#that tiger is badass tho
phantomskeep · 2 years
im rewatching young justice for the first time in years and i completely forgot that captain marvel got captured by those apes. can you imagine being a, what, ten year old superhero and getting yoinked by apes who want to steal your brain while watching over a team of super-powered teams that are older than you?
cause gods if i was in his shoes i would make so many memes of myself
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paxdracona · 8 months
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For WIP Wednesday im coming clean: I've become obsessed with fruitbats. I spend hours on youtube watching them eat pieces of fruit waaaay too big for their faces (their little tongues poke out while they're juicing their fruit!!), chitter in annoyance at each other while thumb boxing, and I have heart palpitations when I watch baby orphan flying foxes cuddling with their human carers while suckling on a dummy. I probably have a problem but it's a fun problem so hey. Now I'm making it y'alls problem because I've made Mav a fruitbat and I'm having the time of my life ☆
(Look at this, it should be illegal)
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cuteteacakes · 1 year
You ever finish a book that you've been reading off and on for years and just kind of... sit?
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marsbar17 · 2 months
Request for @layluh-xoxo :)
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I'm so sad that they broke up :( I mean it was probably for the best given everything but I really hoped they could resolve their issues
Anyways in order to heal my sadness over this ship I present to you, just pure wlw fluff and comfort <3
Valkyrie x Loba Shortfic
Contains: Mention of attempted sa, don't worry tho Lobas badass, other than that it's fine
Valkyrie propped her feet up on the coffee table in her apartments living room, leaning back and sighing. For someone who was always 'go go go,' she still enjoyed the quiet moments alone in her apartment, just listening to the bustling city outside her windows. She heard the familiar sound of a key turning in the door's lock and smiled, knowing that Loba would walk through that door and come sit with her. Life was nice.
Except Loba didn't come sit with her.
She walked straight past the couch where Valkyrie was sitting and into the kitchen. Valkyrie heard her pour herself a very generous glass of wine before coming to sit down a few feet away from her on the couch. Loba brought her knees up to her chest and took a sip of her wine, her bros furrowed in thought and her fingers restlessly tracing patterns on her knee. Her braids were messy and her makeup was smudged, making her look disheveled.
Having been dating Loba for a while, Valkyrie knew the signs that she was frustrated and upset. Valkyrie turned the TV onto some reality show, knowing that it was the type of thing she would like.
"Do you need space, a distraction, or comfort, Lo?" Valkyrie kept her voice soft and loving. She knew how Loba's brain worked and didn't want to frustrate her even further.
"Distraction first, and then comfort, I think." Loba muttered, her voice tense and strained. Valkyrie nodded, thinking for a second before she spoke.
"I was scrolling on my phone earlier and saw someone assigned all of us legends our own animals. They gave you a wolf, of course, but they gave me a barn owl. Can you believe it? How am I a barn owl?" Valkyrie waved her arms in disbelief, pouting.
Loba giggled a bit at Valkyrie's antics. It was quiet, but still Valkyrie smiled knowing she was making her girlfriend feel even a tiny bit better.
"Personally, I think I should be something cool like a tiger or a venemous snake." Valkyrie gave herself fangs with her fingers, baring her teeth. Loba tipped her head back and laughed, and the sight made Valkyrie relax into the couch.
"I can see you being a barn owl. You've got the same face and eye shape. Plus, the whole 'striking from above' thing." Loba set her wine glass down, shuffling closer to Valkyrie and leaning into her.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, laughing quietly at whatever stupid things the people in the show were doing. Valkyrie fidgeted with her sleeves anxiously, trying to figure out what to say next.
"Do you wanna talk about your day? If not that's fine I just want you to feel nice yknow." Valkyrie stuttered through her words quickly, looking anywhere other Loba's face. The silence that followed made her palms sweat and she was about to start apologizing before Loba spoke.
"I just... I thought I found a lead, but it was just some stupid man trying to get me in his bed. He told me he had information in his apartment. I was a fool to believe him."
Valkyrie hesitated before answering, wrapping an arm around Loba's shoulders and tracing shapes into her upper arm with her finger tips.
"Did he... you know..." She couldn't get the words out, hating even the thought that something like that could happen to her girlfriend.
"He tried, but he was dumb to think he could control me. I may have left him with fewer fingers than before my visit." Loba smiled, laying her head on Valkyrie's shoulder.
"That's my girl." She squeezed Loba against her body before letting go and standing up. "C'mon, let me run you a bath. I can pour you more wine, light some candles, give you a massage, anything you'd like." She reached a hand out towards Loba, who was still curled up on the couch.
Loba hesitated, not out of fear or reservation, but because as she looked into Valkyrie's eyes that were full of adoration, she realized just how much her girlfriend loved her. She took her hand, letting Valkyrie pull her up and lead her towards the bathroom.
"Okay, sit down there." Valkyrie pointed at the edge of her somewhat large bathtub, focused on lighting a couple floral scented candles and setting them on a safe shelf nearby. She then turned on the bath and held her hand under the tap, making sure the water was a good temperature.
By the time the tub was full enough, Valkyrie had gotten her girlfriend another glass of wine and they were both fully undressed. Valkyrie got into the water first, sitting down and leaning back. Loba sat down in front of her, keeping her knees to her chest and holding her glass securely in one hand.
