#darkling mage book 6
itachi86 · 1 year
darkling mage book 6
this book series is so great i can’t believe there’s zero tumblr presence like with charlie parker series. and i am so glad it has an mlm couple now
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
Please, help me understand Fi more.
Hello! I hope you are enjoying your day!
I was hoping that could help me understand xSFP types and Fi types in general better, because as an ENFJ most of them seem reckless, annoying and egotistical to me. It’s easy to resonate with some of their fears and desires, however, I don’t really get them.
E.g.: in ‘Shadow and Bone’ Alina Starkov’s whole personality is a huge red flag. It is quite difficult to understand how one can think only about herself (and Mal sometimes) when there are much stronger forces at work and you can feel that historical events are literally at your doorstep. It’s quite surprising to see Alina not making any effort(she doesn’t really want to know other Grisha or train or even think about what is going to happen). She gets a chance to feel normal, to fit in, to have a kind of family with other mages, and yet…
As you have probably guessed, I have no problem understanding Kirigan’s intentions, but I would like to understand Fi a bit better, as there a lot of main characters with Fi.
Thanks in advance.
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I am enjoying my day, thanks. I got done with work early, and realized I’m exhausted, though, so I doubt I’ll get much more ‘productivity’ done today.
SFP / SP types “live in the moment” and focus on what is immediately in front of them; they don’t see or look for the big picture, and whatever Ni flashes of insight they have are rational “sequence of order” premonitions. For that reason, you cannot judge them from an NF big-picture perspective, because their focus is here and now. Sometimes, they are reckless; other times, they are “on point” and skilled at seeing what is coming and doing something about it (either being part of it, or getting the hell out of Dodge).
I had a conversation with a friend one time about Marie Antoinette, as we debated whether she was ESFP or ISFP, and she pointed out that Marie could not have been ESFP, or she would have had a quicker sense of the reality of her situation. One of her ladies in waiting, an ESFP, saw what was happening and the way the trend was moving toward beheading aristocrats and left France. Marie was swept up in it all, and a casualty of it, because her feelings (subjectivity) outweighed her Se objectivity.
That is, in a nutshell, what is happening with Alina. Her personal feelings are directing every decision she makes. You have to “get” her not only from an ISFP perspective, but a 6 perspective, and factor in that she’s a social-blind Enneagram type. Her feelings are all that matter to her. Her feelings dictate her actions. Who she cares about influences her choices. She is a Fi-dom. Fi-doms have barometers that are in flux between “I love this,” “I hate this,” and “I don’t care.” For love, they love a lot. For hate, they loathe. And for the “I don’t care,” there’s no middle ground, and no need to think about it further, because they really do not care. Fi weighs everything according to itself – what its ethical judgment is about this thing, person, situation, belief, etc. How *I* judge it.
Alina is an orphan who has only ever had her best friend, and she is ripped away from him without any choice in the matter, and forced to attend a magical school where the only other person who seems to care about her, and offer her protection and guidance (the same thing Mal did) is the general. She’s an sx-user – if she doesn’t have fire with someone, she doesn’t “bond” with them. She’s an sp-user, she wants to feel safe and keep herself “okay.” She has no social instinct, which means friends aren’t to be made for “casual reasons.” (To be honest, that baffles me to; I have strong soc and not to make friends, take an interest in the other girls at the school, and think about what my role is would never occur to me.) She is a Se user, so she’s thinking about what is immediate and what she wants rather than seeing the bigger picture. It takes her time to start doing that, to start breaking down things and trusting her Ni, and by the end, she has a sense of her place of “belonging” in the world, but it’s still… about the person she cares about the most. It will always be that way.
She’s a Fi-dom, she has sx, and she’s a 6 – she NEEDS Mal. The story is all about a 6 learning to trust herself and do things for herself, rather than relying on other people all the time; like the Darkling’s mother said, you can’t always be using “amplifiers” (other people), you need to do it yourself. Every 6 must learn this. She’s about her connection to Mal (and later, the Darkling) and protecting that person; that is the central focus and drive of her life: I need you and me to be safe, and to be together. Other ISFPs aren’t like this. Harry Potter is one, and he takes on plenty of things that are “not his problem” because his Fi says, “Wait a damn minute here… this is WRONG. I MUST ACT.” SFPs act on what they feel is right – you see it in Harry Potter, in Buffy Summers, in Legolas Greenleaf, in Thomas from the Maze Runner. Feelings lead to action.
