#daryl hc
twigg96 · 1 year
Hello my sweet lovelies. I’ve been trying to write some more Daryl X Y/N and thought what better way to get started than doing the Fluffy and Naughty Alphabet HCs! 😊 so please enjoy the start to my little 52 HC journey!
Daryl Dixon’s Fluffy Hc Alphabet:
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A - Attractive (what about their partner do they like most?)
Daryl loves a partner that cares a lot about other people. Those who put themselves before the betterment of the group are not people who Daryl can ever get along with. He finds kindness, compassion, honesty, and openness attractive in particular.
B - Banter (How do they tease each other? Is it always friendly/ flirtatious or does it turn nasty?)
Daryl doesn’t conventionally tease his partner. But in an unconventional world he thinks their version of teasing fits right in. Instead of the jovial picking other couples do, Daryl will often come over and say nothing but simply take a bite out of his partner’s food, smiling devilishly as he continues on his duties. While walking on patrol together, Daryl and his partner will go from walking hand in hand to playfully bumping each other to shoving each other off the path and into the plant life that lives along the side of the road. Neither partner can always read the other’s emotions so if Daryl is in a dark head space he will lash out if his partner tries to tease him. The same however can be said too for his partner.
C - Cute (Cuddles, Handholding, Sweet Touches, Caresses, Sneaky Moves)
Mr. Dixon is not into PDA. He doesn’t like people having the upper hand on him with information that could be used against him. Plus he’s really really busy a lot of the time. It’s not until the pair are alone either in the darkness of the night or shrouded in the forest that he allows himself to become more vulnerable. Taking his partner’s hand when there are no Walkers about he rubs his thumb over the back of their hand as he whispers plans about the day to come.
In the dead of night he’ll pull his lover close letting them cuddle close to his chest. He’d run his fingers through their hair. It would be a peaceful silence with a few shared kisses simply listening to their shared breaths and heartbeats. As sleep over takes them both and the last thing either of them hear is “I love you” from either partner.
But Daryl isn’t all innocent and shy all the time. Sometimes when things are good he’ll come around and smirk at his partner as they work. Walking up as they bed over he pinches their ass and covers their mouth telling them to meet him in the house in ten minutes.
D - Dates (What kind of dates do they like to take their partners on Are they creative with their date ideas?)
In the post apocalypse there isn’t really time for what we would consider real dates. There is no movie theater. No restaurants. No Pools. No beach. No hotels. Daryl couldn’t do the things he really desperately craved to do with his partner and it killed him. This topic has sparked more fights in your relationship than either of you would ever care to admit. Daryl wanted to provide for you and take you out on real dates. You however saw the sweet scenic bike rides you both took as date enough. His partner saw scouting ahead on a peaceful day as a date. Or even just doing nothing within the walls talking about everything. Eventually you both agree to disagree.
E - Eat (Do they have similar tastes in food or do they share food at the dinner table? I. E. Swapping the tomatoes on the burger for the pickles on their partner's chicken sandwich)
There is no room to be picky after the turn. With good food so scarce if someone didn’t like dinner that night they just didn’t eat. But Daryl hated it when his partner didn’t eat. So he went out of his way to find food they liked when dinner was something he knew they wouldn’t like. He’d offer them the stuff they like off his plate and took the food they didn’t like. No problems or fuss. He loved you.
F - Fire (What drives them the most in the relationship?)
Seeing you survive. Daryl couldn’t live with himself if he ever lost you. And he knew that it was unrealistic to try and expect that his partner would live well past when he would live. That he would die long before his partner and be waiting wherever it was on the other side for them. But it made him so sick thinking about the opposite so he simply did his best to keep you safe.
G - Generosity (How do they show their partner they care?)
Daryl was extremely caring in his love. He may not always show it or even say it but he is always thinking about his partner’s wellbeing. He looks for safer paths to take when they scout together, ones they can’t be ambushed on or that are easier to walk on. He always checks you over for cuts and bruises when he sees you before hugging you too tight or kissing you. He is on high alert outside of the camp at all times ready to protect. He gives his food to you when you need it.
H - Hot Head (Are they quick to anger? Are they spiteful in a fight? Will they say things they don't mean just to piss their partner off? Or are they easy going?)
Oh sweet lord. Yes. This man is a hot head. He is like a volcano. Full of anger and negative emotions that when placed under pressure will make him explode and cover other in the anger and negativity. But understand that this is a product of a horrifically broken home. He tries like hell to keep from erupting all over you. But sometimes it just happens and he never means for it to get as out of hand as it gets.
Daryl gets mean when he’s pissed. He gets nasty and spiteful. He will pull up shit from past fights just to fuel the fire of the argument and keep it going until he feels like you’re just as pissed off at him as he is at himself.
Whatever you do… do not give this man alcohol and expect him to be ok. He is an angry drunk and has no self control. He will get into an argument sometime into the night and it will be more than either of you can handle.
I - Interest (What are some of the interests they may share?)
Before the turn you both enjoyed bike rides and the occasional night out.
But now that the turn happened, you both like the time you spend together hunting and scouting. You both love providing for your camp. And you both still love riding.
