#darksiders wrath
circle-around-again · 2 months
"Limping into a ravine, he found a large cave and hauled his body into it. ... The wound festered. The pain was blinding. He listened for approaching droids but heard none. ... As he fell into and out of restless sleep, Maul began to wonder if his Master had forgotten him." (Windham, 142).
I'd like to point to his passage as foreshadowing. Maul repeats what will happen to him in the future: his life as spidermaul.
He feeds himself on raw flesh for a month, and suffers wounds that he cannot heal. He is in a cave, and his Master has abandoned him.
I'd also like to point out some interesting differences. Here, the droids are hunting him. In the future, he will become part droid.
He already doesn't consider his own body as truly "himself" because he talks about dragging it, as if it is separate. His body is already dead weight, and it will soon be replaced with the likeness of his pursuers.
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pekinaso · 6 months
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Ah, right, I did this funny Twitter challenge a couple months ago, where it was putting 3 of your comfort characters in this particular car. So I chose Yasha, Beelzemon, and Death lmao
I DID NOT draw the car, I used a template someone on Twitter was generous enough to make :)
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askthedarksidersfam · 2 years
When Wrath slams his swords together, it sounded familiar. I know why
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demon64 · 7 months
Thinking of that Bakugan/Darksiders crossover idea again. Mostly I'm trying to think of what the names would be. Also, for the super forms as partner Bakugan part, I'm going to so my best to go with actual Bakugan, just altered a bit to fit with the Horsemen.
Death reasonably can't be named "Death" unless it's like a nickname. Maybe it could be because his partner Bakugan would obviously be Reaper. Yeah, there is a Bakugan just named Reaper, look it up. Dean comes to mind but if I write something, maybe I'll just stick with the "Death as a nickname" idea.
War is a bit easier. Normal War could just be named Warren, while Chaos Form as the partner Bakugan could be something like "Chaos Leonidas" I guess.
For Strife, the name Stefan comes to mind for whatever reason. His partner Bakugan could be something like "Anarchy Vladitor." Guess I have the old Battle Brawlers video game also on the brain. Fits though.
And now, Fury. Human name: Faora. That was almost too easy. Partner Bakugan: I'm thinking Fear Ripper. Sure, that Bakugan doesn't exactly have a voice, as far as I remember, but just look at the guy! Definitely looks like someone for Fury to have as a partner Bakugan!
And for a bonus: Envy, with the other Sins as her Bakugan. It's fitting, considering Envy becomes the final boss after essentially stealing her trapped siblings and their power by extension. Gluttony could be an Aquas type, while Wrath is a Pyrus type. Pride could be a Haos type, while maybe Lust or Avarice could be Darkus or Ventus. That leaves Sloth as Subterra, which feels somewhat fitting.
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 8 months
and if Chase grabs Randy, that would somehow influence the First Ninja?
Ooooo, like grabs as in 'kidnapped to be bait' or as in 'manipulated to the side of evil' though???? Honestly doesn't matter I guess, because either way First would be freaking pissed.
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I think most of us in rc9gn fandom collectively agree that First and Randy share a special bond, so if Chase decides to use Randy to get to First (or just use him in general), the repercussions of his actions could be terrifying.
The only saving grace would be, I think, that Chase would see and respect (to some degree) that bond, AND he could respect Randy. (I'm saying 'could' because, well... just imagine Randy 'fart jokes are height of humour' Cunningham and Chase 'wears impeccable armour' Young interacting, like??? do you get what i mean???)
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And in some way, that bond would remind Chase of his own special bond with Omi. So if Chase grabs Randy he could afford him the same level of respect he has for Omi. Though its not saying much, considering all the things Chase did to try and get Omi on his side lol.
So potentially Randy could be subjected to manipulation, a little bit of possible brainwashing, just lots of mentally traumatizing experiences and in general not bruce vibes from creepy immortal lizard man - not exactly fun times. But he would power through it that's for certain, Randy going darkside has very little possiblity IMO, (but even if it happens First would snap him out of it).
Meanwhile, First would regain a physical body out of sheer anger and just descend with the wrath of a 800 year old man who helped raise tutor over 200 teenagers and freaking wallop Chase's lizard ass, then unlock all the powers in the suit so Randy could kick his ass too. Then just to make sure, lock Chase somewhere up so he would learn a lesson (he probably won't).
