#daughter of Persephone
jgracie · 6 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ could you write headcanons of percy x daughter of hades (or persephone) reader? ❞ — anon
in which percy dates a daughter of persephone
pairing percy jackson x persephone!reader
warnings none !
on the radio . . . lover's rock (tv girl)
an au where technology doesn't attract monsters! also i like to think that the cabins are magical and can alter depending on how many kids are in there so you have a big bed instead of a bunk
If there’s one thing Percy’s sick and tired of, it’s quests. For some reason, he seemed to be a quest magnet, never failing to end up on one at least once a year
After defeating Gaia, he thought this’d be it. No more quests. He could finally relax and focus on normal teenage boy things, like stressing over exams and skateboarding
He was, of course, wrong. As the summer flowers withered and turned into autumn leaves, Percy was ready to take on his senior year of high school. He packed all his belongings into his suitcase, excited to leave camp and head home to his mother, step-father and half-sister, when a certain someone stopped him
Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades. He didn’t come up to the mortal world often, opting to stay in his father’s domain, so seeing him was a shock. Still, Percy waved at him. Nico was a good guy and his friend, so he was always happy during the rare occasions the boy visited
When Nico explained the situation he was in, Percy couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed. He was so close to experiencing a normal life! Apparently, Hades himself had requested his presence at the Underworld, having an important task for him
Percy didn’t care for Hades, but the look on Nico’s face told him this was something really important. Nico rarely asked for favours unless he seriously needed them, so he decided to do this for him, not Hades or the Fates or anyone else
Holding back a sigh, Percy put his hand on Nico’s shoulder, ready to shadow-travel to the Underworld
“Perseus Jackson!” He heard a voice boom as soon as they arrived. Looking up, Percy found himself face-to-face with the God of the dead himself. Next to him sat his wife, Persephone, who gave Percy a kind smile
“I have a very important job for you, boy,” Hades began, “don’t worry, I won’t be too long. You see, my dear wife here would like you to escort her daughter to the mortal world and train her. I think she’s around your age. Actually, where is she?” Hades said. Percy rolled his eyes. Great, he was stuck doing guard duty for some random immortal
He immediately took back all his complaints the moment he laid eyes on you. From the way you seemed to bring the land of the dead back to life, Percy could tell you were your mother’s daughter. He could also tell that you were a demigod, as your eyes seemed to lack the boredom most immortal beings’ had
Making your way over to him, you held out a hand, which he gladly shook, “I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you, Perseus.” Percy hated it when people called him by his full name, deeming it too formal for him, but he’d let you call him Perseus for as long as you wanted
After that, it was settled. Turns out, you’d actually spent time in the mortal world before, only occasionally visiting your mother whenever she got lonely in the Underworld
However, your mortal parent didn’t want you engaging with your Godly heritage in fear of all the dangers that came with it, hence why you weren’t at Camp Half-Blood, and why Persephone took matters into her own hands
As you told Percy all of this, he couldn’t help but feel uncharacteristically shy. You radiated regality, but not in a scary way like a child of the big three. Your voice held power, but at the same time seemed to seep out of your lips like honey, coating him and rendering him helpless
Despite being in one of the busiest cities in the world, Percy was only able to hear you. When you finally got to your mortal parent’s apartment, he couldn’t help but be a little disappointed, wanting to spend more time with you
Sure, you were going to be going to his house the next day to begin your training, but Percy couldn’t wait a whole 24 hours
After dropping you off, Percy walked home alone, already daydreaming about what the following day held
The next day, you got ready and headed for Percy’s home (please don’t ask me how you know where to go you just Do), your nerves skyrocketing. You see, this was your first time hanging out with a fellow demigod, and so you really didn’t want to make a fool out of yourself
Since your mom did teach you whenever the two of you saw each other, you were pretty good at using your powers. However, you weren’t on the level of a demigod who’d spent their whole life fighting real monsters
“Okay, first, we have to work on your posture,” Percy said. The night before, he’d turned the living room into a training arena of sorts, moving all the couches, tables and any other furniture to the side. It wasn’t ideal, but it’d work until you found some other place to train or went to Camp Half-Blood during the holidays
You held the sword - a gift from Persephone a couple years back, one you had no use for until now - in front of you, unsure what to do, “like this?” Percy smiled fondly at you, remembering what it was like for him as a beginner
Stepping behind you, Percy guided your arms to the right starting position. He was really close to you. From this (minimal) distance, you could hear his breaths and smell the salty scent of the ocean that seemed to linger on him no matter what he did
The two of you stayed in this stance for a little bit, neither one of you wanting to pull away, before you cleared your throat and said, “okay, what now?”
Nothing much happened after that. You sparred a little, not stopping your training until you managed to land a hit on Percy, which you proudly celebrated. The moment he saw the look of triumph on your face, Percy knew he’d made the right decision by loosening up a little. You’d learn some other day
You were meant to go home afterwards, but his mother had insisted you have some refreshments, so you stayed to drink some lemonade and eat some of her freshly baked cookies. After that, Percy wanted to show you his room, so you stayed to see it. Then, he wanted to play Mario Kart, which needed a second player and you happened to be there so…?
Soon enough, it was nighttime and you actually needed to go. Your mortal parent had begrudgingly agreed to this and you really didn’t want them to change their mind
Since it was late, Percy did the chivalrous thing to do - he walked you home
Once you were there, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of deja vu. This was the second day in a row he was in this exact situation
This time, though, before you entered the apartment, you gave him a kiss on the cheek
After that day, you quickly became inseparable. You’d go over to each other’s places a lot, but not just to train - a lot of the time, it’d just be to hang out, maybe work on some exam prep together or beat him in Mario Kart (again)
With Percy, the school year flew by, and soon enough you’d graduated. Usually, during the summer, you’d just stay with your mortal parent, since Persephone wasn’t in the Underworld. However, this summer would be your first at Camp Half-Blood
Mrs Jackson dropped the two of you off at camp borders and to say you were excited would be an understatement. Percy spoke very highly of this place, and you couldn’t wait to experience it all
At your arrival, you were greeted by Chiron and Mr D, who gave you a basic summary of how things work at camp, relieved they didn’t have to break the existence of Greek Gods to another young camper. After that, Percy gave you a tour of the place
“This is my cabin, feel free to pass by if you need anything. I’m usually the only one here, but my brother Tyson comes to visit occasionally,” Percy said, presenting the cabin to you. It was gorgeous, just like him
Marvelling at it, you said, “yours is really cool, Perce, is mine that nice too?”
