#darred naberrie
stealingpotatoes · 1 year
And I'll Go With You
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Summary: After finding out about their long lost family, the Naberries invite Luke & Leia to the family home for a traditional Naboo dinner. Leia’s feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all.
(sequel to my pooja meets the twins comic that got too long (nearly 3k) and turned into a fic instead of a 2nd comic!!) -- [also on ao3!]
It wasn’t like Luke had been eating badly these past few months. Ever since the Rebellion had become the New Republic, rations had been swapped out for consistent, mostly-hearty meals. There were still battlefields and shoddy basecamps, of course, where the food primarily consisted of ration packs and whatever the base cooks could make with what they’d managed to get through battle lines. Yet those were slowly becoming the exception and not the rule, especially as Luke fell further into the ancient role of Jedi diplomat, helping Leia convince systems to join the New Republic. Battles in politics tended to mean fancy meals with too many people and food Luke couldn’t even begin to understand. Even moreso for him than most; politicians and the like were more than happy to offer their finest meals to the Jedi master who’d blown up the Death Star and supposedly defeated the Emperor. 
But none of that fine cheffery compared to the simple stomach-filling warmth of a home-cooked meal -- especially not a home-cooked meal prepared by his grandmother (he had one of those now!) for him, his sister, and their entire family. 
Luke looked around the Naberrie dining room, joy bubbling in his chest and stomach at the warmly-lit sight. Empty dishes and plates stretched across the long table, that had earlier been filled with all kinds of Naboo dishes Luke had never seen or tried before. At either head of the table, his grandparents sat laughing at something Ryoo, sitting by their grandmother, had just said. At Luke’s side, Leia was enraptured in a quiet conversation with their cousin and her old colleague, Pooja, that Luke imagined he wouldn’t understand even if he was listening. His aunt and uncle, Sola and Darred, were the only ones not seated, circling around the table and dilligently clearing up the wreckage of the family meal.
“Are you sure you don't want some help with that?” Luke asked Sola as she piled up another plate opposite him.  
“Really Luke, it’s alright,” she replied with a kind smile.
Luke half expected an assertion that he was their guest to follow, but none came. The blank space left a sunny feeling in his chest; he wasn’t a guest here, he was family. Completely and utterly welcome, as if he’d been a part of that family his whole life, and not as of a few days ago. 
He was so wrapped up in the small joy that he almost didn’t notice Leia’s quiet excuse me, before she gently placed her napkin down on the table and gracefully got up to leave the dining room. 
Luke doubted the Naberries thought anything of it -- Leia’s years of politics made her far too good at hiding her emotions to let them do otherwise. She was so good that even the strongest of force users might not have been able to sense it through her mental and expressive shields. But Luke was not any old strong force user; he was Leia's twin, and so her secret turmoil blared in his head like a whirring attack alarm. 
He cleared his throat and excused himself too, not sticking around to field anyone’s quick questions (though knowing he should’ve). He wound through the love-filled house, following his senses and memory of the tour they’d been given earlier to reach the starlike presence of his sister. He passed through only two short hallways, both’s walls were filled to the brim with memories he’d never known. Holos of his young cousins, of Sola and Darred on their wedding, and of a brown-haired woman Luke wished he’d known as mom. He’d learn every story behind each of the pictures and keepsakes, some day. 
He reached the back garden door -- a light, wooden thing, as ornately simple as the rest of the house -- and stepped into the early night. 
The garden was hardly cold, but the sudden coolness compared to the hearth-warmth of the house bit at Luke. He stared up for a moment. Three moons hung white in the sky, painting the white house walls and the green of the garden in blueish moonlight. It was strange how it reminded him of home and yet was so different. Tatooine too had three moons, though all it did was turn golden sand a deep, colourless blue or silver. Never the friendly blue of Naboo’s.
Shaking himself from the thought, he easily spotted his sister standing cross-armed in front of a neat, flowery maybe-vegetable patch. Her white, Naboo-style dress with puffy sleeves and a many-layered skirt stood out against the dark of the moonlit garden as if it were a small, fourth moon itself. 
Leia had bought the dress shortly before their diplomatic trip to Naboo for any formal dinners they would be invited to as a part of their Republic negotiations with the Naboo. It was, apparently, very strategically important to acknowledge the culture of those you wished to diplomatise with -- even if Luke and his poor galactic fashion knowledge thought the dress looked no different from any of her Alderaanian dresses. He supposed it was lucky he got to wear his Jedi robes everywhere. 
“Hey,” Luke started, stepping up beside her, careful not to get his boots too close to the pristine flowers. 
Leia smiled up at him, almost hiding her sorrowful expression. “Hi.” 
She glanced back at the windows of the house, where warm, orange light diffused out across the neatly cut lawn, not quite reaching their night-blue patch of the garden. “You didn’t need to come out here for me,” she half-apologised. “It’s cold, you should get back to dinner.” 
“I wanted to make sure you were okay.” 
Leia opened her mouth, but quickly closed it, as if realising I’m fine was a useless excuse to your brother who could sense your emotions. “You didn’t have to do that.” 
“You’re my sister, yes, I do,” Luke smiled with a slight shake of his head. After a breath, e leaned down slightly, trying to better enter Leia’s pointed-down sightline. “Hey, if you want to leave, I’m sure we can come up with some urgent New Republic excuse.” 
Leia was the far better liar, but Luke had the added advantage of being one of the only Jedi in the galaxy. If Leia didn’t come up with some political excuse, Luke could always make something up about the force that nobody could refute. 
Luke shrugged. “We’ve been here half the day, anyway, I’m sure they won’t take it personally if we miss one last course. There’ll be other--” 
“No, no, I want to stay,” Leia shook her head with a sure furrow of her brow. “Really, I just needed some air. I don’t-- I can’t leave this.” 
Luke nodded, hoping she didn’t notice how thankful he was that he didn’t have to go. 
“It’s a nice night to be out.”
“Mm. Naboo’s temperature is quite agreeable,” Leia said, her voice growing politically hollow. 
What were they doing, talking about the weather like they were at some stunted party? Luke wanted to say Leia, we both know I’m bad at this not-talking-about-feelings thing, please just tell me what’s on your mind, but he knew his sister well enough to know a brute-force question like that wouldn’t get much out of her. He needed to wait and let her talk on her own terms. So Luke left a gentle space in the air between them, one that Leia could fill when she was ready. Only quiet night birds and the faint rustle of garden trees were so brave as to interrupt it. 
“Maybe I came out here for more than air…” Leia mumbled, predictably rewarding the silence after some long moments. “It's only that they’re so… I don’t know how to say this.” 
“It’s okay, you can say whatever it is,” he managed through the slight panic entering his mind. Did Leia not like their new family? But they were so nice! They were perfect! 
Clearly noticing the worry knotted in his brow, Leia held her hands up. “No, no, it’s nothing against them. It’s barely even about them as people, it’s just…” 
Luke only watched for her continuation, aware all he could do was try to project his own comfort through the force.
Leia forced a deep breath in and out, clenching her eyes shut for a short moment. “When I lost Alderaan, I lost everyone. I lost my father, my mother-- anyone I’d so much as briefly considered family. I had nobody to call my own. Nobody. And I thought that was going to be it, forever. I thought that I would never have any family ever again.” 
“But then,” a smile crept onto Leia’s lips as she gave Luke a short glance, “you came blasting into my life and you told me about everything, and suddenly I had family-- I had a brother!”
“Blasting is a bit of a strong word…”
Leia levelled him a raised eyebrow. “Is there a weaker word you think fits better, then?”
Luke huffed out a chuckle, remembering how quickly their first meeting had devolved into a blaster fight and a narrow escape of death. “I guess blasting works.”
Leia let out a quiet sigh, her presence brightening. “And suddenly it’s not just you, it’s our grandparents, our aunt, our uncle, our cousins, and it’s all…” Leia trailed off. 
Luke nodded slowly. 
Finding the Naberries had been very different for the two of them, but only now did he appreciate the true difference in what their new family meant for them both. 
He’d had little cause to think of what new family meant to the two of them before, given how easily she accepted Luke as her brother, and how resolutely she refused to accept Vader as her father. Luke had thought it was so simple; that it was just Luke was good in her eyes, Vader was not. He saw now that it ran deeper than just Vader’s evil. 
Luke loved his aunt and uncle, but they’d never claimed to be his parents. They had always left room for Luke to long for a mother and father, to dream of the people they never spoke about. He had despised the reality of his father at first, but come to accept that while Vader was not the father he dreamed of, he was Luke’s father nonetheless. However awkwardly he had filled that lifelong gap.
To Leia, Vader was not only a villain, but an invasive species. A predator, encroaching on the still-sore memory of Bail and Breha Organa. He could not be her father; that position belonged solely and permanently to Bail and nobody else. Vader would only ever be relegated to a ‘birth father’ -- and that was only on days that Leia felt particularly merciful. 
The Naberries, on the other hand, didn’t stand to replace anyone. Padmé Amidala, their mother (force, that was weird to think), may have stood too close to Breha’s position -- but Luke suppose finding out your birth mother was your childhood hero and a founder of the rebellion was very different to finding out your parent was the Emperor’s genocidal attack dog. And even then, she was gone now. She could play little part other than a puzzle piece and a forgotten memory; she did not threaten to take a dead parent's place like the living Vader had once done. 
The rest of the Naberries were purely happy additions to their family. There was no limit to how many aunts and uncles and cousins you would have, and neither twin had ever had grandparents before. Their family had become so full and so big with only a chance meeting of Leia’s old Senate colleague Pooja (and some intervention from an unsettling resourceful woman named Sabé). It had all happened so fast, and it was so wonderful… and so easily overwhelming. 
Even Luke struggled to get his mind over all the sudden expansions to his once-thought-gone family, and his grief over two family members and strange hermit mentor was hardly comparable Leia’s planet-sized grief. He knew it wasn’t, because he had felt the difference for himself, every time she saw a certain plant or a heard a certain phrase. Such little things would bombard their force-bond with the soul-crushing grief that had hit Leia out of seeming nowhere. 
Luke stretched the force out to Leia now, focusing on her shields as uninvasively as he could. Her heavy mantle of grief lay near-dormant, at least, but it was still present in the back of her mind. 