J- Jealousy (Are they the Jealous type? How would they act if they were?)
Sweet God yes he’s very jealous! He trusts Rick more than anyone in the group but he looses his mind when you walk into Rick’s house alone to babysit Judith alone to just let the ex-cop sleep. One time when you all first moved to Alexandria a guy outside the walls approached you, Daryl, and Aaron asking if you wanted to go with two real men for a night of “fun”, Daryl beat him into a bloody pulp for thinking about it.
K- Kids (Do they want kids?)
Yes. If the world had never changed. If the dead never walked. He would give you all the children in the world, even though the thought of being a dad scared him more than anything. But now. He worried about the life his children would live. He worried for their safety. He wanted them so much but to put them through hell just because of his selfishness… he didn’t know if it was right.
L - Likes (Favorite things about relationship and partner)
Daryl loved waking up next to his partner each morning. He loved looking into his partner’s eyes and knowing that silent communication was all they needed. He loved the feel of their hand on his telling him it was ok. He loved knowing that without gaining to look you always had his back and he had yours. He loved feeling safe and secure for the first time in his life and he hoped with all he had he gave them the same feeling.
M- Marriage (Are they interested in getting married at all?)
At one point before the turn he actually bought a ring for his partner. He wanted to marry them and do the whole family thing. But once the turn happened that all got shoved onto the back burner. And while you and Daryl never really “got married” you both consider yourselves one step above boyfriend and girlfriend in this new life. Whatever that means to you both and no one opposed it.
N- No (Pet Peeves in a relationship)
Daryl refuses to tolerate a partner who intentionally hurts someone he loves. Betrayal is something he’d been through a lot in his life and he can’t imagine if his partner ever betrayed him.
Letting Daryl protect you is crucial. He can’t stand to loose you and if your constantly throwing yourself into harms way even when he advised you not to it will spark arguments
He must truly and fully trust his partner in their entirety. He wants full honesty from them. If they lie once he considers it a complete breach of trust and it will take a long time to heal that.
O - Orange (What color reminds them of their partner?)
Blue - he sees his partner as the color blue. They are truthful, merciful, loving, tranquil. They remind him of the sky on a clear day. They are calming and serine and they always manage to make him smile even when he wants to scream. He thought of you in his darkest times and felt the most free from all his problems.
P - Proposal (How would they or how did they propose?)
If Daryl would have gotten the chance he would have gotten down on one knee in your favorite spot after a long bike ride feeling you pressed up against his back.
But now it was in the Prison that you two talking jokingly about marriage. What it must have been like to do such a thing and have children. Daryl pulls an old ring on a chain out from behind his shirt. It’s aged. A little tarnished. He tells you about his failed plan. Smiling he tells you that he kept the ring as a piece of you to hold close you his heart.
Q - Queen (King) (What traits makes them a KING or a QUEEN?)
He is the ultimate King! Daryl goes out of his way to make sure that his partner is well taken care of and happy.
God forbid the day that the two of you are ever separated either by accident like at the Prison or by force. He will put his body through the ultimate test and hell in order to get back to you. Everything that stands in his way are simply obstacles to overcome. Day and night he will search until he finds you and if someone has you... god rest their soul.
He is always willing to share. Food, heat, shelter, water, medicine... whatever you need in order to survive.
Daryl can communicate with his partner with just a look. He loves them whole heartedly. He can just feel when something is wrong. It's like a sixth sense. No words are ever needed to be said. However he is always willing to listen if you need to talk.
Family is direly important to him. If you ever were to start one with him he would become all the more protective.
R - Rain (What was the most romantic gesture they have ever done for their partner?)
He made you a necklace...
The day that a good friend of yours turned...you were heartbroken and distraught. You refused to leave your cot in the prison for a full day. You had seen it before. You had even seen other friends turn and it affected you but never like this. Daryl hated seeing you like this. So taking a walk and giving you space he started looking. Looking for things that reminded him of you... Of brighter days. It was then he realized... that was exactly what you needed.
And so he started to look for things to brighten you. To make you smile. Things that reminded you of your lost friend based entirely off of stories you told of them. He found a shiny stone deep in a river bed recounting the tale you told him of the day you and your friend went tadpole hunting when you were young, splashing each other with the mud. A blueish black feather laid perfectly on a rock and reminded him of the myths his mother used to say about the crows and ravens bringing peace to those who grieve. A discarded bear tooth reminded him of the first time you had introduced him to your friend, the three of you hunting into the evening only to find a hare and two squirls.
Tying his treasures onto a long piece of twine he fashioned a necklace and brought it home to you placing it around your neck and telling you it would all be alright.
S- Smooches (Who gave the first kiss? When do they kiss their partner? How often do they kiss their partner?)
Having met Daryl before the turn, you both had more than your fair share of kisses. But your first one... well Daryl claims it was an accident. A heat of the moment reaction of passion.
