#dbh captain allen x oc
possiblypeachy · 6 years
--; summary: The XK-100 model was designed to be many things: charming yet brutal, elusive yet blunt, gentle yet commandeering. What she wasn't designed to be was deviant. But, being so advanced can come with a cost.
You decide what that cost is.
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> part two
[determinant factors are in italics]
[warnings that apply to this chapter are in bold]
--; pairings: connor x xk-100, captain allen x xk-100
--; word count: 2.1k
--; themes: slow burn romance, angst, violence, platonic fluff, eventual smut
--; warnings: depictions of violence, death, suicide
--; note: hola mis amigos! this is the first piece of writing that i’m actually putting up here so go easy on me please and thank you! pardon any horrendous mistakes and/or terrible explanation of plot points :( 
in places this story will deviate (haha deviate) from canon. this allows me to weave my lovely little xk-100 model into scenarios that can help shape her personality for future installments. also, it gives me a chance to dabble with her interacting with minor characters that don’t get enough love!
if all goes well, i’d like to make this into a kind of ‘choose your own story’ type read bc i love me a good challenge and i want to give it the true d:bh feel. it’ll take a while to fan the options out but i’m a fast worker when inspired ;)
anywho, feel free to shoot me a message to ask me questions about this or give me suggestions! i’m also open to requests for now so hit me with your best shot, kiddos.
without further ado, enjoy!
[apolgies if this looks shit on mobile/anything really. i'll clean it up later :)]
The first thing she felt was something clicking to the back of her head. Streams of code filled black vision: a start-up process. Lines upon lines of binary were read at a speed that was inhuman, registering her programming and purpose. Though a crucial process, the small camera watching her saw nothing of what was going on behind those white eyelids-- not even a twitch to signal that she was functional.
Then, narrow eyes flickered open, much like a light bulb turning on after years of no use. Pale irises were revealed to the room, intricate patterns of ice and frost weaved around her pupil. They were shadowed by a line of dark lashes, removing the possibility of deducing what she was thinking by way of looking into her eyes. Yet the contrast between the light and dark made her hold an aura of allure. Even he, someone who had prepared for her to look like this, was momentarily hypnotised. Nevertheless, a pang of discomfort was felt when his gaze finally fell to her static form. She appeared detached from the world -- cold. She would be perfect for her job.
From his seat, her overseer leant down to a microphone. “Can you hear me?” A male voice reached her sensors and the LED on the side of her head sprang to life, glowing a calming blue. Tentative eyes watched her through the camera. His heart rate increased when her LED began circling-- processing. This was make or break. They'd tried to make models like her far too many times before but failed; she hadn't looked intimidating enough, she couldn't make sense of her own complexity, her thirium pump hadn't been wholly compatible. God, he'd seen so many of her previous attempts shutdown before they were even able to speak.
Anxiety. Worry. Tension. “Yes. I can hear you.” All those emotions dissolved-- cascaded from his conscience like the most beautiful waterfall he could ever witness--  and he leant back in his chair, instead filled with relief. A sigh that could've praised God itself left him before he moved to look at the live feed of her again. She was completely unmoving-- no blinking, no twitching of her eyes, no breathing. Instead, she was waiting.
“What's your serial number and model name?” The worry rose in him again as his sight glanced to the tablet before him, filled to the brim with information on her. All his team's plans for her, her I.D. and registration codes, who she was going to be given to, her abilities, her materials-- all of it-- stored on one tablet. Everything had to be checked. She had to confirm that all of her components were functional. If she said one wrong thing, she would be deconstructed and analysed.
The android's voice was smooth and unwavering-- unaware of the pressure placed upon her. Perhaps one could describe it as scheming. Hearing it laid a blanket of unsettling calm across those around yet it was beguiling-- mysterious. “#572 236 091 – 31. My model name is XK-100.” Her expression still showed nothing. Good.
The robotic arms whirred around her and created gentle streams of wind as they welded white plastic parts together, ensuring that her body was sturdy; she needed to be as durable as possible. Two of them spun on their pivots to receive an arm-- already constructed and able to move when tugged in a certain direction and therefore, hopefully, functional. Rather than screwing it into place, it clicked as though it was a dislocated bone being fixed. When the arms let go of it, it hung at her side-- lifeless.
He wasn't lifeless, however. Oh, quite the contrary. Having been working on this project for near to seven years now, he felt like a little clap and chuckle wouldn't be deemed all too unprofessional. They'd been planning an android like this for almost a decade: an android who was capable of taking down an entire riot single-handedly if the need arose. Her team had programmed tiny aspects of her day in, day out. Many sleepless nights were spent animating her custom expressions, blueprinting the structure and materials of her frame, weaving code into her artificial mind. By admittance of the former CEO of CyberLife himself, she was perhaps the most intelligent android they had yet made-- and that was Kamski's words from years before. Now, if she didn't possess that whirling LED on her temple and her posture wasn't so stiff, people could peg her as more life-like than some humans.
He spoke again. She picked up on the thrilled waver to his voice and committed it to her short-term memory stores. “Move your head.” As asked, her head craned from one side to another-- eyes yet to follow the direction of movement naturally. Then, she stopped rather suddenly back at the centre. The camera swerved to the front of her and lifted itself to her eye level. “Now, move your eyes.” Her eyelids jolted into motion and she blinked erratically-- even her brows furrowed. He felt as though he was intently watching her trying to remove something from the surface of her eyeball; it was uncomfortable, yes, but inevitably natural. Then, her sight began to sweep across the sterile room, recognising the area as Manufacturing Room 2462-B in the CyberLife Tower. Blinking was rhythmic yet not too unnatural. She was beginning to appear more human. Uncomfortably so.
The team working on her understood that she would be some of CyberLife's best work but, from what he could gather, they hadn't expected her to look so... alive. At least, he didn't.
“Good. Now, tell me your introductory text.”
“Hello. I am a first generation XK-100 android. I am designed to assist Special Weapons and Tactics units in high-risk cases. Alongside being much more durable than humans, I am able to process and successfully predict reasonable outcomes for scenarios-- if given enough verbal or physical queues. I am familiar with S.W.A.T training programs and have an accuracy rating of 96% when in optimal conditions.”
Cases of deviancy had been on the rise and more and more police cases were being taken over by S.W.A.T units. Their only downfall was that they were a mainly human organisation, thus making it more and more difficult for them to track ever developing deviant androids. With her on missions, their success rates would soar-- or so the team who had made her hoped.
“My battery allows me to work autonomously for 212 years and I do not require food or water to survive. Due to the nature of my programming, I am required to make frequent reports to my higher-ups on the condition of my software and, every 2 years, I must undergo a renewal of my permit to bypass the 'American Androids Act, subsection 544-7'-- which allows me to carry weapons as long as I have human supervision.” Her speech paused for a moment and her overseer watched with baited breath. Had her vocals malfunctioned? They couldn't have. She wasn't supposed to stop speaking. Fuck, fuck, fuck! They'd almost had--
“Would you like to name me?” An exhale. Thank the Lord. Perhaps she was already developing mannerisms? She was designed to integrate into a team-- to be adaptable-- and humans didn't take well to stiff androids. It would help her fit in; they'd aspired for her to be like this yet she seemed to be learning quickly-- faster than they'd suspected.
Her other arm clicked itself into place before he spoke and pale skin began to bleed across her plastic body, coating her in practically human layers of pores and tones. Black hair sprouted from her scalp and flopped down into its default style: short, gently waved, and middle-parted-- convenient for her designated career yet not unfamiliar or strange to humans. She began to exude a strange type of stern attractiveness-- every colour that she possessed merging together to create an amalgamation of, what he could only say was, foreign beauty.
“Yes. Your name will be set to...” His eyes flickered down to the tablet before him, “Kassandra.”
Unnervingly, her icy eyes stared straight into the camera. It was as though she was maintaining eye contact with him. Then, her lips twitched somewhat before forming an ever-so-slightly lopsided smile. The smile was charming but seeing it painted across the features of a half-built android was concerning to him. It didn't put him at ease. Rather, his expression tightened. But he couldn't look away from her, seemingly caught in the frost that built in her irises.
