dayoniic · 1 year
I love them sm <3
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notihatillo · 2 months
El Hatillo, 27 de Abril del 2024
Buenos días, y reparador fin de semana.
Nuestro diario resumen de noticias llega a ustedes gracias a @NotiHatillo /Alcaldía del Hatillo /Redes Sociales
@ElHatillo Te recordamos que si vives en #ElHatillo, estudias fuera y tienes notas mayor a 18 puntos podrías ganar el Premio a la Excelencia Educativa. 📚 Envía tus calificaciones y RIF de tus padres a [email protected] antes del 31/05. ¡Demuestra tu excelencia!
@ElHatillo 🚧 Avanzamos en el Ambulatorio Jesús Reggeti 🏥
Hoy, nuestro equipo ha dado pasos firmes en las mejoras continuas del ambulatorio, desde la estructura de techo hasta la renovación de brocales y aceras. ¡Seguimos comprometidos con el bienestar de #ElHatillo
@ElHatillo 🚧Hoy #26ABR, nuestro equipo realizó trabajos de destape y mantenimiento de alcantarillados con vactor en las zonas de #LosNaranjos, #LaLagunita, #LaBoyera y #ElSeminario. Continuamos comprometidos con el bienestar de todos los hatillanos
@ServiciosEH 📢 #ServiciosEHInforma Se realizó mantenimiento en sumidero de aguas de lluvia colapsado por aguas servidas en la urbanización Lomas de la Lagunita con vactor
Trabajamos para ustedes.
@ElHatillo Hemos completado el reemplazo de luminarias con una nueva y eficiente LED de 100w en la avenida norte del sector #Arpena de #LosNaranjos 💡
@ServiciosEH 📢 #ServiciosEHInforma Destape y mantenimiento por cachimbo de aguas servidas con vactor, en Los Naranjos, Av. principal (Res. Alto Valle, frente a Galería Los Naranjos)
¡Trabajando para ustedes y por El Hatillo Posible!
@ServiciosEH 📢 #ServiciosEHInforma Vecinos, en la vía del Seminario, se hace destape y mantenimiento de aguas servidas con vactor
@ServiciosEH 📢 #ServiciosEHInforma Vecinos, se realizó destape desde boca de visita en la avenida Ppal Los Naranjos, frente a las Res, Mucubaji redoma Sport Center.
¡El trabajo no para!
Luis Eduardo Martínez, candidato presidencial por el partido Acción Democrática, saluda a simpatizantes en Caracas, el 22 de abril.
Los ‘alacranes’, la oposición acusada de colaborar con el chavismo en Venezuela, también lanza una candidatura única
Acusados de traidores por el antichavismo ortodoxo, estos partidos políticos sostienen que Maduro solo les cederá a ellos el poder
Enrique Márquez ofrece una conferencia de prensa este jueves 25 de abril en Caracas, Venezuela.
El opositor Enrique Márquez se aleja de Edmundo González Urrutia y sigue su carrera en solitario en Venezuela
El político defiende el referéndum paralelo a las elecciones presidenciales que impulsan Petro y Lula
Edmundo González Urrutia.
La vaina está buena en Venezuela
Una elección competitiva el 28 de julio es el primer paso para ponerle punto final el trancón catastrófico que ha caracterizado a la disfuncional política venezolana en la última década. Pero, más que eso, sería la piedra fundacional de un nuevo contrato social
La cabeza en Estados Unidos y el corazón en Latinoamérica
Las sintonías de López Obrador con el bloque bolivariano, mucho más que con el nuevo progresismo latinoamericano, lo ayudan contrarrestar la intimidad con Estados Unidos
Edmundo González Urrutia.
La victoria momentánea de la oposición venezolana se llama Edmundo González Urrutia
Los antichavistas han logrado sortear por ahora las trabas del oficialismo con la inscripción de este diplomático de 74 años que cuenta con el apoyo de María Corina Machado y Rosales
Dayonis Orozco Castillo en custodia de la Policía Nacional de Colombia, tras ser arrestado en Popayán, el 23 de abril.
