wildshadowtamer · 3 years
ok so eye!sasha and spiral!sasha are both great ideas, but we have 12 other entities. sure, canonically nothing else really works, but in an au:
End!Sasha, Buried!Sasha, Web!Sasha, Dark!Sasha, Corruption!Sasha, Vast!Sasha to name some specifically
and this absolutely goes for Tim as well (Spiral!Tim, anyone?)
End and Corruption could work with canon too, considering it was during a corruption attack and she, y’know, died
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tara-the-medium · 5 years
People were weird when they slept. The creases and wrinkles from their waking life disappeared, leaving behind only a whisper of their thoughts, worries, and dreams. They looked younger, as if the years hadn’t worn them down like the tide slowly eating away at the rocky shore, taking their life force instead. They were weird because they didn’t at all resemble the person they truly were on the inside. They looked innocent, more akin to the child their mother adored than the monster they had become. It was times like these where Sasha almost considered letting them go. Almost. 
Her blade arced through the air and the man before her, thick bearded and reeking of alcohol, leapt up, yowling as he clutched his forearm. Sasha sat on the coffee table calmly, watching his sputter. His bloodshot eyes raked the room wildly before finally resting on her. 
“YOU FUCKING BITCH” He roared, and she felt vodka soaked spittle shower her face. His uninjured arm reeled back, but Sasha was quicker. She was on her feet with her knife under his chin before he could land what promised to be an uncomfortable hit, by the size of him. 
“I’m sorry, what was that?” Sasha asked softly, triumphant at the shock in his eyes. “I’d watch myself if I were you, Greg. You don’t lock your doors well at night. Now sit down.” Before he could do it himself, she shoved him back onto the old couch, which creaked under his weight. Towering over him, Sasha folded her arms. “Do you know why I’m here, Greg?”
The man, Greg, glared up at her, blood leaking through his fingers where he applied pressure to his wound, “I told you, I’d call when I had information, and-”
Sasha laughed a soft, humourless laugh, “No, Greg. That’s not what you said. You said you’d call in two weeks with information. It’s been three.” 
“I was going to - “
 “Lives are at stake, Greg. Innocent lives. And here you are drinking away the money we paid you. Now you better have a good fucking reason for getting pissed drunk four nights a week on our dime instead of following that ‘so called lead’ you said you had.” Sasha’s fingers tightened around her knife, her expression hard. 
“I do!” Greg fumed and made a funny jerking movement like he meant to stand but thought better of it. “There’s a guy at the bar. I think he’s one of them. I was going to call you tomorrow, you stupid bitch.” Sasha’s eyebrow arced dangerously, her arms unfolded, knife glinting in the dark, and he continued on, “I don’t know for sure, that’s why I haven’t called. He’s this fit guy, attractive, but his eyes are weird, they’re almost yellow. Loud, cocky guy. I’ve been trying to talk to him but he won’t bite... I mean that figuratively.” He added quickly from the look on Sasha’s face. “Here, I’ve got a picture of him.”
Greg fumbled in his jeans pocket for his phone, and withdrew a beat up old iPhone with a cracked screen. He scrolled through the pictures, keeping one eye on Sasha, until he found what he was looking for. “See?” He said, handing her the phone.
Sasha squinted through the broken screen at a grinning young man in the throws of an animated conversation, around her age. He was everything Greg said he was; attractive, muscular, and he held himself in that self assured way. But it was his eyes that gave Sasha pause. The way the light caught them turned them into great, yellow disks. Any other person would have passed it off as a trick of the light, but she knew better. 
“Good work, Greg.” She said lightly, tossing the phone back to him. “Send that to me. I want more information on this guy by the end of the week or the next time I see you won’t be so pleasant.” Her dark eyes bore into his, and Greg had to suppress a shudder. “I’ll see myself out.” With that, she turned heel and stalked out of the house.
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theheartofcalamity · 2 years
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Such wounds to the heart will probably never heal. But we cannot simply sit and stare at our wounds forever.
— Haruki Murakami
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thesimperiuscurse · 2 years
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the metropolitan museum of art. 
new york city. shot on 35mm film. 
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mith-gifs-wrestling · 2 years
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Sasha and Bayley look back on a key moment from their historic TakeOver match on the aptly-named show "WWE Evil."
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thenicedevil · 2 years
Can’t believe anne saved the world with the power of kpop
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kittyyrose · 2 years
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I got bored and gave Sasha black hair
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moonlitgazes · 2 years
black women still having to deal with bullshit in the workplace in 2022 should honestly be illegal. its disgusting, its outdated, its annoying, its hypocritical ESPECIALLY when said workplace masks itself on being diverse and never hesitates to announce their first black -fill in the blank here-. like, you’re telling GROWN ASS BLACK WOMEN to “fix their attitudes” when they have a right to be concerned about the way the company is handling their jobs and instead of coming out with the truth about what happened, they twist the story to make it seem like the BLACK WOMEN were being bratty and unprofessional and commences to bash them on national television because they rightfully walked away knowing full well the main audience of the company are racist white men so whose side do we think they’re going to take? this is bullshit and it saddens me that no one is going to do anything about it... 