Noticing his silence, you turned to look at Percy, who was deep in thought, “now that you’ve mentioned it, I don’t think I’ve seen yours, not clearly at least. It gets busy really quickly here. I’m sure it’s awesome though, let’s go find out!”
The cabins looked close together from afar, but they were pretty widely spaced, and the walk from Percy’s to yours felt like an eternity. Getting there was all worth it though
As you stared up at your cabin, you couldn’t help but feel a warmth spread through your body. Your whole life, you’d been in a limbo, stuck between two homes but somehow feeling homesick in both. From the moment you saw this cabin, you knew it was where you belonged
Percy walked you up the steps, and you couldn’t help but feel nostalgic, “we always end up like this, don’t we, Percy?”
The boy smiled, shyly running his fingers through his hair, “we sure do! Look, I’ll come over later and we can go swimming, the beach here’s beautiful. I’ll introduce you to all my friends, too!”
You unpacked your suitcases and put all your clothes in the closet that was provided. The cabin was clearly uninhabited as dust coated the tops of all the cabinets, but that’s nothing a little spring cleaning wouldn’t fix
Picking out a vinyl record from your large collection, you put one on and began cleaning
It was hard work, but you loved it. Your mother was the Goddess of springtime, after all. The act of decluttering and freshening up a space was named after her domain
Besides, you had a lot of fun discovering the things your mother left behind for you - a basket of fresh fruits, a lovely handwritten letter and a cute dress, which you gladly wore after washing all the grime from cleaning off of yourself
In fact, you had so much fun, you completely forgot about the plans you made with Percy. So, when he showed up at your front door, clad in fish patterned swimming trunks with a surfboard in hand, he caught you off guard for a second
You caught him off guard too. You looked ethereal in that dress. Something about it made your skin glow and your eyes glitter, as if it were woven by Athena herself
“Oh Gods, Percy, I’m so sorry. I got so busy with cleaning this place I completely forgot you said we were gonna go swimming. I’ll go change right now, don’t worry–”
Percy interrupted you, “it’s alright, I get it. I had to deep clean my cabin when I first got here too.”
Seeing as he was already there, you invited Percy in, excited to show him your new home. He wasn’t paying that much attention to your impromptu tour though, too busy admiring you to care about the designs on the wood of your closet
Your tour ended with your bedroom. You took Percy by the hand and led him to your bed, pulling him to you as you landed on the pomegranate patterned bedsheets
In the background, your vinyl continued to play. Of course, the song playing happened to be a love song. As you stared into the cerulean of Percy’s eyes, you couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming love swell in your chest for him. This boy had changed your life in a way you’d be eternally grateful for
The song progressed, and your faces got closer and closer. As it reached your favourite part, a part Percy knew all too well after the many days you spent making him listen to this song, your lips locked
They were a perfect fit
Dating hcs time hurray!!! (cynthia try not to write 5 pages of backstory challenge)
Percy always gets you fresh fruits. He plants a whole garden of fruits outside his cabin with the help of the Demeter kids and every once in a while he’ll show up with a fresh orange or pear or something
Honestly Percy wasn’t that much of a fruit guy before dating you but now he vows to try every fruit he can get his hands on!!! He rates them all for you too and gives little reviews
Sometimes you’ll wake up in the morning to 10 texts from Percy detailing how much he hated a particular fruit, all sent at 4AM
This resulted in the two of you trying the fruits out together since you had major FOMO, which then resulted in picnics becoming your thing. They’re not super traditional picnics most of the time but you call them that so that’s what they are
Your mom found out you guys were dating a week into your relationship and she couldn’t be happier. She left a cute little fruit basket on Percy’s bed the day she found out <3 he shared them all with you of course
He calls you his blossom!! This one’s kind of random I don’t usually do pet name headcanons but I had to just put that there
One of my personal headcanons for kids of Persephone is you become more closed off during the autumn/winter. You feel really bad whenever it happens but Percy’s always there for you, patiently guiding you through your mixed emotions as your mother transitions from the normal world to the Underworld
I also saw this headcanon that children of Persephone all smell like flowers so I’m including it in this. Percy thinks you smell SO good. At first he thinks its perfume so he asks you what it is and you show him all your perfumes and he’s like “nope it’s none of these,” so you guys are super stumped
Until he passes by the Demeter kids’ garden one day and smells the exact same thing. So he spent the entire day scouring it for the specific flower that smells just like you
They got really mad at him because once he found it he picked a ton of them so he could keep them in his cabin and use them as a reference point for florists in the mortal world for when he inevitably goes to buy more, but he didn’t care
You got mad at him too though, since you cannot justify the picking of flowers
“Look, Perce, this is really cute, but you shouldn’t have picked the flowers like that!” You said as you moved the flowers Percy stole from the gardens to pots, trying to salvage them as much as you possibly could
The boy in question sat on your bed, his head hung in shame. Not picking plants is the number one rule of dating a Persephone kid, and he forgot
A guilt washed over you as you took him in. He didn’t know any better, he was just excited because he finally found what was apparently ‘your scent’
After the flowers were all safely in their pots, you sat next to him, tenderly placing your hand on his face and turning it to look at yours, “it’s okay. The flowers are alive and healthy. I’ll help you grow more of them, ‘kay?” You stroked his cheek with your thumb before planting a kiss on his lips
With a goofy smile now plastered on his face, Percy mumbled, “okay, blossom.”
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balletfilmss · 6 months
hiii can i get a smau percy x daughter of persephone who loves flowers and lives on a farm
✸ pairing: percy jackson x daughter of persephone!reader smau
✸ notes: tysm for requesting & im sorry this took a hot minute, but i hope you like it!! 🤍
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…now playing: love grows (where my rosemary goes) — edison lighthouse
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persea_: i’ve officially made friends with the ferns 🫡(thank you yn for not letting them eat me)
tagged: @flowersforyn
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g_man: are you…are you AWARE of how ferns work?
╰┈➤ persea_: yeah i am. 2 words: chomp chomp
chqsingannabeth: who’s…who’s truck did you steal?
╰┈➤ persea_: what’re you a cop?
flowersforyn: guys don’t be fooled by the second pic, this was the aftermath of him DROPPING me
╰┈➤ persea_: one, didn’t have to expose me like that & two, I SAID I WAS SORRY
╰┈➤ persea_: i bet it does 😗😉
╰┈➤ g_man: reminder that this is a PUBLIC app
ghostking: pls don’t break her
╰┈➤ persea_: did…did u just say PLEASE?