El recorrido por cinco países del presunto asesino del carabinero Emmanuel Sánchez que terminó en Colombia
Dayonis Orozco ha sido capturado en el municipio de Popayán. El presidente colombiano Gustavo Petro ha anunciado que el imputado será entregado a las autoridades chilenas
Arnoldo André Tinoco, ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Costa Rica, este lunes en Madrid.
Arnoldo André TINOCO dijo “Nos preocupa la presencia de Irán, Rusia y China en Venezuela, Nicaragua y Cuba”
El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Costa Rica, de visita en España, asegura que los recursos de su país están desbordados por la migración
Maduro pide al equipo de la ONU volver a Venezuela dos meses después de su expulsión
El presidente de Venezuela ha recibido en Caracas al fiscal de la Corte Penal Internacional, Karim Khan, con quien ha acordado la reapertura de la oficina del Alto Comisionado de Derechos Humanos
Boric dice que “sería gravísimo” que el crimen del disidente Ojeda en Chile haya sido planificado desde Caracas, como apunta la Fiscalía
El presidente chileno habla sobre la posibilidad del móvil político tras el asesinato del exmilitar: “Una violación de la soberanía por parte de cualquier país es un agravio mayor”
Estados Unidos y Brasil saludan la candidatura de Edmundo González, el candidato antichavista de consenso
Gustavo Petro también ha dado su visto bueno a la candidatura del diplomático venezolano que, salvo inhabilitación, se enfrentará a Maduro el 28 de julio
El chavismo puso trabas a las adhesiones a Edmundo González Urrutia, el candidato de la oposición
Los partidos antichavistas que quieren unirse al sustituto de María Corina Machado les fue dificilingresar a la plataforma del Consejo Nacional Electoral
La Corte Suprema chilena suspende el juicio contra Los Gallegos, el brazo operativo del Tren de Aragua
El máximo tribunal del país sudamericano ordenó la paralización del proceso en contra de los 38 acusados de pertenecer a la megabanda venezolana, los que debían enfrentar a un tribunal en Arica
La tenista Muguruza poso con el trofeo de campeona en Wimbledon tras la final de 2017. Garbiñe Muguruza, la campeona incomprendida
La española/venezolana se retira a los 30 años, como una tenista especial y visceral que se rigió siempre por la inspiración y su propio código: llegar hasta donde ella quiso llegar
El candidato 13, el hombre que une a la oposición venezolana
Los temores del llamado a la abstención y la división de candidaturas han sido conjurados, al menos temporalmente, pero los desafíos no cesan
Venezolanos en Colombia se manifestaron a favor de María Corina Machado, el 6 de abril 2024.
El reto de votar en las elecciones de Venezuela desde el extranjero
Los requisitos de residencia complican el registro de votantes interesados en participar en los próximos comicios.
Garbiñe Muguruza: “¿Que podía haber ganado más? Y también menos, ¡no te fastidia!”
La española/venezolana reflexiona sobre su retirada, las expectativas y el éxito, y asegura tener ganas de iniciar la nueva vida alejada de la pista y la competición
El diplomático Edmundo Gonzales de 74 años comenzó su carrera en los setenta, acompañó a Chávez en uno de sus primeros viajes y trabajó por incorporar Venezuela a Mercosur
Manuel Rosales llego a un evento en Maracaibo para conmemorar el 214º aniversario de la Declaración de Independencia de Venezuela.
