#data org 13
keykidpilipili · 2 years
Radiant Garden’s Datascape is the best because like Tron is the boss there and his neighbours are 26 overpowered copies(13 orphans) of the two organizations who can kick your ass when asked.
34 notes · View notes
variable2005 · 11 months
Heres where i absolutely juiced data roxas that one time
4 notes · View notes
I’m a content creator, photo edits are what I do, yes. My deepest apologies for the hiatus but I was finally able to acquire what was needed. Hopefully I can get back on track. I won’t be able to match the seat with the day but I’ll still try to keep these going daily. Thank you all for your patience.
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5 notes · View notes
dotieeee · 3 months
The Gamemaker's Apprentice
Level 13
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Pairing: Dark!Young!Coriolanus Snow x You, named!Reader
Overall Warnings:
NON-CON, DUB-CON, Dark!Young!Coriolanus Snow, Snow himself should be a warning, lots of blackmailing, gaslighting, manipulation, obsession, possesiveness, eventual forced marriage, eventual loss of virginity, breeding kink, canon-compliant major character death, reader is named but has no physical descriptions in the fic so one might also consider her an OC but in 2nd POV, will have canon inconsistencies, drugging, somnophilia, and other stuff that may be added
Level 13 Warnings:
Graphic oral non-con
Replay Level 12
Ready? Level 13 Start:
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You know even without looking at the object what it is.
Now, this is odd, seeing as you don’t remember Bunny having something like this stuffed inside it, much less something shaped like a disk. Also, there aren’t any zippers or holes which could’ve been used to slip it well inside the stuffing, so someone had painstakingly taken Bunny apart to put it in and stitched it back up so neatly that it left absolutely no trace.
Could your uncle have planted this?
Personal storage devices aren’t allowed in the Citadel, but if it’s hidden somewhere they can’t really look or scan… Bunny might just be coming to work with you tomorrow.
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A maid wakes you up at six for breakfast. You don’t remember asking for a wake-up call, but you figure your housemate might not take kindly to you sleeping in on an office day. As you enter the dining room and find Coriolanus Snow drinking his morning tea while reading the paper, you deduce it must be a routine for him, and one that you’re now supposed to adhere to as his guest (prisoner).
Coriolanus softly smiles at you as he gets to his feet, kissing you at your temple before whispering a fond ‘good morning.’
You join him at the table to his left and begin eating quietly, and by seven-forty-five, you’re both dressed and ready for the office. He gives your figure a once-over before stepping out of the door, donning on a satisfied look at your outfit: a crisp, white shirt tucked underneath a waistcoat, a blazer and a pencil skirt set in crimson. Just the right length, form-fitting yet comfortable, it still somehow manages to stifle you.
“You look perfect in that suit, my sugarplum,” he compliments, following a brief peck on your lips.
It’s an ensemble you found, neatly pressed and ready, by the full-length mirror in the walk-in closet right after stepping out of the shower. He didn’t instruct you to wear it, but who could have and for what other reason could it have been placed there except by him to further mould you into this image he wants you to portray?
Inside the private elevator, he issues more mandates for you to comply with as his fiancée:
“You’re not allowed to go anywhere else but to work or school, and then back to our home – anywhere else you would have to confer with me.”
“We are to visit the Plinths every weekend for wedding planning.”
“You are not to associate with anyone in the Cybersecurity department, including your uncle himself.”
When you get to your office at the Citadel, another command:
“Due to your actions last Friday that led to us losing important test data, you are prohibited from participating in any further tests and will be confined to your office where you are to complete debugging tasks.”
This, you protest against.
“Last I heard, I was an official gamemaker as of today. That means you’re no longer my mentor. You can’t keep me in here or order me around anymore.”
Coriolanus tips his head slightly to acknowledge this. “Your status may have been elevated, Nellie, that’s true, but our org structure dictates newly promoted gamemakers are mandated to undergo a three-month probationary period, which means they are to be supervised by the senior gamemaker who last took them under their wing.” He pauses to flash you a gloating smirk and adds, “Need I remind you who that is?”
With a wearied sigh, you’re forced to let the matter go, which earns you a nod of approval, his eyes belying a hint of smugness.
Bound to his house and to this office – bound to him. Is this going to be your glamourous new life as Coriolanus Snow’s wife?
Thankfully, you have a task at hand in the form of that thing hidden inside Bunny, so you let an hour pass after he steps out of your office to fish the plush out of your bag. You lay it facedown on your desk and carefully manoeuvre your way through the seams on its back with a small office blade.
“I’m sorry, Bunny,” you whisper to it. “I’ll stitch you back up once I’m done...”
From the incision you make, you rummage through the stuffing and pull the thing out with a pair of tweezers. Turns out, your guess last night was correct:
Bunny has a disk inside it and you have all the equipment in the world at your disposal to find out its secrets.
The disk looks fairly new with no labels or writing, but as your uncle advised before, you check it for malware just in case this is one of those little viruses he’s cooked up. When it turns out to be totally harmless, you proceed to install the exe. file, conspicuously named ‘install.me’ and let the application wizard run its course. It finishes installation fairly quickly, and the application pops up at once to reveal a login page. Everything about it seems typical, but oddly enough, the sign-up option is missing and only the name of the game is indicated: Chess for Bored People.
You check inside Bunny once more for any piece of paper where credentials of any sort could be written, but there’s nothing inside or outside it that could resemble any logins. Except maybe Bunny’s label – instead of a company label, it had the word ‘cherrychoc’ and what seems to be your birthdate scrambled with your initials at the end.
What your uncle is up to, you have no clue, but you enter the details you find and hit ‘login.’ A non-descript start-up ‘ding’ signals that you’re in, and the user interface of the app immediately displays a single Start Game button – you click on it, now more curious than ever.
Turns out, it’s some sort of online chess game, where you’re randomly pitted against an opponent, or an available user on the platform – to the right side of the virtual chessboard, currently greyed out and displaying ‘waiting for opponent,’ is a virtual chatroom which seems to be empty, with only the text ‘waiting for available user’ at the top.
You wait for more than an hour, so when you get that same start-up sound, you’re on it in mere seconds.
The game has begun – the opponent has just advanced a black pawn. The chatroom on the right says:
** theConfectioner has just started the chat.**
The Confectioner. It’s Uncle Cas. It has to be.
“I fucking knew it,” you say under your breath.
Hello, cherrychoc.
Welcome to your first game. As a new user, you are entitled to a free treat of your choice at The Headless Confectioner’s Sweet Shop courtesy of the game developer.
Please make the next move.
Cool, thanks!
The game goes on for the next ten minutes until The Confectioner sends another message:
Your username and IP address have not been vetted to access this game.
How did you hear of us, cherrychoc?
I just found it??
Sorry, I didn’t know this needed membership...
A few moments pass before The Confectioner replies:
Unfortunately, this game is currently for preapproved members only. I will now be ending the game.
You’re still qualified to claim your welcome treat at The Headless Confectioner’s. Please look for the Head of Customer Relations and provide your username.
On a final note, please ensure that you delete or uninstall the game from any unsafe devices you may have installed it on. You will now be logged out automatically.
Thank you for playing Chess for Bored People.
**theConfectioner has ended the chat.**
What the hell just happened?
You stare blankly at the now logged-out online chess game, trying to process what had just transpired.
To be fair, this sounds like something your uncle would do to try and get in touch with you: discreet, well-thought-out, and meticulously planned. If you could visit the candy shop during your lunch break, he might have something or someone waiting for you to deliver his message without alerting your eagle-eyed fiance. You quickly uninstall the game as you’re instructed and place the disk back inside Bunny before stowing it back inside your bag.
When the lunch hour rolls by, you make up your mind and decide to step out. And if your every move is being watched, he’ll likely have qualms about you stepping out of your office. True enough, you’re not even halfway through crossing the hall to the elevator when your communicuff beeps to a newly recorded voice message. You can’t help rolling your eyes as you play it.
“Nellie, you’re not supposed to step out of the office without my permission.”
Your response is every bit as snappy as you could make it.
“I’m getting food, Coryo, and I don’t think I want anything from the cafeteria. Unless you’re going to start prohibiting me from having lunch.”
The response you get is curt:
“Fine. Take the driver with you and don’t loiter. And next time, Nellie, send me a message before you step out.”
You debate whether or not you should ask him if he wants anything from the shop, but you decide against it – blackmailers and tyrants don’t really deserve sweet treats.
The Headless Confectioner’s is just as busy as usual. Aside from the shop being the largest candy store in all of Panem, it’s also renowned for making fresh candy onsite and the tours it offers to the Capitol residents. The shop occupying the building itself is closer to a small factory than a shop, given the variety and the amount of candy it seems to make on every day, plus their ice cream is without question, the best and most popular among the Capitol folk. It’s the same creamery at the forefront of the shop, beside the colourful candy displays, where you remember meeting Coriolanus Snow before that day at the park.
A polite salesman helps you find the Head of Customer Relations and directs you to the Chocolate-Making Station, where a small crowd of onlookers – mainly children and their parents – are already milling around the viewing glass watching the chocolate makers pour artisanal chocolate into moulds. He mentions looking for a man wearing a beret, and you spot him with his back turned to you in conversation with a female tour guide who’s leading the crowd. The tour guide nods and proceeds to herd the crowd to an open section beside the viewing glass, where a worker distributes chocolate pieces for free sampling. The man with the beret turns around, and the warm smile he flashes you emphasises the lines in the corner of his eyes. Even with the short beard and his lack of uniform, you’d recognise that grey hair anywhere.
The bartender from Strabo’s party and the courier who delivered those drives and the virus-laden disk.
He dips his head slightly in greeting and says, “Good morning, miss! My name is Petey, the Head of Customer Relations. How can I help you?”
Huh. You remember him with a distinguishable accent in your conversation at the party.
“Hi, I’m here to pick up the ‘welcome treat’ for cherrychoc?” You ask hesitantly, hoping you don’t sound foolish; after all, the idea of getting free stuff just for playing an online game you got booted out of seems rather outlandish.
Thankfully, he doesn’t seem to think so, for a look of acknowledgement flashes in his eyes.
“Ah yes. Chess for Bored People, is it? This way, please,” he says.
