#darcy styles
dilf!harry x reader word count: 3.5k warnings: age gap reader 20, harry 38
Y/n favorite time of year was summer. Spending the whole summer at her best friend’s house since she was 5 was nothing new, but this year Darcy asked her if she wanted to go her family vacation this summer since they couldn’t take it during spring break. Of course, y/n said yes, so here she is packing her stuff to go to Baía do Sancho in Brazil.  
The past week she spent packing the essentials and a lot of bathing suits. The day had finally come to get on the plane y/n arrived to the style's residence early that morning, walking in to find a very stressed harry talking to Dracy making sure she had everything because he doesn’t want to have to buy another bathing suit while on the trip, Y/n knew that was a lie. Harry loved to spoil Darcy more than anything in the world, y/n thinks he does it to make up for the fact her mother left when she was so young but she doesn’t know if that’s true or not. y/n closes the door behind her and puts her stuff in front of the door  
“Hey guys, need any help?” Harry turned to face her, his face look more concerned than she thought, was he like this every time they went on vacation? The moment his face meets hers he looked sort of relieved?  
“Oh y/n thank God I was scared you wouldn’t make it before it was time to go, but know that you’re here can you tell your lovely and amazing best friend that she needs to double check and make sure she has everything so I can mark her off as done on my list” Y/n chuckles a little and looks over at Darcy who is on the couch scrolling through her phone. Y/n jumped onto the couch right beside Darcy and took her phone.  
“Hey! I was doing something” Darcy yells throwing her head back like a toddler, Darcy was a great friend most of the time, but when it came to boys and social media, no matter how long you have known her you don’t stand a chance.  
“I will give you your phone back after we go through your stuff, okay? I'll even help you make it go by faster” With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Y/n playfully slipped Darcy's phone into her pocket, knowing it would keep her friend focused on the task at hand. Darcy dramatically let out a groan, falling off the couch as dramatically as she could before stomping over to her suitcase and bags to begin the search. Y/n followed her, trying to stop the laugh that was threating to escape her lips as she watched Darcy's determined expression.  
While Darcy and y/n went through the check list Harry was going up and down the stairs bring what looked like his whole house along with this trip, y/n didn’t really understand why but she also didn’t have as much money as the styles family so she understood.  
“Okay everything is checked on the list!” Darcy said with a smile her hand out signaling she wanted her phone back Y/n rolled her eyes but gave it back to her anyways  
“Harry Darcy is done” Y/n called out, assuming he was upstairs since she couldn't remember where she last saw him go. However, as she turned around, she felt a presence behind her. She looked up and realized Harry was standing right there, his expression reflecting a mix of relief and satisfaction. 
“Okay good we can put stuff in the car and then we will be ready to go” Harry holds out his hand to help y/n up from her place on the floor, she mumbles a thank you and grabs her stuff to put in car, ready for vacation to start.  
When they arrive at the airport Harry is telling Darcy how she needs to act inside, y/n hasn’t ever traveled with the styles family before but by the look on Darcy and Harry’s face this happens every time.  Y/n kept to herself most of the time walking through the TSA until it was time to go through the metal detector. y/n knew she didn’t have anything that would get her in any trouble but she always got nervous going through it. She stands there for a minute when she feels a hand on her back, it’s Harry.Y/n turned to face him, finding comfort in his presence.  
"Hey, it's just a routine security check," he said with a warm smile. A smile that y/n always made her feel warm inside.  
"You'll be fine. Take a deep breath and walk through confidently." y/n nods, Harry gives her shoulder a squeeze before she walked through. Just like she thought, nothing would happen. Then Darcy came through, then Harry. Once they settled their bags in a chair, Darcy's hunger took over her attention. She turned to Y/n, a pleading expression on her face.  
"Y/n, do you want to go get a snack from the snack shop, dude, over there? I'm starving, and if I don't eat, I will die!" Darcy exclaimed dramatically. Y/n smiled and was about to reach for her wallet in her bag when Darcy stopped her.  
"No need for that, babe. Daddy will pay for it, right, daddy?" Darcy turned to face Harry; her eyes expectant. Y/n looked up, meeting Harry's gaze. It wasn't the first time Darcy had insisted that Harry pay for her and Y/n whenever they hung out. However, Y/n had always made it clear to Harry that she wouldn't let him cover her costs, but Darcy was unaware of this arrangement. 
“Yes of course, here you go sweetheart” he gives Darcy his credit card and she starts to jump up and down. Darcy thanks him and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Harry mouths y/n a ‘I’m sorry’ but she just shrugs, she will pay him in cash later. 
“Okay, you can go first what do you want” Darcy turns to y/n as she waves Harry’s card around in her face to show she can get whatever she wants.  