“My name is Kassandra. I am pleased to meet you.”
He shivered. All his previous excitement appeared to have dissipated and nothing came through the speakers installed in the ceiling for a few moments. The camera was stationary, positioned before her. He almost felt a degree of sympathy for her; she-- Kassandra-- looked, sounded so... real. Out on the field, she would develop her own habits, her own ticks, her own sense of humour-- just like a human. Yet, her only goal was to detain people-- to kill, on occasion-- and he knew that would never change, no matter how alive she appeared. They programmed her to be like this. He programmed her to be like--
One of her legs were put into place, the socket being filled with an echoing 'clunk!' noise. Said sound made the overseer cough and return to his own mission, watching skin spread over her newly installed limb. She was simply an android. The morality of it all didn't need to come into the equation. “Can you move your arms?”
As Kassandra mindlessly followed his requests, new limbs being added and her programming being tested, he couldn't help notice her becoming smarter even here. Her gaze conveyed emotion-- enquiry, determination, amusement. She had begun to tap her fingers together while waiting for her next instructions. The LED on the side of her head would circle and flicker to yellow more often-- as though she took things into more consideration than the average android.
Finally, she stepped off of the podium. Bare feet padded across the sterile floor of the manufacturing room and paused to allow their owner to briefly scan the room. Now, she had full access to her files, his files, CyberLife's files-- everything. Her LED circled yellow once then returned to blue. She looked back to the camera. “What should I do now, Stephen?”
Stephen-- his name. God, she was analysing him and he wasn't even there. Kassandra likely knew where he was in the building, his age, his annual salary, the millions of possible things that he could do within the next few seconds.
Possibility #762: he turned his microphone back on and cleared his throat to hide his rising stress level. “The conveyor belt to your right will transport you to a specially designed loading bay. A small team of S.W.A.T members will pick you up and take you to your base of operation. You should be working under an... 'Allen'-- 'Captain Allen', so report to him as soon as you arrive.” There was a pause. The half-blue half-yellow LED on her temple was accompanied by a mildly confused expression. “Good luck out there, Kass. I'm glad you're finally functional.”
“I, too, am glad that I am able to move, unlike my predecessors.” Kassandra gave the smallest nod to the camera before leading herself to the conveyor belt. Behind the lenses of the camera, Stephen laughed-- the kind of tired laugh that came through your nose. For him, it was kind of like watching his really unsettling child go off to university, despite the fact that she'd only been operative for two hours at most. Maybe it was because he was one of the few constants in the team as they planned her out. Perhaps she'd already enraptured him with her strange, otherworldly charm. Either way, a sense of bittersweetness resided in his heart as he watched her pick her way into the outside world.
Kassandra took a mindless step onto the belt and it began to whir. “Goodbye, Stephen.” Click, click, click. Slowly, it lurched into motion, reeling her away from the room.
SEARCHING . . . . . .
       'Appropriate ways to say goodbye'
     i.   “I hope to see you again soon.”
       ii.  “Have a nice day.”
      iii. “Say 'Hi' to your kids for me!”
  iiii. “I'll miss you.”
Then, she disappeared from sight-- shipped off like trained-to-kill merchandise to that... Captain Allen guy. Stephen continued to stare at the camera for a small while, absently bringing his flask of coffee up to his lips and taking a long sip.
His lips pursed.
“I'll miss you too, Kass.”
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I run to you
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Parting: Captain Allen x Reader.
Warning: Fluff, Little Angst, Violence and Comfort 
Summary: You and Captain Allen broke up. After a year during a normal day, you was taken as hostage and he was scared and tried to save you.
One shot (only chapter) 
A/N: Dean is the first name that I choose for Captain Allen, because I love this name (no because I love Dean Winchester).  Y/S =your surname (= your last name)
“So it’s the end.”you cried looking him, your eyes started to sting while he looked you.
“I know that was..”
“Don’t open that fucking mouth.”you ordered, you didn’t give him the time to answer back because you walked away from him.
You was woken up from your thought by a sound from your computer, you were sitting on your desk and read the notes that you took from the last crime scene. 
You were really change from that day, because he broke your heart, he made you feel shame on you, because you thought that the problem of your relationship was you and not him.
He is perfect the Captain Dean Allen is strong, calculating, rational and aware of what he does, and you? You are a simple detective nothing more, nothing less.
You closed yourself off, trying to understand what’s wrong in you, Hank and Connor noticed that and they tried to distract you from your thoughts, they invited to go out with them, sometimes Connor invited you at home for the dinner if you’re out of shift. 
After some distractions, you didn’t  think about him, you probably forget about him, but you understood that your behavior was caused by something inside you, this was the explanation on your sense of inferiority and the attempt to explain, to find an motive why he left you, but after all you sill love him.
“Y/N, we go to the Jimmy’s bar, do you want to come with us?”Hank asked while you were finishing the report.
“No, but thank you Hank, I’ll go home and make me some chocolate or something else.”you informed him smiling and stretching out your arms, Hank smiled at you and Connor did the same, they left you but before did that Hank said:“Okay, but tomorrow you don’t be late.”sound like a recommendation, while he was walking out with Connor and you answered back, after you turned off your computer and walked to the elevator.
In that moment Allen walked to you, but you didn’t see him and continued to watch the monitor of the elevator, instead he looked you but he didn’t speak, because the last time he did you’d broken up. The door of elevator opened and after you came in you noticed him and you felt frozen.
“Captain Allen..”you greeted serious and pressed the button with the number of the plan you were to direct to, you remained impassive in his presence as if he was not there.
“Detective Y/S..”he greeted back looking at you, you smiled at him bitterly and elusive:“So today..it will be rainy day, don’t ya?”he tried to talk endlessly to you.
You didn’t answer him and you looked at him in a confused way, not because there was a moon that could have “blinded” you, but because he was trying to talk endlessly to...you, his ex, that he left.
“Yep”you gasped when the door opened you came out and walked away from him, Allen snorted seeing the opportunity to talk to you disappear in front of him.
The next morning, you woke up late as Hank had predicted and ran to work and after a couple of curses by Hank, you went back to solving cases like any other day. You didn’t meet Allen in the hallway or in the elevator fortunately, because you didn’t want to repeat the type of conversation of last night.
“Yesterday I met Allen in the elevator...”you began before went to the break room with Connor.
“And?”he suggested you to continue, you raise your shoulders and took the cup of coffee.
“You knew that I’m still in love with him, but for the first time I wasn’t embarrassed or afraid but normal, cold, instead he tried to talking endlessly to me.”you continue to tell what it happened to Connor.
“Have you ever consider him instead you as the cause of your break?”he asked looking you seriously.
“Why should I?”you claimed after you raised an eyebrow.
“Because he was him the problem and not you, I’ve considered that Captain Allen was a close man, he didn’t show his feelings or something else like his concerns, but he tried to solve alone or keep them.”Connor explained raising the eyebrows.
“I really don’t know. Connor, come back to work.”you concluded giving a pat on his back. You threw the plastic cup and returned at your desk to write another report about a rape case.
After the umpteenth call of a case and after the umpteenth report for false alarm, you decided to leave the last scraps at Connor and Hank, while you instead went shopping in a supermarket not far from home. You were looking for what you need, when you noticed from the mirror in the upper corner that a man had a gun and that together with an android they were silently robbing the shop, you stayed hiding and lost sight of them while with the phone you were trying to call Hank.
“Hello?”answered him immediately.
“Hank listen to me, I'm in a shop near my house on Adams, a robbery is happening, please send me the s..”you didn’t finish the sentence that you felt the gun barrel on your head.
“Put the phone now!”the another person ordered to you, you didn’t notice him because probably he was in the blind corner.
“Okay...”you obeyed threw the phone away and avoided to make the situation worst. You stood up and the kidnapper forced you to go next a little girl, that was probably one of the hostages.
“Hey! Oscar I found a nice lady.”he screamed out looking at his complicit. He forced you to get up while pointing your gun and walked near a girl under the aim.
“Are you okay?”you asked to the little girl, she nodded scared for what is happening.
“Okay, now who were calling?”Oscar the boss of robbers asked without looking you.
