#david from david and goliath
thestalkerbunny · 5 months
Husker's new voice actor sounds so familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on WHO exactly it is, it's one of those of those things where I'm like 'fucking I know who that voice actor is, I've heard him in other things WHERE is it FROM???'
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I'm sorry?
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So I had to look up the REST of his voice acting filmography and
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I'm just...reeling for a minute. One minute I'm in the kitchen, making a chicken biscuit in the microwave and the next minute I'm realizing that this man has voice acted 90% of my favorite media.
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servicereward · 7 months
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Buena Vista Style Guide, Disney's Gargoyles (1994)
Size Comparison & Color Callouts
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hussyknee · 6 months
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The greatest threat to the armies of Israel is little dudes throwing rocks. Sometimes the existential irony is so on point that you wonder whether there is a God after all.
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lasttarrasque · 6 months
The same rock David through at goliath is the same rock littler the ground at Auschwitz and Palestinian children now through those same rocks at israeli tanks, one struggle against oppression, one struggle against apartheid, one struggle against fascism, one struggle against genocide.
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 3 months
inspired by @bloodcoveredgf's post because I'm curious
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furiarossa · 1 year
About personal space and Gargoyles
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1. Xanatos wants so bad to hold Goliath hand! But Goliath doesn't want someone unknown to invade his personal space like that. Look at the posture. The way his arm goes back. He's trying not to get his hand grabbed. And then that facial expression, of pure disapproval. But Xanatos is eyeing a sternly frowning 300kg monster and has decided he's going to take his hand.
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2.Xanatos took that hand. He seems quite happy to be able to squeeze the fingers of a monster brought back to life from the Middle Ages, and certainly that's something we can share. But he's continuing to ignore Goliath's blatant frown, and that's not a good thing, it's not good communication.
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3. Goliath is not aggressive, it could be much scarier than that, but it is easily freed from the human's grip, it is enough for him to open his fingers. As he frees himself, he clearly speaks of what he feels (and in a few moments he too will tell him that he is grateful to Xanatos, but that for what happened to his clan he will no longer trust humans).
Xanatos looks surprised.
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4. Now Xanatos is the frowning one. On his face: bewilderment. Indignation. He's about to cry.
He really wanted to hold that hand. But he wasn’t able to read Goliath’s face... or maybe he doesn’t know where to stop, he just wants to look super-friendly. This is not manipulation, he didn’t get the expected outcome, he wasn’t able to understand that his touch was unwanted, otherwise he would have stopped: if you want your Gargoyles to be  friends, faithful guardians, you do not try to upset them.
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5. “I can tell this relationship is something we all have to work at” (-Xanatos)
This man has no friends. He has not been able to befriend any humans around him for years (he’s 40 or almost 40 here). There are a million reasons why this could happen, but since it's something I identify with so much, I tend to think it's due to very poor socialization in the formative years. And, in his case, probably also of other events that, perhaps, we will discover in the future. Besides, geniuses are always lonelier than other people, right? Especially amoral ones. No, ok, moral ones too.
This man has no friends, so he decided to summon mythological creatures from the past, but he didn't expect that it would take psychological work to make friends even with them who are not human. He expected it to be easier.  He expected that it was enough for him to try to get friendship like you do with animals, perhaps with dogs: using physical language, a happy and relaxed voice, offering food, shelter and cuddles.
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6. Even surrounded by gargoyles, Xanatos seems completely alone. And helpless. Not scared, he's never afraid of them, but alone. None of the Gargoyles seem to want to give him space or confidence. The only one who might get his attention, the only one who is really dog-like (Bronx) is screened and protected by Lexington.
But Goliath was an excellent communicator. Here he looks at him as a father scolding his son, his physical language is rigid, his fists are clenched, his wings do not rest like a cloak on his shoulders. He is clearly telling him "you can't have intimacy without others giving it to you".
An entire animated series will follow about how Goliath teaches a man to respect the personal spaces of others.