“Um, I'll just get a bag of chips” Darcy rolls her eyes  
“Okay, I guess I'll order for you too, can we get two bags of chips, two small cookie cakes and waters” Darcy turns to y/n and smiles. After they pay, y/n made a mental note of how much she owed Harry for all that Darcy ordered for her. They sat in those small little chairs for what felt like forever, mainly because Darcy would complain every 10 minutes saying she was bored.  
“But daddy I want to do something” whining, falling out of her chair onto the ground y/n sat on the ground with her trying to give Harry a break from Darcy constantly wanting attention 
“So, Darcy how are you and that boy you were talking to last week” y/n asked trying to get Darcy’s mind from the boredom at the question Darcy’s head shot up 
"Y/n! My dad is right here," Darcy protested, her tone filled with a mixture of embarrassment and concern. Y/n knew that Harry was always supportive and open-minded about Darcy's relationships. However, Darcy couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt discussing her romantic interests in front of her dad, knowing that he was no longer in a relationship himself. 
“Darc, he’s not even listening to us I mean look” her and Darcy turn to look at harry who is reading a book and looks like he is very confused on what's happening in it, y/n turn to look back at Darcy, smirk on her face. Darcy sighs but she is smiling.  
"Well, there is this guy I've been talking to. He's really sweet and funny. We've been getting to know each other, and I kind of like him," she admitted, a hint of excitement in her voice. y/n nods hugging Darcy’s side. 
Just then there was an announcement for them to board their plane, Darcy and y/n look at each other and start to giggle excitement oozing out of them.  
“Alright girls let’s go,” Harry grabbed his and Darcy’s stuff and headed towards the plane y/n looked down at their ticket and then looked at Darcy’s  
“Um Darc, I don’t really want the middle seat it kind of stresses me out do you want to trade” y/n’s voice was quiet, she never asked much out of Darcy, she want Darcy think she was using her for the money.  
“Sorry babe I need the aisle seat to be closer to the bathroom you can ask daddy to trade though he probably will” Darcy smiled, Y/n nodded, appreciating Darcy's understanding. Deep down, she didn't want to burden Harry. Not because he was imitating or anything but because he was a rich hot guy who happened to be her best friend's dad. Approaching Harry, Y/n hesitated for a moment. 
 "Harry, would you mind trading seats with me? The middle seat makes me a bit anxious." Harry turned to looked at Y/n, he looked shocked for some reason maybe because of how shy y/n got suddenly. 
"Of course, Y/n. It's not a problem at all. I want you to feel comfortable. Let's switch seats," he responded with a reassuring smile. There they were again that feeling in y/n’s stomach, is she really getting butterflies? 
 Now she is sitting exactly where she likes, the window seat, it gave her the perfect vantage point to look out the window and enjoy the scenic views without any interruptions. It was her sanctuary on the plane, without the inconvenience of people climbing over her if they needed to use the bathroom. 
“Thank you, Harry,” Harry looks at her and puts his hand over hers and smiles  
“of course, y/n you are the guest on this trip after all” he says with a small laugh escaping. y/n knew the flight was going to be long and she was going to get tired Darcy on the other side of Harry had been passed out for a long time, but y/n couldn’t seem to get comfortable. Shes always had a problem going to sleep, so trying to sleep on a plane made it even harder.  
“You okay Y/n? You seem like you can’t sleep”  
“Yeah, I've always had trouble sleeping and so this isn’t the easiest thing for me right now, not to mention I can’t get comfortable” y/n starts shifting again proving her point even more. Harry nods, he must know how she feels because he also has been up and fight sleep the whole time as well 
“Well if you need a person to lean on you can lean on me” Harry says hinting that it might help go to sleep if she was cuddled into Harry's side. The butterflies are back she knew they were. She slowly puts her head on his shoulder and then slowly gets adjusted into his side feeling her eyes get heavier and heavier till she eventually falls asleep with Harry’s heart beat putting her there.  
Once the plane landed and they all got their luggage they headed to an uber to take them to their hotel, y/n and Harry never talked about what had happened on the plane and Darcy didn’t even see them on the plane but y/n was still worried about what Darcy would say if she did know the emotion that sparked between them last night one the plane. 
They finally arrive at the hotel y/n was shocked when she opened the room there was a living room, kitchen and 3 bedroom that were all master bedrooms. Rich people are crazy.  
“Alright girls, pick which rooms you want and then I'll take the other one” Harry says while dropping his stuff in the living room smile plastered on his face, Darcy runs room to room seeing which one was the biggest.  