Leia glanced up at him from the flowers, perhaps sensing his search despite her lack of training. If she did, she made no comment. 
Luke put his flesh hand on her shoulder. 
Leia delicately rested her own hand on it, bringing her eyes to firmly meet his. “I am okay. It’s just… it’s…” Leia -- the princess whose educated words never faltered, the general who could muster the greatest of speeches out of thin air -- stuttered.
“It’s a lot to deal with,” Luke offered. 
Leia gave him a nod. 
“But you're not dealing with it alone,” he said, turning around to face Leia in full. After a moment of quiet staring up, she turned to face him too. “I know this isn't all quite the same for me. I know it’s… a different kind of difficult. Still, I’m here. I’m always here for you. And I’m sure all of them are too,” Luke said with a nod back to the house. 
Leia hummed in agreement-acknowledgement.
“I don't think they're expecting you -- expecting either of us -- to be completely and suddenly okay with this. I’m sure it’s almost as much for them as it is for us. But they're our family. We may not know each other very well yet, but they already love us so much.”
Luke knew it so certainly; he could sense all the Naberries’ love for the twins, as strong as the heat of the suns on a Tatooine noon. Mottled by cloudy grief in places, but always oh-so present. It radiated off each of them in waves whenever Luke and Leia were around. 
“I think I’m just trying to say it’s okay,” Luke concluded, losing steam in his speech. “However you’re feeling now, it’s gonna be okay.” 
Silence drifted between them, entirely comfortable and nothing like the eager, questioning one Luke had left earlier.
“Thank you,” Leia smiled finally.
Luke shook his head. “It’s nothing.” 
“No, really, thank you. I don’t think I say it enough, but I love you Luke. I’m-- thank you. For being my brother.” 
Before Luke could even think of replying, Leia crashed into him, wrapping her arms around his robes and shoving her face into his shoulder. Luke caved into the hug, pulling his arms tight around his sister in return. 
“I love you too,” he replied softly. 
They stayed like that for a good few moments, fused together like twin stars, basking in each other’s presence as if they truly were so. The galaxy seemed so utterly at peace in the garden around their tight-armed cradling, like it had never faced a single war or fight, like Luke and Leia had always been one and never been ripped apart by the tragedy of circumstance. 
Luke sensed Pooja’s presence -- joyous, if a little timid -- before he heard her treading over the grass towards him and his twin. The two of them pulled apart to face Pooja at the same time, arms still half-pressed together. 
Pooja came to a slow stop as they did, standing still in the bright square of warm window-light. It painted the the cream of her dress a loving orange and made her half-up curls near-glow with its source behind her. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt…” she started serenely, half-smiling at her cousins standing shoulder-to-shoulder in the blue near-dark. 
Leia shook her head, moving towards Pooja. “We were just about to come back in anyway.” 
Pooja brightened, bringing her hands to an almost-clap. “Perfect timing! I came to tell you Grandma’s about to serve up dessert. It’s cake, her speciality.” 
“Sounds wonderful,” Luke’s mouth watered at the thought of more of Jobal Naberrie’s cooking, despite the protests from his already-full stomach. 
“Not as wonderful as it tastes. Now come on!” Pooja over-gestured. “If we don't hurry, Ryoo will have eaten all of it before we get there!”
Leia laughed with all the gentle warmth of the Naboo sun. “We’re coming Pooja, don't worry!”
They followed their hurried cousin back to the nearby door, forming a line as they reached the portico of the entrance.
“I'm so happy we found you both,” Pooja admitted quietly as she held the door open for her cousins. The two of them stepped back into gentle embrace of the family home, something sweet hanging in the warm air. 
Leia gave Luke a quick glance before she turned to Pooja; “I’m happy we found you too.”
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spell-cleaver · 1 year
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The Protégé Chapter 34: Everything is Dangerous
As Luke is confronted with the unexpected, Alderaan is confronted by a violent Vader on their doorstep.
"Come inside," Ahsoka said calmly. Sabé hated that she could stay serene in even the worst of circumstances. She could too, but at least she had the decency to look repressed while doing it. "He escaped."
"He escaped? Why—"
"He didn't want to come. He insisted that he needed to stay with his mother."
Sabé glanced away, working her jaw. Had she already lost him?
"We anticipated that," she said, pushing past Ahsoka. It was a dinky little ship, big enough for one or two bunkrooms, a main room beside the cockpit, and one escape pod. An escape pod which, she realised when she marched past the ladder to that part of the wall, was gone. "How did you…?"
"He's a good liar. I thought he had come around."
Another thing he'd picked up from Padmé, then. Luke had never been a good liar.
"So you kidnapped him, he convinced you he was alright with being kidnapped, you took your eyes off him for one minute, and he launched the escape pod?" She laughed bitterly to hide the tears pricking her eyes. "I don't blame you. I can believe that of him."
"I thought as much, based on his parents."
"Don't talk about his parents. When did this happen?"
Read the rest on AO3 or on FFN! 
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wingletblackbird · 2 years
Wasn't Pooja Naberrie the Senator for Naboo and a friend of Leia's before they discovered they were cousins?
In the old EU, yes.
In the new canon, apparently not. They seem to have erased Pooja. They’ve also erased her father, Darred, which is all kinds of short-sighted.
Now if you go to wookiepedia, the canon section will just say that Pooja was a part of the Naberrie family, apparently Padme’s niece. No clue who her parents are.
I mean, she’s in rots following Padme’s casket. So she’s in canon, but thanks to the new canon, we also can’t say explicitly who she is. It’s ridiculous.
Honestly, I ignore it. It’s just another example of new “canon” breaking canon. It doesn’t work.
I personally take the PT and the OT to be canon. Everything else is apocrypha. If it fits, I’ll keep it. If not, I don’t! This is vehemently a case of “I don’t.”
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A clusterfuck of a Star Wars AU where Leia is raised on Naboo
So, I've always had this world in my mind where Anakin never turned evil and I always had a world in which Leia was raised by Sola Naberrie (Padmé's older sister) alongside her cousins Pooja and Ryoo. SO, I decided - best of both worlds and my mind created this shit show.
So Luke still went to the Lars, obliviously and he was raised by them but Leia went to Sola. Which made no sense for me - even if I'm the one who made this AU in the first place - because Palpatine wasn't dumb he would connect the dots that Leia Naberrie was Padmé and Anakin's child if he knew that Padmé Amidala and Padmé Naberrie were the same people.
So I decided that in my AU Padmé was a very common old name on Naboo (like their version of Mary) so no one knew that Senator Padmé Amidala/Queen Amidala was also a girl who came from modest origins (Padmé's parents and sister were pretty normal from what I can tell) and they assumed that the former Queen chose the name Padmé when she became a Senator and that it wasn't her real name (I imagine the handmaidens kept this rumor going around cause it protected Padmé Naberrie's identity better). So basically, we have a Hannah Montanna situation going. Just put some face paint.
(This means that it was Dormé's body at Senator Amidala's funeral and Padmé was buried wherever Naberries are buried and they say she died in childbirth while Padmé Amidala died pregnant. Imagine how Dormé died yourself if you want to cause I quite frankly have no clue.)
So, now, Leia Naberrie is being raised by her Aunt Sola and Uncle Darred (or just Aunt Sola for people who prefer the AroAce thing they did last minute) alongside her cousins Ryoo and Pooja.
But I wanted her to be a politician, rebel, and Princess so - I sort of lost control of this whole thing.
Leia Naberrie went into politics into a young age despite her aunt's reservations but the woman had watched her own mother try and fail to do the same with Padmé when she was younger and couldn't stop her own two daughters either so yeah.
The handmaidens who survived (Sabé, Rabé, Saché, Yané, Elitraé, Morteé) effectively became a part of the Rebel Alliance and Sabé especially looked out for little Leia knowing that with her mother's ambitions and her father's temperament she would only be a little troublemaker. This led to Leia joining the Alliance at age 14. No one could stop her and they didn't try if they knew what was good for them.
Meanwhile, talking about her life on Naboo she supported her friend Sosha Soruna for Queen in the elections (Sosha supported the Alliance knowing about it from Leia), and when Soruna won, she created a position for Leia in her Council that would effectively give her an in to spy into the Empire as she would follow Palpatine's lapdog Senator from Naboo (when he dies, Pooja will be the Senator) it's basically like Vice-President but it has another title: Princess.
So Princess Leia Amidala of Naboo (they assume she took the name to honor the deceased Senator and Queen, Leia did it to honor her mother) is a goddamn badass.
(Also there's a thing where they say that the "Rebellion was born on Naboo" cause Padmé started it and the rebels of Naboo and a lot of others call her the "Mother of the Rebellion.")
Now, about what Leia's knows of her parents:
She knows her mother was Queen Amidala and is told to never tell anyone (she doesn't even tell Sosha, not even anyone in the rebellion).
She doesn't know anything of her father because Sola lies and says that Padmé chose to have no husband or partner, you know, cause she doesn't want the young lady to get even more dangerous ideas.
(Anakin turning or not turning evil here is up to you, I just thought it would be super cool to have both of my AU's mashed up)
BUT when she's 15, Princess Leia (Soruna was elected when they were 13 out here) already a great leader in the Rebellion who can kick some ass because of the Handmaiden training which rivals even the Empire's training regiment, meets fellow rebel Torrent who many call Captain for some reason even though that's not his official rank.
Leia, for some reason *cough* the Force *cough* is curious about him. She gets talking to him and learns that he's a clone trooper and he was one of the few who didn't answer to Order 66. Torrent for some reason likes talking to this reckless Princess who reminds him eerily of another great General he once knew. She later learns that his real name is Rex.
(She also learns that he doesn't talk to anyone but Fulcrum about his past.)
She also meets Fulcrum, who is surprise surprise, Ahsoka Tano who tells her she is strong with the force. That's a whole 'nother thing with Ahsoka training Leia and getting her a lightsaber and a lot of fifty different things. Then she turns 17 and Ahsoka tells her about two people who Leia reminds her of: her Jedi Master, Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padmé Amidala.
(Ahsoka knows she's their child, she's got the force for fuck's sake it's just dramatics of the Disaster Lineage)
You can see where this is going, Leia certainly can, it became painfully obvious when she heard about the fact that there were some rumors that Knight Skywalker was having an affair with Senator Amidala.