Merle had been hounding you all day. He had known you were dating Daryl but to him it was just a word until he saw the proof. You were outside with Daryl at the time. Watching him work on Merle's POS truck when Merle came home from work on his bike. The older Dixon immediately swooped in and tried to get fresh. Playing grab ass and trying to get you to go inside with him. Daryl flipped his shit. Throwing the tools to the ground Daryl flew into a rage, pushing Merle away from you and into the house. He was still pacing for 20 minutes before you were able to get him to look at you. Before you could say anything he grabbed you by the hips and pulled you close, gripping your hair and kissing you deeply, muttering that you were his and his alone and if any man touched you like that again he'd cut their hand off. Needless to say he didn't get done with Merle's truck...
Now that the world is upside down Daryl tries to be more purposeful with his kisses, he wants them to mean something if they're the last they are ever to share as a couple. It was hard for his partner to understand at first... but he explained that he would hate it if he kissed his partner simply to end a fight no other meaning behind it and something happened. He wanted passion and romance behind his every action while they had the time.
T - Travel (Do they like to travel with their partner? Where do they dream of traveling to?)
God... does Daryl want to travel with his partner. He often dreams of the days before the turn. Dreams of taking you to far away places. Safe places. But the world is no longer that place... and so he tries to stay realistic in his waking life. Safety means stability. If he can have a stable life with you then he can start a family... He simply wants a safe stable place to settle... but he knows that may not always be possible. And so he roams looking for the perfect place for you both to live out your days.
U- Universal (How Public are they with their affection? Are they very open with PDA? Do they brag about their partner?)
Daryl is incredibly reserved. He always has been. He doesn't like the attention that PDA brings. He would much rather recede to the privacy of the forest or a darkened room/hallway than to make his move in front of the others. If Daryl was ever to talk about his personal life it would be to Carol (for advice and advice only about his partner's wellbeing) or Rick (To ask for dating advice/ and maybe to brag)
V- Valentines (First holiday together. How did they prepare? How did they celebrate?)
While holidays no longer exist and have no meaning after the turn, he often thinks to the only holiday he ever got to spend with his partner, properly.
It was Christmas. A holiday he and Merle had long since forgotten. One they had abandoned long before either of them were out of primary school but still knowledgeable enough to decipher that Santa Claus was a classist jackass. You had insisted they each give it a shot. For you. No religion involved just free shit. Daryl was hesitant. He didn't want to be disappointed again. Merle however was defensive. He wanted nothing to do with the holiday and often ridiculed the entire idea of it in it's entirety. But... the two relented after hearing that you would be cooking for them all weekend long. Merle complained and bitched the entire time you decked the halls of their trailer. "This sparkle shit better come out of my God damned carpets! I don't need ta find it in June!" You couldn't find a tree at a price any of you could afford but Daryl cut the biggest limb off a nearby pine and hoped it would be good enough. You were able to make stocking for each of the boys and on christmas eve you stuffed them with gifts and laid their presents under the makeshift tree. In the morning... they both stared at you nervous and akward. Like they both wanted to move and tear into shit but were scared they'd get in trouble. So you sat them down and handed them gifts. It wasn't much. You were working with a waiter's salary... but it was more meaningful to either of them than you ever knew. When Merle growled, embarrassed he didn't get you anything you simply said that spending the day with them meant more to you than any gift and you thought... for a second, that you watched both men's hearts grow three sizes that night.
W- Wicked (What do they do that purposely pushes their partner's buttons?)
Daryl will pull shit up from the past and use it against his partner to start a fight. He does this the most when he's feeling shitty about himself or a situation he's in and can't fix. He wants his partner to be just as upset and angry at him as he is with himself.
He has a really... really bad drinking problem. He is a mean drunk. If he wants he will find alcohol and drink in front of his partner knowing they hate it when he acts vindictive and hateful.
He gives the best silent treatment in the entire apocalypse. He could exist completely silent for literal weeks. (please do not mistake his need for space with the silent treatment. He gets over stimulated a lot and needs space)
Straight up disappears for days without ever telling his partner where he's going or when he'll be back. This gets worse after the Sanctuary.
Calls them pet names they despise (this is normally in retaliation to pet names they give him)
X- Xylophone (What song fits the relationship?)
Y- Yearning (When do they miss their partner the most? What do they do to placate themselves in the mean time?)
Daryl misses his partner so much when he's out on a run that lasts longer than a day. He worries about them constantly. If he can't bring them then he tries to bring a part of them, something to remind him of them. A trinket he can worry until he can get home. But if he can't or it's an emergency and he didn't have time. He always has a matching tattoo on his arm that you both got on your one year to remind him to come home to you...
Z- Zipper (Do they let their partner pick their outfits?)
If you find clothes that fit him out on runs he'll look at them and choose to wear them or not. Sometimes you bring home baby clothes to pick on him when he's being a big baby bitch. Other times you bring him clothes you know he's never going to wear just to fuck with him. He never says it out loud but he thinks this is funny.
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daryldixonsjizzrag · 7 months
Daryl dixon comfort/affection hcs <3
Gn reader
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He loves the smell of rain. It's definitely his favourite scent, but he doesn't like how his clothes stick to his body afterwards.
Likes laying his head on your lap when he's tired. He also finds it soothing when you gently trace his facial features with your fingertips, mostly his eyebrows. He'd never say anything about it though, not wanting to seem needy.
