#archie devone
MC and OC Masterlist 1
I have so many please ask me about them they’re all so sad /hj MC/Prefect: Vizzie Castello Blurb: Isekaied from her isolated grove, she isn’t very good at handling her new environment. Prone to violence because of a rough upbringing, she does not trust magic users for the life of her, and NRC just emphasizes that. She has enchanted gauntlets fastened to her, they’ve been there since she was nine, that cover from her wrist to elbow in silver. She keeps the secret that they deflect magic casted at her best she can, so that when the opportunity arises, she can act in what she believes is justice for her father’s death. Truth be told though...the boys here are starting to grow on her....Find Out More
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OC: Aspen Zoi Blurb: The stoner of a half-fae, and gardener of NRC. A graduate of NRC from Pomefiore dorm, and former classmate of Sam’s, he spends his time in the greenhouse tending to the plants. Nobody really knows what his deal is, but he and Lilia seem to know each other...Find Out More
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OC, Twisted From Anastasia: Danya Alistrotov Blurb: Danya was a very loving, allbeit shy kid...in the 1920′s. Due to civil unrest in his homeland, his mother, a noble, was well aware that the prodigy with magic that her child was, they would not hesitate to draft him into the army. Before it could happen, she managed to scrounge the cash together to bribe his current headmage, and the one at the renowned NRC so that he would be granted a safe place to study and develop like a normal teenage boy. Separated from his family, he felt responsible when he received the news that his mother had been caught stealing money and had been executed along with his sister. He coped with long walks at night, until someone offered to join him. He didn’t mean to startle...he didn’t mean to hurt them...and he didn’t realize he would also pay with his life... Find Out More
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OC, Twisted From Jim Hawkins, Treasure Planet: Tarian Hawkins Blurb: Coming from a family of space pirates, his father found it rather easy to bribe Crowley to allow Tarian to begin his studies two years early, especially as he challenged the math and science exams- and aced them both. He needs practice with his magic, as his late mother was the reason he has it, and his dad has no idea on how to help him with it- but also, some missions are too dangerous to bring him on until he can master it. Tarian works relentlessly, and hopes that if he works hard enough, he can join his dad in the stars sooner rather than later. However this has a poor effect on his social life, which was the other reason his dad sent him to school...Find Out More
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OC (based on a Firefish): Cory Reef Blurb: A typically docile and shy Octavinelle freshman, Cory is a fashionista at heart. He’s incredibly cute and he knows it. Doesn’t love it all the time, but he knows it. He intends to pick up as many hobbies as possible that require legs, and his favourite is tap dancing. He tries to avoid most people, but that all goes out the window after he decides to get a Magicam account...and accidentally got Vil Schoenheit’s attention....Find Out More
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OC, (based on an anglerfish): Neo Capini Blurb: He hates that he was summoned to NRC. He despises he can’t bring his sister, he hates knowing the situation he left her in, he hates having so many people around, he hates the drama, the noise- thankfully Ignihyde is the least of all evils it seems. He stays locked away in his room, barely passing school, but doing exceedingly well on his passion projects that could very well change the world. Hopefully his main project will be done soon, and he can just keep hoping he can track down his sister ....Find Out More
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OCS Twisted From Bruce, Chum and Anchor from Finding Nemo: Bryce Newport, Chad Moslin, and  Archie Kevone. (They’re a three for one deal babes) Blurb: Being shark mermen, there’s a lot of stigma and a lot fear- but that’s alright, these three big softies are at NRC to stay, as they support each other like they always have. They are doing their best to prove that they are not inherently dangerous, and have switched to a mostly plant based diet to do so, however the tweels are happy to give them alternatives. Three big dumb idiots that balance each other out perfectly, maybe they’re meant to be more than friends...at least two of them think so...Find Out More Bryce
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OC, Twisted From Ronno, Bambi: Oisin Byrne Blurb: It’s his third year in Pomefiore, and while he doesn’t enjoy having Rook as vice housewarden, he’s kept his mouth shut and merely pushed through it, However, watching Epel go through many of the same struggles he did, he feels he’s getting closer to his limit everyday. He’s almost done here anyways, and it’s not like his family wants him either, there are really, no consequences in his mind, should he finally snap...Find Out More
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bughead-in-the-comics · 4 months
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From Self-Possessed, Archie: Love & Heartbreak Special (2022).
