#data enrichment companies
Data gathering. Relevant data for an analytics application is identified and assembled. The data may be located in different source systems, a data warehouse or a data lake, an increasingly common repository in big data environments that contain a mix of structured and unstructured data. External data sources may also be used. Wherever the data comes from, a data scientist often moves it to a data lake for the remaining steps in the process.
Data preparation. This stage includes a set of steps to get the data ready to be mined. It starts with data exploration, profiling and pre-processing, followed by data cleansing work to fix errors and other data quality issues. Data transformation is also done to make data sets consistent, unless a data scientist is looking to analyze unfiltered raw data for a particular application.
Mining the data. Once the data is prepared, a data scientist chooses the appropriate data mining technique and then implements one or more algorithms to do the mining. In machine learning applications, the algorithms typically must be trained on sample data sets to look for the information being sought before they're run against the full set of data.
Data analysis and interpretation. The data mining results are used to create analytical models that can help drive decision-making and other business actions. The data scientist or another member of a data science team also must communicate the findings to business executives and users, often through data visualization and the use of data storytelling techniques.
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Types of data mining techniques
Various techniques can be used to mine data for different data science applications. Pattern recognition is a common data mining use case that's enabled by multiple techniques, as is anomaly detection, which aims to identify outlier values in data sets. Popular data mining techniques include the following types:
Association rule mining. In data mining, association rules are if-then statements that identify relationships between data elements. Support and confidence criteria are used to assess the relationships -- support measures how frequently the related elements appear in a data set, while confidence reflects the number of times an if-then statement is accurate.
Classification. This approach assigns the elements in data sets to different categories defined as part of the data mining process. Decision trees, Naive Bayes classifiers, k-nearest neighbor and logistic regression are some examples of classification methods.
Clustering. In this case, data elements that share particular characteristics are grouped together into clusters as part of data mining applications. Examples include k-means clustering, hierarchical clustering and Gaussian mixture models.
Regression. This is another way to find relationships in data sets, by calculating predicted data values based on a set of variables. Linear regression and multivariate regression are examples. Decision trees and some other classification methods can be used to do regressions, too
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Data mining companies follow the procedure
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smartbates37 · 1 month
Sparkling Your Data: Top CRM Data Cleansing Services for Private Equity and Accounting Firms
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the accurate and reliable management of data is paramount for private equity and accounting firms. One of the key aspects of this data management is database cleansing, which ensures that the information these firms rely on is up-to-date, free from errors, and structured in a way that maximizes its utility. Specifically tailored CRM data cleansing services play a crucial role in helping these firms maintain clean and actionable customer data, allowing them to deepen client relationships, streamline operations, and make more informed business decisions.
CRM data cleansing solutions provide a targeted approach to address inconsistencies, redundancies, and inaccuracies within customer data, offering a comprehensive suite of services that range from contact data cleansing to specialized consultancy by experts in CRM data cleaning. For private equity firms looking to enhance their deal sourcing capabilities and investor relations, as well as accounting firms seeking to improve client retention and financial reporting accuracy, partnering with reputable providers of data cleansing services can yield significant benefits. These services extend beyond just data cleansing for accounting firms and encompass b2b data cleansing services as well, catering to the diverse needs of businesses in various sectors.
Why CRM Data Cleansing Services are Crucial
In the fast-paced world of private equity and accounting firms, accurate and up-to-date data is vital for making informed business decisions. Having clean CRM data ensures that firms can effectively target their marketing efforts, identify new opportunities, and nurture existing client relationships.
Without proper data cleansing services in place, firms risk encountering duplicate records, incomplete information, and outdated contact details in their CRM systems. This can lead to wasted time and resources, as well as missed opportunities for engagement and growth. By investing in CRM data cleansing solutions, firms can maintain a high standard of data quality and integrity.
Furthermore, data cleansing for accounting firms and private equity companies is essential for compliance with regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. Ensuring Amazon product data entry for small businesses is accurate and kept up-to-date not only improves operational efficiency but also helps to mitigate risks associated with non-compliance. By proactively cleaning their CRM data, firms can build trust with clients and demonstrate their commitment to data privacy and security.
Top CRM Data Cleansing Services for Private Equity Firms
For private equity firms looking to enhance their data quality, investing in reliable CRM data cleansing services is crucial. These services provide a systematic approach to identifying and rectifying inaccuracies within customer databases, ensuring that client information remains up-to-date and accurate. By partnering with reputable providers of CRM data cleansing solutions, private equity firms can optimize their customer relationship management processes and make more informed business decisions.
