#dark nighttttt
hello heaven
you are a tunnel lined with yellow lights
on a dark night
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clumsy-words-again · 26 days
Chilling at the supermarket losing at capitalism.
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intertexts · 6 months
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OFFICIAL HERO DESIGNS FINALLYYYYYYY. HELL YES HELL YES naturally i love wiwis ghost spiderman look but also . ashe. my boy. dakotas crop top. VYNCENTS FANTASY BOY SWAG
OHHHH THESE R ALL SO FUCKING GOOD!!!!!! IM SO EXCITED THEY ALL GO SO SO SO HARD.. literally so many awesome details here omg. so many awesome mask choices?? feeling mildly insane over wiwi little wisp halo. love wiwi's whole super super classic suit it's so good. VYNCENTS FANTASY DRIP W THE CHAINSSSS. adore ashe's whole dark sorcerer situation going on. feeling so normal about dakota techwear etc etc etc!!!!!
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heatwa-ves · 1 year
good nighttttt (said with the intention of lying in the dark thinking about knights)
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kairithemang0 · 2 months
you belong to the city by glenn frey
nobody knows where you're going, nobody cares where you've been
fucking love this song
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spaceshipellie · 1 year
25. are you a morning or night person?
nighttttt 100% i am terrible at waking up, i’m kinda grumpy in the morning and i just love being awake when it’s dark out
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tick-tick-moo · 2 years
Cows, in your multitudes
Couldn't be cuter, filling the darkness
With mooing and lightttt! You are the sentinels, mooing and moving
Keeping watch in the nighttttt
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dayseternal-blog · 3 years
Hi miss days!! I'm so thankful and absolutely in love with your naruhina fanfic rec lists!! I've come across some really good ones and I wanted to add them to some of your lists!! (I'm not sure if you can actually enter the links but I'll leave them anyways lol)
Tending to these barren plots by kheta
(for your angst lists, this one REALLY hurts, it's a naruhina divorce fic, but it tells both sides of the story very well) (on Ao3)
Insanity by sadistic one
(For your dark list, this one is just insanely good, it's very dark but really well written, Hinata is a stalker and Naruto is a sociopath serial killer? Ik it's kind of dark but I'm a sucker for these types of fics and this one is just PERFECTION)(on fanfiction.net)
so last night I read “Insanity” by Sadistic One - Rated E for GRAPHIC MURDER, College AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. The smell of his cologne and slight musk was the first thing that caught Hyuga Hinata's attention. She eventually found out that smell belonged to a young man named Uzumaki Naruto. Ever since that encounter, she couldn't stop following him and watching his every move. She needed to know who he hanged out with, his hobbies likes and dislikes. She even transferred to his school to study him more closely. But as those months went on, she discovered Naruto was not who he portrayed to be to his peers, but a cold-blooded murderer. Is this enough to put a stop to Hinata's obsession or will it draw her closer to her own insanity?
and I GOT NO SLEEP.  I stayed up all nighttttt 😭  finished 11 chapters at like 6 in the morning.
Naruto is a SERIAL KILLER, like NEARLY ALL OF THE MURDERS ARE ON-SCREEN, the reader watches him do each one 😱  To compare to “I want you to cry” by Devahhole, Hinata’s not as crazy (yet...😫) and Naruto’s not nearly as sex-crazed considering that there’s no non-con/dub-con/weird voyeurism with Sasuke or Hinata/special panty presents, but who knows how dark the writer plans on taking this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t wait for the next update 😱😱😱  Thank you for the recs, anon!  I’ll read “Tending to these barren plots” when I feel like dying, I guess.
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mouseparade · 5 years
u evre jus cut ur own hair
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that-one-small-boi · 4 years
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This is normal This is dreaming
Third Person POV:
Mary twisted and turned in her sleep, her short red hair twisting wildly with her. She grips her blanket tightly and holds her stuffed bear close.
She hasn't lived much, but already she has nightmares, nothing you'd expect though. She hears a voice, a woman, she strains to look up and see her face.
But there's nothing there.
Instead, there's a hole, her face is gone, but the woman's red hair covers some, loosely falling around her shoulders in waves. To a five year old, its terrifying, especially when it seems that green hands are coming out of her head from the gaping black hole, cupping the woman's face, they never reach towards Mary, though.