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leavingautumn13 · 5 months
For the WIP title asks:
Rising Tide (which is also a song by Sunny Day Real Estate)!
Tell me, do Kyogre and Groudon meet at the shore to enjoy a nice playdate while Maxie and Archie fight over land/water property lines like the suburban dads they are?
this ask is sending me, oh my lord. thank you--i laughed pretty hard at this :D
and this song is within the time frame of songs i'm referencing in the fic, so that's just perfect! thank you!
"color your skin with gold, and the violence remains cover your eyes with rose, but the stain remains will you repair your life with all the holes you fill? smother your will and drain you of your passion..."
oh yeah, that's going on the playlist.
as for our beloved suburban dads, i can't say too much without spoiling the last quarter or so of the fic--though i guess i have been pretty transparent about maxie actually succeeding in catching groudon. that's a thing that happens. gonna be mum about the circumstances and implications and fallout of that, though. i'm sure it turns out fine.
as for the wip itself, it's the first chapter of eye of the storm. the title refers to the circumstances that drive may to leave home in the first place--things get to be too much for her.
for a little context about my may, she's 22 at the start of the fic, and had moved out of her parents' house at 18, back when they still lived in johto. she opted to move back in with them temporarily when they moved to hoenn (instead of staying in johto by herself), and it's a choice she starts regretting very quickly. snippet under the cut. i feel like i should add a trigger warning for this as well--it's a bad situation if you've ever been in it before but pretty vague if you don't know what you're looking at. tw for implied emotional abuse, i suppose.
This was bad.
May sat on the carpeted top stair and gripped her empty mug so tightly her knuckles turned white. A faint “godsdammit” floated around the corner that led into the living room and up to her ears. Whatever her mother was fussing with down there had her, to be incredibly mild, extremely pissed off.
This was bad, but it had probably been worse at some point before. Not that May could put a finger on when, exactly; the last four years of solitude had papered over the memory of her mother’s moods with a series of perfectly pleasant lunches and borderline enjoyable outings to the movies. The tone of voice May was catching now, in snippets from the ground floor, was a knife widening the old wound of the six years before that, during their time in Olivine, after their last big move. The first time this had happened, May had been thirteen and stupidly hopeful.
She didn’t have age as an excuse this time.
Did she really need another cup of coffee? She could turn around, tail between her legs, and head back to her room. This one locked, though that might cause her more problems in the long run. She’d already endured the years of formless suspicion about why she kept her door closed all the time, and even that particularly bad summer where the door had been removed entirely. She didn’t need, didn’t want a repeat of that. Something told her the offense her mother would suffer over a locked door would be far greater than over a closed one. Teenagers were just like that, after all. From an adult it would be an insult.
Moving back in had been a massive fucking mistake.
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jugheads-choni · 3 months
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Kevin Keller and his boyfriend Devon 💕
— In Archie’s Pal: Kevin Keller
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anonbinaryweirdo · 7 months
nO therir friendship was EVERYTHING TO ME
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Alexandra and Derek they are THE friendship EVER
this might be a really old screenshot but it's so dear to me💔
that being said, it's really outdated and the features are NOT canon to present timeline (staring at that horrific tail)
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ghoststudios · 1 year
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Riverdale Yearbook Page 15! Two for one special as part 16 is coming in a second Part 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14
This page was another one of the ones I drew before, and I redid because it was a pain in an ass due to six of these characters being book exclusive characters. Anyways these are Kevin's friends/boyfriends
On this page we have! Sammie Warrens, Leon Emerson, Nicky DeMarco, Luke McPhee, Cheryl Abrams, Wendy Butler, Williams "Will" Derk, Timmy Baker, Jorge Kingston, Paul Johnson, Devon Walkers and Biff Logan.