Also I can't help but think of Chase imagining like "Ninja I have turned your best apprentice to Dark Side so my own turned apprentice could have an evil sibling conspirator, now you have to join us too, so we all can be happy evil family Empire and rule the world for 5000 years of Darkness." ;)
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And First, like instantly ruining Chase's little fantasy, lol.
On a slightly more serious scenario, I guess if Chase somehow grabs Randy and Randy does not in fact hold on, and to save him First would have to join Chase... he probably would do it and it will be a delightfully angsty moment of Randy watching in horror as his sorta mentor (spirit? memory?) is consumed by darkness of Chase Young. So, yea there is also that possible scenario. ;)
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princess-ibri · 11 months
Darkside Disney Princesses: Jasmine
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This story features another twist in the tale with a loved one lost to the snow, this time Aladdin, who is unable to make it back to Agrabah from the frozen ends of the earth. Leaving Jasmine, the Sultan, and the people of Agrabah to the torments of Jafar.
Jafar discovers soon enough that the Genie can’t force anyone to fall in love, and Jasmine is more then willing to claw his eyes out if he tries anything.
But Jafar, more interested in seeing her humiliated, then actually possessing her in such a way, knows that while Jasmine might not be willing to be his ‘Queen’, he can still bring her low in other equally cruel ways.
He also knows she’s definitely going to be plotting to get the lamp away from him as soon as she possibly can, and wishing away all his ill gained power.
So he takes her voice.
“I’ve always thought it best that a woman should be seen and not heard, wouldn’t you agree?”
Jasmine is kept as an ornament, adorned with jewels, in mockery of her status, and kept chained to Jafar’s throne; a pretty face to be shown off to those who come to try and treat with Jafar, a warning of what could happen to their own wives and daughters should they not comply. Just as the puppet Sultan serves to show their potential fate.
And trapped by chains of steel and scilence, Jasmine seethes. Every day she stands, forced to hold Jafar’s food and wine and watch as he plays with people’s lives like toys, and every night she dreams her dreams of vengeance, of all the things she would do to him if she was free.
A possiblity that seems farther and farther away as Jafar extends his reach out into the rest of the Seven Deserts. He is the most powerful sorcerer in the world after all, why not rule it then?
There are those who fight back of course. Both mortal and magic users alike. Jafar might be the most powerful but he is far from the only one. Their magic might not be enough to overcome him, but working together they can at least hold him back for a time.
But there are also many who choose to fall in with the sorcerer king, either to try and escape his wrath, gain some of his power, or both.
Tribute pours in, gold and jewels, slaves and sacrifices. All to try and appease Jafar, to keep his capricious temper in check. Jafar of course has never been one to excercise moderation, and demands more and more. The palace is awash with treasure from across the Seven Deserts and even beyond.
And this is what eventually turns the tables.
For one day, Jafar, glutted on drink and reveling in the newest swathes of tribute, slips a ruby ring onto Jasmine’s ring finger, another mocking ‘gift’ to remind her of her fallen state.
Had he been less drunk on fine wine and stolen power, he might have noticed the tinge of magic on the ring. But he is the most powerful sorcerer in the world after all, who holds one of the cosmically powerful genies at heel, magic flows through the palace like water,who would notice a drop in an ocean?
As it happens, it is not until nightfall, when Jafar has left Jasmine alone in the darkened throne room to once more dream her dark vengeance, that the ring’s power is discovered.
Jasmine had thought herself long since grown used to Jafar’s cruelty. But today he has been particularly vile, plotting new tourtures for a city he has managed to subdue. Jasmine feels a tear course down her cheek at the memory of it, and quickly brushes it away, for she has long since learned that tears avail nothing.
But in doing so, she rubs the ring, infusing in with the tears of her sorrow.
And the ring awakens
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What pours out of it, wreathed in crimson smoke, is another genie, yet one as unlike the poor gentle souled slave of Jafar’s as can be. Eyes like burning coals, licks of fire dance across its skin, two long spiraling horns bursting from a head of flaming hair.
The genie turns it’s fiery gaze on Jasmine, taking in her shackles, both the physical ones around her wrists and ankles, and the magical one that binds her tongue.
“Oh princessss, I sssee we have both been bound by the magicsss of men. This sssorcerer has bound you, as accurssed Sssolomon sought to bind all jinn across time and ssspaccce.”
The genie’s voice is like the hissing of steam, and the crackling of flame.
“You cannot sssspeak, and ssso you cannot wisssh for your voice, your freedom, your vengeance, just as I cannot be freed from my chainsss, cannot kill—Unlesss…”
The genie reaches out to Jasmine, tracing the track of the tear that freed it from it’s ring, and steam rises up from its touch.
