#darn dirty apes
phantomskeep · 2 years
im rewatching young justice for the first time in years and i completely forgot that captain marvel got captured by those apes. can you imagine being a, what, ten year old superhero and getting yoinked by apes who want to steal your brain while watching over a team of super-powered teams that are older than you?
cause gods if i was in his shoes i would make so many memes of myself
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moviemunchies · 3 months
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I finally got around to seeing this movie! Hurrah!
This movie has a similar Plot to 10,000 B.C.? It's better, though.
Centuries after apes began to talk, and Caesar’s death, apes are the dominant civilization on Earth, and as far as apes know, humans are all dumb animals at this point. Noa is a chimpanzee of the Eagle Clan, a tribe of chimps that train eagles as their way of life. After a chance encounter with a human, raiders of a rival tribe pillage the Eagle Clan and carry them off to Proximus in the name of Caesar, with Noa as the only one to escape. Proximus has been violently assimilating surrounding clans to build a kingdom and break into a vault from before the downfall of humanity. Noa goes on a quest to follow Proximus’s forces and free his people.
I am always surprised by how good these movies are? I haven’t seen the original Planet of the Apes, and I don’t have much motivation to–other than maybe to finally see the source of all those quotes that people won’t stop repeating in different media.
[Every. Single. Time. Someone faces an ape and says some variation of, “Get your hands off of her, you damn dirty ape!”. In case you were curious. It’s alarmingly common in fiction.]
Anyhow, we had no reason to expect that the revival with Rise of the Planet of the Apes was going to be good, and yet every single movie afterward has turned out to be an excellent film. They’re not fun popcorn flicks, in the same way as a Star Wars film, but they’re good, with complex, interesting characters and nuanced conflicts.
Which is darn impressive! There’s an idea out there that we, the audience, cannot get invested in or tell complicated stories about characters who aren’t human (think about how many science-fiction stories have settings with tons of alien races, and the main characters are all human anyway), and that’s obviously not true. These Planet of the Apes films tell stories where not only are the protagonists mostly not human, but many times the humans are the antagonists to our heroes.
And I appreciate that, unlike Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (a movie that I still like very much!), the Plot can’t be reduced down to a pile of situations that went “Things could have been okay if everyone chilled, but then there’s this douchebag screwing everything up.”
So I like Noa! I like his supporting cast! I like the idea that different ape communities evolve with different niches that they fill, and have different ideas about the past. It’s fascinating and frustrating in all the right ways when we learn that they don’t know anything about Caesar, and then the one guy who does know about Caesar doesn’t actually know that much about the past.
I think the Eagle Clan needs a bit more development, and I’m a little baffled about how these people make and build things. The apes don’t wear clothes, for instance? But they have blankets? I suppose it’s not strange that they build mostly out of wood, but are all their tools made of wood? I think this is a worldbuilding issue, though, and I wonder if later movies would theoretically go there and show off more how apes build their civilization.
There’s only one main human in this film,  Mae, and spoiler alert! There’s more going on to her than Noa thinks at first. Which isn’t much of a spoiler, because there are trailers that spoiled that reveal, though the extent of her complexity is still obscured for the movie itself. I found her a fascinating character, and I’m wondering if she’ll be coming back if they do another movie in the future.
Speaking of the future: what is this building towards? There are things in the film that hint at something in the future, and I wonder if it’s meant to be call-forwards to the original film, or if the plan is to do something different. Will they remake the original story, with the events of this revival/reboot movie series in mind? Because there are some key differences in the shape of the world here. Or will they keep teasing it forever and ever, while telling original stories?
I don’t know. I’m curious to find out, though.
It’s a good movie, and I think if you want to see this sort of story, a science-fiction story about humanity that also has a cast made up of mostly non-humans, this is a good movie. If you’re invested in the world after the last three movies, or the original storyline, then you should check it out. I think it’s a pretty good movie, and it has some excellent moments, though it’s not a happy action flick to watch casually.
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sofiamantegafan110 · 10 months
10 Days Of Sierra
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"Take your stinkin' hands off him, ya darn dirty ape!"- Sierra, TDWT Episode 21
People can dislike Sierra all they want, but they have to admit that she's carried Cody the whole way through TDWT. I've also headcanoned Sierra as a character with ADHD, since I have ADHD myself and I have similar obsessive and hyperactive tendencies.
Seriously, this girl is a machine. It takes guts to get in a fistfight with a baboon. I wonder if she has limited short bursts of energy like Molly from Runaways, or if she's naturally strong. Either way, this is one of my favorite pictures of her!
10 days left! So excited!!!!
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klunk2003 · 11 months
Line: “Get your paws off my game, you darn dirty ape!”
Speaker: Michelangelo to the Street Phantoms
Context: After the Street Phantoms stole Mikey’s video game, the turtles corner them and Mikey has the above line.
Media origin: Paraphrased from a famous line in the original Planet of the Apes (1968). Marooned on a strange planet, the Astronaut Taylor is taken captive by apes. During his captivity he has a throat injury and is unable to speak, the apes believing he doesn’t have the ability at all. When he escapes and is cornered by the apes again, he reveals he can speak by saying “Take your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape.”
Season & episode: S6E05 “Playtime’s Over”
Episode’s original airdate: October 7, 2006
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thevaudevilledemon · 2 years
Cartoon Rap Battles: Mickey Mouse vs Mario
Look, I wrote a bunch of these, and darn it, I want to share them.
Hopefully this one will be as well received as McDuck vs Pines.
It’s the battle of the mascots of two major companies, the magical mascot of the greed filled animation giants against the Italian Plumber who represents the savior of video games and subsequently, also the not as cool video game company. It’s Mickey Mouse against Mario!
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Mickey Mouse:
Hi Everybody It's great to see you again So this time I can beat you worse Than your cinematic abomination
You strayed too far from your game When you hit the theatres I fear And undid all the good will Roger did For Poor Bob Hoskins’ career
You can recognize me in three circles  So you better be afraid Like every arcade goer at Donkey Kong I’ll leave you played
Let me illuminate this You sold out to the minions Not even my biggest rival company whose mascot compares himself to Onions
You're an Italian man voiced by an American Pratt And the guy who plays least threatening dragon Paarthurnax
I'll buy your whole company And grind it into asphalt I've got Marvel, Muppets Star Wars and Simpsons under my belt
Your parties always end with a broken friendship and a blister You're entering my Clubhouse pall I just lead a band and summon a twister
It's a me-Mario I know you remember the name Imma dropping in, shootin' fire You need to keep your head in the game
That Hollywood Pictures disaster Was a failure to you, notta me Sadly it wasn't even your biggest Misstep of the nineties
You think felt frogs and space wizards Can save your sorry behind? I'm hosting Sonic's games on my systems While you bought and shut down Blue Sky
I've got my fingers in everything From Minecraft to Metal Gear While Disney dropped your ass For at least thirty long years
Letsa go
I revolutionized 3D gaming Handhelds and numerous gaming technology You let Snow White steal your spotlight At the top of the Animated Canon Chronology
Imma hit you like a POW block make you fly like you're wearing the Wing Cap Curb stomp you like a Koopa Ape the Goomba Drop rhymes like a Thwomp on the beat, I slap
I could recover from Paper Mario: Sticker Star So I can tank any damage you could throw You're about to stumble like a drunk driver On Mario Kart Wii's Rainbow Road
You created your own worst enemy when you decided to backstab Sony And now look where it's got you You've lost your entire gamerscore to PlayStation and Xbox And they came out of the blue
I was on the forefront of animation game changers You kept on using cartridges for the Nintendo 64 Your first game on CD was Hotel Mario So let me make like that game, and shut your rickety-door
You better watch what stereotypical Trash comes out of that lip caterpillar mouth If I don't like what I hear I'll bury you like Song of the South
Pull you out of this battle Like Nintendo pulls you out of RPGs We both may be Dance Dance Revolutionaries But I’ve got the Mic keys
I'm beating you so quickly I'm holding down the B-button I've got more money and experience So let me tell you something
You better grab one of your Golden Tanooki leaves dude Because I'll beat you so bad You're gonna need a Player 2
I can beat you in any Smash Melee, Rumble or Brawl I've already had a flyte with the Wright Brothers You never had one at all
I don't need a metal cap Or invincibility to survive this verbal spar You couldn't make me Game Over Even if you wished upon a star
You entered the gaming realm But your games mostly suck You were replaced with Bugs Bunny And outshined by Scrooge McDuck
I never would have assumed You were the mascot of Disney Donald Duck is in more movies There's even two about Goofy
So get back to peelin’ potatoes On the dirty little steamboat You better pull out of this battle Before I rock you like a Wii mote
Nobody thinks of you as wholesome Only greedy, evil and lame But I still represent some goodness When it comes to the industry of games
This must be an even bigger embarrassing loss for you Than Treasure Planet, or Newsies Oh and by the way Your girlfriend is fucking Goofy
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
Battle for New York Part 1 Liveblog
They're combined as one episode on this site so- wait forget it Mikey is messing with Donnie's lab stuff oh god and Ice Cream Kitty is part of it this will either be an incredible solution or make a big problem.
SLEEPY DONNIE- oh Angry Donnie
Ice Cream kitty was loving the chaos- OH DONNIE IS GONNA KILL HIM
Nevermind Splinter broke their nerve endings before he could. He's trapped Donnie in Permanent Blep Mode
Oh Donnie is losing his mind. He's- he's about to become unhinged. Donnie calm down, ADHD produces incredible yet hard to replicate results, give Mikey a good stim toy and have him try again later
Oh April is suddenly in an Angsty Corner Curl- oh she sees millions of mutated humans in Dimension X in her dreams. Well. Wish we could've seen those dreams at some point, writers.
Oh oh unhinged smile from Donnie, unhinged smile and closeup. Rise Donnie would be proud, I'm scared.
Oh sheesh, I wanna know that couple's survival story- NOOOOOOO OH GOOD THEY SAVED THEM really with the fart sounds OH SHIT oh no okay Leo saved them WHY WOULD YOU RUN SCREAMING HE JSUT SAVED YOU
Sassy Leo has entered the building
We're 6 minutes in btw
Coward Raph though
Bread attack? PIGEON PETE- LEATHERHEADDDDDDDDDDDD YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS oh fuck it's that ape agai- MIND CONTROL??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? LAST TIME HE WAS JUST AN EMPATH
SLASHHHHHHHHHHHHH he still says Raph's name weird
I hate Rockwell now.
Useless? He just saved your ass, Raph.
LEO SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT SLASH HE JSUT SAVED YOU AND YOU USE PEOPLE AS BAIT ALL THE TIME god that coma and Seth Green casting turned Leo into an asshole, I think this must be why so many people hate him, he was not this unbearable in Seasons 1 and 2
Who's the benefactor who's the benefactor I'm scared I'm nervous- LEO SHUT THE FUCK UP
This man is. God. Like, he's like The Plumber from Ratchet & Clank. Knows All, Helps Heroes, Gives Sage Advice.
Oh damn Kurtzman is a Scaley.
Rockwell don't cut my boy off- I'll kill you Rockwell- DONNIE DID YOU JUST TELL HIM TO GO BACK TO HIS CAGE?!?!?!?!? NO HONEY THAT WAS OUT OF LINE
Leatherhead and Mikey being the peacemakers, my boyyyyyyyyyssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE LEATHERHEAD SO MUCH Fuck Rockwell though he's insulting Donnie and I won't stand for it also WHY IS THIS BITCH SO OP WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE
Aw Leo protected Pete, okay you get a point back for that Leo but I'm still mad at you.
Pffffft Darn Dirty Ape
NOT THE FUCKING BUTT CANONS- a-a hot one in the chamber? Raph... why...
OH oh good, they didn't, he's recovering on the couch. Hey but he got shot in the back. Maybe don't lay him on his back.
"Fine" may be a stretch, Splinter. YES CASEY GO GET THAT MED SUPPLIES BABY I LOVE YOU
I SWEAR TO GOD I'm going to grab Rockwell's stupid eyes and RIP THEM OUT OF HIS SKULL but I still will scold Donnie for the cage comment. We just murder here sweetheart, we don't make nasty comments about people's traumas.
Hey guys. Fun fact. Two teams... means two things can be done. See, Raph knows what I mean- oh Slash you bitch-
Ohhhh Mikey is sad about Leatherhead
God, so many butt canons, hate it- why is Iago Kraang still wearing the Irma suit.
That blimp is. The opposite of Stealthy. It sucks.
Hehehe the missile looks like a penis
Donnie is MVP, I'm sorry, he just is.
Awwww I like that Donnie asked what Mikey saw. Brotherness!
Shut up Rockwell
Rockwell, Donnie was being nice and you decided "I will be specicesist to this teen who jsut almost died saving the world." I hate your guts.
YAY LEO SAID A NICE TO SLASH okay that's the Leo I know
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Tina: So, Dodgers, tell me about the future.
Duck Dodgers: Well everyone has their own flying car, entire meals come in pill form, and the Earth is run by DARN DIRTY APES.