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littleeyesofpallas · 4 months
Just spitballing some random pokethoughts...
Eternatus and the Darkest Day happened in Galar 3,000 year ago, and at the same time AZ made the Ultimate Weapon in Kalos, again 3,000 years ago.
And the two events lead to Devon co. studying Mega Evolution to develop Infinity Energy, and Macro Cosmos studying Dynamax and Power Spots to develop Rose's power plant. "Eternal" and "Infinite."
And the Eternatus power plant logo strongly resembles the new logo in the Z-A trailer.
And in Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, the Infinity Energy was ultimately used to save the day by teleporting the Delta meteor into another universe. getting Mega Rayquaza to destroy the Delta meteor. And Eternatus fell to Earth on a meteorite (20,000 years ago).
Delta(Δ) being the mathematical variable for "Change," and obviously being a play on the Greek letter motif(ΩA). And of course Alpha and Omega as a pair are best known as the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet(and the biblical "Beginning and the End")
So, go figure, ΩA is a synonym with ZA, so the title ...Z-A can be understood as "(from)The End to The Beginning," the reverse reading of A-Z as "A to Z."
There are two kings who helped defeat Eternatus who apparently at some point shared a bloodline? (Did their descendents marry later, or were the two kings already related?) Tragically their bloodline produced the brothers Shieldbert and Swordward.
AZ was a former king of Kalos and is succeeded by a younger brother from whom Lysander is descended.
King Louis XIV was dubbed "le Roi Soleil":"the Sun King" and famously obsessed over sun motifs. His Palace of Versailles is the basis of the Parfum Palace in Kalos. The Parfum Palace was built by either AZ or one of his descendents.
The Parfum Palace garden has statues of Zekrom and Reshiram
Zekrom and Reshiram were split in two from their original united form by the Hero of Truth and the Hero of Ideals, forming Unova in the process.
The Twin Heroes built the Relic Castle in what is now the Resort Desert. The Relic Castle appears to have been built "at least 2,500 years ago".
Possibly also built the Abyssal Ruins? One castle dedicated to the sun and the desert, one to the dark and the watery depths?
The Relic Castle enshrines Volcorona, "The Sun Pokemon" said to have appeared at a time when ash blacked out the sky and saved people by acting as a replacement for the sun.
Eternatus' Darkest Day involved summoning dark clouds to black out the sky.
Alder, Champion of Unova, has a Volcorona as his signature pokemon, a backstory involving losing a pokemon and wandering the region in his grief, kind of like AZ, sans the immortality.
Alder also has a flaming mane-like hair not too dissimilar to Lysandre's.
Alder is the basis of an unspecified character design in Legends Arceus who appears to be a third, perhaps seminal or unifying factor in the Maxi/Archie ancestors' Diamond and Pearl clans. A Platinum clan? The Sinnoh people? Or just a unifier, a peace maker, a mentor, or a shared ancestor?
Cogita and Volo as members of the Sinnoh people have fixations on lore keeping/seeking. Something Cynthia sort of inherits
Cynthia is from Celestic Town in Sinnoh, where Drasna said she's from originally
Zinnia is a Dragon trainer and "lorekeeper" in ORAS
Celestic Town in DPPt has a shrine that uses the same model as the one in Ilex Forest for Celebi in HGSS
Terapagos is supposed to have an ability to alter or shift timelines, relating to the presence of the Paradox Pokemon
But Black City and White Forest also seem to exist as a kind of paradox around polar opposite futurism and primitivism
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dwenerys · 1 month
Episode 3 guide
hello! this little guide contains all the options i came across while playing the early access of episode 3. i'll add amanda, roy and thomas special dialogues once the episode officially comes out and i can play their routes. i apologize if this guide is messier than the last one, but a lot of the options weren't personality-based this time.
i mostly nodded, as a sign of thanks (+ thomas) i stared at the table, a bit embarrassed (+ amanda) i joined the applause (+ devon, elenda and roy)
i really want to have the party at my place (devon and roy's illu) lets go to the park (amanda and thomas' illu)
pick devon at truth or dare
'i smiled at him…' (illu)
'the drinks. that way, we'll have the heavy stuff at the bottom of the bag'
'you, sir, can come, if you want' (illu)
during truth or dare at the home party: if rebel 'me neither, i'm not sure i'm very interested…' (+5 with devon and elenda, -5 with roy) if sweet 'i was careful not to share my opinion' (neutral) if energetic 'i wouldn't mind a few more details' (+5 with roy, -5 with devon)
uncle archi:
oh actually… do you want to come?
