#darius is so done
32 🦕
Ooh this is a fun one. Here we go!
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Number 32 is Red and Black from Les Misérables (original stage cast). This can either be seen as really funny or kinda sad, depending on how you look at it. I personally tend to lean towards the funny side, since I put this on there imagining it as the first meeting of the newly turned CATTs, with Darius playing Enjolras*, Raine playing Marius*, Eberwolf as Grantaire* and the younger BATTs as various other voices in the song.
I’ve linked the Genius Lyrics with annotations of this song in case anyone’s curious, but I think it’s really funny to picture exasperated Darius trying to lead a rebellion, lovesick Raine sitting in the corner pining, and Eberwolf just encouraging Raine to annoy Darius (and of course the baby BATTs, just enjoying the show. Derwin’s just politely amused, Amber thinks it’s weird, and Katya is LOVING IT)
I’m so sad that I lost my Apple Pencil or I would draw some of these scenes 😂 anyone who wants to feel free to steal this idea for animatics or art! thanks for the ask! If people are interested, I can do a full annotation once finals are over.
*casting is for this song only, not the whole musical lol
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neunhofferart · 12 days
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Studies I drew while referencing Will Nichols' expression sheets to figure out my storyboard shorthand for the adult Nublar 6 designs on Jurassic World Chaos Theory.
My shorthand wound up evolving, but it's still interesting to see where I started.
Check out the original expression sheets here-- they're fantastic!
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crashing-all-modes · 3 days
If Camp Creatous or Chaos Theory were rated PG 14, I know for a FACT Yas would be the one to say fuck
Like if you agree
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swan2swan · 10 days
There really is something terrifying and yet beautiful about how Darius's love of dinosaurs was quickly surpassed by his love for his friends and found family.
The revelation that as soon as one dinosaur killed one of his fellow campers, he was done with them? After they'd put their trust in him? Whether he was in love with them or not? That was all it took, one death? One loss? And it was Over? Even the keepsake he shared with his father was cast aside, because the thought of loving something that had brought so much harm was too much? Even with all of his knowledge, the weapon that kept his friends alive, that an animal is just doing what an animal does, he still vilified them and pushed all of that aside?
That is such beautiful, terrifying Character Growth.
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campbenji · 1 month
JWCT Countdown Prompt Selection is up and running!
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After a few delays, the jwct countdown is finally starting to take shape! -> Here's the link to the prompt selection form <-
Prompt selection will remain open until April 30th, 11:59 PM CST. I know it's not a lot of time, but I hope we're still able to get a good amount of votes in. After the selection form has closed, the 7 most selected prompts will be announced along with the dates on the official post.
Happy voting!!! 🦕
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withdenim · 1 year
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Man this house is fucked up!!! Who fucked these kids up!!
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
I'm coping with waiting for s3 in normal ways
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thinking about the fact that darius was the person brooklynn needed but not who she wanted. kenji was the person she wanted but didn’t need.
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cherrymoonvol6 · 7 months
ok nvm i'll elaborate right now
i think one of the many weird choices in the finale was to make belos possess raine out of all people. one, because it really comes out of the blue. when has belos ever shown any interest of raine? like, i'm sure he must be aware of raine's record of plotting against the establishment, but he never deals with them himself. instead he sends a plethora of other people to do it for him (darius, eberwolf, kikimora, terra). if anything, it is terra that has a bone to pick with them. and in a parallel work where raine got more to do, i believe terra and raine's dynamic would've been something really interesting to explore. kinda like the relationship between atreus and odin in GOW ragnarok, like this "okay i know you hate me and all that i stand for, but i see potential in you so i'll take you under my wing and prove to you that i am worth of your time and loyalty" kinda thing, which is a banger dynamic btw.
but the second part is that there are two way more attractive options. the first one, immediately on demand, is darius. ofc it would take some canon time of developing that dynamic between belos and darius (it pains me that it doesn't exist), but it would make sense that belos would keep a close eye on darius. after all, he was mentored and was a good friend of the previous golden guard, and it's implied in various scenes (mostly ASIAS) that he knows enough about hunter's "ancestors" to praise him when he doesn't follow orders, and ultimately play the long-con to betray belos. he may even be aware in some sense of belos killing the previous golden guard, or even the existence of the grimwalkers. in that case, it would make sense that belos would have built some resentment towards him that ultimately shows in the choice to possess, corrupt and kill his puppeteer-ed body. but then, there's an even better option here, and a character that belos has hide a long-time resentment against: lilith.
look, if belos remembers luz from all those years ago, then he abso-fucking-lutely remembers lilith as well. and in a sense you can interpret the actions in canon as him trying to exert his personal vendetta against her: keep her close in the emperor's coven, trying to get her sister to join and get branded with a sigil with the promise that he'll cure her from her curse, all this while knowing that she would eventually betray him and join luz's side. we know belos kept her close for a reason and he knows the extent of her abilities, her history and relationship with eda, and her weaknesses as well. belos possessing lilith, then, would not only be the definitive "fuck you" to her, but could've also been an effective way to provoke eda emotionally and lead her to abandon her hideout to confront him. and honestly, from the way belos acts in that scene in FTF, his reaction to finding the best candidate to possess would make so much more sense if it was lilith and not raine.
