windclan — year ten — newleaf
vanillaeye dies, along with silverantler and slightfoot.
patchpaw dies.
blizzardkit, dappledkit, and iciclekit die.
halobriar has two kits, alyssumkit (white she-cat with cream ears) and deerkit (pale brown she-cat with red and white patches, and hazel eyes).
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horned-clan · 9 days
Hello! Sorry I haven't been posting as much. Recently, I've gotten into college and being autistic about some of my other hyperfixations for a few months. But, I thought I would drop some art and lore! Specifically, who the mother of Mousestar's kits are!
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This is Flutterdust (the middle) and she's a warrior from a clan that residences on the nearby hill, Rosemary Clan. She's a daring warrior and she's a guardian. Her parent's were two gay medicine cats and she has 3 other siblings in her litter, along with 3 adopted siblings. She's also poly, and that's how she got into a fling with Mousestar. He didn't like having to share Flutterdust so he broke off their relationship, but she had kits and they decided they should live in Horned Clan. She has had three other partners, Wildmane (right), her mate of many moons, Rivernose, who was murdered by Flutterdust's mentor (Insane, ik), and Paloma (left), her most recent partner that was definitely enemies to lovers. They also have kits, so Bubblingkit, Sleepykit, Sandykit, Hatchkit, and Dappledkit have halfsiblings and stepsiblings!
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From left to right, we have: -Yewspot -Fawnfruit -Grasspatch -Weedclaw -Lilackit
I love them and I hope they show up more in the story. Also, in the family tree, you get a sneak peak of the adult versions of the kits! Hooray!
I hope to get Year 2 out soon, whenever I have the time. Thank you for your patience and support!
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phloxclan · 27 days
Moon 63
Storkpaw earns the full name Storktangle.
Loudkit refuses to leave the nursery, complaining of joint pain. Upon inspection, her joints appear to be inflamed, and it seems to be a chronic condition.
Mottledleaf and Trouble save Halfsnap and Lemonlily from foxes, but both are injured in the process.
A queen with 2 kits and a young kittypet join the clan. Ottercinder - Brown speckled molly with bronze eyes, 47 moons, daring, deep Dark Forest bond, learner of lore. Clawkit - White tom with ginger spots and bronze eyes, noisy, quick to help, paralyzed. Cloverkit - Tortie molly with amber eyes, know-it-all, restless sleeper. Mumblepaw - Brown tabby molly with green eyes and long fur, 9 moons, childish, quick-witted, apprenticed to Starlinggleam.
Moon 64
Umberstar has been having nightmares about Copseshiver.
Lemonlily and Halfsnap have heat exhaustion - Halfsnap believes she's meant for something greater.
Hollyshock comes out as nonbinary.
Birchfern recovers from yellowcough.
Dappledkit is also snoring and panting, and the healers discover she has weak lungs. 2 of Canopytail's 3 kits have permanent conditions. Whether this is caused by the stressful birth during/directly after the flood or her long infection before the birth, the healers aren't sure. They are watching Honeykit carefully, though.
Palepaw finds an abandoned kit while on patrol. She brings him home, insisting that he's her new brother. Aspenswipe and Coppersight resist, but one look at the kit changes that, and he is immediately adopted. Sandkit - Ginger tom with hazel eyes, 3 moons, daring, never sits still.
Moon 65
Mumblepaw and Ravenpaw become warriors - Mumblepelt and Ravenfleck.
Willowpaw is apprenticed to Sloemallow.
Graytooth sprains a paw while jumping off a rock. During her treatment, she learns she's expecting kits!
Wisteriaheart has heat exhaustion. Mottledleaf's wound is infected.
Canopytail is injured protecting Peatwish from a fox.
A flash flood sweeps Nissan, Riverpaw, and Flailbubble away.
Fennelspeckle is injured in a battle with rogues.
A loner is rescued from dogs and joins the clan. Beech - Ginger tom with copper eyes and long fur, 16 moons, ambitious, talented swimmer.
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marineclan · 1 month
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Caterpillarheart - Warrior
Ambitious, lore master
Bio below:
One of Caterpillarheart's parents, Frogchirp, died before she was born. Her littermate, Puddlepaw, died while they were apprentices. Her other parent, Saltspring, died shortly after the birth of her halfsibling, Clamkit. Because Saltspring died while saving Dappledkit, Caterpillarheart struggled to determine her feelings toward the younger cat. At times she tried to ask the kit what he remembered about the event that killed her parent, but the questioning clearly upset him and she never found a way to talk about it in a way that felt appropriate.
Caterpillarheart struggled to resolve her feelings about the loss of her parents, and found herself unable to step in to help Clamkit. She had only just become a warrior herself and was in desperate need of guidance. To make matters worse, her romantic life seemed  doomed from the beginning. She was very attracted to Crookedstar, and he seemed to reciprocate her feelings despite having a mate. The relationship intimidated her greatly, so she never acted on it. The most she could do was try to avoid him as much as possible.
Dejected, Caterpillarheart next found herself interested in Lavenderstripe. The older shecat was more mature than her, but Caterpillarheart craved a stable kind of love. Watching Lavenderstripe choose another cat as her mate was painful. There  were several other candidates for Caterpillarheart's affections over the years, mostly older cats who had already settled down with families of their own. Just like with Crookedstar, she never acted on those desires and kept her distance from her clanmates.