╰┈➤ ghostking: i take it back. break her and i break your neck.
team.leo: why she violating a tree like that
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: leo just bc you didn’t get hugged as a kid doesn’t mean nobody else did 😒
tysonn: ask yn if ferns will be my friend too
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: they absolutely will tyson, we’ll have to bring you out to the farm next weekend <3
╰┈➤ tysonn: yay!
╰┈➤ persea_: me too, right?
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: …
╰┈➤ persea_: RIGHT??
notpipermclean: yn get this loser off our farm, the kids are asking questions
╰┈➤ notpipermclean: NO🤗 im gonna report you for hate speech
╰┈➤ persea_: mf YOU’RE hate speeching ME
╰┈➤ sp4rky: @ team.leo the girls are fighting 👀
╰┈➤ team.leo: 🍿🫢
…now playing: strawberries & cigarettes — troye sivan
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flowersforyn: fav boy on the farm!! 🍓
tagged: persea_
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chqsingannabeth: your face being cut off of that first pic is CRIMINAL 😩 not percy’s tho, that was a gift from the gods
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: im srry babe, i looked goofy 😔
╰┈➤ chqsingannabeth: oh no ma’am, you could NEVER
persea_: the best day with my absolute best girl 🩵
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: kicking my feet & giggling, ILY SEAWEED BRAIN 🤍
g_man: WHAT did you do to make those strawberries look so scrumdidliuptious?
╰┈➤ persea_: dyslexia just took me OUT with this one dude 😭
╰┈➤ g_man: nobody was talking to you brotha 🙏
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: grover bud i use my mommy’s magic, hope this helps 🫶
persea_: don’t let her lie to you, people. i thought my first fit was BOMB & then she made me put on that sweater cuz it was cold as hell outside
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: i want you to read that again…slowly
notpipermclean: save me yn the garden princess …save me
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: have no fear bae, im here 🫂
╰┈➤ persea_: yn, babydoll, i beg of you, PLEASE stop hitting on people that aren’t me
╰┈➤ flowersforyn: there’s enough of me to go around perce 😒
╰┈➤ notpipermclean: YEAH PERCY SHARE
sp4rky: why is bro carryin a whole bakery on that swing
╰┈➤ persea_: jason…🤭
╰┈➤ sp4rky: I PLEAD THE FIFTH
flowersforyn uploaded a story!
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@ g_man replied:
why is bro so silly 😭
idk but he’s the silliest
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@ sp4rky replied:
tell him to leave the flying to me
i’m not telling him SHIT from you
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@ persea_ replied:
idk what ur on about, i look terrifying here
oh yeah, i’m shaking in my boots
great, now can you pls come help me get down?
yknow, i can’t kiss you from up here
i’m otw 🏃‍♀️ 💨
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gentlehue · 2 months
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₊˚⊹♡ PERSEPHONE CABIN HEADCANONS goddess of springtime and vegetation, queen of the underworld
for my fave prettiest daughter of persephone @maybxlle 😚 you enabled me so i have to make this a whole thing. also lmk if anyone wants more of these!!!!! i have many thoughts
okay so similar to how hades kids are either death-oriented (nico) or riches oriented (hazel), i feel like persephone's kids can lean more towards either her goddess of springtime title or her queen of the underworld title
however, they all still have plant girl energy/powers?? if that makes sense (saying plant girl as a neutral term here btw idk how else to describe it LOL) since queen of the underworld isn't a title she got until she married hades!! its just more prominent in some than others
i feel like they're def prone to seasonal depression 😣 most will get it during the colder months because thats when persephone goes back to the underworld, but there can be outliers ofc! this is a very random comparison but i like to think of them like seasonal fruits... there's a season where they thrive and a season when they don't!!
in general, they've all got a bit of an edge to them. not all of them are aware of this. you can always tell the children of persephone and demeter apart because of it though
big dark humour enthusiasts, the type to show their love via light punches and teasing 🤔 they are also emotionally intuitive so they'll def know when they've crossed the line with this
however they're SO sweet once you get to know them. like how a pomegranate has a rough, hard to open outside and very sweet fruit on the outside <3 they're like the "looks like they could kill you, is a cinnamon roll" audio LOL
some of them have rbfs and most of them have very youthful appearances
"darker" plants intrigue them... like poisonous plants and (ethical) selective breeding n whatever!! just like their mother they're VERY curious about their powers and the world around them so if you want a weird or uncommon plants i'd def go to them instead of cabin 4
speaking of curiosity, that's one of the most common fatal flaws for children of persephone, just like how persephone got stuck in the underworld by letting curiosity get the better of her and having some of the pomegranate (this will be really embarrassing if im remembering the myth wrong LOL however i do think there are versions of the myths where persephone goes to the underworld initially on her own so my point still stands)
i like to think they're immune to most poisons/poisons don't affect them as much. dont have much of a reasoning for this though its just a vibe
they also like to explore plants with healing abilities and have their own little healing poisons and potions. not a lot of people know of this though, they're pretty secretive
also they're the type of person where you'll be friends with them for YEARS and then discover some major part of their life you had no clue about. they don't say anything unless they deem it necessary 😭
they of course have chlorokinesis (power to control plants) & that power is strongest during the spring since thats persephone prime time
a few of the more "queen of the underworld"-oriented ones can shadow travel naturally, however their shadow travel is nowhere near as powerful as the shadow travel of a hades kid (they can get to their level if they hone this ability!!) those who dont have the ability naturally can learn, but it takes a lot of effort and practice
they tend to be quite moody/their mood changes pretty quickly too. this is another common fatal flaw & imo because of persephone's sort of polar opposite roles LOL 😭 this mood tends to affect nearby plants, either making them bloom or killing them
the ability above bothers most of them. they feel horrible for having the ability to give and take life so easily, without a thought, simply depending on how they're feeling. it takes a lot of inner work for them to control their emotions so it doesn't affect the environment around them so much (thinking of the aunt from encanto here and how quickly she changes the weather) & also accept that they aren't bad people for this!!
they get along best with the demeter and hades cabins for obvious reasons LMAO i also imagine they're pretty close with their mom! idt that cabin is as full as apollo but not as empty as a big three cabin yk, enough of them for her to be able to keep up with all of them
they can sense when people/plants are dead or dying like hades kids, but the ability isn't as pinpoint-y as a hades kid's, its more like a horrible feeling in their gut they can't shake when they're in the radius of something/someone thats dying
i feel like animals really like them, regardless of whether they're more underworld-y or plant-y. this is another one i can't really explain LOL
some of them are overthinkers/worriers/tend to be rly paranoid (generational trauma? from the kidnapping of their mom). they always have their guard up!! do not sneak up on them LMAO
they're a very tight knit group as well... just like how demeter lost it when persephone was kidnapped, they'll lose it if anything happens to one of them
they can go to visit the underworld but only when persephone's there too
some songs: writer in the dark (lorde), cherry (lana del rey), brutal (olivia rodrigo)
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philophobic-honeybee · 5 months
I love love love your Percy Jackson OCS they are my favorite I was wondering if you could put those or if you already have them on Tumblr?