Tina: Oh my gosh.
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dumdaradumdaradum · 2 years
7. Tumbles
For prev parts :: Masterlist
For two days, it had been pouring non stop. Y/n loved monsoon but she was sick of this, it would stop for a few minutes and humidity would skyrocket.
She hated how every year for a few weeks, it would rain for days on end, efficiently trapping them in their homes and flooding the streets.
"If you just stop for a bit and let wind and sun dry up my clothes, it'd be great."
Her grandfather would call this a jhala, when it'd rain just enough to wet you but not enough to take away the heat of your home.
Y/n looked around the house, at the walls. The moisture was seeping in and the paint was beginning to come off in layers.
Tucking the pallu in the front, she swept the fallen bits of paint on the floor. "Ye Alag rona h baarish ka!"
She loved monsoon, she did but it always came at such great price of tidiness of her home and her hair's health. It was a love hate she wished on no one.
Y/n envied Ram, he had great hair and he didn't have to worry about them getting tangled or hairfall or anything.
Just as she put the powdered paint in the waste and came back to the living room, the ceiling shook making more paint to fall. Full of irritation, she ruffled her hair and went in to wash their clothes, refusing to sweep again.
Ram was boxing above, God knew if he was boxing or doing what, whatever it was occasionally awarded more dust on the floor.
Y/n let it go, picking up the soap, brush and a pile of dirty clothes, she went in.
It was worse in the washroom, she thought, should have washed in open. The damp weather made her hair stick to her face annoyingly.
She felt sweat rolling down her neck, as she scrubbed blood of his shirt. "I thought this was a harmless search leave, how does he keep getting blood on his clothes?"
Y/n tried to use her arm to removes sticky curly strands that were stuck the side of her face but to no avail. She tried a multiple times but in the end, she had to use her hands.
After an hour or so, she put all the scrubbed clothes in a bucket and went out to the handpump to wash them.
The drizzle hit her head and back, with the sweat and the rain, she assumed she must look like a wet puppy.
When she finally got done with them, Y/n took another bath. As soon as the cold water hit her body, she felt the disgust lessen. After soaking in the rain, she decided to wash her hair as well, as even they felt sticky and dirty.
She carefully sponged around her bicchiye. The green stone on them shone.
Finally she got out, dressed only in her skirt and half sopped blouse. She stepped in living room with wrung out clothes and kept them down, as she took a towel and started drying her scalp.
Throwing her hair back, she picked up the bucket and went up. Still not willing to drape a saree on her doused body, Y/n stepped in the windiest room of their house and began hanging every piece of fabric on the wires.
Water rolled down her back from her still quiet wet hair, Y/n looked around to see if she had bought the towel up, she hadn't. So she took her hair and pushed them to a side, allowing her back to dry up.
Once done, she took the empty bucket and was about to go down when she heard a small angry cry from the adjacent room. Ram was there.
Y/n put it down and went to him, "kya Hua?"
Ram was feeling nothing short of rage, these two days that he had spend at home would have been a perfect opportunity for that Gond to go further in the hiding. These two days had distanced him from his goal, he felt.
Short raging breaths and wide eyes, he looked like anger was pouring out of him.
He looked up at Y/n standing at the door. For a second he forgot to breathe, adorned in nothing but a small red bindi, bangles and no saree, she looked absolutely delectable. He quickly recovered though, averting his eyes.
Y/n looked at him.
He was sitting down, looking like a predator, the om hanging around his neck. That darned thing, was it a magnet, Y/n wondered, it had no business looking so hot on Ram.
Ram looked dangerous, she approached him with quiet steps. Her payals understood her and made no sound.
She knelt in front of him, placing a hand on his knee, "Ram kya hua?"
He screw up his eyes and shook his head slightly.
Y/n cupped his cheek and brushed his hair back, "Ram.."
She had expected him to stay silent, say nothing. She thought he'd walk out and lock himself in their room with his books. She didn't expect him to catch her wrist in a tight hold, his eyes opened- consumed in rage, she didnt expect him to jerk her hand away like he was getting rid of an insect.
"When will you learn to stay away?!"
He walked out and Y/n was left in the room, she sat there in silence.
His grip- he hadn't hurt her, not physically, at least. She couldn't tell.
Her heart raced, she felt a familiar dread fill her. He hadn't hurt her but he had been firm enough to send her brain tumbling in the past.
His eyes reflected the rage that her brother's did.
Unsure of what to do next, Y/n got up and went down with the bucket.
She felt exposed and looked for a saree. Luckily for her, there was one on the chair in the living room, she quickly draped it.
It started pouring again, heavily. She looked at the wet foot marks on the floor, sighing she went to get water in a bucket and a mop.
After cleaning the room  again, she washed her hands. She really hated the monsoons, each chore she usually did once, she had to do it twice, sometimes even thrice in a day.
Sweet aroma of kheer simmering filled the house.
She took down the vessel and set it aside.
Plucking the courage, Y/n went to Ram, ".. Ram?"  From where she stood, he looked invested in his book, after his head lifted a bit in acknowledgment she asked, "Kheer is ready. Do you want lunch? I'll make fresh puri."
Again, instead of using his words, he simply hummed.
She turned on her feet and went to heat oil in a kadhai. She sat there making small, round puri as she waited.
Quietly she served him. He sat just as quiet, looking lost in thought.
Having been quiet and humid for a few hours, wind picked up creating noise loud enough to drown the distant laughters of kids.
She wished for the storm to quiten her heart. To take her mind of she started humming. Taking the vessel of the flame, she got and up and fanned herself with the pallu.
The extra puri she made, she wrapped and put them in a closed container. Oil vapors in the kitchen made it uncomfortable to breath, so Y/n came out.
Ram washed his hands, looking at her. She looked heavenly in a green black saree.
Once again, he found himself in a position he didn't want to be in. He hadn't meant to be, to be- dismissive and disrespectful towards her.
Ram felt sorry for her. He wondered if she ever wanted to be out of this mess that he was.
He didn't intend to wait for a whole night to apologize to her this time. He looked at her again, she was standing the edge of the room, looking up the open veranda.
"When weather clears, we have to refill the wheat in the stock, okay?"
Bewildered that she would talk to him, he could only make a weird questioning noise.
"We have enough for one more month."
Passing him with her head hung in a very unusual manner, she went up. Ram went up after her, following her steps closely.
As she checked if any of them had dried up, she felt rapid breath hitting her back. "Ram do you want something?"
No? He smacked his head. What an idiot!
She turned to him, "Ha?" Her long hair were blown to front by the wind, the waves framed her prettily.
How could he even think of behaving so crudely with this woman?
He didn't deserve her but he had to apologize to her, even if she wasn't making a fuss about it. Even if she was actively making a choice to ignore his behavior, he wasn't.
He wasn't about to leave her in misery. He didn't know what came over him in that moment but now that his senses were working properly, he wasn't about to leave his wife alone and afraid.
She had to know that he wasn't the kind of husband who would want his wife afraid of him, he wasn't. She had to know that he regretted his actions the second they actually registered in his brain.
Her fearful stare was an additional punch in the gut.
How could he?
Was he truly beyond redemption now? Did he finally lose his soul? If not then how did he do it?
Ram  had spent half a day following Y/n all around, it was evening now and he sulked while she cooked their dinner. Getting a simple apology out of his mouth shouldn't be difficult, he mused.
Dinner brushed over in silence, Ram's hands kept itching to hold her.
It was easy to spend hours saying nothing to her, it was easy for him to just lay there in silence as she worked and talked to him. Sometimes she'd go quiet as well, he never minded.
But then why was it so difficult to sit right next to her tonight, where was the tranquil blanket of peace, why was she not looking at him?
Why was he tongue-tied?
It was just a matter of three words and he was sure, she'd forgive him.
But would she ever forget? He didn't think so.
He kept thinking, the way her shoulders were tense he knew that she was equally uncomfortable.
Had he scared her forever? Those big eyes, the petrified gasp- he wished they'd leave him.
The hiccuped breaths gave her away. He knew she was a thread snap away from being washed away by her pain.
His heart ached, he couldn't eat more than three morsels and got up.
He had several books, he knew he had some romance novel hidden somewhere. Perhaps those would give a clue on how to apologize to your wife after being a jerk.
Searching, his eyes caught a blue cover. He snatched it quickly and sat on his bed leaning on the bed frame, his eyes scourged for some help.
All the chores of the home must have finally released her, Ram watched Y/n getting in the bed. Before she could lie down, he stopped her, "Y/n, I want to talk."
Thankfully she stopped and sat cross legged by his side, facing him. Ram kept the book close to his pillow and turned to her.
He rubbed his clammy hands together.
"Y/n I-"
He watched her, took a good look at her curious face. Had it been any other night, Y/n would have been in his personal space by now, slowly coaxing him to say what he wanted to, but tonight she stayed in her place.
Sorrow bloomed in his chest.
His hands took the wrist he had jerked away in the morning and grazed the marks his fingers had left. Bile rose to his throat.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, i- I'm so sorry. I don't know i- how-"
Bringing her hand to his heart, Ram continued the broken pleas for forgiveness. His chest heaved in despair. "These few hours without you have been hell. Please talk to me.. my- my heart just won't stop hurting, y/n."
Y/n hated how helplessly she let go of every fear and shifted closer to him, holding his hands that clutched hers. A shaky breath left her.
"Ram, stop, I forgive you."
"Please talk to me."
"I am! Look! I am talking to you."
Ram lifted his head to see her. "You don't have to be afraid of me. I wont- I wont- just the thought of hurting you ever again is killing me. I hate how I can no longer say 'I'll never hurt you' because I already have-"
Y/n just looked at him, when had her brother ever regretted his actions. There was no way she'll ever forget but she won't forget his frantic apologies either.
"No Ram no-"
Seeing him hold onto her hand desperately made her tear up, "No.. "
With shaking hand, she brushed his hair back. After barely holding herself together for a full day, she finally gave up the control and broke down.
Silent sobs made it much more difficult to breathe, she felt as if there was a vice like grip on her windpipe.
Hot tears dropped on his pyajama, his heart squeezed painfully. He had made her cry. Letting go of her hand Ram held her shoulders and made her face him.
Shaking his head, he wiped her tears and pulled her in his lap.
Ram wrapped his hands tightly around her shaking frame, "nhi.. nhi meri jaan, I'm sorry." He choked a sob. "Bas.."
He rubbed her back slowly, occasionally wiping his own tears.
Broken babbles of his name as she cried shattered him. He threw his head back trying to breath through his emotions, what had he done..
Ram cradled her and tightened his hold on her till she finally calmed down. They both laid there, his back resting on the bed frame, she sat between his legs holding onto him.
After a while Y/n sat up, he looked just as devastated as her.
Feeling the void where she was, Ram opened his eyes. She was looking at him.
"Kya hua.. "
He sat up as well.
Shaking her head, Y/n looped her hands around his neck and hugged him.
A silly smile formed on Ram's face, he tugged on her waist and buried his face in her neck. For a second they both stayed there, breathing in the comfort, basking in each other's embrace.
Y/n felt his lashes tease her. The butterfly kisses were dizzying. To distract herself, she started playing with his hair.
Their chests rose in unison as they both tried to control their heartbeats.
Y/n thought this was enough to send her brain spiraling. She wasn't ready for his lips to brush against her skin as he spoke.
"I know I screwed everything up but please don't shut me out.."
Y/n kissed his shoulder and managed to control her breath for long enough to say no.
Is he trying to kill me? What is he doing?
Ram on the other hand was lost in her. Her hands on him, her jhumke jingled whenever she took a deep breath. His senses were overwhelmed by the smooth skin, her sweet scent.
Despite himself, he planted a sweet kiss in the crook of her neck.
"You know, I have begun to love what we have.. I have caught myself wishing to be near you even when you're at an arm's distance.. y/n,"
His fingers danced over her waist, "I crave to have you in my arms.."
Quietly he confessed as he enunciated every second word with a light kiss along her neck, slowly inching towards her jaw.
Y/n shivered, her nails dug in his shoulder slightly. It took everything in her not to crane her neck, she did not want to turn the loving whispers ghosting over her skin into something else.
Ram loved how he had the same effect on her, as she had on him.
"I have begun to love.." He sucked in a long breath, you.
His eyes shut in a prayer, he wasn't going to say it. Instead he left small pecks along her cheek upto her temple.
Nudging his nose against her, Ram enjoyed as her nails traced his arm, slowly. A touch so light- it made him stop and rethink if this was real.
Her hands on him slid along the chain on his om, he suppressed a shudder. He looked at her in pure adoration, she was his.
Ram felt his heart might beat out of his chest.
Y/n did not expect him to take her face in his hands and pepper kisses all over. She giggled feeling almost euphoric. Two can play the game, she thought before tackling him and kissing his eyes, cheeks, everywhere.
She maintained the eye contact, hesitantly pulling back for a second, she slowly leaned back in and began trailing kisses from his cheekbone.