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sleepingzs · 2 months
mcl new gen ep. 2: where to find our fairy godfather (Uncle Archi) >>
Go to the break area before giving your summary to devon! :>
Correct answer > Yes, but nevermind... are you okay?
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yourdarlingness · 9 months
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✦ Our Life: Beginning & Always ~ themed NPT
╰ DAY 5 of @rumblepumm ' s event !
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NAMES ︙ cove . seashell . shoal . shoaliette . sholiene . ocean . oceanide . lake . river . riverine . aqua . aqua(mu)rette . aquamarine . coralle . coralette . creek . everett . evelyn . eve . teary . tearie . tweary . tearfall(e) . teardrop . poppy . popp(i)ette . poppeine . lee . lily . leslie / lesley . lynn . francine . jackie . ari . aria . arielle . claire . elizabeth . liz / lizzy / lizzie . lizette . elyssa . elysia . reagan . noe . lain . macy . baxter . bax . baxley . barley . oakley . alexander . oliver . ollie . spade . mono . vince . victor . vincent . vinny . chester . derek . darren . dylan . daryl . darcy . darlene . devon . jaime . jamie . james . jay . taylor . harper . ash(e) . paula . pamela . pauline . miranda . randy . marissa . margot . sage . faith . melissa . terry . alex . robin . radley . marshall . max . chase . jeremy . archie . jayden . jonathan . misery . miserine . miser(i)ette . kyra . kyla . kylie . kyrelle . kier . sydney . chantel(le) . eleanor . shiloh . scout . asher . willow . adam . scott . jude . jade
PRNS ︙ sea . wa / wave . sea / shell / seashell . sea / foam / seafoam . sea / bun / seabun . wae / water / waterfall . pud / puddle . su / surf . ae / aqua . tea / tear(y) . shy . cry . fi / fish . swi / swim . co / cor / coral . pop / poppy . li / lily . da / dance . ste / steps . rhy / rhythm . mo(e) / mono . wa / waltz . fe / fetch . fri / friends . mie / mis / misery . si / silly . lo / love . ado / adore . he(a) / heart . 💧 . 🌊 . 🐚 . 🦈 . 🦑 . 🦞 . ⛴️ . 🚢 . ⛵ . 🎹 . ♠️ . ♣️ . 🖤 . 🎧 . 🎵 . 🎶 . 🎼 . ⚽ . 🏈
TITLES ︙ the alluring mermaid/merman/merperson . the heart of the sea . the [x] / prn who was washed ashore . prns graceful/tidal wave . prn whose soul is pure . the [x] with a peaceful life . prn who surfs . the lady / maiden / [x] of the deep sea . the one who sets sail . the [x] in the sea of stars . prns aquatic adventure . the [x] in coral reefs . prn who swims with fishes/sharks/etc (any aquatic animals) . the [x] of the blue waves . the seashell collector . the master of waltz . the born dancer / prn who is a born dancer . the ballroom dancer . the divine dancer . the charming dancer . the Victorian-era emo man . the one of all smiles . prn who is monochromatic . prn who moves flawlessly . the dancer of arts . the one with conflicting feelings . the [x] whose story begins . prns prologue . prns beginnings . prns start of dreams . prns opening acts/chapter . the [x]'s new beginnings . prns new chapter . prns divine plot twist
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[x] — any nouns ; examples below
the angel who was washed ashore
the ghost whose story begins
the boy of the blue waves
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sorry that its long :3
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gacougnol · 5 months
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James Ravilious (English, 1939 – 1999)
Archie Parkhouse with ivy for sheep
Millhams, Dolton, Devon, England, 1975
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Bryce, Chad And Archie Rambles
The three of them grew up together, and while Bryce sees them as brothers, unfortunately Chad and Archon both have romantic feelings for Bryce, completely oblivious to the fact that the other is in the same boat. They won't act on it though bc they're happy in the friendship they have right now, and don't really know how to process that they are The Gay. They and the Tweels are well acquainted, while the tweels are more hesitant to accept this, these boys are happy to put them in a headlock and give them a noogie as a form of greeting. Because yes. All three of them are bigger, Chad being the shortest and only taller than Floyd by two inches (just shy of 6'4), Archie