Caterpillarheart ultimately felt most comfortable with the younger cats. She particularly enjoyed training apprentices. Their youthful naivety was something she could relate to, and she was happy to teach them practical skills. She focused on teaching as much as possible in order to distract herself from desires that felt unresolvable.
Things changed when Lavenderstripe's mate passed away. Although Caterpillarheart did her best to keep her distance, not wanting to stir up any old feelings, Lavenderstripe sought her out instead. Caterpillarheart felt immensely awkward about it at first, but Lavenderstripe was lonely and clearly missed her after so many years of emotional distance. Gradually, over several moons, Caterpillarheart couldn't help falling properly in love with her. She gathered enough courage to confess her feelings, and Lavenderstripe's hesitant answer didn't surprise her. Of course she still loved her mate, and of course she hadn't moved on from him yet. When Caterpillarheart assured her that that was perfectly fine, Lavenderstripe agreed to become her mate. After so many years of fighting her feelings, it felt surreal to embrace them for once.
Lavenderstripe was already in her twilight years, so their relationship was fairly short-lived. Caterpillarheart was forced to mourn her new mate after only a few short years. Tragically, Clamgale also passed away soon after her own mate, leaving Caterpillarheart without any living family members. There were few kits in the clan at that point, so she had to content herself with telling stories and giving advice to the younger warriors when they bothered to listen.
Caterpillarheart took longer than most cats to retire. Years of grief had taken their toll on her, and she was still relatively young when she succumbed to a case of whitecough. In Starclan she discovered that Lavenderstripe had reunited with her previous mate and decided not to resume their relationship. As much as she loved the other shecat she wanted to prioritize her own reunions with family she'd lost far too early.
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auroraclangen · 1 year
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More kits with outsider roots lol.. and Weedpatch is not happy. After all, she and Stonebeetle have had a crush on each other for a bit, and now she’s discovered that he loves someone else outside the clan :0
Some more minor events: Badgerkit got kittencough (uh oh I hope he recovers-)
And here are written descriptions for all the current members of AURORACLAN! :D
Leopardstar (fierce, very clever) - a white and ginger tabby tom with eyes of sunlit ice.
Weedpatch (bloodthirsty, den builder) - a pale tabby she-cat with blue eyes.
Streaktail (charismatic, good climber) - a long-furred black and white tom with pale blue eyes.
Raccoonpoppy (strict, impressive climber, good speaker) - an unusually spotted black tom with grey eyes.
Weaseldaisy (nervous, good swimmer) - a long-furred dark ginger smoke and white tom with bronze eyes.
Stonebeetle (sincere, good swimmer, good fighter) - a long-furred pale grey tabby tom with amber eyes.
Cindertooth (daring, good climber, good hunter) - a long-furred white she-cat with pale yellow eyes.
Antpaw (strict, constantly climbing) - a black ticked she-cat with cobalt blue eyes.
Skypaw (responsible, avid play-fighter) - a black/ginger calico she-cat with pale blue eyes.
Primrosepaw (nervous, confident with words, quick witted) - a speckled black tom with eyes of sunlit ice.
Floodkit (daring, quick to make peace) - a dorsal-striped ginger and white tom with bronze eyes.
Lionkit (impulsive) - a white and ginger tom with cobalt blue eyes.
Slopearch (childish, fast runner) - a long-furred cream/dark grey tortoiseshell she-cat with cyan eyes.
Rimekit (noisy, avid play-fighter) - a white and dorsal-striped grey tom with pale blue eyes.
Silverkit (nervous, splashes in puddles) - a grey smoke and white she-cat with grey eyes.
Ramkit (nervous, constantly climbing) - a dorsal-striped black and white tom with amber eyes.
Lowkit (know-it-all, constantly climbing) - a pale and white tom with pale blue eyes.
Badgerkit (troublesome, constantly climbing) - a black and white tom with pale blue eyes.
Whirlkit (sweet) - an unusually spotted silver she-cat with cyan eyes.
Roachkit (sweet) - an unusually dappled silver she-cat with amber eyes.
Dewkit (daring) - a tortoiseshell she-cat with one bronze eye and one cyan eye.
Dappledkit (daring) - a pale ticked tom with pale blue eyes.
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anoddworld · 1 year
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Hootfur bro you do not need another apprentice! 5 more than enough!! You do not need Dappledkit!