His eyes closed in anticipation. She won't kiss him, he knew but where would she stop. All his focus was on the soft lips that tortured him, the short hot breaths along his skin- he almost groaned.
Her fingers ran along his shoulder blades. It was too much for him.
It took all of his will power keep his hands steady on her back.
His woman knew how to rile him up, that was for sure. She wasn't just kissing, she was tracing his face with her lips, giving every inch a taste of her.
Her lips lingered on the corner of his lips for a bit longer, almost making him think if she would.. but she pulled away.
That's when she decided to put distance between their faces and snickered at his disappointed downturned lips.
Squeezing his eyes shut, Ram tried not to laugh alongside. He was doing a decent job but then he opened one eye to peak at her, yellow light from lamp illuminated her face like a goddess. His heart leapt in joy. She was his.
The window of the room shut with a loud bang.
He couldn't help but sigh. He had lost track of time, in his defense his wife was an intoxicating woman.
"It's late."
Her small chuckes grew quite, "mhm it is."  Looking out at the sky, she figured it must be the mid of night. There were a few stars peeking from behind the clouds.
Hi 👋 i hope you enjoyed this angst to fluff? Or is it angst to hot fluff? Is this even considered hot? I can't tell.
I hope this was enough to make your sunday more enjoyable. See you.
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I really miss my lost taglist *sobs* come back y'all..
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thecelestial-art · 4 years
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ok but like, here me out,,,,, avatar high school au but its just me projecting my personality and trauma
my instagram
He's trying his gosh darn hardest
The group baby
Appa is a therapy dog so he spends the day with gyatso in his classroom :)
Hes a saint bernard 
The best man
Despite katara being the ‘mom friend’ he runs the god damn show
Momo is a shit head sphinx cat 
The gang dropped movie nights for “knitting nights” so they could all learn to knit him sweaters
Hes very fashionable
he hates it
sokkas best friend
Aang makes costumes so when halloween comes around momo is very scary as dorothy 
Track and field babey
Does not curse
He has a hard time keeping up with world events
Straight (i'm not wrong)
he and toph have an ongoing tradition of going in full dress to waffle house before school dances. 
it got to the point where now all the workers know them by name
they also accidentally crashed a white lotus meeting and just kept going
Band kid
Rich girl with 2 friends
Pre eng
i know most schools dont have this program, but mine did and holy shit. those were some overachievers 
The most annoying mf on the planet
Not a single teacher likes her
The know it all that will fight if you don't agree with the facts
She was the ww2 kid
Capitalist in the worst fucking way
Closeted lesbian, when she figures that shit out she gets a lil better
The one who can drive
She's really good at math?? Like shes the gay who can do math
But cannot drive, bitch failed her permit more times than she can count
She nearly went to an all girls boarding school at one point
She has beat the shit out of people she's walked in on making out in the bathroom
Genuine friends with the faculty??
She takes programming/coding as a filler class but she's pretty good and continues to pursue it.
Her tumblr looks sick as hell
has caused a teacher to cry
Ty lee
Lesbian earings actin mf
She is the nicest mother fucker and everyone loves her
Despite acting like an airhead she's really science orientated
When she takes biology she passes with flying colors
Very invested in social justice
She would never hurt a fly but she will fuck you up
The one with a healthy relationship with her father
has comforted a teacher she found crying in the parking lot
Now runs the jasmine dragon where zuko works after school w/ katara 
Knows every single kid who comes in and tries his hardest to make sure everyone feels appreciated
Former war criminal
In a book club
The white lotus? Yeah this is the white lotus
Idk if it would be the same as the show, or if its just an old person shit talking group
His dad got full custody of him and his sister when he divorced their mom
But at 13 he got kicked out for another bullshit reason and ever since Iroh has had custody of both of the siblings
But bitch boy ozai has visitation rights but only wants to see azula
Theatre kid!!
I mean he was gonna join jrotc to appease his dad but he figured his shit out before he really joined
A republican turned leftist
Hes queer he just doesnt know which label to use
Himbo rights
He and katara are best friends idgaf about ships but they are bros
orchestra kid! (yes this is me self projecting bc we have similar trauma) 
Teachers have no idea what to do with him bc on one hand he's very reclusive and on the other his sister has the worst opinions so they don't know
Still the mom friend but this time she goes to therapy
Bc she literally raised her brother after her mother died?? And then became a parental figure to her FRIENDS???
Biggest political activist, genuinely does her best at educating herself and others about civil injustices
Also really obsessed with cults and true crime
Choir kid
She takes AP history, english, and second language classes
Is trying her hardest in math and sciences
Huge stuffed animal collection
Student council vice president
she originally ran for president but jets gang voted him in as a joke
The teachers pet
Swim team bitches
Best friends with the school janitors
This is my au so fuck off she and zuko are chaotic friendgroup parents and annoying best friends i love them
and maybe something more???
 who fucking knows theres a betting pool in the white lotus and so far aang is winning 
Gym and History teachers LOVE him
On the swim team and the fishing team
Started crying when he took his drivers test
Goes to gsa w/ toph and loses his fucking mind
He's the reason suki’s car is disgusting
In all advanced/ap classes in math and science
Was the kid who carries a portable speaker around until suki put him in his place
Still has to use his hands to figure out left and right
Technically she doesn't go to school with them she goes to a nearby private school
She met the gang at a football game and has been invited to every group outing since
Very invested in world politics
When she joins the group at school events she ends up making friends with all the staff
Debate team kid!!!
She's not a rule breaker she just knows their limitations ;)
at one point missed school for like 2 months and everyone thought she died
turns out it was just fucking pneumonia and sokka is one dirty liar
oh? you mean yue’s best friend bc we dont respect pitting women against each other in this household?
Bisexual icon!!!
Oh god what sport would she do??
Probably basketball??
Or she would just do martial arts outside of school
And have a ‘female empowerment’ club or somethin
100% believes in self government in society and that the current gov exists purely on the theory that all humans are inherently evil
Bitch for bernie
She asks if she can hit peoples juul and then throws it in the trash
The gym coaches really like her but she fucking hates them
Is very close with her school counselor??
She never wants to run but she keeps getting elected to homecoming court
Former homeschool bitch
Joined the wrestling team and the fishing team??
She doesn't even like fishing she just thinks it's hilarious 
Very good a pottery and that's her arts credit
She and iroh have lunch together every thursday
If she catches wind of you putting gum on desks they will find your body in a ditch
She makes sokka and suki take her to prom 
She hates it she just likes to fuck with people at prom
Sometimes she just tells people she doesn't believe in something bc she cant see it
has been wearing the same sandles for the past 3 years bc “they’re reliable”
Cryptid hunter
Goes to gsa bc its better than any fucking reality tv show
Has nearly burnt the house down making ramen
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yakuzacasual · 4 years
I look forward to your updates a little too much lol would you be down to write about daigo encountering a person who he was interested in when he was in his little fuckboy phase that didn't really give him much attention. They don't have to end up together, I just think it would be funny if he felt embarrassed of any advances he made now that he's chairman and realizes his phase was not the best haha (I hope im being clear if not you can ignore<3)
How does it feel to be living with a brain as big and powerful as yours, dear? Because this request is just.......... *smashes little fist against a wall* This is the true perfection. I don’t think I’ve ever heard an idea as maginificent as this one and I can imagine nothing that may top it anytime soon. Getting to write from the perspective of Daigo, especially the emo one, especially with a bit of retrospect, DAMN I AM LIVIN LIVES RN THIS IS WHAT I WAS MADE FOR.
Did I just impulse write the whole thing despite the fact that I was planning to go to bed early? Maybe. Do I regret my choice? *satisfied ape noises* Am I proud of it? Fuck yes.
Now, back to being serious. I sincerely love you for this one. Please, I beg thee, do come back and leave anot!her one some time. For now I hope you enjoy it as much as I did and have a fantastic day!
Back in the days of his brazen youth, Daigo used to catch the eyes of many sorts of people. His broody demeanor attracted mainly women, but he could also recall quite a few men from these times as well. Many of such memories are just a blur for him nowadays, replaced by forever vivid scenes of companions dying for his cause and the Tojo clan slowly but surely crumbling in his hands with each passing year. There is but one recollection that stayed forever clear throughout the years, safely tucked away in the depths of his mind.
It was a rainy night, one of those that he remembers happened way too many times that month, when he found himself piss drunk and mindlessly staggering through the many alleyways of Kamurocho. Bruised knuckles tucked away in the warmth of his absolutely ridiculous, puffy jacket, eyes barely focused on the road ahead of him. He tried to escape the flashing neon lights and unbearable buzz of the entertainment district, seeking solace within the dirty streets forgotten by the normal citizens and gods alike. It’s where the dark deeds take place and maybe that’s what he was looking for. Another fix to keep him amused, something that would wake him up inside again for however fleeting a moment he could get. 
The details of how he ran into you are slightly fuzzy, albeit he likes to think that this slightly bloody visage of himself he still remembers seeing in the puddle was him kicking some asses. Not getting his own handed to him. In this state, he somehow finds you with his blurry eyesight. You sit on a park bench in what feels like the edge of the world, but is just a place slightly farther away from the ever beating heart of Kamurocho, covered by the shade of grandiose buildings falling apart at the seams. Maybe it’s a cig in your hand, maybe a bottle of whisky or maybe nothing at all - whatever it was that drove him to approach you was a suffocating feeling that you’re both somehow in deep shit. The features of your face are so detailed still. The shape of your lower lip, the frown of your brow and the way you looked at him as he took a place on the other side of the bench. He still remembers it all, somehow.
Surprisingly enough, there is not much to this story from that point onwards. Or so he has been trying to convince himself until that one fateful day, a very weird day. It’s just him running the usual Tojo errands when outside of the window of his limo he spots a face so familiar it causes him to instantly get a splitting headache right where he sits. You seem to even lock eyes with him through the darkened glass, as you calmly sip your beverage, enjoying the nice weather in the outside seat of a decent looking cafe. Under the guise of getting himself some well deserved coffee, Daigo slips away from his attendants and right into the other seat right opposite your own. The movement is not quite as smooth though. Just looking at his nervous stare you could tell he is out of his element.
Of course, you recognize him instantly. It would be hard not to, really. He may look better in a suit and the opinions on his slicked back hair may vary, but this is still most certainly him. The same square chin, the same tired lines visible on his face. Daigo Dojima has graced you with his presence. The clothes may make the man, but they won’t change who he was. And you? You know way too well who he was.
For him it does take a longer way to recognize you but he definitely does and, by gods, he immediately regrets it. That’s it. That’s the lost part of the puzzle he never wanted finished. The memories of days long gone, when he used to hit on you mercilessly after that one night in the park, when you showed him nothing beyond what would be expected from human compassion and yet he latched onto that like a poor puppy seeking validation in places, that could never offer what he needed. In retrospect he clearly sees in your eyes, both current and the ones he remembers, what his younger self did not understand at the time. Absolute and complete lack of interest. Which, considering who he is now, is quite impressive of you. Then again if he knew a chairman of a renowned yakuza family back when they were young and relentlessly pestering him for affection he did not have for them? Well, he can kind of guess he’d be much like yourself in this situation.
His blood may run cold, but his cheeks are flaring red as he remembers the god awful pickup lines he tried on you back then and how darn angry he was that not even his award-winning emo style that made ladies swoon at his feet had next to no effect on your, how he used to think about it, stone cold heart. In reality it was just you being reasonable and him being an absolute dumbass. He can even recall Kiryu giving him the biggest tonguelashing ever for how he used his influence in the Tojo clan to keep tabs on you for like a week. Now, he wishes Kiryu would be here to beat his sorry ass right back to the hospital, maybe cause a proper concussion to make him forget all this downright embarrassing stuff he has done as the most shameful person to ever exist on earth.
Daigo Dojima’s redemption arc starts now. He will make absolutely sure to somehow make it up to you, whatever you want of him. He is dead set on showing you the tremendous amount of growth he’s done since the last time you saw him. If it’s a restraining order you want, so be it. But if, by any chance, you do wish to get to know him better and let him redeem himself as the man he is now… Well, who knows. You may just gain the most powerful ally, a trusted friend or maybe even more.
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stereksecretsanta · 4 years
Merry Christmas, everchanginginks
For @everchanginginks. I hope you enjoy this gift!
Read On AO3
Just down the hall from the quiet studying of history students in Room 17-B lies classroom 17-A which, contrasting its quieter neighbor, is filled with sugar-fueled enthusiasm as adolescent students gleefully tear into their candy atom diagrams. Only after getting the go ahead from their awesome chemistry teacher wearing a colorful periodic table tie over a blue dress shirt with rolled up sleeves, of course.
Said awesome teacher places the end of a blue raspberry sour punch straw in the corner of his mouth and chews with an unabashed grin. As he’s halfway through the straw the bell rings and he breaks into his parting spiel for his students, the straw sticking from the corner of his mouth like a cowboy.