Fe/Fi conflicts a lot, and it’s not hard to see why, because it’s going in opposite directions. FJs want to be situationally-appropriate, FPs want to live their truth. FJs feel like they are obligated to society, to put themselves aside and work for a greater good; FPs feel like society is made up of individuals who should make their own choices, and not be “forced” to do anything. For an FP, it’s a choice of “*I* am going to do this, because it’s the RIGHT thing to do.” Consider Frodo in LotR. He didn’t have to take the ring, and throw his entire life into the toilet in the process, but he decided, with his Fi, it is the Right and Moral thing to do, and that the task should be his. The Ring came to him. It’s his responsibility.
Alina was not given a choice; she was revealed to have magic, and forced away from the man she cared about, her entire life uprooted – and it was not her choice. IFPs just want to live their life free of outside interference and for others to be able to do the same. Some of them are selfish, some are generous. Some of them would make friends, others would not. Some of them would say, “I have a responsibility to society to do X,” others would say “X is not my problem.” It’s all dependent on the individual. That’s what you need to remember about Fi: it’s all subjective. Everything for a Fi is subjective. You won’t find two Fi’s who are exactly alike in terms of what they think is right, if they feel responsible for what happens, or what should happen. They live in a world of a continuous testing of the outer world, to see where their barometer arrow swings. Do I care? If so, what am I going to do about it? If not, then what?
Ironically, an INFP introduced me to this show. As it turns out, her Fi only cares about the trio of Crows, so she watched it focused on them and sometimes felt angry about the changes to the book / their characters; she didn’t care about anything else, so she didn’t absorb it (or even necessarily watch other scenes). I watched it, absorbed everything, but only cared about the Darkling’s arc, as I found him the most interesting. As a result, we have nothing to talk about after seeing the show, since she only cares about the Crows and I don’t care about the Crows. For both of us, the viewing process was a process of looking for something to care about, something that means something to us as individuals, and devaluing everything else. That’s how Fi works: if I care, I care a lot. And this matters more to me than that does. It comes with a subtle tone of dismissal at times -- I don’t care about that -- but it’s really a process of what draws Fi.
That is just the tip of the iceberg about Fi; you can read a lot more about them and all the types in my upcoming MBTI book. ;)
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four-loose-screws · 4 years
FE8 Novelization Translation: Book 1 - Front Cover & Other Introductory Pages
Happy 2021, ya’ll! We made it! Who knows what this year will bring? At the very least, we can get excited about another FE novel translation!
The title this time around is.... the Sacred Stones! This was the most requested title outside of Jugdral.
This novel, unsurprisingly, follow’s Eirika’s journey, as her route has more details essential to understanding the overall plot, and is in the third person, but primarily told from her perspective.
Also, for the names of the writer and illustrator, note that I usually tend to write Japanese names in “given name -> family name” order, as I personally find that that’s the most simple for Westerners to understand. Plus, that’s what the previous novels have done as well. But this book takes the “retain the ‘original’ order and write the family name in capital letters” approach, so I decided to stick with that and stay consistent with what’s printed on the book.
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Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Book 1
Written by TAKASE Mie
Illustrated by SUZUKI Rika
Published by Square Enix
(inside flap)
TAKASE Mie was born on July 31st in Tokyo. She graduated from Waseda University. Her recent hobby is the cello, which she was inspired to start learning after watching a certain sailing movie. Though she has dreams of one day being able to play Bach’s cello suites, she still has a hard time with even basic scales.
Cover and Obi Design: atelier THiRD
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Long ago, the Demon King was sealed away within the five Sacred Stones, and the continent of Magvell has since enjoyed a long period of peace. However, that peace was shattered in an instant. The Grado Empire, honored as the most powerful of all the nations guarding the Sacred Stones, began to invade the other lands of the continent. Grado had always maintained friendly relations with the surrounding countries, so why invade? The kingdom of Renais falls without the answer to this question. Because those still in Renais have lost contact with Prince Ephraim and the front line, Princess Eirika is entrusted with reviving her country, and flees on a journey to their ally, the Kingdom of Frelia...
