#dates are significant and so much can change in a short period
pippapimentina · 2 years
#today is my 4th anniversary at my current job. Which I am leaving in a few weeks and I will start my new job also on the 5th#in exactly a month#and on that day it will be one year since my parents announced their were divorcing to my brother and I#and also one year exactly since I blocked forever the guy I was madly in love with who broke my heart#(like a minute after the call from my parents ended I blocked him)#dates are significant and so much can change in a short period#the first semester of 2022 was a nightmare : I was crushed by the divorce - work was awful awful awful and#I couldn’t sleep and would get up in the middle of the night to work on my stupid deliverables#other serious health concerns arose for both my parents#I cancelled all my scheduled holidays to stay with my mom#and of course during all this I was alone as f and I still am because I am too fucking difficult and I reject every guy…#while fantisizing about men way way older than me#but anyway that’s not the point. the thing is the past 2 months have just been the best#quitting my job has freed me so much#starting something new is exciting#and I have just been doing whatever I want really wish I taking soooo much time for myself and being unapologetic about it#and at work finally finally I have become completely unhinged#which means not accepting bullshit anymore - cornering my managers into doing things my way because they don’t know what they are doing#and not playing nice with cunty clients#I just love it#personal
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tarotnoob · 2 years
PAC: August 2022 predictions (or next 3 months from when you read this)
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Choose a '90s early 2000 movie and scroll for your predictions for August (or next few months from when you read this).
Pile 1
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My intention was to keep the format short but with any readings, if you want to read superficially you could. I don't really like to do that because I feel like there's always more to a situation than the first few cards you pull. Like when he clarify, it's like adding a whole other detail of importance to a sentence. Like I could be so I saw this dog. Okay well you get the idea but what if I said so I saw this dog today it was a young Labrador puppy with golden fur and it belonged to my neighbor but it escaped out the backyard because one of the kids left the door open.
So I mean you get the story that I saw a dog but if I told you all of the rest of the information you would have more of a story about context and the background. I saw a dog but it was a lost dog. You get the idea so I feel like tarot can be like that. I could be like hey eventually you're going to meet the love of your life. But what if I left out that before then you're going to have to date two other jerks that you should look out for and you're also going to lose your job and take a long vacation before you find this person and by the way you're going to find this person while on your vacation.
I guess it depends on what you want to know and how much you want to know. So I'll try to do a superficial take. I started this pile last night and then I was tired and then I kept feeling like it wasn't talking about the pile but was talking about a specific event that's coming up but I don't really want to go into that so I'm going to keep it as a general blog reading.
That's the other weird thing about Tarot is like you can ask a question and the cards won't listen and they will tell you something that is more important but you don't know that because it happens in the future so you have no way of knowing other than a feeling.
So what I will say in a superficial and general sense is that in August or the coming months from when you read this to keep it timeless, I see a lot of change. After a really tough time. It's a long time as in could be years of struggling about something and carrying a lot of weight and responsibility but being determined to get to where you need to go or to finish the task.
Because to clarify some really strong cards like the chariot which represents cancer energy and the wheel of Fortune which is Sagittarius or fixed sign energy and then the six of Wands, we have some difficult cards like nine of Wands, 10 of Wands, 10 of swords.
The other interesting thing is how many tens you received in the only six cards. 10 is cycle completion. So it is to me the end of a very long and tough cycle that could have been going on for years or even up to a decade or more. But you got through it and I was going to keep this the superficial portion lol. So I'll just say an end to a tough and stressful cycle and now you're feeling very determined, there is change on the horizon like not even far away. Sometimes you get these in your life okay change is coming but it'll be like another couple of years. This feels like literally it's already starting to happen and should process within the next few weeks or months.
There is strong indication of travel. Especially for long-term trips or long distance trips. Particularly if you are traveling to somewhere like Egypt or somewhere it kind of exotic for you or traveling across a continent. Because there's a lot of indication of a long period of time elapsing. I think that's not just the struggle of your path for the last several years but that now you're moving into a cycle that will be long lasting but full of blessings.
I just see really really significant change for you. The six of Wands is the card that kind of made me feel funny because to clarify I got a ten of swords. But that can just mean again that a tough cycle is ending and you're approaching a time of success. Sure, it could be literal success and public recognition of some kind for whatever you're going into, which could be career or schooling of some kind. But, I see this more as like an emotional or spiritual triumph that you pushed through something and then you were able to come out of the other end despite all of the difficulties.
I should also mention with the clarification at least that I did today and last night, the planetary influences could be anything in cancer, anything Venus is up to, especially in relation to Taurus. Leo energy came up and the new moon and Leo is about to happen and we just entered Leo season.
Yeah, I don't know what kind but whatever you pushed through to open up this change for you, there will be a lot more focus and clarity and abundance. I feel like there will be more new adventures, there is happiness, potentially love. It just feels like somebody who goes through something and what you get on the other side is a lot of wisdom and maturity.
I feel like you know where you are headed now. Because if you look at the chariot which is all about having things under control and determination and moving forward, it's almost like Jupiter or just this wheel of Fortune card is coming through and pointing with its compass to where you need to go, and then since the 6 of Wands follows it's clear it indicates that you are being propelled very quickly toward a path of success but it wasn't an easy path at all. It looks very tiring. If you're going from the nine of Wands to the 10 of Wands, it's kind of like okay there's s*** ahead but we push through it and then on the other side there's 10 of cups.
The Oracle cards indicate that there will be some things in your life that fall away. It could be by choice or maybe not choice or maybe you still have to let go of a couple of things but it appears that whatever those old things are are crumbling. I don't take this as seriously as a tower situation but towers create change. And certainly if you went through some type of tower whether it's recently or over the years, you got through it because nine and 10 of Wands and 10 of swords indicate tough but guess what it's over because it's a 10. It's a 10 but it sucks lol
But this doesn't take that you have ancestors who are watching over you and trying to help guide you. I think that if you want to believe this, you could that they are probably the ones who have helped open these doors for you and supported you along the way. I don't know if that helps to hear it but that seems to be a message.
So, besides having the wheel here it does give a sense of destiny that the difficult times that you went through served some type of purpose to either line you up with your path or to provide you some kind of spiritual wisdom or maturity that would help you be able to handle this level of change to your life when it does come. Like maybe 10 years ago if you hadn't been through some difficult stuff you wouldn't know how to manage stress or work through conflict, but now that you've experienced that, you would be able to handle a higher level of change to your life instead of it breaking you down with anxiety.
So, that's the general sense but like I said specifically this could be related to a long distance relocation or long distance trip or I guess it's general again but a very long path that you've been going through that's finally seeing the clearing. Like if you or just going through a forest and it felt like forever any thought you would never get to the other end and see light again, you would probably be like half a mile away maybe less than that.
It's also possible that if love is on the horizon, you could meet this person online or they or you have some type of following. I don't know if that really matters but I'll throw it out there since I see it. As a person, what I'm seeing and it doesn't have to be a love interest, this could just be you or the only part where I feel like maybe there could be another person or the cards around the six of wants.
Because the empress came out for clarification when I wanted to understand the ten of swords and king of swords that popped out but anyway. Somebody very intelligent, somebody very attractive, somebody very successful either at work or like I said they might have some type of online following. Or this might be who you become if you're working toward those kinds of things. And maybe it felt like you failed a few times in doing this, but I think things might change shortly. But also this could generally be the influence of Venus. I feel like Mercury Venus Mars are the energies coming up for this pile so those current planetary transits might be influencing you a lot right now or influencing everybody I should say. Since Taurus came up I think it's Uranus is in Taurus as well so that one's just hanging out there always influencing things.
Yeah, there's some type of new adventure on the way and it could lead to love or just greater emotional maturity and the 10 of cups definitely indicates a lot more moments of joy. I would just say to sum up for this pile it's like hard work pays off is the motto happening here.
So if you put in the work and do you struggle through the long haul, I would expect it to show some results very quickly here. Like really big results. Maybe even some type of fame.
Can I read anything any other way to help with specific instances? Well determination is the first part. Again, determination and carrying on a lot of responsibility by yourself which seems to be related to a destiny thing as well as pushing towards some type of change. I would even expect sometimes for this person that changes quite difficult or it feels like you always have to be the one to do everything to create opportunities in your life. Because I feel like this ten of Wands person is struggling by themselves to create change or make change but it could also represent somebody who is determined to fight against change at times.
Like it works both ways that there was probably a time where you struggled with change but I feel like that phase is over which is why the crumbling is here. You're about to get rid of that responsibility or that weight that makes you anxious. Because now it's like that anxiety has turned into determination instead of fear. Or you could just be at the end of that type of phase and working through that. It's okay to still have fear and anxiety about anything but it doesn't look like it's as crushing or crippling as before.
I think the crumbling card is interesting when I talked about the opening in the forest because you see the door is slightly opening and it's like get ready to start your horses. So there's the opening, beyond as this beautiful field, if you go through the gate, I think there's something really great there. It feels like the message is also when you are determined and you are strong, the universe will end up seeing your efforts eventually and will reward you. Also technically in theory abundances always there for you but maybe you have to access it by changing the frequency of your brain to something higher before it comes to you.
I suppose since numbers seem significant here we should talk about those real quick and then end it. So like I said there are three tens. Tens indicate a cycle ending or cycles in general. You also have a nine a three a seven and six. I think back of the deck was a six.
So, I would read this as some cycles that involve finding and creating harmony in several aspects of life, there were also lessons involved for you that were probably karmic and that there seems to be abundant says the reward since a three showed up.
To me, it feels like a path about a lot of inner work and working through conflicts and challenges to determine I guess how strong you are or to make you strong and this feels a strong part of your destiny and path. I don't know what it means when people have different paths but sometimes it's very clear that there are different paths people might be assigned to before their incarnation. Some of those paths might be external as in a person could be born to create some kind of mass change for the collective.
Although I think you can do both you can have a collective responsibility and then you have your soul work I guess. In this instance, it could be something like you could become somebody famous and influence others but the more important level seems to be the interchange that's created by going through struggles and how and going through that, you do get to a place where you will probably get everything that you wanted because you deserve it.
But why souls have those constant phases where it's like building up your strengths and integrity. Like what does that actually do for a soul end game. If we all started with one source as one source and then split off to have these human or being experiences, like what does that do in the end? Like what is the point? But certainly it does read like souls go around collecting traits from experiences just like in video games lol.
Like you level up as you struggle and then as you persevere through that struggle. It seems kind of monotonous to me lol but I didn't start it or technically I guess I did if I'm part of it but I think it's fascinating to think about one source and then that one source splitting off into kajillions of little bits of energy that can absorb experiences and eventually bring it back to source but then each of those beings could have completely different opinions or experiences or observations. But it's like I am you you are me lol. Isn't that what they say in Alice in wonderland? I am you and you were me and we are all together. It's also a serendipity thing lol
Anyway, I know it's not simple but this isn't really a simple read other than to say that it feels like August or the next few months of when you read this you'll see drastic changes in what comes next. But I also feel like you're aware of these changes at the point of reading this that they've already kind of started but it would be like right before it takes into effect. Like if you just found out you got a job and then you haven't quite started it but you are about to or you just started it a week ago.
Just because I have to read everything, there is something a little bit worrying about the six of Wands but I feel like this would be more of a world event. It just bothers me because I could also read it as something potentially happening to a celebrity but that's because when I see six of Wands and a ten of swords clarifying it you would be like okay well this could be somebody famous and then guess what they get stabbed in the back about 10 times. Like hey Julius Caesar moment.
But not really related to your reading It's just something that keeps bothering me. But then when I further clarified, I got empress and the back of the deck head good cards so I think it's more like a repeat of 10 of Wands and wheel of Fortune as in difficult times but guess what success and good fortune is next. Even 9 of Wands clarifying a chariot is like that. You go from being on the defense and determination to rolling right through to success.
I would also note that even though eventually good things will come about from these changes, the initial start of it could be a bit bumpy. But that tends to happen as we transition to new cycles.
10 could be significant in terms of dates as in October or the 10th of August or some month. Especially since I'm getting 10:10 a lot and I saw 1010 as an expiration date on my Jungkook vanilla latte bottle today and I remember thinking oh that would have been funny if it was 10:13 since I tend to see that number a lot. And then I was like oh 1010 that's Naruto's birthday lol. My point being that it's interesting I saw all that before I sat down to analyze the cards so 1010 could be significant for you.
Or 10-6 or August 10th or 6th etc. Or if you aren't reading this around August then the 10th of a month in the next few months. 10 just seem so strong here doesn't it so let's watch out for August 10th and October 10th in the collective. Because besides this rating, there could be something significant that happens on those dates that comes as a bit of a shock to people.
Pile 2
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It's funny how pile one so clearly got the tens and this pile clearly got the fours.
August 4th or the 4th of the month could be significant for you. Or fourth house. 4th month. Whatever depending on when you're reading this.
So, I hate to say it because nobody likes that okay I'm stuck and I need to not be stuck and go with the flow lol but you have a reverse hanged man and a four of pentacles. This could be a stuck in the comfort zone thing because four is generally could be about stability or something that would represent the fourth house which is cancer, so having to do with the home and you know where we feel comfortable or family etc
There does seem to be a reluctance to take risks and start something new because what's clarifying this for of pentacles is the fool and the magician, both obviously mean a new start, manifesting new opportunities, taking risks and doing so. But there seems to be something that you're holding on to. It could be that this new venture might take money for you to do and that's an issue and you don't want to spend, it could be other things that you're holding on to that aren't material, but you know on the other side what it could indicate is if you were to take some risk and try to manifest this thing, you could make money from it. Or save up I guess I could say. But that's only if you open up to the opportunity first.
And speaking of I have a couple of cards that indicate that. The four of Wands is clarified by a page of cups, so there is an opportunity or invitation for something that would bring you joy, which could be romance or it could be other things that just bring you emotional fulfillment. If that's some type of social situation, it could definitely be an invitation to a wedding or other celebration that's coming up for you.
It could be that you are somebody who is saving up for a wedding soon or in the present. Or party.
But another opportunity that's coming out with this page of pentacles is clarified by a three of pentacles, so this could be an opportunity to work together with other people. It could be a job or a project, but you're definitely being offered something that would allow you to create and build with another person. This could be a relationship again like a romantic one or even a friendship or it could be a new job opportunity that's about to come in.
However, the hangman reversed is clarified by a knight of swords reversed. This could indicate two things, it could be a stuck momentum from an external situation that has you stuck or it could be a sense of thinking or perspective that's keeping you from going forward. It could also be a reluctance to make some type of decision. But to me, it's looking more like a devil situation where there's something spiritually or intellectually going on where you are holding yourself back from new things. It could be the usual fear of change, could be being lazy, it could be not wanting to leave your comfort zone.
