#david budd reader insert
gonzo-rella · 3 months
Headcanons: Alexis Rose, David Rose and Stevie Budd with a Nonbinary S/O
Pride Month 2024 #7
Transmasc edition (for Alexis only)
Relationship(s): Alexis Rose x nonbinary!reader (romantic), David Rose x nonbinary!reader (romantic), Stevie Budd x nonbinary!reader (romantic)
Warnings: Typical nonbinary/trans-related stuff. (Let me know if I need to add any)
(A/N: My Schitt's Creek fics haven't performed as well as a lot of my other fics, presumably because people aren't really looking for Schitt's Creek reader-insert fanfiction. But, for my own self-indulgence, I've decided I'll keep writing for it. I have an idea for a fic where the reader is Roland and Jocelyn's (adult, obviously) kid, and they're secretly dating Stevie, because of course Stevie doesn't want to deal with Roland for as long as she can. So, if you'd be interested in reading that, please let me know!)
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I feel like Alexis’ past is so colourful that she must have met at least some nonbinary people in her time.
But, I feel like she hasn’t had to think too much about them before.
She’s 100% cool with it, even if she doesn’t completely get it to begin with.
You’ll probably be the first nonbinary person she becomes actually close with.
When she’s getting to know you, I can imagine her being confused about how to refer to you.
Like, when she’s complimenting your appearance, she’ll cycle through a list of slightly (and needlessly) gendered adjectives.
“Oh my God, you look so… handsome? Pretty? Which one’s right?”
But, she’s really good at using the right pronouns for you.
When Alexis starts to develop feelings for you, she’s, ever so slightly, in a state of crisis.
Not because she has anything against nonbinary people.
She’s just never been romantically attracted to one before.
It’s new, and it’s scary.
Not to mention, she knows the absolute bare minimum about nonbinary people.
She’ll go to David to learn more, because he’s dated plenty of them.
He’ll insist that she try to ask you questions if you’re open to it.
She’ll stay up late on her phone doing her own research.
And, it means so much to you when you find out.
If you do end up talking to her more about your gender, it will likely be a catalyst in bringing the two of you together, because it shows you how much she cares about understanding you.
When you finally get together, Johnny and Moira also want to get things right.
Instinctively, they’ll go to David, but, to David’s amazement, Alexis is able to answer their questions herself.
Like with any romantic partner she has, she hypes you up so much.
She does everything in her power to let you know how much she loves and supports you.
Though, as the relationship goes on, she doesn’t think much about your gender.
If you want to change your style at all, she will be more than happy to take you shopping, or browse an online clothing store with you if you’re more comfortable with that.
And, if your tastes are different, she’ll step back and make sure you stick to what makes you happy.
Schitt’s Creek is a very accepting town, but, if someone deliberately misgenders you, she’ll be the first to stand up for you, if you’re not comfortable doing it yourself.
“Um, excuse me?”
And, if you’re feeling dysphoric, she’ll try her best to make you feel better by showering you with affirming and sincere compliments.
Basically, she’s the ultimate ally to you and you feel so lucky to have her in your corner.
This isn’t his first rodeo.
So, you don’t need to be nervous about being with him because of your gender.
He never makes a big deal of you being nonbinary, which is refreshing when so many people have no idea how to handle it.
Unlike Alexis, there’s not much for him to learn besides your personal experience with who you are and what you prefer, since it’s different for every nonbinary person.
And, as for the things he does have to learn about you, he will ask and listen.
For example, he needs to figure out if you prefer neutral, masculine and/or feminine terms and compliments.
Because, there will be a lot of compliments.
He makes sure to assure you that you can tell him if he ever gets anything wrong.
Like, I can imagine him making a minor mistake, and then you sheepishly correct him.
But, he notices how awkward you seem to find it, so he tells you that you never need to be afraid to tell him what you want/need because all he wants is to make you feel comfortable.
Johnny, Moira and Alexis realise how much you mean to David, so they’ll try their best to get things right, too, despite their lack of specialist knowledge.
When you and David get together, David will be bombarded with questions (tact varying) about you, such as how to address you and speak about you.
But, that is one of the reasonable questions that was sprinkled into the sea of utterly bizarre ones.
I can see Johnny emphatically introducing you to people as ‘[his] son’s nonbinary partner’.
It becomes a running joke between you and David.
And, I love the idea of David telling you all of the silly and charming ways his family tries to show their support of you when you’re not around.
He's absolutely dying to dress you up.
He has so many outfits planned out that'd look stunning on you (that's what he insists, anyway).
You don't have to wear any of those outfits, though, if you don't want to, since David’s sense of style can be a bit much for some people.
If you’re willing to try anything, he will be thrilled.
But, if your style choices, in clothing or haircuts, differ from what he would have chosen, he will support whatever makes you happy.
If you ever encounter anyone being shitty about your gender, he’ll encourage you to stand up for yourself, or passive-aggressively do it himself.
If you deal with dysphoria, David will be so affirming.
Like, normally he affirms you anyway.
But, when he recognises that you’re not feeling great, he will up his game.
He’ll also ask what he can do to help or what you need from him.
So, yeah- he’s unapologetically so supportive of you.
You’re her first nonbinary partner- congratulations!
She knows enough about nonbinary people that she is able to treat you like a regular human being.
Not being awkward about or fixating on your identity comes pretty naturally to her.
(Though, like with all of her friends, she might make the occasional deadpan quip, without being degrading, because Stevie doesn’t discriminate)
But, when you’re friends and she realises that she has feelings for you, she’s acutely aware of the fact that she doesn’t completely know the complexities of your personal identity, which she should probably know because, y’know, communication and all that.
She finds the idea of directly addressing it too awkward.
And, she’s too embarrassed to admit to you that she doesn’t know but that she’d like to know.
So, she confides in David about it, and he insists that it’d probably mean a lot to you if she opened up about her desire to understand you better.
So, she does.
She approaches you sheepishly.
And, when she’s asking you, she avoids eye contact.
You’re surprised to see her being so sincere, so you decide not to respond in the normal banter-y way you speak with her, out of fear she’ll never be sincere again.
In fact, you really appreciate her wanting to understand you better.
But, you don’t lay your gratitude on thick because you know that will scare her off, too.
She will listen to whatever you have to say, not interjecting with little remarks like she might normally whenever you’re speaking.
And, once you’re done, she’ll say a quick ‘thank you’.
And, you’ll smile and say ‘thank you, too’.
Like with Alexis, Stevie taking an interest in understanding you better is what brings you together.
Again, she doesn’t make the fact that you’re nonbinary into a big thing, and she’ll normally only acknowledge it as it comes up or with the occasional joke.
But, she knows that nonbinary people can often be treated like they’re confusing or strange, so her way of making you feel comfortable is by treating you like the regular human being that you are.
If you’re dysphoric, she’s silently terrified of making it worse, so she’ll ask you what you need from her and act accordingly.
(She may or may not ask David what to do the first time it happens when you’re dating)
She’s not like David or Alexis where she’ll be outwardly and constantly affectionate and loving with her actions and words.
But, she’ll always listen to you, whether you’re venting about a shitty interaction, or expressing any discomfort with your appearance.
Like with David, she likes to have a laugh with you whenever people are being weird or not normal about your gender (if you find it funny, of course).
And, if anyone’s an ass, she’ll roll her eyes.
Then, when you’re alone, she’ll make sure that you’re okay, and say something like, “Obviously, they’re an idiot who doesn’t know what they’re talking about.”
It’s her subtle way of being affirming.
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moirasimagines · 4 years
standing by | david budd x reader
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summary: it’s the night of october 1st, and the reader is expecting a visit from david after an outing with his kids to see their grandmother. feeling nervous, they phone vicky and receive some less than reassuring news.
warnings: canon-typical mentions of su*cide bombing/terrorism and ptsd, lil angsty? but tender i promise, vicky and the reader each have one (1) drink, general concern is to be had about david’s mental state
word count: 2787
a/n: i kinda wanna make this a series? where david and the reader just? are dating so instead of sleeping w/ julia he just... becomes her friend and everything else just... happens the same way ig??? lemme know if anyone’s actually interested in this bc i might write it anyway but it’d be good to know if there’s any actual like... market for it bgjkrtbgkr
David is late. You aren’t angry–– it just seems odd. He’s a very punctual person, normally, and you couldn’t imagine why he wouldn’t just text you if something had come up with the kids. He hasn’t answered any of the texts you’ve sent him, and both times you called, his phone went to voicemail. You think about phoning Vicky, then decide against it. You like to think that the two of you are friends. She’s kind to you whenever you see her, anyway, and David has mentioned once or twice that she’s asked about you, remembered that your aunt had been sick and sent well wishes or mentioned a book you’d told her about. You like her. She’s a good mother to her kids, and she treats David with the love and respect he deserves. You’ve never met a pair of exes with such a healthy relationship, and though you know it’s a two way street between herself and David, you’re still impressed with her grace. It’s these feelings that drive you to give her a ring when an hour’s gone by since Dave said he’d be over and you haven’t heard anything.
“Hi Vicky, it’s Y/N. I was wondering if Dave––”
“Oh love,” she says, and you notice that her voice wavers as she speaks. Your heart drops. “Everyone’s alright, the kids and him, but…” She sighs. “There was a suicide bomber on their train home.”
“Oh christ,” you murmur, your heart rate picking up.  “But they're okay? The kids? And Dave? Nothing happened, no one got hurt?”
“They’re all fine, yeah. They’re taking a cab home now. Dave said to expect them in at about  half past 10. He…” she takes a deep breath on the other end of the line. “He talked the woman out of it. Nearly got himself killed, but…” For a moment, neither of you says anything. You glance at the clock. It’s 9:45. You have to make a conscious effort to even out your breathing, but you manage it.
“He saved their lives,” you say.
“Yeah,” Vicky manages, but you can tell she’s crying.
“Is there anything I can do for you, hun?” you ask, “Do you want some company?” She sniffles.
“That actually… That would be nice, if you’re offering. And that way you won’t have to wait to see him, or the kids.”
“Yeah,” you say. “Yeah, of course. I’ll start over right now. Should be able to get there in twenty. Thank you, Vicky.”
“Yeah, all right. No, it’s…” She pauses. “I mean, thank you, hun.” 
“See you soon.”
You smile as you hang up, but your stomach is still churning. He’s fine, the kids are fine. Everything is fine. Vicky obviously spoke to him, and they’re all on their way home now. But the thought of something happening is too much to bear, and you notice after a moment that your heart is practically pounding. You don’t want to keep Vicky waiting, though, so you toss your phone and keys into your bag and drive over.
She meets you at the door, and to your surprise, throws her arms around you. Relieved, you return the embrace, giving her a reassuring squeeze. 
“Thank you for coming all this way,” she murmurs against your shoulder.
“Thank you for letting me come by.” Vicky takes a deep breath and pats your back. You both pull away and she nods for you to follow her inside.
“Drink?” she asks, padding into the kitchen. She sounds tired. You trail behind her, realizing slowly that you’ve never really been alone together. Normally you feel a bit like you’re visiting your in-laws or something when David brings you round to Vicky’s. But the house feels smaller now, somehow, more intimate.
“I won’t say no to that.” She offers you a weary but genuine smile and takes a wine glass from the cupboard.
“I’ve got my own in the sitting room, so don’t worry. I’m not trying to liquor you up. White okay?” You let out a laugh at the joke and she shoots you a wry smile.