“Okay class, please make sure to turn your worksheets into the tray on your way out and please take your candy diagrams with you. You’re not gonna break my heart if you don’t eat them, I just don’t want next period to deal with this period’s mess. Tonight’s homework is on the board and on the syllabus, and don’t forget to submit your vote for Teacher of the Year during lunch if you have not already. Have a good rest of your day everyone, and as always come to me with any questions...and that means any ."
Scattered responses of “Okay” and “Thanks Mr. Stilinski” and “Bye” fill the room as the students start to file out the classroom.
“You’re about as subtle as a brick to the teeth.” Says a mildly amused female voice from over his shoulder.
Stiles finishes the candy and turns around to look exasperatedly at the strawberry blonde speaker sitting behind his desk, "And you’re underestimating how important this is. My reclaiming of the throne is in danger!"
"Uh huh..." MIT grad and certified genius Lydia Martin nods in mock understanding as she sips from her floral patterned ceramic travel coffee cup.
"Thanks again for agreeing to come in and lecture for my AP Chem students on such short notice by the way.” Stiles scratches at the tousled mess on his head and offers the open package of sour punch straws from his desk, “You are a literal God send."
She grimaces and waves the proffered sugary confection away, "For someone in the sciences, your improper use of the word 'literal' is rather concerning. Perhaps your throne is in more danger than previously thought."
“Don’t say that, you’re gonna jinx it!” He reaches over and raps his knuckles against his wooden desk three times while speaking a mile a minute, “I need to win, I can’t have mister ‘look at me bringing my history and polisci students on the coolest field trips in the history of this school because I can somehow pull strings to make these trips a reality despite there being like no funding--seriously how does he do it--and my students adore me even though I constantly look like I probably lure people into the woods with my beautiful eyes and murder them in my free time’ beat me at my own game, again !”
He huffs at the end of his tirade and looks to Lydia for understanding, but she avoids his gaze and poorly suppresses snickers under her breath.
“C’mon it’s not that funny. I know he can ‘smolder’ his way into the heart of even the most introverted student,” Stiles gesticulates with each emphasis, “but I have charm , I’m approachable , I understand these students. I love my job and I do everything in my ability to give these students every opportunity they deserve . If that’s not ‘Teacher of the Year’ material, then I don’t know what is.”
Stiles stops, taps his chin thoughtfully and sighs, “Though I totally understand that the title is purely for bragging rights, and it ultimately comes down to just continuing to be the best teacher I can be. Derek is a great teacher that also deserves the title and I can respect that, but gosh darn does he get my competitive side riled up.”
“Uh huh…” Lydia hums and taps her fingers against her cup as she pointedly looks past Stiles, “Mr. Stilinski, I do believe there’s someone that needs your help?”
“Oh!” Stiles quickly straightens himself and his tie, and turns around with a wide grin, “What can I do for--YOU!” Stiles quickly twists his expression into a frown and throws a finger up accusingly after registering who was darkening his doorway.
Standing in the doorway with a glare that could send a lesser man running for the hills is the previously mentioned competitor and last year’s winner for ‘Teacher of the Year’, mister ‘coolest history teacher’ Derek Hale in all his annoyingly gorgeous, stubbly, glory. He side-eyes Stiles’ organized chaos in the chemistry lab from behind thick framed hipster looking glasses and grimaces, “Am I interrupting something?”
Stiles grits his teeth, he can practically feel the judgement over his classroom’s state radiating off of the (not even tenured!) history teacher and no amount of soft looking cable knit sweaters could lessen that blow. “As a matter of fact--”
“No, you’re not interrupting anything at all Derek.” Lydia places a hand on Stiles’ shoulder as she walks past him, “I was just about to go say hi to Kira.”
Derek moves aside to let Lydia pass, she turns to smile at Stiles from the doorway, “I’ll come back by 6th period for your second AP Chem class. I think I’ll also grab some lunch from Whole Foods.”
“Uh...Bye?” Stiles weakly waves at Lydia’s parting back. He refocuses his attention on the offending history teacher and crosses his arms across his chest petulantly, “Alrighty, what d’ya need Mr. Hale?”
With a roll of his eyes, Derek holds up a handful of papers, steps forward, and emphatically places them in Stiles' inbox, “Your mail. I know your TA usually grabs it for you, but he’s out sick today. And I was already in the mailroom.”
“Whoa, wait wait, how do you know that my TA is out sick today, have you been stalking my classes? Are you trying to find a way to one up me? Steal some of my stellar teaching techniques because you know that you’ll lose otherwise?” Stiles narrows his eyes as his lowers voice into a conspiratorial tone while  leaning forward to scrutinize Derek’s expression, “What’s your game here Mr. Hale ?”
Derek hazel eyes widen incredulously as he scoffs, “I don't need to stalk your classes, Liam's one of my students too. And please remind me, what did I do to make you so hostile again?”
“Playing dumb isn’t cute. You know full well what you did.” Stiles pokes at Derek’s chest and--oh that’s a soft sweater--puffs his own out, “But no matter what, I’m going to take what’s rightfully mine .”
His competitor’s face reddens in anger and Stiles feels a thrum of excitement at his ability to break Derek’s usual expression of ‘sourpuss lumberjack murderer’. A sly grin works its way across Stiles’ face as he shrugs coyly, “What can I say, I’m a man who knows what he wants.”
Stiles’ wrist is suddenly grabbed by a warm, slightly calloused palm--there may be something to that murderer in the woods theory--and wrenched away from the soft sweater. “And what would that be, Stiles?” Derek growls--who the hell growls --while leaning in way too close for comfort.
“What would that be? Um...I want to win? Obviously?” Stiles splutters as his face reddens, offended that Derek would suggest that there would be anything else . “I’m gonna own you, Derek. I’m gonna own you so hard, you won’t know what hit you.”
“How about you take me to dinner first, before you ‘own’ me?” Derek says matter-of-factly.
“Uh no, how about you take me to dinner to celebrate my overwhelming victory over your grumpy ass? Doesn’t that make a little more sense than going to dinner before either of us win?” Stiles rolls his eyes, laughing at Derek’s lack of logic. But his laughter sputters out and he stills once his brain processes what just happened. “Wait… wait wait… was that some sort of sad attempt at asking me out in the most backwards, reverse engineered manner possible?”
Stiles looks Derek in the eyes, who nods patiently, as if Stiles was one of their students that needs tutoring.
“Oh my God. Oh my GOD !” Stiles backs away and into his desk, voice rising in panic, “What even? What’s happening here? Are you trying to throw me off my game? Cause that’s a dirty tactic, even for you. Because there’s no way someone like you would legitimately ask out someone like me . That just doesn’t make sense. You’re like a sexy lumberjack murderer historian, and I’m like a young Bill Nye. I'm in the sciences , and you're in the humanities .  And you don’t even like me. You haven’t liked me since your first day!”
“Hold on.” Derek holds his palms up defensively, “What are you talking about? You were the one glaring at me like there was no tomorrow.”
Stiles inspects Derek’s expression for any sign of deception, seeing none he sighs. “Fine, I guess it was just so unimportant to mister bigshot Hale to remember measly Mr. Stilinski. Do you remember moving into your classroom?”
He nods, urging Stiles to continue.
“So I didn’t know that the new teacher was moving in that day , so when I saw a big package outside of your soon to be classroom, I assumed that it was my delivery of graduated cylinders that was dropped off to the wrong room since it was early in the morning and people make mistakes sometimes, y’know?” Stiles gives Derek no opportunity to say anything and continues at full speed. “I went over and got ready to take the package, only to have you open the door and give me the scariest look in my entire life . Do you remember what you said to me, Derek?”
“You said,” Stiles changes his voice to imitate Derek’s, “‘That is my private property. If you value your time at this school, you will leave it alone. If I see this behavior again I will bring it up with Principal Yukimura’. So, yeah! Something about that kinda exchange can make a guy think you hate them!”
Derek groans and pinches the bridge of his nose, “Oh my God...You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Oh, so you do remember? Or did you conveniently forget threatening me?” Stiles grabs another sour punch straw and chews it angrily, “Because I sure as hell didn’t!”
“Stiles…” Derek laughs breathily, “I thought you were a student . I wasn’t wearing my glasses and it was dark . Oh my god . I thought the first time we met was in the teachers' lounge, and by that point I already unknowingly made a terrible first impression on you. No wonder you looked at me with such hatred. Oh my goodness.”
“Yeah, oh…”
Stiles chews the straw thoughtfully and rocks on the balls of his feet. “So… about that backwards dinner invitation…”
“Yeah?” Derek perks up slightly, looking almost adorable , though Stiles would never say that outloud.
“How about whoever wins ‘Teacher of the Year’ gets treated to dinner, hm?” Stiles holds out a hand for a handshake.
With a goofy grin revealing adorable (there’s that word again!) bunny teeth that brighten up Derek’s entire face, much better than the usual murderous look, he enthusiastically takes Stiles hand and shakes it.
“I still can’t believe it!”
“I know.” Derek hums as he reaches over to refill Stiles’ glass.
“Honestly, who saw this coming?”
“Certainly not me,” Derek swirls some pasta around his fork and fondly watches Stiles throw back the wine as if it was jungle juice rather than a nice glass of Chardonnay.
Stiles’ honey-brown eyes glimmer with the same kind of mischievous enthusiasm that Derek remembered seeing for the first time at the first assembly of the school year. He gave some sort of spiel about the importance of working together and not being afraid to ask for help, which ended with a demonstration of elephant toothpaste. Derek is embarrassed to say how much he grew to admire the gawky chemistry teacher after that assembly.
“I absolutely kicked your ass dude.” Stiles leans across the table to grab the dessert menu. “Since it’s your treat, I think I’ll indulge in some dessert.” He worries his bottom lip, which makes Derek have to cough and turn his attention away.
“Don’t call me dude.” Derek weakly responds.
“Ooh, this one is topped with bourbon vanilla bean chantilly cream, which is basically bougie whipped cream. How do you feel about bread pudding by the way?” Stiles looks up from the menu through his eyelashes--and there is no way he doesn’t know how he looks--and flutters them exaggeratedly. “Or are you too sour over losing to wittle ol’ me?”
Derek snorts and reaches over to clasp Stiles’ free hand, “On the contrary, I’d be happy to lose to you again.”
Stiles returns the gesture and leans forward, eyes glimmering, his face mere inches away from Derek’s, “Promise?”
Derek is suddenly very glad that they are sitting because he can feel himself go weak in the knees. He nods thoughtfully, “Yeah, I promise.” And leans forward to close the gap.
Their first kiss tastes like garlic bread, which is a little unconventional, but Derek wouldn’t have it any other way.
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threeletterslife · 4 years
06 | Illegirl
→ previous | next
→ summary: Excelling in every school subject, acing every math test and conquering the academic world is something you do as easily as breathing. As your residential social outcast nerd, you live rather as a recluse, talking to almost no one except for your dear ol’ cousin and that sweet boy in a few of your classes—Jungkook? was that his name? Befriending your ʰᵒᵗ AP stats teacher was the last thing on your high school senior agenda…
→ genre: 90% fluff, 8% crack, 2% angst | teacher!au & f2l!au
→ warnings: profanity, kissing/making out, the yikes of being friendzoned
→ wordcount: 5.7k
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You've never really thought about it before but now you realize that teachers do have a life outside of school.
They don't just sleep under their big, teacher desks at night and pop up in the morning right before the first bell rings. You know now that teachers, although with so much authority and intellect, are just humans—they have feelings, they have a life and they can also be your friend.
You beam as you look at your teacher as he lectures. A friend he was...
Your eyes shift up and down Jimin's figure and man, was it too sweet for your eyes. He's so good looking. Actually, even that was an understatement.
Your teacher's tight, white button-up shirt fits his figure just perfectly as his tie sit handsomely on his broad chest. His black jeans look strained on his muscular legs, and your eyes start moving up to settle specifically on his thighs. Goddamn.
Jimin pushes up his glasses (that he only wears in a classroom setting) and that motion draws you in to study his ethereal face. Your breath hitches as you marvel at his wide, almond eyes, adorable nose and those soft, plump lips. So beautiful, so surreal, so...
"Y/N? Y/N. Y/N!"
You jump a foot in the air. "Huh, what?" you shout, startled out of your mind. You know you probably sound like some twelve-year-old caught with porn and you mentally scold yourself for sounding so off-guard.
It gets worse when everyone in your math class laughs at you and you can feel your cheeks turning red with embarrassment.
"I asked you a question," Jimin says as he points to a problem on the board.
You've always noticed that your teacher never ever cuts you slack for being his friend; he doesn't show favoritism, preferring to treat everyone quite equally, no matter how bad someone might take an L on his test. You always thought that was honorable of him, but now, you kind of wished he'd leave you alone to die in your ocean of humiliation.
Palms already sweaty from all the unwanted attention on you, your eyes shake as you squint at the problem. It's hard to focus on the numbers. "Oh shit," you mutter under your breath, but you've always been a loud mutterer.
Everyone laughs again.
