#day6 stories
linolinoing · 3 months
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koala hug 🐨
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minzbins · 5 months
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seungkwan is just like me for real
+ bonus:
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bts-trans · 6 months
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240403 RM's Instagram Story
우리도 화이팅
Good luck to us too, let's go
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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day6source · 4 months
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The baby fox is gentle 🦊✌️ ️ We took some behind-the-scenes photos.. I survived today again today 🌏🖤
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nyamadermont · 6 months
This Isn't Going to Work
Angstpril 2024: Day 6 (1368 words)
“Lin, this isn’t going to work. I only have a couple of days in the city and I can’t predict when the baby will come. If you can’t take a day or two off to spend with me, I’ll just stay on the Island and not interrupt your schedule.”
“But Kya, I want to see you. It’s been months, and I miss you. We’ve been planning this raid for six months. I would risk my officers’ lives if I just took vacation time right now. Never mind what the council would say.”
“Oh, don’t bring my brother into this, Lin,” Kya groused.
Lin scoffed. “Your brother would be mad at me, but more for making you unavailable. He’s been on my back for three years to take a vacation.”
“Tenzin and I agree on something other than the fact he’s lucky Pema puts up with him.”
Lin froze.
Through a clenched jaw, she managed to respond. “No, I’m sorry, Kya. You’re right. This visit isn’t going to work out.”
Lin frowned at the timetables and weather charts spread out over Katara’s dining table. She was nearly in tears as she said, “Kya, this isn’t going to work. I have been gone for two weeks already. I’ve got to get Saikahn back to his usual duties. This election is in two months, and I have security to work out across the city.” She dropped her face in her hands. “I want to stay.”
Kya reached over and pulled one hand away and gave it a kiss.
“Lin, dear, you hate it here.”
Lin scoffed.
“I don’t hate you,” she muttered so softly Kya nearly missed it.
Kya kissed Lin’s hand again before settling her cheek into Lin’s palm.
“I don’t hate you, too.”
Their eyes met and they laughed.
Kya sighed.
“Well, if this isn’t going to work, you’d best pack. You know what Tenzin is like when he’s decided a problem is not going to fix itself. I’m sure he is going to have Korra on a meditation regime like none we’ve ever seen before.”
There was no laughter over the fate of two benders going home without their bending.
The door nearly broke from its hinges as Mako came bursting into the room. “Chief! Korra’s back! Everything is going to work out!”
“This isn’t going to work. We should just go home,” Lin growled, her stomach churning. Her feet were encased in soggy leather rather than her standard uniform boots. Everywhere, the riotous green growth was oppressive in its pervasiveness. They could only see so far ahead before yet another tree turned them aside from their best guess of a path.
The earth under her feet was saturated, and the water blurred her seismic sense. Kya, meanwhile, seemed almost to tiptoe through the reeds and rushes.
Lin paused a moment to admire the one spark of beauty in this spirits-forsaken swamp.
Except, of course, the spirits had not forsaken this awful place. They had both had visions the night before, and Lin was embarrassed by what Kya had heard.
“Lin, I have a good feeling. I bet Toph is just past that tree over there. Trust me.”
The cackling laugh seemed to come from everywhere but above them.
“Trust? Kya, you should know better than that. Lin won’t trust her own two feet.”
The tiny, wizened form of Lin’s mother emerged from behind the very tree Kya had indicated. 
“Hey, Chief.”
Lin shook her head and sighed. “Hey, Chief.” 
A few minutes’ worth of backtracking brought them to Toph’s small abode. She negligently raised two stools for sitting, then returned to her own reclining seat.
Kya’s stomach gurgled, so she started opening their pack. “Toph, we brought some food with us. We thought you might like something other than wet mushrooms. We just need a little larger fire to cook everything.”
“That isn’t going to work. The swamp and I have an arrangement, and that fire doesn’t get any bigger. It’s either good enough, or it’s not.”
Kya was perplexed by the instructions in the note in her hand. Lin told her to arrive at a very specific hour at the delivery entrance to the Republic City History Museum, and to wait for her.
After a short wait, she began to regret dismissing the cab, because she didn’t see anywhere to sit and wait for her wife. The shadows were shifting, and Kya had other things she wanted to do other than watch the birds flit about the alleyway.
Just as she was about to give up and leave, a police van pulled up and parked next to the dock. Lin exited the passenger side, bent over to speak to the driver, then walked to the cargo doors at the back. Her hand was hidden by the open doors, until she backed up and a large crate floated out and settled on the ground behind the vehicle. Kya presumed there was something metal inside that she was bending.
Lin closed the doors to the van and tapped the back twice. The officer put the sato into gear and drove away. 
Lin bent the crate up onto the dock, then walked over to where Kya was waiting with an arched eyebrow and crossed arms.
“You were very specific, Lin. Why have I been waiting here so long?”
Lin had the decency to look slightly abashed. “The people we are here to meet got caught in traffic and couldn’t let us in on time. I’m sorry.”
With a wave, Kya dismissed the concerns, and leaned over to give Lin a kiss.
Kya was fascinated to get to see the back offices and storage areas of the museum. Even as the child of dignitaries, she had never gotten to see the parts of the museum where all the work was done. It seemed to be a busy place, even on a day when they were closed to the public.
She waited in the chair she was led to while Lin managed the crate under the direction of one of the curators. She rummaged through her bag for a book until she remembered having finished her last one from her last trip to the library. A glance around the room found very little to distract her, so she settled on the floor to meditate.