Will kiss you on the nose. 100%. You can not escape it.
Blushes when you catch him staring, though sometimes it depends on the scenario. Let's say, things aren't official yet, so when you catch him with that look in his eye and a smile ticking his lip up he gets really flustered, especially if you mention it.
In another scenario, when alone together, he'll look at you for as long as he likes. He'd just gaze at your face so softly, not bothering to cover up his smile.
Little spoon. Absolutely. Whether you're bigger or smaller than him, he loves it. The feeling of your torso pressing against his back, your legs touching, your arms around his waist.
BUT he loves cuddling facing each other more than anything, really. With your face in his hair, his tucked into your chest or neck, legs intertwined. Nothing could be better than that.
He's quite insecure of that one eyebag and the shape of his nose, so every time you say something about it, no matter how affectionate you're being, he still gets a little upset. Though after he grew his hair out his features complimented him a lot more and he grew a little less insecure.
Dislikes PDA. All that is for when you're alone. Even linking pinkies in public makes him a bit uncomfortable.
Alone, he's quite affectionate, especially when he's just woken up. Say, you go to the kitchen in the morning to get a drink. He'd sneak up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist from behind with no warning whatsoever. You couldn't find it in yourself to flinch though, knowing it's just him.
At the start, he didn't really think he deserved you. Fact is, he still doesn't. This lead to a few ruts in your relationship, but things were already sorted out by the end of the week, if not, day.
Will never admit it but he loves kisses on the top of the head, 'specially when you're cuddling. He thinks that light pressure of your lips on him, slightly softened by his hair is just so, so soothing.
LOVES it when you kiss the corner of his lip. Just mwah mwah chefs kiss.
If you've read this far, lmk what you think of these, and if you want, please request more!
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ghostboneswrites2 · 4 months
Hear me out: Early Seasons Daryl vs Later Seasons Daryl
Early TWD Daryl would have been emotionally unavailable, snappy, cold, and the ways in which he showed his care for you were limited to bringing you back cool things from a run, defending and protecting you, and sitting in silence with you
Late TWD Daryl would be a more tender lover. He’s had some growth by now. He’s learned to care, learned to love, learned to feel and express things. He’d drape an arm over you in bed or place a gentle hand on your back when he walked past you. He’d hold you and tell you it’s okay to cry.
Pre-Alexandria, he’d shut you out when things got bad. Post Savior war and especially post-bridge explosion, he’d ask you what was wrong and try to fix things, try to keep you hanging on. He wouldn’t want you to slip down that slipper slope of numbness and emptiness like he has before.
Romance itself was hard to come by in the early years of the apocalypse with him. He might find you a flower or bring back your favorite snack now and then. He might even let you catch him staring. He might not complain when you give him a little kiss on his cheek before he leaves.
In later years, though, just his eyes could soften in a way that made you feel loved. He’d brush a stray strand of hair out of your face. He’d fix your shirt as it slipped off your shoulder. He’d stop and tie your shoe. He’d disappear up the stairs after dinner and return moments later to tell you he got your routinely scheduled bedtime shower started.
If you had sex with him in the early years, it would be rough and awkward and aimless. Erratic thrusts with no rhythm, little to no satisfaction on either side, and a lot of awkward silence afterward.
At the prison, sex would have gotten a little better, and he’d start to recognize that your feelings for him ran a little deeper than surface level attraction. He’d try to do things to show you that he cared too.
Until things for comfortable at Alexandria, sex would half after the prison fell. Nobody had the energy or emotional stability for sex or romance back then.
Once things got steady at Alexandria, you two would fuck like bunnies. A comfortable bed? Hot showers? Nothing was stopping you two from exploring each other and learning new ways to please each other.
When things would get crazy and chaotic and dangerous, the sex would be quick but passionate. Maybe he just saw you for the first time since he escaped the Sanctuary and he’d fuck you in the bathroom at Barrington house just to regain some sense of control.
Seasons 1&2 Daryl would often scold himself for checking you out. He’d sometimes wonder if you flirted with him, but he’d always remind himself who he was to the group and how unlikely it was that you or anyone would show interest in the likes of him or Merle.
Seasons 3&4 Daryl would be a little braver. Lingering glances, making excuses to talk to you, an awkward chuckle. But he wouldn’t take it past that. You’d have to carefully tread toward the first move.
Seasons 5-8 Daryl would be protective but withdrawn. He’d be so occupied with everything going on that he’d have little time to spend with you, and truthfully it wasn’t much different on your part. He’d miss you, though, as you’d miss him.
Eventually, though, after all of his growth and emotional maturing, he’d be a soft, gently, kind partner. He would become a man in so many more ways than one, and that kind of change would show in all aspects of your life with him. Be it romance or intimacy or day to day life.
In the early years, when you’d fight or take time apart, you’d wonder if it was going anywhere with him. If it was even worth the stress and emotional neglect.
But later, when you two were getting older and your relationship got stronger and kinder, you’d realize it was all worth it just to experience this side of him.