at 6'7, and Bryce at 6'9. Seven help anyone who's around when this happens, because Floyd wet noodles, causes Bryce, specifically, to panic, and as soon as he's let go he tackles them and it becomes a friendly sparring/fighting match. I would like to think Jade is mostly touch averse, so the moment he hears any Bryce or Archie coming, he gets ready to hurl them away from him over his shoulder. Their only response is laughter, so they never learn not to do it, its just fun, and honestly gives Jade a chance to blow off just a liiiiittle steam. Azul is horrified and terrified, as soon as he hears them coming he makes himself scarce, but they do have VIP privileges at the lounge because of the sheer amount they eat + consequently, spend money. Jade is their biggest supporter in them trying to go vegetarian, with a lot of mushroom dishes, which is partially why he's not eager to be anything but kind. When Bryce struggles with his need for meat, Jade reassures him that on land there is an option that allows him to eat eggs and fish still, and gives him iron supplements to help with his cravings. This is part of their effort after it was made clear the last time shark mers attended NRC there was a bit of an....Incident. They want to prove that not all sharks are scary or prone to act on violence, and actually suffer more judgement from the teachers than their peers, but they've got each other to keep their spirits up, and to keep each other in check when needed. All three of them are on Octavinelle's small spelldrive team....not very many people were interested, meaning Bryce got to be the captain. They aren't exactly the best, but they give their all and have a lot of fun. Bryce is built like a fucking tank, looks shredded, feels squishy if you know what I mean. He's a really really nice guy, but so many people are intimidated by his sheer size that they don't even bother getting to know him. He really loves chipmunks so small and whenever he can hold them he does. What he really wants to hold is a sugar glider though and he insists his life will be perfect if he can. He loves small animals in general. He's barely gliding by in school, straight C student except in Phys. Ed and Animal Languages. It's not really his fault though, the Alchemy classroom isn't really built for someone his size, and the desks are never comfortable enough for him to be able to really focus. Its not until he asks- rather, Archie asks on his behalf if he can take notes standing up at the back of the class so he's comfortable and not in anyone’s way. After that and some tutoring from Archie, baby boy is able to raise his grades to B-B+.  He's a bit of a himbo. Please be gentle with him. If he's getting picked on, he will start to loose his temper, as anyone would, but he's oblivious to his strength making it more dangerous than it normally is. Archie is the "smart" one. He's also the fucking weird one. He's a sleeper built person, meaning he looks like a string-bean but if he flexes he’s ripped. He keeps Bryce out of messes best he can, so when he’s about to loose his temper, he will run at him full speed and knock him over just yelling "INTERVENTION". It makes Bryce laugh most of the time, but once they leave the area Bryce needs a hug and Archie, though a little shy, is happy to give him one. Archie gets straight A's, but he has extreme self esteem issues. He really doesn't like Vil, because of his own insecurities. He would never admit it, but he has a little fish stuffie he sleeps with named "Benny". He found it in a shipwreck, but it had a preserve spell on it so it never fell apart. Clearly someone loved it before him, so he would love it for them now. Archie and Chad often butt heads, but its in a fun way. If he's ever alone, he's perfectly content to just dwell on his thoughts. When Jade does throw him, he doesn’t really understand why, because he knows Jade doesn’t want to be touched, he's usually just coming to ask if he knows where Bryce is. Jade seems to enjoy throwing him though, so he says nothing. He takes a liking to Cory, but can't really show it?? Because Jade get's weird about it/possessive over the little guy. (I still don’t know what that’s about). But Cory reminds him of his little fish stuffie lmao. Chad is a