It almost feels like maybe somebody invites you to something or offers you something where you would definitely be working along or interacting with other people to do something, but it's like you have doubts maybe. There's some reluctance. Maybe because it's new. Maybe you need more information. Maybe you need to process what's being offered. But, it seems like you brought it to yourself. It looks like you manifested this thing but now that you have it or have the opportunity it's like okay well it's here now but do I really want it lol
So, I would say the cards say process the information think about it because that's what the hanged man is doing but the hangman if he was upright would be going with the flow and not overanalyzing so much but in this pile, there's overanalyzing being done. That's fair. If it's a new situation, you're going to be relying on other people, it's pretty human to think about it a little bit.
But the invitation seems to be nice. It's from the four of Wands, so it feels like a party or a social invitation or an opportunity to be happy so I don't really know what the reluctance is besides what the four of pentacles might say for you which could be a money issue or holding on to something else that's not material.
It could be holding on to a certain outcome or like waiting for a better offer. But, I mean it doesn't really say yes or no if this would bring you happiness. I mean for wands you could look at and be like well yeah.
But every opportunity is simply what you make of it. The universe gives them out, if you take them cool if you don't well you don't and you'll never know.
But I don't see any red flags here for it. The only red flag here is about the way you're thinking about it or talking to yourself or crippled by some type of decision that you would need to make to accept the offer.
Sometimes when I see a knight of swords reversed besides it being about a stall of some kind, it can be a negative way of thinking or talking. Almost being kind of bitter or hard on yourself and since it's around a reversed hanged man it also gives up feeling of being anti-spiritual I guess. Like getting away from that path and going into a place that's not really beneficial for you.
But once you clear that out, I don't foresee anything negative here besides any minor whatever that might come from anything new that you start. But I will say the other advice could be in this star mother card that says how can you mother yourself. And my guess is maybe you're being hard on yourself or negative in some way in the way you're thinking. Maybe you think you aren't good enough for this opportunity or you can't do it or whatever doubts you may have, this could be a sign to go easier on yourself.
Or it could be advice to be more social or accept more offers as they come when people want to hang out with you instead of questioning why they want to hang out with you, go ahead and do it. Or do whatever you need to do right now to take care of yourself if you need permission for that to focus on you and work out what's going on inside your mind right now. Because you seem maybe a bit confused and there's not as much clarity so maybe focusing on you will help work through that.
And not to say that relationships couldn't be involved at some point here or in addition to work, but it does look like it could be career-oriented since I do think the new opportunity will present something financial so that you can start saving. As if you're going to manifest money. It could even be done in a strange way or new way. It could be through stocks or some type of more risky ventures even. But at the same time, it looks like somebody could be blocking that. Like they are afraid to bring this new thing in and take a risk and try it out but like I said that seems to be the result of the reversed cards.
So, I see opportunities and invitations but I don't know if you'll immediately take them or there's a possibility that you are expecting them and they might be delayed. But they will be situations like social invitations and opportunities to collaborate or work with others. You might have to save up for these things or you might have to let go of something in order to make something happen, you might also have to take risks in order to do that as well.
And pay attention to what you're thinking and what you're projecting with your energy because it's bordering a bit on going negative. And the solution there must be the star mother card which is saying to nurture and take care of yourself.
And in terms of energy, I would say Pisces is here but it's kind of blocked and then Uranus and mercury or Gemini and Virgo.
Numbers or dates that could be significant could be April or the 4th of some month. Especially April 4th if that's a birthday or anniversary. I would also pay attention to Gemini and Virgo seasons depending on when you read this or those transits. Plus like I said Pisces.
I wouldn't be surprised if somebody reads this more toward winter because I feel like there's a lot of energy around early part of next year especially around Pisces to Taurus season. So if you read it around then, definitely pay attention. But there is still that Virgo energy hanging about here so timing wise for people who read this now, I would expect these offers an opportunities to come around then or maybe even I don't know when or ever that Uranus might go into Virgo or Gemini but that could be a prediction for much later into the future since I think that's far off.
Or I guess if you happen to have Uranus in those in your chart. I don't know the timing for those so sorry.
But I could just say maybe Mercury and Uranus are going to have a bit of influence on you at this time or Neptune as well since I think Neptune has been in Pisces for a while although it goes retrograde so oh I guess I should say that since it goes retrograde soon or already did, when a card comes out reversed and it's obviously related to a planet. And everybody knows hanged man is Neptune right. It's upside down so I would also pay attention to what a Neptune in retrograde might mean for your chart or energy.
Maybe this retrograde will delay some type of information or is a signed to stall on some type of decisions until the retrograde is over. I don't really put much stock into that but if you do, it's there. It could also just be a way for the cards to indicate timing saying that these opportunities and whatever are going to happen during the timing of this transit. Which is going on now, I don't know when the Neptune retrograde switches again so you can look that up for timing.
And one last look, it is interesting how the pentacle the four of pentacles is holding and then the light around the head and the hanged man and then the pentacle that the page is holding feel connected. From that perspective, it's like the four of pentacles is holding on to something in terms of a dream or goal. Like clinging to it and not wanting to let go and this could be related to a certain outcome expectation.
But it would make sense because when you have the magician and the full hanging about it's like manifesting a new adventure and holding on to this or whatever and trying to create something new. And it even looks like let's say this person is working the pentacle and creating it with their mind and spirituality or energy since the hangman now has that energy around there head. And then from that, it's like the magician is working to bring it into the material because now the page of pentacles has this thing that you held on to and wanted to form and bring into existence.
But it seems like it's related to something you want to bring into existence that would require other people to help you. Maybe that's what is stalling the manifestation. You have to wait until the right people come in to help you. Whoever these people are in three of pentacles. It could also be that you have a bigger project so you might need money to do it and then when you have the money you can hire these other people to build it if it's like a really big dream.
Like if you want to build a house or become somebody famous or write a book. You would still need money for some of that and then you could hire or invite the right people. That's just an example, it could also be in a spiritual way as in you want to build something and have this certain lifestyle but your soul tribe hasn't come in yet. Well I would say it looks like they're delayed in coming. But there's a reason for it because this hanged man situation shows that some type of perspective needs to change before the opportunity can come in to have these people involved. It could also just be a universal delay due to divine timing.
Because something spiritually and mentally has to be aligned and worked out. I mean beyond this just being about a Neptune retrograde energy whatever, it should still also be about something needing to line up spiritually and mentally. As if like someone's trying to figure out or analyze if this thing is in alignment or meant to be. That's what's interesting about getting a spiritual and a sword card because it's like the human side and the spirit side are both either colliding or like working together in a process that has to happen before this page of pentacles can come in.
And I also think the page can be about learning something new as well so it's like something has to align for the collaboration to happen but also to be able to learn some type of lesson. It could be a lesson about working together or being more open to being with other people as well. Maybe you usually like to work alone or something or can be quite stubborn and you need to figure out that it's not a good thing for you. Like maybe ask other people for help or go ahead and work with other people. So those are all the potential things I see for this pile.
Pile 3
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Interesting. I saw several of these cards as I was shuffling and then I came out. And also the way they came out with strange and kind of confused so I'm not surprised to see reversed things indicating a lack of clarity or what to do about something.
I would also not be surprised if you were drawn a bit to pile 2.
So, like I said with pile two, there could be upcoming retrogrades that might cause a situation to stall or this is in general about something being delayed.
Before clarifications, the cards definitely indicate maybe some confidence about a love relationship being an issue or even heartbreak that leads you to feeling insecure about a relationship with somebody. They can also be, not feeling confident in who you are in general. It could be the result of other people. Because this five of Wands could be other people that are negative in your sphere, bringing down how you feel about yourself. It could also be that it's an internal conflict but I can't imagine a random internal conflict making somebody feel insecure, it would probably be brought about by some type of conflict.
I can definitely be a situation where you were disappointed. But it could also be lacking the confidence to move forward or make a decision about something that is true to who you are or would have to do with relationships since the lovers is hanging out here.
What's sitting on your three of swords is a seven of pentacles which is all about waiting in patients and then the queen of swords reversed, which can indicate a lack of clarity or harsh words or thoughts or a lack of decision over a long period of time and then constantly being disappointed or being heartbroken about it.
Specifically for some if this is a relationship whether it's romantic or friendship or whatever it is, you are this person could be a fire sign and maybe it's like your butting heads over something. Or it could be that there's a lot of emotion involved and not a lot of rationale. Because I see a lot of strong energy with the queen of Wands and then we know that there's some type of conflict or competition going on and then we have like impatience.
So either something has taken too long and it's weighing on your confidence or you're getting impatient and picking fights or someone is picking fights with you.
To me it reads a lot like impatience is the issue here. Somebody not willing to wait the time to create this garden or whatever. But if it were a relationship I would say that it could also be something where not thinking clearly and letting emotions take over but the answer seems to be patients.
Three of swords can also indicate a time of not speaking with somebody. It could be not communicating with someone for a long time over a conflict. A situation where things got pretty heated. Especially if one particular person was very bossy.
Because it's almost like maybe the queen of swords and the queen of Wands went head-to-head and maybe things were said that shouldn't have been said. But that's a specific situation.
On the other side for the lovers a lot of cards came out. Lovers is Gemini energy by the way and then we also have fire energy coming out. So maybe a Gemini is involved and that's who the queen of swords is. Or a Gemini with fireplacements or fire person with Gemini placements.
With the lovers, we have Ace of cups and then Ace of Wands reversed, a seven of cups and eight of pentacles. Again it's giving off the vibes from the previous pile but there is an offer right. It could be an offer from this person to reconcile. It could be a new offer that has to do with anything. It does seem to be indicating relationships because of the lovers and cups but it could also be some type of offer that could provide emotional harmony and different aspects of your life. There is an indication also of work here with the eight of cups.
The last pile had something similar because it had three of pentacles. So again it's like there's doubt or an unwillingness to move forward around an opportunity that would involve building something with another person or persons. But it's like you don't know what to do, or you don't feel inspired or there's still this lack of communication I guess or harmony between the other person. I think it could also be a situation where somebody is trying to put out this offer of help or affection or whatever but maybe you are too busy or you would prefer to do it alone.
Or there's just too much going on because the seven of cups can be wow I just have a lot of things on my plate and 8 of pentacles there could be like I'm just too busy with work right now for a relationship or it could be a four of cups situation where you're so busy and you have this opportunity in the cup is right here but you just don't see it.
I would guess like the previous pilot has to do with a mindset that's happening here. There's something else you are focused on mentally that's preventing you from opening up to certain opportunities with people. Now if it's a reconciliation that's up to you especially if you had a previous conflict but that could be something that comes through. During retrogrades especially mercury they say that people come back around this time. I've had a couple of people who I haven't spoken to in years or a long time suddenly come back lately and apologize or suddenly sent me money on Kofi after years of not talking.
So I think sometimes the energy aligns for certain things and people start reflecting and they want to contact you again. So it's up to you whether you want to reply or not. I mean you never have to do anything you don't want to do.
But like I said there seem to be things on your mind and they don't feel very positive. It's kind of like things are happening but I don't know what's holding you back. It will be different for every person. Another way of looking at it like I said with the previous pile is that there is something that you are destined for and it doesn't have to be meeting this person. It's just that the lover sometimes can be about bringing two people together especially soulmates, but it's also more a card about intellectual or spiritual harmony within oneself. And if those things aren't aligned obviously all these other things will be thrown off in reversed in these cards.
Because there is a lot of conflict and doubt and uncertainty here. Even like a lack of inspiration or spark to get something going I guess. And so that can apply to a relationship or any situation like a job or school. But there is some delay here. And it could be that there is waiting on some type of communication.
Maybe there's a universal glitch right now where there are plans that were being worked out for a lot of people in the collective and maybe something big happened that wasn't really expected in the plan even though everything in the plan is always expected but some things for some people might be pushed back for a reason. So if something doesn't happen when you want it as you want it, don't feel like it's not coming. Because the last two piles have shown that there might be a delay here. Or you might have to wait a bit longer. Pile one wasn't like that at all but the second pile was.
It could also be trying to divine the plot of save the last dance though too lol
It wouldn't surprise me given that you got the dance with life Oracle lol. I will tell you with Tarot sometimes it's so literal that you want to do a reading about something and you use these placeholders as inspiration for people to pick the card file but then what happens is the cards will also read the plot or the emotions behind the thing that you're looking at. Because I look at the posters to make sure that I'm connecting the right energy.
On the other hand though what happens is more than likely somebody intuitively connects with a poster because of the feelings that movie gives them so it would make sense that a person connects with the movie for those reasons if they know that movie and then within that reading, those same feelings from the movie and then the person end up being in the reading lol. Because in that movie you know there's this very confident creative ballerina girl who has conflict with her father and then conflict with other people as she moves into the new school and her mother passed away a long time ago so there's this long-standing heartbreak and she's kind of very emotional rather than logical in a lot of her interactions. And then she meets this guy but there's some conflict there blah blah blah. I know this movie is cliche now but it was pretty cool when it came out.
Anyway point being that probably a similar situation as being played out where there's some external conflict happening that's also affecting some in our stuff for you in terms of confidence and patience. There may be a stall to your plans or there may just be an offer of any kind in which you are kind of conflicted on what to do. Or how much you want to invest long-term. It could be like an offer but you're just not that excited about it or you need more information or clarity. Or you might not even see it because you're busy with other things.
I think it's a mixture of job and relationships but it will depend on the person. Anyway so the oracles dance with life says do something to change your energy so again we know that there's something a bit off about your energy and how you're processing a situation or your perspective right now spiritually.
The other Oracle says your guidance is divinely guided. Well that certainly fits the image on the lovers card so there is something coming your way that seems to be divinely planned out for you. But I would guess that there's a bit of a delay or stall or even issues if you want it or are excited about it or maybe it's just doubts.
I would also suggest maybe doing something active to take your mind off of it. Like go outside and have a walk or go do things with friends that gets you active. Because it's like you're so focused on this one thing that maybe if you go do something to take your mind off of it that would help provide clarity or just give you some relief.
So I don't see a specific situation here except as I said it could be relationship but it could be a general offer that has to do with anything like a job or it doesn't matter but there seems to be a lot of confusion and delays and maybe some miscommunications involved here. But the oracles make me think that you need to do something different here to change the way you go about it or the way your perceiving it or also maybe spending too much time dwelling on it has led you into a bit of a spiritual sinkhole.
As a prediction, if you are starting a new job soon or at a job in general, there is the potential that you will meet this person through work or school. I'm leaning more toward work but it's just this last part with this random eight of pentacles, it makes me feel like it hasn't happened yet but you could meet somebody because it's divinely guided. There will be some type of offer but I think it wouldn't happen immediately. Like it's there maybe it will start as friendship. But it doesn't look like there's a spark at first. But the fact that the wand is reversed here could just mean that in terms of timing, you haven't met this person yet. Because when you do meet them, the wand might flip.
And the seven of cups can just indicate there's elements of the unknown. Like the plan is still sort of being worked out. And then the aid of pentacles could indicate it happens at work or when you're studying so at a school. But it's like it just hasn't lined up yet lol. They haven't worked it out quite right on the other side and there have been some delays for a long time.
