#david wii sports
zalcolm · 8 months
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style test feat. david from wii sports
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wii-sports-club · 8 months
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marioluigifan134 · 9 months
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2 of Sakura’s best male baseball teammates
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ws-wiki-hall-of-shame · 3 months
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katt-sports · 5 months
How it feels to have a different headcanon to the rest of Miiblr:
Featuring Tootsie (@itsokjunii) as the Takumi x joking fem reader post inspired this and I wanted to make a comedic response as someone who can see Takumi with a woman.
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kanasn0w · 10 months
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g4zdtechtv · 6 months
THE PILE PRESENTS: AOTS! - Couch Your Excitement | 11/1/06
Captain Kirk, I presume.
(4GTV - 24/7. LIVE. WATCH IT NOW!)
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mspaintbrush · 5 months
Lucio thoughts
Sleeps in a hammock (he needs this weight of sinking into the cloth and the whole thing still moving slightly)
Topless with baggy comfy pants, hair cap to protect braids
Morning routine: wake up, clean face, moisturize skin and hair, trim beard, put hair up, go into kitchen, brew coffee (black, pure, raw energy - Overwatch coffee isnt as strong as the brazilian coffee he is used to, so as a treat he gets some imported), lil bit of breadrolls/toast with butter
Dog person, spoiling Murphy
Still gets along fine with cats though, Mitzi likes to chill in his room (Mitzi lives at the base in my head because yes)
Owns several pairs of heelies
If he doesnt wear skates he wears heelies
Would put rolls on patent shoes to wear with a suit
Skates in the halls and gets flamed by Phara for it (continues to do it, nothing will stop the rio drift)
Would be great at skateboarding but never actually tried it even though its on his bucket list (Genji was a skateboard kid for sure, he would definitely love to teach him)
Can play guitar and ukulele
Strumming a little tune helps him calm down and keep his fingers and head occupied
Regularily carries both his instruments around the base and forgets where they are (lore behind the guitar in helicarrier spawn)
Baggy comfy clothes for the win, comfort over style
Used to casually wear a lot of sports team shirts and still does
Gets cold quickly (brazil curse) so often wearing more layers than others (bro is already complaining at around 25°C/77°F)
Saw snow for the first time in his life just one year ago and still gets all bubbly and excited when Mei tells him its going to be snowing during a mission/at the base
Desperately needs social contact and feels anxiously lonely very quickly
Charges up by being around people and just enjoying their company, even if everyone is kinda doing their own thing
Often hangs around DVa, Bap or Brig since they are very cheerful and fun to be around
They play videogames together (Im sure DVa owns a retro game collection so they play wii sports or guitar hero or smth)
Eats burger with knife and fork and gets laughed at for it
Good cook! Likes veggies :)
Dont look at the state of the kitchen after he is done though
Not the most organized or tidiest person, proud owner of a clothing pile in the corner of his room
That clothing pile is Mitzi's favourite spot
Honestly I see him having his hammock hung up over his normal bed. And he uses the bed as a couch or storage room even when Winston offered him multiple times to take it out of the room.
When you visit his room you just hear "oh wait I'll make some space" and the noise of a bunch of stuff being "moved" to the floor before he offers you to sit on the bed
One of the people you'd hear roaming through the base at 2am looking for food or his guitar he left somewhere
At the same time very concerned about other people's sleep schedule (DVa will not know peace)
Responsible for the music playing during helicarrier flights, master of the aux cord
Custom mixtapes based on destination (he takes it very serious)
Has playlists set up for each Overwatch Agent and carefully builds them up as he tries to figure out everyone's music taste
this started because Reinhardt asked him about David Hasselhoff
not everyone knows about their playlists yet, Lucio himself decides when the time is right to solemnly present it
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doorbloggr · 2 years
Long Form YouTube Videos: Documentaries and Video Essays
Thursday 8/12/22
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Media Recommendations #41
The History of Wii Sports Resort Golf World Records (Summoning Salt)
Disney Channel's Theme - A History Mystory (Defunctland)
The Line Goes Up (Folding Ideas)
Treasure Planet - Disney's Biggest Mistake (Breadsword)
YouTube and new TV
YouTube is one of, if not the most popular ways to engage in video media in the modern age. I am in my mid-20s now, and I do not watch broadcast television at all. Subscription services like Netflix and Disney+ have meant that users can now curate their watching experiences, watching what they want, when they want, instead of having to watch for a certain time of day for a show to air.
