#dark parables bonus games
katlimeart · 2 years
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Made in 2016 + 2017
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from the Dark Parables franchise
1 + 2. Emma - requested by moon-shadow-1985
3 + 4. Katherine Belloni - requested by moon-shadow-1985
5 + 6. Leda - requested by moon-shadow-1985
7 + 8. Mab - requested by moon-shadow-1985
9 + 10. Mother Gothel - requested by moon-shadow-1985
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helenapsent · 4 months
Lol, I liked the bonus chapter a lot more than the main part. Now what am I supposed to do with that? Good question)))
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There are two stories here: Rumpelstiltskin and Tom Thumb. Tell me, how are they connected?
And just like that, before the King's madness even started, it happened that he married a girl who was kind of spinning gold (no). Jonah was so nervous that she almost moved, but Rumple helped her, and they talked about the exchange. And after a while, as soon as the King and Queen had a daughter, they forgot all about everything, Rumple flew in like, “OBLIGATIONS HAVE TO BE FULFILLED!!!” and flew off into the portal for the child. We're playing for the Queen and the King… I'll tell you right away, the King flies away, he was touched by the fate of King Midas (wrapped in a golden statue, yes, yes), and the Queen to clean up everything, as usual.
She meets a little boy who decided to help her, like, if you have to open the door, you're welcome, so FOR THE WHOLE BONUS PART WE HAVE A POCKET CHILD WITH US!!!))
And then we also met a mega-fairy, who organized us a nice quest in SEARCH FOR MEAD, with which we have to get Rumple drunk, in general everything is very fun. Our child was taken away, the power grid was disconnected, Rumple was thrown into the stratosphere, the King was enchanted, and the boy with a fingernail was golden to the very core, beauty ig
True because of the fact that the king because of the transformation began to go cuckoo, it is such a wow. Ig, the ending is not very racy, everything is cool))))
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bellshazes · 1 year
dreaming up a syllabus for an imaginary course on metanarratives about gameplay, which i think would go something like:
unit 1: who do you think you are i am - auto-documentary & games
Vlogs and the Hyperreal, Folding Ideas
The Slow Death of Let's Play Videos, Meraki (to ~10:00)
World Record Progression: Mike Tyson, Summoning Salt
ROBLOX_OOF.mp3, hbomberguy
Life as a Bokoblin: A Zelda Nature Documentary, Monster Maze
optional: Braindump on the History of Let's Plays, slowbeef
unit 2: what like it's hard? - intro to challenge narratives
Chapter 26: Games as Narrative Play: Two Structures for Narrative Play, Rules of Play
A different kind of challenge run: Minimalist 100% (BOTW), Wolf Link
Surviving 100 Days on Just Dirt, Mogswamp
Can You Beat DARK SOULS III with Only Firebombs, the Backlogs
Is it Possible to Beat Super Mario 3D World while permanently crouching?, Ceave Gaming
The Pacifist Challenge - Beating Hollow Knight Without Collecting Soul [CHALLENGE] - Sample
optional: How to 100% Snowpeak Ruins in under 15 minutes, bewildebeest
unit 3: nelly you don't understand, i AM the narrative - form and function
The Future of Writing about Games, Jacob Geller
Can You Beat GRIME Without Weapons?, the Backlogs
Mushroom Kingdom Championships, Ceave Gaming
My Life as a Barber in Hitman 2, MinMax (Leo Vader)
MyHouse.WAD - Inside Doom's Most Terrifying Mod, PowerPak
optional: Mega Microvideos, Matthewmatosis
the theme and structure is mostly intended to introduce at least one critical or historically contextual work followed by examples of the type of narrative in question.
in unit 1, this is the idea of "How do people talk about their own experiences in the context of YouTube and playing video games?" across three rather different kinds of documentaries. unit 2 is intended to take that lens of who is telling what tale and dial in on challenge running, where i first noticed the way some videos turn the story of overcoming a challenge into its own narrative that is distinct from but related to the narrative events of the game itself. unit 3 circles back to the bigger picture with a variety of examples that, to me, are maximally metanarrative, the emergent story of the player-narrator now functionally replacing the game's embedded narrative.
bonus unit: broken narratives
Glitch & the Grotesque at the MLA, Sylvia Korman
Watching time loop movies to escape my time loop, Leo Vader
The Stanley Parable, Dark Souls, and Intended Play, Folding Ideas
Breaking Madden, Jon Bois
The TRUTH about the Pizzaplex in FNAF: Security Breach, AstralSpiff
this one is highly underdeveloped, but i'd love to work out something more robust building on randomizer challenges that produce intentionally bizarre, semi-ironic "lore," and bois-esque endeavors to break games so hard the story itself crumbles. but that's really out of scope so i'm just including the links to things i couldn't bear to get rid of. more rambling abt the challenge runs I chose under the cut.
Challenge runs represent one of the most obvious places to start, due to being extremely plentiful and having a hook that makes a "here's how I did X thing in Y video game" format almost unavoidable. Minimalist 100% is an underrated and sweet straightforward example that I mostly include as a baseline for reporting-out style narrative; here are the facts, here's what happened, this is the thing that it is. Mogswamp's 100 Days on Just Dirt is similar in style, but the physical measuring of days is a delightful and, more importantly, external narrative device.