La oposición venezolana eligio como candidato de consenso a Edmundo González Urrutia
El diplomático, que cuenta con el apoyo de los principales partidos y de los dirigentes María Corina Machado y Manuel Rosales, será el principal rival de Maduro en las elecciones presidenciales de julio
En alerta el norte de Chile por el juicio contra Los Gallegos, un peligroso tentáculo del Tren de Aragua
La Justicia ha definido que el proceso en contra de la banda en Arica sea presencial para 19 de sus integrantes, lo que inquieta a la Fiscalía por los problemas de seguridad en el traslado de los imputados
Tres Administraciones y presión política intermitente: el efecto de las sanciones de Estados Unidos en Venezuela
De Obama a Biden, pasando por la mano dura de Trump, así han repercutido las medidas económicas de Washington contra el Gobierno de Maduro
Mensajes cruzados entre Chile y Venezuela
Las relaciones diplomáticas entre ambos países atraviesan semanas convulsas por sonados crímenes
El chavismo critica el regreso de las sanciones de Estados Unidos y asegura que no se comprometió a habilitar a Machado
El aparato gubernamental despliega un operativo propagandístico para ofrecer una muestra de dinamismo económico y anuncia la firma de nuevos acuerdos con Repsol
Estados Unidos reactiva las sanciones contra el petróleo de Venezuela como medida de presión electoral
La Licencia General 44, que autorizaba algunas operaciones, quedará cancelada desde este jueves, y las compañías afectadas tendrán hasta el 31 de mayo para cerrar las operaciones pendientes
Lula da Silva visita a Petro con el vecindario en llamas
El presidente de Brasil inauguro la feria del libro de Bogotá con el gigante suramericano como país invitado
El presidente de izquierdas de Chile ha respondido a su par venezolano, luego de que Maduro responsabilizara al fallecido exmandatario conservador de la entrada del Tren de Aragua a Chile
El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, habla durante un discurso en Caracas, Venezuela, en julio de 2023.
Maduro anuncia que retira a su personal diplomático en Ecuador: “Lo de Noboa es una amenaza directa al resto de embajadas
El presidente de Venezuela asegura que va a respaldar a México en su propuesta de expulsar a Ecuador de Naciones Unidas
Antonio Ecarri, candidato considerado por muchos como otro alacrán venezolano: “Para presentarme necesitaba estar vivo, libre y habilitado”
El político se presenta como una opción de centro que aboga por acabar con la conflictividad crónica entre el chavismo y la oposición
483 a.C. en Kushinagar (India) fallece Buda, creador del budismo. (Más posiblemente sucedió el 11 de abril de 487 a. C.)
711 en la Península Ibérica, mientras Rodrigo se enfrenta a los vascones, Táriq ibn Ziyad llega a Tarifa (Cádiz) con entre 7000 y 12 000 hombres y derrota a las fuerzas de Sancho, sobrino de Rodrigo, comenzando así la ocupación musulmana del territorio.
1565 en la isla de Cebú (Filipinas), los españoles fundan la villa de Cebú (primer asentamiento español en esas islas), en el mismo lugar donde el rajá Humabón envenenó a los soldados de Magallanes.
1673 en Francia, Jean-Baptiste Lully estrena su ópera Cadmus et Hermione.
1706 las tropas franco-españolas de Felipe V levantan el sitio de Barcelona durante la Guerra de Sucesión.
1810 en Alemania, Ludwig van Beethoven compone su famosa pieza para piano, Para Elisa.
1813 en Chile, las fuerzas patriotas sorprenden al ejército realista en Yerbas Buenas, obligándolo a replegarse más al sur.
1820 en Argentina, Juan Felipe Ibarra inició una revolución que declaró la autonomía de la Provincia de Santiago del Estero.
1821 en la zona de León, al norte de San Salvador de Jujuy, un grupo de gauchos jujeños al mando del coronel José Ignacio Gorriti derrotan al ejército español (Día Grande de Jujuy).
1832 cerca de Argel, combate por primera vez la Legión extranjera (grupo de mercenarios).
1835 a lo largo de la costa de Perú, Charles Darwin inicia un viaje por tierra.
1838 en Costa Rica se funda la aldea de Grecia.
1848 en Francia se promulga el decreto de abolición de la esclavitud.
1852 en la ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina), la revolución encabezada por el coronel Pizarro derroca al gobernador Manuel López, quien había estado en el Gobierno desde 1835.
1864 en Toro (España), el sacerdote Jerónimo Usera funda la Congregación de Hermanas del Amor de Dios.
1872 en la provincia de Santa Fe (Argentina) el general Manuel Obligado funda la villa de Reconquista (Argentina).
1873 en la ciudad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) se funda el barrio de Saavedra.
1909 en Turquía es derrocado el sultán Abdul Hamid II.
1925 en el Marruecos invadido por Francia, el cabecilla Abd-el-Krim asalta la primera posición.
