#dark and gritty rp
rp-partnerfinder · 3 months
Hi, you can call me Storm! I'm 30 and the mom of a loud and demanding cat ❤️
I’m a multiple paragraphs/novella style writer. I love to write detailed descriptions and delve into a character’s head/emotions as well as surroundings. I compare it to writing a novel together. Not every reply has to be novella length, however. If there are action or dialogue heavy scenes, I tend to do a shorter back and forth to keep the momentum going. 
I only do MxF (with me writing the female role). I don’t double, but I’m more than happy to write side characters of either gender to help move the story along. I only want female authors writing male characters as I’m uncomfortable with male authors. (Nonbinary pals are an exception).
I'm really hoping to find a friendship, someone who can add to our story, and most importantly, someone who wants a long-term connection. It's difficult for me to write with someone if I don't feel that genuine bond. It's also important to me to have a high level of activity, with at least one reply a day. 
If you suddenly stop replying ic and ooc, I'll drop the story after 2 attempts of gauging interest spaced a week apart. But feel free to message me if you want to pick the story back up again, even months later. 
Searching For: 
20+ partners only 
An excellent grasp of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. (Literate to advanced writers only, please. I'm not looking for newbies)
Plot before smut. While mature themes will be in my writing, there needs to be chemistry between our characters. I normally do a 60/40 plot to smut ratio and my characters tend to be subs/switches depending on the circumstances 
 An older male character (early forties to mid-late fifties). I love the gruff and tough men with dark pasts who secretly have a soft heart. I also love grumpy, hypermasculine men being intimidated by sweet but fiery women. My characters are mid-late twenties to early-mid thirties so the age gap is legal. 
I'm not looking for age play. It's a romance between two consenting adults who each act exactly their age, and they just happen to be different ages. 
Enthusiasm to chat about our character and ship, how to crush them and then gushing over fluffy moments. I love crying over characters and what the heck they’re doing. I want my heart ripped from my chest from angst, then feeling like it’s going to burst from overwhelming cuteness. I want us to love these characters and the world we create. I want to make pinterest boards, spotify playlists, graphics, and toss headcanons back and forth until late at night. 
Have an idea for a scene? Found a picture that inspired you? Send it to me! Be invested when it comes to plotting/worldbuilding. There’s nothing worse than receiving one sentence in reply to two paragraphs of ideas, or having a doormat partner who says “sure” to whatever I ask. Building ideas one on top of the other, watching them snowball into amazing plot threads brings me joy. But having to pull plot ideas like I’m pulling teeth makes me think you’re not interested, and I will lose interest in return.
Modern fantasy, monsters, sci-fi, omegaverse, southern gothic/midwest gothic (i’m a sucker for that southern/texas drawl), horror, height/size difference, cheating/affair, enemies to lovers, slow burn romance, spooky small towns, post apocalyptic/dystopia, crime/mysteries, emotionally charged/dark and gritty, bodyguard x assignment, forced proximity, opposites attract, fated mates, anti heroes/morally gray characters, traumatic pasts, grumpy x sunshine, one bed, men who simp over their women, touch her / him and die, and more.
I have lots of original plot ideas in mind as well!
Fandoms (OCs ONLY) 
Star Wars, Stranger Things, Mercy Thompson Series, True Blood, The Last of Us, Hunger Games, Fallout (TV Show)
I write only on discord using servers with organized channels. Like this post or add me on discord (magicofrain) if you’re interested. The most effective way to grab my genuine interest is by messaging me as if we've been friends for years. Please let me know which interests you liked from my ad.
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psychedelic-charm · 1 year
I've just discovered this YouTube channel called "The Sims Lore", and recently they uploaded a short video essay on the defunct early 2000's MMO "The Sims Online". Apparently, the early Sims games were more adult than they are now. I wonder if there are any simmers on here who miss that.
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spicy-cannoli · 1 year
Robin ropes Steve into playing Dungeons and Dragons with a some gay friends she made that are fine with her playing lesbian characters and don’t add homophobia for “realism”. She kept going “but Steeeve this is the only way I can express myself 🥺” until he accepted.
So he played.
Then he realised… he actually likes it? It’s an RP and Story focused campaign with less focus on the fighting aspect, and Steve falls in love with developing his Human Fighter (he’s that bitch). It’s only him and some girls who aren’t his type and he isn’t theirs. It’s the first time (not counting Carol and Robin) he’s able to hang out with girls without having attraction muddying the relationship.
There’s no sexism or homophobia or non consensual touching to PCs, because in their session zero they each discussed their no gos. Steve and Robin even managed to make it so their characters wouldn’t get in situations that reminded them of their time with the Russians.
As time goes one he keeps making characters less and less like him, and he keeps having fun. He and Robin go and play each Friday and they love it.
He befriends the girls, the DM, an out and proud punk named Rosa who Robin met at a record store. A cute cheerleader looking girl named Emma who Steve wouldn’t have guessed played such chaotic edgy characters (she was also the DM’s girlfriend). A short haired redhead band kid called Vicky Steve is SURE Robin has a crush on, and Michelle, a super funny girl who keeps playing bards that will try to sleep with ANY boss and npc.
Then Dustin finds out. He’s betrayed, he’s been asking Steve to join one of Eddie’s campaigns for years! After some guilt tripping and begging, Steve finally accepts with the condition that Robin is there, only to find out… they hate it?