"Would you like me to wash your hair?" Valkyrie asked, pulling the elastics out of Lobas hair so she could gently unravel her braids. Valkyrie stopped playing with her hair when Loba didn't respond. "Lo? You alright?"
"...Why do you go out of your way to do all of this for me?" Loba muttered quietly, setting her glass down on the edge of the tub and curling impossibly further into herself. "I treat you like shit and toss you aside in order to achieve my own goals, but still you sit here and love me as if I'm the most perfect girl you've ever met. It's not fair to you."
Valkyrie took a second to think, grabbing a plastic cup from the table beside the tub to scoop water and pour it over Loba's shoulders. The warmth helped Loba relax.
"I do it because I love you. And yeah it hurts a bit, okay a lot, when you treat me that way, but I deal with it because I know that the only reason you act that way is because you don't feel like you deserve to be loved."
Loba didn't speak, she just dragged her fingers through the water. So Valkyrie continued.
"I just want you to feel like you can trust me. I'm not going to let you self-sabotage because you don't think you're good enough." Valkyrie started to pour the water over Loba's hair, wetting it while she spoke. "You deserve to be happy and loved, just like everybody else."
They sat in silence for a bit as Valkyrie lathered shampoo into Loba's hair. She made sure to pay extra attention right at the roots, and Loba leaned her head back into the feeling.
"...I love you, Kairi."
"I love you too. I'll never stop loving you, Loba."
Thank you for reading! Almost made myself cry with this one hdhdjfjfj
Reminder it takes like 10 seconds to like and reblog my work and it really helps grow as an author. You can also request whatever you want in my asks and I'll do it 👍
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queenlua · 6 months
Hi!! I’d you’re still doing readings I’m wondering about my love life (in general) and my career specifically if I should pursue music and/or theatre or not.
Both of these topics have been on my mind a lot lately so you can answer whichever you’re drawn to :)
Thank you so much you’re so kind !!
you will *also* get a reading from the Mystical Forest Tarot, because frankly i wanted to look at more of the bird cards in this deck lol
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i threw these down & got more of a career vibe from 'em so that's what the reading is about
PAST—nine of swords: okay lmao this is what i mean about this deck being hard to read. like what is the iconography here. why is a sloth here to represent excessive fear/worry/dread/etc. i do not know the connection & the included booklet does not care to explain
ANYWAY THO. yeah man you were angsting pretty hard over your career in the past huh. trying to pick a direction to go. everything seeming hopeless. etc.
PRESENT—nine of wands: but hopefully you realized all that dreading was kind of a waste of time, a pack of paper tigers, etc, because nine of swords is "still standing upright and looking tbh kind of like a badass even after facing some pretty severe knocks." this has the vibe that you've chosen a direction, or at least a potential direction, and have a pretty good sense of your own abilities and also the difficulties you'll be facing
FUTURE—one of pentacles: a couple possible meanings. one: maybe a random rich great-uncle you never heard of dies and leaves you a bit of money that gives you a bit more financial freedom to pursue a path you're drawn to. two: maybe after those knocks you've taken, you're thinking about pursuing a more practical path. if you do so, you'll have some early strokes of fortune & certainly have material security in the near- to medium-term. three: could be a word of caution—pursue what you want, but make sure you've got a side gig / day job / concrete skill that you don't hate, as you'll need to fall back on it in a pinch. pick whichever one seems to vibe best with your sitch
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feral-teeth · 7 months
🖌, 🕰, 👀 & 🍂 for the ask game 🫶
🖌️- Do you have/want any tattoos?
I dont have any, but I love the idea of tattoos and i get sick of seeing and feeling things being on my body really easily (like watches or like temp tattoos) so idk if its the best idea for me? I would probably only get something very abstract or something i really love.
Attached are the marble tattoos i would get on my arms and legs! Like i imagine black or gold marble along my shoulder and down, cutting off where there woukd be patchwork tattoos (like a mix of spencer agnews and anthony padillas)
Heres the link to my tattoo inspo board :3 - its among all of the other boards in that folder
I also know that once i get top surgery i want to put like, something cool on the new free real estate on my chest once it heals - like a cool feral dog or like stitches or something cool. To represent how fucking sick and badass being trans and getting top surgery is. And also being a furry i need like teeth or something feral looking on me (i wonder where i got my username from lol) ik someone on insta whos trans and he has these SICK tattoos like paw prints on the palm of his hands and some other rlly cool ones!! His name is Fox i think? Hes a huge inspo for me and my furry journey/trans journey for a while.
Also a tooth. Cuz fuck yeah
The future of having patchwork tattoos on my arms when i get money for it… it keeps me going. I cant wait to look fucking HOT esp w black ink cuz i find it super hot and more aesthetic on me.
I remember there was a self-love influencer and she had two tigers on her belly, and i loved the idea of that and to appreciate my stomach more.
. I also love the idea of having angel wing tattoos cause i used to always imagine having angel wings and wrapping them around me when i was scared or needed comfort. So they would represent that comfort. I also imagined them like, dragging on the ground behind me sometimes, like my wings were too big for my body. I imagined them as like gold and red and w like splashes of bright colours.
