foamclan · 1 year
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Congratulations to Coralstar and Driftspeckle on their new kits!
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elementclangen · 2 months
Blizzardkit and Sweet Marmalade's Sprites
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Sweet Marmalade; Age 23 moons; Water-blessed tom with a power level of 56 (medium); Daring and a great climber
Sweet Marmalade is a former kittypet was brought into the Clan after he was found lost and with a broken back.
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Blizzardkit; Age one moon; Powerless she-kit; Quiet
Blizzardkit was brought to the Clan by Almondpaw after being found abandoned by her parents.
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auroraclangen · 1 year
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Some more events: Leopardstar's heat exhaustion has abated. Rimepaw has gotten a running nose. Silverpaw was trying to fluff up their nest when they discovered that they were the victim of a prank. Fox-dung! There's now a sharp thorn embedded in their paw. Lowpaw's cat bite has healed.
I’ve also decided to add tags for each of the cats featured! :D I’ve seen other people who post about their ClanGen clan doing it so I thought I’d give it a try :)
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Dreams Can Take You Anywhere... Right?
Welcome to DreamClan! My very first Clangen blog where I'm going to try to stay interested in the Clan! The starter cats are Hailpaw and Blizzardkit! The intro comic will be done! (At some point)
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maplewood126 · 8 months
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Forgot about this guy...
Blizzardstorm was one of the first cats that tried to stand up against Brackenstar when he declared war on the clans... and then immediately died when he got his head smashed into a rock. Blizzardstorm was always a loyal cat and looked up to brackenstar, always wanting to be like him one day but those hopes where slowly erased when Brackenstar started planning to control and eliminate the other clans (by name, he wanted to kill the leaders and take control of other clans...) Blizzardstorm resented brackenstar yet he offered to go along with the senior warrior to have a meeting with the other clans. When brackenstar declared war, blizzardstorm called him out and tried to get him to step down, calling his other clanmates to agree that he should give up his role. Brackenstar attacked blizzardstorm and the two fought before blizzard was ultimately overtaken and 'made' an example of.' Over all blizzardstorm was an active, charismatic tom.
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shadowclan — year eleven — newleaf
flowerpaw is apprenticed to wetfoot. snakekit dies.
ashkit and cloudkit die.
conekit dies.
antkit is born to moosewhisker.
berryheart has four kits, blazekit, blizzardkit (dark grey tom with white freckles and green eyes), cariboukit (pale brown she-cat with faint stripes, white paws, and orange eyes), and dewkit (grey tom with a white chest).
dawnjaw and yellowfeather have four kits, burkit (she-cat with white paws), cinnamonkit, firkit (she-cat with white patches), and sprucekit (tom with faint stripes and copper eyes, blind in his right eye).
ashheart dies. twilightstep retires.
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pikaclan · 7 months
Moon 243
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Mitenight is found dead (whyyyy does clan gen keep considering them allies I keep antagonizing themmmmm)
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Fuzzpaw is (re)named Fuzzscratch
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Kit mischief + grief
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shrikeclan · 2 months
Moons 57 - 63 | *important notes*
57- A kittypet named Tadpole begs the clan to raise her kits who she has named Posy and Ember. Oaksmoke claims them as her own despite her old age.
Unknowingly between the two, in one day at different times, Rockleap and Tremblekestrel admitted their feelings for Boulderdusk. She was quite bewildered to say the least and did not feel the same towards either cat.
Some time after this, Weedtuft secretly murders Olivepatch by making it seem like a fox attack. She would constantly do things to make his life difficult because she knew how sly he is and he couldn't stand it anymore. No one gets in his way...
A patrol finds a wandering kit who claims he was abandoned. Tremblekestrel adopts Blizzardkit, hoping that it'll help distract himself from grief.
58- Cavernshade catches yellowcough and Boneweb trips and slides down the cliffside, breaking his leg
59- Cliffjump got her paw stuck in a twoleg trap. Pantherlily and Tremblekestrel feel less grief.
Emberkit and Posykit become apprentices. Emberpaw is thrilled to start while Posypaw is angry that their mother couldn't be here with them
60- Cavernshade's sickness is gone and most of the clan has recovered from grief!