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emodaryls · 7 months
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Caregiver!Daryl Dixon headcanons
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Part 2
Cw: mentions of smoking
A/n: this is my first time making one of these things im soo sorry if it’s bad. 💔
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Whenever he’s out on his supply runs, he’d always find something to bring back to them. Whether it’s a plushie, a toy that’s still in decent condition, blanket, clothes, a bag, anything he thinks they’d like.
Tiny forehead and cheek smooches! Especially if his regressor loves affection. ❤️‍🩹
When putting his regressor down for a nap, he’d do that little thing where he holds their hand and rub his finger over the back of their palm.
He’d definitely color with them. Sometimes he might even get into it as much as his regressor would.
So protective! Cold? He’ll give them his jacket, vest, whatever he has on him. Anything to keep them warm. Hungry? He’s instantly on the search for food. Thirsty? They can have his water.
If anyone ever hurts or upsets his regressor, they’ll never see the end of it.
Uses little nicknames and pet names such as kiddo and little one. For more fem ones, maybe things like darling, sweetheart, or angel. For more masc ones, maybe buddy/bud. (I’m so sorry I’m bad at coming up with these)
He’d want to make their regressor as comfortable as possible. They’re his kiddo and he’d do anything for them.
When he’s around his regressor, he’d DEFINITELY not smoke around them. Maybe, just maybe, his regressor would also get him to quit smoking
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gundamcalibarney · 14 days
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tryna stylise n beam my hcs onto them
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giesswrites2 · 2 years
ೃ ⋆。˚. DARYL DIXON X FEMALE READER.ೃ࿔* WARNINGS! — suggestive (?), baby talk, and mild swearing! CONTENT! — reader and daryl share a moment while feeding judith; soft, mutual pining, one shot.
LOOKING DOWN at judith’s precious face, you feel the smile form on your lips as you rock her gently. you had eagerly volunteered to feed her, anxious to finally hold rick’s new baby girl in your arms. now she slept soundlessly, both you and daryl watching her in wide eyed wonder. she was so tiny — so gentle — you felt your heart clench as you whispered: “god, she’s an angel.”
“a little badass is what she is.” daryl corrected, voice soft beside you. the two of you stood side by side, suspiciously close together but too enamored by the baby to care.
the longer you stared at judith, the more you weighed the risk of having a baby of your own. lori’s fate should’ve been enough to scare you straight, but your heart screamed otherwise. had someone asked you a year ago — still wide eyed and cheery from starting college — if you were considering having kids any time soon, you would’ve said “absolutely not, are you kidding?”. it was almost ironic that now, in a world where the dead was walking and the living fought to get by, you were considering motherhood. you almost laughed at how drastically your views had changed.
“can you image yourself being a parent?” you asked absentmindedly, watching the baby girl’s little nose scrunch up. “or at least, did you ever imagine it before the world went to shit.”
“nah,” daryl huffed, and you felt him shift beside you at the question. “never crossed my mind.”
“i never really thought about it either.” you confessed earnestly, recalling all the times you had avoided babysitting in favor of literally anything else.
“why not?”
“i was young — i am young, i know that. holdin’ her just makes me wonder.“ frowning, you let the following words sit on your tongue for a bit before speaking them out, “am i willing to bring a baby into this world?“
“thoughtchu said you were young.”
“what does it matter now,” you sighed, thumb caressing the soft skin of judith’s cheek. “i just wanted my freedom; didn’t wanna sacrifice it to raise a kid.”
“well, what do you want now?”
“i don’t know,” you admitted, and with a heavy heart you added: “a purpose?”
the silence rung between the two of you for a couple seconds but you couldn’t say you were all too surprised. they already carried the responsibility of one baby, they didn’t need you adding another to the mix — not when it was already so difficult to find enough baby supplies for judith alone. you mentally readied yourself for daryl to chew you out, to snap you back to reality before you got ahead of yourself. instead he said:
“i can give you a purpose.”
at the implication, your head shot up to look at daryl, finally acknowledging your proximity; his face is so close to yours that you can see the dirt speckled on his cheeks, the sweat on his brow, and the slight shimmer of green in his bright blue eyes. “yeah?” you mumbled, gaze flickering to his lips for the briefest of seconds.
“yeah,” daryl hummed, and you’re almost positive that he’s leaning in. that is, until he backed up completely and picked his crossbow off the table. “ask rick to give you ‘nother shift at that watch tower, you’ll have plenty of purpose there. ”
“shut up,” you exhaled a laugh, careful not to startle the baby and ignoring the way your heart pounded in your chest.
“think you’ve been spendin’ too much time ‘round little ass kicker.”
“get out of here, dixon.” you glared playfully, watching the man bite back a smile as he left the cafeteria.
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tinzuho · 5 months
sorry to all the new d.d fans, but i am never leaving season 1-5 daryl behind. like OBVIOUSLY his long hair suits, but imagine the grease and shit in it 😶 his short-ish- hair would be abit cleaner, and makes him look so irresistible!! 🙂‍↕️
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"I just started The Walking Dead but butch Daryl Dixon is so incredibly real wow girl" - Anonymous
"i just think she'd be hot as a butch" - Anonymous
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit here!
