having that. Needless to say, these were not all my personal beliefs. If I were to redo this story, or do anything with it at all, I would likely get rid of Stevlanna (not my idea or a ship I really even enjoy, if I'm being honest, I'm sorry). I would move it to Caryl AU. And, most importantly, I would write it more according to the tone and mood that I truly enjoy in stories.
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story? I think I kind of mentioned it before. I wanted to do something with them. I also love Danrie, so I wanted to include them. I was...convinced...to include Stevlanna.
11: What do you like best about this fic? I really liked the premise behind this story.
12: What do you like least about this fic? I dislike the Stevlanna, and I dislike that it wasn't as positive as I wanted it to be.
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danrishy-ava · 2 months
OCs showcase (?)
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Light 'TRL'
Created stickfigure
Shy, but friendly
Her creator was inspired by Alan's sticks and made Light
Were saved by Freedom Guy. Now works in his facility
Has powers, but has very little idea how to use them
Aqua and Ash(Freedom) are the only people who knows what 'TRL' means
Light's roommate
In disagreement with their parents
Volunteers in the same office with Light (to spend more time with her mostly)
Has no magical powers
Knows Rain
Works as illegal merchant. Sells stuff from games in StickCity
Works under someone
Hates his job
Almost never takes the hood off
Cautious and paranoid
Possesses some magical artifacts
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danrishy-ava · 6 days
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— Not even for a single moment I allow myself to doubt. One day I will find you. Wherever you are and whatever happened... I know you couldn't leave me without a reason, brother...
Poster: Photo was taken from Rain's college ID card. He went missing soon after graduation.
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Rain's disappearance shattered already unstable relationship in the family. For 2 years, Rain's whereabouts are unknown.
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danrishy-ava · 2 months
TW: abuse
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"I hate you," Rain whispered, putting all the frustration and hurt in three simple words. The hand gripped his hair tighter. So hard, that Rain barely managed to suppress a pained whimper.
"Of course you do," Cold voice spoke, the grip only tightening with each word. "But I don't care."
Rain gasped when hand pulled him closer. He looked in the eyes of his master, seeing nothing but freezing indifference.
"You'll obey, either good or bad way. And I know you don't want me to use the bad one," Emerald eyes shifted to the corner of the office, to the door, hidden behind the bookshelves. Shivers went down Rain's spine, making him shudder at the memories. His back protested, either because of the uncomfortable position, or from still tangible wounds. "Good."
The hand pushed him back, releasing the grip. Rain stumbled back and fell on floor, wave of sharp pain went through his sore back and still healing arm. The tears flowed from his eyes for a moment, but he quickly got them under control.
"Now go. You still have one meeting today."
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danrishy-ava · 2 months
Repost because of incorrect colors
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danrishy-ava · 2 months
StickSona redesign
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Now a HollowHead :D
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danrishy-ava · 1 month
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Dark drew Light :D
Edit: Gif quality is bad so here simple image
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danrishy-ava · 9 months
Post with info & links
Hi there, my name is Danrishy (they/she). You can simply call me Danri. This is an AvA/M blog specifically. My main blog is @danrishy
Art requests are open
You can ask characters from: Unforgiven AU, Genshin AU. You can always ask me about these AUs too!!
I'm a 17 years old artist, who is trying to combine college, life and drawing. English is not my first language, but I'm working on making it better. My first language is Russian.
- YouTube channel
- Discord: danrishy
- main blog: @danrishy
- blog with translations (into russian): @danri-translations
- StickCity ask blog: @stickcity-life
Masterpost with all the main projects
Unforgiven AU masterpost
AvA/M main cast designs — Mercenaries — Background Characters — Purple's designs
HCs: Color Gang — Hollow Heads — Royal Family
OCs: Light-Aqua-Rain — Danrishy (my sticksona) — Dark (friend's sticksona)
OCs: 'Our Past Nightmares' — Main trio — Group
About tags!
#danrishyart — any art I make (including non-drawings)
#danritalking — shit post, sometimes reblogs
#danriask — asks I answer (except requests)
#danri ocs — my AvA/M OCs
#AvAxGenshin AU — my crossover AU of the said fandoms
#Unforgiven AU — my main AU, centers on Purple and CG
#FanChildren — Fan babies I make for fun u u
#saving for later — stuff I can't check rn, but will later
#favorite — anything I really love and want to see again later!
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kartywarty · 7 months
i got bored and decided to write my new bi2 oc’s backstory
(hes my first “scary purger” oc btw)
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(edit: had to add one of my online family members other ocs sorry chat)
When Scary Autry was born, he was raised by his two parents. Purger Zachary and Purger Mallory. His father was a bold man, he was one of the first Irish Purge Leaders recorded in purger history, while Mallory was just a middle-class purger from America. During the first few months while the two purgers happily took care of their child, the mother started to feel unsatisfied, more stress and concerns had piled up between the two couples as they raised Autry. Purger Mallory then divorced Zachary, causing him to only be left with his ex-lover’s child. He knew his child had potential, he wasn’t named “Autry” for no other reason afterall. He vowed himself to teach him what felt mandatory, as his child grew, he trained him in bare-knuckle boxing, survival tricks, and most importantly, advice from his own perspective. Once he culminated out of 8th grade by being home-schooled, he was selected to go into a special highschool, to a career that he wasn’t even sure as if it was considered as one; “The Purge Academy”. The Purge Academy felt new to him although there were very few participants in the highschool, he was never submerged into a school like this one before. To avoid embarrassment, he crafted himself his own paper bag to wear, he was slightly self-conscious about his own face. Once he arrived at school, he met his classmates which were Larry, Mary, Cabbage, Danry and Barry. He took some time to adjust to the new environment when one day Mary once threatened Autry to reveal his face; she had tried to take it off by force but Autry refused to and resisted, punching Mary directly in the eye as he gave Mary a black eye. After that incident, he realized the highschool wouldn’t and couldn’t do anything about it. It was a school training teens to be future purgers anyway, the staff seemed nonchalant yet the incident had caught the attention of students. Larry ended up to dislike Autry while Barry still wanted to be friends with Autry, as the two seemed very fond of each other. While Danry and Cabbage just didn’t care about the incident between Mary and Autry. The relationship between Barry and Autry had to be hidden due to the inconveniences between Barry’s friends who had rivalry between Autry. One day as Autry met up with Barry on the usual weekends, he noticed that there was a wind-up key stuck up on Barry’s back. Autry had been concerned for Barry as he questioned him, Barry had only simply responded:
“Just one of Mary’s projects.” Barry explained from there to Autry.
Autry tried to convince Barry to get rid of the key behind his back, however Barry refused politely for the sake of Autry being afraid and concerned. But Autry felt very odd about what was happening between Barry and two of his friends, he just couldn’t point a finger about it.
As Autry grew older he learned several private lessons about other self defense techniques such as kung fu and karate, doing what pleased his father. One day during his young adult years his father had passed away due to a heart stroke, he couldn’t believe it; his own tutor, his own friend until childhood, and his own caretaker had passed away. Autry was motivated to move on and carry out his legacy and finish what his father started, something his father wanted to accomplish, his own father’s dream; to be the top purger. But, to do that was to surpass the Scary Trio, the trio that included his best friend who was Scary Barry.
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danrishy-ava · 3 months
With all honesty, I didn't expect to reach 100 followers mark so quickly
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I'm really grateful for all the support me and my arts got here, and for the friends I made :D Even through the artblock/breaks I had
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danrishy-ava · 3 months
More of my OCs as sticks :D
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A group of childhood friends, who's fates crosses with twins...
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