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here’s what i have of them as of rn!!! srry most of it is old art, but pandora’s full ref sheet is recent!
pandora is a daughter of persephone and adonis (red-head guy) is her step-brother who is a son of aphrodite! they share a mortal mother <3
(chaos is my bestie’s oc who *begrudgingly* goes on adventures with pandora! he’s the son of tartarus)
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Persephone Cabin Headcanons!!!
🌸 Persephone has few children. Maybe 5-6 people
🌸 They go emo mood in winter. Can't change my mind
🌸 They call Demeter childs "Aunt/Uncle" as joke
🌸 Their cabin are really spacious. The floral scent never fades.
☠️ Their relationship with Hades cabin is so cute. Grumpy × Sunshine on spring/summer and Grumpy × Grumpy on autumn/winter as siblings!
☠️ They summons ghost just to scare their mortal friends
☠️ Most of them listens "Pomegranate Lips" , and read "Touch of Darkness'" just to see how mortals described their mother
☠️ Can and will fight anyone who described Demeter as abusive mother.
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wintersnwnderlnd · 3 months
Daughter of the Queens Three, pt. 1
Imagine Hera, Amphitrite, and Persephone making a deal behind their husbands backs the same night they swore no more forbidden children.
Imagine being Hera, Amphitrite and Persephone's daughter.
I smiled as the waves crashed outside the open window, the scent of daffodils wafting through the air as light gleamed in my face.
"Good morning mom!" I stretched, giggling as one of the waves crashed particularly hard causing it to spray me through the window. Throwing on a linen hoodie, I wrestled by curls into a messy bun making my way through the house.
Pouring a cup of coffee, I went outside to sit on the porch to watch the sunrise. Humming softly, I noticed something move from the corner of my eye. A nymph ducked behind the tree with a giggle, having been caught.
"Princess, your mother says its time." She said, having finally stopped laughing and came over to sit. Sighing, I looked out at the sea once more before nodding.
"If that is what Mother has decided so be it. I knew it would come soon; I'm already packed." Looking down at the coffee in hand, I couldn't help the nervousness that was building in me. How would they react? How would they respond to learning they have a new stepsister? One that links all of them. How would Chiron respond, or Mr. D when they learned who exactly my godly parent, or in this case parents were.
"Princess? Are you sure you're ready?" Naisephe questioned, gently placing a hand on mine.
I smiled, looking up at her, "Yes. Just worried. Let's get going."
Coming over the hill, I groaned softly.
"Not to worry Princess! It's just past these trees!" Naisephe called, standing at the top overlooking the camp. Coming up beside her, I couldn't help the gasp that left me as I caught sight of the camp.
It was beautiful. Truly and utterly beautiful.
I could tell why Mother wanted to send me here.
"Come Princess, we must announce your arrival with the Director." Naisephe exclaimed, clapping her hands happily before taking hold of mine and leading me into the camp.
I couldn't help but notice everyone stopping and turning to look at us as we walked through the camp headed towards the Big House. Was it what I was wearing? Had it been a while since they had last gotten a new demigod? Was it because Naisephe was with me?
"We're here! It's just through these doors Princess!" Her excitedness was nearly palpable, as the people closest to us began to whisper. "Chiron, hello? I brought her!".
Walking through the hall, a door at the end swung open, revealing the towering Centaur waiting for us. I twitched nervously as my anxiety once again started to act up. Would I be outcast for having multiple godly parents? Would I be a freak even here?
A warmth spread over me, the ghostly feeling of a hug taking over my senses as Mother did her best to calm me down even from afar. I smiled softly, taking a deep breath.
"Ah, young Lya. We've been waiting for you." Chiron spoke, a feeling of comfort, different from mother's spread through the air. I could tell he was a safe person, that he wouldn't let anything happen to me if he could avoid it.
"Hi, um I don't know what I'm supposed to do beyond getting here. Mother, she didn't exactly write a letter telling me what to do." I muttered, looking up at the man before me. He gestured beside me, towards a seat at the table. Dionysus already sat there, sipping on, something.
"You already know your godly parent? You've spoken to them?" He questioned, as I took a seat.
I blushed, ducking my head, "It's kind of complicated but yes."
Dionysus looked increasingly annoyed as the conversation went on, "Well, out with it!".
Taking a deep breath, I felt Naisephe squeeze my shoulder, "My name is Elysia Ourania Oceana named after my mothers," I heard Chiron's sharp inhale at mothers, "Amphitrite, Persephone, and Hera.".
My eyes snapped open as I heard a chair fall over and watched in worry as Dionysus fell backwards.
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doesusernamework · 2 months
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Daughter of Persephone
Just a wip tho
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prettypinknarc · 18 days
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Flag id: The Child of Persephone flag. It is a rectangular flag with 5 even horizontal stripes, colored from top to bottom; baby blue, light green, pink, purple, and very dark crimson. /End id
Child of Persephone
Pt: Child of Persephone /end pt
A flag for anyone who is a son / daughter / child of Persephone. Intended for alterhumans / introjects / in the context of demigods, but can be used for any reason
Coined on August 28th, 2024
Colors based on spring, flowers, royalty, and death
Tagging @radiomogai and @kin-flags
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Banner id: @/prettypinknarc in lavender text, with clipart of a rosy maple moth on the left and a black outline /end id
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riverpancakes · 1 year
Persephone: This is William. He's kind and strong, and I’m so proud of him.
Persephone: This is Emersyn. I think she has rabies?