This time, however, the hands moved, they seemed to go slowly drop into the hole, where her face should be, Mary was always paralyzed in her dreams, only able to move her head and close her eyes, and speak. And scream. Especially scream. The hands emerged again, with a round mirror, they held it to cover the black hole, the reflection it held was something normal, Mary's face. Her round face, squishy cheeks, freckled face, pale green eyes, and her wavy red hair, which was cut into a bob (Like her aunt Nya when she was younger). She looked normal. She stared at it, her reflection staring back. Then, a loud noise crashed, and the mirror was thrown back into the hole."Mary, remember your power!" the voice of the woman drowned everything else, the ground and sky turning an inky black, she was floating in a dark void with the woman, her red hair seemed to be floating. Soon she faded away as well, and the loud thundering sound returned....
Mary woke up with a loud gasping noise, tears rolling down her cheeks. A flash of lightning made her yelp loudly and grips her teddy bear with the force of a thousand goddamn men-
Kai woke up to a small yelp from next door, followed by sniffles and quiet sobbing. Turning to the side, he lightly shook his husband awake. "mnhh- Kai, amor, deja me dormir..." (love, let me sleep) Lloyd groaned. Kai rolled his eyes and pecked Lloyd's forehead, "Babe, no. Mary's crying again-"
Lloyd's eyes snapped open, bitch, PARDON!? HIS LITTLE GIRL WAS WHAT NOW!? With every ounce of his being, he *gently* pushed Kai away and sprung up from his bed. "Well why didn't you say so!" he whisper shouted "I'll get the snacks and blankets, you get her to the living room!" he said, he was talking like he was on a mission (well- to make his daughter happy I guess-), Kai playfully glared at him before getting up as well, pecking Lloyd's lips, he made his way to the still crying, Mary.
Mary heard the door to her room open, and she looked up to a worried Kai, immediately, she jumped up and off her bed and into the arms of her father. "DAAAAADD!" she cried. Her father enveloped her tiny body into a tight hug, his fire power coming into use, making her warm and feel safe. She soon calmed down and her breathing went back to normal, the fears of her nightmares dissipating.
Then the loud noise of thunder crashing woke her from her daze again, holding on tighter to her dad, the tears building up again.
Rubbing small circles around her back, Kai picked her up and told her that he's right here, and that he's not leaving her. Carrying her into the living room, he saw his husband with a bowl of candy, a family bag of chips, and a small bag of those coloured marshmallows. He also noticed the large blanket, and a smaller one ready to go on the large couch. Smiling, he set her down on the couch, where she saw her smaller blanket and took it, immediately wrapping it around herself like a cocoon. Lloyd chuckled and grabbed the junk food. Sitting on either side of her, they wrapped the larger blanket around them and covered her as well, forming a very comfortable atmosphere.
Kai grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, putting on one of Mary's favourite shows, which also threw in a few dirty or dark jokes to keep parents interested. The three spent an hour or so before Mary fell asleep, leaning on Lloyd. Moving the bowl of candy and the half finished chip bag aside, he pulled her close. Luckily, the rain had finally ended. Gently picking her up, Lloyd carried Mary to his and Kai's shared room. They left the door open in their rush to calm Mary down, he mentally noted. Lightly pushing the door with his hips, he laid her down in between the pillows, making sure she's comfortable and safe. He walked out and helped his husband put everything away. Once the living room was clean again, they walked to their room. Kai's heart practically melted at what he saw.
On their bed, Mary was wrapped up in her cocoon blanket and in the middle of the bigger pillows. Lying down, Kai pulled the blanket over the three of them, with Lloyd holding onto Mary in a small hug. The inside of Kai's head was 'awww'ing at how good his husband is with their daughter. They both drifted off into a nice slumber, with a small breeze ruffling the leaves of trees and bushes outside.
The next morning, Mary woke up first. Rubbing her eyes from under her blanket, she opened her eyes and yawned. She remembered being scared of the storm and then watching TV with her dads. She didn't really care how she got to their bed, she felt safe and warm.
Gods... she loved her dads, and they would die for her.
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popculturebuffet · 5 years
Delpad Prompt 2: Holiday, Part 1
Della: Okay kids, we're about to head out. Launchpad you got our bags?
Launchpad: Yup. though this ones' kind of heavy (Dewey falls out of the bag, having not really zipped it that well) Oh hey Dewey you coming with us?
Della: No he's not.
Dewey: But why. What's more romantic than the result of your last relationship huh huh?
Della: Sweetie I know you want to come but we need some time to ourselves. I haven't really had ANY since I got back. I tried to put it all on you.
Donald: And as much I don't want your mom to go either she NEEDS IT. She needs time to herself that isn't terrifying isolation.. isolation... no no you had melon your fine.
Louie: We'll get Uncle Donald therapy while your gone.
Della: (Nods) We're just going to a small tropical island for two days. We'll be fine.