🕰️ - What time is it where you are rn?
Well its 6:01pm as i start to write this - lets see how long it takes for me to post it lol - checking in its 6:26pm - now its 6:35pm - 6:40pm abt to post
👀 - what colour are your eyes?
Brown, but golden in the sunlight! I have an old photo that i love when i was in British Colombia in the car and the sun was shining so perfectly and i got a picture of my golden eyes. Its such a beautiful picture i might just find it and post it here after i answer this <3 also reminds me of a photo i took of the mountains out the window that was literally a perfect screenshot of the beautiful moment. It makes me miss my old instagram where i used to only post aesthetic photos i took 😔probs gonna make my personal account do just that now 🫡
🍂-whats your favorite season?
Fall always! I love the season i was born in (i heard thats usually a proven thought) and even tho its moving into dead winter, it feels like new beginnings and a clean, fresh start because school used to start for me around then and its my bday in fall too so its like new school supplies? Presents? Money?? Amazing. This will surely change my life for the better! And all of this ruin and pain will fall behind me cuz i have new clean fresh pens and a new journal and a new schedule i know ill just drop after a month ! (Digital planners saved me sm omg)
But i also love every season and the poetry and meanings and atmospheres they bring. I always get so sad in the winter, but that sadness and pain being surrounded by so much joy and brightness and christmas lights and a hazy glow makes a good contrast for poetry and your own depression so 🤷 spring is new beginnings. The contrast between winter and spring and meaning new life and the dead rotting and turning into something that helps the fertilizer grow is such a strong concept for me. Summer being so hazy in the heat with heat lines coming off of the sidewalk, your ice cream melting onto the hot pavement, making it sizzle. The sadness that summer can bring too. The heat and fun and sun that everyone seems to be having while youre stuck inside or watching them through a haze of your own, you want to break the glass between you and the others but its just too thick, so you just slam on the glass, yelling, hoping that someone, anyone can hear you on the other side.
Back to fall - Now my bday just makes me sad 😔 whats funny is that it usually still feels like summer when its my bday, so its like im still in that hazy summer, preparing for the winter and dead leaves on the ground that are pronised every year.
From this ask game - get to know me! 💖
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summergirl2408 · 2 years
i came here to ask the expert (you) about cute and/or badass cat pokemons 😌😌
also here to ask how you're doing!!!! muah😘
You gotta know asking me about pokemon stuff is a dangerous thing cause I'm gonna full on go down this rabbit hole and provide you with a complete essay 😌👀
There are actually quite a few cat and/or cat-adjacent pokemon so I'll try to properly break it all down
Also I'll have to break this up in parts because of the image limit 😂
First up: pokemon that are undeniably a cat
Starting with what is definitely the most iconic cat pokemon and one of the most iconic pokemon overall: Meowth
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Most iconic because a meowth is known as part of team rockets most iconic team aka Jessie, James and Meowth
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This specific meowth is one of the only pokemon that can speak human language (in the pokemon anime)
There are some other pokemon in the anime that can technically speak human language by using telepathy, illusions or mind control (more often than not mind control of that specific meowth actually) but the number of pokemon speaking in a human language with their own mouth is at <5 I think
The reason why this meowth can speak human language (and also why it walks on 2 legs for that matter) is because he learned it to try and impress a female meowth but she rejected him anyways 🥲
Meowth can evolve into Persian
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A persian also has quite a prevalent role in the pokemon anime as the main/companion pokemon of Giovanni, team rockets boss
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(Ya know it's that whole "mafia boss turning around in his chair while slowly petting his cat"-trope)
Also fun fact: it is kind of an ongoing debate whether or not Giovannis Persian is a shiny because the shiny form of persian doesn't look that different from the normal one (the most obvious difference is the pink inner ear)
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and in some shots of the anime the Persians ears do look somewhat pink-ish
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I'm pretty sure the most common opinion is that it is not shiny tho as its first appearance in the anime actually predates the existance of shiny pokemon alltogether
Meowth also got 2 different regional forms by now (making it one of only 2 pokemon to have more than 1 regional form and the only one that has regional forms from more than 1 region)
First off we got alolan Meowth (alola being the region/country in the pokemon world this regional form occurs in)
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this one is a dark type instead of the normal type the regular Meowth is
Alolan Meowth obviously then evolves into alolan Persian
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which I always thought looked like it just got it's wisdom teeth out
Then we got the other regional form which is galarian Meowth
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this one is a steel type and also partly based on a viking which becomes even more apparent in its evolution which isn't galarian Persian but instead is called Perrserker
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Oh yeah and then there is also Meowths gigantamax form (a special battle gimmic from gen 8 that makes a pokemon giant and stronger and changes its form) and that one is legit just longcat
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There are 2 starter pokemon (the ones you get to choose at the beginning of every pokemon game) that are also undeniably cats
For one we have Sprigatito
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the grass type starter of gen 9 (that everyone refused to call anything besides weed cat when it was first revealed) which evolves into Floragato
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and then Meowscarada
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In its final evolution it is a grass and dark type inspired by magicians and masquerades (and btw this is the starter I chose this generation cause 1. cat and 2. I always choose the grass type starter)
Meowscarada also has a signature move that imo is really goodIt's a base 70 power physical move that always hits and always is a critical hit (meaning it does 1.5 times damage)
The other cat starter is Litten
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the fire type starter from gen 7 which evolves into Torracat