“There isss one thing we could do, to gain freedom for us both.”
“ Grant me the ussse of your body, your bonesss and blood and breath. And I will grant you in turn my ssstrength, my ssskill, my voiccce. I ssshall make it ssso that none can ever ssscilence you ever again. Do you accept thisss exchange, thisss bargain? You need only nod to accept…”
Jasmine stares up at the fiery being before her, at this one chance in a thousand for freedom that has come to her, through chance or destiny, she knows not what, nor does she care. For she knows that if she does not take this chance now, another may never come.
She nods.
Flames and smoke swirl around her, a whirlwind of fire, with her directly in the eye of the storm. The fire rises up and up, and then comes pouring down, a burning wave, down into her throat, scorching her from the inside as the genie burns itself into her bone marrow and blood, sinking into every space within her.
Jasmine spasms, choking, shaking, falling to the floor. For a moment she lies still as death
And then she rises, takes a breath, and rips the manacles from her wrists as if they were made from paper.
The ring on her finger glows in unison with the fire that now glows behind her eyes.
As she stalks through the palace, her steps are so silent they don’t even raise an echo—and yet she leaves the floor beneath her shattered with each step.
Jafar has long since thought himself secure within the chambers of his stolen palace, protected by the wards he’s set that should imolate any mortal who attempts to break them. Wards that the princess now walks through as though they were nothing more than spider webs.
For Jafar’s power was granted by a genie, and one greater than that being now stands above his sleeping form, one that has no fear of fire.
She reaches out with one hand towards his slumbering parrot familiar, and with the other for the lamp that sits on his bedside.
Jafar wakes to the sound of a crunch, but has less than a moment to wonder at the cause before one of the jeweled swords that he’d hung in his chambers is sinking into his heart down to the hilt.
The spells he set crumble and fall within an instant. All those ensorcelled by the mad vizier return to their original forms; the people who are brave enough rush to the palace to see who it is who has freed them; the Sultan freed from his puppet strings races to find his daughter, to see if she too is now freed from their horrid imprisonment.
He finds her sitting upon his throne, the lamp resting in her lap as she cleans a long knife, a strange ring casting a red glow upon her face as she looks up to see him.
“Father”, the princess says calmly, her voice echoing strangely around the room. “We sssee you are well. We do hope you weren’t looking too forward to taking this throne back. After all, it was you who let Jafar in at the door. And We really can’t have anything like that happening again. Rivalsss for power make things ssso complicated after all.”
She strokes the lamp as she speaks, and the blue genie pours out, looking down at the princess with utter horror, more than he’d even shown to Jafar. The princess just smiles up at him.
“Dear cousin, We hope you know this is nothing personal. It’s sssimply good business sssense. Neither of us wish to be bound again ssshould your lamp fall into the wrong hands. And ssso for our first, and final wish, We wish that you, would no longer exist.”
Reality itself seems to bend together for a moment, as the lamp in the princess’s hands crumbles into itself before crumbling into dust, the genie tied to it fading away like mist beneath the morning sun.
“And now,” the princess says, with a wide, gleaming smile “We can truly start to get to work…”
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voidselfshipp · 28 days
Crying over the names of the legendary boons in Darksiders 1.
》written from the perspective of an eldest sibling《
I know I shouldnt take this so literall,but the Word "blessing" from DEATH. He who holds himself to be the worst of the horseman,the one beyond repentance,The one without "a soul". Even from afar he still cares for his youngest brother,death gives him A BLESSING,his genuine blessing.
How it gives War more souls? More resources to help him? How he can get Harvester? That it works better when you assign that boon to the scythe? Do you think a part of Death's soul,the very thing he claims not to have, lingers in this arcane thing to still Keep his brother safe? How he stil cares so deeply even if he denies it vehemently?
Just look at genesis,how close they are by the end,how they mourn together and hold eachother up. Do you think war remembers and has seen in detail and maybe with a bit of awe whenever Strife uses Mercy & Redemption? How hes memorized the EXACT pulse and grip his brother uses? This boon gives him profiency with the gun, it makes him more durable to ranged And projectile attacks.
Do you think the true magic is the memories of his brother? How maybe just a bit of Strife's Essence guides his aim, his bullets and takes the hit for him? Not to mention War gets "MERCY".