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Netflix is a giant in today's media consumption
Unlike these other subscription services, YouTube is a user driven site and thrives off the very low bar of entry for creators. All you need is a camera, and/or microphone, and a computer. This means that videos can be and are about anything. Videos of people playing videogames, rating their personal preferences of foods, tourist commentary, chemical demonstrations, original animation and music, or just educating other on your favourite things.
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Some of my favourite Youtube Media. Clockwise from the top left: NileRed, SoloTravelBlog, LunaiMooney, TerminalMontage
Getting paid for your creations on YouTube is a tricky topic I do not want to get into deep today, but to get to today's topic, there is a sweetspot of length. A very short video does not pay well, and a very long video does not either. And it is tragic that longer videos do not get the recognition, reward, and engagement they deserve, because I have recently become very aware of how good the long form video catalogue is on YouTube these days.
Long Form Video Content
Now it can be quite easy to make a long video, but what I'm talking about today is beyond just stream archives and let's play compilations. I'm talking about feature length discussions of topics that the creators are passionate about and have put their passion into. In the early phase of planning this article, I came across two terms to describe my taste: Video Essays, and Documentaries. And there is a difference.
Now, Documentaries exist as a broad appealing form of media outside of YouTube. But the difference between a David Attenborough narrated exploration of nature and an explanation of the history of speedrunning a Wii game is resources and interest. The BBC would not greenlight funding for a History of Speedrunning, because it is a niche topic that will not have the broad appeal necessary to return on the cost to make that documentary at a BBC level budget. But just because it does not have mass appeal, does not mean it doesn't have appeal. The reason why I'm writing this article is because these are topics that will engage a niche audience, and these videos would not exist without the passion of the creators.
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GenoSamuel's documentary of ChrisChan is a very unique case of something that can only exist on the internet.
The point of a documentary is to document. It is a presentation of collected facts, with little room for interpretation other than the presentation itself. BBC's Blue Planet is not a narrative any more than the the History of Wii Sports Resort Golf Speedrunning is. They are a curated presentation of knowledge on the topic that is enjoyable because it is easier to enjoy in one complete package rather than the interested party having to seek out and consume the scattered information themselves.
A Video Essay on the other hand is exactly what the name suggests, it is an essay in video form. It is the creator making an analysis or argument on a topic, often by dividing their video into sections, presenting information supporting their point of view. Video Essays are often more emotion driven, targeting the viewer's empathy to support the creator's opinion, either by making them happy, sad, or angry with the information presented. Video Essays do not exist as a popular form of media outside of YouTube, since their scholarly/professional equivalent are written essays. The idea of the Video Essay is not unique to YouTube but it is the best platform for independent long-form media. On the internet, there's an audience for everything, and a someone willing to present their opinion on it.
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Contrapoints is a trans video essayist that discusses societal values, politics, ethics, and trans rights.
It might be my personal taste evolving, but even if YouTube doesn't financially support the models of Documentaries and Video Essays, the rise of crowd funding e.g. Patreon, has meant that the model becomes more feasible, and as a result, the general quality and variety of good long form videos has increased on the platform. So I'm take a bit of more of your time to recommend some of my favourite creator's of such media, and my favourite videos they've made.
Documentary Recommendations
The History of Wii Sports Resort Golf World Records
Summoning Salt
Summoning Salt is a historian of videogame speedrunning. To the outside observer, speedrunning may not seem like a topic that needs or lends itself well to documentation, but in reality it works very well. Since Speedrunning works around reporting your records via footage, there is lots of footage to demonstrate the topic. And if you fear getting lost in the jargon of techniques, Summoning Salt is very good at explaining the runs in laymen's terms. His sound design, narration, and how the video is formatted makes it easy to follow a topic, and the Documentaries go at fast enough pace that you never feel bored down by unnecessary detail.