It’s not that bad, but it’s fight focused and while the story is good, there’s barely any role playing, and Robin can’t have gay characters because she’s not out to them.
The world is gritty and dark and Steve just… isn’t interested. He hadn’t been exposed to characters treating women in taverns as objects before and he’s shocked to find out it bothers him?
Steve tells Dustin straight up that he didn’t like it, and their play style was boring to him and the Party is in a state of shock. Eddie understands, telling the party different people have different playing styles but the party is now offended, especially Mike who can’t believe Steve prefers this random punk girl as a DM to Eddie.
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i want to destroy the god king and begin an anarchist uprising. culminating in participating in the aftermath building a new world
You and me both buddy. Let’s get started.
THEME: Destroy God
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Dethrone Skeleton God, by emmy verse.
In this gmless role playing game you will set out on a journey to find and dethrone the aforementioned god. You will need some d6s, a d12, and some writing materials.
This game pulls a lot of inspiration from some pretty stellar games, including No Stone Unturned, EXTRACAUSAL, Trophy, and Blades in the Dark. You will play racing against three Fallout Tracks, which track the collapse of the material world, the immaterial world, and the Skeleton God’s Power. When all tracks are full, the game is over, and you narrate how the world ends.
If nobody in your group wants the burden/responsibility of running a game, this game is an excellent option as it is both GM-less and lightweight. It’s only 16 pages long and covers creating location elements and exploring them as a group. Everything is collaborative, so if you’re interested in games that let you come up with a story together as you go, you might want to check out this game.
Dead Gods, by Trollish Delver Games.
After the Cataclysm of Heaven it all changed. Murdered gods fell from the sky, sundering the land and casting their sacred relics about the world. From the woodwork crawl Warcults, scavengers of god-relics to further their own twisted gains. The Eternal seek power over death itself. The Order of the Stars seek relics to unlock god-like omniscience. The Pale Druids imbibe relics to acquire power over nature itself. The Black Maw will create a new, hungrier god under their control. 
Pick up a lovingly-designed weird cult and pit them against your friend in a desperate effort to grab a sacred god-relic in this miniatures skirmish game. Each player will control a number of different kinds of war cult members, and there are 4 war cults to embody in the upcoming skirmish. Great for PvP and lovers of combat, but if you want narrative you’ll want to pick up something else or mostly RP it out. You can also check out Unholy Scavengers, for more relics, more scenarios, more models - more more more!
Karanduun - Make God Bleed, by makapatag.(@makapatag)
Karanduun is a modern Filipino Epic RPG about worthless heroes dismantling God, whatever cycle of oppression that must be.  Inspired by modern Filipino folklore and culture. You play as young heroes who must make their legend known and become a legendary Karanduun by making God (whichever oppressive system and tyrant that is) bleed.
Lovers of Kill Six Billion Demons will probably get a big kick out of this game. The god Batala is already dead, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for some rebellion of your own. There are demons, corrupt angels, and other Kings of the Earth to defeat, in a post-American world inspired by the Philippines. If you’re looking for some narrative play, this game has got you covered, with rules inspired by Exalted 1e and PbtA. You can check out the physical version of this game on SoulMuppet’s website!
Skorne, by Dreaming Dragonslayer.
You are renegades, part of mankind’s insurrection against SKORNE who is devil prince, commander of demon rulers and their armies, and the darkness that reigns. Overthrow the evil Tyrants. Free chained captives. Fight to the last man.
Part of the NSR movement, Skorne is inspired by media such as Berserk, MORK BORG, and games like Dark Souls and Elden Ring. The game itself is only 4 pages long, with a really interesting system for character creation. You roll for your abilities and then use their values to determine your starting kit. The language in the game is also great for putting you into the fiction, such as the instructions found for character name choice:
“In the beginning, give thy renegade a name, though it will not save them.”
You want gritty and dire circumstances? You want to kill demon princes? You wanna play a game with random tyrant generation? This is for you.
Extreme Meatpunks Forever, by Sinister Beard Games.
"In the beginning, there was meat. A decaying chunk of flesh from a dying god, hurtling through the void of space, thousands of miles wide. A million eyes, a billion hands grasping for purchase against nothingness itself.  This is where we live.”
EXTREME MEATPUNKS FOREVER is a tabletop roleplaying game where you’ll play as a gang of queer antifascists in a strange place called Meatworld. Spinning through space on the screaming corpse of a dead god under the glow of an absent sun, the people of Meatworld harvest its flesh to make their technology.
Embody your queer rage and kill fascists in meat-mechs in Extreme Meatpunks Forever. A PbtA game, this option is narrative-heavy and allows you to pick from some pretty metal weapons, including (but not limited to) Excellent Seasoning, A Bit Stick What Has Shrapnel In It, and Deathfucker Cannon. In your downtime, you can kiss your friends and work to heal and deal with your trauma. If you want a game that feels metal and also presents you with extremely punchable enemies, this is your game!
Other Recommendations
If you want some more recommendations you can also check out the Attack and Dethrone God Jam on itch.io, or my Revolution recommendation post.
If you’re interested in what happens after you end the world, then I recommend my Post-Apocalyptic Community Building recommendations!