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this one also has some hints of a tiger in its looks which is why the final evolution of this line is covered further down in the cat-adjacent section
Next up we have Glameow
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another normal type that evolves into Purugly
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I really love this evolution line cause you got this dainty little kinda snooty cat that goes on to evolve into a mean grumpy chonker
Now to probably the most forgettable cat pokemon there is: Skitty
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another normal type and genuinely 9 times out of 10 upon seeing this pokemon somewhere I'll go 'oh yeah that thing still exists'
It's evolution is covered further down in the maybe a cat section
Another one is Purrloin
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a cute little dark type pokemon that along wirh sprigatito and glameow probably resembles a normal house cat the most
Still all in all a fairly forgettable pokemon
It's evolution can once again be found further down in the cat-adjacent section
Now to the last pokemon in the undeniably a cat section: Espurr
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aka if a little child that accidentally walked in on its parents having sex was a pokemon (like look this thing in the eyes and tell me it hasn't seen things it shouldn't have)
Fittingly its a psychic type cause it probably took some psychic damage from that experience
It evolves into Meowstic
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the first pokemon covered here with an obvious gender difference (the left one being the male form and the right one being the female)
Meowstic is kind of on the border between undeniably a cat and cat-adjacent tho as it is technically not based on a normal cat but on a nekomata, a kind of cat yokai from japanese folklore that, according to legend, can evolve from a normal house cat
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youareashoe · 1 year
I wrote down some notes ab Up Here (most are very dumb but anyway):
* Miguel and Cisco both have shit brothers fr. (And they both play instruments)
* Mr mcgooch(ellervadfackhannuheter) is a creep in my opinion (aka I think he’s to old for Lindsay)
* In ep 4 it’s hinted that Lindsay is living in someone elses apartment. When she answers the phone they’re asking for a random dude
* I wish we got to meet the dad “irl”
* Why is Scott who plays orson listed as a guest star? He’s in every episode😭
* I kin “please like me” a little too much
* I hated Linds bc I’m exactly like her
* Someone give mig a hug
* Like fr
* Him calling every hour to make sure she’s okay (my standards are so high after this show)
* The fact that migs character in the novel was the one the reader was interested in bc linds was interested in (does this sentence even make sense)
* I feel like I’ve always known you>> (woods)
* The fact that Lindsay remember that mig is scared of the woods and ran in there looking for him
* I don’t support Linds in ep3 (tho I do in the ending)
* The rat scene was so perfectly written and acted
* “Is this glue or gum..?” “No that is cum”
* I kin “the truth is” too much too
* “I guess you could say I come here often”
* I wish I had migs view on love, I also want to be that optimistic
* I wish the “red door” was the door he saw his dead mom behind or sum. Not where he got his dog
* Mig being high is so fun
* I love the amount of funny angry scream scenes there are. It just adds so much comedic effect, and they don’t overuse them
* Celeste is iconic
* I love orson in the show but would hate him irl
* Having the first day in both their perspective was fun
* The episodes titles actually having something to do with the story.
* The queerbaiting was kinda unnecessary. They could of made Linds made out w a woman and be like: “yup not into this sorry”, instead of just queerbait
* Love how they actually followed up on their trauma and didn’t just brush over it *eghm* the flash *eghmm*
* Migs version of badass/alpha male (or whatever) being making room on the subway for a pregnant woman is so pure and cute😭
* The amount of references they had throughout the show was amazing
* I feel so single after watching this
* Newsie dancer!!
* Ned deserves everything.
* I actually feel kinda bad for Ned but Linds needed change
* Okay hear me out Ned is hot asf
* Chad asking/minupilating mig if he would be up for a threesome was the funniest thing ever
* Chad = bi
* Wish we got more chad
* I love chad
* Mig opening up to Linds but only a little bc he’s scared hurts
* Mig singing “can I ever know you?” First is so cute
* I wanted more of mig and his brothers relationship
* In “what if” they change her ever looping tune and it’s so cute aghh
* Ned is so gay istg
* Like fr
* Carlos and Mae being like their characters irl is so fun
* The podcast is the best thing ever
* Miguel trying to fit in with the toxic masculinity in tiger king but he: cries when he watches notting hill, wants to be like Jane eyre n more is so fun
* The Lopezes are so talented it’s not even funny, the songs they wrote are all so good
This is just me rambling but I have so much more lmao😍
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ray-the-fanatic · 2 years
gave april, casey and karai redesigns in my au, via picrew cuz my drawing skills are still a wip, for fun vibe purposes
for april:
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- made april's skin have a pink tint to fit her kraang origins (i also think it fits her character design)
- gave her heterochromia, her right eye is blue-ish gray while her left is dark green (again to fit her kraang origins), i always felt her n mikey's colors were too similar so i made her eyes more distinct
- her hair is more dark strawberry blonde-ish than red cuz i actually like the concept art of her being blonde
- i was torn between giving her braided pigtails or a pixie cut, in the end i stuck with the pixie cut as a homage to one of her concept designs and also cuz short hair april is a look™
- her clothing is more diverse, she still has her number 1 shirt but she changes styles from time to time depending on her mood (me fr)
- she's basically the plucky, fun loving big sis/aunt but will not hesitate calling out anyone's bs (esp her little bro's) and definitely wrecks any bad guys' shit. she's also kind of a snarky brat when it comes to the lesser villains and i love it lol
for casey:
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- made casey's skin tone somewhat similar to his 03 incarnation but more distinct
- gave him dark brown eyes, i noticed there wasn't a lot of brown eyed characters in the 12 series so i took it as an opportunity
- poofier hair. i know casey's a rowdy boy but i feel like fluffy-messy hair fits him better both character wise and aesthetically wise
- also longer hair cuz he deserves it (he still has the bandana to keep his hair from getting in his eyes)
- he's a hockey player and a vigilante so he's got bandaged wounds along with cuts, bruises and scars galore, makes him feel scruffy y'know?