But part of it I think had to do with you. Not to say you're being punished but as in there were delays on your part where you had to work through some conflict whether internal or external before you could get to this point. But you're still not even there. This would definitely not be a person you've met. So maybe scrap the reconciliation thing although that's something I'll just say to bring up because it does give rebuilding vibes. Like I don't know if I want to rebuild with this person who contacted me but yeah.
However for others I would say the Ace of Wands being flipped indicates you haven't met the person yet. And then seven of cups is almost like there's a fog around it which I read as timing hasn't been figured out but the lovers shows that it will happen lol like there's an angel above bringing these two people together. And it can be a friend or a special mental where I guess but yeah.
On a spiritual level it looks like it's like sorry about this but we had some delays so yeah. Kind of like when a pilot comes on and it's like yeah we can't take off for another hour because whatever. That's kind of like what it's saying like lol sorry about that bro
And then the dance with life is kind of like hey how about you just distract yourself with the movie or something until we get this plane off the ground. Like it's basically saying chill out we're working on it technical difficulties.
Meanwhile put your energy into things that are productive. But it will come eventually.
Gates-wise what can I say with the numbers we have a couple of ones, 2 7s, and eight, six a five, a 9 at the back. Yeah so there's like you're somewhere in the middle and then there's an end point and it's like there are gaps between. Although I mean you do have a five six seven eight nine
So it feels more like in the middle to end which is not very helpful and then there are ones here. But like I said it feels like the ones are far away. You know when you get a 10 and a one so you know a cycle has ended This feels more like there's a way to go until the cycle ends for this pile but way ahead there are new things but like I said this feels like a relationship of some type in the further future after some delays
But there is an eight so in terms of dates August 5th through the 9th could be significant or those dates depending on whatever month you read it. Or Gemini season or a Gemini Transit.
I don't know why but I get the feeling that current retrograde transits which at least are Neptune and I don't know what else is in retrograde are creating some type of electromagnetic fog of some sort. I don't know what that means astrologically speaking that's just the sense I get from the last two piles. And it does give retrograde vibes of things being sort of cloudy and needing to reflect on things. And delays.
And I think I said this for the previous pile as well that this could be a serious fallout or verbal conflict with a friend or someone else as well. Like if you are in a relationship you might have an argument with your partner and then there is some offer to reconcile or the potential to but you don't really know how you feel about it or if you want to work on this or if you want to let it go I guess especially if you've already invested a lot of time into it. And I can go for a non-relationship situation. If it's a job and there's a lot of conflict and then maybe they offer you a measly raise to get you to stay but you're like I don't know.
But something has to change because your energy seems a bit low vibrational during this time and I would suggest going with your intuition if something doesn't feel right. Like things that fall away are going to fall away for reasons so you don't need to chase them if the universe is trying to get you out of them. That will be my final advice for you.
Also sorry for typos It's way easier for me to interpret if I do voice to text but voice to text gets every other word wrong.
Pile 4
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Interesting. I was just thinking okay well pile 3 and pile two were similar and I made sense both of those movies had Julia stiles some maybe somebody would be drawn to both of those based on that or those movies being somewhat similar. This movie is different than that. Although I guess I chose movies that were romantic drama comedies kind of that have the same type of plot so maybe the cards pulled from that energy.
Because those movies are all about love and will they or won't they get together and some heartbreaks along the way before they do get together. And the cards keep kind of portraying that energy lol but maybe there's a reason I picked those as my theme. I just watched drive me crazy because I was feeling nostalgic and it was one of my favorite movies back in the day because it's the same plot as a lot of movies but I felt like the characters were a bit more realistic because Melissa Joan Hart isn't like you know a model but she was pretty don't get me wrong I'm just saying that I thought the characters weren't so awful. Kind of like in she's all that. I don't really like that movie.
Anyway, I say that because everybody's getting three of swords lol but keep in mind that I also read three of swords as retrograde or miscommunications or going out of contact with somebody. It doesn't necessarily have to mean a specific heartbreak or disappointment but certainly it can.
Especially because we have the empress here and she represents Venus, the hermit well that certainly could read us having to go into isolation or potentially a difficult thing that happens with a friend or partner and so you have to do some deep thinking about something. But that's kind of what we do during retrograde so that three of swords could indicate okay this is retrograde and this is a time where we're going to think about things related to Venus, which could be self-love or romantic love or abundance or even our physique. Like our physical aesthetic. Which could be related to self-love as well.
So there can be all kinds of things where it's not a specific event but the energy of the universe and the transits and everything is affecting all of a similarly right now. So I would look at things that are in Virgo or what Venus is up to. What retrogrades are happening. When I see the three of swords I think of Mercury as well. And Mercury retrograde but it any retrograde
There does seem to be a pause where a decision needs to be made or some type of crossroad. I was picking up this theme for the last three piles. I thought pile one was a bit more advanced beyond that. But there was the tiniest hint of things falling away.
Like I also said with the other piles there could be a delay of some sorts with that retrograde energy especially when it comes to travel because I see the page of Wands.
And on top of that there's a good sense of timing here for this being Virgo to Libra season. There seems to be maybe travel or the start of something new during this time but you may experience some type of delay or a tough decision that you have to make about something. It could just be that you have to make a tough decision to do something new. Like if you're going to switch jobs or if you're going to move somewhere, it could be a tough decision where you have to give up something in order to gain something. And it looks like you'll have to do a bit of thinking about that.
So with that two of swords and hermit here it's like okay I have to sit and I need to think about what I want to do and then I need to make a decision where maybe both decisions or opportunities are a bit difficult to choose or no matter what you kind of lose something here or you'll be sad about something. Or it could even be that you require a bit more information from somewhere before you can make the decision to do something.
But it does seem too involve a new opportunity with this Ace of pentacles. Every single pile had this show of new opportunities coming through but then they're being a stall or doubts
You have these leap card which reminds me of the fool and then I think it pairs well with the page of Wands because this is somebody who takes risks and just goes with it. But I think you're not probably going with it. There was another pile that had the hanged man in reverse and this is that similar energy in that and maybe something mentally or just externally has caused a delay here for taking this new thing. It could be a fear but I also would totally believe that something gets in the way. You know if you have travel plans and then the plane gets delayed or the flight gets canceled.
But I want you to know that I feel like with every pile that this has come up, that there is a reason that this delay happens. So even if something doesn't go as planned, it's going to happen for a reason. For example, my mom has been trying to get this surgery scheduled for the last 6 months. She had to go to a second doctor because the first one randomly canceled and they started to set up the surgery but then yesterday she got a call from the insurance that this doctor is no longer in the network even though he was when she started the search and they made the plans for this. Which made me really pissed off I'll tell you. Because otherwise she would have to pay $8,000 out of pocket for the surgery lol Even though when she started talking to these doctors in this hospital, it was in network
But that's the American health system for you It's a piece of s*** just like our government. That aside, my point is that can be the kind of delay. And she said last night when I was getting frustrated with the system and I was like who do you need me to call and yell at because I can't believe that you went through all of this for that time and this person was in the system and then randomly they're not in your network and you have to suffer a penalty for it and do this all over again.
But she was like well maybe it happened for a reason and I should go to this doctor. But then she said she really liked the doctor that she was supposed to do the surgery with lol. So on the one hand maybe that would have gone wrong and this one will go better but then what about the other side of it where because of this insurance company the surgery goes funky and something happens to my mom because of this change then essentially this insurance company is responsible for whatever happens there but yes there are things we don't know.
Anything could have gone wrong if she would have stayed on that path and now maybe going to this one will be something different. Or that's what we want to think it's also possible that the world is just s***** and likes to inconvenience everybody and nobody actually cares about anybody.
But that way of thinking would certainly be a hanged man reversed situation if you kept that perspective. If you keep my mom's perspective, you would probably be an upright hanged man
Anyway so all these cards fell out at the same time which is a bit strange. The other piles didn't do that. I guess that could indicate that something might come as a shock or come out of nowhere or happen all at once. And this could be that three of swords two of sword situation where something get started but yeah there's a delay or hiccup
Like me moving out to Nevada and then at the last minute my Airbnb person will call and be like Yeah I'm going to have to cancel lol which happened the last time I used Airbnb
But so let's talk about how we start with hermit which could be Virgo right so in Virgo season you could travel, you could start off some type of journey or adventure something new is happening here.
But potentially by the time Libra rolls around, there could be some type of crossroads here or some decision you have to make and It feels like a hard or heartbreaking decision. But since the ace of pentacles follows, I can't tell if the tough decision will lead to an opportunity or what is offered is the thing that causes some disappointment or heartbreak here. It could also be like I suggested for the others that if you go radio silent with somebody after a conflict that there might be a period of time where you lose contact and aren't communicating but then later on there is an offer of some kind.
So it's very strange because the last three piles are definitely very similar in that there is something new starting, there are opportunities and chances for abundance but then it's like you have to make a tough decision to get there or it's like you do get something but at a cost.
And it's like there's risk involved so you really have to do some deep thinking about what to do or if it's right. And what it looks like all together really is a tough decision. But it can be anything like you get a job opportunity but you have to move away or you lose a friend but then you end up making another. Things like that.
And at the very least, I just see a delay in something maybe because you have to think about it. That seems to be the very least bit of drama I can think of.
It could be that you experienced some type of conflict with someone and are disappointed in them because Libra is also the house of relationships right. So a disappointment with a new relationship or something and you really have to reflect about what you want to do here or what you want to say or a decision you have to make.
That's kind of strange to think about if the thing is new because why would there be so much investment and disappointment with something that is new. So it's more like probably before the opportunity even comes there are a lot of things you have to think about. Including how this decision will affect relationships in your life. It could be a situation where you want to be fair to everybody but I don't think you can. I think it's going to be a situation where somebody's going to be unhappy
But that aside you know if you're looking for advice this is where I picked Oracle cards here and it does say you go first the universe will catch you. So I would guess that a lot of people's doubts seem to be about decisions that would require some risk on your part like the fear of the unknown but the advice is to go for it. If you leap the universe will catch you no matter what you do even if there's some fear here.
I see you reflecting on it and trying to figure out which way is right and they're being some type of emotional thing that's holding you back or causing you pain but the page of Wands is here this leap card is here, I would say do whatever is best for you Don't worry about hurting other people's feelings.
The empress would do her own thing, she does what's right for her. You know all about self-love and taking care of yourself so I would put yourself first in whatever situation that may come up where you have to do a bit of thinking and tough decision making. Because like I said if you lose something, that's the universe's way of cleaning out your social closet or whatever. And when you do let go of somethings, other things will come in because you made room for them. And that could be what that Ace of pentacles is at the end after some decisions and heartbreaks but after you're done thinking about it I would say at the end the universe says go for it. It's scary to take a leap but it seems like the payoff will be worth it in the end.
Also for validation, you might have Venus in Virgo or Virgo or Venus sitting in your 7th house. Or if it's a relationship situation, one of you could be Libra or Taurus and the other Virgo. But I think it will come down to the planetary transits more than anything but those are there. But for me overall there's a lot of Virgo and Libra or Taurus energy here with a hint of retrograde.
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decomposited · 4 months
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This post exists mainly as a discussion/headcanon for what might be in those vials the Doctor always seems to have. Admittedly, the specifics pertain more closely to the segments themselves, but you know how it is. Kind of a package deal. As usual, some of the information therein evolved out of discussion with Syd about Scaramouche’s involvement. Typical Dottore-adjacent content beneath the cut (body horror, experimentation, needles, usage of dubious substances), but written about in a largely objective fashion.
One of the most interesting discoveries in the litany of experiments performed upon Scaramouche was the odd substance that circulated through their artificial body. Not blood, exactly, but something of a similar purpose, absolutely brimming with elemental energy. Upon extraction, it was found to have additional properties that made it a fine contender for a particular project Dottore had in mind.
Scaramouche was originally kept in the dark as to what the actual purpose of taking additional samples from them was. It was explained as simply a way to record any changes in their system—this was partly true. A library of samples does exist, each carefully labeled and dated. However, every single vial taken from the puppet was not placed in that same collection. 
In the end, Scaramouche’s “blood” (as it will be referred to here) became one of the base ingredients for a similar compound that is present in all of the Doctor’s segments. It can also be seen on most of their persons in the form of a glowing blue liquid suspended in earrings or other accessory items. Such an important material needed to be christened with a name, of course, one suitable for its rarity and power: panacea. 
(This name is also quite ironic, for reasons that will become obvious shortly.)
A significant problem with the segments during development was creating a sustainable method to power the mechanical portions of their bodies. While they do have organic components, those essentially run on a separate system, which is integrated with artificial components like their hearts and some other devices that require electrical power. The blood collected from Scaramouche turned out to have so much energy and be so efficient that it provided a solution for this. 
Much like ordinary blood, the matter extracted from Scaramouche can be separated, to a degree, into disparate components. This is the first step in creating the panacea, the beginning of a long process that takes a whole room's worth of machinery. During this journey, the elemental bias is removed from the blood, rendering it neutral and unlikely to overload delicate mechanisms. Even without electro, it remains an incredibly potent method of storing and circulating energy. The next steps are a well-kept secret, but involve several other solutions being added to the mixture that create the additional uses it gains its name from. 
Due to its strength, segments typically only need to be dosed with panacea once or twice a month, depending on estimated power expenditure in essential joints and organs. It can be either injected or taken by mouth, depending on the preference of the user. Naturally, there are also guides in place to make sure it ends up where it’s supposed to be, depending on which reservoir areas are empty.
The other use of panacea, and the true reason most segments keep extra on their person, is its function as a “cure-all”. More specifically, it can act as a healing agent to restore and regrow damaged organic components in the body. It should be noted that panacea is for segment usage only, and is not safe for human consumption. 
Upon use, panacea can vastly increase the replication rate of cells, replacing injured tissue or even entire limbs in a relatively short time period (length of recovery time depends on both extent of damage and amount of panacea used). One syringe-worth of panacea is a “normal” dose, and will kick-start this process. Additional doses in rapid succession will accelerate this process, further sending the cells of the body into overdrive and creating increasingly dramatic results that spread to even originally unharmed parts of the segment. This unrestrained division will eventually lead to immense changes throughout the entire segment, transforming them into a different creature entirely. The segments have genetic modifications that prevent these changes from descending into unrestrained carcinogenesis, which would ultimately be debilitating or fatal for any other being that happened to try to utilize this “medication” for themselves. 
Most segments appear to find these changes exciting, or even pleasurable, likely due to both the stimulant properties of the panacea and positive psychological associations with the healing process and the mutations that take place. As alluded to previously, high doses will turn them temporarily into something that can only be described as a monster. While end states vary from segment to segment, they will always be incredibly strong, dangerous, and have an explosively fast healing factor. Despite the pain involved and the potential for mental degradation, typical cognition is maintained, leaving them in full control of their capabilities. The span of time they remain in this form is also regulated by the size of the dosage. Transformation lengths from as low as 15 minutes to as long as ██ days have been recorded.
