#dbh found family
frankedz · 1 year
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(Ralph, NO!)
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autiacorart · 7 months
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You can't wake up, this is not a dream You're part of a machine, you are not a human being
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Actually. I wish we could see more of Kara, I don't understand why the fandom says that 1) she's boring 2) she can do no wrong
One thing I find rather interesting in dbh is that you can decide what the character will do, but none of your options aren't something the character wouldn't do
So when Kara shoots that guard, although it's "you" making the decision, she already was driven to it. She had the gun, she was scared, she needed to protect Alice. She'll steal and threaten innocent people and kill
Just... I want Kara with prey animal rage, y'know? Murderous desperation, cornered but going down fighting, that will gut you if she needs to,,
How can that this is boring? Desperation for survival and . Love which is impatient and turns into rage and blood, it's dirty and gritty
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pupmkincake2000 · 8 months
Perfect Family
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I am not a fan of Cole lives AUs but this looks just sweet. Cole having two dads and Hank being happy and healthy... I think having his son alive Hank would be as sweet as he was, just... without depression. I am sure he would go easier on Connor and Connor would go deviant much sooner.
(I found this art on Pinterest, but I couldn’t find out who the author was)
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highbrasshighkass · 15 days
wanting the "connor dies and comes back at every opportunity" achievement but knowing it means he and hank have to have a hostile relationship
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thirium-drinker · 9 months
I really should draw Markus and Kara more but the dbh coppaganda really got to me
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found-family-fan · 19 days
Detroit: Become Family, "Devotion" Prompt
Kinda going backwards here, but I spent the most time on it... Even though I couldn't finish completing all the prompts, I wanted to leave this for last 😊
It captures a different meaning in terms of 'devotion' because I mean it as a 'devoted tribute' to a fic that makes me endlessly happy/inspired. So, this goes out to @woo-lesbeano
Her story "Investigations and Emotions (And Handling Both)" is something I always go back to, so as a 'thank you,' I wanted to render a certain scene: Human!Connor finally catching a break and eating falafel while Android!Hank watches on protectively/affectionately.
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frogthane · 6 months
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I can't. I have a singular weakness (okie, maybe not true, but for the sake of this post, allow me to play pretend😊) and that is found family. You cannot show me an old scraggly man realize "oh shit, I got a new kid now" then zoom to Connor's puppy dog eyes completely oblivious to the world and not expect me to be ready to lay down my life for them
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The found family trope tastes better when it’s between a human and a robot.
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polyoptigon17 · 1 month
Chapter 4 is up, and the theme is Calm. Enjoy the fluff everyone!
“Come on, Connor, it’s time to go,” Hank said from behind Connor, breaking through his focus. They were at a crime scene, or more like revisiting a crime scene. The murder had happened two nights ago and they’d made no progress since. Connor was hoping he might be able to find more clues.
“You can head home, Lieutenant. I can continue looking around on my own,” he said, not bothering to turn around. His focus was already returning to the scene. Tape outlined where the victim, an AV500 named Troy, had been found. No biocomponents were missing which likely ruled out black market sales as a motive, and no thirium was taken either. No, what wasn’t in Troy’s body had been splattered along the wall and pooled around him. Despite the two days that had passed, Connor could still see it. He’d died from-
“Like hell, I’m leaving you here alone,” Hank interrupted his thoughts again. “You’d probably spend the whole night here.”
“I wouldn’t,” Connor replied.
“Uhuh,” Hank didn’t sound convinced, “And what if whoever did this comes back, huh?”
“At least then I would have a chance to catch them,” he muttered. He hadn’t meant to say it out loud, knowing how Hank would react, but it was too late now.
“Are you serious right now?”
“I need to solve this.” Connor crossed his arms over his chest, staring hard at the tape outline. This was the third homicide case to come to them this week, and the only one with any evidence.
Hank made a noise of exasperation but Connor tuned it out. Troy had died from blunt trauma to the head, damaging his processor. The apartment showed signs of forced entry, so it likely wasn’t someone he knew or at least anyone he was on friendly terms with. And adding to that was the fact that it hadn’t just been one blow. No, whoever did this had struck him over and over until his face was barely recognizable. Connor couldn’t place if the hatred was personal or bigotry, but there was no question about the emotion driving this crime.
“Connor, look at me.”
Troy had tried to fight back or struggle at the very least. The coffee table was shoved out of place and a lamp was knocked over, shattering the bulb. He hadn’t managed to land any blows, not any that left evidence behind. No blood or thirium from another android. Connor had taken enough samples to be sure of the second. But maybe closer inspection could reveal something he missed.
“Connor!” Hank stepped in front of him now, blocking his vision and giving him no choice but to acknowledge his partner. He clenched his jaw, glaring at him.
“What’s gotten into you?”
“Nothing has ‘gotten into me’, Lieutenant. I’m trying to solve this case.”
“I thought we were over this obsession with completing missions.”
Connor stiffened, crossing his arms over his chest. That wasn’t what this was about, surely Hank knew that. “There is nothing wrong with wanting to do my job,” he snapped back.
“All I’m saying is that you’re gonna burn out at this rate, kid.”
“I’m fine, and it isn’t really any concern of yours, Lieutenant. You can leave whenever you want,” he tried to move around Hank but was caught by a firm grip around his arm.