The video that introduced me to Summoning Salt and the true depths of speedrunning was their video on Wii Sports Resort Golf. It was a tale of competitive spirit, flukes of ingenuity, and tenacity. What was one person's whim became a series of trials for many. How far can you stretch the technical ability and exploits of a Wii Motion Control Game? Very far it turns out. At 36 minutes, it is a shorter doco, a great introduction to Summoning Salt and his genre. It is a gripping tale that I implore you to experience for yourself.
Disney Channel's Theme - A History Mystery
Defunctland is a historian on theme parks, children's media projects, movies, and shows. Their origin was in extinct theme parks, but the breadth of topics discussed has expanded. While theme parks documentaries are not an uncommon subject area on YouTube, nobody does their research quite as thoroughly or directly as Defunctland. Much of the information presented in their works are things the creator had found out themselves via interviews with involved parties, or trudging through deep internet archives, all to put together complete packages.
The first video I watched of theirs is the latest (at time for writing) and is a story of how Defunctland found out who wrote the theme song for the Disney Channel. Given it is only a four note melody, it seems like it would not be difficult to find, but there are several layers of intricacies about channel tones, Disney's marketing teams, and composers that make this a very long journey. It is an emotional tale that does great tribute to those artists involved. Do watch!
Video Essay Recommendations
The Line Goes Up
Folding Ideas
Folding Ideas is a documentarian who discusses ideas that often affect society at large. Some topics are meta discussions of how to make media online and analysis of certain media products, others are societal level analysis of phenomena such as Flat Earthers. Folding Ideas has a sort of university lecture style presentation unique to Video Essays, where a large part of the video actually features the speaker in frame, while images and videos are used secondarily to better demonstrate his points. Folding Ideas videos are very long, but easy to follow; any concept brought up during explanations is quickly explained in layman's terms, so the entire essay can be followed.
The video that introduced me to Folding Ideas was their 2 hour explanation of NFTs, which also explored market capitalism, cryptocurrency and Web3. It is a Video that can be enjoyed in the background of other tasks, but I advised that for a first watch, you may want to set aside a couple hours near bedtime to sit down and absorb the explanation. Like many other Folding Ideas videos, it is overall neutral on the topic itself, but he is not afraid to make clear his stance on what he thinks of cryptocurrency and NFTs. If the NFT craze passed you by and you had no idea what any of it meant, this is THE source to educate yourself on what it all means, and why it is so bad.
Treasure Planet - Disney's Biggest Mistake
Breadsword is not your typical video essayist, I would describe them more as a story teller. Breadsword's target content is nostalgia bait for people who enjoy feel good media, be that older anime, disney and dream works movies from the 90s and early 00s, or even videogames. The videos of Breadsword are a love letter and analysis of childhood memories, stories from their internal development, deeper meanings, and why we should (or do) enjoy these pieces.
The first video I watched of Breadsword was their exploration of Treasure Planet, one of the last 2D Disney feature-length films. The video is both an exploration of all the technical and narrative techniques that made this movie great and how Disney tried to sabotage its success. Breadsword makes the argument that since movies like Treasure Planet are so technically demanding, and 3D animation was on the rise, Disney wanted the film to fail, so they had the excuse to change medium. It is an emotional story and a heartbreaking one, and Breadsword tells it very well.
Thanks for Reading
The irony of my article about Long YouTube Videos being very long was not lost on me, and I understand that this length will be intimidating to readers. I will not expect a lot, if any, to read the while post, but if you did, and you're reading this, thank you so much.
Like many YouTube creators, my input on this blog is for the benefit of my creativity first, and if it turns out others enjoy it, then that's fantastic. If you want to see what my other recommendations are, I have a list of them in pinned post on this blog.
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sburbian-sage · 2 months
Hey there!
So ive been fuckin around with artifact grist items and i gotta say this shits fun as hell
Its like deep fried shitposts come to life, earlier i made a bitcrushed scooter that just does endless flips while some shitty text box pops up and announces things like "fliptsatic combob x894"
Also made a projector that shitifies whatever it projects on
Some other cool things ive made so far:
>a physical manifestation of a style meter that keeps track of worthless shit like taking steps and how many pieces of cereal on a spoon
>a cube thats actually 2d
>a 4d tesseract thats actually 3d (this ones so fucking funny, if i bring it near our space player she hisses like a fucking cat lmaooooo) (also hurts to look at if you stare for to long)
>a coin that only lands on its side and announces with a text box "teh chnaces!"