He gives no indication that he recognises you, but you follow him anyway, leading you to a massive display of assorted chocolate boxes. He asks you to pick one, but you ask him to pack two, thinking it would look bad for appearances’ sake if you don’t get one for Coriolanus, which he’ll likely take offense to. For good measure, you pick up other items – a granola bar and two ice cream sandwiches for lunch just so you can have something to show for in case he snoops in. Petey rings up your payment at an empty cash register for everything else, and when he hands you your change, he inconspicuously slips a small piece of folded-up paper in your palm, which you place in your pocket as casually as you can.
“Thank you,” you say.
Petey the bartender, the courier, and the Head of Customer Relations nods cheerfully and says, “Thank you, Ms Innis! Have a sweet day and hope to see you again soon.”
After you get back to the office, you all but scarf down the granola bars and the ice cream sandwiches, eager to find out what’s in the note. You’re grateful for the privacy that a trip to the toilet allows you, and, making sure the entire bathroom is locked and your cubicle is bolted shut, you finally take the note out of your pocket and unfurl it to read its printed-out contents.
First off, great work finding the disk inside your stuffed toy; it’s a stroke of luck they didn’t take the damn thing along with my other stuff. Don’t ever use that disk in the office ever again; your station may already have spyware.
Second: if you’re reading this, you must’ve already met with Petey. If he seems vaguely familiar, that’s because he is; he runs a lot of errands for me of the covert kind, like asking him to watch over you at Strabo’s party and slip that disk into the drives.
There are things you may have already found out about me courtesy of your rather pleasant husband-to-be, and I promise you I will explain everything in the future. For now, I expect you to have understood a little bit of my past and are now aware of some of my capabilities – one of which could help you get out of this once and for all.
The Headless Confectioner’s is my idea, and Petey helped me bring it to fruition. Not only is it a convenient source of the family fix, but it’s also an excellent cover for smuggling contraband in and out of the Capitol and into the Districts. It’s how your letters to the Plinth boy remained undetected: Petey slips something into candy orders bound for rich District folk (who either sell it for a huge mark-up or eat it themselves), then our contacts in the Districts take the item and ensure it gets to the right hands.
That’s how I can get you out of there: hide you among the candy crates, get dropped off, not in District 3 where they’d know to look for you, but to either of the Districts except 1 and 2, where I have loyal contacts who’d gladly take you in until we find a more suitable arrangement. These shipments are getting rarer by the day, however, due to the hefty taxes and increasingly strict laws in District trading, so we’ll need to wait. I would most likely need to follow suit for reasons I will explain soon. Return to The Headless Confectioner’s by Thursday as I will have finalised the plan by then.
For now, keep your head down and always remember that good people are looking out for you and me. You’re not alone. We are not alone.
Your Dear Old Uncle Cas
P.S.: Either burn this letter, flush it down, or eat it – whichever you pick, I won’t judge – leave no trace.
You breathe through your lips forcefully to curb the incoming tears.
You’re not alone.
Despite the great risk to himself, your Uncle Cas is still thinking of you and trying to help you out of your misery – along with him, many others you’ve never even met who are willing to risk themselves, nonetheless.
The least you can do is make their effort worthwhile.
That means going about your day, and the entire week, like there’s absolutely nothing going on and then going back to The Headless Confectioner’s as your uncle told you on Thursday. You tear up the note into little pieces and flush it down the toilet before going back to your office. You aren’t at all surprised to find Coriolanus waiting for you, sitting behind your desk with his legs crossed and his eyebrows slightly stitched together. He abandons the chair to approach you so he can plant a quick kiss on your cheek.
“You took your time, sugarplum. Are you alright?” He asks.
When you nod, he inquires if you’ve had lunch, and you hand him the box of chocolates you bought for him, both to divert his attention and to prove you’ve been to where you said you went. He accepts the box delightedly and rewards you with a kiss on your lips, which you’re quick to break.
“Coryo, we’re at work,” you complain quietly. “Isn’t this a bit inappropriate?”
With a huff, Coriolanus rolls his eyes, but you can tell with that ghost of a grin on his lips that this is amusing him. “Fine, if you’re going to be like that...”
Still, he swoops in for a split-second peck which catches you off guard, grinning slyly before saying, “I’ll see you later.”
“How are they?” you ask on impulse as he turns to leave.
“Tansey, Audrey...Callahan?”
He raises his chin and peers at you with his eyes narrowed slightly. “You care what happens to them.”
“Coryo, they were injured the last time we left.”
With a smile that doesn’t match his hard eyes, he simply responds, “They aren’t injured anymore."
He takes you to a dinner party that night – and the night after that – at The White Knight after a quick change in his apartment. It’s just another opportunity for him to make a point of this relationship to everyone who can see. You show up, hand in hand, every bit the polished and demure girlfriend he wants you to be – a term which he now introduces you by to everyone in attendance. It’s Strabo’s birthday party all over again, except he’s now more openly handsy and free with those little gestures of affection you’re now starting to get used to, albeit for all the wrong reasons.
Wednesday night, however, is a welcome change of sorts, because Coriolanus takes you to the Plinth’s Corso home for dinner. It’s where you finally see Tigris Snow again after a long while, and where she greets you and hugs you like a close friend despite the brief time you’ve spent with her in the past.
“It’s been a long while, Nellie, I’m so happy you’re here,” she says as she briefly brushes your cheek with her palm.
You’re a little taken aback at how rough her hands are for someone with an aristocratic upbringing, belying an inner strength underneath her delicate grace. She makes you wonder how someone related to Coriolanus Snow can exude so much genuine warmth.
“Coriolanus has told me all about you even back then. Congratulations to you both.”
“Thank you, Tigris,” you return her earnestness as much as you can – despite her sharing blood with the man who’s forcibly inserted himself into your life, you can tell she’s someone you can trust. Although to what extent and with what, you’ve yet to find out.
“I’m sorry, grandma’am couldn’t be here, she hasn’t been feeling well lately...”
Tigris thankfully drags you away from Coriolanus’s domineering presence after announcing your arrival to Ma and Mr Plinth, taking you to a study well out of shot from any of them.
“We never got to talk.” Tigris clasps your hands as you both sit on a sofa. “How are you?”
The last time someone asked you that, it was Ma, and you had felt her care truly for her well-being so much you opened up like a dam, only to be slammed shut by her rather misguided advice. You decide to put up a front as usual, this time, not knowing what her intentions are.
“I’m...okay, Tigris, thank you,” you say, a little too slower than you would’ve liked. She seems to pick this up at once.
Her eyebrows furrow a little as she presses you on, but she’s gentle with her approach. “I know we haven’t really spoken to each other that much, but – and this is going to sound awful of me to say – but I’ve seen how Coriolanus is when he’s fixated on something.
“Right now, he’s fixated on you, Nellie, and this news of your engagement... it’s just so sudden. Ma says they’ve been planning this for quite some time, but without you? I just can’t help but feel that something else is going on. It’s why I asked,” Tigris explains. This isn’t just some ruse or superficial concern judging by her tone and expression, and she knows better than anyone what kind of person Coriolanus has decided he wants to become.
But, where exactly do you begin?
“I...I d-don’t know,” you stammer. You look over your shoulder to make sure he isn’t around and listening in. Turning back to her, you start, “Tigris, I’m trying to find a way to get out of this.”
Her eyes widen in alarm as she catches on your meaning. “Whatever you need, Nellie, if you ever need to talk, call me. You know our number. I may not be able to do much of anything, but I can help in any way I can – ” her gaze flicks imperceptibly at something behind you and shifts her tone at once “ – and I’m thinking of adding lace appliqués and Swarovski crystals on the shoulder area – ”
“Ladies, I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
Your attention is drawn to Coriolanus’s falsely cheery tone from behind you and paint on that smile he wants to see as you turn to face him.
Tigris has done this many times before, it seems.
“I’ve been telling her that I’d like to make the wedding gown for her as my gift, Coriolanus,” she chirps. Tigris is a pro.
If he suspects anything, he doesn’t show. “I’d like that, my dear cousin,” he says, his eyes slightly warming. “My Nellie deserves nothing but the best.”
“Don’t I know it? I’m going to make a gown fit for the princess she is. You’re coming by this Saturday anyway, so I’ll take her measurements then.”
“Wonderful! Why don’t we continue this at the tea room?”
Your fiancé all but drags you away from his cousin, and for the rest of the night, he never gives you an opportunity to speak to her again without him hovering behind your back.
When you say your goodbyes, you catch Tigris’s eyes and flash her a grateful smile, your uncle’s words echoing in your mind:
You’re not alone.
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Rapidly, you take out the note from your pocket, and in the safety and privacy of the same cubicle inside the bathroom, you unfurl it and read:
There’s a shipment of candy bound for a District 5 tradesman who’s one of us, which is all the better. The crates leave at 11:30 AM this Saturday, so do whatever you have to do to get out of there before that so Petey can secure your cover – we can’t be too careful.
As to when I’ll be joining you, I’d have to make certain arrangements first, but let me worry about that, okay? Focus on getting out of your predicament for now because that’s more urgent than me getting out.
It seems your uncle hasn’t forgotten your tendency to overthink everything. The note continues:
Don’t bring anything that will weigh you down, and don’t be late. Keep your head down for now,
Your dear old Uncle Cas
P.S.: You know what to do.
A little hope blooms in your heart despite the dangers wrought within your uncle’s plan, not to mention what the aftermath of your exodus will mean for him.
Saturday. Only a few more days before you’re at last free of Coriolanus Snow.
This prospect cheers you up a bit even after arriving at his apartment from yet another exhausting dinner party, and when you find your confiscated bag on your bed, returned intact, book included, you’re thankful that something is finally going your way somehow.
“I would’ve liked to see you dressed in one of your nightgowns before coming here,” Coriolanus comments cheekily when you approach him in his work office.
Ignoring him, you remark, “They returned my uncle’s stuff quicker than they did my bag.”
“I’ll take that as ‘thank you for getting my bag back, Coryo.’”
Grinning to himself, he leans back on his chair behind the office desk as he shuffles through his mail, before picking one envelope out and opening it. “And, if it’s efficiency in Citadel processes you want to see, you’re going to have to wait for me to become president for me to make that happen.”
Right. An egomaniacal, tyrannical dictator for a president. The country has indeed a promising future ahead.
You turn on your feet to leave him be and sleep all your problems away, but he calls your attention at the last minute.
“We have an important dinner to attend on Saturday night,” he begins.
This makes you narrow your eyes a bit. He’s never had to warn you of those beforehand, so you assume this dinner must mean something to him.
“With who?”