61- Silverpeak is a kittypet turned loner who kept a curious and distant eye on the clan. Now that hes older, he decided to join them as a outside POV mediator and help around the camp! cliffjumps mangled leg from the twoleg trap earlier is swollen. Boneweb's fractured leg infection is likely going to spread, so the medicine cats plan on what to do if thats the case…
62- Oaksmoke was found peacefully curled up dead in her nest. The whole clan is affected; especially her family. Boulderdusk begins to realize her hearing is not what it used to be. She now mentors Blizzardpaw.
63- Cliffjump and Boneweb's injuries heal, but they will be permanently marked with scars Cavernshade retires due to her aching old joints
It was hard to tell his mentor, but Blizzardpaw feels that the life of a medicine cat suits him better.
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oddclangen · 11 months
29 Moon - Greenleaf part 3
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Hopcaw is such cute and funny name i am keeping it just out of principal. She seems like your standart good warrior and i dont expect that she would do something out of the ordinary.
Her kits are Berrykit, Blizzardkit, Bluebellkit and Rosekit. You will see them later, but now its just her.
29 moon p2 - 30 moon p1
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blizzardstarx · 5 months
Happy Lesbian Visibility Week!
This is Eclipse of (AU) ThunderClan!
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some info on the au is here
Eclipse is the mate of Gingerstar, who’s the leader of ThunderClan!
they are gay and happily in love <3 Gingerstar is bisexual and Eclipse is lesbian
Gingerstar is friends with Blizzardstar, leader of StormClan :)
AU Synopsis: The five clans discover three clans living near the old SkyClan’s ravine, StormClan, StoneClan, and SunClan.
there was one other clan but imma change it to only those three
Gingerstar was a role that i made up called ambassador, for ThunderClan, which basically meant she traveled around the clans and territory and stuff and relayed messages, basically a messenger. She discovered the three new clans too while on a mission. She was offered the deputy position multiple times but turned it down for a while because of that role. Gingerstar met Eclipse too, and brought her back to her clan after she ran away from her parents on a farm.
StormClan was created by a cat named Soaringhawk, who was a SkyClan cat in the old forest territory. He left when SkyClan was kicked out and created his own clan.
StoneClan was created by a former ThunderClan cat, Adderstrike/star. In Blizzardstar’s apprentice time their leader is Boulderpelt/star. Blizzardstar is friends with Snakeeyes/star, the leader after. They became friends when the former StormClan cats that fled when the coup happened came to StoneClan for help.
SunClan was already there a long time ago, created by a rogue who had heard of the ancient Clans. They have a very interesting line of leaders, but I don’t remember what their creator’s name was. However, notable leaders were Badgerstar, then Lynxstar, Badgerstar’s apprentice and mate of Honeystar, the next leader who killed him because he had become a tyrant and was… a shitty cat, like Badgerstar. Honeystar had another mate after, who became the next leader. Their leader is Flamestar in Blizzardstar’s time.
There’s also a rogue ‘clan’ called DarkClan living near those three as well. They killed a lot of StormClan, Blizzardstar lost three lives.
i never named the au sooo its now named StormStoneSunAU, maybe I’ll make more posts on it maybe not
Old art:
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Allegiance from Blizzardstar’s Storm:
Lightningstar (gray tabby tom with blue eyes)
Whitefur (white she-cat with blue eyes)
Medicine Cat(s):
Leafpelt (tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes)
Apprentice, Darkpaw
Houndstrike (black tabby tom with luminescent yellow eyes)
Shimmertail (silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes)
Acornleaf (ginger she-cat with white patches and green eyes)
Ravenflight (black tom with green eyes)
Fawnleap (brown she-cat with white splotches and green eyes)
Goldenstripe (golden tabby tom with green eyes)
Flamestrike (flame-colored tom with green eyes)
Shadowclaw (black she-cat with white highlights and green eyes)
Blossombreeze (tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes)
Cinderclaw (gray tom with blue eyes)
Eagleflight (brown tabby tom with green eyes)
Harepounce (white tom with amber eyes)
Maplefur (russet she-cat with green eyes)
Mistpelt (blueish gray she-cat with blue eyes)
Robinflight (brown tom with amber eyes)
Squirreltail (orange she-cat with thick bushy tail and green eyes)