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pikaclan · 5 months
Moon 318
Overarching Events
PikaClan doesn't have enough healthy medicine cats PikaClan doesn't have enough prey for next moon
Pikepaw disappears for a few days, then returns to camp with a purple bell collar
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Avalanchebeetle is unsure how many kits they'll have Tadpolemoor wakes from another nightmare, feeling they're haunted by the ones they grieve Echocaw dazedly rolls around in their nest, searching for a cooler spot. Their exhaustion is beyond just a little thing, and their confused brain still has enough power to recognize full heat stroke Frogcry recovered from heat exhaustion Hazypaw has a running nose Icydaze healed from their bite-wound but will forever be marked from a scar, and is no longer suffering from shock
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Dappledkit makes stinky faces at Tigerkit for seemingly no reason (medium negative effect)
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Pikepaw overheard Wingpaw spreading a hurtful rumor (high negative effect)
Probably about the new kittypet collar
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It starts snowing soon after the patrol sets out, trying to bring back something for the fresh-kill pile (proceed) Despite the snow, the patrol manages to hunt successfully, lurking where the pika are trying to stock their dens for leaf-bare. As Loudstar leads them home there's a sense of security and competence driving them onward
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cloudclan-minnowclan · 10 months
Cloudclan Year 2
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Marigoldstar → Adventurous and Very Smart 
| Female | 22 moons
Medicine Cat 
Freezefreckle → Lonesome and Clairvoyant | Female | 22 moons
Antlerfern → Patient | 15 moons | Male
Egretkit → Daring | Female | 3 moons
Dappledkit → Sweet | Male | 3 moons
Rabbitkit → Troublesome | Female | 3 moons
Dappledsun → Male | 15 moons | Patient and Good Speaker
Medicine Cats
Freezefreckle → 34 moons | Female | Lonesome and Clairvoyant 
Rabbitnut → 15 moons | Female | Empathetic and Dreamwalker
Antlerfern → 27 moons | Male | Patient 
Egretspeckle → Altruistic and Good Hunter | Female | 15 moons
Darkpaw → Calm | Male | 6 moons | Egretspeckle 
Softpaw → Lonesome | Female | 6 moons | Antlerfern 
Pearpaw → Faithful | Female | 6 moons | Dappledsun
Freezefreckle is telling a story to Dappledkit 
Rabbitkit is hiding under a bush from Antlerfern but can't stop giggling
Dappledkit is complaining about Antlerfern 
Egretkit had a fight with Dappledkit 
Antlerfern explains to Egretkit for the fourth time today about hunting techniques 
Marigoldstar is talking with Egretkit 
Marigoldstar held a meeting but forgot what to say
Freezefreckle is listening to stories
Egretkit is feeling lazy
Dappledkit is picking burrs from his pelt
Rabbitkit wants to snuggle
Antlerfern is feeling under appreciated 
Marigoldstar is talking with Rabbitkit 
Freezefreckle had a argument with Dappledkit 
Rabbitkit is mocking Freezefreckle 
Egretkit races Dappledkit 
Antlerfern is sharing prey with Rabbitkit 
Dappledkit is hiding under a bush from Marigoldstar but keeps giggling 
Freezefreckle is craving rabbit
Egretkit wonders who her mentor will be
Dappledkit is thinking of how awful kittypet food is
Rabbitkit is chasing her tail
Antlerfern is staring off into space.
Marigoldstar found a kit but they died :(
Egretpaw → Altruistic | Female | Marigoldstar 
Dappledpaw → Patient | Male | Antlerfern 
Rabbitpaw → Empathetic | Female | Freezefreckle 
Freezefreckle is making jokes about Rabbitpaw 
Egretpaw is telling a story to Marigoldstar 
Antlerfern is giving advice to Egretpaw
Dapplepaw is sharing prey with Egretpaw 
Rabbitpaw complains about Freezefreckle 
Marigoldstar is sharing prey with Freezefreckle 
Marigoldstar is relaxing
Freezefreckle is running low on Tansy
Egretpaw is learning 
Dappledpaw is happy 
Rabbitpaw is napping 
Egretpaw had her first catch! A fish
Marigoldstar loves all her kits with her daughters being her favorites [Egretpaw and Rabbitpaw]
Adores her wife Freezefreckle 
Freezefreckle loves her wife. Hates Rabbitpaw. Has a small dislike of Dapplepaw but he is her favorite kit. Egretpaw is liked by her 
Egretpaw adores her mom and likes everyone else just fine. She does have equal dislike and like for Dappledpaw lol
Which is mutual for Dapplepaw 
Dappledpaws favorite parent is Freezefreckle and favorite sibling is Rabbitpaw 
Rabbitpaw ♡
She barely likes Egretpaw, Dapplepaw is her favorite sibling, Marigoldstar is her favorite parent as she loves her a lot. She Hates Freezefreckle and I mean 0 like and 100% hate
She likes Antlerfern just fine
Antlerfern is sad he just has small like for Rabbitpaw and Egretpaw
Marigoldstar lost 3 of her 9 lives to whitecough at 26 moons 
Freezefreckle told a story to Egretpaw 
Egretpaw is frustrated with Antlerfern not finishing his duties seriously 
Dapplepaw is mocking Egretpaw 
Antlerfern is watching Rabbitpaw perform a good hunting crouch
Marigoldstar is sharing prey with Freezefreckle 
Rabbitpaw had a fight with Dapplepaw 
Marigoldstar is eating 
Freezefreckle is feeling lazy
Egretpaw is Nervous 
Dapplepaw is craving Shrew
Rabbitpaw is feeling under appreciated 
Egretpaw found a injured cat but they already were dead 
Marigoldstar chatting with Dapplepaw 
Dapplepaw explains hunting techniques to Rabbitpaw 
Freezefreckle had a huge argument with Antlerfern 
Antlerfern explains hunting techniques to Egretpaw 
Egretpaw had a argument with Dapplepaw 
Rabbitpaw had a argument with Antlerfern 
Marigoldstar almost lost another life
Freezefreckle is looking for a place to chill without others
Egretpaw craving Rabbit
Dapplepaw again chattering with birds
Rabbitpaw is looking for herbs
Antlerfern is sparring with clan mates
Antlerfern and Dappledpaw found an abandoned kit but they died
Marigoldstar is wearing pretty feathers (Jay feathers)
Marigoldstar and Freezefreckle had 3 more kits (Marigoldstar carried this time)
Darkkit → Male | Polite 
Softkit → Female | Polite 
Pearkit → Female | Bossy
Antlerfern gave Egretpaw a task
Freezefreckle complains about Egretpaw 
Egretpaw complains about Marigoldstar 
Dapplepaw and Rabbitpaw watch shooting stars
Rabbitpaw is talking with Antlerfern 
Marigoldstar is sharing prey with Antlerfern 
Freezefreckle is organizing the herb stores
Egretpaw craving shrew
Dapplepaw listening to a story he heard many times
Rabbitpaw wishes for an extra set of paws
Antfern is sparring
Freezefreckle is complaining about Egretpaw 
Darkkit complains about Dapplepaw 
Antlerfern complains about Marigoldstar 
Dapplepaw tells Egretpaw a story
Softkit is pretending to be Dapplepaw 
Marigoldstar is telling Darkkit a story
Rabbitpaw is listening to Softkit 
Pearkit js hiding from Egretpaw but js giggling
Egretpaw is sharing prey with Rabbitpaw 
Freezefreckle is tending to herbs
Egretpaw is napping 
Dapplepaw is humming 
Rabbitpaw is watching Softkit really hard.