Even if Xanatos doesn't make it easy for him and, thinking a genuine relationship impossible, he tends to use them as pawns, as objects, and does a lot of things that aren't really good friend’s things (but, yeah, continuing to respect Goliath as a person, admiring his strength, his courage, his brain and possibly his beauty).
Well done Goliath. You taught him something beautiful and useful and now for sure, given the fruits he's reaping (a tower full of Gargoyles, potentially good allies), he's thanking you 😌 Well, maybe one day he’ll have human friends, who knows! (Think of it, right now he has exactly 0 humans friendly towards him).
The animation of Gargoyles is something I like to look at in detail and it tells a lot about the characters, so excuse me, I had to over-analyze it. And maybe I will do it again with other scenes.
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mastcrmarksman · 2 months
[text] I'm a zombie the law can't stop me.
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[ Contact ; Bruce B. ⸺ Note ; Bruce Buddy 💚💜]
[ sent ] ⸺ uhhh you are a hulk
[ sent ] ⸺ unless there is a zombie hulk in there
[ sent ] ⸺ though zombies are just dead people who are living again
[ sent ] ⸺ thatd make like so many avengers zombies too me included
[ sent ] ⸺ oh shit we are zombies
[ sent ] ⸺ minus the brain thrist
[ sent ] ⸺ unless you have brain thrist
[ sent ] ⸺ uh do i need to know what problems the law is having with you?
[ sent ] ⸺ i mean theres the obvious
[ sent ] ⸺ wrong btw
[ sent ] ⸺ what am i getting you out of buddy
[ sent ] ⸺ or am getting into and no you cant tell me i cant
[ sent ] ⸺ only make me wan to get more involved
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ageless-aislynn · 1 year
Uh-oh, NECA has Gargoyles figures. RIP my wallet 💸 even if I pare it down to my Must Haves, which would be...
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Goliath, the big guy himself, but of course! 🥰
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To get his folded wings, you have to get Bronx but, I mean, c’mon, who doesn’t want Bronx???
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He’s the bestest boy! 🤗
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There’s no pic yet but Elisa is reported in the works and I HAVE to have her to go with Goliath. Have To. *nodnods* 💖
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Oh shoot, there’s a Demona with her BFG.
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And they’re doing a Xanatos? NOOOOO, I have to have him with Demona to complete my Evil Power Couple Who Are Voiced By Troi and Riker™ set!
Yes, Marina Sirtis and Jonathan Frakes are their voice actors. 😉
You know, now that I think about it, I can trace my almost immediate Halo 2 love for the Arbiter back to the fact that Keith David voices him and Goliath. Because I am just That Way. 🤷‍♀️😇
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weekend-whip · 8 months
All hope is not lost for the fanfic poll! The [see results] option skews the percentages a bit, and with a new influx of votes, you're only about 8-ish votes behind!