This form is intended as a last resort, to be used in the most dire of circumstances. While affected segments will eventually return to their normal state as the biological effects of the panacea wear off, the changes inflicted upon the body are often so extreme that they will need to be repaired shortly thereafter, due to their mechanical components being damaged, degraded, or rejected from the body. If they are no longer able to conduct maintenance themselves, their only option is to seek help or make peace with their situation. Fortunately, no segments thus far have been irrevocably dismantled, and so the process is considered reasonably “safe” by their standards. 
One might wonder, after all these years, why does crafting this substance still even rely on Scaramouche’s blood donations? The simplest answer: complacency. While the technology to craft an equivalent material exists, Dottore and the segments have hesitated in adjusting their existing pipeline. The furthest any potential changes have extended is blueprints. With Scaramouche still present and working with the Fatui, why should they waste their time in building additional systems? It could also be possible to ascribe a more nefarious, possessive logic to the adherence to the original protocol. 
If Scaramouche became aware of what was going on behind their back with all those samples, but were under the impression they were essential for something so crucial, it could serve as a deterrent to them turning against Dottore or leaving the Fatui. A particularly critical mind might realize this all depends on the Doctor’s impression that Scaramouche has any regard for him (or the segments) whatsoever. Surely this will not have any future consequences.
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thefrenchtimes · 5 months
How to invest in cryptocurrencies ?
Cryptocurrency markets are notoriously volatile, offering opportunities for substantial gains, but also considerable risks. While many investors can be intimidated by fluctuations in value, it's important to note that thoughtful strategies can be put in place to invest successfully even when cryptocurrencies appear to be losing value. In this article, we'll explore some approaches to navigating these tumultuous markets.
Portfolio diversification
Diversification is a key strategy for minimising risk. Rather than concentrating your investments in a single cryptocurrency, spread them across several assets. This can reduce the impact of a significant drop in value in a single currency and mitigate potential losses.
Gradual investment
Avoid investing a large sum all at once. Instead, opt for a progressive investment approach. This allows you to smooth out market fluctuations and buy at different price levels. By using this method, you can take advantage of buying opportunities at lower price levels.
Fundamental and Technical Analysis
An in-depth understanding of the fundamentals and technical aspects of cryptocurrencies can help you make informed decisions. Analyse underlying projects, development teams, partnerships and market trends. Also use technical analysis tools to identify potential entry and exit points.
Risk Management
Set clear limits for your investments and stick to them. Risk management is crucial in such volatile markets. Use stop-loss orders to limit losses and make sure you have a clear understanding of how much capital you are prepared to risk on each trade.
Long-term investment
If you believe in the long-term potential of cryptocurrencies, consider a longer investment horizon. Markets can be cyclical, and periods of decline can be followed by phases of recovery. Investing with a long-term perspective can soften the impact of short-term fluctuations.
Stay Informed and Adapt
Cryptocurrency markets are evolving rapidly, with new developments and events having a significant impact on prices. Keep up to date with industry news, technology updates and emerging trends. Be ready to adjust your strategy accordingly.
Our conclusion
Investing in cryptocurrencies during periods of falling value can be an opportunity for well-prepared investors. By taking a diversified approach, investing gradually, using in-depth analysis, managing risk effectively, taking a long-term view and staying constantly informed, investors can maximise their chances of success in this dynamic and ever-changing universe.
Any investment exposes you to varying degrees of risk of losing money. So be careful! If you're not a professional, get some training! Reading our article alone is not enough to master the subject of cryptocurrencies and does not guarantee any gains.
0 notes
zylem2020 · 11 months
Below are some potential advantages that a DMS could provide to your business.
Before a product can make it to store shelves, it must pass through a series of rigorous processes, beginning with production and ending with distribution. As soon as manufacturing is complete, the product is shipped to distributors and retailers.
A comprehensive distribution management system (DMS) hones in on the key nodes of the supply chain to optimize the shipping logistics of finished goods. Manufacturing, packaging, inventory management, warehousing, and shipping are all steps in the process.
Distribution management software is essential in India due to the rising complexity of supply chain management and customer service. This strategy of following secondary markets to the point of sale simplifies several channel sales aspects, including stock replenishment, storage expenses, and production scheduling.
Let's take a look at why a Distribution Management System might be useful. Even though the actual number of advantages is almost certainly unlimited, we have created a short list of the most significant ones:
 1. Quickly accessible in the present
As a manufacturer of fast-changing consumer goods, you understand how important it is to keep tabs on all of the information flowing through your distribution channels in real-time. Lacking a DMS forces businesses to rely on infrequent, outdated, and costly offline data given by distributors at predetermined periods. Distributors shouldn't do anything that can disrupt their supply chain, including reducing their stock levels, the number of pending orders, the number of returned orders from retailers, etc. Therefore, distribution management software is essential for running an efficient distribution system.
 2. Remotely observing
Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies are rapidly expanding their distribution networks to include virtually every district in India, thanks to the country's robust economic growth. Acquiring accurate data on your product flow from all of your distributors may be challenging due to the challenges connected with enormous numbers, time management, and the geographical isolation of the distributor. If a distributor management system is in place, distributors in cities, rural areas, or anywhere else in the world may have access to the same data.
 3. Offering incentives to shops that carry your products is crucial.
Using a DMS would be tremendously helpful because it would streamline and automate so many processes. This program will make a distributor's life easier in many ways, including the automation of product movement of all kinds, system-generated bills, data on late payments, and smart notifications.
 4. Arguments should be settled more rapidly.
The DMS's streamlined claims processing is sure to be a hit with your distributors. The DMS allows the company and its distributors to keep a close eye on deliveries and payables by handling things like return policies, damaged receipts, and everything else. In addition, if all claims are submitted electronically using DMS, they can be finalized much more quickly than if they were submitted manually, which would require numerous rounds of changes between the two sides.
 5. Smarter Administration of Marketing and Promotion
There isn't a single company that doesn't rely heavily on marketing and incentives. Many companies have significant capital available for such an undertaking. With the help of the Distributor Management System, you will know exactly how each scheme is operating, and there will be no surprises when it comes to billing.
 6. Quick Restocking
Stockists, distributors, retailers, and other channels of distribution are all points of contact between FMCG manufacturers and their customers; as such, they must maintain meticulous inventory records. Inventory levels, expiration dates, batch numbers, and return information can all be tracked with DMS. Access to significant updates and replacement parts is expedited through distributor sites.
 7. Making a Manufacturing Strategy 
Ideally, your ERP system's demand planning module would receive updates from your distribution management system. In doing so, the ERP's production planning engine can consider factors like inventory at warehouses and upcoming orders. Consequently, you will make better use of, and waste less of, your manufacturing resources.
0 notes
Religion and the Anthropocene
Hi Guys ! Welcome back for today’s blog : ) Today we will be discussing the works of Simon L. Lewis and Mark A. Maslin. Simon Lewis is a professor of Global Science at the University College of London. He is the Author of The Human Planet: How we created the Anthropocene. Mark Maslin is a professor of climatology at the University College of London. He has authored books such as How to Save our Planet and Climate : A Very Short Introduction. Today we will be discussing a piece they authored together entitled Defining the Anthropocene. 
So I keep throwing around the word Anthropocene, so let's define it ! The Anthropocene is a period of time in which human activities have impacted the environment enough that it has resulted in distinct environmental changes. So now that we know what it is let's talk about how relative that is !? If you are anything like me when I heard that I was like what is significant ? What is an environmental change ? What is the difference between an Anthropocene and just like standard evolution ? Are they the same thing ? It’s all very vague but we’ll try to clear some of it up ! 
The current estimation for when the anthropocene began is sometime after the last glacial melting period into somewhere in the 1960’s so they’ve really narrowed it down! A great example of the impacts human activity can have on the world is when we look at carbon emissions. Humans have released over 555 pentagrams of carbon since 1750. This has resulted in a delay of Earth's next glaciation period as well as increased ocean acidity at a rate higher than has occurred in the last 300 million years. Furthermore, the lifespan of a species is typically 1–10 million years, based on the fact that the rates of anthropogenic environmental change in the near future may exceed the rates of change encountered by many species in their evolutionary history. It is clear that human activity has altered the land surface, the oceans, and the atmosphere. 
Lewis and Maslin’s piece has set out to outline and explain the different epochs the earth has been in and the current epoch it is in now. Currently we are in the Holocene Epoch, the main characteristic of the holocene is that it is the rise of humanity. There is a current debate stating that we may actually be in a completely new epoch called the anthropocene epoch. While unofficial it operates under the idea that in the more recent years we as humans have made significant impacts on the environment that qualify us as being in a separate epoch. 
In their piece they propose different start dates to this new epoch. One potential start date is the Industrial Revolution in the 1800’s. The other is the Great Acceleration which happened in the 1950’s. The Great Acceleration is considering an upshift in the activity of humans across the globe, more activity means more emissions and more impact. But what does that mean in regard to the topic of this blog ? Well this one is kind of a catch 22, cause one religion in and of itself is not responsible for all of the human activity ever, so this blog is dedicated to all the religions around the world, we couldn’t have got here without you. 
When looking at the industrial revolution we see a roughly equal number of Catholics and Protestants, both very anthropocentric and capitalistic in nature so that's not really much of a shocker. In a more general sense when we look at the concept and history of human expansion we see that it is often tied to or justified by people's belief in God. A great example of this is the idea of a manifest destiny, or a heaven sent mission instilled in people to expand their reign and show the other parts of the world the errors of their ways. In other words, let me conquer your country and have you adopt my religion because I think my god is better than your god. 
At the end of the day, no matter how you want to define our current epoch , or how you want to look at the factors that contribute to our effects on the environment, it is undeniable that at the root of it all is religion. 
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christ2525 · 1 year
Sep 30 Zodiac Sign
The last day in September carries a feeling of conclusion to some unacceptable frameworks of convictions and requires our consideration as we look for the correct course to move in. It is a period of profound inward voyages, information that is seen as just inside, and everything we can do through wizardry once we begin trusting it to be conceivable. Albeit a levelheaded, adjusted sign, for example, Libra doesn't handily endorse that multitude of lessons that are excessively conceptual from the mark of structure and design they've been educated to follow, they will unavoidably hold nothing back from higher information when brought into the world on this date.
Sep 30 Zodiac Sign JUPITER - PLUTO - (Pluto) - NEPTUNE This is a line loaded up with profound changes, representing disasters when expectations are high up and unbelievable strokes of confidence when one least anticipates them. Libras brought into the world on September 30th have an errand to align their convictions with material presence and their universe of innovative articulation, and this is a profound and uncomfortable undertaking in the event that they are depending a lot on their psychological assets. Astute, frequently exceptionally taught, it is very normal for these people to alter their expert course altogether or gain schooling in apparently inverse sciences and approaches. Their insight is to go through tests that are significant and clear, and they won't agree to anything short of reality.
With two lights shading their second planetary column, we can see that the subject that sets the establishment for all that they put stock in is tracked down in the relationship of their folks. Albeit this is the situation for the greater part of us, here it is highlighted and something to take care of, and issues that they have been shown will frequently be altogether different from what they feel in their heart is valid. It really depends on them to be pretty much as delicate as could be expected and dial back to the point of detecting what is theirs, and what has been forced by specialists when they were still youngsters, so they can stir and support their kid inside.
Love And Feelings In spite of the fact that there is areas of strength for an inside the universe of those brought into the world on the 30th of September to be sincerely involved and a piece of a few, they will wind up confounded by the potential they see in others and their capacity to show it. Their connections can get energetic and possessive, restricting their own opportunity or the opportunity of their accomplice, and this could lead them into states where they feel tied and as though there was no answer for their bond except for to end it and cut away the huge other from their heart.
It is critical to adhere to a solid way of life and sound decisions that aren't horrendous of their body or the individual associated with them. This will give sufficient space to escape fights that are pointless and make them more useful when a piece of a couple. With their undeniable propensity to find one truth to clutch, they will seldom find a lot of delight in connections that are unfinished and could change a few accomplices until they find somebody they wish to bite the dust with. With enough genuineness and receptiveness on their part, they will view trust as the directing light towards the perfect partner they wish to find.
Reason Pursue for the fact of the matter is the groundwork of development for every Libra brought into the world on the 30th of September. They will see things uniquely in contrast to others and have to adjust to the master plan they sense inside their Spirit, so they can seek after it as opposed to questioning themselves when encircled by others. It is much of the time best for them to dial down on mingling and connections, barely enough to cause space to feel what they definitely know. Affirmations of their inward information are as of now there in the external world, fit to be seen, undeniable.
What They Succeed In People brought into the world on September 30th succeed in all fields of schooling, as teachers and guides, and every one of the people who have something profound to impart to other people. They are great specialists and recuperate others on levels that aren't dynamic however much one could think. Their temperament is honest and a piece extreme, and they are to be severe with regards to regarding their heading and their convictions to help other people with sufficient self-insurance and sympathy.
September 30th Birthday celebration Present A birthday present for somebody brought into the world on the 30th of September might be anything from an enchanted wand to a mending precious stone, however long it is on top of their present status of transparency. They need time to learn not to fear their own insight and on the off chance that they aren't in contact with their "clouded side", it would be smarter to assist them with tracking down establishing, with a back rub voucher, sporting gear or a month to month participation in a nearby rec center.
Positive Characteristics For September 30th Conceived Honest, strong, profound and prepared to resolve to issues that are excessively excruciating for others, they have the ability to change the unchangeable and construct a feeling of sorcery in their life that permits them to draw in and control their own predetermination and recuperate others of bias.
Negative Qualities For September 30th Conceived Discouraged or lost in what they've been educated, they could be too terrified to even think about escaping their standard headings and decisions throughout everyday life, stalling out in mental exercises that keep them unsatisfied, egocentric or grouchy.
Mending Precious stone Dark merlinite is a fine stone to help Libras brought into the world on September 30th addition lucidity and stir information in their third eye chakra. It is a gem of shamanic traveling that permits them to reconnect with lost energies and assists their instinct with creating to where they comprehend what should be finished in reality. Raising their attention to their own true capacities and strength, it is excellent to heft it around for establishing when in huge gatherings with various perspectives.
Sabian Image The Sabian image for Libra delegates brought into the world on September 30th in each year that isn't a jump year:
"A Lady Taking care of Chickens and Shielding Them from the Birds of prey" The Sabian image for Libra delegates brought into the world on September 30th in a jump year:
"A Blasting Chimney in an Abandoned Home" The mark of equilibrium that these people are to reach is found in their everyday schedules and establishing, their capacity to safeguard themselves from the external world, and the higher information found in the profundities of their souls when they are separated from everyone else and isolated from the remainder of mankind. This could frequently lead them into singular exercises, while their Sun drives into socialization that they aren't generally prepared for. Their story is one of seeing the positive qualities in isolation and in organization, in their own exercises and cooperation, so they can have both in the perfect add up to arrive at the reason behind comprehension of their own internal world and the manner in which it considers others.
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kemi-unkonscious · 2 years
Instructions to Dress For Your Age
Instructions to Dress For Your Age (20s, 30s, 40s, 50s+) Last Refreshed: May 19, 2022
Shakespeare discussed "the seven periods of man." Cheerfully, we folks just have to dress for each of these ages in turn!