She feels Betrayed by Aunt Sola and they have a shouting match. Leia leaves the life of Leia Naberrie behind full-time. She beats Palpatine's old lapdog and becomes Senator of Naboo at 18 while secretly trying to become a Jedi Knight like her father. She assumes this is all the secrets they kept from her. She is, of course, and is proven so when she meets Luke Skywalker at the age of 19.
Where this is in the Star Wars timelines?
Well, I'm gonna be honest I have no clue. Let's just decide that the Empire's the Empire and the twins destroy the Emperor. There's a Darth Vader redemption arc if the Empire takes Princess Leia as a prisoner just because they realize that she's Padmé Amidala's daughter and a rebel and Palpatine realizes that she's Anakin's daughter and he wants her trained as his apprentice because with a political mind like hers and looking at how strong she is she would be a force to reckon with (notice the pun he he he).
But the way I do it, I go far far away from the OG trilogy (Which is weird cause it's my favorite one out of all of the three of them):
Leia and Luke meet at 19. Obi-Wan will train him for longer, like since he was 16 because I just decided I will do a similar AU for Luke. There are no big changes, Luke grew up just the way he did in the OG trilogy with Owen and Beru except now Ben was secretly training him and telling him about his father who was a Jedi and he was 19 when Obi-Wan told him he had a sister too. All he knows about his mother is that: He has her spirit, apparently, and her heart. She was incredibly kind and brave and loved him very much. And lastly, she started the Rebellion which Ben tells him an hour before his death so that's not a lot to go on.
(There's a thing that everywhere but on Tatooine Anakin Skywalker is super famous and that baffles Luke a lot.)
Anyway, I just want soft one-shots about Rex and Ahsoka talking fondly about Anakin to Leia and Ob-Wan to Luke. And Sabé is basically Leia's version of Ben.
I'm just gonna add Bad Batch and Rebels characters down here later. Till then, this is it.
Also if you pick the Anakin-didn't-turn-evil option then Mace Windu lives. And briefly trains Leia.
and a little thing which inspired my idea of the anakin-doesn't-turn-evil-but-dies idea
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padme-amitabha · 4 years
Ok so this will probably be sad sorry, Ok so anakin died as he killed palpatine on coruscant and so padme dies after giving birth to the twins and ani and padme have their funeral on naboo. the twins go live with padmes family. I want to see what growing up for luke and leia will be like with their parents actually being dead this time and the twins knowing about who their awesome parents were like and ashoka and anakins step family. Thanks :)
I am not a fan of Ahsoka sorry so I won’t be mentioning her. 
“I want to join the academy too,” Leia decides during dinner.
“Ha! Didn’t you say you wanted to enroll in the Legislative Youth Program like our mom?” Luke teases.
“I can do both,” Leia says with a pout.
“Of course, she can,” says Aunt Sola with an encouraging smile. “Padmé might have chosen to become a politician but she was talented in many other things.”
“And your father too,” interjects Uncle Darred. “A Jedi Knight and a war hero-”
“Darred.” Aunt Sola gives him a pointed look.
“What? I was just saying their parents would be very proud of them.”
Jedi wasn’t something that was brought up in the dinner table very often, not because their uncle and aunt had prohibited it but rather because they tended to evade the topic. The twins were both force sensitive and once they turned nineteen, they would go to live with their other uncle and aunt, the Lars, on Tatooine as they trained with this old hermit named Ben Kenobi.
“It’s what their father would have wanted,” Ben had said when he had handed over the infants to the Naberries. Being a force-sensitive in the empire was incredibly dangerous and the imperial inquisitors were constantly on the hunt for new Jedi. Naboo, being the Emperor’s home world, remained fairly undisturbed but Sola and Darred were taking no chances. They had adopted Luke and Leia and refused to disclose anything about their biological parents to anyone else.
“You know, there’s always a better option like becoming an architect or a researcher or a painter – you can be anything,” chimes in Ryoo.
“I still think both of you should join public service,” says their other cousin Pooja. Pooja served as a Senator in the imperial senate and their aunt would often remark how she often reminded her of their mother. “It’s basically in your genes. Aunt Padme was a Queen and Senator.”
“I want to be a royal too,” mumbles Luke.
“Hey Uncle Darred, you never told us how our dad died,” says Leia. Sola looks concerned. But the twins were old enough and they were starting to get curious. They had a right to know how their parents had been betrayed by the Chancellor.
Their uncle straightens in his chair. “Well, it’s a long story, kids.” The twins stare at him with wide eyes, eager to know more about the parents they had heard so much about.
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anidalalover99 · 2 years
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Sola's Anniversary gift to Padme and Anakin.
Anakin and Padme Star Wars fanfic AU
* This fic has a mild intimate theme but its not explicit* - just thought I would put that out there.
"Padme, Anakin meet me in the living room for a moment", Sola quietly called to the young couple as they emerged from Padme's childhood room where two rambunctious toddlers finally slept. 
The Skywalkers were spending a weekend with Padme's family and that evening was their last before returning to Varykino. 
"Um, sure", Padme said.  
She and Anakin exchanged confused glances before following the eldest Naberrie sibling.
A fire still crackled softly in a hearth from over an hour ago when the whole family was  up having a cordial discussion.
Only small flames burned in a bed of embers as Sola flicked on a small light in the corner while carrying two bags. 
She sat across from her sister and brother - in law as the pair continued to watch her curiously and seated themselves on the sofa opposite Sola.
"What is going on? Padme asked. 
She interlaced her fingers with Anakin's and wrapped her other arm affectionately around his.  
"Now is a weird time to give us a present", Anakin commented, gesturing towards the items Sola had.  
A mischievous nature seemed to govern the  woman and she grinned, causing Anakin and Padme to stare at one another bewildered once more.
" I missed your 5 year wedding anniversary a few weeks ago because Darred and I had to go to Pooja's school about a project she did", Sola explained. 
"Then Ryoo had stomach poisoning from something she ate at school and had to be picked up early.
We were swamped with parenting. You know how it is with those adorable rascals of yours". 
The angelic faces of their son and daughter filled Anakin and Padme's minds and they smiled.
"Anyway," Sola continued, "I  bought you  a present to mark the occasion of your anniversary and to say sorry I missed it".
"Sola, you did not have to", Padme said.
"Anakin and I just spent the day with Luke and Leia  and had a pleasant dinner alone when mom came to watch Luke and Leia for us".
"Nonsense", Sola countered. She rose with a bag in each hand and dropped one on Anakin and Padme's lap. 
"You are my sister Padme  and you are a part of this family Anakin. I wanted to do something nice and besides, I think you two will really appreciate  these gifts. They complete a theme and so, keep that in mind when you open them".
Padme flashed her sister a questioning look, straightening her posture before she put her hand in the  bag. 
Anakin's mouth watered instantly at the cherry red and black lace lingerie set in his wife's hands. He raked his hungry gaze over the lace cups and thin lace panties.  Suddenly his sleep pants felt a little too snug for his tall frame and he shifted beside Padme all the while imagining how intoxicatingly beautiful she would look wearing the enticing piece.
"We like it thank you", he stated without another moment's hesitation. 
Padme however, flicked incredulous eyes toward Sola, who merely beamed, smug. 
The corset and panties were definitely tantalizing  and Padme wasn't surprised Anakin quickly approved.  She just remained shocked that her sister actually bought her something so sensual for private occasions between a married couple.
"Open yours ", Sola told the Jedi, ignoring her sister's reaction.
A thick ancient -looking book with a decorative print laid in Anakin's hold.  A silk red ribbon was tucked inside as the page holder. 
"Did you rob the Jedi Temple for this" he joked. He had not read the title yet and  only examined the book's appearance. 
But Padme leaned over to peek at what was written on the cover and Anakin, seeing her, followed suit. He and Padme sucked in a collective breath. 
Their jaws nearly touched the floor when  Anakin began turning a few random pages and a deep crimson hue colored their cheeks.
Sola's smile only grew as she registered the myriad of emotions displayed on their faces: shock, intrigue, curiosity and the ones she knew would eventually come, desire and anticipation.
When their gazes trailed up and down one another in a "particular manner", Sola knew  that she won them over and they were already considering putting the present to later use. 
As if she had been shaken out of a trance, Padme blinked and returned her attention to her sister.
" What on earth possessed you to give us something like this"? she asked.
" You don't like it?"
" Well no, I didn't say that", Padme assured. 
Her mind drifted to one of the pages she and Anakin looked over and she immediately visualized herself with him in that same illustration. Her core ached in agonizing arousal and  her grip on Anakin's thigh tightened. 
He chuckled softly and regarded her again. 
He knew what she was thinking and he lightly squeezed her hand  before he resumed where he was in the book.
Where Sola was concerned though, Padme  hoped her body didn't betray her thoughts. But the smirk on Sola's face confirmed she knew too. 
Padme sighed. 
" I am concerned our children will find this",
she finally managed to get out.
"Hide it", was Sola's reply. 
"Darred and I conceal ours and Ryoo and Pooja have never found it". 
"Our children have high Force sensitivity because of their father", Padme tried to reason. 
"And that is on top of them already being twins and 2 years old.  Leia and Luke get into everything. 
Anakin has to keep finding new places to hide his lightsaber because they somehow always find it and if they accidentally ignite it….." 
"So you are saying, you don't want it", Sola said. 
"No", I just...don't know how to keep our children from finding it."
-"We will find a place for it", Anakin interjected. Padme was surprised he drew  his focus away from Sola's gift. 
"I promise we will find a spot my angel and our two little twin terrors will not find it", he insisted but Padme glared at him, unconvinced.
He drew closer to her and huskily whispered in her ear,"I know you want to keep this." Anakin snuck a swift sweep of his tongue behind her ear and kissed her pulse point. Padme mewled in response and Anakin beamed.
The Naboo senator chewed on her bottom lip hesitantly while casting another look down at the book. 
There was so much she and Anakin could do together. Deep down she knew parting with the book was simply out of the question. 
Padme finally nodded and buried her face in Anakin's shoulder as if  too shy to face her sister. 