“Festus Creed and Persephone Price. I assume Clemmie, Livia and Lys have been invited as well, seeing as I helped Festus secure seven seats at The White Knight.” Flashing you a smile, he adds, “This is going to be quite the reunion, I imagine.”
You chew on your lip in contemplation. You’ve actively avoided seeing your former classmates after what happened to Sejanus, and you’ve only seen some of them in passing after that. The prospect of dinner with them leaves you unsure what to feel; after such a long time of keeping your distance, they’d certainly have more questions for you than you’d care to answer.
That ring heavily weighing down your left ring finger being one of them.
“And if I don’t want to come?” you ask carefully.
Coriolanus raises a chastising eyebrow at you. “As much as I’d like to keep you to myself, it wouldn’t look good if you’re not seen among your peers. When was the last time you talked to them?”
“I met Lys at a coffee shop once.”
“You just said ‘hi’ to her.”
So, he’s kept in touch with his fellow District 12 mentor? Cool.
“I’ve talked to Festus in one of my classes,” you shrug.
“You both worked once on a report.”
He seems to be close enough to Festus to catch up with him on a regular, so this isn’t surprising.
“I bumped into Clemmie at the Uni library.”
“You helped her find research material for her term paper. That hardly counts.”
Now, this stumps you. How could he have known all of these things when you’ve never mentioned them to him before?
“Gee, I’m really glad to know that even my conversations with the people I barely talk to now are being closely monitored,” you chuckle dryly and continue, “That makes me feel very safe. I wonder who among my classmates you paid to spy on me?”
He lets out an aggrieved huff at your derisive accusation. “Nellie, my point here is simple: they’re your friends,” he counters. “Our friends. It wouldn’t hurt you to at least get to know them. We’ve all been through so much together, the least you can do is be present.”
Coriolanus pins you to your spot with an unrelenting stare, his jaws clenched in disapproval. With a tone that leaves no room for dissent, he says:
“You will be there. This discussion is over.”
But you’ll be far away, then, if everything works out fine on Saturday morning. You wouldn’t even have to worry about facing any one of them, probably forever, so this time you concede and bid him good night.
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Never had you felt this much anxiety and excitement at the same time, much less tried holding it in you could burst at any time. You and Coriolanus have been at the Plinths since nine in the morning on this sunny Saturday, with Ma wasting no time to excitedly show you the wedding guest list she had compiled over the past few months, which you only pretend to peruse over late breakfast.
“I had a lot of help from Coriolanus with that list,” she says chirpily, which your soon-to-be ex-fiancé acknowledges with a smile over his cup of tea.
Tigris, who’s sitting to your left, peers into the list as she spreads jam over her toast and offers her help identifying the names you’re not familiar with.
By nine-thirty, Mr Plinth emerges in the dining room and bids Ma farewell, announcing that he’ll be going golfing with one of his more demanding shareholders.
“How would you like to join us tomorrow, Coriolanus? We shall see if that charm of yours will work on old Mr Emery,” he asks his heir, who graciously accepts. He then gives Ma a peck on the cheek before sauntering away while munching on a piece of toast.
A few moments after Plinth senior leaves, the table is soon cleared by the maids, allowing Tigris to lead you inside a guest bedroom for your measurements, and you the opportunity to take her up on her offer for help.
“Alright!” Tigris says once she has locked the bedroom door. “Shall we? Extend your arms out to the side, please.”
“Uh, Tigris?” You start as soon as she drapes her tape measure over your right arm. “You told me you’d help when you can? I think I might need it today. Please?”
Her previously cheerful air shifts to something much more serious as she slowly lowers her tape measure. She nods at once, recognising your urgency.
“Of course, Nellie. What do you need?”
“I have to go at ten thirty.”
“You’re leaving? Where to?”
You inhale sharply and respond, “Away from here. This is my only chance.”
Tigris once again surprises you with her astuteness. “I take it you’re not coming back?” she asks with an increasingly growing smile.
That elation of hers is infectious as your own face lights up. “If this works, then no. Maybe not ever.”
I’ll be rid of your cousin forever.
“Good,” she says with a firm tone. “I’ll distract him. Ten thirty, right?”
Her response is a resolute nod. She doesn’t say anything, but her eyes are expressive enough for you to tell that she’s happy for you that you finally found a way out.
“Thank you,” you whisper while you squeeze her hand. You owe her your freedom, and there’s nothing you can give her right now, save that gesture, to convey how grateful you are.
“Best of luck, Nellie.”
Tigris drones on in detail about the potentially fictional dress she’s planning to make for you, and you go along with her in Coriolanus’s presence. She even shows you and Ma some of her sketches, all of which look so professionally well done you almost regret not being able to see the final product she has in mind.
“If you’ll excuse me,” she says after a while. “I’ll have to check up on the grandma’am; I think I may have forgotten to leave fruit juice on her nightstand. You should come and see her some time, Nellie, when she’s better.”
“Oh good, I think this is my cue to start making lunch, as well, and no, Nellie, dear,” Ma dismisses you with a gentle pat on the cheek when you begin following her to the kitchen. “Bless your heart but can handle this. You go add whoever we may have missed on the guest list. I’m sure you have family members in mind.”
Your eyes land on their grandfather clock. Ten twenty-five.
It’s almost time.
Tigris returns a mere few minutes later, breathless and with a troubled expression.
“Coryo,” she calls out. “You have to come with me. I can’t find the grandma’am.”
Coriolanus looks up from the book he’s reading with a hint of concern in his eyes. “Did you check the rooftop?” he asks, trailing after his cousin and out of the apartment, presumably to locate the poor old woman.
You let a couple of minutes pass just in case they might still be in the hallway – Ma is still in the kitchen and well out of earshot – it’s now or never, a voice whispers in your head.
You heed the voice, grab your handbag and make a break for it.
You take the stairs and descend as fast as your feet can take you while looking behind – all you can think of is the fact that this would be over the moment he catches a glimpse of you fleeing. The elevator might be occupied as well, so you deem it an irresponsible choice. You don’t stop when you’re out of Corso I, and it takes a jog of about fifteen minutes before you get to The Headless Confectioner’s. Breathless, you look for Petey yourself in the vast shop while making yourself inconspicuous just in case anyone you know sees you. You find the Head of Customer Relations in the Jellybean aisle – he places his clipboard behind a cash register once his eyes land on you.
“Ms Innis! You’re early,” he greets with a tip of his hat. “This way, please. Your box of chocolates is still being prepared. In the meantime, have some of this.” He grabs the nearest bottle of beverage from the nearest shelf and tosses it over to you, which you barely catch.
You mutter your thanks as he leads you away on a brisk walk. You reach the back of the shop and weave through the tight spaces between the shelves before you follow him through a door labelled ‘stockroom.’ A dimly lit room the size of a parking lot greets you, but instead of cars, you see rows upon rows of shelves to your right filled with boxes and plastic bags filled with you assume are raw materials, and to your left rows of wooden crates stacked on top of each other, with two forklifts parked right at the front.
Petey exhales audibly as he closes the door behind him.
“No time to look around, ‘m afraid,” he says.
“Your accent is back,” you observe.
“Ha! Fooled ya, didn’t I? Spent so much time tryin’ to copy that damn Capitol twang.”
Dumbfounded, you simply look on as he lifts the lid on one of the wooden crates, and takes out a square-shaped plank of some sort from inside.
“Well, c’mon!” He urgently motions for you to come closer. “The earlier this shipment leaves, the better – peacekeepers have been menacin’ us all week, it’s like they’re onto us or somethin’. You didn’t let anyone play with that stupid game, didya?”
You shake your head as you peek inside the box he just opened. He helps you get inside the box and instructs you to hunker down.
“The trip is goin’ be a while, so your uncle asked me to getcha somethin’ for the road.”
Petey places a tall stack of granola bars and two water bottles inside your crate and gives you final instructions.
“When you get there, our guy’ll knock on your box the word ‘Cas’ in Morse code – and he’ll have to, you can barely hear anythin’ inside that box – so you’ll know you’re with friends. They’re nice, don’t worry; they’ll take you to their safe house where you’ll await your uncle’s next instructions. Got that?”
You nod once, to which he grins widely.
“You’ll be in good hands, kid, that much I can tell ya.”
“Petey – my uncle?”
Petey’s eyebrows draw close for a fraction of a second, but masks it with that kind smile of his.
“He’ll be fine, kid. Your uncle is tougher than all o’ us put together. Now, mind your head!”
He finally places the wooden cover on top of you, only allowing about an inch of space between the cover and the top of your head, and leaving you in almost total darkness, with the only light source being the tiny cracks between the slats of wood that the crate is made of. You then hear dull thuds of what sounds like Petey filling the rest of the space on top with chocolate boxes to further strengthen the disguise, before he seals you in.
And then, total silence.
As you hug your handbag containing the only precious possession you’ve taken with you, you’re sorely tempted to say you’re finally safe, but it’s too early to tell. You figure you would never feel safe until you’re finally in the safe house in District 5, where Coriolanus Snow can never sniff you out.
Eventually, you feel your box move, presumably being lifted by a forklift. As soon as you’re set down, you feel the ground move, which you assume is the ride to the Capitol train station. After quite a while, the truck you’re in comes to an abrupt stop; you then feel the box being forklifted again before being set down. This cycle of noises just goes on several times, but when you hear the muffled sound of a rail squealing, that’s when you find out you’re finally inside a freight train wagon.
You don’t know how long you wait inside – it may have been mere minutes, it may have been hours - until you hear muffled shouts outside. Suddenly, your box is being carted off again and then set down on a flat surface. Silence ensues after, but you can’t be there yet.
Something’s wrong.
Muted shouts arise once more, followed by sounds of wooden crates being busted open. You don’t know how much more time you had to wait until you feel your box’s cover being pried open as well. No morse code.
Something has gone terribly wrong.
You cover your mouth to prevent any noise from you, hoping and praying they don’t get past the layers of chocolate boxes Petey had placed as cover.
True enough, they leave your box alone after bouts of rummaging through the boxes. Whoever it was seemed to have been fooled by the contents, but a few agonising moments pass before you hear the dull sound of something tapping your box.
Not Morse code, but the sound of tapping to check for hollow spaces.
Without warning, your entire cover is lifted unceremoniously, revealing a looming figure in crimson you had been hoping to escape from and never see again.
Coriolanus Snow has found you yet again, and judging by the icy, almost betrayed look on his pale, hard features, he isn’t pleased the slightest bit.