One key aspect of CRM data cleansing for private equity firms is the ability to standardize and validate contact data. Reliable contact data cleansing services help in ensuring that all client information is correctly formatted and devoid of errors. This ensures that communications are effectively delivered, enhancing overall client satisfaction and relationship management. Additionally, by partnering with skilled CRM data cleaning consultants, private equity firms can streamline their data cleaning processes and maintain high data accuracy standards.
Moreover, data cleansing services tailored specifically for private equity firms can offer advanced features such as B2B data cleansing services. These services focus on refining business-to-business data, ensuring that critical information regarding clients, partners, and other stakeholders is accurate and reliable. By leveraging these specialized services, private equity firms can better understand their client base, improve targeting strategies, and ultimately drive business growth through enhanced data quality.
Efficient Data Cleansing Solutions for Accounting Firms
In the realm of accounting, the accuracy and integrity of data are paramount. Utilizing effective data cleansing services can help accounting firms ensure that their financial information is reliable and error-free. For streamlined operations and compliance with regulatory standards, investing in CRM data cleansing solutions tailored for accounting firms is essential.
Contact data cleansing plays a crucial role in maintaining up-to-date client information for accounting firms. By employing CRM data cleaning consultants specializing in the accounting sector, firms can ensure that their client database is accurate and current. This targeted approach to data cleansing helps in fostering stronger client relationships and delivering personalized services.
For seamless integration with accounting software and platforms like Shopify, b2b data cleansing services offer the expertise needed to cleanse and enrich product data efficiently. With shopify bulk product upload services and precise product data entry services, accounting firms can enhance their inventory management and reporting processes. By outsourcing shopify data entry services, accounting firms can focus on their core functions while benefiting from clean and standardized product data.
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appelclarke31 · 1 month
Sparkling Your Data: Top CRM Data Cleansing Services for Private Equity and Accounting Firms
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the accurate and reliable management of data is paramount for private equity and accounting firms. One of the key aspects of this data management is database cleansing, which ensures that the information these firms rely on is up-to-date, free from errors, and structured in a way that maximizes its utility. Specifically tailored CRM data cleansing services play a crucial role in helping these firms maintain clean and actionable customer data, allowing them to deepen client relationships, streamline operations, and make more informed business decisions.
CRM data cleansing solutions provide a targeted approach to address inconsistencies, redundancies, and inaccuracies within customer data, offering a comprehensive suite of services that range from contact data cleansing to specialized consultancy by experts in CRM data cleaning. For private equity firms looking to enhance their deal sourcing capabilities and investor relations, as well as accounting firms seeking to improve client retention and financial reporting accuracy, partnering with reputable providers of data cleansing services can yield significant benefits. These services extend beyond just data cleansing for accounting firms and encompass b2b data cleansing services as well, catering to the diverse needs of businesses in various sectors.
Why CRM Data Cleansing Services are Crucial
In the fast-paced world of private equity and accounting firms, accurate and up-to-date data is vital for making informed business decisions. Having Best Amazon product data entry services ensures that firms can effectively target their marketing efforts, identify new opportunities, and nurture existing client relationships.
Without proper data cleansing services in place, firms risk encountering duplicate records, incomplete information, and outdated contact details in their CRM systems. This can lead to wasted time and resources, as well as missed opportunities for engagement and growth. By investing in CRM data cleansing solutions, firms can maintain a high standard of data quality and integrity.
Furthermore, data cleansing for accounting firms and private equity companies is essential for compliance with regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. Ensuring that contact data is accurate and kept up-to-date not only improves operational efficiency but also helps to mitigate risks associated with non-compliance. By proactively cleaning their CRM data, firms can build trust with clients and demonstrate their commitment to data privacy and security.
Top CRM Data Cleansing Services for Private Equity Firms
For private equity firms looking to enhance their data quality, investing in reliable CRM data cleansing services is crucial. These services provide a systematic approach to identifying and rectifying inaccuracies within customer databases, ensuring that client information remains up-to-date and accurate. By partnering with reputable providers of CRM data cleansing solutions, private equity firms can optimize their customer relationship management processes and make more informed business decisions.
One key aspect of CRM data cleansing for private equity firms is the ability to standardize and validate contact data. Reliable contact data cleansing services help in ensuring that all client information is correctly formatted and devoid of errors. This ensures that communications are effectively delivered, enhancing overall client satisfaction and relationship management. Additionally, by partnering with skilled CRM data cleaning consultants, private equity firms can streamline their data cleaning processes and maintain high data accuracy standards.