Sola, witnessing the amusing and sweet interaction, cleared her throat.
"So is that a yes", she asked and Anakin answered for himself and Padme.
Sola rose and embraced Padme and Anakin.
"Happy Anniversary", she congratulated  again and smiled.
"I will see you both in the morning. Have a good night".
Padme's sister ambled up the stairs to the bedroom where her husband and two daughters awaited her. 
"That was awfully nice of your sister", Anakin said after a few moments of silence. 
"Yes, it was", Padme admitted.
She pulled away to refold the clothing and placed it back in her gift bag. Padme reached for the book and promptly put it with the lingerie set as well. 
"Might as well put these away before my mother or father wakes up and sees them", she advised.
Anakin looked at her perplexed.
"We are adults and married with children", he said, " I am sure they can understand now since they are married themselves."
Padme just shook her head.
" I know my love but the thought of my parents finding those in my possession, embarrasses me. And father might look at you with murder in his eyes  should he think you will do any of what is in that book with me, " she pointedly added.
Anakin stared at her, seeming to remain confused.
"It's an overprotective father thing, something you will probably feel too when Leia is older.."
Anakin understood now and didn't want to think about all the boys he would likely strangle just for ogling at his little princess. 
But Padme gave him little time to dwell further on the future when she crashed her  lips on his.  
"Ani", she whispered and snuggled closer to him. 
Anakin heard the sultry tone in her voice and shuddered when he felt her hand slide underneath his nightshirt and  she  caressed his toned, muscled chest.
"YY-es, angel".
Padme curled her lips into a seductive smile. "You can most certainly recreate many of those illustrations with me when we are alone in our home".
Anakin matched her smile  and cupped Padme's chin underneath his hand.
" As milady wishes" he answered and claimed her mouth once again. 
The couple knew they were in for a treat and  they knew their  twins may find themselves with a new sibling  soon. 
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
Title: every planet, every star, every single grain of sand [chapter 11] Summary: The story in which Vader makes 10-year-old Luke Emperor. AN: Chapter 11 in which I fix a plot hole and introduce Pooja Naberrie, one year before her cousin becomes Emperor. Tiny Emperor Luke AU is back in action!
Read on AO3
Her name was Pooja Naberrie and she was eleven when she decided her Mom should never ever have to give a speech again.
She was young, but even then she realized that her mother didn’t want to talk about Aunt Padmé or the Empire or sacrifice or all the other things she was forced to repeat endlessly. Her mother was a great orator, she told the best bedtime stories. Sola Naberrie crafted sentences together as Naboo’s most stunning painters covered canvasses with impossible images. When listening to her, Pooja felt like she could smell the sweet flowers Sola used in her metaphors, or hear the ocean roaring in the background of a clever comparison. Her mother was a bright and vibrant spirit and Pooja wanted to be just like her, so it hurt her to see her mother all dressed up for Empire Day, taking center stage in Theed’s biggest halls and speak about Aunt Padmé in shades of gray and glory, that fit in so well with the imagery the Empire had created but had very little to do with how Pooja remembered Padmé.
She wished they wouldn’t have to attend Empire Day every year. They were supposed to be remembering Padmé happily, eating her favorite fruits and releasing lanterns into the night sky, but instead, their family was dragged in front of the entire Empire to hold a speech about better futures, evil Jedi and doing what was right. The Padmé of her mother’s speeches didn’t resemble the woman her mother usually talked about. She had been a warrior Queen, the first in decades, loud and vibrant and never would have accepted the Empire’s tyranny.
Looking back, Pooja knew she had never spent as much time with her aunt as she thought he had. Padmé had been a busy person and she’d lived on Coruscant and not back in Theed with them, but nobody could forget Queen Amidala so easily. Pooja recalled how warm her smiles had been and how she used to sneak Pooja candies when her parents weren’t looking.
Pooja had been so young still when her aunt had died, but she knew that Padmé had been supposed to come home with her baby and Uncle Ani whom they were supposed to call Knight Skywalker over the holocalls, but they never really stuck to that. Pooja had been too young then to understand that the two them weren’t supposed to be married, that there were rules about that kind of thing. All she had known was that her family was bigger and that Ani had been a part of it.
But Padmé had never come home. Instead, her aunt, her uncle and their baby had died and Pooja had to watch her mother give a stupid speech every year.
It made her angry, angry in a way that it worried her parents and grandparents, angry enough that she signed up for the politics track at school and got into screaming matches with her family about it.
At sixteen, Padmé had been Queen already.
Pooja didn’t want to be Queen, though she had certainly dreamed about training as a handmaiden like every other girl.
At sixteen, Pooja only had her eyes set on becoming more known than her mother. Just brave and bold enough that one day they wouldn’t push her mother on stage, but that Pooja could step up and let her mother rest. So Pooja did well in her classes, she wrote speeches and songs and poems, joined as many clubs as she could, went to every rally and paid attention to every political upheaval on Naboo and in the Core. She skipped grades and advanced and brushed past her parents’ worry with the strength of Shiraya, the goddess who had guided her aunt through troubling times and hopefully would do the same for Pooja.
The last day of her childhood started with the ring of the doorbell. It was a national holiday, the day before the official Senatorial campaigns started across the planet, and Pooja had slept in. She ate sweet bread for breakfast and didn’t bother to change out of her sleeping clothes. Her family had decided that today would be a lazy day for all of them. No work, no debates, only relaxing. Pooja had been very much on board with that. She’d stayed up all night finishing another assignment that was bound to get her involved in the Royal Court. And if not, she’d throw around her last name because Pooja was still aiming to get involved in politics. She knew how to fight dirty.
“I’m getting it,” her father said as the doorbell rang. A few moments later he returned, holding a letter and frowning. “It’s for you.”
Pooja accepted the letter and looked it over. She wasn’t expecting any mail, especially any that would go to her home address the old fashioned way, sealed off by the sign of the Royal House.
Sensing her family’s eyes on her, Pooja only shrugged. “I don’t know what that’s for either.”
Carefully, she opened the letter and took the flimsi inside out of it.
“Dear Pooja Neberrie, we are hereby inviting you to the Royal Palace of Theed for the Senatorial elections…” Pooja trailed off and read the rest of the letter in silence. She hadn’t signed up for the election, yet the letter clearly was treating her like a candidate, inviting her formally.
Sola took the letter out of her daughter’s hands and read it over, quickly frowning as well.
“Pooja,” she began to say, “did you-“
“No!” Pooja quickly interrupted her mother and jumped up, pacing across the kitchen. “I don’t want to be Senator and I’m way too young anyway.”
To make up for their young monarchs, Naboo had older, more experienced Senators. Of course, everybody could join the campaign, it would be rather ridiculous if they forbid it when their royalty were all elected children, but nobody that age ever actually had a chance.
“This must be a mistake,” her father said seriously, a hint of worry clinging to his words.
Pooja could count the times she had seen Darred Naberrie nervous or worried on two hands. Her father never liked showing how he felt, especially when he felt like it wasn’t productive to the situation.
“Probably,” Pooja agreed and went to call the Royal House to settle the issue.
It was not a mistake, she learned then, looking at the saddened face of her current queen. Pooja Naberrie was scheduled to campaign for the position as Naboo’s Senator and she was to arrive at the palace as she had been informed.
In the first moments after she’d heard the news, she was torn between fear and rage.
Pooja couldn’t possibly win the election for becoming Naboo’s Senator. She was known as a young and promising future public servant, but she wasn’t a good candidate for the second most powerful position on their planet.
In the end, it was fear that won out when she first stepped into the palace’s halls and all the other candidates, decades her senior, looked at her with barely disguised pity or anger. They all seemed to sure that she would win and Pooja desperately tried to cling to the notion that maybe this was all a mistake.
Their current Queen was her age, how was Pooja supposed to advise her on how to best proceed with ruling their planet when she had no practice doing so?
Her hopes were crushed when the Emperor sent his regards to the Naberrie family for bringing forth yet another remarkable Senator. The news arrived a day before anybody could possibly know who had actually won the election.
Pooja’s campaign had been short, local. She didn’t have enough funds and those she had were mostly spend on charities. She figured she could at least do some good with her spotlight, but in every other election it wouldn’t be enough to make her Senator.
She won anyway.
The Emperor had congratulated her on it as if he shouldn’t busy himself with a thousand different things. His homeworld or not, the Naberries, upstanding supporters of the Empire or not, he shouldn’t have the time to care about them, but he did.
The threat couldn’t be more obvious and Pooja should be mature about it, accept her fate and let only her make-up and dresses express her grief and fear, yet she couldn’t keep her thoughts to herself.
“I don’t want to go,” Pooja cried into her mother’s shirt on her last day on Naboo.
The tears wouldn’t stop falling and not even her mother’s gentle words could calm her down. She hadn’t wanted this. Pooja had made plans with many steps and other contingencies to consider for her future and none of them had included being Senator at sixteen.
“You can do it, sweetheart,” Sola said and brushed her unruly brown hair out of her face. “It's just a few years and we’ll visit as often as we can. Jar Jar will be there as well, he’s a good man and you can trust him. Just follow his lead and don’t endanger yourself.”
A hundred questions wanted to escape Pooja but she couldn’t open her mouth, didn’t dare ask them because she feared what answer she would receive should she say them out loud. The Emperor had obviously rigged the campaign so that she would be elected, what would stop him from doing it a second time? Making her Senator ensured that the Emperor’s beloved Naboo wouldn’t dare step even a hairsbreadth out of line, spread traitorous words about freedom.
Naboo, whose beloved Queen Amidala had become a martyr for the Empire, whose speeches of democracy had been twisted and turned, hidden and corrupted until all that remained of Padmé Naberrie was the idea of a brilliant woman who had dreamed of peace, freedom, justice and security for the great Empire.
“I’m supposed to represent our people,” Pooja whispered when she found her voice again. She shouldn't selfish and put her own well-being above them.
“And you will do so by staying alive despite everything the Empire does to you,” her mother told her. Her embrace was so tight, Pooja felt like she couldn’t breathe, yet she’d loath if her mother dared to loosen her grip even just slightly. “You will be as brave and strong as our lakes are deep and return home to us safe and healthy. Can you promise me that, Pooja?”