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luvs-hound · 10 months
wayne and daryl are butch he/him lesbians Send Post
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twigg96 · 1 year
Food Poisoning
Daddy! Daryl X Reader
Place: Alexandria
Warnings: Literally food poisoning, vomit, a little fart joke, Kids being kids about being sick, Sickness
POV - You
Summary - After having stew with some tainted meat in it your three kiddos (Phoenix - 11, Beau - 6, and Lillian - 2) get a bad case of food poisoning. Just as kids do Beau comes in to tell his parents exactly what happened feeling traumatized and violated after he "threwed up".
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The night had started off so genuinely nice. Normal even. For the turn that is. You had made dinner from the rabbit and squirrel Daryl hunted earlier in the day. It had been a hotter day than either of you realized it would be. But you never let that deter you from your duties. Daryl had warned you that the heat of the day may have spoilt some of the meat. And that he had lost one of the rabbits. He got a bad shot on it and when he finally found it, it was long dead with an arrow deep in its broken leg. He simply added it to his string not thinking anything of it. Wasn’t until later in the hunt he thought better of it and decided to chuck it… well he thought he tossed the right one at least. After a while he wasn’t so sure anymore. So he asked you to be extra vigilant while cooking that night. To sniff the meat and make sure nothing was camping out inside before tossing it in the fire to be cooked. 
You had listened. Truly you did. You had washed and smelled the meat as you cleaned and skinned it. Nothing smelled bad and so you went as far as to make a little stew for the whole community with the meat and some of Rick’s vegetables he grew in his garden. Everyone in the community seemed to love it. They ate it up vigorously and basked in the post fullness bliss of a good meal. You watched your kids play out in the yard with the other neighborhood children. When night fell after the kids had gone to bed, you and Daryl even felt adventurous enough to get a little handsy before falling into blissful sleep. 
Or that’s what the archer would have liked to have happened. But seeing as he was ripped from the calming embrace of sleep in the midst of REM he would have to argue otherwise… “Daddy…” A small and timid voice had called out into the darkness of the night. At first Daryl had believed it was just part of his dream. The one where none of the hell they lived in existed and he and his family lived in the peace he once knew. “Daddy…” The voice whispered nearer this time. Cutting straight through the lovely dream he had been having. Blinking awake slowly Daryl growled, slapping around blindly for the electric lamp sitting on the bedside table. With a click Daryl’s heart nearly jumped out of his chest. Beau stood a mere two inches away from the edge of the bed, only his head could be seen poking from over the side as he clutched his teddy bear close to his chest. “Daddy.” Beau whispered shakily, his lip pouting out and his eyes wide and full of tears. “Yeah?” Daryl mumbled tiredly as he tried to put together why his son was in his room in the dead of night. Sitting up in bed, the sheets falling to his exposed chest he looked over to you and sighed. You were starting to stir. Blinking away the garish light. Damn… you needed all the sleep you could get.
 “What… what do you want, Beau?” Daryl asked tiredly, reaching over you to grab a cigarette from your end table. “Well..” Beau started shuffling his feet anxiously. Daryl cocked a brow at the towheaded boy placing the cig in his mouth and flicking the lighter trying to get it to light. “Daddy… I threwed up.” He mumbled with a sob.” The words froze Daryl in his place. Maybe he it was just his foggy sleep deprived brain that was miss hearing what his son just said. But as his wife sat up stare at the two of them like they both started to grow wings and speak in tongues Daryl knew that he had heard correctly. “What?” You asked rubbing your eyes. Beau sobbed nodding. “Lillian threwed up first! Phoenix got up to check on her and she threwed up on the floor!” Beau sobbed helplessly. The both of you stared at Beau in disbelief and disgust. “So…” you ventured to ask, crawling over to your husband’s side of the bed. “Did you throw up Beau?” The little blonde nods swiping away fat tears and it isn’t until then that Daryl is able to make out the new stains on his son’s shirt and pants. “After I farted on the floor.” He whined. Daryl and you share a confused look. Farted… on the floor? What the hell does that mean? OH FUCK NO. Pulling his cigarette from his mouth Daryl gaped at Beau. “What do ya mean… farted on the flo- Beau!” He huffed twisting to the side of the bed. “Did ya shit on the floor?!” he hissed. Feeling your hand on his arm he tried to calm down but the sound of their youngest starting to scream and cry from their shared room and their eldest yelling “Mommy! Daddy! Lilly needs a bath!” was all too overwhelming for him at the moment. “Daryl.” Your calming voice drowned out the madness as your hand squeezed his. “I’ll work on cleaning up. Just… find a bucket… or two… and get them bathed and back in bed. Please. We got this, we’ve been through worse.” And suddenly Daryl knew. You were right. You always were. 