“Yeah, perfect, thank you.” You both go to sit and wait for David and the kids, finding yourselves on opposite ends of the couch. She sits so that she’s facing you a little, shoulder resting against the cushions.
“So, how’s things with you and Dave?” Vicky asks after a moment. You feel a guilty pang, but it’s clear that she’s really just curious. There’s no malice in her words–– of course, there never is. If anything, you imagine she just wants to fill the time.
“They’re good,” you say, hesitantly. “Thanks. It’s, ah… You know, obviously I love the kids, and––”
“Oh, they adore you,” she replies, smiling despite the anxiety on her brow. Your expression softens.
“Yeah, ‘course. They’re always asking about you.”
“Oh. That’s really sweet,” you say, genuinely a bit surprised. You love Charlie and Ella fiercely, but you’d always assumed they must have felt a bit strange about you. After all, you and David have been together for the better part of a year now. They know you’re dating their dad. You’d always thought it would be a little bit difficult for them–– and who could blame them if it was?
“We all love you, you know,” she says earnestly after a moment. “I’m pleased it’s going well with you two, really, I am.” Spindly fingers reach across the space as she covers your hand with her own, giving you an affectionate jostle. Tears glisten in her eyes, and you feel your chest tighten. “I know it’s probably weird, me saying all this, but…” She shakes her head. “I love Dave, he’s the father of my kids. And all I want is for him to be happy. I think you make each other happy.” You nod slowly, taking her words in, feelings tears slip down your own cheeks as you place your free hand on top of hers and squeeze.
“I think the world of you,” you say once she sits back. “I really want you to know that. You’ve been nothing but kind to me since day one, and––” She waves you off.
“Oh god, don’t give me so much credit,” she says, recovering a bit, “You were the one in the really scary position. Meeting the ex-wife? Please, I would have shat myself.” She lets out a shaky laugh, sniffs, wipes her eyes. “And you were so sweet!”
“Are you kidding?” you reply, halfway between tears and laughter, “If I had to meet my ex’s new partner, I probably would have had a cow.” Vicky laughs at that, and the two of you share an admittedly tearful but warm look.
As you’re wiping your eyes again, a car pulls up outside of the house, and both of your heads snap up at the sound.
“Oh thank god,” Vicky says, and you both hurry out the door. Charlie and Ella come bounding up to her, and just like that, you’re welling up again, seeing the kids reunited with their mother. David follows a few paces behind, and the kids step back from their little group hug as she goes to embrace him.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” Ella asks, turning to you. Charlie follows suit, and soon you’re knelt on the ground to give them a hug as well. 
“I was worried about all of you,” you say, “so your Mum asked if I’d like to come see you.”
“That was nice of her,” Charlie says.
“Yeah,” you agree, pulling away to scrub at your eyes, “it was, huh?” They both smile at you, and you glance at David, who’s reassuring an understandably distraught Vicky. It had been easier to curb your emotions when the two of you were talking, but now you can’t help yourself. No sooner have you dried your cheeks than fresh tears roll down them and you look at the kids again, admiring their sweet faces. “I’m very glad to see you both,” you say quietly.
“We’re glad to see you too,” Ella replies. Charlie moves to hug you again, seeing that you’re still crying, and Ella joins him. You squeeze them both as David and Vicky walk over.
“Come on you two,” she says, voice a little calmer, but still tinged with emotion, “it’s past your bedtime.” You let them both go and Vicky offers you a smile, which you return gratefully. They scamper off after her into the house, and you can’t possibly stand up quickly enough. David’s arms are around you in an instant and when you exhale, it feels like you’re deflating into him.
“What are you doing here, love?” he asks gently, a hand coming up to cradle your head.
“I thought you were going to come over tonight,” you murmur, “and when I didn’t hear from you, I got worried, and I called Vicky and she told me about the train, and...” You feel David tense up for a moment, and then sigh.
“Fuck. Fuck, I’m sorry, love. I completely forgot.”
“No, it’s all right, Dave, really––”
“No, but you must have felt awful talking to Vic–– and I didn’t even call you.”
“Well, you had quite a lot going on from what I understand,” you say, pulling away to look at him. He looks exhausted, rattled, and upset at himself, no doubt. “I’m not angry,” you insist, “Really, I’m just so relieved you’re all okay.” You lift a hand to his cheek and though he leans into the touch, he looks down, brow creased in frustration. “David,” you say, trying to get him to look at you. “Your kids come first. I know that, I’ve known it since the day we met. It’s one of the many things I love about you.” Finally, he lifts his eyes to yours. They’re bright, you notice, more intense than usual. 
“I would’ve called you first thing in the morning.”
“I know you would have,” you say reassuringly. For a moment, you just look at each other, your thumb brushing across his cheek. “Love, are you all right?” David sniffs, nods. You drop your hand.
“Fine, yeah. I’m…” he takes a deep breath. “I’ll be alright,” he says, but he sounds defeated. You frown slightly, and nod. He takes your face in his hands and kisses you softly, quickly, before pressing another kiss to your forehead. “I’m gonna go help Vic put the kids to bed,” he says, nodding towards the house.
“I’ll drive you home,” you offer. “Yours or mine. Whatever you need.” He nods gratefully and tucks an arm around you. With your arm wound tightly around his waist, his kisses you on the temple and you both head back inside.
You sit back down on the couch and lean your head on your hand as he sheds his jacket and trots upstairs. You don’t even realize that you’re beginning to doze off until the sound of your name rouses you from half-consciousness. David’s face materializes before your own as you blink yourself awake. He smiles softly.
“Hi, you,” he says. You chuckle, and he reaches for your hand to help you up.
Vicky leans against the stairwell and hugs David and you each in turn.
“Don’t be strangers,” she says through a yawn, and the three of you shuffle to the front door. 
“Night, Vic,” David says, stepping outside.
“Night, Dave.” You pause before following him out and take Vicky’s hand.
“Thank you for tonight,” you say. “Really. Get some rest, all right?”
“You too,” she replies softly. “You’re always welcome here, you know.” You nod.
“Thank you. Night, babes.” Vicky smiles.
“G’night.” You turn and step out into the yard, David nodding to Vicky as she shuts the door. He puts his arm around you again and you start down the street towards your car.
“You two seem very cozy,” David says after a moment, almost sounding amused. You chuckle.
“Yeah, I like her. She was really sweet to me tonight.” You slow to a stop as you reach your car and dig in your bag for your keys. “It was nice talking, just me and her, I guess.” David’s smiling when you look up at him.
“Vicky’s good people,” he agrees. “And anyone would have to be out of their mind not to like you.” You can’t help but smile as you shake your head at him and unlock the doors. He climbs into the passenger seat and you go around to the driver’s side.
“Do you want me to take you home, love?” you ask once you’re situated. David looks at you almost sheepishly.
“I’d rather stay at yours, if you’ll have me.” You let out a breath and give him a tired smile.
“Of course I will,” you say, leaning over the console to kiss him. He chases your lips when you pull away, a hand resting on the back of your neck. You kiss him once more and start the car. 
The drive home is comfortably silent, and when you look over, you see that David has closed his eyes, is taking measured breaths. It’s something you’d recommended he do that you’d learned from your own time in therapy, though you’ve yet to convince him to go. It’s better than nothing, though, and while he doesn’t look completely untroubled when you park the car, he seems a bit calmer.
It’s nearly midnight when you finally trudge into your apartment, and David heads straight for your bedroom. You don’t bother to do anything more than take off your makeup in the bathroom before following after him. He’s already in his pyjamas–– he has a decent sized drawer at your place–– and you change unceremoniously into your own. He draws the covers back and climbs into bed and you do the same. You have to lean over him to turn the light out and for a moment, you hover over him in the darkness. You feel protective, like you want to stay poised above him, ready to frighten off any would-be attackers in the night. He shifts beneath you and you drop a kiss to his temple, then another. He exhales slowly.
“What do you need, darling?” you murmur against his skin, “What can I do?” He’s silent for a moment.
“I don’t know,” he admits softly, shaking his head against the pillow. “I dunno.” You nod.
“It’s okay.” You lay down beside him, one arm slung over his waist, face pressed to the back of his neck and your other arm tucked up against yourself. “It’s okay.” For a little while the only sounds in the room are his and your breathing. He reaches for your hand, interlocks his fingers with yours. Minutes go by. You close your eyes but don’t sleep. Then it feels like he’s trembling, and you hear his breath hitch. His grip on your hand tightens. He’s crying. You squeeze his fingers where they curl under your palm, your arm bracing more tightly around his body. The sound is so quiet, only a few gasping breaths every now and again, but you can still hear it rattling out of him. He could have died today. His children could have died today.
You don’t say anything–– there’s nothing to say. All you can do is hold him, and you do. When the shaking subsides a little, you move to cradle his head with your other arm and you stay like that until you’ve both fallen asleep.
In the morning, it’s almost as if nothing happened. David is a little bit quiet while you both eat breakfast, but that’s not terribly unusual. While you sit, he places a hand on your thigh, as if to silently reassure you that he’s fine. With a kiss to your forehead, he gets up to dress for work (there are a few of his suits in your closet), and when you’ve finished your tea you do the same. He has to leave a bit before you do, and you walk with him to the door.
“I’ll call you when I’m done today, all right?” he asks. You nod. “Okay.” His expression changes, becomes softer. “I love you,” he says earnestly, his voice soft. You can’t help but smile, even through your worry.
“I love you too, Dave.” He kisses you gently, a hand on either side of your face, and lingers there longer than he might ordinarily. Your hands find his waist and give a comforting squeeze. He smiles. Part of you wonders if he really is just okay. His expression seems peaceful as he kisses the side of your head again and turns to leave. You can only hope that you’re right.
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fireinmoonshot · 6 years
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Summary: David Budd is constantly at war with his own mind. When he meets you on the train and asks you to look after his children, he doesn’t think much of it, yet the more time he spends with you, the more you’re not just the person he asked to watch his children. Pairing: David Budd x reader Fandom: Bodyguard (BBC) Word Count: 2741 Warnings: Spoilers for Bodyguard S01E01, mentions of war & terrorism.  A/N: I had this idea when I started watching Bodyguard last weekend and I finally just decided to write it. I’m not sure how big the Bodyguard community is on tumblr, but I hope that someone will read and enjoy this. I’m really fascinated by David as a character so writing him was a real challenge but also really great. I’d definitely be interested in writing for him more in the future. I really loved writing this. It’s a little different from what I’m used to but I’m really happy with how it turned out. Happy reading!
David Budd isn’t a big fan of train journeys. They give him too much time to think, though nowadays he finds himself thinking most of the time, train journey or not. It’s why he occupies himself so much with his job. Why he spends all the time he has occupying his mind so he can’t think about the things that are bothering him.
Like now, as he sits on the train and lets his mind wander to Vicky. He’s been in love before. He knows what love feels like. But he can’t remember that feeling anymore. He can’t remember what being loved feels like even though the two people that love him most in the world are sat right beside him, sleeping soundly and curled up on their seats.
He glances down at them, watching them as they sleep. He loves them. There’s still an inkling of that feeling for Vicky in him, too, but he knows that the two people he’ll never stop loving are the two that are sat beside him.
As the train stops at the next station he leans forward and grabs a jacket from the seat next to Ella, bringing it back to drape over Charlie. They both stir awake but he sets them down to sleep again with ease. For a second, it’s like there’s not a war raging in his mind. It’s like he’s a normal father, just taking his children to see their mother, just caring for them in a way any regular father would. He revels in the feeling for only a second.