>a modus that seemingly just shitifies any items you put in it (the possibilities!!!!!!!!)
>a baseball that screams a hyper compressed wii sports baseball homerun sound whenever thrown thats so loud that its actually a weapon
>a shitty 8 ball that only ever says "kill me"
>a spy tf2 plush that constantly plays the decloak sound every like .1 of a second (i launched that bitch into the furthest ring, it was that loud)
>a sword made from a shitified copy of the avengers that dissolves anything it kills into jpeg artifacts (genuinely disturbing, they scream something awful, also completely useless since all enemies killed drop solely artifact grist which i already have way more than enough of)
My space player basically completely avoids my house at this point lmao, any other recommendations? Ive got a lot of downtime atm so ive been kinda bored
A video game console is a really good one. It mostly crashes any time you try to load anything, and if you insert an actual non-Artifact game disc you'll hear a grotesque crunching sound and will never get that thing back (make copies!), but if it ever actually properly loads a """"game"""", it'll be amazing. Most bad games nowadays are bad because they're unplaytested asset flips, but have no fear, because all assets are original, and they're worse than unplaytested. What you get is a spectrum between Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing on a normal day, and Ride to Hell: Retribution on a really good one, but they're doing that to a game that's supposed to be good. Vaguely recognizable but utterly bastardized storylines, voice acting recorded on a potato in some guy's closet from the hinterlands, and gameplay that exists in that sweet liminal space where you genuinely can't tell if you're playing the game as intended but you're making progress anyway.
The console matters by the way. Basically anything on a cartridge won't work, and Xboxes seem oddly tolerant, so that's your best chance for getting a working game going. And don't even try an emulator, you will not survive the computer booting up. As for games, I'd recommend anything with a story worth remembering, with bonus points the more involved/"serious"/heartfelt the story is, so it becomes more recognizably a farce. Anything made by David Cage is guaranteed to produce gold. Imagine Ethan Mars Is Gay, but playable.
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zalcolm · 1 year
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gay baseball champions
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miidanganqueen · 5 months
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I did dodge other cpu mii I'm dodge David from wii sports and I also the miiblr and Danganronpa fan
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Some minor changes this week, we have officially retired the SEE RESULTS option on the polls, down to five options. I probably won't be adding any new options unless there's a very good reason or high demand, so I'm sorry to the people who have asked for a "I know them and I love them with all my heart, positive cannot contain the love I have for them" option. With that being said, here is this week's lineup!
Mimi - Your Imaginary Friend
Tsubasa Arihara - Cinderella Nine
Tablet - Commodity Clash
Fox Alistair - RWBY
Alan B'Stard - The New Statesman
Sportacus - LazyTown
Tougou Mimori - Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero & Washio Sumi is a Hero
Rottytops - Shantae
Naomasa Tsukauchi - Boku no Hero Academia
Hagumi Hanamoto - Honey and Clover
Bellringer - Toontown Corporate Clash
Tarlach - Mabinogi
Ata Ibusuki - Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu Happy Kiss
J - Heat Guy J
Mami Tomoe - Madoka Magica
Rocket Raccoon - Marvel Cinematic Universe
Princess Elle - Hirogaru Sky Precure
Phèdre nó Delaunay - Kushiel's Legacy series
Rex Mohs - Scott the Woz
Eileen Roberts - Regular Show
Waluigi - Super Mario
Rick - Denpa Men
Great Sage - Miitopia
Sidon - Legend of Zelda
John F. Kennedy - Clone High
Greg Heffley - Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Martin - Wii Sports
Yellow Face - Battle for Dream Island
Eraser - Battle for Dream Island