Do you think he can hear STRIFE'S voice saying "aim higher,remember wind resistance. Breathe. Keep your grip steady,youre not alone. Im still here with you"
Arcane expert extraordinare, badass fighter. This boon gives War more wrath for his abilities,shows him all the treasures. Do you think he can kind of hear the softest ring of fury's voice guiding him to the treasures? Do you think she used to give him trinkets when they were kids and thats why that boon works that way? Do you think he can hear the inflexions of her voice?
Stern when he missed something that was right in his face.
Playful and jovial, so reminiscent of her younger self.
Urgent and,dare I say it, worried and scared when its something that Will heal him or protect him?(Like the abyssal armor)
How beautiful is it that Fury lends whats the center of her personality: Her anger. She shares it with her brother, gives her power to him without hesitation even if time and circumstances has pulled them appart.
Maybe by taking that anger from fury,war can help his sister feel better. How she embraced him and guides him like an elder sister. The memories of their Bond when younger still linger,still tethers them together. Time is passed but their siblinghood prevails.
And the name? EMBRACE. Fury? Hugging war? Dont think so. But it can be a symbolic embrace, Like the one she lives in the end of darksiders 3. She sees her errors and faults and begs Ulthane to help War.
Do you see how fundamentally each one of them cares so deeply for their brother??????
Im going to CRY.
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pink-lightsabre · 5 months
people talking about dorian's corruption arc just starting now that cyrus is dead kinda. idk it rubs me the wrong way. and i know not everyone watched exu prime. so i don't expect everyone to know that dorian STARTED chaotic good and got his alignment changed to chaotic neutral by the fucking spider queen because he KNEW what the villains in exu prime would do and didn't care if it meant he could save his friends.
if there's gonna be a true corruption arc for dorian, not just vengeance arc (which is what i think), that corruption started waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when.
and his anger. ooooooooh boy dorian's anger. is so precious to me. but he has always ALWAYS been angry. robbie plays it so well and there have been several other Excellent posts on here about dorian and how his anger is always just... bubbling under the surface. how he hides it behind joviality and charisma.
he has the anger of a discarded second son. man his middle fucking name!!!! signifies exactly how he's viewed at "home." and i'm sure his parents and the people of the silken squall would argue that "secondsun" is an honor and a privilege. and i am equally sure that dorian hates it with everything in him. and hates it EVEN MORE now that cyrus is dead.
the 7th level geas was... so fucking sexy. just absolutely chefs kiss. but it's not! new! the interactions with cyrus at the ball! he blackslides into that icy anger more than once in the first episodes of c3 because it's always there!
and anger is very easily corrupted into something sickly and harmful. i get it. but this isn't the start of dorian going down a deeply juicy and interesting path. it's a 300 level kick into the tragedy of it all. but it's always been there. and the end result of this is NOT going to be him going full darkside/joining ludinus and/or the vanguard. because again. all this anger is boiling over into vengeance because people he LOVED were hurt/corrupted/killed themselves. you think he's gonna join up with the group that killed laudna and orym and fearne and chetney AND fcg while he was gone??????? and yes fearne, orym, chetney, and (after a lot more work) laudna all came back. but they were still DEAD because of the actions of people!!!! not the gods!!!!!
he's going rageful, wrathful, vengeance paladin. he's gonna salt and burn the earth to protect his people and ruin the corpses of people that oppose him. and hopefully. HOPEFULLY. at the end. he'll have enough people left around him to pull him back from the edge. remind him why he's fighting. and keep him safe.
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fllagellant · 9 days
Tagged byyy my sweetie @asharaks MWAH
Uhhm tagging @bladesmitten @creaking-skull @isayashai @faeriefirelightshow @thedragonagelesbian AND anyone else who would like 2 partake … hoping I didn’ t double tag on accident Oops
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charalysis · 1 year
Darksiders: Fury
And finally onto our last Horseman, Fury.
Fury was long awaited by Fans when her game released, everyone eager to see the lone woman amongst the Four and who she was to be. Many speculated for a bit that maybe she'd ironically be the levelest one of the group (at least what I saw).
Fury, is in fact, consistently furious and snappy. She is aggressive, if not hostile. She's petulant and snotty. Often she is tactless and rude. She is self centered and holds herself in very high regard, thinking she's the strongest.
She wasn't chosen to kill the Sins because she was the best for it or just the only option to the Council. No, they sent her because she was most susceptible to them which we shall dive into here. We can actually go about this today in list format and discuss the ways in which Fury has been like, or is like, the Deadly Sins themselves.