You’re right!!! And we still have a whole left day to fight back too! 9*-*)9
(We went from 75% of votes since the start of Round 3 to a steady decline into 38% just today to almost back to 50% in less than an hour it’s like watching a horse race—)
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pnuk-r0ck · 1 year
“We were the hammer to the Statue of David” *Has flashbacks to the Centuries music video*
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femme-objet · 1 year
another fun biblical anecdote is that despite the story of David and Goliath being very well known the bible itself is very unclear as to how it happened. the most famous description is of course the one in 1 Samuel 17, which was redacted by the deuteronomistic historian and goes into detail about the duel and so on. but 2 Samuel 21:19 which was written earlier actually says “Elhanan son of Jaare-oregim the Bethlehemite” killed Goliath. it would be logical to conclude that Elhanan is another name of David as both are said to be from Bethlehem. but then 1 Chronicles 20:5 several centuries later (4th century vs 7th) kinda ruins that by claiming that “Elhanan son of Jair killed Lahmi, the brother of Goliath the Gittite” where Jaare-oregim seems to be a corruption of Jair and “oregim” (=beam, to refer to the spear) but Lahmi is a corruption of “Bethlehmite”, which in ancient hebrew would be “beit ha-lahmi” so there’s no great way to like, coordinate all of these. the KJV being what it is just cheats and has in 2 Samuel 21:19 that Elhanan killed the brother of Goliath, just as in Chronicles, for convenience, even though the original hebrew (and not the septuagint either but i didnt check) makes no mention of brothers
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mimeparadox · 2 years
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This sort of revival, where an ongoing story is continued years or even decades after the original but is still meant to be part of it, always presents a special kind of challenge, having to serve two masters, largely existing at cross-purposes. First, you have the original Gargoyles fans, the ones who waited ten years for more stories and know who everyone is, and probably don’t need a recap. The second group consists of potential new readers, the ones who will need to be convinced that Gargoyles is worth sticking around for. Fortunately, this is far from the first work to have had to do this job, and over time best practices have been developed to begin this sort of story: start small, keep focus tightly on the (or simply a) central dynamic, and only hint at the larger world—think Doctor Who. Unfortunately, these are all things that tends to be counter to Weisman’s instincts towards introducing many characters first and making them appealing later, if at all (*1) and so what we get is quite the opposite: a story that features far too many elements to be able to give any one of them proper attention, and simply falls flat under the weight of exposition.
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delightfullygiddy · 2 years
I gush about those old theme songs we all know by heart lyric wise- but I think it’s even more impressive when you have an intro/theme song that is just instrumental and people recognize it just as intensely as any other show they remember.
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hussyknee · 6 months
Baby lioness! 😭
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akascow · 18 days
did not realize the statue of david was that big
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heritageposts · 4 months
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Google-translated, posted October 8th
This piece Manoel wrote in 2020 should also be mandatory reading for all Western "leftists," especially now as the Western illusion of military invincibility is being shattered
[...] Another factor that is very common in the western left is to treat suffering and extreme poverty as elements of superiority. It is very common in Western leftist culture to support martyrs and suffering. Everyone today likes Salvador Allende. Why? Salvador Allende is a victim, a martyr. He was assassinated in Pinochet’s coup d’ etat.
And, on Western leftists support of Palestine (pre Al-Aqsa Flood — Manoel, writing in 2020, was clearly underestimating the military capabilities of the Gazan resistance)
Palestinians are a people who are deeply oppressed, in a situation of extreme poverty, that don’t have a national economy because they don’t have a national state. They don’t have an army or military or economic power. Therefore, Palestine is the total incarnation of the metaphor of David vs Goliath, except that this David doesn’t have a chance of beating Goliath in political and military conflict. Therefore, almost everyone in the international left likes Palestine. People become ecstatic looking at those images -- which I don’t think are very fantastic – of a child or teenager using a sling to launch a rock at a tank. Look, this is a clear example of heroism but it is also a symbol of barbarism. This is a people who do not have the capacity to defend themselves facing an imperialist colonial power that is armed to the teeth. They do not have an equal capacity of resistance, but this is romanticized. Western leftists like this situation of oppression, suffering and martyrdom.
If you're a Westerner, I think it's worth investigating to what extent this image Palestinians as 'defenseless' or 'defeated' (I've seen some of you talk about Palestine in the past tense) factors into your support of Palestine as it is now, under occupation.
Because there will be an after.
Everyone supported Viet Nam when it was under attack, being destroyed and bombed for over 30 years. Viet Nam beat Japan in WW2, then had to fight France, and then had to fight the United States. It passed 30 straight years without being able to build a damn school or hospital because a bomb would drop, first from France and then the United States, and destroy it. When the country was finally able to beat all of the colonial and neocolonial powers and have the opportunity to start planning, to build highways, electrical systems, schools and universities without having bombs land on them the next day and destroy everything that was being done, the country was abandoned by the majority of the left. It lost its charm, it lost its enchantment. There is a fetish for defeat in the western left. It is an idea that defeat is something majestic.
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