Sunfur (golden tom with green eyes)
Wolfclaw (gray tom with blue eyes)
Darkpaw (black tom with blue eyes)
Whitefur (deputy)
(Blizzardkit (gray tabby tom with white belly and muzzle and blue eyes)
Splashkit (white she-cat with gray striped patches and blue eyes)
Spiderkit (gray tom with blue eyes) Lightningstar is the father)
Mousetail (brown tom with long, ragged tail and amber eyes)
Thrushwing (brown and white tom with dark brown speckles and green eyes)
Boulderstar (light gray tom with blue eyes)
Otterwhisker (brown tom with amber eyes)
Medicine Cat(s):
Rowanleaf (red tom with white belly and green eyes)
Apprentice, Sunpaw
Larkflight (gray and white she-cat with blue eyes)
Owlwing (gray tom with dark gray speckles and amber eyes)
Fernleaf (gray she-cat with dark gray striped patches and green eyes)
Apprentice, Swiftpaw
Ivyleaf (light gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes)
Liontail (golden tabby tom with amber eyes)
Finchwing (tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes)
Doespring (light brown she-cat with white spots and green eyes)
Jaysong (gray and white tom with blue eyes)
Apprentice, Sparrowpaw
Nighttail (black she-cat with green eyes)
Sageheart (light brown tabby she-cat with green eyes)
Cedarwhisker (reddish-brown tom with amber eyes)
Shellclaw (gray tabby tom with blue eyes)
Palewhisker (black and white she-cat with green eyes)
Mudtail (light brown tom with brown tail and amber eyes)
Featherfall (light gray tabby with white speckles and blue eyes)
Thornfrost (white tom with golden tabby patches and amber eyes)
Sunpaw (golden tabby tom with amber eyes)
Swiftpaw (light brown tabby tom with green eyes)
Sparrowpaw (brown tabby tom with light brown belly and green eyes)
Petalfall (tortoiseshell she-cat with white speckles and green eyes)
(Cherrykit (tortoiseshell she-cat with a red tail and green eyes)
Briarkit (mottled tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes) Owlwing is their father)
Kestralwing (light brown tabby she-cat with green eyes)
(Snakekit (light brown tabby tom with amber eyes)
Leopardkit (brown she-cat with red patches and green eyes)
Duskkit (reddish-brown tom with amber eyes) Cedarwhisker is their father)
I got too lazy to do SunClan’s allegiance
This AU was based on a ton of rps I did 6 years ago. Blizzardstar was created 6-7 years ago.
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foamclan · 1 year
May we see the sprites of the new kittens? Please and thank you
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Left to Right is - Ashenkit, Gustkit, Blizzardkit, Whorlkit, and Icekit!
They have very Wintery names.
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elementclangen · 2 months
Moon 238-Leaf-bare
ElementClan welcomes four new warriors.  Shinepaw (13) is now Shinebreak, honoring her intelligence.  She’s glad to be a warrior, but wishes her brother could be there with her.  Skippaw (13) is now Skipneedle in honor of her sincerity.  Creekstar (92) appreciates her telling her about her visions, even though she didn’t have to.  Brightpaw (13) is now Brightmouse, honoring her caution, a rare trait in fire-blessed cats.  And Frostpaw (13) is now Frostblotch, honoring her amity.  Bluepaw (13) is now the only one of the fearsome foursome who’s still an apprentice.  Hopefully she’ll join her sisters soon. In other news, Tumbleswoop has come out as a trans tom! Tumbleswoop (27) has also been feeling a bit disconnected from the Clan lately and goes to Hopedawn (27) to ask for help.  She reminds him to always reach out to his family when he needs it.  She’ll always be there for him.  Paleburst (17) appreciates how Kestrelcreek (27) is so laid back and takes care of herself.  He adds a bit of her fluff to his nest.  Nettlepaw (7) feels like he should be a warrior already and is annoyed that Creekstar insists he’s not ready.  Despite almost being apprenticed, Lilackit (5) is still whining for milk.  He really just wants to spend some more time with his mom.  Almondpaw (9) has reached his angsty teenage phase and is ignoring Vaxxstreak’s (124) instructions.  Instead, he wanders off on his own during a patrol and brings a kit back to camp.  Fun.  She’s a quiet, powerless little girl named Blizzardkit (1).  Meanwhile, Streampaw (9) is listening intently to Spotfoot (19) in hopes that he’ll pick up on something that could be useful for making progress in controlling his powers. Blizzardkit is not the only new cat to join this moon. A former kittypet joins the Clan with a broken back.  Creekstar remembers how the cats with broken backs fared when she was young; aka, not well.  Safariaster (145) decides to do her best for this water-blessed tom named Sweet Marmalade (23).