“My..boyfriend, obviously. I will tell that I’ll be late.”you lay while the cashier was emptying the box.
“Liar! She is a cop!”the android screamed, put the gun in front of you, you closed your eyes understood that you completed fucked up yourself.
Fortunately, the sirens of the patrols were heard approaching by everyone, one of the accomplices ordered to speed up while the android passable together with another accomplice stood between the shelves.
“Well now, who do we die first? We played eenie meenie miny moe.”Oscar announced.
“If you kill us, you will not go out from here.”you explained, trying to calm down the little one, that she started to cry.
Meanwhile, on the other side, Allen extremely worried was walking back and forth thinking what to do. It was as if it were the first time he was in a situation like that, he did not really know what to do, because it was the first time that someone he loved was taken hostage.
“Captain Allen the snipers are in the position. We wait your order.” an agent informed, but Allen didn’t listen him.
Suddenly a shot attracted everyone's attention, the cops stood up and looked the doors of marked opened, a policeman was shot in his head because he was too close to the enter. Allen was relieved, because it wasn’t you but when he saw you under the aim of the leader, he tried to keep calm because he could take a shotgun and shoot to the kidnapper without thinking of others just to save you.
“If you see another policeman near the enter door, I will kill all the hostage.”the leader of robbers announced loaded the gun against you and the girl, you covered her with arm and started to think what to do, the first you should leave free the hostages and after you could try to negotiate.
“Do you want to go out from here alive?”you asked to the boss while he took the market phone. He stopped to try to call the negotiator and walked to you.
“I listen what we should do?”he asked smiling to you. His smile was so  disturbing and crazy, that you felt the fear he could do something crazy.
“Leave the girl and the cashier. I’m remaining, I promise you. I’m one of the detective, they never risk to lose one of their people.”you enunciated looking at him proudly and serious.
“Mhmm...Why I should trust you?”he asked curiously continued to look at you.
“Because it’s the only way.”you answered secure, the robbers listened to you and after they forced the cashier and the girl to go out, they called the negotiator who had tried to call them several times before.
“We wanted a machine and ten thousand dollars, you have an hour or we kill your detective.”he ordered before closed the communication.
They tied you to a shelf and took away your gun and the little money, that had in your wallet. You sighed because you would have to go shopping, but that was the last thing you should have thought about.
At that moment you thought back to the good times with Allen, since maybe you would have died, better to do it with some beautiful memories in your head.
One day he suggested you to wear one of his jumper, but you didn’t want it because it was to big for you.
“You should wear that jumper. I continued to repeat.”he laughed looked you trying to find something.
“I told you I can’t wear your close, they are to big.”you answered a little annoyed because you didn’t find anything. Dean came close to you and he started to kiss your neck, you laughed and put your hands behind his head, when he finished you turned to him and kissed him.
“I love you but I can’t wear your close.”you affirmed continued to kiss him.
“I love you to Y/N. But stop kissing me or will be late.”he smiled but you continued to kiss him.
“I don’t care.”you answered push him gently to your bed.
You looked the ground of the supermarket, bored because the police hadn’t yet delivered any of the things the robbers had asked for and the hour was already gone. You looked on the mirror that maybe put you in this trouble and saw some SWAT agents walking slowly to the leader, they probably came in from the back door, while the android and the other one were looking that nobody came in the market.
Allen after neutralized Oscar, the leader and the agents put him out of here left him here, he came close to you, you stopped him when you saw the android came to you, he started to analyze you and you knew because his LED became yellow, you tried to mislead him with the body language and tried to calm yourself. Maybe it worked because the android returned to where it was. You tried to cut the rope with the edge of the shelf, most likely they trusted you to have you tied between sharp things.
“What are you doing?”you whispered angrily and came close to Allen, when nobody saw you.
“Take you out, now follow me.”he said quite and walked away. You took his wrist and after you indicated the mirrors, looked him amazed that he hadn’t noticed them.
“Go, under the mirrors to go out, I’m following you and covering you.”you said looked behind him and after made sign to move on you followed him.
“I didn’t notice that someone promoted you as SWAT Captain.”he tattled you, you pushed him away and walked down and slowly, to not be noticed, obviously you looked the mirrow before you gave him the sign to go forward.
He came to the door long before you, but one of the robbers noticed him and shouted at him to stop, but Allen quickly, after saw that you were behind the safe shelf, he shot him.  The shot of course attracted the android attention, that he wasn’t stupid as his human masters, before going to the captain, he looked for you and found you, you were distracted, so when you found him, he was already behind you, you felt so stupid and scared that you obeyed to him. He took you as hostage and walked to Allen, that meanwhile he kicked the gun away from the human complicit who injured superficially.
“Captain Allen, I’ve something for you.”the android announced looking at him, he raised his eyes from the body to you. He was frozen, continued to look the android took you as an hostage.
“Leave her alone, you didn’t do anything wrong.”Allen told calm and standing up with the gun in his hand.
“Put the gun or I’ll kill her.”the android warned him, loading the gun and aimed that on your head.
“Do it, you will broke some robotics law and you will be killed, I’m here for you.”he said remaining stand in front of you without lower the gun.
“Really? You lie. I analyze you right now and your parameter tell me that you’re lying.”it affirmed, Allen didn’t answered and he remaining here in silence, he started to lower slowly the gun.
“Why are you here, then?”it asked curiously and pressing more and more the gun by your right side.
“Because...I wanted you.”he laid looking him but he referred you, you started to be afraid, because the android it would shot to him if you didn’t do anything.
“Sure, but strange that you tried to save her, when you were there, and you tried to mislead me bitch eh? "it screamed the last sentence pressing more the gun, you closed the eyes more scared. You were freezing did not know what to answer, because you didn’t know what you should do in that instant.
“Wait a minute...now I understand..you love him.”he laughed looking at you and after at him.
“Yes..I still love him, after all. This why I tried to mislead you. I didn’t want you hurt him.”you confessed without looking to Allen and looked the ground:”So please left him.”you added crying.
“No, now you will watch him died.”he declared aiming at him.
You knew what he was going to do, he would shoot the man you love and you could not stop him. However, you decided to do one last thing before he pulled the trigger, you’ve pushed the android to distract him and this made it lose grip on you and you ran to him. 
You ran to him.
But you did not reach them, because the android shot two shots: one on the shoulder and one on the thigh. The blood stained your clothes before you land down on the ground and stained it. You close you eyes with a smile on your mouth, because you told what you feel to the person that you loved, your only regret was that you didn’t live with him or see his reaction.  
Black...all you saw was black, you heard some confused voices but you didn’t concentrate much to recognize them, several snare shots didn’t bother you so much you could die undergoing the surgery.
-What a positive thought I have-you though while you’re feeling to lift up from the ground.
You didn’t open your eyes for fear that it was not completely finished and because you had a stabbing pain in the pelvis and you didn’t know why. You were taken by the paramedics and loaded on the ambulance while the SWAT agents along with their captain took the android and the other man who didn’t need to be taken to the hospital, when you arrived at the hospital, you were taken to emergency medicine and operated immediately, unfortunately there weren’t two bullets as you thought to be remove but three.
You remained under the surgery for four hours, the doctor was positive and advised Connor and Hank to stay near you because for a month or so you could not do anything by yourself and you could not make any effort. Hidden in a corner of the waiting room was Allen, who listened silently and he felt relieved, but didn’t want to enter your room.
“How do you feel?”Hank asked when he sat down in one of the armchairs in your hospital room.
“Good, I saw unicorns and rainbows.” you answered, you tried to get up but did not succeed because the burning of the wound made you lay down in the bed.
“Hey hey...the doctor said that recommended to stay quiet and relaxed.”Hank declared came close to you.
“You were completely done.”Hank laughed stayed on the armchair.
“Shut up, you had already started to apply for another colleague.”you laughed continued to watch them.
“You are irreplaceable.”Connor confirmed looking at you worried for your sentence. 
-Oh, he’s so sweet I can die, right now-you thought smiling at him. He was probably a macchine and now is a deviant, but he proved that he more human than us.
“Connor, I’m joking but I’m happy that for you, I count.”you exhorted looking at Hank serious. Hank panted looking you serious, he standing up pretending to be offended.