Uneasy sparks blaze in your stomach. You hate how everyone is watching you, waiting and listening for anything out of place to ridicule your every move.
But you take a deep breath and the math problem seems to clear up in your vision. It's an easy one, thank god.
"22 pi over 7," you squeak quickly, ducking your head under.
"Hm? Speak a little louder, Y/N," Jimin says as he adjusts his glasses, craning his neck towards you as if he couldn't hear you.
Goddammit, Jimin.
"22 pi over 7!" you yell in the stupidest and shakiest voice ever to be heard by mankind.
Finally, the fire in your stomach burns out when Jimin nods. "Correct," he chuckles slightly, his eyes glinting a bit. " Try not to daydream too much, Y/N. Even geniuses need to pay attention."
The fire is back and hotter than ever, except it's not only in your stomach, it's everywhere in your body. So. Fucking. Humiliating.
Trying to cool yourself, you set your head down on the desk, looking at your shoes as if those dirty, black Watt Star Converse were something actually worth looking at for more than half a millisecond.
Damn. I used to never get distracted... What the fuck is wrong with me?
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After school, you trudge to your math teacher's classroom, still embarrassed about the incident earlier. When you walk in, Jimin's erasing the whiteboard, his back facing you.
As quietly and quickly as possible, you set your stuff down at your desk in the front of the classroom and sit. I will not initiate conversation. He's gonna hate me for getting distracted during class.
But when your teacher turns around, he laughs warmly, eyes scrunching up in the way that you love most.
"Y/N, why so quiet today?"
You flinch. "Oh, uh, no reason." You always sound so suspicious when you lie to Jimin.
"C'mon, you look disturbed," your friend says as he sets the whiteboard eraser down, abandoning it to walk towards you. "What's the matter?"
Oh, you know, just simply embarrassed that I think my friend, my teacher is hot and got fucking distracted over his goddamn body during his class.
But you can't say that.
"Oh, um..." you trail off, racking your brain for a good excuse. But as smart as you are academically, you're as stupid as a guppy when it comes to making plausible excuses. "I'm on my period."
You cringe the moment the words leave your mouth. Why, Y/N, why the fuck—
You want to crawl in a hole when Jimin raises his eyebrows in question. "Oh," he says. You swear you see his face flush pink as he turns his back towards you again, walking towards his messy desk. "Did it start today?" he asks.
Okay, what now?
Now it's your turn to flush pink; you didn't think Jimin would ask questions about your fake female problems. "Uh, yeah," you lie. "The cramps distracted me." Feigning pain, you try to convincingly grasp your stomach.
Jimin looks up at you from his desk, his silky black hair falling loosely over his twinkling eyes. To your surprise, he's smiling. "It isn't the first time I heard that excuse, Y/N. I know what you're really like on your period, remember?"
Well, shit. You did remember, you had just hoped he didn't... But it was your darn luck that he did. What did you expect from your intelligent teacher?
Face steaming, you huff. "Oh, whatever!"
Jimin only laughs, his eyes nearly disappearing as his full lips open up to a breathtakingly beautiful smile. You gulp. There's no doubt about it.
You're crushing on your teacher; he's much more of a distraction than your period will ever be.
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"Operation help Ji—I mean, Mr. Park starts now!" you announce as the members of your math club cheer loudly.
"I don't know what kind of fucked up nasty humans were mean to our teacher, but we're totally gonna show them!" Nicole declares, Sarah and August agreeing aggressively by her side.
"But the question is... how?" Jungkook asks shyly, scooting closer to you.
Very aware of his movement, you slightly squirm, but pretend nothing happened. "I was thinking of a math tutoring club? For anyone who wants tutoring or is failing the class," you say. "And that way, if asshole parents complain again, we'll be able to say that Mr. Park did everything he could to help them—he has a fucking club dedicated to passing his class!"
"Ingenius as usual," August laughs.
"And when would we start this club?" Sarah asks.
You grin, your eyes sparkling with ambition. "If we can, tomorrow."
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"No, no, no!" you practically scream, hitting your favorite pencil against a packet of math problems aggressively. "For the last time, you can't divide x to get an answer! You're gonna lose solutions! Do you want to lose solutions? Do you want to lose that A?"
The teen you're tutoring looks about ready to cry but you honestly feel no remorse. She had been constantly checking her goddamn text messages, giggling over quite inappropriate texts about Jimin. It makes you sick.
If she thinks Jimin's so fucking hot, why doesn't she at least try to be good at math?
"Hey, hey, Y/N, calm down," a familiar, silvery voice calls.
"I'm trying!" you protest, flinging up your hands.
Jungkook laughs, sliding into the chair next to you and looking at the girl you were tutoring.
"What are you having trouble with?" he asks the girl in such a silky, smooth voice that if someone told you he was an angel, you'd believe them.
"Everything!" the dumb girl wails.
You roll your eyes.
"Hey, hey, then let's start from the very beginning, okay?" Jungkook soothes, smiling softly.
Goddamn, I wish I was that patient.
You just start to zone out as Jungkook literally reteaches this girl how to factor. You honestly wonder how she even passed elementary school. But then again, you have to admit you're a little jealous that this girl has so many friends to text. Yet you'd rather be smart than be popular—that's just how you roll.
You pause. But it's not like you don't have friends. You just don't have that many. And I actually like all the friends I have for once...
You don't remember falling asleep when a large, warm hand gently shakes you awake. Your groggy eyes open to see Jungkook, a goofy smile plastered on his face. "Tired, Y/N?" he chuckles.
The girl he's tutoring rolls her eyes. "Hmph. She yells at me for checking my messages but she does something even more unproductive," she grumbles.
Oh no. You did not just wake up to deal with attitude. You're not gonna have it. "Excuse me, but while I'm out here mastering linear algebra, you don't even know how to factor. Guess you had one too many hours of texting, huh?" you snap.
"Dayum," Jungkook mutters under his breath. He casually holds his hand out for a high-five, which you do, extremely dramatically.
"For your information, I know how to factor now," the girl huffs.
"For your information, that's a required skill for fifth graders," you bite back. "In addition—"
"As hilarious as this is," Jungkook interrupts, placing a hand on your arm, "You should calm down. It's a tutoring session, not a roasting session."
You sigh as the girl practically drools over your friend.
"Sure, Jungkook, sweetie. Thank you so much for your help so far," she giggles, flirtingly twirling her hair with her slender finger.
"Yeah, whatever," you reply as you feel Jungkook's hand slipping off your arm, the warm heat now gone.
Jungkook goes back to teaching the girl, oblivious of her seducing attempts. You roll your eyes as you look around the tutoring club—the turnout was better than you expected, honestly. For the first time in a classroom, however, you feel lost. You're not the best at teaching, (to be exact, you're the worst). Your patience is shorter than your height, (which is saying a lot), but everyone else in the math club seems to be teaching naturals.
Feeling a little guilty you can't do much to help out, you start to play with your pencil, twirling it around and doing cool tricks that you've accumulated over the years. But of course three minutes in, your hand loses grip of your writing utensil and it flings off, hitting the ground and starts rolling away from you.
Sighing irritably because you have to physically move to go get it, you stand up from your chair, crawling on the floor to reach your pencil. "Found you, you idiot," you tell your blue oxi-gel when you hear a light laugh coming from above you.
Facing forward, you come face-to-face with a pair of knees covered with smooth, black material. Looking up, you see your teacher smiling down at you.
"Were you actually talking to your pencil?" he teases, face set with a brilliant grin.
"I... uh..."
"God, what is this?" Jimin asks as he looks around his classroom filled with students. "Y/N, are you organizing a cult?" he whispers with a full grin plastered on his face.
"What no!" you protest as Jimin helps you stand up. "It was kinda supposed to be a surprise but..."
"It's a math tutoring club," Jungkook chimes in. "We're helping students reach that A, you know?"
"You guys made a tutoring club for me?" your teacher says, placing a hand to his heart. "I'm about to burst into tears."
You chuckle at Jimin's dramatized actions. "Well, no one deserves mistreatment. Ahem, especially not body objectification," you say as you glare at the girl Jungkook's tutoring. She rolls her eyes.
"Awww," Jimin coos. "You guys are amazing. You know what? We're ordering pizza, my treat!"
People cheer so loud your ears physically hurt.
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You sigh out, clutching your full stomach as you slide into the shotgun seat of Jimin's nice car. "Damn... Since we already ate, does that mean we're not eating dinner at your house tonight?"
Jimin chuckles lowly. "Why? Wanted to go to my house?"
Your cheeks blush red as you shake your head aggressively. "No! I was just saying..."
"Well, I mean, we didn't have dessert yet, didn't we?" Jimin suggests, smiling. His fingers softly brush against yours as he reaches for your seatbelt, buckling it for you. "You always forget to wear your seatbelt, Y/N," he laughs. "You never know when I might fuck up on the road."
"Hmph!" you say, crossing your arms over your rapidly being chest. "Stop babying me! I was gonna put it on this time!"
"That's what you say every time," Jimin chuckles as he starts his car with a press of a button. "Now, cupcakes or brownies?"
"Huh? Um, cupcakes?"
"Great! We'll stop by the market to get some ingredients. We're going to learn how to bake!"
Oh no. Why did that sound like a disaster waiting to happen?
But surprisingly, it was a miracle waiting to happen. You stuff your face with aesthetic, black frosting, occasionally biting at the soft, plush bread. "To think we can bake cupcakes but not cook ramen right the first time," you chuckle.
"To be fair, we actually used directions," Jimin says, neatly slicing up his cupcake to eat piece by piece.
You scrunch your nose. "You look like a prince who's too snooty to eat with his own two hands."
"Or maybe I want to be hygienic? You know, unlike you," Jimin teases as you huff in response. Jimin pokes at you, making you turn to him in exasperation.
"What?" you sigh.
"I dunno... I never really got a chance to thank you..."
You raise your eyebrows, thoroughly confused. "I mean, but it was a team effort..." you try to say modestly. "Besides, I didn't do much of the teaching. I mean can you believe this girl didn't know how to fac—"
Jimin rushes in for a hug, knocking the wind out of you—you lose all train of thought, you lose your voice and all sense of functionality. All you can hear is your heart beating wildly in your chest and Jimin's steady breaths against your ear.
"Y/N... Thank you," he whispers, gripping you tighter. "I know it was you who came up with the idea. And I just—I'm so touched. When I told you my problems, I only expected you to listen, maybe, I don't know, sympathize? But you took my problems and found a solution, putting it into action. No one's ever done that for me before... I don't even know what to say..." your teacher trails off, still hugging you tightly. "I'm emotional, I know... But I almost broke down crying when I saw you and your friends hosting this club... all for me."
Your brain turns into mush at Jimin's heartfelt confession, and you can't help but hug him back, burying your face into his shoulder. Words can't seem to make it past your mouth—you can't afford to ruin the moment by saying something completely stupid.
But that's when you feel it. The rapid thumping of a heart. Except it's not yours—it's beating faster than yours.
It's Jimin's.
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You walk into Jimin's class slightly earlier than usual, your phone pressed against your ear as you bob your head up and down, staying silent for a few seconds and then talking away.
"I know, I know, I miss you too, Jin," you say just as you slide into your comfortable seat, slipping your backpack off your aching shoulder.
"Yeah, I know, I love you too. Of course, I'm still alive!" you huff, rolling your eyes. "And no! I didn't burn the house down... yet. No, we don't eat ramen daily—we eat it every other day," you protest.
You're quiet again as Jin gives you a piece of his mind.
"Yes, I know ramen's bad for me," you sigh. "Fine. We'll try to make salad or something today. Mhm. Yeah. Yes, I'm in his class right now. No, Jin! I can't just hand my phone over to him, are you out of your mind? You can call him on his phone at some other time."
You sigh loudly as your cousin rambles on the phone. "Wait. What?!" you suddenly shriek, causing a few early-comers in the class to stare at you in shellshock. Quickly lowering your head in embarrassment, you aggressively grasp your phone with both hands. "What do you mean you're going to be away for another month?" you whisper angrily. "Are you serious? Why does the drama team have to be so good?"
Jin chuckles on the line as you pout. "I know, congrats and all but you've been away for too long. Stop teasing me, I just miss you!" you huff.
Your cousin attempts to explain himself as you sit through it all, nodding your head occasionally. "Okay, then," you say in a sad, defeated tone. "I guess, good luck... Anyways, I've got a test this period, gotta fly." You pause, frowning. "Of course I studied! Who do you think I am?! Yeah, well thanks, I'm pretty confident. Mhm. Yeah. Have fun. Love you too. Yup. Bye." Smiling softly, you end the call with your cousin, slipping your phone into your backpack to replace it with your lucky pencil and eraser. There, now you're completely ready for the math test.
From the corner of your eye, you see Jimin, watching you. When he catches your sight, he gives you a small smile paired with a discreet thumbs-up. Your heart flutters.
Gosh darn diddly dang.
Ever since that night you felt his heart beating wildly in his chest, you can't help but wonder if maybe, possibly, hopefully, you're not in a one-sided crush. It was pretty plausible Jimin had always been so caring because he liked you back—either that or he majorly friendzoned you.