Pooja nodded and then let all her tears fall again, disappearing in the bright red fabric of her mother’s clothes. Pooja had this one last night left, she would cling to her home and pray she may return to it someday.
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gemmaswriting · 4 years
Multi-chapter Stories
Fatefully Yours: 2/50 (NSFW)
“The two sons of Skywalker are set to inherit a galaxy once Emperor Sidious dies, but Prince Anakin and Prince Vader are bound to rules set to control their lives and forbid them from going after what they desire and love. However, one night, one party changes everything and sets Senator Amidala of Naboo, Prince Anakin and Prince Vader on a path none could ever have imagined...”
Wake your soul: 1 / 2
“Anakin knew Padme too well for such a farce. The useless battle droids he commanded would never have been able to capture her unless she wanted them to. She was the fiercest thing he'd ever encountered in all three years of the war. She was here because she wanted to be.” 
Deception: 3 / 4 (NSFW)
“They're asking us to pretend we're married… While we pretend we aren't married…" Padme can't decide if it's pure irony or a cruel joke by the Gods. Either way she can't believe this is happening… She wants to laugh and cry at the same time."
I wouldn’t have to say you were the one that got away 2 / 2 (NSFW)
“Clovis was the right choice, the smart choice, yet she sought Anakin's passion to fill a void the real life romance clearly couldn't…Even after the inevitable break up – Padme was too good to keep such secrets – he held her as she sobbed, hating herself for hurting the guy. Strangely, as badly as that had stung, he knew he'd rather have the pain she brought him than nothing at all”. 
Hold me in your arms and I’m home 7 / ? (NSFW)
“It's the ten year reunion for students from Coruscant high and more importantly, a long awaited reunion for two former lovers. (Modern AU!)”
Conference 14 / ? (NSFW)
“They talk for a little longer about Leia, her progress and where she hopes the girl will be with her studies by the end of the year before Padme reaches for the painting she looked at earlier and slides it across the table so Anakin can see it too. She just hopes she isn't about to overstep the mark with this. "This is something Leia painted. Her family." Modern AU!” 
Cause all I want is you 4 / ?
“The only way to save the Galaxy from this terrible sickness, to save her sister and Darred, was to face the one man Padme had never believed she'd ever see again. For, the mysterious and cruel Vader was someone she'd once known so very well. Someone she'd always believed so much in. Someone, she'd even come close to marrying once.”
Connection 4 / ? (NSFW)
“But if they are ever caught… He could be expelled. Jedi are not forbidden to sleep with Jedi, however she is still a Padawan to Master Windu… His refusal to put her forward for the trials adds anger to the pot of emotions boiling between them. It's inappropriate; Knights cannot be seen to have affairs with Padawans.”
Sins of the Father 22 / ?
“ROTS re-write! The fall of a hero... And a father.”
Finding Peace 4 / ? (NSFW)
“The Clone Wars are over but Padme finds surviving in a time of peace is much more difficult. When she runs into her old friend Obi-wan who introduces her to Anakin Skywalker, she discovers maybe, just maybe, she can be happy again after all.” 
It’s a Dangerous Love Affair 12 / 12 (NSFW)
“Lies, masks, blood and sex. The criminal underworld will swallow you up and spit you out again. One wants revenge and the other wants peace. Can their affair bring the downfall of the two biggest gangs of the underworld?”
Of mutated worlds 24 / 25 (NSFW)
“Nobody saw the end of the world coming. It happened overnight, no warning, no escape. They came from the shadows, biting, paralysing, and killing little by little until they were the majority. One day, everything was normal and then, suddenly, Padme Amidala Naberrie woke up in hell. Anidala/Vaderdala”
Step by Step 4 / 4 (NSFW)
“Ballet AU! In her first starring role, Padme Amidala is partnered with world-famous Anakin Skywalker to tell the story of an angel's seduction by Lucifer, the King of Hell. Can she keep up? Where does one draw the line between business and pleasure?”
Ships in the night  6 / 6 (NSFW)
“A confession changes Anakin and Padme's relationship forever. Can she come to terms with the revelation and a desire she never knew she had or is the Jedi Code worth preserving? Can there ever be more than friendship between two Jedi?” 
Home is where you are 3 / ?
“Seven years ago, Anakin Skywalker took the opportunity to join the Tatooine Dodgers, the biggest baseball team in the USA, even if it meant leaving his beloved Padme Amidala at the alter. One day, fate draws him back to their hometown and Anakin discovers he left more than just a wedding behind that day...”
Across the Stars 19 /? (NSFW/SFW)
“A collection of Anidala oneshots, prompts and AUs.”
Just you and me far beyond the sea 3 / ? (NSFW)
“After his ship is attacked by pirates, Captain Anakin Skywalker's life is saved by a siren named Padme. When this woman appears on land with a pair of legs, Anakin can't help but feel drawn to the mysterious woman. But Padme has secrets and the burden of duty on her shoulders. As the pair grow closer, she must find out which is stronger, the call of love or the call of the ocean?”
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padawanlost · 4 years
Sola Naberrie’s wiki says that in canon she is asexual but chose to have children and remain unmarried, however in the legends wiki page it says she married a man and settled down with him. I’m confused and not sure if I should even trust the wiki since these are two very different lifestyles????
Well, first of all, being asexual doesn’t mean you can’t get married or have children. and, as far as i remember, canon never got into Sola’s sexuality/identity. So, technically, her orientation is entirely up to you. In canon, she’s the married to Darred Janren and is the mother of two girls. We don’t know much beyond that. 
Anyway, you can trust wookieepedia, just know that Disney and Original canon are two separate things. On that note, i don’t get involved with DisneyAU so i have no idea what they are doing with their EU (nor I want to).I can only help you with the original canon :)
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dettiot · 4 years
Don’t Freak Out
A gender-swapped Chuck AU 
“Happy 27th, Padme!” 
Doing her best to smile, Padme Naberrie took the margarita from her brother-in-law. “Thanks, Darred.”
“My amazing sister,” Sola said, coming up to kiss her cheek.
Padme huffed and took a healthy swig from her drink.
“Oh, Padme,” Sola tsked softly. “It’s been five years since Stanford. I know how awful it all was--”
“What, you mean my best friend sleeping with my boyfriend and then getting me kicked out for cheating? Yeah, ‘awful’ is a bit of an understatement.” 
Sola and Darred exchanged one of those married-couple looks, then Darred wandered off to leave the sisters alone. 
“Padme,” Sola said firmly yet sympathetically. “I know you think politics isn’t possible for you now. I know you had everything all planned out. But you can still make a difference, accomplish everything you wanted to do--it just has to happen in another way. You’re a genius. You can find a way, I know it.” 
Hearing her sister be so encouraging, so supportive, made Padme feel lower than a snake. But . . . Sola just didn’t get it. When Sabe had betrayed her, all of the dreams and hopes of Padme’s life had vanished. And despite Sola’s belief, Padme didn’t think she could get it back. 
“I just . . . I can’t get over it, Sola. I can’t just say ‘I’ll get over it tomorrow” and move on,” Padme said. 
Sola looked sad and shook her head. “You’re the only one holding you back, Padme.”
Shrugging her shoulders, Padme drained her margarita, wincing a little at all the tequila and blowing her hair out of her eyes. “Yeah, I guess so, but at least I know what to expect, then.”
And with that, she left her sister and went to find Jar-Jar and hide from all of the people at this party that her sister had invited. 
See, video games made sense. Good triumphed and the bad guys were defeated. They made sense, Padme thought to herself as she moved through the maze, looking for both Jar-Jar and their target. 
A soft beep from her computer was easy for her to ignore, but Jar-Jar, as usual, was on top of everything. “Uh-oh.” 
“Uh-oh?” she asked as she came up behind the target and shot them. She felt a ripple of guilt and looked over at Jar-Jar. 
“You got an email from Sabe,” Jar-Jar said, his voice full of disdain and anger. 
Padme wished she could feel anger. But no . . . all she felt was fear. Because why was Sabe emailing her? What could her old friend have to say to her? Was she going to hurt Padme in yet another way? 
Dropping her controller, Padme crossed over to the computer and frowned at the subject line. “Zork? What?” 
“What?” Jar-Jar echoed in confusion. 
“It’s an old text-based computer game we both liked,” Padme explained, staring at the screen. “I don’t get it.” 
Jar-Jar’s phone started making the super-annoying text noise, and he pulled it out. “Yikes--Mom wants me to get home. I gotta jet.” 
“Okay,” Padme said distractedly, still staring at the email. She did manage to look over at Jar-Jar with a smile. “Peddle safe!” 
Once her friend was gone, Padme hesitated for a long moment, then reached out and tapped the mouse to open the email. There was something attached . . . some kind of file?
Feeling a spark of curiosity, Padme opened it, smiling a little as the troll scenario loaded. A thousand different feelings went through her. Maybe this was Sabe’s attempt at an olive branch? Perhaps she was trying to gauge Padme’s reaction, to know if they could rebuild their friendship?
Because Padme had missed Sabe so much, despite what she had done. Even after all this time, she didn’t know why Sabe had turned against her. And she wanted to know. And she wanted her friend back.
“Attack troll with nasty knife,” Padme typed. 
The screen went black and Padme frowned as she stood up. What the-?
Suddenly, a wall of images appeared on-screen. Padme swallowed, unable to look away, unable to even blink, as a stream of images were fed directly into her brain. 
It felt like it lasted forever and for a split-second, and the next thing Padme knew, it was morning.
With a sigh, Padme adjusted her tie and headed into the Buy More. She had a pounding headache--whatever had happened with that email Sabe had sent her, it had messed up her head and her computer.   
Stepping behind the Nerd Herd counter, she looked through the folders, hoping against hope that there would be some kind of tricky computer problem, a big install, anything to keep her mind distracted. But there was nothing, so she slumped down in her chair with another sigh. 
“Ooooh, not havin’ a very merry unbirthday, huh?” Jar-Jar said, slouching against the counter. His bright green polo made his tan skin look washed out, which should be impossible. 
Padme shrugged. “Just . . . Sola tried to talk to me, and . . .” 
Jar-Jar nodded sympathetically. “She’s worried about you. It makes her a good sister. And really hot.” 