“There was Allen in the waiting room. Should I call?”Connor asked after he informed you. You didn’t answered,after you looked out of the window, you didn’t want to meet him, Hank noticed that you were annoyed so he made a sign to go to take a coffe for him.
“What did he do this time?”Hank asked to you, you shook your head denied to answer.
You felt bad for your wounds and did not want to feel bad about seeing the person you're still feeling for him and first of all you confessed your love for him, while he didn’t feel nothing for you.
“Okay, you need to take rest”he affirmed standing up and reached Connor to the bar in the ground floor.
You nodded and closed your eyes, tried to sleep, you were half-sleep when you heard some foot-steps came close to you, you heard the breath of someone that sat down, probably in the armchair.
“I’m awake, Hank.”you declared looking to the armchair, but you were surprised to see Dean instead Hank. He had a bonsai between his hands, you wanted to laugh but you were too tired, so you showed him a sweet smile.
“I didn’t find anything better.”he explained put the bonsai on the small table at the end of bed. You didn’t answer him, remained cold and distant from him
“How did you feel?”he asked at you serious without looking you.
“How should I feel?”you claimed serious and crossed your arms, he sighed, getting up and walking towards you.
He didn’t speak, while you were trying to sit, but the pain from you shoulder and your pelvis, Dean, when he saw you to move, he walked to you and helped you to sit down.
“You shouldn’t move.”he reminded you taking one of your hand.
“I shouldn’t do much things.”you spoke pushed the button for much morphine, because the pain became unbearable.
“Like put yourself between me and the android.”you sighed when he scolded you. You raise your eyes up, without looking him, if he wanted to start an argument he would be  satisfy, he was so oppressive and he will remember you for the rest of your life.
“I’m not dead, I didn’t understand why you worried about me, we broke up.”you avowed looking out the room while you were passing the tongue between the teeth completely disinterested what he will say.
“But you love me..”he disclosed taking the hand between his, and he made you turned your head to him. You knew that he will tell the same exactly thing that he told you one year ago.
“Yeah I love you...I still love you, that it’s what hurt more than these injuries.”you confessed with the tears on your eyes. You tried to stay calm, but in the end you started crying.
“You left me and I hate you. However I hate more myself because I’m sill loving you.”you declared looking him, angry and hurt. 
He stayed next to you, after he hugged you kissing his forehead, while you slowly calmed yourself and at some point he took your chin in his fingers, raised it and kissed you in your lips.
“Don’t do ever this again.”he mumbled and looked you. You looked in his brown eyes, you didn’t feel better like and when he kissed you, his lips had missed you, soft and thin.
“I’ve to do.”you mumbled kissing back him. He kissed you gently on your head, after he looked you and caressed your cheek.
“I’m still in love with you, but I was afraid that it would happened.”he declared sitting next your legs. You smiled and you understood for the first time that you weren’t the cause but his fear of losing you.
“I run to you, forever”
A/N:I was inspired for half by “Run to you” Lea Michele’s song, the rest I just followed my original idea. Sorry for my bad English I hope you enjoyed the reading.
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Take A Chance
Chapter 2 – Oh Captain, My Captain
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Authors Notes
Posted on Wattpad – HER0F0RH1RE and Tumblr – luminiabanner
Fandom Detroit: Become Human
OC: F! Elizabeth “Birdie” Carmen
Pairing – Gavin Reed x F!OC, This chapter is largely Captain David (this is the first name I’m using for him) Allen x F!OC (angst and Daddy Allen am I right?)
Hey guys as promised here is the first part of Take a Chance!! If you wanted to be added to the tag list just message and ask! FYI my heart hurts a bit like ah angst and fluff!
Warnings – Violence, blood, gore, alcohol use, smut in some chapters, mentions of rape/sexual assault in some chapters, descriptions of crime scenes,
This chapter: Smut, light bdsm, oral sex female receiving, vaginal penetration, fingering, tying up, that Captain kink lol, protected sex!
#this chapter has smut! But not with Gavin, maybe next time ;D
Word Count – 5,123 (whoops a bit carried away!)
              Birdie hopped out of the automated taxi pulling her jacket tighter as she hurried into the regular bar. A warm wave hit her face as well as several hellos from the people inside. She glanced around looking at some of the regulars noticing them in their usual places. Gavin was already drinking at the bar flirting with the one of the bartenders there, a frown had already graced her lips from the day she had but it deepened slightly looking at her partner. Birdie shook her head forcing the thought from her mind as her eyes rested upon the unfamiliar group in the back that appeared to be celebrating. Some of the guys in the group hunched over laughing at something allowing her to see Captain Allen of SWAT standing there a smile on his face and a drink in hand. SWAT had a good day then wonder what they did. Birdie thought as she walked away from the door, catching Captain Allen’s eye he nodded at her lifting his drink up in a wave of sorts. Birdie nodded her head back smiling at the man before sliding into the seat beside Gavin.
               “Birdie! My favorite asshole how did the meeting with Fowler go?” Gavin asked turning to face her as the regular bartender Gwen pouring Birdie a double. Birdie held up her had at Gavin silencing him as she grabbed the drink downing it all in one go. “Mmm that bad huh?” Gavin laughed looking at her.
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          “I got a write up,” She sighed setting her glass down allowing Gwen to fill it again with ice this time.
            “Well you did jump a table at a suspect. I mean did the dude deserve it, yes, still doesn’t mean you can do that though,” Gavin shook his head sipping his drink. “I warned you before the interrogation that he was a sick fuck and you should let me take it but noooo Birdie can handle her anger and won’t punch the guy.” Birdie glared at Gavin smacking him on the back of the head. “Hey! Don’t hit me it’s true,” Gavin defended rubbing the spot that actually didn’t hurt at all.
              “I know it’s true but that doesn’t mean you can rub it in my face. Besides dude confessed we win yada, yada,” Birdie spoke nonchalantly waving her hand around in the air. The bartender that Gavin was talking with before Birdie sat down walked by giving Gavin a smile which he returned with as a smirk looking her up and down.
              “You’re fucking her, aren’t you?” Birdie asked eyebrow raised.
              “What, no!” Gavin answered quickly shaking his head.
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              “You’re a terrible liar Gavin,” Birdie poked Gavin in the chest looking him dead in the eye.
              “Alright, alright, we’ve got this hook up thing going. She is young fun, hot nothing more. She is getting off soon and taking me over to her house. I refuse to bring her to mine,” Gavin admitted finishing off his drink not daring to look at Birdie.
              “Hm, I was planning on getting wasted with my best friend after a shitty work day, but I see how it is allowing me to play second fiddle to a shag. Is she at least a good lay?” Birdie joked covering up the jealousy trying to fight its way out.
              “Eh, I’ve had better, not like I’m super invested or anything,” Gavin shrugged glancing over at Birdie who nodded her head softly not looking up from her glass. Gavin swallowed hard thinking about his next words carefully as if not to slip that he would much rather go home with her than the blonde, “Why don’t you look for someone to help you with your night? I’m sure some meaningless sexual gratification will pull your panties out of the knot they are in.”
              Birdie pursed her lips and shook her head before looking at Gavin, “You know what Gav, I might do just that. A good one-night-stand no strings just me fucking my anger out, I could totally go for that right now,” Birdie answered not noticing the moment of sadness that passed over Gavin’s face as he thought about how he wanted it to be him who helped her forget.
              “Well cheers to that Birdie, have a fun night. Don’t be late for work tomorrow dipshit,” Gavin smirked patting her shoulder as he nodded towards the blonde bartender who seemed eager to leave. “Yeah you too,” Birdie said raising her glass and waving at the blonde. Best friends support each other in everything even if it kills them on the inside.
              Birdie sighed loudly staring down at her now empty glass. A full shot glass was placed in front of Birdie pulling her from her thoughts. “You have an admirer Birdie!” Gwen squealed as Birdie looked up at her. “Told me to tell you, that they hope your night gets better,” Gwen added wiping down the bar where Gavin sat putting away his empty glass.
              “An admirer?” Birdie asked looking at the whiskey filled shot.