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rphunter · 1 month
Hey all; 21+ here, looking for an ocxoc rp! I’m like to use one of my male ocs in particular in a sweet and angsty romance rp. He’s a big, rougher looking guy with a troubled past: comes from a not great home, has history with violence/gangs and drug/alcohol abuse, anger issues, and other mental health issues and self harm. He’s sweet and gentle beneath his mask and is the kind to be a cliche romantic and completely struck dumb by love.
I’d really like to pair him against another troubled oc and give them each other to boy help and grow with. While I’d like this to be sweet and have some real character growth for our muses, I’d also love a bit of angst: naturally, either of them struggling, clashing with each other over misunderstandings, relapses, toxicity popping up, etc. Give me all the hurt so we give them sweet comfort! I’m kind of imagining a specific setting for this too, with our ocs meeting perhaps through a mutual support group, therapy, mental health facility, sort of situation, but I’d like to plot and brainstorm with you! Maybe they get swept up with one another and everything seems perfect, until reality creeps back in and they’re not magically cured through love, or they can see partner struggling and also struggle to cop, etc.
My muse is male and I’m open to m/f and m/m for this! I would prefer if your character was slightly more confident and able to take initiative to help get my guy out of his shell first, and with the tricky situation our muses would be in, I’d love some complex, gritty characters! Give me people who can be mean, who aren’t perfect and have their own real baggage and it shows. I’m not interested in completely passive, withdrawn characters who will be the only character needing attention and comfort please! Not looking for any super young characters either, but muses that are in their mid 20s and older. I like nsfw when it contributes to the plot, but the story’s more important, and I’m not looking for strict subs as my guy is a submissive top. I have no limits and am open to dark, heavy stuff!
I write on discord and love to gush about muses, plot, throw about aesthetics and pinterest boards! I use real faceclaims and prefer them. I write on discord, multi-para to novella (1000~ words, depending) and usually reply a few times a week, and like to chat ooc and become friends with my partner. I’d just like someone who can bring some interesting muses and ideas for the plot and write bigger replies too(: ty! 🌹
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novella-writers · 1 month
Hey all; 21+ here, looking for an ocxoc rp! I’m like to use one of my male ocs in particular in a sweet and angsty romance rp. He’s a big, rougher looking guy with a troubled past: comes from a not great home, has history with violence/gangs and drug/alcohol abuse, anger issues, and other mental health issues and self harm. He’s sweet and gentle beneath his mask and is the kind to be a cliche romantic and completely struck dumb by love.
I’d really like to pair him against another troubled oc and give them each other to boy help and grow with. While I’d like this to be sweet and have some real character growth for our muses, I’d also love a bit of angst: naturally, either of them struggling, clashing with each other over misunderstandings, relapses, toxicity popping up, etc. Give me all the hurt so we give them sweet comfort! I’m kind of imagining a specific setting for this too, with our ocs meeting perhaps through a mutual support group, therapy, mental health facility, sort of situation, but I’d like to plot and brainstorm with you! Maybe they get swept up with one another and everything seems perfect, until reality creeps back in and they’re not magically cured through love, or they can see partner struggling and also struggle to cop, etc.
My muse is male and I’m open to m/f and m/m for this! I would prefer if your character was slightly more confident and able to take initiative to help get my guy out of his shell first, and with the tricky situation our muses would be in, I’d love some complex, gritty characters! Give me people who can be mean, who aren’t perfect and have their own real baggage and it shows. I’m not interested in completely passive, withdrawn characters who will be the only character needing attention and comfort please! Not looking for any super young characters either, but muses that are in their mid 20s and older. I like nsfw when it contributes to the plot, but the story’s more important, and I’m not looking for strict sub/bottoms. I have no limits and am open to dark, heavy stuff!
I write on discord and love to gush about muses, plot, throw about aesthetics and pinterest boards! I use real faceclaims and prefer them. I write on discord, multi-para to novella and usually reply a few times a week, and like to chat ooc and become friends with my partner. I’d just like someone who can bring some interesting muses and ideas for the plot and write bigger replies too(: ty! 🌹
Like if interested!
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prpfz · 1 month
Hey all; 21+ here, looking for an ocxoc rp! I’m like to use one of my male ocs in particular in a sweet and angsty romance rp. He’s a big, rougher looking guy with a troubled past: comes from a not great home, has history with violence/gangs and drug/alcohol abuse, anger issues, and other mental health issues and self harm. He’s sweet and gentle beneath his mask and is the kind to be a cliche romantic and completely struck dumb by love.
I’d really like to pair him against another troubled oc and give them each other to boy help and grow with. While I’d like this to be sweet and have some real character growth for our muses, I’d also love a bit of angst: naturally, either of them struggling, clashing with each other over misunderstandings, relapses, toxicity popping up, etc. Give me all the hurt so we give them sweet comfort! I’m kind of imagining a specific setting for this too, with our ocs meeting perhaps through a mutual support group, therapy, mental health facility, sort of situation, but I’d like to plot and brainstorm with you! Maybe they get swept up with one another and everything seems perfect, until reality creeps back in and they’re not magically cured through love, or they can see partner struggling and also struggle to cop, etc.