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iliketopgun · 9 months
Meet the OCs:PJO edition
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Name: Natalia Persephone Jackson
Nickname: Nat
Age: 12 (first book)
Godly parent: Poseidon
Family: Sally Jackson (Mother), Percy Jackson (Twin Brother)
Books: Percy Jackson and The Olympians, Heroes of Olympus, Briefly in The Trials of Apollo
Fun facts/call backs: She's Persephone's chosen one
Played by: Emily Alyn Lind
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Name: Samantha Eliana Atkinson
Nickname: Sam
Age: 12 (first book)
Godly parent: Aphrodite
Family: Unnamed father, Aphrodite cabin (half brothers and sisters)
Books: Percy Jackson and The Olympians, Heroes of Olympus
Fun facts/call backs: She was Silena's chosen one
Played by: Danielle Campbell
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Name: Hayley Sunshine Bassett
Nickname: Sunshine
Age: 19 (first book)
S/O: Luke Castellan
Godly parent: Apollo
Family: Unnamed mother, Apollo cabin (half brothers and sisters)
Books: Percy Jackson and The Olympians
Fun facts/call backs: She met Luke after Thalia turned into a tree
Played by: Meg Donnelly
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Name: Lydia Rose Koretz
Nickname: Lyds
Age: 6
Godly parent: Persephone
Other family: Unnamed father
Books: The Last Olympian and onward
Fun facts/call backs: She lives in Hades cabin
Played by: Summer Fontana
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kind-hufflepuff · 2 years
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halfgrown · 2 years
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"Make this quick - I have another meeting in about an hour." @crepvsculum
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asvterias · 8 months
𝖮𝗎𝗋 𝖧𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗌 𝖥𝗈𝗋𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝖨𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗍𝗐𝗂𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝖳𝗈𝗀𝖾𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 ~ 𝖢𝗅𝖺𝗋𝗂𝗌𝗌𝖾 𝖫𝖺 𝖱𝗎𝖾
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clarisse masterlist
warnings: nothing to really worry about!!
pairings: clarisse la rue ✘ black!fem!demigod!reader (daughter of hades & persephone)
genres: reader & clarisse’s mom being cute future in-laws (same thing with reader’s parents and clarisse), smitten!clarisse, kinda shy!clarisse x slightly!bold reader, worried!clarisse (she’s so cute), BOTH reader and clarisse are down bad for each other (more so, clarisse), kinda ooc!clarisse, reader has good godly parent relationships, slight killing thoughts (on Nyx’s part; sign of overprotectiveness) an nico and bianca mention, reader admires her girlfriend’s muscles (SO REAL FOR THAT), insecurity of the relationship (implied by reader and reassured by clarisse) & detailed kissing scene
summary: clarisse surprises her long-distance girlfriend when she returns to the human world. after being reunited again, the couple figures out that distance does indeed make the heart grow fonder.
word count: 3.6k+
author’s note: got the information from the internet and this was also requested from my wattpad account (the pairings ONLY). i swear this started as a drabble but somehow turned into a oneshot. for this, persephone is played by rosario dawson.
tag list: @lvrue @kyuupidwrites @xanasaurusrex @urdeadpoet @aurorailvsm @quinnsadilla @st4rzl7 @p0rkbun @star-girl69 @aphroditesmoon @voidashh @lcvved @tinytea-biscut @dearlydarlings @rocknr0ll @nvirskies @k4zuhas-visi0n @urbisexualfriend @marlswhore @anominous-writer @lovelyy-moonlight @thegiganticgirlkisser @vi0lentg0d @thewritingbarbie @apocalypticlibrary @solecitoszn @blackchubbyqueen @mira-belcul18 @sleighingstella @ampitrit3 @mthefae @drlover11037 @ratjoe @mag03 @kroumi @hoku-k @zhivaxo @lacytalks @kazerka @liv444me @korizzybee @mariposa555 @inejsknifes @cherriesnbutter @justintinderlake4 @natasha-took-fall-damage @lixtinystay @2k7-sparkles @b0ok-lover @novastarrs
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Clarisse had finally come to visit you, temporarily leaving Camp Half-Blood and rejoining the human world. She was almost finished with her chosen quest, and your girlfriend managed to schedule time with you before she returned back to camp. Her other friends, Chris and Luke went to visit their mortal friends and families, taking the opportunity, not knowing when they’d see them again.
At first, Clarisse reunited with her mom who was overall shocked and slightly concerned by the surprise visit of her daughter. The Ares girl had ensured her mom that she was on a quest, which was soon done, and there was nothing to worry about.
“I bet, y/n, your girlfriend misses you too.” Her mom teases her daughter, laughing when Clarisse intensely blushes at the mention of you. “Come on, I’ll drop you off at her apartment.”
A few hours ago, you talked with Clarisse’s mom over the phone, briefly catching up with your ongoing lives. Little did you know that Clarisse was there, listening to the conversation, an easygoing smile rested upon her face at your voice. Clarisse wanted to surprise you, and with her mom’s help, they conjured up a plan.
It was a regular Friday night for you, watching cheesy romantic movies and eating greasy pizza. The thought of your girlfriend made the movie a little worthwhile, but not enough to actually be blessed with her presence.
You refused to live with adoptive families, and your parents agreed in a consensus, aware that you were mature enough to have the decency to live alone. Living in an apartment by yourself, granted by your parents, they paid the bills and gave you money to spend on necessities for both life and school, with a monthly allowance for your pampering.
Like concerned godly parents, they randomly checked up on you, just to make sure you’re doing alright, with no school-related stress whatsoever. An unforgettable visit was when you told them about Clarisse, your secret girlfriend at the time, and they were so ecstatic that you felt annoyed. Since then, your parents laid down some ground rules for whenever Clarisse spent quality alone time with you.
Maybe, it would have been less embarrassing for you if Clarisse wasn’t right there beside you, intimidated by your parents and Aunt Nyx. At least, the first dinner wasn’t as awkward as that encounter, you kept the conversation light and your beloved girlfriend was too nervous. Her anticipation withered away by seeking comfort from your conjoined hands underneath the table, squeezing your hand every so often.
Your mother, Persephone saw a bit of Clarisse in her, the constant need to protect her loved ones, already viewing Clarisse in a different light. Neglecting the formalities of the ‘meeting your girlfriend’s parents’ dinner stereotype, classifying the Ares girl as her future daughter-in-law, causes your girlfriend to be a blushing mess.
Aunt Nyx watched Clarisse’s every move, silently and curiously, trying to decipher something about her. Whether she was good enough for her favorite niece or to predict if Clarisse was an immediate threat to you, and needed to be terminated. Whenever your girlfriend attempts to converse with her, the goddess keeps her words brief, not interested in small talk.
Worth noting that your girlfriend seemed to make a positive impression on Hades, your father, despite having just met her a few minutes ago. Surprisingly, he may have felt a certain fondness towards her, adoring that she’s dating his youngest daughter.
By the end of the night, all Clarisse wanted to do was go to sleep, cuddled up all into your arms, completely exhausted by trying to impress your parents and aunt.