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Moon 100
(I had all this written out... then I didn't save... I am going to cry...)
Crookedbracken's grief has gotten so bad that they now have an actual physical stomach ache because of it. The medicine cats are concerned.
Frostfreckle has given birth to two tiny kits. Pumpkinkit and Runningkit. This will be their last litter or they will be boxing their mate over the head.
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Primwave has recovered from their whitecough.
Primewave has also tried to confess to Swiftspark but they were rejected.
Shimmerfreckle's leg has healed with no scar in sight.
Cragshadow was out on a morning walk when they were suddenly jumped by a fox. In their mad scramble to get away and up a tree, the fox managed to chomp on their tail, leaving it mangled.
Whisperpeak's whitecough is gone.
Sunnybird and Dazzlenest have recovered from frostbite but were left with a scar.
Hemlockpelt is expecting kits!
Whiteice and Hailleaf have survived yellowcough.
Garlicclaw joins the elders! They happily settle down in the nest next to their new mate Wolverinepeak. They both look forward to living their sunset moon together.
Conchpaw has been named Conchblaze and honored for their composure.
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Riverkit, Weaselkit, Hyacinthkit, and Heavykit stand trembling as they are all made apprentices. Riverpaw is given to Waterice, Weaselpaw is given to Riversand, Hyacinthpaw is given to Redocean, and Heavypaw is given to Hailleaf.
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Jumblekit sits nervously at pools edge. Their littermates had just been apprenticed but they were left out of the ceremony this far. Were they going to be apprenticed at all?
(This is where I lost ALL of my progress so I will instead summarize what I can remember)
Jumblepaw becomes the new medicine cat apprentice under Fleckrustle.
(I had a whole thing where Fleckrustle had received visions and was even visited by Stormflicker to tell them that Jumblepaw was the one but it's all gone now)
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Several cats become mates.
Shoreeagle has died due to an unexpected fox attack.
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Pumapaw, Bearpaw, Pheasantpaw, and Gardeniapaw all become apprentices.
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Sloepaw finally had their warrior ceremony and they are very proud of themselves. They are now Sloepelt.
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Hilltalon found an abandoned kitten and adopted it. They named the kit Blizzardkit.
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Quietpaw has also become a warrior named Quietmask.
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Sprucefeather also died because of a snake bite.
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Flaxpaw and Frecklepaw have also become warriors named Flaxstripe and Frecklecry.
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Dolphinfade and Hemlockpelt have created Barnaclekit.
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phantomronpa · 1 year
same anon from 2 seconds ago, would it be weird to ask for your list of the characters names? (it can be just from v3 since you post abt it alot but just out of curiousity lol)
I can answer for all on them! I'm posting about V3 a lot because I'm currently playing it, so its fresh in my mind, but I love all the games ^^ It's not weird either, as I said ask me anything I love talking about my AU's
I'll put the names under the cut, because the list will be long lol (This doesn't include all the characters in the AU btw, just the ones I have the names of so far! Will update when I add more)
Monokuma- Monochrome
Makoto- Mottledhope
Byakuya- Birchstride
Kyoko- Lilacsight
Sayaka- Starlingsong
Chihiro- Chickadeewing
Mondo- Tigerthorn
Taka- Badgerpelt