Now oriented, we get a taste of Ceave Gaming's narrative approach to Mario challenges with the no-crouching run, and while we still aren't at the degree of player-characters being constructed for the narrative's sake, the spirited belief in crouching sets the stage for other rhetoric in more extreme cases we'll see later.
The Backlogs' entire body of work qualifies here, but GRIME is the strongest inspiration for putting this list together. I include the DS3 firebombs run because what was initially a factual description of how his wife's use of firebombs inspired him to play differently in the original DS1 firebombs run has developed into full-blown multi-game narrative arc with the Firebomb Goddess (his wife, who also voices the character) compelling his in-game character to achieve his destined quest. Grime takes that even further,
In-Game Documentaries
I include Life as a Bokoblin mostly as a contrast to My Life as a Barber - there is a level of fictionalization and roleplay involved in the Zelda in-game documentary that highlights exactly what I want to single out when I am talking about metanarrative, the story about a story.
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questionable-chnt-hc · 4 months
I headcannon the hourglass to represent camp here and there also represent that we are all to die in the end as nothing will last forever. The hourglass perhaps symbolising the rest of the world covering up the camp, which can easily be destroyed when flipped around. Maybe it also represents that the camp will change over time, but what it stands for never will? I think that it could show how different these people are to the regular world, or rather irregular. Hence the different coloured sand inside of it.
I still think it's something to do with death or the end... Maybe a rapture or something as camp here and there is also like got similarities with the bible. Perhaps we might get a parable of the sheep and goats story where some people go to heaven or something and others stay and rot in the camp? I mean, surely it could suggest that maybe? I suppose it could also represent a sort of connection with chess? Like chess matches are sometimes timed, probably not with hour glasses, but it could represent jedidiah and Lucilles' view on dealing with issues in the camp. Especially since the camp itself is like a chess game with some bit of manipulation here and there. ( Example, literally Sydney and Elijah as he was manipulating him to gain what he needed and ' win 'against Jedidiah. ) its just such a goof.
The moon is also suspicious, symbolising an end like an end to a day....I mean, it could also mean like an end to a creation of something if we're getting biblical with it? Due to the creation story like goofing and stating a day was just a period of time with light until dark, so perhaps when the moon falls, it will be all over? It also heads to the question what's after death, I mean I know sydneys alive and such but what happened exactly....ALSO ON THAT NOTE IF JEDIDIAH BROUGHT BACK RIGHT....AND HES MEANT TO BE JUDAS DOES THAT MEAN HE WILL BETRAY HIM FUTHER TO PEOPLE WHO WANT HIM DEAD? OR PERHAPS, IT ALREADY HAPPENED AND HE FEELS GUILTY ABOUT IT? AND THAT'S WHY HE BROUGHT HIM BACK AND CARES FOR HIM?!?!?
At the same time It could be? I mean, that might be why Elijah hates him, he killed the muse and brought him back not telling him a thing...and almost putting his ability to worship something living out the window. Also I don't even know if this counts but if necromancy seemed satanic ( well not really as he isn't Christian....but you get it. ) would that add onto it?
You know I think I'm thinking to hard about a fictional podcast logo......( just maybe... )
That is a religious nerd!!!! ( formerly known as dude!!!!! )
Elijah likes eating worms now :}
Wait you’re onto something here methinks
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tiredgamergirl · 5 months
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A ball amidst the Maltese Mountains hosted in a mysterious mansion with a unknown benefactor, a very exciting and curious prospect for some that turned horribly when the clock stuck midnight and three girls were turned into glass statues. The Fairytale Detective is called once again for the 5th adventure in the Dark Parables series to investigate the possibility of the involvement of the Godmother, a witch that is said to be over a thousand years old and seeks for “Cinderella”, pure-hearted maidens, in order to sacrifice their souls for nefarious goals. Once inside the mansion, a giant beast snatched one of the glass statues by breaking through a solid wall and the Detective meets up with Katherine, a girl that attended the ball and her stepsister was one of the unfortunate maidens that got cursed and offers to assist in the investigation. What is the Godmother’s goal? And how come someone who has helped so many girls before, like Prince James’ second wife, started to hurt them?
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Once again there aren’t many new mechanics, only that the stories feels somewhat longer than the previous title as it covers two different fairy tales this time: Cinderella and Pinocchio. The graphics are beautiful as usual, although some transparency and colors can make some objects harder to spot in the HoD scenes. The locations are varied, going from the mysterious mansion, to lush natural landscape to near nightmarish cursed locations with many environmental storytelling. The pacing makes the player go back and forth in different areas, circling back to areas previously explored under new light.  
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The bonus game showcases the oriental Cinderella, which shows the Godmother before her descent to despair. It is rather uncanny how the cottage has the exact same layout as the one in Europe, and compared to the previous' title bonus adventure and the overall story it is rather short.
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Another solid title to the series, The Final Cinderella might occasionally suffer with some funny voice acting that, given the nature of the budget, is charming. Another solid release from the series.
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goggles-mcgee · 9 months
Just wondering, how would you rank the Dark Parables games from least favorite to most favorite?
Ooooo okay so these are going to be ranked by story, mechanics, designs and just how much I love them!