My muse is male and I’m open to m/f and m/m for this! I would prefer if your character was slightly more confident and able to take initiative to help get my guy out of his shell first, and with the tricky situation our muses would be in, I’d love some complex, gritty characters! Give me people who can be mean, who aren’t perfect and have their own real baggage and it shows. I’m not interested in completely passive, withdrawn characters who will be the only character needing attention and comfort please! Not looking for any super young characters either, but muses that are in their mid 20s and older. I like nsfw when it contributes to the plot, but the story’s more important, and I’m not looking for strict sub/bottoms. I have no limits and am open to dark, heavy stuff!
I write on discord and love to gush about muses, plot, throw about aesthetics and pinterest boards! I use real faceclaims and prefer them. I write on discord, multi-para to novella and usually reply a few times a week, and like to chat ooc and become friends with my partner. I’d just like someone who can bring some interesting muses and ideas for the plot and write bigger replies too(: ty! 🌹
give a like and anon will get back to you
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tamh-camhanaichh · 2 months
Hi there! You can call me Ro - I'm 21+ and go by he/they! I decided to make a blog separate for all my rp endeavours, so feel free to look through whatever I post or shoot me a message if you think we might get along! I'm a pretty selective writer but I'm always open to chat! I write typically advanced literate, multi-para to novella style (500-1500 words an average reply, but can go up to 3000+ with other novella writers!) though the length depends on what's going on in the scene. I prefer longer replies and starters, action-packed, significant moments tend to be longer, but it entirely depends, and if I like an ad preferring shorter replies then I can match that too! I roleplay exclusively on discord! This blog is just for sharing things about my muses and finding new partners. I write both fandomless and fandom rps, ocs and canons! For ocs, I write a variety of muses; male, female, trans and nonbinary, of all ages, backgrounds, and ethnicities. Transphobia and racism will not be tolerated here. If you aren't open to trans or non-white muses, do not interact. I also write all pairings, but I tend to primarily write mxm (with trans/nb variations.) I am, however, absolutely open to mxf and fxf (with all trans/nb variations.) I use realistic faceclaims most of the time, or anime or picrew ones, with descriptions. I do not do wanted faceclaims or change my faceclaims. I am pro-ship and engage with dead dove type topics and am more than happy to include them in roleplays. Expect to see some gritty topics or aesthetics here for some of my muses. I, of course, do not endorse dubious or harmful topics/behaviour in real life; it is purely fiction! Things like abuse, dubcon/noncon, stalking, murder, torture, self-harm, drug use, mental health issues, etc, may be included in this blog. I do not rp underage content. I love dark, gritty roleplays. I love fleshing out characters and stories and getting completely into our muses' heads and building the world around them. I love detail, headcanons, complex characters, dynamics and relationships. Give me nuance and complexity and depth, please! NSFW wise, I am absolutely open to it and love it as a way to develop our characters, but I do not typically rp smut as a priority. Almost all of my characters are switches and very few are strict subs/doms (and those that are are typically the opposite of what you might expect them to be). I do not enjoy writing as or against very soft characters or strict submissives. I love rambling about muses, spamming pinterest aesthetics, assigning songs and lyrics to muses, etc! I love ooc chatter if we roleplay, but I'll never pester you if it's not your vibe. I am ghost friendly and will always be open to restarting a rp or plotting again, I don't hold grudges and I don't care much to block people unless there's a legitimate reason. If I block you, it's because boundaries were overstepped or ghosting was a response to trans or non-white muses. Below are some fandoms, canon muses, fandom oc settings, and fandomless tropes/vibes that I love! Feel free to message me about any of them! Fandoms/tropes with a * are the ones I'm currently most interested in!
Death Note (L, ocs)
Attack on Titan (Erwin, Levi, Jean, Bertholdt, ocs*)
Blue Eye Samurai (Mizu)**
Given (Haruki)
Demon Slayer (ocs)
Castlevania (Alucard)
Dune (Paul, Feyd-Rautha, ocs)
Hannibal NBC
Sherlock BBC (Moriarty)
Strangers from Hell (Moon-Jo)
Taxi Driver
SK8 (Ainosuke)
Skyrim (ocs)**
Baldur's Gate 3 (ocs**, Gale, Wyll)
The Boys (Homelander, Hughie)
Midnight Mass
Interview with the Vampire (TV series) (Lestat, Armand)
Bones and All (Lee)
The Hunger Games (ocs)
Saltburn (Felix)
The Bear (Carmen)
The Umbrella Academy (Klaus, Luther, Five, Dave)
Gotham (Oswald, Edward, Victor, Jervis)
Feel free to ask me about my muses and canon ships! I also have several ocs for these universes!