Antlerfern is feeling down
Antlerfern is watching Softkit 
Softkit is telling a story to Rabbitpaw 
Freezefreckle telling a story to Dapplepaw 
Pearkit is demanding Freezefreckle's attention 
Dapplepaw explains hunting techniques to Rabbitpaw 
Marigoldstar is sharing prey with Freezefreckle 
Rabbitpaw had an argument with…
👏 Wow Rabbitpaw amazing /s
Egretpaw can't wait to be a warrior
Dapplepaw almost choked on prey
Rabbitpaw is interpreting a Prophecy 
Darkkit is craving vole
Softkit is feeling content 
Egretspeckle → Altruistic and Good Hunter | Female | 12 moons 
Dappledsun → Patient and Good Speaker | Male | 12 moons
Rabbitnut → Empathetic and Dream Walker | Female | 12 moons 
Pearkit had a argument with Dappledsun
Rabbitnut had a argument with Antlerfern 
Dappledsun complains about Pearkit 
Marigoldstar had a fight with Rabbitnut
Darkkit talking with Dappledsun
Freezefreckle is telling Egretspeckle a story
Antlerfern is telling Egretspeckle a story
Egretspeckle trips over Pearkit 
Softkit is pretending to be Freezefreckle 
Marigoldstar is feeling blessed
Freezefreckle thinks she is alone in her thoughts and beliefs 
Egretspeckle basking in the sun
Dappledsun js standing guard outside of camp
Rabbitnut is humming to herself
Antlerfern is craving rabbit
Darkkit is feeling down
Softkit is pestering older cats to play 
Pearkit doesn't want to grow up
Marigoldstar drowned on patrol :( she died at 31 moons
Freezefreckle is complaining about Antlerfern 
Dappedsun is complaining about Antlerfern 
Pearkit is playing hide and seek with Rabbitnut
Darkkit had a argument with Dappledsun
Softkit sticks her tongue out at Dappledsun 
Rabbitnut had a fight with Pearkit
Antlerfern is sharing prey with Freezefreckle 
Egretspeckle complains about Rabbitnut 
Freezefreckle is making new nests
Egretspeckle is having a hard day
Dappledsun is trying to set a good example for his siblings 
Antlerfern told Dappledsun a joke
The kits are playing
Dappledsun complemented Antlerferns hunting techniques 
The rest is siblings fighting and arguing 
Freezefreckle is complaining about Softkit.
I prompted Dappledsun to leader
I paired Dappledsun and Antlerfern together ❤ 
Freezefreckle is feeling content 
Egretspeckle is feeling a sense of dread
Dappledsun wants kits
Rabbitnut notices a apprentice struggling at a gathering and offers help
Antlerfern is curious about other clans
Darkkit js having a good day
Softkit is craving Vole
Pearkit thinks they are going crazy
Darkpaw → Calm | Male | 6 moons | Egretspeckle 
Softpaw → Lonesome | Female | 6 moons | Antlerfern 
Pearpaw → Faithful | Female | 6 moons | Dappledsun
Pearpaw got a scar defending the territory (On her stomach!)
Rabbitnut is telling jokes about Darkpaw
Dappledsun explains hunting techniques to Pearpaw
Freezefreckle is talking with Rabbitnut
Egretspeckle is sharing tongues with Freezefreckle 
Pearpaw had a argument with Egretspeckle 
Softpaw is talking with Antlerfern 
Darkpaw is sharing prey with Dappledsun 
Antlerfern is sharing prey with Dappledsun 
Freezefreckle is curious about other clans
Egretspeckle is feeling content
Dappledsun is feeling under appreciated 
Rabbitnut almost choked
Antlerfern is craving mouse 
Darkpaw regrets not eating the bird
Softpaw is chattering at birds in the trees
Pearpaw woke up on the wrong side of the nest 
0 notes
WolfsfootClan moons 402 until the end!