“My parents love you, Clary,” The curly-haired places her face in your lap as you scratch her head, avoiding some noticeable knots. “I don’t get it, what’s the problem?”
“What about your aunt? She seems skeptical of me throughout the whole dinner.”
“It takes some time for my Aunt Nyx to open up, but I’m sure you’ll manage.” You explain to her, “Besides you didn’t even meet my siblings yet.”
“There’s more of you?!”
“Clary!” you exclaimed at her boldness, shoving her away from your lap. Her tone was sarcastic, intending it to be hilarious to ease the tension.
“Nico and Bianca had other plans. They’ll attend the next one.” You chuckle at her sense of humor.
“This next dinner isn’t anytime soon right?”
As you remained quiet and averted your gaze, her expression gradually transformed into one of fear and apprehension. The silence that lingered between you two grew increasingly uneasy, and her face began to take on an unnerving stillness like she was anticipating the worst possible outcome from this interaction.
“Y/N, this dinner isn’t anytime soon, right?”
“Baby, you know I love you right.”
Yeah, you were taking the easy way out of this, hoping she’d catch on quickly and she did.
“Pretty girl…” she whined, flinging her head back into your lap. “Why do you insist on doing this to me?”
“Because you love me and want to make me happy.”
“Totally uncalled for…” she mumbles, annoyed that you were right once again.
“But am I wrong?”
Shaking her head in disagreement your smile widened at her answer.
“Will a kiss make you feel better?” At that, Clarisse’s head whipped up, pouting her lips out, waiting for your lips to press onto hers. Rolling your eyes at her childishness, you press your lips against hers in a gentle manner and her arms secretly wrapped around your waist, during the kiss. She pulled you on top of her, as you both fell on the bed in a fit of giggles.
That was three months ago, and Clarisse went back to camp, leaving you with vivid memories of her.
There was a knock on the door, you rolled your eyes and ignored it, thinking it was your landlord coming to complain about nonsense again. However, when the knocking became more persistent and frantic, you groaned agitated as you lazily got up from the couch, heading towards the door.
You swing open the door, sighing heavily as you roll your eyes at the unknown visitor, “What? What do you seriously want?”
It took a minute for you to come to your senses and your eyebrows furrowed in surprise, as you recognized the familiar face.
Clarisse greets you with a teasing tone, "I was expecting a more happy hello!" Her lips curl into a genuine smile, which you know is reserved only for you. You can see the warmth in her eyes as she playfully pokes fun at your initial greeting.
Your sulky attitude is replaced with a joyous grin that overtakes your face, “Clary!” you exclaim excitedly, instantly bringing her in for a bear hug. Your girlfriend smiles at your familiar warmth as she wraps her arms around you too.
The Ares girl stumbles into your apartment without breaking the long overdue hug, closing and locking the door behind her. Guess, it was true, distance really makes the heart grow fonder.
“I missed you so much,” you whined, allowing her to pull you closer by the waist, staying in the hug for a minute longer.
“I’ve missed you too…” she admits, pulling away from the hug.
You guided her throughout your apartment, hands interlocked together when you reached your bedroom.
“So when did you arrive back to the human world?”
“A few days ago…”
“And now you’re just visiting me!” you playfully hit her shoulder. “Was I even on your mind?”
“Of course you were. You’re on my mind 24/7.” she cooly replies, leaning her forehead against yours, entrapping you by the waist.
You lick your lips slowly, jutting out your bottom lip and you start to speak again, “That’s how it should be,”
“Trust me, angel, it definitely is.” she grins at you sheepishly.
“Do you think you can stay here tonight? I’m so lonely without you.”
Dragging her towards the bed, still clasping on her rough hands, you look up at the girl staring down at you. Staring piercingly from her eyes through yours, seemingly being taller when you sit on the bed.
“I told you, babe, if you just come back to camp with me then you wouldn’t feel so alone.” She joins you on the bed.
“And besides I’ll see you all day every day, that’s the biggest blessing I could ever get!”
“Hmm, I’ll think about it…” you ponder on her suggestion. Making immediate eye contact, you flush under her loving gaze and her smile never falters. Smoothly she placed her finger underneath your chin, swooning just by her simple touch as she lifted your face to meet her eyes.
“Why are you staring at me like that?” you shyly smile, ducking your head down. Your face turned hot as you shyly smiled at her compliment. Clarisse was certainly smitten by you, her beloved girlfriend, and this was just hardcore proof.
Thankfully, your brown complexion hides your blush, resisting to ignite any more sort of teasing from her.
“How can I not? You’re just so gorgeous, the moonlight radiates your beauty even more.” Her eyes twinkle underneath the moonlight, adoration roaming in her eyes, sweetly staring at you with an innocent smile placed on her lips.
“Stop, teasing me like that..” you meekly reply, getting up, breaking the intense eye contact. You had been dating for a few months now, and the butterflies in her stomach were still just as strong as when you first met.
Clarisse rises, balancing her upper body weight on her elbows, “I’m not teasing if you know it’s true.” she bites down on her lower lip, checking you out.
“You’re such a flirt, La Rue,” you gush over your girlfriend.
“And you love me being a flirt, don’t you?”
“If you’re being a flirt only towards me.”
“Who else would I flirt with? I’m dating the most generous, amazing, gorgeous, and talented girl. There’s no need for me to flirt with anyone else because you’re my everything. You’re my soulmate, the love of my life, what else could I search for when you already have everything I ever dreamed of.”
“Wow, Clarisse La Rue getting sappy with the words for me.” you feign indifference, completely getting up from the bed and Clarisse is quick on your trail. “If I didn’t know any better then I’d think you were Aphrodite’s daughter, you already have unmatchable beauty, what else don’t you have?”
The curly-haired girl sighed, arising from the bed, standing on her two feet as she ventured closer to you.
“Stop playing with me,” she lightly squeezes your hips dips, moreover your girlfriend’s so-called love handles, maintaining serious eye contact, “Only you can make me say these words, nobody else but you.”
Your fingers gently move around her arms, admiring your girlfriend’s muscles slightly glistening from the moonlight that peeked in from the windows. She smirked, realizing your lack of words was currently silenced. You were too stunned to reply, immensely captivated by her muscles, softly tracing across the multiple scars on her arms.
“Hey, princess.” her tone was sensitive and soft, similar to a whisper, a smirk coiling at her lips. Gaining your attention again with your touch still lingering onto her muscles, “You still here with me?”