“Ugh, Jar-Jar, we talked about this,” Padme said, shooting her best friend a look. His long-standing crush on Sola had only gotten more embarrassing since she had married Darred.
“I know, I know,” Jar-Jar said, his big ears turning red. “But Padme--”
Clumsy as always, he knocked the file sorter off the top of the counter, sending papers falling all over the floor. 
“Ooops?” he said, wincing.
“I’ve got it,” Padme said, crouching down behind the counter to pick up everything and organize it.
“Pssssst, Clark Kent comin’!” 
Huffing, Padme felt her bad mood dissipating a little. That was Jar-Jar’s special ability, really: he could always make her laugh. 
“Clark Kent? Really? Doubtful, Jar-Jar,” she said, gathering up the last of the papers and standing up. 
Then she got a look at the man approaching the Nerd Herd desk, and Padme dropped the papers again.
Because his hair wasn’t dark like Clark Kent’s, but a sandy brown. But otherwise? Yeah, this guy was a total Clark Kent. Tall, broad-shouldered, confident walk, and the bluest eyes she had ever seen. 
“Clark Kent?” the man said with a charming smile, his eyes locked on Padme’s. 
“Yeah . . . like Superman,” she said, staring back at him. 
“I see,” the man said. 
Jar-Jar started humming the wedding march, and Padme turned and glared at him. That made Jar-Jar suddenly decide to go help a customer who did not need any help. 
Taking a deep breath, she looked back to the man, trying to act professional and cool and not like a giant loser. “Hi, how can I help you?” 
The man nodded, his lips quirking, and held out a cell phone. “I’ve got a cracked screen, and the sign outside said you repair them?” 
“Oh, yeah--sure,” Padme said, taking the phone and trying not to notice how his fingers brushed against hers and gave her tingles. 
Setting the phone down on the counter, she got to work, falling into the rhythm. “Just have to pop this off and put on the new one . . . there you go, good as new,” she said, handing him the phone back.
His eyebrows went up and Padme couldn’t help feeling warm all over from his impressed look. “You’re good.” 
“Oh . . . no, not really,” she said, flushing. “Just glad I could help.” 
Before the man could say anything else, a frantic-looking dad rushed up to the counter holding a video camera, with a little ballerina in tow. “I don’t understand, I taped the whole recital, but it’s not there!”
Padme gave an apologetic look to the man and took the camera, opening up the tape slot. “Um, there’s no tape in here.” 
“But it’s digital,” the man said blankly. 
“Yes . . . digital tape. You still need a tape in here,” Padme explained, feeling her heart sink, just like the dad’s did. 
She couldn’t help glancing at the man again, who was watching her with a level of interest she didn’t quite understand. Then she looked back at the dad. “Let’s see what I can do.” 
Padme applauded, as well as several other customers, as the ballerina finished her routine. She looked around and sighed as she realized the man had vanished. She hadn’t even gotten his name . . . 
Not that it would matter. After all, why would a guy like that be interested in some girl who worked at a Nerd Herd counter? 
Something about the news cast on one of the Buy More’s sample TVs drew her attention. The anchorwoman was talking about some big-time general coming to LA, due to arrive that afternoon. 
Suddenly, a string of images appeared before Padme’s eyes, sending a spike of pain into her temple. And with the pain came . . . knowledge. 
“He’s already here. He arrived last night.” 
What? She frowned, trying to understand how she knew that. 
At the sound of Jar-Jar’s voice, Padme turned towards him, rubbing her forehead. Her best friend was grinning widely at her. 
“He left a card!” he called out, holding up a small white business card.
Her heart pounded and Padme quickly hurried over, grabbing it from Jar-Jar. “Anakin Skywalker,” she said, staring at the words. “Oh my God.” 
Could it be . . . her luck was starting to change?
Today was the weirdest day of her life. And that was saying a lot, considering what had happened yesterday. Between the weird flashes of knowledge, feeling ultra-attracted to a complete stranger, and then someone breaking into the apartment she shared with Sola and Darred to steal her computer . . . yesterday had definitely been weird.
But then today, there had been the strange, intimidating man at the Large-Mart, the man she knew was an international assassin. And then . . . Anakin had shown up at the Buy More and asked her out. 
Like, in the flirtiest way possible! Her knees had melted when he looked at her and said, “There’s something wrong with my phone--I didn’t get a call from you.” 
Just thinking about those words made her feel hot all over. Because Anakin was just--he was handsome and smart and made her feel like she was interesting and cool and not a giant fuck-up.
God, was her outfit good? She looked down at the red top and black skirt she was wearing. Yeah, this was good. Heels were a necessity tonight--Anakin was so tall and she didn’t want to get a crick in her neck as she looked up at him.
Taking a deep breath, Padme opened the door of El Mariachi and stepped inside the Mexican restaurant, looking around. 
“Padme!” Anakin crossed over to her, smiling at her. “Hey. You look great.” 
“So do you,” she said, taking in his black button-down and well-fitting jeans.
His smile got even warmer, which should be impossible, but it did. “This way,” he said, resting his hand lightly on her back and making her tingle all over.
They took a seat in a booth and Padme smiled, trying to remember all the rules about dates. Like not talking about exes, going too fast, going too slow . . . 
“So, welcome to LA,” she said. “You’re doing Mexican tonight. Then you just need to do Korean and street food, and you’ll have the full view of the culinary landscape.” 
Anakin let out a soft laugh. “Thanks,” he said, looking at her like he was fascinated with her. 
She blushed and took a sip from her water. “What brings you to town?” 
“Work,” he said with a shrug. “I got transferred here. And I feel . . . pretty aimless. I don’t know anyone here, and I left . . . well, I was dating someone in DC, and it was serious, but--but I felt like I had gotten lost in her. Her friends were mine, her goals were mine, and . . . that’s not really sustainable.” 
Padme nodded, listening and marveling at his sensitivity.
“I’m sorry,” she said slowly. “But . . . but that’s good, that you recognized it.” 
He nodded and gave her a lopsided smile. “Yeah. How about you? What do you like to do?” 
“Oh . . . you know,” Padme said, trying to smile. “I listen to music . . . I play video games . . . I like to go to the beach.” 
His nose wrinkled. “I know this is probably blasphemy, but I don’t like the beach.” 
“Whaattt?” she said, drawing out the word and beaming when Anakin laughed. 
“I don’t like sand,” he said. 
“Ahhh,” Padme said. “See, I was sitting here, trying to think what was wrong with you, and it was down to ‘he hates sand’ or ‘he’s a cannibal’. And I was kinda hoping it was cannibal, because I’ve never met one . . .” 
Anakin laughed harder and Padme couldn’t help her smile at him.
How had her life become marked by weird? 
There were those cars with flashing lights that went past them on the way to the club, cars that she knew were going to the Ambassador Hotel. And then, when they got to the club, Anakin started acting . . . weird. 
He kept looking around, like someone was following them. But when she tried to look around, too, he noticed what she was doing and pulled her out on the dance floor, despite her protests. And then he was dancing, all cool and hot, pulling her in close to him, holding her close, and . . . 
It was too much. Because he smelled so good, and he was so warm, and Padme had never been so attracted to anyone in her whole entire life. 
Not even Rush. 
And then Anakin grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the club. 
“Anakin--Anakin, what’s going on?” she asked, looking around wildly and spotting a ginger-haired man in a dark suit coming out of the club. 
“Get in the car, Padme,” Anakin said, his voice firm and low and very, very serious. 
“But--this isn’t your car--how--?” she asked as he opened the doors of a Fiat 500. 
Anakin pushed her into the car and slid across the hood, getting behind the wheel. 
“Anakin!” she shrieked as he floored the car. She grappled with the door handle, only for the locks to engage.
“You will tell me what’s going on right now!” she demanded, looking at him.
His jaw clenched and he looked over at her. “That email from your friend Sabe? Did you open it?” 
“How . . . how do you know about that?” Padme asked, staring at him. 
“Did you open it?” he asked again, raising his voice. 
Padme felt her mouth go dry. “Yes . . . ?”
Anakin cursed and jerked the wheel as something made the back window break into a million pieces. 
“Get down,” he said, pushing her head down towards her lap, but not roughly like she thought he would. 
The car swerved and bumped as Anakin drove it. Padme felt her heart pound, wondering what in the hell was happening. 
Suddenly, the car jerked to a stop and Anakin threw open the door. “Out, out, out!” he said, coming around the car and grabbing her hand. He pulled her towards a building, one that . . . she recognized?
It was . . . 
“The Ambassador Hotel!” she gasped. 
Anakin stopped and looked at her. “What?” 
Before she could reply, a deep male voice spoke. “It’s late and I’m tired. Tell me everything so I can finish this and then go get some huevos rancheros.” 
Anakin frowned. “Kenobi, what are you doing here?” 
Padme looked from Anakin towards the ginger-haired man who came up towards them . . . with a large black gun in his hand. She didn’t know what was going on, but . . . she couldn’t help taking a small step behind Anakin. 
“Same reason you’re here,” Kenobi said, eyeing Padme. “Found yet another damsel in distress?” 
The pounding in her head made Padme swallow, looking towards the hotel. Why--why did she know something was going to happen in the hotel? Think, Padme, think!
“We--we have to get to the hotel!” she said, yanking on Anakin’s shirt sleeve as the pieces fell into place. “There--there’s an assassin, he’s going to kill that General Stanfield guy!” 
“What?” Anakin said, looking down at her.
“How could she know that?” Kenobi asked, his hand twitching around his gun. 
Padme looked up at Anakin, trying to convince him. Hoping she could trust him. 
“Oh, fuck,” Anakin said, blinking. “You opened the email . . .” He looked over at Kenobi. “She’s got the Intersect.” 
“What?” Kenobi said, his eyebrows raising. 
“What’s the Intersect?” 
Anakin rubbed his cheek. “The Intersect is a computer--all the intel that the CIA, the NSA, and other intelligence groups gather is encoded into images and fed into the Intersect. The computer looks for all kinds of hidden connections. Sabe stole it, and . . . she sent it to you.”
Padme felt like her legs were about to go out from under her.
“Wait--so you’re telling me all our secrets are in her head?” Kenobi asked, raising his gun.
