#danya alistrotov
Danya Lore
tw: frostbite, execution, murder, drowning
Danya is from back in the equivalent era of ~1920s His homeland was in extreme disarray, and it was clear a civil war was on the horizon. Knowing that her son would be one of the first drafted because of his magic capabilites, she immediately got in contact with his headmage,  Danya's mom wanted him to go to RSA originally but the headmage there was xenophobic, and pitched it as the students being in a state of high fear and that it likely wouldn’t be a safe or welcoming place for him, and kept the bribe that he was sent so she had to to steal again in order to reach NRC in hopes they would accept her son. His mother also paid the headmage at NRC to ensure he was given private lessons by the teachers at NRC until he could speak fluent but heavily accented English He was to have no contact with his mother or anyone really outside of NRC for his own protection, and had come with none of his belongings, his only memory being the song his mother used to sing him and his little sister to sleep, and he quickly found "Once Upon A December" to be his signature spell after accidentally casting it and freezing another student after they startled him on a late night walk Panicked, he left them there and went back to his dorm (which was segregated, not completely unlike Ramshackle, but somewhere much safer and fit for nobility- his mother was a lady in waiting, but in order to send him off, stole money from her Duchess) The kid he froze was luckily, alive but not completely unharmed. He forgave Danya and actually apologized for scaring him, willing to give him another shot as friends, but Danyas guilt made it impossible to accept that as he knew the damage the frostbite had caused under the glove that had been extended to him in friendship In his guilt he went for a walk to clear his head, and continues to do so for several nights. He found out from the headmage a few weeks later that his mother and little sister had been caught thieving, and both of them had been killed. Trying to process that, he took himself down to a lake in the nearby forest, humming shakily to himself trying to remember the sound of their voices if nothing else He didn’t notice the other students best friend following him until he sat down beside him and got to talking. Eventually the other student convinced Danya that letting some of that magic energy go would make him feel better, he could freeze the entire top of the lake, and nobody would be hurt or mind, especially because it was already late December and most students were still on holiday. Danya finally agreed but just as the spell was cast, the other student shoved Danya off the dock, easily breaking through the thin layer of ice and watching in satisfaction as his own magic froze over him, freezing and drowning him Only a day went by before the staff realized he was missing, but nobody found his body or knew what happened to him until the next year in December, when his ghost started roaming campus. He likes sitting in the stairway up to the headmages office, but hes most often seen roaming campus late at night, humming the lullaby his mother used to sing him. He avoids Pomefiore students and beastmen alike now.
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MC and OC Masterlist 1
I have so many please ask me about them they’re all so sad /hj MC/Prefect: Vizzie Castello Blurb: Isekaied from her isolated grove, she isn’t very good at handling her new environment. Prone to violence because of a rough upbringing, she does not trust magic users for the life of her, and NRC just emphasizes that. She has enchanted gauntlets fastened to her, they’ve been there since she was nine, that cover from her wrist to elbow in silver. She keeps the secret that they deflect magic casted at her best she can, so that when the opportunity arises, she can act in what she believes is justice for her father’s death. Truth be told though...the boys here are starting to grow on her....Find Out More
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OC: Aspen Zoi Blurb: The stoner of a half-fae, and gardener of NRC. A graduate of NRC from Pomefiore dorm, and former classmate of Sam’s, he spends his time in the greenhouse tending to the plants. Nobody really knows what his deal is, but he and Lilia seem to know each other...Find Out More
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OC, Twisted From Anastasia: Danya Alistrotov Blurb: Danya was a very loving, allbeit shy kid...in the 1920′s. Due to civil unrest in his homeland, his mother, a noble, was well aware that the prodigy with magic that her child was, they would not hesitate to draft him into the army. Before it could happen, she managed to scrounge the cash together to bribe his current headmage, and the one at the renowned NRC so that he would be granted a safe place to study and develop like a normal teenage boy. Separated from his family, he felt responsible when he received the news that his mother had been caught stealing money and had been executed along with his sister. He coped with long walks at night, until someone offered to join him. He didn’t mean to startle...he didn’t mean to hurt them...and he didn’t realize he would also pay with his life... Find Out More