There's a sure respect to dressing your age… and there are ramifications to disregarding this standard.
A 45-year-old overweight man with turning gray hair wearing load up shorts and a realistic tee customarily seems to be a joke. Be that as it may, so does the understudy going to addresses in a $3000 customized formal suit.
In the two cases, neither one of the men is dressing his age. Despite the fact that it's feasible to make these outfits work they simply look better when key variables like climate, vocation, message, and age are considered.
In this article, we make sense of how could a man dress for his age. We will cover:
Young fellows (18-29) Easygoing dress for the young fellow Business dress for the young fellow How might a young fellow dress like an expert? Proficient men (30-54) Relaxed dress for the expert man Business dress for the expert man How can you say whether a suit fits? Mature men (55+) Easygoing dress for the developed man Business dress for the developed man Style Tips For Young fellows (Age 18-29) young fellow up-to-date A full head of ungrayed hair and a body that stays in shape effortlessly goes quite far in style. Take it from a more seasoned person; partake in these while you have them.
Aside from the actual benefits, the "youthful" look is characterized by trial and error, assortment, and a dash of forcefulness to the extent that kicking the conventional look goes.
In any case, knowing when to examination and when to return to immortal, dependable choices turns out to be increasingly more significant as the young fellow develops. A school kid of 19 is undeniably less inclined to require a sharp-looking suit and the training to wear it unhesitatingly than an expert man of 32.
Relaxed dress for the young fellow Young fellows can as a rule wear pretty much any style for however long they're able to possess it, as a matter of fact. That implies no half-measures — out of control, splendid hued pants mean a blend and-match search in the remainder of the outfit; don't coordinate them with plain dark dress shoes and a squeezed white dress shirt. You'll confound individuals.
#1 Pick one subject
At the point when you set up an outfit, you need to go for the gold that can be portrayed in single word. (This is a word of wisdom for all ages, however particularly supportive for young fellows, whose exploratory closets will generally be more changed). Do you take a gander at outfits with a 'preppy' or 'grit' topic? What about a 'trendy person' look? In the event that you're seeming to be a little from every at the same time, you most likely need to switch a few things up.
#2 Change your look
Style for 20 year old folks ought to be tied in with testing, sorting out the sort of picture you need for yourself. In the event that you're an undergrad who dons khakis and a polo shirt consistently, I profoundly urge you to go external your usual range of familiarity. Play around a bit. I've never met an upscale young fellow who didn't have a wide assortment of tops and pants (to not express anything of extras) in their storeroom.
Fluctuating the look from one day to another holds yourself back from being categorized. Dress sharp one day in a wrapped up dress shirt, slacks, and a dull overcoat, then, at that point, change to splendid corduroys and a henley under a denim coat the following. Etc.
#3 Adorn
What's the contrast between a person in pants and a hoodie versus a person in pants and a hoodie with a calfskin wristband?
A lot, as a matter of fact.
snazzy mens adornments Having an eye-getting frill some place in an outfit makes it clear to individuals that you have poise and you're wearing a purposeful 'look' as opposed to a few befuddled pieces snatched aimlessly out of your storeroom.
This is particularly significant for relaxed outfits, which can seem to be exemplary young messiness if you don't watch out. Sharp-looking embellishments imply that regardless of whether the more seasoned age like your style, they should yield that it is a style.
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How could a young fellow dress nonchalantly? Dull, well-fitted pants, the consistently satisfactory easygoing staple. Feel free to contribute some extra to get a couple that fits well and is a great, profound indigo instead of light blue. A light-shaded overcoat and a dim hued coat, quite easygoing. A few splendidly shaded pieces, anything from Shirts to pants and coats. Make an effort not to wear them all in a similar outfit, yet use them to brighten up a generally safe outfit. No less than one sets of plain khakis or slacks and a dress shirt that you can wear when you go to chapel with Grandmother (or anything that other relaxed however moderate occasions come up in your life). Belts. Wearing pants with waist bands and no belt simply looks messy. Two or three sets of out of control shoes. Shaded material shoes, enlivened calfskin brogues, and seat shoes, espadrilles, sandals — anything you feel like. Yet, a few choices that aren't shoes or plain dark/earthy colored men's dress shoes are vital. A few brilliantly shaded or designed socks never hurt either, while we're regarding the matter of feet. Business dress for the young fellow the most effective method to dress for the more youthful business fellow As you escape school and into the business world, the requirement for moderate pants, dress shirts, and jackets increments. No less than one real suit becomes something of a need too, for interviews, if nothing else.
As a rule, these are new pieces of clothing — a solid match and regard for the essentials are vital to seeming to be a developed man as opposed to a student in his father's old suit.
#1 Solid match regardless of anything else
Prepared to-wear suits are made intentionally enormous. This allows stores to offer them to the most extreme number of men yet is terrible information for more youthful, slimmer men. A free, loose suit coat matched with a youthful face is the least demanding method for seeming to be a youngster in acquired garments.
Whenever the situation allows, look for coats and pants at organizations that proposal in-house changes. If important, accept them to a designer too. The fit ought to be nearer than a more established man's. Wear nothing so close it squeezes, however keep away from any free fabric hanging off the body when the article of clothing is appropriately fastened.
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pantomathgroup · 2 years
10 Tips To Finding Success In Investment Management
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The meaning of this symbolic quote from the stock market legend is that during periods of strong economic growth, the market has a general uptrend and prices are rising, so the finances and operations of any company are at risk. However, during volatile market conditions or economic shocks, we find these companies and stocks to fall sharply and instantly. So if you want to know how to avoid these types of investments and become a successful investor, here are some timeless investment tips.
The stock market is full of uncertainty, but certain proven principles can help investors improve their chances of long-term success by providing them with the right business investment opportunities. Some investors lock in profits by selling value-added assets while holding underperforming stocks in hopes of rebounding. But good stocks can continue to rise, and bad stocks risk a complete reset.
Tips to Achieve Success in Investment Management
Getting Started: Successful investing is a journey, not a one-time event as it could lead you to exciting business investment opportunities. You should prepare as if you were about to embark on a long journey. Start by defining your goals and plan your investment journey accordingly.
The Concept of Time: The first tip is about stock market timing. Investors often want exponential returns in the short term. There are even misconceptions about investing in the stock market.
Understand the Impact of Cycles: To get significant returns, you have to defy the cycle. Suppose we invest in a company that manufactures winter clothing. But if you want to achieve above-average returns, you should invest in this stock during the summer when returns and stock prices are low because that is an investment opportunity you should have.
Pick a strategy and stick to it: There are many ways to pick stocks, but it's important to stick to one philosophy. Effectively switching between different approaches can get you into dangerous territory.
Don't put too much emphasis on P/E: Investors often focus on price/earnings ratios, but it's unwise to put too much emphasis on any one metric. The P/E ratio is best used in combination with other analytical techniques.
Learn how to tell the difference between news and opinions: Do you invest after hearing the news? Is this news for sure or just rumors? It's important when listening to or reading the daily news. Investing based solely on news is terrifying. Before taking action, you should review and analyze the impact on your investment.
Corrections are normal: Market corrections are natural. Investors should be patient enough to see if it's a normal correction of 8-12% up or down in stocks. However, if the changes are beyond the norm, there could be significant events in the immediate vicinity.
Know Your Investment Plan: No one knows you and your situation better than you. This is why you are the best person to invest in yourself. All you need to have is a corporate strategy advisory.
Focus on the future and keep a long-term view: Investing requires making informed decisions based on what hasn't happened yet. Past dates may be predictive of what is to come but are not guaranteed.
Never accept stock information as valid, regardless of the source. Always do your own analysis of the company before investing your hard-earned money. Tips may be helpful depending on the credibility of the source, but long-term success requires thorough research.
Wrapping Up
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bitcofun · 2 years
This is a viewpoint short article by Ruda Pellini, co-founder and president of Arthur Mining. The world is no longer the very same-- it is continuously altering. And this change is occurring significantly much faster. In truth, the "brand-new regular" is a consistent change and the only certainty is modification. The Information Age got here and with that numerous ideas needed to be upgraded so as not to be damaged by the brand-new. Paradigm shifts are occurring all around us and anybody who does not comprehend this will rapidly fall back. The modifications that bitcoin has actually currently brought and will continue to give the world are not simply financial. We are dealing with a brand-new energy transformation. And anybody who does not maintain to date with brand-new patterns will be interfered with. Thinking in this context, I have actually separated 7 patterns in the energy market to assist you expect what is on the horizon and approaching rapidly. 1. Renewable Resources Will Be Widely Adopted The shift to renewable resource has actually reached a moment of truth. As time goes on, this sector will end up being progressively effective. Today, in proper locations, wind and solar power are currently the most affordable and most effective methods of creating energy. With popular pressure for a cleaner energy matrix and more financial investment in research study, this pattern will magnify. Another concern is that the understanding that nonrenewable fuel sources are steady sources of energy has actually suffered a problem with the intrusion of Ukraine and its consequences. While the generation of renewable resource can normally be done at or near intake points, oil and gas depend upon significant worldwide manufacturers, a complicated supply chain and are more affected by geopolitics. The only fossil energy source that tends to stay competitive in the medium term as a type of energy generation is gas. 2. Renewable Resource Generation Operations Will Be Multimodal A substantial part of energy production in Brazil is hydroelectric. In addition, in the nation there are a number of tanks which are essentially flat surface areas and, as Brazil is a tropical nation, they have a high rate of sunshine. In the future, these tanks will be utilized as solar generation parks and will be incorporated into the hydroelectric substation, which will enable the combination and transmission of this created energy to the electrical grid. In windy locations, wind turbines will likewise be set up, even more increasing using the business. This reasoning does not use just to Brazil, however to any nations where wind and solar power are feasible in the exact same area. 3. Dispersed Generation Will Be Widely Adopted Until the start of the last years, there was no dispersed energy generation around. Ever since, this kind of generation has actually seen rapid adoption. This pattern will continue for a long period of time, as penetration of this kind of generation is still incipient. In the future, specific customers will have the ability to install their own photovoltaic panels on the roofing of their houses or sign up with little cooperatives, such as condos or clubs, and construct little generators for electrical energy. Source: Portal Solar 4. Waste Of Idle Energy Trends To Zero In 2009, humankind created an innovation that enabled the money making of stranded energy. The name of that innovation? Bitcoin mining. Thanks to this procedure, it is now possible to transform energy into cash, despite where that energy lies. A clear example of this stranded energy money making procedure is, "the burning of gas connected with oil expedition," AKA flaring. Presently, the majority of this surplus gas is flared since it is not financially practical to utilize it. With bitcoin mining, this situation has actually altered and there is a terrific propensity for this gas to be utilized to sustain bitcoin mining operations. With that, a gas that was lost ended up being monetizable.
An example of this reasoning is Exxon beginning a pilot bitcoin mining job in2021 This very same reasoning can be used to any other kind of minimally available stranded energy, such as, for instance, with biogas and from disposes and garbage dumps 5. Electric Grids Will Become More Robust And Energy Will Become Cheaper For The Consumer Currently, electrical grids are developed to produce energy to fulfill peak need. There is no feasible method to save this energy and it is idle at many times when need is not at its peak As a method of generating income from surplus energy, bitcoin mining permits the building of extra-large networks. These networks will not require to be anchored to computations that concentrate on preventing waste and targeting the minute of peak need, which constantly sustains a danger of mistake and blackouts. An effect of this reasoning is that without the requirement to charge the last customer for the production of surplus energy, the cost of energy will reduce substantially. 6. Bitcoin Mining And Energy Sectors Will Merge We presently think about bitcoin mining and energy sectors as 2 independent sectors, however in the future they will combine The qualities of bitcoin mining make this activity appealing for the energy sector, which is observable in its incipiency. The reasoning provided in the product above indicates that power generators will embrace bitcoin mining as a method to monetize their idle energy. 7. Humankind's Energy Generation Capacity Will Increase Significantly, And With It The Degree Of Human Progress The effects of the presence of an innovation that makes it possible to generate income from idle and stranded energy are broad and extensive. Currently, humans stop working to benefit from a substantial part of the energy they produce due to the fact that it is not practical to transportation and shop this energy Thanks to bitcoin mining, this reasoning will be reversed. Several energy sources in remote places will end up being financially feasible. 2 clear examples of this are: Deserts, locations with substantial capacity for producing solar power. Volcanic islands, locations with big capacity for producing geothermal energy. The lack of a customer market near these places avoided these energy sources from being utilized by humankind. With the creation of an innovation that enables the money making of idle energy, this dynamic has actually altered. This likewise suggests that the boost in need for photovoltaic panels, wind turbines and other products required for energy generation will create more research study and development in the sector and, as a result, make this devices less expensive. The Third Energy Revolution Finally, it deserves bearing in mind that energy is the only universal currency. To put it simply, there is no hardship, however energy hardship. Likewise, having access to more energy will open a fantastic transformation in mankind. Our types has actually currently made 2 significant evolutionary leaps connected to opening various methods of utilizing energy: 1. When we mastered fire and discovered to prepare, we began to consume more calories in less time and with that our brain established. 2. When we began to gain access to energy kept and focused over countless years by geological procedures, the so-called nonrenewable fuel sources, we ended up being a commercial society and our population blew up. The money making of idle and stranded energy capability, whether solar in deserts, winds or geothermal capacity on volcanic islands, will permit us to take the 3rd evolutionary leap in regards to energy usage. The world of tomorrow will be a world with an abundance of energy, and for that reason, an abundance of resources. This is a visitor post by Ruda Pellini. Viewpoints revealed are completely their own and do not always show those of BTC, Inc. or Bitcoin Magazine Read More
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
It’s Too Late - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: angst, cursing
Summary: You’ve always made it clear to him about what you feel for him. It’s always been known so you’ve never had to say it. Until months had passed and yet nothing’s been reciprocated or cleared up on his end. He didn’t express any emotions of desire or love towards you so when you finally confess, you get an answer you halfway anticipated. And when it breaks you and you move on, finally taking 1 step forward, Bakugou comes back and pushes you 2 steps back.
“I just-“
“Love me?” Bakugou said with a raised brow and his hands in his pockets. “You love me? Is that what you’re gonna say?”
“..Yes. I love you, Katsuki.” You openly confessed to your best friend with a tired voice. You and Bakugou had been friends since childhood. You grew to love him as a friend, then a best friend, but now you wish to have him as a significant other. You’ve always been clear about your feelings. Telling others you liked the blonde, putting in a little extra effort to show some comfort and affection, or even just canceling everything for him. But you never said anything specific until now.
Your best friend continued to stare at you with a blank face. You were almost offended by it but you saw the gears in his mind trying to move. He was trying to say something but it’s like something else was stopping him. “Katsuki?”
“I don’t love you, Y/N. Why you think I would is ridiculous.” His words made you grow shock. He was lying now? You get it. This whole confession wasn’t cute or anything similar to what you would see in a cartoon. There was no blushing from either ends, no smiles. This was holding a dark element of hurt but you hoped that despite all that, he would still be able to find the light you always brought with you, just for him.