Faster than she could blink, Anakin drew a gun, too, and pointed it at Kenobi. “You’re not going to kill her.” 
Kill her? Padme swallowed, feeling like she was going to puke. She--she couldn’t--she was just a supervisor for the Nerd Herd, she made twelve dollars an hour! 
And the more time that Anakin and Kenobi yelled at each other, the less time there was to stop the assassin from killing the general. 
Turning on her heel, Padme ran for the hotel. By the pounding of two sets of male feet, she knew Anakin and Kenobi were following her, but she didn’t care. All that mattered was protecting the general. 
The rush of adrenaline made her dizzy. She couldn’t believe it. 
“I did it! I defused a bomb!” Padme said, punching her fist in the air. She beamed at Anakin, who looked both proud of her and a little confused. 
“I . . . defused a bomb,” Padme repeated as the words started to sink in. “Oh, God.” 
Kenobi rolled his eyes. “Don’t throw up on the C4,” he said, his voice sounding even more clipped than before. 
Padme looked up at Anakin, who shook his head and gave her a small smile. “C’mon,” he said, resting a hand on her shoulder. “Let me take you home.” 
From somewhere, he acquired a black Suburban and drove her back to Echo Park. Padme kept her eyes closed and breathed slowly in and out, calling up on that one yoga class Sola had dragged her to. 
When the car came to a stop and didn’t move, Padme opened her eyes and saw that she was home. She looked over at Anakin and took a breath. “Thank you.” 
He nodded. “You’re welcome. You should go in, get some sleep.” 
“I know . . . I just--I don’t think I can sleep,” she said, fidgeting a little. She took a deep breath and looked at him. “What happens now?” 
Anakin leaned his head back against the headrest. “I . . . I don’t know. Typically, in a case like this . . . we would extract you and take you to a bunker, for safekeeping. Our scientists would work to extract the Intersect from you, and then . . . you could get back to your life.” 
“Anakin,” she said, reaching out and grabbing his hand. “I--I can’t leave. My sister only has me--our parents left years ago--and then there’s Jar-Jar, and--and I can’t do this,” she said, feeling tears threaten. 
Because not only had Sabe once again messed up her life . . . she thought her life was actually getting better with the presence of Anakin. But then, he wasn’t who she thought he was. He was a CIA agent--a spy, an actual freaking spy! And . . . he had asked her out only to get close to her, obviously. Because they were looking for the Intersect, because they wanted information about Sabe. 
So yeah, her life was back to the same loser existence. But it was hers, and she would not leave her family and her friends behind. She couldn’t . . . she just couldn’t walk away from them, even for a little while. 
Because who knew if the CIA and the NSA would even let her go at the end? 
“Please, Anakin,” she said, fully willing to beg him. “Please.” 
For a long, endless moment, he looked at her. His eyes had been like chips of ice ever since they left the club, but all of a sudden, they seemed to melt and become the same warm pools of blue she had seen when they first met. 
“Okay, Padme,” he said softly. “I’ll try.” 
She felt a rush of gratitude. “Oh, thank you--thank you--”  She squeezed his hand, wishing she could just lean over and kiss him--
Wait. Kiss him?
“You’re welcome,” Anakin said, pulling his hand away from her. “Now, really, get some sleep. I’ll be in touch.” 
Nodding, Padme quickly climbed out of the SUV, feeling the cool air against her flushed cheeks. Her feet had barely touched the sidewalk when Anakin gunned the car and drove off. 
She watched the taillights recede in the night and wondered what would happen next. 
And if there was any chance Anakin might like her. 
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diiiscipline-blog · 7 years
               ⎯ —     ⎯ ⎯   💫 ‘  I bypassed the compressor! 
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Tradução: Anulei o compressor!
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spell-cleaver · 2 years
(For Chiaroscuro) Luke Naberrie has been elected a Senator. And Empress Amidala and her enforcer, Lord Vader see something familiar in him.
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The Protégé
Luke Naberrie's life is already a complicated one, with a past full of secrets he tends not to dig into. But when he is appointed Senator of Naboo and sent to work in the Imperial Senate under the watchful eye of Empress Amidala and her husband, he might not have a choice.
Chapter 1: A Politician with an Open Mind
A wave of cold rolled over him. He didn't look up, but he forced himself to think about what he had seen that he'd tried to forget: Darth Vader, at her right hand, dressed head to toe in black. Her dress seemed bright in front of him, like he was the shadow to throw her into contrast.
A shadow with eyes—eyes fixed right on Luke.
"Presenting the newest Senator of Naboo," a voice called out. Luke blinked. Pooja. He'd been so distracted by his worry that he hadn't noticed her at Amidala's left, either. "Senator Luke Naberrie."
"Rise," Amidala said—not loudly, but loudly enough that her voice carried.
Read the rest on AO3 or on FFN!
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wingletblackbird · 1 year
Hello Winglet!
Any updates on your fanfic where Luke and Leia meet their maternal cousins? I'm not really interested in post OT stories without Anakin but I'm still curious about your story. You write extremely well!
Thank you!
I think this is the first time I've received an ask about a fic I haven't posted yet. :P
I have written five (rough) chapters so far. Luke has just met most of the Naberries, but doesn't know about Leia yet. Leia also doesn't know about Luke or the Naberries in general yet. However, Sola and Darred have just spoken with Bail and the next chapter is the meeting with Leia.
I anticipate ten chapters total, so I'm half-way through, but writing being what it is, it could be much longer. lol Since, I am actually trying to finish my fic before I post them now, I imagine it'll be fall before I upload it to A03.
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padme-amitabha · 3 years
I like the AOTC deleted scenes and Padmé’s bedroom gave me an idea. Padmé and Anakin return to Naboo and before heading to Varykino Padmé wants to see her parents. However her parents aren’t home, they’re out with their nieces, so they go into the house to wait. In her bedroom Anakin reminds her how Sola teased her about Anakin being the first boyfriend she ever brought home and they laugh about it.
They’re lying in Padmé’s bed and she tells him now he’s the only boy to ever be in her bed here and she kisses him. They spend sometime just holding each other end kissing until they hear two girls running around, her parents and nieces are home. They jump out of bed and straighten their clothes, Padmé fixes Anakin hair a little. Anakin points at the window and he indicates that he’s going to jump out it and does.
Padmé goes down to surprise her parents and nieces. Her parents are concerned that she’s here by herself and she explains she isn’t and when they get to the kitchen they all see Anakin in the backyard. (Not sure of the layout of her house so I think it works).
Anakin comes in an greets everyone and Padmé explains she stopped by to see them before going to Varykino. Ruwee invites them to stay for dinner and before Padmé can say anything Anakin accepts the offer.
As the four sit around the dinner table Ryoo and Pooja are in the living room resting, they had a big lunch and aren’t hungry.
“Where’s Sola? I’d hope to see her while I was home,” asked Padmé.
“She and Darred went away for a few days. We’re looking after the girls for them,” said Jobal with a smile on her face.
“Maybe they’ll come back from their getaway with another baby,” added Ruwee with a smile on his face.
“Dad, your worse than Mom,” said Padmé with a shocked look in her face.
“Dear, we have company,” said Jobal looking from her husband to Anakin who was sitting quietly enjoying his meal. A small smile on his face from seeing Padmé shocked by something.
“Pretend I’m not here and discuss whatever you like,” said Anakin. Padmé turned and gave him a quick look.
“We will not. You’re here and we’re happy to have,” said Ruwee. “You’re our guest and someone we’re happy to see. We know how you protect our daughter now and in the past and want you to know you’re always welcome here.”
“Thank you,” said Anakin looking from Ruwee to Jobal. “Thank you.”
“How have you been, Anakin?” asked Jobal. “You haven’t been in too much danger?”
“No more than any other Jedi.” As Anakin said this a small look of concern came over Padmé’s face. “But we get rotated out of combat areas when the situation allows. That’s why I’m accompanying Padmé here.”
“We’re grateful your with her but it mustn’t be to relaxing because you’re guarding her,” said Ruwee.
“There haven’t been any new threats, Dad,” answered Padmé.
“No, there haven’t. I’m here out of caution,” a smile came to Anakin’s face. “Besides I’ve always like visiting Naboo. It’s a very beautiful world and being here is soothing.”
From the living room the sound of stirring children could be heard. Jobal started to get up and Anakin stood up as well. “I’ll watch them so you can talk to Padmé,” and Anakin was out of the room before Jobal and Ruwee could protest.
“Anakin will be fine,” Padme told her mother. “At the Temple the older Padwans have to help with the younger children from time to time. He’s use to dealing with children.”
“Is he fine?” asked Ruwee in a lower voice while touching the right side of his head. Padmé knew her father was referring to the scar by Anakin’s right eye.
“He is,” said Padmé with a relieved look on her face. “There was no damage to his eye.”
Ruwee studied his daughter for a moment. “That’s good to hear.”
“I can’t believe you brought up Sola having a mother baby with Anakin here, Dad,” said Padmé trying to change the subject.
“Perhaps instead of the girls having a new sibling they could have some cousins to play with,” said Jobal.
The three continue to talk while Anakin entertains the girls. Padmé listens as her parents talk about their hope that she’ll make time for herself and not just her duties.
Padmé wonders how much of this Anakin could hear and wondered what the look on his face was. He was probably amused. Finally with her resolve weakening Padmé gives them something. She tells them there is someone. She wants to say it’s Anakin but holds back. They sit in there seats silently as she continues. She tells them that her friend is fighting in the war. She doesn’t know where he is now but he’s safe.
Her parents have so many questions but they restrain themselves. Padmé tells them they’ll learn who he is when the war is over. He has a commitment to fulfill and when that is done he’ll leave his position and she hopes to retire soon after. She hasn’t talked about him because of the threats made against her and that he could be made a target.
Her parents tell her she can always talk to them and that she doesn’t have to carry this burden alone. Padmé offers a few details, he’s tall and caring. When they get to be together he picks her up and spins her around.
Later after dinner Padmé and Anakin have left to go to Varykino and Ruwee and Jobal are in bed still thinking about what Padmé had told them. Jobal is happy but apprehensive because the man is fighting in the war. While Ruwee is lost in thought. Jobal looks over at her husband and asks what’s in his mind and he says “It’s Anakin.”