“Not really,” you clear your throat, embarrassed that you’d been caught. The smirk on your girlfriend’s face only grew larger by the minute as your hands remained on her muscles. There was no way she was gonna let you live this down.
"Seems like someone can’t get enough of these muscles," she teases, noticing that you haven't released your grip just yet.
“Yeah, so, what?!” you grumble, rolling your eyes, and dropping your hands from Clarisse.
“Don’t take that attitude with me, angel.” And yet, her tone was still sensitive and sweet, and slightly demanding.
You huff, avoiding her gaze, and cross your arms in annoyance.
“Babe, look at me.” she kindly inquired and you begrudgingly listened, shifting your eyes onto her.
“I guess I also missed your muscles and how they used to comfort me at night.”
“That’s good to know because I miss holding you with them,”
“Sure you do.” She brings a kiss to your temple.
“Great, now what were we talking about?”
“Did you seriously forget our conversation?”
An eyebrow raised was aimed in your direction.
“I didn’t!?” You protested against her false accusations, eyebrows bunching up in astonishment. Come to think of it, you realized that your brain had blocked out Clarisse’s voice, absolutely too mesmerized by her muscles instead. “Well, maybe I did, I kinda sorta was zoning out for a bit…but can you blame me, like look at your muscles!”
“No worries, babe,” she chuckles, “We were talking about how I’m only vulnerable towards you.”
“Oh, that’s what I like to hear…” you smile cheekily at the curly-haired girl. Her serious demeanor doesn’t fade away and you notice it, your smile changing to a firm line.
“Pretty girl, I’m serious. No one else can compare to you in my eyes, whether it’s appearance or personality. I will always have eyes for you, no matter what, that’s a promise.”
Highly aware of the fact that you were insecure about your relationship, quick to recognize your flaws, and berate yourself for things beyond your control. Luckily, you were blessed to have a caring girlfriend who never failed to comfort you with her daily affirmations. Her thoughtfulness and unwavering support were a source of comfort and reassurance for you.
You bop her nose, causing a small smile to erupt on her face as she bursts into laughter. From the moment Clarisse met you, she never knew how hard she’d fall for you, and if she could unconditionally fall in love harder with every moment spent with you. No one else made her feel like this before, completely smitten and in love, vaguely expressing her softer side, the vulnerability that weighs heavy in her heart can wither away just as easily. Only you could achieve this and Clarisse was determined to keep it that way.
“In that case, I’m gonna need some help packing.”
“And all hands will be on deck.” Clarisse enthusiastically cheers.
“You’re something else, La Rue.” you shake your head.
“And you love me regardless.”
You playfully scoff at her coyness.
“Great when this quest is over, you’re coming back with me.” Clarisse urges, nudging at your side, “You’re never leaving my side again.”
“Won’t we be in different cabins?”
“I’ll sneak out to you at night,” she suggested, “We need privacy anyway, I have too many siblings.”
Clarisse sat beside you, invading your personal space but you didn’t mind. The curly-haired girl kept you balanced, maintaining eye contact as you moved over to straddle her lap. Your girlfriend bites down on your lower lip, observing your sudden movements, and trails her hands downwards to your hips.
You smiled at her, pressing your lips against hers softly as she kissed you back. Her kisses were inviting and gentle which always made you swoon over intensely. During your first kiss with her, her lips were rough, harshly touching yours but as she progressed with the loving idea of being in a relationship with you, her kisses became more intense and soft.
She could kiss you a billion times, and that still wouldn’t suffice for you, Clarisse made sure you know that on numerous occasions, often being the one to overextend your kisses.
Desperately needing her by your side without any complications was deemed necessary, and luckily you’ve had some time on your hands to waste. So what was a better way to bypass time than making out? Nothing, exactly…and nobody stopped you…with your girlfriend’s attitude, it’s nearly impossible to even attempt. Well, unless they were looking for an ass-beating from Clarisse.
An infuriated Clarisse wasn’t someone you wanted to mess with, but you found it quite tolerable, sometimes getting her to calm down. Of course, your girlfriend was concerned whenever her anger displayed in front of you but shrugged it off, knowing you’d be her peace every time.
You felt your girlfriend’s smile in the kiss as she deepened it, her grip on your waist tightening.
It was one of those slow and steady kisses that you cherished with her. There was no need to rush your makeout, a calm chaste kiss sealed the deal and got the point across. You missed her dearly throughout the summer season when she was at camp only further divulging and so did she. Clarisse was just drowning in your lips, radiating her 3 months of yearning for you, putting all of her passion into these kisses, just like she promised to achieve in those phone calls she’d make daily for you.
Yes, to others, it could be acknowledged as small, passing it off as nothing, only to be forgotten. But not for you.
You adored the tiny detail that Clarisse attempted to improve for both of you, mainly for you. Seeking the desperation of needing your approval of her kissing techniques. She was persistent in making you know that she cared about passion and intimacy, just as you did. She practiced, and over time she majorly progressed, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world and Clarisse could still feel it when you kissed her. Other times, you’d found her hot in her enraged state, mindlessly admitting that, engaged in the intense make-out, which only boosted her ego, yet calmed her down.
Sucking in a breath as the kiss intensified, one of Clarisse’s hands traveled to your lower back as the other remained on your hips, lightly squeezing the flesh there. You moaned in the kiss, spurring your girlfriend further on as she tugged at your lower lips, biting down gently, hardly enticing any discomfort from you.
Clarisse gave you time to adjust yourself again as she stared at you in contentment. Your hand teasingly runs down from the crevices of her breasts down to her toned abdomen and her breath hitched at this. However, she gains dominance as her hands grip the flesh of your thighs, squeezing down on them as you shuffle slightly.
She couldn’t go on with another minute without your loving kisses. Those kisses shared with you, your soft and sweet lips, were like nicotine to her, a special type of drug, stupidly yearning for your lips even more. Insanely addicted to your lips making her act crazy, practically begging on her knees for an ounce of your attention, wondering if you saw her in the same light she perceived for you.
Eventually leading up to where she can get insanely high, and resist the temptation to become sober. Never take the risk of being sober if it means that she gets to be high off of you every day, obsessed by everything you achieved. Like hell was your girlfriend was gonna waste the chance of losing your touch once more, she’d be crazy enough to beat those allegations.
The Ares girl was known for her impatience, nothing certainly new there, even timing you with barely a minute to spare.
As a matter of fact, she hastily grabs your face, with a decent amount of force, connecting your lips with hers, creating another powerful kiss. With one hand lightly caressing your face and her other hand still squeezing your thighs with much-added force. Taken by surprise, your eyes slightly widened but ferociously captured hers again in a luscious manner. Clarisse’s back crashes on the bed, dragging you down with her, not breaking a sweat, keeping you close and connected with her.