“…I know you love me too, Katsuki.” You said calmly.
“Don’t tell me what I feel.” He responded in the same cold tone but with a little more harshness.
“I’m just saying the truth. It’s the one thing you seem to be running from. I’ve accepted it, I’ve embraced it because I want it. I know you do to so why can’t you just admit it?” You asked before a block of silence filled the dialogue. “….I know you told Kaminari you love me.”
“That spark plug heard me wrong.” He defended.
“You also told Kirishima you love me too.” You added on. “You tell Kirishima, you tell Kaminari, you tell everyone and anything but me. Why can’t you just tell me?”
Bakugou looked at you in silence before squeezing his eyes shut in frustration. Frustration and anger with himself. Why couldn’t he just man up and say it to you? Why couldn’t he tell you? You were right here letting him know exactly how you felt! Letting him know you felt the same way he did so why wasn’t he saying anything to help?!
“You can’t run. You have to stay and hear it out ‘till the end.” You began making his shut eyes tremble. “Bakugou Katsuki. I love you. I love you so much that it hurts when you just walk away from it. So tell me what I know. Tell me you love me back so that everything we went through, the gossip, the lies, the secrets, everything will have been for something. So that we could end up right here where we are now with a purpose and happy ending. Please.”
Finally, after collecting himself and coming up with an answer, he speaks.
“Maybe it was.” He said with a softer tone..almost hurt. “And maybe I did love you…but it doesn’t matter-“
“Why not?!”
“Because I don’t love you anymore. It was a crush. It was for a short period of time. I’ve moved on so maybe you should too.” He said and began to walk away. “You know Damn well feelings don’t help you achieve anything. I don’t want love or a relationship, I want to be a hero. That’s all.”
There it is. He said it. He wants to be a hero. Only if he was smart enough to say the rest. He wants to be a hero to protect you. He wants to become strong enough to keep you safe in his arms. Let him achieve this dream first so he can move on to his second dream. You. You will always be his dream. He knows he still loves you and he knows he will forever and always love you..but he’s accepted that he can’t be with you. Not yet. Let him secure everything first. Let him become a hero and make shit tons of money so he can provide for you and protect you. Let him become so domestically secure that he can give you the love he knows you deserve. Let him grow first so he can be good enough for you. Please.
He shouldn’t have disregarded you in that moment. He should’ve told you right then and there that he loved you too. He should’ve been smart enough to be able to multitask a relationship with you and his career. He could’ve done it! But now he’s here, 2 years later sneakily watching as Todoroki asks you to be his girlfriend at the hero gala he’s brought you to as his date.
As if his night couldn’t get worse. After your confession, you distanced yourself from Bakugou after his harsh replies. He’s tried to reach out to you and stay in touch but you didn’t let him. Despite that, when 2 years passed and the hero gala came up and he’s still been so in love with you, he asked you to be his date..but you said no. You said no and shut the door on him and the roses he brought to your house that day. Then when he thought it couldn’t get worse, you show up. Looking as beautiful as ever in a red dress that matched the tie of his tux and reached the ground. It had a slit in it to reveal the smooth skin of your leg. You were the pinnacle of perfection. And he was now ready to make you his. But before he could reach you, your date did. Todoroki. He stepped up from behind you and snaked his arm around your waist before moving with you deeper into the event. The sight of you two made him nauseous. But it got even worse when the night continued and the two-toned hair colored boy was pulling you to a corner and confessing to you. Nobody but Bakugou saw and it was making his blood boil. He wasn’t about to lose you to this icy-hot bastard. So before you could answer the calm hero, the blonde came rushing in and dragging you away forcefully by the wrist.
Bakugou pulled you into the empty parking lot of the event and looked at you while saying nothing.
“What the hell was that Bakugou?!” You shouted.
“That’s not my name.” He replied swiftly.
“I’m pretty sure it fucking is. Why did you bring me out here?” You asked.
“I fucking saved you from that idiot and his pathetic excuse of a confession! You’re welcome!” He shouted. You gawked at him before slanting your eyes.
“I didn’t need your help.” You said calmly. Afterwords, a block of silence returned and Bakugou couldn’t help but feel like it was that one moment all those years ago when you confessed to him. Growing tired of this, you attempted to walk back inside. “If you’ll excuse me-“
“Are you going to say yes to him?” Bakugou asked from behind you now. You turned to him, shocked at the whimper in his voice, and noticed he wasn’t even facing you. He had his back turned to you as he looked to the ground.
“I don’t think that concerns you.” You said and began to walk away. Until you felt Bakugou hold onto your arm.
“I think it fucking does!” He exclaimed. You turned to look at him in shock and noticed a fire in his eyes that you never saw before. “You can’t be his girlfriend, Y/N. You can’t be his!”
“You’re in no position to tell me who I can and can’t be with.” You replied.
“I actually am because you’re mine!” He shouted. You looked at him with wide eyes and shaky breath as you stared at him.
Bakugou smiled as he took your nervousness and shaking as a sign of happiness. “You’re mine. I love you too, Y/-“
“The hell-“
“Don’t you dare say you love me, Bakugou.” You said coldly.
“What?” He asked in shock.
“You had years to tell me how you felt. Before I confessed and even after! But you can’t just tell me that you love me when I’ve already happily moved on!” You shouted.
“…moved on?” He winced. You moved on? You didn’t want him anymore? Didn’t love him anymore? “W-..WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU MOVE ON?!”
“Are you fucking serious?! Why?! Because I loved you and gave you my entire being just for you to stomp on my heart-“
“You can’t move on! Not when I love you too! Not when I’ve loved you for years! Not when I’ve loved you from even before you fucking told me! That’s right!” He exclaimed as he stepped closer. “I’ve always loved you Y/N! Always! So you can’t move on!”
You stared at him and bit your cheek before turning around. “Too fucking late.”
“..N-No.” He whimpered. Without being in control, he ran to you and pulled you back before forcing a kiss onto your lips. To Bakugou, it was heaven on earth. You tasted the exact way he always imagined. Addictive and sweet. Your lips were soft. So soft. So perfect. So..you. You are heaven on earth for him.
You were surprised and infuriated by his actions so you of course pushed him off the best you could but not without a fight. The more you pushed back the tighter he held on, the more you pulled away, his lips would find yours again and steal your breath. Eventually, you ended up having to use a small amount of your quirk on him to keep him at bay. “Y/N please! You can’t be with him! Please! You have to love me! I didn’t work my ass off for years to not have you by my side in the end!”
“The hell are you talking about?!” You shouted.
“I did all of this for you! Because I love you! I didn’t tell you then because I wasn’t ready for you! You were too good for me! I had to change! I had to fix myself! And I did! I’m a hero now, I have money now, I can provide for you, love you, and take care of you now! I did this for us!” He shouted as tears trickled down his cheeks as he confessed with a smile. You only looked at him as if he were crazy.
“It didn’t matter if you were a hero or not, or had money or not. You didn’t have to change for me! I loved you because of you! And I was ready to have you just the way you were, Bakugou.”
“So please say you’ll have me now.” He begged.
“I can’t.”
“Yes you can! Y/N I’m right here. I’m not running anymore. I’m not going anywhere. Just tell me that you love me too and we can be together! Please.” He exclaimed while you shook your head with small tears pricking the corner of your eyes.
“….it’s too late now, Katsuki.”
At least in the end, you finally said his name.
Taglist: @sxcker4you @aomi04 @tessabrown101 @ebiharachan @is-this-ash @iris-shihabi @sxturn-stars @isolight @lanantoine @whatdidshesayyy @qtsuki @lazyafgurl @dessykcm @misssugarless @unicornlover25 @sweethcnvy @hanamura-manami @thisuserlovesyouandyouandyou @ssurewhynottt @uchihackerman
A/N: SURPRISEEEEEE!! I’m back. Not gonna lie, I’m still getting over the large amounts of hate as I am still being sent them despite over a week already passing. However, the urge to write has been getting so strong and I poured out a bunch of thoughts in my head. They’ve been filling my mind and I couldn’t sleep without typing something down. Then I just couldn’t let my work sit in the drafts, I needed them to be seen for others to enjoy! So I’m back, little by little though! I’ll start posting but I might not start replying. Idk, we’ll see.
Also, but thank you to those kind supporters. I hope you know that to those who are consistent with my blog (meaning you’ve commented at least more than once) I see you and remember you all. I appreciate you all and every time I see your name pop up in my notifications I always get a little happy bc I know you all are so nice. Please don’t think you’re just another follower out of the bunch. You’re not. You all mean something to me and whether it be through messages or comments or likes, I have fond memories of you guys. So thank you guys, so much love for my Cubs!
585 notes · View notes
stillness-in-green · 3 years
No, Re-Destro Is Not Destro’s Literal Son
Yes, I Will Die On This Hill
I have a number of small, persistent quibbles with some of the widespread misapprehensions I see included in BNHA fanfic, quoted as fact in meta posts, even cited on the wiki. Quirk cancellation restraints, what the 20% quirklessness data point means in practice, when Kurogiri comes into existence relative to the time of the Shimura Family Massacre, things like that. My biggest one, though, is as the title suggests: the idea that Yotsubashi Rikiya is Yotsubashi Chikara’s son.
I don’t entirely know where this confusion comes from. As far as I can tell, the early scanlations didn’t get it wrong—one rendered the line in Chapter 218 about Destro having a child he didn’t know about as being children, plural, but otherwise, they were all accurate enough. It seems people just assumed that the child mentioned in 218 must be Re-Destro, who was, after all, right there on the panel. Even though the scanlations never said it, even though the official translation never said it, even though ample evidence in the manga disproves it, the idea still got around that Rikiya is Chikara’s son.
I have and will maintain that this is obviously wrong if you stop to think about it for even a moment, but unfortunately, most people don’t. The error can be found on less well-tended parts of the fandom wiki[1]; it’s in tumblr meta posts about the villains; it’s in fanfic.
And now, god help me, it is on the official anime website, too.
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“Stillness-in-green, maybe you should consider that you might just be wro—”
I will face BONES and walk backwards into hell.
But if you want, you can come with me, and I’ll explain on the way. Hit the jump.
Dialogue + Narration
There are two places where the relationship between Chikara and Rikiya is explicitly addressed—the lead-in to the dinner scene in Chapter 218 and the fight between Clone!Shigaraki and RD in Chapter 232. If you include the Ultra Analysis databook, the number goes up to four: once each in Re-Destro and Destro Classic’s character blurbs.
Let’s take a look at each of those places, shall we?
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The relevant Japanese text here is in the first narration box: 子ども, kodomo.
Kodomo is not gendered. It literally just means child. The key kanji is 子, ko. Like most kanji, it has a lot of potential readings, and you can add other kanji to it to modify it. Add 息 and you get musuko, son. Pronounce 子 as shi instead of ko, and you get a term that is frequently, though not exclusively, used to refer to boys. Add 女 to that reading and you get joshi, woman/girl. 子 is in a lot of words, many of them gendered! Used for kodomo as Hori does here, though, it does nothing to indicate a gender one way or the other.
Also too, it does nothing to indicate that Rikiya is the child in question; it simply states that there was such a child, somewhere in the world. Now, the natural assumption for anyone who knows how the graphic novel medium works and who understands basic literary analysis would be that the significant character we just met is, in fact, the child in question—except that everything else we learn about Destro and the original Meta Liberation Army here makes it entirely impossible.
I’ll do a full breakdown on why that is in the next section. In the meantime, here’s the next reference:
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Here, we’re looking at the phrase the Viz translation renders as, “His blood runs through these veins.” The literal Japanese there is, Desutoro no matsuei chi o tsugu mono! In a literal translation, chi o tsugu mono means, “one who inherits the blood,” or, more loosely, “blood successor.” It’s matsuei—末裔—that’s the key word here.
Japanese has several words to express the concept of “descendant.” Matsuei is one word; the data book uses shison. So what’s the difference? Well, I’ll talk about shison in a moment, but I had an inkling of it just from looking at the kanji in matsuei—“end” and “descendant” respectively, leaving me with an impression of something like a final descendant or the terminus of the bloodline. Further research confirmed it: shison can refer to any lineal blood tie, but matsuei refers to a bloodline’s final inheritor, the person at the end of a long line of many, or even countless, generations. It’s the difference between being able to point to a grandparent and the kind of painstaking genealogical research that lets you[2] point to a famous royal from eight hundred years ago—matsuei is a word that very much assumes the existence of those countless generations.
So not only does Rikiya’s line there not imply that he’s Chikara’s son, but his specific word choice also tells us that he cannot be Chikara’s son. That’s, uh. Pretty conclusive, I would say.
Lastly, though, there’s also the data book. This is, perhaps, the actual closest you’re going to get to a manga equivalent of those character blurbs on the anime website, at least until such time as Hori deigns to give the MLA types character profile pages. (I live ever in hope.)
There are two relevant bits of text, one in Re-Destro’s entry, and the other in Destro Classic’s. The first describes how Re-Destro organizes the MLA as Desutoro no chi o tsugu mono: the same phrase he uses for himself in the manga, minus the matsuei. @codenamesazanka (the one who told me about the databook references among other citations, bless) rendered it as “Destro’s blood successor”; I have also seen it given as “the successor of Destro’s bloodline.” Note again, the lack of reference to a father/son bond.
Chikara’s entry uses that other descendant word I mentioned before, 子孫, shison. Notice that the term uses that ko kanji from kodomo before? As it does in joshi, 子 here reads shi. The other kanji, 孫, means grandchild. Thus, literally, grandchild-child—or, in the vernacular, simply descendant.
And then we have the anime website.
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So, for comparison’s sake, the anime website uses 息子—the same combination of kanji that I said earlier gives you musuko, son. Heck, it even uses 父, chichi, for Destro—father. It’s as explicit as it’s possible to be, and I just don’t know why or how the anime website could fuck that up so bad when absolutely nothing in the manga describes the two Yotsubashis that way, and, indeed, one specific word choice actually rules out the possibility.
So, that’s all the manga says directly. It’s not the only evidence there is, though. In fact, the next piece makes it even more clear how colossally and impossibly wrong a father/son connection for Destro and his modern successor is.
The long and short of this section is, “Since Harima Oji was Sako Atsuhiro’s great-great-grandfather, there is no possible way that Destro—who pre-dated Harima—can be Re-Destro’s father.” If you read that sentence and nodded your complete understanding and agreement, feel free to skip ahead to the last section. If you’d like the full explanation it takes to reach that sentence’s conclusion, though, read on.
So, aside from the word matsuei, the timeline is the most telling piece of evidence to my eye. I address it secondly rather than firstly because it’s less direct than the explicit narration; it relies on drawing conclusions based on things we’ve been told elsewhere rather than on the immediately relevant text. Oh, Mr. Compress’s relationship to Harima is explicit enough, but on what am I basing my claim that Destro predates him?