You’re sitting on the single seat across from him. As he leans back in his chair he catches your eye and gives you a small smile, but his eyes don’t linger. He thinks, ever so briefly, that you’re rather pretty, but that’s as far as it goes. He won’t let himself think more. He can’t.
He doesn’t make eye contact with you again. Instead, he focuses on the darkness outside as it rushes past the windows, at the words on the pages of the book in his hands, at trying to make those words stick in his mind and, finally, on the other people around him. He’s good at people watching. He’s good at sensing when something isn’t right. Which is why, when he spots the guard acting strangely, he’s instantly on full alert.
When she walks back past him, David hesitates for only a second before knowing he has to intervene.
He turns to you instinctively – you’re the only person he’s made eye contact with since you sat down on the plane and he knows that you’ll take care of Ella and Charlie even though he doesn’t know your name. “Sorry ma’am, you wouldn’t mind looking after my kids for a moment, would you? I’ll be right back,” he says.
You sit your book down on the table as soon as he starts speaking to you. You’d never admit it, but you’ve been watching him ever since he boarded the train with his children earlier in the night. Not in a creepy way, just in a curious way. His children seemed sweet, he seemed like he cared for them a lot. Every time you looked at him it was like you could see the gears ticking in his mind, thinking of something clearly troubling him.
“Yeah, of course,” you nod, smiling over at him.
He seems a little like he’s in a rush so you don’t slow him down by denying him, especially when he’s been so kind when asking you. Plus he’s right across the aisle from you. His kids are close enough that you know why he chose you – not because you look particularly trustworthy, not because he got a feeling in his gut that you’d take care of them. Because you’re closest.
“Thank you very much,” he smiles as he stands.
You watch as he disappears down the aisle, eyebrows furrowing just a little. Strange. Of all the people to have asked you to watch their children you would have guessed him to be the last. The second you can no longer see him you glance over at his children to make sure they’re okay before opening up your book again. You’re on a train, you’re safe. What could happen to them?
When he appears again a few minutes later his children have barely moved. They’re still fast asleep and neither have woken up to ask about their fathers whereabouts like you’d expected one of them to. You look back up at him as he stops in the aisle and looks down at them. Something flickers across his face but it disappears before you can identify it.
“I need a few more minutes, is that all right?”
His words take you off guard, though you nod. “Yeah, take your time. I’ll be here.”
He doesn’t gift you with a smile as he walks away this time. Instead, he nods his thanks and quickly disappears out of the other end of the carriage. Worry fills your senses. He’s acting strange and though you know you have nothing to be worried about, there’s a feeling rising in your stomach that tells you that there’s something happening you should know about.
You look back over at the children. They haven’t woken up at all. Slowly, you open your book up again though, as you read the words on the page, none of them stick with you. There’s still that feeling in your stomach  that worries you and you can’t seem to get rid of it.
As David deals with the suicide bomber in the bathroom, his children and, strangely, you, are always in the back of his mind. He can’t help but think that he’s got you involuntarily involved in something bigger than he realised. He asked you to look after Ella and Charlie. He’s given you something, someone, to be responsible for, and if all this goes wrong, he knows he’ll never be able to forgive himself for giving you that responsibility, even if it means the world to him.
You’re still trying to keep your mind on your book when an announcement comes on over the tannoy telling you to move into another carriage. The woman doesn’t explain why but you can hear something in her tone that makes you stand instantly. Panic spikes in you as you shake  the children awake. They frown as they see you.
“Get your stuff, guys, we’ve gotta move into another carriage, okay?”
The girl speaks first. “Where’s daddy?”
“He’s just gone to do something in another carriage but he’ll be back soon, I promise,” You introduce yourself to the pair of them. “He asked me to look after you while he’s gone, okay? I need you to come with me now.”
Confused, both of the children get up from their seats. You hurriedly help them grab their things and throw them into their backpacks before grabbing your own things. Ushering them ahead of you, you risk a glance back to the door where their father disappeared but there’s no sign of him. Holding in your panic for their sake, you follow them out of the carriage.
Whatever’s happening can’t be good, you know that. But you also know that, if these kids end up in danger, you’ll never forgive yourself for letting it happen.
Even after everything that happened on the train with the suicide bomber, David knows, deep down, that Ella and Charlie are safe. He doesn’t even know your name yet he knows that you’d look after them better than anyone else on that train could have.
As he walks through the train station looking for the three of you, his hands are shaking from the adrenaline. He doesn’t want to think about what just happened. He knows he’ll just overthink it until it ruins him if he does. So he thinks about you and his children instead. He thinks about how much he appreciates you taking them under your wing. He thinks about how much he loves them. He thinks about how much he’s going to miss them when they’re back with Vicky.
They see him before he sees them. He barely even registers it when they come crashing into his arms and he almost starts to panic before he recognises the familiar feeling of Ella and Charlie. His arms wrap around them tightly and he holds them like he’s never letting go. He never wants to let go.
Slowly, you walk up behind them, a smile on your face. You’re holding their backpacks and Ella’s is slung over your shoulder. David, from his spot on the ground with the children, gives you a thankful smile. It’s a smile that says a million words: thank you for taking care of them, for keeping them safe, for not letting them die, for getting them out of there, for letting them have this moment with me, for letting them get to see their mother again.
When David stands up, he wraps an arm around Ella and another around Charlie.
“Where did you go?” Ella asks, looking up at David.
“I had some work to do, but it’s almost finished now,” he explains. He wishes that he could tell them the truth. He doesn’t like lying to them. But he’s also glad that they don’t know. He wants to keep their innocence for as long as possible. “I can take you and your brother to see your mother now, how does that sound?”
Ella grins up at him. “Finally!”
He sees a police officer in the distance and grimaces. After he makes a statement. “You see that woman over there?” He points at the police officer. “I’ve got to talk to her before we go. Why don’t you go and tell her that I’ll come and talk to her in a minute? And then I’ll take you to mum.”
Ella and Charlie look a little confused but, after another push from David, they hurry off towards her. David watches them as they reach her and start to talk to her. You sidle up to David.
“Is everything all right, sir? You look a little shaken up.”
David glances over at you in surprise. He hadn’t forgotten that you were around, he’d just been too occupied with his kids. He pauses for a second before nodding. “Yeah, fine. Thank you for looking after them. I didn’t expect to have to get some work done tonight, but you know how it is… the work never stops.” He attempts a chuckle.
Smiling, you nod. “It’s not a problem. They’re good kids. Ella was telling me before that they’re going to see their mother tonight,” you explain, trying to keep the curiosity out of your tone. “They’re very excited. How long have they been away?”
“A… a little while,” David says. He doesn’t want to give away too much. And then, suddenly, it hits him. “Sorry, I’m being extremely rude,” he extends a hand. “David Budd. And you are?”
You shake his hand and introduce yourself swiftly. Finally you know the mans name. A weight lifts off of your chest. Ella and Charlie had told you their names before when you were talking to them but they’d never mentioned their fathers. They’d had no reason to.
“Nice to meet you,” David smiles. “And thank you again. It was a real help.”
“Really, it was my pleasure.”
You both watch as Ella and Charlie hurry back from the police officer to join the two of you. Once they stop in front of you, Ella smiles. “She said to tell you ‘whenever you’re ready.”
“Right, well, let’s get going. It’ll only take a minute, okay?”
“We’ll stay here,” Ella pipes up. She nods up to you. “You’ll take care of us until daddy is finished, won’t you? Or do you have somewhere to be?” There’s hopefulness on her face and you know that you can’t let her down, even though you barely know her.
You nod quickly. “Oh, absolutely. Go ahead. I can stay. I’ll keep them company.”
David hesitates for a moment before telling Ella and Charlie that he’ll be right back and wandering over to the police officer. You watch as they disappear into a room off to the side of the train station before sitting down on a bench with the children.
It’s at least twenty minutes before David comes out again, not that you were counting. Charlie has fallen asleep on your lap and Ella is resting her head on your shoulder, her eyes slowly closing, when David walks back over to the two of you.
Strangely, his heart jumps in his chest as he looks at the three of you. At first, he thinks it’s just because of his children. Charlie looks so sweet all curled up and Ella looks adorable. But then he realises it’s somehow because of you, too. Because of how much his children have grown to like you in the short time you spent together. Because of how much you seem to care for them, too. It takes him off guard and he unwittingly clears his throat. Ella wakes up.
“Oh, you’re back!”
She sits up, removing herself from your shoulder, and standing up. She picks up her backpack just as she yawns. David smiles softly. It’s late, much later than he’d told Vicky the kids would be at her place. Shit. She must be beyond worried.
“Can we see mummy now?” Ella asks softly.
David nods. “Absolutely, let’s get going.” He makes a move to wake up Charlie but you stop him and, instead, pick him up carefully. He’s a little heavier than you expected but you manage to hold him easily. He stirs a little but stays asleep. David’s heart thuds again as you stand up, holding his son in your arms. Strange…
The four of you walk out of the station together. A police escort had been arranged to take the three of them to Vicky’s place. It’s waiting outside and David walks towards it instantly. He opens up the door and Ella slides in without a question. He gently takes Charlie from your arms and sits him down in the car next to Ella.
He turns to you.
“Would it be completely inappropriate for me to pay you for taking care of them so well?” David half jokes. He’s not sure where the jokiness comes from, especially after the stress of the last few hours, but it comes naturally. And he does feel like he needs to pay you back somehow.
You chuckle and shake your head. “No, that’s not necessary. I didn’t mind doing it.”
“Still,” David shrugs. “There has to be something I can do for you. You ended up doing much more than just watching them on the train. That deserves something, at least.”
You can tell that David won’t take no for an answer.
“You wouldn’t happen to know if your kids need an actual babysitter sometimes, would you?” The thought had crossed your mind more than once that night but you’d never really thought too much of it. After all, you weren’t even a proper babysitter, but as the night went on Ella and Charlie really grew on you.
David raises an eyebrow. “Oh, you’d have to talk to Vicky– ah, their mum, about that. But I can get you in touch if you’re interested,” he replies. In truth, he was taken a little off guard by your answer. He hadn’t expected you to offer to babysit them for real and even though they’re getting older now, he knows that both he and Vicky would feel better with someone like you around.
“That’d be nice.”
He gives you Vicky’s number first and then, for luck, gives you his own. He doesn’t really know why he does it but he does know that he likes you. He’s not sure what it is about you. Maybe it’s the way you cared for his kids, maybe it was something else, but he likes you. Even if Vicky doesn’t need a babysitter, deep down he hopes that maybe he’ll see you again one day.
As David gets in the car with Ella and Charlie afterwards, he watches as you walk off to your taxi, parked up ahead, with a small smile on his face. Beside him, Ella mutters “I liked them, daddy.”
David’s smile grows a little bigger. “Yeah, me too.”
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stateofloveandnegan · 3 years
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Put It Away
Get Well Soon
The Old Bodyguard
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bluesfortheredj · 6 years
David Budd Part 1
Woman I know you are the one to do this because your the best. Can I please get some bodyguard smut up in here? (Please say your watching it) His character or Richard it’s up to you. THANK YOU!
“David Budd?” you ask, sure that you’d heard that name before, “wait, you mean the hero of the moment that stopped the terrorist from blowing up a train?”
“That’s the one,” your manager nods.
“Oh my goodness, I’m sure he’s got better things to do than look after some actress. Isn’t there anyone else? He must be so annoyed being put on this job.”