1927 en Chile, el presidente Carlos Ibáñez del Campo funda Carabineros de Chile.
1928 en España se funda el Patronato Nacional de Turismo.
1945 en el marco de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, se proclama la Segunda República de Austria y su independencia de la Alemania nazi.
1945 en Italia, partisanos italianos capturan al ex dictador Benito Mussolini.
1950 Gran Bretaña reconoce el Estado de Israel.
1960 Togo se independiza de Francia.
1961 Sierra Leona se independiza de Reino Unido.
1978 en Afganistán, toma el poder el partido comunista en lo que será conocido como la Revolución de Saur.
1984 en Barcelona sale de la cadena de montaje de la empresa Seat el primer automóvil Ibiza.
1986 en la Unión Soviética, la ciudad de Prípiat es evacuada tras el accidente de Chernóbil
1989 en Jordania, Hussein de Jordania anuncia convocatoria de elecciones.
1992 Serbia y Montenegro proclaman la nueva República Federal de Yugoslavia.
1994 en Sudáfrica se celebran las primeras elecciones multirraciales libres, poniendo fin al período conocido como apartheid.
2005 primer vuelo del Airbus A380, el avión más grande del mundo.
2010 el exdictador panameño Manuel Antonio Noriega es extraditado a Francia desde una cárcel en Miami (Estados Unidos), para ser juzgado por cargos de lavado de dinero.
2011 en Estados Unidos una oleada de tornados afecta a Tennessee, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Míchigan, Indiana, Misisipi, Nueva York, Luisiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Misuri y más regiones
Países Bajos y Azerbaiyán son los dos únicos países en tener sus capitales por debajo del nivel del mar.
Todo está perdido cuando los malos sirven de ejemplo y los buenos de mofa.
Demócrito de Abdera
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zacharieribbit · 1 year
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Art Fight 2023 #4
Another one OC belongs to Dayoniic (@dayoniic) / Twitter - - Like what I do? Consider supporting me!! ko-fi.com/zacharieribbit
Posted using PostyBirb
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sleeplesshq · 2 years
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Sleepy Hollow welcomes you, Dani! We hope you enjoy your stay in town as we work hard to rebuild the unity that was once lost! Please send in your account within 24 hours to secure Emeraude Toubia as your faceclaim!
name: Mariana Taboada
faceclaim: Emeraude Toubia
gender & pronouns: Female, She/Her
species: shifter (bengal tiger)
age: 74 (appears in her 30′s)
occupation: waitress at sleepless diner
Mariana’s childhood is one she still remembers fondly, even if a bit unconventional. Her mother died during childbirth so she was raised by her father in Mexico. She was taught to love and embrace not only herself, but witches as well, her pack and the coven in her village all close and working together as a single unit. For most of her adolescent life, the pack and the coven were her family. Mari was ten the first time she shifted, taking the form of a bengal cat–the same form her mother had been and all in all, she was happy.
She was 18 and content with her quiet life when she met Dayonis, a talented witch from a coven in America that was visiting and the two immediately clicked. He was older, kind, handsome, and Mariana instantly fell head over heels. Dayonis’ weekend trip turned into a full week, and that first visit soon turned more and more frequent, the witch feeling the same spark that Mari was and wanting to spend more time together. Almost a year into their back and forth relationship Day asked her to move with him to America, promising her safety and a new family within his coven and the few shifters who lived there as well- an offer Mariana eagerly agreed to. Within that year the two were married, celebrating with his whole coven and Mariana was happier than she’d ever been.
It was only a matter of time before the other shoe dropped though.
Overtime, Dayonis grew bored of his day-to-day life, feeling he could do more, be more, and when he eventually stumbled upon a grimoire full of dark, forbidden magic, it intrigued him and tempted him and soon enough, he succumbed to the temptation of dark magic- something witches are always warned against, And now Mariana understood why. The power completely consumed him, changing the once-kind man and twisting him into someone unrecognizable. He soon became so corrupted that he even became angry with the world and the human species as a whole, feeling they were beneath him and other supernaturals- and he told this to anyone who would listen, from other witches and shifters to even sprites. Many knew he was in the wrong, but some listened, agreeing with him, and soon enough he broke off and formed his own version of a coven, teaching other witches the power of dark magic and ultimately dubbing themselves Nexus. And Mariana, bound by the love she still inexplicably had for him, silently stood at his side, near powerless to stop him as the gentle man she’d once loved turned dark.