9-Volt - WarioWare
Luigi - Super Mario
Milo Murphy - Milo Murphy's Law
Rigby - Regular Show
Holidog - Holiday World
Jerry Attricks - Scott the Woz
Jeb Jab - Scott the Woz
Peter Griffin - Family Guy
Baljeet Tjinder - Phineas and Ferb
Gary - Regular Show
Skelly - I Spy Spooky Mansion
Max Schnell - Cars 2
Charley - Incredibox
10th Doctor - Doctor Who
Mii Brawler - Super Smash Bros
Miles Morales - Into and Across the Spiderverse
Party Phil - Wii Party
Lego Joker - Lego Batman
Knife - Inanimate Insanity
Fusk and Vorte - Hitmen for Destiny
Chaika Trabant - Hitsugi no Chaika
Jesse Pinkman - Breaking Bad
Agent - Penguinronpa
Squelch - Denpa Men
Muscle Man - Regular Show
Fuuta Kajiyama - MILGRAM
Jonathan Phaedrus / Prof - The Reckoners
David Charleston - The Reckoners
Spensa - Skyward
M-Bot - Skyward
Chet Starfinder - Skyward
Sirius Gibson - Witch’s Heart
Guy Montag - Fahrenheit 451
Zachary Zatara - DC Comics
Kento - Payday 2
The Shapeshifter - The Odd Squad
Akane Kurashiki - Zero Escape Trilogy
Letitia "Letty" Price - Babel
The Last Son of Alcatraz - The Monument Mythos
Lily - Duolingo
Ohio - The United States of America
Myne - Ascendance of a Bookworm
Rani - Disney Fairies
Agrael/Raelag - Heroes of Might and Magic
Donna - RErideD: Tokigoe no Derrida
Kasane Teto - Vocaloid
Martin the Warrior - Redwall
Colombo - Colombo
Sonny Wortzik - Dog Day Afternoon
Butch Cassidy - Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid
Blondie - The Good The Bad and The Ugly
Prior Walter - Angels in America
Dark - Nowhere
Reona West - PriPara
Shax Lied - Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun
Villager - Minecraft
Wahanly Shume - Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar
Qifrey - Witch Hat Atelier
Marvin - In Trousers
Mr. Bungee - A New Brain
Mayor Mingus - Dialtown
KAITO - Vocaloid
Almond - Postknight 2
Serial Designation V - Murder Drones
Flint - Postknight 2
Magnolia - Postknight 2
Nobara Kugisaki - Jujutsu Kaisen
Snufkin - The Moomins
Ikabod Kee - The Upturned
The Professor - Hailey's On It!
Chimumu - Waccha PriMagi
Mia Taylor - Love Live
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the-worst-bracket · 1 year
The Worst Bracket Begins!
Polls are going up starting Wednesday, April 19th, 32 per day! Bracket and list under the cut.
Round 1
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Bracket A (4/19-26)
Mineta Minoru (My Hero Academia) v  Anglerfish from Dark Bramble (Outer Wilds)
Iago (Othello) v Barbas (Skyrim)
Brendan (Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald) v Mimic (Dark Souls)
Dan (Dan vs) v Pink Diamond (Steven Universe)
Jurgen Litner (The Magnus Archives) v Lily Tucker-Pritchett (Modern Family)
Lonnie Byers (Stranger Things) v Zeus (Greek Mythology)
Lemongrab (Adventure Time) v Steve Cobs (Inanimate Insanity)
Alex Eggleston (Yiik) v Larry Butz (Ace Attorney)
Jerry (Undertale) v Po (Teletubbies)
Billy Hargrove (Stranger Things) v Old Man Who Snitches on Haru (A:TLA)
Kai Winn (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) v Ashfur (Warrior Cats)
Mr. Burns (The Simpsons) v Boscha (The Owl House)
Octavian (Heroes of Olympus) v Makoto Teruhashi (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
 Robbie Valentino (Gravity Falls) v Gendo Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Walter White (Breaking Bad) v Guy Mortadello (Papa Louie)
Medusa Gorgon (Soul Eater) v Snowball (Pinky and The Brain)
Bracket B (4/19-26)
Rohan Kishibe (JJBA) v Jin Guangshan (The Untamed)
Agravaine (Merlin) v Michael (Wii Sports)
Scout (TF2) v Mitsuhiro Higa (Danganronpa)
Creek (Trolls) v Berdly (Deltarune)
Manfred Von Karma (Ace Attorney) v Jeff Winger (Community)
Nazeem (Skyrim) v David (Animorphs)
Simon Laurent (Infinity Train) v Mayuri Kurotsuchi (Bleach)
Kikimora (The Owl House) v Cronus Ampora (Homestuck)
Michael Tritter (House MD) v The Director (Red v Blue)
Eridan Ampora (Homestuck) v Lila Rossi (Miraculous Ladybug)
Skadge (Star Wars: The Old Republic) v Lord Henry Wotton (The Picture of Dorian Gray)
Claptrap (Borderlands) v Jodie Foster (Dungeons and Daddies)
Bill Hawks (Professor Layton) v Carcer (Discworld)
Bender Bending Rodríguez (Futurama) v Izaya Orihara (Durarara!!)