(inside flap)
SUZUKI Rika currently lives in Yokohama. She is a freelance illustrator who has contributed to titles such as the Monster Collection TCG (published by Fujimi Shobo) and Angels of Dawn (written by KAYATA Sunako and published by Chuokoron-Shinsha, Inc.). She also created the manga Tableau Gate - Volumes 1 & 2 (published by Kadokawa Shoten).
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Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Book 1
Written by TAKASE Mie
Illustrated by SUZUKI Rika
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Day That Decided Her Fate
Chapter 2: The Blood of a Warrior
Chapter 3: The Stolen Bracelet
Chapter 4: The Pursued Cleric
Chapter 5: Fog of War
Chapter 6: The Castle on the Lake
Chapter 7: The Girl with Wings
Chapter 8: At Port Kiris
Chapter 9: The Heroes at the Fort
Chapter 10 The Secluded Sage
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Character Introductions 
The Princess of Renais. She is kind, and does not like war itself, but still dedicated herself to the current war without hesitation to retake her country, a goal entrusted to her by her father, the king.
The king of the Kingdom of Renais. In his youth, he was renowned for his military prowess, and he is adored by his people as an honest statesman.
Though he is the youngest of all Renais’ generals, his loyalty and superb skills in both combat and discernment make him the ideal image of a knight.
He may have just only become a full-fledged knight, but he has a very serious and earnest personality, and is skilled in combat as well, ensuring him a promising future.
A general of the Grado Empire also known as the Moonstone. He was discharged from the army for the crime of massacring ordinary citizens for fun. However...
A devoted knight of Frelia with a long history as a fearless soldier. He is a man of few words, but his power is known throughout the entire Frelian Army.
The princess of the Kingdom of Frelia. In contrast to her friendly personality that is beloved by all of her retainers and servants, she also has military experience, and is an active member of the pegasus knight unit.
The king of the Kingdom of Frelia. His resourcefulness is unparalleled, and has earned him the title “The Wise King.” He is a long time friend of Fado’s and spares no effort in aiding Eirika and her allies.
An outstanding knight, even among the prided Frelian pegasus knights. She is very serious, but kind.
A priest. Within his calm appearance lies a very intelligent mind. He can not only heal with staves, but is also knowledgeable in medicine.
A mage general of Grado, also known as the Fluorspar. One of the empire’s three generals. She has vowed her undying loyalty to Emperor Vigarde.
A boy living in Ide Village in Renais. He is saved by Eirika and her allies when his home is attacked by bandits.
Ross’ father. A former troop commander in the Renais’ army known for his dauntless courage. When his wife passed away, he retired from the army to raise his son.
A girl born in Lark Village in Renais. Her home was burned down by bandits. She cries easily, but undoubtedly inherited her grandfather’s famous skills with a bow.
Neimi’s childhood friend. They were the only two to survive the bandit attack on their hometown. He has sticky fingers, but is kind to Neimi.
He meets Eirika and the others while carrying out the orders given to him by his church to purge the lands of monsters. He has a deep love of learning and is a devoted monk.
Artur’s childhood friend. Though it is true that she is an exceptionally skilled mage, the words and actions she chooses as a result of her confidence in that fact are a bit detached from reality.
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A young woman with a strong sense of justice on a continuing journey to take out the monsters roaming the lands. She actually appears to be of noble standing based upon the way her companions talk to and act around her.
A warrior traveling with L’Arachel. He cannot hide the fact that he is her loyal retainer, though perhaps it is more accurate to say that he is not really trying. He’s not one to sweat the small stuff.
He is actually a master thief, and just under contract with L’Arachel, but all she does is drag him around everywhere.
A cleric being pursued by the Grado Army because she was deemed a traitor. She asks to travel with Eirika so she can spread the word to other nations about the strange things occurring within the empire. 
A skilled mercenary who loves to gamble above all else. He becomes Eirika’s ally after losing a bet with Natasha.
The prince of Renais and Eirika’s older twin brother. He is blessed with a strong sense of justice and decisiveness. He also excels in spearmanship, and his skills are highly respected by the cavalier unit.
A loyal retainer who has served Ephraim ever since he joined the cavalier unit. An exceptional knight who’s skilled in serving as a guard.
Like Kyle, he serves Ephraim as both a guard and close confidant. He and Kyle have been rivals since they were young. He is also Franz’s older brother.
The commanding officer of the Renais cavalier unit. He is a devoted cavalier who has served the royal family for years, and that King Fado trusts deeply, however...