Moreover, data cleansing services tailored specifically for private equity firms can offer advanced features such as B2B data cleansing services. Top-rated Amazon product data entry companies focus on refining business-to-business data, ensuring that critical information regarding clients, partners, and other stakeholders is accurate and reliable. By leveraging these specialized services, private equity firms can better understand their client base, improve targeting strategies, and ultimately drive business growth through enhanced data quality.
Efficient Data Cleansing Solutions for Accounting Firms
In the realm of accounting, the accuracy and integrity of data are paramount. Utilizing effective data cleansing services can help accounting firms ensure that their financial information is reliable and error-free. For streamlined operations and compliance with regulatory standards, investing in CRM data cleansing solutions tailored for accounting firms is essential.
Contact data cleansing plays a crucial role in maintaining up-to-date client information for accounting firms. By employing CRM data cleaning consultants specializing in the accounting sector, firms can ensure that their client database is accurate and current. How to automate Amazon product data entry to data cleansing helps in fostering stronger client relationships and delivering personalized services.
For seamless integration with accounting software and platforms like Shopify, b2b data cleansing services offer the expertise needed to cleanse and enrich product data efficiently. With shopify bulk product upload services and precise product data entry services, accounting firms can enhance their inventory management and reporting processes. By outsourcing shopify data entry services, accounting firms can focus on their core functions while benefiting from clean and standardized product data.
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yildizbynum41 · 1 month
Sparkling Your Data: Top CRM Data Cleansing Services for Private Equity and Accounting Firms
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the accurate and reliable management of data is paramount for private equity and accounting firms. One of the key aspects of this data management is database cleansing, which ensures that the information these firms rely on is up-to-date, free from errors, and structured in a way that maximizes its utility. Specifically tailored CRM data cleansing services play a crucial role in helping these firms maintain clean and actionable customer data, allowing them to deepen client relationships, streamline operations, and make more informed business decisions.
CRM data cleansing solutions provide a targeted approach to address inconsistencies, redundancies, and inaccuracies within customer data, offering a comprehensive suite of services that range from contact data cleansing to specialized consultancy by experts in CRM data cleaning. For private equity firms looking to enhance their deal sourcing capabilities and investor relations, as well as accounting firms seeking to improve client retention and financial reporting accuracy, partnering with reputable providers of data cleansing services can yield significant benefits. These services extend beyond just data cleansing for accounting firms and encompass b2b data cleansing services as well, catering to the diverse needs of businesses in various sectors.
Why CRM Data Cleansing Services are Crucial
In the fast-paced world of private equity and accounting firms, accurate and up-to-date data is vital for making informed business decisions. Having clean CRM data ensures that firms can effectively target their marketing efforts, identify new opportunities, and nurture existing client relationships.
Without proper data cleansing services in place, firms risk encountering duplicate records, incomplete information, and outdated contact details in their CRM systems. This can lead to wasted time and resources, as well as missed opportunities for engagement and growth. By investing in CRM data cleansing solutions, firms can maintain a high standard of data quality and integrity.
Furthermore, data cleansing for accounting firms and private equity companies is essential for compliance with regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. Ensuring that contact data is accurate and kept up-to-date not only improves operational efficiency but also helps to mitigate risks associated with non-compliance. By proactively cleaning their CRM data, firms can build trust with clients and demonstrate their commitment to data privacy and security.
Top CRM Data Cleansing Services for Private Equity Firms
For private equity firms looking to enhance their data quality, investing in reliable CRM data cleansing services is crucial. These services provide a systematic approach to identifying and rectifying inaccuracies within customer databases, ensuring that client information remains up-to-date and accurate. By partnering with reputable providers of CRM data cleansing solutions, private equity firms can optimize their customer relationship management processes and make more informed business decisions.
One key aspect of CRM data cleansing for private equity firms is the ability to standardize and validate contact data. Reliable contact data cleansing services help in ensuring that all client information is correctly formatted and devoid of errors. This ensures that communications are effectively delivered, enhancing overall client satisfaction and relationship management. Additionally, by partnering with skilled CRM data cleaning consultants, private equity firms can streamline their data cleaning processes and maintain high data accuracy standards.
Moreover, data cleansing services tailored specifically for private equity firms can offer advanced features such as B2B data cleansing services. These services focus on refining business-to-business data, ensuring that critical information regarding clients, partners, and other stakeholders is accurate and reliable. By leveraging these specialized services, private equity firms can better understand their client base, improve targeting strategies, and ultimately drive business growth through enhanced data quality.