Least Favorite- Most Favorite
15. The Little Mermaid and the Purple Tide: I feel like this is not a surprise given my rants. Bad story. Bad mechanics.
14. The Thief and the Tinderbox: Again I feel like this isn't a surprise. Bad story. Bad continuity. Bad designs.... but! The mechanics were not bad.
13. Queen of Sands: it felt off in a way. Like it didn't belong in the series. Mechanics okay. Designs/art decent. Bad story.
12. Return of the Salt Princess: nothing wrong with the mechanics or designs or anything. I liked the story somewhat, it just overall isn't a favorite.
11. Portrait of the Stained Princess: it was alright, I liked the art and such. I just felt like it could have been more. Story wise, I mean. I don't know. It didn't engage me as much as others.
10. The Swan Princess and the Dire Tree: it's sad because I'm a sucker for swan princess things whether it be the Swan Lake ballet, the barbie movie or the Don bluth ones (only the first and second ones though) and I was excited for this game but it ultimately hadn't been something I expected but I did enjoy it a bit. Though again, continuity threw me off since there was barely any.
9. The Red Riding Hood Sisters: I do like this one, but not as much as others. I liked the concept, the designs, the mechanics, and the story somewhat. I just wish I could have been more engaged in it.
8. Exiled Prince: Look, I like it a lot, it is arguably one of the most iconic games in the series but the mechanics are what put it here. It had a wonderful story and everything it was just those mechanics that hung me up.
7. Curse of Briar Rose: another one I really love, but those mechanics just hurt. If they remade it it would definitely ranked higher.
6. The Match Girl's Lost Paradise: such a fun story!! It was so interesting and I really liked it and was very engaged!
5. Goldilocks and the Fallen Star: fun game! Engaging! Also, bonus for Jack, just not a top five fav.
4. Rise of the Snow Queen: Snow White is one of my favorite fairy tales, and the fact they merged it with the Snow Queen story had me elated! I loved it! I was so engaged!
3. Jack and the Sky Kingdom: Has some of my favorite characters of the series! Had an engaging storyline! The mechanics were great! And the puzzles were fun.
2. Ballad of Rapunzel: SO fun! So interesting! So much lore given, and I love lore! It was unique with its endings. Overall a very great game!
1. The Final Cinderella: I am biased. Very biased. Cinderella is my favorite fairy tale. I have so many different versions of it. I have watched everything Cinderella or so I'm convinced. The story was so fun and engaging and the art! Oh man the art! And I cared for all the characters!
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maxs-treasures · 4 months
Blog intro ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
Hi! My name's Max, and this is a new blog for me to talk about the various interests of mine that trigger my collecting hyperfixation and also happen to be super cute! <3
♡ About me ♡ - i'm 19 years old - i am autistic and have a habit of hyperfixating on specific things in rotation - i am studying to become a veterinary assistant - i have a love for cute things, creepy-cute things, and witchy things - my hobbies include reading, drawing, writing, crocheting and gaming - i have a domestic shorthair kitten named Remus (my good boy) <3 - i have two younger brothers
♡ Main point of this blog ♡ - to make friends and share photos of anything i collect or get super into - maybe talk about video games - but mostly will be collection based
(bonus info under the cut) <333
♡ Current collections ♡ - Charlie Bears - Jellycats - Sylvanian Families - Manga (of all types) - Aardvarks and Anteaters (mostly plushies)
♡ Current collection focus ♡ - sylvanian families
♡ Favourite video games ♡ - world of warcraft - pokemon (every game from DS onwards) - nintendogs - fashion dreamer - ooblets - planet zoo - spirit city lofi sessions - cult of the lamb - cat cafe manager - let's build a zoo - moshi monsters online - mineko's night market - stardew valley - monster prom - the entire dark parables franchise/universe
♡ Favourite manga ♡ - tokyo ghoul + tokyo ghoul re - assassination classroom - yarichin b club - madk - bloody mary - my dress-up darling - uzumaki - tomie - the summer hikaru died - psycome
♡ Favourite bands/singers ♡ - slipknot - korn - metallica - whitesnake - linkin park - black veil brides - lorna shore - spiritbox - jinjer - hanabie - rolling quartz - band maid - snow wife - ai mori - utsu-p - palaye royale
Props to everyone who read this far- and please if you share similar interests leave a comment or reblog! I'm hoping to maybe make some online friends and get more involved in collectible communities, so interaction would be appreciated <3
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uncloseted · 2 months
Do you game? I recently got a switch and gaming computer but I'm not sure what games to pick up
I do! I actually just lucked into a Playstation 5 so I'm really excited to see what games are available for that, but here are some of my favorites that are available on Switch or on PC:
I think a lot of these you can also find on PC, but I played them first as Switch games, so that's why they're on this list:
Starting out with the classics, all of the Mario games are super fun and Switch exclusive. Super Mario Odyssey is my favorite of the Mario platformers, Paper Mario: The Origami King is a great RPG/puzzle game, and Luigi's Mansion 3 is a super fun action/adventure game. If you want to play with other people, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros, and Super Mario Party are great.
Another group of classics are any of the Zelda games. These are action-adventure games where you play as Link, a hero who's trying to save Princess Zelda and prevent the world from being destroyed. I would start with Breath of the Wild, which is widely considered to be one of the best video games of all time.