The annoying school bell blares, throwing you out of your thoughts, and as if exactly on cue, your teacher stands up from his desk, taking graceful steps to the front of the class. He clears his throat to gain the attention of still-rowdy students. "I hope everybody's prepared," Jimin says as he shifts from the weight of stacked tests. "If you studied polar curves as I said, you'll be fine for the unit test."
A low murmur fills the class as your peers start to panic.
"What the fuck is a polar curve?"
"Shit, I don't even know what unit this is!"
"Definite integrals, you shithead."
"Well goddamn, I'm gonna fail again."
You cock your head. Yeah, definite integrals might be challenging at first, but they weren't hard—it just required a lot of practice. But something told you most of your classmates didn't even know how to spell 'practice.'
As Jimin passes the tests out, you hear students groan from their first glance of questions.
"No noise, no talking!" your friend reminds his students. "If you need extra scratch paper, pencils or erasers, they're up here in the front; you know the drill. Good luck to you all!"
But you can barely hear your teacher as you're already racing to finish up a problem on the exam. You've figured long ago that Jimin's test questions were always in order from hardest to easiest—which explains why most kids rarely finish. You, on the other hand, learned to immediately flip over your tests and work your way from the back to front.
You don't hear anything, nor do you see anything except for the all too familiar graphs and curves printed out on white paper. Your favorite pencil flies across the exam faster than your mile time, and soon, you're finished.
Wiping your sweaty and cramped hands on your jeans, you look up at the clock in the front of the classroom. You've finished at least twenty minutes early. You sigh softly. I don't feel like checking answers.
Almost instinctively, your eyes glance at your teacher's desk—it was starting to become a habit to look at him. But also, you wanted to see if he was grading the math tests from earlier periods. Except, he most clearly wasn't.
Why? Because he was looking at you. And your eyes meet. Electricity courses through your veins and you swear your heart stops beating for a few seconds. You can't hold the gaze as you quickly turn your head, releasing a breath you didn't know you had held.
Goddamn. Now, this is awkward.
Trying to shake off the awkwardness, you take a small breath and grip your pencil in your hands again. Maybe it's time to check answers.
Except—except, you can see out of the corner of your eye, your teacher still watching you. It wasn't a creepy stare though, no. It was like a handsome prince lovingly admiring his beautiful princess. Well, you were no beautiful princess, and though Jimin might be handsome, he was no prince. But still. His gaze made you feel... secure and even admired. Your heart flutters in your chest.
Why is he watching me?
You're too scared of the answer to even possibly ponder it.
So, sighing quietly, you use all your willpower to pretend like your teacher is not watching you as you cross your legs and tuck a strand of loose hair behind your ear. You give your lucky pencil a nice squeeze. It's time to check answers.
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"Did you know you frown when you concentrate?" Jimin asks as he does the dishes, diligently washing a bowl that had been previously filled with a healthy salad.
You sit on the kitchen counter, making some tea as you cock your head. From all that watching, he would know all of my stupid behaviors when it comes to test-taking. But you feign ignorance. "How would you know?"
"Well, not to sound weird but sometimes I watch my students take their tests," Jimin says as he dries his wet hands on a nearby towel, then sauntering over to sit next to you on the kitchen counter.
Your heart falls. So I'm not special. He watches everyone.
"No, not all of my students... I only ever watch you," your teacher admits as he scratches the back of his neck in what seems like slight embarrassment.
Your heart leaps in your chest. You don't know how to pirouette, twirl, turn, but your heart was surely doing it at the moment. Was this it? Was he confessing? Were you not in a one-sided crush?
"It's because I care for you," he starts awkwardly. "I mean, don't you tend to watch things you care for? Just to see if they're alright? I dunno..."
Ohohoho, you have no idea.
You nod enthusiastically. "Mhm, of course." Your lips stretch out into a large smile—you're unable to control it. You feel warmer than the cup of tea in your hands. "So you truly care for me?" you tease slightly, casually nudging Jimin.
He nudges you back, laughing. "Of course, Y/N, you're like a best friend to me."
Your eye twitches slightly, your smiles wavers and vanishes and you don't feel as warm anymore.
Well shit, you were friendzoned.
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Smiling in accomplishment, you stretch back from your seat, mentally celebrating the finishing of your homework. Your blasted teachers had given you some extra weekend work, but jokes on them, you finished it all in—you glance at your watch—seven hours.
Wait a minute. Seven hours?! You do a double-take, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand and polishing the glass of your watch. The delicate, silver hands still pointed all signs that it was indeed, 10 pm.
Well fuck. I've literally been at school seven more hours than I should've. I've been at school for practically 15 hours! That's more than half of the hours in a day—I spent approximately 63% of the whole day at school!!! And even worse, I mISSED DINNER!
You take deep breaths to calm yourself, immediately looking up to see—no surprise—Jimin working hard at his desk. His eyebrows were scrunched up cutely, and he was biting his pink lips in concentration. The sight of him instantaneously calms you down.
But then you notice Jimin looks frustrated, stressed even. You always admire him for taking care of his own problems, yet sometimes you wish he'd learn to burden others with his dilemmas.
Slowly and quietly, you creep up behind your teacher, looking over his shoulder. "Need any help, Mr. Park?" you whisper in his ear, a small, teasing smile plastered on your lips.
Jimin jumps slightly, turning around to look at you. His serious look is replaced with a reciprocated bright smile. He flutters his eyelashes and runs his fingers through his silky hair, refusing to break eye contact with you. "Oh c'mon no one's around," he says, chuckling. "Jimin will do."
"Yeah, no shit no one's around," you pout slightly, casually placing your chin on Jimin's shoulder. Ever since he majorly friendzoned you, you have to admit it was easier to have physical contact—though your heart beats wildly in your chest every time the two of you touch.
"Hmm..." your teacher hums, twirling his red correcting pen. "It'll take just a bit more... Is our little Y/N bored?" he asks as he reaches out to mockingly pat your head.
You groan dramatically.
"What time is it?" Jimin asks absentmindedly, letting your head rest on his shoulder.
"10," you mutter lazily, wanting to doze off with your face up against Jimin's warm neck.
"WHAT?!" your teacher shouts, shifting suddenly to grasp your arms and bring your whole body in front of him. He even tugs you forward, closer to him. Your heart is already having its own mini explosions, not being able to comprehend such closeness from your ultimate crush.
"Why didn't you tell me it was this late, Y/N?" Jimin cries. "Shit, I'm so sorry, I made you wait so long! God, I lost track of time!"
You just shrug, although a bit surprised at his outburst. At this moment, you're just worried Jimin'll hear the aggressive thumping of your poor heart—it can't take this anymore. You're definitely not built for unrequited love. "It's all good," you say, trying to smile calmly. "It's no big deal, really."
Apparently, your stomach thinks otherwise as it lets loose a large growl, much to your horrification. "Oops," you whisper.
At that, Jimin runs his fingers through his hair, sighing. "Fuck, we've been here for seven hours, Y/N, it is a big deal!" He grabs both of your hands, taking you by surprise. "We skipped dinner! I swear to god, Jin will kill me if he found out!"
You giggle. It was slightly amusing to watch Jimin fret so much. "What if we don't tell him?" you whisper mischievously, leaning forward. You're trying so, so hard not to scream in the utter joy that your crush is literally holding your hands right now.
Nope, I'm not going to acknowledge that at all, you tell yourself dutifully.
Now you're waiting for Jimin to answer, to say something funny, or witty as usual. Yet, he doesn't. Instead, he's actually quite silent—it doesn't seem normal. You take a peek at his face to make sure he doesn't look sick or anything, or maybe it was just a dumb excuse you made up to check his ethereal features out.
That turned out to be a big mistake.
You peer into Jimin's eyes, only to catch them looking at your lips. His eyes flutter back up to yours, and now the two of you are staring at each other. Your eyes speak a language only the two of you can understand.
His eyes tell you to inch closer to him, to part your lips.
Your eyes tell him to tug you into his lap, an all too familiar action. He doesn't let go of your hands.
You can feel his breath, hear his breath.
Hell, you can hear his heart. And you're not mistaken—you swear on your own life that you hear the quickened pounding.
And still, you're staring right into his soft, but slightly hooded eyes—never breaking contact. You're so close. So, so close to him, the closest you've ever been.
He slowly, tantalizingly slowly leans in, almost to give you a chance to back out. Oh, hell no. You're staying.
His beautiful, breathtaking face is so close that your eyes are almost crossing to meet his. Then, he closes his eyes just as he closes the minuscule gap between the two of you.
Your lips meet.
You don't know how something can go by so quickly and slowly at the same time. Each movement of your connected mouths is so languid, so relaxed, yet quick, but victorious fireworks are exploding behind you.
Straddling Jimin, you feel his body heat, your bare legs chafing against the smooth material of his slacks. It's so close to heaven that it is.
He works his magic, lips pulling and parting at the precise moments, his tongue finding its way into your waiting mouth. You can barely function from the heat of the moment, but you realize that you are glad he doesn't taste like beer this time.
Jimin sweetly squeezes your hands that are encompassed in his, leaning back slightly for both of you to breathe. Immediately, your eyes are open, and they lock onto his. But as if in a time restraint, both of you hurriedly shut your eyes again and lean in to meet each other's lips once more.
It's euphoric, really.
And for the first time in your life, you get to feel what physical affection is like. This one's not a lustful, drunken kiss, it's so much more than that. You put your heart in this, and you hope Jimin did the same. It surely felt like it.
With one last, sweet and soft, lingering kiss, your teacher, crush and friend leisurely pulls away. You almost lean forward to follow his lips—you guess you miss them on yours that much.
Your eyes flutter open, meeting Jimin's hooded ones.
Goddamn. You don't know how to feel, what to say, what to do, what to think. Your hands are still tightly enclosed in his.
"Oh..." you breathe out, hoping Jimin would say something for you, anything. But he doesn't. He remains silent. It's so not like him.
Regret starts to pour into your body, coursing through your veins. It feels like poison. You can feel yourself wilt, as you realize—it was still one-sided, Jimin had merely been caught up in the heat of the moment, again.
"Fuck," you whisper, mostly to yourself. "Fuck," you say louder, tears starting to well up in your eyes. Jimin loosens his grip on your hands, and you slide them away, the warmth all gone. You search for your teacher's face for anything, any sign that he was okay with what both of you had just done. But again, nothing.
"Oh my god. What have we done?" you mutter, looking down and away. You were yet to slide away from Jimin's lap, but you couldn't bear to move away from that sort of comforting warmth.
"Shit, Y/N," Jimin breathes. It's the first phrase he says after the... well, kiss. "I'm so sorry," he mutters, his hand fluttering around your face to cup your cheek, but you flinch away. Goddammit, Y/N, why?
"Fuck, I'm so sorry, Y/N," Jimin whispers, he tugs his hand back to his chest. "It was a mistake! I didn't mean it. Oh god, don't tell Jin." He notices you're still on his lap and jumps up, making you fall down onto the cold, classroom floor—you're too shocked to react much. "God, I'm so sorry!" He tries to help you up, but you shake your head and stand up on your own.
"Y/N. I'm so sorry. It was a mistake," Jimin repeats. "It really was."
Your head is spinning, and you don't know what to say, or do, for that matter. "Then, a mistake it was," you finally manage to say, your voice a bit shaky. "Can we go now?"
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I made out with him again. And he wasn't even drunk this time.
You repeatedly have that thought, over and over and over again. You can't seem to get the feeling, the sounds, the sight out of your head. You'd given your all into that little kiss, but Jimin deemed it was merely 'a mistake.'
That didn't hurt at all, nope, not at all.
You're quite good at lying to yourself. Because you know that hurt you a lot. God, I'm so humiliated. You just want to roll up in a small ball and throw yourself into a deep, dark corner. But you can't. Unfortunately, that shit is only figurative.
Sighing, you take a slight peek at Jimin in the driver's seat. His face is completely emotionless, which makes you worry.
We just ruined a perfectly good friendship, goddammit.
You're dropped off at your house; no words are exchanged between you and Jimin, you don't even turn back to give him a parting wave (like you usually do). Unlocking your front door, you quickly walk inside, slumping down to the floor immediately. With your back leaning heavily against the door, you bury your face in your hands.
Things had been going so well. Life had been going so well.
Now it seemed like you lost your best friend—who knows what more you might lose?
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nyotasaimiri · 5 years
The Mech
“Mind your step!” Dr. Akaggy called back.
Hadley swore and rubbed her shin. “Now she tells us.”
Nyota chuckled softly and obediently minded her steps. It wasn’t easy. The back of the workshop had a mess of scrap parts and tangled wires. It wasn’t hard for a little penguin to duck, hop, and dodge through them, but anyone larger had problems.
The cramped, debris-strewn walkways didn’t last long. Nyota ducked under a low beam and found herself in an open area of the workshop. Almost open, at least, if it weren’t for the bulky machine that rested in the middle of the floor.