- QuietHare is expecting kits 
- WebIce dies of old age 
- Fallenstripe haybird QuietHare are expecting kits 
- SnapDrafonBerry and QuietHare have RainKit 
- PlanktonPearl is expecting kits 
- YellowcressHollow, BuckEyeHeart,PloverTuft, ThunderHorse, ErminePelt, WolfFern earn their names 
- TunaSplash and HayBird have two kits, ThrushKit, MartenKit 
- FallenStripe had three kits, NectarKit, BeaverKit, BadgerKit 
- HopeWarer is found dead 
- TawnyPatch, LarkspurClaw, PetalPelt, Driftsneedle, SiltHawk 
- WolfFern is glaring at someone with a strange look in his eyes 
- WolfFern, despite being so young, is made deputy 
- PlanktonPearl have three kits, TumbleKit, PoolKit, EmeraldKit 
- PineStripe announces she’s expecting kits 
- CicadaStar is regretting being leader 
- ChiveShell is found dead 
- SheepFang is expecting kits 
- FalconBeam, BasilDust are both expecting kits 
- ThymeTail and WishMinnow die of yellowcough 
- CicadaWing is expecting kits 
- SheepFanf had one kit, 
- PoppyHeart and ThrushKit die of yellowcough 
- MoonTuft, MistleBee, AnemoneDapple are made warriors 
- FalconBeam has one kit, 
- BasilDust had five kits, 
- IcyStripe and bouncesifht die of whitecough 
- GorseFox, CarpBrook, Mossyaster are made warriors 
- CicadaWing had two kits, ChasingKit, TalonKit 
- Triscuit was killed by a fox 
- BarleyPatch is expecting kits 
- CoconutTooth is expecting kits 
- BarleyPatch has two kits, WhistleKit and FisgetKit 
- SerpentWing is expecting kits 
- CoocnutTooth has four kits, BroomKit, StumpyKit, ArchKit, SmokeyKit
- LarkSpurClaw died of burns! 
- SerpentWing has shrewkit and KestrelKit 
- TumblePelt, EmeraldBack, PoolPelt are made warriors 
- Speckle is found dead 
- WhistleFeather died from a snake bite 
- FlyBlink had three kits, ChaffinchKit DappledKit HeronKit 
- ErminePelt and EmeraldBack die 
- BarelyPatch is expecting kits 
- BuckEyeHeart is expiring kits 
- Lotussnout is expecting kits 
- BarleyPatch had one kit, LaurelKit 
- PatchHeart died from a snake bite 
- PoolPelt, BayouLilac, NeedlePuddle, PineStep, Beaver, DoePelt, CarpBrook, NectarWater, TallHeather, DriftNeedle, YellowMask, SilverFur, TulipShadow, MoonGoose, JayAsh, PineGrass, DawnWing, ElmCall, FallenStripe, CondorPounce all die 
- BuckEyeHeart hopes their litter of four kits don’t look like tawnypatch, otherwise questions might follow. PoolKit, VixenKit, HerringKit 
- PetalPelt died
 Burrleaves is expecting kits 
WhistleBee, Fidgetwater are made warriors 
BroomDust, StumpySpirit, ArchLeaf, SmokeyClaw, are made warriors 
SkyPaw, ChaffinchPaw, HeronPaw are made apprentices 
DappledHeart died in their sleep 
burrleaves has four kits, SnailKit, RaccoonKit, SmallKit, PranceKit 
LightDust is expecting kits 
WolfFade is found dead 
QuietHare was found dead 
VixenKit died of kittencough 
LotusSnout was killed by a badger 
Wateracoen died of a bite wound 
Heavy feather had two kits, BoughKit and RunningKit 
CicadaStar loses his last life
Burrleaves died of whitecough 
WolfFern is made leader! 
LightDust has one kit, WildKit 
SerpentWing and BrindleLily is found dead 
LightDust is killed by a fox 
BayBlaze died 
TalonRun brought home three kits, YellowKit, RyeKit, GarlicKit 
SkyPaw isn’t paying attention anx WolfStsr has to repeat their name a few times to get their attention. They’re named SkyMouse
SnapDragonBerry died 
WolfStar has been washing his paws a lot lately 
YellowKit is killed by a snake in her sleep 
SmallBeam joins the clan 
SiltHawk and TalonRun drown 
ShrewHeart and CoconutTooth are killed by rogues 
FalconBeam was killed by a fox 
SnailTail, RaccoonFur, SmallBlossom are made warriors 
TumblePelt and HayBird are both expecting kits 
StumpySpirit has two kits, BoulderKit and BiteKit 
DuskCatcher is expecting kits 
PloverTuft I’d expecting kits 
TumblePelt has four kits, WingKit, CressKit, MorningKit, BurdockKit 
HayBird and TunaSplash had two kits, CicadaKit and FlowerKit 
DuskCatcher had one kit, RobinKit 
KestrelFur had four kits, ClearKit, bluffKit, ParchKit, LilacKit 
MoonTuft and FallingDrift are killed 
GarlicDrift and RyeThistle earn their names 
PantherKit joins the clan 
PranceLeap has SquirrelKit 
PloverTuft has MilkWeedKit, LynxKit, MallowKir, MossyKit 
GoldFishFur is made deputy! 
CicadaWing is expecting kits! 
BuckEyeHeart is expecting kits
RobinKit, MorningKit, PatchKit, BoulderKit, RunningHare, RaccoonFur are murdered! 
CicadaWing has one kit, PatchKit 
HazelNight and BarleyPatch are both expecting kits 
DappledPelt has three kits, CrestedKit, BadgerKit, SnookKit 
BuckEyeHeart has own kit, AspenKit 
PranceBlossom is burnt alive 
PheasantJaw was having a peaceful stroll and was killed by a fox 
WolfStar thinks about retiring? 