Historical - 1800s, Jane Eyre, Bridgerton vibes*
Medieval fantasy - LOTR, Skyrim type vibes**
1950s - mental health asylums, murder couple, freak show vibes
Grunge vibes - rough backgrounds, settings, environments for rough muses
Obsession to the ends of the earth; cannibalism as a metaphor for love (and just general cannibalism), murder in the name of love; abuse/torture/toxicity in the name of love*
Dystopia/apocalypse - TLOU, Hunger Games vibes, corrupt governments and dangerous worlds
Vampires; werewolves; mercreatures - I am ALWAYS a sucker for vampire/human, vampire/werewolf, mercreature/human
Cults, psychological horror, southern gothic, religious trauma - think Bones and All, Ethel Cain, Midnight Mass, The Devil all the Time. Bonus points for trans muses involved - the black sheep gone unhinged and murdery
Found family
Doomed by the narrative + haunting the narrative
WWI; fictional war settings; young soldiers lied to and thrown into the worst action, coming back home and struggling
1920s dark academia; university settings; murder mystery; philosophy
Mxm age gaps - rugged older men getting the spark back into their lives with a wild, cocky little thing. Bonus points for Wild West settings
Literature inspires a lot of my Vibes: Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Frankenstein, Paradise Lost, Dostoevsky, Rebbeca, Kafka, and more
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ashenbun · 1 year
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-= House Madaras; 21+ XIV RP Group is recruiting! =-
A reclusive and selective estate, House Madaras has made a name for itself over the last century with its incredible leniency when it comes to illicit research. Vast on-site archives, bountiful resources and plenty of 'willing' subjects to play with means that not much is truly out of bounds within the House. It is a haven of willful ignorance where the morally ambiguous may thrive. A place of learning where few things are taboo and fewer still are deemed off-limits....
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~Inspired by the world of Bloodborne and the Antivan Crows of Dragon Age~
House Madaras and its underbelly, the Serpent's Warren, is set up as a place for characters of more dubious alignments and persuasions to play; assassins, murderers, manipulative socialites, eccentric mages and so on! A place where very few things are off limits, and the darker things encouraged. We welcome people to play deviously, to use each others characters like pieces on a board and utilize the setting to its fullest.
As a heavy, 21+ RP group our intent is to give writers a well-crafted setting to explore the darker & maturer themes of FFXIV RP. We keep our setting grounded; we don't deal in over-powered characters here. But we do deal in consequences. We are a small and selective group with a zero policy for drama. Given the nature of our themes, we are quite strict and place great importance on communication and consent.
At a Glance-
What We Got:Lore Abiding/Bending Stories ● Dark / Mature Themes ● Horror ● Plot Driven Characters ● Combat & Civilian Friendly Space ● Gritty & Grounded Setting ● Player-First Combat System
What We Don't Do:Slavery ● Over-powered Characters ● Voidsent / Voidsent Hosts ● Warrior's of Light ● Lore-Breaking OC's ● IC / OOC Mixing ● Drama ● Make RP a Job
If any of that intrigues you, more info can be found on our Carrd below! Feel free to reach out to me here on Tumblr, or Discord via "Anamsgith" if you have any questions!
We are located on Balmung, Crystal, but are a Crossworld friendly space! You do not need to join the FC to RP with us. It serves as the RP-hub only.
Visibility Tags: @mooglemeet @xiv-lfrp @balmungrp
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midsommersonnets · 3 months
catch me posting a small rp request—
hello humans !! 21+ writer here, looking for a top-me-up on rps after a long hiatus of a year. your girl basically has 0 rps left, so please help me fix that !! i'm coming in full clutch with a couple of oc x oc ideas that i am DYING to write. a self-confession is that i'm a dark romance and psychological thriller girlie with her hands dipped in many settings, and today's choice is a kpop or dark music industry setting (!!).
my idea of a kpop idol au focuses on a oc x oc romance between two broken yet seductive musical prodigies that have hella issues. rivals but not really cuz they have chemistry. I BEG, give me dark and gritty with this plot, let us write about the dirt beneath the diamonds. after all, this is an industry full of secrets and scandals, and they are shining stars who glimmer in the limelight. yet, they are also firmly commercialised as a product to be sold with all aspects of their lives controlled. they are more shiny objects than real people except when they're together, then the pristine idol is tainted. they have kinky sex and a whirlwind romance that's hot but also life-ruining, earth shattering, and a dire secret that they need to keep. it's codependancy and toxic love.
possible dynamics can be: idol x idol, idol x chaebol/rich CEO, idol x k-actor, or younger idol x veteran idol, etc.
about me: literate–novella writer (i serve details, i serve em up good). open to dead dove and smut and darker kinks/themes. an 18+ writer who will only write with other 18+ writers. i'm a shameful individual who only does fxm plots and prefers writing f roles (i hate myself for it too, dw). but know that i will be so enthusiastic about the rp, throwing headcanons and plot development ideas at you left/right/center, i will throw aesthetic pinterests at you alongside cool music that reminds me of the pairing and i thrive on screeching about our characters together.
i am a discord or dm-based rper. hit me with a dm, like, comment or ask if you are interested in this post, and i'll get to you asap.
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rp-partnerfinder · 6 months
Hi, you can call me Storm! I'm 30 and the mom of a loud and demanding cat ❤️
I’m a multiple paragraphs/novella style writer. I love to write detailed descriptions and delve into a character’s head/emotions as well as surroundings. I compare it to writing a novel together. Not every reply has to be novella length, however. If there are action or dialogue heavy scenes, I tend to do a shorter back and forth to keep the momentum going. 
I only do MxF (with me writing the female role). I don’t double, but I’m more than happy to write side characters of either gender to help move the story along. I only want female authors writing male characters as I’ve had bad experiences with cis male authors. (Trans men and nonbinary pals are exceptions).