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OC, Twisted From Jim Hawkins, Treasure Planet: Tarian Hawkins Blurb: Coming from a family of space pirates, his father found it rather easy to bribe Crowley to allow Tarian to begin his studies two years early, especially as he challenged the math and science exams- and aced them both. He needs practice with his magic, as his late mother was the reason he has it, and his dad has no idea on how to help him with it- but also, some missions are too dangerous to bring him on until he can master it. Tarian works relentlessly, and hopes that if he works hard enough, he can join his dad in the stars sooner rather than later. However this has a poor effect on his social life, which was the other reason his dad sent him to school...Find Out More
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OC (based on a Firefish): Cory Reef Blurb: A typically docile and shy Octavinelle freshman, Cory is a fashionista at heart. He’s incredibly cute and he knows it. Doesn’t love it all the time, but he knows it. He intends to pick up as many hobbies as possible that require legs, and his favourite is tap dancing. He tries to avoid most people, but that all goes out the window after he decides to get a Magicam account...and accidentally got Vil Schoenheit’s attention....Find Out More
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OC, (based on an anglerfish): Neo Capini Blurb: He hates that he was summoned to NRC. He despises he can’t bring his sister, he hates knowing the situation he left her in, he hates having so many people around, he hates the drama, the noise- thankfully Ignihyde is the least of all evils it seems. He stays locked away in his room, barely passing school, but doing exceedingly well on his passion projects that could very well change the world. Hopefully his main project will be done soon, and he can just keep hoping he can track down his sister ....Find Out More
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OCS Twisted From Bruce, Chum and Anchor from Finding Nemo: Bryce Newport, Chad Moslin, and  Archie Kevone. (They’re a three for one deal babes) Blurb: Being shark mermen, there’s a lot of stigma and a lot fear- but that’s alright, these three big softies are at NRC to stay, as they support each other like they always have. They are doing their best to prove that they are not inherently dangerous, and have switched to a mostly plant based diet to do so, however the tweels are happy to give them alternatives. Three big dumb idiots that balance each other out perfectly, maybe they’re meant to be more than friends...at least two of them think so...Find Out More Bryce
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OC, Twisted From Ronno, Bambi: Oisin Byrne Blurb: It’s his third year in Pomefiore, and while he doesn’t enjoy having Rook as vice housewarden, he’s kept his mouth shut and merely pushed through it, However, watching Epel go through many of the same struggles he did, he feels he’s getting closer to his limit everyday. He’s almost done here anyways, and it’s not like his family wants him either, there are really, no consequences in his mind, should he finally snap...Find Out More
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Danya Fun Facts
Name: Danya Alistrotov (Human) Dorm: N/A (Explained in Lore) Age: 16 when he died, has been a ghost for just under a century Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Height: 5'6" Homeland: ? Club: Loved Equestrian club, still visits the stables sometimes Best Subject: Animal Languages Hobbies: Late night walks Pet Peeves: Being ignored, loud people and environments Favorite Food: Ptichye Moloko Least Favorite Food: Asparagus Talent: When he was alive, he loved wood carving Signature Spell: “Mother’s Lullaby” is unique in the fact he has to sing or hum the lullaby his mother used to sing to him. It was never supposed to be his unique magic, but after loosing his mother and sister everything kind of went numb, so his spell does the same, freezing whatever it’s aimed at. Extras: ☆ he's very shy, to speak to his ghost you'll likely have to provide some kind of peace offering like a bread bun ☆ once you gain his trust he will be a very loyal guardian  ☆ his attachment/unfinished business has more to do with finding a picture of his mother and little sister so hes not ashamed of having forgotten their faces than it has to do with how he passed ☆ His homeland dorm would have been closest to Octavinelle ☆ He went by Danny sometimes in an attempt to fit in a little better, and responds happily to the name
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Danya Alistrotov
Danya Fun Facts Danya Lore
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