TawnyPatch and MudStream are expecting kits 
BarleyPatch has one kit, LilyKit
PantherEye brought two kits home, BrackenKit, GorseKit 
BlackBloom has four kits, IceKit, SongKit, MudKit, BeetleKit
HazelNight, RidgeKit 
TawnyPatch has three kits with WolfStar, RainKit, MistleKit, BristleKit 
SleetMark was killed by a badger
GoldPelt and BadgerRiver are supposedly killed by rogues, but wolfstar is acting guilty 
MudStream had three kits, ShadowKit, CinderKit, DancingKit 
HopeBee is expecting kits 
MallowLightning is expecting kits 
BroomDust had four kits, WeedKit, CicadaKit, MumbleKit, MiteKit 
HopeBee has two kits, HeavyKit, BrightKit
NewtThroat died 
BuckEyeHeart is expecting kits 
TumblePelt is expecting kits 
MallowLightning and DuskCatcher has three kits, FireKit, HollowKit, MoonKit 
CinderKit and PebbleWhisker die of greencough 
LarchFlower is expecting kits 
ArchLeaf has four kits, StrikeKit, BuzzardKit, MossKit, WormKit
ThunderHorse is expecting kits 
MiteKit, WeedKit, BrightKit, MudStream, QuailFoot, LarkCreek, MossyPelt, CicadaHeart, WingClaw, DappledPelt, PranceLeap SmallBlossom, KestrelFur, SkyMouse, FidgetWater, HeronFace, ClearBounce, HazelNight, BushFeather, RainFall, GorseFox, MossyAster, MartenHare, BadgerFreckle, TumblePelt, SongPool, RiverFlower, ivyFlight, WhirlAster, BarleyPelt, IceHeart, LightningStripe, PantherEye, LilacMark, SnailTail, SmokeyClaw, BluffDust, CressHail, WildAsh, LynxPelt, MallowSlip, PatchPaw, SnookPaw, IcePaw, JumpKite, FlyBlink, FallowBush, DogShadow, HeavyFeather, BuzzardKit, HeavyKit, RainKit, ShadowKit are killed in a fire
 BuckEyeHeart has two kits, MidnightKit, CricketKit 
LarchFlower dies in childbirth and has TallKit
ThunderRose and CatFishCrown had one kit, GrassHopperKit 
AspenLight, CrestedStep, BadgerSplash are made warriors! 
MumblePaw and CicadaPaw are made apprentices 
Literally everyone is apprentices 
TawnyPatch is expecting kits 
lilyFlood, songFur, Mudwhisker, BeetleShade, BrackenTooth, GorseFur, RidgeTuft are made warriors 
TawnyPatch and SheepFang are killed by rogues 
MistleStreak and BristleFur are made warriors 
WhistleBee and HayBird are expecting kits 
PinkFoot is found dead 
WhistleBee had three kits, SnailKit, OrangeKit, BubblingKit, 
HayBird has three kits, TumbleKit, DayKit, WhistleKit 
SleetPeak has JumpKit, ShiningKit, DampKit, SageKit 
CicadaWing is killed by a badger 
WolfFeather is found dead 
DuskCatcher is expectingkits 
FlowerFur has JumpKit
LocustWhisker is killed by a snake 
FirePoppy, HollowStrike, StrikeHare, MossSwoop, WormPool, MidnightTail, CricketDrop, have been made warriors in the past few moons 
DuskCatcher had three kits, WingKit, BerryKit, ThunderKit 
BarleyPatch is expecting kits 
TallLotus and GrasshopperTail is made warriors 
BarleyPatch has BlackKit, StoatKit, JayKit
 DancingWhisker is expecting kits
BeetleShade fights off a giant dog 
Hubert joins the clan 
SquirrelWhisper spins a story, vivid and engaging, telling the tale of a massive war their ancestors fought over the border the patrols is headed to mark. Not only does it keep every cat entertained, it really empathizes the importance of the patrol and motivated everyone 
Bapohmet joins the clan 
HayBird is expecting kits 
BlackKit was found dead in the snow 
DancingWhisker had four kits, PigeonKit BoneKit HatchKit 
FreckleKit died of kittencough 
HayBird and TunaSplash have one kit, MoorKit, who died in birth 
ShineHeart, PlumPounce, MidnightTail, DampLeap, SnailTail2 are killed while on patrol with Wolfstar and goldfishFur.
DayFur and CrestedSlip are killed by rogues 
TunaSplash is found dead 
FirePoppy and laurelnight are killed by a gang of rogues 
HollowStripe has two kits, LongKit and GrassKit a
SongFur is expecting kits 
BerrySkip, ThunderTail, wingtooth are made warriors 
CrookedStone had five kits, sageKit, StoatKit, ShardKit, TroutKit, DarkKit 
OrangeRoar has five kits, LavenderKit, SlipKit, PondKit, PiperKit, AspenKit 
AGrasshopperTsil has two kits, AmberKit and OddKit 
SongFur has three kits, BearKit, HalfKit, SpikeKit, 
GrassKit dies of a claw wound? 
HayBird was found dead 
GoldfishFur must speak with the leader about something they found on patrol 
SlipKit and SpikeKit die 
BrackenTooth is expecting kits 
SquirrelWhisker and WhistleFox has three kits, EgretKit, BlotchKit, YewKit 
DarkKit died of kittencough 
GoldfishFur retires, his chronic joint pain in his one front leg catching up to him and causing him to almost lose a fight while on patrol. 