It went on for months, Day having his group move from region to region, gaining more followers in witches and other species and killing anyone in their way, completely drunk with power and not at all the man she’d once loved. When she finally had enough and told him she wanted to leave, he returned by saying he’d kill her if she even tried it. She was his after all. Not to mention she knew too much.
Mariana was treated more like a prisoner than anything else after that–always with a guard under the guise of protection but she knew it was really keeping an eye on her, not giving her the moment to ever escape.
For years Mariana was stuck in the life, lamenting over the relationship she had, the man she loved. But the pull of his magic and his greed for power killed that man long ago. So as the battles raged on and a war was officially wrought between the supernatural and the human world, she stood in the shadows, feeling powerless to stop it all. Eventually though, an opposing coven, the Lux coven, managed to stop him, and as much as it hurt, Mari turned a blind eye to it as they killed him, ultimately choosing to run instead of trying to help.
Mariana made her way back to her village in Mexico after that, hoping to find her old pack, her family. But they were all gone, either killed by hunters or scattered to other packs and covens around the world, so she wandered alone after that, living alone for the first time in her life. She guised herself as a human and got simple little jobs here and there to get enough money to keep her going over the years, until one day she heard word of Sleepy Hollow--and more than that, heard of who was behind it. Althea. She remembered that name vaguely--remembered how it was Althea and her coven that rid the world of Dayonis and Nexus for good. Mari had thought the witch dead though, but apparently not. And with nothing else going for her, Mariana decided to pack up her belongings and head to America again, hoping this time, the move truly would be for the better instead of another mistake.
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dove-actually · 5 years
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She looked about eighteen—a knight-appellant, likely, in her last year of training. Her average build and chestnut-brown skin could’ve placed her home anywhere in Scania, but small details betrayed her Myrhi heritage: a silver silk sash around her training tunic, the delicate weave of her ivory shirt. Of all Scanians, Myrhi cared most about sartorial elegance, and even the grime of knight-training wouldn’t rob them of it.
They were also usually even-keeled and poised, yet the girl before me seemed to have missed that memo.
She stood, scowling, knees bent, sword waving. “Fight me!”
Meet Dayoni, The Human Personification of the (ง'̀-'́)ง Emoji One of Sarra’s Other Nemeses
Her grip on the sword was off. The handle was too big for her—likely a family blade, made for another. She was short for a Myrhi; whoever had wielded the sword before her must’ve had bigger hands.
“Fight me, traitor!” She shoved me with her free hand, and I repressed the urge to grab her sword and thwack her over the head with it. “I challenge you! Your mother’s grandmother was a cowardly doe! Your home is built upon a pile of mule dung!”
That stung unexpectedly. Wolf’s Glen seemed to have become a bit of a sensitive topic. Go figure.
“To the death!” Her blade drew an angry X in the air. “Dishonorable cur! Grease stain on the glorious Knight Corps’ flag!”
Twin Gods, but she was imaginative. “Who are you, again?” I checked the forming spectator crowd for a hint of who’d put her up to this, but among the smirks and scowls, no one stood out.   
The girl’s blade waved at my face, and I leaned back slightly, worried her uneven grip might slip and leave me short a nose tip.
“I am Dayoni Amel! Knight-appellant, next in line to take the Final Challenge!” She pointed her sword at my chest. “For the honor of the Knight Corps, I challenge you to a knight duel!”
“No, thanks.” I turned away. A stunned silence followed, but only for a second—then a hand gripped my arm and yanked me back.
“Coward!” shrieked the girl. “Weakling! Traitor! Too scared to face a true knight in—”
“Actually, you’re no knight.” I nodded to her training tunic. “Only anointed knights may fight a knight-duel. For anyone else to issue that challenge—such as agitated little knights-appellant who don’t know better—is a breach of Corps law.”