              “Yes ma’am, asked me your favorite drink and to give you a shot of it as well as the message. He is very handsome, a bit older than you, rugged, and definitely packing if you know what I mean,” the older woman joked winking at Birdie who choked on her spit and blushed. “He is in that group of men over there, not going to tell you which one though you have to do that on your own if you really want to find out.” Birdie glanced over at the SWAT group smirking before turning back to Gwen.
              “Give me one more of these Gwen, I’m not doing a shot alone,” Birdie had an idea of who it was, but she knew that as soon as she walked over there the others would easily point out who it was, trying to either embarrass them or help them out. Birdie nodded at Gwen grabbing both shots as she hopped off the bar stool and headed towards the group adding a small amount of sway in her hips. Maybe she could get lucky tonight or maybe they were just being friendly either way she didn’t want to drink alone.
              As she reached the group they parted slightly allowing her in. “Birdie!” some of the boys cheered remembering her easily from the DPD. She smiled acknowledging them before landing her eyes on Captain Allen he blushed lightly but kept a straight face. She stared him in the eyes as she raised the second glass towards him. “I wanted to share a drink with the man who bought me one,” Birdie smiled as he took it from her hand the blush deepening.
              “How did you know it was me?” Captain Allen smiled looking around the group hushing the rowdy SWAT team who watched a bit to excited about the situation unfolding before them.
              “Please, this is an expensive whiskey way too expensive for any of these knuckle heads to buy,” Birdie joked waving her hand around getting “Fuck you” as a reply from some. “Plus, Gwen over there gave me the message and you would have heard my ass getting chewed out by Fowler from your office. She also said my admirer was handsome. It was easy to conclude that it was you Captain Allen,” Birdie smiled raising her class to signal a cheer to him before they downed the shot together. The SWAT team watched in awe as Birdie flirted with the flustered Captain, it was obvious they knew something she didn’t.
              “David, my first name is David,” Captain- David spoke setting his shot glass to the side along with yours.
              “Ah finally hearing your first name exciting, I must be special then,” Birdie smirked hearing the “Ooo’s” from the group. David smiled letting out a soft laugh as he ran a hand through his hair.
              “And what is your actual name? We’ve only ever heard you called Birdie or Detective Carmen?” He asked looking the small detective over as she stepped closer to him.
              “Elizabeth,” She answered biting her lip softly as she felt his eyes ghost over her body. She always thought the Captain was good looking, but she assumed he was married or in a long-term relationship by his age.
              “How do you get Birdie from Elizabeth?” David asked the question she had heard a million times by now. Her smile widened as she stood up on her tippy toes using his shoulders to help her balance as she whispered in his ear, “You can get a lot of things from Elizabeth just depends on how you ask.” His breath caught in his throat, eyes widening. The group around them cheered for their Captain as Birdie pulled away her warm breath leaving his ear and neck. She heard David suck in a hard breath making a smirk appear across her face.
              “Get it Captain!” one of the guys yelled him blush even deeper as he stumbled slightly wanting to hide from the group. Birdie brushed her delicate fingers down David’s clothed arm as her hand left his shoulder, just as she was about to fully pull away his hand was quick and grabbed hers. “Take a walk with me?” He voiced barely above a whisper. It was enough for her to hear it and husky enough to send a shiver down her spin. She followed the SWAT Captain out the back door to the luckily empty smoking area.
              “So, Captain, what’s a man like you doing buying a girl like me a drink?” Birdie asked leaning against the railing with him. She shivered cursing herself for leaving her jacket inside the bar as the cool Detroit air breezed through the area. “Cold already Birdie? We just stepped outside,” He laughed as he started to take off his jacket for her Birdie stopped him shaking her head with a smile.
              “We won’t be out here for long, not with the way you want this night to end,” She smirked flirting with the older man who quietly light his cigarette with a deep drag.
              “And how do I want it to end?” He asked his blue eyes staring into her hazel ones. She couldn’t tear her eyes away and the warmth that spread through her lower areas made it even hard. Captain Allen was by no means a bad looking guy. She always thought he was handsome and talked about it a few times with Tina, but he was also eleven years older than her and she just always assumed he was off the market, but here he was buying her a drink and flirting with. If Gavin was never going to be a thing then might as well hook up with the second hottest guy at the DPD.
              Birdie licked her bottom lip causing David’s eyes to travel down to them. “Well Captain,” she spoke lowly taking a step towards him closing the already small distance between them even more, “I’ve heard some gossip around the DPD Daddy Allen,” she finished with a smirk.  David’s eyes went so wide she swore they would pop out of his head.
              “I am going to kill Chris. That’s not even how it happened,” He defended causing her to laugh.
              “Well tell me the story then, everyone loves a good sex story especially when the word Daddy is involved,” at the mention of Daddy he groaned burying his head in his hands.
              “Okay, okay, I had just started dating this girl, she was younger than me maybe around your age. It started off nice everything was normal, went on dates all that jazz, then we had sex for the first time and she called me Daddy right in the middle of it. Threw me way off never had someone call me that to my face, never been with anyone that had a Daddy kink, at least not that I know of, but relationship pretty much ended there since I wasn’t into the whole Daddy thing and she said she basically dated me for that reason. I mean I like it rough and I am a dominant person it if my personality, but I don’t know growing up when I did it was always this huge joke we threw around in high school and college just really threw me off,” He laughed running his hand threw his hair.
              Birdie tried to stifle her laughter but let it go once he laughed himself, but she quickly got serious to pose her next question, “What about being called Captain in bed?” She asked it seductively her fingers ghosting up his arm her voice husky and eyes shining up at him. Captain Allen swallowed feeling heat rise into his cheeks and his pants get tighter. He smiled leaning his head down to Birdie’s ear one hand grabbing the back of her neck pulling her into him while his other rested on her hip steadying her from his quick actions.
              “How about you come home with me and find out?” He asked softly kissing the shell of her ear electing a soft gasp-moan from Birdie way faster than she wanted it, then again, she hadn’t slept with anyone in months. “Already moaning for me?” He said cheekily pressing a kiss right under her ear.
              “Don’t get to cocky now Captain, you can still leave this bar by yourself,” She smirked pushing him away, so she could look him directly in the eyes.
              “Oh, I don’t think you would want to go home alone tonight Birdie,” His hot breath brushed across her face as he leaned down catching her lips with his chapped ones.  This kiss was softer than she expected from the gruff commanding SWAT Captain but maybe he was saving it all for the bedroom. She smiled into the kiss pulling him closer trying to escape the shivers from the cold air, but it just wasn’t enough warmth for her. “How about we close our tabs and take a taxi back to my place,” he whispered against her lips not really wanting to pull away. “That sounds like a good plan,” Birdie pulled away slipping out of his arms and quickly into the warm bar.
              “Hey Gwen, I’m headed out,” Birdie called out to the older woman separating from David who went to say goodbye to the team. Gwen quickly used Birdie’s card to close out her tab and have everything ready for her.
              “Going home early today?” Gwen spoke over the music and conversation going around.
              “Yes Ma’am, call me and Captain Allen a cab please,” Birdie answered filling out the paper and handing it back to her. “Oh! Have fun Birdie!” Gwen beamed excited for her friend to be having a good night. “I’ll close out his tab as well then,” She added pulling his things up on the computer as David walked over. “Now David this young lady right here is one of my favorite people don’t go messing with her too hard or Gavin and I will come for you,” Gwen warned teasingly. David blushed rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.
              “Now Gwen it’s just a little fun nothing to fuss over,” Birdie laughed but silence herself when she saw David’s expression sadden some before he joined in with a smile and nodded in agreement.
              The ride to David’s place was slightly longer than the Ride to Birdie’s as she realized the way they were headed she took note that he only lived maybe a block or two from her place. Neither of them said anything, enjoying the silence in the automated taxi until it pulled up in front of a set of apartments nicer than hers. David slide out of the taxi helping Birdie out behind him. They quickly walked up to the building before David punched in a code to enter. This was definitely nicer than hers, anyone could walk into her complex.
              “Welcome back Captain Allen and guest, I have called the elevator for you,” The desk android greeted looking over the two. Captain Allen just grunted walking into the elevator with Birdie in tow.