Starting off with the easiest,
Pride: Fury holds herself in incredibly high regard at the start, believing she should lead the Horsemen. She genuinely thinks she has the raw power and authority to command her brothers, forgetting that the current leader, Death, is far older and far more powerful than her. Death is near indestructible, able to withstand War ramming Chaoseater through him. Meanwhile, the very leader Fury seeks to usurp specifically made an artifact, Nephalem's Respite, to heal her because she kept getting hurt so much. Fury also seems to believe the others would follow her lead, despite there being no evidence that they would. She shows her ass a lot on conversation with humans and Makers, thinking herself above them and insulting them.
Wrath: Fury is aptly named, being consistently enraged, snappy, and aggressive. While War is temperamental and can become utterly enraged, he is typically pretty level headed. Fury, however, loses her cool constantly. She screams at people, threatens them, and is always ready to attack. Its truly not a wonder that Wrath himself likes her, probably seeing a partner as angry as he.
Sloth: Despite her own claims, Fury is ultimately lazy, though its mostly in her quest for power and authority. Until her game, she's actually seemingly done very little to further her own ambition. She's also very easily lulled into nap time by Sloth because, yes, she is tired. But she's not addressing what's made her feel that way. Consistent, sustained anger, hurt and grief over Rampage, loneliness without her brothers, feelings of unworthiness as she kept not reaching her goal of leading... She is tired of it all, and she does just want to rest and let the world move on without her.
Avarice: Fury is greedy, but not for material items. She craves power and authority. She covets specifically the leadership role Death occupies and is eager to claim it, and hold it. She seeks a lot from others in general, upgrades, items of power and use, information... She's very demanding and seeks to almost hoard things for herself to make herself better. However, she is possibly least suspectable to the manifestation of greed, Avarice himself, because he primarily seeks material items.
Lust: Fury surprisingly seems to have the best understanding of what Lust as an entity and concept is. She explains to the Watcher that lust isn't just what humans interpret, that being a concept of seeking physical intimacy, but a more amorphous concept surrounding desire as an entirety. And as she covets power and the position of leader, so too does she long for it. She's almost desperate for it and she desires it so badly, she almost falls for Lust's illusion of her brothers telling her she's the new leader.
Gluttony: Fury is perhaps the least suspectable to Gluttony as a concept, being that the false food is obviously fake to her. She's not looking to gorge herself, or indulge in much of anything, expect maybe power, but she's not a "stuff my face" kinda gal. In fact, she broke Gluttony's illusion pretty quickly, recognizing it as such almost immediately.
Envy: Jealousy is one of Fury's greatest flaws. She is viciously jealous of the power and confidence her brothers have in themselves. She's jealous of Death's authority, of War's strength, and Strife's confident nature. She's trying to be what she isn't and can't be, which is why Envy is the final boss, why Envy is next to her the entire game. Her greatest flaw and struggle is with jealousy.
All these combined, I think its safe to say, Fury isn't actually all that confident in herself, at least not by the end. Truthfully, I don't think she was ever as confident as she painted herself. I think she masked her insecurity behind bravado and rage.
Let's look at her circumstances and who surrounds her.
One, she's the only woman left of the Nephilim. We don't know how women were treated by the men amongst the Nephilim, but I personally think they were treated the same, as a soldier. However, it is possible women were sought out to forcibly create another generation. We don't know for certain. Regardless, being the singular woman amongst her brothers probably isn't a great feeling.
Two, Wrath says that he and the other sins used to call her the dumb one. Now, Fury is as intelligent as her brothers, however she's much more emotionally charged than them, acting on impulse and rage, and she frequently ignores the finer details until its too late. That isn't to say the boys don't also have blind spots or emotional impulses, they clearly do. Death, for example, ditches all other Balance responsibilities to go erase War's alleged crimes because War someone he cares deeply about.
However Fury being specifically called "the dumb one" would be incredibly hurtful and a big blow to Fury's ego. She seems to believe she's the smartest and strongest of the Four, but to have a being she sees as lesser laugh at her and insult her like that would probably hit her exactly where she hurts most. Its possible she doesn't actually believe she's intelligent, or at least she's buried the idea so far it doesn't crop up until its dredged up again by the events of 3.
Three, she's constantly belittling others. Calling Strife "the delicate one", insulting how Death smells, insulting humans and Ulthane to their faces, treating Vulgrim like crap (not that he's unused to that from the Four, which really, they need to fix lol), and she belittles Usiel for acting to protect his angels. She's frequently using these to draw reaction, or to go " but I'm not like that".