“Anakin, dear.” Ruwee looked at his wife. “Padmé was talking about Anakin. When she returns home she always has guards unless she’s here with Anakin. Because of his commitment to the Jedi he can’t have a relationship. He’d be thrown out of the Order.”
Jobal couldn’t process what her husband was saying but as she thought about it more. It made sense. “She said he was good with children and Anakin is good with children,” she said out loud.
Ruwee and Jobal sat quietly for a moment and than he took her hand in his and he whispered a small prayer. Jobal nodded and repeated it. It was a prayer to the Naboo gods asking them to watch over their daughter and Anakin.
This is so good!! Every interaction between Anakin and the Naberries is so sweet and wholesome.
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anidalalover99 · 3 years
Anidala week 2021 Day 4: Modern AU. Fanfic prompt.
" Before Prom"
Anakin and Padme are in high school and just began going out as a couple.
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@perewernut this gif is yours. I take no credit for it. Thank you for providing it.
Slow, steady breaths calmed the butterflies churning in the young woman's stomach. She stood and regarded her own appearance through the mirror, smoothing a small crease in her strapless rose-colored dress.
Almond eyes flickered to the clock behind her on the desk through her reflection.
He is almost here.
Inhaling deeply once more, Padme Naberrie reached for her clutch purse by its strap and the soft red chiffon shawl, both resting on the edge of her vanity dresser.
She glanced at herself one more time before ambling toward her door and turning off her bedroom light.
Padme stepped out and shut her bedroom door while her older sister, Sola stopped by the stairs, a knowing smirk on her face.
"Excited", she quipped, following Padme down the steps.
Padme did not have time for Sola. For the last few years, before Anakin Skywalker became Padme's boyfriend, her sister kept teasing her about chickening out of telling Anakin how she felt. Sola knew they both liked each other and their extreme nervousness amused her. Yet Sola hadn't stopped bugging her sister even after Anakin finally asked Padme out.
"Anakin is my boyfriend now. You can stop Sola."
Sola crossed her arms and laughed while their father Ruwee appeared from the kitchen carrying a drink in his hand.
"Everything is still so new though", she said, "its only been a few months. You both are so sweet and adorable, happy but anxious too at times. You dear sister practically glow like you're already pregnant!"
"SOLA!" Padme shrieked, slapping her sister forcefully in the arm, her eyes blazed in anger.
"Why did you say that"?
Ruwee overheard and his countenance changed to an almost predatory gaze as he instantly grew incensed.
"Dad," Padme began, "you know Anakin well enough now. He will never do a thing that I am uncomfortable with. He's not like other men".
Padme flashed her sister a dark look when it seemed their father was not going to say anything.
"I was just joking dad", Sola gave in. "I was only saying Padme and Anakin are really happy together. He is a sweet and respectful guy".
Their father's face softened in time for the doorbell to ring.
"I will see myself out,"Sola announced and left the hall.
Padme straightened and checked for more creases in her dress again. She caught her father's stare and he smiled at her.
"You look beautiful sweetheart."
"Thank you dad", Padme beamed.
Ruwee answered the door and color immediately rose to Padme's cheeks as her eyes swept over the young man before them.
If fear gripped Anakin from the slight suspicion in his girlfriend's father's expression, he did not show it.
"Hello Mr. Naberrie", Anakin greeted and shook Ruwee's hand.
" I am here to pick up Padme and take her to prom. I promise to have her home before midnight sir".
"I know you will son but I will still watch that clock nevertheless".
Ruwee pointed to the large clock on the wall beside the stairs.
"Padme is still my daughter".
Anakin respectfully nodded.
"I'd expect nothing less sir. I will bring her home before midnight".
Ruwee stepped aside to allow his youngest daughter to take Anakin's pre offered hand.
"Thank you dad and I will see you, mom and Sola later".
The older man wished her a wonderful time, gave Anakin a hard stare and then shut the door.
Anakin escorted Padme to his car, unlocked the passenger door and helped her inside.
"Why do I get the feeling something happened before I arrived?" Anakin asked.
"I think your father wants to secretly kill me".
"Sola", was all Padme needed to say before comprehension settled into her boyfrend's features when he climbed into the driver's seat.
"Ah," he chuckled.
"But don't worry", Padme added, " my family adore you. You are so unlike my sister's ex-boyfriend Marx before she met Darred. He was always bringing her home late and Sola came home in the middle of the night drunk with him. But he was during Sola's rebellious phase. They broke up when she came to her senses, thank the gods".
Anakin suppressed his laugh when Padme finished and he turned on the small light above the rear view mirror.
"I will never disregard you or your family in anyway", he vowed.
"I care a lot about you".
Padme smiled.
"I know".
Anakin took in Padme's simple but stunning outfit.
"You are breathtakingly beautiful", he said.
"Like an angel".
Padme blushed again and reached for Anakin's hand, interlacing their fingers together.
"You look quite handsome yourself", she observed.
Padme fingered the smooth material of Anakin's tux.
She shuddered in pleasure when a warm palm cupped her cheek and Anakin's lips touched hers.
The kiss deepened for several, long minutes and neither wanted it to end they finally pulled apart.
Realization dawned on Anakin and he extended an arm to the backseat and collected a translucent box holding a corsage of red and white roses wrapped in soft silk ribbon.
"I bought this for you for tonight".
"Its beautiful", Padme marveled while holding out her arm as Anakin attached the accessory to her wrist.
He kissed Padme again and started the ignition.
"Ready to go?"
Padme nodded.
They strapped themselves in and Padme let her palm linger on Anakin's thigh during the whole trip to their school, wishing to retain some physical closeness to which, Anakin certainly did not mind.
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fuzzybat · 6 years
The Extended Skywalker-Naberrie-Organa-Lars Family - Star Wars Megaverse
@jadelotusflower @threadsketchier @ta-dala
Shmi Warka/Skywalker/Lars - Traveller from New Ator, captured and enslaved on Tatooine, bears Anakin Skywalker through the Force, raises him until the Jedi recruit him, freed by Palpatine to work for him until her forced 'disappearance' from her son's life, she travels back to Tatooine in her search for the mysterious Jedi-like priest who keeps protecting her, she meets a moisture farmer and finds a place with his family, though when said moisture farmer dies, her travels take her to Naboo, where she stays with the Naberrie family, looking after war orphans with them. Likes seing happy children, exploring, finding her place in the galaxy.
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader - Son of Shmi, born into slavery, got his wish to become a Jedi when he was freed, grew up somewhat isolated from the other Jedi, set apart for various reasons, endured such hardship during wartime he became desperate to end it for the sake of himself and his 'future' family. Ultimately turned to the Dark Side in the attempt to gain the power to change 'fated' events from occurring, became sealed in life support armour, and enslaved to the Emperor's will. Saved by his son's influence, he fought back against the Dark Side, eventually giving his life to end Palpatine's reign of terror. Likes flying, fixing machines and droid buddies. Loves his son Luke. Hates himself for a great deal of his life.
Padmé Naberrie/Amidala/Skywalker - Former Queen of Naboo, Senator of same, spectral leader of the Rebellion. Married Anakin in secret, gave birth to twins in secret. Tried to stop the war, and kept fighting to end it until the Empire took hold, and she had to join the new war against tyranny. Faith in her husband is greatly strained, but ultimately rewarded by her son's efforts.  Likes the democratic process, helping people, fighting injustice. Loves her family, but hates that they have suffered from what she could not prevent.
Bail Antilles/Organa - Adoptive father of Leia, Senator of Alderaan, friend of Padmé Amidala, ally of the remnants of the Jedi Order, one of the founders of the Rebel Alliance. Raises one of his friend's children when the Republic collapses into the Empire, organizes resistance cells through the Fulcrum network with Ahsoka Tano's help, stokes rebellion secretly with his wife among Alderaanians galaxywide, trusts his daughter with his most important mission when the Death Star is finished. Continues to lead the Rebellion even under the Imperial Blockade of Alderaan. Likes diplomacy, representing his people, honouring his friends.
Breha Organa - Adoptive mother of Leia, Queen of Alderaan, leading Alderaanian philosopher and professor, governs with wisdom and steadiness even in the face of the Empire. Defies the Empire in whatever way she can, while protecting her people. Declares Alderaan the eternal refuge of the Jedi  and their ideals, a secret haven for the preservation of the religion and its adherents. Likes teaching, watching her people safe and happy, leading justly.
Owen Lars - The man who raised Luke, a moisture farmer like his father before him, protective of his family, saved from the Empire’s clutches by Hondo Ohnaka’s “kidnapping” he and his wife as a favour to Obi-Wan, learns new farming methods on Naboo, glad to reunite with Shmi.
Beru Whitesun/Lars - The woman who raised Luke, from a moisture farming family, married into more moisture farming, dropped off on Naboo, gets Hondo to report to her how Luke is doing in the Rebellion,
Cliegg Lars - A moisture farmer on Tatooine, a widower looking only to pass down his business to his son, found new love with the twin of his former wife, enough to make his last few years pleasant, despite the war going on.
Sandora Warka/Lars - Sister of Shmi, mother of Owen, first wife of Cliegg. Traveled from New Ator to Tatooine to do actual farming rather than simply own land like her family. Did not expect her twin sister to get enslaved looking for her; sadly never reunites with her sister or the rest of the Warka family, as she is used as a test subject as a precursor to her sister’s turn as Dark Side experiment.
Ruwee Naberrie - Father of Padmé, helped raise his daughter’s twins for a couple years, a builder by trade. Took a shine to both his daughters’ boyfriends as they knew what it meant to construct long term projects and goals.
Jobal Naberrie - Mother of Padmé, helped raise her daughter’s twins for a couple years, social worker for the underprivileged. Overjoyed when her youngest daughter turns up alive.
Sola Naberrie - Sister of Padmé, studied political science at the university where she met her future husband, became a teacher of social studies. Worries for her sister a lot.
Darred Janren - Brother-in-law of Padme, husband of Sola, an architect.
Ryoo Naberrie - Daughter of Sola, public works consultant for Theed government.
Pooja Naberrie - Daughter of Sola, Senator for Naboo like her aunt, Rebel sympathizer, good friends with her unknown cousin Leia.
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