“He was happy to be placed on this assignment, don’t worry.”
“I really don’t need a bodyguard, honestly, it’s just a convention, I’ve done them loads of times before, it’ll be fine,” you reply, shaking your head.
Nothing had happened to you personally, and as far as you were concerned it was your management being too overprotective. Two of your female co-stars had received letters recently at their home addresses, each containing a few strands of hair that, when tested, were a match to their own DNA. Now, according to the management team, you were at risk of being targetted too, and as you were currently in your home country, about to attend another convention, they’d booked extra security, including your own personal bodyguard. To you, it was a complete overreaction, and you felt absolutely embarrassed by the whole thing, especially knowing that this David Budd had literally put his life on the line when faced with a bomber.
“We can’t risk it, (Y/N), you know that. It’s just a weekend, please accept the extra help, and if anything hopefully this will put the sicko off from trying something.”
“It’s highly unlikely he would have followed me from the states,” you say, rolling your eyes.
“Y’know, sometimes I wish you’d let your guard down just a little, just so you can see the seriousness of this situation,” your manager frowns. Keith had seen it all with other actors and actresses he’d helped, but you held a special place in his heart, and he was like an Uncle to you now. You’d been through a lot in recent months, a messy break up that was splashed across the gossip magazines as details of your ex-boyfriend’s affair came out, and you’d hardened a lot, dealing with things by not letting yourself open up to them, and this situation was one of them.
“You’re being dramatic,” you reply with a sigh, turning to look out of the rented apartment in the city that had been chosen for you.
“Okay! Okay!” you relent.
“Someone’s gonna knock that wall down one day y’know,” Keith smirks.
“Ha! I’d like to see ‘em try,” you reply, raising an eyebrow.
“Hmm,” he hums, “you’ll see!”
A sharp tap at the door makes you both turn quickly to the door, and you almost feel yourself jump a little.
“See what you’re doing with all this talk?! I almost jumped at that!” you laugh.
“Well I’ll stop with all this talk now you’ve got the protection you need,” he says, opening up the door to a man in a sharp suit and ear piece. You stand up to greet him as he enters the room, and as Keith steps aside after shaking his hand, you find yourself staring at his chiselled jawline and perfectly curled hair.
“(Y/N), this is Police Sergeant David Budd,” Keith explains, “I’m going to go to the venue with the rest of security and leave you in his very capable hands.”
Before you can say bye to him, he’s gone, and you stand there staring at the officer in front of you.
“Hi, sorry, nice to meet you Sargeant Budd,” you smile, shaking hands with him.
“David, please. Or Dave, up to you Miss. (Y/L/N),” he nods politely.
“Ah, right, well then David, please call me (Y/N).”
“Of course, (Y/N),” he nods as he places his hands behind his back again and regains his stance. His thick Scottish accent made you smile, and you quickly looked down as you shook your head.
“Look, can I just say I’m really sorry you’ve been put on this detail, I read about what you did, and you’re a hero, and real life hero who shouldn’t be hanging around an actress who really doesn’t need all this,” you ramble, waving your hands around at the last part.
“Miss… (Y/N), sorry. If I may, I was given details about this job, and what this person has done to your co-workers is not something to be taken lightly. I’m here to protect you, no matter what,” he says. Somehow his small speech makes your knees go weak.
“Okay, thank you,” you mutter, “your bag was already delivered if you want to go through to the spare room and unpack.”
“Thank you,” he nods as you point to the door he needs. One weekend, just one weekend of his smooth accent, piercing eyes, and perfect jawline. You could handle this, it would be fine.
The first day of the convention went without a hitch, David always in sight of you as you sat at your table to sign, then posed for photographs with the fans, and you were completely knackered when you got out of the venue, slipping into the back of the car and almost falling asleep straight away.
“Can we stop off for food on the way back?” you ask David, sitting in the seat in front of you.
“I’d prefer it if you got it delivered Miss,” he replies.
“Of course,” you agree, sitting back in silence. You soon arrive back at the apartment block and David ushers you upstairs as the security settle in downstairs for the night. After persuading David to also get something to eat, you sit and wait for it to be delivered, him in the chair opposite the couch you were occupying. He was trying so hard not to stare at you, but it was difficult for him. He’d known who you were before getting this job, a fan of the show, and more specifically you, so naturally he jumped at the chance of being your personal bodyguard. He was professional, there was no doubt about it, but he couldn’t deny how much he was enjoying watching you with the public, your kind and caring nature shining through, even when you were exhausted and hadn’t eaten all day.
“May I ask a question, Miss?”
“(Y/N), please, and of course you may,” you nod.
“Sorry, (Y/N),” he smiles, correcting himself, “was acting something you’d always wanted to do?”
“Not really,” you chuckle, “probably shouldn’t admit that, should I?”
“I won’t tell a soul.”
“Good to know,” you smile. There’s a loud knock at the door and a fleeting look of panic crosses David’s eyes at the noise. He stands and answers the door, a member of the security team holding the inspected dinner, then returns to his seat with the food.
“Are you okay?” you ask.
“Of course, Mi- (Y/N),” he replies, passing you your meal, then taking his out of the bag. You’d heard he’d been positioned in Afghanistan before joining the force, and your heart sank a little at the thought he was still affected by it. He must have been through a lot out there, and you suddenly realised just how unimportant the trivial things you found yourself worrying about really were.
“David, I just want to apologise if I’ve- uh-” you start, suddenly wanting to apologise for all the stupid stuff you may have moaned about today, but he gives you a smile and shakes his head a little. He knew you’d spotted his momentary lapse in concentration, letting himself be startled by the door, and he knows you were given information about him beforehand as well, so it was easy for you to put two and two together.
“You don’t need to apologise for anything.”
You smile back at him and carry on eating, then put the containers in the bin and watch as David walks over to the window, looking out on the bright lights below. You study his form from afar, and your eyes end up hovering over his bum, the trousers he’s wearing fitting snugly around it, giving it the definition it deserves.
“I’m going to head to bed now,” you say, releasing the lip that had been clamped between your teeth for the past couple of minutes, “night David.”
“Night (Y/N),” he says, turning around to watch you walk into your room. You had a later start the next day thankfully and you were looking forward to your lay in, but once your head hit the pillow, all you could think about was him. It didn’t help that you could hear him walking around in the main part of the flat, and his footsteps came up to your door, stopping as if to make sure you were still in there, then move on less than a minute later. You look at the wall that separated you both as you hear him close his door, and can’t help imagining what he looks like naked.
“Fuck,” you whisper to yourself, rolling onto your back and staring at the ceiling.
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ladyreapermc · 5 years
Welcome to my brand new master list folks.
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I write for: 
Keanu Reeves (John Wick, John Constantine, Johnny Utah, Jack Traven, Julian Mercer; Donaka Mark; Tom Ludlow)
Richard Madden (David Budd; Leo West)
Karl Urban (Leonard Bones McCoy, Reaper Grimm, Eomer, Vincent Stevens) I’m also open to write for McKirk
Sons of Anarchy (For Chibs and Jax and Juice)
Mayans Mc (for Angel; Ez and Galindo)
Unless specified as OFC, all my fics are reader-insert and any smut is signaled as such. If you want specific information on what kinks a specific smut fic has, I always give the highlights in my warnings for that piece. 
If you have other questions, my asks are always open. If you wanna drop by to just say hi and chat or ask something about a fic or even offer some constructive criticism, please feel welcome to do so.
I don't write for Henry or his characters anymore, but I can point you Towards some lovely blogs that still do.
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tonyspep · 5 years
of muffins and men
a/n: /i usually never write rpf or reader insert stuff but bluesfortheredj inspired me with their richard madden imagines and now here we are lol
~*~of muffins and men~*~
pairing: richard madden/you
summary: there's an adorable five year old boy who comes into your bakery with his mom nearly every weekend until one day he comes in with his dad [single dad!richard au]
rating: t
You had opened your bakery six months ago and slowly but surely had built a reputation in the neighborhood for fresh scones and a nice cuppa.
You had a few frequent customers – the elderly couple who had their golden with them (rudy who you always made sure got a biscuit himself), a group of students at university who you'd extend the hours for when they needed to cram (something you didn't miss at all), a young couple (girlfriends) who had just moved into a small flat two blocks away and a mother and her five year old son.
The mother and son you occasionally saw during the week but mostly on the weekends. The mother thanking you breathlessly because – apparently – your butter scones were the only thing that could get the boy up at a decent hour.
He was adorable with his mop of auburn curls and the most stunning blue eyes you'd ever seen.
He was quite shy, as well, murmuring, “thank you” through a mouthful of scone, crumbs coating his lips and fingertips before he'd scurry back behind his mother's legs, making her laugh softly.
It's a beautiful day, you can't help but notice, as you flip the sign out front from closed to open. You sip delicately at your cup of Earl Grey with a splash of honey when you hear a tiny voice chirp from across the way, “Daaaaaaaa hurry!!! Miss Penny always makes sure there's a fresh scone for me and Mummy!!! I don't want her to give them away cause you're being slow!!!”
“Hey, now,” A heavy Scottish brogue comes next and noooo your knees do not go weak from the hint of gravel underneath. “If Miss Penny is as wonderful as you say, I doubt she's going to give your scone away. Stay close, big man,” There's a grunt as the owner of the voice lifts the boy from the ground. “Can't have you runnin' off and hurtin' yourself. I'll never forgive myself,” The tone is fierce and ten there's the sound of a loud smacking kiss. “If somethin' happened to you.”
“Miss Penny!!!” The bright yelp of your name causes you turn your head and you feel a smile take over your lips as you see the familiar mop of auburn curls and crystalline blue eyes. You wave briefly before turning to head inside and prepare the two scones, warming them briefly in the oven and pour the glass of milk for him before fixing his mother's customary cup of lavender tea.
Your back is turned when you hear the bell above the door jingle and then it's the scuffing of his sneakers across the floor as he barrels into the display case, like always, pressing his face to the glass eyes scanning the rows of sweets as his mother always lets him take one home. You're about to start the steeping of the tea when there's the brogue from earlier, “You don't have to do that. I'm not much of a tea drinker. That's Alfie's Mum.”
“Oh,” You murmur cheeks flushing because you catch the wonderfully male scent of pine and musk with a crisp note of apple underneath. You turn – question of what he would like instead on the tip of your tongue – and you swear, for just a second, you forget to breathe. You assumed the combination of a voice like that and such a heady scent would belong to someone attractive, but you never would have dreamed you'd be staring at the familiar chiseled features of Richard Madden.
“Never thought anything would get this one up,” Brings you back to the here and now as you blink a few times, trying to get your brain to start working properly again. “Before noon especially on a weekend. It's enough trouble trying to get him up for school. Your scones must be somethin' special.”
“It's just an, um, old... It's not... I wouldn't say...” oh my god, you thought not quite believing that you couldn't form a simple sentence. seriously, can a hole just open up and swallow me whole, please?
You felt an intense heat work its way from your neck to your cheeks and not for the first time you were cursing your fair skin. Not only did you look like a perfectly ripe tomato when you blushed, the freckles and sun spots across your cheeks and nose stood out like a beacon and you'd always hated them. Along with your strawberry blonde hair, which was almost always braided – for baking, it was best kept out of your way – you looked like Pippi Longstocking. And here you were unable to speak properly but looking like a tomato, wearing a blue button up, ripped jeans that have been washed god knows how many times and your plain brown apron with your comfortable white Keds.