Standing with a groan, Daryl was grateful that he was wearing just boxers when Beau walked directly into his legs for a hug. God… kids and their need to be touched when they're sick. Scooping him into his arms Daryl sighed the smell of vomit was strong, but nothing he couldn’t handle after the hell they’ve lived through. “Sure ya don’t want me ta clean up too? I can-” Daryl muttered walking towards the door, Beau’s head already nuzzled under his chin seeking some semblance of comfort. “Daryl.” You had chided, cutting him off. “We’re a team. I got it, don’t worry.” With a small nod he hummed walking into the kid’s room to access the damage… and it was worse than he imagined. Scowling he sighed not seeing either of his daughters. “Phoenix!” He yelled, shuffling Beau in his arms, starting to search for them. The piercing wail of his two year old would normally have been terrifying given the world they live in but seeing as she was in the bathroom with his eldest at the moment he was simply annoyed. The water for the tap was running and when he popped his head in to see what was happening he rolled his eyes and groaned. “Phoenix… baby. Are you tryin’ ta drown yer sister?” He muttered trying so hard to make light of the situation. Phoenix’s head whipped around as she stared at him, the tub getting dangerously full as she held a fully clothed Lilly in the tub. 
Moving to place Beau on the floor Daryl kneeled beside Phoenix, turning the tap off and taking Lilly into his arms, sopping wet and all. “I was just trying to get her and her clothes clean, dad.” Phoenix whispered looking slightly ashamed and embarrassed. Taking a deep breath Daryl sighed, bouncing the screaming toddler doing his best not to emulate his own father in this situation by screaming in the face of his own children. “T-Thank you…” He bit out. It was a start at least that’s what he assumed. “Now… do me a favor…” He muttered lowly. “Get some towels for me, and some clean pajamas for all you kids and come back. Yer all gettin’ a damned bath.” 
It wasn’t until the early morning light streamed through the blinds that the rancid smell finally seemed to be mostly gone. You had done your best to clean everything up with only homemade vinegar as your main cleaning supply as everything else was running low. The windows were wide open despite the cool weather but even that didn’t deter your three hellions from getting some sleep. The two of you had decided to simply toss and burn the sheets and pajamas the kids had been sleeping in and just use old ones until you could find new ones on a run. As the two of you stood side by side watching the fire in the brisk morning air you couldn’t help but laugh. “Wha’?” Daryl nearly hissed, glaring at you. “Nothing… just… kinda feels normal ya know? We haven’t had to do that since before the turn when Phoenix was little.” You whispered thinking of the time Phoenix had simply crawled into your bed and proceeded to vomit all over Daryl like she was in the exorcist. Daryl stared into the fire but a small smile crossed his lips. “Yeah… suppose so…” Holding your hand he began to rub his thumb along the back of your hand. Any sense of normalcy in this life was better than none he assumed.
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mallowsweetmiri · 2 months
Taking writing requests for the following:
- Fred Weasley
- Regulus Black
- Remus Lupin
- James Potter
- poly!Marauders
- Percy Jackson
- Daryl Dixon
Gonna spend my weekend writing silly little headcannons 😅
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ghostboneswrites2 · 4 months
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Daryl Dixon x Witch Reader
(Head Canons)
(Fem!Reader) (Reader description: none)
These little exercises are fun 😌🔮
-18+ MDNI-
At first he’d think it was weird and foolish, but he wasn’t gonna comment on it
He’d ask you if you really believed in tarot and spells sometimes, huffing a small laugh when you’d tell him you did
He quickly began to respect your craft, bringing you bones from his kills and unique looking rocks and twigs from a hunt
He’d let you decipher his astrology chart, and he’d make jokes to avoid addressing how accurate his reading was
He’d let you treat his wounds and illnesses with your herbal concoctions, even if he didn’t think they’d work (usually they did)
He’d drink whatever weird herbal tea you made for him when he needed to sleep, relax, or de-stress, but if he didn’t like it he’d make sure you knew
He’d like it if you told him about each of your crystals. You’d tell him their name, how they’re formed, and what you used them for
He wasn’t a believer until you hexed someone you didn’t like and they lost their job and house
You made him a bracelet from a thick twine and deer teeth. It creeped him out but he wore it anyways.
He would stick up for you against the small town baptists that accused you of working with the devil
He always grabs you some kind of nuts to feed the crows when he runs to the store
He would build you furniture that you could paint and use for altars or displays
He would be nice to the stray cats you took in, even if he thought they were evil
He didn’t like Stevie Nicks but you did, so it grew on him
He taught you more about foraging and edible plants
He also collected plants in the woods that you could plant in your own garden
He gave you small tattoos at home of random astrology symbols or whatever meant something to you at the time
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munsonshire · 8 months
Jealous Daryl Dixon
Pairing: Reader (gender neutral) x Daryl Dixon Warnings: none apply My asks are always active if you wanna request anything! Masterlist
- Jealous Daryl is cute because he's not the kind of guy that goes and throws some punches and all that, nope, even if it doesn't seem like it he can control his emotions quite well
- But oh boy, if looks could kill that person would be dead af
- He will probably shut you out for a bit, because he needs to get ahold of his emotions and also because part of his mind i'd telling him that you liked that person more than him, so you'd have to reassure him that you did in fact love him and not that random person
- He will also have a few words with that person, probably a little threat about how he's pretty good t hunting and would shoot an arrow in their stupid face, you know, nothing too bad considering that this is the apocalypse
- He's very cute when jealous
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emodaryls · 7 months
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Caregiver!Daryl Dixon headcanons part 2: electric boogaloo
I love thinking of caregiver Daryl so much ok I love it ❤️‍🩹
Gif link
Part 1
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If his regressor was ever stressed out or crying, he’d hold them close to his chest, rubbing their back, kissing the top of their head, and whispering words of reassurance. “It’s a’right… everything’s okay. ‘M here..” but if his regressor ever wanted to be left alone, he’d totally respect that and wait until they’re ready.