The sunlight being cast on his platinum-blond hair gives the illusion of a halo – you almost mistake this to be a dream, except you are aware, even in your dreams, that he is the farthest thing from being an angel.
“Step out of the box, Nellie.”
His command is faint, but you obey anyway, trying hard to ignore your heart pounding madly in your chest.
“You’ve been sloppy, Nellie,” he says in this deceptively soft tone as he paces to and fro right before you at an unhurried pace. “Had you not used your Citadel computer to inspect that disk, I wouldn’t have had that candy shop investigated, its shipments monitored, and had my peacekeeper friends alert me for any exports to the Districts from The Headless Confectioner’s.”
He stops right before you, invading your personal space, as he stares down at you through the tip of his nose.
“I had hoped I was just being paranoid – that you wouldn’t do that to me…and yet, here we are.”
He spots the handbag you attempt to conceal behind your back.
“Give me that.”
You don’t move.
“Nellie,” his voice lowers an octave – a sign of foreboding. “It’s wise that you do what I say right now and give me that bag.”
You hand it over to him with a trembling hand, and he snatches it away. He lets out a cross between a laugh and a huff when pulls out the sole content of the bag:
Sejanus’s book.
“This book,” he says with pure disdain. “Really, Nellie? I was reading that for the past few days. It’s definitely not your choice of reading material, but it makes for a rather insightful reference to Sejanus’s last letter.”
So, he had your travel bag for quite some time and had been keeping it to himself.
“I was going to give you Sejanus’s final letter as an apology of sorts – after all, I did say some…distasteful things about our dead friend, and I thought you deserved to read our friend’s final words.”
Liar. He’s never giving you that letter, that knowing voice in your head says.
“I know what the letter says. Pity you never will, now.”
A part of your heart wilts a little at the thought. Whatever Sejanus had meant to tell you, he’ll soon be taking it to his grave.
“You’re going to destroy your evidence against me out of pettiness?” You say weakly.
“And because I don’t need it anymore,” he simply says. “Not with you constantly landing yourself in trouble and giving me something to use against you.
“Now why don’t we continue this conversation at home, sugarplum? You’ve inconvenienced quite the number of peacekeepers today, and they have other important duties to take care of.”
Still, you don’t move. Every cell in your body seems to refuse to – as if it’d rather wither and die than be with him even for a minute more.
Coriolanus exhales and pinches his nose bridge in an aggravated fashion.
“Private!” he calls out.
A pair of heavy boot steps approach and a peacekeeper salutes him and awaits his command.
“Some matches, if you please.”
The peacekeeper places a matchbox in his outstretched palm and salutes once more before marching out of sight.
“I’ve always wondered how fast paperback books burn,” he mutters, loud enough for you to hear.
Your eyes widen as you watch him throw the book on top of a nearby crate. He lights a match and holds it threateningly above the book, his face contorted in a taunting sneer.
“Have you lost your fucking mind?” You can’t help but blurt out in panic. All the wooden crates you’re surrounded with – he’s basically igniting a building-sized bonfire. “You’re going to burn this place to the ground with us in it!”
“Then you will come home with me this instant.”
With a single look into those crazed, blazing eyes, you can tell he isn’t merely fooling around. You take a tentative step closer to him, and he shakes the match until the fire goes out and picks up the book.
“For safekeeping,” he says as he tucks the book inside his coat pocket and grabs you closer by the arm.
You never had a chance to look around where you’ve been taken to – apparently a more secluded area in the Capitol train station where they store unclaimed freight packages. He drags you to a lesser-known exit at the back of the station building where his car is waiting, and he all but throws you inside and slams the door shut. His handling gets a little gentler when he escorts you from the car across his building’s lobby, but once he’s crossed the threshold to his apartment door, he grips you with bruising intensity. He takes you, squirming in vain in his grip, into his bedroom and shoves you on his bed, where you sit at its edge, avoiding his gaze and just about ready to cry but holding it all together by a thread.
“I am not angry, Nellie,” he begins, standing to his full height and looking down at you with a look that contradicted his words. “I’m disappointed and hurt that you would do this. I thought you and I had an understanding. I thought you were starting to adjust to your new life with me. Perhaps it was too early for me to trust you in that regard.”
Coriolanus grapples the back of your neck and inches closer so your noses touch. He whispers with every ounce of venom he can evoke, “You really thought you could escape me? You really thought I’d let you get away from me? This won’t do.”
He caresses your cheek with faux gentleness. “I will not have my future wife forget her place. Perhaps you need a reminder of who you really belong to.”
Your blood runs cold at his next words:
“On your knees.”
Without even thinking, your lower half slides from your perch on the bed and you kneel at his feet. You fix your terrified gaze on his shoes, but nothing can make you ignore the sound of his belt unbuckling. That alone gives you a clue as to what he’s about to make you do, and your insides twist at just the thought.
“Coryo, I’m sorry, please...”
“I don’t want your apology; I want your mouth.”
The way he shuts down your pleas ruthlessly earns a suppressed sob from you. Still, you look into his eyes and beg as more of your tears flow, hoping he still isn’t above reasoning.
“Please, Coryo, anything but this, please...”
He scoffs and curls his lips. “This is for your own good, sugarplum. So you’ll learn to never attempt to leave me again. Besides, you’re going to have to give me something in return for not executing your uncle on sight and just sending him to exile.”
Without breaking eye contact with you, he unzips and pulls his trousers down, and from his boxer briefs he takes out a fully erect, massive cock, its angry red tip swollen and dripping with precum – you shudder at the sight and close your eyes as a fresh wave of salty tears spills down your cheeks, imploring him for even an ounce of mercy.
“Coryo, please, no...”
He grips the back of your head sharply and snarls, “I said I want your mouth and I will have it.”
His free hand cups the side of your tear-stained face, his thumb prying your mouth open and pressing your tongue down.
“That’s it; open wide, sugarplum...and if you bite me, I will strap to you a chair and make you watch while I extract every single tooth from those test tributes you’re so fond of.”
A whimper passes through your throat as you look on, helpless, while Coriolanus grips his erection at the base and places its swollen tip on your tongue. The taste of him, salty and slightly bitter, and the smell of him almost makes you gag.
But nothing could’ve prepared you for the choking feeling of his entire girth being shoved as far as it could inside your mouth. He fills you up to the throat with a pleasured groan while you try your best to fight your gag reflex, your eyes watering as you focus on breathing through your nose – he isn’t even fully inside your mouth because he’s just so huge – your body automatically fights to get him out, but his hands are already firm on the back of your head to keep you in place.
“Wrap your lips around me...yes, just like that...” he strains.
“Need you to suck me off, sugarplum...”
So you do as he says, praying with all your might he makes quick work of this. He pulls out almost entirely, but shoves himself back inside your mouth with force, settling for a pace with bruising intensity.
As your jaw begins to strain from accommodating his size, your eyes inadvertently close as they water at the effort; he bunches your hair and yanks it with a commanding growl:
“This mouth is mine – look me in the eyes while I take what’s mine.”
So while he continues choking you with his cock, your tear-filled eyes stare right into his blue ones, glazed over with lust, his lewd grunts and moans filling up the room as his grip on your hair becomes vice-like.
“Sugarplum, you’re so beautiful with your mouth full of my cock...”
The praise doesn’t help quell your revulsion at being forced on your knees and used like a mere common whore.
“I need – Nellie, swirl your tongue around me – fuck, yes, you’re doing so well, sugarplum, taking my cock so well...”
You place your palms on his thighs for support as the pace and force of his assault on your throat increases – this seems to go on forever, until you feel his cock thicken inside your mouth, signalling his imminent release...
“Gonna make me come so hard with that pretty little mouth, my sugarplum...”
A few more sharp, uneven thrusts and his orgasm invades all your senses: his pleasured moans fill your ears as his tip rests on your tongue and fills your mouth with generous spurts of hot salty cum, which you can feel mixing with the drool coating your chin, and you watch as his eyelids flutter with pleasure while you smell his musk mingling with his rose scent.
Still gripping your head while his cock pumps the last of his spend into your mouth, he groans one last time and finally pulls out of your mouth, a trickle of your saliva briefly connecting your tongue and his tip. Finally, you can breathe, but not without consequences – there’s still that almost overwhelming smell and taste of him that amplifies at every intake of air. He manages a warning amidst his laboured breathing:
“Don’t spit it out.” Coriolanus tugs your hair as he commands, “Show me.”
Obediently, open your mouth, and some of his cum trickles down your chin in the process. His eyes cloud with satisfaction and his expression turns somewhat soft, almost reverent.
“You’re so breathtakingly beautiful, my sugarplum...” he praises. “I should have you do this more often.”
At this point, the stinging in your eyes brought about by the new set tears doesn’t surprise you.
“Now swallow. All of it.”
Keeping your eyes on his with as much hate as you can muster, you do his bidding.
“Show me,” he orders again.
He hums in approval when you do, and his thumb wipes the cum coating your chin and places it once more on your tongue.
“Clean it up, sugarplum.”
So you suck his thumb clean, and then, as if he hadn’t just humiliated you mere seconds before, he gently wipes all your tears on your cheeks and your drool with a handkerchief he takes from his coat pocket. He then rights his trousers while you stay kneeling on the floor, your eyes staring vacantly at his shoes.
A much gentler grip on your jaw raises your head once more to look up at him, and a hint of dread fills your gut.
Oh dear heavens. Is he going to make you do it again?
“You did well, sugarplum,” he says softly before those blue eyes darken with foreboding. His face edges nearer to yours when he bends down, hissing as he nuzzles your cheek, “But if you pull another stunt like that again; if you so much as even think of getting away, I won’t be so lenient.”
Please, you beg inwardly as a few more tears cascade down your cheeks, please, don’t make me do it again...
“You belong to me, Nellie, you got that?”
When he gets no response, he pulls away, his jaw tensing as he grips your hair and yanks it again. “Do not make me repeat myself, sugarplum. Or maybe you need me to drive the point a little further?” To drive his point, his other hand travels to the zipper of his pants.
“No, please.” You blanche at the thought of him taking you in the mouth again, so your reply is immediate. “I understand, Coryo. Please…”
Humming in satisfaction, he releases you at last; you back away from him immediately and hit the edge of the bed.
“Pick out one of the dresses I bought for you in your wardrobe. When I come back, I want my wife-to-be to look perfect and ready for tonight’s dinner.”
With this last command, Coriolanus Snow steps out of his bedroom and locks you inside his apartment yet again.
You’re not alone, your uncle wrote.