little more prone to anxiousness and has separation anxiety with his friends. He's fidgety, and while he hates lying to his friends, he eats beef jerky as his guilty pleasure whenever he can, BUT he makes sure to go to Savanaclaw to do so so that he doesn’t smell as suspicious. He and Ruggie become good friends because while he is HUNGRY he will share. Chad can relate to Grim in that his stomach is a bottomless pit. He has a fish hook as a nose piercing still, yes. When he was younger he did attend a rather posh school, and his accent was learned there from a caretaker. (This is actual lore?? I didn’t twist this but I feel like NOBODY knows???? I certainly didn't and I need to share it.) Though once he swam away he ended up with a much rough and tumble group before meeting Archie and Bryce. Despite his attempt to show that he won't eat meat, Bryce knows it's difficult for him and his metabolism, and always carries a snack for him that’s protein packed. Chad is the fastest flyer, sprinter and swimmer in Octavinelle. Bryce really likes cross stitch, he finds it very relaxing, but he also likes knitting and crochet I think Jack occasionally asks him for tips and sometimes they'll just vibe in Jack's room and knit together Jack is a little embarrassed Bryce is not at all they would go to Bryce's room, but Bryce enjoys the sunlight Jacks room gets Chad is a sports drink addict (SO much gatorade in one man, nobody knows how its physically fucking possible). Makos are considered a trophy shark, so I feel like Rook takes pictures whenever he can to send to whichever one of his siblings specializes moreso in fishing than hunting....  Archie, Azul, and Idia regularly have puzzle battles (fucking nerds) These three become Tarian's protection squad after he repairs something on the fly that they broke by accident Tarian is oblivious to this, but loves them all the same Sometimes when they come into his little makeshift shop, Bryce will help with any heavy lifting, Archie reviews the formulas and Chad...brings snacks.
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Happy Valentine’s Day from Archie and Amisha, Chuck and Nancy, Josie and Alan M, Harper and Eliza, Jughead and Betty, Kevin and Devon, Veronica and Reggie, Midge and Moose, and Dilton and Janet the Robot! ♥
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mamasplat · 4 months
Why do I care so much about deciphering character ages in Pokemon?
Simply put, angst. Or in long terms-
The art of storytelling is not so cut and dry, anyone with basic media literacy knows this. There is so much subtext and unspoken information that rings loudly in the implications of a story, something as simple as the age of an MC will dictate how heavily their experiences will affect them. Using the Gen6 games as examples (XY and Omega Ruby specifically)
By figuring out where to place Calem Serena and Zinnia in age, the story they live through gains added context. They all share the same bracket of 18-19 meaning they are in they’re late late teens and budding into the incoming subconscious weight of young adulthood, the subconscious urge to be stronger and reckless to prove yourself as capable in the real world; while still being young and having so much to learn. They have further motive to get involved in the heavy actions they take and will fall and break down even harder when they fail. Such is the right of growing up.
And for more adult characters, the same still holds true.
Doing the same thing I did with the kalos protags age by calculating off of a canon characters official age (emma) and then taking into account mannerisms dialogue and design; Admin Tabitha from team magma is officially 27, stated by himself. So going off of the work place hierarchy, Leader Maxie with his experience and status should be in his late 40s to maybe early 50s, making him the prime age for an early onset midlife crisis, linking that to his past relationships with Archie and the reasoning for making his team, his clear strong sense of justice even if misplaced, you have a man who can quickly spiral into a rather pitiful sight if pushed too hard in the wrong direction. First he bares his teeth, then he whines. Like a scared dog trying to protect itself and the image he has made for himself.