I'm really hoping to find a friendship, someone who can add to our story, and most importantly, someone who wants a long-term connection. It's difficult for me to write with someone if I don't feel that genuine bond. It's also important to me to have a high level of activity, with at least one reply a day. 
If you suddenly stop replying ic and ooc, I'll drop the story after 2 attempts of gauging interest spaced a week apart. But feel free to message me if you want to pick the story back up again, even months later. 
Searching For: 
20+ partners only 
An excellent grasp of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. (Literate to advanced writers only, please. I'm not looking for newbies)
Plot before smut. While mature themes will be in my writing, there needs to be chemistry between our characters. I normally do a 60/40 plot to smut ratio and my characters tend to be subs/switches depending on the circumstances 
 An older male character (early forties to mid-late fifties). I love the gruff and tough men with dark pasts who secretly have a soft heart. I also love grumpy, hypermasculine men being intimidated by sweet but fiery women. My characters are mid-late twenties to early-mid thirties so the age gap is legal. 
Enthusiasm to chat about our character and ship, how to crush them and then gushing over fluffy moments. I love crying over characters and what the heck they’re doing. I want my heart ripped from my chest from angst, then feeling like it’s going to burst from overwhelming cuteness. I want us to love these characters and the world we create. I want to make pinterest boards, spotify playlists, graphics, and toss headcanons back and forth until late at night. 
Have an idea for a scene? Found a picture that inspired you? Send it to me! Be invested when it comes to plotting/worldbuilding. There’s nothing worse than receiving one sentence in reply to two paragraphs of ideas, or having a doormat partner who says “sure” to whatever I ask. Building ideas one on top of the other, watching them snowball into amazing plot threads brings me joy. But having to pull plot ideas like I’m pulling teeth makes me think you’re not interested, and I will lose interest in return.
Modern fantasy, monsters, sci-fi, omegaverse, southern gothic/midwest gothic (i’m a sucker for that southern/texas drawl), horror, height/size difference, cheating/affair, enemies to lovers, slow burn romance, spooky small towns, post apocalyptic/dystopia, crime/mysteries, emotionally charged/dark and gritty, bodyguard x assignment, forced proximity, opposites attract, fated mates, anti heroes/morally gray characters, traumatic pasts, grumpy x sunshine, one bed, men who simp over their women, touch her / him and die, and more.
I have lots of original plot ideas in mind as well!
Fandoms (OCs ONLY) 
Star Wars, Stranger Things, Mercy Thompson Series, True Blood, The Last of Us, Hunger Games
I write only on discord using servers with organized channels. Like this post or add me on discord (magicofrain) if you’re interested. The most effective way to grab my genuine interest is by messaging me as if we've been friends for years. Please let me know which interests you liked from my ad.
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wiltedrot · 5 months
Any active rp guilds out there?
Tryna literally find ANYTHING active is like finding a needle in a haystack.
Interested in slice of life, or adventure, but would also love some dark, and nitty gritty stuff.
Feel free to contact me in PM's on here, or toss me a PM on discord @ voidedliie.
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lcftyambiticns · 7 months
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♔ ❛ 𝑰nd. &. sel. 25+ 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐃𝐔𝐑'𝐒 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐄 roleplay blog for ℒORROAKAN ; self-appointed MASTER OF RAMAZITH'S TOWER &. ARCHMAGE of Baldur's Gate. TRIGGER WARNING for dark / adult content.
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WeaveRot / an undying bond: @shadovan Apprentice: @onemostindominable
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25+ ONLY. This blog is written by an adult for other adults, so please act accordingly.
I'm careful about how I curate my online space, and the block button and I are besties. Usually it's nothing against you personally, but simply to avoid misunderstandings. Muns who engange in OOC drama, OOC bigotry and LGBTQA+ phobia of any kind, callout posts, OOC political discourse will be blocked on sight, as well as people who can't differentiate fiction from reality. If you don't like someone's content, block them. Protecting your online space is a mature thing to do, and I promise I'll 100% support that. What's NOT okay is trying to police adults on what to write on their blogs (go touch some grass).
Triggers you may encounter on this blog: violence, murder, abuse, gore, monsters, gaslighting, manipulation, canon-typical fantasy racism and overall offensive / problematic themes. Triggers won't always be tagged. If you're triggered by any of these, this blog isn't for you.
I'm a big fan of making my muses suffer :D I love angst and exploring dark, gritty plots. If you have any triggers, let me know before jumping into a RP with me so we're all on the same page.
Communication is key!! You'd like to share an idea? Go right ahead. Don't like where the plot is going? Let me know. You want to scream about our muses? YES. Writing is so much more fun if the muns get along. I promise, I don't bite.
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I'm selective and mutuals only simply because I can't spread myself too thin. I'm particularly selective when it comes to mumu-blogs featuring muses from fandoms outside the DnD / BG3 verse.
If we aren't mutuals: You are welcome to send asks and memes! Same goes for plot ideas, send an ask.
Formatting and accessiblity: I HOPE(!!) that most of you are mindful of your RP partners' accessibility needs, but I won't follow blogs with heavy formatting regardless. Wide spacing or paragraphs entirely in lowercase or caps make reading difficult for me and I want to check out your writing before I give a follow. Obviously, typos or grammar mistakes are absolutely okay. As long as I'm able to understand what you're writing, you're doing great.