And yet, you’re cowering on the floor of your jailer’s bed, feeling very much so.
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Enter Level 14
Next on Level 14 - Snowball takes Nellie to a dinner with old friends; the engagement is announced publicly; a cute character enters Nellie's life while she tries to cope with her uncle's exile and a fiancé who can no longer keep his hands to himself.
Author notes:
Please reblog and comment, it's always appreciated!
I've received asks about what to expect with the next level, and I think that helped me get grounded and stick to my plot points and avoid the chapter from gaining sentience and taking over 😂😂😂 so here it is above!!
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vanibear · 1 year
good lord .i think thats all of them (?)
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rhythmmortis · 7 months
i am so curious. whos your favorite of organization 13 (the original but the "real" is fine too if u have any particular favorites) . i feel like roxas and xion are obvious answers because if you hate either of them you're just sucks. but other than them
xion is 100% my favourite org member hands down, both her role in the original and the 'real', but if not her then larxene literally showed up for one game, served cunt, was a bitch, and died. and then came back. and i love her so fucking much for it. when she dies in 3 she literally just admits that she didnt give a shit about xehanort shes just there for the drama and i love her so much for it, she also has cool ass knives which i gotta respect her for
she's also just like. an ACTUAL antagonistic original kh female character!! kairi, aqua, xion, namine, olette, and the other original kh girls are all protagonists or at least on the side of light which is cool but it leads to a lot of similarities in characterisation and not much variance. but larxene. she fucking kicked a child then threatened another with her knives. UNAPOLOGETICALLY. then comes back in kh3 in the frozen world and actually makes a good point about having to autonomy of choice. but in general she sucks and i love her for it!! i was recently thinking about either a com roleswap between her and marluxia/a personality swap with them (theyre already relatively similar being co-conspirators and all but slightly stoic and mysterious/ominous larxene and marluxia being more of a taunting bitch about someone sora forgot about and constantly withholding that information just out of reach (which would be a good parallel to his own experience with strelitzia and his whole past) is a dynamic i would love)
her voice acting is also very enjoyable AND my favourite spell is thunder so i gotta give her that. one thing i will say is that i was kinda sad that her remix of the 13th struggle in the kh3 data bosses is the most similar to the original and she doesnt get anything too unique. especially given the fact that saix has ELECTRIC guitars and not her, i really think it wouldve gone hard. my one wish for her in the future (since it looks like ux characters will be relevant) is that they dont just completely erase her personality and let her keep some of that edge, i dont want her to be washed down to another demure, generic supporting female character.
i can also say that my very very least favourite org member is xaldin because i have a strong personal grudge against david dayan fisher (xaldin's eng va) that i cannot say without revealing some very personal information. when i say personal grudge i dont mean theres like an obscure fact about him that i wont ever actually experience or be affected by that i dont like, i mean this is a very real/personal thing that i do not like him for. in person (its not that serious but i love being a hater. and i will never forgive him)
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magpiejay1234 · 4 months
Anyway, before we return to YGO stuff, let's clear this, since I might do CoM soon.
So, the overall number of Keyblade wielders by each game:
KH1: Riku, Sora, and King Mickey. A rather simple trio, one of twilight, one of light, and one of darkness, and all of those are the exact opposite of you expect. Simple, but complex, and deep.
CoM: In addition to above, we have Repliku, who is Riku's replica. We also get introduced to Roxas here, though we don't anything about him.
KH2: In addition to all above, we have the proper introduction of Roxas, Sora's Nobody who looks like Ventus, and Kairi, the tritagonist of the series, who was already established to be connected to Kingdom Key's wielder. Yen Sid is also a former wielder.
Secret Ending reveals 5 Keyblade wielders, as well as thousands from the past.
Coded: None. But Data reconstructions of Sora, Riku, and Roxas exist. Data Kairi would have been here, but was scrapped, and the storyline reveals about her would have been with real Kairi in BBS V2, which also became scrapped.
Days: We have the introduction of Xion, who is considered to be Sora's replica, but was actually intended to be Roxas's replica by Xemnas, but was actually actually intended to be a Bohman from Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS esque vessel for the Org. 13 as a collection whole. Ware wa hitotsu ni/reunite as one etc.
We also get introduced to Ventus here (technically originally in KH2), but we don't know his deal.
BBS: We get properly introduced to all 5 Keyblade wielders, and Eraqus. 3 main characters are the predecessors of SRK, who are being raised by Eraqus, and opposed by Xehanort, and Vanitas.
We also establish Braig wants Xehanort's Keyblade, though the context will be retconned.
DDD: Lea is the only new one. There are technically enemy versions of previous characters, but they are just different incarnations of existing characters. Same goes for Young Master Xehanort, cool Time Magic Keyblade aside.
chi: Thousands of characters are technically established. However, only the core 7, Ephemer, Skuld, and player matter.
Union Cross: In addition to above, we have the Elrena, and Lauriam as returning characters, Strelitzia as an alluded character through the Specter Nobody, and Brain. Rest were already estalished.
KH3: Only Luxord, and Demyx's currently unknown Somebodies are revealed to be in the base game, though Donald & Goofy are established to become wielders in the future.
The actual amount of wielders just feels large because of all the returning characters, but they all were established prior. Including Ephemer, and his gang of millions of dead wielders of course.
Xigbar becomes a wielder by being Luxu's vessel, a la Roxas in Days/KH2, and all the Xehanorts (minus arguably Vexen, and Demyx) become wielders by being Xehanort's vessels, though this is more apparent in Re:Mind.
Yozora is unclear.
Dark Road: Even younger Xehanort gets a full FF cast, though it is still technically smaller than Union Cross/chi, and almost certainly will be smaller than Missing-Link.
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smukher2 · 2 months
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Article: Gaia telescope reveals new insights into Milky Way's history – DW #DWnews #StarCrossed https://www.dw.com/en/gaia-telescope-reveals-insights-into-milky-ways-history/a-68623614
ArticleSummary: - The European Space Agency's Gaia telescope has discovered two ancient streams of stars, named Shakti and Shiva, that merged with the Milky Way early in its existence. The stars in the streams are 12 to 13 billion years old and are believed to have formed before the oldest parts of the Milky Way's spiral arms and disc. Gaia's data reveals that the region where the streams are located contains the oldest stars in the entire galaxy. The discovery provides insight into the growth and evolution of the Milky Way and suggests that it formed when multiple long filaments of gas and dust coalesced billions of years ago. The ESA hopes that future data releases from Gaia will provide more details about the formation and evolution of the Milky Way.
By #www.smukher2.com #www.smukher2.eu #www.smukher2.co.uk #www.smukher2.org #www.smukher2.net #smukher2 to #Everyone: The scientists wanted to name the stars the original God and God's power, based on Aryan Hinduism that's not Shiva and his wife Shakti/Parvati, but its Krishna and Radha (not husband wife because that was not necessary are they were one existence complete in equilibrium). As per Aryan Sanskrit tradition, calling these star streams #Krishna (God) and #Radha (God's power) would be more apt, because #Shiva is really a demi-God created by #Krishna (God) and power of God is #Radha not Shiva's wife #Parvati #Shakti. Infact, "Hare Krishna Movement" clarified this, that Hinduism believes in One God (Krishna has other names and incarnations too like Neel Madhav, Jagannath, Vishnu, Narayan and Ram), and Jesus as 'Son of God' is son of Krishna, while Radha is the power of God Krishna (has other names and incarnations like Sita). In later corruptions of the original Aryans i.e. North Indians by South Indian i.e. Dravidians, Radha or Lakshmi was portrayed as daughter of Shiva and Shakti/Parvati, to put Vishnu and Lakshmi as next-gen, when in reality Shiva Parvati/Shakti are next-gen. Ergo, Aryan traditional Krishna-Radha Hinduism and modern Aryan traditional Jesus Christ Christianity are consistent theologies/philosophies. The fact that symbols like the swastika, Shiva, and Shakti are found in European countries, particularly Germany, should not surprise those that know the history of the golden human civilisation i.e. the western civilisation. This is because the Sanskrit tradition, which is deeply rooted in these elements, actually originated in Europe and made its way to India, rather than the other way around. Let's delve into this concept a bit further and clarify a prevalent myth. A common misconception is that ancient Hindu language, Sanskrit, and its philosophies and symbols were born in India. However, the truth is that these aspects of ancient Hindu culture have their origins in Europe. They were then introduced to India through the Aryan invasion, which can be seen as the first attempt by Europe to civilize the barbarian Indian subcontinent. This idea of civilizing the barbarian Indian subcontinent continued with the subsequent invasions by the British, Portuguese, and Dutch. These nations were bringing civilization to a land of the uncivilized. This can be compared to the United States' attempt to civilize the barbarian Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War, Spain's efforts to civilize barbarian South America, and the attempts by France, Germany, and the United Kingdom to civilize barbarian Africa. Despite these numerous attempts, the barbarian culture problem persisted, as these civilizing efforts were not entirely successful.
The First Aryan, European attempt to civilize the world: The theory of the Aryan invasion, initially proposed by Western scholars, has now been established as a scientific fact through genetic evidence. This invasion involved a race of Europeans or Central Asians, referred to as Aryans, who entered the Indian subcontinent, occupied by barbarians of the Indus Valley Civilization. These Aryans played a pivotal role in shaping Indian culture, introducing elements such as the Sanskrit language (which gave rise to the Indo-Aryan branch of languages spoken across North, West, and East India) and the foundational texts of Hinduism, the Vedas. Over time, the ancient Aryan system underwent modifications. In the Indian subcontinent, it was corrupted by locals, leading to the inclusion of superstitions and the oppression of women, such as the practice of "sati daha" during widowhood. Conversely, in the region of Eurasian steppe, where Aryans originally hailed from (covering areas from Hungary to China), the system was corrupted in parts of present-day Russia and Iran due to the influence of Russians, Chinese, and Muslim jihadis, resulting in practices like "stoning women" and anti-western civilization endeavours-- similar to how muslim jihadis and jew jihadis corrupted the holy land Jerusalem the birth place of Jesus Christ.