“Isn’t she lovely?” Dr. Akaggy asked.
Nyota could have sworn the penguin’s tone of voice was generally reserved for showing off one’s children. “Is this a mech?” she asked cautiously. The caution faded a little as she got a better look. “You’ve done fine work.”
“Darn right I have,” Dr. Akaggy agreed, puffing up with pride. “I daresay I’m the only mechanic this side of the Horsehead Nebula who can get you a finished mech this fast and tidy. Took me just a day to scrape her together and she runs as nice as those big-wig machines the USCM pondscums used to like.”
“Pondscums?” Nyota’s brow creased as she looked down at the penguin.
“You know.” Dr. Akaggy gestured broadly. “Old human phrase, right? Cream rises to the top, but so does pond scum. And let me tell you, those guys at the head of USCM? They sure weren’t the cream.”
“True enough,” Nyota murmured. They had left a poor impression on her superiors, long ago. “I had the displeasure of meeting some of them. They would have misused a machine like this.”
Dr. Akaggy ducked her beak close to her wing and made a sound like a very small hoverbike revving. “They would have, and they did. This girl’s got parts I took from their junk, see.” She patted the mech’s leg; the USCM logo was still barely visible, despite the part having undergone heavy-duty buffing. “But it’s going to be a long while before she’s spaceworthy. So Arkadis probably sent you out here for nothing.”
“You sure?” Hadley stepped closer and leaned in to inspect the soldering on one of the arms. “I mean, looks pretty decent to me.”
Dr. Akaggy clacked her beak. “Looks, yeah, but she hasn’t even had a test run yet, and my usual pilots are… indisposed.” She snorted. “Experimental’s great and all, but I’m not sending this mech out into space until I know she can handle it. Say…” Her eyes glittered thoughtfully. “We might just be able to help each other, now.”
“And how do we help?” Nyota felt a nagging doubt jab at the back of her mind. She did not quite like where this conversation was headed.
“Either of you ever pilot a mech?”
“Yes,” Nyota said, at the same time that Hadley said, “No, of course not.”
“Wait.” Hadley looked up at her, incredulous. “You have? When? With the Protectorate?”
“Before that.” Nyota shook her head and made a quelling gesture with one hand. That wasn’t a story she wanted to share outside the crew, friend of Arkadis or not.
Dr. Akaggy chuckled. “Hey, the snow ape did me a good turn after all. One nope, but a yes too, that’s great. So, what do you say? Could you do me a favor and fly this thing through my test course?”
Nyota eyed the mech and felt her fur press in close, like she was trying to make herself smaller. “I am afraid I will have to pass on that.” She shook her head. “Tight spaces and I…” Not to mention the fresh burns on her hand.
Hadley touched her arm in a surprising gesture of comfort. “That’s fine, Captain, that’s why you brought me, right?” She met Nyota’s startled look with a cheeky grin. “Take a bandit to do your dirty work and all that. I’ve always wanted to try one of these things.”
Nyota’s frown tightened. “Be careful, Hadley.”
“I will, I will,” she replied in a way that did nothing to reassure Nyota. “I know, Arkadis warned us and all, but it’s not like I have fur to scorch.” She waved her bare arm to get the point across. “So what’s this course like?”
Dr. Akaggy chuckled again, tapping her feet in a happy little shuffle. “How about I show you, eh? Come on, follow me. Don’t worry, you won’t be out in space proper with it. And that fussy old ape upstairs lets me use this teleporter he fixed up, so we can get you out if things go sideways, right?”
The mention of things going sideways didn’t do much for Nyota’s worries either, but Hadley’s excitement was infectious. The ex-bandit was practically bouncing as she followed after Dr. Akaggy, enough that Nyota had to catch her arm to keep her from knocking into some stray scrap parts again. “Keep it contained,” she said, smiling. “Plenty of time to lose your legs later.”
“Don’t worry, she won’t do that,” Dr. Akaggy called back. “Maybe. Probably. I’m fast on the teleport, and she looks like a quick thing, alright.”
Hadley patted Nyota’s elbow. “See, it’ll be fine. It can’t be all that bad.”
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Rokuhoudou 1 - 12 (REWATCH) | Fruits Basket 25 (FINAL) | Demon Slayer 25 - 26 (FINAL) | Mob Psycho 100 II OVA | Cop Craft 11 - 12 (FINAL) | Dr Stone 11 | Ahiru no Sora 1 | Shinchou Yuusha 1
New anime of the season, here we go!
Rokuhoudou 1 (REWATCH)
I’m doing a new project where I rewatch some of my favourites to test their integrity in that regard. Here’s the first show - Rokuhoudou. So what I remember about Rokuhoudou is that it’s very simple – the guys make food and help people, occasionally there’s cats – and that was enough to help me through a mental rough patch I was going through at the original time of airing.
Being sick and watching with a cinnamon roll really brings home the idea of Rokuhoudou as “comfort food for the eyes”…No, it’s not what you think. I’m eating a cinnamon roll.
I always assumed the title was translated to “Four-Coloured Daily Life at Rokuhoudou”, because that would be the best translation if the title was fully in kanji. It’s not though, so the hiragana-rendered parts could mean anything.
Rokuhoudou almost gives you this sensation of being spirited away by good food (and Good Boys).
Sui sometimes reminds me of Kunikida (BSD)…must be the glasses.
Gure’s such a tease, LOL.
Tokitaka’s so refined, yet also has the heart and patience to help old people, plant things and make pottery. I love him~!
“You don’t need to show appreciation with bodily functions!”
I only just noticed it…but Gure has a nice eye colour.
Oh…I just realised this since I now know Tokitaka grows the veg and herbs out back, but Tokitaka must’ve grown them.
Hmm…I was wondering why you’d need a spoon for chazuke, but then I realised it’s because of the soup…D’oh.
I wonder if Tokitaka also made the chopstick holders…
Update: The ikura reminds me of Hinamatsuri…
Rokuhoudou 2 (REWATCH)
(Sorry, I had a note, but I didn’t write it down fast enough so I don’t have any for this ep…)
Rokuhoudou 3 (REWATCH)
Tokitaka has a flower in his hair (during the pottery wheel scene)…cute~!
Rokuhoudou 4 (REWATCH)
“You need to chill out.” – More like “you need to calm down”, amirite??? (LOL)
Look at how badass my bois are!
Now that I’ve been seriously working on my customer service skills, I sort of get the ethic behind the Rokuhoudou workers in general.
Rokuhoudou 5 (REWATCH)
Oyaji ga Susumeru Café Iko! – “The Old Guy Recommends Cafes to Go To!”, literally speaking. However, it’s quite slang and seems to be hinting at the positive connotations of an oyaji (fondness, the sort you’d have for your dad), so I approve of the chosen translation “Daddy-o’s Café Go!”.
Oh yeah…this is the weird delusion from Isago, isn’t it? I still rmembr writing a blog post about it!
Why does Tokitaka look so evil in this one scene (where he’s helping Tsubaki), anyway?
Rokuhoudou 6 (REWATCH)
(no notes, sorry!)
Rokuhoudou 7 (REWATCH)
(no notes, sorry!)
Rokuhoudou 8 (REWATCH)
I love how Gure gets all fired up just to pedal a duck boat.
Is it just me, or does young!Gure look like he was designed by Rihito Takarai (creator of Ten Count)…?
I can’t believe this…my stomach grumbled in the middle of an espresso episode…
“Who else could it be for?” – The dog?...I’m kidding, man…don’t get so angry at me, dog lovers.
I think this might be the 2nd time I thought the kid was called “you” (2nd person pronoun), but his nam is “You” (given name).
Oh! I don’t think I noticed this special ED the first time around.
Update: Gure is a happy drunk, LOL. Also, Gure is half-Italian, with his father being Japanese. (see ep. 1 of original watch-through for corresponding notes)
Rokuhoudou 9 (REWATCH)
Is the land of love France or Italy…?
Shinchosha is real…in fact, they’re the ones who publish Rokuhoudou’s manga!
Oh, seriously, I ship it now! Isago x Hayashi, that is…and Sui x kittens.
Update: Somehow I only just ralised it…but the titular “Mont Blanc Boy” is Tsunozaki, even though technically the only boys we see in this episode are young! Kyousui and Yakyou.
Rokuhoudou 10 (REWATCH)
The Napolitan episode…this is where Astral’s post comes from.
I get the feeling this segment’s title is a shoutout to “You Don’t Know Gunma Yet”, which is in…Kurage Bunch, also by Shinchosha, if I’m remembering correctly.
Gure and Tsubaki are like children sometimes, I swear…
Kuromitsu = brown sugar. (It means “black sweetness”, literally translating and it used to confuse me so much that I want to mention it here.)
VAINO computer, eh?
Tokyo NX, LOL. (Parody of Tokyo MX, which has a lot of anime.)
Short-haired Tokitaka!
I think Koto(ko…?)’s words, in particular, were one of the best monologues in this series when it comes to relaxing by realising I wasn’t alone in my doubts of the world. “Can I make it to my dreams?” I was asking the first time I saw this and even though I haven’t achieved the dreams of past me, I just had to adjust my expectations, make some new dreams and keep on going.
Rokuhoudou 11 (REWATCH)
Good heck, Gendo-I mean, Kyousui. (re: finger tenting)
Also, there is one univeral truth about this show: don’t watch it on an empty stomach…I had to go get some food a few eps. back in this rewatch because my stomach grumbled…
When I thought of “something rich”, I thought of a pudding too. Maybe my memory is better than I thought, huh?
I thought there was something dirty on my screen…turns out it was just Gure’s beauty spot.
Rokuhoudou 12 (FINAL, REWATCH)
“I’ll wake you up, then.”
I learnt this from the manga, but Itou is the old tea vendor.
Gin-chan reminds me of the inventor Logicalist from Hina Logi.
Karamimochi. By the way, from earlier in the ep…ankoro mochi.
Neneko was meant to be into kimonos, wasn’t she…?
Nion (sic) camera, LOL.
Okay, that’s the end of my first rewatch. It’s a keeper!
Fruits Basket 25 (FINAL)
Shihan = shisho = instructor.
Notice the Jizo, protector of children.
“…didn’t have to block…”
LOL, Tohru’s shocked face going from Kyo to Yuki.
Ooh, Makoto Takei and Machi Kuragi…
Okay, that’s the end of that. See you next time!
Demon Slayer 25
So the other butterfly mansion girls (aside from Aoi, Shinobu and Kanao) are called Naho, Kiyo and Sumi, huh?
Tanjiro is seemingly a freakin’ masochist right now to those girls…
Ooh, there’s a butterfly in a chrysalis on the title card!
It seems, based on the kanji for Tsuguko, the word literally means “inheritor”, “successor” or “one who makes [another person’s role flourish by being in it]”…Like a Legacy Character from TV Tropes. Also, “Tsuyuri” literally means “chestnut flowers fall”, if I understand the characters right.
Kanao does the Naruto run. She wants to see them aliens too!
“Putting in effort isn’t my thing.” – Now there’s a sentence after my own heart!
Why does Kanao not talk???
Kanao’s coin says “front” and “back” instad of heads and tails.
Hmm, hmm…very heterosexual reading of Kanao here. It almost makes me lose hope in the “gay Shinobu” department (not that I’m angry about that).
This guy with the hat…I swear he looks like a jellyfish…
Why do all the swordsmiths wear that mask???
There’s one thing I realised this episode…anime humour means I expect exaggerated reactions to a lot of things, such as Inosuke chipping his swords like that.
I remember being a bit annoying about the interchangeability between the translation of honoo as “fire” and “flame” when I was a Boueibu rookie...*sighs happily* good times.
Okayyyyyy…Tanjiro’s gone cuckoo…
Nezuko, Inosuke and Zenitsu, huh? There’s a combo I’ve never seen!
Mob Psycho 100 OVA
Isekai hot springs, LOL.
I think I can see Saitama’s bald head, LOL.
I think there might be CGI on this hot springs establishment…
This is Reigen, king of bulls*%$, everyone!
“[P]air of plumbers”, eh…?
Ooh, 8-bit graphics! Remember season 2’s early scenes? That 8-bit one was good.
Dude, Reigen…just leave the train already…then you’ll get out.
LOL, “Mobpis”...Mobpis 100, maybe?
Strangely, Teru looks vaguely hot in one frame of one scene where he has his eyes closed.
Why do I get the feeling the capybaras on TV will be relevant later…?
Now, this parallel world brings a new meaning to “Infinity Train”!
Nice callback to the opening words of s1 and 2.
…and randomly, Dimple can be seen in the red waves.
It seems Dimple likes sprouting legs these days.
Cop Craft 11
Tourte’s career…almost sounds like Trump’s…
“No one treats me like an alien.”
Don’t bring a sword to a gun fight, Tilarna…
The name “transitional crises” is perfect for this episode…geesh. Just like episode 1, there’s a cliffhanger.
Dr Stone 11
Notice the focus on E=mc2 when Senku talks about passing on knowledge.