 Corrin (Fire Emblem) v The Dark Lord (Miitopia)
Cybelle (Carole and Tuesday) v Jasper (Steven Universe)
Bracket C (4/20-27)
Gul Dukat (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) v Admiral Zhao (A:TLA)
Hordak (She-Ra) v Rachel Berry (Glee)
Book (Battle for Dream Island) v Darth Maul (Star Wars)
Jessica (The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself) v Lester Papadopoulos (Trials of Apollo)
Pong Krell (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) v Aaron Burr (Hamilton)
Armand (Vampire Chronicles) v Gamzee Makara (Homestuck)
Dorodoron (Futari wa Precure Splash Star) v Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Christopher Taub (House MD) v Tate Landon (America Horror Story: Murder House)
Izzy Hands (OFMD) v Princess Daisy (Super Mario Bros)
Spike (MLP:FIM) v Atlas May (Lackadaisy)
Clutch Powers (LEGO Ninjago) v Orin Scrivello (Little Shop of Horrors)
Thanos (MCU) v Minecraft Skeleton (Minecraft)
Frank Burns (M*A*S*H*) v Lieutenant Nolan (Star Wars: The Bad Batch)
Carter Pewterschmit (Family Guy) v Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
Miyo Takano (Higurashi When They Cry) v Borsolino (One Piece)
Hiyoko Saionji (Danganronpa) v Pennywise (IT)
Bracket D (4/20-27)
Pierce Hawthorne (Community) v Ren (Ren and Stimpy)
Whirlpool (Wings of Fire) v Cinder Falls (RWBY)
Thaddeus Campbell (Dishonored) v The Grabber (Black Phone)
Takumi Ichinose (Nana) v Heimskr (Skyrim)
Gale Weathers (Scream) v Lee Kiyoung (Regressor Instruction Manual)
Ianthe Tridentarius (The Locked Tomb) v Alvin Marsh (IT)
Director Ton (Aggretsuko) v Angelica Pickles (Rugrats)
Pencil (Battle for Dream Island) v Odalia Blight (The Owl House)
Kyubey (Madoka Magica) v Newman (Seinfeld)
Jacob Hill (Abbott Elementary) v Gregory House (House MD)
Rachel (Tower of God) v Monkey D Luffy (One Piece)
Dame Alina (Keeper of the Lost Cities) v Miki Kawai (A Silent Voice)
John Winchester (Supernatural) v Kyouichi Saionji (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Magikarp (Pokemon) v Hippeux (Animal Crossing)
Elmo (Sesame Street) v Saint Charlos (One Piece)
Melli (Pokemon Legends: Arceus) v Dr. Janet Lubelle (WTNV)
Bracket E (4/21-28)
Martin Blyndeff (Epithet Erased) v The Blue Border (Scott the Woz)
Calico Jack (OFMD) v B.E.N. (Treasure Planet)
Doogal (Doogal) v John Gaius (The Locked Tomb)
Crawlings (The Mysterious Benedict Society) v Liza Lotts (Scott the Woz)
Zolf J Kimblee (FMA) v Baron Draxum (Rise of The TMNT)
Kaito Momota (Danganronpa) v Nandor the Relentless (What We Do In the Shadows)
Logan Roy (Succescion) v Mike Wheeler (Stranger Things)
Fermet (Baccano!) v Seymour Krelborn (Little Shop of Horrors)
Emperor Belos (The Owl House) v Taylor Kelly (9-1-1)
AM (I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream) v Jar Jar Binks (Star Wars)
Stuart Little (Stuart Little) v Vinsmoke Sanji (One Piece)
Bibble (Barbie: Fairytopia) v Dennis Nedry (Jurassic Park)
Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa) v Grima Wormtongue (LOTR)
Moe (Calvin and Hobbes) v Balloon Boy (FNAF)
Felix (Red vs Blue) v Klorgbane the Destroyer (Regular Show)
Bro Strider (Homestuck) v Jughead Jones (Riverdale)
Bracket F (4/21-28)
Count Olaf (A Series of Unfortunate Events) v Mort (Madagascar)