The girl looked off-balance, but only briefly. “I’m more of a knight than you ever were!” She spat on the ground. “You’re no knight! You’re nothing but a vow-breaking, dishonorable—”
“If I’m not a knight, then I can’t be challenged to a knight-duel.” I raised my eyebrows. “It’s right there in the name. Challenging anyone but another knight is also against Corps law... Don’t they teach you children anything in your Code classes these days?”
She stared at me, jaw grinding.
“Fine! Then I challenge you to a regular duel.” She stabbed her sword at the air, and gave me a defiant look. “Fight me!”
Dayoni Amel is a knight-appellant (i.e. advanced trainee) in her last year of training). As one of few girls in knight-protector training at the time of Sarra’s (staged) defection, Dayoni suffered not only the disillusion of seeing the lady she admired betray the Corps, but also the unintended consequences of Sarra’s actions: various sexist jerks in the Corps decided to take out their hatred against Sarra on all girls training to be knights, making their lives in training a nightmare. Did Sarra’s boss, who knew the truth, stop this? No. He did not care.
Dayoni was the only girl to make it through this adversarial training, through a combination of skill, stubbornness, and cunning, but over her six years of suffering she developed a hefty grudge against Sarra, whom she blames for the horrible experience. When Sarra returns, Dayoni decides to kill her, to avenge the dishonor to the Corps, prove that girls can make loyal knights-protector, and thus make the training experience of other girls in the future easier than her own.
Best qualities: determined, self-confident, hard-working, intelligent, good fighting skills, strong sense of justice and responsibility, loyal
Worst qualities: impulsive, resentful, a little insensitive, stubborn as heck, she and Sarra have more traits in common than either cares to admit prideful, easy to anger
 Goal: Kill Sarra for the sake of all girls who want to train as knights. LOGIC. altho in her defense anyone who had to listen to six years of ‘women are disloyal jerks’ might form some maladaptive cognitions around that
Biggest obstacle to her goal: Sarra isn’t easy to kill. 
Times she says ‘fight me’ to Sarra: 50+
Times Sarra actually fights her: 2 
Times Dayoni wins the fight: lol
Inventive insults hurled at Sarra: 4000
Inventive insults hurled at Sarra’s horse: 1 because then Sarra fights her. FOR THE HONOR OF THE HORSE. Ok i’m kidding that’s not why they fight.
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simsoniann · 5 years
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Sing me a love song...
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auntwendy23 · 6 years
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🌛🌝🌜 Witchcraft Wednesday 🌛🌝🌜 🌛🌝🌜 Witchcraft Wednesday 🌛🌝🌜 Wicca, continued: Wicca was founded in England between 1921 and 1950, representing what the historian Ronald Hutton called "the only full-formed religion which England can be said to have given the world". Characterised as an "invented tradition" by scholars, Wicca was created from the patchwork adoption of various older elements, many taken from pre-existing religious and esoteric movements. Wicca took as its basis the witch-cult hypothesis, the idea that those persecuted as witches during the early modern period in Europe were not, as the persecutors had claimed, followers of Satanism, but were instead adherents of a surviving pre-Christian pagan religion. This theory had been first expressed by the German Professor Karl Ernest Jarcke in 1828, before being endorsed by German Franz Josef Mone and then the French historian Jules Michelet. In the late 19th century it was then adopted by two Americans, Matilda Joslyn Gage and Charles Leland, the latter of whom promoted a variant of it in his 1899 book, Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches. The theory's most prominent advocate was the English Egyptologist Margaret Murray, who promoted it in a series of books – most notably 1921's The Witch-Cult in Western Europe and 1933's The God of the Witches – and in her entry on "witchcraft" for the Encyclopædia Britannica. The witch-cult theory represented "the historical narrative around which Wicca built itself", with the early Wiccans claiming to be the survivors of this ancient pagan religion. Other influences upon early Wicca included various Western esoteric traditions and practices, among them ceremonial magic, Aleister Crowley and his religion of Thelema, Freemasonry, Spiritualism, and Theosophy. To a lesser extent, Wicca also drew upon folk magic and the practices of cunning folk. It was further influenced both by scholarly works on folkloristics, particularly James Frazer's The Golden Bough, as well as romanticist writings like Robert Graves' The White Goddess, and pre-existing modern Pagan groups such as the Order of Woodcraft Chivalry and Druidism. It was during the 1930s that the first