- short sleeve hoodie with flames (that still has spray paint marks) and cut jeans is this boy's clothing, he absolutely doesn't care abt his sense of style imo
- he's still a chaotic menace wanting to provide justice ™, just looks more scrappy and is an uncle now (he's also hispanic, fun hc)
for karai:
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- tanner skin tone, she also has a more hooked nose shape and love it
- gave her red eyes instead of gold cuz it works for her, it also connects her with splinter (and donnie on some level)
- much like casey, her hair is bit longer n fluffier just styled somewhat similarly to her hair in canon, minus the bangs
- she has a different hair color on her streaks/to the roots instead of underneath, tho wasn't feeling the gold blonde so i made it white instead, it goes well with her eyes tbh (i made her sides and eye shadow white as a homage to her snake form but mostly cuz in my au instead of getting mutated she becomes heavily imprisoned and her sides turn white due to stress... did i mention this au gets angsty?)
- she has massive scars, she's been fighting since she was a kid so she's bound to have plenty of them, they're more visible than casey's tho and she's got a lot on her back as well
- for her non-battle ready clothes, she's mostly got a biker chick sorta style but on the clamer days she wears tank tops and black yoga pants, just a casual badass
- misguided antagonist turned big sister/aunt who's still processing her trauma just more healthier, therapy via baby turtle nephews. she's still cunning n sneaky just without the misguidedness. she also loves to spite her former villain allies, tiger claw esp
sorry this got long winded, just wanted to share my redesign n i got carried away with the explanations, i also gave everyone piecings cuz again... self indulgence 😅
Okay first off sorry for taking a bit to get to this be toed up with work and I wanted to give this a good read over when I saw the length cause I llve what you tell me for this fic ;3;
I love the idea of her having some pink in her skin tone to allude to her being part krangg I loke the shorter hair as well mostly cause I enjoy the short hair style look I lole your idea for a strawberry blond in color cause in the concepts she was going to be blonde at one point. I think tje desing fits well for her personality idk but she got those cool aunt vibes to me xD
I love that you kept his brown eye. Maybe cause I have brown eyes but I love brown eye charayers cause brown eyes are very underrated u_u also love bringing back his skin tone from 03 ;3; and him being Hispanic yes look I'm Latina give me the rep!! I also see casey being Latino any way xD personal headcannon btws. So I enjoy when others put him as Latino or Hispanic;3; and I llve his look it fits casey has his own style and gotta stick to it uwu
I love her;3; I like the white hair stripes though over tje blonde idk I feel it works better with her look and the homages to her snake mutation also yes give the angst I love angst 👀
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kazzattack · 6 months
Also jl is iconic but the new characters in jlu and any ep with Amanda Waller I think her story and purpose is sooo interesting and I love a badass evil black woman teehee- ❤️‍🔥
mandy baby my fave evil black lady. i love her and any suicide squad media, hence why i post about suicide squad: ktjl so much :p so i’ll be looking into jlu eventually. too many heroes to keep track of though, i was in distress looking for barry 💔 idek why because he’s only just recently peaked my interest?? but he’s giving me the dick grayson treatment. he doesn’t show up for too long and i start going “where is he. where’s barry. where’s my fave. is he dead? bring him back. give him more screen time.” im ashamed of it too bc he shows up and he immediately starts pissing me off??? like if you don’t leave those poor women alone. they do not give two shits that you’re the fastest man alive after you’ve said it 50 times. it is worth mentioning that he’s just like me tho. he’s met with silence and still has the nerve to go “she wants me.” go get em tiger
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only-we · 6 years
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The Tiger, though very, very powerful, is a dangerous, mysterious, and unpredictable familiar. They are often the companion of one who has strong feelings of vengeance or hate to another person. However, you are most likely very independent and sure of who you are, and strive to be yourself and not conform to others. You are pushed through even the toughest of situations through willpower and wise decisions, if you are able to keep your feelings of anger in check.
A Tiger familiar is a very strong, vicious partner in battle, helps their master through mental stress, and gives them the will to continue on.