Huey: We know it's just.. last time one of our loved ones went on vacation they ended up on the moon and then stranded for months
Donald: Months months... melon where's melon?! (Dewey slaps him) Thank you. (Dewey slaps him again)
Dewey: That's for not naming me Turbo!
Huey: Let it go Dewey.
Dewey: Never!
Della: boys please i've taken every precaution. We should have cell reception, and if you don't hear from me in 24 hours, Launchpad has been chipped and I have an emergency radio in my hollowed out tooth. I'm NEVER loosing you boys again. Never. (hugs them tight.. for about half an hour)
Scrooge: (walks in) I just came to say goodbye, make sure the percautions are over.. .and .. (joins in group hug, which donald and launchpad have joined int he interim. )
Della: Okay we really gotta go or we'll loose our reservation. I love you all. Stay safe.
(The family waves them off0
Donald: She'll be back this time right?
Scrooge: you can count on it... I guarantee it
(The rental plane, a small seaplane)
Della: Okay... we're fine.. it's fine i'm just.. heading off.. without my family. I"m .. okay. My therapist said I need this. (Sighs) I'm sorry i'm babbling
Launchpad: it's okay I do that all the time. But are you you know okay? We can turn back. We can always use this plane to make loops over the mansion
Della: Oh we're certainly making loops in this I just.. I haven't left the kids behind since I got back. I put up my best front back there but.. I worry about never coming back again.
Launchpad: Look you can't worry about that. Eventually their going to grow up and leave. Dewey to become a sucessful talk show host/ indiania jones, Louie to buy Japan and Huey to write a sucessful book series.
Della: you REALLY know those kids don't you
Launchpad: I'm a good listener. My point is, you can't focus on what your missing you just have to focus on what's ahead. The boys will be fine and if their not NOTHING will stop you from getting back to them. It didn't before, it won't this time.
Della: (Smooches his cheek before turning her attention back to the controls) When did you get so smart?
Launchpad: About the time I got around to asking you out finally.
Della:... Sweet too. We should be landing soon. You know as much as i'm worried.. Donald is right.. I need this.. just some Della time... but you know not alone so my reflection dosen't murder me in my sleep. YOU DON'T GET ME DENISE.
Launchpad: DOn't worry i'll break all our mirrors.
Della:... (Blushes) Your really sweet you know that?
Launchpad: I know you say it often enough.
(One landing and a boring check in we're skipping over later. )
Della: (Collapses on the bed) OH god that's refreshing... my bed usually has a kid or a brother in it these days (Does snow angels)
Launchpad: Should I stay in the tub?
Della: No no no I just want to.. enjoy this. (Smiles happily)
Launchpad: Okay i'm just going to watch the tv.
(Turns on the tv, and flips through it eventually stopping on)
Launchpad: OH boy I didn't know they were airing this again. (Sings along) Daring duck of mystery, champion of right, leaps out of the shadows darkwing of the nighttttt. Somewhere some villian schemes but his number's up. Three two one darkwing duck. When there's.
Della: (Cracks eyes open) Wait wait.. don't you know this guy?
Launchpad: yeah. He's one of my best friends along with Dewey and Donald.
Della: But he's fictional.. but I saw him. I even met him. He got stuck on our roof for a good hour.
Launchpad: Oh he grew up watching the show but then I convinced him to become him for real after we stopped darkings actor from kiling a bunch of people.. then he died. (Puts hat over heart) I still miss ya jim.
Della: Wait THAT'S the jim who's name you keep saying at night? I had no idea.
Launchpad: Yeah he just.. didn't want to give up the role> They were making a movie, Scrooge was.
Della: But he refuses to watch those. I had to tie him down just to get him to join us for movie night.
Launchpad: Yeahhhhh there's a reason it didn't get finished.. and that reason is my hero, darkwing's actor jim starling, sorta decided to get rid of Drake.. or wanted me to. it took talking with him to realize he wasn't a bad guy and I tried talking jim out of it but well. he kinda snapped, threatned the set including Dewey and Scrooge and had to be stopped.
Della: He threatanted my babY?!
Launchpad: (Gets up and sits down on the bed) not on purpose I just.. I think something in him broke? I dunno.. but then I ALMOST had him.. I just.. like the last pickle in the jar just out of reach. But instead he died trying to save me instead. He pushed Drake out of the way but .. he could've taken it. He just.. wanted to be darkwing and if i'd just TALKED to him I could've convinced him he was only hurting people.
Della: Oh sweetie (hugs him tight) it's not your fault. Okay? You tried but he was too far gone. It's not your fault okay? He died saving you... but he went out of his WAY to not because it was you, but because he didn't want the other guy to do it. But the fact you feel so bad about it... it proves what a great guy you are.