Ahh, science…the cliché says it’s for loners, but truth be told, science works in tag teams just like anything else. (Yes, even IT, if you look at it a certain way – such as how creating your code builds upon the people who built that code and the people who made the programs you code in.
Why do all the villagers have platform shoes anyway???
Demon Slayer 26 (FINAL)
Is that woman (not the Biwa player, the other one)…Muzan?! Update: Yes.
Genya…he got so tall in 2 years(ish)…poor Tanjiro. He’s fated to kill Kibutsuji, but he’s also fated to be short.
Does every girl in this series have to fall in love with Tanjiro?!?! (or be implied to be shippable with him, even Nezuko???) I obviously don’t like that kind of direction, as you can see.
Ah, Kanao speaks…for once.
I guess Nezuko has a really loud heart voice, to contrast Kanao’s tiny heart voice, so to speak.
How does Inosuke eat anything through the boar head if he’s taking it off all the time now to do things with his mouth???
Darn that ninja Giyu, leaving as soon as he feels sentimental. (LOL)
*starts yelling at top of lungs* MU-GEN TRAIN! (roughly to the tune of TM Network’s Love Train, which I heard about a few months before this)
I just realised Tanjiro’s probably never seen a train, considering the only transport he’s ever known is maybe a carriage/cart…or maybe just his legs.
As Zenitsu’s struggling to keep up with the train, I almost expect the Harry Potter theme to play and a flying car to appear in the distance…okay, I’m kidding about the car, but I did wish for a second the Harry Potter song would play. Nur-nurr-nur-nurrrrrr-nur-nurrrrrr-nurr…(or something)
Cop Craft 12 (FINAL)
“…taking the lead in the mayoral lead.” – That sounds redundant.
Hey! It’s that one Demon Slayer joke again! (i.e. Kei used his head.)
Dead Randall: too much for TV.
I still can’t believe they properly managed to incorporate the porn case into the finale…
I watched Hellsing today and all this “Sir Matoba” this and “Sir Matoba” that made me wonder…why is Integra a “Sir” as well…?
Zelada does look like Alucard in some senses…hmm.
I think the large bruise over Kei’s eye disappeared in one of the scenes…Now it’s just under his eye.
Wait, Tilarna has a sibling??? Wuh???
I like how they transitioned into the OP, but man…talk about a fast ending. That’s a Hellsing kinda ending fo’ sure. Oh well, see you next time.
Ahiru no Sora 1
New season, new faces, new series. Let’s get into it.
Man, this sparrow freaks me out…
Lyrics from the outset. This must be something special to warrant such a thing.
I always thought Kuzuryuu (“nine-headed dragon”, literally translating) was a cool surname to have! Or just a place name, in this case.
LOL, his name is Momohara (peach field).
The arcade machine says “fist” in the back.
Uh-oh…nothing ever goes right when a boy tries peeping into the girl’s locker room…
*sigh* The male gaze…geesh.
“What are you doing?!” (Nani yatterun da?!) doesn’t translate to “This isn’t the circus!”.
Oh right…Momo = 100, chi = 1000, haru = spring, aki = autumn.
Hey, Chiaki actually got Sora’s name right for once…
Basically everything I know about basketball is from Kuroko no Basuke, so…uh…Sora’s reminding me of Kuroko right now.
Shinchou Yuusha 1
I just call this “TUEEE” instead…don’t mind me. Obviously, my target here is Ume…y’know that, right?
Most of these gods and goddesses look suckish, but I wouldn’t mind an anime about the one with the long hair and Monkey King headband.
Ristarte’s already a bundle of fun…although her leg jiggling’s a bit annoying…
(mocking) There must be a downside to this, right, Listarte…?
Can we not with boob storage??? I bet no matter how big a woman’s knockers are, you can’t store anything between ‘em in real life! (I think we’d need an anime Mythbusters for something like that…make it happen, someone!)
YesyesyesyesYES! OOH, Ristarte, you sure know how to pick ‘em! The fact he’s over 180 cm in height is…well, it’s bad for trying to kiss him, but otherwise it’s just a cherry on the cake of smokin’ HOT!
“[F]ish story”??? You mean “fishy”, right? (Oh well, seems like synonyms work too…)
I…don’t quite get this song…but I think I saw a hot guy (might’ve been a woman, but I’d like it to be a man since there are already so many women in the OP as is) about halfway through the OP. It’s a real 2 for 1 bargain here, people. Update: Argh…that’s a woman after all…
Argh! *is suddenly sabotaged by one Ariadoa* If you’ve read the Spellbook, you’ll know one of my aliases is “Aria Noyed”. It just happens to be the same as an anime and manga already, but now I have it ruining my fun here too…
LOL, did you hear that “ba-bing!” acquistion sound when Rista produced the money?
To be honest, I think regular Seiya (with the purple-highlighted armour as you see here) looks pretty hot anyway (plus Ume’s voice, which I came for), so I think I have a lock-in for the season right here.
The sakuga in this show is way too good (according to all the cubes of soil I keep seeing)!
This ED is a pretty cool bop, yo.
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bluebird167 · 7 years
The Wizard of Miracula
Chapter 10 The Haunted Forest was a dark and frightening place filled with strange and terrifying creatures. Those unlucky enough to enter this forest never came back either because they were lost or because they fell into Antibug's clutches. There were warnings and signs to let people know how dangerous this part of Miracula was one example would be the one at the cross roads that read: HAUNTED FOREST, ANTIBUG'S CASTLE 1 MILE. I'D TURN BACK IF I WERE YOU. By the time Marinette and her friends had arrived night had fallen and the forest had become more dark than ever. The little girl, scarecrow, tin man, and turtle had never been so scared in all their lives. Etain's knees were shaking, Jade Turtle's teeth were chattering, Marinette nervously squeezed Cat Noir's arm. Soon they came up the crossroads. "I'd turn back if I were you." Jade Turtle read. He tried to do that but Cat Noir and Etain stopped him. Then they heard the shrieking of bats and the hoots of owls. "I believe there are spooks around here." Cat Noir said. "That's ridiculous, spooks." Etain said. "That's silly." "Don't you believe in spooks?" Jade Turtle asked. "No, why only fools believe in- Oh!" Out of no where he was picked up by an invisible force and it dropped him. "Good heavens!" Marinette gasped as she and Cat Noir ran to his aid. "Are you alright?" Cat Noir asked as he helped him up. "I do believe in spooks! I do believe in spooks! I do! I do!" Jade Turtle said nervously. "Ha! You'll believe in more than that when I'm through with you!" Antibug laughed as she watched them through her crystal ball. "Dark Cupid!" "Yes your wretchedness!" "Gather up your men!" Dark Cupid summoned several of the akumas, Mime, Mr. Pidgeon, Pixelator, Refleckta, Animan, and Gamer. "Take your army to the haunted forest and bring me that girl and her cat do what you'd like with the others but I want her alive and unharmed." Antibug ordered. "They'll give you no trouble I promise you that! And take special care of those ruby slippers, I want those most of all! Now fly! Fly!" Dark Cupid flapped his wings and took off flying while leading the akumas to the haunted forest. When the group of four saw them coming they tried to make a run for it or fight back but they were outnumbered. "Help! Help!" Marinette cried running from Dark Cupid. "Now wait a minute!" Etain said trying to fight off Pixelator and Refleckta. "Get off me! Oh no! Help!" Cat Noir shouted as Mr. Pidgeon and the Mime began to tear him apart. "Get your stinking paws off me! Ya darn dirty ape!" Jade Turtle demanded as Animan changed into a gorilla and began beating him. Marinette ran as fast as she could but Dark Cupid was too fast. He grabbed Marinette and flew away with her. Gamer quickly caught Plagg and went to join him. Once they had the girl and her kitten the other akumas returned to Antibug's castle. "Help! Help!" Cat Noir called desperately. Etain and Jade Turtle follow his cry to find most of the scarecrow's straw removed from his body. "What happened to you?" Etain said. "They tore my legs off and they threw them over them then took my chest out and they threw it over there!" "Well that's you all over." Etain said. "They sure knocked the stuffings out of ya didn't they?" Jade Turtle said. "Don't stand there talking! Put me together!" Cat Noir shouted impatiently. "Where's Marinette?" "They took her." Etain said. "And Plagg too." Jade Turtle added. "What?! Why didn't you protect her?!" "Us?! What about you?" Etain said. "I tried but I got torn apart! Oh it's no use blaming each other, just put me back so we can go find her. If anything happens to her I'll never forgive myself." "Me either." Etain said. "Same here." Jade Turtle said. "Alright now let's see." Etain gathering up all the straw. ... "What a nice little kitty." Antibug said stroking Plagg who hissed at the wicked witch before she handed him to Gamer. "And you my dear, what unexpected pleasure." She said to Marinette. "We get so lonely here and we don't get many visitors, do we Gamer?" "Yes." He agreed. "Especially ones that are so pretty." "Slience!" She ordered him. "What are you going to with Plagg?" Marinette asked. "Give him back to me." "All in good time, all in good time." "Oh please give me back my cat.." "Certainly, certtainly when you give me those slippers." "But Bridgette told me not to. She told me you would do terrible things with them." "Very well." She turned to Gamer. "Throw that cat into the river and drown it!" "No! No!" Marinette cried. "You can have them! Just give me back Plagg!" "That's a good little girl, I knew you'd be reasonable." Antibug reached for the slippers but a shock from them burned her when she tried to touch them. "Ahh! My nails! And I had just had them done!" "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Marinette said. "I should've remembered! Those shoes will never come off as long as you're alive!" "Wha...What does that mean?" "It means I'm going to kill you!" "Kill me?!" "Yes you stupid girl! And I plan to enjoy every moment of it however these things must be done delicately or you'll hurt the spell." Plagg scartched Gamer's hand causing him to drop him. "Run Plagg! Run!" Marinette shouted. "Catch him you fool!" Antibug ordered Gamer. Plagg ran downstairs with Gamer chasing him, luckily the little black cat managed to escape. "He got away! He got away!" Marinette cried with tears beginning to form in her eyes. "Which is more than what I can say for you!" Antibug sneered at her. "You've been more trouble to me than your worth but it'll soon be over now." "Please don't do this." Marinette pleaded. "Please just let me go!" "Sorry sweetness and light but I'm not one to show mercy!" She turned over in hourglass. "See that? That's how long you've got to be alive! And it isn't long my pretty it isn't long! I can't wait forever to get those shoes!" She ran out of the room and locked the door. Marinette looked at the hourglass and began to cry. "I'm frightened!" She sobbed. "I'm frightened Mom! I'm frightened!" She continued to weep until she heard her mother's voice calling her. "Marinette! Marinette!" She turned to see an image of Sabine in the crystal ball. "It's me. It's Mama, we're trying to find you. Where are you?" "I'm here in Miracula Mama! I'm locked up in the witch's castle! And I'm trying to get home to you Mama!" The image faded. "Oh no, don't go away Mama! I'm frightened! Come back!" "Come back!" A voice mocked. Then an image of Antibug appeared. "I'll give you Mama my pretty!" Marinette laid down and wept bitterly. "Won't somebody help me? Mama? Papa? Adrien? Nino? Nathaniel? Anyone? Please help me." She buried her face in her hands as she sobbed. Outside Plagg hurried into the haunted forest where he found the boys. "Look it's Plagg!" Etain said. "Where'd he come from?" Meow! Meow! "Don't you see? He's come to take us to Marinette." Cat Noir said getting up. "Come on." They followed Plagg up the mountain to where the castle. Since Jade Turtle was the strongest he would climb up while Etain and Cat Noir held on to a rope tied to his waist. "I hope my strength holds out." Jade Turtle said. "I hope your rope holds out, oh!" Etain said nervously. Soon they were in view of the castle. "What's that?" Jade Turtle asked. "That's the castle of Antibug." Cat Noir said. "Marinette's in that awful place." "Oh I hate to think of her in there." Etain sniffled. "We've got to get her out." "Don't cry now." Cat Noir said. "We haven't got the oil can with us and you've been squeaking enough as it is." "Who's them? Who's them?" Jade Turtle said pointing to a group of knights led by another one of Antibug's akumas Dark Blade. "I've got a plan on how to get in there." Cat Noir said. "He's got a plan." Jade Turtle said excitedly. "And you're gonna lead us." "Me? I gotta get her out of there?" "That's right." Etain said. "Alright I'll do it for Marinette." He said. "Wicked Witch or no Wicked witch! Guards or no guards I'll tear em apart! I may not come out alive but I'm going in there. There's just one thing I want you fellas to do." "What's that?" They asked. "Talk me out of it." Jade Turtle said starting to walk away. "Oh no you don't." Cat Noir said grabbing him. "Get back here you." Etain said pushing him forward.
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Tina: So Dodgers, tell me about the 24 1/2th century.
Duck Dodgers: Well everyone has their own flying car, entire meals come in pill form, and the Earth is run by DARN DIRTY APES.
Tina: Oh my gosh.
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