Efficient Data Cleansing Solutions for Accounting Firms
In the realm of accounting, the accuracy and integrity of data are paramount. Utilizing effective data cleansing services can help accounting firms ensure that their financial information is reliable and error-free. For streamlined Best Amazon product data entry services and compliance with regulatory standards, investing in CRM data cleansing solutions tailored for accounting firms is essential.
Contact data cleansing plays a crucial role in maintaining up-to-date client information for accounting firms. By employing How to choose Amazon product data entry services cleaning consultants specializing in the accounting sector, firms can ensure that their client database is accurate and current. This targeted approach to data cleansing helps in fostering stronger client relationships and delivering personalized services.
For seamless integration with accounting software and platforms like Shopify, b2b data cleansing services offer the expertise needed to cleanse and enrich product data efficiently. With shopify bulk product upload services and precise product data entry services, accounting firms can enhance their inventory management and reporting processes. By outsourcing shopify data entry services, accounting firms can focus on their core functions while benefiting from clean and standardized product data.
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apeirosolutions321 · 1 month
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Top Data Enrichment Companies
Discover leading data enrichment companies helping businesses thrive. Boost your data quality and gain valuable customer insights with trusted providers.
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Data Management
Data management is the practice of collecting, organizing, protecting, and storing an organization’s data so it can be analyzed for business decisions. As organizations create and consume data at unprecedented rates, data management solutions become essential for making sense of the vast quantities of data.
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Today’s leading data management software ensures that reliable, up-to-date data is always used to drive decisions. The software helps with everything from data preparation to cataloging, search, and governance, allowing people to quickly find the information they need for analysis.
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itesservices · 1 year
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Social media data mining is essential for businesses to uncover patterns, correlations, and forecasts. They can gather insights to make informed decisions and scale new heights in the industry. 
Get in touch with social media data mining experts today and create targeted marketing campaigns that help yield incremental ROI. 
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styxhealthnsafety · 3 months
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Hello? Hello, hello? Uh, I wanted to record a message for you to help you get settled in on your first night. Um, I actually worked for S.T.Y.X before you. I'm finishing up my 'last' week now, as a matter of fact. So, I know it can be a bit overwhelming, but I'm here to tell you there's nothing to worry about. Uh, you'll do fine. So, let's just focus on getting you through your first week, okay?
Uh, let's see, first there's an introductory greeting video from the company that I'm supposed to show you. Uh, it's kind of a legal thing, you know. Um, "Magic- a supernatural energy once thought to be the stuff of miracles. Imagination... Never-ending possibility. But sometimes, great power brings great disaster. This cannot be the status quo. Magic enriches our lives, And in order to safeguard what we have.. The Styx Institute of Magic Science works tirelessly to collect and parse magical data from all over the world. Safe use of technomantic technology, Magical power analysis, Preservation of ruins and magestones.. Blot emission reduction, post-overblot treatment... Magical disaster prediction systems, Maintaining a Phantom database, we do all of this and more to support the people of the world from behind the scenes, as a non-profit organization. Ensuring your magical lives are safe to explore-- We are the Styx institute of Magic Science.
The Jupiter family is not responsible for damage to property or person. Upon discovering that damage or death has occurred, a missing person report will be filed within 90 days, or as soon property and premises have been thoroughly cleaned and bleached, and the carpets have been replaced."
Blah, blah, blah. Now that might sound bad, I know, but there's really nothing to worry about. Uh, the blot monsters and our subjects here do get a bit quirky at night, but do I blame them? No. If I lost my entire sense of self and never got to touch grass? I'd probably be a bit irritable at night too. So, remember, these subjects hold a special place in the hearts of their family back home and we need to show them a little respect, right? Okay.
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blinkpen · 6 months
so, now that shit's deteriorating further, probably from even more constant stress, that i'm officially in the"i just leave my body without my say so and stop moving and don't realize this has happened full blown catatonia style" and "pockets of missing time" stage, which, by the way, is fucking scary as shit to Live in that reality, maybe my doctor can finally convince the insurance company i'm worthy of a fresh MRI/brain scan to survey just how much brain damage pre-existing schizophrenia multiplied by a long covid-caused seizure is going on at this point.
regardless if if there's anything we can really DO about it? but. yanno. it'd be nice. if nothing else, i can enrich the data for all the long term consequences of this vile cesspit of country not giving a shit about anything but money and eugenics
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gamefuna-official · 3 months
hey so about that data breach right before Lionel's death,
Yknow sometimes the company hitmen need a little enrichment time, so asks like these are great for them
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flock-talk · 4 months
How do you know if your bird loves you? And how do you tell your bird you love them?