LavenderKit died of kittencough 
ChasingShade died from GoldfishFur’s mistake 
StrikeHare had four kits, BlueKit RattleKit DryKit PartridgeKit 
wormPool died of greencough 
BrackenTooth has three kits, ForestKit, TornKit, FawnKit 
MoonNettle died of green cough 
StumpySpirit died of yellowcough 
PondPaw and DryKit die of kittencough 
SmallBeam is expecting kits 
TumbleRunner is killed by a snake 
SmallBeam has two kits, LoudKit and BlackKit 
BearPaw died in a training accident with GoldfishFur 
TallLotus has one kit, BeaverKit 
ThunderHorse is expecting kits 
WhistleBee died of heatstroke 
ThunderHorse and CatFishCrown have four kits, WolfKit, DownyKit, GanderKit, SlopeKit 
PineStripe dies from a snake 
 ThornThistle is found dead in their nests from old age 
BristleFur is murdered 
DuskCatcher finds an abandoned kit, RushKit 
FlowerFur had two kits, 
StrikeHare and BrackenTooth run away together! 
BlotchPaw stares at WolfStar while they speak. WolfStar isn’t sure it means anything, but BlotchPaws lack of enthusiasm worries them. Brushing past it, WolfStar gives them the name BlotchPad for their composure 
EgretNoise is found dead by a fox den 
SlopeKit died of kittencough
WaspSky joins the clan 
HopeBee was killed by a dog! 
BlackBloom wandered out into the territory and is found dead. 
RaccoonKit died of kittencough 
DuskCatcher and HatchNose are killed by rogues 
Wolfstar wails when they see the body of their parent, Puppynit lying still and cold. WolfStar wonders if, maybe, if they’re lucky puppy nut might visit them in a vision from starclan 
StoatLeaf is killed by a badger 
HalfSpeckle is expecting kits 
HalfSpeckle had four kits, LaurelKit, JumpKit, OliveKit, RainKit 
Goldfishfur is caught breaking the warrior code 
CatFishCrown is found dead from old age 
GoldfishFur has one kit, GuppyKit 
BlackSpeckle is expecting kits 
Baphomet has one kit, CherryKit 
SageShine has three kits, ChasingKit, BogKit, GorgeKit 
WolfPaw is made WolfLilac 
BurdockCry has four kits, HeronKit, FlailKit, BraveKit, CurlyKit 
Baphomet died of an infected wound 
GorgeKit was taken by a hawk 
BlackSpeckle has four kits, FleetKit, RainKit, SpottedKit, CreatureKit 
RainKit and FleetKit are taken by a fox 
BlotchPad has two kits, RiverKit and HollyKit 
FlailKit died of kittencough 
PlanktonPearl went missing and is found dead. Goldfishfur mourns deeply. 
TallLotus is found dead by a fox den 
MoleHeart is killed by greencough 
PrickleFur had one kit, StreamKit 
Biteflower was killed by a snake 
LilyFlood is murdered 
OlivePaw died of frostbite 
SageShine died of greencough
BasilDust is expecting kits 
yellowcresshollow died of whitecough 
RidgeTuft is expecting kits 
jumpwhisker is expecting kits 
Fennelstem died of greencough 
GoldfishFur bickered with FallingNight, his brother  
WolfStar lost a life to a flood! 
RidgeTuft died giving birth to FalconKit 
GrasshopperTail and jumpwhisker have one kit, FlameKit 
GuppyShadow is made a warrior 
StoatTail had three kits, TuftKit, HawkKit, QuickKit 
WolfStar killed QuickKit 
SongFur had one kit, RippleKit 
wolfStar attacks ThunderHorse, BreezeSplash, BriarNose, HollyPaw, SmallBeam, MallowLightening, HeronStorm, SleekDrift, LongRump, JumpLotus are killed by WolfStar in front of the clan. 
WolfStar collects the bones of prey 
wolfstar calls a meeting proudly to honour spiderwhsikers service to the clan as they retire, and rips out their throat 
PrickleFur dies from a heart attack 
pantherDusk, FlowerFur, MumbleEar, Mossswoop are swept away in a flood 
BroomDust, the deputy, is killed by GoldfishFur for insulting Wolfstar 
HollowStripe is made deputy 
GoldfishFur has three kits, TallyKit, KoiKit, MilkKit 
FallingNight was killed by a dog 
ChasingFrodt is killed by a snake 
PiperNoise has LarchKit, SpireKit, WhorlKit 
Bramblejump dies of sickness 
A large fight breaks out, and wolfstar and a group of rogues attack the clan with the help of GoldfishFur. During the battle, Goldfishfur is thrown into a pit of starving cats and he’s bitten by a snake. He doesn’t have time to succumb to the venom before hes torn apart. 
Wolfstar eventually dies. 
NeedlePelt, BitternFur, LarchKit, CrookedStone, PloverTuft, BogEar, BraveSkip, RainFur, FawnSnow, RushWish, FawnLeaf, LoudPelt, BlackSpeckle, ShardSpeck, JayHorse, BubblingSky, OrangeRoar, HalfSpeckle, TroutPeak, PiperNoise, BeetleShade, DancingWhisker are all killed in the battle 
HollowStar is made leader 
GrasshopperTail is expecting kits 
GrasshopperTail has four kits, BarkKit, LongKit, HopeKit, SedgeKit
BerryKit is adopted into the clan 
BuckeyeHeart is expecting kits 
HollowStar has a kit, ShardKit
BasilDust died in their sleep 
FeatherPelt has five kits, FrogKit, SiltKit, PantherKit, DogKit, BrushKit 
WolfLilac is expecting kits 
MudWhisker and OddPelt drowned 
BuckeyeHeart has three kits, NettleKit, YewKit, MinkKit 
ArchLeaf retires 
WolfLilac is murdered 
the clan is wiped out in a masacare, see  HollowStar’s character profile for details. 