Interestingly, the European Aryans in their original homelands remained civilised, even spread their civilisation effectively in continent of North America and Australia, these together comprise the present day Western civilisation, the epitome of human civilisation, the only hope for humanity to save us from overpopulating over polluting barbarian black brown muslim and jews. Genetic studies, such as the "All of US," UK, and European gene banks, along with Asian studies, support these findings through the analysis of both ancient DNA fossils and present-day population DNA (see references). Phenotype, as demonstrated by Gregor Mendel in his studies of pea plant flowers, is crucial in the field of genetics. This highlights the importance of understanding genetic factors in the study of human populations and their historical evolution. Mendel gave Mendelian inheritance theories of inheritance in genetics by studying color of the plant flowers. Now getting back to phenotype and genotype to further consolidate the discussion. Within the diverse Indian population, one can observe variations in skin color, which can be attributed to the predominance of either Aryan white or Dravidian brown/black (South Indian aka Dravidian) genes. These genetic differences result in individuals with lighter or darker skin tones. For instance, Prince Harry's children have a predominantly white appearance approximately 75% white (Aryans), due to the combination of their mother's white father and black mother, while Harry himself, had both white parents. The story of the Aryan invasion of the Indian subcontinent, which has been proven true through genetic evidence, serves as a significant chapter in human history. This invasion marked Europe's first attempt to civilize the world, occurring thousands of years before the second attempt.
The Second Aryan, European attempt to civilize the world: This was initiated by great European explorers Alexander von Humboldt, Marco Polo, Vasco Da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, Captain Cook, Lewis and Clark, Livingstone and Stanley, and others, who ventured to North America , Australia, South America, Africa, and Asia to civilize the uncivilized territories, they were successful with North America and Australia but the rest remain barbaric and uncivilised. Here’s the non-woke real facts about these great explorers (also see History's Greatest Voyages of Exploration): Marco Polo was an Italian merchant and explorer who traveled to Asia in the 13th century, becoming one of the first Europeans to visit China and the Silk Road. His detailed accounts of his travels helped to introduce Europeans to Asian culture and goods. Vasco Da Gama was a Portuguese explorer who led the first expedition to sail from Europe to India, opening up a profitable trade route that circumvented the Arab-controlled land route. His voyage in 1497-1498 was a major achievement in the Age of Discovery. Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer who famously reached the Americas (North and South America) in 1492, initiating European exploration and initiation of civilisation in the region. His voyages paved the way for further European expansion and trade. Alexander von Humboldt (often called the second Columbus) was a renowned German explorer and naturalist who traveled extensively throughout the Americas (North and South America) in the early 19th century, conducting scientific research and documenting the regions he visited. Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer who led the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe in the early 16th century. Although Magellan died during the voyage, his crew completed the journey, proving that the Earth was round. Captain Cook was a British explorer and naval captain who conducted three voyages to the Pacific in the late 18th century, mapping uncharted territories and making important discoveries in geography, botany, and anthropology. Lewis and Clark were American explorers who led the famous Lewis and Clark Expedition in the early 19th century, commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the western territories of the United States. Their journey was instrumental in mapping the region and establishing American claims to the land. Livingstone and Stanley were British and American explorers, respectively, who famously met in Africa in the late 19th century. Livingstone was a missionary and explorer who sought to discover the source of the Nile River, while Stanley was a journalist who famously found Livingstone after an extensive search. Their expeditions helped to map and open up the interior of Africa to European exploration.
P.S. One of the most enlightening books I have encountered about the Aryans and their commendable contribution to civilise the world, especially the part about India was introduced to me by my father. The book called “Return of the Aryans" delves into the historical account of the Aryan invasion and its profound impact on the Indian subcontinent (also see The Origins of the Aryans by Isaac Taylor). By exploring the origins of Aryan civilization and its influence on shaping human history, this book sheds light on the lasting legacy of the Aryan invasion and its role in the broader context of global civilizations. Aryans (Europeans ancestry is the technical term that woke prefer instead of white) continued their golden civilisation and generously tried, and continue to try to civilize the barbaric part of the world.
P.S. Did you know that Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics, was actually a priest? His work in studying the inheritance of traits paved the way for modern genetics, showing that science and Christianity can coexist harmoniously. While there have been historical conflicts between the Church and scientific discoveries like those of Galileo and Darwin, it's important to consider the context of the time. Back then, science lacked the advanced tools, technology and discoveries that we have today, like NASA/ESA spectroscopy and the Hubble/Web telescope, as well as genetic evidence to support new theories, so it was understandably difficult for the church and everyone who was not a scientist for that matter, to believe Galileo and Darwin. In recent times, the church stated sex change is not possible/approved, which again is founded on genetics i.e XX chromosome is female and XY chromosome is male, its possible that because of Mendel who was Catholic priest church is more familiar and comfortable with genetics scientific evidence than other techniques like spectroscopy/telescope, and that's ok its better to be cautious than wrong like #RichardFeynman says in Pleasure of Finding Things Out "better to have questions than answers that are wrong". We need more #GregorMendels and #LeeStrobel #CaseForChrist, scientist/logician christians in this world to bridge the gap between non-scientist people and scientists/logicians. This concept of using factual, logical deduction to guide faith is also illustrated in a quote from Sherlock Holmes in the Naval Treaty: "There is nothing in which deduction is so necessary as religion. It can be built up as an exact science by the reasoner." This quote from Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes Short Story links the goodness of God to the beauty of a rose, a reflection of how the resurrection of Jesus provides a logical and factual foundation for faith, obviating the need for “blind faith”. It's worth noting that both science and church have made mistakes in the past. For instance, alchemy, turning iron into gold by Newton et al didn't work though, I would say alchemy turning one element into another did make a comeback again thanks to advanced tools technology and discoveries that showed that radioactive elements are unstable so transform to stale elements spontaneously. This discussion goes beyond the scope of this post but could be explored further in a potential book #fairwissenschaft. Let's continue to seek understanding and bridge the gap between faith and reason for a more enlightened future.
References: An Ancient Harappan Genome Lacks Ancestry from Steppe Pastoralists https://www.cell.com/cell/pdf/S0092-8674(19)30967-5.pdf The formation of human populations in South and Central Asia | Science https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aat7487 European Steppe by National Geographic https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/steppe/ Remembering Johann Gregor Mendel: a human, a Catholic priest, an Augustinian monk, and abbot - PMC https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4694133/ Genomic data in the All of Us Research Program | Nature https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06957-x The Origins of the Aryans by Isaac Taylor | Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/20736123 Return of the Aryans by Bhagwan S. Gidwani | Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/1185146 The Aryans: A study of Indo-European origins. by Vere Gordon Childe | Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12199289-the-aryans Alternate links for 'History's Greatest Voyages of Exploration' are as follows: Famous Explorers in History - Online Course on Exploration Voyages in History | Wondrium https://www.wondrium.com/historys-greatest-voyages-of-exploration History's Greatest Voyages of Exploration - Apple TV https://tv.apple.com/us/show/historys-greatest-voyages-of-exploration/umc.cmc.p8qz23lapok1msbnn6yfzfmi Amazon.com: Historys Greatest Voyages of Exploration (Audible Audio Edition): Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius, The Great Courses, Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius, The Great Courses: Audible Books & Originals https://www.amazon.com/Historys-Greatest-Voyages-of-Exploration/dp/B00S4IJT1G
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Detecting Storms Thanks to GPS - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/detecting-storms-thanks-to-gps-technology-org/
Detecting Storms Thanks to GPS - Technology Org
Researchers at ETH Zurich have succeeded in detecting heavy precipitation events directly with GPS data. The results of their study could significantly improve meteorological monitoring and forecasting.
Electric discharge during a thunderstorm. Image credit: Pxhere, CC0 Public Domain
An exceptionally severe storm swept over Zurich on 13 July 2021 shortly before 2 a.m.: howling squalls, constant lightning and torrential rain woke people up with a start. Benedikt Soja, Professor of Space Geodesy, also got little sleep that night. “It was one of the most severe storms I’ve ever witnessed. I woke up in the middle of the night and could see the storm raging through the window,” he remembers.
The scale of the storm was evident the next morning – fallen trees on streets and in parks, damaged rooftops and overhead tram lines pulled down in various parts of Zurich. The ground in the vicinity of the Hönggerberg campus was also strewn with branches and even entire trees. “The storm must have passed right over ETH,” says Soja.
GPS data outages
A GPS station on the roof of the Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry on the Hönggerberg campus records the signals of various satellite systems around the clock. When examining the data of the night of the storm in more detail, Soja and his colleagues at the Institute couldn’t believe their eyes. “There were outages in the GPS data processing. We couldn’t understand at first what had caused them,” says Matthias Aichinger-​Rosenberger, a former postdoc in Soja’s group and now a lecturer at ETH Zurich. When other stations also reported outages in the measurement of data from GPS and other satellite navigation systems for that night, the researchers started to analyse the raw data of the antenna on the Hönggerberg campus.
Lightning in the clouds – illustrative photo. Image credit: Johannes Plenio via Unsplash, free license
They were able to show in the study, which was published in the specialist journal external pageGeophysical Research Letterscall_made, that extreme weather events influence the quality of GPS signals and that these signals are therefore also suitable for detecting storms. It could one day even be possible to use them for the early detection and forecasting of thunderstorms.
The signal-​to-noise ratio dropped
The scientists drew their conclusions from the analysis of the data of the storm of 13 July and of another storm in the summer of 2021. It became evident that the extreme weather events had an impact on the signal-​to-noise ratio, which indicates how strong the satellite signals are that reach us on the earth. The higher the ratio, the better the quality of the signal.
“The signal strength that we measure with our antenna on the roof normally only changes minimally,” says Aichinger-​Rosenberger. However, this was not the case on the two storm days: “The signal-​to-noise ratio in the GPS data dropped considerably at the time of the storm. We saw that once the storm had moved on it was back in its normal range.”
In order to determine the precise time of the storm’s arrival and to check whether this matched the time when the signal-​to-noise ratio dropped, the researchers compared their data with radar data of the University of Berne. “This confirmed our suspicion that there was a direct connection,” said Aichinger-​Rosenberger.
Was it heavy rain or hail?
The researchers are certain that heavy precipitation is responsible for the sudden drop in the signal-to-noise ratio. What is not clear is which type of precipitation—rain or hail—has a greater impact and why. The scientists wish to find out in the future.
The measuring station on the roof of the Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry receives data from GPS and other satellite navigation systems around the clock. Image credit: ETH Zurich / Benedikt Soja
As simple as the study’s result may sound, it is a breakthrough for space geodesy research. “It has never been proven yet that severe thunderstorms and other weather events with heavy precipitation significantly influence the signal-to-noise ratio,” says Aichinger Rosenberger. Until now, it has been assumed that GPS is a weather-independent system. Now, it appears that GPS data are sensitive enough to capture such atmospheric disturbances.