‘Gods, I’m so crazy about my girl,’ Clarisse thought.
‘I’d do anything to protect her, she’s the love of my life,’ you thought.
Either way, you two were utterly obsessed with each other, and nothing or nobody could ruin it, not if both of you had anything to say.
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likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated!
© asvterias, 2024. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works onto any other platforms without my permission.
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duskiers · 5 months
Spring's Touch
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Percy Jackson / daughter of persephone !
« omg can i request a percy x daughter of persephone reader who has a crush on percy and always puts flowers in percys hair bc percy reminds her of spring. And percy always gets flustered when she does it » requested ^ - ^
sorry for disappearing for a while lmao ..anyways i forgot how 2 write i hope thats okay !!!!
In the heart of Camp Half-Blood, where the scent of ambrosia lingers in the air and the sounds of laughter echo through the trees, you find solace in the presence of Percy Jackson. His courage and resilience are like beacons of hope in the darkness, guiding you through the trials and tribulations of demigod life.
But it's not just Percy's heroism that captures your heart; it's something deeper, something that stirs your soul and fills you with warmth whenever you're near him. There's a certain brightness to Percy, a vitality that reminds you of the vibrant colors of spring.
It's no wonder, then, that you've developed a habit of adorning Percy's hair with flowers – Each petal carefully selected, each bloom a testament to the depth of your affection for the demigod who has captured your heart.
One sunny afternoon, as you approach Percy with a bouquet of daisies and daffodils in hand, your heart flutters nervously in your chest. Will he appreciate your gesture, or will he find it odd?
With trembling hands, you gently tuck the flowers behind Percy's ear, your touch as soft as a whisper. His cheeks flush with color, a shy smile gracing his lips as he meets your gaze. Percy's eyes widen in surprise, his hand instinctively reaching up to touch the flowers.
"You... you put flowers in my hair?" Percy stammers, his voice filled with a mixture of confusion and flustered delight.
You nod, a shy smile playing on your lips. "I hope you don't mind. You just remind me so much of spring, Percy."
Percy's smile widens at your words, and for a moment, it feels as though the world has fallen away, leaving just the two of you amidst a sea of flowers.
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"I'm like Percy Jackson!" "I'm like Annabeth Chase" "I'm like Lester Papadopoulos!"
I'm like Magnus Chase.
He loves nature , ı love it too
He's son of Frey , God of Spring , ı am daughter of Persephone, Goddess of Spring
He feels free in nature , ı feel like in that way too.
He swears a lot , for me it became a habit
He can destroy the world for saving his friend from oppressive family , ı want to do that too
He jumps like a child who has a pony as a present when he's excited (Hammer of Thor) , ı do that too.
He's pansexual , me too
He's an idiot when he's in love , ı became an idiot when ı fell in love too
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gingermintpepper · 2 months
Obsessed with the way Evadne's relationship with Apollo is described. Obsessed with the way Apollo was especially gentle with her because she was sheltered, hidden away and hadn't had any sort of experience with love prior to Apollo (and due to it being described as her 'first learning Aphrodite's joy' through Apollo', it was probably her first time even being attracted to someone). Obsessed with the way when she runs away, she stops in a violet patch to give birth. Y'know, violets, very famously the flower so strongly associated with Aphrodite that they were used in love potions? Those violets. Obsessed with the way that when Apollo realised his lover was going to have to deliver their child alone, he sent BOTH the goddess of childbirth and ALL THREE OF THE FATES to help and support her. Obsessed with the way that Apollo sends snakes to feed his baby honey straight from their fangs because Evadne abandons their son out of straight primal fear when her stepfather finds her and how the description of that honey is 'sweet venom' [ἰός] of the bees and is DEFINITELY a poetic pair/pun with [ἴον] aka violets and that every single thing about this relationship, conception and birth is a complete and utter fairytale down to Evadne's insanely overprotective stepfather having an immediate change of heart when he learned Evadne's child was an actual, legitimate Son of Apollo and the babe, after being cared for by his dad's honey-fanged snake buddies, was found perfectly healthy five days later swaddled in a blanket of violets (y'know the flowers so strongly associated with Aphrodite that they were used for lo-) and they called him Iamus aka Boy of the Violets which is AAAAAARRRR I AM GNAWING AT MY ENCLOSURE
Iamus was made of love. Everything about him was surrounded by deep and profound love and like, let's not even talk about his whole Thing of when he came of age and was like "I need to find out what my purpose is" and he literally had a Disney Protagonist moment where he ran out into the wilds and was like "Father!! Grandfather!! Tell me what I'm supposed to doooo!!" and then APOLLO FUCKING ANSWERED AND LED HIM TO ONE HIS TEMPLES ENTIRELY BY TALKING WITH IAMUS AND LETTING HIM FOLLOW HIS VOICE FOR THE WHOLE JOURNEY LIKE -
What do y'all know about the kind of SSS tier romantic escapades Apollo had fr?
#ginger rambles#NO BECAUSE WHAT DO Y'ALL KNOW ABOUT APOLLO AND EVADNE FR#They're a MAD underrated couple and their story is what everyone wishes Hades/Persephone was#Evadne actually WAS sheltered and overprotected because she was a daughter of Poseidon explicitly given to Aepytus to watch over#And Aepytus to his credit wasn't actually a bad man or anything he just took his job very very seriously#Super pious guy - even though he was positively incandescent when he found out Evadne was pregnant he didn't hit her or anything#He just was like “Get me my HORSE I am going to consult the GODS about my DAUGHTER'S HARLOTRY”#Evadne was fucking terrified of him though she hid that pregnancy like her life depended on it#And the minute she heard horse hooves even though she had just finished giving birth she dropped Iamus like he was molten and fucking ran#I could only imagine Aepytus having set up a baby shower or something cause he was overjoyed by the oracle and Evadne gets home thinking#she's going to get Dungeon'd only for Aepytus to hug her and be like “You should've told me you were seeing Apollo sob emoji sob emoji”#God I'm sure Evadne had a bunch of trauma to work through with her stepfather changing his whole entire attitude on a complete#Apollo doesn't directly interfere with their lives after Iamus is born up until Iamus comes looking for him but he was definitely keeping#a very close eye on them all through their lives#Ugh I'm sick I'm so sick in the head thinking about them#apollo#evadne#iamus#greek mythology#ginger chats about greek myths
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