“Like hell it isn’t my concern! Jesus fucking Christ, do you always have to be this difficult?” he near shouted. Connor couldn’t place his expression. It wasn’t angry, but it certainly was intense. He felt his own irritation faltering in the face of it and he looked away.
“I am not being difficult on purpose.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” Hank sighed, grip loosening marginally on his arm. “I get that you’re frustrated by our progress on this, but staying here all night isn’t going to fix that. You need a break.”
A small frown tugged at Connor’s lips as he met Hank’s eyes again. “I know… But I don’t think I’d be able to stop thinking about it even if I left now, so,” he shrugged, “what’s the point?”
“The point is you need sleep.”
“Whatever. You need to rest. So just come home now and we can come back here first thing tomorrow, alright?”
“Okay,” Connor finally relented.
“And no thinking about the case.”
Connor glared a little. “Fine.”
Hank always complained about him being too stubborn, and yet it was always the lieutenant who seemed to win out in the end. Hank smiled, dropping his grip to Connor’s hand instead and tugging him out of the house. It felt wrong to be leaving without having made any progress but Hank didn’t give him a moment to pause now that he’d agreed to leave, and before he knew it they were in the car.
He hadn’t paid much attention to the time before, but now Connor was noticing just how late it was. It was already dark out, the sun having set at some point while they were investigating.
Hank switched the radio from the heavy metal that was playing earlier to a jazz playlist. It wasn’t quite as lively as what they usually listened to, taking on a more mellow tone. Connor knew what Hank was trying to do but that didn’t stop it from working. The music was soothing, easing stress levels he hadn’t even noticed had risen in the first place. He relaxed back into the seat, allowing himself to enjoy it until they got home.
“Less grouchy now?” Hank smirked at him as he turned off the car.
“I was never grouchy in the first place,” Connor said, getting out. Hank followed behind. He was still smirking at him, and it almost made Connor feel a little embarrassed. Maybe he had been a tad agitated. He could realize that now that his stress levels had lowered.
“The music helped,” he admitted.
“There we go,” Hank unlocked the front door. Sumo was overjoyed to see them, treating their prolonged absence with all the drama he felt it deserved. That meant nearly knocking Connor to the ground in his excitement to plant his paws on the android’s shoulders, and it was only Hank’s steadying hand that kept him upright.
Contiunue Reading...
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tobyig · 9 days
dont get me wrong, i'd give a lot in life to watch Connor and Hank's relationship again for the first time. But this time of rewatching DBH (probably my fourth time now), the relationship thats hitting me hardest is Luther and Alice. Obviously the main reason for that is my own lack of a father figure (especially one that's as healthy and loving as Luther), but starting hormones a few months back has made me more emotional about things in general. and watching Luther go from a mere protector (still great, i love any form of Luther) to a literal father (starting from small things like holding her hand/carrying her/telling her "if you go to sleep now, you'll be stronger than me in the morning" to literally risking everything to get her and Kara across the border) is tearing me apart piece by piece. Kara and Alice have always made me emotional, but adding in Luther (and also Ralph immediately taking up the mantle of father (even though he's a bit insane)) is making me appreciate this game more and more. i love you, DBH.
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httpslvr · 1 year
hi its like oneish in the morning so heres some headcanons cuz i think my irl friends dont have tumblr so i cant let my insanity run rampant 😈
i believe that hank n the rk brothers (not including markus, i dont rlly see him in that bunch?? idk bruh) have a father/son relationship thats unspoken. theres no “hey dad” or “hey my son” its more of “hankkkk dont lecture meeeeee” n “listen kid ur a dumbass” dynamic. i mean, like, when hank calls connor “son” it’s quite literally THE CLOSEST ur getting to hank admitting to unofficially adopting the three boys.
now, on the other hand, connor, sixty, n nines DO refer to themselves as brothers, but rather than triplets, i believe that connor n sixty r twins n nines js kinda got thrown into the bunch as their little brother.
n, obviously, nines is the one to tell hank when the twins r fighting (it gets violent fast), but the twins were the first to tell hank abt nines n gavin.
i have more headcanons that arent family dynamic but im not putting that in this post blog idk its been awhile since ive used tumblr whats this called again
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gracehahawhat · 2 years
i recognize that the times when i delve into fanfiction are times when i desperately need a break from reality
why think abt life when I’ve got my blorbos
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doodledropje · 1 year
By the way, just gonna state it here upfront: I exclusively see Hank and Connor in a father-and-son kind of relationship 👌💖
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paper-lilypie · 2 years
Fellow DBH lover?! 👀 Found family featuring human and robot who are father and son??
yo I love Detroit Become Human
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
I LOVE found family trope, but for some reason I absolutely resent it being fitted within typical family role labels like mom or dad.
Kara and Alice. They are made to be like mother/daughter by canon, but I DON'T UNDERSTAND why use those labels? Maybe there's something wrong with me, but whenever characters within found family trope call eachother like "mom" or "dad" I just cringe so hard, I find it so unnecessary. There's no doubt Kara's relationships with Alice are parental-like, but it just feels wrong when Alice calls Kara mom, or even when Markus calls Carl "dad", and I'm not opposing to those relationships being viewed in parent/child way, it just feels unnecessary to label them in such terms, it feels distasteful, it's like asking a lesbian couple "who's a man in this relationships?" kind of thing. Like why?
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I grew up without one of my parents and I can say for myself that I'd never want to call anyone by this label even if there were a person to take this parental place in my life. Never would I use this label. Ever.
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