A few stragglers escape, possibly to create new clans…
And that’s the end of QuickStar’s Legacy! Now I’m following a few small clans who will be posted about when they hit 100 moons each.
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dovestorm-wc · 2 years
AFoT: BG - Story 9
Greenleaf - moon 2
Windrobin purred softly as she watched the newest additions to the clan and their mother. One of the queens, a molly named Fawnpond, had given birth to two beautiful tortoiseshell daughters.
The two kits were named Dappledkit, for her dappled coat, and Whitekit, after the patch of white covering half the kit's face. The brown molly purred as she nuzzled the two kits to her belly.
Windrobin left the nursery to let the new mother rest. Her paws pricking with nervousness from hearing the names of these new kits. The image of dappled red clouds swarmed her mind as she remembered her dream. What did it mean? Were these kits destined to harm the clan?
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If Spottedleaf and Whitestorm had kits what do you think there names would be?
The same kit anon as before by the way
Hi again!
Maybe they could be named something like Pearkit, Applekit, Butterflykit, Mothkit, Speckledkit, Dappledkit, Seedkit, Bloomkit,Branchkit, Blizzardkit, Berrykit, Icekit, Vinekit or Rootkit?
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windclan — year nine — leafbare
ashface and redantler become warriors.
frostpaw dies.
patchpaw is apprenticed to hurricanefang, and cascarakit dies.
sedgewhisker and emberfoot have two kittens, featherkit and larkkit.
halofur has five kittens, blizzardkit (white tom with pale grey paws, ears, and tail), dappledkit (tortoiseshell she-cat with white paws and faint stripes), echokit (she-cat with gold eyes), fernkit, and iciclekit (grey tom with white streaks and green eyes).
hareflight dies. windclan has no more stupidly old elders.
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kestrelblaze · 5 years
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Mousefang of Sunclan
A steadfast warrior proud of his clan and his position in it, Mousefang has struggled through most of his life to become the warrior he is today.
As a kit he was almost taken by a bird of prey only for Badgerpaw to be taken instead while saving him. As an apprentice he fell from the Standing Stones where they hold their Gatherings and shattered one of his hind legs, keeping him from training for moons. He never let this get to him and never let it dampen his spirit, trudging foreward no matter the cost to himself.
During the battle against Hillclan and Rainclan, Mousefang has his eyes scratched and an ear almost torn completely off by another cat. He nearly dies from an infection afterwords, but survives with the scars to show for it.
He is completely blind thanks to this, but it doesn't hinder his ability to be a warrior of Sunclan and he still hunts and patrols with no issues.
He mentored Sootpelt, started Briarpaw's training before he was injured and Brairpaw's training is taken over by Honeypelt, and mentors Troutpaw when its discovered they were born blind.
He is the mate of Flamefur and the father of her kits Dappledkit, Bramblekit, and Juniperkit.
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phloxclan · 28 days
Moon 60
Drypaw - Drylake, Murkpaw - Murkfreckle.
Daydapple and Mottledleaf recover.
Coppersight's joint pain is worse this moon.
Peatwish falls into a river and inhales water.
Trouble and Dogblossom bonk heads when hunting a lizard.
A loner with kits joins. Quesadilla - Gray tabby tom with pale yellow eyes and long fur, 111 moons, loyal, lore master, good kitsitter. Goldkit - White rosette molly with hazel eyes, noisy, confident with words. Willowkit - Gray tom with long fur and yellow eyes, polite, careful listener.
Moon 61
Hollypaw - Hollyshock.
Teaselsky recovered.
A flash flood sweeps the camp, killing Fuzzybush, Daydapple, Dandelionpaw, Shywhisker, Aspendeer, Jumblestripe, Gullflick, Copseshiver, Hayspot, and Garliccrash.
In the chaos, Fallingspark goes missing and is later found dead outside of the camp.
Yellowtalon confesses to Springsprout but is rejected.
Canopytail recovers from her infection in time to have 3 kits. Loudkit - Ginger tabby molly with heather blue eyes, troublesome, active imagination. Dappledkit - Ginger tabby molly with copper eyes, attention seeker, picky nest builder. Honeykit - Ginger bengal tom with yellow eyes, lonesome, active imagination.
A sick kittypet is found and brought to the clan. Apex - Black and white tom with amber eyes and long fur, 29 moons, lonesome, great storyteller, good mediator.
Moon 62
Peatwish has whitecough.
In the aftermath of the flood, a greencough epidemic sweeps the clan, killing Branchwillow, Goldkit, Dogblossom, Webbelly, and Drylake.
A new wave of apprentices are named. Shiveringpaw - Falconfade, Darkpaw - Shrubfoot, Palepaw - Hollyshock, Riverpaw - Nissan, Snowpaw - Gardeniabounce.
A sick kittypet joins as the clan's first mediator. Birchfern - Dark gray tabby tom with bronze eyes and long fur, 75 moons, compassionate, great mediator, good teacher.
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ask me stuff! 
you can also ask my characters some stuff too! (it’ll force me to draw them.)
warrior cats (fae, dappledkit, fallenkit) ninjago (avea, jaylynn) bnha (angela, aka) atla (ardin, aither)
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anoddworld · 1 year
Hootfur and his apprentices
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Frostburn (she's sick rn):
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Dappledkit isn't his apprentice, but will probably get another one soon. Mottledclan has like 5,000 kittens.
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