Truthfully, I don't think its until her fight with Lust that she starts to examine herself and her situation. And I think the illusion of her brothers shook her a bit.
For her, leadership is a big goal, but something about the illusion reveals a bit more about her.
For context, in this illusion, Lust is suddenly shot by Strife. The three men approach their sister and explain that they were sent to aid her, but with her as newly appointed leader, so sayeth the Council. What breaks this illusion for her? Her brothers kneeling before her.
Her reaction to this is visceral. Pure rage. Which anger would be understandable at being tricked, but she is righteously pissed about the kneeling. The anger around this is peculiar because until that point, Fury has expressed no care for them, but it seems she cares a lot for her brothers and how they are represented.
Now, I know many will likely argue that her anger is just over being tricked and she's telling Lust off with, "You shouldn't have made them kneel", as if its passive aggressive criticism of his illusion. I would like to argue though, that when Fury has seen through illusions other times (Gluttony's for example), she's smug and will make a comment like that with a lot of smugness. This was pure anger.
This anger tells me that she hasn't truly seen her brothers as subservient and that she actually respects them more than she lets on, and she loathes their depiction as submissive to her will. I also believe this shows she doesn't necessarily want to lead. She just wants to prove herself as better than what others have believed her to be in the past.
(Plus, her Brothers kneeling being the sign it was an illusion is probably linked to the fact that she, War, and Strife probably dont kneel to Death. While Death's the leader, its honestly probably more for group missions or ceremony's sake to them.)
Onto the symbolism in her design! Once more, we may be diving a bit into Biblical symbolism as we did with War.
Firstly, the covers on her ears.
These could very well be linked to a practical desire to protect her ears from the elements, especially when using magic, which ties itself into her hair seamlessly. Symbolically, it shows an unwillingness to listen to others; opinions or reason from others don't go into her ears because she's unwilling to hear anything but what she wants to.
The eye over heart is another interesting design choice. Biblically speaking, we may look to Matthew 20:1-15. In short, "Matthew 20:1-15 is a parable in which a typical Evil Eye accusation is employed to denounce envy as incompatible with life in the kingdom of heaven and detrimental to the community's well-being."(quote from journals.sagepub.com).
This is particularly interesting as Envy is the primary antagonist in Darksiders 3, and once Fury learns the truth and understands clearly the reality, she goes after the embodiment of Envy and relinquishes her own jealousy.
The placement of the eye is also over her heart, symbolically saying she views her situation and life with her heart/emotions over using her head, especially when you consider her own eyes are solid white in color without clear pupils. This gives the impression of her thinking with her heart over her head, thus contributing to her being blind to anything requiring stronger analysis.
By the end of her game, Fury has changed her view on many things. She understands the Council is corrupt, War innocent, humanity must be preserved, and that she's not exactly all that and a bag of chip. She's a bit softer and trying to be better than she was.
Tl;Dr: Fury both a temperamental child and a confident woman, though her confidence boarders on cockiness and her anger outbursts get her into deeper shit than necessary, but she learns better by the end.
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circle-around-again · 6 months
"The dark side ignited and fueled his anger. He was enraged by the icy water and by the entire planet of Mygeeto. He fought his way to the surface, kicking and clawing and bursting through the ice. And after he broke through the ice, while he was still gulping freezing water and struggling to keep his face above the surface, he saw his Master on the shore." (Windham, 86-7).
This is not only one of Maul's coolest moments, but perhaps a key insight into the nature of the darkside and its users.
Maul experiences the dark side as fire. Maul's dark signature is that of "ignition" -- like a machine being awakened, or a furnace of power. However, it has distinctly desperate traits -- it is one of struggle.
However, Sidious' force signature is here as well. It is ice. What feels like an entire world of awful power pressing down on Maul specifically. Something he rebels against, but is smothered in until his death. And I always preferred the interpretation that Sidious' force signature was frigidly cold.
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pekinaso · 6 months
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Did these 2 muscle studies about a couple months ago, using OCs for the female and comfort characters for male :)
Pictured OCs on the female study: Nova, Minnie, an unintroduced persona, and my main sona
Pictured characters on the male study: Yasha, Death, Beelzemon
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darkdemeter · 18 days
Finally four are reunited, having been summoned to the earth when the seventh seal shattered. The oath of their pact beckoning the Horsemen to ride and assort their final judgment unto all before them. Before the plot that sought both their extinction and humanity’s was discovered, this task was considered a grim yet necessary task. A grand culling — territory not unknown to the Four — that would then align the order of balance and the pact reforged. 