              “These apartments are amazing! I should become SWAT Captain, so I can afford a place like this!” Birdie beamed once the elevator closed. “I mean even Gavin owns a nicer place than me, but it is his old family home, so I guess that doesn’t count,” Birdie added more to herself than David. He chuckled softly grabbing her hand and pulling her off the elevator and towards his apartment keys in hand for quick access.
              “I have been a Captain for 5-6 years now, so I worked my way up to this point,” David said as he opened the door to a much cleaner apartment than she expected. It was simple nothing to fancy but it was very much Captain Allen. Organized, clean, almost nothing out of place except for a pair of shoes, a jacket, and a few books in different places. David noticed her taking in the apartment as he slipped out of his shoes and jacket. “What? Think my placed would be super messy?”
              “No actually it’s pretty much exactly how I pictured it,” Birdie smiled pulling off her jacket and shoes as well allowing him to hang her jacket on the hanger by the door.
              “So, you’ve thought about coming to my place before hm? I have caught you staring at me a few times around the office didn’t think you were going as far as to imagining coming here.” His arms wrapped around her waist pulling her body into his. Her back pressed against his chest as he leaned down to kiss her exposed neck.
              “I see you have also been watching me David. Tell me what you have pictured doing to me in bed…Captain?” She smirked adding emphasis to his title causing the man behind her growl squeezing her hips tighter.
              “I’d rather just show you.” He surprised using his hands on her hips to turn her around and press her against the cool door. Birdie gasp at the quickness of his actions before he silenced her with a heated kiss.
              David kissed her a lot rougher than at the bar electing a moan from her mouth which he quickly swallowed chasing it with his tongue. Her hands instinctively went into his hair tugging him closer to her body which he responded by pushing his hips against hers pinning her even tighter against the door. His hands slide up from her hips and under her shirt touching every inch of her skin as he slid the shirt upwards. They only broke a part for a second, so he could take the shirt all the way off tossing it to the side casually and returning his lips to hers.
              Birdie’s hands slid out of David’s hair and down his chest feeling his toned muscles making heat rise in her. She had seen him in his full SWAT uniform all the time so actually being able to see and feel the muscles underneath was exciting. David kissed a path from her lips to her ear nibbling on the shell causing a shiver to run down her spin and a moan to arise in her throat that she suppressed.
              “Don’t hold out on me now baby; that had you moaning earlier,” He spoke against her ear biting it instead of just giving it a nibble this time. Birdie moaned out his words and the biting bringing the heat even more into her core. She ached to be touched by him and grinds her hips into his hoping for some small relief. David response by using his knee to part her legs sliding his thigh against your clothed core. Birdie let out another moan sliding her hands underneath the Captain’s shirt. David kissed and licked up and down her neck till he hit the sweet spot making her moan louder and grind hard against his thigh.
              “You like that? Does it feel good to grind up against my thigh?” His voice was husky and low pulling away to look her in the eyes. Birdie stared into his dark eyes covered by his blown-out pupils filled with lust. She couldn’t reply her words lost in the small things he was doing to her. “You have to answer me Birdie, I want to hear you,” He ordered removing his leg from between her thighs.
              “Yes Captain,” She replied as he made quick work of her pants allowing her to step out of them before they joined her shirt across the room. She wasn’t normally the submissive type but something about the SWAT Captain made her want to obey everything he ordered her to do. Birdie stood before him almost completely naked while he was still fully clothed.
              “This doesn’t seem very fair now. You should lose some clothes also,” Birdie pouted crossing her arms over her chest blushing in embarrassment. Her self confidence wasn’t overly high like Gavin’s, but Captain Allen’s hard gaze made it even worse.
              “Oh no, I’m just taking in the view. Please don’t cover yourself Birdie,” David almost whispered leaning down to kiss Birdie again. David slide his hands down her back, over her butt, and to the bags of her thighs signaling for birdie to jump and wrap them around his waist. He easily held her up against the wall grinding his hips into hers before carrying her into his bedroom shutting the door behind them with his foot. Their lips never left each other’s exploring every inch of the other one’s mouth.
              David dropped her on the bed softly before pulling his shirt off and climbing on top of her. He kissed from the sweet spot on her neck down to the valley between her breast as he nipped and sucked between them one of his hands sliding under her to undo the clips allowing her soft plump breasts to appear before him. She helped slide her bra all the way off before letting her hands run up and down his toned back and chest. She moaned out as his mouth finally connected with her left breast using one of his hands to touch the right one needing the skin and pinching at the nipple.
              “Captain,” Birdie whispered her hand coming to rest against the bulge in his jeans, but David quickly grabbed her both over her hands pinning them above her head. He sat up slightly undoing his belt with his free hand pulling it off in one go. If Birdie wasn’t wet enough before she definitely was now. Watching Captain Allen pull his belt off only to use it to tie her hands to the bed bed frame was a video she could play repeatedly. She didn’t even realize she was biting her lip until Captain Allen pulled it from her mouth.
              “Birdie if at any moment you need me to stop and untie you say SWAT,” He ordered staring down at her as she nodded her reply silently. “I need to hear you Birdie, you won’t get by on silence tonight,” He ordered as his hand came up and pinched her nipple causing a moan to roll off her tongue.
              “Yes sir,” she answered watching him closely. “Good girl,” he smiled licking his lips and sliding his hand down her body ghosting over her clothed core feeling her soaked core. She silently thanked herself for wearing the silky blue bikini underwear and not her usual comfy patterned boy-shorts.
              “Already wet I see,” David smirked moving his whole body down hers. He started on her left leg kissing from the inside of her knee up her thigh and kissing directly around her folds listening to the groan in protest when he didn’t do what she wanted. Birdie bucked her hips trying to get him to touch her where she wanted but David pulled away more before taking both of her legs over his shoulders resting his hands on her lower abdomen holding her in place.
              David stared up at Birdie not breaking eye contact as he licked a teasing lip over her slit before dipping his tongue fully in between her folds tasting her already wet pussy. “Captain…” she moaned her head leaning back as he devoured her sensitive area. His tongue ran over every piece of her dipping into her core bringing forth moan after moan. Birdie pulled hard against the belt trying desperately to touch Captain Allen, but it was no use. David caught Birdie off guard as he slid two fingers into her without warning. “Holy fuck!” She moaned loader than before. Captain Allen knew exactly what he was doing to her as his fingers dipped in and out of her building her closer and closer to her edge.
              The captain moaned against her clit sucking it into his mouth allowing the vibrations to send a new sensation into her body. “Captain…please…” Birdie moaned out begging for a release. Following Birdie’s pleas David started curling his fingers up finding her sweet spot as his tongue pressed harder against her clit circling it until he brought her over the edge. Birdie screamed out in please her juices coating David’s face who lapped it all up. He sat up smiled down at her as he wiped his face clean with the back of his hand. David leaned forward undoing his belt and letting Birdie’s wrists go, free grabbing each one of her wrists and kissing the red marks in a silent apology.
              Birdie stared at the man almost amazed by his dominant yet gental nature. She barely knew him except for around work so she didn’t truly know much about him, but after this little bit of pleasure she definitely wanted to know him more. Birdie blushed at the tenderness of the kisses before she reached her hands out to help him out of his pants and boxers. Once David was fully unclothed he rejoined Birdie on the bed sliding up her body placing a trail of kisses up her stomach to her lips.
              Birdie moans softly feeling his hardened member press against her thigh. She reached out to touch his dick, but David grabbed her wrist stopping her just before she touched him. “Not this time Birdie, I need to be in you,” He grunted taking himself in hand before grabbing a condom out of his night stand and slipping it on. David rubbed the tip along Birdie’s wet slit causing her to inhale holding back a moan as he started sliding into her. He got only halfway before he stopped rolling his head back eyes closed muttering curses under his breath.