Love is one of those things that isn't necessarily scientifically measurable, we would translate it in to more recordable data like stress signs, capacity to exhibit natural behaviours, natural engagement, and species specific social behaviours like allopreening or vocalizations. If an animal is able to behave normally in your presence, seeks out attention (without stress/ negative reinforcement/ coercive control impacting that behaviour), attempts to engage you in social activities (like joining whatever you're doing, making contact calls or mate calls, preening you), or exhibits calming or vulnerable behaviours around you (preening, sleeping, eating, turning their back to you, remaining fluffed and content), it's pretty safe to say that they appreciate your company to some extent. Every bird will present their affections and engage with people in different ways, that doesn't mean that one cares for their human less than another! They each just have their own boundaries and means of expressions- just as people do. (just because I don't like hugging my friends doesn't mean I don't love my friends, I just don't express my care for them through physical contact like other people might!)
In terms of how to show your bird you care about them I would largely focus on meeting their species-specific needs. Providing new enrichment activities, toys, new foods, foraging, enclosure size, perching options, are all easy ways for a bird to feel fulfilled and happy. With those activities you can make yourself a more active part to appeal to their social needs, engage in the activities with them, help them solve their foragers, chatter and vocalize back with them, mimic them, offer scritches/ preening, these are all ways for a bird to see you in a more social role, appreciate your company, and see value in spending time with you.
and don't undervalue the importance of just sitting together, a fluffed up cozy bird on your shoulder or a nearby stand is one that feels safe, one that trusts you, one that's content, one that knows you're not a threat and will keep them from harm. Being relaxed and content is a mindset of peace - exactly what you would hope to feel with someone you care about!
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thoughtportal · 10 months
In an email to constituents raising concerns about KOSA, Representative Frost writes, “Proposals that involve filtering or identification requirements on sites, like the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), would have unintended consequences that undermine our goal of an enriching and educational Internet experience and far outweigh their benefits. They jeopardize kids’ privacy through increased data collection and promote inappropriate parental surveillance which can keep children experiencing domestic abuse from seeking help. Governor DeSantis has championed these policies as a way to censor LGBTQ+ content, like LGBTQ+ mental health resources and HIV prevention information, that can be essential to kids’ well being.”
Representative Frost is absolutely right, and his comments are in line with what human rights, free expression, civil liberties, and civil rights experts have been saying for months. There is tremendous urgency around holding Big Tech companies accountable, but KOSA is not the solution.
Representative Frost goes on to say, “Instead, I support proposals that shape the underlying design of online services commonly used by kids, including social media and video game platforms, to better serve them. These include requiring providers to default to the highest privacy setting possible for minors; ending algorithms that push children toward inappropriate content; using clear, concise language that kids can understand for terms of service; and further limiting and securing the collection of children’s data. We deserve an internet that works for all of us, especially kids.”
Fight for the Future has long called for strong Federal data privacy legislation, a ban on the use of personal data to power recommendation algorithms, and an end to manipulative design features like auto play, infinite scroll, and intrusive notifications. Representative Frost rightly points out that there are many things we can do to crack down on Big Tech abuses without empowering extreme right wing attorneys general to attack trans kids and censor content they don’t like. We hope other members of Congress will join him in speaking out against misguided legislation like KOSA, so that we can work together toward meaningful legislation that addresses the harms of Big Tech without throwing marginalized kids and human rights under the bus.
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ebookporn · 2 months
Because wire fraud and money laundering are now also book terms
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Books have always played a role in politics as a way to get to know the candidate, outline their vision, and set the record straight after they have left office but political books can also be weaponized and not always in the way you might think. Recently Harper accidentally released metadata on a James Comer book called ALL THE PRESIDENT’S MONEY due to release on September 10th, strategic timing for a close election. Comer quickly denied he has a contract for a book but Harper wouldn’t have this data in their system if they weren’t already working on it. The ONIX feed is now been refed listed as UNTITLED by Anonymous. Shopping a book deal at the same time that he is leading the Biden impeachment probe, is obviously not a good look for Comer. Sure this is a way to throw chum the water and try and smear the other candidate but I live in Baltimore and another concern comes to mind. With a bankrupt Republican Party, it might be very important to watch just who is buying these books.