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helloyd · 2 years
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iwantescapism13 · 2 years
You know what’s unsettling to me? The weird feeling that each dialogue that Dark Marcy says is from a different Leviathan ancestor / Amphibian scholar. It almost feels like... they treat Marcy’s body like some kind of car that they can just take turn and drive. Thus, the dialogues sounding like it’s from different personalities.
Let me run through two things:
1) their handful of lines and who are “taking over”
2) how Marcy is going to be saved
Go on and read the details under the cut if you’re interested in this theory.
1) Dark Marcy’s lines
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The very first dialogue of Dark Marcy already sounded sinister, which was understandable since Marcy just got possessed.
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Sounded darker than the first dialogue - a Leviathan ancestor most likely.
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Now, this is where I had a bit of suspicion. It didn’t sound as sinister as the previous dialogues. In fact, it sounded more like... they enjoyed(?) taking Marcy’s phone apart and finding it fascinating(?) that they didn’t find anything useful in it. Like... a scientist, perhaps...
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Could be the scientist again or another amphibian, judging by how casual and informal they spoke.
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A different sound again. Someone who’s intrigued by something foreign to them.
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Yet a totally different sound, even adding a hand gesture to complete the dialogue.
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Someone who’s cruel this time, who have no sense of consideration for the original host.
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It’s back to the scientist again.
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Someone who went through Marcy’s memories and took in the teenager slang, as well as knowing that the body needs sustenance.
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This is the dialogue that made me start thinking about this theory. The formality of the dialogue... the way the words were enunciated... this is definitely from a Leviathan ancestor. Probably a former princess or queen.
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The amphibian controlling now seems like of a noble status, the way they sounded when making such declaration.
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A dialogue that followed after Marcy’s body fell. Yet another Leviathan ancestor / Amphibian scholar that doesn’t give a shit about Marcy’s body. To top it all off, they don’t seem to sense any pain.
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Probably taken over by the scientist again. Or it could be another Amphibian scholar that somehow sounded very robotic with all the computer terms.
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From systematic-sounding terms to informal dialogue like this? Someone else took over again.
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Someone sarcastic took over. May not necessarily be the owner of the first 2 Dark Marcy dialogues.
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Someone who treats King Andrias like a child. Probably a teacher...? Or probably a relative that knows King Andrias when he was young... 
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And this nails the theory right in my brain. Former King Aldrich took over Marcy's body to say the line to King Andrias.
So now that all have been analyzed, I’m gonna explain the 2nd point:
2) How can Marcy be saved?
As mentioned above and by Fomer King Aldrich himself in the episode, The Core consists of the consciousness of the different Leviathan ancestors and Amphibian scholars - whoever were considered “smart”. With different consciousness means that there exists different idealogies. Sure, they all share a common goal and that’s to make sure that their legacy continues and Amphibia prospers. However, their way of working is surely different from one another.
Who knows how they’re maintaining order at the moment, allowing control of Marcy’s body one at a time like they have some kind of queue system.
But that’s precisely their downfall.
Two words: Internal. Conflict.
If they focus their efforts onto deciding who should be the main controller of the body, this will give Marcy a chance to escape the room that she’s trapped in and finally take back her own body. After that, she can use her powers to forcefully get them out of her mind.
However... that will depend on whether Marcy wants to escape the room in the first place.
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If the theory about Marcy being in an endless loop of good memories with Anne and Sasha is true, then this is her way of coping with stress and her escapism.
Why would she get away when this is all she ever wanted - to be friends with Anne and Sasha forever?
And that’s probably why...
...it’s ‘The Hardest Thing’.
Marcy Wu needs to face reality.
Once she wakes up, she would have to agree with her parents to move away.
Once she wakes up, she would have to face Anne and Sasha and properly apologize to them for everything that had happened.
Once she wakes up, Anne would have to give a piece of her mind.
Once she wakes up, Sasha would have to give a piece of her mind.
Once she wakes up...
...she would have to accept that she’s worth saving.
And that she’s forgiven, no matter what.
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violetscacti-art · 3 years
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How can you say no to that face
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theheartofcalamity · 2 years
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call-of-the-ocean · 2 years
sasha (´ε` ) ?
here you go anon, a sasha (and not!sasha too) for you!
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decided to take this opportunity to redesign her slightly
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konfuse · 3 years
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Draw the Squad
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taiturner · 2 years
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So what is it? The good that comes out of this bad?
the walking dead |  favorite episode(s) of every season season 5 episode 03  ▶️   four walls and a roof
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