If they’re in Alexandria or the commonwealth and have a television and cd/vcr player, he’ll collect cds and vcrs of movies so they can have movie nights together. If his regressor has a favorite movie, he’ll try his best to find it whenever he’s out on his supply runs.
For their movie nights, he’ll make popcorn and snacks! Maybe even set up the couch or bed, making it all comfy with his regressor a favorite stuffies and blankets. If his regressor is sensitive to certain textures, he’ll make sure to wear clothes that won’t bother them, especially if they will be cuddling n stuff.
Daryl secretly loves doing arts and crafts with them. Not only because he loves to see them content and having fun, but also because he finds it fun himself. But he’ll never admit it, he’s stubborn like that.
More secret feelings. He’ll be nervous. He worries if he’s a good caregiver and if he’s doing anything wrong. He never wants to hurt, upset, or neglect his regressor, and he’ll try his absolute best not to.
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nimbusghoul · 1 year
Prompts/Fandoms for Asks!
I will say i cANNOT write angst for the life of me, and this is not the extent of my list!! Im always looking for ideas.
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I will add to this as i remember more!
COD, Ghost BC/The Band Ghost, Arcane, Slashers!!(Will put a list of slashers I know below, let me know if you don’t see one you like!), Supernatural, Criminal Minds, Hotline Miami, Supernatural, FNaF, Moon Knight, Webtoons!(Will list the ones i know below the slashers), MHA, Ride The Cyclone, Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Six, Hadestown, MCU, The Walten Files, Creepypasta(I am cringe but i am free), Inside Job, Beetlejuice(Musical), Danganronpa, Redacted ASMR, The Walking Dead, DC comics, Scott Pilgrim(Movie AND comics), SCP, Gorillaz, Welcome Home, Sally Face, Kingdom Hearts, Mystic Messenger, Obey Me, Helltaker
Slasher list
Michael Myers, Carrie White, Ghostface(All), Billy Lenz, Thomas Hewitt, Art the Clown, Pennywise(I am cringe but i am free x2), Jason Vorhees, Freddy Krueger, The Candyman, Brahms Heelshire, Harry Warden, Patrick Bateman, Pearl(YOUNGER VERSION ONLY, Mia Goth is hot okay?), The Sinclairs, Hannibal Lecter, Jennifer Check, Pinhead
(Let me know if i missed any you like!!)
Webtoon List
Let’s Play, Acception, Monsters & Girls, Gourmet Hound, Acception, Miracle Simulator, Down to Earth, Lore Olympus, The Devil is a Handsome Man.
Please recommend me some more webtoons you enjoy! I would love to try them!
A)Scary Movie Night
B)Sleepy Morning
C)Family Dinner
D)Festival Date
E)Camping Date
F)Teaching(How to cook, languages, can go either ways and you can choose the material)
J)Falling Asleep together
K)Insomnia Help
L)Self Care Day
M)Talking about starting a family
N)Period Care/Sickness Care
O)Coming Home
P)Snowed/Rained in
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Edit: found out i can in fact add a cutoff IM SO DUMB💚💚
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1. “It’s getting late, don’t you wanna come inside?”
2. (Fluffy Smut?) Tickle Fight
3. Sexy Games (Sex Dice, Sexy Fortune Telling, Position Roulette, Card Games, Strip Poker)
4. Quickie
5. “What do you like?” - “I don’t know…” - “Then how about we find out together?”
6. Blindfolded Exploration
7. “You’re overworked, Loosen up a bit.”
8. “You’re so done when I get you alone.”
9. Wearing their clothes half naked
10. Sleepy Morning Sex
11. Pheromones
12. “Wanna take a shower?” “Sure.” “Alright, I’ll join you.”
13. Walking in on them/you changing
14. “What a great way to wake up.”
15. “Wanna try anal?” “Sure!” “Okay bend over!” “wait what?”
16. Dressing Room Sex
17. “I want to spoil you.”
18. “Can’t you knock?!”
19. “I wanna be a parent, Let’s make one”
20. Nudes of Inconvenient Timing
21. Long Distance Phone Sex
22.Birthday Sex
23. Fluffy Size Difference
24. Make Up Sex
25. Rough Size Difference
26. Gaming/Working Blowjob/Cockwarming
27. “I wanna make a sex tape.”
28. “Cute Outfit! Now take it off.”
29. “Come Help me with my zipper”
30. “What do you want for Dinner?” “you.”
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 10 months
Oh jesus wait! Only now that something might finally be starting with Carol and Daryl did I suddenly think.. what if Daryl was aroace tho. and now I'm just-
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