“Daddy, I want this one” she yells from a room looking out to hint she wanted Harry to bring her stuff over to her. Y/n walks over to the 2 remaining rooms looking at which one had the best sea view to it she smiled and picked up her stuff and put it on the bed. 
“Picking the one with the best view I see, I'm jealous” Y/n turns around to see harry leaning on the door frame. 
“You can have it if you want, I mean you did pay for all of this I want you to enjoy your trip as well” y/n rambles and Harry pushes himself off the door frame and walks up to y/n 
“No, you're okay, you enjoy this room, you do know I want what Is best for you, I care about you” he puts his hands on her shoulder rubbing his soft thumb over her skin, making her breath get caught in her throat.  
“I know, it’s just I-” he puts his finger on her lips hinting for her to not go a ramble and she looks up meet his eyes, the look in his eyes is new, something she has never seen from him before but from others. The look of want, like he needs to be right here doing what he is doing right now, like his life depended on it.  
“Harry-” Y/n starts and Harry nods, he knew what she was going to say  
“i know, but y/n, it’s so hard not to want you” he says his face inching closer to hers their lips about to touch when  
“Daddy! Can me and y/n go down to the pool, I need to start working on my tan” Harry and y/n jump away from each other so fast that y/n could have gotten whip lash. 
“Yeah, that’s fine just don’t stay too long I want to go somewhere nice dinner” Darcy smiled and gave y/n a look telling her to get dressed and hurry up, y/n goes to her suitcase and grabs one of her bathing suits and heads to the bathroom and puts it on. She looks at herself in the mirror, hands wrapped around herself, she didn’t want to walk out knowing Harry was on the other side of the door and was going to see her half naked after the interaction they just had.  
She wasn’t the most confident in herself but if she took any longer Darcy would throw a tantrum like a toddler, so she walks out of the bathroom and she is met with Darcy holding a towel for her, y/n mumbles a thanks She wrapped the towel around herself, finding comfort in it, being able to cover her body. As they leave the hotel room y/n looks back making eye contact with harry, he sends her a small smile when she closes the door. 
“Come on y/n get in, the water feels good” Darcy splashes a little water on y/n who is sitting on the edge her feet in the water.  
“Fine you are such a whiny baby Darc” she says as she slips in the water and Darcy goes up and drags her more into the pool laughing at what y/n had said know her playful tone. 
“Come on you love it, so my goal for you this vacation trip is to find you a hot guy, 10 extra points if he has a hot accent” Darcy says smirk on her face as she swam up to y/n. the smile on y/n’s face started to fade at what Darcy was saying, y/n had her eye on one person but she could never have him and it was Harry but she couldn’t tell Darcy that. She wanted to tell Darcy the truth, to tell her best friend about the emotions that had been swirling inside her. But fear held her back. fear of losing one of her oldest and only friends, and fear of how Darcy might react. 
“You know Darc I don’t I want to find a guy just to never see him again you know” y/n trying to make up an excuse for Darcy not to play matchmaker. 
“Oh babe, I'm not talking relationship, I think you need to get laid” she laughs and y/n stiffened there was no way she could escape this, she needed a big white lie to get out of this  
“I think I need to work on myself this trip, you know” y/n smiled but Darcy frowned  
“Fine, let me know if you change your mind, I have my eye on few guys already” Darcy said with a smile. About an hour later they go back up to their room to shower and get ready for dinner. y/n had just stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel when she heard a knock at the door, she was confused, Darcy takes forever in the shower, but she also loves y/n shampoo so might be coming to grab it. But to her surprise it wasn’t Darcy but Harry, Y/n tightened her grip around her towel  
“H-Harry, what are you doing” she couldn’t make eye contact with him she was scared to see the judgement on his face as he judged her body. Harry noticed her tension nodded  
“I'm sorry I don’t mean to bother I was just wondering if you had any preferences of where you wanted to go to dinner?”  
“Oh, no Harry I don't care whatever you pick will be fine by me” Harry nods his eyes traveling up and down her body but y/n didn’t notice as she was still looking at the ground  
“How about you get dressed and come and take a walk with me on the beach while Darcy gets ready, she already told me she won’t be ready for another hour and a half” Harry rolls his eyes at that, knowing how long Darcy takes in the shower and taking forever getting out and getting ready.  
Once y/n is ready she walks out of the bathroom and heads to the living room where Harry was, she coughed to get his attention from his spot on the couch  
“Oh, wow, that dress looks great on you” he said standing up looking at her, she was wearing a yellow sundress, simple, but effective. 
“Thank you, Harry, ready?” He nods and heads to the counter in the kitchen to grab his wallet one thing she has learned about him, he always has to bring his wallet where ever he goes. The walk to the beach was quite bit not in a bad way, in y/n opinion she thought it was nice. Until Harry clears his throat causing her to look at him.  