This familiar represents
Tagged by: @safefromsin
Tagging: @gingersmiith @carminaxrye @croweoftheglaive @floweringeclipse @marie-dufresne
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
So I know Princess y/n is a badass with chaotic energy, but I feel like they would burst into tears if they accidentally stepped on rice puff’s tail. On the other hand tho, anyone that mistreats her animals on PURPOSE? … let’s just say they got their subscription to life prematurely canceled ❤️
Definitely. Like she was looking for him and he was hiding under a bench when reader accidentally stepped on his tail, making him yelp.
Oh reader just absolutely falls to her knees and pulls the giant beast onto her lap and hugs him, apologising profusely while crying.
Keigo and Dabi are standing on the balcony making out when they hear screams and horrified gasps. They look down, only to find the servants and guards scrambling out of the way, all because princess Y/n was carrying Rice Puff in her arms as if it was a cat and not a whole tiger.
"Y/n!" Dabi called out, making everyone look up to him, the servant bowed.
"Hey Dad! And- whore Sir Keigo."
"Hey sweetheart! Whatcha got there?"
"Rice Puff. I- I stepped on his tail, I didn't want to make him suffer more, so I'm gonna be carrying him around😃"
Dabi sighed. "Alright... but be careful. And don't let him lose on our people again!"
You paused. "Not even in the harem?"
"Especially not in the harem." Dabi ordered, remembering how you let your tiger lose on the harem, knowing full well Keigo was there too.
"Ugh, fine." You pouted before carrying your tiger away. "Lets go, Rice Puff. Its time for your belly rubs."
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tender-rosiey · 3 years
Hello! (´~`ヾ) I noticed your requests are open and wanted to ask if you could do Atsushi x smol petite Fem!reader who shares in his animal ability, only she’s able to turn into a wolf instead? Smol shy lass, but very outgoing and kind once you know her?
Maybe include Dazai and Tanizaki too (as I’m curious, but am more than okay if it’s just with Atsushi! )?
Many gracis! Your writing is beautiful and very detail and precious with every character! 💖💖 have a beautiful day! 😊💖 — 🐺✨
❥ Atsushi and Tanizaki with a f!s/o that can turn into a wolf
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ᴀ/ɴ: I FINALLY POSTED and hello! hope you are doing well, thank you for your kind words; it makes me happy knowing my work is up to your liking. hopefully I did your request justice and that you like it 💕
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Atsushi owns my heart
I think I should turn into an octopus so all the anime boys I love and simp for have a whole heart for them alone
It was a pretty cute and shy first meeting between the both of you
When he first saw you he just panicked cause WOAH YOU ARE SO PRETTY
“H-hey! I am Atsushi Nakajima; it’s nice to meet you?”
He beat himself up for how it sounded more of a question
Fortunately you were just as shy and awkward so y’all just vibed
When you told him about your ability he was just so happy cause you guys were similar and that’s something you get to bond over 😌
He turns to show off to you how cool he looks as a tiger 🐅
But he lost his cool fangirling and praising you when you turned cause woah you are so cool
HOWEVER you also kept praising him because ya know his tiger-form is badass looking
So it just went it like:
“Y/N, you look so fearless and strong in your wolf form!”
“No no no, you look even better, Atsushi! Your tiger form is absolutely breathtaking!”
Now following what happened you guys started getting paired for missions
Fukuzawa was lowkey shipping
Let me tell you about an adorable thing that happens in your missions
When you guys are successfully done with a mission you guys bump noses in your animal forms
Because it makes you guys less shy apparently
As time went by, he started developing deep feelings for you
Atsushi prioritizes kindness and having a good heart; I also see him being patient with a s/o that was already used to making heartless decisions until they can finally open their heart to kindness
So it’s no surprise that he fell for you
In addition to that, your outgoing personality is something he always looks forward to and makes him love spending time with you even more
It’s just so heart fluttering to him because you always manage to cheer him up no matter how down he may feel
He convinced Kunikida to buy a tiger roar translator (yes I decided it’s a thing if it isn’t)
And then he gave it you
You were like ???
But then he transformed and then roared that he likes you
You burst out laughing cause damn this is creative but he started cringing at himself and getting embarrassed
“You didn’t have to go through all that, oh my god!”
“…I regret all my decisions until now; except joining the agency.”
“Cause I met you.”
You hugged him and assured that it was fine and that you liked him too so he is fine now
Now y’all Eskimo kiss a lot too
It’s like a inside joke/gesture between you
I think cuddling in your animal forms would be a thing, so it’s no surprise when a client enters and finds a tiger and a wolf cuddling on the ground
While yeah it gets the infamous kunikida scoldings but it’s comfy
They do get petting wild animals privileges tho
Atsushi once’s roared at someone who was petting you a little too much
Dazai never stops teasing him like calm thee self ‘Samu
You sometimes like to tease him about being a big cat and using the term cat instead of tiger
Which the payback for is him teasing you about being a dog not a wolf
Couple shenanigans?
Couple shenanigans.