If you like The Sims or other social simulation games like that, Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Stardew Valley are both super fun and you can sink a ton of time into them. In this same vein, I also really enjoyed Wylde Flowers, which has a little bit more of a story than other social simulation games.
If you want something that's just kind of unhinged, We ♥ Katamari and Katamari Damacy Reroll are puzzle-action games where you play as a little alien Prince who has to roll up objects on earth to try and impress his father, The King of All Cosmos. The Katamari franchise also has the greatest soundtrack of any game I've ever played.
If you want to be the most frustrated you've ever been in your entire life, Cuphead is a run and gun game drawn in a really cool 1930s style (it's really fun, I swear).
Okami is a action-adventure game where you play as Amaterasu, a wolf who uses the power of the Celestial Gods in order to save the world. The game is done in a woodcut, watercolor style, meant to look like Japanese ink-illustration, and it's just so beautiful.
My personal favorite game franchise has always been Kingdom Hearts. These games are hack and slash action RPGs where characters from the Final Fantasy Franchise team up with Mickey, Donald, and Goofy from the Disney Animation Franchise to go to different worlds from Disney movies so that they can prevent darkness from consuming the universe (multiverse?). This seems unhinged, and that's because it is. 10/10. As a bonus, I think there's a free trial for the Switch version so you can see if you like it before you buy.
Most recently, I've been playing Disco Elysium, which is a role playing game where you're an amnesiac detective trying to solve a murder mystery. This is also considered to be one of the greatest video games ever made, but I haven't finished it yet, so I'm tentatively recommending it.
Some other games that I've really liked but that are maybe a little less accessible are Chinatown Detective Agency, The Stanley Parable, Return of the Obra Dinn, and Gris.
PC Games:
I'm actually not a PC gamer, but I do have a Playstation, and there's quite a bit of overlap in terms of where games get released, so here are some of my recommendations that you can find on PC.
Inside and Limbo, both puzzle-platformer games where you explore a surreal and monochromatic world. They're really beautiful and tense and are considered some of the greatest video games of all time.
If you want something in a similar vein but not as dark and tense, I really love Planet of Lana. It's a puzzle-platformer, but its design style is inspired by Studio Ghibli, and it has a really nice story about a girl trying to rescue her sister from hostile alien machines that have taken over her world.
For something really beautiful and relaxing, I love Journey, which is a indie adventure game where you are trying to reach a mountain in the distance. What's cool about this game is that even though you can't speak with other players, the game fosters an emotional connection between players. It was designed to evoke a sense of smallness and wonder in the player, and I think it does that really well.
If you want to play a game that - and this is true - sent me into an emotional tailspin for several weeks, Wattam is a puzzle-platformer where you play as the Mayor of a planet that's empty. As the game goes on, you unlock and befriend other inhabitants of the world, including trees, flowers, rocks, toilets, poop, and mouths by holding hands, uncovering secrets, playing minigames, and solving puzzles. It's designed to be a game that "makes people notice how our ordinary life is great".
Life is Strange is an episodic adventure game where you play as Max, a high school student in the Pacific Northwest who can turn back time. The choices that you make change how the narrative goes. Some people find this game kind of cringey and the ending is... kind of disturbing, so fair warning, but I think it's a really well-made game.
I'm sure there are others that I've loved, but these are the ones that come to mind. I'll add to this list if I think of more. Happy gaming! Let me know what you think if you end up trying any of these.
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mockingbirdshymn · 2 years
giving camp camp characters favorite video games
(but once again its only the camp campbell characters minus cameron)
preston: life is strange! he adores the storyline and wishes it were a play. it partially reminds him of heathers, if only because of victoria. and tell me why. he likes games like that. he really gets into the mindset of the character he plays as during games, and gets too emotionally invested into the storyline. he cries when characters go through something hard, he cheers when something good happens, all of it.
harrison: rayman legends and night in the woods. he seems the type. he also probably likes the long dark
nerris: how to train your dragon mobile game (school of dragons), shovel knight, online DND, a lot of RPGS, the various xbox star wars games
max: minecraft. im not wrong. also probably horror games, like resident evil or little nightmares, or shooter games
nikki: pokemon!!! in every pokemon game she tries to catch every pokemon possible. when stray came out, she adored the game as well. she cried, like, three seperate times during it, to the suprise of everyone. she also likes deer god and sled dog saga
neil: sandbox/tycoon games! he likes to get super into them and focus on making the best whatever possible. rollercoaster tycoon, minecraft, he loves them all. he also plays spore, the stanley parable, the trolley problem, and portal. he does not go outside too often
space kid: roblox and minion rush lmfao
dolph: my child lebensborn (if anyone hasnt played it, do. it fucking broke me and its one of my favorite games. make sure to look up the tws though its a dark game) and passpartout: starving artist
ered: undertale, splatoon, and fortnite. she also 100% plays subway surf.
nurf: he doesnt deserve a favorite game or a phone or happiness (eggs benefits...) bbut he'd probably like kick the buddy on the iphone. fuck nurf tho i dont like him
david: stardew valley, animal crossing, and slime rancher, though he doesnt like playing video games unless hes stuck inside due to a hurricane or something, or if max asks him to because he enjoys spending time with his family
gwen: she doesn't play video games too often, but when she does it's usually with others (animal crossing with david, mariokart/mario party with max and david, etc.), though she does play some games like firewatch. (preston also got her into life is strange, which she adores. everyone in the house watched her play because her reactions to everything was so funny "FUCK YOU, VICTORIA. WHORE. CUNT." and everyone is just watching along, invested).
bonus: nikki, neil, and max play goat simulator together and take turns
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mtdthoughts · 9 months
Dali's Book (Migi & Dali Observation)
This observation comes from the Migi & Dali sequel manga, but to be honest it's not really a spoiler.