The prince of The Kingdom of Frelia. He always has a strong sense of duty towards his role as a member of the royal family. He is extremely confident in himself, and has the strength and abilities to back it up.
A girl who is neither human nor monster, but a member of the dragon tribe. She leaves The Darkling Woods to tell the humans about the abnormalities occurring across the continent.
A girl who became a soldier because of her respect for General Duessel. However, she feels lost when she learns that he opposes the war.
The brave leader of a band of mercenaries. He joins Eirika’s army because Prince Innes hired him as his guard.
A dancer whose bewitching dances attract the soldiers around her and heighten their morale. Once she joined Gerik’s Mercenaries, she became an indispensable member of the group.
A female mercenary is rare enough, but her beauty and skills make her even more of a diamond in the rough. She is registered in the guild as a member of the same mercenary group as Gerik.
Tethys’ little brother. He aspires to become a mage, and convinced a renowned sage to become his teacher. He is at the age where he cannot help but want to be treated as his own person.
The sage of Caer Pelyn, and the only person of this age to associate with those of the dragon tribe. His abilities are very widely known. He is also Ewan’s teacher.
A general of the Grado Empire who is also known as the Sunstone. One of the empire’s three generals. He also questions the current war…
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goose-books · 4 years
which darkling character should you fight: a scientific study
leovald: PLEASE fight leovald stayer. please someone decimate this bitch old man. yes he’s a ridiculously powerful mage yes you’ll probably die idk maybe if we all jump him at once it’ll work. 12/10 for concept, 4/10 for difficulty of execution
griffin: i mean. i get why you would. i really do. top ten people whose refusal to go to therapy creates problems and issues. that said 1) he’s already miserable and 2) i guarantee he more than gets what’s coming to him so i’ll slot him at a tentative 6/10
medea: medea doesn’t need sex because the world fucks her every day. which is to say: not sure why you would fight her. she is LITCHrally just vibing out in the woods. also she has fucked up witch powers so 4/10
gracen: 90% of the characters in this book want gracen obliterated, so you wouldn’t be ALONE. but, like, she will win. physical fight or subterfuge or whatever - she will win and you just have to know that going in. do what you will. 2/10
ruby: does she deserve it? yes. will she kill you without remorse? also yes. 4/10
dany: ruby stayer will kill you without remorse. dany caldwell will hunt you for sport. 0/10 not worth it
cressida: deterrent: she has insane amounts of magic for a teenager. counterpoint: she won’t use it on you because she’s not like that. deterrent: she WILL fist-fight you with all of her pent-up frustration. counterpoint: she’s not very strong. deterrent: why would you, though? 2/10 on a moral level, 7/10 if you want to win
rory: you’re going to hell out of ten
vee: are you prepared for the psychological experience of breaking vee greenwood’s brittle bones like twigs while he stares you dead in the eyes with cold damnation? also he’s not above biting you. 6/10
jasper: deserves it. also, he’s very good at ruining lives but not so good at physically throwing down. 8/10 but drop him off at therapy afterward please
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swipestream · 6 years
New Release Roundup, 2 February 2019: Fantasy and Adventure
The Devil is not in the details, but on the battlefield. In his shadow, infernal hitmen and detective saints; Nazi wizards and British mages; dragon slayers and divine champions clash in this week’s roundup of the newest releases in fantasy and adventure.
The Caster of Destruction (Overlord #9) – Kugane Maruyama
For twelve years, the virtual world of Yggdrasil has served as the playground and battlefield for the skeletal lord Momonga and his guild of fellow monsters, Ainz Ooal Gown. But the guild’s glory days are over, and the game is shutting down permanently. When Momonga logs in one last time just to be there when the servers go dark, something happens–and suddenly, fantasy is reality. A rogues’ gallery of fanatically devoted NPCs is ready to obey his every order, but the world Momonga now inhabits is not the one he remembers. The game may be over, but the epic tale of Ainz Ooal Gown is only beginning…
The annual war between the kingdom and the empire almost always ends in little more than a staring contest. This year, the Fresh Blood Emperor’s visit to Nazarick will change everything. Ainz himself has joined the fray, which is a dark omen of the coming storm. The arrival of the absolute ruler of Nazarick means only horror and death await those who stand on what will become the most hellish battlefield anyone has seen in living memory…!