Mantle (Dr Stone) v Phillip Anderson (Sherlock)
Eisuke Hondo (Detective Conan) v Drosselmeyer (Princess Tutu)
Hiram Burrows (Dishonored) v Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug)
Vriska Serket (Homestuck) v Prince Diamond (Sailor Moon)
Marty (Steven Universe) v Hibiki Shikyouin (PriPara)
White Diamond (Steven Universe) v Norman Osborn (Marvel)
Stregabor (The Witcher) v Cedric Jeanne Elmir (I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss)
Barney Stinson (HIMYM) v Charlie Bradbury (Supernatural)
Griffith (Beserk) v Chloe Valentine (Be More Chill)
Scott Pilgrim (Scott Pilgrim) v Lionel Luthor (Smallville)
Lydia (Skyrim) v Shadow Weaver (She-Ra)
Rand Ridley (Inside Job) v Jun Kawanakajima (Ultra Maniac)
Krusty the Clown (The Simpsons) v Fire Lord Ozai (A:TLA)
Joseph Sugarman (BoJack Horseman) v Huey Emmerich (Metal Gear)
Anti - Pops (Regular Show) v Kylo Ren (Star Wars)
Bracket G (4/22-29)
Ross Geller (Friends) v Akito Sohma (Fruits Basket)
Henry Bowers (IT) v Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa)
Winner Sinclair (Chibi Vampire) v Evil Do-er/Dark Blue (Animation vs Minecraft)
Clint (Stardew Valley) v Luke Castellan (Percy Jackson)
Kokichi Ouma (Danganronpa) v Colin Robinson (What We Do In The Shadows)
Spy (TF2) v Ghetsis (Pokemon)
Billy (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy) v Queen Vanessa (A Hat In Time)
Doofus Drake (Ducktales) v Servantis (Ben 10)
Elias Bouchard (The Magnus Archives) v Francisco Guerra (Paranatural)
Tingle (The Legend of Zelda) v Hawt Saus (Chikn Nuggit)
Trishna (Papa Louie) v Mark Brendanawicz (Parks and Recreation)
Unparalleled Innocence (Rain World) v Morgana (Persona 5)
Lady Gisela Sencen (Keeper of the Lost Cities) v Vanitas (Kingdom Hearts)
Suzy Johnston (Phineas and Ferb) v Kaidou Shun (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.)
Souichi (Junji Ito) v Dr Hotti (Ace Attorney)
Morgoth (LOTR) v Sarah (Ed, Edd, and Eddy)
Bracket H (4/22-29)
Han Sooyoung (Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint) v Barney the Purple Dinosaur (Barney)
Andy Bernard (The Office) v Lars Barriga (Steven Universe)
Dio (Zero Escape) v Caillou (Caillou)
Gideon Gleeful (Gravity Falls) v Balgo (Burn the Witch)
Joshu Higashikata (JJBA) v Toby Flenderson (The Office)
Touga Kiryuu (Revolutionary Girl Utena) v Teledji Adeledji (FFXIV)
Chairman Rose (Pokemon) v Donnel Udina (Mass Effect)
Father (FMA) v Harumi (LEGO Ninjago)
Akio Ohtori (Revolutionary Girl Utena) v Richard (Requiem of the Rose King)
Miranjo (Ranking of Kings) v Kray Foresight (Promare)
Xander Harris (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) v The Worst (Ben 10)
Hisoka Morrow (Hunter x Hunter) v Doc Scratch (Homestuck)
Tony Stark (MCU) v Sakura Horuna (Naruto)
Sir Tristan the Cold (Penumbra Podcast) v Clay Puppington (Morel Orel)
Bling Bling Boy (Johnny Test) v George Constanza (Seinfeld)
Quiche (Tokyo Mew Mew) v Enji Todoroki (My Hero Academia)
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katt-sports · 11 months
Extra Sport Champions
In the Wuhu lore me and my friend have been working on, there are a few new sports that are officially competitive (aka, the skill level ones). So here they are and their respective beginners and champions!