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The meeting was pretty awkward I am not even going to sugarcoat it 👩‍🦲
Let’s take it from his point of view though
One minute he was normally living his life and the other he sees a very very very pretty lady so he stumbled a lot on his words
But once he composed himself you got to know that he is a really kind person and he was always supporting and helping you in your first days in the agency
(still continues to help you later on but that’s beside the point right now🕳🚶‍♀️)
Considering how Naomi is quite extrovert, you guys become friends quite easily which tanizaki takes quite the pride in and is really happy with it
As you both start getting more comfortable with each other, your feelings start to bloom
Also may I add that you both get paired for missions more often than not
Once again fukuzawa is shipping
But also your abilities compliment each other welll making the both of you the perfect pair
(aside from tanizaki’s sometimes fucked up actions like nearly damn killing someone while he is from the detective agency )
As you open up to him, he starts to further enjoy your time together because he realizes that you finally feel comfortable with, and of course that’s not to say he didn’t enjoy it before
He just feels happy you can finally be yourself <3
Time passes and low and behold you confess, yes you because I personally think he would take a rather long time to do so
And you, seeing the obvious signs of liking you back, took your shot ⛹️‍♀️
Nothing changes much aside from the fact that you guys are more affectionate and he often ends up daydreaming about you
(love struck child)
Naomi likes to joke around with you about her being jealous but you know it’s all for fun
Now more ability related things
He would probably love to nap and hug your wolf form
LIKE ALOT, pls he seems so cuddly
Also side note but I see him unintentionally resting his arm on you like you are an arm rest because of how small you are 🏃‍♀️
And when he notices he recites out a 346 paged apology about how he didn’t mean to
But the things he does intentionally is resting his chin on your head
If you pout because you feel like he is making fun of your height then he will kiss your head and assure you that he just wants to be close to you
I need to read more about this guy, I feel like I missed some stuff about him :(
how does one end a headcanon again?
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15 @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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paintedkinzy-88 · 3 years
Since Lions are part if the panther family group thingy black panther (Lion) Reaper and Geno every ting he sees call it a panther and Reaper's like "Babe noooo! Its a lion. Look at him!! A lion!" And Ccino is just snickering in the background "You know Reaper technically Geno is correct...."
And Reapertale Paps listens with as much sympathy as he can muster while his dramatic brother whines about everyone picking on him.
Hi yes this ask, and these two have completely swayed me on the wild cattos for Reaper, Ink, and Error.
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Ignore my shitty handwritten notes on the side that’s for later color ideas mostly.
I wasn’t originally thinking a black lion for Reaper, more just the dark mane, but the idea of Geno teasing him is too tempting. Still has some orange/white areas tho, I’ll figure that all out later. Added onto that, Reaper acting all high and mighty that his cat is the big fierce lion (ignore the fact tiger Horror and Cross are still bigger) and everyone reminding him that it’s the females that are the badasses most the time and he ain’t that impressive.
(Also need to figure out the kind of housecat Geno is, cuz that big fierce lion is most definitely whipped.)
Error’s a snow leopard, but ima mess with his coloring a little bit. He likes tall spots, and Ccino eventually makes him a little hut up high so he could be away from everyone but also stop fuckin tipping over and breaking his bookshelves thank you very much. Sometimes he’ll jump down and surprise pounce someone. Usually if he’s mad but sometimes it’s in an affectionate, lmao-you-got-squished-now-hug-me kinda way.
Ink’s a tiny ass black footed cat, totally mistaken for a house cat at first until Ccino corrects them all. It bums him out for a little until he sees the advantages tiny kitty Ink has, like slipping into the small leftover space with Error’s cat in his hut, or climbing on Noot’s or Cross’s back to nap. Perfect size for them cuddles (ง’̀-‘́)ง
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If any of the safe house crew got tattoos what would they look like? And in Bell/alder ship case matching tattoos?
Oh this is a fun one! I love reaction type asks lol
If Adler got a tattoo, it would undoubtedly be something for vanity's sake. I couldn't see him getting anything big or too crazy, but he'd get something on his chest or shoulder, purely for the Ladies™. It's probably something "badass" like a crouching tiger or something on fire. That, or whatever style of tattoo was popular during the 80s, since he's so set on staying in style
Oof, it's hard to imagine Hudson with a tattoo tbh 😂 He feels like the type of person who thinks tattoos are degenerate and unprofessional or something lmao. But, if he had to get one... It would definitely be something patriotic. Patriotic, but not obnoxious, that is. I could see him with a little latin script on his shoulder like "e pluribus unum", out of many, one. That's the US motto and all, so I think it makes sense
Lazar would probably go the same route as Hudson, but patriotism towards Israel. That, or he'd get a really big, tribal style tattoo on his arm. That what's all the tough guys get done. Finally, if nothing else, he might have something really stupid because he lost a bet, like a tiny burger town logo
Mason would get a string of the numbers tattooed on his arm. This was either done while he was under the influence of the numbers and the mind control, or he did it of his own free will. It reminds him of why he fights.
She also gets a memorial style tattoo. I'd say she'd get something to help disguise her throat scar, but I don't think she's want to potentially draw more attention to it. Instead, she gets a knife surrounded by a thorny rose in her forearm. Deadly, but still beautiful.