Chuck Dixon’s Avalon #3: The Conscience of the King – Chuck Dixon and Frank Fosco
While King Ace is in training with Big Simba and the Specials of the UN-SPC, his former partner-in-fighting-crime Fazer languishes in a prison designed especially for people with superhuman powers. Fazer is desperate to escape, but how can he get out when his jailors possess the technology required to block his unique abilities?
But Fazer isn’t the only one feeling trapped, as King Ace quickly comes to learn that his new team isn’t tasked with fighting crime in the city of Avalon, but rather, tracking down other people like him and Fazer. And he also discovers that signing on with the official forces of law and order means accepting restrictions on your ability to do what you think is right.
Chuck Dixon is the most prolific comic book writer in history. Set in the world of Alt★Hero, CHUCK DIXON’S AVALON is the legend’s newest creation.
The Circle of St. George – John Auber Armstrong
Nothing in his life prepared Charlie Walker for meeting King Arthur and Merlin, King Oberon and Puck, or to find himself riding with the Wild Hunt and fighting a cohort of bloodthirsty Valkyries attacking GI’s on the beaches of France! Compared to that, a naked Winston Churchill barely rates mentioning …
Britain, 1940: a coalition of British magicians have united to oppose the Nazi’s use of black magic, and a young American soldier is sent to observe and report on the program code-named The Circle of St. George. Captain Charlie Walker doesn’t believe in gods, ghosts, or magic … until he has no choice in the matter!
Charlie’s education in magick is a hero’s journey like no other you’ve read. His instructors include Aleister Crowley and a who’s who of British occultists. Together, from the great plain of Glastonbury and the isle of Avalon to the Fae Kingdom and the death camps of the Third Reich, Charlie and The Circle of St. George stand alone against Hitler’s magicians.
The Devil’s Gunman (The Devil’s Gunman #1) – Philip S. Bolger
Working as a hitman for the devil of paperwork is a pretty good gig. Until you settle your obligation and don’t have the job anymore. Then what do you do?
For Nick Soren, it was the best of times and the worst of times. Having made more money working for the devil than he could ever spend, he lived it up in a haze of booze and drugs. Until the devil put a hit out on him.
On the run, Nick finds help from someone he never expected—another of the devil’s previous hitmen—who wants Nick to kill the devil. But there are vampires and Hellhounds on his tail, and that is going to make things…difficult. Can Nick get clear of the supernatural creatures hunting him long enough to take his shot and get revenge on the devil?
He’s not alone in his mission—a jiangshi mage and a chimera are along for the ride, and may help even the odds…or just get him killed all the faster.
Time is running out and the vampires are closing in…is this the end for the devil’s gunman?
Flying Sparks: Meta-Man Special – Jon del Arroz 
For the last fifty years, Meta-Man has been an enigma—a reclusive hero who does his duty but shies away from the public eye. What happened? Who is he?
Unlocked from the archives for the first time, you can dive into one of Meta-Man’s early adventures and get a glimpse into his heroic world as he works to stave off a plot from his nemesis Dr. Malicious and his communist commandos! Can Meta-Man prevail, or will the U.S.S.R. interfere with the American presidential election and spread the reach of the Iron Curtain across the globe? Read this action-packed superhero comic and find out!
“A touch of backstory for a side character, a dash of 60s comics-style fisticuffs, and a sprinkle of the classic tragedy of missing out on important personal moments for the sake of saving the day for someone else. “–Amazon Reader Review
Infernal Affairs (Saint Tommy, NYPD #3) – Declan Finn
My name is Officer Thomas Nolan, and I am a saint.
I can smell evil. I show mercy to the lesser criminals – the desperate. Even those I’ve put behind bars seem to like me.  But now there’s a serial killer bringing darkness beyond imagination to my city. I can smell his stench a mile away.
Detective Tommy Nolan is having a bad day.
First, the celebrant was murdered during mass. Then the SWAT team knocked down his door trying to kill him.
With the million dollar bounty on his head, every gunman and demonic monster is coming out of the pit to collect it.
Tommy has to discover who’s out to make him a martyr before he becomes a saint for real.
Sowing Dragon Teeth (The Iron Disciplines #1) – James Alderdice
Nobody said getting revenge on a dragon that killed your father would be easy, but nobody said it would be this hard either.