MEMES. I love them. Send 57. I can't promise I will reply to every meme you send, but that's just because not every meme sparks my muse. If you want to continue a meme, go right ahead! No need to ask.
If I follow you, I have read your rules and want to interact! Don't be shy <3 I will also assume that if you follow me back, you're fine with me sending you memes / tagging you in starters / sliding into your IMs to plot.
If you followed me first, I'd appreciate it if you reached out first. I will try my best to do same, of course!
Plotting: I'm not a fan of plotting out every detail. I find it more exciting to let our muses guide the story and see where it takes us! However, Lorroakan is a particularly uncooperative muse and an asshole on main. Having a general idea of what we want our muses to do really helps to keep the ball rolling, even if we end up going in a different direction!
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This blog is multiship, male lean. Fair warning; Lorroakan isn't particularly interested in romance or sex, and he's a prick. I'm open to shipping, BUT ships will most likely be toxic / one-sided (with the potential to develop into something wholesome over time!), and slow burn. By slow I mean glacial. In most cases, at least.
I won't write smut on the dash. The steamy stuff will be moved to discord or IMs.
Pre-established relationships: Yes. I usually don't do romantic pre-established relationships (exepctions may be made at my discretion), but what if your muse was Lorroakan's childhood bestie? Another (former?) apprentice? A fellow scholar of the arcane he used to work with?
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MUN NOTES Mun =/= Muse, I obviously don't condone any of Lorroakan's bs IRL. He isn't a nice person. He is a toxic, abusive piece of work. While I will absolutely respect your boundaries OOC (if you talk to me beforehand about them, pretty please with a cherry on top), I won't water him down.
Please don't soft-block me, I have the memory of a soggy pickle. If you don't want me to interact with you, hard-block.
@ all personal blogs: Hi, I appreciate you and it's really flattering to know you enjoy my writing and HCs. You are welcome to like and reblog my HCs and graphics (REBLOG, not repost, don't steal my shit or I'll go Liam Neeson on you), but no touchy RP threads.
Activity: Sometimes I'll reply super fast, sometimes it takes me ages, and sometimes I can only focus on specific threads / muses.
They / Them, hatched 1995, dog parent, hyperfixating on problematic villains, D&D player.
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GENERAL Lorroakan is in his mid-late 30s, fairly young considering his achievements (mostly obtained through deceitful methods).
He presents himself as the great archmage of Baldur's Gate, but while he is a compentent wizard and keen enchanter, he is nowhere near as powerful as he claims to be.
Lorroakan laid claim to Ramazith Tower after its previous owner mysteriously disappearend, and he refuses to share the knowledge it holds (at least for free).
He is originally from Athkatla, one of the wealthiest cities in Faerun, but he grew up in the shadows of its splendor. His family (mother, father, two sisters, four brothers) could barely make ends meet, but Lorroakan has always been ambitious and harbored dreams of one day being just as wealthy and powerful as the elite of the Gem District. The practice or use of arcane magic is explicitly illegal within the city of Athkatla, but that didn't stop him; he practiced in secret whenever he could get his hands on a spellbook.
PERSONALITY IN A NUTSHELL . . . as interpreted by the mun ; Ambitious, diligent, intelligent, clever, creative ; selfish, arrogant, manipulative, power-hungry, petty, vain.
He has a superiority complex ; he is vain, has an overly high opinion of himself, makes boastful claims that aren't backed up by reality, has a habit of putting down those who outshine him.
(The way I see it) Lorroakan isn't a straight up villain. However, his ambitions and narcissistic nature drive him to commit morally questionable, and at times, outright despicable acts.
CHARACTER STUDIES / RELEVANT HEADCANONS: bad money habits more about his past & why he is how he is
Shippy HCs CONs of being his lover PROs of being his lover NSFW headcanons
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hello everyone!! You can call me Ghost, I'm a 21 y/o cis woman looking for some more RP partners! I've only been RP-ing for a year, but I've been writing for much longer than that, so I've got ample experience. First off I'd like to list off some important rules:
- you must be 18+, no minors!
- NO realistic FCs! I can only work with picrewed or drawn FCs, or whatever art you find, I'm fine with that too!
- I almost exclusively do fandomless OC x OC! I'm into quite a few anime, so if we find the inspiration, we might do CC x CC as well, but my main focus is the former.
- I don't do doubling! I prefer that me and my partner both find something that we both enjoy without the pressure of "giving back" and all that. If there's an OC you've been wanting to use though, please let me know as I'd love to find a character who'd be fun to write with yours!
- I also have a tendency to make OCs on the fly – I love thinking up fun character dynamics and making OCs that would fit that!
- I can do anything from semi-lit to advanced/novella. I prefer more/longer paragraphs, but sometimes the RP can be more fun when it's shorter. Also, you don't have to match every reply, just give me something I can work with!
- I write 3rd person present or past.
- I'm fairly active, anywhere from a few replies a week to a few replies a day. I'm not asking for daily responses, but at least 2-3 a week would be preferred.
- Please be communicative! I love to chat OOC, talk about the RP and characters, make playlists, boards, headcanons, all that jazz. But we both have lives outside the RP, and the only important thing is that we're always on the same page!
- please work with me when it comes to plotting!
- I only RP on discord, I prefer to make a private server for easier organization and I tend to use Tupperbox but Tupper is not a must!