but like, aren't lilith and raine just... insanely similar characters in the show's narrative? both are figures of eda's past, who loved each other sincerely back in simpler times, and through plot-related actions (raine's reason is much better narratively though, IMO) abandoned eda and joined the opposing side, climbing the ranks through their powerful abilities until becoming important figures in the coven circle. trying to think about the things i'd change in canon to make raeda a better couple involve making them go through similar plot beats that eda and lilith have gone through: an emotional, powerful moment where raine has to choose between their position of power and eda's wellbeing, actual tension between them (resentment and guilt from eda's side, frustration and confusion from raine's side), situations where they are forced to colaborate and their chemistry can still come through but still their dynamic is permeated by those lingering wounds... like, all of those things are stuff that already happened in canon, between eda and lilith. there's even that moment in king's tide where eda has the same somber moment with raine and lilith before executing their sabotage:
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to me, it event seems like lilith got a lot of attention and development with eda in S1 and early S2 and then her character got sidelined when raine started to appear, and simultaneously: how raine's backstory and conflict of interest with eda are pretty much an afterthought but they still get to be a key player in the plot through late S2 and S3. i'm really sorry that economic character construction has to work this way, but that's how it is: you don't get to give eda a sister and a significant other and then make those two characters the same one. you have to commit to just one and integrate all aspects onto them.
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idle-compy · 7 months
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here have a messy drawing i rushed for no reason
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itsnicsalad · 1 year
shameless self promo,, but i got a new video done :"D this took so long but i kinda like how it turned out tbh. check it out if you wanna
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jennaray143 · 1 year
Golden days Au Headcanons for Adrian
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- Refers to Hunter as “Kit” or “kitten”
- Teases Raine and Darius relentless especially about their past relationships (Blightsy and the Owl Lady), he went to school with Raine at Saint Epidurme so he tends to target them worse
- Always on the verge of saying something inappropriate or explaining something to Hunter that toddlers shouldn’t know about
- They always have coffee on them, doesn’t matter where they are or what time of day it is they always have a shot of caffeine at the ready
- They read Hunter bedtime stories and use illusions to give the experience extra flare, often times it backfires and Hunter is just more riled up after the show.
- They’re the ‘fun’ caretaker, they’re not completely negligent but they have no problem with letting Hunter fill up on candy for him to have a sugar rush conveniently before he’s passed on for Raine or Darius to handle
- They are wildly irresponsible with Hunter (they will loose Hunter often, resulting in him just chilling in some random obscure spot in the castle) but genuinely care for his safety and well being, whenever Hunter is sick or hurt they get very anxious and worried
- This is sort of random but he’s an emetophob, emetophobia is the fear of throwing up so whenever Hunter is really sick he is no where to be seen, although if Hunter really needed him or wanted his bedtime stories he would face his fears to be there for him
- He tries to act cold and unconcerned but would gush and praise any of Hunter’s minor accomplishments, they lost those mind when Hunter took his first steps, Hunter would hand him a very poorly made crayon drawing he would act as if it were the next ‘Monster Lisa’, he brags about Hunter to just about anyone (Terra and a few scouts have definitely gotten and earful about the boy)
- I try my best to keep my characters as canon as possible in my stories although Adrian is probably the least so, I tried my best to give him some human traits that still play in the role of his natural prick nature as exhibited in the show.
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roundclowns · 14 days
also im floored genuinely by how good chaos theory was? like I liked camp cretaceous alot! but also I understand it was aimed at people younger than me of course, it was tame most of the time and thats fine! Chaos theory is so much less so, no blood sure, but so much genuine emotion and heartfelt story telling in these episodes. the grief and trauma these characters are going through is handled so well and comes from such a genuine place.
The camera work and lighting also is such a leap forward. its really engaging to watch they cram a lot into 20 minutes. I do not binge stuff normally I have to be really gripped by something to sit down and watch for ages but they managed it.
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hoperays-song · 6 months
Darius and Harry Hedacanons
Darius had no fucking clue they were dating for the first three months of the their relationship. Harry has not dropped it since.
Harry's younger siblings make fun of him for his choice in partner every time they call.
Harry has a 10 step skincare routine... Darius just throws water on his face an calls it a day. Harry is horrified by this.
Neither of them can cook for shit, leading to them constantly going out to eat.
Marcy technically introduced both of them since they were both her clients and looking for roommates. Judging by the amount of trouble they now cause her, she probably regrets it.
Very much the definition of "while this one has no clue what they're doing, the other one is so, so, so much worse".
While they both can drive, Harry refuses to let Darius do so out of fear for both their safety (smart move Harry).
Harry is the only known person who can read Darius's handwriting.
Arguments between the two typically end up with Darius yelling in Standard Tibetan and Harry yelling in Swahili and end shortly after, as neither of them can understand what the other is saying. Though, they do translate it after they've both cooled down.
They are both night owls and are rarely up before 10am. Which is fine with Harry's night gigs. Darius's jobs... not so much most of the time.
A lot of time they will wear each other's clothes without realizing til they get to their respective works and figuring out their shirt is either too small or too big.
Darius's grandmother and mom both love Harry and were trying to set the two up way before they got together.
Darius loves giving gifts and hardly ever has a week gone by that Harry has not found a random present left mixed in with his show props.
They had been dating about a year and half at the start of Sing 2.
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swan2swan · 14 days
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Making a little gifset about grief here.
No reason. Nothing coming up this week whatsoever. Don't worry about it.
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thousand-winters · 1 year
Hello. It's a beautiful day to remember Dadrius and Uncl-Eber are canon 💜🧡
That is all.
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