evidence appears for the practice of a pagan Witchcraft religion (what would be recognisable now as Wicca) in England. It seems that several groups around the country, in such places as Norfolk, Cheshire and the New Forest had set themselves up as continuing in the tradition of Murray's Witch-Cult, albeit with influences coming from disparate sources such as ceremonial magic, folk magic, Freemasonry, Theosophy, Romanticism, Druidry, classical mythology and Asian religions. Early development, 1936–1959 Edit The history of modern Wicca starts with Gerald Gardner (the "Father of Wicca") in the mid-20th century. Gardner was a retired British civil servant and amateur anthropologist, with a broad familiarity in paganism and occultism. He claimed to have been initiated into a witches' coven in New Forest, Hampshire, in the late 1930s. Intent on perpetuating this craft, Gardner founded the Bricket Wood coven with his wife Donna in the 1940s, after buying the Naturist Fiveacres Country Club. Much of the coven's early membership was drawn from the club's members and its meetings were held within the club grounds. Many notable figures of early Wicca were direct initiates of this coven, including Dafo, Doreen Valiente, Jack Bracelin, Frederic Lamond, Dayonis, Eleanor Bone and Lois Bourne. The Witchcraft religion became more prominent beginning in 1951, with the repeal of the Witchcraft Act of 1735, after which Gerald Gardner and then others such as Charles Cardell and Cecil Williamson began publicising their own versions of the Craft. Gardner and others never used the term "Wicca" as a religious identifier, simply referring to the "witch cult", "witchcraft", and the "Old Religion". However, Gardner did refer to witches as "the Wica". During the 1960s, the name of the religion normalised to "Wicca". Gardner's tradition, later termed Gardnerianism, soon became the dominant form in England and spread to other parts of the British Isles. Adaptation and spread, 1960–present Edit Following Gardner's death in 1964, the Craft continued to grow unabated despite sensationalism and negative portrayals in British tabloids, with new traditions being propagated by figures like Robert Cochrane, Sybil Leek and most importantly Alex Sanders, whose Alexandrian Wicca, which was predominantly based upon Gardnerian Wicca, albeit with an emphasis placed on ceremonial magic, spread quickly and gained much media attention. Around this time, the term "Wicca" began to be commonly adopted over "Witchcraft" and the faith was exported to countries like Australia and the United States. It was in the United States and in Australia that new, home-grown traditions, sometimes based upon earlier, regional folk-magical traditions and often mixed with the basic structure of Gardnerian Wicca, began to develop, including Victor Anderson's Feri Tradition, Joseph Wilson's 1734 Tradition, Aidan Kelly's New Reformed Orthodox Order of the Golden Dawn and eventually Zsuzsanna Budapest's Dianic Wicca, each of which emphasised different aspects of the faith. It was also around this time that books teaching people how to become Witches themselves without formal initiation or training began to emerge, among them Paul Huson's Mastering Witchcraft (1970) and Lady Sheba's Book of Shadows (1971). Similar books continued to be published throughout the 1980s and 1990s, fuelled by the writings of such authors as Doreen Valiente, Janet Farrar, Stewart Farrar and Scott Cunningham, who popularised the idea of self-initiation into the Craft. Among witches in Canada, anthropologist Dr. Heather Botting (nee Harden) of the University of Victoria has been one of the most prominent, having been the first recognized Wiccan chaplain of a public university. Original high priestess of Coven Celeste, she is one of the founders of the Canadian Aquarian Tabernacle Church. In the 1990s, amid ever-rising numbers of self-initiates, the popular media began to explore "witchcraft" in fictional films like The Craft (1996) and television series like Charmed (1998–2006), introducing numbers of young people to the idea of religious witchcraft. This growing demographic was soon catered to through the Internet and by authors like Silver RavenWolf, much to the criticism of traditional Wiccan groups and individuals. In response to the way that Wicca was increasingly portrayed as trendy, eclectic, and influenced by the New Age movement, many Witches turned to the pre-Gardnerian origins of the Craft, and to the traditions of his rivals like Cardell and Cochrane, describing themselves as following "Traditional Witchcraft". Prominent groups within this Traditional Witchcraft revival included Andrew Chumbley's Cultus Sabbati and the Cornish Ros an Bucca coven. Source: Wikipedia.com
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pagansquare · 6 years
Why Pagans Do Ritual
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It's still the single best rationale for pagan ritual that I've ever heard.