“Kya, dear. We’re ready.”
Kya was prepared with her side-eye for Lin, who somehow did not seem surprised. Or put off in the slightest.
She was almost smug.
Kya frowned, but got up from the floor to follow Lin.
They emerged from the employee areas into the main visitor gallery. Hand in hand, they walked through an open doorway with the phrase “The Story of Our City” marked out in a cheerful red overhead.
It had been years since the last time Kya had brought the niblings, so she could see a few places where things had been updated and rearranged. Lin took a turn Kya didn’t recognize, only to be confronted with a larger-than-life statue of Toph. Which thankfully was not the size of the statue at headquarters.
Lin guided her through a small hall dedicated to the police force from its establishment under the original council through the rise of the triads, the terror of Yakone, the two chiefs after Toph, to Lin’s own promotion to the top job. There was a memorial wall for those killed in the line of duty, whether in what Lin called the ‘quiet years’ or specific historic moments like the Equalist Uprising.
“Kya, darling. Close your eyes, please.”
Kya looked at Lin first, but slowly and deliberately closed her eyes, and wrapped her arm around Lin’s elbow. It was only about another twenty steps before Lin asked her to stop and turn around. She heard a click that sounded like a storage case closing.
“Open your eyes.”
Behind a glass case, a dressmaker’s form supported one of Lin’s uniforms. The plaque overhead read, “Chief Lin Beifong served Republic City for forty years before retiring in the twenty-fourth year of the Korra Era.”
Kya blinked. “Retired?” She looked at Lin in confusion.
“Retired." Lin pointed at the uniform. "This isn’t going to work.”
She smiled at Kya.
“Ever again.”
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the-writing-mobster · 2 years
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| FRANSWEEK Day 6 — Stargazing | Baby Face • Highschool AU | 🤍✨ |
| Day 1 🍷 | Day 2 💎 | Day 3 🏵️ | Day 4 🔪 | Day 5 ⚜️ | Day 6 ✨ | Day 7 💖 |
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jyp-natiion · 6 months
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› 🛸 jyp-nation! ✸
olá, a jyp-nation é um squad que reúne aqueles que gostam de algum fandom de um grupo ativo da jyp (2pm, boy story, day6, itzy, nexz, niziu, nmixx, stray kids, twice, vcha e xdinary heroes). escritores, designers, betas, iconmakers, biomakers ou, até mesmo quem aprecia, admira, utiliza e/ou lê esses conteúdos.
confira os integrantes aqui!
confira o perfil do spirit aqui!
confira projetos ou squads com foco em grupos da jyp aqui!
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fybriankang · 2 months
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via 일일칠 - 117 youtube channel
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8ightisfate · 3 months
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marshmellody · 6 months
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my reaction to day6's comeback
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shivsjay · 6 months
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Drive de Icons 📂
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ishikawayukis · 2 years
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missing young k hours D-22
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one-sided love story
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fy-parksungjin · 5 months
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240504 BOY STORY twitter update with DAY6
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day6source · 3 months
New video from 일일칠 - 117!
[Young K's K Survival Story] EP.4 Stray Kids Bangchan
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rosesemporium · 11 months
Kinktober Day Six Sneak Peak!!! 18+
wordcount: 474
theme: frottage
tags: str1p, str1pper
Lights danced around you as you sat in the break room adjusting your makeup. Outside, the cheer of men sounded like a bell, but you knew it was just because most of them were halfway to wasted. Finishing the wing of your eyeliner, you paused, stepping back to look at yourself in the mirror.
You were dressed in a skimpy black leather bikini. Nested between your breasts was a silver ring, perfectly complimenting the silver choker that you wore. With a sigh to yourself, you slipped on your heels, looking in the mirror one last time before you headed out.
You can do this. Just one last show and then you’re done for the night.
At the same time Emily, one of the other dancers, stepped into the break room through the curtains. “You’re up Y’N. Show ‘em what you got!~”
With a nod, you put on a large grin, pushing aside the purple drapes and slowly stepping out onto the stage.
Cheers and clapping sounded all around you as you performed. Stepping up to the pole, you started small, swinging your hips, gentle and teasing.
As you began to ramp up your performance, the cheers got louder. Someone in the crowd threw up a 5-dollar on the stage, which you stuffed into your bra graciously before continuing to do your rounds.
Somewhere along your performance, a lady’s hand stuck up towards your stage, so you walked over. Straining to see through the stage light, you took in some of her features: She had sharp ginger hair and deep green eyes, with freckles that littered the whole of her body. She cried out as you placed your hand onto hers, sliding your fingers up and down teasingly before walking away.
The rest of the performance went as they always do, a few sharp 20-dollar bills, but mostly fives. The men cheered and whooped, but it didn’t bring any gratification. It never did.
As you finished, you stepped back into the break room, checking your money quickly so you could put it in your locker. 254$… Just enough to get me through this week.
Emily pulled up next to you, dangling a key graciously in her hands. “I know you said one more but I have a surprise for you! Some lady and her boyfriend wanna see you in room two, they said they are willing to tip graciously.~” She smiled.
“So a lap dance?” You flicked your gaze to the clock, checking the time.
9:54… I might as well, maybe it will help me scrape up a little bit more.
Pressing your hand to your temples, you sighed. “Fine, but no more after this one, I have to get home.”
“Of course!”
And with that, you stepped outside the break room and down the winding hallways leading you straight to room two.
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