I noticed that Dali was reading this book:
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The Japanese title can be roughly translated as The Proof of Two People. Note that the original author is Agota Kristof, a Hungarian writer who lived in Switzerland and wrote the original book in French, as shown by La preuve or The Proof. The French title (among other clues) seems to suggest that the twins are of French ancestry.
This book is actually the second of a trilogy also known as the "Book of Lies Trilogy."
Le Grand Cahier (1986), also called The Notebook,
La preuve (1988), also called The Proof
Le Troisieme Mensonge (1991) , also called The Third Lie.
These books were also translated to Japanese (see above), though I am not aware of the scale of influence these books had in Japanese culture.
Here's a basic summary of the trilogy that I found:
With all the stark simplicity of a fractured fairy tale, the trilogy tells the story of twin brothers, Claus and Lucas, locked in an agonizing bond that becomes a gripping allegory of the forces that have divided “brothers” in much of Europe since World War II. Kristof’s postmodern saga begins with The Notebook, in which the brothers are children, lost in a country torn apart by conflict, who must learn every trick of evil and cruelty merely to survive. In The Proof, Lucas is challenging to prove his own identity and the existence of his missing brother, a defector to the “other side.” The Third Lie, which closes the trilogy, is a biting parable of Eastern and Western Europe today and a deep exploration into the nature of identity, storytelling, and the truths and untruths that lie at the heart of them all. 
I haven't read these books myself, but it's obvious that Claus and Lucas are an analogy for Migi and Dali, that The Notebook refers to the twins' journey in surviving on their own, and that The Proof is a reference to the twins' divergence as Migi accepted his new life while Dali fell further into his obsession with revenge. I'm not sure what The Third Lie refers to; I'm guessing that it could be a reference to a possible dark alternate timeline if either Migi or Dali were to die.
Edit: I have now read these books, and what I can say is that my above estimation was incorrect. I would attribute The Notebook to the twins' journey in surviving on their own and living in Origon Village and The Proof to the events that take place after the end of Migi & Dali. As for The Third Note, I suppose that would be up to the reader's imagination, though I certainly do not want to think about making any connections because of what happens in that book.
Bonus note: Kristof's trilogy also inspired Shigesato Itoi's JRPG Mother 3, where the twins Lucas and Claus are an obvious reference to the twins of the same names in Kristof's trilogy. Here's a Reddit post that goes over these inspirations:
I just wanted to bring this up because the twins in Mother 3 sure do remind me of Migi and Dali.
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Now, I never played Mother 3 nor am I familiar with the game, so I'm sure someone else can come up with some additional connections between these twins. I imagine that this would also inspire some cool fanart ideas.
Anyways, I thought it was a nice detail that Dali is reading a book that happens to describe part of his own life. Perhaps Nami Sano created Migi & Dali using Kristof's trilogy as an inspiration just as Itoi did for Mother 3. Whether there are any other implications or connections that can be drawn from this is something that should be addressed in a different post.
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narratingvoice · 2 years
Easter egg list!
1: You got the Line(tm).
2: And the fern.
3: that supposed to be the Companion cube on the bucket. Sorry it's too small.
4: the clock actually reads 4:32.
5: I was not expecting you to get the binary reading "The Stanley Parable". Especially since I covered part of it with the Narrator.
6: The desk is from something called "Stanley Parable Classic" which I think is the original Half-Life mod.
7: Of the three you missed, I was not expecting you to miss the fact there are exactly 8 stars out in the darkness.
8: The pixels on the floor being created are specifically colored to look like Minecraft Bedrock. Only the floor for irony.
9: If you look closely at the leftmost screen that the Narrator is holding, and the only one you can see the front of, it reads "427"
And I guess a bonus 10th Easter egg is the original Stanley Parable has only been out 9 years, and I have 9 Easter eggs.
It was fun drawing this! And it even managed to break my months long creative block. Thank you, and you're welcome.
[[1 & 2: woot
3. Well, same design! A pink heart in a circle. Geez, I even own a companion cube too. >w<
4. Listen. I can definitely read an analog clock, okay? And I had just woken up, okay?
5. You show me a binary string and the FIRST thing I'm gonna do is see if it says something funny.
6. Okay, I googled "Stanley Parable Classic" and it's a little more complicated than that. This is not the 2011 Half-Life 2 mod, it is a fan mod that's in the process of remaking TSP 2013 in Half-Life 1. Confusing? Yes. But it explains why I couldn't find it. I've never heard of this project before. Give 'em a look.
7. I only saw 7! But I see the eight one now, it's behind one of the purple screens!
8. I've never played Minecraft and don't know which block is the bedrock. Ah, so there's Minecraft and Portal, both the games from the 2013 Video Games ending.
9. Thought that was too obvious to count as an easter egg!
Whew, that was fun!]]