Meanwhile Courtney who is evidently more experienced than Tabitha is confirmed to have been with the team longer than him, as his paperwork is still seated on her desk, seems to be in her early 20s, I originally assumed she was in her mid 20s but then she released in pokemon masters and I was able to study her behavior more closely, she has this uncanny glimpse of childlike wonder at times that makes me believe she’s maybe younger than Tabitha, that added to the fact Tabitha seems to look out for her with her social struggles, almost taking on a brotherly role it seems.
Her being in her early twenties adds more weight to her codependency on Maxie as well as her reckless devotion, she’s younger and somewhat impressionable, she’s not against violent action to protect her passions.
And because I was able to gather Courtney had more experience while being younger I can come to the conclusion that it’s very possible Courtney was a science prodigy of some sort, as she is known in her field. And seeing she’s been with team magma longer and has evident close bonds with Maxie, it’s even more possible they worked together when she was younger.
Originally that led me to the thought she might have worked in relation to the Devon corporation, but with the art of visual storytelling in Sea Mauville, it’s not insane to assume Archie and Maxie may have worked together with the Mauville Corporation and that’s what makes them so jaded in modern day, a bad work environment being a stepping stone to their fall from grace. By Sea Mauville’s writings alone I don’t see them being against overworking a young teen prodigy. It’s possible maybe leader Maxie knew Courtney from his time there and brought her onto his team when the company went under. (This also means I need to retcon tf out of my in character Courtney blog.)
This also can explain Courtney’s role playing more into a team disciplinary, her time in Sea Mauville so young could’ve taught her to be more aggressive in order to earn her respect and get better outcome from rookie labor, as it’s heavily shown grunts seem to fear Courtney in some respects.
And ALL of this is merely the writing on the wall I can read when I take into account the age of our cast
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 3 months
EAH OCs Finally!
After my fancast (so so proud of it!), finally here to introduce my Ever After High ocs! Gonna tag @manyfandomocs my boy bc it's totally his fault. 🥺💚
Albert "Albie" White - future White King; while the White Queen and his sister Chessie escaped Wonderland, he was left behind and trapped in his world Goes to Wonderland High; Chase Redford ship FC: Archie Renaux
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Raya Genie - the future Genie In The Lamp; a Rebel because they don't want to live most of their life trapped in a lamp Her roommate is Meeshell Mermaid; TBD ship FC: Nora Dari
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Mayura Peacock - future Peacock Princess; absolutely Royal baby; has so many different names in different languages so simply goes by Peacock lol Her roommate is Farrah Goodfairy; TBD ship FC: Natasha Liu Bordizzo
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Fauve Pan - future Peter Pan; refused to pick a side until Poppy came out with the "Roybel" thing and she simply loved it lol Her roommate and ship is Wisteria Darling (and they were roommates lmao) FC: Madelyn Cline
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Wisteria Darling - future Wendy Darling; former Royal, becomes a Rebel because she wants to have her happy ending with her love and not grow up and marrying someone else like her mother Her roommate and ship is Fauve Pan (and they were roommates!) FC: Bailee Madison
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Eileen Hook - future Captain Hook; Royal bc she can't wait to have her own ship, crew and generally being a pirate (well, she would prefer not give up her hand, but is ready to do it if she needs to) Her roommate is Melody Piper; Cerise Hood ship FC: Melissa Barrera
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Clarion Nutcracker - future Nutcracker; Rebel just out of spite bc she actually likes her future, but wants to be a nightmare for Milton that bitch; absolutely not named after Clara idk what you're talking about Her roommate is Duchess Swan; TBD ship FC: Sadie Soverall
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Janice Grimm - future Milton Grimm aka keeper of the stories; acts like she stands for her father's rules, actually wants just to burn down the Storybook Of Legends bc she doesn't want to curse and lock up her baby brother for years and years duh (also, she wants her friends to be free to choose their own stories and not be their parents); Her roommate is Darling Charming; TBD ship FC: Kaylee Bryant
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Wallace Grimm - future Giles Grimm; he's sure to be adopted so he doesn't actually worry too much about his destiny since he thinks he can break the rules by being not related by blood; also, everyone else at first think he doesn't have a destiny bc they don't know about Giles existence; follows mostly Royal subjects so... technically a royal? But after Poppy he's way more a Roybel His roommate is Sparrow Hood; Hunter & Ashlynn ship FC: Hunter Doohan
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Damita Danish - future Princess On The Pea; Royal baby; mainly lives on vibes; only thing that I know for sure that she has so many troubles with sleeping and she hates that Her roommate is Rosabella Beauty; TBD ship FC: Millie Bobby Brown (might get recasted ngl)
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Devon Gale - future Dorothy Gale; 100% Royal since he can't wait to visit Oz (but he understands why some of his friends want to have a different destiny) His roommate is Alistair Wonderland; TBD ship FC: Joshua Bassett
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ribbononline · 2 years
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Personalised post ORAS teams featuring… Everyone! Wahoo!