Exactly how you imagined you would look when one of the hottest men on the planet walked into your shop.
Notting Hill was such a fucking lie. Ugh.
“It's just an old family recipe,” You finally managed softly, willing the blush to recede. “Nothing special.”
“I think I'll be the judge of that,” He winks... actually winks just like in Rocketman and you're reminded of the tweet you sent out after you had seen it (the first time) richard madden could wink me into an early grave and in this moment, you think he just might as your heart nearly stops and you forget to breathe once again.
“Not to mention,” He bends, lifting the boy into his arms and squeezing him tight while the little one flails and groans, “Daaaaaaa stoooooooop it!!!” He doesn't, instead he squeezes tighter and you think fleetingly, can i get pregnant from this as he says, “This one's goin' through a picky faze. Getting him to try anything new's a bit of a hassle right now.”
The timer on the oven beeps – the scones done warming – and you're more than thankful because you don't think your brain is firing on all cylinders to continue trying to make conversation. You wrap each scone in brown parchment, murmuring, “it keeps the heat in,” as you hand the boy his first and then offer the other to his father.
And that's how you should think of the impossibly handsome man in front of you as the cute little boy's father because thinking of him as Richard fucking Madden whom you've thirsted over since seeing him in Ibiza – sending out tweets like just watched the entire six episodes of the bodyguard and david budd can say yes ma'am to me all day or how could you forget the gem stared at richard madden's clenched jaw too long and now i'm pregnant – meant you would probably spontaneously combust  in a matter of seconds.
Especially since you couldn't help but watch his every move as he bit into the soft, crumbly pastry that perfectly sharp jaw working as he chewed.
Clearly Sarah – your best friend is right – you do need – desperately so – to get laid. You can't take your eyes off of him as he chews. That tweet Buzzfeed made him read is right, he is a thirst trap just by existing.\
“I told youuuuuuuuuu,” The little one sing-songs, face covered in crumbs and flashing an adorable gap-toothed grin. “Miss Penny's scones are the bessssssst.”
A delicious laugh falls from the sinful plumpness of his lips and your knees knock together so you don't fall into a helpless heap on the floor. He discretely wipes the crumbs on the side of his mouth with his thumb and briefly brings the digit to his mouth, laving the remainder quickly, and an intense shudder rolls through your whole body. He bends addressing his son quietly, whatever he says makes the little boy laugh, and his brogue brings you back to yourself as he says, “My Mum's visiting this week, she'd sure love a homemade scone or two. Can we get a dozen and somethin' for this little monster to snack on later, please?”
You're thankful you can fall back into the routine of bakery owner. Going through the familiar motions will make you less likely to say something ridiculous and scare him away. You remember he said in an interview once that he would wear the same clothes two or three days in a row because the paparazzi could only run the pictures once. You also remember reading his neighbors created a group text to let him know when the vultures were lurking. Your heart ached thinking how lonely of an existence that could be.
With his perfectly lean gym-toned body you doubted he indulged in any kind of sweets but you couldn't resist adding a strawberry cupcake for him along with the dozen scones and the lemon bar for his son. You tied the box with its customary blue ribbon and stamped the shop's seal as well before handing it to him, your fingers softly brushing against his and as he said, “thank you,” he flashed his brilliant white teeth, plump lips curling into a grin that any romance novelist would have described and roguish and there went your knees again.
Not that you ever thought you would see him again – he was an international celebrity, after all – you didn't think it would be so soon after first time.
It was the end of the week – the sun was just starting to set and you were about to start going through the closing routine, your best girl – Amber, the only one you trusted in the shop without you – had just left for the night and just as you were about to start going through the till, the bell above the shop's door jingled. You sighed heavily, tightening the ribbon that held back your riot of curls, and wiped your hands along your apron reminding yourself to be professional. You hated turning any customer away – even on night's like tonight – you were dog tired, your feet ached and you felt as though you could barely stand but you were barely established and couldn't afford to lose a sale, no matter how small or how run down you were.
“How can I...” The familiar words died on your tongue, your eyes widening when you found yourself staring at the chiseled features of the man who starred in your most vivid fantasies. “Hello,” Stumbled off your lips and you wished the ground could swallow you whole... hello, really, pen?????? there was Sarah's voice taunting you and you could practically see her deep eyes rolling at your incompetence.
“I would have come earlier – I know you're closin' up now – but I don't get to see my Ma as often as I would like,” A flush colors his chiseled cheekbones, his hand coming to rub at the back of his neck and no your eyes don't follow the rugged lean muscle of his forearm as it ripples from the mundane action. “So I wasn't able to. Alfie and I had to see her off y'know. Anyway, I – uh – found your,” His eyebrows waggle and his lips twist into a positively sinful smirk, emphasizing the pillowy softness of his plumper bottom lip and your throat is suddenly desert dry. “Surprise,” He chuckles, low and deep. “I've always been a vanilla fan but you could change a man's mind with a strawberry cupcake like that. Another family recipe?”
“N-no, um,” You shake your head as you feel your hands tremble at your sides. “It's mine.”
“I couldn't help but notice you didn't charge...” He started to say as he reached into the back pocket of his jeans and you interrupted, “It was on the house. The shop's barely been open six months and your family,” You stumble over the word, not quite sure how to classify Alfie and his mother. “Has been very good to me since I opened it. They're so loyal.”
“Still...” He tries and you cut him off again, your voice a little firmer, “I won't accept your money. You paid for your dozen scones and lemon bar. You'll throw off the till if I put it in the register, anyway. It's just an unnecessary hassle.”
You think he'll try to foist the bills on you, anyway but instead he pushes his wallet down and begins to roll up the sleeves of his fitted Henley and your brows burrow down while your lips twist into confusion. He answers your silent question easily as he rubs his hands together and turns those gorgeous crystalline blue eyes on you, “Then what can I take care of for you? The floors need sweeping? Moppin', maybe? Windows need a wash? Rubbish needs to go to the bin?”
“Huh?” Is all you can sputter out. There's another chuckle – just as low and deep – but somehow more delicious as he leans in close and suddenly the edge of your jaw is cupped by his large hand as he draws your face upwards. The heat of his breath ghosts across your face – tinged with cinnamon – as he murmurs, “You won't let me pay and I'd like to think I was raised right, so I'm afraid – Miss Penny – I cannot in good conscious accept your cupcake without some form of recompense. Manual labor will have to do then, yeah?”
“Penelope,” Your full name leaves your suddenly tremulous lips and you're sure your brain is mush, literally, because he's giving you that unbelievable grin and when he repeats your name back, testing the eight letters on his tongue, you swear you're going to wake up and be in a tangle of your sheets with your hound Rufus staring at you, head titled with worry at your tossing and turning. You're so sure of this, that you actually close your eyes, expecting to see the butter yellow walls of your bedroom but instead it's Richard fucking Madden's out-of-this-world handsome face staring at you his eyes so deep and warm it's like they can see right through you.
“You, uh, really... It's fine... It's no big deal,” You murmur, your protest so weak and your voice so soft you can barely hear yourself.  “It's just a cupcake.”
“A damn fine one made by a beautiful lady. Stubborn, too, it seems,” He clicks his tongue and gives a  flash of a cheeky grin while his thumb slides along the edge of your jaw and you feel yourself melt his hand is so warm and the slight calluses on his thumb drag across the softness of your skin and it's too much so heady and it's like a haze has settled over your brain.
“If you have to pay me back,” Suddenly you're bold, you can hear the teasing tone in your voice and how it's dropped an octave. You're peering through your lashes, thankful you remembered mascara this morning as it makes them darker and more full than usual and then you're taking your bottom lip between your teeth and it's probably just your imagination but you see his eyes flash – a deeper, richer blue – to your lips, tracing the cupid's bow seam and another shudder rolls through you. “I guess you can start by sweeping the floor's good sir.” Your best haughty voice and you're rewarded with yet another chuckle.
It's fast becoming your favorite sound.
You discretely pinch your elbow – still believing this is a dream or at best a very vivid fantasy conjured by your tired, run down mind – as you walk back behind the counter while he begins to sweep. You can't believe this is actually happening... Richard Madden in your shop and he's sweeping your floors... something's gone terribly off the rails, hasn't it?
Then he chuckles, drawing you out of your thoughts, and he's turned those impossibly beautiful eyes on you again and asks, “An Elton fan, huh?”
And that's when you realize “Honky Cat” is playing in the background from your phone which is set to the Elton John playlist you found on spotify.
That awful blush spreads from your neck upward and you absently tug at an errant curl that's slipped from your messy bun. You bite your lip, willing your blush to go away, as you murmur, “Always have been. Sorry. I'll change it. I didn't, um, even realize that was playing.”
“Nonsense.” He shakes his head. “This happens to be my favorite song.” A cheeky wink and you wonder, seriously, how you're standing? Because if he smiles, chuckles or winks at you again, you're positive you'll end up as nothing but a puddle.
“Thank you.” You say when he's finished and is following you out the door after you've shut off the lights and counted the till. You feel a flash of bold rush through you as you tilt your head just so and bat your lashes, briefly, reaching to touch his wrist, “What are you doing, say every night around this time, for the foreseeable future? Because if acting fizzles for you, I must say you're an excellent sweeper, sir.”
He laughs – not chuckles but laughs – his eyes crinkling attractively as he does, head thrown back and exposing the tempting flesh of the stern tendons in his neck and you swallow thickly.
“Sweeper for the best baker in Londontown?” He strokes his chin, drawing your attention to his sinful fingers – slender but rugged – and you feel your stomach clench as he places his other hand at your hip, bringing you into the hard planes of his body. “How would I be able to refuse such a tantalizing offer? What is the pay rate? A dozen scones? Another delectable cupcake? Or...” His voice trails away before he bends his head, lips ghosting over the shell of your ear. His voice drops an octave, something rough and tinged with heat, “Something better? A kiss, perhaps?”
“Richard...” His name nothing less than a breathless keen and then he's tilting your head, his pillowy soft lips slanting against your own.
“Penelope...” A heavy groan from deep inside his chest as you both pull back because – ugh – oxygen is a necessity. That kiss spurred a rush inside you and after you catch your breath, your drawing his lips back to yours. One taste – so warm and heady – is not close to being enough you need more, more, more, more, more and this time your tongue slides into his mouth – which falls open easily – seeking his and then they're tangling as you clutch at his strong back, feeling the muscles clench and flex while his hand grips a hearty handful of your right cheek, pulling you even closer and it's like he's trying to crawl inside you with this kiss and your toes are curling and you don't know how you've gone so long without a kiss like this.
“Soon I hope to see the freckles your hiding,” Ragged and rough and your thighs rub together wantonly as you moan. “You can't say things like that,” You chastise, shoving him playfully. He stumbles back theatrically and you laugh, shaking your head and then he's wound his arms around you, trapping you against him. “You'll give a girl ideas,” You manage as his lips attach themselves to the long column of your neck, sucking here and there.
“And pray tell what kind of ideas are you referring to?”
“Ones that shouldn't be spoken of on the street.”
“Whisper them to me then.”
In the end, you don't. You yawn and suddenly you're reminded of your aching feet and how you've been up since four in the morning. You share another kiss – this is something tender and gentle, your tongues still tangle, though – and you end up resting your forehead against his. He brushes a wayward curl away as a brief breeze blows through and your heart clutches. You can't handle the way he's staring at you – so focused, so open and warm – it's like nothing else in the world exists. It's too much but you never want him to stop.
Your phone number is in his phone now and his in yours.