Regarding that, there’s no explicit year relative to My Hero Academia’s current events given for when Destro and the original Meta Liberation Army were active; the same is true for Harima Oji’s escapades. However, we are given some broad-strokes information, relative not to current events, but rather to the history of heroism as a legal institution in Japan.
We know that there was a widespread, lengthy period of chaos following the rise of quirks—called meta-abilities in those early years. At some point, however, people began to search for a way for meta-humans to live in peace with non-metas. The compromise that was reached was the foundation of professional heroism in Japan—while the use of meta-abilities would be legal in private settings, it was only by becoming licensed by the state as “heroes” that people could use their quirks in public.[3]
The legislation curtailing the use of meta-abilities—and the appropriation of a dead woman’s language to popularize a law establishing exactly the opposite of what she used that language to call for—is what catalyzed the rise of the original MLA. Thus, we can position Destro as being alive and active around the same time that heroism as a legal institution was being formed. Since we further know that he committed suicide in prison, we can assume that his child was conceived at some point prior to his capture. Ergo, Destro’s child, were they alive today, would be as old as Japanese professional heroism itself.
Next, consider Harima Oji, the Peerless Thief, a criminal who targeted the riches of “sham heroes.” We’re specifically told that he was active in the days in which the current system was settling into place—e.g. he only became active once the Hero System was established enough to have produced corrupt heroes. We’re told he preached reformation—he wasn’t just some pre-existing criminal who saw a shiny new target in heroes; he had specific grievances which he wanted addressed by the system, and which the system was not addressing.
The earliest Harima could possibly be active, then, is concurrent with Destro—Harima fighting against the corrupt people who had found their way into the new heroic institution, and Destro fighting against using the institution of heroism to oppress non-heroes. What I think is more likely, though, is that Harima came after Destro—Harima needed to have had time to realize what kinds of fakes had been drawn to this shiny new career path, maybe even to spend some time trying to change things the legal way.
I don’t suspect they were separated by very long—I would imagine Destro was easily within Harima’s living memory, and might well have influenced why he chose the path of protest that he did—but I do think they were separate.
Moving forward, then, Mr. Compress is four generations distant from his famous ancestor. Thus, even if you assume that Harima is of the same generation as Chikara, that’s what you’re looking at for Chikara’s child: someone who, were they alive today, would be old enough to be the great-grandparent of a thirty-two-year-old man.
Re-Destro’s probably a few years older than Mr. C, sure,[4] but that man doesn’t have Ujiko’s slow-aging quirk. Unless you want to start pulling theories about cryogenic stasis the story for some reason never saw fit to mention out of thin air, Re-Destro is in no way old enough to fit the bill.
This is backed up by one other piece of the timeline as well, and one more place we can look at language:
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The small child at the center of the image is Rikiya, so young that he’s in schoolboy shorts for a meeting otherwise so formal that he’s been made to wear a tie. He’s, what, six to nine here, tops? And the adults speaking to him say that they’ve been in hiding for generations—代々, daidai, the kanji for generation followed by a kanji that just means, “See that kanji written right before me? Yeah, just read that one again.”
The original MLA was active for only a handful of years, and, per Chapter 218, they didn’t dissolve until Destro was captured. Thus, we can assume they have been in hiding since then, but not before then. With that in mind, this is another line that renders a father/son relationship impossible.
Remember, Chikara already had a child in the world circa his capture. If Rikiya were Chikara’s son, then Destro’s capture and his army’s subsequent dissolution could not have happened any farther back than nine months plus however old Rikiya was in this exact moment of his youth. Rikiya, who we see here as a child of less than ten.
Ten years in hiding doesn’t make one generation; it damn sure doesn’t make multiple ones.
Now, you could make theories about cryogenic statis that would explain this ludicrous discrepancy, sure. You could also theorize about e.g. artificial insemination,[5] or time stop quirks, or any number of other possibilities in the vast panoply the HeroAca world offers. The point is, though, that you don’t need to. There was, in the manga, no discrepancy that needed to be explained. It is only fanon misinterpretation and a glaring disinterest in the series’ villains from official sources that have presented this issue.
I’m praying that it’s all just a misunderstanding on the part of whoever maintains the website, and that the anime itself will render the relevant bits of dialogue correctly. Given the extreme cuts and alterations that My Villain Academia has been subjected to thus far, though, I’m sure you can appreciate my being concerned.
…So that’s the meat of it. The idea that Rikiya is Chikara’s son is wrong simply on the basis of what’s said in the text, and it’s doubly wrong on the basis of the timeline. There is, though, one other thing I think points towards Re-Destro being exactly the descendant he says he is, not a son playing down the connection out of humility or something. This one is a lot more headcanon-y, though, so I saved it for last.
MLA Social Dynamics
It’s quite simple. We have, in the MLA, a group of people that venerates Destro’s bloodline to an obviously unhealthy degree, putting up portraits of him wherever they can get away with it, tagging his successor with a “Re-” as if to invoke reincarnation or miraculous return, entirely willing to throw their lives away for what they think was his cause, and others’ lives if those others say anything too scathing about the words Destro wrote, quite as if they treat Destro’s memoir as some sort of holy writ.
They venerate Destro that much, and you’re trying to tell me that they wouldn’t just call a spade a spade and acknowledge RD as the son of their great leader? Come on.
Since long before I turned up the matsuei factoid in researching this piece, since long before Mr. Compress gave us such a helpful generational comparison, I’ve held the opinion that, given a group that holds their leaders in such high esteem, with such particular regard for bloodline, the only reason Rikiya does just call himself a descendant, rather than citing the specific term for what he is, is that the specific term is distant enough that it actually does sound more impressive to just say “descendant,” rather than something like, “great-great-great-grandson.” That kind of thing just begs the question, “What took you guys so long?” or, “You and how many other people, buddy?”
Mr. Compress may have the panache to carry off a line like that, but Rikiya’s a different story. If he had something so amazing up his sleeve as, “I am the son of the great Destro,” I have to think he’d just say it proudly, not fall back on the impressionistic vaguery of something like chi o tsugu mono. Even if I had no other evidence to work with, I’d think the same—all the evidence you need is right there in the character writing of who Rikiya and the MLA are and how they talk about the man whose dreams Re-Destro was raised to carry.
A closing note: I will allow that Rikiya is being overdramatic when he uses matsuei and its connotation of countless generations. There are a few other things we can use to trace the history of heroism—Ujiko’s age, and the 18-years-or-less periods that One For All was held by its pre-All Might bearers—and running those numbers leads me to believe that it is, in fact, entirely possible to count the number of generations between Rikiya and Chikara, and the number, while higher than one, is probably not all that high. Certainly matsuei is being more dramatic about it than is entirely warranted, hence the poetic flourish of the official translation’s, “His blood runs through these veins!” The theatricality only makes me fonder of him, however.
[1] It was changed and reverted on Re-Destro’s page at least twice before it finally stuck in January of this year. Chikara’s page took until July to be corrected, and it’s still wrong on various other subpages.
[2] Or your kids, if you have those. Only the last generation in the bloodline is the matsuei, but that’s a moving goalpost as long as the bloodline is still propagating.
[3] This summary of events combines what we know from both My Hero Academia proper and the Vigilantes spin-off, which I recommend to anyone who’s at all interested in finer-grained worldbuilding on Hero Society Japan than the main series makes time for.
[4] I personally headcanon him as 42.
[5] To which point I would refer back to the word kodomo, and note that that word choice indicates that Destro had a child in the world. Not a sperm sample kept in a freezer somewhere, waiting for the right would-be mother: an actual child. Some quick research on my part says that the farthest that term stretches is in using it to refer to yet-unborn children, fetuses still in the womb. Seeing as Japan doesn’t even allow inmates conjugal visits in real life, much less in a setting where villains are so dehumanized that Tartarus is an acceptable punishment for them, the line about Destro “having a child out in the world” takes us right back to a date of conception no later than Destro’s final night of freedom.
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christ2525 · 1 year
September 30 Zodiac
The last day in September carries a feeling of conclusion to some unacceptable frameworks of convictions and requires our consideration as we look for the correct course to move in. It is a period of profound internal ventures, information that is viewed as just inside, and everything we can do through sorcery once we begin trusting it to be conceivable. Albeit a normal, adjusted sign, for example, Libra doesn't effectively support that multitude of lessons that are excessively dynamic from the mark of structure and construction they've been educated to follow, they will unavoidably hold nothing back from higher information when brought into the world on this date.
September 30 Zodiac JUPITER - PLUTO - (Pluto) - NEPTUNE This is a column loaded up with profound changes, representing disasters when expectations are high up and unbelievable strokes of confidence when one least anticipates them. Libras brought into the world on September 30th have an undertaking to align their convictions with material presence and their universe of inventive articulation, and this is a profound and uncomfortable errand on the off chance that they are depending a lot on their psychological assets. Clever, frequently profoundly taught, it is very normal for these people to alter their expert course altogether or gain schooling in apparently inverse sciences and approaches. Their insight is to go through tests that are significant and clear, and they won't agree to anything short of reality.
With two lights shading their second planetary column, we can see that the topic that sets the establishment for all that they have faith in is tracked down in the relationship of their folks. Albeit this is the situation for the vast majority of us, here it is complemented and something to take care of, and issues that they have been shown will frequently be altogether different from what they feel in their heart is valid. It ultimately depends on them to be essentially as delicate as could really be expected and dial back to the point of detecting what is theirs, and what has been forced by specialists when they were still kids, so they can stir and support their youngster inside.
Love And Feelings In spite of the fact that there is areas of strength for an inside the universe of those brought into the world on the 30th of September to be sincerely involved and a piece of a few, they will end up confounded by the potential they see in others and their capacity to show it. Their connections can get enthusiastic and possessive, restricting their own opportunity or the opportunity of their accomplice, and this could lead them into states where they feel tied and as though there was no answer for their bond except for to end it and cut off the huge other from their heart.
It is essential to adhere to a solid way of life and sound decisions that aren't damaging of their body or the individual associated with them. This will give sufficient space to escape fights that are superfluous and make them more useful when a piece of a couple. With their undeniable propensity to find one truth to clutch, they will seldom find a lot of euphoria in connections that are unfinished and could change a few accomplices until they find somebody they wish to pass on with. With enough genuineness and transparency on their part, they will view trust as the directing light towards the perfect partner they wish to find.
Reason Pursue for the fact of the matter is the groundwork of development for every Libra brought into the world on the 30th of September. They will see things uniquely in contrast to others and have to adjust to the master plan they sense inside their Spirit, so they can seek after it as opposed to questioning themselves when encircled by others. It is much of the time best for them to dial down on mingling and connections, barely enough to cause space to feel what they definitely know. Affirmations of their inward information are now there in the external world, fit to be seen, undeniable.
What They Succeed In People brought into the world on September 30th succeed in all fields of schooling, as teachers and coaches, and every one of the individuals who have something profound to impart to other people. They are great specialists and recuperate others on levels that aren't theoretical however much one could think. Their temperament is honest and a piece extreme, and they are to be severe with regards to regarding their course and their convictions to help other people with sufficient self-insurance and sympathy.
September 30th Birthday celebration Present A birthday present for somebody brought into the world on the 30th of September might be anything from an enchanted wand to a mending gem, however long it is in line with their present status of transparency. They need time to learn not to fear their own insight and in the event that they aren't in contact with their "clouded side", it would be savvier to assist them with tracking down establishing, with a back rub voucher, sporting gear or a month to month participation in a neighborhood exercise center.
Positive Qualities For September 30th Conceived Honest, strong, profound and prepared to resolve to issues that are excessively difficult for others, they have the ability to change the unchangeable and construct a feeling of wizardry in their life that permits them to draw in and control their own fate and recuperate others of bias.
Negative Characteristics For September 30th Conceived Discouraged or lost in what they've been educated, they could be too frightened to even think about escaping their typical headings and decisions throughout everyday life, stalling out in mental exercises that keep them unsatisfied, egocentric or cantankerous.
Mending Gem Dark merlinite is a fine stone to help Libras brought into the world on September 30th addition clearness and stir information in their third eye chakra. It is a gem of shamanic venturing that permits them to reconnect with lost energies and assists their instinct with creating to where they comprehend what should be finished in reality. Raising their attention to their own true capacities and strength, it is awesome to heft it around for establishing when in enormous gatherings with various perspectives.
Sabian Image The Sabian image for Libra delegates brought into the world on September 30th in each year that isn't a jump year:
"A Lady Taking care of Chickens and Safeguarding Them from the Falcons" The Sabian image for Libra delegates brought into the world on September 30th in a jump year:
"A Bursting Chimney in an Abandoned Home" The place of equilibrium that these people are to reach is found in their day to day schedules and establishing, their capacity to shield themselves from the external world, and the higher information found in the profundities of their souls when they are separated from everyone else and isolated from the remainder of mankind. This could frequently lead them into lone exercises, while their Sun drives into socialization that they aren't generally prepared for. Their story is one of seeing the positive qualities in isolation and in organization, in their own exercises and collaboration, so they can have both in the perfect add up to arrive at the reason behind comprehension of their own internal world and the manner in which it ponders others.
0 notes
scriptmedic · 3 years
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Hey there lovelies! Thanks so much for your asks!
First off, basics: check the ( thoracic trauma ) tag and the ( pneumothorax ) tag. This is ground we've covered before!
There's also a chapter in Blood on the Page: a Writer's Compendium of Injuries (amazon link; yes, I am the author) on pneumothoraces. I believe it's in section 2.2: Penetrating Trauma > Chest.
I genuinely thought this chapter had already posted, but it hasn't.
So have a free chapter on me! (Below the cut)
Tension Pneumothorax
Lethality Index
5 / 5
What Is It?
Tension pneumothorax is a life-threatening injury that occurs when air gets into the chest but is outside the lungs. The buildup of air begins to put pressure on the lung, the heart, and the great veins. The condition is rapidly lethal.
Breathing is a pressure system. To inhale, the body pushes the diaphragm down and expands the ribs, which creates negative pressure in the lungs; that negative pressure draws air into the lungs from the outside world. To exhale, the diaphragm comes up and the chest relaxes — it gets smaller — pushing the air out. Easy peasy.
Tension pneumothorax changes this closed system to an open one, where air leaks from the lung into the sac around the lungs (the pleura) and gets trapped there. Positive pressure then builds up in the pleura, compressing the lung.
The fact that there's air in the lung is known as simple pneumothorax. (Pneumomeans air, and thorax means chest.)
What makes a tension pneumothorax such a big problem is that the air pocket in the pleura becomes large enough that it collapses the lung.
In addition to collapsing the lung, having that much pressure on one side of the chest is a big problem. It actually causes the organs of the chest to shift, to skooch over to the other side. In that shifting, the heart and other lung wind up pinching off blood flow through the heart, reducing blood flow everywhere.
Clinical Signs
· Severe, worsening shortness of breath, with rapid breaths.
· Diaphoresis (sweating).
· Elevated heart rate.
· Narrow pulse pressure (the “distance” between the systolic (top number) pressure and the diastolic (bottom number) pressure; e.g. 90/80 instead of 120/80).