              “Are you okay Captain?” Birdie asked pressing a hand against his cheek. “Yeah… it just- you just feel really good. Don’t want to end this too quickly,” He smirked leaning down and kissing her before pushing all the way in, in one swift motion. Birdie broke the kiss moaning out loudly arching her back into him. David filled every bit of her not leaving any room as she stretched around his dick. Her walls contracted around him as he pulled out of her starting at a slow pace. “Doesn’t seem like you will last very long either,” He joked grabbing one of her legs and sliding it over his shoulder allowing him to penetrate even deeper. “Well I haven’t had a lay in months; probably haven’t had a good lay in years,” Birdie spoke between moans as he picked out pace making her he bottomed out every time he entered back into her.
              “Well I will definitely make this a good one.” He slid his hand in between them allowing his thumb to circle her clit causing another pornographic moan to roll out of her.
              “Oh, you already have,” Birdie laughed digging her nails into his shoulders trying to stave off her release. David started to get sloppier his own release getting closer. He pressed her thumb hard against Birdie’s clit slamming harder into her than before.
              “Fuck Birdie, I need you to cum for me,” David moan out burying his face into her neck finding her sweet spot and biting down on it roughly definitely leaving a mark. This all sent birdie tumbling over the edge her walls clinching tightly around him as her release coated his member and his patch of hair. “She screamed out burying her face into his shoulder trying to muffle her sounds slightly, but he didn’t care. The sounds escaping her along with the clenching of her around him sent him over the edge sloppily riding out his orgasm with heavy moans and soft fucks until he finally came to a standstill.
              Captain Allen pulled out of Birdie standing up and heading over to the bathroom connected to his room. She heard the sink run and rustling before he returned with a warm damp towel to clean her off with. Birdie took the towel and cleaned herself up before moving around the room to gather her bra and panties. David watched her lighting a cigarette after he pulled his boxers back on and sat on the edge of his bed. “What are you doing?” He asked after taking a drag of his cigarette.
              “Getting dressed and leaving, what you are supposed to do after a one-night stand,” Birdie replied pulling open his bedroom door and stepping out into the rest of his apartment.
              “I thought I already made it clear to you that I didn’t want a one-time thing,” David called after her not leaving his spot on his bed. Birdie stopped her feet padding back to the door of his bedroom.
              “I’m sorry what?” She asked not fulling hearing or understanding what he said to her from across the apartment.
              “I said stay with me, spend the night and let me make you breakfast. You deserve a lot Birdie and I- I’ve liked you for a while now just always thought you and Gavin were a thing but after seeing him go off with that other woman I realized that maybe I did have a shot,” David explained rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment that went along with the pink that dusted his cheeks, “I’ll even loan you a shirt to wear and take you back to your apartment in the morning.”
              Birdie smiled dropping her clothes on the floor just inside the room and walking over to the captain sliding into his lap one leg on either side of him wrapping her arms around his neck, “Alright Captain, I’ll stay the night,” She spoke softly staring into his blue eyes. Captain Allen smiled dropping his cigarette into the water cup on his nightstand before pulling Birdie into a kiss falling back onto the bed pulling her body with him.
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Next time on Take A Chance:
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I’m a new follower here and I’m happy to find a Connor x reader blog and I feel like I can’t find a lot of active blogs love your blog already! Any active Detroit become human blogs? Possibly any Connor x readers? Stay amazing!
Ahhh thank you so much!! I’m glad you like my trash :_) ♥♥♥
Ohhh well, I’m kinda out of the loop because I got a bit busy :_) (Freelance is harddd, I got commissions and personal projects Dx) 
But for art please check @mysticalkhfan!! She has the most stunning art ever and gods she’s such a sweet cinnamon roll♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Her OCs are so amazing and very well thought. (I may have adopted them but shhhh)@ilikecheesecakeforbreakfast!! They have such beautiful art too! Lots of AUs and nines art 👀👌
@mismidnightishere has cute DBH art!! ♥ ♥ ♥
If you are looking for fics, @thedragonkween is a fucking must. She’s such a sweet bean and her writing is simply amazing. I highly recommend reading the Olympus!AU because GIIIIIRL AIN’T THAT A TREAT. You can find me re-reading her stuff at 3am because I have no control of my life
@omi-writings has too!! Amazing way with words ♥ Check them out because dude I came for the DBH and stayed because shit son, good stuff there. Really good stuff!! ♥♥♥
@01010010-posts has the cutest and most awesome headcanons and fanfics everrrrr. I love love love how they portray Connor, Nines and Connor-60!! So different from each other (I may confess their Connor-60 stole my heart okay oh my god let me hug that disaster of a robot. Please) 
 @arsynia has a good deal of fics but honestly, milk & honey is the one that got me. I’m still screaming because jesus fuck the image they write of Connor is sfjfvjkhbhjlhjfasd UNF
@negotiator-on-site, they have a vampire!au that looks very promising 👀@deviantramblings​ amazing drabbles, so much feels. wow.
@writinginstability​ android heaven indeed 👌👌👌
@deviantcrimes​ let me cry at how much I love their fics ohmygoooooooooddddddd THAT’S SOME GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE(also, latinx representation!! IMPORTANT)
@dicax-asina​ You have a Gavin Craving™? Then this blog is for you. We all gotta love our trash raccoon of a man.
@andthentimestops (*takes a deep breath* DID YOU SAY AMAZING CAPTAIN ALLEN FICS??!!?!!? JUST. GO.)
@sunstrain​ I swear I needed a cold shower after the oral fixation one. Damn. But gods, everything is so beautifully written???? Amazing?????
I hope you have an amazing time reading!! 👀 Also I want to thank @mysticalkhfan​ because she helped me out on this one. She just discovered amazing people to me!! And gave me her own fic recs e.e good shit my friends, good shit.👌👌👌👌👌
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185 notes · View notes
possiblypeachy · 6 years
the hostage.
--; summary: After an unheard of deviant threat is called in, Kassandra and her fellow S.W.A.T officers are called in.
You determine the outcome
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> part 1
[determinant factors are in italics]
[warnings that apply to this chapter are in bold]
–; pairings: connor x xk-100, captain allen x xk-100
–; word count: it depends on the path you take ;)
–; themes: slow burn romance, angst, violence, romantic fluff, platonic fluff, eventual smut
–; warnings: depictions of violence, death, suicide
–; note: howdy y’all! so, finally, i have a multi-choice thing out with my wonderful xk-100. it has eight total endings, with two additional (and entirely optional) after-ending choices that you can make-- if you find the pathways that lead to them.
i warn you: some of this will be shit. others might be superbly written. i apologise in advance /: 
i hope you enjoy and feel free to send me messages n whatnot concerning it, if you’d like. i’ll also probably be making a ‘requests’ post soon so i can dabble in writing other things!
please don’t like/reblog/follow the account that the links send you to!! if you enjoyed it, give this post and this account all the love, por favor :) however, feel free to comment under the posts that you get led to
–; tags: @wayablack, @gespirida, @robin-rokossovsky, @heartsarecompatible (just hmu if you wanna be tagged, my loves!)
August 15, 2038
It would've been a serene night-- a clear sky and the gentle thrum of cars on the street, storeys below. The neon lights of Detroit bounced from building to building, illuminating the masterfully constructed apartment blocks and bringing clarity to the all-night stores and evening restaurants. If one was still enough, they would hear the chatter of humans from all around. Nearby homes were settling down for the night and slowly the city would settle into a sleep of its own.
Screaming, sirens, and spotlights tended to break that cycle.
         [ M I S S I O N:
                 SAVE EMMA PHILLIPS ]
Her LED circled yellow for a few moments as she glanced to the deviant outside. It held a gun to the child's head, its expression contorted-- a horrifying mix of complete devastation and rage. The look was not real, she knew. Its emotions were simply mimicry of the human conscience. Was it feeling guilt, she wondered. Regret? Another circle of yellow then back to blue. If its simulation of emotion was as true as it itself believed, it'd certainly feel regret soon.
The sound of her boots upon shattered glass added to the hectic symphony throughout the room. Though, unlike others who were put off by the noises, she appeared unfazed; her features were stoic-- determined. Kassandra gave away no indication that the stress of the situation affected her negatively. Her mind was made for this. Where humans fail, she would thrive.
“I have enough people up here to take a dozen androids out-- let alone fucking one! We have it surrounded!”
“Captain Allen?”
“My men know the risks. Our only goal is saving the girl and the more time you waste the less time we have to acco--”
“Captain Allen.”