You don't know how you're not physically chasing him as you watch him disappear into the night because now that he's kissed you, you don't know how you'll survive without another.
Your phone pings and there's a text tell me those ideas i've put in your head
You shake your head and text back a lady would never
you'll tell me soon enough. /just like soon enough i'll see those freckles your hiding.
You don't know how you manage to stumble through your flat, Rufus practically mauling you, as that last text made your knees weaker than they'd ever been. You fall asleep in a tangle of sheets and when you wake up the next day there's a text waiting for you.
is it soon enough yet?
You giggle and squeal like some silly school girl and as you peel your pajamas away and step into the steaming shower, you think this man is going to be the death of me
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itty-bitty-dancer · 5 years
she’s back boys!
I’ve decided, after many a year, that I miss my Wattpad days and am ready to get back in the saddle!
Send me prompts/headcanons/etc and I’ll churn out some blurbs to kick my brain back into gear!
I will write anything from the fluffiest fluff to abuse. My only limit is non-con.
I will write reader inserts for:
•Taron Egerton
-Eggsy Unwin
•Richard Madden
-David Budd
-Prince Kit
•Bucky Barnes
•Steve Rogers
•Thor Odinson
•Steve Harrington
•Billy Hargrove
I also used to write TVD imagines so if you’re interested let me know and I’ll reupload✨
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eddiejpoplar · 6 years
Reader’s Corner: Sakhir Orange BMW M3 F80 Project
David Zhou, a reader of BMWBLOG, is sharing with us his Sakhir Orange BMW M3 F80 Project which received a wide range of performance upgrades.
As we all know, the F80 generation is coming to an end and we are eagerly awaiting for the G80 M3 to come out. For me, this give me an opportunity to make something very special with the F80 as most modifications are out for the car already so that I have so many options to play around with when making this build.
Having owned a Dinan tuned M235i in the past, this is my first true M car. I have always dreamed about owning a M3 not only due to its legendary history but also how aggressive the F80 looks compares to its competitors. As to choosing between a M3 or a M4, to me it was a no brainer as M3 looks much more masculine with the wide hips where as the M4 looks more fluid, also, having four doors makes it very practical for daily use, this M3 was not going to be garage queen.
By the time I decided to purchase a M3, BMW Canada was no longer taking new orders so I had to do my research and see what I can find out of the existing stock. Luckily, I was able to find this 2017 F80 M3 at BMW Sherbrook with the combination I was looking for – ZUP package, DCT, Sakhir Orange exterior with full merino leather interior. And the best part, I am the first owner as this was a showroom demo.
Not long after getting the car, I got in touch with Ryan at IND Distribution and we started making a list of the upgrades that I wanted to do to make this car into a showcar level. Matt at RW Carbon was kind enough to work with me on getting most of the exterior carbon pieces for the car and Prapan at NVD Autosports for the interior carbon pieces. Along the way, I also dealt with other vendors online that helped me to make this project possible.
Most of the parts were installed at the Budds BMW dealership and Budds collision for the paint job with the help of Stephen, Paolo, Ian and the team. Stephen helped me with my Dinan parts for the M235i and we went with Dinan again for this M3 as well. Of course, with an investment like this, we can’t skip out on protection as well, so a full XPEL wrap was done by Sekanskin to give that extra satin look and protection.
Going forward, I am looking forward to doing a bit more for the interior, doing a bit more personal touches to it and make it even more unique. I am also looking forward to taking it to different car shows to share the love with fellow BMW drivers, with a build like this, on the road and sharing the love/displaying it with fellow drivers is where it belongs.
  There are so many people that are involved in this project, I just want to give a quick shootout to all my online vendors – Active Autowerke, BlackboxMyCar, Dinmann, EAS, IND, JBSpeed, ModBargin, NVD Autosport, RW Carbon, Studio RSR. Also to my local shops – Alloy Wheel Repair Specialists, BMW Sherbrooke, Budds’ Collision Services Ltd., Budds BMW Oakville, Fanshawe Motors, Scotty’s Shine Shop, Sekanskin.
Full list of mods:
Breaks/Suspension/Wheels – BMW OEM breaks, brake callipers powder coated to speed yellow with M logo (Budds Collisions) – BMW OEM M Logo Black Valve Stem Cap Set (IND) – BMW OEM CS 763M Wheels (Budds BMW) – BMW M Performance Suspension (Budds BMW) – Macht Schnell 90mm Stud Kit (IND) – Modesta BC-06 Heat Resistant Hard Glass Coating For Wheels (Scotty’s Shine Shop) – Project Kics Black R40 Open End Racing Lug Nuts (IND)
Exterior – Acexxon M3 Horizontal Slat Rear Reflector Insert Set (IND) – Autotecknic Competition Carbon Fiber Bumper Trim (Mod Bargains) – BMW Gloss Black Emblems Replacement (7 Pieces) for F80 (JB Speed) – BMW F80 M3 Carbon Fiber Coolant Cap (NVD Autosport) – BMW F80 M3 Carbon Fiber Crosslink Member (NVD Autosport) – BMW F80 M3 Carbon Fiber Engine Oil Cap (NVD Autosport) – BMW F80 M3 Carbon Fiber Fender Air Duct Grilles (NVD Autosport) – BMW F80 M3 Carbon Fiber Oil Filter Cover (NVD Autosport) – BMW F80 M3 Carbon Fiber Unit Compartment Covers (NVD Autosport) – BMW F80 M3 M Performance Blackline Euro Tail Light Set (IND) – BMW OEM M3 Aspherical Euro Mirror Glass Set (IND) – IND M3 Painted Front Reflector Set (IND) – Future Classic Club Sticker – Vader Style (IND) – Future Classic Tri-Color Roof Vinyl Applique (IND) – Glassparency – All Windows (Scotty’s Shine Shop) – IND F8X M3/M4 Painted Engine Cover (IND) – Modesta BC-08 Neosillica Matrix Coating (Scotty’s Shine Shop) – Oneighty Headlights with custom Sakhir Orange accents (Oneighty) – RW Carbon BMW F80 Carbon Fiber Grilles (RW Carbon) – RW Carbon BMW F80 Half Carbon Fiber/FRP CSL Style Trunk (RW Carbon) – RW Carbon BMW F80 M3 GTX Carbon Fiber Side Skirt Extensions (RW Carbon) – RW Carbon BMW F80 M3 GTS Style Hood (RW Carbon) – RW Carbon BMW F8X M3 CS Style CF Front Lip Spoiler (RW Carbon) – RW Carbon BMW F8x M3 Kohlen Style CF Rear Diffuser (RW Carbon) – XPEL Stealth/Ultimate Plus Wrap (Sekanskin)
Interior – 3D Design Billet Aluminum DCT Paddle Set (IND) – BMW F80 M3 Carbon Fiber A/C and Stereo Trim (Studio RSR) – BMW F80 M3 Carbon Fiber Center Console (NVD Autosport) – BMW F80 M3 Carbon Fiber HUD Cover (NVD Autosport) – BMW F80 M3 Carbon Fiber Interior 3rd Stop Lamp (NVD Autosport) – BMW F80 M3 Carbon Fiber Interior Dash Speaker Grille (NVD Autosport) – BMW F80 M3 Carbon Fiber Interior Defroster Vents (NVD Autosport) – BMW F80 M3 Carbon Fiber Interior Door Switch Panels (NVD Autosport) – BMW F80 M3 Carbon Fiber Interior Headlight Switch Panel (NVD Autosport) – BMW F80 M3 Carbon Fiber Interior Rear Console Panel (NVD Autosport) – BMW F80 M3 Carbon Fiber Interior Roof Lamp Panel (NVD Autosport) – BMW F80 M3 Carbon Fiber Interior Upper Door Trims (NVD Autosport) – BMW M Performance Alcantara Armrest (Budds BMW) – BMW M Performance Carbon Handbrake Grip With Alcantara Gaiter (Budds BMW) – BMW M Performance Carbon Trim For The Gear Lever (Budds BMW) – BMW M Performance Door Handle Trim, High-gloss Carbon (Budds BMW) – BMW M Performance F8X V2 Steering Wheel (IND) – BMW M Performance Gloss Carbon Steering Wheel Trim (Budds BMW) – BMW OEM F80 M3 Competition Rear Seat Belt Set (IND) – Eventuri BMW F8X M3 Carbon Seat Back Covers (IND) – Future Classic Club Sticker – Vader Style (IND) – IND M3 Red Start/Stop Button with gloss black F Chassis Ignition Bezel (IND) – Pedal Haus Pedal Set (IND) – RW Carbon BMW F30 F32 F8x Carbon Fiber Door Handle Trims (RW Carbon) – Thinkware F800 Pro Dash Cam (BlackboxMyCar)
Performance – Active Autowerke F8X BMW M3 Mid Pipe (Active Autowerke) – DINANTRONICS Performance Tuner Stage 3 (Budds BMW) – Dinan Carbon Fiber Cold Air Intake (Budds BMW) – Dinan High Performance Heat Exchanger (Budds BMW) – Dinan Lightweight Tubular Adjustable Anti-Roll Bar Set (Budds BMW) – ESS Tuning F8X M3 / M4 Charge Pipes (IND) – Fall Line Motorsports F8X M3 Front Mono Ball Conversion Kit (IND) – Fall Line Motorsports F8X M3 Oil Cooler Guard (IND) – Fall Line Motorsports F8X M3 Rear Upper Control Arm Bearing Kit (IND) – Fall Line Motorsports F8X M3 Toe Link Kit (IND)
0 notes
stateofloveandnegan · 5 years
Put It Away - David Budd
I haven’t written anything in ages and for a new, second start, I wanted to do something with Richard Madden. I hope y’all like it! I’m glad to be back :)
Requested by: no one
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“Ready, love?” David asks with a soft smile, putting his suit jacket on for your lunch date. We’ve been together for the past three years and at times it’s been hard, because of Dave’s job. At times I don’t see him for days, sometimes for weeks, but we’ve gotten through it, through everything, together.
I smile at David and nod, putting on my nice denim jacket before putting my phone in my pocket. “Yeah, let’s go.” I hold out my hand for him, which he takes as we walk outside. David closes the door behind us and locks it before we leave.
We walk in comfortable silence for a while, until we reach the centre of the city. “Do you already know where you wanna go?” David asks and squeezes my hand. You’d never expect him to be so soft and sweet when you first lay eyes on him. Especially not when he’s at work, wearing those professional clothes and that serious, almost angry, look on his face when he’s concentrated.
“That looks nice.” I say and point at a table on a terrace a little away from us. He smiles and we walk towards it. David, being the gentleman he is, holds back a chair for me so I can sit, before seating himself across from me.
I take my denim jacket off, leaving me in my black and white striped blouse. David smiles at me and keeps my gaze for a moment. I smile back at him and ask myself, ‘how is he still able to make me blush after three years of being together?’. “What’s up?” I ask softly and he chuckles quietly. “Nothin, love. You just look amazin, as always.”
The small blush deepens a little and I roll my eyes with a smile, shaking my head as a waiter comes up to our table, taking our order for drinks and handing us a menu. We both thank him and open the menu’s, scanning through them as we look for something we want to have for lunch.
“I think I’m gonna take the Pulled Chicken sandwich with a small salad. It sounds really nice.” David speaks up after a couple minutes and I nod. “That does sound really good. I’m gonna take the Tuna salad sandwich.”