“y/n I think we need to talk” y/n doesn’t say anything she just nods.  
“About what happened earlier, when we...” he trailed off as y/n started to change the way she was walking less confidently and kind of scared. Harry stops and grabs y/n’s hand causing her to also stop and look at him.  
“Look, you are a great friend to my daughter and you are so nice to me, I can’t let how I feel about you ruin your friendship with my daughter” the whole time Harry is saying this y/n is looking at Harry straight in the eye absorbing each word 
“She doesn’t have to know, Harry it can just be me and you against the world okay, I think I'm really falling for you and when we almost kissed earlier, I felt something I don’t know what the feeling was but I have never felt it before” Harry grabs her hand and kisses it shaking his head, hint to y/n that there is nothing that they can do. The thought of never getting to love someone the way she is starting to love Harry, y/n starts to get upset. 
y/n shakes her head and kisses Harry, it was desperate like she was hungry for it. Harry on the hand was still in shock by y/n boldness, but soon he puts his hands on her waist giving into her. After a while they both pull away. 
“I want you, she doesn’t have to know, ok, I need someone who knows how to treat a woman, every guy I have ever been with doesn’t know, but you, you do I know you do, hell you have treated me so well since I was 5 years old, please Harry” y/n sounded desperate, but she sound like she wanted Harry to prove that she is a lovable girl, like before him she felt like no one would ever love her. 
“no one can know, we can’t do anything risky okay? If Darcy finds out she will hate you and I know you don’t want to lose her” another reason y/n loved Harry, he put her needs before his own, y/n nods  
“we’ll talk about this later okay, we need to start heading back, Darcy probably close to being ready” he grabs y/n’s hand and they walk back to the hotel hand in hand, a slight smile on y/n’s face. This trip was definitely going to change her life.  
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artsimmys · 1 year
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Ep. 6 “Truth/Dare”
2K notes · View notes
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moodboard-d · 10 months
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Pride and Prejudice (2005)
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casswithmywholeheart · 7 months
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keep froggin..
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ishimaru-suprimacy · 2 months
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The true god of fear and hunger
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catcacophony · 5 months
i just realized who lavinia has been reminding me of this whole time
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kanasiiyoshihana · 4 months
LEGO Darcy (Vote for Darcy in the poll Bracket)
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🖤⭕🖤 “𝖂𝖊 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖆 𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕬𝖒𝖕𝖍𝖎𝖇𝖎𝖆'𝖘 𝖌𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖘, 𝖚𝖕𝖑𝖔𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖔 𝖆 𝖚𝖓𝖎𝖋𝖎𝖊𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖈𝖎𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘” ﮩـﮩﮩ٨ـ🫀ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
🇲🇽: Un Fanart de Darcy en el estilo de Lego Monkie Kid ✨
🇺🇸: A Fanart of Darcy in the style of Lego Monkie Kid ✨
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ ♡ ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
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honeyhotteoks · 1 month
it’s a friday and i’m tipsy but do you guys ever just wanna frick yunho so bad anyways im doing gr8
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darlenicy · 2 months
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love this early design of the Trix!
(Found it here on Pinterest)
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applecoreart · 1 month
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I want to invest more time in reading again and thought some cute reading lists would be a nice motivator. Since I want to re-read Jane Austen's novels, starting with Pride & Prejudice, that seemed like a good theme to run with (especially with all the talk about books and reading) :) Visually, they're all kind of chilling at home with a good book (except for Mr. Collins, who I threw in there as a joke-- you can rank books on his list by potatoes, rather than hearts, lol).
The lists are free to download from my Google Drive here (grouped into a '95 and '05 pack). Each pack contains the printable pdf pages, as well as the same designs on printable (6"x2") bookmarks :) Happy reading! ❤️📚
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The roughest, sketchiest, darcy
Trying to get more of a rubberhose style down for reasons that will be made clear in the future if i dont forget about it again
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crownedxdragon3 · 5 months
y’alls favourite darcy wu! would love ukrainian speakers reaction lol
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inesvazquezart · 11 months
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Hello there! I´m opening my online shop for a few days. You can find some prints ( Ahsoka, Spy x Family and Inuyasha stuff), alongside a self pubished 150 page Star wars comic book, satirical of course.
And, this 16 page Pride and Prejudice zine I put together last summer. It was an experiment to play with style and go back to traditional inking. It follows the characters after what happens in the 2005 book adaptation.So if you are into regency England nonsense, you now know where to grab it:
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I was watching Lisa Fevral’s breakdown on season 8 of winx and my mam wandered in and thought she was the coolest person ever.
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eyesome-beauty · 19 days
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