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katlimeart · 2 years
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Made in 2017
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from the Dark Parables franchise
1 - 3. Gerda - requested by moon-shadow-1985
4 + 5. Odile - requested by moon-shadow-1985
6 - 10. Snow White - requested by moon-shadow-1985
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helenapsent · 2 months
And the final one
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avounsapsa1976 · 6 months
bigfish neue spiele
🎰🎲✨ Erhalten Sie 500 Euro und 200 Freispiele, plus einen zusätzlichen Bonus, um Casinospiele mit nur einem Klick zu spielen! ✨🎲🎰
bigfish neue spiele
Neue Bigfish Spiele
Bigfish Spiele ist eine beliebte Gaming-Plattform, die eine große Auswahl an unterhaltsamen Spielen für verschiedene Altersgruppen bietet. Es stehen regelmäßig neue Spiele zur Verfügung, die die Spannung und Unterhaltung für die Spieler weiter erhöhen. In diesem Artikel werfen wir einen Blick auf einige der neuesten Bigfish Spiele.
Ein Spiel, das kürzlich veröffentlicht wurde, ist "Mystery Case Files: Der schwarze Schleier". Es handelt sich um ein spannendes Wimmelbildspiel, bei dem die Spieler geheime Objekte finden müssen, um ein mysteriöses Rätsel zu lösen. Mit atemberaubender Grafik und fesselnder Handlung bietet dieses Spiel stundenlangen Spielspaß.
Ein weiteres aufregendes Spiel ist "Dark Parables: Die Schwanenprinzessin und der Lebensbaum". In diesem Abenteuerspiel müssen die Spieler die Prinzessin retten, die in eine böse Kreatur verwandelt wurde. Mit seinen wunderschönen Schauplätzen und kniffligen Rätseln ist dieses Spiel perfekt für alle Fans von Märchen und Puzzle-Abenteuern.
"Haunted Hotel: Verflucht" ist ein weiteres neues Spiel, das für Nervenkitzel und Grusel sorgt. Die Spieler müssen in einem alten verfluchten Hotel gefährliche Geheimnisse aufdecken und Rätsel lösen, um zu überleben. Mit seinen fesselnden Horror-Elementen und einer packenden Handlung bietet dieses Spiel ein einzigartiges Spielerlebnis.
Egal, ob Sie nach Wimmelbildspielen, Abenteuerspielen oder Horrorspielen suchen, Bigfish Spiele hat für jeden etwas dabei. Die Plattform bietet eine breite Palette an Spielen, die ständig erweitert wird, um den Spielern neue und aufregende Erfahrungen zu bieten. Mit der Möglichkeit, die Spiele herunterzuladen oder online zu spielen, können die Spieler ihre Lieblingsspiele jederzeit und überall genießen.
Besuchen Sie die Bigfish Spiele-Website, um die neuesten Veröffentlichungen zu entdecken und sich in die spannende Welt des Gaming zu stürzen. Egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Gamer oder ein Neuling sind, Bigfish Spiele verspricht stundenlangen Spielspaß und Unterhaltung. Worauf warten Sie noch? Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der neuen Bigfish Spiele und erleben Sie unvergessliche Abenteuer!
Bigfish Spiele sind eine beliebte Wahl für Gamer, die auf der Suche nach neuen und spannenden Abenteuern sind. Diese Plattform bietet eine Vielzahl von Spielen in verschiedenen Genres, darunter Wimmelbildspiele, Puzzle-Spiele, Strategiespiele und vieles mehr. Das Tolle an Bigfish Spielen ist, dass sie sowohl für PC als auch für mobile Geräte verfügbar sind, was bedeutet, dass man sie überall und jederzeit spielen kann.
Aktuell gibt es zwei besonders empfehlenswerte Bigfish Spiele, die Sie unbedingt ausprobieren sollten. Das erste Spiel ist "Mystery Case Files: Die Zerbrochene Bilderrahmen Sammleredition". In diesem Wimmelbildspiel müssen Sie als Detektiv einen mysteriösen Fall lösen. Die beeindruckenden Grafiken, die fesselnde Handlung und die herausfordernden Rätsel machen dieses Spiel zu einem absoluten Highlight.
Das zweite Spiel, das derzeit viel Aufmerksamkeit erregt, ist "Dark City: Wien Sammleredition". In diesem Abenteuerspiel werden Sie in die dunklen Straßen von Wien entführt und müssen eine Reihe von mysteriösen Vorfällen aufklären. Die packende Geschichte und die atemberaubende Atmosphäre machen dieses Spiel zu einem Muss für alle Fans von Bigfish Spielen.
Egal, ob Sie sich für Wimmelbildspiele, Strategiespiele oder Puzzle-Spiele interessieren, Bigfish bietet eine breite Palette an Spielen für jeden Geschmack. Die regelmäßige Veröffentlichung neuer Spiele sorgt dafür, dass es immer etwas Neues zu entdecken gibt. Also stürzen Sie sich in diese aufregende Gaming-Welt und erleben Sie stundenlangen Spielspaß mit den aktuellen Bigfish Spielen.