Funni lore bits for those who are interested;
Torkoal - His first Pokémon, caught as a child. Suspecting to have been very old even then, it’s nonetheless going strong. Aloof and uncaring, most people are surprised to hear it’s one of Tabithas Pokémon. It doesn’t battle. 
Armaldo - Obtained in his Devon days when working on the Hoenn fossil revival project. One of the very first successes, Tabitha decided to take care of the then Anorith themselves. It often helps him keep order among the grunts. 
Skarmory - Caught after beginning to work for team Magma, wanting a Pokémon that could fly. It often carries supplies and never tires. Much like Armaldo, it often helps keep order among the grunts. 
Donphan - Caught during his work for team Magma. Found ruining crops, he defeated it and took it with him. The shiny patches show up as rust, and the health problems from that were found causing it to act out. Making sure it’s healthy, it’s now their strongest battler, even it still acts moody towards others. 
Tentacruel - Her first Pokémon, caught as a Tentacool as a child. Due to it’s extending tentacles, it’s an invaluable team member for rescue missions. It helps often with training the grunts in battle. 
Kingdra - Caught as a Horsea as a child. Despite being fairly standoffish towards others, it’s very close to her. She often has it explore new terrain for her. 
Milotic - Caught in her Devon days in her free time. The Pokémons living space had been disturbed by new developments, leaving it wandering. She took it in afterwards. 
Gyarados - Caught in her early Aqua days. Found rampaging after evolving, she defeated it and took it with her to prevent future issues. Due to Milotics ability to calm raging spirits with it’s beauty, they became battle partners. 
Marill - His first Pokémon, caught for him by his older sibling. It’s very playful and likes to battle, even though it never seemed to want to evolve. 
Pelipper - Caught shortly after Marill as a Wingull. Nowadays, due to it’s ability to carry things safely in its beak, its often used when relocating smaller fish Pokémon to safer waters.
Crawdaunt - Caught as a Corphish just before joining team Aqua. Due to it’s tough pincers, it’s Matts main fighter on the team. Overall however, it’s a remarkably friendly Pokémon for it’s kind, mainly due to good training from Matt back from before it evolved.
Wailord - Caught during the team Aqua days. The grunts found it stranded on the beach, and couldn’t push it back to the ocean. Matt eventually figured the best way to relocate it would be to catch it and then release it in deeper waters. It chose to stay with him however, and is now a celebrity amongst the grunts who love to fetch a ride on it.
Whismur - Caught in her teens, and her first Pokémon. She thought it was cute and took it along. It doesn’t battle, though she uses it’s ear shattering abilities sometimes to not have to deal with people she doesn’t like. 
Skitty - Originally the pet her parents had at home. She took it with her once she moved out for college. It doesn’t battle, but it’s quite good at stealing whatever she asks for. 
Claydoll - Caught as a Baltoy during college. She wanted a Pokémon that could protect her during expeditions into cave systems. Due to it’s psychic abilities, it helps her out in the lab a lot. 
Ninetales - Caught as a Vulpix during college. She saw it on a field trip, thought it was cute and caught it, despite not having much room left at home. After it evolved, it became a very capable battler.
Maxie n Archie already got their teams lore here!
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