Launchpad: Awwwwwwww (Smooches her)
Della:(Smooches back) Now come on let's go get something to eat, then maybe enjoy this resort a little huh? Get your mind off this
Launchpad: yeah.. get my mind off this... you always know what to do. (Smiles and takes her hand as they head out
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hersheyjoneswuzhere · 6 years
Imagine: Sweet Pea- Kinky Girl [P.2]
Part 1
Description: Toni posted some provoking stuff about you on her story, getting Sweet Pea’s attention straight away, this carried into more dirty talk...
Warnings: curses and mention of kinks, some which are extreme
Sweet Pea: oh yeah because of me being so excited that your kinky made me forget to say it earlier but happy birthday 
You: thanks
You typed when you were on your own at night when Toni left to go home.
Sweet Pea: how about birthday sex as a gift from me? ;)
You: you’re*
Sweet Pea: ...
Sweet Pea: such a cock blockkk
You: such a filthy brat
Sweet Pea: you like it
Sweet Pea: dont even lie you know you do
Sweet Pea: both of us know you want to fuck me
You: why being so confident in yourself?
You: maybe i dont
Sweet Pea: “maybe”?
Sweet Pea: oh i know for sure that you want me to be rough, tie your wrists to my bed’s head frame and fuck the leaving hell out of you 
Sweet Pea: we both now you want me to be dominant towards you, controlling and telling you what to do. and if you’re being a bad bitch, you’ll get punished
Sweet Pea: maybe i’ll introduce you to more kinks?
You felt a building up sensation between your legs which was tingling your insides. You were so angry at yourself for getting turned on. In the end, you thought that you never met a boy who is into all that kinky stuff, most just likes to smash-smash and leave. You liked that there’s finally someone who is a potential fulfiller of your deepest desires. if so, why not go along?
You: like what?
Sweet Pea: ever heard of edge play? Choking, knife play, gun play...?
You sat up in your bed- you heard of choking, but knife and gun? 
You: sounds exciting... 
You typed hesitating to send it, but in the end, you did.
Sweet Pea: good girl
Sweet Pea: how about me showing you?
Sweet Pea: i wont hurt you
You didn’t know what to say. You lowkey wanted to try it... It sounds hot and exciting...
You: Okay
You: but you wont slit my throat right?
Sweet Pea: thats murder baby
Sweet Pea: knife play is a sensual stimulation of mind and body
You: good.
Sweet Pea: what else you into? tell me one of yours and ill tell you one of mine, if that makes you more comfortable
You: bondage
Sweet Pea: fuckk same
Sweet Pea: rough sex
You read the message over and over in disbelief, you were excited and turned on, hoping he’ll be eager to do all them things to you...
You: i like that
Sweet Pea: tell me how much?
You: a lot
You: 10/10
Sweet Pea: you’re something baby
Sweet Pea: such a good and kind girl with a really dark side
Sweet Pea: turns me the fuck up
You: too good for a dark side 😌
Sweet Pea: doubt that
Sweet Pea: already revealed part of your dark identity
Sweet Pea: i’ll reveal the rest soon
Sweet Pea: but not through message
Sweet Pea: face to face ;)
You: go to sleep Sweets
Sweet Pea: stfu im trying to work here
You: make me
Sweet Pea: i will, dont worry
You: good night
Sweet Pea: what
Sweet Pea: you cant leave me like that
You: nighttttt x
Sweet Pea: fuck you
You: thats your job
Sweet Pea: oh is it? 😏
You: nighttt
Sweet Pea: tease😔
You: 😈😘
Tags: @lostnliterature ♥️
Okay so this ain’t smutty but if you want I can make part 3 smutty?
Its up to you if you want it or you had enough of it 😂
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cheesebat · 7 years
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137, 141, 133, 75, 76, 23 (oh gods too many I'll stop)
137-How tall are you?
I’m 5′1.5″
141- Night or Day?
133- Favourite lyrics right now?
I’m past patiently waiting, I’m passionately smashing every expectation, every action’s an act of creation. I’m laughing in the face of casualties and sorrow- for the first time I’m thinking past tomorrow, and I am not throwing away my shot!
75- Favourite animal?
Wolves and Owls if we’re talking real life
76. What colour is your underwear?
i have no clue i never pay attention. something dark probs. 
23. Do you have trust issues?
Very much. It’s why I don’t date anyone, why I’ve never gone on a date, why it took me 3 and a half years to hug my stepdad, why I prefer acting and writing to socializing and refuse to believe in love. I’ve been through some stuff.
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