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In 2019, just before Covid, Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud, conspiracy to defraud the United States, and two counts of tax evasion in what has become known as BookGate. Pugh and her long-standing legislative and campaign adviser, Gary Brown fraudulently sold self-published Healthy Holly children's books to local nonprofit organizations in order to obtain more than $800,000 to fund her campaign and enrich herself. These were cheap and poorly written books riddled with errors and spelling mistakes. Holly, the main character’s name, was spelled differently throughout the series. Tens of thousands of books sold to organizations and intended to be distributed to children ended up piled in warehouses and were never delivered. They were however resold multiple times. Significantly more books were sold than were ever printed. But this wasn’t just about selling crappy kids books. The buyers didn't care, they bought anyway.
CNN reported that during BookGate the University of Maryland Medical Center spent $500,000 to fund the purchase of some 100,000 books from Pugh’s company, Healthy Holly LLC. The former mayor also received about $114,000 from healthcare provider Kaiser Permanente for some 20,000 books from 2015 to 2018 and an additional $80,000 from the public foundation Associated Black Charities, which said it bought some 10,000 copies of Pugh’s between 2011 and 2016. All of these groups worked with and lobbied the city. 
Catherine Pugh was sentenced to 3 years in prison and ordered to pay $411,948 in restitution and to forfeit more than $600,000, including a property in Baltimore and nearly $18,000 from her campaign account.
Sound familiar? It is openly acknowledged that this is precisely what is going on with Donald Trump’s self-published bible. High-velocity sales of an objectively poor product are hard to hide and easier to subpoena and trace as people notice. Now if you can put a legitimate business between you and the questionable product all the better. We can see that with Trump’s media company now listed on the New York Stock Exchange. 
In the post-Trump world, it is no longer just monitoring institutional sales and people trying to game the bestsellers lists. Trade Publishers and retailers like Amazon, Walmart, and Barnes & Noble need to be extra careful and pay attention to just how and to whom these books are being sold lest they get caught up in an FBI investigation because wire fraud and money laundering are now also book terms.
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data outsourcing companies in india
Data management is the practice of ingesting, processing, securing and storing an organization’s data, where it is then utilized for strategic decision-making to improve business outcomes. Over the last decade, developments within hybrid cloud, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), and edge computing have led to the exponential growth of big data, creating even more complexity for enterprises to manage. As a result, a data management discipline within an organization has become an increasing priority as this growth has created significant challenges, such as data silos, security risks, and general bottlenecks to decision-making. Teams address these challenges head on with a number of data management solutions, which are aimed to clean, unify, and secure data. This, in turn, allows leaders to glean insights through dashboards and other data visualization tools, enabling informed business decisions. It also empowers data science teams to investigate more complex questions, allowing them to leverage more advanced analytical capabilities, like machine learning, for proof-of-concept projects. If they’re successful at delivering and improving against business outcomes, they can partner with relevant teams to scale those learnings across their organization through automation practices.
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itesservices · 1 year
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Data mining for social media proves to be an excellent tool for businesses looking to expand paradigms and scale new heights in the industry. Apart from understanding their target markets and customers better, they can reap the following benefits:
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smreine · 1 year
I guess I’m not done having emotions about AI art yet
Ethical AI usage has plenty of room for the "wow!" and "this is so fun!" factor, among other personal uses. I just think that right now, the dataset acquisition is reprehensible, the enrichment of the company owners at the expense of artists is the absolute worst of capitalist amorality, and AI art is not capable of providing a net positive to culture until these issues are resolved.
There is not really any ethical use of AI to generate art if you aren’t using your own datasets and running it on your computer.
With big companies like Midjourney, you will be using datasets acquired without consent. You will also be providing more data and money to help the business do better theft.
I totally get why it's fun. It feels like visualizing dreams. Referencing things that are familiar in this surreal ways. I love that some folks seem to be having this cool community experience with it, sharing things and learning. It must feel enriching.
I wish that the system that your joy enriches were not *so terrible*. They do not deserve you.
My ire is always aimed at the system, the moneybags, not the people who are navigating the same moral complexities I am and often reaching different but equally valid conclusions.
That said, I am asking friends of mine who do it for fun to consider if this is the fun you have to do? There are *so many* fun artistic pursuits. Right now this one is on the forefront of everyone's minds because it's novel, but...we don't have to do it.
We don't have to help the people hurting artists because we are having fun with it.
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