Not much later, the waiter returns with our drinks and takes our order for the food, taking the menus with him as he leaves. Dave and I hold up our drinks and he grins, “Cheers, love.”
“Cheers, sweetheart.” I smile at clink our glasses gently together before taking a sip. I let out a soft sigh and let the sun soak in for a moment.
David hums softly and leans forward on the table a little, “What’s going through your mind?” He asks softly, inspecting my face.
I open my eyes again and look at him, letting out another soft sigh as I shrug and smile softly. “I’m just happy you’re here with me. I know it’s your job and we’ve talked about it so often, but I can’t help and miss you and worry about you when you’ve got to stay somewhere else and put your life at risk.”
David sighs softly and nods, a small smile on his face. “I know, love. But you know, I’m a strong man, so you don’t ever have to worry about me.” A playful grin enters his face as he teases me. I chuckle and nod, “I know you’re strong, Dave.”
Right at that moment, the waiter once again returns, this time with our lunch. “Looks and smells amazin.” David comments and smiles at the waiter, nodding at him as a ‘thank you’ before he leaves.
I take my first bite and hum, David doing the same and we chuckle softly. “Definitely chose the right place to have lunch at.” I smile at David and he nods, humming in response.
After we’ve both finished our food, David’s phone suddenly starts ringing. The look on his face, something of a grimace and frown in one, tells me it’s work and he’s got to take it. “Go on, it’s alright. I’ll wait here.” I say softly, to which he sends me a sympathetic smile before answering and getting up.
A couple of minutes after David leaves, I notice someone approaching me. At first, I think it might be someone I know, but as he gets closer, I am certain I’ve never seen the man before. The look on his face makes me very uncomfortable and when he stops beside the table, I swallow softly before looking up at him, trying to remain calm. “Can I help you, sir?”
The man smirks, “So polite.” he mumbles, “Polite and hot as hell. Tell me, hm, what is a girl like you doing on her own?”
I can already feel my blood boiling, but I stay calm. “I’m not alone, sorry to disappoint you. If you’d be so kind and leave, I’d appreciate that.” But my words only seem to increase the smirk on the man’s face and he even moves back David’s chair to take a seat. But I don’t let that happen, I push my chair back and stand up. “Sir, I have no idea, nor any interest, in you being here. Please leave this table and take your business elsewhere.”
The man snorts and is about to speak up, but another voice interrupts him, a voice that calms me down instantly. “Didn’t you hear her? Leave her alone.”
David stands beside our table, right where the man stood just moments before. “And why would I listen to you?” The man challenges David. David’s face is serious and not to be messed with, but it doesn’t seem to have any effect on the man, who’s now sat on the chair.
“Because you don’t want to get on my wrong side, sir. And right now, you are getting there very easily. Don’t try anything with my girl, or I will have to get in action.” David says. He’s changed from his usual self when he’s around you, into the man he is when he’s at work, a real, (over)protective bodyguard.
The man opposite you just laughs and shakes his head, turning his attention from David to me. Just as he’s about to say something, David once again interrupts him. “P.S. David Budd, sir.” He speaks formally, a tone of anger in his voice, and he shows his badge to the man. “I am asking you to leave me and my girlfriend. If you won’t, then I’ll have to step in and handle situation in a way you wouldn’t like it. I suggest you get up and leave to not cause any trouble.”
In the meantime, the people around us on the terrace, and some bystanders, have stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to us. My heartbeat picks up when the man stands up and steps right in front of David, their noses almost touching. “You don’t scare me, little police officer.”
My eyes switch from the man to David and when I notice his arm moving and his hand reaching behind his back, a flash of fear crosses my eyes and I shake my head. “Dave… don’t.” I whisper, why did he have to bring his gun with him on a lunch date?
David doesn’t budge and takes the gun in his hand behind is back, not making any further movements. “The standing up is a beginning. Now, continue by walking away.” David says in a low voice, a voice that would’ve made goosebumps arise on my skin if he were talking to me like that.
I take a deep breath as the man smirks and moves to sit down again, but before he can manage to do so, David grabs his collar and presses his gun against the man’s chest.
“David!” I yell, getting up from my seat. “Stop it!”
“(Y/N), sit down!” He replies firmly, but I don’t, not wanting this to happen like this. I can’t believe he’s pointing his gun at a man, just because he was being an asshole. “No, David. Put your gun away, now! Put it away!”
“I’m not gonna say it again, (Y/N).” David says and briefly makes eye contact with me. I shake my head, “This… this isn’t worth it, David. He was being an asshole, yes. But get that fucking gun away from his chest!”
After what feels like twenty more minutes of arguing, David still has the gun pointed at him, the man challenging David here and there. I shake my head, disbelief written all over my face, and grab my jacket. With tears in my eyes, I lay enough money on the table and when David notices what I’m doing, his serious expression turns into one of confusion and sadness.
“(Y/N), what are you doing? Hey…” he speaks softly, but is still pointing the gun at the man’s chest. The man snorts and makes a comment about the situation as I walk away from the terrace. That’s the moment David snaps and instead, thank the heavens, of shooting him, David gives him a rather hard kick in his stomach before letting him go and running after me. “(Y/N), stop, please.” he pleads, but I don’t stop walking, still unable to believe that he would actually do what he just did.
A tear escapes my eyes and I hiccup softly. “Leave me alone, Dave.” I mumble, only just loud enough for him to hear. He sighs deeply, but doesn’t grant my wish and only picks up his pace, soon joining my side.
“Stop running, please. I’m sorry.” He saysand when he notices he tears, his heart breaks a little. I finally come to a halt, the reason being out of breath more than wanting to stop. David looks at me with very sad eyes, “I- I’m so sorry.” he says, “He shouldn’t have bothered you, love.”
“No, David. No. You should never have grabbed your gun, you threatened his life, for god’s sake!” I yell at him, blinking away the tears. David shakes his head and gulps a little. “No, that’s not what I did, (Y/N). He was bothering you and did not have any intentions of leaving you alone, I did what he deserved.”
I scoff at his words and shake my head, “I don’t even understand why you had that gun with you in the first place. I’m not one of those people that needs protection from you, David. I am your girlfriend!”
As soon as I finish my sentence, I continue my way home, but this time walking instead of running. David immediately follows close, his mind racing with thoughts and every second he opens his mouth to say something, but keeps ending up shutting his mouth again.
“Love, please…” David speaks very quietly after we both enter the house. He shuts the door behind him and stays put as I turn around, taking my jacket off while doing so. “Not now, Dave. Just… not now, okay?”
Some people might say that I’m overreacting, but I’m really not. I’ve always known David had guns, but to actually see him pull his gun on someone who actually didn’t do anything other than being a jerk, that has an impact. And it triggered something inside me, it also showed me a side of David I’d never seen before. Him being protective is a good thing, I guess, but he went too far today.
David nods and sighs, “Alright, I’m gonna go for a walk. I’ll see you later.” His voice sounds defeated and before I can stop him, he’s already out of the house. I let out a loud sigh and walk into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea.
A couple hours later, I’ve finished making dinner. David has still not returned from his walk and you could say I’m getting a little worried. I grab my phone and unlock it, but just as I’m about to ring him, the front door opens and David walks in.
“I was just about to call you, dinner is ready.” I say softly, entirely calmed down from the events that happened earlier.
David looks up and smiles a little, but it doesn’t entirely reach his eyes. “Thank you,” he says and takes off his suit jacket, putting the gun, which he was apparently still carrying, away and joins me at the dining table. “I’m sorry I took so long.”
“It’s alright.” I grab hold of my beer and hold it up, searching for David’s eyes. “Cheers.” I say softly. David smiles again, this time much more genuine than the one before, and brings his glass up to mine, gently clinking it together, “Cheers, love.”
At first, dinner goes by in silence, both David and I not really knowing what to say. So, after a little while, I break the silence and speak a little carefully.
“Hey, about earlier…” I look up at Dave and he meets my eyes, nodding briefly to let me know he’s listening. “I should’ve thanked you instead of pushing you away like I did. You were protecting me and I wasn’t being fair.”
David looks down at his plate for a moment before looking back up and shaking his head. “No, (Y/N). You were right, I went too far. I shouldn’t have taken a gun with me to a lunch date with you and I should never have used it like I did today.”
David and I both look down and let out soft sighs before looking up. “I love you, Dave. More than anything, you know that right?”
David let’s out a soft chuckle, a loving smile entering his face and he slowly stands up, much to my confusion, since we’re not done eating yet. He doesn’t go very far, instead, he steps closer to me, right beside my chair. “I know, love. In fact, I wanted to talk about how much I love you...” he speaks softly and before I realise what’s going on, David slowly gets down on one knee, taking a small box out of his pocket.
“I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember, (Y/N). I know a lot of people would think that the stage of being in love would’ve died down by now, but it hasn’t, not for me. Every mornin I wake up and the first thing on my mind is you. Every night I go to bed and the last thing I think about is you. You make me the happiest bloke on this planet and when I saw that guy talkin to you earlier today, I knew for sure that I had to make you mine forever, so that no one else would ever try to steal you away. And if they do, they’ll be in trouble, that’s for sure.” David adds with a soft chuckle as he opens the box and I gasp softly, one of my hands coming up to cover my mouth.
For the second time today, I’m on the verge of tears, but the situations could not be more different. “Dave,” I whisper, but he shakes his head, mouthing ‘I’m not finished.’
“So please, (Y/N) (L/N), make me an even happier bloke and do me the honour of becomin my wife. (Y/N), will you marry-”
Before David can even finish his sentence, a loud “Yes!” leaves my mouth, tears of happiness rolling down my cheeks and I throw my arms around Dave’s neck, pressing my lips against his in a passionate kiss. After pulling away, I keep repeating my answer, David and I both chuckling and emotional.
“Gimme your hand.” David says softly and takes the ring out of the box. I hold my hand out for him and he slides the ring smoothly onto my ring finger. My lip quivers as I try to stop the crying and I look from the ring on my finger back up to David, into his eyes.
We just gaze into each other’s eyes for what feels like forever, until I stand up and take David’s hand in mine, pulling him up with me and taking him to the couch. We both sit down and I curl up against him, my head resting in the crook of his neck as he wraps his arms around my body. “So that’s what you’ve been up to this afternoon, then? Why it took so long.”
“You’ve got me, love.” David laughs softly and presses a long kiss on my head. “And I’ve got you,” he continues sweetly, “I’ve always got you.”
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stateofloveandnegan · 4 years
Get Well Soon - David Budd
I’m sooo not happy with the ending but if y’all would like a second part, I'm more than happy to write it! just let me know in the comments or in an ask :)
Requested by: no one
Warning(s): mention of an attack/injuries
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“Good morning, David.” I say with a kind smile as I pass his desk. He looks up and smiles, letting out a quick, “Mornin’.” And going back to what he was doing.
I let out a soft sigh when I reach my own desk, which is two rows ahead of David’s. David and I have been colleagues for a while now. I’ve been trying to get to know him little by little, but I’ve been stuck for a long time.
Every morning I wish him a good morning. Every end of the day, I wish him a good night. I want to get to know him better, but I’ve failed in doing so yet. He’s a complicated one, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, but I have no idea how to get to know him better. He’s got to be the one to open up at least a little if he wants the same thing.
“(Y/N), could you please come by my office later?” my boss speaks up beside my desk, breaking my little daydream about David. I blink my eyes a couple of times before nodding, “Yes, sir. Of course.”
David looks up for a moment when he hears me speak, but just as our eyes meet, he looks back down. I gather my thoughts and start doing my job, pushing David to the back of my mind.