SURFING (Beginner: David - Champion: Cole)
MARTIAL ARTS (Beginner: Daisuke - Champion: Saburo)
FIGURE SKATING (Beginner: Chika - Champion: Patrick)
These are only Wii based, idk about the Wii U generation.
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sad-scribble · 2 years
the true genders:
Male Female RAT Danish Venezuela K-Mart™️ Dick's Sporting Goods™️ Goggobite Hamburg Cheeseburg Borb Gorb Pay Less Shoes™️ Vampire Warewolf Thing™️ Clinically Insane but a Blorbo Clinically insane but Just Insane Kidney Donor 5 Gay Rats 7 and a Half Men Trans (Either) None Other Prefer Not to Say (Coward)
Other Genders Include: Home Owners Association of Vicksburg, Virginia Gaylord, Michigan Hell, Michigan Hell, Norway Wal-Mart Super Centers Ararcho-Anarchist 1800-588-2300 Empire Today™️ Bob Ross Chia Pet Red Beans and Rice Ikea Cafeteria Worker Indiana Resident Bermuda Triangle 5th Grader 6th grader High School Freshman High School Senior Mesothelioma Domino's App, Featuring, Hatsune Miku™️ Play-Doh Monstrosity Made of Origami Yucatan Peninsula Cuba Ancient Roman Norse Mythological Being It™️ Other Other.
Other Other Genders Include: Battle Cat 277 English Men named Gary 1 Child named Gerry 16 South African Children Home Owners Associations of Ottawa Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Louisiana Gumbo Mississippi North Texan Oklahoma Panhandle Native American God Cancer (Star Sign of Crab) Cancer (Disease) Lobster Shrimp Fried Rice Waddle Dee Amalgamation of the Fears of the Next Person you Meet Lusty Argonian Maid Köttbullar Chicken Noodle Soup Served Hot and Fresh on December 17th, 1942 Sheep Goat Goat Simulator Goat Simulation Skeleton Skeleton but Cooler David Shy Guy Secure Contain Protect Red Man™️ Omori Player Hard Boiled Egg Other Other Other
Other Other Other Genders Include: Me! :-) Green Man™️ Bangkok, Thailand Shay's Rebellion Alexander Hamilton's Husband Alexander Hamilton's Wife Scottish Dr. Pepper Dr. Bright Tumblr User Fly Swatter Pepsi Cola™️ Nestle™️ Swiss National Banks Federal Reserve Fallout 76 SCP-035 John Garfield (President of the United States) Garfield (Cat) Narrator from Stanley Parable™️ Every Kiss Begins with Kay™️ Everybody Wants to Rule the World Madagascar (Movie Series) Madagascar (Island) Elephant 2 Trucks Isle of Man Dos Islas Del Caribe French SCP-049 New South Wales Rochester, New York Swedish Meatballs Effects of Male Pattern Baldness on Italians 9Gag User Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Floridian South Texan Black Beans and Rice Other Other Other Other
Other Other Other Other Genders Include: Pepperoni Shakespeare's Play, Macbeth Beowulf Homer (Simpson) Homer (Author) Political Candidate German Polish Femboy 67 Children with Knives A Hamster Spinning a Wheel in Someone's Head FemMAN Dos Amigos Restaurant Chains North Sentinel Island Odin Ice Giant Skylander Disney Infinity™️ Guitar Hero Nintendo Wii Spaghetti Tacos Jerusalem Crème Brule Humunculous Spanish At Least 31 Years Old MIT Graduate BenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenrey Hey! Listen!
Celeste Flying Spaghetti Monster The Computer from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared Target™️ SCP-079 Oyster Pirate Ninja Robot from the Future Robot The Thing™️ Blob 1990's Rendered 3D Sphere Youtube Poop Mist Flying Chinchilla Gingi Robot Chicken
what you want more?
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