War looms on the horizon. Aisha is scouting the borderlands wary of a coming secret invasion when she is ambushed by a crazed old shaman who was sure that she was trying learn his secrets. She isn’t interested in the old legends about a dragon graveyard but after burning the secret map she is the only one who knows where it is supposed to exist and every gold hungry rogue crawls out of hiding to try and force her to take them there for riches untold.
The journey will take them across a cursed landscape brimming with foul sorceries and terrible monsters, but the promise of both treasure and revenge is irresistible. Sowing Dragon Teeth is an action-packed heroic fantasy in the vein of classic pulp fiction and thrilling treasure hunts. If you like gory battles, larger-than-life characters, and witty humor, then you’ll love James Alderice’s gritty tale.
A Thousand Drunken Monkeys (The Hero of Thera #2) – Eric Nylund
Continue Playing the Game? Yes / No
The Kingdom of Thera is a crossroads to many worlds and realities. Here a secret war between the gods plays out via their proxy mortal champions. These player-champions use all the augmented-reality interfaces and game mechanics that role-playing and video-gamers know and love.
Join Hektor Saint-Savage, Marine and martial artist extraordinaire; Morgana Nox, shapeshifting druid-thief and trickster; and the cantankerous dwarf, Elmac Arguson—as they punch, blast, stab, and slither their way through the second Hero of Thera novel.
Can they outwit, outfight, and outrun assassins? The Imperial Knight Champion of Chaos? Feisty gnomes with slide rules? A horde of a thousand inebriated simians?
There’s only one way to find out…
Viridian Gate Online: Doom Forge (The Viridian Gate Archives #6) – James Hunter
Jack and the crew of the Crimson Alliance have finally made it back from the Realm of Order, but the threat to Eldgard is deadlier than ever.
Vogthar incursions are increasing, dungeons falling in droves, towns and cities ravaged by Darklings—Players and NPCs who have willingly sided with the Dark Overmind Thanatos. But thanks to a priceless artifact Jack found after defeating the Lich Priest, there might be a glimmer of hope on the horizon. Jack and company have unearthed a Doom-Forged relic, one part of an ancient weapon capable of killing even a god. But to assemble the legendary god-killer, they’ll need to find the other relics and locate the fabled Doom Forge of the Dwarven godling Khalkeús, all while unraveling a mystery five hundred years in the making.
New Release Roundup, 2 February 2019: Fantasy and Adventure published first on https://medium.com/@ReloadedPCGames
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itachi86 · 1 year
Herald and I could do anything. Save the world. Kill the bad guy. Put Mister Grumbles through college. I realized that I was smiling.
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itachi86 · 1 year
awww herald says if dustin dies he has nothing 
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itachi86 · 1 year
Sterling scoffed. “Pssh. Easy peasy. We’ll go find someone to beat up, then siphon their psychic vapors while they’re screaming.” He leaned closer to Madam Chien, tapping her on the shoulder. I wouldn’t have done that – I figured Sterling would be lucky to retrieve his arm and still have his entire hand up to the wrist. “Do you have some kind of enchanted phial we can use to collect that stuff? I’ll go find someone we can smash up. No problem.”
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itachi86 · 1 year
asher is like powered up version of nico from pjo now
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itachi86 · 1 year
“Carver and I have a standing agreement. He lets me know if you’re about to do something exceptionally stupid.”-Herald to Dustin
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itachi86 · 1 year
haha even dustin’s dad ships him and herald
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itachi86 · 1 year
ooh are they gonna get the star metal out of dustin’s heart
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itachi86 · 1 year
They were watching, waiting for what Izanami was about to do.
They were never meant to see. The goddess took my hand, then snapped her fingers, and the world around us erupted in green fire. A conflagration the color of old jade, of horrible, pale venom. But it was cold. So cold.
And all around us, the screaming. The hairs raised at the back of my neck, all up and down my forearms as an infernal shrieking scraped at my very soul, as of a thousand, no, millions of voices screaming. There we stood on a blasted plateau of black, cracking rock, massive gouts of cold, poisonous fire reaching for a sky that we couldn’t see, for a heaven that had forsaken all that dwelled there.
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itachi86 · 1 year
omg if dustin/herald becomes canon i will throw a party
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itachi86 · 1 year
Bastion shook his head. “You need to not carry a flask around with you, Royce. Everyone can smell the whiskey on your breath. There has to be a better way to deal with your stress.”
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itachi86 · 1 year
ooh baba yaga
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