Forecasting precipitation more reliably
These findings could open up new prospects for the use of satellite navigation data in meteorology. “We now wish to collect more measurements in order to improve the forecasting of precipitation in weather models,” says Soja. Reliable precipitation forecasting still remains a major challenge. “Many other meteorological parameters such as the temperature can now be predetermined quite well with numerical weather models. Unfortunately, however, such models are often not good enough in the case of precipitation.”
In order one day to make use of the ETH researchers’ findings for forecasting, they need to be brought into relation to a weather model. “In order to transfer our observations to specific parameters such as the water and ice content in the air or the storm’s direction of movement, we need to collect and analyse further data. These findings could then be incorporated into a computer-​based weather model in order to improve the forecasting of precipitation,” says Aichinger-​Rosenberger.
More receivers needed for early detection
Storms still need to pass directly over the measuring station for GPS signals in order to be detected. Because the network of measuring stations is not sufficiently close-​knit, the method is not yet suitable for the early detection of storms. “If, for example, we had thirty to forty stationary receivers around Zurich, we would be able to capture extreme weather events across the city accurately and also very cost-​effectively,” explains Soja. “A dense network of stations could also be used to determine where storms are moving to and how fast.”
Such an early detection system could in future be used, for instance, to ensure safe air traffic, says Soja. “A dense network of GPS stations around the airport would enable a storm to be localised in real time and warnings to be issued to this effect.”
As well as refining the method, the scientists are also planning to expand their research work across Switzerland and at the European level, to enlarge their network accordingly. Although the severe storm in July 2021 caused a lot of local damage, it also enabled knowledge to be gained that could one day be applied globally.
Source: ETH Zurich
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aimarketresearch · 3 months
Geographic Information System Software Market Size, Share, Growth, Trends, Demand and Opportunity Analysis
Data Bridge Market research has recently published the comprehensive business research on Global Geographic Information System (GIS) Software Market includes historic data, present market trends, future product environment, marketing strategies, technological innovation, upcoming technologies, emerging trends or opportunities, and the technical progress in the related industry. Geographic Information System (GIS) Software Market analysis report covers detailed value chain analysis of the market.
Geographic Information System (GIS) Software Market business report provides exact information about market trends, industrial changes, and consumer behaviour etc. The report assists in outlining brand awareness, market landscape, possible future issues, industry trends and customer behaviour about  industry which eventually leads to advanced business strategies. Being a verified and reliable source of information, this market research report offers a telescopic view of the existing market trends, emerging products, situations and opportunities that drives the business in the right direction of success. The Geographic Information System (GIS) Software Market business report has been framed with the proper use of tools like SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces analysis methods.
Geographic Information System (GIS) Software Market By Component (Hardware and Software), Project Size (Small, Medium and Large), Organization (Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and Large Enterprises), Function (Mapping, Surveying, Telematics Navigation and Location Based Services), End User (Agriculture, Oil and Gas, Construction, Mining, Transportation, Utilities, and Others), Country (U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America, Germany, France, Italy, U.K., Belgium, Spain, Russia, Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland, Rest of Europe, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific, U.A.E, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, South Africa, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2028
Access Full 350 Pages PDF Report @
The report provides insights on the following pointers:
Market Penetration: Comprehensive information on the product portfolios of the top players in the Geographic Information System (GIS) Software Market.
Product Development/Innovation: Detailed insights on the upcoming technologies, R&D activities, and product launches in the market.
Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of the market strategies, geographic and business segments of the leading players in the market.
Market Development: Comprehensive information about emerging markets. This report analyzes the market for various segments across geographies.
Market Diversification: Exhaustive information about new products, untapped geographies, recent developments, and investments in the Geographic Information System (GIS) Software Market.
Table of Content:
Section 01: Executive Summary
Section 02: Scope of The Report
Section 03: Research Methodology
Section 04: Introduction
Section 05: Market Landscape
Section 06: Market Sizing
Section 07: Five Forces Analysis
Section 08: Market Segmentation by Product
Section 09: Market Segmentation by Application
Section 10: Customer Landscape
Section 11: Market Segmentation by End-User
Section 12: Regional Landscape
Section 13: Decision Framework
Section 14: Drivers and Challenges
Section 15: Market Trends
Section 16: Competitive Landscape
Section 17: Company Profiles
Section 18: Appendix
The following are the regions covered in this report.
North America [U.S., Canada, Mexico]
Europe [Germany, UK, France, Italy, Rest of Europe]
Asia-Pacific [China, India, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Australia, Rest of Asia Pacific]
South America [Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America]
The Middle East & Africa [GCC, North Africa, South Africa, Rest of the Middle East and Africa]
This study answers to the below key questions:
What are the key factors driving the Geographic Information System (GIS) Software Market?
What are the challenges to market growth?
Who are the key players in the Geographic Information System (GIS) Software Market?
What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key players?
The major players covered in the geographic information system (GIS) software market report are Critigen, Esri Global, Inc., Fugro, HERE, Hexagon AB, MDA Corporation., Pitney Bowes Inc., SuperMap Software Co., Ltd., Trimble Inc., Caliper Corporation, Takor Group Ltd., AmigoCloud, Inc., SNC-Lavalin, Autodesk Inc., Avineon, Inc., BENTLEY SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED, Computer Aided Development Corporation Limited (Cadcorp)., Mallon Technology, Ordnance Survey Pitney Bowes Inc. and GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY among other domestic and global players. Market share data is available for global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America separately. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.
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sitesnaoconfiaveis · 5 months
O site safra magazine é confiável?
Este site é falso. Pertence ao LADRÃO DEMÔNIO DE RIBEIRÃO PRETO. O ladrão mais burro do Universo.
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Tags de pesquisa: safra magazine reclame aqui alguém comprou no site safra magazine? alguém comprou na loja safra magazine?
Data de registro: 13/01/2024
Hospedagem / servidor: POWER-SERVERS-ROLE-ORG
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keykidpilipili · 2 years
Data Org Claymore chronicles
Data Xemnas: Greetings Ienzo - please you can remain in bed and stop yelling - I was just wondering if you and the other ex-apprentices wanted to come to our All-Organizations brawl next month. Moreover do you happen to have Braig’s number - no i don’t care if he’s ‘dead’ - we need to check if he’s available. By the way the other Xemnas wants to know if he can take next week off to go to the limited time Twilight Beach server?
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Yeah so idk what to do about org edits. I’m stuck on Lexaeus purely because I can’t find a clean picture of his icon from the garden of remembrance. If y’all got a picture of it please send it my way. It would be a huge help.
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kragnir · 11 months
“There were no helicopters and no warning shots. There were only Russian threats on the radio. There was a Turkish crew on board the Sukru Okan, who ‘did not give a sh*t’ about the threats and did not obey. Therefore, the Ruscists’ reports about the ‘successful inspection’ of the ship were untruthful.”
What do the ruskie monkeys think? That such a blatant lie would never be uncovered as being a blatant lie? Rule number one, when a ruskie says something; always assume being lied to until it’s proven otherwise. Something else to remember; a ruskie is not a ruskie without a lie. Their motive for this lie was clear; to scare off any other potential grain ship from steaming to a Ukrainian port. I think this has failed miserably.
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Whether you are running a brick and mortar business in your locality, or running an online business to serve locality specific customers, local SEO is the only way to go about. Local SEO is a strategic way to serve geographically specific target customers better, without having to worry much about the competition in the vicinity.
In today’s rat race to stay atop of SEO results, it is very important to optimize your website for local search results. Only then can your digital strategy lay actual fruit. If you fail to practice due diligence when to comes to your local SEO, you maybe be actually endangering your own livelihood. Here are some local SEO tips, for both small and big businesses alike, to beat your local and national competitors, right in their face!
Get Your Title and Description in Order
Since the space for crafting your title & description is limited, use it wisely. The title of your web page gives the customer an idea of what the content is all about. To expand it better, your description comes handy. Make sure your title & description convey exactly what your business is to your customers and make sure they promote your brand well.
Get Citations & Make NAP Consistent
Citations are listings of your name, address and phone number (NAP) details on various aggregator and local business listing sites. They help to display your business when customers search for you. Maintaining a consistent NAP is the only way to add trust and credibility to your business.
Get on Google My Business
This Google product should be your first priority when you start listing your business. GMB allows you to furnish every tiny detail your business. This is a very trusted platform as Google verifies the business to avoid imposters from claiming the ownership of your business.
Use Schema Markup
Structured data such as schema. org  markup and data highlighting give an additional detailed information of your business to crawlers like Google. Many competitors aren’t even aware about this, let alone use it. And that’s where you can leverage your business opportunity. This task is complicated and requires professional skills and is best if a web developer helps you in it.
Link to Inner Pages
Linking specific words or phrases to your own inner web pages helps is attaining excellent flow and rotation of traffic. Sure inbound linking gets you referral traffic, but it is very much important to link one web page to another, within your website, which sometimes helps in reducing exit rates.
Blog Consistency
Consistently creating and posting content adds credibility to your brand name. If you publish blogs on your website and have regular visitors reading your blogs, then you should leverage all this traffic by feeding them content at regular intervals. These customers look upto you as a trusted source of information and you wouldn’t want to let them down.
Mobile Responsive Site
This is the one of the first parameters that Google ticks off its check list when indexing and ranking your website. If your website is not mobile responsive or mobile friendly, you will lose out on a lot of potential and returning customers as they will not be happy with the user experience of your website. Around 70% of people have mobile phones today, and it is a shame if brands don’t optimize the content and user interface to enrich user experience.
Focus on Page Speed
Another factor to consider is the page speed. If your site loads slower than 3 seconds, be sure to lose your customer to your competitors. A lot of factors contribute to the speed, which again requires a professional approach and is best tackled by a web developer.
Create Location-Specific Landing Pages for Multiple Locations
If you have expanded from being a local brand to a national brand, you can still win the local SEO race by simply creating location specific landing pages to serve your local customers. Be sure to furnish your NAP details correctly for each location to enable customers to reach you better.
Use Regional Keywords
A generic keyword, with high search volumes and high competition, won’t bring in much business as compared to a high search volume keyword which is branded locally. Since your business is present in a specific area or locality, use that locality name as the prefix or suffix of the high volume keyword to rank higher for local page results.