Back in the early days of the Wiccan revival, a reporter asked Gardner's first post-Valiente priestess, Dayonis, "Why do you do your rituals?"
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transnameswap · 7 years
hey I’m donating the name Dayoni (pronounced day oh nee) it’s Hawaiian in origin and meaning. it means tropical beauty.
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traditionalwiccans · 7 years
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dayoniic · 1 year
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beholdthescenery · 5 years
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McWay Falls in Big Sur, California (OC) [5616x3744] by Dayoni
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infoair · 6 years
Neni Livia, Penerima Gelar Keraton Surakarta dalam Melestarikan Budaya Jawa : Neni Livia Pemilik Batik Dayoni merupakan salah satu peserta undangan yang mendapatkan gelar Nyi Mas Tumenggung Neni... @jitunews: JITU NEWS Indonesia - Berita Nasional, Politik, Peristiwa, Pangan, Energi, Air, Dan Gaya Hidup
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atadite · 6 years
Neni Livia, Penerima Gelar Keraton Surakarta dalam Melestarikan Budaya Jawa: Neni Livia Pemilik Batik Dayoni merupakan salah satu peserta undangan yang mendapatkan gelar Nyi Mas Tumenggung Neni... http://www.jitunews.com/read/78804/neni-livia-penerima-gelar-keraton-surakarta-dalam-melestarikan-budaya-jawa @jitunews JITU NEWS Indonesia - Berita Nasional, Politik, Peristiwa, Pangan, Energi, Air, Dan Gaya Hidup #Jitunews #Pertanian #Energi #Air
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sleeplesshq · 2 years
Heya, is there a faceclaim for Dayonis ? Just for headcanon purposes :)
hello! this question definitely left us brainstorming and us admins have decided his faceclaim was Joseph Morgan.
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dove-actually · 4 years
Hello Other Dove! ^^! If you’re participating in STS, today is the beginning of Black History Month, please tell us about your Black characters and/or characters of color!
Thank you for this great q! i was actually sitting out STS today b/c of work, but  briefly popping back in to answer this Black-History-Month-relevant ask.
While most of my main cast are characters of color (more about the various races of Knight Errant here), I’ll focus on Myrhi characters for this, since all the Myrhi in the cast are black. (there are non-black people living on Myrh Island, but the Myrhi as a people are predominantly black)
The two Myrhi in the central cast are Dayoni, a knight-in-training who holds a spectacular grudge against Sarra, and Sir Justus, the royal spymaster and Sarra’s boss. They’re both originally from Myrh Island (the island that was moved closer to the continent via magic, to join w/ two other lands and form  Scania), and share some of the usual Myrhi attributes -- good knowledge of history, mastery of various languages, great sense of fashion -- but in most other ways they’re v different. Dayoni is stubborn, straightforward, action-driven, and sees everything as clear-cut right or wrong. Sir Justus thinks in more abstract shades of grey, and prefers subtle influence to the direct head-on approach. 
As for their character arcs -- Dayoni spends most of the book trying to kill Sarra in a fair duel, to “restore the honor” of all young women who want to be knights and are doubted because Sarra turned errant. her actual arc is learning to redirect some of that anger toward the sexist jerks who came up with that narrative in the first place  But also she gets in Sarra’s way at every turn.  She is a very competent fight-me emoji.
Sir Justus wants to stop the Prelate from hurting the King and destabilizing Scania, and his arc is about trying to uncover all the threads of the conspiracy and see the full picture -- all the while being at odds with Sarra, who disapproves strongly of his methods. He’s pretty confident that his strategy is correct, but might exhibit some character growth if no one’s looking ;)
thank you for the great question :)
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