Mukuro- Night
Junko- Starless Despair
Celeste- Crimsongaze
Leon- Flamespark
Aoi- Ottersplash
Sakura- Cherrybloom
Hiro- Deerwatcher
Hifumi- Spruceleaf
Toko- Froststrike
Syo- Stalker
SDR2 (The name after the "/" is their name while despaired):
Monomi- Bunny
Hajime- Branchstrike/Oleander
Nagito- Cloverspark/Servant
Chiaki- Harebreeze/Hemlock
Fuyuhiko- Fennecflake/Foxglove
Peko- Primrosefrost/Ivy
Mikan- Plumpelt/Larkspur
Akane- Acornclaw/Mistletoe
Ibuki- Icepounce/Buttercup
Sonia- Softspeckle/Azalea
Gundham- Crowcall/Nightshade
Kazuichi- Sharpfang/Snakeroot
Nekomaru- Lionstalk/Nettle
Imposter- Duskstep/Sumac
Mahiru- Marshfur/Lantana
Hiyoko- Sandsnap/Daffodil
Teruteru- Oakfur/Yew
Komaru- Olivespring
Masaru- Blazekit
Nagisa- Blizzardkit
Kotoko- Petalkit
Jataro- Dustkit
Monaca- Mosskit
Haiji- Skunksnout
Tokuichi- Sootfrost
Taichi- Elmleaf
Yuta- Firpaw
Fuhito- Fogstar
V3 (I only have apprentice names figured out for most of them):
Shuichi- Batpaw
Kaede- Thrushpaw
Kiibo- Snowpaw
Rantaro- Mintpaw
Kokichi- Magpiepaw
Kirumi- Swiftpaw
Maki- Quietpaw
Himiko- Emberpaw
Tenko- Fennelpaw
Angie- Owlpaw
Korekiyo- Ravenpaw
Miu- Leopardpaw
Gonta- Mothpaw
Ryoma- Littlepaw
Kaito- Nightpaw
Tsumugi- Riverpaw
Juzo- Boulderstrike
Kyosuke- Moonwhisker
Chisa- Ambercloud
Ryota- Lynxstep/Parsnip
Jin- Newtstar
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twilights-800-cats · 11 months
<< Cover || Allegiances || Prologue || From the Beginning || Patreon >>
============= ALLEGIANCES =============
(characters marked with a * are trans and are described with their preferred gender/pronouns) 
============= THUNDERCLAN =============
Leader: Tinystar – very small black tom with ice-blue eyes and one white paw (Sandstorm’s mate, father of Nightfrost and Shadepool) 
Deputy: n/a 
Medicine Cats:  
Brackenfur – golden brown tabby tom 
Shadepool – very dark tortoiseshell she-cat with white paws 
Mousefur – small dusky brown she-cat (Spiderpaw) 
Longtail – pale tabby tom with dark black stripes and a long tail, blind * 
Graystripe – long-furred gray tom with a dark stripe of fur down his spine (Silverstream’s mate) 
Silverstream – sleek-furred silver tabby she-cat, formerly of RiverClan (Graystripe’s mate, mother of Feathertail and Stormfur) 
Dustpelt – dark brown tabby tom (Cinderpelt’s mate) 
Cinderpelt – smoky dark gray she-cat (Dustpelt’s mate, mother of Spiderpaw)  
Cloudtail – white she-cat with ginger tabby patches and a fluffy white tail (Swiftfoot and Brightheart’s mate) 
Brightheart – pretty white she-cat with ginger patches, missing an eye and ear (Swiftfoot and Cloudtail’s mate, mother of Whitewing) 
Swiftfoot – stocky black-and-white tom, missing his tail (Cloudtail and Brightheart’s mate) 
Ashfur – pale gray tom with darker flecks, dark blue eyes (Larchpaw) 
Snowstep – snowy white tom, very blue eyes; deaf (Ferncloud’s mate) 
Sootfur – light gray tabby tom, amber eyes  
Rainwhisker – dark gray tom 
Sorreltail – thick-furred tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat 
Mistyfoot – long-furred dark blue-gray she-cat, blue eyes 
Nightfrost – very small black tom with a thick, plumy tail and white paws 
Whitewing – white she-cat with a ginger tabby rump and a ginger tail 
Sun That Scatters on Water (Sun) – pale ginger tabby she-cat with white dappling and sharp yellow eyes, formerly of the Tribe of Rushing Water * 
Spiderpaw – leggy smoky gray she-cat * 
Larchpaw – white tom with gray tabby patches, bi-colored eyes, half deaf 
Ferncloud – pale gray she-cat with darker flecks, green eyes (Snowstep’s mate, mother of Larchpaw)
============= WINDCLAN =============
Leader: Mudstar– mottled dark brown tabby tom with a limp 
Deputy: Crowflight – smoky gray, almost black, tom, blue eyes 
Medicine Cat: Ryewhisper – very small brown-and-white tabby tom with bright green eyes 
Webfoot – dark gray tabby tom * (Weaselpaw) 
Tornear – tabby tom with a ripped ear (Thistlepaw) 