Unlike some of the other guys in this list, Sims actually has braincells and good taste lmao. Her get something kind of basic that expresses a part of his personality. He'd either get crossed wrenches for his love of mechanical activities, or he gets his rank and troop division from Vietnam tattooed in the same place
Geez, Woods doesn't need an excuse to get a tattoo lmao. He'd probably get either more military themed or just general "badass" tattoos. However, I still stand by my headcannon that if he got in a committed relationship with The One™, he'd get a huuuuge tattoo of his s/o's name done across his chest. What better monument to your love then ripping off your shirt in front of your s/o to reveal that one lmao
Adler x Bell
Oh man, if these two got matching tattoos, it would have to be something cute and low key. It's Adler's way of trying to make it up to Bell, so he'd let them pick. I feel like Bell wouldn't abuse the power tho lol. They'd probably get something sweet like the Han and Leia quote "I love you" / "I know" or something
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startgame · 3 years
supernatural x mcu crossover
i saw a twitter thread about which supernatural & mcu characters would be friends, so here’s my take:
dean- bucky, steve, nat, clint, carol
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dean would have a massive crush on all these people and experience bi panic whenever he interacts with them.
and he’d probs relate to bucky since they both have trauma from being forced to kill & torture people against their will.
dean’s relationship with carol would kinda be like his relationship with claire, minus the father/daughter dynamic. and he’d admire nat a lot but also be super intimidated by her. obvs him & clint would go drinking together and be a menace to society.
sam- bruce, thor, darcy, rhodes, sam
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sam, bruce, and darcy would bond over nerdy ass shit. and he’d probs have a severe crush on darcy but be extremely awkward around her bc she’s a literal genius. i also feel like he’d have intellectual conversations with rhodes and sam about politics, and discuss stuff that actually matters. we love our human rights activists <3
also you KNOW that holding mjölnir in “What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?” (seriously, writers?) was the highlight of samuel winchester’s entire hunting career, despite having saved the world multiple times. he’d probs secretly have a major fanboy moment when he meets thor.
cas- mantis, vision, mobius, ajak, valkyrie
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cas and mantis’ interactions would consist of no words, no thoughts, just bonding telepathically by putting a finger on each other’s foreheads. he would also relate to vision & mobius, bc all 3 are extraterrestrial beings who have existed outside of time and fell madly in love with humanity (aka dean, loki, and wanda) they would all cry together bc their chaotic lovers are literally the most amazing people on the planet.
he would also relate to ajak bc just like himself, she was a warrior who later rebelled against her creator bc she learned that humans are beautiful beings, and they both have the power to heal!
also him & valkyrie would kick homophobic asses together.
jack- groot, shuri, ned, peter, kate
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imagine all of these teenagers going on a space adventure together in one of shuri’s spaceships. like guardians of the universe but make it gen z. i think jack & groot would be besties, shuri would constantly try to figure out the science behind jack’s powers, & peter would try to show jack nerdy pop culture stuff. also jack would kinda have a small crush on kate but ultimately he just admires her from afar and thinks she’s a badass.
also imagine wholesome moments between jack & ned like pls why can’t this be real
bobby- fury, alexei, phastos, rocket, happy
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imagine phastos, rocket and bobby all talking about engineering and shop. i think they would all build awesome stuff together and try to invent cool things! and fury would remind bobby of rufus bc of his sense of humor. he’d also get along with happy even tho he’d kinda think tony stark is too arrogant, but he’d eventually change his mind after he gets to know happy.
and idk why i think alexei would remind bobby of john winchester. oh wait, it’s bc they’re both questionable fathers who trained their children to become killing machines…
rowena- wanda, dr. strange, agatha, sylvie
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okay, witches assemble. i wouldn’t want to mess with this group of people, i’d rather eat a laptop before crossing them. like uff imagine wanda, agatha, and rowena forming a coven! that’s too much power in one trio. and rowena + dr. strange would make a cute couple imo since they both have questionable morals sometimes. also bc sylvie is also a magical being, i see them teaming up to cause some mischief.
jody & donna- pepper, aunt may, maria hill, hope
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ofcccc the wayward sisters would be besties with all of the women in marvel bc hello, they’re all girl bosses, every single one. but something about them getting along with the moms or mother figures like aunt may, pepper, & hope too bc scott has a daughter.
also bc jody and donna are cops they’d be so impressed by maria hill being a commander in shield, like wow such powerful queens.
crowley- tony, druig, drax
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these 4 give such dom!masc energy, it’s insane. all i can think of is “it’s about DRIVE, it’s about POWER! we stay hungry, we devour!”
but in all seriousness, tony & crowley would compete to see who can respond with the most sarcastic and witty remarks at all times. and technically druig also possesses people’s minds in the same way that demons do so put these 2 in the same room so we can see who’s mentally stronger. also drax would teach crowley fun ways to torture people (or vice versa).
lucifer- loki, kang, deadpool
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the amount of chaos that i envision this group of men causing is just criminal. combine loki & lucifer’s daddy issues and you just have 2 narcissists doing fatherless behavior. kang would look at these men and say “could i interest you in letting y’all rip the fabric of our reality and disturb every universal timeline?” deadpool would go along for the ride just so he can witness the scandal and bc he’s the only person who doesn’t complain every time lucifer decides to kill him.
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