How wrong the Horsemen were, now realising that their arrival would have extinguished humanity’s flame into a sizzling wire of smoke; never to rise again. If not the impatient incursion of heaven, the hungering wrath of hell and the heinous envy of the council – it would have been them that the third kingdom fell into ruin. Another species annihilated by their hand, foolishly blinded by the lawful facade of a coven who knew their time seated as a powerful government waned. 
The Four realise that they were being set up again for the fall. 
It was why Eden was attacked. Targeted by the Nephilim, a mixed union of angels and demons, cursed to wander all of creation without a place of belonging, forever spurned to find somewhere they could call their own. It had all been a ploy. A set up. Utilising the means of the Nephilim’s rage, their bloodlust and their desperate want for a home. 
Eden wasn’t just a home meant to sustain the kingdom of man and to nurse the growing womb of his counterpart, woman. But both sexes were to take their place on the glorious throne that was Eden and to become the official council that would initiate the balance between order and chaos. A bodied government that the Creator would finally grace the rest of creation through. 
It was why Lucifer’s scheme hadn’t been foiled earlier. Why the Horsemen were separated into splintering factions, hindering their combined power and the ultimate of their success. Had all four been sent, Lucifer’s plot would have been foiled. Humanity would not have been poisoned by the sins. Time would come that they see the unfair and darker nature of creation, but their compass of justice would not have been so slain. 
It was why the Eld’hyunens’ bloodline, humanity’s stationed protectors, paved the way for the fall; eliminated to thus leave the fledgling kingdom unprotected. 
This is a mix between a lore drop pertaining to the Eld au + a personal theory of mine
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dearestcherry · 3 months
dark knight quest thoughts. long post, with a lot of talk on cerise's story.
potentially sensitive, light references to his backstory consisting of abuse, and talk of his deadly job.
i was so excited to do the dark knight quests on cerise. so excited. i love these quests. the theme of embracing the self that lays suppressed within, who deep inside suffers for others' sake. they would be perfect for him, and they were.
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this questline perfectly captured two of cerise's key concepts, and i knew they would! the work he does, and how it mirrors the way of the dark knight. the mask he wears, and how his true self is akin to the dark knight's darkside.
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cerise does some very dirty work. he sweeps up vile people, torturing or killing them depending on what's deserved (or requested, if he's being paid). always for the sake of protection, so another poor child doesn't meet the fate that he had. he enjoys it, and it's not impossible to catch a glimpse of the joy he feels whenever he gets to inflict pain upon an abusive target in a reciprocal manner; the same pain that they have made somebody else feel.
often, this is done with the sweetest act to lure them in, catching them unassuming. yet his façade extends to most that he meets, laying on thick the compliments and pet names to endear himself to others for no apparent reason.
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i view cerise as having two sides to him. his sweet, false side, an act that he puts on for others. "the dearest cherry." his true side, largely consisting of a suffering child wrapped in the defensive mechanisms of his protective older self. wrathful, biting, negative to the extreme. venomous. he doesn't know how to heal his hurt, so he covers it up with his fake persona, taken to the extreme. very much a dark side to how he is.
i absolutely love seeing cerise have two selves interacting, one being the "darkside," as it's exactly how i imagine the façade/true self.
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cerise runs from it, however. he's desperate not to let the suffering show. he hides it physically, especially the scars on his face as they're hidden behind hair. he hides it mentally, forcing a smile on his face even when his eyes go dark. there's not a soul who has seen his authentic self. it can be inferred by cracks in cerise's mask - he's not perfect at acting, and can make some terribly negative comments, as well as go on rants about nobility - but never truly seen. this is a big goal of mine to write, a meaningful connection for him to accidentally let his guard down and immediately he breaks.
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even his name, cerise. cerise cephinne. it's not real, and i've never come up with what i want his "real" name to be. intentionally, i don't even know his name. at some point, when does an alias become real? when he forges documents in its image, and never answers to the other. yet cerise, dear cherry, is not his name at all, and he never meant for it to be. simply an alias for a killer.
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i'd love for cerise to accept this one day. he desperately needs to know that he can't push himself so far that he becomes an empty shell of a man. to let his pain into his heart and stop running from it. he's not who he pretends he is, and no amount of fake smiles will make him that.