· Engorged veins in the neck (jugular venous distention, JVD).
· Cyanosis (bluing of the skin of the lips and nail beds). (Late)
· Cold, clammy skin. (Late)
· Tracheal shift — the trachea is no longer midline in the neck, and instead is pushed away from the affected lung. (Late)
· Loss of consciousness. (Late)
· Death. (Late)
· Pain at the injury site and possible pain in the rest of the chest.
· Trouble breathing and panic.
· Feeling of impending doom.
· Dizziness, disorientation.
How Does It Happen?
Tension pneumothorax develops when a character suffers penetrating trauma to the chest that allows air to move between the outside and inside of the chest. This can be the result of a stabbing, shooting, impalement, or other penetrating trauma. It's especially common when the lung itself has been lacerated.
Immediate Treatment
Keep the character upright.
Provide oxygen, if available.
If the character is in respiratory failure — if they're dying — someone might give them mouth-to-mouth resuscitation or use a bag-valve-mask (BVM) to ventilate them. This actually makes the pneumothorax worse, but it may be beneficial in the short term because of increased gas exchange.
Needle Decompression
Needle decompression is the act of taking a big fat IV catheter and sticking it into the chest on the affected side. (There are two landmarks in common use: between the 2nd and 3rd ribs, on a line drawn straight down from the middle of the clavicle, or between the 5th and 6th ribs, in line with the front border of the armpit. These are technically called the 2nd intercostal space (ICS) at the midclavicular line, and the 5th ICS at the anterior axillary line.
Needle decompression works by giving the air trapped in the pleura an effective way out.
The problem with needle decompression is that, especially with larger characters, it isn't necessarily effective. Oftentimes the needle is simply too short to reach the pleura, especially in larger characters with strong pectoralis muscles or fat deposits, including breasts. Other times the catheter may kink or get backed up with blood.
Definitive Treatment
Needle decompression has the potential to be a definitive treatment for the injury, but only if it's effective in the first place, and only if the needle is hooked up to some form of drain system to make sure that air can escape.
Surgery / Hospitalization
Diagnostics will include a chest X-ray and likely a chest CT, though if the character is in mortal danger, these will always take a back seat to a clinical diagnosis – i.e. by signs, symptoms, and history – and providers will treat first and image later.
The definitive treatment for tension pneumothorax is placement of a chest tube or pigtail catheter in the chest. A chest tube is a large, straight tube, while a pigtail catheter is of a smaller diameter and is curled, like a pig’s tail.
Both are simple, quick procedures in the ER. They both involve putting a tube into the chest at the 4th or 5th intercostal space (between the 4th–5th or 5th–6th ribs) vertically aligned with the armpit (axillary line).
The end of the tube will have something called a Heimlich valve, which is a one-way valve (air can go out but not in).
Another option is a procedure called a finger thoracostomy. The surgical landmark is the same as for all other procedures, but the act is simpler and more brutal. The site is identified and the doctor — who is likely an ER physician — simply cuts down through the chest wall until they're touching lung. This is done in extreme circumstances, where the character is about to die. Otherwise, a chest tube or pigtail catheter is preferred.
In the Austere Environment
Characters who suffer a tension pneumothorax in extreme conditions are likely to die, unless a knowledgeable character with the correct equipment is around.
In settings before about 1950, the character is also likely to die, and they'll die gasping. Treatment of the tension pneumothorax requires understanding pressures inside the chest, which weren't readily measurable till then. Trauma surgery simply hadn't advanced to the point of understanding this rapidly lethal wound until that point.
The Rocky Road to Recovery
Capabilities Retained
Characters will retain the use of all four limbs and will be cognitively unaffected (barring brain damage from an extended period of low oxygen levels).
Disabilities: Temporary
Your character is likely to have a sensation of pressure at the catheter insertion site. Once the lung is reinflated, they can walk and perform most normal activities while the wound heals.
They will be instructed not to fly for six months after the pneumothorax. This is because altitude affects pressure and can cause reexpansion of the pneumothorax.
Disabilities: Permanent
Tension pneumothorax shouldn't cause any permanent disabilities, unless there are other complicating features of the injury.
Features of Recovery: Hospital Stay
Characters with no other complications, who respond well to the pigtail, can actually be sent home with the catheter in place. Characters with other injuries or who got bigger tubes will likely be admitted.
Features of Recovery: Aftercare
Characters will be instructed to walk up to their capacity, and increase their walking daily. They may want to use a pillow or other object to hold when they cough, because that can be painful.
If a character is sent home, they must come back for follow-up X-ray within 48 hours, to make sure the pneumothorax hasn't reexpanded.
The catheter should be removed after 3–5 days if no other issues arise.
Pigtail catheters are good for patients because they're smaller than chest tubes, which means they hurt less and can often be sent home in the patient.
Pigtail catheters are bad for patients because they're smaller tubes, which means that they might kink and then fail to vent out the air they need to get rid of.
Flying before the recommended date can cause another pneumothorax, though this is unlikely to be severe enough to collapse the lung again. However, the character might experience significant shortness of breath and exhaustion.
The New Normal
If the lung tissue itself wasn't damaged by the object, your character will return to their full function within 2–4 weeks. (No Disability)
If the lung was damaged by the injury, they may have other complications with the lung.
Future Risks
Even when they think they're healed, significant, rapid changes in altitude within the first 6 months could cause your character's pneumothorax to recur. No long-term risks are known.
Total Recovery Time (Typical)
Uncomplicated: 2–4 weeks
Complicated: Minimum 4 weeks but typically longer, depending on the damage
The hole in the chest might be small, or it might be fairly large. Through a large enough hole, characters can see the injured's lung expanding and collapsing with each breath.
The wound may make a sucking noise as the character breathes. (This is known, appropriately, as a sucking chest wound.)
Tension pneumothorax is abbreviated in a chart as TPTx or TPx, and is colloquially known as a "tension pneumo."
Chest tubes are listed in various sizes; pigtails tend to be 12 French or 14 French, whereas chest tubes are larger: 24 Fr to 36 Fr. Pigtails are inserted over a guide wire, which is called the "Seldinger technique." They are held in place with a kind of stitching called "purse string" suture.
A TPTx that also has significant pooling of blood in the pleural space is a hemopneumothorax, or a "hemopneumo."
The landmarks are almost never said as "intercostal space," but referred to as the "ICS."
Key Points
· Tension pneumothorax is a rapidly lethal condition, developing from slight trouble breathing to deadly within minutes to an hour.
· TPTx collapses the lung and puts enormous pressure on the heart. It also kinks the great vessels.
· TPTx is treated by allowing the built-up air to escape. This is done with a needle, insertion of a tube, or cutting down until the lung can “communicate” directly with the outside world.
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anonil88 · 3 years
Malcolm and Marie live blog
I don't usually do liveblogs for movies but yea.
Spoilers ahead!!
I love that its modern timed but very 70s stylized.
A tune indeed.
When you are high and drunk on success and
How the white critic reacts is why I feel like gatekeeping my scripts. At the same time some things I do make are about race or involve.
Marie sitting on the patio smoking is a mood whenever men are talking.
So he's pretentious and unaware.
Whoever chose the music for this, I feel like we would be Spotify mutuals.
Can this nigga stop pacing.
Also can he stop talking;
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Marie is so tired and unimpressed.
Also little booties matter and are to be bitten.
Oooo the tension and the jazz.
Title Card over mac and cheese.
Shitty boxes mac and cheese but still mac and cheese.
Tbh i always wonder if spouses/significant others get upset when their spouses don't acknowledge them during speeches.
John sounds so much like his dad but I really hope his acting style differs from his dad a lot.
Guilty confession?
He did not profit off of his partners backstory and then not even acknowledge her.....I.....
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If that ever happened to me catch me cussing my partner out during the beginning credits, the end credits, in the car, and at home.
The way I'm excited for Zendaya to give me some, oooo can she work with Regina King. Please on my knees I pray.
Um no that's not your job to coddle your lead.
He's a dick and the type of dick who makes himself look like a good person around other people.
If Sam Levinson is trying to make his viewers more of misandrist, it's working.
I feel like Marie has her flaws probably a lot of them and we will surely see as this continues, but Malcolm needs to learn how to apologize sincerely.
70s vibes! 70s vibes!
Them kissing and talking about criticism and dreams makes me miss a partner. A partner that I've had and haven't had.
Women really are behind every great man.
Yea sir you fucked a happy moment.
Oh visual allegories for looking in from the outside and cat and mouse chasing and looking from the outside in.
She's saying she doesn't feel noticed by you.
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Gas lighter :0 he called her an emotional support dog, bruh.
I would LOVE to co-write or take a writing class held by Sam Levinson. The fights i write are very much in this same realm of reflection and anger and monologue.
Sam.....sam.....are all the sides inside of you doing okay sir?
The ugly side of dating and being in a relationship with someone who struggles with their own demons.
Honestly I could close my eyes and listen to this script being read without seeing these characters visually. Just close my eyes and get a sense of these characters like it was a radio story.
Oh. Oh this is a new wheelhouse of Zendaya acting; a different voice is like breaking through here and her expressions aren't the same we are used to. You can literally hear another character in there....hmm.
Mans is outside really fighting with his invisible demons lmfao.
Selfish ass, how after everything she said you came out of it thinking about your own craft and self instead of how you hurt her.
So she's conditional.
Me: did sam (a white man) say nigga this many times in his script or are the actors adding their own inflections. Not just the lingo used but the topic of race and directing etc. being written by a white writer about black characters is always gonna be a critique when you're writer is a white person.
Alexa play Broken Girls by Saba
He is so hurtful.
A clown nigga a clown look in the fucking mirror you bozo head ass looking like you need some Mehron clown white and a size 16 in clown shoes.
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John is doing a really swell performance and reading of these lines.
He is reading her for her insecurities by bringing up his experiences with other women and that.....is yikes.
Arguments can get messy like this in real life but it takes a lot of maturity and control to either not let it get to this point or have a healthy conversation afterwards.
This film is really shot on some very crisp lenses.
They sitting there like 🚬🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️.
Leftover Mac and Cheese and unfinished cigarettes.
The nyt etc. pay walls are so annoying, but there is a work around look at the articles on incognito or add a period at the end of the url.
He sounds like his daddy so much here, weird, this is the only part I'm eh on the dialogue it feels real but a bit out of pace in how they are bouncing off one another.
Nail scissors? So the end is not the only part he based off of Marie. 🙄
ITS A GOOD REVIEW YOU DINGUS but also its a full review they are going to critique things. She isn't wrong though he did profit off of a woman's story that was not his own to profit from.
Yes Malcolm because unfortunately all marginalized people look through a lens of life that is inherently political because of the world they live in.
He is so mad and upset and had a lot on his chest. But I think he Malcolm and Sam are talking about something thats an issue and a non issue. Being critiqued for you art is hard but also Malcolm is not super self aware. He's like a stand in figure of for example rich depop sellers who wanna be oppressed so badly they yell at others instead of examining their own personal behaviors and ethics.
Oh Marie, when you know the spark is gone and you pick fights because.
He ain't even ask her to read?
One critic I have for most of hollywood actors is they learn their cry and that is it. A change from this is Margot Robbie, I adore her fluctuations of crying being similar but the crying is carried differently for each character. If I had to say any actor that does a cry scene amazing its this woman right here (Amy Adams)
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You stole her story from her and gave it away, she has a right to be upset and angry and a rubber band ball of emotions.
Citizen Kane, not the cinematography, but the story is it even that good? (Unpopular opinion but meh, maybe in my rewatch it will be better.)
But that is what people want authenticity and whatever authenticity means to them. What is real for one is false for another.
To be honest look at the criticism of Euphoria, well earned, but a lot of people were like this isn't real even though he literally wrote about his own life. People said it was inauthentic like....wtf.
Ahh the smoking is just a habit, he quit and she didn't.
CAST ZENDAYA IN A HORROR MOVIE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING. Get Lupita and Zendaya and some more black actors preferably less known ones in a horror movie. One with a interesting script and story, directed by Regina King. Please and thankyou.
I love Marie yep that was amazing.
Behind every great man is a greater woman, one that deserves her credit for how she has stood behind. I wonder the stories of those women, what they have sacrificed or not sacrificed. Their thoughts and feelings when the world is surrounding their partner and views them as a plus one. (I'd write a short script about this but I think do I have the time, can I, or am I equipped ?)
He is a shitty person for bringing up his exes, like she even said I don't wanna know any of that.
Imagine being on anti depressents and rarely having a sex drive and then when you do your partner starts talking about their exes and tearing you apart for all your faults.
I love when you see peaks of Zendaya's cadence in roles.
Tension, what if's and he didn't even bring her up in his speech.
Marie to herself and the audience:
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He is not afraid that he will loose her but as my character says in my unreleased story, "i can't wait til you give me a fucking reason to leave your ass." Malcolm expects everything in order for not even doing the bare minimum and she is only asking him for something as simple as consideration. She just wants him to be considerate. He wants to get married and considers their relationship like rolling down a hill at full speed and he cannot apologize, he cannot be considerate, and he cannot admit his wrongs. He can only offer her I love yous that he probably does mean but he does not back up outside of what he's done for her in the past. The past which was more of her experience than his and he sees his part in it as a burden. He doesn't use his own vantage point of the past to further his career he uses her. He does all of these things without a real apology or thankyou because he is not afraid to loose her.
The restrictions of quarantine and the panorama have made Sam's writing very no frills. I wonder how other films from other directors and writers that are filmed in small contained crews like this will be structured. But this was a very good movie gonna add to my letter box 3.3-3.5
Oh shit this is my song,
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Ratings/overall thoughts:
Script is like a C+, B- : I could go into my heavier big brain thoughts on the script but I don't feel like it. You catch hints of it above it centers conversation on race and privilege, mainly the writers and questions i have that won't be answered but Sam did make me grow disdain for Malcolm over a short time. Which is sometimes hard to do because im one sympathetic person but the sympathy i have for Malcolm is at 0. Maybe a 2 at some scenes but then it quickly goes back to 0. Some parts of the dialogue miss the mark or hit the are off balanced. While some of it like Malcolm's bathroom speech albeit mean is really strong or their conversation when he comes back from peeing really shines for me.
Performances: B+ to A- because they carried the script further than it could of gone with less talented actors. The monologues do well to showcase their current skill levels which are already high af and leave room for anticipation in where these actors go next.
Zendaya holding a knife: A+ with a gold star. That switch on and off and on is delectable.
John being a shitty boyfriend but following Marie like a lost puppy: B+ with a good job written at the bottom of the paper, Malcolm being nervous a frantic dialed up with more realistic nervousness would have sold me completely on Malcolm's anxious waiting.
Cinematography: A and a participation award.
The mac and cheese: A+ for the easy mac. Wish it was like Annie's or Velveeta.
Cigarettes: Participation award and their picture hung up for student of the month. Why the grill lighter? Everytime Malcolm opened up his mouth Marie was like sparks fly.
The music: A++ with a prize. Whoever picked the music probably makes good Spotify playlists.
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