Poppyfoot – tortoiseshell she-cat 
Softbreeze – very pale gray she-cat, former loner (mother of Weaselpaw and Thistlepaw) 
Smokewillow – lean pale gray-and-white tabby tom (Robinwing’s mate) 
Whitetail – small white she-cat 
Emberstep – smoky black she-cat 
Duskwhisker – sleek black she-cat  
Thorndusk – golden-brown she-cat 
Weaselpaw – pale gray tom with a dark stripe down his spine
Thistlepaw – gray tabby tom 
Bramblefur – pale brown tabby she-cat, amber eyes (mother of Thorndusk) 
Robinwing – light brown she-cat with blue eyes (Smokewillow’s mate, mother of Blizzardkit, Galekit, Sleetkit, and Ashkit)
============= RIVERCLAN =============
Leader: Leopardstar – dappled golden tabby she-cat with a scarred muzzle (mother of Falcontail and Mothwing) 
Deputy: Tawnypelt – tortoiseshell she-cat with broad shoulders, green eyes (mother of Goldenpaw, Reedpaw and Rosepaw) 
Medicine Cat: Mothwing – lovely golden-brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes 
Ripplecloud – gray tabby tom with white paws (Goldenpaw) 
Brackenflight – golden brown tabby she-cat 
Heronleap – lean smoky gray-black tom * 
Heavystep – thickset tabby tom (Reedpaw) 
Leafwhisker – small brown tabby tom (Rosepaw) 
Falcontail – smoky tabby tom with yellow eyes 
Frostsplash – white tom, former loner 
Mackerelshine – tabby-and-white she-cat, former kittypet 
Goldenpaw – broad-shouldered golden tabby tom
Reedpaw – black tom 
Rosepaw – ginger-patched white she-cat
Mosspelt – tortoiseshell she-cat (mother of Willowkit) 
Dawnflower – pale gray she-cat (mother of Frostsplash’s kits – Minnowkit, Pebblekit, and Tumblekit)
Blackclaw – smoky black tom 
============= SHADOWCLAN =============
Leader: Russetstar – dark ginger she-cat with scarred shoulders (Pansytail’s mate) 
Deputy: Blackfoot – large, sturdy white tom with black face, paws, and tail 
Medicine Cat: Littlecloud – very small brown tabby tom 
Oakfur – small brown tom 
Cedarheart – dark gray tom (Finchsong’s mate) 
Orre – golden-brown tom (Tallpoppy’s mate) 
Pansytail – tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat, brilliant green eyes, former BloodClan cat (Russetstar’s mate) 
Wolftooth – thick-furred gray tom, former BloodClan cat (father of Finchsong) 
Rowanclaw – ginger tabby tom * (Stoneheart’s mate) 
Stoneheart – thick-furred pale blue-gray tom, blue eyes (Rowanclaw’s mate) (Rushpaw)
Pinewhisker – scarred dark brown tabby tom, former loner (Nightwing’s mate) (Willowpaw)
Skipnose – black-and-white tom with a black tail, former kittypet 
Talonstripe – dark brown tabby tom 
Smokeflower – a dark gray tom 
Redclaw – ginger she-cat, former kittypet 
Willowpaw – dark gray tom with faint tabby stripes
Rushpaw – pale gray tom
Tallpoppy – long-legged light brown tabby she-cat (mother of Orre’s kits – Talonstripe, Applekit, Toadkit, and Marshkit) 
Finchsong – very pale gray she-cat, former BloodClan cat (mother of Willowpaw and Rushpaw) 
Nightwing – black she-cat (Pinewhisker’s mate, expecting)
============= CATS (AND OTHER CREATURES) OUTSIDE THE CLANS =============
Midnight – stargazing badger that lives by the sea 
Smoky – bulky gray-and-white tom, barn cat (Floss and Daisy’s mate) 
Daisy – long-haired cream-colored she-cat, barn cat (Smoky’s mate, mother of Berry, Hazel, and Goose) 
Floss – very small white she-cat with a gray-spotted nose, barn cat (Smoky’s mate) 
Root – golden tabby tom (father of Goldenpaw, Rosepaw, and Reedpaw) 
Jaques – large, scarred, black-and-white tom, kittypet 
Susan – lean light brown tabby she-cat, kittypet
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windclan — year ten — newleaf
vanillaeye dies, along with silverantler and slightfoot.
patchpaw dies.
blizzardkit, dappledkit, and iciclekit die.
halobriar has two kits, alyssumkit (white she-cat with cream ears) and deerkit (pale brown she-cat with red and white patches, and hazel eyes).
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