- I'm open to NSFW but only when it feels right, it's not gonna be the focus of the RP. We can discuss limits and stuff beforehand.
Now onto the RP itself:
- I'll do any combination of pairing - MxM, FxF, MxF, NB, trans, genderfluid characters etc. I prefer queer relationships/characters but MxF is fine too!
- I do both angst and fluff.
- I like a lot of genres and settings! I have some plots in mind but I'd love to hear what you have to offer! The genres include: fantasy (high, medieval, victorian...), victorian settings, modern, sci-fi, supernatural, horror/thriller, futuristic, slice of life, apocalyptic and more. I can do dark/gritty themes as well, I can elaborate in DMs about that.
- I love love doing world building please do world building with me! Also, if there's an existing world (from a movie/show/anime/game etc) that you think would be a fun setting, we can use it as a setting!
I think that's all! Sorry for the long post, but feel free to ask anything I might have missed. Drop a like if interested and I'll DM you to send you my discord handle!
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seakiumi · 3 days
Like this post if you would like to RP in a gritty cyberpunk world
Sea, a former top-tier surgeon turned ripperdoc, navigates the blurred lines between survival, loyalty, and self-destruction in a neon-lit dystopia. If you're into cybernetics, underworld deals, and complex characters who walk the tightrope between the high life and rock bottom, drop in for a story full of danger, mystery, and dark humor.
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Tell me more:
Physical Appearance:
Sea was once a brilliant and highly respected surgeon born into wealth, the son of Trauma Team International’s owners. Disillusioned by the ruthless corporate greed that governed his world, he faked his own death and fled the high life to become a ripperdoc in the seedy underbelly of the city. Now living in an abandoned garage turned operating room, he offers cybernetic enhancements and life-saving surgeries to both gang members and megacorp agents for a steep price or under threat. His past luxury is hard to fully shake, as he still clings to refined tastes—designer clothes, classic cars, and an air of sophistication. Sea’s true struggle, though, lies in his addiction, a way to numb the moral conflicts that plague him in his new life.
Sea is tall, strikingly handsome, and blonde, with an air of refinement that sets him apart even in the dirtiest corners of the city. His piercing black eyes hold a depth that hints at the mysteries of his past, while his flawless skin and immaculate hygiene betray the fact that he was once accustomed to a life of privilege. Even his cybernetic enhancements—subtle modifications to his fingers and part of an ear—are sleek and understated, the work of a master. Despite living in the shadows, Sea always dresses in designer outfits and Italian leather shoes, standing out amidst the grime of the underworld.
Sea is a paradox—charming, witty, and undeniably refined, yet deeply cynical and burdened by guilt. His years in the high-tech corporate world have left him jaded, and while he often comes across as sarcastic and aloof, there's an undercurrent of vulnerability he keeps hidden. He has a sharp mind, always one step ahead in negotiations or tense situations, but numbs his moral conflicts with drugs, alcohol, and shallow relationships. Beneath his polished exterior lies a man wrestling with his own disillusionment, torn between a desire for redemption and the easier path of indifference. Sea is slow to trust, preferring to keep people at arm's length, though his empathy occasionally seeps through in small, subtle gestures, especially when dealing with patients in need.
Despite his attempts to remain detached, his natural charisma and sense of humor make him hard to forget, whether you're a client or an enemy.
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rphunter · 2 months
🏹Hi there! I’m back in my fantasy era and itching to do something in a medieval/high fantasy type setting! Think LoTR/The Hobbit, with adventure and magic and all sorts of creatures, different kingdoms, magic forests, etc.
Right now, I had the idea that in this universe, elves were of a (presumably, at least) small population and had become a sort of commodity. During battles/wars, prisoners would be captured and treated like war trophies, imprisoned/enslaved by the victors and bound to their family name, which then extends to nobility/royalty desiring an elf to serve their family, as warriors/mages/scholars/entertainment. It differs from person to person, some people respecting the elf and viewing them equally as part of their family and the elf dedicated to their family name, or others who are cruel and see the elf as their family’s servant. Some will send out mercenaries to try and capture an elf for themselves or to sell off, starting battles and forcing elves into hiding (is their population really small, or are millions just in hiding?)
We can play about with the universe and what we like/don’t like and actually is relevant to our characters! But that’s the gist. I’d love to play an elf in this universe, and I’m open to pretty much anyone on your end! Maybe my elf is devoted to your human’s family, maybe you’re a mercenary hunting elves, maybe you’re a human trying to help elves, or a rogue elf trying to free others, etc. I prefer mxm/queer dynamics, but I will hear out most pairings/characters! The only thing I’m not interested in is playing against a very submissive/helpless victim type character (mine will not be either). I have ideas for my own character, but I’d like to make a new one to fit our rp and the dynamic between both of ours!
I’m 21+, write on discord, and am advanced literate/novella. I can offer long, detailed replies a few times a week, and aesthetics/songs/pinterest boards ooc between replies! I love world building and plotting with my partners and love angst, slow burn, character growth, morally grey/nuanced characters/dynamics. Open to dark topics, violence, etc - I have very few limits and am totally okay with it being very dark and gritty if we want it to be! Open to nsfw, but I focus on story over smut and don’t write as/against strict subs/bottoms.
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