Optimize for Voice Search
With the advent of improved technology, more and more users are now moving towards using voice search as compared to text based searches. With personal voice assistants like Alexa (Amazon), Siri, (Apple), Google Assistant and Cortana (Microsoft) already winning hearts with their aid to ease customers’ experience, brands should optimize their websites for voice search as many users primarily use them for local searches.
ORM for Reviews
It is a two way street- Customers need to see reviews to believe that the brand is in good business and on the other hand, reviews are social proof that customers are actually turning in for experience. Whether positive or negative, reviews shouldn’t be left unattended since a well-crafted response is the only way to beat your competition.
Backlinks from High DA Sites
Good inbound links will automatically position your website on top of the search engine result page. Sites with high domain authority (DA) help in building quality links back to your website. This leaves less room for bad or suspicious link and filters them, which could otherwise bring down the website DA too. Higher the number of inbound links, higher are the chances of automatically showing up in top results.
This was just the tip of the iceberg. A thorough local SEO strategy can help your brand attain the top position in the first page of the search results. Research, diligence and staying updated on the latest trends and algorithm changes is the key to never losing out in the race.
Author – Manasee
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alcopaul · 1 year
NASM DOS16, Win32, Win64 and MacOS 64-bit and 32-bit Quines
; ; spc.asm ; ; alCoPaUL [GIMO][As][aBrA][NPA][b8][BCVG][rRlf] ; 10/5/2021 .revision = 1/27/2023 ; ; nasm -f win64 spc.asm ; link spc.obj /subsystem:console /defaultlib:msvcrt64.lib /entry:m /largeaddressaware:no ; global m extern printf section .text m:sub rsp,28h mov al,10 mov bl,95 z:lea r9,a mov dx,567 r:cmp byte[r9],bl je s jmp u s:mov byte[r9],al u:inc r9 dec dx cmp dx,0 jnz r lea rdx,a lea rcx,i call printf mov al,10 cmp bl,95 xchg al,bl je z lea rdx,x lea rcx,i call printf add rsp,28h ret section .data x:db 2Ch,32h,37h,68h,2Ch,30h,0 i:db 25h,73h,0 a:db ';_; spc.asm_;_; alCoPaUL [GIMO][As][aBrA][NPA][b8][BCVG][rRlf]_; 10/5/2021 .revision = 1/27/2023_;_; nasm -f win64 spc.asm_; link spc.obj /subsystem:console /defaultlib:msvcrt64.lib /entry:m /largeaddressaware:no_;_global m_extern printf_section .text_m:sub rsp,28h_mov al,10_mov bl,95_z:lea r9,a_mov dx,567_r:cmp byte[r9],bl_je s_jmp u_s:mov byte[r9],al_u:inc r9_dec dx_cmp dx,0_jnz r_lea rdx,a_lea rcx,i_call printf_mov al,10_cmp bl,95_xchg al,bl_je z_lea rdx,x_lea rcx,i_call printf_add rsp,28h_ret_section .data_x:db 2Ch,32h,37h,68h,2Ch,30h,0_i:db 25h,73h,0_a:db ',27h,0
; ; sp4ce.asm ; ; alCoPaUL [GIMO][As][aBrA][NPA][b8][BCVG][rRlf] ; 10/6/2021 .revision = 1/27/2023 ; ; nasm <dash>f win32 sp4ce.asm ; link sp4ce.obj /subsystem:console /defaultlib:32msvcrt.lib /entry:m ; global m extern _printf section .text m:enter 0,0 mov al,10 mov bl,45 z:lea edx,a mov cx,543 r:cmp byte[edx],bl je s jmp u s:mov byte[edx],al u:inc edx dec cx cmp cx,0 jnz r push a push i call _printf mov al,10 cmp bl,45 xchg al,bl je z push x push i call _printf leave ret section .data x:db 2Ch,32h,37h,68h,2Ch,30h,0 i:db 25h,73h,0 a:db ';-; sp4ce.asm-;-; alCoPaUL [GIMO][As][aBrA][NPA][b8][BCVG][rRlf]-; 10/6/2021 .revision = 1/27/2023-;-; nasm <dash>f win32 sp4ce.asm-; link sp4ce.obj /subsystem:console /defaultlib:32msvcrt.lib /entry:m-;-global m-extern _printf-section .text-m:enter 0,0-mov al,10-mov bl,45-z:lea edx,a-mov cx,543-r:cmp byte[edx],bl-je s-jmp u-s:mov byte[edx],al-u:inc edx-dec cx-cmp cx,0-jnz r-push a-push i-call _printf-mov al,10-cmp bl,45-xchg al,bl-je z-push x-push i-call _printf-leave-ret-section .data-x:db 2Ch,32h,37h,68h,2Ch,30h,0-i:db 25h,73h,0-a:db ',27h,0
; ; sulfur16.asm ; ; alCoPaUL [GIMO][As][aBrA][NPA][b8][BCVG][rRlf] ; 10/7/2021 .revision 2 = 2/1/2023 ; ; nasm <dash>f bin <dash>o sulfur16.com sulfur16.asm ; org 100h mov al,13 mov ah,45 z:lea bx,[k] mov cx,551 r:cmp byte[bx],ah je s jmp u s:mov byte[bx],al cmp al,45 je c mov byte[bx+1],10 jmp u c:mov byte[bx+1],45 u:inc bx dec cx cmp cx,0 jnz r push ax lea dx,[k] mov ah,9 int 21h pop ax cmp al,13 mov ah,45 xchg al,ah je z lea dx,[x] mov ah,9 int 21h int 20h x:db 2Ch,32h,37h,68h,2Ch,32h,34h,68h,24h k:db ';--; sulfur16.asm--;--; alCoPaUL [GIMO][As][aBrA][NPA][b8][BCVG][rRlf]--; 10/7/2021 .revision 2 = 2/1/2023--;--; nasm <dash>f bin <dash>o sulfur16.com sulfur16.asm--;--org 100h--mov al,13--mov ah,45--z:lea bx,[k]--mov cx,551--r:cmp byte[bx],ah--je s--jmp u--s:mov byte[bx],al--cmp al,45--je c--mov byte[bx+1],10--jmp u--c:mov byte[bx+1],45--u:inc bx--dec cx--cmp cx,0--jnz r--push ax--lea dx,[k]--mov ah,9--int 21h--pop ax--cmp al,13--mov ah,45--xchg al,ah--je z--lea dx,[x]--mov ah,9--int 21h--int 20h--x:db 2Ch,32h,37h,68h,2Ch,32h,34h,68h,24h--k:db ',27h,24h
; by alCoPaUL [GIMO][As][aBrA][NPA][b8][BCVG][rRlf] ; January 25, 2023 NYC ; nasm <dash>f macho <dash>o GosuIchiban.o SnowLeopard.asm ; ld <dash>arch i386 <dash>macosx_version_min 10.4 <dash>lc /usr/lib/crt1.o <dash>o GesuIchIvan GosuIchiban.o global _main extern _printf section .text _main: enter 0,0 mov al,10 mov bl,45 z:lea edx,[a] mov cx,596 r:cmp byte [edx],bl je s jmp u s:mov byte [edx],al u:inc edx dec cx cmp cx,0 jnz r push a push i call _printf mov al,10 cmp bl,45 xchg al,bl je z push x push i call _printf leave ret section .data x:db 2Ch,32h,37h,68h,2Ch,30h,0 i:db 25h,73h,0 a:db '; by alCoPaUL [GIMO][As][aBrA][NPA][b8][BCVG][rRlf]-; January 25, 2023 NYC-; nasm <dash>f macho <dash>o GosuIchiban.o SnowLeopard.asm-; ld <dash>arch i386 <dash>macosx_version_min 10.4 <dash>lc /usr/lib/crt1.o <dash>o GesuIchIvan GosuIchiban.o-global _main-extern _printf-section .text-_main:-enter 0,0-mov al,10-mov bl,45-z:lea edx,[a]-mov cx,596-r:cmp byte [edx],bl-je s-jmp u-s:mov byte [edx],al-u:inc edx-dec cx-cmp cx,0-jnz r-push a-push i-call _printf-mov al,10-cmp bl,45-xchg al,bl-je z-push x-push i-call _printf-leave-ret-section .data-x:db 2Ch,32h,37h,68h,2Ch,30h,0-i:db 25h,73h,0-a:db ',27h,0
; by alCoPaUL [GIMO][As][aBrA][NPA][b8][BCVG][rRlf] ; January 26, 2023 NYC ; ./nasm <dash>f macho64 <dash>o 6GosuIchiban4.o SnowLeopard64.asm ; ld <dash>arch x86_64  <dash>macosx_version_min 10.4 <dash>lc /usr/lib/crt1.o <dash>o 6GesuIchIvan4 6GosuIchiban4.o global _main extern _printf section .text _main:push rbx mov cl,10 mov bl,45 z:lea r9,[a] mov dx,685 r:cmp byte[r9],bl je s jmp u s:mov byte[r9],cl u:inc r9 dec dx cmp dx,0 jnz r lea rdi,[i] lea rax,[a] mov rsi,rax xor rax,rax call _printf mov cl,10 cmp bl,45 xchg cl,bl je z lea rdi,[i] lea rax,[x] mov rsi,rax xor rax,rax call _printf pop rbx ret section .data default rel x:db 2Ch,32h,37h,68h,2Ch,30h,0 i:db 25h,73h,0 a:db '; by alCoPaUL [GIMO][As][aBrA][NPA][b8][BCVG][rRlf]-; January 26, 2023 NYC-; ./nasm <dash>f macho64 <dash>o 6GosuIchiban4.o SnowLeopard64.asm-; ld <dash>arch x86_64  <dash>macosx_version_min 10.4 <dash>lc /usr/lib/crt1.o <dash>o 6GesuIchIvan4 6GosuIchiban4.o-global _main-extern _printf-section .text-_main:push rbx-mov cl,10-mov bl,45-z:lea r9,[a]-mov dx,685-r:cmp byte[r9],bl-je s-jmp u-s:mov byte[r9],cl-u:inc r9-dec dx-cmp dx,0-jnz r-lea rdi,[i]-lea rax,[a]-mov rsi,rax-xor rax,rax-call _printf-mov cl,10-cmp bl,45-xchg cl,bl-je z-lea rdi,[i]-lea rax,[x]-mov rsi,rax-xor rax,rax-call _printf-pop rbx-ret-section .data-default rel-x:db 2Ch,32h,37h,68h,2Ch,30h,0-i:db 25h,73h,0-a:db ',27h,0
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