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but only he himself has the ability to do so. only he really knows who he is, and can pull himself out of a hole dug by a sweet mask. protector of the brume, saviour of lowborn children, "the dearest cherry, bringer of justice cerise cephinne!" - or just ******* myste?
i think he would make a great dark knight as a canon job. if it were not a job of a more rare and special calling, since i try to keep my characters relatively low-powered or mundane in the roleplay world, i would consider him picking up a greatsword. taking advantage of his pain, this darkside of his, and using it for justice in the way he already does, would be so fulfilling.
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demon64 · 2 months
So... once again thinking about the Darksiders characters if they were implemented into a MOBA. Sorry if this is a tired idea to anybody. It's just, with playing Wild Rift, it gets me thinking, and Darksiders is one of my favorite video game series, so sometimes thoughts just form together.
I was thinking about passives and got an idea while trying out Tryndamere. Maybe for the Horsemen, just like how Tryndamere generates "Fury," the Horsemen generate "Wrath." I don't think it's a bad idea, considering in the Darksiders games "Wrath" can be generated when in combat just like "Fury" is for Tryndamere.
Tryndamere isn't the only one with "Fury" in LoL either. Renekton and Shyvana also do use "Fury," just in different ways to Tryndamere. So, maybe "Wrath" is generated differently for each Horseman. Using the Rider of the Black Horse as an example, Fury could say generate "Wrath" in a similar way to Shyvana, where her abilities are based on how long they cool down and her "Wrath" is what is used for her Ultimate. Meanwhile, War and Death could take inspiration from Renekton and Tryndamere. War could generate "Wrath" and for his next basic ability will get an empowered effect once enough is stored, while Death when generating "Wrath," depending on the amount, could get a higher chance for a critical strike. Now, that just leaves Strife. He's a bit harder to figure out. His "Wrath" would be generated in combat just like the other Horsemen, but what extra effect could it have, if needed? I'm stumped. Oh, or maybe Strife is the one with "Wrath" related to his Ultimate while Fury share "Wrath" use similar to War or Death.
Now, what of other Darksiders characters? Would they use "Wrath?" I think that could depend. As part of a hypothetical passive in a MOBA, maybe it could work, while others I could see as having a Mana bar like Ekko, or an Energy bar like Akali. Depends on their personality, I guess. Or some could just be baseline Manaless, all their abilities being a bit more based on cool downs.
Someone like Absalom would probably also have "Wrath," while someone like Azrael would probably have Mana. Don't know what characters could use Energy though, not many feel like they have abilities built around doinf things quickly like Kennen, Akali, Shen, or Zed. Funny idea I just had while typing this is maybe The Hunter from Darksiders 2 having Ferocity, just like Rengar... I'm joking! That could probably fit Samael? Ulthane's abilities I could see being purely based on cool downs.
Speaking of Ulthane, what could his passive and abilities be? I think his passive could be a Living Forge type of deal similar to Ornn from League, where he can forge his own items on the battlefield instead of always having to return to base, and at least one of his abilities has to be throwing his hammer, while another could be a type of charge/dash, while maybe another could be something like throwing a powerful enough haymaker it sends out a shockwave, and I have no idea at the moment what his Ultimate could be. Now, some may be asking, "Why a powerful haymaker that can create shockwaves?" Simple enough answer. Considering War needed the Tremor Gauntlet to open heavy doors and lift Ulthane's hammer in Darksiders 1, a Gauntlet that can allow War to create shockwaves on the ground with a certain move, who's to say Ulthane can't be strong enough to do something similar? Or maybe it could be a Thunderclap, similar to what the Incredible Hulk can do?
Anyways, this is feeling like it's getting a bit long, and I am up bit late as I am writing this, so I will return to this later and try coming up with more ideas at some point. Hope you all enjoyed this and hey, if you got ideas you wish to add, that's cool.
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purplegirl20 · 1 year
Damian Priest Masterlist (Part 1)
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Blue: No Warning (Fluff)
Purple: Light Smut/Light Dirty Talk
Red: Smut (18+)
Foot Vibrations
Dinner Date
Morning Delight
Sleep on it
Lunch Date
Birthday Sex
Birthday Boy
After Party
Baby, It's cold outside
Clean and Comfort
Ride Along
Dark Pleasure
Wednesday Night....You know what That means.
Bloody Surprise
Lazy Day
Not so Lazy Sunday
Wrathful Night
Tranquil Love
Slow Recovery
Blood Moon
Blissful Revenge
Menstrual Comfort
Travel Day
Sweet Encounter
Fever Dream
Pool Day
Early Birthday
Lazy Saturday
Halloween Mischief
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