Beliebte Bigfish Spiele
Bigfish Spiele sind bei Spielern auf der ganzen Welt sehr beliebt und bieten eine Vielzahl von unterhaltsamen und fesselnden Spielen. Hier sind drei besonders populäre Bigfish Spiele, die Gamer begeistern:
"Mystery Case Files"
"Mystery Case Files" ist eine spannende Spieleserie, bei der es darum geht, verzwickte Mysterien zu lösen. Als Detektiv kannst du deine Wimmelbild-Fähigkeiten unter Beweis stellen und verschiedene Rätsel lösen, um den Täter zu entlarven oder Geheimnisse aufzudecken. Mit atemberaubender Grafik und einem fesselnden Gameplay bietet "Mystery Case Files" stundenlangen Spielspaß.
"Dark Parables"
Die "Dark Parables" Reihe entführt dich in eine Welt voller Märchen und dunkler Geheimnisse. Du schlüpfst in die Rolle eines Ermittlers und musst mysteriöse Rätsel lösen, um die Wahrheit aufzudecken. Die Spiele bieten eine einzigartige Kombination aus Wimmelbildern und Herausforderungen, die es zu meistern gilt. Tauche ein in eine faszinierende und geheimnisvolle Welt voller Fantasie und Abenteuer.
"PuppetShow" ist eine aufregende Spieleserie, bei der es darum geht, eine mysteriöse Geschichte rund um Marionetten und Puppen aufzudecken. Als Spieler musst du verschiedene Minispiele und Wimmelbilder lösen, um Hinweise zu sammeln und die Wahrheit ans Licht zu bringen. Mit einer packenden Hintergrundgeschichte und einer Vielzahl von herausfordernden Rätseln bietet "PuppetShow" stundenlangen Spielspaß für alle Fans von Krimi- und Mystery-Spielen.
Diese drei Bigfish Spiele sind nur eine kleine Auswahl aus dem umfangreichen Angebot an unterhaltsamen und herausfordernden Spielen der beliebten Plattform. Egal ob du dich für Detektivarbeit, Märchenwelten oder mysteriöse Geschichten interessierst - bei Bigfish wirst du sicherlich fündig und kannst in spannende Abenteuer eintauchen. Viel Spaß beim Erkunden der Bigfish Spielewelt!
Bigfish Spiele ist eine beliebte Online-Spieleplattform, die eine breite Palette von Spielen für Spieler jeden Alters anbietet. Obwohl es viele Spieleseiten gibt, zeichnet sich Bigfish Spiele durch seine hochwertigen Spiele und das benutzerfreundliche Interface aus. In diesem Artikel werfen wir einen Blick auf die 4 besten Bigfish Spiele und geben Ihnen eine Bewertung darüber, warum sie so beliebt sind.
"Mystery Case Files: Ravenhearst": Dieses Spiel ist ein beliebtes Wimmelbildspiel, bei dem die Spieler mysteriöse Rätsel in einem gruseligen Herrenhaus lösen müssen. Die Grafik und das Gameplay sind beeindruckend, und die spannende Story hält die Spieler stundenlang unterhalten. Es gibt auch eine Vielzahl von Minispielen und Bonusinhalten, die das Spiel noch interessanter machen.
"Hidden Expedition: Everest": Dies ist ein weiteres fesselndes Wimmelbildspiel, bei dem die Spieler auf eine aufregende Reise zum Mount Everest gehen. Sie müssen versteckte Objekte finden und Hinweise sammeln, um das Geheimnis des Berges zu lüften. Das Spiel bietet atemberaubende Grafiken und eine packende Handlung, die die Spieler in ihren Bann zieht.
"Fishdom": Für diejenigen, die gerne Puzzle- und Aquariumspiele spielen, ist Fishdom die perfekte Wahl. Spieler können ihr eigenes Aquarium gestalten, indem sie verschiedene Fische und Dekorationselemente auswählen. Das Spiel bietet auch herausfordernde Match-3-Level, bei denen die Spieler Kombinationen bilden müssen, um Belohnungen zu erhalten und ihr Aquarium zu verbessern.
"Governor of Poker": Wenn Sie ein Fan von Kartenspielen sind, werden Sie Governor of Poker lieben. In diesem Spiel können Sie Ihre Pokerskills unter Beweis stellen und gegen virtuelle Gegner antreten. Es gibt verschiedene Turniere und Herausforderungen, bei denen Sie Ihr Können unter Beweis stellen können. Die realistische Grafik und das ansprechende Gameplay machen dieses Spiel zu einem Muss für Pokerfans.
Insgesamt bieten die Bigfish Spiele eine Vielzahl von unterhaltsamen und fesselnden Spielen für jeden Geschmack. Die hochwertige Grafik, das ansprechende Gameplay und die spannenden Geschichten machen sie zu einer beliebten Wahl für Spieler weltweit. Egal, ob Sie ein Fan von Wimmelbildspielen, Puzzle-Spielen oder Kartenspielen sind, bei Bigfish Spiele werden Sie sicher etwas finden, das Ihnen gefällt. Probieren Sie es aus und lassen Sie sich von der Vielfalt und Qualität der Spiele begeistern!
Wenn Sie ein begeisterter Videospieler sind und nach neuen Spielen suchen, um Ihr Unterhaltungserlebnis zu bereichern, sollten Sie unbedingt Bigfish Spiele ausprobieren. Bigfish ist ein renommierter Spieleentwickler und -vermarkter, der für seine qualitativ hochwertigen Spiele bekannt ist. In diesem Artikel werden wir Ihnen fünf Bigfish Spiel-Empfehlungen vorstellen, die Sie definitiv ausprobieren sollten.