Work goes pretty smoothly, but also very slowly. When I’m done with what I had to do, I stand up and make my way towards my boss’ office. Just as I’m about to knock on the door, it swings open and I’m met with David’s bright blue eyes.
“David.” I say, a little surprised. David, too, seems surprised. “(Y/N).” he nods at me and passes me without saying another word. I grunt softly, slightly annoyed by how David always acts around me; so damned professional.
“Ah, (Y/N), come in.” my boss smiles and beckons me to come into the room. I close the door behind me on my way in. “Take a seat, I’ve got some exciting news.”
Curiosity enters my body, and I quickly take a seat. “I’ve got a job for you, but it’s a little different from what you usually do. It’s out on the field. Do you think you’re ready for that?”
My eyes widen, I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time. Going out on the field was something I wanted to do as soon as I started working here, but I wasn’t allowed to immediately do so.
The excitement almost causes me to lose my professionalism, but I quickly regain myself; “Yes, sir. I’m ready.”
My boss lets out a soft chuckle, noticing how excited I am, even though I’m trying to hide it. “Here are the papers of the job. You’ll be out on the field for the entirety of this and next week, (Y/N). All the information you need is in here,” he slides the papers towards me. “If you have any questions, you can contact me.”
I scan the papers and nod as my boss finishes speaking, “Yes, sir. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.”
“No need to thank me, (Y/N). This is your chance to prove yourself worthy. Now, you’re dismissed.”
All that’s on my mind is my upcoming field trip, I’ve read the papers a good couple of times and I’m excited, but also a little nervous. I gather my stuff at the end of my shift and make my way out of the building, not even wishing David a good night. I simply don’t think about doing it, because there’s something else, something big, on my mind.
David notices, though. And for some reason he feels slightly disappointed. He doesn’t know where this feeling comes from, he never really paid much attention to what I said to him. Not because he didn’t like me as a person, or as a colleague, but he was a private person. He didn’t feel the need to have more contact with his colleagues than necessary.
The next morning, my new job starts and it’s very exciting, but also scary at times. There’s been attacks on a certain group of people and it’s our job to protect the group, as well as find the attackers and turn them in.
As the days go by, we’ve come close to attacks on multiple occasions, but fortunately, every time we were on time to stop it. “Ma’am, how much longer do you think it’s going to-”
A loud bang takes over and before I can even think of doing something to protect my clients, I’m knocked out of the world. Everything turns black and all I can feel is myself hitting something, very hard. But what it is, I have absolutely no idea.
My eyes shoot open and pain courses through my entire body as I regain consciousness. “Wha- fuck. What happened?” I ask, distress written across my features.
A young man, seeming somewhere in his twenties, tries to calm me down, gently resting his hand on my shoulder so I can’t get up. “Easy, miss (L/N). You’re in the hospital, there was an attack on you and your people.”
Now, horror enters my face, but the young man is quick to calm me, “A few people got hurt, but nobody is severely injured. Out of everyone, you’re the worst.” He smiles weakly.
The young doctor informs me about my injuries: two broken ribs, a concussion, a broken wrist, and a sprained ankle. I let out a grunt of frustration, but when he tells me I am allowed to rest at home, because they’ve done everything they could do for me, I let out a sigh of relief; if I have to time off work to heal, I’d much rather to it at home than at the hospital.
A couple of hours later, with help of my best friend, who’s also my neighbour, I’m back home. She had to pick me up with a wheelchair, otherwise they wouldn’t let me leave. But everyone knows I’m stubborn, as soon as I was out of sight, I got out of that thing and started walking on my own. Which wasn’t very smart, because I then realised that walking with the injuries I have, does hurt quite a lot.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay here?” Anne asks, to which I let out a chuckle. The chuckle turns into quiet fit of coughing as my ribs are hurting and my throat is sore. “I’m sure, Anne. If I need you, you’re right beside me, remember?”
Anne smiles and heaves out a sigh, “Yeah, okay, you’re right… don’t hesitate to call me as soon as you need something. I’ll be off, then.”
“Bye, dearest. I’ll see you soon.”
The days go by and Richard starts to get worried. He immediately noticed it when I didn’t show up at work the day me field work started. He overheard some colleagues talking about the job and let out a relieved sigh to find out I was okay.
But, then, when he heard about the attack and that a police officer was taken to the hospital with multiple injuries, he became worried sick. He was very hesitant to do so, but after thinking about it for two days, he finally walked up to a colleague he knew to be a friend of mine, and asked if I was alright. “She’s at home recovering, it’ll take another month or two before she’s allowed back.”
David sighed, a frown on his face. He would never admit it, but he missed my greetings every day, he missed seeing my face at work. Working up the courage, he asked our colleague for my address, who simply raised his eyebrows in surprise, but wrote the address down, nonetheless. David sent him a small smile before going back to his own desk, trying to think of what he would do now that he had my address.
A couple of days later, as I’m preparing lunch for myself, the doorbell rings. I furrow my brows in confusion; nobody ever really visits unless I made plans with someone. I shrug lightly to myself and limp, a little, over to the door. When I open the door, surprise enters my face. “David?”
He swallows and smiles a little awkwardly, “Hi, I just wanted to give you this.” I look at what he’s holding. It’s a basket with some stuff in it, and it’s incredibly endearing that he did that for me. The basket contains a tiny teddy bear, a super soft duvet, a nice tea mug with some special flavoured teabags in it, and last but not least, a small box of ‘get well soon’ chocolates.
My heart flutters at the gesture of it all, and at how amazing it looks. “That’s… that’s really sweet of you, David. Thank you so much. Would you like to come inside for a moment?”
I take step back so David can come in. He thinks about it for a moment before nodding and walking past me inside the house. “It smells nice in here.” He speaks uncertainly.
“I was just making some lunch. Would you like some as well? I’ve got plenty.” I offer, not sure why, but it just feels right.
For the first time, I spot a small smile on David’s face as he places the basket on the coffee table. “That would be nice.”
I walk back to the kitchen and, rather clumsily, grab some dishes. When I turn around, pain shoots through my ankle and I’m already mentally preparing for a fall, but I never hit the ground. David’s arms are quickly wound around my body.
“Shit.” I mutter, my ankle hurting a lot. “Everything alright?” David asks gently and I groan softly, “It’s my ankle…”
“Let’s sit you down.” he instructs as he helps me, practically carries me, to a chair at the dining table. The pain in my ankle is so heavy that I don’t even have time to feel embarrassed about the situation. “Where can I find some ice?”
I look up at David and point at the freezer, “In the freezer.”
For some reason, even though Richard has always convinced himself he’s better off without his colleagues as friends, he can’t help the happy feeling inside him. It’s as if an empty spot is now filled with… me.
When David comes back to me, he has an icepack, wrapped in a towel, in his hands. He sits down on the chair beside mine and carefully lifts my foot up to rest on his lap. “Tell me if it hurts.” he speaks softly before putting the icepack on my ankle. I wince softly, but soon it only feels better.
It’s silent for a while and I curse myself under my breath for being so stubborn. It’s only now that the pain in my chest also stirs up; obviously I still have two broken ribs. Even though they weren’t badly broken, and they’d only needed a week to heal, it still hurts a shit ton.
When I look up, David is already looking at me. His eyes and all his other features are soft; it’s something I’ve never seen on his face. “I owe you an apology, (Y/N).” he says and my brows furrow in confusion, “What do you mean?”
David sighs, his hands still gently holding my foot and the icepack. “From the start, you’ve been really kind to me. Yet, all I’ve been to you is cold and uninterested. I’m sorry for being like that.”
My heart warms at his words; So he did pay attention to me. “I got worried when you stopped showing up at work, but when I heard about your field work, I wasn’t worried anymore. I was disappointed, though. At first, I couldn’t figure out why, but then I realised it was because you weren’t at the office anymore.”
I swallow lightly, beginning to get a little nervous. This man has so much effect on me, and he doesn’t even realise it. “That’s why, when I heard about the attack, I immediately went to Brian and asked for your address.” David thinks about what he said and scolds himself quietly, “That sounds really creepy, doesn’t it? I’m not a creep, I promise.”
I chuckle quietly and shake my head, a light tint of red covering my cheeks. “I know you’re not a creep, David.”
A smile settles on his face and he continues, “I wanted to make sure you knew that, in fact, I do care about you. Even though we barely know each other. It’s kinda weird, I can’t really explain this feeling.”
“That’s alright, Dave. Because I know exactly what you mean.” I admit, sending him a smile.
David sits up a little more before speaking his next words, as if to gain more confidence. “If you’d like, I can make you some dinner tonight? I don’t think it would be smart if you’d walk about and did a lot of stuff yourself.”
My smile widens and I nod, sitting up a little as well. “I’d really like that. But I wouldn’t like to be a bother to you, David.”
David shakes his head and chuckles, “You’re no bother, (Y/N).”
He gently puts my foot down, it’s already feeling much, much, better than before. Without having me asking him to do something for me, he finishes the lunch I made for myself. He turns around and I smile, pointing at the cupboard that holds the plates.
He grabs two plates and splits the food on them, making sure there’s more on one of the two plates, because he thinks I need more to gain some strength.
“It’s delicious, did you make this yourself?” he asks once we’re both eating. I blush lightly at his words and nod, “Yeah, it’s a recipe I found a little while ago.”
It’s really nice, having David here with me. I gave up on trying to get to know him a little while, so I never expected to be having lunch with him right now.  After lunch, David cleans up the entire kitchen for me, and to say I’m surprised by his actions, is a big understatement.
“I’m gonna go do the grocery shopping for dinner now. I can be back at six?” he says as he helps me get to the sofa. “Yeah, that sounds good. Is there anything I can do to prepare?”
David smiles and shakes his head, “No need. I’ve got it.”
“Thank you for stopping by, the basket alone would’ve been more than enough. I really appreciate what you’re doing, David.” I say sincerely. David smiles and shrugs, “I’m just happy I’m finally getting to know you. I wish I would’ve let myself do that sooner.”
I sit down and David grabs his jacket, “See you tonight, (Y/N).” he says with a soft smile, leaning down and planting a soft kiss on my forehead, which catches me very much off-guard.
When David realises what he just did, a blush enters his face, and he coughs softly, as if to pretend he didn’t just do that. It just felt so natural to do, he thinks to himself. “Bye, Dave.” I say, my voice a little more high pitched than before.
He looks at me with those god damn blue eyes and smiles, nodding before walking off, closing the door behind him.
‘Does he see tonight as a date?’ I wonder. Soon, exhaustion catches up on me. Pain can drain all the energy from you. But I bet that David had something to do with it as well. Thinking about David, and about having dinner with him tonight, I fall asleep with a smile on my face. Only to be woken up a couple of hours later, by the ringing of the bell.
When I open the door, I’m met with a very good-looking David. A smile rests on his face and he’s holding a bag with what I think are the ingredients for whatever he’s going to make. “Hey, there.”
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stateofloveandnegan · 5 years
Other TV Show/Movie Characters Masterlist
Smut: *
David Budd - Bodyguard
Put It Away
Get Well Soon
The Old Bodyguard
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bluesfortheredj · 4 years
Could you do a fanfic if David Budd at St Mathews and save Julia but takes the brunt of the explosion and is in a coma with serious injuries and Julia feels guilt and angst and when he comes around major smut.
Hey, I only do reader inserts I'm afraid, not character x character fics ☺️
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