Her voice was stern and accompanied by a curt fist-slam to the table. With a slowness that indicated his annoyance, his angered gaze met hers of ice. He wasn't this pissed off all of the time-- just the mix of the deviant and the deaths and her was grinding on him more than he'd have liked to admit.
“We have approximately seven minutes and fifty-four seconds before the most possibilities in which the deviant jumps from the roof occur. Deciding to attack now could kill up to seven of your men and put the child's life at risk.” The certainty in Kassandra's voice and the flickering of her LED as she reeled off values made him falter momentarily. She knew that she wasn't wrong but he doubted. She understood. Dealing with a deviant who had just taken multiple human lives is highly likely to remove trust from any slither of a friendship they had to begin with.
Allen's jaw clenched. Nothing. Audio came through his earpiece and he turned away from her, though Kassandra still listened intently, tapping the fingers on her right hand together as she assessed his next words. She would intervene on his orders if need be; she knew of the best ways to save that girl and she would enforce them.
“I don't give a shit! My men are ready to step in-- just give the order!” The captain paused and he was met by silence through his earpiece. The android watched as his brows furrowed and his teeth bared, hissing a “Fuck!” before moving to inspect the live feed of the child and the deviant on the rooftop.
From what she could see over the shoulder of the overseeing S.W.A.T member, the situation was only getting worse. The deviant's LED was bright red-- never once flickering to a differing colour. Its stress levels were rising at an unhealthy rate. Just by way of noticing that the gun was shaking in its hands, she realised how close it was to arriving at peak instability.
Kassandra's own light blinked yellow for a second-- her eyes narrowed and the artificial muscles around her brows tensed. She was unaware of its model, its name, its I.D; she didn't know how much more an android like it could take. What was its manufacturing date? What physical condition was it in? With a lack of general knowledge on the deviant, she could only make stereotype-based guesses. Her accuracy was wavering with each new development.
The deviant pushed the gun closer to the child's temple, the barrel making a harsh indent into soft skin.
        Seven minutes and four seconds.
“Captain Allen?” The mentioned man turned, his sight tearing away from the surveillance and locking onto-- “My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by CyberLife.”
Kassandra's own gaze moved to stare at the android, her posture straightening. He was decidedly taller than both her and the captain though looked less threatening. While she was clad in an ensemble of blacks and reds, he was wearing delicate greys and blues. Upon analysing him for a few moments-- committing his facial structure and build to memory-- she came to the quick conclusion that he was the negotiator that had been due to be there at 8:30; he was exactly on time. A pale gaze flitted down to his jacket. RK-800.
          [ S E A R C H I N G . . . . . .
                     No results.                 ]
One blink of yellow then black to blue. He was unrecognised in her database; he wasn't commercially sold nor did there seem to be a manufacturing line for his model. Though, the android did not appear to be faulty or possess the wrong indicative measures. As far as she was concerned, he was legitimate. If he did anything to get in the way of her task, however, Kassandra wouldn't hesitate to deactivate him.
The heavy sigh that left Captain Allen made Kassandra's sight lock back onto him and, in turn, the live feed of the deviant. “It's firing at everything that moves. It already shot down two of my men.” Allen's tone was weaved with hints of anger and remorse, his body tensing somewhat. “We could easily get it, but they're on the edge of the balcony. If it falls,” He paused, turning to look at Connor, “She falls.”
     A stream of scenarios. A little girl screaming. A hand is reaching for her. The balcony is wet with her tears. Her body is falling, falling, f a l l i n g.
Kassandra's LED flashed a blinding red then bled back into yellow. Her eyelids worked to blink the scene from her vision, pupils contracted and expression tight.
Finally, she was back in the present-- the lights of the outside were clear, no longer dull as they were in her depiction, and the soft sound of background chatter trickled back into her sensors. The conversation appeared to have moved on without her too, much to her dismay. She might've missed valuable information.
“...So either you deal with this fucking android now, or I'll take care of it.”
Kassandra's body lurched into motion and she moved to take a step toward the pair; there was already enough conflict-- they didn't need more. Yet Allen, despite his own levels of stress, was far less volatile toward the RK-800 than she'd calculated, and her overseer simply moved past him. Connor's gaze followed him for a moment or so before his dark eyes began to bore into her.
“Do you have any information on the case?” His voice was calm-- unaffected by the show the captain just gave him-- and held a pre-programmed inquisitive lilt. Kassandra scanned him once more, her lips pursing, before giving him a curt nod.
“I'll transfer all that I know on the case to you now.”
Both their LEDs were struck into a yellow colour, flickering erratically. She noticed how his facial muscles began to spasm during their connection, which brought a myriad of questions to her mind.
         [   TRANSFERRING FILES TO RK-800 #313 248 317 – 51 . . . . . .
                             - Elapsed time of case . . .
                             - Deviant stress level . . .
                             - Biological information of EMMA PHILLIPS . . .
              . . . . . . TRANSFER COMPLETE. CONNECTION SEVERED.       ]
A brief, perhaps intrusive, dip further into her files allowed him to deduce a few more things about her before she snapped the link between them: her assigned name was Kassandra, her manufacturing date was July 21st 2038, a permit signalled that she carried a weapon--
He stopped twitching and gave her a small, thankful nod before turning away in obvious search of more information to fill in the gaps of the case. Kassandra's eyes narrowed as she stared at his back, as though she was still unsure on him. He appeared to have developed unusual habits much like herself. Undoubtedly, she decided that he wasn't the average android and was perhaps developed in a similar way to her. He was advanced-- human-like.
A gunshot was fired and the cry of a S.W.A.T member followed. That was the first thing that pushed that string of thought to the back of her mind-- the questions becoming background noise now. “Kassandra!” Her name was the second. Blue eyes turned in the direction of the call first, then her head followed. Captain Allen. “Get him away from the door.” From his position in the next room over, he pointed at the wounded officer, blood leaking out of a bullet wound in his shoulder.
Other men were moving toward him, ready to drag him away, but Kassandra barked out a short “Leave him!” before hurrying through the apartment-- stepping over glass and the body of a dead police officer on the way. As she hooked sturdy arms under the man's shoulders-- him hissing in pain-- her cold gaze gave the deviant a glance through the window.
She wanted nothing more than to destroy the malfunctioning being.
“Your wounds are not fatal but the blood loss will make you feel light headed.” Her tone, despite usually sounding adamant and stern, held a degree of care within its depths. Unbeknownst to the officer, it was faux but, nonetheless, it made him feel more at ease as he was dragged along the apartment floor, a horrid trail of blood following him. For a moment, Kassandra's LED flickered yellow. “I've informed the hospital that you will be checked in and, in accordance to your injury, I've booked you off of work for a month.” She finished as she propped him up against a wall, far away from the constant commotion near the window. The medical team on the floor with them practically jumped at him, immediately applying pressure to his wounds.
Kassandra stood, looking at the officer's blood that painted her sleeve. Over her black gloves, it glistened in a painfully morbid way. She could wait to clean it off. The crime scene had already been contaminated enough and the android had far more important things to deal with that a streak of human blood on her equipment.
An icy sight moved away from her own body and toward the door-- toward Connor. One of her hands tore through her dishevelled locks, moving curtain-like strands of hair out of her line of sight. He appeared to be preparing to move outside. He was making his attempt to apprehend the deviant and save the girl.
She took a few steps in the door's direction. Her mind was working overtime, producing outcomes to each possible reaction she or Connor made as she moved to get a closer look at the deviant.
Time seemed to slow.
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Take A Chance
Gavin Reed and Elizabeth "Birdie" Carmen
Moodboards, and crackships for my loves
Chapter 2 posted tomorrow with some Captain Allen in the mix!!
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New Chapter of Take a Chance posted tonight!!
Yall sorry I have been working on this chapter forever I started back at school and work was busier than normal this week so I only got a little bit done each day. It's also a long chapter haha so maybe that will make up for it. Also! Smut in this chapter woot woot but it's not with Gavin and Birdie it's with Birdie and Captain Allen which is still like fuck yeah but hey gotta have that angst!! Be on the look out!!!
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