"Mystery Case Files: Rückkehr nach Ravenhearst" - Wenn Sie ein Fan von Krimi- und Mystery-Spielen sind, ist dieses Spiel perfekt für Sie. Tauchen Sie ein in eine düstere Welt und lösen Sie spannende Rätsel, um das Geheimnis von Ravenhearst Manor zu lüften.
"Haunted Hotel: Der X" - Dieses Spiel nimmt Sie mit in ein gruseliges Hotel, das von dunklen Mächten heimgesucht wird. Als Detektiv müssen Sie versteckte Objekte finden, Rätsel lösen und Geheimnisse aufdecken, um das Rätsel des Hotels zu enthüllen.
"Gummy Drop!" - Wenn Sie Puzzlespiele mögen, ist "Gummy Drop!" das Richtige für Sie. Reisen Sie um die Welt und lösen Sie süße Rätsel, indem Sie Gummibären verbinden. Das Spiel bietet Hunderte von Leveln und eine fesselnde Spielmechanik.
"Shadowplay: Das Duell der Schatten" - Tauchen Sie ein in eine mysteriöse Welt voller Intrigen und Geheimnisse. In diesem Wimmelbildabenteuer müssen Sie versteckte Objekte finden, knifflige Rätsel lösen und das Geheimnis um Ihr eigenes Doppelleben lüften.
"Dark Parables: Die Schwanenprinzessin und der Lebensbaum" - Dieses faszinierende Spiel basiert auf klassischen Märchen und bietet eine einzigartige Geschichte mit atemberaubenden visuellen Effekten. Schlüpfen Sie in die Rolle eines erfahrenen Detektivs und lösen Sie das Geheimnis um die Schwanenprinzessin und den Lebensbaum.
Egal, für welches Spiel Sie sich entscheiden, Bigfish Spiele werden Sie sicherlich stundenlang unterhalten. Die qualitativ hochwertige Grafik, fesselnde Handlungen und herausfordernden Rätsel machen diese Spiele zu einem Muss für alle Gaming-Enthusiasten. Probieren Sie noch heute Bigfish Spiele aus und tauchen Sie in spannende Abenteuerwelten ein. Viel Spaß beim Spielen!
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tiredgamergirl · 4 months
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Somewhere in Greece, a strange Purple Tide rose, approaching the coastline leaving a path of destruction in its wake, along with reports of mermaids and a giant eel. Of course, once again, it is a case for the Fairytale Detective in this new installment of the Dark Parables series, the 8th and the first under a new developer, Eipix, although the old ones are still credited.  Along with the detective, another familiar face from the past also joins the investigation, similar to how Ballad of Rapunzel had Greta tagging along. However, this time, the character feels somewhat underused and the ties to some previous titles were underused at best, how they barely touched upon Prince Eric’s wife or Theresa. The story behind the machine itself is somewhat nonsensical as well if one stops to think for a moment, it was one of those plots for the sake of having a plot device to culminate with something exciting.
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The biggest innovation are the fragmented inventory pieces, objects that need to either be examined or put together before using, which leads to a slightly heavier item-based tasks and a lot of backtracking, the later made easier thanks to the implementation of a fast travel system. Your mileage might vary on the enjoyment of this, but sometimes it feels a lot of busywork. The hidden objects scenes can be downright unfair with transparent objects, obscured placements and even flipped images. And compared to the previous titles, the resulting items look amateurish collages with a bombastic sound effect and cue that should feel a nice accomplishment but it feels a little out of place.
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The graphic in itself feels a little uncanny too, it is clear that Eipix was trying to keep the style from Blue Tea with mixed results. Some locations feels somewhat uninspired or with strange shading, and the proportions can also be something that takes a while to get used to. There is also many mini-animations and special scenes that tries to showcase how even opening a door is such a big deal that eventually everything loses the impact.
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The bonus game takes place right before the curse that affects the antagonists of the title and gives some insight into one of the non-playable characters that you meet in the main story. Sadly it is riffled with bugs and sometimes it feels that a chunk of it may be missing.
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With an interesting concept for a story but somewhat poor execution and an ending that amounts to not much, the game counts with many extras like locating all the hidden crescent moons and in-game achievements that make for some replay, but it is a rather short game. It might be best to buy in a sale.
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tumblwater · 1 year
Dark Parables games: Snow White
Just finished Snow Queen I have also played some of the others in the past as well. Snow Queen's artists are top tier for real. The concept art part at the bonuses is pretty as heck.. I don't mean that the newer games look bad, but the quality and skill make everything look so beautiful. And also, in the animated/ movie parts? (referring to new ones) When the people move their facial structures kind of move as well, though not normally, it's as if the person's whole face changed. On the contrary, while Snow Queen is an older game itself, its animated parts are extremely smooth. Really glad the prices dropped, but if Big Fish/ Dark Parables charged more for it I would not mind at all. (Just hope that I could download the concept art directly, was a bit lazy to search for it lololol The bonus story of how The Golden Child came to be was awesome too. I suppose the evil witch's voice wasn't as wicked as she should be, but I guess her wine makes her voice sound smooth hh
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